r ' - ' • - 1 • • riIPITTAB,U.ROI4: . • I WEDNIOSI9.Y itoRNING. OCT• 1:1:' 1141 sax DAIL, °secret is peelletesi , Tsi-Weelsey, - sad Weelly,- . 7L Daily Is lessen AS3srs per swam, disT&Weelely Is Fly* Daus per spars eles Wiesir.4 Is lire Delius per ammo erica, • .~.. ~" limbs to r m geltereee . _ 117_41,11Mogfok to Aserned,'dieela lee crcialt is the ammo. be /LWOW! - eetbnateies 'of au unmoral; wallet poen. • Moot . • . ' ' • oftwiesis Iseeteeme., Moog* lINe.• Sher Owe, lapee, mem, - maim; tee On SIM =BE i~ • ... ' ' : . ; 1 j o:Lo . 3471"gtt• 41 IGO 93 101 CO 000 00 NO CO 000 - 411009014391 II C"134WO0000 CO 00 CO 1110441241. GO 46 .... _. _ = 13041.1 100 77 iw '25 lee a.7a .7 a D 77 7 .7 7 0... an 17.= 21..a.77., la .7E7 ea catr i a i-72,553Siti'i II 41 ft IC 03 GO 00 co o 3 00 902.1 , 77 44 1111•43 GOOD COCO WOO 111 74 111 71t in 34 05 .01 14 34 11404 Z 1 56..71 /54 00 173 CO 00 00 00 . , , Lamm!". Oct 75/ 115 IS 165 133 Ibl 270 143 114 100 '... (11,m439 •*s 63 41 55 CO CZ 00 CO CO CO - , ; 1 , 4 7w. ''' , 1710.• 76 119 13 61 CO 00 03 00 10 40 ..? ' 5 I'•i 1. ; MS* , 2 1: 111 16 9 3 „ v 2 , ro 0 r o . 0 0, 0 3 le 3 f „,,.. fi; "jl.. '" • 140 be Id 146 ow Om == KO IV 3. , ,, '', -' A._...___•Wikb. 1 11 :71t 91 9 4i1 It ' 4 ' l ° 1 1 1 ) 4 40 -.7-- . -.. tom... , 119 CM 113 nin so 113 131 113 91 11 101 - 61141 52 03 et SO Ott 10 7, . 04 tr 44 - .114a4 1%1214 Tit, .MI al ta sus= all 4 -........ w s ..........$ im. sir Ow en i' • - ' , loteedo _93 vvvv 13 - R 13 13 1: ~.-. ...own. alseerra am Mom= •,,-. t Jraarallie 61 10 57 ED "...4..,....." .. id us .......91111. es --' ',-= 10 u 7 751 '.17 , lar =l:l!littan 17 . • • • • • i• - - •;...•.• .- -• ; ' '""f; ' ' ' ' Ei 9 l . ; —* - .. . ~. . . -.- ' . r 0 -: ' r 1 I 1 c c ~ • t % r; r '. , —,,..-. 1 t •t: a ;- - ut•se 19 ill CO 956 961 133 19 156 ta 'ft 4e., 341 19 ,;,,- r.....Z , 1 . ..;'' 5 1 ... 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'4 `4 ~;. "4 1 ' l . ::•!1: F '..- ~• • ',"' .:„. P., :'• ' . .....:2 • ,', 1..7.V, 7;4:174.,!4•,.. !liyggil4)ili ' • -"';:iPttr44:::O l if+:l;ii; 1 ! i 41 .•,•0, —i-. Ft. - . "•11 :: ' ir . 4%-iililitt.::;•• . :3 1h:t..f.•5?6,44.0: .. - ..•k:(4i4i:i . :l;A: l ;A:iit . ii ttit i iti‘-ir k:t a; • - ' s `4 , ......:- • * . e..` '. ;', : j; 4 : ; :ir .444:4Rg., 41 ;,.. ',• 11' .114.t.t .: 1 ,'. :Z ., 4W: ia • q ll et.k•§rk A . A. Nit /I A:11;4% ( el, -4, ' .I.:1 .....1t: s:‘.. , • b:-. ; ' " . :!• 4 0 , trit::.• , ;;: 14 , ' ' len-'wet::%•ll4 4 1. ..;.,!•iiiiii.t,„' - ' .. ‘i • . •-. 1.: .:•!•:„.•:•::...•••••:•%. i. A t‘,5.4..: 4 !f - . :i .. it : ' .F I A • . '.;•• ' O . -WRIV ' ~... A;ojs .. - ........, 4 0, . .4:01' , ...... (sy $•• • • '1 1 '44 1 : • ;; .1 ) '•- 4: '4'' ' -.;.%,,:`,. *'',, . 445: o. M . ,4 i. a cz ..10 . •;',.. 41 4 1 : . •••;‘'.. :.! '4::i4•44.. ',44.74 r'*:li'47e,tl l'• :' 5 i . T:04 . 4 : i 0 4 1 i :. ' 4 `":::•i'l l e l l'...1" .. : % •• :Nt;1•,...74-tr . v.4.•-• . iV"...17! jo,4 e. • Vgiiti..T -tizi4'l:.:i•;',: ,fe k .,,, t • ~ • _.-s • TO: • 1 , • •-• ft . • t.; . • ~, '. nes e --The skim al fire, are Tameln mem liii, ens mod by the bambig at a cleciang MP s o d Omani • boom, 01 die . ei Weed rid Wetee eresice. The fire ceishisted L ' ' • 'Asa liii kw d e gore base= the rool end ,: `. : , ilko milkost, mot woo eitkozakited bekr , my tn. 'K.-- Wel *ay Jiod tor gybed t:7 the the baud. • lug. no rob ta die clottibai etas win deco l L. „...0,,,,,..„ „.. r .p.---itit.„..., ~.IN.b. :„4.1........riar , •”,, ' , "SOW art ',.=; I boa fibs= ~.,--:., , _. ..:.;.:•`., or& 1101 dim 010 • .1..,...i iroili oni ibot lbooLlbb baldrilet 'w . ;" , :.: . -..!'; , :-..... , ' ~.:•::;:. . f, ,. :.:.: . - .'i: . ;;,'tf l . ,4.. i.: •.: 1 _,... . . 1 -: 4 .. . t • -•.-.? I : • 'II7BBURGI G. A . DOr 1 *Sup Lil 1r LSO .111.241 1 0 Bl.lnk courmr. mailiatio d Allogbesy haw dote bat holf lilitilltaqlofroasa (Nubia of scoonspliahiag, sod iajoilitsaliscy, haw only the goof aptiou !Ws • • 'TM 18;s0''stociid D 11213 their ior • by s iata.a :Dojo:try, and Oro a vary Eaddad rail; fOr sll their Aorosoblyason and ashosty couthdataa All thaws as elected beyond a pariancitons, and the Comity amens, is in . sood_bando, awl will cant Lou* to be well rove- Mad ba tho Btato Legislstars, sad at bona— Ws base widen wan DOI UMo to sty mote at the tool hour at wtsktt we go to. Puna -Tag zur.oros. rsin,r6As mioie dd., of the year Wee yeetMey,—the storm extuattreing es 1100 D or the Oils was opened, sod coati:tale(' through the day and data. Tboasia de of the people ems kept from the Polls, end it reMitios to he who wets the •felr weather politicians:— Ilk:me there were who made rAble aerie/We to Ikea dell vows, and erhilk many young men _ O.e toe* =my of the old yntie et the Po W. We *We ail melualattriet, however, for THE REBOLT. • . _ . Ocr.• 0011 Cowl Ca:my coat. O.&O. Tram • Coo', Audilior. 4 "A 'l2 F : .• . pi r j I 10 Ward _ C 7 111 IS 10 10 152 20 1.4.1 M 1 so 172 sea 04 ••• • - 111 4a . 412 NS 10 F. , 72 10 = = = I& . ,WO 343 111 143 , .• • . Mk y in 150 715 441 73 49 94 SO 10 41 0 41 Sig is 41124414441, • 166 Word 1112 113 ,A. Is 64 al •• IS. 110 4A, 4.3 VS pm, PIITSBUROIL •. Native. Abolition The word ' 40 LI- Somme Wiwi 'Mel ward 44 4 /mak ward 63 4 ' Mb wart 1 Saab ward 07 0 eans* ward 10 ' 1 liisel ward 7 2 13 7 ALLEDHENY. . - Native Abolitoo flag ward IS 11l Sneed ward 17 . 1 Mabel mad ..00 0 0 • NORD OOHS AN36 D TOWNSHIPS. 31wirnwalla 1 ' ladinan 19 ' EMI Deer -.I P7' 8 } l i l=ll4 OW . 1 2 9 4 - . North Payette 3 • 8 • 13oetb Tnywoto 2 4 ' Muir 1 2 Wfiltise 9 ' 4 0 a 4 • Olin 14 ' 0 • ne assail in the Biala we poltadal not to Parwai thoieVi the bxlicelican from thin quarto: are rsr.. tainly in War o 4 Das nvnioctiall of Gov. Shook no news Dva inet Of Haklll4llll4lits,bawol . - es, latao • megiiqphilittNl*2ol if the , end IMs as bothildsleits!",boviii. - itass to Its Austeskiri.—ln Monday's .; Ipscor, ars ran aid ctocazot of Lansaw and boats Mad tid.tttnd frte th. Ansgbsay and Its nit, vp to tbs ants of going to Irmo, with ro•he el Mao =kids Mao that tips, norscdpsight rate of Donbas, tbs tribatariss cd tha Allestowy, have passed dry, fat ths lowa =ANA sod narrows bred nets and du. , " %labor raft Waded at the Aliseasty what!, In this dty. Basso costal feats inh . ed awing the in two dip, and the war Is toot pat coonicland too beet to me than .alYYioditT. (Mowry bolds, we want the arriTsl , nississn. . - • . lisresaa Etasso...—Cb;iss Wallace, who 1,0 ! ; ' . aline Is do &mod Waal, dllastssay city, stioi' l 064: taai =hat, m Tooday coauthor, CO d health, sod:Wily fan deal from hie ' tied tom kia.3 the Mad by a • itoess sow iict days prwiaos;aad n ord.:Wad:l Ws cisiame of parpicium lass be died of {/alias of &brit]; produced tram taxi now t il ' 1.. :-.. • 4,.., ' v ~...*::. - ~.. . : : :••gd, -. 4 THE, • •:, We crowd iocorwbat oleo oat alwwwo lo. agl to'coaks room* rot els folio ` d Ake= The subject la ono of deep Wood, sad the dociiwo of otw Coot is looked cm with mach =Way. P r roseunge,Oclobar 12,1547. Me. Amur: Birii—thir andereirwl bombe= wanted by the Wealth*lir T. A. Dodd, of Pittectob,a Conmestie to vagina copy of your . argumast delivered bees the &prams Coto on Monday lait, cm the Lionise Law, for linithastiect. E 7 cottlfille with ~„lhair _with," yen . will man a favor up on essay Wier Ininal not pier oar able defence of their nen% midst the same tbseseer• one the interest of the greatTosperonas mom. Tow; 129wihtni, - ..'. La Buse,' P . koreque Error va.4ne tte Diescdpit In Erna name or. inainfor. Two queesions vu ralsed by this owl: I:Is the law Canittelooll: ' -• 2. 1 11 s it omens In the CRY oilittetheti T. It a'contended that It Is unamentessal. ' 1. BaCaltan the Laellatilllll - Vagtad by the Cott' eine= in a General AmemblY, anarong oil &nee and Boum of lloreasettativela `- - ' - • 2, That the law not hi. amities hi to taw, and obligatory on the pope 11. II rule a aeon without regard to their auent ot diserint." - , 3. That slew containing within its& • pare. iron, submitting its binding form to lb.' molar rote, is diverting the dinstalikeewiedrottis leg. islatire functions, sad camera • one power un known to the Coostitatioo. - • .. 4. That leglidation with the noming et lb• Constitution, ts a rule of Mika pool* by the sovereign power of the Legitherine, without nit&" evils to say other_inthoety whams, ' - On the 'locoed goesticoralosi, Bi • g angentlide 1. Theta* the Law id CriestattaXtal It is hoops retire in the City of Fthrourgh, Mee= Wee • [ penal law the.city of Put.bdittico amble agogi be mentioned to brio& its cthrona within ea pru. The eofgoiemman talth nattliOgreld" 1 in Its nature, it like may thing traktethea slow growth. In melba land, the r otheiplkt dad the [ dionerob, the lona elikhole94 WmPowl. owl Commons shrold mita in legislation, wee canto. ties in being seaddished isna axiom ofsecestedo. done law: 'Trot proropteni itthe Onion and the privilege" of the Aristociarm..ibirosteli ob. tined the sacendemey„ silks mode fathead: with a tote Wawa= or the ethienahe Palish " to the right* of the people. The whole theoiy of the British Conetitation tomb& to oath the Crown at the expense pf the atatai of the king dom. Hence the oaths, the divine right of lunge, the ithig urn do no wring, the Ling Gars vicegerent an even lime the maityoloo of Sid ney for publi.king to sublime troth that govern mon wore ionic for the booth of governed. in thew! the king only awn ism by and with the wince and consent el-the lards. spiritual ea (=Peel. and Cammoneta Paithmeof Meth bled. All power in contemplation dthe British Constitution, essinatee tow the Throne. The monarch it the fountthl of power as well ohm The people as objects. They can enrolee ..., control over the Montrok, me by the Memo re. No government ever has or ems can ode abb ot an absolute ororegroyer despoil" seethe sconewheie, and this despotism is 'opposed to be I ennired legitimately whoever the exigency of the goromment omens, and I apprehend that it is immaterial whether it is exercised in s Boor. chy nada ths title of praugstive, a in • Berth lie under the eignificent amillesica of- tell If Me people.: To the king Ender the tithe of royal per motive is ascribed amereigley,thliverial &rely. (Atty. Game in Hardy's ter al) And this pro. mattes semis Wall things that arena injurioni to the subject; for in than altilt must e ramen bard that the king?. goaroptive ea b utchsth Ora to the doing of arty wrong. (Black. I mi 1.239 j Prerogative roman in the whnisce th p w co d s sabefahepa/ace:d ire silent. Tb, king by the enrol of the Bede' Constitution has three distinct politest tharootem vim Legislates. to enact the Ism, Wail to. ex• pond the law when•enectie, and Ezecutio a' enforce obedience ty it, teendoWw The legidetive chateta of the Mcioarehhaviog eh ; been recognised by the . British Geochimica bom titte immacnonal, beg ha mar any Or. tine of the Weems whet* hie s oy Or. . other than the Invade ft hie astation aced &Maws, end if Nub • araloah 7 has been didegatedby him Inn by the Sowlowss hw hwerriliift,d" soh act he" eiergoedianadt 89-/. 0012 "7 12 W 0 4 helletd 24 4 C ups..' but th ey may dengerfthi power toa select no ethers= body, (3 8ar0,1537) and in the language ;d C J HA 12 Mad. 686, elnehint of City : Cowes, ems, wienest onside: oath Cca. oath= ass gnat cenounity with* harsions bane power enteuesd to thvn fortbell benagb.2. and.= make ewe to • bi. it' •_ii p ro perty 'of eons who live whhin tint pr....L. anirdareill than ero whatsoever the-caw within the emits of their jurisdiction And tans bydawinny been forced eit h er by acthio d dots or theress, and eh &Tenth upon enetoco. and riest= may entrant implionaient for bone' of the liPlem (EN e I Sy& on Corporatioo. 162) A by.row in London abet none shall make a hot pressma ow it wtthio t he ciy tuoda the penalty of £lo.lnatospe of the denser of Am Is good. (1 Roth Abr. 361 & A) , If the Capoixtrou pc 1.0.4 ..." kw, Pus an adhering for B&W under tb. pinky of £lO the erection - of a nuisance - within 'tie chertaral iimits, 1 mil where is the principle the would for. be the poise of on ordinance ,iropoithg such • porky as rayed amount to a tote probibithele such Itelmock 1e not each an °Mimeses almost an Ica of soremign-lserbdiont . IClnmats lon of property in the thing bath hamar a remiss ry mold for_the break of the and in default ref payment, inarcentioa and low of cer. sand liberty.' The' bistoi7 of Corpoialkent• not merelayEogiod, hot nto ocithei power& Owitorolatww hoe ban emoted with of legislations ample Is described by grant and that those ancient - ,eisiriceelcsis which bold their fronthisseby wean. ea, in am. model= of Law; atripand to hold the same by , grant from the C 03,12. Thus welled inEngisaiLbeth•in swine and modenitimos; Baehn powers have hien groat, ad to Caporations, brad with only en arothial existeace, which may effect not only the property bat the Emil of the objects. No lodide forum in that mostly Ms• yet rotund to all in , qua. two the , amstitakmality of delegated authority. The acannufated vision and expatiscess of ape has jostled the expainnar of the coessore. But it may be urged that all Fewer by the Btin bb Constitution Lisiblative, Judichd sod Egon the, centres Inate.miXtmeetr—thet owing to his tronlatm of ty, be can do on WOOL Or omnipotent, and acrocustable only to Ose, ethos violent he Is, for the mem in which be so' stases the arrnseignpowar, and comsgooney that he may lawfully grant nth seamy powers to • portion of his object& the United -When the Colonies pow orooming Mon of Amens threw oaths yoke of allegiance Which band thomm the Maher Country, sone. ty woe hare ainially nesolvdd into its minimal al men% and the social edelweiss to benconinuct. id faro its no (candela'. ' The corm stoned the new Wake wee elevareysone which bel been rejected by nay pcdithal bade frees the rianotain 0004 in Ada, Africa and Europe, un. til selected by the political' architect. of Amnia. This Onions corner stone woe t h e 'will of the ; peo setting fortb the genernmete was insect. al fo ple r the bens& id the goverowd. that the ad uthileatins of the hie,`"nd the wrong &olio. arid of grmartirlina. wee.en sereenti of the sowasign people, the exponents end wbenbero tors of. their will, their sworn duo whose duty was and Is toothed and to obey." • True it is that the porous of this government have by the Cimeloonon, boon dientated to their coordinate branches, Ermines, Legislative soil Jade , ' , The obit ef asehixoneb is prescribed and they wited/y resolved around ota amen mere the pas will of the people," which will he expressed in ths Constitution of the &am i Title sovereign will is cumepotent sad übigultons ribs Jed to 00 earthly contarl, mo hi as s changable as the hues of the Csaillson.and inallits clangs. it is apnea to the prompt of the este tors of in wit. Its msrograthe is undefined sad undefinable. It 1 without Usk, it kb:Mein, it can reduce coder to cham, and Oen those chow to oider,--it is sotiot to and restrained by no power, one its annipoteor and inotimedie Thiswrimenront will" in roosted instatom has been ezeroisol in the Commoontakh, by chew ing, recoo&ing and radically sheens thei rico *dial law and In awry such clump, has owed the gent otinelpise cansinui Meer, 1 sad 3, An, 9 of the boceltetttiew" of rotele7lwasi 'es; •thll men Ira boat solely fees and liiespoodent and hog certain it and irek&ade. rights among which an those of atleying and"Mad* life ands liberty of einguien& Powwin wad Put' totting mime/ and rerestiew end Of Praise their con happinern" .. - ` i , Sec, S Aft pewee in ishersatin the - Oapla and all free goveminente see fondled on the andhoetl and 'imitated Ice their pave eaketuilbsrPh am kr the sthatelieneth of than tondo ibry uat all nisei an inalienable' and,shieeferealll ; m deth 1 1 to alter ram caged* the& 19 2 rolawal l , wfth 1 mom he they May‘thillt prolders , , ~ .. k Th. MO/Wilk 4 r11 4 1 14 1 31413.11114,1411F no sidnosmihis paid*. No soh ablifyibbii *nita taiinimmeept by , *Meth cbrlitbeigliim., .. ,,,t. Ahriitiiformid ca" absiiiiisa t iriiht Amami OW* contained in thii`hrt:fie.(l ll . 10,47 sissaillll4 es So* boa oral dm. ' - -li hod NibWmi dila rola vs. , -41 61** 11014/ sagokleisslitabom .--'."4-11440,01 •-• ' , I. Wilma difigent wore bound by oidi to thvOGoidiaikm a( the Camiaccwirat. not, If adopt the asoning of opponents `llose it notor re the • 031112 H had not the people amouling to sub masoning, lu Lewin end slogthithe'flousetelittri 0(1790 p u ma with all powmaant that which' wu InotePtioi in - one not -the e gg vile. power veld 44, ',JAM • Ist in a Genoa' • Mom* :combed* int li Stoats send, Haus of Bapeementetierl Is not:the same power is the ,setho words vestedth the body in Art. let see let of Cottethatim7ll3l ll Ho we not gad s imam ciithigankeird, powers both;Constitc. Akimbo ths anions terpartments government ! l3l•looohe ge9folowt•tilk:sointhetl and the , ownappto =di MoomaWat-; . ,YOSHI" Widths* the Legislative point of this :Govanneint Ii :sand Inithermind'Assenddy own 'sisting of Senate and Homed Representatives •ad thigieknierhkh isnot absokne MI interim and *igen people a action =hood afirrence`,,to the wears dieweine . the poplo. awe seediellt if chador' coutainwithin its own body * proWsion, to asontath the Noallof the pax. Aria thl sabjeet:mattat,thdorretind the Gam 4 0 1 Awffw* of its legithae4;thnetions, Fasting anew w lrower maknown to th e _Conentalkati wad that 7.4slation maid thoperstinc and • Admit far the.rgmeotthat Wes pinion of the GentimilenleMent We, that the people hawing pared • 'kb Legislative pewees to' therAhnend Arenotto,llll: power am. only be emend by tbi Legidatou andie would be s violation of Ocestiteitkaosi•duty if. inthat, the body of the law, it. icif it we.submitted to the will of the people to ay whither thayercould accept or reignite site. Mudd the monks of ouch pdocipla by this Court pothinge the public jocilict of the ; C entry' Would It lend, stabil* to oar: inothutinos ? Waal: not la faM qua and ,destroy the my beds Open which oar ncial histitotloas teal.! _,, If with is the faw,havowa not Wen withanconEsem tirreiLeaislatiniond Judicial body eloftethif °kr tither the Cantina= at 18381 By enact of the LogialantrePasiM at its swain 18351Lsomplibi 33 p 9707 La nprelincy,of calling a ConeeMbn to Om and amend the Constilinion 0f1790 'made Mind Whinnies of the People and bating soca mined the ewe of the pimple tole hi favoe favorof a coireantion. by pirate. vote, the Legislature sits Motion of 1836.(pampidet tawU 83S pa 314 ) pined an act for the purpose.:, Hits Act wee zeßi; a conantion was sunnumed and the molt &dirk Mize wai the 'Clinatitution of 11333 Ithich being sithidnell to the people for wtowd or njettlia: Wu by Wiwi people uP9 I " 4 " Poweitued;and went into mention otititakeots of 1 31 , r o '4 ' I egPreheroL . that, lithe Legislators ,hed the thwntwellfwal power ici• meet a law to menalti the 'mass of the people, es ,to the mpodiarm% of amending reforming or abolishing the priukad law of -the land, Mich way government other had sworn to Rapport, it is squally within the scope of their authority to submit the expeakacy of establishing a mere wthitarf regulutifft.th the sun of the prophe . . ..._• What. Wha t gives vitality tea law of this CoMmonwsighl What mostalno the Emmen. .41rhig the Legislative—and whit the, Jedlcial branches • of this govennomm—what but the .sontrum, will of the people," withdraw-that sup. pint; and Ms :Mow breath= of Clooorcuaosts would.be able poweriaee fir good Or, ! .The principle of semantability to the people by'otery team or serrentof this Ccesexermaith to only sanitary in itself, hot pommies army pit of out *kcal reletions. It is the ligestiseas of the body poliic. - Withdraw it and. naught mead ninth but a putrescent and inert neres. , -)Shall It be said then that those public servants' set barna_ the amps oi their auttemity, in demanding the sues (Caine comaltuental • - foe kw' km consti. national becka before going into oparitican lie pm. Mints are rinberithel Ire animal to the 4/ocrertign Power"of the Country! , • 1 ,11 admit that any law whichln its subject muter would militate wine the poeene of the Coo !fittoloo would he inoperst seal void &hough marina by a majority of the people. - ru m bribe Conithation is a compact elMeerigm, the moth .of altering:the- toms of that tom met is promited Is Att. 10 of the Conslitutien of Deo. /la 1 obeli thew la a mbrequent wee! .factomant Otsubo Legislative MAUI Causitu.: - haul power to prohibit the sale of artiest spirits within the betide of this Commonwealth. .Tin pcied thou In manakin here Is,ll thaprotibition calif because in the "body of think el it woo bin to the arse of the poen • I AA pruned to obaw..that this Woo& of gm. ideas the tem pranked hithis Commonwealth idspettAclkselt Mena Mth,thetppergrallen mu ,the le at lugs, that lannets `moitantom that us beam adeastioalesealants tholientee, le handnithe logithweri fnich leghthiber and (mbar. AIM the very question bee decided bylbe &Irmo Court, and that that decision end thie nodal ; legiaiohon,bor recnirettin emortion and the -append of the. of peopli this CM:mon. wellth ciametthil mementos to Coruentian. •lo throant•loof 'tithli7 of ths Coarantioo of 1790, it is• made ismawatiss *gut the Liciolis. fore drel/ u boori aucoriranisntlyouy be pen Tided by law' for the atablishnent ;of wools throughout the theta in such mina that the porf maj_ba tarMht, grads." Hers Wm in the Ilimatituthea of 1790, we and the legielaties pie retested in the Omen' Assamble. by led. 1 and Ankle t, of that Comittuion and a special duty mythic' to be 'minuet bp. the - Legielatuw• to Art. 7 of Sect. 1 of the same instountent. =The Walston% in obedience kith* &tin:join ed , by the Conothution. did in its seance of 1334, pamphlet lawn. Pager 170—th, proceed to lay to foundation of a coma= achoot system. of admen tion,irod soamclatunt to that set, puma in iesh, pamphlet lows, pogo 365, mt. 2, made it optional with_the People in the respective town. dupe or donicle to accept or Mims the lew and by en at to conacbdats and emend the school taw. Mold ho ttie assekm of-123a. the quantal by elect 13 of same hew, pamphlet laws, pugs 930, whether the people of the mow accepting &mkt', maid soap, wee to be annually put to the peo ns law rorthotithm the nail ' r ed a Convention wee Prod in 1635. The Commotion apt ire 1837-8, dthenuthers of which wore called from•the great bodyof the people acid was familiar withthelees. Wow of the Gana Amenably onthi School law.' They knew that under the Lit sector an 1; of the fkotwitotkin of 17'94, the legislative peon: of this Commanworaith woo wad la the Veneta! Mara. bly; they knew that ths legisiethre had *Wed In that low, Ls the diem semi of the people, before its provisions should bactomeebligidoly; with knowledge of all them WA they not only mi. lorred the legiMUve power on the amend As. by the new Caaautatipa.sf 114$ ht the terms aid plumookiy of the eisetinglon of 170, bat Wally, to their sovereign pepotity,".en/law od Om School law of 11136 and MA it sell optkmal to Male towns and dkniCts whigleve it should be accepted ss a law or not, Win ethaftfol to amend Mutilation Sect' • '-• -' This must then has the estmaneol_the cirrilb• ' eats calm of the Legielewns. in =mow an. Admits, it has mat the appeoval of the potpie via' idid by a unanimous action of the ballot bons. and bag monad the ceolentri and 'deliberate OM. OM of the suerairgY of the people assoniged in 'lbis groat, audpermitme to add, mad salutary principle of legislation if further gaunter and eanotkoss are wanted la favour, mewed the awe In the jedgrosni of thii Coin in the 'rise of the Commonwealth :a Dove 2 Yates 493 when it derided that the law of the 113th of April, 1793, directing the corporation of Philadelph i a to game otilnianwoo t the eroadoe wooden bull. dings in ia , aeutn parts of the city, u they may judge proper, wunintittokmaL In the use cited s Arm ea ?wakes 'wits patattod , they saw proper to pate an ordinance prohibiting the over. dm of wooden buildings within a elwain pat of the city and ouling's breath of that ordinance an hidictible educe for - the' num that they would thereby be able to . to groat poblie noisome. That thia ife legieletlow Is right,' have Mews from prece dents lowing from the "amuse of the kingly prerogatives in the Mother ceueni, OW the awe principle has received the sanction of Iharmatineneel kingdoms of the old World, I hay, shown front the Tarp estate of poninsent tcoadal on the principle that al power is Inherent lathe people,that the aernmts of the peepla esn nejer be w r ong in esucrtsinbod the wilt a their media name ehoweithat the principle of bogie Wen hal maned and deliberate apparel dewy branch of thethruiroment, Ennui= Legislative and Judicial, that it ham Moiled the anclini of the. peoplein their piew7 Asetonteler; and deity the crowning Nixtion (the akienegaty at: the people" Id solemn Convention unombledi - If the 4404 dschion, the we/glad Molds. lathe deliberation; tin boned arthresoion d the frame of the . Coamoriwcadth, crowned by the Malan sanction of the twoontipty a abs people Ii dawitation ammtdoci, can smile -sny,petapht of goremment Ind cons italonel law, thin Will no. forum bs 'found in this Comairowalth to :pro nounce law tmcouthationai hocautall the leillebt tur did not Prescribe a curtain role - 11-•oirtao Itudolopliid KW" without whims to'lbw se. me= at &Mg deice sovereign pimple °pinatas shag rule woe to operates The prohibition of the ale of einieuiand spin Opon within the stabota Is clearly winds dam= el the dew goomments. Bat the hioe geed= does not pohibil the Ms d aim ing AgitWu fufweS the eels • The iimetithig hate datith iiro rig: 'Aging the Wand' iminneMott,thithi -- This emmthigi-badeng TAW Idantokieniseroil to otteeetete tepee aid eke exotaakbytheweethey as 14610.01111063/4/(tdintattla/ a Cater .401 '4 , 1111 lane -10/1] . , eci 111 i mud Stela it the ten! Miter, =Lit atmetlx [divine that the miy nexakos on dm Laihiihn rater. Y that Itopealo be Nit erre( tbe Otostieetiosetliel. led Ste., f Peters 410-414. It hitiacius loci. Isla tha erneigate. or vary pmt that It may take privatre property fa the pobrie use: tt would teem La 1Y evally withiu.the.E o P o or Ibe sovereign authority whatiever the exigency of the Coeeem, goal reitarsd , to istalete azul tsm2. trot its tea. If ;too id has Dteo dozooto:oloi to tho motiotie• tido at the saw* .r;d thdr rpl.n, that lA•iat44l an defeat:ma and 'lO listrars as ecoptutti• catty the prahlocce which *earth et hocertlay;if It mpareth cot age, oar . hit Mk, 'cola not oar' Mon b &rents to the tout impaled it thew, If they shock! fine for a moment to chair entrl aloo to stay ha Lactating carer.. If the corpora" One of Loodoo covkl prohibit the enertkrn of • 'hrt prom" Irak Matt chertarad Umits, std the city of Philadelphia by a h of her corporator', cocia farbid the erect:tea of woolen baikUp trot bac.* to_pranat the dangers of are, bale touch =re imperaline is the duty o(. the people and the lertgetnr• to nyder, and control the Illzer of that curved fire u-aftrrehich bag already ocirolpied aod comuned the Abatis:ince of. dile country sad bids felt to desecrate and &mints the fair Agee of oar beloved Coomoreereshb hi dm, hands of their auscaseote tie cuiqii•Tors; unless 11;7170/11 an sWd by,th• bads at philanthropy Bat it is add dial silteitttog the taw*, be coil. stitetional, it ia lorperetise the city el Pitts. bunk, beam beteg a pant law, tb• city of Pitts. =Wninnies mama be amentioaed . to brie{ its ithin do penises. *tiles set. • • • T. Act of lee. ertikb 5 tbaratjact; maw twdot coasiberatkal by your flogorabas Vow; is emitted an act Lax:mina i tlita citizens ol'oerteim tociatiom to &dd. by ballot whether the sate ell. moos and Tirittioctm be ccontloasd in maid cottatisa In the Met section it ay. that It &all tis Lied for du Lomat boric& arid town. Ltd* Of the axuatime cd' Cbsetse ciao., to Tole &c. This a a hull an, and So be oonstrual libe l:ay. The Intention &Ike Legialature ato be supported to the ccauructiow dab an wit Ttte Intention of the Legiohrture woo, We shown by the titled the Act to enable the seas of certain atomics to decide try ballot, ',Who a the Male of Dyson atoll be toontinned. in saki coandes... And the hitentimi of the leghdature cat be drawn from the tide of the Ad. maker m araud by words in the enacting sienna. The inathaf to bat remedied wu the vowing toil of intemperance. The object a view wu to uceotaln the popular will on the entlect, in the counties named In the eta; and farther to eater. tae, by actual experiment, how for Mich etringent Lesbilattue amid tend to lamss the evil' d ht 1461.• The word 'Wad; in the first pert d the alba. tag clam, to not mentioned and It le not tapd' l that anemuch mr, the worda Boraceitt eied . Torp ship an. alone mentioned, those; wide VON se • menelotes doom to the . gerioniity a/EP used le the tide to the Act, and thin the nee" Weems the Act a pataL Both a cocaluellui would defeat the Intonation of the Legkestotrei Du is evidenced by the toe tithe word' Ward; lathe atheequant mane. Of whet rat a the word •Wow,' if the Act only emits to Bormabe mod Townothipol lereighe. al Isla may tof thew, are divided into tWarda: conemooetly the cow of the word • Wand,' In sacloconsation, world be tao- Lolrwpral and nomestaid, es Borough would In. clod, each protium or &Takeo. Strip the at of Ito red moduory of expreeirm, and it enerad reed shoe. ea An An aotheatere of mortsirs cocotte, to defile by ballot whether the einem and epirithooto Liguori shall be con tinued In said esontlas, sad that from soul after the Cue ley of Jerrossy.lB47, It stall to lawful for the cinema of the rani Borough. end Town, ; dupe of the canals of Cbesler; clam, at the noel election of manotable, end pear Mustily sad B ontugh Officer, in the said simnel notoaghm 'Ward.' end Townalka, to decide, by their tam, and it shall be the day of the laspectote ' end / ado. of the laid aural Bora:rem 'Watts,' ; and Toontalpa, at the said election. to receive I tickets, du.. - If the word. Borough sad Torooklp we to te could.* ea mamboing errade, then the um of the lard 'Wand' imendlowly alter, le to So coo ' addend as ■ term d athrgatecd, ecominattly sway uwind as every Towthstnp red 1141611e1 a the cow, of Allegheny. may vole oil thin tperedoo athsoixted in rho Aft. • The tarsi Ward te wed se • pohikal divitue, wall Lawn as applying ittliffonontly to mations Cities or Borsoighs. • What poincipla of moo . attsetka - alder amine the eopesedeetted the Dna &writ* Borough Wards, of Word. of Bor. entbs. when the term Borough woad malescit ouch division! ; Would not the kW esseutatlen. end papa reedits tithe Ad, to ecamection with tbs tula tortith here is the preataka forniaing • hey and unlocking the botenthon of the Legiain term be du, ths cit:sons cf the -Hormel; 'Wad.' end Township*, to tbe eounty of AIM. ghsoy, mei detarrothe by vote, &e. Hem moth, it will be urged that trail* s Aiming' renal di,ijoo.thdri- of s manly, 'Melted effected by any foie for coun ty. maim simian, nem& By eel of the Ler lefetews, mod Ithi, Donfop's Dig. p. She, ithocted ibet ivory Asti he deemed and to. - hen to form pots of this esuoty. la which It is or tiny be sinew; it would bona been s work of thy. prreagonou them 'the Walston to hareitaset ed that the names of the Wank' of Os City of Pato iongh, In the county of Allegheny, became if *KO 114111 say wade to the City of Pitawsh, they am the•Wartie to the =any of Alisibsey, and the Mimeos thereof come within the very we, as well re spirit, of the Act, authorizing the 'Mimes of certain amnia to decide by ballot wbethre the sole of spirituous and yams Nam" obeli be oostictoel or not In the mural Doneerbs. Words mid Townships laid meaty: Hod the Levelstess cooled the kw to the rl tier of ths Commannudth. no should find goofed I lb* Lama ervirornt of tome 'learned dontbern Abstnenoont,' who would prove, by mimeos te sone of the newly, black•lattend mane at Mel law. that no title* wee to be loused is the Com- moosrealth. They would berrelly its the deft. Itllioes of • city. that it Is • trotted tow% the eat den Archbishop or Barn, with IteClMbee &eolith/alio I have no doubt they moc' forget to mention that town sod township are eyeamp. coons terms, awl bathe a general twos, inclode Chess, Boroughs eud Yillee, and thamfore, a law sattortomg the elthaaa of toernatilie, to th• coon. ; t 7 of Allegheny, tridecide by their vows, what., the sale of anus and spirittoom litinoro shall b. continued amcopt throw, wood moth:ea• without feather mention the. City of Pittstrurgh, to vor• upon a titimaion en vita to , their proopeoiry and happiness. Thom who now oppose the law, hue already giren the CaMarnetioa Lx which NO emu° , by espousing their sentitsomots at the ballot box.— Not • chum of the county, whether clothed with Ada reopookbility or ma, has sue doubted s noomentiu krUling (meson the title, of Pithastuth and Atlegbeny • until altar the gleam .The Whale vote of the cilia of Fritrebargh and Alle ebeny woo pohod on the =asks. and by an cur. what:the unauct of affrays, dawn that in spite of party hdlostra, they eppeoud the law, with all lea thopieekathma on ito bud se the uspiciotte dawn cf a gun morel remiution. The neponeio bialy riots= this liou. Coml. by this dsdaloo. , this &I, alber. to glee Ude gnat sad eelot sty reform ea aneroid Lepanto, or wham check I Wm sokago;oloymyit plea. your Horton, iftecutket Mr.de.bosambk.t= 11 uptiSitt ms, by • boo petal of my follow thaw. men whom I gaga OF boner, end moo who hue diet notated . dial* MiAy their disinter. WWI and ardsat lens dlossaidq . ' albs organ of tetuseg that' elate tin the 'limit and Imp leUlt ormudall.rsiaed by dd. record, b tie awl tallellndoleterdlog to the belt Of my shill• ty, sal It it my atoms pre*, that the week- Was Otte advocate may not astute tbs etnagth .tam i .; Twit CAI, satipuoa ie epee betwees Pitubergb sad Joholdows, but with le*arropUetts beyoad. The damage betwetel Hollidagsbargh std Alasaadria, it . wlll taki to day to repkir. • From two Warm la the Amerrlcas from kioilldagsbarg. wi Isant that 100 gar& or the to path an muted from th• SUL/ .tip, lad to the depth of two and a tour m three fleet. The tee path bridge WON th. damp had alio bra t ',Woe .Tba titer MI Lea Nat aa the .4111 of tbs7t4 i bet:let ou lb. Bth, laarlei 6 feat ghee. lOw water taaitr Tits mimed later tram Healdaysteggb, tarot.. 0 , the 9th, cam. flatworm the place and Aletutdria me rope a oas he done la 10 dap.- It IS ramrod test the flacetoars breach was gory high, and that tomider. &la damage had heat dote below - thakagdon The Portage rodaimal aarp leeks Lfnr) lb. tali beard from Jolumennry arch= at dui Otos la sea Tb. •ebaidose at of the due at th• upper .dot the boos me way which omelet a cawidarable rise o tie Wad. The water, nag, a au , from Joluestaw., was 4 tout 'dm* U --, Warsbowes, watch would sake the water os the les* 1116 or 7 fog. A comet. 51 =all be.... were perked 51 Mo Laud There was three breaks la tiearat Leval from Johlreters. Ihtatg• so far aa baud Wes pro. haply out be repaired Is ICI dare'. -•,, 8 c'el.ck, 'V td, end so mut has del Last Si West Ttia above from prints coatralwei mg this way. It as Le coatesugatkos to an tbOtaniume ..14 for reallaa bane, provided It le forted whoesaassi to de as. Will try from tlet• to Um to' gee goo all the ipbormation we Calla NOSS Waltham steel cam dope salL . Pfau. nag to bit Tufa that the boat liktek Hawk Cog 14•Lee,ie Wittig al inakmara; oimMa ray sad rid bar at UM placitto 6,111 0f... The boat Imam, capt amok al 117115 ea Smoke at tam plan, .0 ate.: C.ptr Hwy DlcCm ud Tea. by so MI se Yam essestatim ads of warm v 6 eabNij Ambit Stapbmit bad Jaw peened . lidikWitibidu..." dam m a boa* of • Als,l.llllll6wq4, ', . e • $16 1 1:5 . 0 pga4N jaddrig GRIOH; o u ninnoninnes Maigurnin tinasette. me Tamura 111111 &Awns in working ar. awls damn to obi* . =mt. ream. We Wiri - bidatiMeTiaiw7BA' tistismAi nrtrgempte b peiblimb!imir Melia* sta.-_ me weal oar pod iniAnnons and Ira sill (As* *ill rot Usk .3.4. Tea .Taxsittees ,Ltitt Warr, math .t. oar dieeppelfafeged end tavayenee was not ift vat telOties lett - ialetit. The Seim ICmt ieleitted tweeigh the day, Lod me the elements own tu3 etartetilter, thus ►at ao ettteetinz these to ba• am c °644 44 W!Seelei, timoototo, •itboat. kola phw. • •.; , . • . Iliirbroriisiat. Floidttoisillot. is sHtliK BEATEN UPON lin OWN HOY. 87 . 13.11 i. • Vie maim* tot 8642 th is 1844 erisl4o. IN via bee e.eiejoeltr of one kindred mut Ow Draw for tie capita - coreeepoeie.ce of thy l'Onabarst II; 10} _ P. M. CaslW. bltuietondsidit3t 6 TowahliS siva Ithook.l2B taikeity, am Paw:, lest year. of 173. Leapheth 18 behhed GOOD FRO FRO f7 x ;ii7 Hl.earc . rarr " .ge... • . . . '•• ustimisi. Ott, tI P. M. The aro( Lancastri has gin* 4 msjority 27 for Ilhankr : ustab is a bandsoia lads rola LOPISVILB MARKET. • October 9,-1947. /log t—Racal pt. km fake od, and phi.. have idttotad a shade, adra tif4,90e4,95 per bld. Viltadt la scam Lad itidastmai at adsiXte pet Da Gwo---84.1a fropz Ingo, al 95,40 e pa - hi. I cv . fromt: d DR " . P Votton-8401 Ihll, sec ,colngto gas /hi. • , The N. York Aoti•Rictin bed a ow oseatini, at which airy adopted ea ' Rainkart That re swain to the propodtionalor IA amiable anaispomeat of the Malang alf• amities elled;mmala on CIJI 241 tor,; by Hon.: John C. Spitairer, on the put of Wom. P Van ititamaleu. to Cml.in Pepper, Jr, Charts V. Beg" tOCI,JaId Henry Baas, ao the put of the - peap e. root prop:slam Yin scan atm, u um under. stand it that all El:attars in &impala . mball be tort tea arbitteloat to Hon. Liao. N. Hum, of Mar . mactamitua, Flom Kant, and Ho , Jodg Dania, of 8 Lae. ' ' " Boaseue.--A colored man by the num ce Bradley, nude . Info:annoy tel. tbo . hley or ant To/wig moraine, egalcat Richard Sad Mniondor Tibbs foe @Wane, beating Ind • robbing hint, it tbo hoitse of 4 E - rda Hon,' la the wend. wad, Monday. *let. Thin erne . colored people ball Mid st the boom, sad dente the ernotig lb. two TUN.. witabvt promotion, nubs no ma alt with intro mid dab. "opoo Ur coal pinta.% at. tin tam deneroonly In the 41* .sonnets Won will Edgers on the head, end robbing Wm of SWUM iy.twodollar end anent-ph Pe mate in cilccr rigid mar =M. A snaoekr Tibbs hes beim amnia and booed mg to coact. Richard ha not L hem Amid by du police. ' .• • Naar Ca•qsraarrarr.—Tb• Olio Slate 1010! ad arm lava toaratalfelt dares dollar itol: go o.alt °IS Ladoaki, has made its affewsamtere It 1 .• '4' l " 4 B • Hi:trim. Pr .raarleat and Watbarall. Caltbrt, dater! October le, 1844, Iw tars payable to 0. trlagtb. Tear prausi tiy peanaoa is wen eaktthtted to -desire, anal tea ataaatartistirmaly Roll door. the moral qr. ranee flaw Il bt.t tban the gamin. Yo note. Ines been hunted by tblt beak. of a dstet una 1845; and was payable to O. Smith. Wiscosem—Cioe. Dot* b called aa. EWS Seam al tha Taitiianol Logiotalato, to mat / 1 1 Mafia" as ttre 18th lint fa the Ramo parpPtil of or /matte/ a oes attempt to procure e Sole extettletlon and be e.. 1 lathed bitoitet think - . . - A Wastkisquon Cla;TrizingAtaa a Or BsitiatotO 800, atiodkes to do oolto. bgivs•ulat uat 'Aaimistimakirepa. rape, at nahat bias detaragoat4:6VONien "We Las (roe Vas Crvs lo Maks, ireataa• to Acayaka, parosanomily estsbllildat that I. • tart olaank *ad Kula; ma 01 to gm Mask= fol.. On itle 91 o September, Lanny LiuJ man: a B regogiaaoe, toe Lb. breed' al the liebtow achooin wham the next proceed* breed', $7,d00. • essire. 2141wrios #sToass. 160.1844 t ' NW. Da *W.A. inio. s.,k x. St•• .1;0:0 COW aeq ..6116 • UM* 0003 1619 24E3 1.000 61.0.1 1945 144 •WDO WOO iota atao As t w or :Mr! Bab. Mir 00011 moa 4%4 IMO ONO sel r4:43 OM COM soar' VO7 t=::=l .000 0000 MS hi MO WOO 3113 1313 0011 099 ZIP 3 1 110 MO • 1303 100 ;93 ijr-ti .... XD4 ' Cr ... WI 3117 ..1110) ONO 15411 SIC ==MM:;I t==E=Ml 4.1110121::. • ........... oaxi too lemer • 'OOO 0000 Z 44 VI Mower.... • • .00/0. 'WC 1004 '4440 ..... ...... GOD . 001 416 27 .0000 ONO 34111 . 10115 11=66••1• • •• , . .1110 000 2P4 Ilarldpbsdky de am% iESEWNA eeco: tie ,n 7 ix* 8 Le loaltuals • •OXID 01xo • 1973 INS -0360 3UI 3777 . Gm) Mai ISM 1163 Kos COI 5776 WaJurcion... Warr. W.l.', • • • •A R~as~••. 7ary........ . ...00co woo - 4891 .It9of •Cco3 CO2OOO 1.511.161 00:0:0 WWI . /Nati ty 001000 4, 1 7 7 1911166 *leg Goal Conalriamr WI milialri4 . Stki• of %M ..LI We. PI4TABORGH WEIBILLISIZETTE Odder 1 4—c o rmrs War, sod Lb. Wu loth Motico—All Tat— I Now for Ulu OldSoprona—Thlit Party =o— lio° lobo P Kannerly—Notes of the Deciolons in the Sopron:. OcUirt— , Panasyhtarda Volcioiaars Maryland, Pannayloania and Oblo Vodka ft& tuna, u far as saccirad—Moot Disastrous Floo4 Alden,lArlomanr in alba Supnroio Court ad Lb. Lir?eari Qttesskin—Trads of lb* Alleibenp , Proslao—Onlinanos of 'B7 Lk, id** Army—G .. a ales Chiziti•-•Vibigt Di Pottiest—SW. Inisrast.—W2dir r noodalai pbank and rhos Siats—Loco Foca Catmei r aim—News hose Moto—More Dietiielre Mond Coreniiee of the Admithartam--flori. We 11 retell', —AU Taft —The Pmbisocy —I tame .—.Northern Desocrsts are sot rspecteti to opt =tlevet7 the abstrart"—The Primedisit The Whip of Maine—Later from_Hayti Wet:ewer [Speech—TM mune end man. 'Oar of the Wet—oad Ultras Llight 'Yedentlisor Latest Tetwsphlc sew*, Fames* sad POlMetnie. CoasesetchA mohair emptied . Rohm ht the Markets for the pun week—The pile',' le the foal city =lke tra--The Cattle his:W-41w sti of Amerkosa Produce 'aloof puts of the Uras —Sesami. of }Saar, Wheat, Con Strt, teal filers the operates of the Caul—Canal Wetter and movements of produce—Motet le Laotian. f. City liesnk—.:4lrtt of thePrere—Copiteas latrects hew tdheay. kettles loarests ea tles latenetles topic* W the Post ids it the dark, Mee, or la wrappers. Prior 8 onto ulcer copy. Botectiptions two dollars e . rest to gm*. N • Clara Ma • Pay Mae Mull- , Jaeksaies Edabaamk. la Am aaly aalleloa aka arlll • tarn this se rorc ammo ud tatabiftaa• dsoola It sot *sly aaarloaalr 0Ad10044. w 9 rd . ‘T dpitWWelts&labdirm wtl~ll.•ai l 1= " = Liy:=== ipt y•tra.-. rolapo . = L ai call cod pluuet slut' umber go( cur tbal lard_ bud moll,' gay lola umird. It s rodu ika otry, wits MI bus dator W Lab dardamo lig taut talo• tam ortAleau being acrulk W. U.. lar bottluot the Eadnuatiat _btu eralloally mat It kayoed prooodmll-011.1. domM ail Oadrtar. - Ror_ solo oa rtradardla th• Tit OE, Pauli MU{ mad_ aad al tit Drug marl g airadara , !, - 44V.44. - • ••• ; , :i • ,4 BOTUO. SO,OR . deßu - ti "COINER OP . POST OFFICE •LLBV. - rompara* Weer data maga Au lhou eusseneed Lae emeelfecare oi Geodessaa's Fmt.i.bio Boos, of pdmaterial sad uortmeahlp tartallale aril (atom amputate" any Boat e•rf made letabanta for the Coca TUN luaus* Beau „ n u b....t0 to 12.3401.4314 Iheal4=- C.=4,61 s ulaisi dindoor.Elll:6, : " Gentleuras one 'equated wadi and exults' Sow. INBALta*VaIeaPAT IBBIII' - • Wsnizi Muumuu lienit42.—AV special nee* or tbe - abei4"( Ihnipi."l4ll' b. b.bi WeentlerrO•4ll,l ctb 4s ul °nub. J OHN nalOn• • • On On arming Oa it at, JIP Mtnisi.l4:ol:o-. BlIOVVP!'?* WOSAIVIA. „0/006, be* inu,' . . On Tninnt.,s MOM, If •WI II • Cit . Ondon DO:JOROnIb e RBot+nnlitn 11.1,11 Anti& --- rrniausa -• ' •.' - =Nisi:mil I,lllo.,ASalt l ' A i i rMe rradd . iVi ' tei ali e4 Ne 41 i 1M r = 444 ' , O Twee: i... Mr kdkMN 42 A UM Parsaesal leriads tm rt nsifsof he del Adas abodsM4ft, i‘ rpm ' : team sad h4fakso:j•W , WS OM Italcialati eimede*Alnsiallmenad Ascot! IC "4.1.P!".4h. of WRlr Yl» ~ • , • • PAM TlEEt*eonalletteig •r apple. Pecir,Pladi4 Pmek, Clarp, Arum, Mauls., Alase giffle, ,:• Iltrit no. Attsathiei, ester b!Meill4l4 : . =K v l ti rs, ..701 lelsid, % _gop e ldl " Weelibbf! 'Mims, barked Dm 11,TidIfTmot6. QlN salPdalsandieLkparlalllciWnidg Alk i lfte AM' ei nstrANlV . I rfNlPCra l teri: l,l Jaal• pr, Cedat,Adasneverd Melly"; Mims At4oelitea : Sod Tim u pude Ydw, Common Year, Amasses' liol• ! In CAM. %Vim r,..., Nonni !Prot ' ll .k waft Wear Po, flemb Plr, tleadoel Cyrus, • • • Qt: Oldehl 110 ME runs, 'Cr a Weed td Meet. maze Meekly flasea,llermam,944adere,Orsage, Cams. ad erd • - ' ISAIWY ROSF2-11mirds of one birdied Irtada: ' N.. 1. 8. Al 00 l ord.,. mu ba ate...pained will tha cash i 'Loam .try puted saddest aetersl/4 to arm • re 4w id "w e n' it er are "' A " : n t to c ial l ra l : tr• i l o " . °l ,ii s t ‘Cd i a/ 1 :41 1' 40 "- .Uunk Ln ottr a roe „. k . Ere rig Illerla ease* bo sammedfrsol or the mem.. ea ..a•f • cometiqr ...... se m of Pea. mil tem CI vs 30415 t. a great amber of Molt= t a l t; Ma fld matplacedg. °Mat atbe Shribba re flakellig terodaled by stiM ea robssoable tuns. .• - dawned ..;iit. ..W. MA . sit Mery le oar address ti: , • P.Q.,aeu rinabdrik, whin they will led . eam led , rldi kre Ja sae irdasso{4 Grom :id! Dealer. am the [MOOT el?* asdradalleld ; or at ow stud ea biatitst dm an: Market onset; Pomade mended In 2 . . Tao manic is gems( at • issited small aadroasime i •ea Uldadalreler ••• • WM A JAB 141:14DOL1C ia..., I 1. .1"k PllOllll., .4 3h...ratio:relit • I T H Lllba l pre P."" dto ft paalt Eat teed as sutealtroorwroW — nane tees awl sag finS ad If dwi ,as tea lowan mutat ries w welt lame topock boyeri theadvantage of packlas thla , =rember of Bap bakeadig to the pogo sill ally Inge, wsd of tha inset entity. awing to thelwatesas tom env In tel. I.llea, dna flop will to, very lap and fah, Sayers who letand•pales,nd le the west wadi 61. welite Gall at Ills pang heron lona elsrebenh • 1 .11l age pack coo C0110.11.10p fog Fame" or Drilmang iv wary of um vtsb w vstao m i n i we resew I will attesmodete oleos wolt srv-• Teen cede ta PllOOl Wes patted at .1, mathut .tear, as tie iteatar pante* of the Kegs will bolos urea and tat le ones soy ditMate, aaly St too Rue a vas ogee to OW anise. d dull be prepared to pact any quantity, and 'stagnated &area ID be to the • laid to dpe ewe. and oaks wrandawenla kg pledgee be oar new eke. Weevil:ow, • • •. JOILY 13 TAY 1411 lt,U,oerwro, amber 11, tarlw • • • lIAAMPTOII • MATH lb' NVTIOLEMALE JY.OOOIIS DZAL;.2B, Pir:l4 W saw, PRearrall, ARE nem raestrmi • nrf Urgb sad o:•tDtoir moot o( tkoas *dot PaltatiA Wm. - hada; p. ,booed oaths do pug 4 weeks, rod' *I Mt wtll bo apod at It Rut sotaLeSt Idyls. for rub or •floora 4 eda. ayorstoold eft tool • mama to any E.sa• 'on Ikons lit ilia &tuft 44 al* year. rid r.y.•tro to compare pru tan Eaar, ortil plot. call and ez•MLOO gal Woma v n": • 1.17 - not kiloraor or•ry widg, Beam' •rgso,gor Canie Oasouc, Rath" itcrold.lnto row? Dome.; Ealtuouag Frwo Prom, Draw Arel,Woment Viviano t2rcairie, t 4 saran,o, Caelebt Iniex, O•ollettl, Utah pre Lob I math and seed bRi to *is °Zoo.' - Mane bailees Lots al, Amebas. • ' rTlFtElobleseigorf *lSt a Onion of the °final I known es sha 'two/ Pleseirry 2 at elatielerrter, tbr We et Atte toe, se eloorntor tleL 16.1., at 1 *Week PAL: nose Lois. are vary blade:mei) eiatetta.Sb (medusa tbe best mon Atedoelb ow tosser sonatas-to. ruts and babas IA Leatt of a Wyatt . ..mating Ilte"geraMctleflatliVelnt .se feet The tale WM Witold en tbb •••••et, tsitere-- tutted onaulez weal, between 1.......J15ne and Olue innele of eale, ouvillthstelri th e Int ba “I lance Lanni! anneal p•/) seem waning...et dr, of ros • curd n• bond and maappr • ' ITO nitao /011111 D D/1174 t attlikrin) 91 wean in . OTIITSIII . III •31D.1C111 Ogina.llltt AT 'flit stAGLIt SAIA?C.N.• ; • " +lo.•pespeesar st Des Fa: • , assysestally IsfecaS las Romer / • s t• • Issisowisd lamas stet W as• =S t i t " ?Le= Vlsr " : !Mir arms as a"r. ICS cirrus •s..aloraykaaliaadvaid . tetTeilpi yee tiess • (rpillsorsnee um do Woman hinaillie,as Sided M. was dos liCluqe• Autism Mom • . estlitt ; DLAiil and IV French Doe Dein Csoszecteeei .1- De Haglien cirri =I Frame. Want •. , do; ; / PLC* : : . • •. rived Curl:eerie idalideterisierrailidnaV vitt be Una to order In Inc tetra 'lrks, Cr oen3 ANCIMIL 2CIAT , EI • LASKIATD—jesc received iris:lOm et Masi. Lem Mel's* wkiell ruder order in Ike • • cede . • ''. — ANCIDIZ• MAYER C . . L...lostisooiyorl small lot of black, bl tor OYMII blows. arab. IN.rett oat stied Beaver !Maki Oat Own sad Itattosollo Last%) abidt.ill bomb& Weider la tko *mut oly LA by ' oott3 v „.„•• • -- - RICTIED—A Cal txtrfo. wide. Bibb, Disins.lbelok Moroi, !.Venders; and Peens Ildtrel llnally • eetl3 • AlIClll3ll.lk tla avoid* rmILDOIIOO/14Jos revalvgislegeteultsbew , datsylirt Mass4l . be in aos.se order bl • ' ' 400 : . INCUR* INIMMIt 01 '4l' , •juk• • % aubtakvionadansprou TO.Virilualagayen t ianitall =6Ca+kammi = t hialainoli do, *l. l al Mfrs& bur K. • • ; • , eetla • • • W thr Mom ale Oveni.* _Ptc, .r.."4 .1 " 47 ; r'44 ! pes 4 % h air IgHT : :'iota .. flambeau ear tit a aultu ea camour bow Ossind Gu m. 6 ...ums fie,. . JA B WEAVEML, aka . .i r esr Goat t market Its UST WAWISD-13 satin isasslttass lad, my aa Mr. ye= 41,w1m ne briny gosa rteamseadadass. suee We teunt s statattea by apyinty U Uttner'S . Sam • : QBADMIII—A fink let or was/able WiidesSbades //:// Hound oaf for sale with or wiLboot Ilium* by. oeff F H HATO S9IiTS, ebla—A IN a Munry ell ! 11k4U pad n n Prunes reakl;fst lisle II • • • • ' • so TTEBRZLILAS—feIse hurl U 44114 144448114 V Crain Ascaiogyjad rya 4, for sais Az_ . • 444131 . 'HEATON I[lllllNTS—Rew' end ratelawae ',tyke of a. 4 Jr Morning Pews. of lee Urea. weesiteten; of Ass dens deiset reel el dry gads roue et • 1`.1e43 •W INUIPHY 1.7E444 laterreedfooijoolotogdlloo bio2Onienol Them at ludo or • soil 2 N.R MURPHY 6 - • -6 ' • • mutat% Lis chimp Or sale by '' J ODD /a. CO ' tietia ' I I escaped It hits . Snie Alla% Nam 's,ad Bow JJ LlosaudJeasver, la bZ • MD f,CO fillICK•11-41/01ti failliilhobajes reek, kr sale by . . %I" seaLl • ./ MODAL Co 110111111111W4kw 4 BnM I*mail lip! appal al Wry vollatanaa % Gi—aodas Zola Sin . ell.44ooola; Oral u tile wire *it • • .. , 11,0011 WEAVILIit TkIIPTI Dawn Prwc 4,, kr uk whets** eall kgarta‘tke w. 4 • 30 .1. JACOB WEL,E 'ibent • . ' . . emu mutat sad tmts.: *ATM.= boterst pale liresdr, ynf tr ,silewholaude sallosuilatibm6Wis• Sole. soli • t • jam %MOE& A salanam ashur bsolissor, al , pea he lagimpolthil • • seal. ..s• 3/11%111 weaves ' 0011=1,8 6. 01010110111•11kellaNNI b. W. Uudilitudoirr -* • • "1 1411•VWYD. Qr.O/1411-93 boss, grown Havana en Contip PCP meat Covaala OI ~ leNb Wvw~4w !M } J~.f PWYL. 1. .sll.4lllbirrela ami U folf Wish N . ion • - / a *nova .. Oa au', T.lO bunts No 1 6 .01_001Lt a i m i ze i, e • • •""'" tOZA—Thliat Oars iiwiwir*Wii!ilaii Web; last maim& sacipmactir • t•• •‘• oettt . • • • WICIX it. NeWiIfULNWs: ' DAMN Wresbitt mair sad be is/. by ..11.1b KO , ' • I . f - • WIC% PIigeANDLOSC "Ttlitr.."l,llo Anairt nutv I den • ,-- 177* r fficic• num ..vmosxqadrasswn,te nk •• vacs& mewm,. 1;;;;ZZM WIN 1 71'1,4.-4 cr a m/V i m mob* te nu IPILIWIALAI4-4 cowsCOM_ hoN4 , ! ; n, DawlsOl 76 IdE, 7 • . BuiWag ajda - 4 - I.4ecirerriii City, at stadia*. ~ ~, . ON AMU d • r - cLfw , 1N , ... , 4 0. NA i•V. , *l ' ll MAT t e . tbe remit." will be Agel.7ll very lundonthaty 'ord. ion of, agtoking•Wl ... k. lj 4 9 firar d ILlstpatnet als Inv Jo ay la es . . '''A plan et grOl&Ovirsy tr,sess el *0 Nem 00 ea • I Isani666l•4l•s-ONlayriplOf &chum, a Titto todapambl. • 111:046,!14440• tn , * I " miss! '"" 2" . 'it• . ca• . • :40N16 Drailll6,WM .. , . • Oa Musky wallas Jo IW min at IL *WV,' et tba Caymani.l Pales gnaw coder &Tan ItneWsadt • &nem be sold m extenstsa lantemMt tarANNO and Pacasatte pcy An • - = ,p2:17... 0(i Ova Sipe •enscrp sacs m. • NM; Ask Mad, Dewy I Oats d.3 Oraatypasattulak dame. Lana old myna • pals. Elta ma lac& IRO We , whisk coat Most 6110 A one etti,ara sate sank cover, a., •NM amertamans Clam sad ocremarana,&,,, cones, &unary., Weals, banns.... trntottunf Ps - Psc cord. Le. Pt& and Weelakll2l3 Samna. la • &HA raripsydrpat tea. - las aomakaapaS• Itt"b .o 3 "`" •ImkntitibteMas, Aunt &cam, ibb;,.;tancss, kttabes taraltare, • • A kYkiss'assamml dmiu aaa table SZ4 packet marry, &Ala laarret/ad at rota alsenot mansn geld anPallast, AMOK% in i = &war, p. Pr.& aryls Abu PUS PIM mama, was•l7 1 .•?. Walk, Wee( trOistilik lactifiort • Fa. .0N'4766 , .. a ekkaalo: }YAka . - Coasserstal Vi a( W..d sad 711 i 4 / 4 •411 be-N*lo,o.o l ml ba 1,4 pnimdw Piano aussi gi l Ines" Macke me Wad/ MiAltakllgillkoinci sn4 weeding bask Oh Onconkpatte i asaanaag teat at sayable half raattypir arldek inewaas: atm &soca as/ wels l 2ol l bAta ri Virek wandans, mama Acrint IJAust. immt • :/ip -Sonars-NlOO IsWr , 'Alaseta st ore mul &man arida :.1 - '..?4 013 0 4)CDAVISOLW - ' ' . -- , 1 uk, 184; ' : l '. Pe.lll Aiiir . l) rip 1 1 , 6 . 11 •• : 1 :.** .-- • ' '' ne. ' . 44, • .- - ....- - ,il i.Diuss. C f p as by lila ANNA XIII Abet imbillkaMiesily AplalersigUllphill r t 1 illli" 41 4 0 -!.,j lfirV W F,.., 6" • IgilliaTigi;: 4 u e , ..1 , Iteil,WlE z , a n 'i l t , ' • wnS tbiWte . laiii" VDszovut. runt ••••,' m • 9 ° • Kra. Faak•La /"Ir"' , Fluoit . 4 ; 4/ 6 . 1:4 P 1 F . 1, - 6,i: w ill ijsCa4ll.• t 0 , 0 „," na sit sai ea • Tint Dim 900*;: AETAnx•-4 1 .• • . MAS 224 40 • .markst, betwem . arid P , IMATE yeti - coal mealve4 rmult.ortakeassZt Japart=7=Vel mph mir, IP•saltl IPaIPC--lej ItiiCelyarielhAPG,oll, • flub prm.4 Culamerea Labia; aad De t I ChanarabierNoinit • • Fund black nod nada cord Do Wu* •' Fund!. alennoo,aunned eolux . Aunts Lunen nod Pr eirS arid &Wand Olnpolan • Wenn; and fam Diet (iondoWy; • • ' '" 111 ch b tut Mesa end Mantilla I Leh colt Dren Sao la =fun oatifdl • ali/LWLS—New Para dengue of aur tad .I=.• Outman allawto. Dolma ..d am pr led. Tultiab nod Caanosso.haary ritt Catch latallead soda cord Tblbet %coma .4 bak. Flipp% ‘. 41 . Ma' oy otur nburin KOWLEIIIOI2IN6 GOODlS—Wlary.l3Olirld ad Dam Mukou,nsfy koau; oaN.Stnin. ore Ungar= ;lima Pau Lnua Tabla t, &WWI.; lima Nut dui Pin. , ems Lima* aPid.r. TAI• Du.P.43101e. 11 . 114,1 5 , ,, avunu oesteund also, Sarum. um. COITLIN 000335-11 gown rd Winded frt. - air bourn Ono& from to 3 D.& 'aid. 11 2. 13 . 3 tannage and 10a Cloak= coma an/ wouida VMra al nusy mins bad oaf ang ,, naboiffaaa3. ll3,332 . 3 Hanary %bus. U. tn. • •f f , TOILOZO Tlllll6llNcin—DU aeries, Wailed do OAW, nol4.CooOnes: Banana of nun ,4romptios, A lllodurs; Thud., Dealall Lai Cm!". fad' rAn. Da' WOOLEN 00008-1341iUFreocb,asi koalas Clodpq Weal dud Mack rod luny Caonanuu Edlua Confute aad Woof. Vnaaur. a wary WT. monk of CsaloaaWl4 ilea•T E . 4ollVlwll4' Wants; Yerorynl..to urrkaa: ,Ilavun • Dow fs Nwa Tin on will to conluany • uof tows the nflrof3.. Odd NOM . 353 3 !.3 331 4 , # ara.c.a title Lour adoln." i " Id mt. dou !took an eilesoriiiii.dsur.gra b‘. 14 . 3 cutaus• useL. Wloolaidallarualtp PRINTS.; OEiOAR ST., NEW YORK. . . •:•••••••IM:ok - BREWSTER 2 ; • &tubWaal a ware oast aa We Tear lbl6 ir br lirrgre PareltrCitta EXCLVIIIVELY4 4 117 " 2 "" m , 4 1 u . , THE 'WORLD ' 11-!l.' Theen row cloaca{ Serena conapnang arm , sow inyla of Irannigaaand Sioneeie tr=raw er. wreck us eot. re be imai 1103. , witinb 1. 4 i o.ra PUTIAIe4 I IIdI-Int annul for gale Us , Cady and 3000 en , 43kal • - PRICES SIEDIWND - - - PROM " • ONE: 1 1 0`,FP7E' CENW:i per ,are balm! I. prina 33(.40;l1 erell fi gre eirr Veri l erea Csg el% s hme ia..... wa• 1113111 '. Jan.*, : jigs.Linoserm. • . Jabso.Wick • : ,L. Nkomo, L.IPPENCOTT4 CO.; Mf'"lf u l. ' .l4lL ",m l " 2. ".Lritat." lOU 4O.Cirglar Gad Goa toil; Hoy 14nat Forks, Hoes. dowels. ?mks, Om. _ Howl; oosipktod .0 Ilithr Lk strocuon or tor wal,ioau, sat Lk Kt do boot or He= soosi oolobraud es of Ho Eon, smarm soaashasruHr out *if. ksep too. Esoty on bead and He solo all Ur. above Woke, kee l= &stied deeasoises of Ito isprerselants, old are deterainsd that is orortsio.Hp god material they la ism So vistaed, - net pan** mdfae woo«, otos!, If nissopodoe.isSol CO. Solmot irt Ems rpoi mos tho weal" of as an 'amnia:Wm 04 bet: root babes parclittlair angers. so Iloy ye oossisopl tiAl At< orlll SO &HSI* an SU • • • r. ol• fV • nitlclPs.m. Sol t IlooaseaLires 4 u e elprshoseran Wats daltSW Issebbto 71 rue,F4uovirs; Pa g• , uaS&c Lcdkit ItHAMM DNA will mails pt a - dm • Patowo awl H.. 4 w PA W bliqszabi Ip pprr end harsorwl tower Mims* ait 'Amu of war bow. .Wat obesaAPiala a'atcr PP , or lowa. ar .H 0 "thaw rial:Zr.li 11C4.01 "pad (pilaf Nat J} ei Jar aro We-Pim re. • per. to wary abet rag, 00; aad ha maior natal* ward 'prima an parkrabir bra frawmai WT dourabalipaaa www Ow", ea. Mare sai M Warm awe io pit da /demi Ward w erg an , annikatia wit la Was Wrir rbututtpar Ina:: Mr H. bp 1161/.ll3&*.mipees i parr • expelieriawswarlwautar tipabap mad pipe Own la window. Pa lawrarra • Waalabw• •wratrtaa sairrnal pathetical or Wow war rani IP* rriadavia writ tub Too apputpLeb. war palaalatt la pot.:. refloat 'violins tar qtararbi win wasortablir Witt 'oa bb WNW* itabi alum Pow Ogee. willaulat tappwaili POW Omar Wilkdhab , at.labt.' Wawa= salotitadla 'Mad ba wale , r ythi e w. lark ariirar tied—rwata Iran .awed}-14 PAP' 1 !144!". 4 7•KIIIISela l iMr taaisitka.o OW*Stbldaoktiro by Pa WWl' Wider • • %PA -• • . : Wind A ticiari Wilk *NM . roitmakty Lama ri Ate( eweault!Wll,l4 vane cot tloy 1 MI saw pftwed wfilnikal Uleall It,g SW! , hubs pant stylai. bow for easi., sseluis— • ' I • EN., W 4 411 Tt• 9vV. HAM '4 4 004 mw sad Yds ' _ de \ • ark,Wasalmraassilitsai doh, • .*„. • Oirtmete , • . . 4i i • 1311'1'1 Dam . übd V 1 4 3 4 . C44 0 EU* 0441474**1424.0.4, 40 . .• • - . Sui nt, Mt, auk. cte, aad emimarit Nos; ta: 11 :4 7 , =4. yrs. .14 Air . 10141 vitrylow Lay by_ _ • 1 4 1C100.6 Napa • /1 4 . 70 ll!O St. ova • ...1WW:412e514... • -• • • ars • kid, Or** RAC bikylaris m • oms; atm* la of am Claa pattern imSs aitrieditorated bakclP.lnelesaTioroiCe ■ogres wing 4 ; C JrramesUCACA kat Cr Feb' isms ear Eigit d.1 . .....A rn, KVant bee CL. 1 . 8, 0= West saassfacuitsa Clock. Dielen labiallD pseO &ash. 0164% === rolkitillliacniPt, lea; r r: r d l o t ixZ le ti s r t . a ' WvrOil lir.ll.rgnre:.m... 7 New Y ..'' e id..io.. emg Bii It I N I MIL. b rnw NZ ' Imam, : • .".' , • I do : itc.ll . 0 Pilrat: =1. 7 . '' . . It.' Te4ll;r!'cY.,,;; .. 6 ): 'do' - .Nlechat ft . :NeWoelorill,' "t' 'do : ' ostlitt • - eimito • . . • ig ,„ itir , das yirsocada ar..aci alma 'lnds 10101.111111.% 111441%,. .• sous xa 11-Z i , er.•lll .. - " e!till!" =ATER 4 - IX/• ' • • -1 41 - • Reit-mom v. as .1191.414116414111"FOINIZIM a, Not[ vnarw. erfluat' bait A v . .:4411. a ; r01 :. rat i ai li tai lli tor MIDI Nit tont oil feiriwa., gloWliLltailo. Pba _ . . lALIMOILI,tviii " - Vgasldle orgriP ibtradla ag. - ), . amm u oi SINIFIra.-Arod o EDWELL.iiin jM ldi a, latiejaVriall;lo:l4l6Viterlhatrao p r at • - . ' veal at bar. foini VISCHANOS, es War York :I i t ilideesee es eget,* seas le seitplememovele, acutlyiesais by • _....nuLacuaav •esill woe seeefirdn• .! ilitito b tie 1 • 4.. sawmmib l ton‘ .o4 . oll Ttilo%ll4 MANl—Milbalibinisilbeidilbj • • i-ht tab LA • .—sui les earra s hr ai t Pr 71:>•.!n 4 ••• : ..f No, w001:y. 7 4W. lupe/ luirmar gebl i P Itit'frttlktitarr i er • "'I "••• • • nearremigi' _ , aut .. AUS 7 I, w 11 bat emu. Mit IWO ff,..111111111. Vrlss "1.01. ALmeson OW: 7ik'Zt.M.) rri rACKET: UNE , own paver s• Dawes tie wslieW Was, 110• n wes ooo ."' . "'" c " . 11madwitreav kago bow pren , kd *NW inarailbla 1.• 7.turs alk• cooliel • alai= of Tbe a t t o pa=7. 7 r uer ; 4 . 1 asir ri s.v.r 6 * Um prow. saienvout b. P./ 1 . 11:4111411. 3.10111311 L • 114 . 11102tonoAtutLA.Q0LbiamWlutrn As* asnota te.v.ig wbe P i es ci •7.IO II =M D S w • : . I 1 11111W414, NO. 10. pi T. I. lmmo even Stodgy asn attO eklaki ‘retn. , nealm.lsllllo • 4 '__4611 - I . C6DAlrtkellprr. IMOLA ErD iv tiO. Ospt. Ann , 41.1"4 =tig= n y Waltrarineal t a p P. A.v.441 , -.• Tx ripavxx.T. - ' ••• glai wiltai ces• ir.x. au wit kik.. ritio. ,VlO TI. 'WWI el /Oesieekl While/WI Ages' anadaCei 4• p... . • • . ~- , r'''Af' '•••• MMIX PAOKIIIT. • . ..riti CLIVE% Ca.Cmisorill Tian, Me lima , reel nifty mints; at - ItikiselOV MON' liwur Ividasewlolo l3ll P4i2 •.:'•' :. ' 5 *:• : I sasvmamr.PALoszer: , • - .70019.0910000eMKI*0. 4 0• 11 ; Seine 1.011 WO a • t 47 Vriqtais 900 . 6 ".0 5 1 "..1 42 g . " ':* • * 0011rDAY 1,4011.1115. • • • ' ' -110 — 11i1410 NEWTON.X9O. -9/..96.4, - jhu 100 P00•70=0090 0 , 0110 0 ~ Vick • 0 0, 190. •• •.. laranca.4.4Ccurra.-m - sw - Aussormorn 1 . 46 1 iar.17,. . , 1 . 7 " '' .. . 7 ‘r.. - :. '. cau - n cam.. ' • ' -.. inn kr ileavir.4slhtod r i eilt:4=, .4•lgnUmi NS'ea/May. Obi Au *Amu gam illii MI ClPillirett aiii 'brill inv ismilto te*. ApiiklA Ai i.4 1 e.E.: - , ••• .• , ....., „, , _ : !h . a W ,u , aluiatralf, Ain. t! 61.6 fa, Drams, al=tit 'dwelt* aa Itamakl,W teaor meek meek, at delsek.* IS. Istatufsi Tssday, newer, mat Pataatty.'.hba 4a a bast at SS landmi brises• Nara poet gad tka badge 1tiPtttr,,r,7 6 ,4 1 5 01 . 1 7/ do. la. umme. .::;•.:1174:14,09 1 14 11 W• 0 4LL1L•Nri• • • ef;'..oll/ote.,-ita raft . ' 4 114,7, imams; sill leave as &Um sag • Twastay moroitt, late *Wart. ' • as bort. octal 'TV! 11131.1M+1-1911LT PACIZT • liihUaTaa muter, ari/1 isms intiabates, draw, (dadays caromed) at socsinek.,aal leaves W 016,1114 evealn at 4 o'aisak.. • • • ate • IT 01 Ward. WAS 1 , 15-ILEAULARTACKEr, •• .• &MOW LINZ • .• 4/Bkermaster,will leave as .be sir delve! F, !‘sigliver • " - REGULAR LOUISVILLE EACTi • • • The tervOrgikt ii la ae s aw ad bat ma goal= p w k. ums i ve=r ' ll ' 4 = F40.P 1144r Pir • ti.:. 4 Meg • . ' ens . FOX CINCIUMATI—XXOULAX //CUM ',bruit , ul Hut &tuftsum 'mat..',• ',. LOYAL BANNS, . . * IT Jul, auto; Intl lute Ex igen mod folemedioso porn oollandoroiol 7,3; i•st at le iftleek.• is. • . • • .Fa trolittli of pomp, Itationt ooporiet oeosoOr6O. 6..., epply . .; Nr.oroN JONE 4 • oad . /I o susubtla Roue • volt wrieturia. • • The DM mediae otemet : lo..;,simer, Us . masked Mt le d e arcrip.aod snil tune riushava sombove•vcry Tinmdal and WA -4.V.42.,6131147*-.P!.ft'4"'"Dilirtilegr ZuIIFIRORT 2212ABETR AND datONlMllid, itelase. muter, oil' no umber! r • int F4•/W.llk Crialidondly,Wed sad I. ruby, mil Weloct..6. tad tiloacdopf , bets aver!?sex's), ?Duds" amnia,. st sidsak. A.,IL For &alpha assume'. apiqy OIWA. • • ' 'l l / 4 1/ba• Asa liona • . . exisvusi.,th.k.serstlY 1/111 OM port dadiur ibe sam on bee int Am. • n DT4/501 WAIT sagas, zain , • MID • Xashis=t i r Purges) T.ttler, the racket& of Ms 111.`,01Ihtit,''''' Wows, ectto night et 9 defeat . . . rl.l,ll".""7,Tthby, Monday, Oct IL • de Obi& Ow& 'fleshy, Oct ladoneJelkey Weleeeday. Oct 11' 'l9l • Ladelasejlee6et& Theaclay, Oct It . ie ltesne e k r i: Tram Oct Olue, ,IShuodar.llolll. -do !Wien. .8%•61. 0017. usmirs.Tliopormi, laoal, °cite. rt 1199 : 1 7',1 9 Y. Meaty, Oct 19. Y Otte, Cot& wed:sada,. Oct ett• Y Jadiaa&DerkT, Iletrdtatt. Oct 'Y Lamle um, Theetthen., frets/ Aka tL. Y !tome_ 'II, brooch), Oct 91 ' de' Ohke, Orate, Blender. Oft 94. • If yea denim thaw Ulmeltes end eedhrteb — le &wow erclatess, woos. Too bele& et the Pecto Dike, linespiele Haw, WM. 01.1. . ore . D I.IICCII & 010enel Ruin ••. Guam & cog IE6 . . .kinglll.4lllllllol NTS iiiidalen 14 fwd. E.l, Mie s Olustbarlbas . firum ranalsbr balms. Patobsibblad the Dab mambas bi Bake mote wbb Adams bed Chummy's Elm.. day, far all ilk plinclog Zoom ett... rve.irsier Rif all abeb L rabeiniland itorwardal duly to Broweboille pey stem art LOaif bleLsbe ud Cbatal abd toes.* by *Yr Bi resrmergem which ....learlecb, to Cube:Aml sod *mu* by mil cram by nal tamer,. • • ..• •• Poe bailyrr psnleabus cabbie at .1!4 watlM steles 4. . V1 . 03141 Y.; AO!" ' "ZIOLU111111•6•TWO DAY 1.111110. - • t • .N A LWE2II'3I3Itow msvira,s 4 rD • cumin -100 rcsOomes sad Poeta* b0ev0e17.114.V.2 1 . Motkardrot em Skit Of aelvorod Ik Wnigla of tioo Mita Oaf Como Ckolkoe=u7 thJs Ott Now crookLelome Man it retooit at °co!. gook tto Elam Clors. Sko Arcot Lit ekkkkmon. mai OS rteolpt -://e6,I2.4ASIMis 2 a C IaIfWEILL;II . KeILIMWU WA DIVA • • I A ADIABOA. ttea Litt' and " ' •• sot Prika Y. 8.11 emMore • /or solo o bike Woomiiifew York ai= of 111 A—from er tO arair,o , , .11.1 As YAM= mai WOW= Yollidkrer.o Lk. you's MO . POMO MO a.t.i.t awry, • • • Ttoosesual Emots riot of tho Oitillaffalfor .8 , 11 frootori. • Ono aod Wess ls [ O.Of - Am io their oflroosAige of4olo clerit fro Ur aa or borol Lo Ent] tit= nom lit n loorY7A rice. A Ca.. Garrsessamzes rgrarr wuurroNENELL3 ittr inaditt Wurst sa4 Comet say bola of liralp moot itt r riss R flassitmi..st.sY b. 1.000,4 tplowit,atitk utbd, - *, boo pow, tialtyrtU 4111 Lis .weekvtik gintrapidliy porbialo , iory Oa pat • peed to Waist ll' eloolatoy paw. It le a pair MW a .1.1.. 4 Inn ef.aptol is d* mai. of tryttryarim Irtimagn, sad sAanstedlr limPettited 82•1.1111t1 erne *Prod •tis gottuliK • Ilus miaow embolism ks 440..A. 1 . 1 1; 1111 Y11: •11424 sad Ly le of canal al ua .; • - • ArIIFICIIVISUAIt "IrnEllitmarriber mil las br a ars YeAn.troib. 'll Cr bit Apn.l bor. do Lam of Onnisol,lmp.uwsiA Anse 01ioid.,BA4 HO fon genie DOMlNll,a)lnibuir rhal•IP . 111004+ 1 :0 • -..*".111/111RA9I 1.1111111116111L11-111104—n• sol•Cof 00141. • 'T Dual nisi 41 . Caw" ak u. Nee or etw "CVZrYi • owl • wool below 01......1Lt.k,_ .Ml ‘6 l - 10- 11- racki raillidiniire nwdrr IllweemLialr ails • ' • = .; - : as i.w,b l " , "Mosa m tluirAbr" 4,. • . c L o g= s isamiliam . ,!ik_t:ric:,ft4tt.:E67?K•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers