• „.., . . „ •.• -•• . . 7,, •„,. • • ,1.. • „ ' , , • • t. ' • , . • -••• •• • " ; .• • • ~• 4 - • . . • • . - • t.' , . 4. 1 :1 - • - (4. .! 5 " _ , MOMIBIO ,OCTO , • VOL XV-"-NO • 7 -- ..m,~ ft.swoo - 41101111 11 1. 411, C* , -rmilafteMagligosdar• nri=t u i g irt +mot. wor.vagati, • • m0i3.211014 . • mwmpica gaga ak. ; or. CiaLl um% Ltr i innii?"______-..-etlia'sidiires:".lll.lW. • .RA.CyLWrii • .74 0 .. • • 11111T1L.11111011 1 . 27 001 .4.1 1Inile m r. aro ard 4M6ll.rrehreod.oakn, Ili. St le. , Isson . L taw* a.. TlLLlrlevida, ma ~..oo~bdwaYacroa._oo. aril • _ ME . , . • .. . • ." . • • - _ %Die trAw &is • oprr.7&anas at Lim. 171- Mat . reererr a firm Aron 01 . 114 - isreerib.a.Bakewatr• OY lisso. • -,•-• • .• • p •• , .1. I 11.1. l A.," aria at•L‘ma, Immo remanal Maus afoot Yarn Na* • La. of Ywa &met. sem«. 001774 1 0. 7049 1 ‘1 1 - VILAC%Do• RIMY s Wbsimals Caws, emithemaawan Wareham...Pi ValliaGlairra Cououltama, tia.l4 Wiuctaadl!le mahatma as : . 'eke.. 11:73".,".• • • 7 ,!;•••‘• , 4 4 •:k .. .;; ;; AN• r••••• mpiti4e • • r's. 4: 1 i: 4.1'... 0 Cfti , ":"MeNN• V. l ~...4.11•Atr41.,•::` ..!,..4 1 - :)qt4.43* . t ~. 44:1*:1,:1!:,: •"!;* . ,411?0•201.v4iktf.f., i... '-t4.40411 It.' 4 1 •:;..S.i!!!!-40..!.:*: 4:1 1 1 ~. 4,r .,:h t (. .. , ...... 4 1".-...v,.:•,.4 . „ . . . 4 . ...„.... - '...... 1 V . . ~ • .•••••4e:.1:11;:i4 ) :1 .. 1 10::: i .!•i E i ;;Zetti. .•-t:'..,i;,::::1.,. ' eMliltill:4U-..^4.4';: ~....:;::!.."+'•0t.1,,... 4 5.4 ; . 11 , .,.... 01 4 7 cl.'}''ssli•- 1 - ,:t ?.:ai„;.•,;.,t!{i,,,." ' I. -, L,,,'•• is 3 ..,.. t ~, 4 ..,::::vii:; , :;,.;—.No ~....,._.t.1,.4.:r..., 0 - _ ;:y „.. „. ..t..,..,„,:w._.v..... , 3k ie.xl , N: :,:,:t..ki ..., -... N..4, 1 4;,,i *:l f C . v ‘....*4.;. :4 •.5t z , N t t:Oskt. :l •lii 1 .•.1 ,, , , :itN1y , . , .. , •••74. • :', '.‘ , i. ,4: ' ;"N •Y1 141 •••:' ..,ATA., ~.... :?:•/.... - x,-....v. 1 / 4 :•!4 " • t'-'74 ; 7 - 1:!•,1•?$ Yr ii, ' ''e.. , l ,i1k..;....,....1-...4. .. ~ lz 6e. , -, ...-z 4 V l ' 1 1 . 1 ..1P T,... - ]: . '•• i; .. jAst.Acyr.daitautiNwer; araassceoi.; _ • ret ilia navois 131. 0 =gl i • assfratiaalek . enioe demi 410,10! 1 , 7 i, • • 7 7' 4 .1 • .•.'.•; f • .. • •.* . - • :.••••::•;•-• 7 • • , ' - .i': . J. MBE MIME • “" i81171.14 • ;angora- musl. u, um&N & a«. IT,ll74r4l.logx+P"--LaaPritit,il :4:04e •""' • .. ` _ , _: =ll II PRICY ! t ~BiI8INB88"~ CAft~ :; ;; . 1... sna.asoo -Lomax .aisiiisitaatam lava 411 sues t. Ora , --- - 'W.. Colman. :him F.:Tawillis; hia. Illr.. I CIOLZMM lI E nammuli * Co: N./ a ouTivi iipftp sal IslakfiliAL WI *MI, sad dleakmale.Onek ZAinisiP 0 Awn Intolamomasimiiimi•vo 81. Os/, ia. : vfitutsg,m Vep Wards* - . - : Ahdiellll6oll* ) I•Wignere 1.• IL 3.11 elal6 roe t el uie . .., . ... . • ' • -Wlri. °maim' INIDINIIIMMINit*Miti , g 11221 snon. Wad MI Libettir , pii._-___.,.;.°—' -. 1 LI4 'c rake'," Imemm vtAtaka voLleau awaits kirowyylsorepis==la laGlit ChaklbMwi WSW , lime. Do* - Itaflaw!WinaLZ. . D 01111•OP a innelaw. • Anp a rai t i v a -447." Frt:t i tlls tagitedi_4llllWalligg i, maiao Alhey, 4 p...wrire. , . • • • • - w.• ',rise. • • • , • • • swat awasw. , Vat ALT. • 4 'MI ' MS , maims. ow. xener4 !team Wptabtlee Lid uminallo atm; mom of [Amy a# FILM w 1 411: ist.l7 Int. im. reactsa . • __. , ' WM L IMO% musaLlan 41.111FXiNfie Uple oira ,E 4. mow .... Co,) Wkd•sal• theca% . f= ll : ll fumrti li• 37,Wseir p WPM • ran.. it i Vita ..4. *al Mod- toittill vomavisu at; oar clodu4 o k, sp_a - 14 Merekints. No; JO Wow Pit • an FLAMM. simix,!=ara Vll.lttigs=l=isc.""."l.r.a4,—sYsie MATOI. Daala is Wove.. kieg.7. aid Al L:•fumy ar43llpleTnamplap, CI nastst gibed, - IC.sozzaz. wAssuuz Mars: , • (Inman notioair Go; makself. oa IS an yd Coesecusaaa Mercian% VA Wakitleet GIIICO. A: SWUM V!!"Solosoli Omem omfOom• Miasma Notchaos; sod Deitet r llodam and 21u bush KmMaim& N. LS Wooden lissllMmo ICO. Ws SKIM 1. Our , DlPlMPelf= it t-millisaluesialieryPitsausk aaa nisa issisNrussmi "Wampum . _ =a -commas, • 1.- 14.1ek11114 NI6 W lar BMW . , VirrX/DS, •JLL Wm . ' All enlenp.8100”21,•4 4,001107 sarrtkistiosiCeaL • . - Z , llllod . AT!. ftwoipsw, inbugh 5ie5,c472.21101 Piuecd —64 11:617WIIM (...ceteme. to HILLIERworr.u64 =anew - area of Wlt ; Papa osifiworal ?moor Warobosse, NOV Wool; ~'~ trierruturni.p.ONWJET IMO trAa Wpt.arl 011ars sm. PI XIALIRIIOIII3I6 :Wan= 2101:1114,116 TlAZAU'inallanr kCe. Whilerift thaw OsiiiiftisslarseleasSlelOrdeirili 7lo6lllool 1.-p.m. , 4 ,T0911 0f n ,11 , leNtoaSs . ;irissYnAs'Dys 1 . 1.. u, Oils; • Kogliost Mnal, was aaat SeadielDtsaMl4liry# J. ..`"189" . Da• I 1%4 C++.--.-• . 1011PULLidelebal. sal Road MI of a Is Its.Se sal Natal %aroma, Ileassa . ?Kw. Siti“, 6lo . l Ifti.Wsumne Cants. istleoeri guassley, 'XIA.Ii W•I4.M. riiMbUil , . ._COr:RIII■IMILIN 411 11 , lows scinv.d. --1 .0 wartlai a ndOisaWdes oxbow DoMmi tiMal ase..a 1141 4 :".""1 L.:Liberty *estiblilumau, Pa. erd !==Lq PnGl _ 101ISPIt JOAD/1,11.1k110306011fi15, si -.ll4b.l.2dVerdwd, No* c LATrff,At Wir aL ers Utz= as& • P W t also axical paw* op \ ei bl.les • • • ad's L y r s• s.ose. e• Ma Wave Um litismillhas nabs*, : irie; rial!eiab a, 4c * s".'-.41 • .4) • TON 46. STOCIILV OMie eatiodis 1..1114/ID'S.,Sirdc Brom, 41, soy Marta stioasCiThadVn c W"`y wAiLoilusVlon.rw ham:dart.= 6 .1= 1 , 4) 11 0 =h1i.4 743i5 - i 'gado ram Fog- - 11W1111 01111115 k Wiiskabe fiairkWasstis ia rob z1 , 1 . / e -my • _.. Ls R. surirDMIBLO, Comm No. Ito Wm, mom 7 .•v• - : pos__mila•cto. No M Woo V1=1 , 1.1 - 0 ..-06maigum -e"uk . rl Uitaihow, Ow km SUM= . rairrrst. az L glit=l.4 via.. will nate. wood imem.lLL • • - I :717.r0untriii.........= : Alin e - , s t a. „...i..»0»..r. t - 10--=-- = lini Zi OW it: • JuaIICILT a inum. , -,5 Faxamaiaa cx.P 4Ol " Mx0 61 5, , Leystaeam4razsaltaik,loBlo4:l4l.e.fr, 13111 01011 1 •• Mei i htp=r:E=.• mew ; 21. MVO XxxXXls Agin I • X Alka. - AUL: stEmpL l .,„ W ILL" ,viaarrbriesuoMTlMlß i • miaow ' • IMES Ricionso 0, 0 aliffleatimpamia. Madams, - ' - - a0k..0 . 6 -- Jac indeed* CreeeeflN salt Nmsgac....se • dos • n wool . " r un.. wows 6.4l lAUi e"w"lr of . 14. 11. 10.44"1 r *la Nt i lisioi est SP. 6 ._,__L-1* CO Oim modu• P 00.4 Aar • . A ot•GAZ ims • • aid crermaise , mow rinshogib 0 4113 OW. • :H IM .411.001411. mis r cA79,7 gomr sox #:,,J,=trir" 1461 * SUIIILAULD T../.=AIM.; Frite wen, NM OIST. Owl.- ,- i .4sl' . . tlittiroomiom 1 1.--- - -0; z• Ae l.."".dn"ld ee "" % ,M v=gl'. LARS =EMI BUSiNtSS:CAUS. RO T D V 044 Whoiesagthr, 'en=llistamillingw=cules, febsll 10 IL, wiruis; Atioeney taitit;Gratirto. ll s°""9"'sm T.ar u t yli 4 iE V l A uer l e*l=: 4= rilateMM•ll44PUlYAnde allaWl l6 • • ; •_ll7l . 4.&!Wrof_t . ma21=441.1. QW.141.T.PM4.. - • - .1 1 / a a. • i ea U* Mra Talk slats wake. PeraialarlOWlO p/Merida ef Liam. la-taahlPhla 01 F a• Comm Raga.' driarreof Peas wwil [Ms's& r' Win 1t.0162=D k.Crs; Ord& sad Seeds; al.. Baatota a ri "l :ft s r .ants Dowsk.a. orinaesbius. Wlholenaii Gesees,! A Drier, la; Prod.* etusbaltir • '• madam • L., • • . onacaurtie..43 l oll74.' twins flindea sad sCiremititio.piy - (itids. No n. Wesesenes,ragiogli.t - r rrr r • • . kelrif 07elr'sgrilai*V 11 40. r u. 1. eti la Pligitall helmet gerrevally aid roman!. Nficbmilar .Ne.l3•Wial lawn; EMIZOtA .0t ia.Oneers Annan al* __OommOlik ein Maim br=ehneiliOniri mia l sop gi dam ban pilot 14•34a""riallgi. &icommThElioarat i werinta omit. 41e• UNWat, Dealer; an la, • . set arll-P Ito •bitibaisasheffed amiss, Mad Baas, 7tky/4 - • • • JAW" is Chmed a, Flow g . w sz a , Pnatrusa,ll4 Nary Lupleina r ge . .~r ~. .. ~ 110:5 6 r=r i e i r :64, t40 . A , jar= efliroad tot Tosratlcrecto • • • Vemild .13 F e= Fr P. 1,4:144 ruotk ts 2 itib7=6.4=ll6oroar•obs=== MOIMIN ptn e .ro 36.40. 1,4.104, Plalta.Giss• aid .anter. Vir a 14. • IIITIWELTIUCZOVImpboaIa ard:4l%. Dlut=tra:LadeliZstel /0011 IFIC IL. • " WICE i AreijinittalglAttteao“.,_ 14 v Wick,) Wholasi4 GOM R M FOSPIllqg sad •Malvs has. N411.W... arms Yana sad Pixotoquit Massikireaseipawl. ersorst MIN awl Wangs, Plinbingi • 11.1111111.131` Irmo. W IaINPO to esti ad .VT, - . - exosoleat his moat it ?tomtit 'readied Cothus, air so low oh VS etas: - • • • • otella - , WT7IIOOIIC - Ai '.llOlJr. - 10ffigralt : 1 1 0 10610'16 Ds* as m klaXhisisogikuorAkii. #rx. CS Va. Liberty saet mirt. , !u6 noel • • , gig ijurruAlui. & DILWOITI4 Widokraie V Graters, Prdruc sadlkireurim Meselliats. w • g. arrouszaluan. whaimi. ay. gu= ria. lLKSZ=s, at: an ac t = UHLI IL 1101111.1311105, *roomy Law,.lal Ms Asa Mil. Esclange *Ca! "np."ext talc SO Alas= Sfitas: - . • rt • 1,%-tl7l. W . L rk. 211111.91TORTIIN (131• 6 / 1 1138rat Wtsiesaa Hearers, a soar. Waged at 11. I= abareaaryafer fords alma, amen. maa(Osseene Idasafrastaa, u kaa ea 6 em 3 1U , •:.11V.11111IIJIIOL•Deala u WnNKJ•.•trf ~ . lens Wen, /Aaiun N. 1, Nu" kas MOM fiarA iorr s.limArliT, mud 4 , 11. IT r a mieal ftmele Dry o=46oflkelal osit lbank 2, ' aig."l_eon WIL “ . g ratrEllt. it ni rm_ mg 4pt:1:41 UNA Imes, 'NM amet: err= vrryl7 slwo i E b F e : "eq a %I'd= 1=111=‘!" . , .14101 P Moser. Vipliall i"W UMW it 6 4 , anstotie eml Per Iheaml. emu Wood urea; WX: IPDARLIITIM AteM2 ,, 40. 1)" ==ri r i ib• Wi t g arr ."1*.'44 :1 IbbgluTrAbergarills*.) ' . *ll4l' r:t i esa . i e Lwvi,loclog==. etr w rl,Measedkowid . . Mae Us &Smola, 0100.. DI, ..11•ba Renee, r". • ant, Lkobay &M. • • loho Wrgekt, rag, • I.aes MeCidli Erb z • DK Thu. Lambe& ' • - • a. 8111,11/111114 REoT a kAyal s ellall.LE nuns enunte.fruirsnosn • .14.114 WeghitfigirDiamalailes. Nog es ebb. MUMMA' WilliORMO. K W ;Ireirlßegan. -__Peatro * frarla woftwo_.-.• • wisoutan• &1111111111,_ ATTYDnnII AND ODUNIMILLOItIi WOW. MO. Gift Ara* 0, above olives lilleclierre. • Owts.lll. Anne. ' • •• •• 0.1111,40111311171131 a *PO • : VI7IIIOLEILMAt Orson* sal Deaton: V (Pas, list TV mosses& /7Sebsegt IlleseSssmisalieSsAmos es Susi aL all same tall sad essend sustleisst kiss , rr . or wert, rat . 42terry . Alta p, r 7 W. szlatuurrm, Lad Sonerer,..lll wear •i050ni7 1 2. ILOWt r . 11,144 1 JaTi i, 04 ' L atta, Po st. obova Bond, r!it - door to dlo Mee of p.fimouslsmoonaltablik• . WM/. MIC. TIMMINIIIIIM ihvgju* 'ins Aiwa. . taw, XMAS lextekai r *no don Sam Ilitbd d-, welkin aiesubey ea bud a welt ftt.tt• atiollldMialiff airikta sad Crlelrlallederide., ',bleb k kb agi dm Us wet nielesebie ureic P r bt.iLVA seediu Green yell be proebul7 earaded to, uel bu llied wink ibiMtes thrykei i. lbly gee u panne, Dor rimme-tme V Cat r 111.11 to weekly bed Ihrilly pvpaild Rom, au bt astutele, u au bur of ' Vlberli=il tem mea s of trcliwiaxt r e. Vir IWILIOII - Welell War & /vilifier, PP CI, COMT etk sod iiasket at. A tarp ad van Waled flak of weld" ewelry, War tan ad Marta, Oeeds. /arab ep lead •04 id Maier IC n. P.N., Chia Para Latr,Ml Jevreled alga% sebv, sea& Solardreadebro, ea krer a SI& OtraneCeoper, Volga, _Jade= ea odd approved learataidasa ray be liul al !ma idnace and 11:71,114 miljlj Erft isst b IM very bat waver. • I.l.ll;fii-yrEIITABA: •• • ATTORNEY AT LAWr 111, pippostfai SU . 15 hairlos Seta, lITIVRIUROIIi • ,IparDrat alg Local poskp ay CoDactiona,ta IT4dp ; • • V leap% vs. ant 0 rruz i. asaulto. , • ! 17# frai k a k da i tt i L c ' Iltatatik: • • .11. • . . _ . • • • Mei DAVID RUNT, Dewar, - bee* merle seek isureseirrar he air I e Cala alimagra Wu he riee dame eta loyiVAy eiribt It ' ete'Veter vu Iv sinless, bearers Marta err Ferry lea, re mar hoer *mg the dry, It= a. 1111 P. Jyrttly IMAUX4 II I III4 - 13 ATIk ' , 71:,12%.YAIT'LAW„ Plusswii, Comm. I. toe UM pria see aaramte,dirments of 1.--.1411100.1014,WV.M.P.".".... atMe glrlllqp ftb• ponfoise sad &awe 41( [MMY, UIDLILN4,7IMICORLE, latesom and MICHI ' Illsdret •• • ',lt or_ ktOdlr +Ala . otruivrourrr, KEW"biturAin. awa Y Amant's Ittinnshe Baum !situ . • anniy• *0424 • WT. ••••% *nook Innidood, idle{ sad linaard Swags, In Timm end Jlnnaln,Ale. IMI"" L • , • MOM lintel sal a talsianraaps moos. ali min nhown,nl . . !MOW o worm* w: •_ • • • taxman, butAnisas AND HOP MALL= •'rfrtu ice 111 PEW BIBIEIIBI. Oniln lattArs ADA, umi Peas D. .d AAierPiu ailueictossis la stucco, Oar. ?num Won goal T4lllll I ow= I 81 .1, aviir To a a' MM. • • Innuma mat. Peall.n. • IP. 11. X =JON C 0... • vim< vrAcru Lug of Hammed ataned, mad Vrai=gll ' Z i ar a 1111 .rtcui=, aft's . • 0A a . OVlrgira, W 4 ' l , Pl!.!li,j'.ii'7.olllt" . z., „ • FORWARDING 44 .. COMMISSION; V1104,0".w •, •et - 411/I.:r swig 0r41094T1M1MPt144.1!1, 11 _EAVY RAILDWARE AND!': ••,• .17711110110/1 NIiMPACTInUgaI. Wntidtol.l.6o named Amory ado Wood, and C:nnat Bola Idatati WPM. use ea land sad far 1110,000.1ba unwed etmelons• • • ~, /lift" Winer and Garda* ;Indii , • Joan Maar 6ottng tod Fah' • CO doa *oda aad Forte ; Aalrligy (moue r,} . llaan; (pant and eamnana Madan; Saila disalda,Qamanna , • . • • ~•••=tt mars,o dial !eraMa) as, • - -- • • y sad P+akaa • Anakdier;nmaH l. dialdda; Log a— "didalanakt ilirchatit Wis. basal 'olno and *Our nnalauo; kdaannanntaa old an •;TO a l p •16 ••e.d,t of Bee* Wri rio 111.cini mit et tt FIJ . B 4'" rt, el% 41 4. Uri o wlet. Pia" 7 WWI this 11413galaclaMr. sad Jo .otanri of Yrs Wee, West ladas, sad Woe places as salt town a low sad esessua sappty stile Ibilotrayrdssefill• liana of . TaLdleSe will be sold tom at; Wm*. sodating lnais, any s/loso tbAs al/ id slot mime, sad all foods osisfed tun vsLI *lv • Ulnas; , ,Coan..l " • Yarsi Porn Rim • Pete., IhiiilLait !saw aad Fkaida, baos4 Broach's celsbrised Amositto Iku c,. e• dtdt, lad a tam asswissest of osMt popalas mad subs°, of peasda,fis es Us Ws sae Us I • WWII sag I% Plat, Wee Tvris4 Tves‘ -*donee and plias, la total. and kW boxes, wood te aa4 Ws, Welke orals assereastety of settela Way. lu Ws ends. " tsladll • ... nswapixo r coming' 111C1111?, .hot Boxer Pani and Bructortecr, amd lgeat of gmairr4.' • " saigius pan Ilicratamt,..• War saTwasa mimosas LIP BUM; ea 091pradilltt aAael b= la munSkor alt " ranni Weser, Omni Lai Osiza far tom on Labe Bois fiat niter Leto, es ego to st r ai troy ax . s.tir NAM& 1" = "1. "PIT JAB B aarea J. a. : . Alma. LEIFTWICSII 4 CO.I • =intro, FOINVAIMNO. Coantisfaslou Miemluistar • rzawairoom, • =S 1110(.600.2 pia wasainsar& of LA As, Evers, oe ober mein kw 01.?" 1, . lErl u t &WWI & lArdtles,,Mr.Th. aes Lac New Orlens*. • Nemo, Lams & Ssamon. CY. 61•2‘1 Lem- Mews. 1.1411 Spow.. Mt. -WlLtcr4trb Lgiert WAlktous, &swum & Niehoholg.M.bapp. . Alleun. Revs., Todd & Ob.; CmeasaaaL_ . • MeSMK Ilya. it Cr aiibead, Warm Edwards & Wittman. H. Zama Lab&ave.. lir. Join Daum; Ptomaine. La. ..clll.l Mink • OfTl a n. COODIII 14•111alagiaieSTatikkere. MP= slim Illatakaass Lai Farewn %Ale •3e nay. Gnat mad Proase• ravarally, an kat Oalknare klartataad kon d abet.ono *aqua. lineipmaar or Mappers, can safely .a.r. to ngake . tary sum aaraabi win eanalaaal7 kel Mw/ a( the ataw co( tla Mutat; itt. Ram Aeallleaart..ia. Moak IMO, kaaa laar7 aakk k ges,Davidaia akkakka.ti 16 Salta, I Way, Catlarall tftelda Plakiiial • . Ma. (CF Skatlkr k Na.! Ted. • kikawa.,(arayl,U47. . FLOUR FACTOII3 AND PRODUUE CON. TXIiTSAL cub wham.* a ake ea reeikpa els. .1J smismar. alupatag wear 44142e5e yak be Pala duereamakkirskee a& aeze la Caw, by apia7 laa is au Mends, Mom Stabe/4d alykm, THeeka.O. Ileum nal. tad alb. 01. 1 M.1 0 1 ,5 1 6 WM • • say! 1-11 AL a. all prot.c• I.lwr wbo , ike anusimase OWalkaafoal I TsylaGritibagly *di Mr Mire . Nt. ft. 1161/ UILEIT HIDA/11 mu. '• H, JR. No. Itewdoo 6S, Pyrr 'Susan. • my taxa tram khe blot aoul..ast LA batik dosettla ead L *awn La as • ia ceamascrs aad dealers preparta aim walk all ireala aty Ilea as sall Wra am* daa bercialara. Ilryarearttl tocalkettlltadcaliaelltalsaly • la e rail &bay Llatthnr• 091•13116 Tve rlamtuart, aWs Lc mob, &drawn last anablo au so ter campaUac. call, .aaal Mot yaartalie.. inalt ..... -Fr( _Arams u • •TI ' LOGI as 1111111111,•• HICHHTNI3 OF AND WH INU/SR3 LI /I.IIIDWAILS. C C: I=Y. 814, flooll. Weed • • A RZ Dom le the ammo of monis/ Lorp sidtosoo A io dth ecoraollo 22.40 f Hariwon, Orloff, florl At, +plait boolli tho Kt oginnotyroso lama la and Orect CMS lbslOmulicOnen ate colony; wo Aim le of. for cods*. lorsougpsond imoto sad orzialed M Porcluolts aro napectfolt? I . 3reital call. osoaoatoooe tX)5111! . ;SION t FOItWHIIC bt FAL HAHT, - H0.% WoOD STlMlT;PiTissv•oli, CONTINUES to trasuct mall Coalsts• Hosieset,copsesslly Is the pun - chew sad of Aworieas Idwaslselow• tad rtsclus. ud II satiric(sad fonntolimg Owes cetrivied te bis eare. As Afoot for the blasolsetusrs,bs will be sarlasUy sepplisd ,stitb as pnociwil articles or Piasboria bisesfUtire st lensed wboiewle prices. Orders sod etudditswer . t sto sespeetfislly volicited. • i" 0 . LIEMIS : o t azasascar, • . _ Lash dot Ifillimpb, P. 1.a.• Nekbeilla, Tan. Wit h l i ekt N. ANDERSONA ID CONLYLINI.ON 1111311.CHANT14 So. • PIP• 1 remt, ewe Ilnetwri,Marianari, MU. Veer le ellere•nau merely. In •Ise•••••.."010 _ . 1.001 Alla IMAM . • COMSHOSJON MERCHANTS, Amu DELI,BBB IN PAUDUCSOMN 26. NI soriA KNeen64., Woe Mob; Salllairn. laaa to—D , Culuar, T• Cams, ER, CAW., J Lasdarva a 8043,111 mt Dmileny, 81 1 / 4 - log FaNey, WlB Wywa,lNanglar 18 ,130._ all 4 grab . , (syncmos To eatexu , & mu") • itmiroNr, iartraba. lMMO Kosema, sod bs BrAer. . . &WPM, 1 I....th Ca ma.. Bank, lissipyl. Rim r•—•&1 Vest Co, 1(1 as, ?meek & 1.16. • ' • jrCemay. 1. 11 mom • • - R. D. cowyrim OORTIMICIUT/I, l :A* Comelsoim KeltilLltt. sad Pfoloce lhalmo—tLi& &MAP Ike rural/m.3as aa.l aipowei 41( Py h05.0:41, tuia so„ . .&tweed, Awes tOc. BOWL 84 1 .1' & . Lem& Mewling& Co Iletry On/ MAL Lladmy & D Lath &at Lyvalliwb & Oe Chit. & as:10,11, dam Mar • ILolo of dm lona ?Waft break. Co ] Wilioolotalo a Commilatfis di Pima, X•rokalot, TIMALR In oil Coes of Prodsco, Cop. II pot, 7 th, Tin Plate., Moen' • Vac, La.& Rads Moony Iron, Imo ood Noll., Pi. &Lek Co•noos Yam% dfilt..to, sad PlAulbozdt Illantaciatos issoes/ly, moot a Labotitand.ltrin 4 17 .4 -thel= 4?" hot Ma." olgrorolo of Plodoot. • 'AUCTIONEERS OITRIMPAVAnge ". CINCINNATI A ST. 'l.OlOlll OFIT-1 no se: ayZ ,. .l estats4 all kisou et litercaudleeat tle mice or Cemeereehe sad ere alwayere so wale estrum. The Oen of ilala eso . t ; i g= in... L i 47 lo. ailireuod 7 le ~ . .ra k MM WeADMajiga4 MU"-- COMMISSION - NIFACH_ANTS i .. gliaatiOheturses iptaaaassa 011, , . ~."1ff),..3c! Catraiins !VW. , • . • ' '!' • ':" - . ' CINCINNATI; OHIO. • • tatonis wriwitzaroaD gr. ow 00=1.8$10ft k FOIVOAILDINO PIERCHANTIP, • lee's/ Iltripet. mar Wee. DEALICRB w Fauteuil, Maoafactanro sae Magi Hardware—will keep ooasantly or toad a asa of carnage nago sag ica,Paotaa, apace eal lock• Ica, gra proof sakimimic ,blaokomilaW akar*. Occolac. • aelda • D. IV. 11/17111rWi. • W. T. NMI. NATBZWII i PATCU, COlllllll 9 ll 11111101111111, • ~20,48 Water Stroot, , • - sr. LOlllO,llllO. W . snAllOr measles so shossellios of Pro. 41,12===:, ri,~, rt. ego J Ithbea ls ODOalbaree. JOHN IMMO 0 00. , Sereenriasion sed Perwri&j_ . 11er.19041. NOS. 95 & 95 800TEI ST. beellt• DOWLINOO 77 — TN015. °Anson. aor COMMISSION mokuorre, , Ltim ilozz. ErCask advances brill be sale ea ecab I m mo. et be e Li sa fa t Z6o:lll, Melfoo 151011 • it.crua PACTO • AND ORAIN AN; mono: Cyr licrollssiatss It Bourn wHAaYEe, PHILADELPHIA. 888 • is Mehra sad inward Obis& roe m•• • ITTO °LENA LE GILD= ANDAMAN:DIDION, lODIMANT,WeII9 Water street AT. 1.00119 Raw or • DNA lam, and Amboy tholes, MAW p.):lliztajlirzfM - 6t 7 168CELLINEOU& -JANISW. • rrressvass' eiriairrealr In= uo00 : i:i, No 03 THIIO • • i x . A LAIIO &fad sPlictra _ suunaost VsfalsOt, suitable isf &factious, assitikasd pnuusDoll4,.. .• 1 -Wterges t' l 4Y usrk o k : 51A 1 4 = 1 :67r efart4 soidacsory tate...imam calvary, Pp.*e is welts. Wald de anll b. ctsi as: ailral alsusfoootor puffs Yob plea, .Pszt of. Avant mad.% so Was 'rill Pinsk and Hairdo& etiviA ‘• t des lislapay New Maas; 14 psi? Dinar. • .• _ . 11 tin L. maisidscry Osamu • it nsiddsfy Weft Ida et loputl Aftcl4 • • 15 ostila top Dresaidi &ties* epa 9asdila ssp • Work . . • . 10 therry:Work dkssidi • •_• ' iidispy, Clissry sad Poplar. Masada of • alUdeiariptioug sad • lure saidnarrei CO *lOB fardists sad 00sirs,0.3.aa**** is 11111006:i • • *WV NEW. HAlt t WA I la. 401111P11 WOODWZLL, Corrairot Wood was WI re., Plttablenribt AYINU salansen hem as olglinabf Walker I al Woodson, oo the 1 or /armory, ISO, I gake .plemong . uneameati to. ory triode. MA* elry and eaearryolar I have opened lay sew store al Ike slOOO nosed plop • Hovlng porelgeoed my rode foe tub; .04 made onongesens .0k eganongetorem to ths toogruy and In Sumps fa ha ohostoolly mrpooo, fatty prepare 4 Polaroid flahtlyrEnor oat woo oar at voa seems 444 as kw I. any Moro Pao or Wm.— Knoluune one others am rospectrallT !enrited vs cal and Maine my mock, hob. 1..h..1 Taggi Minoring comw,les a Otte/ maoace - ateasboat and Ngadharr HortreroontlosTml~, Mee, Tioyboel Stool, Coilary, 1:44* Toots. Any-4;V. eel, Locks.. Latches, 8 , 4 r. thenheo, Bold HMS.. basso,Ualonagoeto.' Ilaaetbotoalb&Orom Wad. ao4 mem, awl .41 other wholes eormonedmoat Ile Nu Wixom. . meiabi ....11ipASULIIIFIt IPASSNIt SIIIMITZIAD. ~_ ir, NO TWITHIITANDINO • te elmewell eppaidersio elddreesli U. a( s l'utebegit bleeliesle, a wee • . i , Piny of tbs. Cabin. oaken et IM , eed Abetting ety. sad deed maw: ..k. on eaweescreant Awn dwindree Steiwilnewlies PedllAi!•iitlinli'illweer tad Om gins Oeszsa i s ae , eo ills preterene. Minh Whose It rloweesie bent= 6.., lemeyst, obi a= welter Dentedd es ses..-Tbe =owns tannwelel Ws.= esbarrthers. pitted tablet =ken et the elan of nada= and Allelibttln Pa, do beedd ner dy din welders WNW ile mkt en t ip, nis. beet. sew= =A Alen Penns reetenir sad =add lA. =be ee 04 ponee so nag tutesten witkoreledb weds Jean Lea= - eWOrew . • T twig II C. . lane Fere= . 111 ~.. 1 It Herds, • J es= 11 Ben , • lobs L.aren, Ir. Ise Lowel v t i lLos • , ' teems t nem addle A Tow Parley nein Fl W•llatt DIMS Lain amen 4 Illeltallead iletbWalleed • Mewl [WWI • \ . Dina Laker • , - Fie lig= - is nabs sad call lb. ebbs Ikelialati "Lill: EBrZIMS li 0/11tIrkit. pilEgfill. ro=se ratan 11/11,10 - itnig 11 • saberribare lianas Waned a went. nay 16 1601,1 t vs hese Brick Ilenun, and leaviey Wand= Hors gay tined Its sbl lay, ere wow peewee we NM risers Ind connect.. &tins ameba= es any part of Oa Ili lewd State. The =deism In =de= to maks Odell Roo ensile elay, aid wit rob 3 rei mow ars brick per day. saileiently laird le week esp is theadorns. seeding elm aspen. esil Inn dyer wetqit the clay,dry las sad tending On butt stir ..... listimple, 'being. oat liable., went W sad le renamed On le esetet lakes be wee. a= pew loanker orin pnrl (.41/A" r.... 1 .P . . a Is peruMe. Wel an paw bedding =Olin... and tea einailinen as abort nelce. Fore tell &de rtPliee ener:6llB.l.l ....calm lam la seconded S WU =et o Unica bides, Yee de. Wew cid of ile etnertorlistein obe/11 be Wiry to end= mg ' webseedl erid, It te all win way era We ken at penase we naleinsed /gest All =an wear edam. Inn lm .anted to :: i. •.' 7 - •'. - MbrilltrbOlit, IdelltlLLF-.1 b. Ca.. ossarsiLts. ---- a -. V . 1 in — MilMicaut. ELY =tee =I spanned anima= pet E ....y...bia. ~.._it•ci seas twat.= .as =Wm =nay, abd saresibleet As tuner at ressaylvelda will be wady for +lnnen= =epees. of Threlastlelo. 11e• medial= er /oath= earebitity wednieneldg derpewile. es =wad by eapenearwl .11- aea. =gift awe Itarylead, =en di discovery wee Use wads-6s Ilesible =ace wide =tete, it i. {alma. =Cis meaty =drawl They will be ibeensekty barbed lad pewasoly prem. by ISULtainerf. esd Nue We saw= Irmo lIT Mann. barley A CO, = pree: anew. is all =pent te =dui. dine etbrweerlabrei rettneVoY well or otkenetwwill be DeWitt. earn. ned, ea Mellen= to ,I tHeirrnAAMADI7I geenenna Ina Weekii w WOVIIITH 11•11.11LItY 'N CONFECTION •KY AND ram aI:NM silt epos r Idesday, Aprta kb, kw dascs hen Next fit, LA sari Oa v Jays.% Potts fss Seen. • semi smorascatelliseytalre, tbsteescsary, Fruit, is, Sisk= comussety day; smosewblslt us the bllosrLog:— Itscaress• Pod Wet Unite RICA t - Mki; • =: 51: 11%ke, ' Tops H o e: Wafer /susblegrix=llussis . To/nsal Calm A. Pit- -•Moe. 4 x tes !cs Cls••• Pas, Fiore Cestemoury,:te., .uteraels sumo sup Ogled Is swabs sad basin Of Sly OW =WWII. isms Is Ws car. , • , rye g r eed 'far Itak,44.iiyallheterd folely Rem Wheat Pm Its•frosalld nsrl wal as ---- osmunni - -- sas — ia -lioir , 0- DesuerA Bola% lan ddriniPedni paused • plan bralimentlumenarldellma beesup egafalry aud la Barra Nme Tan. Ae. :nodule:mover Optiell,_ to meta' qd • Pm' deeded' preferetee at. Owns. Yoa.C.s. at: h. .4....aget sit-. 1 Ist *Au niutertry of Trauerunra 1 Vat Freedom from Nook. Art. No .I:plenum Drioran ' ddr. Emily anermied 10, adnal liable up get oat of /,6: anis pram tkruntloy. A Modal and ,reliteralcat mu Oa sem MA the sp. ma, al roe Coppar tad Twain fumy of WIC B BCAIFE, Anil um:. myritt • • bet. Wood ad Karam ea, Mau i Cutlery, /Dory. Ate. JONLII R AND ORAL= on Fenno eid Doane voal ttrad nuomfeliy-lob our is los feud* gad the podia* uolly, Mu Ito IF memos big Oprtegoeyely Udiudones. at De oldband of Welker Weedwoll, Ne lie Wood tersei,onitol Ao disuse of oe Do qui romonsbls emu. He to egineoully totems: tri•At airtime dime , Run I IllustatierAn m WU. eAd rAlt willob trill swats Aisle ainiapoto web any al= am, eiDia Fut or Wu. Wooers Menamoie ore ininted to toll and tieellne AL monk beans pentium" eibutioro sue • irpaillwMWp. WE.. llte • eidenlgi•M, v. seiet•d low Cl= V , •14 fol pmeee •r usevac•og • Comuunw• nag Perrontrd bcrieww. solar $m my If; of OEor, IllogaiW sad lan LOMB the vrar•lw•••., No 6 Cs weeds" Row, 11barry Arras, Iheenrty wvv•;ed by Elr. Puri- - wtaare Wallow arr.. 64 la por amps 1.81 . W (4111•66.461.. TKOS 8 11601111 W, - aida/14061s • 1111101.117 1141/ILEW,,.. . . • . • . • limb skim. • • • ' •mda3: ••• "WI ILIABINADY. JR, Sus dry at Ullisupt. 4 liodurdy, Loobas , Urehis. Illusaseuovt mil &slot is cloOks. Combs. 'mad Viuisty Ow% hops tonotsaly on hasS, of his FeN.Astscurs, sem Asensio* of Gdi,td*Asids Cosmos Lospillog Gismos; 1.14 1. 4. and 5 divot. . skis sod onoestdsi port .1 All Samba Closts,trays, sad Y. siu*, is sera or &sow Colibs,Tbrosais, Lod .4 meal woosssot of P O .l 73......N.**A 1 4 assll_sdostios VA- owe- P.11.._ *Wm. PAWV..P I .7 I ; C. net's mars, mid 40 1 . .7 14 O.*. al ( LOW latUrstes ovSki . - No St est wood sal sis. I brtnte ni=ural= 4 V and 11.414411 MT's% Ur the tear or dm Moosagabels lboltzi:XectitierLert *l4lo:he s , : t a , l4 Vivo to au roam. • • • • • • Sysd? . • .• Cl* . . OTWAIN ". I=W MintpirjaN op !bar inbaring I toir gni% 11Win Odom* pa Wain. B ing waits Iwift slam; with two; TV:•10 yd Wetway hi Poo miaow% re Wool • towiwoweo woo, It wor Bolosw,eanior of Usk. W.W.I de Dimmed, (Wok of AM zaw6kr • 7 • Clood• Mom) ' • • • .• • ' 1311110111 . 1161.11711,- • • • ' TOEI. IdOIfLEN, Druid and Apothecary,. I, W. eon. of Woad and ow, Plnaboroih i or= eamoinly so hid, Drop, Pod" Coda,, • • la. . . IC 8 —Rrwlei tee prowrlptioas earthily tierapaawl• Mira Or. Won , warrlals, WI hoar of the /afar Wight. Al.,e an moment or Porfamoryi Got, Tooth, nor, am mil, am hes, C. Ike, which Ws wll sail kw brag. . •1. . . • artl. LAO LE COTTON WORKS. svursovnoti. .._" NIANUIPACTJRE COTTON YARN. CIA4l4.Wlek, nattlAbg, ?wise.CATATIAS YARN, CARPET CHAIN, WARPS, &A., • KINO, PENNOCK & Co. • • • CRAccemors of Athoebles Anry,) ' ' CONISISSIOXICA OP • —llgap=r, atrawas Initlaa, prams la Oaks 10 busload or molded la Pecan Iry ala ernes, a doars - Eaa .r uw ?dam.. 0116 m eh, ebulail, Otte. • • ED WARD P CILLNOII • saraatimirp . . A.laaacy at Law i nn Ann Et a c4ratVx - T.EP t io • te! r . douffou for Irian.** lingnew ries In LAD petd. • . . „ Always on ,c descrlntion . Wrltlen . end . Wrsnong flyer and Rand& Lice. • REYNOLDS k sun sell Corner Penn and Irwin eta Motive, NrA voithio 03%Ita it i= o . n Cir=llll{ applleatiet at the and *p, Well a rok Vmabebegn, m m .11.1.1141, irr lova ana l & vim ~ AMP SILVER WA' Mip—llerectata aa • **Pilo' sa op law Meet of Pm gad Myer Pap. i guaa, aramkaa,vidtabla Ladisa sag Ileatlceal adaren ram' owl KIM imeµ ;al e a= les l,arralasel lad kof /aka. WO • • , :W. W.Wil.l3 o n . • V. IL MAT4III. rtrimat la Tetuaelap sad Variety Ueeda.Torteeia Tbell. key la Hera cooddf,Woettre Tame and w. e ude, BMW, elepers, Pin, ?spot. Braide. ad.• pladkel likbeildelui-Dtuaand aad 4l man • YUGO asd Among of micas gm* bostast en OW!, .YW We at nutwyed pito, aulp,s ge.IIIWYY, No 91 Waal awe. wort •I • • WY e N WICK gletl4o mew ecem rob, a 110146 lit 6141/11 aso 11125A49.14 ousabajoraw :i . [• - •..: , - - ;:i;PiEfittii• FITTIBUIGI . PILIWIIIIITIIIRE: • DS • bramdit,' edlor dar 'et So. 4. • N GOMM AZO 1401616111114 1 . 6 tild Macao olat bea.saaradoo oro toot! how oft So UN al! Maur - • •• 11111. leurtai. lommeada arl i ttEra: Dona domg rommes dke . , 6 3 o d . rf MOM, mai: CiVt ad illagrosdirs 7 ! BOCSI F u Leatim oito== ol. 4 7 ;. mole Soo eoll tom Mora deommakaor 4.0 m Weill Tram& motor • Prot &NOl Wt will Irmo -MP of * 1 "1** 411 , Voral Moe. - r Prot SUDIINSCI IMOMOdo of do Anima, Doomat, oil •W losormir Witdir kg+ lobabbl.bok I.IOU bid alum m4ra rtot. e. ts • easper.ent WOW', sad lso teronotes4l.s3.4 hola Mt am in Dom odd. 17 WSW. No ko a tom a ortior.ld WHIM umMos, of .b. e l u =be bid ' ' 4ktf . sum • Wilivii somuruts mmool. - , • . pv.‘ gm . k.s, st=nbusti., emai ak - 1 Tritln° - bas ka of wt . Eithiei l ' idee " ' II itli iesenctiodis De Pteo.4,ltedtea red Lads ;. " Zi ' ilri ' e.;. Tim 'ereividiei of the aseheadates flatmate aro per inadiedtly.smeeeed, awl Avery Aielled Kind pc*. DI amain,* Ike Menet Lenore, owlet rim edict Inhume. - - • ~ qv The year te divided :no tem ;cella di dir• Ihoeibe inch, eearesc Log ea 40st at tlip4mbe r, ...d .4.: os the Del of lune. ' The chards Dreier Scheibe:Lie Year of Ds rimils, ix SW, reeve, e lialf vilely is edema: Iv hisciet eh." edges Meek pad Mooed *kWh Are hi Pride...es prices. There enehhieeeihi ay Use alibis th tor., littOr= Li. will be eliereed v. , ,' • . 11' it lades& des h7.Pervid• a g.".", i tt antie esehjet. trim :11 e ttIMUOM ' tin be peril: i ti eidi Enke. EV= Pill Pauenen, Dee Ideaelledh I as Game Tic Plidedelpild..-P id Den., Ma ' Pt Idieeh Um Jos Delie; WeeTleavem, Di Idsis, Ida 'nee lurtalied Esehirlerdhee. Ale.-Waidi hick. ma FA, NO-Ougeb 0 Nan** oe, Pleakellliee- Hen Itielised IL Odi,-Thitelieue.ll . lenda-Ter 1411deShaelelhee-.1 y plow E.g. rr G-nss. c Diable LA, &mho* Ged-Dav Dr Meeddinhealleve ..$ T VI) ALlshapllitlY . CITY. . TAT - lisdrtles moanel re heed= ef lATCALPVie rill epee Ar ail !Seers, daili , Censer et illsallisky sal itailiwilaftlf 11164 The raid Berra rill wriessfeeda These derm a[ so weir ill Mid it sa deer /Wire so do ea as sear ihe op area el the nialai NI IMO* death paps rill be reamed so say are aril( 1 / 1 6 T e. he ware of esieedreler Taulbee. sill be writ ke dares OM rap ark I. Wiles lattractleer Des errs, Parisi sod Mars Ferheettareae : ware, r Ile ewer 6f leanchee, sears le-aosselt errata wanly r de laevrw. AI - • .late 13. I MILE . " Pa Wad 'J A V U P Juan. Wallet street, between Faun sod F.ftb, Chschustle' • Wines Utees—Tbe anal el tin decline aid dot the Ratan Eapin• • itly lideani V oleo, lag. A eye Edam, n rend and camteled anima. reort.mber4rd by vaden, tad accoapanted by in unial sod Leaned, taloa, practically to tterpiecteptien of nationally b M. Y. iniare, billanter Tobin lentectlee Plc tba kiwi= of Frace. The vevisee,seas tad comactien, wa isted from tb• tinsel szanaly tar Lbo *dawn W.* a notice of tie We tad enactor of Gana, sod Wstnion'a Prpty to Gibbon le S tots. tea. 81e.1073 mac MOW. Yea 11111 / gel. iaep. Ino.1100vege• Neilsen bindle Apes, clamber'* Rebellion in Scettaaddlobarevan'aVi/Vaill sad Mi. Neglabd, Ranch'. Fnacb and Ladlia War is Amin, anti Itsvosafe Amnion Revoletioo. lon Library el Aseerican itllstery—L'estalgeLte n e• don Nee the bort walla. Ellograpcy. Muria, Careworn, ltatietiatjawli,, Revell:Unary Paula. kn. &a. 44. Abe, Agee dotes, ratan and illseallavereas otlebro Maitre ted .ilk soon tots 700 eairravina• I col, lisp an 640 papen "• Universal Pico:cid Mary—Conant,/ vintable pan se mine estAecta, coinpisiar Neural ,bataral Stecee.Apricaltere,flarsi Cale." easy, .r oe Anson, Orissa* Travel, Geography, Betsy, billecellustons renting, ace. I too tap lae. 640 pp, rail snap. The fluidly Medical Übroy—A Treatise es tbe PRlT.Otholl ant Own Dlesuar; by mines net simple onesciaten Res stenos, Paned sad maw. red Ina as signet of a Vegetable Minna ittialb Ica, peat.' eel the ¶1,105, prepantlans ead done elm mat rateable naive medical plata, iod is outline of Assamy and Pbytiology. linntrated with an' handled "Wardell, ma of saint ere *Amor. By J G flenned, D—Afriplive Armen Flower Garda( (.:001111M0.4614,1 1 1d Co do United duals, by It:dean licynn,Lcuidectipe and graapental Gerdeorr. II me, thin editing Prlnied, aelarged and LlleArstrd. I Oregon, Becity bitaatAna, *t. SEC • • Famil Tennant, nun, milk tad 'mama Yol yit , and Prim In nem - Dante 's Ben Wqrbn Lay of tie Ulm u = i llevdt. sr.'. hinds Petra tin. Jennie Been. Glop panel of 'view unto le • . fens. • mete& or Z.NCTIZOtEDIL-1 Daemon of W. t oom,lmoniaromf vapp4siogflordombewsoiliwi Moloch* dmiormin do=oo floo Mow•lo wwooliml W T losnde, ww. 111111.1 ea wood. • • .- ltomok's Nmolo Am/MM. tam, wooldoithomitOntimi• end owe of !fordo Aswoloa,GowoM Coma Woot. Nora &mom New Immowista, Nor Mom Tema,'New bleu 7.1=.11 WM loMobsdid li o d di n otkoMo awl kd A TVot tim is dot Maim. • . • N owl's Paribmo— '!V %Wm from OM someio 130,10 . 1loomoaliwoof woroloW 3 M some of Ma mmoroboo hayidjoramoiol Nool • m A. m WM by Mon Lloodloo.Upowillolim IROrmolood Moot la tom row. TM me of Mr I* b robibiolo Mom YD, rodwr of oloa noml eolbro of filoocrow., Us Works. W..th Odi MINI' or width molm Me Moo, • my moo• Or ions& wort. forilo of iloo &OM; Joi/ow meramom of olipwomb • Rsa~Lc. . No masks—TM J•rrooLlo 8 pok fempridag debttf 1.11.0 lei monism in reedworim,d. ,IM • OW lio• of pioom pratika.4 FromitZ ,, hotroesor Ttut awn 1.64..rd tat gals. /oHnirom a Bcolpallgers, ort•L sna H Ns MEM 11100i."-- %owma. Pallml:=. Li Ltm of Mcd,c Asti lti§l4lM MSIMI 11.N.ee Fen.l•!. .der Herds; lbembedraWa Pramlto ft Pan ulnae; Pleat se Orb emalkelt; . Casio as Dtseaba of Cleki tea, ...... Mopes III•dle.1 DO:down , amorous raceme . Uociod &ewe Dmismemon—sevr adi4.a. The above witli • trowel asionneas at Chemical aad Nhooslhooacee 8001.1a.t cacelviag_sod Cal s. law. " • ' • . ELLIUHT & ENGLISH. •• • GI &watts'. becoreta 3r4 wad adi LTATAPLIPS PUZILICATIONII Wstamul, lkdamleEeollesy sad Ilonsekeeplog. • • Maedak4 M.1.1.s . twou us., saw. tireii, sad Entia. Lfu ,, cm' Derpott NazonJ : • itaciley'slikamclo, • - Jima teed sod km by' • ••• • ' • • • - • • • in signet it 16 • dErfirilaWlLll—qourr of au Gm= oldikso, add ath Wan aea from tllO litranics of dm Wait PairTeltruelpa ii:tbeir cowry from Ono Tettlai Yolnr—in too • • kuAllt copy whit iseserosil 601* 6 4 66 VW": • • 06 , 6 P• . . • Leturre Illuaatira of the Wirt of wausw.lolollB If6b 17111—•alth Ism portram, Ira& . • $ . Compowee nAs suedlir of 11.6 MayeagNOMOL M 11 ary •66ny, &Wag forum*, 60 rays , ~ . • Mr lalba Holy LAY, FTime.l Btata u4l motetea Iselliaa.• Jog hlelisatt:Vall o mow( , • ow Me of • UMW& at Mod ft, in one reonotag as ozeollens luaorment of Boom bed Now Yea roma, arrived today sod now 09a OW . 411 . Toro aplondid Ranwool Haan, ais cornows,* . aw OOvo epteea4 m n e l w on l a Ro M ZtaW ee. SOO Heat froi HAMasa Piano Fornamodo at Tao. isa aye W/aaiory o .0s one f . Henr. used by ast at bls Canons IRO OM =loony mood MIA PlY10.1•11111. by Ob. dm Warrens:4 Maks, Now York. ' tailor isioly will biannual dating tkla mod. • d ow or - • lima " HIKIMEII bee jut roared 'lluk gelwebby gat. . Plena, wide\ sill be sell lowa tbsa els be O g ee elegant outegany,ll oetaes. ink' *Minna* Clare, New Yea, el great power awl owerimell 'of tonoxuestly leer envoy , • Ow &rows reeewael Plebe. by Chiekipig," Bowe, .0 •ekcied by bite se We bow lwantreftent the a Imola kW lestery—prise eery sedans. • r • Weide*, • lumber of whew( all peen end wPw• goweng dee went exam** eilentlea ewreErred Imre, eg. grbet. at .1 W W sediwir •• • • • 77 - ileolim sag Illbwirogli Pi boos. • ofo JOHN 0. IMAMS, No 0 W ,04 . 3 . .• tub reebtairball dim fib' sile Os. .rplodul lobabrood Pkbobleplll4 , 4.g e tLe.wrAtZtrubb,mli MA ... 3 .., .. b:Oips bi r blba!Plebbstl l agi4 Pqn5,14130 . 014 1 :. and wen blab. blubli by (*Wavy,. _ ._ ....._ Obb &brut IllappLoy Plano rono -- amnir.P... &Co, New Vert. . • - . . - SU aborbyrili Ns sold qa bbabbfbetubrrY dry' ' • • A Isw Nor sole as above, • woad UM Pimp Feb* Minna r/ 117.1300—.1" yobbos& by TUB BISTOILY OPMICO i bin 001 Wan and •ColooW bad LooolninokbonaJs Bon do. Pim* of tic . Coancok I n til promo% u50.,11101 inla i ro mann ao. iv .bblka United Mtn. to raad Iliblinty f,% le remnant. By Flap Yong. Y. 0 Wln I.,Cobbr, pion U 59.11,1101 inn Baynvisp of ran of Bo.o.1.: a nynn. 80. , Os* .?.1.. luso irks! in koadnd ...el warieu Piro• ,=.: -. ..triii• icifrrimgertriszii.,..u_. _i__ - __ — _ ~r...drisracirZilitsde " e " tf be l IIVItaiIL.,I, gekana*pollas •11161141&!. :•• • • , ~ I 1 ♦ 6. 6 MtiTOS ".""I th ilAVAliNkilika •' • 0111FICTIIIVCIPLIttl OP lir4 Unitise ROM. j shoot= uk tod • Vole* to lost b 7 t"11 1 .. anelher M•[ 611 1 7' . • ' - I, ls I u". 07 0 1114 '. 1 I t 4 •' • ' ::" . • • 411111 ACTOR IF, , S. .., . „ • . ; U. $ • -' snout ti & X , it,a&u-xANlVl &O witte sa V kaba C*dr *IF rat. sty Low pmetedmeestrat taa. park doateseee Cebtlk &•4 SW* cri.V. = . tsir . :7l l f 4 '... n !=...n7s4ftv,l7 ) := itbey elfar Or sal. be P &t — IrV ", Ne&Sletelt oebb l ber ana , ..l :011111 1 0breelk &b ib' shap ri toffiet%. 10 " 1 & km Seib bribeimbia . web NAN" Der ,Itk a rt baosefKeeera of Igateala; &pales rots, ' toe brill bey ceenostly ea Moe orbs) wed& bream. Daiwa ere rearearial etre to coll.& Rate PA WWI riP t. ,61 1 4 4= I * , mT mi.cautg w v.f oila AM) fsnp9pc, A &Byer bog tabu& Gaut . tad Peens/ Fffi Ll .1 Rahway - e ' fi . Warbe4. Frataniaa Lam., Omni,Grekeion, &ea Vrte , eluelb& tionntd all ale ea of Ceit tram, ibe Hew ta, of stas Wen materna, atles t.a der ame beria dr all Cletel :41/1 ' of PP PaP. puma tan" 1 abet:al a& ate Vaccaro PAP otO be bolt PaLuf,l4. Wu* F thr Meant Fireatereelle I whAer reef ratrogsunillg Ottlerat •0 04 wo.ra Mew a( . up smut, arll Pre promo a Berta ea .•• e , t.:a Illkabomek, a. Jri Warw. lobe Irvine & &one Pi 0 0 & 7 fl Wiener; ibreteate fie: OHM4iisyrsivar, • • lillemrraa Iliaraeater Mot; aod Dotal la o n am on &m da d n d o. le. A Th lso ago- W o .s T am, ravvosion,do great WWl'. .I.C.Nissteznifervglinioeter of Pcn. Pocket sad Tans Osnory; ilandsclacomora, Pdea,SSalra,.'hots,doe bs• .11117VONfilltEET, Pldsb a t wean( doss to 4 -• lad haslafel y ramrod a norja _Woms* of- ._ Pia Pocket /11ruktIFOS• iaaarqa at. laairns , .oe Waosteabotets , • • 0011. 61ST • Ellants,Baderb:Wordot,Datensfa 114aoss.ealeass4 RiapßlZOVlka t . asol 'Mrs Mn GUNK .10PLLIS, AND PrifTOLS. • "AileatOcav eadilaoanporPoonios Man Nei Eitsao Poch W.a.r. taro Eras some Oa" arm Ad ..q HassiLad Kahn. • Toni-each as Caillwrs, Dmidass, Phorra, HilsPoSs. Vias. *awes, Ulan, floseaa. 81t114 1 1 . 41 11 =lamb and Dom, Win and .In Osaillsh Inannoents,fst.la can gram ...MT. Cdr Sonatas • and reoatrfaa naadr poseioally dorm. oci-raarszaaaar a • oat:- t E. . 1 7711"1".:17.r. L'Plia"tutS aro ma day "roderof am co. peruw plop ander and Dna of Sweats., - Baoralediter • • Bra el• anal. Ise Maas, Warthog Valor papaya 0wn 0 430 1 .11 kw! , and nada of taw d e set t poon. B. W. Orin on N 'll.. aseerealoas. S. A. ellowoma l aTSIII3% iIOBNISBUBIL ANCHOR IRON Winn, r r, • • - • - •• • • .• Wkaing, Vs. :1 .11tasaibetare all Cade of beStr. item. tou Into and • wake, • B odd ehpue w ow Art a ria. Being eon. weed trot eloentrer tt ro's Oat /aalata•Werta. Ire tin der an aroe le of /amass treo.lbraseed Stert/BI opal le say mar Uop mantry. Ad of witularut be. sad et rideatoth Ortega W &Biome ett Be Wed. camera /(dam. and Water einem • %111, 111MAIIIIIT IMMITIAN MIND FACTORY: i ' ' ' • 8011111 Al. 11120 u • AIM Ow ward washes his.•s••• l4 ! ~t the pie 11l 1.,g. IMI NS 'WSW In ..I.loperaucia, On Met sid• AT D '.' i Lag, Al .r.my; di• ertrei•orrmill ... Omura marl a 8/1W et rasisse Moo perlaei•••••, an eaesrauly•spreslorrti ‘ ogre al Ids.llWrod sr, PitairisraNULA 'IL •PLllllpeNdlikork •nrre mon,. 1 ~.t , gamma Satan mils u••••reer In Os „best intri &nets repaired who al.:animate— , L , L ,:, • N. B. lair Maria will be pat sp, widest =yids. Woe •repen• ON Ibit they VW P. roomed Is • or ant Desa airs ee lee •ruhlaig, sad eridirma Om rd 4 .1 • ere. dr a • . anklly•mmaly. i • , 1/111.1011,11•11aod Arius MEC • ' cr. boa robatli comatamtad beams ot dipld mad, macre wift m am old eatamenro Mat awed, Botaadmah WA °foyer, aim,from 10 to 0,110 potads, tut ham of Om mom apporrod =Ada aad oarrasited to be of de boo material% , li ctorad.Wisar Pampa Otookra Ulna& ondk ovary revery ad rasa Cuolop, regotr;. grand sad infobod In dm ovum mum., • 1 • A. P. la dm atAdi todomatm l :filaunt Ana Ammo. alms, calabra du the rodeo. ow of hiclico In mat Tko a sad Coot.. stems mut be kod of Idol mon dom..: 11a1.11 , WALLACIC, • erressinten STEAM "Lt BLA W011113%._ . Nov IN and IN Lia.nt ` an.. C0." 4. A /MAYO as Had sad made la *Clean largo auto. Za. ty of Mottle Mama* rer,Ccame Tablea; aad Mama Taos, had dam* Ilitommala Itti= doormat. of Ms <MOW marblo sof rompany bv mac. tottl mold Iwo krr ugh. . It B. Perooso , ortd parclaso Of amola • • Mai Is ta Itornfor* M smm /I= lll go .a.l mt. (grata, Mcat watt ass ut as K.. • as mad, and (fraritt,umanoma do; colartaer. bit • flood oti day foul palVolla dada low in am FAA. sad ama • • , .1.. jail - - - •', • SIMIT 11102';' AND TLII : ' No • • I MAN OVACORY, I Mutat Wool. Pitmearit,Pimast 115,71:=;,r,;:rmitai Lamm permad adltilas dumaddata cal =at brim pt` Wei 0.. In* Dwt Menem Fargo, tedt overrode= WS 'at Cogerr.Tki and Roes bac matt 0.C.0010' 101 , 0103 i. lass Sesuabow. • • • • •• , •{K. maim wonieT onA. gone:a toiii . cr'Sdi Tab& tad Clamber,. Carper wort fOr PlattePitital add every outcry of wort la oar lioo. • • . • • • all Cain* MU • WM. !.DOLLY • Cot e • Ilialecturers of !tali BoUlts aid W. Glad, • No. DS WOOD ITIEET.• • " • Ulli Widen been sow is fall spent:OW, we Wer perband to meats ardent Is on Ilea, p000ptlr: Q Danes Ds lan .maser ws have .dopeeds seer otiose( Wu stog Woolens G Des Os men %tot owed piss now soul he Do ItseeJ e 7 ettletr• 'se Dr. vota • •Dtvetor ale. tilos Motored on Du ples to perfectly levet sod use. SOD.. very Ise twos Fainsterr and 4est.-vl see• •.W), •te nquesped m vet sad swam Yoe Omer selves. . ' BENNETT & BROTHER,. QIFISIMIYW AWE MAMMA BizaaJlairkaam,(seax 04inkaia4 NO. L 37. Word and. Pi l Wire . WLLL assessor! boom as bud • gmd soon • meth otwans, sat 0•113 aIIMILN<IO76, 11/14 iraparotheshey: Wisisehis nada:alter nee dam an respeettally untied as call and ••• smarm for rhoosselses. u ste are entwined M ••11 eisesspa Lbws bum? bsbNy been *dewd to the pate Ilea cps Orders sea)/ mall.serwaysawl by hse , 011 Warms. swill tat pteahrtly seceded to. febtS Grat iintcro Butt Bilge Imillictory, A oLILDNAZ A Ca, woad te O. bna UM nada tion tk. okay an PO. watscuiring We ban Bat Wage •T sr au la the Oalted Butt* Ott IR/WO: plbpilme, w hg.o•o .end an as enapana aaar- Ae k, uw ppleibly In nada flan aegapdlnala bud.antr.M. an taloa, will And a to glair allann ar ••• ear Daus All ordersannatty aliaand to: ny3 A OARDNEIt &Canna WI Nan, nit aoea la ill •o4 115111P 94Fro: 1 stit & BUN. FOOlnials sad OA. ra. - _ , roar, 21134 of all 60 I . (from mar the lams mow owed pis. 160 sod yronromed <66.1 a All , aloa, ens. 11001 If .460,61, P lomaidly vcr:l ; SOILING isalisamov 4 • • * • aciarizi ne IttIIGICi; ltAlerFAClllitEß 3 of nytlog and Blister Mee: ttlipnralVagt:ltaat " meted host Ar7:17.;11 Ilallsabla Catalogs. Flo, Eosins Lampe. ana Cosa. Ttlinannp generally comet et Roes sent I'mi streets nd Pituntinale, Pe • •• MOS WORMS. " IIION Ise Neil., neve., Se. be eael et cos eent 1 Worsham, Se. SS Water suety near Wood, ma. ' 2lo, "'en teeseaseht at the old ma, blelSesett Sow, UWt4 meat. ' µWag wade[est silltkaa is the Reams 11114 ell orient eta be d meetly. _ • SIAM LtRDISAY et 1111111161 ill PICTOiII. & CLIESS, viresnra Nati, 111:0:NC , D DiMPII. • IRON AND OOP C ICSHOE tana, an Pattern Makers' Paves,, of evay doeriptian. °See No. 18t- Carl" Hotel, Third nnset, Cpb4 Pittslngirgli• P. *num T Jam F Lcount. IMPS? iLLALIS gliT411112.11111111:1 1 .11 1 T. AAP LVANY at LEDLIB sanaleUirs sat kcfp eoa giazzimmvat.matat r. '1:: iota Matto NA 'Claw ohm. rimbargit. • • 132 W e°l4l". i. U k ti =Ara l Tel rTdbmr:ith=VEtw ly saltritsd m milled mains Om and 011 • Neal .lll•Nvar 111•11eks. SPENDN,CRD Jules, op • ldal of mesa alkali ra =win., cue* 180, gi• lade. ■=Nu. pancd darability l• catuirsa too N. all. Itti64 Friffsel. Price 110,11 rob bon.kols IN It N, gummed un.•••••ilsom, Ordocs ON aapeead qulty Nollwar Brick* will be •xee•ted at INR per Ira O. raarantea ..rack Of WI Illet Molar re 'p sad fee ask at Om werANIWWOIOII 'pus.' wan, la • • , sum aricuasti .gat r hum Wadi H trAt i m AJIII-24=r 1 t i 0 Mat Humus, Viva Taw Obignionouths Kai* tustoolsol . l k on, au 'ad pit.., Fll.k =,.. IS br ' . Joe wooOrtu, Rid 1(64 .1= . 2b.ack „..4 .4 ti f skgar cfe. DIONTITI ANDREI! norm JOURNALS kyr SWANIAT droved is park Itse We t w a t . • p 4 .4. mikßAla Po* by W"l' fbrl. a , , NW est wad airi.4l* , rallaCoo-- . ! !! 11 - 1 ' • Al*, To 31. s . ' MI Its Kash • bn Ise MO, fig , . 1 01 1 1%._ (4111107 • Inig WI " "".‘4'4'"! -16 "..; IL 9A. l •°.' c't,•••••M• • - - Le•:certqle oal •i - _ ,• ~, 4 .-,4,41. •,.a. 714 :42 • •." • 4 .. -1 3:1.1; : 4 CiA ll / 4 11, 3 tYsll.6l4Tittali" :44 C vVi , " .r I ,- _MEDICAL'. yaz p.m la bt MO Bate an Hy. Heel% 'leak" Mtet en Hurt itnawbeee, medal: &na , me a( 1.. tidAigL la ame es re•rtt4 b 1 - • Mked art Madetet, t. iheektylk, wita attacked Mt ed. onMecitb74oo.ll4l: 4 M to lie te ; *""l V . ki d e"" tti 7 4 t. i m s p.d. Mfg. '" NcriaV 4 " 47:: "" :141.111 ace bee* h i rer...a Idle team napped: am.. Debra be 'bad tobreenr bumbrabe le 41 be 1 1 . 4 1 , 14 , 'lt bad IMO .1.8 .11 . ? dMilertnototoll INUligtb es ke t d icetas wren I ===bele et ...,.irl44bewairibd net thottesa **a abler macefillmm.t tites a kear, Bee matarteed mkidelOoL.Modlifd liot.ooM aka ekrel med bez; median Mut re tem do terceenak, ale& kle iimd biberialittetebetko teatber, will • asask_.ll../.lcVa i la Ide W. .ere etdN &NO M.L.Went&cried dm all' &aka wiectb.ilrove * d r bbtekle, allayed Me nee 60 mime: met .4 =terZtiettee . wad sadrely card •;:tt ts:•: , ,MaiWeeed Caranortioa. • : ; k lbta ilackle, a limy Imamate or nboveldiaig giber lain yowl treva..alocct lalliet•= 04. Rr Malea l f a Mead, weer. Cattle., neteratem or hie la bet Mad add rallockepatteof bar WNW Hoe frteadvbsantell IscrtANT:IIIZOVEMY, See A It• kleanas Baku. rsamd ker Inane of, all alana• ias elerpetend. mei ekeate eh le te :pant le cc wort. . Lama VaddPatg 'Mee Lucretia' Vir lik• eueut...,lo DeMascrken, e .W Waloat t es, bunt the 6, waited Ws mai keklbr shonsie.At tus.4 Pil.u r idd toe this Ms enema Ammo lam Wit beam. • • .• Petal:Seems aad II per bo4le Dr. Metames W. aad COMO, Leentre Gold • Prbenbel Mae MI flaaamel- Mae II Jdoccod W Retell blebeime Weeteece ed lee mot abeelbleceirfeellLMen reat,leed of Mod Oxen, klebacedl.• ram SI price_ • ~) . .1.1 COMPoUthth TAX AND WOOD NAPHTHA....Thr Portland mr.) Advert.. wet- . Tea rawdy tow ban lowa easettiotal Uwe rhythotheino ere Whewn known for its mown. Worth Oaroloptint, la the aro sod Brian Brood/ do, Chrinaut CoththoLliouwas. Nero MIMI, NW of do lanurfkuryfort o.o.Craey,tiorgewaTrwooro,Adr Winton. of dm birgbota napoeubltr,in an cal bow g ib tereneftylo!so prover edikary In this class Wizialiiillo.loif t, =otla Mo. Was, aro serval from of PM sdlogallo. _Hood 5. • r Young, the ;theathat ace. ' :•-• • PeniabelJeltehle IS t WV.. ai tritcm .„.. el . I , l . l= d o=r u la n zt a ti v ez i r Napiaka; I bon a bearsilos la weer that It lad. , bat probaraboo of tho lead la ea for •••.•••••iknOt 60111 llasmalr(3o•ol,Cli e t , n4 a/1 Or • . ..mow, e o Ikn At do wows of Os year. • 4a. einsis,m3., UM Noma no . ~. We Wow. • slow loyothrejornos mhos. fallowthr tore& . Be manes Wing per /belt condor Modem.: .••••••• r• • • , • • Ifedearaarorre 'sway 3,117. , Pane alarm of preaudo,aad • daft Jut the ogle-' Ord myrrh roan. to a tnly um/sable isedlclar • I 'hold our feu rlw boor& I So. raperirmood Moo ash. of Ilowthooa's c0w..41811. of Tu oof• Weld Bialtdm Foreuvrol yet. I bara bees able., • tamale' men Oa& .00 0 .olef with gint •ppn:!...ma tOceiryotAremiking, with eon sibs et Va.. re the .o hole Herounifriff. showed, u,ofr wto 6,e1 burn roach bend/nut y des thedinno, retwastruhr we to rry I did 00, gad h a, vwf Owl Woo .. Sam. hng smooth thoroboaredl Ns, all ooperuloo kit PIK . 101,1%•••• 1 •••• i• • AM •STII" I able to ott as ellebe rely brawn a oral was. •Any farther urathaillONl liefffillj 9i irnea tar .meted, by caligisurgeoll.:"., No. K. Perot St • • 011 IiGIKANAVY. Tb lafroVerble rolielne pryer. wary by *NO: NISTA DIOIBON,et NE eau. of Pblth oad Au, Pidulelpluo. told la Putobaryir by L WIUSIa I Jr. PAC* *NM oral pa rt de. • CAUTSON-111rwar• of the Mar ee.." . ."..tig Ara row afloat TM oarcropabta en , nn lo —rn etiotts sig. ' • - 0111DINla tilsOss ' NAT —A Musiigt! 7' A Altraele !I A Weeder t! —Teo . ars &simians mid Di .san s cd the M., Pw4thessEnsallcs, Sanborn, Balt If ease Nl•iths Una , Foal Irani -vs !at Anon, tin espithl Flute was asnanthal onthennusto of • &seamy 25640 by I. 1 !!th idus7 d intsted—W•ecened almost an tscosslesllty Wu anything' nada by Uth bast %d sun. amid Ithsa sash alagalar jam. as Inas clamed by Aswan. Varprini kilns 11211444106. NarsT shufthd Was and Ids lawation as • bonbon, (and. alas! suty bunts venous without urea do the lathe mg..] Cl thorn, Ow Rails/ Si la the Issaphals, On Sled, cal ed. wlqe ssa nl4sm . 1 8th l th e bensbe ns thissa Iptbewartdide li visla thymus, thi Vothunk , slWataitho new lothplaty and a-morally etainithed ahnralts UnssniNs of Venni& W. nave sanlysedlts /~mil pons—w• busyouts la savant! cases, and los Winn an posasnaca (this Indian Cbessithei NV/ • gosai in raziaa...nd atruly thdo nswie ,... stal fiats— In Al iis . ' , 4 4 4l‘ . ..nr . this pithuulsepths et sands!' NaNthdli • t =IAD 60 - yea= ussassanNinothf se thelteseal Romans., • ' • li a ? k Nee. a, . La eseaderation of the flutist . 1 Woe dthol. rull us kW T. less, misting tits ty of NevoYe rt. N. A., sneers atacwing, sambas a trend sa th• la podiums easpothad thy Mr Clthadeal *No Us lath anathesans urn sale Is United thaw only, and as lase thennulsge at no- Whose Wad cbasaseal !bap.. • I Irani Ueldmank.. • ,• _ANTONIA 71•MORMI W JA4I3ON, 6ls Pawn Ifedielsis ifittblee 7 Bl. alteass • nea Wfthd. Pk." thatuthaftn,ssmins ot. Ina to obsansad. dam 1131! Othathrfeit. • Agl . ° =9S l2 l4V4lo■= lllll T , i•liiteirept•ST.WONV Oa" • N. IL Z Strdeil aim 'ea, lamed thaalbetad be as *id Nay batbk intirmay fa arat prmOdy. etkelaraul Liar M. I km 4tactted rich! to Ey yan k oak.' to D. Crocrmes anis' , .1a arm p.. are *IN: fe aa awaL" lt.a d.. way rmpantiontrpm. awl ha id to dr Ilia, ha* vatlate diiriolfts_ arm. me tilt tam balts oftral the paide, ad, 'Yam eaey rmareire or At's. Okay ora.jaria ea mount that to le. 110.1 1 rm• • 11 / 1 • 1 Nomphala Len al path; bays aafai•dl oak, era animal phyvarmr,te lama I paid mak I. and tho 4 lea rmalteltalkirrittal a/WM o* aalosta ser • tam, Ottatliirea .p inasatia.. la, tb.ll-7 I trm i•brml tatty maim Mood SOON oar WELL. ' bet of la arm erteitat Isaac Cite of path 0. AM, nal IA Jo ater ntp•m. h. , at Mit II saa, Tau IND:gnaw taelrmealsatie I arm mak load. acagtiping ce chin soca alma at arm. arm Ea anzeik al' I Ida kept the 4 * tirmt aaa. Mr, km waprrn alma any 1 etiterka J i b aaablarteol, d u I Aert tiglio , l6ll Irmak Oa. ill. I I ~lot Ste Lau Om** et LAlical Alrietis. 11. gs salaellan fa apatite te Carl alba Mara_ Ite- VAVRIEN.Aa Oars an ethe Pala bd. u+ r.hlie oasutillar blb.prrmar 1./t. rmattlia OEM Win tiarmg ea for sad abated. dam Oar 'areal eel tali Ilia SCILCILS;N• Moira Worm Tad bad Feat/ foldYl Dr:Cuiu, Ina/ W:AL D pm, • -7. • Dil *VIE% ALTER/JIVE. • We bee* beet ielbraod by him Rose of aeon WW hosed amber by . Dr,ellatimPo Alterative,aloth CY.Wil:ilrl Other Llee,slo*tj. re.e earr eggra lean aftEC2O2Bl or WI l-Ta NU oheae idd OueakkLlM amta eiarehlet rime way peeetahere been &abated Ism OS heart boos Or lie emits, Root both• r •irstommod Was, am from both lotion& hos the left &sag tO O % and NoOIIK, beside. painter atom Go other peas of ea pereee, wheel, hare belted Ike OW or ember of the tourer phyeletaaor ete ells —arnag aoa ot Wm het atitme luxe hors'alenasuag rad deal. Mono anal eta, ohs •ns Itteee4 a [em J. ortehtse Ud ea %Willett y hew deer glob reeTer 'S p Ira Are lefa i nr r has beeoemleceraletaly mato* ee. tau am to o tl Ito ere then ehet bolero the coetraood to or to e WWI atette Nos,: 1 ; 11 Foe hotter thetatee, Atm of Ms. BaireAt Ftbert a, Ftllaaelplet For atria PLaterth, el tie FEZINFEA.. I* 72 Ranh a. sat Wag. , • . : . C:== oa, • m • • I • • .i*: -•• . Yaw, velawo ekna la dark rad wanner-,;-• . Yen, Whale kalt WWI wavy. - -..• Room,dmy ma or Ilery--. : . • ' TlZ=ralw a tdr UV • Yoe, abed kavb-oey, mallet ktrl- • • as as edam em anew we Oben, amnia spay *week mod eonicia • • • • sad wkite anel mow! and beatufat, ' • • • And Wagon. say, dark wa Mee, bneWtwear one blow. • Voi aey of yea eanAave Malabo. bt iblo so ilaking inW venni". ne bottle of.lonwro CO r.l Bar Ilsiorwito=a tsecof Jamb Amber Took Pase-ona Is nolo of Ake amnaano Au% lake* Cralialboap. . fl Lamle& coot boa baba ami yea odaaren Max Me fame' oft mil qiumbuine Tae took- Peeve glen 114. , baulk • measlier. a t wak...aol.- pre-song - Me war* Ac. Tkaa lak mat On know to be iko wan tsl t o Min ever me& Ine debt au, tenunafrog, owl eauoingy lama ov bon wag 'be mgr., liret rtmooktaset Saw miadlLi= mockas, freaks, • to and make Usk wane, ekes and folk All thump tklap aye _kohl =MOMS Mae Qat Shoo Mona as • POMO Warangal IP Weeti - • . • • Jeanine. Ma • Now lean: • MIKE= are feet amen ewe common crties. bleaMee thee therttla awl tet, onnettinbund, leg met alerts Yr" bees se& temn ey the we of pill., elecaryinte, liatmests, he nll enre letlle add tittle 6u.W. - the Kp6eouuon is the may amelicune ear& A puma who han been nail al with the Ms d the wont Mai came roan se. lea, N. limey, abaort os' pulps. to armor ha mte& far the spied es,* that thle andnelee tad dialed to Ids Set. Peet. _ • Xi' ror I d la Moen* at Llso PEILKA TA STORE, 71. foisila 0., Lod Blio the Dreg Store p,Sehrnae r federal et, All e) Gt . . . :#1; o, • . 6161,•••• #;#l proommea it tele Ilia 11 main was. int ankle, epi+rot adq overrLir, • Araks nolerais I.l=Ka. et, the 11 rem PI, we tar. Tldi Malls hat brs hAiraileirf Nod* kw pox ing s• *Li *mind , mobs Mot t_ M n0n01.1. 6 a are rain vita Tig *sir 6i41, inks. orOaTath • Milli :1* ern ,//.17 PiiiduemeMOW l A:iiitimfa.4 11001U0* , ' INSURANCE!' JOHN Planar, ia. /10.13 T £l' PrrltlipFli MIMI . DELAWARE MUTUAL ' ' wear 1ddurd*•1?"11,L1.9.:4474W, 'FIRE NIMES upon bilidiso. deushitsus• 1 I. of every deecepelos,42‘.. lung epos hulls or esti..s Cl teffinklellln4ainPle woe 1 avorabl e terra. . .:.:a: , 101.11. = l l' E? Once in the wmhaar of W. fs• deo., N0:37 Water, sitEe 111wW"4 ,..,. 11416.... 1 ;K. B. The amuse of Vas dissttinjpe the ersb: tistunent V ile to Ws alts. delmes au bleesitnt • tshish e'en el.ll. VOW 12. Al rota Us been adjasted. fails ennui ute - aguais us . ?binds eenddesee ad uaemffl st is tussah ihe ansetandy at large to des deutersee . == ranee Coissau, widen bulbs eddltdoesl . IluzulA u as tutu don anion ins amt. Fbilad'os—u hula gas saute rid in espilery . bytlerepsestraiolitselituhsoomstaleyi se yitddiss to each puddeismated blade* shpts. , the profits of the'eompasy snlhost iiiolviss bias L a " 7 mr"Ail ti rbeAdien lid Vrirederilet P... 1 4 13 242 fridtitild . ,..., .00604 Orkt i ,Mll Unarm., Ceitsre;as u roust attractive onp. FIRE AND MANE 111anu1mmit: 7 'a T l Ll E LlOil i f twi tl dely t. t.a . 73 P"F /pat, the 4 who* bar, sawn to ante perettiett od !kilted tL time On prOpenr, Lh LA CI ti 1154 Wag]; on eltipateour by the Coal had Rirdis. C. DIRELVORS. „ John C. Smith rttel..; St a asi Brooks, Ales. Bleary, [Chariot Dayiaiv— , haat. W.Joen, Edarard Smith, Mabtual Wij Jobs A. Brawl, ' , • !whoa 61: ' Jobs white, Jobs Tao/. P. Copy • Wm Walsh, Tim is We West: imraraaes 11410 UoAtid States, Maas beet clunated-14 tauter La perpetell, tad from to WO ' stot load espeoettat, ample mow, Nal awatdbilt talks of an extra heteateal etanciar, i c t x S . coml.:kW al of:lanai ample warily to the MOSES An! • At Coashar Ram of Atwood, Jot. k. Co., Woes tad Frost streets rittabargb. tyddl-tr , •INDEPANyty liiilselLact by Yini—Tha r naDHEIN Pies lan. • • ram Compaq or Plibhlelphia, vrtu.r.i."74,,PLToglt BURG.; sad The 8U OU u - uuNTRY • as favorable terser This cassias? has a impel:sal charter. - CAPITAL, m i e 400,(127 p,aid v 7 CONTILISGENT FUND,. ace.a7. , Oiea case: of Third sae t suit, ' • • .WARRICK 2 141/2771' Amines* Piro • loatnespe 09 PHILADELPHIA. C 11•1712 Plarervat. Camas 11101,0011 PAD V - - Wee No.' 72 Piaui: Strait s • WILDAVIDSION, Ain't resew" PHIST, Seep TlllB old and grelbessatiabed Deepest tmitmea inabre asildiniraditcrehissslite,Fasaitirs yd r erry eotofan extra habudoce .pipet hest b> • leabens for lannwees Vitiebweb nets Aced, will be metered, sad risks tikes oibil P.Pe,ftt o o, les ba4e4 penedoseol.ll lELSCELLANEOW';',:,', - = • ~• '. . Ammo Rua-14w, _Tax loons - aims. ' •••-.. /.11113XlidT--NusT/whinON.MN‘trt' : • . ACClNlZiiiililiplaill.,, , ,:fl z.,:a • 1 ./.: A= WtlrMasaaoll4llll4lfir: r ' ' "' '' - , ... Ih. Erenia E.D 711 115"1 ... b.0.444144:''t . . trurs awatonaLaumni tin*shilta I . : .. iia . • 1.. d au. botanbi 'MD it Itnam. • ..! tins wr do. Ire Oaf gni - flierr,_ .iiii 1 '. •.' everkol.. Tin trynia4Calanashisk........, argentealent bey ara;allikdo t. titt and Wows tr , int • Pali 7 =l=l pant a.l‘..entre btentintemaitninewassiont Piddi ... d. bl n i l ! t n li kbhnifkbial Pil 4 nl' i% • . snotty bar . ' The gape.. dammed.. ibinien.ye,..: . , M; ...4dpeaiNl apan dr ewira hernia the Mond sein.. - adam of be awe antinatiny isdatapte in , I....initly in bat, it the valege orlinth......sib its MOM. ml Imilisme d•llligy imibt Ur aaaarair. al bar awl eterheasinetligh Fatima Oa 6 the ft* tell the Mt sr sitresarisatt , _dnanotbire • whet laden trf Sp* en Ite,e. balelmali f f laser ..1 inter. )14say, in , nor. d math, :no am the magi aetribref o the thaawne., ' dowly whining Wavy!. the orna. . the we lly. 1Ef .,.. = „ a, ~,, . . rid ad ' , las es. I the liewriatta. rtlip et Hil -1• W ' ALM Mt\ lb Caw% Ear • o lir a nd tore.wninlis La at •ain.atay be eren en eneerin and • pettlydimiiSed nap er nanny. Oa the lowirenl, el • sin, !ilk air estates, b lawatlioleh la Lb drew or 1....17,vtraar..a.t1r. Mani era thami sled 1 . rin...oh• asTatie Mama et. I. drum* -•• , rap Gaut Vamp., aria it stem* =keg ogling— ' int tenni!, panitry a raniriaahon 4 Athirst arann. ..,..- .9".... , PdaVagettLid, t 7 eay s ilwr II be eleitt - it wit newt. • pleiriss, vier las spettirt. Weir 7 , .• . , ran at hit 44 iitanowtsweet or Ihtrept, lb..* yypy • +: : 1....0. .......b.n Inentlit ant eadaniiihd ' • ',. Tb. emmloir Road .11/U an wry Mg • • . etas. ad we angly nneint-ihr eprbar of •• , .' It te peril. tritheri'enowleant oI eh. paw graisato , • I. area du, apart. la La mad pal* .• tios er thb pgabraar ..lerinhy owntwahr Or; '• . Dr. Dmaigal .In reader. dm ntaidniume., am a enlarged nprisce, ens abetted i• e Eaten, be enynwl the ninattna ef ...I 3an pwah. S. relbretra Imps.. etbhabety ..I Skil., natisciPi a wen mil ?nein. in ther newsy-be berwiliymasy ' Y Psinn idi.mot nay tintebni nye. entire etindentehi haikilllyW • • • main. is wads Yer ......, A. 0 4 •444..: j . ...I. neat.•••• st Illardtag;racindinyamiand whir W AN. .... o. .". mill 6 tonal. writ nary ant" br palsie* hi : .. Ott el lir ankh. • 711 , 52 , PROM' Mear - 73 - 4 • FOR. goons, Inurnit,lB.• • ler HE sabactibeistai Jl,•inievassed to yoebog ,I 4:tIeeLYIJALVANIZEID TIN IpLATIDV.Iina to tad .• nary Advionantss pat= possess aye all natant eon innetsonseneut and los Ills paryoss, ua possessing as tysty do, Ma nod bantam of ho l y its lisnality slut, ar boost' i new born tasted cave ray eat s, both to dui C01137144ed E...pe. • They , arc aho loos anbioirt argitodee centtaction nwtititganeltandomo U. alto. LIMA cam= Sun • ,_ P= L kota, UK; is ,Oy obey metal noel mad*, "auk oasoesaeolly, • • math better at7o Orb tor nor. manias billallesasSulnoll otat the irse en; la bat sa amt . • The Ileac acts would also mall tie 0tte= 1 11 ... .1 &alas nod wanton is metals, loth , litany fag! potent* indult boo tbus protected, csa In neural tenas ts applicable Well snick, of {tap oduelt it as desnabbs to tarouct Ocat de action et ilia ausiospbste.,,And nn7 Oetstha ddreStglV ..ll waken of ;boss interested inTELLOrarsanll47/DS, • to thou lialrattbsed srlicla is nowolosten ammo. ly ued is Europa, Oct "duct anavetee, emery Iraqis. • as a conductor - of elartsty, soon* solnibstst Imo ban as tnaeb as copper, fad Yoomalnit, • ty ann. tbas nasal, ov n allu'iy aol r tuTetatis,. '" setit ic g ' bobs, thli al wo '" t "li et . 1 ,74 will be able to famish any scuds tar ba • ten. A supply of Kass Imo nunielan•d La ,Ipoope,l . • constainly on hand, from 16 to Warns mom • ,01N.O. RI! • - Nos. 14 sad LI &outß. MO sa, MEWTOY=. P. 1.1.11 Rialtt toe Ibis amen b Ise* osesseb • tot the Wilted Nalco aa ..Urea` flritabq hod otluta Eanmtao eotustnsa, ao4 legal solessossaittlibsi b e sa present any oa by unportonot et lab. • wins`sale pliWarehaloose CITY O' NNW NORA. ypA. FAHNESTOCE. Ar. • Noor York, offorlor ula a . laoa aid gram, woort.mont of Drop mad Alediroses, Dye Still ralale and Oils or every dascripttoa, anion any us mooned and deco' to moll Ints. I O ld rootrierchnoul and Divigiola usrogosaUid, to call aroltamitio their artteleo: Onion exicalact wan fallidolneu and ditirpatch. & A.l'lloostock's Veroilop eouuntly oa hood. B. A. Vrootipels, ) . B. L - lahatirock G. W. Irobaroroc • "A. D. Hall Now oro, - op 3 • • . fbiPER WRIFEItQA/13 r: NO• 9 MIMI AO , Pr 'UMW TLC. 1,l W. YIELD alt•ta be saki • at da. lowan lissffseacrs , priolea • ,•ery sialmare amorto was or PAPER. coao;94li tvert'pealtaa - •••;147, ad•rad u ihe yams etqoasiar an Nankai, WU* 01111MYY. heel; of all pada lanbe aaprat 411K1 ON ' • - • "lam:KW rsiabrniqrAnaio 't a i u paa 'i waftiralamuttaMitami eravery deseriptios, tipporminad k•pt Fuckay : Falun" winPank P•antalat W ino, flaaaling Powder, Sly yl** ike-fie• • patellae{ kr wia 6116""d""a• • • yor • -114nellfirr. ie.) not yi Wlllll4oilE Jo WOLFF hiotilgrostleed fielildon corner of 14x,11 ned lil Ch. 4.4. 144 e ftel NO Wood slow, Moo dam stem le.Chnotee Weald of toou'Lliy_ slat doe Itlelltlnt A argil, loamy wee of KA iLDWARII, =MAW mid IllAntiMigif ; T WA - 7 por stops Seronikh, Mendenteri=l iklre:nl Rom tho onnalletorors of o and , Moo, oopplee of nolrillon Insfo.fliall p.LJ nof the Liam Illnum.._ . ; '' 'Yhur stook Cflfon entirely , mad parebaleihrea the beat lento slay tcolgrosteneltionto in being able whether ea Gr mocetnotally on oner. ynectlei .. olnKn Am anuAlmono s . Ten LI . .nallrten*nntsellriii lei Fscabioscl a:6I,W catitllATttlf :avows wroarroit a—Thi Athadarumlz tab .7 oda in Bab the snob t_ ta Med .0 1 : for/arty ennoldeit by.11144n icACIA. coca, as dal.. ca sad Was racial. TIP wEitiul h urPieu . 6 " bream bagottlatmlbassorith imam, Arid rcad7 ihr r M L I MO. I.O I WieIIMtII.; . ttutL t k lantal train,. Cli ea acthcm ca talkstctiSe u=sacdr. , nun Ammo . ...... • • • -.taw sarcana., lICUI;4OI7Vfor)i • g Monad - 111 Zio TA1066.µ: Mobs* tesaisallfle
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers