.'4lll4failiPennaL' - ' W A:MtratiPwrargomery Ware * , ..Lets. l .4* aa, issrmsestof Ebeettop 4-cdo a M wets ;FiLlow. ease sashas, 11-8 and iiroot. - IF OOI . I , • 'piss 'Waken price Le east. paid ter ell ibe Ekren, 4-► redo; of clean Waged Weal by . Aguipliy e. LEE, - .. Old Wool vrarebasse, as Liberty at and Cecil's alley - rosTsais-socrp. • riluzitz WV? will b served ay at Be.ta's, line J. U IThisk,thavol.7 4.7 as Vf loc. 71 . paw parneeliuty invited-es I jr.;;;W;oiiiii,_f...6 , Sap alum,* be surpassed. yys SilitißUCll-0 oaks Hpuon Batts; , . . 1 .1 Cram Tarml ' • . • I tl 4 , .rod PIPPer: - - I laza landing; r sategi. QTRAW;IIIAY.ANP_CORN STALK' CUTTERS -17 Jan received trarealta E.M. awe?* atraw Cylladieal saner, aver) savenar mulch:hand the Ovligait aura, all id waieti are ela'vp7 eaparior quality; tat sale at ilia ricabasult Seed sod laqlciacat erareboraiti, tomer at soda 'd lidt sta.' eett • N wicaxasTum • UGAIL'AND ROL a, •Se Idles N Otago; :1 lap bbla Molasses W dors- Cot side br - • • LBW'S UUTekUSOM &MI IS • . 1 • • Winder ISM frost au IRON AND NAILS- , , , , , , , A • ES loas 1 roe armatted; • I 290 kegs Nails, .lo; utalOaLforsaial , y • . LB WATERMAN • . 13 "num i fißom us I SCIRAPS, Se—t bigb Tpssers Scrap; , Sbyrs •Imatherd Itay • 1 • Tails,Jon reed; for ale by . *al - -. -. • roiNDESTER W ITANtIiMaCingITS. - mY I • Al en Candy' Ilkfa he Whew' alagaarde as ta ser i tZ • , law pneed,:edi and Ewe' do, eeld•beekr. Jan reed by • W IdURPIIY: Tr"G` ll 7 — „ dattg=i4",l:X.l2'dd (Vit kw by Ms piete atwholemle PAR, wan et W &MURPHY. LARD , OIL-611bl, mister Lard 00; freerfipi, .4,,tr,4,,Agtb:1401 / 00,1 Oil, tactchcd and c , for mask F EELLEas, 17 Liberty lit NITTIMOIPIAII—IT different Noc ibr span 11111 L by , C ARBUTHNOT -stv:,.b,,...krA ;g u lp , hegor T osacc 1..4.13••°;,,a 6..164 3° viTurAm3. - In .ocols, TT VA 1731111-1 bee Atm Teed; tor Yale by • VR SF.LLERS Mn e iltital 1!;71u . w . i1 edi i k E ir o!LIR3 WMaiailM=Ml /11.11011/ACTVIULD TOBACCO-1W Wan. 11%11_ aseenedulon4 direct nom Lyneltnelit. en eannipe 'lnc= no sale • l• • (Win • I Ditaatir &CO riOWTOK—SCivst tapsekod Cecor, smell .for Raub( at Vpikoislen am for Odo by 0111 , • • . •.- I DICKEY &CO Wv. bbtv=r..,7...x. CANDLYIII-15 bets end half bib Btu Just reed Ana Ceneinese; kw sale by . • Vial - ttilltil—lketel lb. Vbantalk Bole Lem,. calving floes mai; tor sale by 1A8DA.L.M.4 4 teenier st • K—Paysxes gowns ludebble Ink for gals by bed • J D MORUAN azurozu—e caeeipure Unitize crowd Gineetkor eeil - , tee by ;I D MORGAN - rJONZIPASTM far see In. • . p a.tOm9.ILN. , HZRAINGI—= apt! Jut rted and br udi ay oeus Wier. 114.11201.M3 fliZA—:l4o doges Y 11,1roportalAY .4 ?merlon Jost me* for saki ' • WICIE k SteCANDLESS CIOAP.:4OO bvi assented Shavbst boaY utle by oet6 • WICK ir.liaCMllll.o36 GOfigIUCAS PIPNJ-1153biskiatillq_ ms sell WICK& inecArin .H 4 n l oa ""6" Vetrid:ZANDLEßii MAOKZRZL—IebbIs ntukettli, ht sals_lrf _ =di - • - WluctmeCANDLIKr- rriAlL—to Mai reed; 6raleby . J. bed . , WICK h. bIeCANDLESS pziron-10 bbl. Jut neci,dwittsi iS h oe J .-F OR ` orrsz—ipe C bap prima gree4l landim for I DICKEY & COo.. We by • miner & front sts f—Otein and Blank far We ',T immy k clys.—rimentegper Cam". Numert t DICIOEY -4•l_ , &CO Wie:l4 , l-11,1 31 mk =ll *lend waren put • oet3 • • % swam a EirrEa' l i ii r•mmle:trnarrcrvlrir•rlntn SALT --‘0 bbdNot Alex tiny Bonfor Wiby _ sea • JORDAN SON ' IrotAcco—L,so . tiz. ..t.o4bivar.oßobin aCo S r. hoar: f'sho . My. wit •-• • • . • • • JOHN hit L. 1.01& 1.71111.11-161;fairjfitsit: .17t7 4e14 • , liOrfaArg wood st. Y. Ip I w bf elkta y l!r i rr . Ar i tozz.Me r v.. - • . mr Itteny irria'sts firsagan rapirrs-a twit Lugs and sae l 7 am plaW,Mm opened; br sale eM4 stomuarrr warrE.99 CBgEllia7l44bi""Zige";foritale by '""*"' CAR243N &IIeKNIGHT rmor, ac—SSbn Oe C/Srj , Mr/II I.!rilh!"'lCAVOlNgaiirinT B ° .•ct4 -4°" ' ' t l 4' C ' Llti.O . N ZKNICIfiT - - DITCH, TAF,.id WEN kn bi L'int4 • CARSON & 110E111011T 7- 4 10LAY-23 German Clay to i tgrkto i mic A b s y, • zed ! Elmddkatltaii • frAAS — . B Winos Y 11 and loperial rriA , t e tt""‘"r"" JCBIDWELL rflOlllC-13tbsirr red quiz" no. Inmdiag fm • ‘. l "'" ikmr; MmiE, SH": -l i"c'"'`'lvingT7ll 4 4« , ' • VISATILILIUII-3, 4 d 5 lbs prism KelitoelOut Ned W am gars/4 Om les by, - • sea. romprxrkst st co ~.~: ';',~.' F a t 4 bb t• ''''llll.l"ll)4l;:vbstuote ~ wI6IJAYs iia;magmT‘ , ml ' issz-44 Rio landing 'Gas caul; for Ws by oed 1) OILO AN I C 0,103 wood at cysteatidy dots Y II and O P Tesiot • *WV • • .7 14"." DT MokaAmblaoo' L omr bbt,...nee ama• IIUEND,EUEY & CO , • ' 67 wain It 0 - 116—sa eta. TeesenKfillut reeVar zz l i f =Allele &wain sis SCI . I7 7 4IDILCS-190 411"pastree'd C 4ILKUUTIINCif, inieled,ke Week Ye liig J . lewLppee et ewe will be ' . !ra.—to is 'p emir bu Y H. 0 P ud Lexpljou r•auved; mAcuroxi•-,46:: ( bityl. hg = , .1! 17111ibat7 R ai rVi l a% Luterattud .131 Pc.ria: 4 ; I"Zi D2ll4si el d iel=oTik CO `ti a fit tags gam id. ...xam"l -1 we r e : la i r Pnc. sed :RIM& MELT IRON-10 reed " • ear liberty inns gs STMAM MOAT 000KIM 6 he WAUD SWAIM, • lOU • • Ant A betyrra =AAA wad LMAD—tdu pop thkiii - aiir L HUTCHN gar-. RILUMATUIF37 tasks ma j ejl i tv in t A T m. ri co bir easserelal row, hberrf .0 WiLig P i,7loo.agnMit 1304 - 1 eassmeeialrovr.lthirrf VIIIIISS-4 eaiks reirig Benrelitairg reed sad die pay by -iYit • • it A NAY,ldl tlWnfer (101111,1216—Itoaeted and groarkl, Cof stessotemi. hatras tad greet...l Itie Mutant and VIAL. liffly.l7 EVA at. . 3.y14 & ALCORN ; (G ROUND OUND Z.PPER ., , bbl., lgnd ba iX J T e A s N f ei "r.".!*9l""Yzigfat unhand 17 nth greet i 000 fx:' ,, NtirVY Gram Lard ksr sale by . 411 " CANYON IideICNIGHT TffiC r IVLIN:a 17a aod plea, Mg brands ,o by ire _ . r trt MOW tiAnsigaTvi OftYMCA!. IiVRI ITI S* .I.IAr4IILLI —ls tubular( the pernsuge of the public far dais ankle, it le bat 14pda. grope that iYakenta which Meekiw 6r wipe. ieW.should be folly tad air ily eel girth sada. wow perash ho pm that thee.. enmity wilt sot be imposed op= by mein la the Ant pia. its well knows Ilut the generali'y of blank Melee" are me of a- precpitete, held 'spew by pis Arebieuad when the resterouttur ia whole or pen erspreintelie gm wed precipitate an left ar a pasty wise fit. pa or ioks.ol whirdreostaits it. It is also common to add norm to tab mi.se to we. it wore fluid, whirl imureeses the .11 by using ha the pro, if a sedum. eon.* it thrice> is livery abort timer Note the r Sri. ring Plod" Sian from abate mistatis is every tweet, we i id a... mi.= regains:. nand last. to hold it togeiler, never get thick, and bring piny fluid a tarp quantity Inn frost the pen bdba gins pee pewit. tire deeper iota the fibre of the pap. tuba% a move perm. mot tu sad wee lea audyestwed by . atuit. than if it was holy ' paned oil the rogue. eao main. ao matter that W miLkity for seta. ins, then.. act corrode steel pray-. at will moo mould, bead although it writes er a bled. yes eidor yet in a few bun it bee.e a deep Neck 6kh will ift• lll..arr•A* l =wk.. , th. vac's km. by the name of Writing ad ird NU. greco for the sum • parent. ROW isipsitioa of say tied , Wag attempt. the followurg recorsoundatioas will sake. ad usts ha aware; that themien there gins could sot haft be es ob. gained by any tams for an unawnhy papa, . . Wa ratorancod klikken% Cbonicsi 'Writing Fluid" to the prams of an public, an • first rata arid* at an aro paha it dors Pre fro the r. witbot d i . t elven it up tad at Ur erase of •kr hors Ucouses cep Itraiht lrk. B A &pm Co. Wrk anst AdelAndlesa Robert Mom John Parker, Was Lippireottk Ike Wighiran 4. Co. ' Mogisena* Is Douglas Franca Sellers flat B Mahn, Bookp'r C A kleAnutty & Co. Sar 1.17 W Ware, Jonah Bolling MiW, Aug Mr Thal( lislbere—Der kir I have bees veins your Chestiest Writhe, fluid;nisil nod a . fiat aae the aloe, k tion freely frost the pat and bookocejel M. in • 4w Enun kci T' R TUTTLE. kook.iteeper for Bisons le &topic ' Tithbritti 1847 , kdr 1' K HAbert—Peer Si . Korn mimed • boat. of Writing Raid, lino th in owls ego, I roosidar it Ail eilsal if sot =prior to Aroold's or say other ink Ant in ono,l Immo!. Rerpiwtfall, WILLIAM STEWART, BookAuper fir Anitr firiChobolll if CO llsburgb, Sept 11,1947. Sl• T. IC Ildilsert—Dear Si,: I Yi aim umg lour Conn eel Writing Fluid, and Sad it I. be • laud racelent article for .ataal rm. as it does not clog them up Me dui generality of Aker mks; it doses fm and lieesoie• ekalee .bleck is a fre e boom Yours, Res 6J. 'WILLIAM It, Book-keeper ' kr Jelin Parker. Wowed and ...Ad. Whalen& and Retail by Tbaolas ItSibert, Drage& end Cliernize; corner of Lamm' end Streeta, Pittsburgh, Va. bird . . PERSONS brought out by this mreacy upon the most reasonable Immo, from any 4; I . port of F.oglarld, Ireland, Scotiend, and Wain, tad ia Packet Skips only. Foreign lildrespondeau and agents of the British Government have I tequently cal:Mooed Emigrants at Home and their Mends fn America, spout the frauds that are mailm en), practised upon themotod have always referred to the well known bottle of Hank. k Co. Its the right plate for all to apply, if they wished to be treated with mmoteality and knidness. Parties, who advert. themselves Sole Agents for the Black Ball Line. mate what Is entree, and thus deceive the public, to we profess to be Agents not only of the Black' Hall Lier,but every other good Line, and also Cenard's Swam Line. rm.by C ARBUTIINOT Sigla•Dranclits to any .moan payable in any of the branabea of the Provincial or N 121002.1 Ranks of Itr -. ll:gland, likicialand, de We draw ow own Er chance,we do not take money and wad n to the East to get some one else to remit, thereby causing mistakes and dell u. Let the Makers, As call upon us, and we will accommodate them at New York rates. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Earopean Agent surf lob Itt.one door below wood 7 SELLERS 'ltem the Shadow ere the habetance Fade." VOLUME , CELEBRATED REV.:LIGHT DA- V GUERRECITYPES.—Two Silver Medals awarded at the Fairs attic Franklin and American institutes Mr the best and most artistica' specie ens of Dimpirentro type Portraits. - The recent tmprovement made by the nthseribers, and wit eh is pee eller to their establishment alone, vim An Upper Light, has received the highest recommen dationa from the Press, and also written testimonial from the first Artists in the Commas to its great supe riority over the anal Side Light. The peculate advantage of this Light is that the En teral expression of the Eye am be obtained now more Perfectly than hammier*. Citizens and Stenger are respemnally Invited, whether &striae Portraits or am to emu one armlet.. galleries, probably this Imam and most extensive In the United. Emus, end examine for. Mutual.* the atuonishing improvements made by the lablicrittem In this Wonderfal Art. • T. P.P. D. C. COLLIES, • Proprietors of tie City Deguerretan Establishment, Na.N IRO Chesnut Streectdoors shove Third. moth side, Plezaatarma. ' . sottrileowew THE' Proprietor of the Lebanon Nursery Ten Orr sale a lame assortment of Fruit Thee, both of American and Patopesn engin; such as Apple, Pear, Peach, flterry,Phn, Apricot, Nectarine, and Al mond Trees. The Trees are 1111 of a large *Me, from 1 10 5 yen obt. The mice of Apple arid Peach Trees, ca ries from S 6 NCI per IGO. ateording to age and sire— the trees are of the best quality. sThe Lebanon Notary Is situated 5 miles South•Easl of Prtubargb,ori the old Watdunglon road, of a mile West of St Clair Meeting Reuse. IL description Catalogue of Print Trees will be cent gratis to al *vellums by mad, (post paid) directed to satoenber. Pinsbargh, ocesdlAwltT 101 IN L SNYDER ALLZ43/11EllYCRAVE. IDISTITUTZ. VMS Establiahment for the education of Voting La dlai mill he opened (D. V. 1.. Monday, N. Ist, InVoßidisearse ef Cada> oat itebieeria m, ander the upeanteuttance of Mrs; INGLEM, kirmerly Principal of the Manchester Institute. Urn I:takes this opportunity of thanking all those Dictate mho boo hitherto patronized her, aM hopes that they tirtll be unlaced to condone their atronage to her seer tuidenaking emoting them that n o Pupil confided to her ca. Wilt fail to receive connant locution .n eanallianneh of her Weenie& Mans bat experienced Teachers am engaged as At. arealars can be obtained at Puked: Iliannim's, on Wood et,Pittabargit, or at the Institute on Cedar at., oculd&glarT -• • = MOTION. vrotramocniary NAVIGATION COMPANY— eletides foe a Premdent, fear Managers,• Tree , Mel MO a Secretary of the Yough4ghen7 Naeleation Cotorauf tlt be hekt at the boom of Alpe. Bane., on the Youghicisbeef rivet.. Thumb,' the 14th day of Octoberdetweca the hoots of 1U o'clock, A.. M. and .4 o'clock, PM. • The Stoekletldera are barb) notified to attend in pet. tah ""g by P"'"Arl DELL. • - JI:RhEI'H MARBLE, JOSEPH CURER, MOSES ROBINS, ADAM COON, JAMES MAY, /OM D DAV . . Aqua Forum. . Till. Fie do; Oxalic Acid; . - Lae Deo do; • ammo Greco; . Bloc Vitriol; Do , 'I r elksyr. Suzan . Do Rodi 10440, Spamb; PatioGroso; Antic; Bransonek Wool;. Verdigres. &e. ke-; lot reo'd mi for rob cheap for jo et V oiILER . . . N W corner-Wood & Meld W. ALEXANDER & DONN, rt OWIN MAXERS•ND FURNISHING UNDER aI 'MOMS, wiener of Pa and P Clair streets, ...posit* the Exchaage Hotel e ntrance a n Penn etre., rerpectfally leftism their friends, and the public, that Wry are prepared to famiah and 'attend so everyUneg io Ike linear Undertaker." Always on hand e lortment of ready made Coding, covered, head and fin mired In the very beet manner, all sorts and sires rent! made Shrouds of fla unel, Cambric k and muslin, and an aims sada m epprtnnd etyles. Wa Seep a eortmeni of whits sod black, cotton, silk and IndWeser, elide for pal l bearers and MOW efer., eaPrt End every th ing nocessery Inc drosing the deed, and on reasonable terms, as we parehme all our good. la dr Eastern edam Abo, silver plates Orr essgraelm IlWaseste and age. We have a splemlid new hearse E er y hones, and any nonmed of the best carriage. Every thing attended to premplly end Penctuel/Y. male TROBIERY, 8/11=13 AND DRAWERS—Pip a the `Striped caking:FM Pitubergh —htschal Daly begs, leave to inform the Mere. of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the vicially, that he has Jam received from the Weavers In Germantown, •in addition to his own suardaetara, • large assortment of Woolen and Merino trodenkins, Drawers, he. to with a peat ea rimy of owning', Owes, Mods and martins, fancy and wriped dreekirtp for ekildrew, cluldreo undergar ments of every desenp ion . whichne will sell eery low for the ready conk, at the idea of the sniped maize. Don't Drier the place, on FM sr. between Wood and Idarket,_ IN DALY CAJUN lIIHE ka•in largo • omit of pure Wince sad likpioni direct from the Importen as any home Wa4 of ale moan tains,ofers for side on pleasing maw Brandies, dark and pale, of dig - went grades, brands and vintageN emu variety of European. Ida• dein and Tenaift Wince, some Irm old vnurainted to give malefaction, or no tale. To be confident of the parity of my Winesand Liquora,l never purcheac from sewed kends laths Bement markets. Good judges will Cosh , II favor hy calling and examining for themselves. 111 the eallef of limithhold and Front sta. g oct7 PG MARTIN Opt stf - Clectimed and Pixtbargh Rinf Rind Co., - Wallows; Bentember 28,1E47. ) NClri" TO IMOURBOLLIMA—An instalment of tan per wit= (the 3nl instalment) on the capital snick of thin company is required to be paid on the let day MNervember,tel7. Burelholders in VVeileville and the vironitystill pay to the Local Trtsuared io Benne vine and vicinity m /mph O Lawat N Balinerillei la rapitrofirk / W lloberLsal a: Co coiner of and and Wood stee l Fittabargh. By Order of the Board. ocel AO CATLETT, &dietary rr-Fer see a fete bales Western New Ifotk ' growth Of INN—frm tole cans. .111scs'Easbent and Western N Y, early picked, Gus par'. growth. Prim Oble do.&boom =MI. general Eastern cop of the season is now being Weaved. Brewers and ors using flents, will gun their advantage us obtain their supply fro the undentlgned, es they intend to sell throughout the Gasent et New Yolk prices. • GPO. W. SidITH&Ga. • yet% • Pittsburgh Brnany.. balms is our fat =la by - '- L iltrroutson 2co M=ALMS PATENT BURR STONE MILLS g 3 itadlag Wheat and COI., Of any Mode oddirain yeeeel on a PAM Or mutation, and may be pronelkd by wider, flaw, wind, or howl pawl, and will do it. waken* mar a lmo standrfection, and may he p., Op and kepi Warder byany penon: It le a per. fete Ode. Mill M minuturre, well adapted to the wan. of mai Farmer and Mutter, and in undoubtedly the cheapest and beet blildever odered to the pebbe. This machine can be aeon in operation at the ritto4 Seed and Itilpielaent-Warehopie, earner of Weed and tab at.. toed] 8 N WICKFRSIIAM - / iilli=llllM MISC'EMMUS. itAIRSOH.N & COS Pia4/103i . A141)REilITTANar. OFFICE. Commtwariers ILI. PAIATR LID DINKY— - • Spars Oil; Vankyke Brown; .lazi ..6.. Indian Red, m ; Dateh Pink; ,Teone Rama do, Whale do; AlltWelp Mee; Mira do; pert; Glue; Do dooldi Loprood, chipped; Oil vitriol; Do rated; liarlatlc Acid: 'Camiwijod do, DRoPOsaLs be reeetved at the offive of the L Weter Work. until Mulder the WA inst. ler macaw...o94la yenta or earth for Ilts Reservoir of the ihllegtveny ea) , Water Works. AlveLtor making lard brick*. Vor particular. engniro Rom I LIME,Sep'I luubergh Water Wolk. Wiser Worts, October 7,1847. oethd D _ co-pannewhip betetorots existing between the subscribers, andel the at) In of JD & Ca, la tba day &Awl red by 'newel eaneent. The bastion will be continued by 1 D Wm.. who is duly ell:horsed ta acute the aceotnne of the lase lsa. J D WILLIAMS, TUOSMILLER. P,IWISePt ' spat! 611 - 6.16 for Medwat i parpooca—Yort. Ma X detwOwegy and Nutley. eywciane way rely ap,a the parity of them wince. Itecebred and for sal. by • • sepal • enizati. ~..~~':1.~~r .a,,,x ~ ' • -.....:".?=.7..—vz.4:;71"...t9...14 4 ':`,. ,- -:..7 , 70 1 2r- , 7.1z;.,zy , t.,7 - ,. , . • - commin won. W=MI 1347 .1 I ,Sad -1 Sas 1 Man' Mono. " : OCTOBER., t visor 1 seta 1 rhos phased.: _ 1 :17 7.311-17 iday - 6 7- 1: :5133 - 41§ • • 8 Friday ." 6.3 11 :W 415 Hm0n0347 9 Saturday • 6 4 539 sets 10 Sunday 6 5 5 ril 6e20 11 Monday 6 6 527 7. 6 59 I'd Tuesday 675 25 31 13 Wednesday 681524 8 13 . MOVS/UIIIIIIS of the Mum Steamers. Steamers. Catenate . Leave Amer. Leave Europe. Mittman, IS r) 'Helaine, Oct 1 Sept 4 • Macaws., (Br) Eyrie, Ott IS Sept 19 Ptaladelphia,(FrNteason Cot 1 Sept 15 Oaten, tin Haber; Sept IS - Moteettri, (Ft) _.. Morin, Oet 25 ' Nov et Cambria, (Br): Jadkins, Nov 1 Oct 4 Newyork. (it) l'atraW, Sept /5 Cot 13 Wa•Mon. (Am) lievatt, Rein Oet 10 Calettenla, (Sr) 110 u, Sept 10 Oet 19 .PITTIBBOBOR BOARD OP TRADNIc COMMITTEE FOR ocrpera: i..• G. OGDEN. 6. T. TOO 601.11130611 T., W. H. D66/IT PASSENOiIi ARRANGEMENTS FOIL 1947. Steam Rost . Packet Line, leaves; daily for Cin cinnati, 10 A. r. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, S'A. ■ and 6 v. ta. Canal Packet Line to Philadelphia, daily. 9 v. r. Mail Coach Liee direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. w and 114 N. Weateni and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 A. N. Nwth.Weirturn via Cleveland;daily, 10 A. N. Erie and Western New Yark, daily, 9 A. N. North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, eacapt San , dava,4 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. Eastern Main via Philadelphia, due, 3 A. 511„ clown • I2M. Weitem Mail, Cincinnati and Louisville, doe 8 M., clone 5 A. M. Southern Mail via Baltimore and Wasatrion, doe 8 P. M, closes 5 A. M. North iYestern na Cleveland, doe 10 khl., closes 9A.M. Erie and Western New York, dee 8 P. M., doses Oritcs rerissosow Ciastrit, t . Monday Morning, October 11. The weather, since the Talk bus become clear, cool and pleasant, and busier.' generally is quite lively. The sales of the market have been regular, with but little variation in the pines.... Flour—We base no change to note inthe article; the receipts have been light for the past few days, and, as a commence, supplies are limited. Saks G.lO bbl. occurred at 35,10, and 85 do at isio p bbl --nub. Sales In small lots from More at kisia 6,15, and by single bbl at 5,1'.0. • Wheat continues quite limited.isaappy, receipts haling been exceedingly light. gales of ICO tin at 95e iT be. A slight improvement since last meet; 90 to 95 being a fair average quotation.. Of other Grains we bear of no sales worth :reporting—mod erate vales at former quotation.. Aabea—We notice des or 2 toes Potub, extra prime, at bin rib ; of Commokati4l64; Salmi= and Pearls are firm at 7if574, tad Soda A. at 410 5 ♦ lb.' Feather—Sales of 900 lbs at 318;39 p lb--tub. A slight advance, owing to the normally in market. Bacon—Salo . of .2000 Ma In lota. at lart quotas tionr.—Hartur 9310•, Sides 8; Shoulders Ic P lb. Choose—Further sale. of 100 boo at 6t060. Wrlus—Sales ue brid at the following adulate. ed rateir-8110, (city manufactured) 54 Y ha; 10:19 4,50; 10214 815. 3110 (Franklin brand) 3.50; 10x13 4,0). 8110 (country brand) 3,so_r'br. The fine packet dimmer htenonpbela, Stone, master, takes her place in the Hee this day and wilt leave at 10 o:Ciatia, • C, for Ciaeiona6. Capt hasspared no Pains nor erpeame is refitting and ion proving the engines of his noble steamer. We wish him abundant suecas. The SWIM? Pennsylvania, Gapt Gray, will lane for Cincinnati, am per advertisement, to minnow morning at 10 ,o'clock, an place of the Hibernia No S. The Hibeitua will be repaired immediately, and take bee plate'in the line again next week. . The Batavia Courier contains some' interesting statism of the manufactory of Flour and Whiskey in Clermont couoty,Obio. la that county, it state., there are nine extensive Distilleries in active opera. Lion. conationtig - diily about 2750 ha of cons; which at the average- cost of igsc w be, would be a trifle leas than 8100 per day. or 8540,030 per year. The Whiskinianufactured at these establishments amounts to about 10 ; 000 galla per din which at the avenue price ol I,s pi, would give an annual value of SROXIID. • Not less thata.llo,ooo bogs are fattened at these distillaties annually, which, at an average weight of lbs each, it SS I. 100, would bring SACCO: The consumption of Wheat I. set down at shoat 150,000 bhls M annum, making about 30,000 blals dour yearly. The lollowiog able of a few of the leading items will give ■ clear eneception orthebnainem of those immense establistimenur corn. 7.2.5,0ct5 ea at :Se.. Wheat. no,No ha Whiskey) Whiskey bt.575.0.0 at SI .1 Flour bblospbc a Total SNOOD The csuh trollied may be eat down In mood nem berg so follow.: I', For Whiskey... • For Floor..!'. I For Fork u r Total 11181p0 .17,E0D .. ..... 90p1:10 73,000 30,000 $540,000 106,001) 300.000 It is not claimed that the above ia accurately cor rect, but that it atquolitnatea war:lathe troth. Four Moaned perms . 11r8 told to be either directly Of indirectly employod io these eatablishariesita, which, saluing labor at au average of tOe p day, would make St:10,000 It is worthy of rtittark,saie the COurier, that with the immense quantity of liquor manufactured in Clermont connti r! there is not a Eingle Mailer of virits within it limits! The lollosrleg IL:* the principal articles of impotle at the city of Baffle°, by Lake, for the month of September 1847ir, Flour, Hilo '189,183 Wheat, be 555,366 Pork , 1658 Cora 463054 Seed i' 3683 Rye 3495 Oil ~ 390 Oats • 53,324 Meal r . 3967 Wool, baler, 1736 Cranberries . 1 394 Hemp 19 Filth I,' 821 Pig Iron — . 815 Cotton, Weal 1 315 Leather, rolls 842 Tallow, lb. IL 34,608 Higheines, calm 2776 Tobacco, blids, 388 Hides, No BM Coal, tons i!' 1985 Batter, Re • 816,859 Lumber, It 14316570 Laid 40,250 Lead, pip , 6315 Bacon . 88,485 Ashes, cake : 83:1 Staves, no 1,888882 l• Barley, WI 944 BROWNSVILLE—ret Louie McLane-64 bbls floor, W Bradley,'-13 do do, klopple-9 do do, G A ilerry-26 do do, Mitchell-1 bo Coleman & co 15te bars iron, Esaiss—= bbls Bow. C Keppe-50 bills paper, Schools:taker—V.4 kg. nails, Borbridge & eo. Par Consul-o'6ols floor, Mitchell—lo do, 10 Nis do Rankin-11 boo glass. Dalton & co-12 bob sin• opt, J bbla door,. iditeosll. LOUISVILLE—Per Hibernie4- coke' collet, Bakewell & Peen-4 kb]. top r Wtck & McCort& lets-10 bdlo bar lead, al by leather., Carson & McKnight -2 cake psweeg, 16 bp reathors, Atwood & Joose-4 reltigerator,J Valeoelor-40ko grist fderedeo & co-4 .e.sba .cope, Sbeenberpr-112 Oro soap, George & co-100 Rd. whiskey, Scott & co-5 dorlo Adv. • BOATS LEAVIIIIO Till DAT. H. LEECH dc Co's. PACEET„Phdadelpbis sod Baltimots.,9r. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 6 a. r. tad 6 P. IL BEAVER. PACKETS at 9 and I 0 a so sad "r MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS," r. w. DISPATCH:NeIson, Brownsville. GLASGOW !PACKET, Gllssiow,4 r. ti MT VERN9N, St Lour. - NORTHER.N LIGHT, St Louis. TALISMAN', St Louis. tdONONGAIIELA,Cuiciiinati,IO a. r. TAGLIONi, St Louis. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 4 = 4lll_tt ARRIVED. • - Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Michigan No. 2, Gilson, Bearer. Louis IdeLwee. Bennett. Browsurrille papilla, Helios, Moo. City. Skipper, I Bearer. Casoden,lHendrieksim, Beaver. Bearer, Wien., Bearer. Lake Erie; Hemphill. Beaver. CHM; Came, Moore, 8e.,... • Pennsylvania. tirar. CM. Jewes.,lJoutater, St Louii. Map Stasphens. Loewe, Louisville. Hansom, Gree oleo, St. Lush!. Mingo Chier, Moore, Zanesville. Iladson Pee. Wheeling. • Illoide Island, Dawson, Wheeling. !Island Packet, Wherling. 'Wellsville, Barnes, Wellsrille. • DEPARTED. Cenral, Dolman, Brownsville. limes Melee., Keenan, Brownmilla. Monterey. Woodward, Bromarille. thrpalch, Ralson, Brownsville. • Heaver:: Hoops, Beam. 1,,,ae Etie, Hemphill, Beaver. Maisie No. 2., GOMA Beller WebCOpe . , Moore, Beam. - ' • ' Lase Helrlon.lldaon.Eincinnah• , Financier, Faiman, Cie. . •• - ~ ArrorriMe, Mills, Freddie. . • Wellaeille, Bantes, NVelbrolle • ' . $ . 1:j • .. t• . EAIiBoATs. - P.ORLTY , [IS NAVVY STE NAME. The gattataboaellETADlT. Capt., N. wenVtr ill eit , d % . 11 elu: " q v ., • on hum a jokiar De " gl e d' ve i rjr g Pue.tay m at 2 d A: r k,/ ;4. The Detroit is one year old, has • powertal km oreg ao engine,ind is well adapted to the Fa ode For Freight or Passage apply on board,.e. 0 C DRADOURN CD, Cleveland I N FI,BERT, Dews F W LAWSQN BEAVER PACIEM.-NEW ARRANfiEktE.N3I4 illim . . Elva stmt. CtsLYlt COPE, witi ißllre for Beaver. Wave. and M week. . ea Tuesday,. Tharsday, and Batarday each at 9 o'ekick. a m. returning net Monday, Wednesday and Friday. fibe Ms a boat at the landing between Wood tuna and the bndge pre. pared to steely. freight. at any time. B & W 11AEBAUGH5 Asps. wilt No El wood at. • mili z Ate 'The mar GRAVEL will leave for Guyer, Glasgow, and Wellsville, Monday, Wedneeda Y, and Friday of each work, al 9 o'clock.. ts, on Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday. bite bas a boat at the landing between Wood street and the bridge prepared,* neeive freights at any time. G HUNTER, AO, oetll ' Mon Route . Ilia • The Roe new maw MARY ttTEPRENR, Limns, manner, will lease as nbove on Tends; morning, at 10 o'clock. For fielginor mange aryls on boon!. oelll =IEIM The rag 19111t*maw 11111ER/iliti 11,113 W, will IC*e for above and latormediato pore Tuesday room. ingot 10 o'clock. For (memo, passage imam on bpard. • omit • llllA‘ll , fiet•Ullt PENN n SYLVANIA,' 4:1671'--.7‘ Grey master, wilfleece Milk ,, c an ussday atillokolock,n ni-For freight oMon. r paunge apply on board Of Of !Sienna:C.7one., nenagent, lmse. ' • I=l R The tam running aunt TAUSALAN. C. l .O.lSteT, will leave Gar above and intermediate pony, Ws morning al 10 o'clock. For freikbt or penance apply on baud. FOR FEW ORLEAN9,. crti ll % The fine new sunr 'I TAGLAONI, Pery waster, will leave as above on U 00 0.7 woweng, 0110 &clod. For or paeans appl; on board. _ 0.111 . FOR ST LOUIS. ' Th""" ?,;V i N u r Parkinson, master, will I aaa e aa above this morning ai 10 o'clock. For ftei r i or Dams .at.l7 on bawd. FOR WELLSBURG—REGULAR DAILY PACKET ekes maiLIS M° re o:st 4 e 'lLLB r,:v e ill i -l i c i ev ' e E' Pittsboixl). wormy. lSondays excepted) at • *Week, and leaves Wellsville every crankily or 4 delock •, Poe rocieSt or pusses apply onboard. mill FOR FRANILIN—REOr %REY. .OR FRANICIAL JULA The magnificent mar ARROWLINE, ' Mtller, wester, will leave ae above ibis 'mg at 10 o'clock. For (Jai& or passage apply on bean!. octlt REGULAR LOUISVILLEIACICEI . TM new, light drangla and fast ran, ahrgateaster EUREKA, Crasser, master, will ran ea a molar ket f et e lea and Loam. illa, daring the waron. She leaver Friday, October R t at Itto'elock For beight . or pi • FOE CINCINNATI—REGULAR PACKET. Tbe near and light dranieht agar LOYAL HANNA. P Jack, muter. en!! lean Fat above and intermediate potentiTbarsday,tie 74. Inc at NI o'clock. K. Far ( . 1 1. or Ptoongo, having auperme nermentoda• Coos, apply to J NEWTON JONES. oet7 Monongahela Done FOR WHEELING. i The new and fine steamer. M . HUDSON, Poe, master, ha resumed her reg ular my. and will leave Pittsburgh es above every Thursday mod Mon day mg &Meek, PAIL For (might orDPlmgoly en board,. In apt 27 Agent flagella. lltrarrir.eed Cilasfray• Pao kis it. The new and fast rannutariteambeat MI CALEB .COPS, Sales. master, built expreasty forth. trade, will ran as • regular Paste ki Beam and Glasgow.—leavin4 . A. burgh daily a notice k, r. se., ad matey to 13 , (mock Of Sandy and Beaver Canal,) on Monday, ed. neaay,and Friday. For freight or passaye io fleas, New Loden. or the ^ , ll We'• .nel Noah of New Lisboa apply On board Worm %Veit ond Non of New Lisbon. or to juS W T. I wood street B .I.7.c.P.ESPOIIT, ELA i1..1 ZADETII AND AIONOSOA CITY PACKET. mate, The near steamer 11 • DMISPATC, Nebo e. muter, will ran ac &boar. Ica ins Pxobursh even - Molnar, Wed neodayand rnday, at 91 o'clock, A. 9I , end Anon{ s he!. City cam Tunday, Thornily and Samiday. at 9 o'clock, A.ll. lot Delete or P..a11• •PPIY., Wt.'. .17 1,3 MMi;MMMiii • IiaLTRE Itittadigtarettoter Herd, Macurrovill make weekly -wpm to the above port dating the 1 . 1 .4! or to op F 7 " ft'ight tr kvirusTl..,:,* b°4 - • EXPRESS LINES, &v. ==7l .neXPRICIIII //AST PiOWE!' LINN" PHIL — AOLLPIIIIL AIM MALTILIIIOIIX. Roduriesly fir ,Pa~rml TIM .. I and Railroad being now in eseelinn — t order, the Packets of this Lillo will leave with pas ea agora . follows, every night at 0 o'clock: racket Keatacky, Tnby, Monday Oct It. do 010. - cra , g,Tneoday, Oct 12. ; . do Ind.*, Berkey, Wednesday, Oct 13. do Gsaimana,lbornpson.lltrinday,Oet It. do Rinancky,Tmliy, Friday, Oet IS. • .• • ~ do Ottio,Crarg, Saturday. Oct la. do. Indiana, Berkey, Sonday, CM 17. do ' Louisiana, Thompson, Monday, Oct 10. .. do Xentacky,Traby. 'Faraday. Milt . . do Ohio, Craig:Wednesday, Ott ILO. . do imlidaa,Berky, Thursday, °ctn. . -.• do lentisana,Ti.appop, Friday. Oit CM . . do Kenmekv, Trolly, Bautolay, Oct 23. • .do Ohio, Craig, Banda), Ott 24. . ... .. If ...damn cheap travelling and comfortable mash. insidttoons sedum poor ticket. at Ma Packet ORA* Monongahela noose, Water greet. or of ; mm D LF.E.OI ik Co,l3azal Basin IaUS OR&ZSEI & cogs, EASTSIR k 11138TER8,EIPIIE88 I'ERILMITS and when sending goods ew, ant ITS informed. that this 'line is - the Wrest now S running betimes:, Pittsburgh and theEed, eneneeling at Bath room with Adams and Company's Express daily,for all the principal Eastern cities. Packages or all Were 'received and gwyraidnd daily to Drownwille per arta. ers Louis ateLaleand Consul, and thence by ear ra.- presswancras whieliare nude flock, toCangkerland gad Ilsenea by mail train to Seidman, Forfirnher pardenlars enquire at St Charles lintel buildings, Wood street, Iy3Slyll VICKERY, Agent • ECLIPSE "TWO DAT LINE,. grwras BROW NSVILLE AND cu NEER - U LAND' .1. now running daily each way, eirryinit ?SWIM of Goods and Predate between shove Mem MetehaeEue from the Eret Ie delivered in Pittsburgh co the night n of We third day freer , Cumberland—making this th e most expeditious rattle for getting out Good* from the Eastern Cinch The Agent in Baltimore will ov• • receipt as to time sad The cell' Arnim*" J C BIDWNZL, Pitubunsh • • - CI "W CABS, Brownsville MeKAIO fe.lllaOlllRE, Cued • - Jlt ILOBINSON,,No3 Light.% near Pratt it,llrsltimoto • MISCELLANEOUS- : • • DUItIM 1.1411410M1 1 • , A - 4 hf pmes Otani Brandy; 4qr Moms Otard Brandy; . i 'L. d liviltr.p.:4l:viddt..;,,, 91 or §2l . 2 lapipes Piaci Oasillion Brandy •-• . . r - 7- 1 " • A Othroette; , 2. 2 : P t " e ar..., ti., Gin; S. " a 1. " Pine Apple dm a I headmen!. - Spirits; I.ls I ' • ." Scotch Whikey; I' 2 62 doe bottles itrandr. of differentklads; WO Each cut has the custom boom certificate With it oad alt earefallyseleated by himself, in the New York mar ket; for We by the Ova or taboo in Veekiii N " tats ear soalthficld re front els b il lolg i° uti V er l tr fl i yTe Tb al!dV:TMetioutri n % tell. Ie tlos'day dam:dyed by mutual consent, Jaw D ' el ' - .1115671E4 dlopoxed ochieettlire interest to 11 Wigktmas The bovine. of the late boo will be settled bY It w sout ran wbo sod" rued to ow Ibo na i rA f r i ge A t i rso l' eptlli= [Oily 1 471 J DALZ ELL. • THE Subscriber is now prepared lo ms nnkletere all kinds of Conon and Woolen reacbloe7 milts skoncat notice. Orders Wale , P. Wreckwart's Literinefibopicor- On Liberty end will meet witbiproredi IL WICHLTMA Laeock et between Federal and Sandankyels spGPII9 - ggageed pun Powder.' THE undersigned have reduced the prices or Me and Wanting Powder or ill. in:eerier mannfactare, qualy warranted 011SUlpanect, aad will .ell as low as pay good rowder,..t. lamb: in the made:. Toe Enaywan employed at nisi Magazine will call every 11:03M1 mg on dm cumamers m deliver Powder sad .fetel•• orders..-..: . - Osiers at all timea.will be filled Immedialely, or ap pike:ion at the off... of .1 CI:11M Aid • above the Monongahela Moose, water street M. D. W. Lamina, agt M. P. Co. ae1.41 rpAKIld INOTICE—That I have ipp — lie4 to the / ludgr• of the Court of Common Mesa of theCeen ty of Alfegbeny tor the %noel:40(0e Insolvent LVa of tele Commonwealth and that they hare appointed the (oath Monday of October 12[St.iili the hearsay( of , me and my mitten. . • ALFRED:MIRY, se 00 • Inassested cigars. I nn RS LIDA of tbo rlinnr.g . I .brma 200 OULrbrands-. •• • Casenorns La la.Nta . • • • London arm** Fandango La Dayaders Balton Panelists Esconatdo Sylvan , ' Eagle . ' 4lO . -Dal Andros •Do Faster -- •• Loot BP* • , Italla Proems Jane Bane • Clatosots Yor n. In bY.lhd WY. or thousand, by • • ' " 4 " ° " * " * Otani:: . . IMY - VARRTY GOODS;' - - • lIIEW . STAR - CLO THING STORE, Xv.7end a:,Plimentfisre. ANCKEIR &111•YEltwordd respecuallyaneounce the .aithent of flttenteith and eternity Wet they have pewit.] the melees of John Gerem—recentip of Broadvray, New Tork_.7as lineman of their enab..mh• Meat This gentleman having been extensively engaged in the custom business, exchoively, in the above err, for the last ten years, is welt Munro by that fashionable community and is mlivenally acknowledged to be • meter ofaseat acquireineute. We will be monthly supplied with Pandas fashions, which will give as the advantage of oaken etymon. men the latem and newest styles. • Gentlemen who are desirous of adorning Melt persons,emort by roiling at Use Original eltar, be accommodated. all anleles from this establishment will be warrant. ed in every particular, so no troublear expense will be wanting on our pert to afford general satisfactiort. • „. We bave last received • splendid meet of French and Engliah Black,Brown,litlae, Green, Olive and CM. set Cletko. Black Blatt, Brews and Green Bower Cloths • Eng nab Pilot Cloths. Fig'd Cassimeras and Cloths fist Biota and Bndneia Coats. French Don Skinr,pininnnd eared. Do fancy Cassteneres. Engitoh do do. Alschn large lot of American Cloths and enrolment. French super not Velvets for vesting.. Do Black and (sail Patin. . Do do Ao Do do . do. Cashmere, and all sullen penaining to be - sinus. We have an advantage that few booms in the West have, being connected with houses both in New York and Eamon who wsil keep Its regularly oapplied with the lama Eoenpeao styles of good. ALSO—Wit/ be kept commonly on band a general anortment of ready made Clothing. Together with Shirts, Dnowersomder Shine, Bosoms, Collars, Scab, Cravats, Cloves. Saapenders,ke the. ARCRER A PAYER Stuaothing Pore 70 wood at N. FE Ail orders will be promptly attended to. apt? a:~.~.,~ • - • • • • - FOR SALE SY THE CASE OR PACKAGE.' & F. TODD have Ast reeclocd direct from the .Idanufacturere-- 4 . . . Peaces fine, B One, and S El Sze Ivory Combs, incla• ding all the various sizes. 2 eases North's best Silvered Hooks and Eyes, tools• ding all the monbers. 2 cases Carpet Bags, warinfactared from the finest quality Wilton, Saxony and Bra.sels Carpeting. Another ease of these patent swivel lout Poepend• ...Aft opened and Gar sale at Manafactaters pnees to close comozninent, by H t N TODD, Manufacturers Agents, tri Wood at, up mans, 2 doers below kid at. An examinant* of the goods and prices is reap•et• fully solicited: sptl7 CiOOMS—Plain .Black Alpines Lakrek Figuredllank Alpasea Lustros; Beal do mohair do; French twilled Pannonia Cloths; Black Iridium Cashmeres; Do English hterinoes; Soper French Cashmere D'Ervise; Fine new do; Leh new style fancy do; Heavy and rich Pens Mousseline TPLAine; Fine plaids and fancy. do do. A very good amortize In of above pots opening and kit sale low to the trade, by span PHACKLEIT k VirfllTE,99wood ft ~'^! . SHAMLETT W BITE.* Wand..L g amesbarg Diamond Alter, Pinatnnak, armld lunar the Mayen of city and country briers w their wery large and fresh slack of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY WOODS, watch they hariareeently maned at lasi rates fronn the kYrs- - - tern blwindleterers. Chor week is now full and eoraplebs, eonuuning many rare and desirable goods which are dlffteali to Sad else here; allot which will beatid at a very small advent , . 'and as low as they can be purchased of the Eastern Jobbers. not DRY GOODS REMORA/NTS. A C d Ol , 4? rket invites the Cir. stool of Fora, all 13o,:st a raktr e lge= oold at Eason, jobbing Peer. 07-Wkolo , fide Room Sol gory.' spGO STEICII BMW WOHJK.—Broclet Bap of ay ,cry • alloy of pansms, lank and mum' alum brother paroaamirk alidcaor Unapt: together arida cheap bap end panes; for anis al 1:11.10WI1 Tnnonal Morn, $3 markets*. • ova WOIIITXD GOODS—Boys and Mines Back Coale, Cloaks, Polkas, Palatines, Clifton Owa, Opera Cam Tippets of every ergot and pattern can be wen at (mei • EATON'S GlMPl—Embrotderyi gimps of plain alto, gimp. for mbroidasy, mantillas, or •Vtsues? cM• broidered to order, al 01116—Ladieiblk Al aeia Hose; ale, Lee, s wool H and Cashmere do; aim, fleecy sod van Gila do; also, Loom and Thibet do. very evertor. An anon meat now open at dry good s boom of oer6 W R MURPHY CAIIIIMEUIC—W. IL MURPHY has reed • few m . ! of French b:k De. skim Otheiseete• ',bleb he teem, the ILIMOIOI,I Or Layer.. cle.ll "ITZSTIZIGII—A (elites lilk Sato Vesting; mein- V ding SWIM very so nor Just mot also, soperlar bled bik Wk doom %77 IL MU oet6 FINITTRZ PRINTS—A wooly of meow - atyle. including some •patcb•onart patters. well adapted to Qatlts and Comforta, at dry goods Maze a .palW 1/11.11IPHY VLA33ZLlF—Red.,llnswn and bared. Flannels. rr An additional 'apply remand how the wannfaw• tire es. Also, • few Feats low priced Cewinetts; for rate by 6EO COCHRAN srol3Maned al • S. /111.111 PUT has now op. a fall aaaornal • • • of above d.itablo goods, vrarnanled amahrinka ble; aloe, Bilk Warp do, Gan. do. and . lama anon amnt of *hue and r olortd doanatie do. . apai DGINGS—A freak upply of Bobblas sad Tread rtd E br: 1P 7 . spi29 NfiwNmtiaerterm 0.11.11/111EFLES—Drat;8suin str ipe dCsamues for V !Adios Danna: sore of 6111=Mil GROCERIES. icc. To Grocers ud Tea Dealers. THE PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK PEKIN TEA COMPANY, N0.:35 North Front Sheet, Philadelphia. 4 HAVING recetved their Fall Stock of Fresh TEAK are nine F. ,.. * prepared to tintish orders from a diatuce, esker by the Ilalf Chester packed In their peel,- . liar style,ad elves as low ea any other establishment le the Vented agates. For pale -130 hrelms Yowl HT.(II Oow grades and fine;( 100 the egos di Iver Leaf do; . PO Otos and hicks Gunpowder Glee and eXtra) • HO do do and lazes Imperial(ise.extra and low gradate) teems Old Hymen (various grades:) 2)11 hichtts and be. fine Oolongs (various) • 2co do - „_ do :sing Toads do. 13a do , Powchongs tCha , an and other nevem/ Oran. and Phowery Peecoat, English Elteakfut Teas, kn. A e. This Company establish no exclusive agencies crony kind net of PhtladeJpltia, bat (stshes Teas packed at un # and # pod whelps, beari a ng their own none to the general trade of a quality equal If any coil in the U. Mates, at Ow woe proem and Oahe thanselves to re. fend the molly he ell that does not give entire utisfac• . dock ' .y_ . . MeCALLMONT & WIND . . . .' -.. ' - No 33 North From duvet - • . {VhotwteuaDa[ sr tae ccnD•nl Oidars from n distance creentailliahfally •nd • J. 11: b ALLF:sbe Anew of Ih• Cbsopany Is in Wis edy..and ei t tl_ upon thoeers and Ten Dealers. •DLLldd7law,lm •. - - • DUDA NVIIIIIOII-13 oaks lioness rort Wines, lbw mks Landon 121131. l • • various brands Wine, 10 do. sornharde bladeira" 8 eighths mks 10 or calm Hyminaton 10 .do Landon market • d - do Mut Banterne 8 do pemanor fall sherry) Wines; . do Mown fall Merry; • 4 0 do golden, t' • • -5 do' Lisbon • 0 do Royal lifirdam Oil do meet hlsiLegm • lu do dry • 811 dos bottles different kinds M 54 4 ..; vin taseefromlBl9 to 11245. Part of the above'port enas is from the beet wine dietriets of Portugal, ptincipally from the vineyards ofrdering. the Yraoro and from die well known boom oUtley, Webber & Forrester Utley, of Oporto Who shlp only to ono boost it the Unned Slates, from whom I get my wmply. The hiladebas, Sherrie.. and oilier wines above mentioned, ate trom equal? One districia , rad well known borates in linden - a, Yens. and Listroiti for sale .}roe by teetsl P C hIARTIN 47 • PORT INISIE&, • BBL& PORT WINES, nod vii ,0r3 3 44$ / qd,.430.14, mod eawistlal of 'Hum 11, &ION:to Qom jaws iParo,ll.4fk do Treble linos - Too bdooi do o deed. do Oobodaeo • • ••• t Parke. • do ISA auaw d Heat lc Coo do color, rich, Ducal Drape single do • end filthy; DanadddY " do queen, pale. rich and very imperial., Lagar% I cake, Calabria and Ceue. Screral of, them wines are tha beat for Plellitai Par poses; many of them emus from the District alba tipper Dario, eridialy freed by age float acidity or sweetness. Just receiving, to MOTO aid Delude by the original pack. age and •an draught at the wine store of the r. JACOU WEAVER 44 3 16 ear market A front ata (112.00111111011, Ur 91 lind.prime N Bap 150 6661 N 0 ;Soloman, In oak bbl.; • 25 . 4 Loaf ;Soloman, al hi Y 11Tel: • 41 65.0 P and If 11 Yea; 100 bags Rio Ogren; bbl. Modal; 50 “ Monongahela Wllskey; With an assolostaul of (hone nes. Wines and Liquor. in morn• for male by W AMMITCIIELTIEE tis2o4lin 150 liberlY SUNDR.IIIO6-150 do: Playing Cards; dozen Brandy frolon 0 do walnut Ketsop; 5: do Toninio do; 50' do Chant wine; Zest. do; doson Lawn Syrup; IS do Nardiner, 5 Innis Olive Oil; 15 do Champagne., Vinland plow), • 5 dozeo Peppermint; • II do Srougtoon Bitters. Alfa, crushed and pulverized Rogan forC MARTIN vain by' P neft, ~, m k•ost .rsaaaa.Y it,Lulrkt— r C 6 bbls earn, D tl.wilwt k brood; • • 103 ," Poperloo de io ' do; L'2'" Extra Ilya do do do: 'Jut meg knala by R OAKFuItEI &CO wail I liberty at. oppooixo 'Lead anddilkdd TI*A. !MORE, No. 7* Fruitl and, new • wood. AU: quad** al Gwenlad Blsek Tea.; op in twiner. kW, and ow pound . pmekaces, raw ea, frt. Wets per pound to 111,5*. A JAYNE •.. 41* . 1 Aeon for Pain Tea irk. TIRPOILTEDCIGARIII-73, 000 Imported Ci•ars, JL conalinieltar Jame . Aloe and otordeboat Prinetpies, all colors;Washinjuon. Imperial and Eagle Reran., all colors; Tea differ.% votleties of Ilavosioas, all OM. Tease are genuine and very superkor, Ice sale la • small advance tithe W4le More. • Imam WEAVER spa/ ' tar market& (maims TAIRCII POLlllll—llturnohsenn ua=To ti 1,7 pint atoning Breach add one dike squaws as wart ed The' nate then spry in the newt manner. sad i beaming' Oafish wUI i.e peen to the linen. Prie. eta Wr a cake that wit tut &bane emelt+. •Plot win by: . . . • n,K RELLE2II,V7 wend et • frivis—n 6f chits Poordpri 20 . Imper2ol 20 " HYMN bzi at Emporia Itim y her d br , fami=morn fat sale i.....,t•~'~' :..~n 'J'~:~: -ter. -..... ~.n. .n: «so~xs,~~usrc,,;~~ ~~-:~,a 1711.1.11A8L1n DISTORICAL WOMB LB Y EHMS.—klistofical 19.. etches of lientecky,eatbea , ' G! Hs Gloom anutputles awl Neutral Cartositeng eographical, Statistleal'srid Geological Deseninkstk. vrithanecdotesof distinguithed Pioneets;andieerethan one teetered Hu Skitehes of eistingaished Pioneers, Soldiers, Seuesaten; - ItGiate, Laveyerer'DP. vine., de., illustrated by ahalt fortycoigne/use. Be' Lawn Catlin% Edam of the Maysville Eagle. Ottawa largeoctavo. LlflhiJ?thiJ 1. An Outline the State from Ma period of its wilco settlement to Me close of the year rf44— by John A Niehaus, Erg. Y. Geographical mad Statistical desumuorts, Agricul tural Amerces, Geological Formatimsra and Mural Wealth. . - - • Illowrtionl Sketches and Stwisties of vatiow twotiowiotw of Quisuww, with notches of Pioneer Ihnireels. . • 4. A general view of the coltmie . alphabetically ar ranged; Meat boandaries, face of the emmuy,character of the toil, staple products, &mamma, At; with de. acription of their cities. tewee and villages. Together with a fall de.netion. melee the heads of the counties thee engaged, of Indute boWn , . elarmiabee. Petvonel 'renonntres, anecdotal of border life,interemmt incidents, it. he. Alto, descriptions of natural canoodles, scams them the mammoth care, the creates natural wonder of the world; and desenettena of Ancient Remain., aid forts, toomide, grave yards. he. 114rapbteal &Cebu, and sketches of character of between cot and two booth ed pioneeM, eoldiers, etatearneA,jarno, lawyers dlvtace,te.. To be bused to November next. . • .1. A. k U. P.JAME)3, Pablisheri. • °eta Chaelatmoth _ "IffISTOY of the Discovery and Bafflement r( the IA Valley of span. ississippi by the direr great Euro. path gown. Spain. France end Great Britain, and the subseqmotoccapation. mittlement and aitension n• MI government by the Und.dBtamenntil the yeartß46, by Jelin lidonette,M The Himory of the United States. front the nlantstion of the Colonic. till their assumption of National Ind. pendinee; by Dunes Graham, bL. D—in vols.-second edition, enlarged and areended.• : History of the United POW!! Mom the Discovery ot the downcast Continent; by George Bancroft-IMb edi tion tiMU=iMMal ..... History of the Conquest. of Pero; by Wet H Tile Hiner/ of Reinei by no. Arnold—t vols. /lister) , of the Leer Room Coatsmineroalth, Hoist the end of the seeood pace e'er to the death of /olio• oe nor, and tbereism of Nurittex with *life of Tiepin; by Thomas Amid, D D--complete in 1001. The above toorkojest reed and for sale kw by? ELLIOTT' it ENCH.IBII • MI market at. between 3rd & 4th UST RECEIVED AT M A MlNER ' S—lreland' lF • Welcome to the /Imager or an Excursion through Ireland in 1214 amt'/b' by hi,. A Narbolson. A Treatise on Insantr!, Meanly work of the bud In the United States; by 0 Grimes. -Douthey Jr. Son, No 12. • Taylor. gold aud silver corn Eximmer and Counter feit Detector for October. . . The Outlasea Ed& or Blanc the Beautsfel,• taco of the Forest. . M2=ElMilii3 The Union alagaeine far Camber. Tim Parriel4e, or the YoutlN Careeraf Crime—fresh " Vol i i;ale at Bt A MINERS, Smithfield:at. 3d door from Seafood. aetd MORE NSW ROOKS AT MORSE . S. WRITINGS OF WASHINGTON; by JSpart.. Tbe Slrable Story, a ne*novel; by tdrs Inebbakt: The Iron Chat, • play In 5 nem A Story of the Soule of Waterloo; by Sea O ROleig. M. A. Nutley's , Geometry, Gar &hoes and Calleges• Draper's Natural Plaikaophy, four hundred illustra tions. Hownt's Natural 'livery, Mutinied. llowitt's Tales in Verse, juvenile. Loam XIV and the Courier France; by Miss Pardue. p art he 3. T Nursery Rime nook; being aeolleenonorsports games, rhymes and Jingles—with . Living Age, N 0.173. Taylor's innterfelt Deteetor. Ladies' . lkattonal &Leanne for October. Godey's lady's Beek " 4 Graham's Al v a f tastne • " rast Ardent P taw by Caps Marrystr. Jest reach' Leek., sale at . MORSEB,SS Rank st. between Market and Wood. sprit Sled Seal Works. ECTURFA6 on the sabieem connected wi th Memel Medicine; by P hl Latham, 211 D-24 edition. ' Throat and Lung Diseases; observations on the Imi tate, causes, symptoms. and cure of Bronchitis, Lary. Ritter or Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma and Coa sawition. by a pew, safe, and pathless =deo( urauri'l; by S %V Hall, AID. • Dacia.% Domenic Illedieine • treatise an the pre lretilloll and Cafe Of elfellee, by regimen and ample medicine.; with observe:Jobs on rea bathing. and the use of mineral Waters. To whieS is added a /livens. iory for the use of priesdemaeboimrs; by Win Boehm, MD. Pima the gildlEnghth edititin, with esasideral./a addition* and notes. The above Waite las reed; for solo by ' JOHNSTON it Sanaa i ON nee BoOksellertime market ik 3rd its HE LITSnAHY WoRI b. A GAZETTE for Authors, Rennin and Publishing cili ated by C F Lath number of din elegtnt Weekly name. 24 gusto meg In handsome fonts, sannient for binding. It leder*. led principally to Critical s a t inet ß of new Pubnestions, with interegi and entertaining ss . Notime of dm move mean of and Literary Soneting with • general ear regentense on mann naming to Edw, A et and Liters. tang n m adiein inietione tram Foreign Jattrealiof what mar Jo ar la &knee end Letters, sinker with a weakly Lim of sew Books phdibed is the may and abroad, I. pared in Ma mensier. Prise 83 per maims Published weekly by Osman & Co, to Nmomst New Ynk. • Sallecriptieee receivedby Wes Caldwell A fro monster* nada for the city etad coestry kw the 'above, Apply to AVAI S.CALDWELL. =xarrni MIT received at the wholesale and retell Store of J ELuorr fiNGLISILSO Martel ss. between Ord and 4th sts., a large assortment at new and mandard Tbaslogical, Medical, Law and Classical Books, w hie It will be veld as von . hr. rodeos. Also, Mcdtum, Demi, and Cap Ledges, bay Books and loamslav-bound to the most wtbstantial manner. . . . Coantry Merthamswill find, m Melt advantage to call and examine inoek of school hooks; paper an/ ma lioassy benore pachasmg, as peters. have Lew greatly sedated. • • • • ECTRap at highest cult prices taken in ezebnnee oet7 rviiß ANUILOMY Or bIELANCIIOI3Y, what It is, J._ with all tie kiwis. canes, symptoms, anuorarties and several earn for it—in three autumn, with their aa naa moon, members, and =helicons, ae~ IT Medically, Historically oprned sod cut up; by De.. it. Junior,. withU .auriW preface, cundueng to the following discourse: a arm edttain,cotrened,aud enriched by mushroom of the' nom Cll.llit SI en. tracts; by Democntus Misor. Jaw reed and Unsafe by JOHNSON STOCKTON «VI •Bookselhera. nor or hrd sta • TOHNSTON & STOCKTON' have NO ree'd the rel. al !ocelot new yanks— Tale. and Sketcher, by the lase Wolluus 1./None-4a Steel. . . Cicero de °more, the three Dialogues of hi Taft,* on the (Amon varisleted Imo Famish: by W Guthrie. Ma rgent Graham. a novel. byG PR James, Fsq. The itiostaan's (fridge, inovel,by rim mhos of Ame lia Windham. ocel r - k - A. FOR sale at MeDONALD BEESON'D M Markel Street. History of the Girondists, or - Perranal Memoirs of the r!uriots of the French Revelation; by A De Lanantne "-A vols. • Fresh Gleeniar, or a new Sheaf (ma the old Meld. of Goottnenttil gamic; by 1 Marvell-2 pans. , Mort , el the Battle of 'Witte iloo; by Rev E Gleig, A--1 pan.. Tales of the Peeler, and the Peasantry; edited by Lady Daere-2 volt Tales In Prose; by at Hewitt: is 24 _ lYlnetr novel GPIt of Price 6 tents. Isries, or the Triumph of Liberty.' ' Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Soo D. Cosaniander bialtaollottrued. Coatele or Marius. F Soothe, Esq. Lev:4s of Stecetr by Geo. S. !wa d: . flesh eapyly. SisgsOaes for Oetober. New Aber put reamed by WM. !. entuweta., eep2l Surd et, opposite past oast. NOlake Qat% Step, Elbtopiao Quadrate; Gertrude. atom, a ne w walla (em Be bor.; . ... .. 111 hunt n Hopp on a willow tree, Poop of /elm , leittdr' '• Gems of Gemon'Poetin Itnomberri gongs front the Open of tel4wltht; loin a variety of new woo, wattle; march tailkaa variatoes, Pe: k.e.,Jast reed; for oohs by ova ... JOHN 11'NELLOR, Ft weed at MARTIN'S OVITAISS. Rebut iber is sole Agent in this city for the sale , 1 of C. F. Munn% celebreted ttpanlsh Guitars, end ben new receivml• supply, which mill be Sold at Man afactuien prices. The highest commend:wooa have been bestowed on than Inaustreente, by all the eminent Gehariata In the United State.. Madame Kneen of Cleele anti, Mr Cowper of N York and all other perGarasers of celebrity, age Martin's Gui. The price. are (rem $27 to fal,according le quality worketanaldp. 111 M elt and d st PIANOS: PIANOS t I • IJENRT XLEHER, Dealer in eater Piano Fates; IL at J W WoodsrelPs,No. 85 Third Street. The Pianos may be trammed at all boars, 'mod the subseri,. beo will be Were front II to It, A. M. and from 4to 3. P. pi., each day. Pittab'g, October 24 Mg - Sift, the undersigned, would Inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and Timidly that we have appointed Mr. 111. Richer sole Agent ter Western Pormaylvania, for the rah, of our Piano Fortes.from whom they may he ob. 'mined at one own Mew Yorklprtees. • • NUNNII is CLARK New Yark.Bev. 1, leatkeeendef ASPLENDID aisortzneui,of Roacwood and Maims. aoy, grand action Plana., with !walla Frame,lost geisha( and for sale. Aiwa two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman'. celebrated enactment, finiotted in tbe meat mod. era otyle, and Corselet, at P BLUME'S 1e.23 112 wood imam Y donra above 6th PAPER-100ns= Frani:lag papa Stan 100 rum ar printhig pap. 91.1 r, Just nctitelhad &la bi • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Ikaikarliart and mations., ftts - minter of market and Third Ora& • ORIGINAL POlkal*—A Ithroe of the a, Ac — Connitig;^ by A bi 0 leemne—m_ pres.. and will be slAnly publided by J. A. & U; P . lIAM aniAtsiali AVT/Oft TO TUE PUBLIC—The eutweri her, by written contract with the Plaut Ist Cc.; h the nebulae right to self thetriete io Pitdburgh a d Allegheny cities any perion - ettempting to sell their Tea., except proeuted Welt me, blendug a deception , ad • fraud upon the p Itc—and their /m state mama are not to be robed on. • „ ,epl . A JAYNFP 72 Fourth idreet ~ —._ • 'WATCH. LOT-11110 IitENVA-11.D. y 08Tthla morning aGa ratent Lever Wateh;roade La by M ik tki,Liverpeol,f4a V. The leder will receive the &lave reward by leaving it at tleJew, eiry of ewwWilllofi• corner of Market and Ita me or at Johanna A Stackton'a Bookstore, caner of, "., • ys TTORNEY and Coaaaellor at Law,LINCINNATI, l'lolllo, Canada:am la Soutlem Oleo 'Nadia Indium and In Katiatelty, promptly.aed GSM holy . autaded IlasoMi moue, attlia &ale Peaultyleasua; For taking Deposl hoes, aeliaoltdeasettent; , ,iie. • Erna ta—Hea:Was thm, Canis, *oath C.. ‘ 41, aRSH I,IOIIE I HORZ I I; 7 1111111 jest ,Valtauzed India I/ Rabbet Hasa from I 1011 lathes &mew; a splen did mete. last Seed and En sale at lie. IS Wood at. „N.& It has beet, siaekl tY alas lwr woO h l ..a * saes tial India Rabbet Hose could atiOs made We "do / II PHILLIPS': • Stow, plat bottles, itepaekises of 7 Ws‘allawier tar sale as WWine Rana of - • • 1 , 2 : • • JACOB WRiav • TOE STEAK mioays.. [SORTABLE FORMA—A rery Alien oat wee. IC Sella , . and oil the Aro em baesnied byWi s.. ## , m die. by mta. briESS reed OK an . • . . LyarjaVilitilMlNkl sew sad MaalalosMlthallat sal Cap Store; /VADElLthablonon subtle, T . k . tisml„daltlipiaL ca . Mayn't tha obeys busmen re this City, and me nomopensd Meths tummies of We P- A lame 1111.1earefully amoruttent of Esti and Cued 'every dederipbitia, Miler ma ape, which be ,iol, bell •at the very lowest eash prima • - • Having made atralereamas with the famed lieuia of Beebe & amiss, of New York, he will always have on Banda fall s. appy of their eeletanies Beaver, ai IL and Nutria Rat Also, Russia, Casantereo,Cony,Otter and Ashland Hata b,of E•arlk and lame manufsetur which he mill al MI nthe pleaaare in rhombus— Me feelsastared that all tastes will be Wide d with his 'saltation, and at th e Mate nine his prices will tut the most monateleal. • He is determined' in them ten..., um to be Mama.. Do not,theretere, islet the Noma. (abet. llome.llat Mare, Satilkidid O . • *adman , •: _ 6 W NeCALLA M 400 . In ? :teeelr ed ir f li N l et — Vorht thal . * style of thas which* mill introduce this day, baturde7, Log 481 b. All those ill ...ten WE and superior bat would do welter call id No 73, Wood Street, 3d door above th. BO [l': hall Paallaa.ll4!. wllMitc°sl'...,A.WlLtr on' Almost M. Gentle Men wishing aebe*P, fast ,- ionable fluor Pittsburgh manufacture abead of fashionable Hats impanel nd ;armload by some of the trade. pleansi call at KEEVIL Co , s aarAlf 124 head of Wood s; ASI3II/LER FASHION FOR RATS JUST re2eivid from New York, the Sam met Sty]. for Hata. 4:omitting of W knoll Beaver. Pearl and White French Camimere Ham, with Ventilators. Those in want of a beantiful.liaht Hat are rapectfally matted to rail. `. • .• .8 MOORE ' y 2 9 • • .72 wood at, fidnors above 4th 4 WILLIAM DOUGLAS haa jam received • fresh manly of Kiaigold and Rama Vain bilk Glasedeapa sear ati.haa. • • • -• • - Extra fine French Moleskin Ham at very low - jell ~. No 79 'rood *treat .• .itWILLIAM DOIIfILAS. , CONTINUO! no manufacture., and kooplit mammal an hand, ovary onrety of Ilan; and Cap. of rho lomat Ayle, and pries vary 1m at 18 Wood street,Eao side. • . ,AT EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ike. 110,3510, HANNA • co, BANSMILI, • SLXIMABIGM animsris, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CEIMINCATES OF DE. POSITE, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; Foist, nearly niposlte the. Bank of Pittsburgh. GUMMY MONEY rocelved oar Deposne—Sight Cheeks for sale, and collections:toads on nearly all Ike principal points ip the Untied States. • The highempremium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances made on components of Prodaccohipped East. on liberal terms. • eschlS WILLIAM A. HILL . & CO., BANKS RS ..ItICH*NOIIi 8R011,8113* AID 0.1111 l FOREIGN AND DOADITTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSITR, DANK NOTES, AND SPECIE. No. 64. Ward SIMI, OM Itholti !Dunk, Zan side, octSl Pittibares, Ths. idasF. Cortmermitttp. TOSZPVt H. HILL. (late or she firm of Wm. A. Hill & C 0.,) sad M. C. CURRYolate of Erie, Pa,) have entered .taro cepartnereldp, under the name of HILL & CURRY, for the purpose of carrying on the Bank inumad Exchange business in all Its branches, to No 63 Wood store. three doors below Fourth. west. !lido—where they.solicll the CCM= of their friends and the public genexally. JOSEPH II HILL mobil . • WM. C CURRY 70.[P11 N. HILL. e N. C. CUIIICC. aud. BANKERS t EXCHANGE DHOWS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TINE fr. RIGHT DILLS OFD EiCILLNOE, CERTIFICATES OF bEPOSITE. DANE NOLES4AND COIN. NO Woxl street, Wad door w Fourth, *ma ~de. PAR FM:l4.d Currency r ved on Deposita, and colketiona made on all the jwincipal Cales in We Unit a ed n Stetes, e • Stt Eieh on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Vort,Botten 11,M Cateianen conamtly tor sale, Otao, Indiana Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notes,liemla mod owAvorable tems. Exchange ess Malmo!, [Mani,: Getaway and France wowed. kc ALLIS LIAXICIL. IDWASO NAME _KILMER i RAHN. BANKEIRN AND EXCHANGE OR. MERE, dealers . Ebmie..d Dooedic sm. of Exchange, Conift• owed of Depodne, Bank Noted and Coin, comer of 3d and Wood meets, direedy oppeiße Et Chula. Howl. Lxnr&dly { • . PENNErk L ANIA, 01110, Indiana, Kentucky. and Virginia, Canary and Rip Order. to at teducedraies diaconnt. by N 110 Lib A opal 1. 'l.:anima,. Rrokrr • ViCUANOEVSNCSIVOrS p Law XI more, foe isle is. SUM. b •su,hy 5 48 ! .1111.111 F% td.N C ollgiethia.onClkioust, leaninviin 8 an 'Ober, ocenialble pow? in We • Uniien Siam made on, anenualanlathipienniiii 4113 a 1:1:11115 . ape 'Knot! i n.al ' , loot tenon of. the • the. lootheo, 'hod lieutoeit eer) . 00t.itoc. ot tteetout ILL 6 Rhl Wood n toeat EIM3 Ezobiaie on New York, Flu isaelpbka, . ware eaanangy ler sale by I7IGL h big 1 Wood n. ne!tdoor w Eagle Saloon HOUSES, LOTS,JARMS, tce. =:M=C! ICOR • Cane &autumn. let .. of I.d,loDof srldeh E' is cleared and caluvaisa, on Indian Wheeling creek, within El mil. of alb Ohio river, 3 .1. boot 8t leountyiseat of Belitiont Co.) 3 miles from the National Rond, and on the mule mimed fora Rail Road feem Wheeling, westward. On this lams is a saw %Wain operztioni • grist mill and tallier mill, not now mnder; 3 dwelling houses; neeemary muddier and corn mita; and a fountain spring, with asprier house. On it as an Or of gra ft ed freirlaPriml or abam wo trees, one of the best =herds in the country: the met Monad. with Coal. which might ho profitably worked me the simply of N 4 Clai ravine. This in valuable property: well watered and would be wild ve ry low. per.. for half th e price that similar property is fold Tor in kXltiolll really no better. Immediate poiseinio Would be given if sold within a month, end the purchaser could; if he desired, bey a latrocrop of Corn on the mound. Letters addle-sled to the zebseriber in relation to Wks More will meet ',inapt:imp! intention. • DAVID A LL.FI.4, Real Estate dell litedgenon. 0, September 1MM.1847. 8, or sale, a lame lanrinAmill, either by si .e m or water—u requited—a yaw mill and about 411 of valoubleland. with rood improvements thereon on • McMa ahro lnb'.s tree` e s, C tv b.A w . udbe wild a ee g t o Zoldlbmt. Ong Haat lead HodMisr Lou at Risottos W111.1.51r/LLIE, OHIO. ' TIIE undersigned will oiler be sale at auction In the Ithroagli of We%milk. Oda on Tithed.... and Wed. nesday tbellkh and thlthdaysof October, 100 Balt& lm I.eits, eligibly situated adjo'ning the Rail Dept. Atha' severable sites (or prthatc residences, eon. ; [Sanding a beautithltiew of the Ohio River. Mannfacturent and mechanics desiring to erect buil. diets, and Mishima m pamhsse more than one lot of ground, will ha accommodated with aim. calmest the bite or 1ht. 1 . 01 tonlittOlut to the Coal Ranks, or in th e upper pat of the Omagh, near the Foundries and ether manathetorics now in ...sand operation. tlXTerma easy—enly one fourth of the purchase money will be requited to be paid immediately. and thr the realise. where the amount or the purchase does not exceed Wan, the purchaser will execute hionegonable Roles hewing intents*, sod payable in equal sums within one or twoyems from day et sale.- Langer tints will be granted onparchases timed int MO, if desired. Deeds; or conseyancewi II be prepared without delay, and when delivered is the purchaser., otOrmage• will lie taken th on e property wild ID Detnre the lime payments. Title Indiapotable and free of all liens oiesetnaloances. JUIIN W ROBROTROPI, JAIXIIIREPPERT, Propane:ma 0044. Iblidielwtilr • • UNION ~NEW LISBON, OHIO. k!'" tali? 1' 1 ,24°, Vrarg*.y'',,." Woodst.Patsbanglilspecimensarieti ofehoies Annie; and the Public are requested to call and uamioe nt. hey will Rod the varieties carefully labelled,ts they tirg: vakiellos wed t hout=igg . the fra . C7t . sexe . it * l 4 et Joho ralle below Slanchesteria splendid eventual of _Apple, Peach, Plum, 'Aeon 1. ." 0 d 4Pricott trees. earefolly ignited and innoe ulated. Prises are as fellows—Peach Ili Apple 16, A orient' O.l,SWet Almonds 00, Pluto 37i, fine Cherry 271 C01 , Pear 60 0 . All orders hose a t di ptoc somes, ditutell to Gp4J .Wanda will aoead ARC- O.) , Merchants malady, d anon the season for sel ling trees la it good anloroocat: Alm, choice Beta* , and Isabella bops Vines, ceola each. Cataloger 'given to sal who apply, vatic TA BE NORNANDEE BROTHER octAM/Tdoeoo - ilkimp. SALIM OR - 111411 T. THE .e valuable pronely. well known agar, NEW GENEVA STEAM MILLI, situate le Fayette empaty,l'a, on the hfoneagahela river.. Lb. mouth of George Creek. • It embraces a Farm. of 919 gores, with good improreroepla. ;The Ntlls omaposed of a gnat mill, saw mull, minium Moot and taming shop, which ware psi bp by the ben workmen and. agreat expease.'j Thera are ales attJelidng the MI oo excel lent ntore House, Olaskamith Shop, and bight Good Derelltneylease and a good boatyard. The propeny can be pal In good order. a cemparatirely mall ri pener, and Is well worth the atteralonor those wishing to engage IS mane and farming. , For farther partwelars apply to SAMUEL FL DILI.I - at ,New Genera, or JA M.W VEECIr. E.q.J el Union:Mo. ac1413 , ..•410 COAL PIIOPICRTT 1 , 911 s &Lir. • ON dot gleaongeheln neer, le miles by land nem the Vest'', Omni miles above Lock No 3, tight aide con. tuning 310 acres This onspenvjriMitniiy ritastet for the Coal rola, has • e a st next a* feet king, tad deep same tithe landing '1 re iv =Wier seam gf ocelots*. place, 50 feet above the htwer,of sopeibr oallty. AS We have it open, nenenn•en .0 0 • LiA agarnitto nearer/de of its qualtty.. This pnaperry loin. tbe noel; prapeny of Mr John ninon or this city. Ind will be bid low; if disposed of ineniediatoly Fnese en the prelllitel, • don distance above I • • , RAS WOOrna t.. ftlUi L R or, ot to ET I •Old Ind st between Ists•a ket TEE Enaction hlslhet mt. be l it 3rd and!ith, c'direseat *regaled by the Ligament) pe IlahmentOf Memo, Noland Co-an excellent stand 'f • o heighten. Porwesrion given Immediaely. Also , -The Athena= 11.11, Market sr-entranen by - Philo flail stairway. • This room is well furnished and . is imitable for &icicle. Kent low. Also-A handsome Wane over the 1-ott • E D °ASEAN Ogle a nugget st between 3rd &dd. a ;Tat utr,—A Inrrggee. coanaodionsowd libed,' three luny ibriek }my betwocn Uomsonailey and Wayne a. Poomosioaigiwen immediately. Fat panitaJarsenoite make otlide W W WALLACE— I lit Ilium - • A - BUILDING LOT . TN MANCHESTER FOR SALE,— lhave for vale • Abeaoutal Valid* Leo is Manchosteromat Me Ferty, -Mika h oo t by poj feet deep, Ilmßl be mid low, sad or, MeMMOORVIIM ,enne. Tr rt in 1111tZeeptio.kbk, , laylg • //11111144 - BLA ICF2X.; Real Emus Acta:: TIIE3Ba4 BrietW it =ro,g43;44; gireemodito.l6s,flooli4. 1pT4,7" 17 - - -'4ILEXIMIEW GORDOIf ••ja .0013/11Thr.14SLUNC.WOM: , HALV/rie romelred Ibo oits, On cumulous to PM ostodullaisommoli loth mu tic Maltsiow • of go Suir `sal Uobuilitilleisolossmsltoats OW Slidro, *NI abr. Pitt: jo w. y ' '4AXECII:EINARW: MEDICA • • na.:slorair.._ • costpoirrai sirs ur or way cuslint. A curt* Indio& tau aura coliditathMat .• Sur eatoplaint,hpittlag bloUIPI&O *Mei ••, or breutourvoutisbiPMMl"Pg..." 4ll • •• broken oustitutioe - COPISUMPo TION or autdisesis of the teapot s • • breast. Header ere raullacnot , , • with a cold or chutes a the lugs, t 7 this retoisdp . , , • • -. 1 4P. felPo*it , m,„s i It srul west all those disagreeotitt syter....T 0 ••••• strike each terror to the wit d; & prolog )Mr dap. , lkware of all preparation . . putpoititig to cambia • Wild Cherry,escapt that hewing *esti:Mate of Dr H' Swains co the outside! wrapper of each bottle aithip Oro quitelikely destitute ot the Flicks Has; which they borros4 coati .• • • • Reed totted It has dowel _ • .50,000 DEATHS, HP CONSUMPTION Vitnuldlettrafts be a mealt estimate for the navel '. of that dare:Bel disease in a eingle yen ; thee add - the fearful cetalogue of those cat elf by Inlama. , - *. bon el the Lungs, Hemerrhsgt, Aettona,'Cooghe: ' : Catharses, Broechitia,ind other disarm of lIM Longs and Liver. .t, . - .• • ,- ' And the lint would pretest an appalling reel el life. :', fatality of these two elitliell,ordheases. Bet It is... Important to know th at neatly. all 01 this dread I - . wfate of human life migbt base been preneatok,.." Ilia timely me of Dr. SWAYNE'S compouria -• 7 RUP Ot '. WiLD CHERRY. This Medicine has' now been .before the public : .: some eight years; and as the original preOaratimt :',•".. from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a remedy for Coughs. Colds,! Bionchint, and Co.. -•;• . -', MI/etre. of the Loop based eetirely,apon its S. trine merits, own but little to rotated sew pull. Those who give it t; vial, being tied • :-.• lapse, recommend it to their neighbor., and lbw'. •:: ' gradually end surely basil gained an enviable repo- . • neon and worked its way into general ase.. Cana •...-i bottle never fads to cure a recent cough .ea Cold s . :-.. I While with strict attention'tia the direction@ that au.. •-. company each haintle,its nee in pulmonary diseases ' , of lour standiug end of , the most Manama cfmne. '. ter, has always given tellef, and In Very. Many : .. iastences has elected .complete and permanent" ,"".. Dr.. B W,A YNE'S . Cekbrated Compound Syr. -.. • ~:' . • ~ upof Wild Cherry. : . , , .. ..... Read the most remarkable - core of Conmeeption 'ever placed upon record-"- c • •....-1 Dr Swayne—Dear Sir: l feel it a debt of gratitude - . .1 due to you=and a duty to the afflicted generally to • • - 1 i i otter my humble teatime., a Inor of your Coma - • ."-. pound Syrup of Wild Che . Some Wee. rata mace, I eras violently attack with cold and Mils: mention of the Inags, which wee accompanied with •-"' " 2 a very distressing comb, pantie the breut cud lead . ."- ,:-.:: —a very comiderable discharge of offeratne Macao -. a from the lunge, especially upon changes fat:Weather however @tight. At heat I lett no alarm about my - .i.. condition, bat was pretty main eoevinced that I was " .• royally going lute consturiptans. I grew daily week. er,and at length was marcely able to walk Moat or : . ,•7, spetk above a whisper, mach was the etesedieg I - -,- weakness oral lungs, During thistle* I Witted ' •.t. Various prep:natio:nand precriptioni, but land no ~ . ,:..1 relief—stewing all the time none. Jest here I wan :".• advised and punmaded by a dear friend in Wlladep '.." too to make a tattle! your Syrup of Wild Cherry. 1 mut confess that meltingly. I had been prejedin. , , -.I ed against patent medicines, and l am - min 'spirt •' ,•'. -.. those coming out of the Inds of emplrics, bet ".,• ; understanding your claims to the profanation and - •:. practice of medicine, and having implicit@ dial is the saying of my (heeds, 1 tOrthwith parcbasevi el .41 .4 ~ In Shaw, one of your agents, a few bottle@ and • . : commenced As use. My disease at this lima was -.•.- ' of twenty or twenty five menthe standing, cense. •.., ritually was deeply mated.* I found, however, clue : ".. • siderable relief from the Met lour or five bottlea—f , But being • public Speaker I frequently attempted- -'..., to preach with my nursling strength and thereby • raptured those vessels tint pad already . began to ': • - beat; in Om way, doubtless,' my cum was greedy •- ": retarded. In consequence of acting thus tepee- dently 1 had to me 11 or lb boniest-W.oml wan • perfectly restored. I have no caution, .1 - much" . . smeller number of bottle@ would have made toe • • ' round, bat for the above • indiscretion: The Syrep : ..-. allayed the feverish habit, did away. the distrisMiq ' .. cough, put a slop to the discharge of matter Dom' the i tings;and gaVe them and the mains:Mien good • ••'• health. I have deferred offering tins certdlkate till • •••••• new, for the purpose of . being peifeatly eatiaded . 1 Y , •':: with the permsneecy or the cure, and new that / -.- ... feel perfectly well, I anger it with_ pleasure. " .- • ' REV. J. P. JORDAN." = Dahlia county, N. C. ~. . . . • . , .., • —,.. • t . ceirriore cAuTioNt- . 77, Avoid ell spurious preperauons of Wad cberry. 1 ..d. as Badman, Bitten Syrup. ef Wdd Chen,. ' .• '": Pills purportmg to contiln at do Cherry. Ike, Me, !as they are all tiCatiOu“nflerdiucerre.t, and eamme • •• 'none of the 'irises vi tbs. orlg”.at .rd sentioci.se- .•. iteration as prepred b) Dr brae, lac, mad the /at - - :e'er pupa's., to has coontr). i•tcon Swipe& I :0111..041 0 5,111,1 of WILD C I ISURT II Ceara. di . • - «r irrgetltele men Mt rov,the Wild I twit), an Mf. ...nettle...l ..rbattutrr. I VW) .. ti50000•041;11 0144 .. more a.; the who e in vir eSeC•auly tonceoUldsd . -.. a. 10 re der It tr y•-nd thl ot , ubt ate tootipletwast, AA ..• berOng e T. efirCleltr.lllol4 . 1.1•CO111. over-'• . en ..... thr Cure '0 re10 t ....., e......pLeri, eta nil ' •-• divert., !if tie Linen a. d Brea.t. The arm' mai, :. ... .0 KY do loor. g .40 b i Our.; or *Vito... lortaltor., • . , :.. ...and. T• p.. 1..• to g .010 cer..roe pnyolllC... I '-•'' . 'there ...« luvanue, requil, it. .be origir.ll prep.. nation, each bottle of Which 'at enveloped's& team. •.• ! Orel wrapper, with a lateen of William Penn ear ! -:" raved thereon; elm beuing the signature of DT H. t. .•-": Swayne, the coontedeiting of which will be pea. paled as Mepared. only by Dr. H. Soaves, W• corner - -, Or Marini and &Len Street., Philidelplus. Inc sale in Pinatas:ll wholesale an/ retail by • : ' Wh1": THORN, 53 Market tercet, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner hod & Wood sm. B. A. FARNESTOCK & Co.. Garner of hat nit .- Wood and 6th and Wood street,. S. JONES, ISO Liberty fluxed JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. . ' And by all respectable Drtlggiats sad dealers in • Medicine, throughout the United States and Cana do. 4,1„ EVERAL REASONS WRY OIL LEI; . 1.3 DY'S SARSAPARILLA, BLOOD . PILLS are becoming so univen•Wly ;spider • - Because they are prepared by DrIS B Lei dy himself, a regular Dniggiat,Chemiat and Phyii- Philadelphia, who. team' the Saline, the •,-••••• quality and character of the Medicine! need in bin pill. and their adaptatian to therm. ' • Second, Because tbe nubile can take them with greater confidence thus moat other pills which are prepared by persons ignorant both of medicine and, Third, Bei:ante of their combined cleats' ,properi • . lien Doi contained io any other pills; newly, pert lag 11 . 00 the stothachand bowels all enhealtlry . stance., and at the same time purifying the blood Fourth, Because they are the Cheapest and best .• • medicinaksowo—a Engle hex rotting bet 25 ' • oat containing 40yills,savic g to peraona am many-, rs . • dolla Olt time.; in Dobler ,bills, and munerose medicines bought des tried on the rectinmendatios of °then, •• , . , WHOLFSOhIE ADVICE. Whenever you have occasion to take say men- ' • eine, do not be uifilogyrith. your nonsaiiptioe by trying all kinds of pill. or other reedieises yes ewe '; ' published and recommended by one sad another het take at race • Dr. Leitlya Sairrapirri . Ila liked Pith , and you will not have °examen to take anytldez else. they will always 1.. &end goodinalmost all • pito of din's', Intamatoio of the monuich, bow. el., liver and inteniner comps of the stomach; • colic, Wateibrashi inersial Inver., foal breath, hod taste in the mouth, Sour ernetaliiins and • acidity ol • the stomach, coativenees aid indiuntioy. =at of billioos affections; diseases ortie I opium and kidney., diseaare or the skin scaly ereptiond - ••• dry and watery pimples or blotetcla of the lice inn - • body, tetter,ruh,piickle baatand saltrbuem,beld. • ache, giddiness, fewness, pains ever the beast, el • the breast, sides, along the back and area, Amin. turn and goat, revers of all kind.; small pox. • , tool . metals, ecrorala,eryalpelui sad In short they are good in all disease. baying their origin •in the siomachi liver, and tote ties, and impurity of the • li: r Forty Pills in a 80a,% rftwenty.five coot" a Box. • Sold Wholande and Retail by B. A. Falineatock & Co., corner of First and Wiped, - al= eraser of Sixth and Wood street*, . 'epee) Consaaaptives'Ceaustallea, — • Does sltiewsaa:iwaigh ipon your bean! Or pales edict red beam?' ea& it will rive .yea; rest. " • • O dears away the Way dad • Diseasespreadseertle • And whispers Waugh, ihe limey slum!, 'ose health way yet be whela.*. : • " • Bea yonder new of Wetly Mei I ' • • It seareely cps dal at%iitlng dew. •• • Before It Cite+ • • • . Tha Wiegi • Aut& Win la thrall; " And,:rbso . I,,iceme4l, (a belay6llo , It nipped direaskwal Monk , .. • •• Thu won..r Deitilh !ilea d. 110 4. • If Dr. Daneaa's in were wed; • • and warty lovely aaassela saved •• • .. rhe fasn Or au satieneay crave • (0-1)R DUNCAN'S OFFICE, No lb P tawny. %tram Ontinaatl. Obiaal where bi , wilsable , -' ,eane is Poid. rattaargh. by WM t.; kr% ~,,a i.ihart% ! at%ablator 1.) . x•Sre...AP.OIII.t.I.,'S.I4I.tdIIIGE --- 1...) a , ' . 1. 1" :11T -' 07 4 ot• . 11.1 b'. pre •heLestret ~d ge4e, Ai , ,' e.•••••. 1. • •••••> 0. eee we* tbal 4.,50 4: b........• ' • b ~ ...., a -a. .n.- a fa - la--m.ta.a. at.. ael. au, ab- •tals.upey litodeve• rbelesis be llso?arb EU-- Vbey *so be my pate Seders *dentists ld ideas, and wlsels le coadoned r th other 1 vegetable : Teel pawn the somblaild . ill-46i. is( pores/ sad .. , steam - 1401e mouth swEbOorelly'ruilbinillo blood.' • ' . dad limas of the whole eyelesS. • 1 ~ • ' ' '. • • 'They eta be lakes at alltimee isubsadob ill Sims.- : ' • ; luesees, by your{ and old. wide and Icadele, without .0.41. 1 604. lecerksrag with.obsey bbeilleldbe *el slay.bass bus .. 'flier cant be takes einlesitabY 0 = 0 : .... ''. mint,sad lei:bend any .x .-.' Tb.r eu Meta *bleeds an, l (roe ed cold s e .., .. mug espial, to all binds ofeebldset of lay wee. ..... rot sale by 11 A FAUN b'eJTOCIF &OS% Fll.l ..; Wood, and cot Wood end MA ste.. / - . eta ....- - HAN GriSiiirVirgii**l4. ore as C ges of the Ilessolte,geraenbT„ s change is . ..„ the bums eyeless. Illersademse Jr. Ws lest ofas sr , . .•., P., c i t d.adameharseter t Bfad lediedst did as • LIPZI ':.,. '.•• test medicine Adat =beelike. Moe mit .., .. . lobe, esee es. ' , salaam - flee, .10.4 4 1 ed Weil persons seldeet. le 'toilsome ,or • selik: , :', ..,. donessose, deptseelool tithe - d li ,,—, a ...,. common lo persons Ida an pie •••••7 t iw Y :: ...... Imbed, aiding sad edeseleabis dos edef r : , ..,,.. a( all the geode lossioeS odlbe 'lee , , .delY ., - -.:-... ladby 11.4 fAllletbrOClg ,_ .. e roe .aal Wood; ales. owes of r -- tpder,l • '4,"1%" •:-; • ' - Yr` I .. ..., ' , Ibe eels _ :>; ~-
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