kiesetiod-mistrt. tr-4 ;z:..31110 l.,,eatiful. and life-like :..4'...4,-,the entijoil4ill.4, sabot-Mistress, "Aka Of 'me delivere d at z Jubilee, of ' iii fraialirm- "; in Warren, Mass , Ci y alceig ° G. .Holland, of Springfield. b " -Dr. 4. withother, extracts fram the same— we and i ,, -8 ' field Gazette. ~... ', •- : poem , ill tha P iin g 0: yonder hill a 1416 • Lublin' steeds, ' ''' Of sitnPlii style, the work of rustic bends, Above, the trembling maple leases . Whisper of maolnals to the Perching parlay t And brightly green upon lie - mouldy eider, climbing sine the mugh . deoadence hides. i' Vul nine o'cleck, end 'neeth'e'clondleei The wading fields, aid halals's 'matures lie ; t riad, from the modest habltitions exrn'tl„, pith legghima idietke aeore of children baund •• At length;beintath the maples;ample shade,. ."Zacifilatt:binten boy, andruddy little maid, AWait the comktof their gentle queen, Whose atepa, 'iPPiroach 'them from the distant r - HaltotT l' er Wstv,.with pensive look, She stops to gars a moment, in the brook : :7 _ Mirk how her simple, unaffected drew • Heightens not hides her 'native loveliness. • Ar9Uitti ber neck coil of silken braid • Glou r dsthe old:watch within her bosom' 1114, At4aireelly muling in US soft ropes's., ,- Upon her breast sleeps Summer's latent nose; Whae hanging delieSeli over ill, Polies the light and graceful parasol. The'tall groin rust , c; as'she WO along,' Hushes, abashed, his loud and sturdy song ; 'fl. crowtr g youugiter cheeks his noisy prate, ',And Shrinks with; four behiad the open gate. Aud riont the windows many a-curious eye -or Sams the trim stranger as she pater by. ^ Ilehol . d the door, while round her Fear Tile little tlyinag. With greeting ',a ewe"' And, foll Owing slow , on Presling on before, . ; leer dadut ken . nel the vended floor, -And there await, with sweetly reverent face, The Wiitirs best teanbings, 144 .., * . ti rimer for ;Rim (Feet the words of Jane on her tongue! Haw rietahe flow of David'. snored eons Hairpin from tips all inioceye and truth „ Falfbely words [rood youth tei younger youth: She kneels, and s up to Heaven . * lowly prier ,ttlinhierithinreet music through the momiog She pr!.yiii:or strength, and earnestness of heart, Osiehe may seta faithful part; She pm that Hs, who, While en earth a guest little 'children ' tti his holy breast, ~.W. c rubflook: upon her dock. from Heaven above Araffol4thetalo the brim or Ilia loin. ;• :Thus, with a prayer begins the weary day, Astil'whert.the sultry hours hare passed away, ..Titiaiepliildish.yoleew Mingling with her own, • In grateful tionerise softly to the throne; This; day by day. r enewing strength bY.Prsyer; • -She - dremgthens 'hsty through earls passing Her: nation'. greatness, and her country's power. . thalami hiseetin the deep sea eaves, Works all unseen beneath the heedless waves, Yet, wills : a Want band and gentle might, 'lsprears its deepdaid pillars to the light; `Bo 4:te, tieneitlithe waves of heedless mind, • - Crested with aims by Passion'■ sweeping wind, 'llya deep the-fln4 foundations of her strength, . Aad_reaus her flinty pillars, till at length • They break the billows from the world abroad, ,Aadhold the swi, asleep, bene'itin the smile o , ~ s, .'fgl:~?j,~a _ ' ~; :;. ... 'r.~...... . . IMIN -How aweeti a thing is the love of home. It is pot acquired—it is a feel •.' ing duit has ite origin elsewhere. It is : born with us, brought from another world to, on with joy in, this. It is attached to thd rumtzt. heart that ever : throbbed: - - I ' • A WAR Fe T.—The money expended by Greer Britain, in seven ware, would have constructed fifteen•railroads round the•whole' gldbe, allowing the cost to have bees $35,000 per mile. : • The Cost of GOrernment to each indi vidual in' the:United States aniounta to $2 39 per anittim; in France, to $7 50, and in Groat Britain, $l2 23. IT NEVER FA Br. CuLltEll LADLIN YEGETishisr.A3Au!s IarbERSONS with Screfula,:King'i Evil Caleer, Erysipeloa,Old Sorra, Ulcers, Totter Mercurial Menet, or any other coorplainta urban, Dombollard:lee br the blood, are requested to read • the I olloolog teatimeelals, in proud of the woudet. - • MI properties of the above oozed medicine. REA r tm UAW! . . Wa the aniersigeed,Tamag baited Mr. Isaac • Brooks, Jr: it thb camp of Means. Rowed and Walton, - 576 Market.street, Philadelphia, caoarder - hie ease the mum remarkable Mie we have ever wit. • —eased ov heard of. • •Bla disease vies SCROFULA, and terrible most hate beisi Virelve lean' conflict with the de . . '''lN.,: ',..,...4 L n •h.'; 2 :;; :: iI::.FZ 1 - mili , •;* 4 :1 : :::r - lit 1.f. : - :•:';:-.42: . :',.2.:, !:;4 ;?;'2'Vtr.:',2;ltt42i4 1 •,..1-0 4 .4. ~: : ...4 7 ,-1:: 1 '. .", .--•A'.,..- - -....,,,i,. 4-1 ~. --, .....,,„ 1 „,.,.. ; p...„.. , ~.„<:, ~w , t,,,x. ....R...., 4 .1i i , , ,i. 4,•,..,;,,..„:„....,.::., xi:-.t•:„.1,'15t,:- ,-.... 0 :.,....,,..„, ~...N.-,:„:14,.. r4,-...... .—,r,;.....,..:. • ~ . ...1, ~-...„. ~ ~,, , , - ,,, . .,:.,n,..,:.::::•:,. ..,;z.:•,.:- . ..:.46: ~ ),4•••;.'}' 4 .22 %i l , h ..ii: • , N . :• Z 2 2 , `;', - 2 .. ',.): - 4 , 1;,\:;•V . 2 ;t ; 2 ' ' ‘ , 1 2 A,.. , , , :i''‘ , ; ' 7 ) " , ‘;;:i.:40 2 ttiztt .. :.'Eti •-•-1:6 , , ,, ;-,i' , ' ' , 'Z'''',i,•;:k•litli - T • SPalshathe entire roofer his month, Nme,Up per Lip, nod lower Lid of the Right Eye have been destroyed, hls Flee nearly eaten op; and part of the Jaw Bone carried away: And yet , we can give In description or his care. - Mr. B. Waren as that 'joker:a:7 last, the whole laterkw of Ms reauth; as well as most of his Mee • 'WS RIM of deep end painfid lawn . ' - On the 14th ofJanuary last ,he commenced taking . Di: CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA. .CEII, which checked the dilesse M a lew dap, or.. . Y from that time the care has programed without in New Beakba. nplied the piece :dal, deep al • "''' h i s badly &a:figured, his lace in sound, end all health is motored. • We are' weird that ie the treatment of Mr. Break case, no Mereerins,Ohrtmenta, °realistic applmstione bare been usede-zn, fact, the PANA . • LTA ALONE, has wrought this wonderfal change David Smith; Reeks county, Po- Charles L. Remind, Meadville, Cminond coPa.. • W Jones, M D, heath Second street, ?hits Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N'J. . W Cur, MO N. Fourth, above Poplar 4N. L. • , S flPeolleogh, Lancaster, Pa. • , RM Maddock, de North Eleventh et. C W Appleton, 61 D 46 South et: ' do • I=Caldwell Marlon to. Miasmal 1 leakeEChianut I.llll,Pbilsdelphia co. Pa. Joan Husedi39olligh etreet, William Strati:lC MO, Camden, N. .L_ Hale, TM High street, Phila. J H Preter,Mandfsetunir cd Mineral Teeth, 107 S Wet olleuweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat .777 N Sd George 1V Mists, Brush Maker„ 317 Market SL ' Ezra Carr, 159 Ch street, Phila. A lit Gillette, Pater el Eleventh Emilia Church, Phila. . - . John Bell, Erie BOMB, Philadelphia, (Pond Amer: • Aurae Seeds, 16114Stbarine Street, Phil.. Huard Mandeb Beater's iUlel, do • • Andrew Sweater, Camden, N J. It tl Enna, We:Anal.. . • Richard R. Yawing, Gilder, 409Alailfet st. Pbila John W AeWs,6o South Sloth street, do •f• S Wolper, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut street, do B J Henan, 1.73 Eleventh floret, do Peter Shen Smith: Editor Native. Eagle, do Joel. Nadine, Glass, manufacterer, Willianialewe William Steely, Farmington, Van Buren co. lowa L B Cola, M Boston,Mus. BruselCanfleld Phisiolognit, Philadelphia. 'norms P S gok,b/ D, Harrisbuigh? Pa. Peter Wight, Market atreet, rtida. AUOI W Newlin, 103 Filbert at. do John Good, 174 Space st. . do William Una, Pastor St, Paula M. E. Cb. Catharine Joke Chambers; Pastor lit Ozdep. Chores, Broad do T . I. Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard, Pbila V I' Sellers, Editor Olnre Onneb, Doylestown; - Wholesale and Retail by Rowand Y. Winos . Pro ` prietets,376 Market 13L Philadelphia: K E Sellers, .„. ,47;Woed. eatitudirugh, Pa Wm. Tho Mt Mar ' ket R. do.; E B Perkins, M a rietta , - Gbio; to & Sty.W Daseshower,Cie., °hie; %Jell& Reerp, blades:re la;C floble,Loms idle, IL V; Devereack & Pelican, St. LOOM, MO. It McGraw, Patches, Mai & Jots - • non Vicksburgb,do; ChartoJeskins,New Orlean Ell „ m i f i zlzl t %MILT 11IXDIC111Z ~..,.40 Mita =yaks 4.kiter=facintit,Pr. ....,:j 3 ztztia . a w . t ba . :f . if I, lurel la rl a i p, : ra . iiiiii li a u ; k * - ' Tests. 1 litea Id ' e'Vtlill''o,llVG9Et ' w e 1 : the l al ) : goad t• dia eamplaloci they peek4 - t r. k......t :. .....c g =g ; .1...... *b. .....-,„7 - 1 14,eg.,41:4,:tfajalllsWas;rom the har 4l.7, .::: .-. rita,aoa—Disaatery.. 1,... rlr_,,,a , 7 .1e.t. Ii„„,:. .'..-_174:7-ZdurZ=._lir ''''''r``-'''.7.41,711; ~, men. *0 onee►.f i t, ...;d.,,;,==mT!!! - :...4itinad.= with aainvl6.secesa iu71.4rX,11.,....” ..,...;•,::,•.;:.,Wa.,ll,patiao a abokae; to WO W» itspeeiraty .T. • : •-r:-.,, , ,t74,7=ii °1 7... 1 : 7,° . ,- . 7.,111,,,,,, _ `=.1 ~.,,,.f :_;:„.• L 'eset eteli rngnW. .711efttiteehelletliii, . ~-,,'.....1"...4.....r..01. eat ~,,,jmi. 1.4 .-.!--:---.!-"'.71141.03; % L AVA!. tala k At=i .10;iarMIrm="1...:rja -i*l"..', Ficibloirboo i•Z*?.•::"A-53,t1311P -Y/S4-411' • , .r . ~..4..' -4 ._ .47,1111=m • ,•::•`',::-•1...,... ,•• '• •" --Wien Ma M. ' 't " • •'•-4,.',;'.41. lassur'"4o.,!Milg - 4''.71,c4174:;:- -:*!:',:', ../. r '.--.....,. '' '4; ..":',' r: ..,'' . '77'...::.; .;;;..":,61';;;•A'4.Vtigi'2,-r: .7 , , :.. .:',.: ' .:': j':::','S :2,, . ; .115(-C===.. .~. ..- .. . . . , . • - , • ..',. Rt5bi..i,`,R...1.,E..! • )ii?4*AL C H I L 01A71.- 14 . - sonDirioar m Umunsaserisp FOR telleviag the pmmeadelmwers. ficklest to nolu 2 e, telt:WV Birth, which Imam the easy and unprotracted recce. or the lencliam of woman which itatare, when auslndoeseed by the lamina et entlized life, intended should be perfor med expeditiously., with little pats, and without sib. feDr Ur Bordelorpte tering his travels in Asta, obsers ed this remarkable fact. That the women of tboee -contain are *slimly different iron all other lurk, in , this raped—that they are Craft= the .pates and down which make the period of P may an object ce ea mach astiothated indbuisg arid risk. ' Cariosity and the real for Mese& diacoves mounted him to invoniapite the cameo( this re , Ina:table esomnint to the severe trials toudrie.b . the' named females are generally sabjer.ted,- and the remit arm the discovery of th e fact that the women of those cement= were in the habit aiming dens( the last stages of !rev:Much certain plants which hare the faculty of imparting that 'degree of tone and elasticity totimi serves and blood easels of the Uinta., or Womb which enables It toperform, its fanctions in all th eir native implicit' erection and It in a Mop ar fact, alaii,.that the loath women of North -America are is a remarkable degree free from thole pails and daggers of pregnancy mad child birth to vied' tbs . whits women am eablected.— Whether they vas these=s plants as do the women Of Asia witeassat tell. Contain it is that the fact la no lam iemasisable emit tree. • This Remedy is now eittenavely seed throughout Frame with the most masted success mid read males who were one glees thmugh apprehensions of the dangers conitemient to the ante of merrier are mow by the me- of this Ouslielne ' ;performing tbi - deties of wives and mothers wilbensfort and ha ir et naa .this . presented' to the we. men of !America, hy Dr Pludeloque, through his 'ode snit, Dr A.O MORTIMER, acid he feels con- Meet that iodate:nest of It. buten manta ROI recommend Itself to the moral part of the commie. Mihail it is hilly calculated to do sway with that 'bond Cfl/118 - 01 which sone, through feat diem 01 child birth, ere piny, (the Madonna of prima. ten delive • • ' • Thu medi cine q is 'No _remarkable lee remedying that hitherto int:rabbi disease Beimmina, asd its slant contest seentipsaimest , Fleor. Albus.t a lam that relaxed and Odin elate. of the Womb which aenumenies this dune is never. leit after the shortest use of this medicine. The medicine is prenred in such t way sato he agreeable and pleasant to the taste. Dr A C MORTIMER No 36 Lispenard st., New-York, has been appointed sole wet for the United States, by Dr Benbelonti. sod is the ocly person in this country who m authorised to vend this limitable medicine, so the following letter will then _ . (Thaukted from- tile .FieneL) . : 10th,1137. Dr AD Monlimut—Eleu Sir—Accordhog to the agreement 'mein iato between as, I this letter to, give you that written authority to sell throughout the United States, (my Remedy for 311- 11avingple pains and dangertecolioitte poignancy and child butb,i . which _ls necemary for you to have to - satisfy the public dire gusemenese and met nty. As pot are awasethe ethouor of the medi cine-fa the innuee of the sea air obliged me to send it to you in air tight vessels. I bare also sent with it; a specimen of the manner in which it ie pat up in Pans. le like manner !should wish it.... ap- pear in the United States. Sir with greal rc. met I remain your. 'F E BORDELOQUE, M D. t P S—l shit send you a copy oft letter recaired 7me from the Royal Academy of Science, io (Thms/a4dfrcli the Frasek.) . _Pan. Jan 141,1846. ',,To fit BORDELOQIIIV—Sit--The commnsion. en of the Academy have ufwinted the undenagned Imoutheir number, u a committee to report regard., big the maim CI ;he. remedy laid before in by you Due relieving the (rains and dangers us:idea to preg nancy and child birth.) Several eminent Someone baying submitted 4o the . Academy the emits of .Weir upeirieco in the nee of year remedy, sre her ten to lay it before Jule, believag It to he the but decision regarding its claim to distinction, and of it. great value, that'edheryouee the public could hare wished: Whatever Whence this body may poe tess on the member. of the firefeerion will exerted to farther that adoptiou of thin remedy into general use, which - u &scientific duccreery and an unfailing remedy, at so richly demure. Eight Physicians having used an medicine, each in fifty cases of de livery, found It entirely aaCCelsdal in promoting . a remarkable tale and easy delivery, free from pain. and danger. IV:ith the exception of three patient. of Dr Briquet there was a perfect immunity from any aubsequist weakness or cause; one of these three a laboring . woman who had met with a severe fall a week previous teidelivery, was taken lennedi. ately afar that avant with a profuse hemorrhage, which was with difficulty 'nested. The other two mallenuaticorsol the pens, were le no wise relieved offish& These few "emplane in so great a lumber of eases asiosi bendred, those the-undoubted effi: cony of you remedy. and have determined us to give it that recommendation and approval which is dee to it. and thelortheranee of •Cianti6c media rice (Signed) M BRESCHET, Al D. 1, MAGENDIE, It D. COM of the Comninsioners of the It. Academy of Science. The public nee cautioned aping parching this medicine from tivp penman as the ed. agent Dr .A C. Mortimer, No 36 14 Lispecard at New .Yea, where this medicine tiv an lei pe ' ckagei suitable for being sent by mail to any part of the country. ._ Price Tito — dollars a package containing full di. mutton,. _ Persons dOinior . of ag this Great Remedy who mode et distuce, do so by forwarding Two Dollars, poet pal. to - DR A C MORVid CR. SOW Agent for the U sept4TVre No 36 Liipensed at,New .BTAATOI3 ICIXTZSINAL HUNT'S LINIMENT, Ts now universally_ _ackitowledged to be the IN 1. FALLIBLE REMEDY for Meematisto, nal Affections, COILTIC6OII.II of the Muscle., Sore That and gaiety, Reties,Old Clean, runs in the Back and Chmt Ague In the. Breast mid Face. TouthAche, Sprites, &Mem, Salt Motto, Bane, Croup, Frost -W Feet. and all BMOCS Nemec • The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which bee at tended the qpliciation of thismost WONDERFUL MEDICINE fn caring the most venire comer the dillerent Diseases above ismed,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS diet bare been bestowed opon is, wherever it bas been introdoced, gives me thought to call oi the AFFLIC FED to resort to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BERELI ED ON. • . 07The health unite is neounarteding the tele ated External &Needy, Bent's Liniment. The Mowing letter from the highly eminent Physicians who havebeen attached to the Moist Fleasett State Prison for many years, is the best evidence of the value alibis rented Liniment: Sure Sma, Demmer 56,1845. My Dear Sir-1 received your note of yeetenday, asking my opinion is rotation to Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr Geo*. E Stanton.' XllolliDi iii composition, and hums tremently teed it. , l admmyn o d p i i t n tioo yo t u h aes beat z f L e I E Ii z II te HnCtLa l s ß w m ien use.. Very truly sad respectfoßy you% _ A IC ROFIrMAN.; Col Pima YuCcotlandt, Cretan Manor. 1 folly eonear in the gate Opini h on. BELCHER: Yourown, Jan. 14, 1845. S&—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say that i have seed your rammed Remedy, called Hunt'. Liniment,in my prairies athee you made me ac qoainted with ate compatitiod, and tuthesitatiagly say that I believe it to be the bat External Remo dy now in see for the =epithets fur which you re commend it. Years respectlellf, • BEND D MILLER, M. D. Geo EStaaten,E*. irrAmong the :wad worthless articles and humbugs that ate peered forth at the menet day upon tne cosaby, it is really refivikog to find accoething reG practical utility, something aim pie, speedy :and enacted in its operation, and at the same *no free 6= those Wartime effects which generally Wend powerful remedies. Heat's Liniment, prepared by Geo, E Skidoo of Slog Slog, tbooo it bas been buts abort tine before the politic, km already obtained the consdenee,oot only of our Moot wealthy and tecllaeatial wizens, bet our most eminent phyaicians. All acknowl edge it to be a soiereign balm for many of the ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the achiug limb, and by its gemriee stimulating influente,banishing dis CUM from the system. Mr. Stantoo—Sk—Seeing your adv.:tinniest , of Hint's Liniment, I was induced to try its 'deck lon my son, who bad been crippled with • lame back Rico an infant; and it is with gratitude I bear testimony *its woMeclid healing pluperbse My ' child, who is sow live yearn of age. is sow in a fur way of recovery, Yours, &v.., • - ROMP L NICKERSON. FOSTOF/SCII,TOWIIItr" , Pew= Co. - I certify that I am persosally acquaistcd with the above sawed child. and think the either would be sale in dying **this eon is almost well. JAS W DYKMAN, Nov 5, 1845. • Depot y Post Muter. P. 5. '1 would also state that I have been for • cumber of year. subject to frequent attacks al the Rheumatism, which in many Instances prevented my attesdlog to my Moines. Two or thole appli cations ofibie Liniment 'availably remove all at thews 01 the bind. to cases of braises, "maim and some, too nomerons to motion, it bas is this Vicinity pieced ecertain remedy. Its value can oil be estimated by those who have giroslt a fair This Liniment isiold at 25 and 50 cents per hoe, tle, by all the Principal Drouisoi and Merchants throughout the coostry. Whokraik Agents in New Yost tiptipugY,lTELtl& Co, 142 Water RIISHTON Co, 110 oroolosr. A B dr, D SANDS, toner Folios sad Wiliam. ASPINWALL, 86 Witham street. Orders addne=d to sot at bin Sisi,N Y, nu be attended to. - GEORGE E STANTON, ForPOlipitthsrgh by L WILCOX, Jr, aid) NIDD /A,Co. .Allejosey City, JOHN SARGENT Blnsimehass,JOHN SMITH. - febl9 Gg. caoruLA • AND SCROFULOUS , SWICLL, 11408,41clohlia in all its multiplied four weather in gest of Kieft grit, eaLummenta o the Muds or ewe, Goitre White Swellinm, Commie ithaematym.Caeer,dumbof tbe Slue OT Spine, or cif Fulanmary Ossimmption, emanate from one entitle .o s ease*, which is a poienoes principle Wee or 101 l in the einnas apetem Thefts fore. mime tbM mimiple can le destromal, ne re& Calamine be elected, hot ir Um principle eon which- Meilla** &peed*, removed core mama aecomityfellow, no =Wit ander whetters the disease should imitileg Una Thb, therefore 1 to the rum* ebf Jaycee ALTSJIATIVII it, so nut I , vandly al in rewirogeg Doman Milfgrant tieseseu",l: lemtmrp the vireVOl hum mutt,' thircitisimpe ulsig trottegiladas., am ma tie hi, h i lb. liere r 'remosieg,“llo lartiehl iieeaee IhmiseammeoLAPmearednd stlefs ILSsegaNtigtmet 2fgehlakthinhhign Teo Slam fle.72Feeistrie. , • ;4L rse~;^4''.e~.i<"~~~":-"~ -c "e~;=~? ; ~% .= `rot ~ `a{l`-"~>?'%~ MEDICAL DR. TORROfENWIS S S ILLA. Mat afra tyy Iltartriat in. at World. pyt pp u lauut batiks /LAS ar. bra amp. sr, pt.:mow, b.% %rumbaropbbt k cora doctor resiboot romboy a rlbc. ...k or 4. SPIUNg Mt hiIEIIIIIICINE The inm bug and Itopotioolty of dui Smapardis tour taboo Modiciso boot:Ott it Entitemeo Door a. Ingot atto Baty. It to oo• of du tory bat SPRING A= summia bILEDICLIOES two kobro it bristly rads do blob ryokolls4mOnagbark therms, but at Croats Woo, PWto out Rid Stood; youtorpommoul by au other Maoist. Aud dm booths mud secret of ato wands, fat MOM It W putoratal withal do last two your, bore Ibox ZAN mesa snotro Com or Dios. ; but OA, of thus were ottoblered itteurdtla. Wow than dpsmdOalleal 7 Plases of allemiSaetbiCamplaiots; 1 , 100 r Ura CosplaW 2,f6lareo of Dimas of Ito Wney oaf Dram; 66r=of Die tir 11 of 66 Illoodi .r . IV 1 66 i Batt Blum, riniplesbolbcybre, dric:b.c. To -1111113M116 non of (lick Heaache, yolo, m We eido Drachm; Illpird Alfeetkai,,b6, is. • • • Tbat, 11A , I1 ante, mot oppnir Incredible, but We hen_ Were drool pbyticiano and our Lb 6oto all poirb 'of the Usibid Bale.,nifonting ex of • corm Vse ./316116 ,_Vale. or dale mod res;itietals ' New sot, N.J., Worm os that ham ore to mon Wan 191 cir on to art plaice skis. Tbae or* Ibooorde of anei in We City of Roe York,. which me brill , refer to Pak plenum, ,amid to men of chancier. , It 616 bet inedicios the • ereatite of disease boss. Iriniknibtedly oval the lives 'of non than • • • 800 Ungansx sas.P.rr Slums! As it rawsd.the ow. 666e t toit epored thew 6 the Sumer onaao. . • • . • Tana STATti:Orna me. • . . Cory. G. W. BACCLUA or TIEII Untrow brown Dort, nod member of the Now Jong Losialatort, has kindly toot . the Diktwing eatiftalt. It Odle its own story.. littorow, Jan. DS, 1847. • year don wax taken with tholo4witicsiosti toy whole tyouttobll io debilitated dab. I was itobsood to try D. Toormad'o Stittotro•t - ii awl Oar bkiag two a ths. hot: / . 44 .77' m n rL Wint 4 . wad Wands it mainly to the Motayerilla. IM. oatiami tatting it t atot Awl that 11 implore wary doy. I Win* it and toy Witoottl would not be w Wood it odttr lay 811114111.11. L.mut • lib W.lllO,ltto U. tI. N. •-•• • • . This nretietto' eatelootrely proves' that this Barerptrilla haw perfect astritd eta, the earl =Was= deatwo of the bkod. TTm persons tor= ha catehottet i. =madam& Tabu C■IMILIS. Tolman—Due Sir t 1 tare dm Oman to ink= 7= that three of ley eltildrea ban be= eared of ibe Stro be= hy the too of par =tale= redkint. They were alllitiod very musty with had =lt j hate mil thew Goer total= ; - . lt. wok than away, decwhath I ltot =maned= 'deep =brain. TIN" mil, Iwo W. CUM, 103 WoOdir st. N.. Tit, car* s. GEIZAI FIMALL JUDICLtf Dr. TorearesP• Bostiportpol Is • roecrover sab speedy ewe for iacipimat Cannowtm4 &mans, Levreirebos, or Whitey obrtroeted or dakeolt Moratrottiok toecatherusto of Lfrisoi or inolostitry /Idiom thavoir. mad for theger oral prortreara of lb• rysteur , ,oy manor trnothor W. remit of haberent mat or emu, prod•ted by broghlarity. Moore sir weilmat , • • No _thilelt bi ear• reeprtsial teetsositti hum frame. -ndis,•ll weelsZe amass. We, from Wang Nat owe beim. robust mid fella/emu velar It. inftomem It Mammiistely montentek W. owe lemma( the part film, which ts the dead ems• of lasi mow. I ' It will sot to oersted of m• in sows of .o deliatte • ea ters, to enhilit seMillesrs of mires performed, but we me mare the !Misted, dud btmdretb of am hose beeo reported tons &nem' taw when amilie. bare been without &U -nto, nem mints kw bottle. of this /minable mediens, have beat Wen wrdi healthy ageing. A. Tetewsnut: My .o* being • rally distrased bl sesame esei peneml nod Gamin soatintelly by pd. end sematioe of bann down, lan of the woe* and with other iiffrolties, and haring knolls team where you' medicine ham effeeted great earn ; ant elsohear um it eesmmmdedloe wash mesas I boy described,' Akin sd-• bottle of yottrAstreet of , ' Serneparilk, and Wowed the directions you vas me In • short llama it remanded bre esopkints mid mien& bee hmith. ;kin teeth kr the be at she rweirett,l tag pima. in lien mknowkdr Mg it, sod reeowandiet lithe public. Yd. D. Neoax, lawny, Ang.17,1641. Car, of Omit nod Lydhot ste. ltortacrus, Sept. 99,10 G. Dr Trietuawd: To all whom *hie awy crown —Tkb i. to ratify dot my wife coed is bottle o f poi Sen•parilla =Ur her owdietwditooder the tb osta u t . aleneing aad liar of th ' e m het, nenous b tetiiiii, sl i my =ail; Wd; with my penates, , lad dee notawarodariew of thaw who had oat at, she Ina wilLowill 147 gorrth bob or no WI; ited tarboe to my, the asdicisst but lb. haps 7 ..d &Weed eSeet, oot only the hour. of ecerfoiraterd, hot Orr tho eepireSoo of ma week at be ose. th. dropey and oer• row gave way to se wrietWhiod de ~ee e,ad h. USIA beam better IMO it had hero dm • Wqr was re . If Sate wtil INE of atty. service to you or up oao who /odds the enema of the Wedkise, yoo are eahrety weleowe to I aubwribe spellTdoieweit titintirat wed obligor mot: S ohay.a a. 4411 NOTRCI/441 , 11) WAN= LADIES. Thai:Wad a flonapartha has hem raptiosiy prop— la harm, to fends complaialai No kook whii kat row. hot to dasdio is snood:OK that critics' h llha hens ahead. usher or • lake it, • it _is • oritais prevrous• say of the.omorrow. nal 11. t& Airauart which SSW.. saktort at Usis lino of lifr. TM* prriod any bra delayed iiirsoreral yews by min tbissolictior. Nor h it los nloalsle to thole trios ore oppriachiog womasilodid, as ti it eskiihaed amoiat oataro by quid :r door blood and isitiborhiag the system • feared, this soritirior is total oablo for all of the delkato dun.. to obi& 1.0%011 arr subj It•ectbrae. - e . • etc yrboie video , maw pncils - .11, IN Wo ng abergies—lry naming the lamporiti. ex belly rsoi it IMl•abLig u.MOM lor {lnduceothemiwat n. Waits, whielti• am of noa 0114iMibg• fifirli Ix &mak Ireakoht sal dim.. OMB R4O TRW. • • Y. 160 ban painonapknovon daft ono, bk.. Ol• hay Eingh die, cafe.). sod " v..," no a baby o no of Dr. Tonnovnil's Sonaporllla. :It nal ton year rasa. lie neck. and lokones, loamonno...sparioliaor nen fon spa... tornado , ' Monlaction—all of 'nab an of nu.. value no lOW end bans. • DYSPEPSIA. flo Said or medicine hm mr bees dimmed udifeb marlyntembleis the patio joke or WM. in docamposiug foodsad Meengthedmg dte argon, of digestion, mild. prpq ninon or Minmorillis. Dua a liment. Albany, MM 10, 1134.1 Dr , 21tensendc . Sir—l bare bent sMiond for ...rid peen mint drpeptia ba its vont farms, attroded mth mar sear of maenad, for of oppetim, satn,x bemtburo, mul a groat arm** to MI tiod. of food, sod for merits (ohm could eol,) I hare been unabie to main bola mall portion co ay Mama. I tried tlo usual nmediss, but they bad but IMM or so erect Jo mooring the complamt I Inn is aced, Moot tom macho Mom to try 7oor Zlinit of Same paillaimid I mug My with ICUs eoaAdaa %Namusing =z , s 7 bottom I Dual my tOpeite restand, Do Windy noonA; nod I :odd aummtly room. wed Ms r alit b Moot oho ham be ..e so I bare beta. You', S., W. W. Vu Smarr. —NM El, ISIS. Mates IMasel. ALMOST A IdIILACLE Dal tlee folkimingood doubt if mot ma, that emsomp tim mode med. Yids is may meager tenni butadnd Imes OM Toweled% Sorimporilla Ms cured : D, Sommood,Dmr Sr. 1 Ins take*, • WM year Ko, with • mere omgis tad pin to my tido. It Cc, wooed on me ren t Mead. Ima proonacol by pby. skim to Inme tic " coommtptior I reiouLlorge mom tides of lad dedlor, had Med mate, and Making mey isplockyr maid be mold do dar sos. .1 wont lab the re=t b'P r f VT , polity I'W." trer i d' artl told bordly broth. I cat becime emended, _tiodempectml to di. ,oar Mad bed, sad wm obliged to ham omelets . Meted I mot gen pm any description that mold .1.1.6. to my ema. I ti mrimeed by my friends rbe old nmr•ry; tried • Del mak.: of remedies, iut monied 'oda to metopes... I red of . rim mot • es trmedineiry vats pampa by your med." and to nal you Do truth, suspected them tn. tome biog is Mac Ilut I ore induced to tryit mil ma Mg tbadfol I lid. I =mot rem Det I /0, entantly MI ant so kr mooned as lobe Moutmy_ Whom, end hops to 1p entire ly moll in • Ire meas. My Moab sot pan lo Om side, mid Might moots Isom kft mar minim bolmtry little, sal am fmr. pining my mat Meng*. I Ott it • day to gin you • &Mond of Ey era, t a pohligi yott phasmi ban /Mown, 41 Lade sit, Brooklyn. Opts Ni l .. .f Physicians. D. Toorantad ihahhoolilillyroourine priori from phy Otite• u port. of the Wan. duo wo, LM Indenhpiol, Physieiano of Ow Chloe Allow, hors ho snow= two. pnwertloi Dr. Tomanoalh. SorolloraWpoll Wino it lobo cm of thewst .doll. proporaDoos of dot lhavr r to is the =OK, nix ' J U Bums,* n, ErairconondO Albory, 4111 1, 1845 nab is to entity that we nodorsivad, 11.....1.Phrtibelt* of the all o t' Alloy. bath omt dDr townsmen% Compound Natrona of &roo fings ita bows qualities, would raethesomd it to rtt • for snereothloerofolout, name lumina dts awn, in prelim.* to any of AN onvertiaen, roman now in A W T • AThen AF' ,1 544. . .lAbt`ls Drawrort, Tr. DIS Fulton_ et, nog, T; Red ding CA Sloth .t Do Ur tryst I . lken, North Dee, ,s,,d0 . "1"b"14 1 8 81"'" 1/1=tr i erj 8 " West Wan in i i rthe 4:•.• • • Now gentian, valeta pot op in Lb. large Kowa bottles, wbialt martin • quart and wined with the written situation of P TOWDAYAD, and trims. blown on 01411. Vito the New York Drily Espross of April 9, kV. A mu, thing appeoro4 ha Weals ltstenley. It wee tbe solicitudes nohow Sonepuilto gam*of Dr Toteteeol, Th. whole thins is sot up to sand tans: ems of the onto- Ronal londwayestuntiop ore lentoDful,•tehith,Agetbar wi th the swig wed., togoln, glownijig in the inn, soots •,sbow nwely equalled in grad p. We take Ibis opporunnty my web/Aim this salmi ofnhe Saraporilla deserves the greurpopolsrity it hoonaquired. Brerilonl Debility. Hew Yolts,March V, IBC • o,,Totrosodt—l hen km 'Aided wore or k,. be 3 paw, with a &card dakiet in the chest, giddiacm in the bed, low of .ppetit., *in in the limbs, and pun/ &Wit', brovilit on wateubt the continual had and cold to which lam eobjeet to is my twelve a. • dyer. I haw taken other arstkiews •131•41912/ ID scathes, hut with or now,. cow' 1 Inn Joined by what I mesh. dropper to by a bowl. of year liestnyarille,frawybh towel gest relief. I have .lot. taken madame bodies, end I ow wilmitatiegty my Le (MIKA medider I hawever tear--Ike pun ea my died I. ted I hod Tide nat sew dtotether since I bete bidetyomre dI be.. sew • hewer *dyadb ban wool bed. ytylnt. has taken It with the raw dal melte. I wool. nownewsei it eta Amity' onlieise 'CVowl 1 het eoefle.eit that it es newitkiere would 1301 O... Whew. dew /soled ceowequendy sot to sauy Doctoys WIN tor while if rubor. appetite, d deo yin" to b. .trek end haweb War reside. Wend keep. Me blood ea • 'tale, so Oat dams m net whitely to 'MA W mem. Awl htt all thaw who we we la sheih) . dale,' may try LW Twinetad% 3wwperill• Twins Sam, 70 Atka se. f . • -••••1 Cafakolt tlit* lifonotb. &km it ocroostormoUirreitiki mod. Dr Toniorael =lns owed Do lira of Dwarfs of thilf tog orrlillesta is orforrol tem slrftt omewl roctirodl tido week. New Your, Ap41.9f7. Itt Teamwork Duran-Ow of my. duldres. "ono we* atelt with ilto Cower I. the mood. watt/wont, Wooded Ira vet do/itity haw me dy/nr, 1 obtotood tow of you, onsitant taodid r,d *mot it dh«tfji W athith I I. NOM you I kolyoun n. dalkt; , _ 4 Yonso l =l 111/12 14 r. foi tale 7 R L MiLLEAta Devaid, 1.1057 Wood at, bans 3a saa 4th au, - ..h0 W -"too Alte d bl Dr TOW NUN° mob Agost for /Mitten en jar9d/tolly • mutilate _Celebrated Prarlitiauesta. rla • lad. iadtao4 depot ood attrieo4 ig • puled •nolastioo elmallolly paw eviaimais of apo t dov dmradiealimayies of the good pro. =rata IL I %T!: to)t t ak t ma oo sa* . 41:11•101 Ood road oft . , li =ixit elm roa= " o/1112N=C 1( SO ttToToo . /dna =:W:Milli • 9 Own. F7dd Fat.Btnaparili e a 47aulaanyaa had ad IN We 6 BA FAIINSI- TOOLI Csynnar at Int sad wood aad wen aad V . - M=IIIMMMME PHILDI'DVERTISERENTt3 - - , 111I0JUOK 11.00 s. ma d siva . = bans Thirdilbstia sidr, • IMPORTER& cad• WlsdepatDealers Wideloss; &Watch °lama and materodaJewary of all descrip tions, qualities ..a sßles, e.mwilhg ali the Whale. connected with the sada, Meta, Dixon ar., Stio% Untsaitutleissot Silver and &pre: platadvearep Shalleld• and 'brainless plated fancy articles.Dedgets laws and IVoctrosbobs% cut lery, mom, achards, acmes, desk Knives, lee. ivory s o mbod able cutlery of the fle.e4l,sentdiess and east. noon qoaees.. & largo amen.= of god pees Pari• kcal appetaclec papas. mach.. and lapanoed tray. varieas Mapea sad.rptalitieta reduced el" gold watch cues and silver leans of all descriptions ma nicesince. CU.,luTtag ree.cothe reamed into the lurk and commodhsawaselmass.krmetly occapied by lmesus. /,ti Sons. sad awns ascesoll by &Ahura & Pennington, beg leave ,to lama Wadi Dealers, seaman an Western Iderelsolts and wham that they daygn having at allsitoos to assortment of Goods of their aunt impeirtatim which they are deter mined to sell at the lowest rota. 117• Every alteetiOU vei !. be paid-to the puking of Goods and to the egeoadon of orders, the qaalidea load prices will be fully glananded against all competition. 141 J. JUEL, @TIMM PLOWER No. 158 North Third Streit, AIOYI MINSTREL; . • PUILADELP/IIA, HAS on hand, and samaras cues ,to onkr, Artificial Flowers, Feathers, Tarision,and , Face Com !Al dine Dress Caps, Borders, iDinincts4 4. And every droariptioa or Faacy Grs, which he will sal at ilia lowast market pries. - N -B.—Fenihers dyed, cleaned, tired, and aril-3m NOW OIL STORIL. • 111DtWAY. 4 ILEBILE, • 37 Non& *ming, ettuADEL:pnix, 'O r Si t a Oil tatl4tir m , utem sire, and May feel enaldent of Malug ainsfaetion W those mho call. They hue now on hand— re .. Pu.Serea iL W h ite -Winte r r - and Fall %Ike ditresent qualities. Solar OiL • Winteppressed Lard Oil. Wiater Elephant and Mate _ • Sewed, Backed and OmnaumWbale 011. • Tanners' 00a; Sperm Candler, thaano,ke. Re. , N. W. AU • • s delivered in fisst ram order. *lllalba . EDWARD R. TRYO.N. • PM 134 North rbw4itipaiii. • • MANUFACTURER and IMPORTER of Shot Ulm, Ram and Pistols; Powder Ilaalm,43bOt IMP, S. perior Powder, Pertwesion Cep; Shot Weds, Boil and Blank Cartridmm de. de. Also—Six Butel ItemSving Pixtolitand materials Mr Gen Neter , " aes. • • Wham made to ceder, and! repairs nest!, 0w... trAny Gim which I tell will be moved, if dewed, In the presenee of UM Purchaser. • ali SADEIVTLIIIPAT • arrnquoar-wciriox TICS Hammer postgame many ad mit:Km aver all J. others—among winch may be toeu hl timed ' ha anageebleness—Therapiditity and amid blow may - be Immeshed With the greatest ease, what the hammer is in operation, and the hum.* may be ' le.. meetly arrested,. and suspended Many height. It. Universality, or eammity to ezemste week of all kinds, from the !amen to the loneliest, under the net. hemmer. Its Simplicity, Compactness and Cheapness. Its Accembilny upon MI sides, by the workmen. AU the hammess are made Hein/marg. The subscribes, tandems to excems oaten for these banuriers.of MlAss upon reasonable terms. ' For Author partiouisrs u Lmalre of MRICIC &TOWNE. ass iy igners of the Patent fortis:United States, d,c Uounianrhyosndry,lPhltenyns DERRY & NIUKERBOB, Msnufacnners of. aWMAOI,.IIIOIIIIM WAGON COVERS AND GRAD! BAGS Or ALL DLICRIPTIONI No. 3114Noittla Frost atainste Hack of A. Dawn's Cabinet Woe Manley . rueei.amerapuba: Aorders left sank S. $. Moon, Id the Othell ortho Merchant's Hotel, Pitubsrgh, oiU ba promptly attended to. ' TIIO.O. DERRY septedly A. C. ICCERSO:g . WILLIAN . • , COJCII AND , /14/110:33 Lig alb , . kre of tOiet Wawa. reipmettallplnkkkr Cisisi ikao pike. *at kit Imo .141 keg eistitastb: Mkt ma kr imago bodkin muscat saki/intik ra,. Cama Vakeks of al styks mid deieriptices mak to oilier itt the shorn* m awsart, sod ekeekted oa td mykiit alkeksuil. rteeYL kik:l4y MLSCMANEOUS . _ AQf.SC WOR PATJCATM . Maids...ton, D. C... _ ZEN 411. 4 C. SWIMS. Mechanical Fool: neer and Atom for woman* Parsers, will prepare the ne cowry Drawing. sod Paper. for Applicants tao tot em, and transact all other badness in the tine of ha prOlkoSiee at the Patent Office. Ile cap be Catalpa on all gammons !elating to the Patelle Woo and , strew us the United Etatea or Emetic. Pe sans at a distance desirous of having eiaatinatiOtti Othati at the Patent Mee, prior to resting apphcation for • nosy forward [post ides pa ng • fee of five ert=r. It ear •r statement or c... .h.1011:10044. etym. non will be aisen to a. sad all the 4:Atlanticn that emald be &omitted by. visit or the applicant to ?meal promptly comounleated. All Inters on basinelo team le Pest Pa- and Meanie • suitable fee. where aornuert opmlen to required. Dime en P.sareet.ePProdle the relent Ocoee. Ile has the honor of le-fermis, bypermhision, to . • Iton. &hosted Bake, eamonsmatter el Patents; . • Ilan. H L Ellswenk late do do • do; II Knowles, Marldrust; Patent °Mee; • Jadge Crutch, Washington. D . 110 n. It Choate, U S Se note; Don W Mien, Ohm do; Soo. 1 it llowilerht Ct Idissonn; Don. Willie 11211, Nev4ork; Ile Ilen.. Robert theith, SVC, Vheruv; nom S ereere, V S Seam; Illtelfe,MC,lll,sonFi; Capt. 111,1 Shreve, M.11.9UT1; Erma Moab, Pittabergh. fIO'CUF26-NO PAY. • • • DR. CULLEN'S N D N VIM:IMAMS REMEDY—Wamoted to eare,or the wow ey returned. This medicine is prepared from as dian Reemptotbtained from one of them A the Far Weal, at great ezpense. 'Those who have been familiar with the lodine, know that they Ate end do care Venereal without the knowledge A Nen eoty, 53122.10, or anythieg of the tied..Tbe.ef. dieted have sow to opportenqr A being. cared the use el Balm.. nnli =donut is •howant to the tuts, sod team no smell on' the •teatb. Prepared by ROWAND & WALTON, and sold wholesale nadtutul,by J. 'l` Rowaad, 376 Market street, Ptdlad's. For sale in Pittsburgb by R R Bellen,'67 wood street, sad try . Wst Them Mutat aL . .Iw6darT COACH MAKING. ' • FROM this .sery liberal anoannott atansattho inibeeriber has received ranee he has located Masai( in Allealkony, has Wooed hits to take a leaso,fer a tern of Ism, int* propstty Its neer persona, in Hewer meet, iomiately beside „the Prothyterion Marsh. - From the bag ezps nesse in the chose hosanna and a Bestrew pleamt, be hopes to mei , It end receive a share of petals , ,Frow o . and sad Lashi to i nw,n7 Be& . 4v. .a 10P Sondr g ans*, M dowirien . i .=. made to order, from sinreniptive dollars to eidthiaaost. i50n3 . 401 • JOHN SOUTH. T. Jones , teal ma Chatnitnal Soaps FOR W kinds tr( eruptions and diserwes e( tLe Slaw melees Pimples,l3kstekes, Salt ahem. &wry, Hea t Spots, chapped or =eked Skin, and for anther disea ses of the Shia, which Metro anent.' r.drw,this Soap sands unplanned It elle 'dispels Freckles, Son. bins, Mc phew, TM, and elaelte• the color a( dark, yellow, w diefreared skis, to a Am% healthy, ?wand. clearness. A fresh sandy, warranted gertatee , and fur sale at the redoend plate or 37i per take.tweat e been menired,is offered Nr sale by 11 A FAUN k Co, eorperlst and wood and else al the corner of sixth and wood sts. GENTLEIIIMS FURNISHING GOODS, kkerbole ealej k E TODD, manufarterirelintS No It Wood et., op dark two doors belowl2od, softest the alkali= of predawn of Cienaleneha Varnishing Goods Wow Stork of new sod fakionable goods, weaufeeteriet repreadx Isr our own auks, warranted well anode awl give perketiatukolkel sod we would oil the attention of purchasers end ow custo mers lo one am of superfine Not one ewe median quality. do; • ith both whits a ced etriped of every deerriptioa and quality, with p ri ors b sairpueharent another ewe of these Patent Swami Joiat Braced Gus law tie rhapeodursjuk opened with rerioue aorta and Kiev, W. would 'elicit the cells of purchatters who are in the Whit of pion over the utoentaias fa hto all and mailer our stork, as we are reclean! • as far as ptkes are ton earned, eao induce thew to look either, but inure to moth er al I raiesst meek Spring Truss; NE4'll( INVENTED—For the reliefand Permanent Cam of HERNIA or RDITURE. (Suited men aims.) The mperlerelaimsof this Truss consist in tie coot. Paretic. ears uith which it may be Want. The_pad of weed being neatly balaneed an spriup, yields byre. mre on nay part of h. and thormighly adepts itself to Cu, movement mad. by the wearer. It can be wore without lalentAlloionounil a caret. effected. The tub. Anthers have made arranymnents for the mannfacture of these valuable Trusses, Ina superior ay In, In Philo delphis, and have diem MU , fusee at their ofgce, No. 77, thnithgeld a. near Sixth. Putsbargh - „ bUil. 3VALTD,_. jean D. W. KAUFFMAN.' Itlfiati—Jind teed 3 daa bra of . Patint II amazed lades Rubber L. new Alga of Landward br placing madmen and pateela °teem description-1n an IMAM Ole,. be placed Rend • packet.' Papers lioldina tam ant at Ike wad Lis., snowing of addition or ,tedacilaa irita.t_tor loaa. compacuma. J&II PHILLIPS • &Mai 6 rood a Dr. Illeamonols Wont"'liptellSe. TIIISIW to candy tem, by taking one mai of Doctor bleLancla Wont Smoke. a Mold qf inter ElhavOs passed laparards of 70 ammo, and hy Om gm of mnid medicine • child of KY men priced 14,1erge worm.— It Is truly We mart moprieing Irons medicine I e , ft! seen. I matt have Iwo more nal& . . . WM GILIFIORE Towombio For .de by .1 KIDD Co. No 10 Wood moo,, hits . , tomb. . • • mph,. ll' OPICNOLII.II 1/I.Ll6l.—ltua reecived.lor .I.3Packet Map Baraoaek,llcaskol.Bponcoeor..ftn to.ei now, polarising a sari nEatal asionsont. .111 e aueooon of Marimbas sod aomaserolooefally, latooted: • LOUAN& ICIMMDY. TOTIS PATTRILIII VOA IMLII—INdeb, O lobwor,Pammt Mater, Allegnonyeny 011114ns* W. newest papaws Oar Moves ow hand onion In wood mamas AND MAIR-SUGA2I.II-46 Ibbls A..tnes vuglia4 Red palvarbed 1 snide oft haat 'sad nicpißmv (or We witalsaile dendiul at MR Wise Sion o( . " • .4A009 WEAVER • "W gm market I Malt p 4 i~~ =iMEME 110 TE-LS. . ~ ;LIGHT litTR ET..S.`IMV,REi -.. . yoga A .TlllllBlloaesideteti. ~ - - 7 - Tms eiablfalwalikarvind yriddyk.e.,..tiiii one of the roost caIOSSOMMIS in the eity of Boltimese, has recently andertente eery .mensire at end improreseethe. Ap entire new wing has be. added, emmenturg othni mmatrons and airy * reema..llipg f p ut y,...,1 . 7be lobeedepartamthas also been teropletely M. arra:tired and lined op in a most unique and beautifel .41.• -In ha 12 ..b.k.mnsaxmot.the H... b _bent remodeled. ohIL a sic& ~r , . dm part of the proprietors town the Montfort and *Nome of their 13,,,,,ne. .and winch they mind assert . wit I eital. 'nese emeparuma with any tat. Uairat. . ' . Their table will always be se bed Mohave/ sob. H I , Mandel and! miry which theme et affoidsoierved op 1,, n Meer etyle, while In the way of %Vines, axe in emanation the menet.. beg to say, Mu notions' wlllhe {calmed.). <lethal, pan, and an the pastor their •., un gents, in render din !Wel worthy the contateed , a uayage of their (needs and the pubrm generally. . . the prices for board have also' been red ueed to the a°l' W ir , tl'E.::- Gent -Inettens , " ' S i t r o per .. day: . , ' rc B..—Fbe .Bagnage Waggon of the Rome_ ',lei!! al mere Mond et the Cm and Steamboat lAnglakig,4 *leek will convey butane to and from the Iknol, tr . e et thief. . . ' STAMM 'llol:lM"Cistellaluttl. 01110—The subscribers having perclumed the en tire Interest of Cal. C P Williamson, late of this well known establishownt.beg Wee to gam to their Mead* and the public generally, that they.kave taken this commodioas. Hotel for a tens el years and will exert Mei:best enegine to make it adeegable Pomo for Tray elkts and Cry Eloarders. r The Ikail m spacious aid adatiribliPiannod for eon mience, light and mr, having • ornahogof parlors • arnoteing chambers, prateming unusual attrecuoas so r. The presemprimrielois having had they xpenence of yoUll and elsewhere, hep. they will be able I :lrfs i v? dflruVeurNeimtj,,,tger iced m !i" Theloesslocor the Paul Street Masi ieadae eligible. having front. Pearl, Walnut rad Third ms, In that It ht equally, d un s irable in view of the convent cure of hotness meaoirmirementfor private Warder. It Is now by the Banks, the PoolObee, the lidasonte 11111,0dd Felltrern Igall,and Indomeiguaredistaat from • Main greet and two mimes Avg the sty Whatf.thai . ogettrar the greatest lodtteemems, espeelally to . country merehants mul generally go all venous liftting ea& JOHICNOBLE • =AV . • .JOHN A GUBLEi l!Mffi9EfEM • Tu..b bO ebere 1 1 11 116 .. 4 4, :rap lug megrim :4 eltimerand .16 1161Delitar, his 601WeilieUtif 111111•10 d ae the Iluembeata anddlallread Depot—le 1n the eta the name entenalea Ititponing Hottem—iunl In del, the Imams Kara or those milled the My, mow Wa redlopeed end anew. ma the othanprterupal -The Myron new being ittedirp.ith Mei lunitatei in geed unite and rob, and onll IN ape. tolls public On WI dtj of April, 1817. proprietor MIN Wit tas unman eg arrow to plane, .111 Baena to biro a petuea of the pablie patronage, iroureat aa well aa trarorent. • -W•IIVDIX, Late of dos Ina of Dalt Pew . Dahmer% Apo allfklent ALLIPUHANY HOWSE; DSO Market it ,Phila, .delphla—The subscriber Halsor the Waitangi.. Hotel, Hartisbergh, Pa.) lakes this seethed of In. coming kin old friends and tbnpablie geuendly,thet he has taken lb. above seined HOTEL Tk.Hoae le airy and cotsfintable.and kits bean sgrentively Wend and improved, and the proprisner hopes by sautes Wean= se easiness, and k proper cars Dr the Cialfillft of ton W.101:11,'", , 74.12:11eri%T: lag Pehlke, beans only two doors above the Harrisburg and Patabergh Depot, and enthurtwo minutes vratl ths Wawa gni Rending Depots; STAILL.IN4 at, tubed to lie premises. Ternts,HlPS PBUGHES,Pnrprtetor Altai:toff Ham, Phlre. /Wind dd,1817-.9l2dDd iONZWUOTILIs,, *a easennrrorrem. Peutsi — mem.. TBE Ifebeeriben;undor the firm hfltsemes tWert; . lure perokosed Mr. goooe'rohtesst rolsombliros 100416 000 *pa br she atrictpe 010.0:1101 10 de W 001.2 end cordons of their guests, w merit a toatinuroce of the Ilbont prologues:rhesus:Ms 'reerovedby its rouser e bat bdeo thoroughly tromiled, and Impale. ed; wersherebre feel meted see CUL 1110kOff/D oar Wends asol the_ potty steemeodstlons equol io In In do city of Proladelpha. N WaglDOthl, GALT i • Corner Rain and Malls cmamsdb. TINS sambas/anent Is now In the but girder lot the reception of the Traveling rabhe. Waving leder , gone * thoraitah repair, dentin the past winter, and having the snow esperteneed awn in the west, in the various 'departments. I !latter toyeelf tam nil will be pleneedwho eel. The lostationiseetteh and pleuun. Fare el.perdey.. - eineinseti Mach 13,1647. W T. MARII N.l.—Alaan AV ' t an easaly anew Smoak it to the aura—s sew woo the old beadle._ spat( K•IIIOX ppnnee • lI IIdI2 . O I: 7 4 INDIAN tabi ne e I unmet Pau zed will seen himself to render comfortable all who mar ellT9l . him with thew corepeety.- _•• • . pest which bas lons bees *Amine one wltli the Paw boon Dade. of PAIS/1041h wiU. thr main presents huger fehl for licir operataw. thee hen ere„: from the completion of the 710.11 Road . so pia, Mmilee farther Into the Me islets; region. 0 D FITZHUGH, Proptstor • • TUKOCKKOKTOO II GALT 110111111, Ky. A HIS TIIOOCOIOORTON beets, acquaint tits friends that be is sods loose of the 0 A LT 110 U 80, Loa...Mlle, 14.,witers be hopes to meet all his old friends, wawa' thew Ned the psblie.that no ellen shall be eparrd to make all comfortable who fever Yoe whit their perrormye. • . JsnllJly, MEDICAL: • , SUICILIKAJII2 TOOTH PASTA:4 • "VIM befelltiti• Invent for clenningond olliteong me Teeth, strengthening the gots, oweetenng the breath, fro. It shoeld be used every night grab a ntai brash. lad the. wen end noun witlessly respire s shots washing in the morning. Wet the brash settlt woo • water. or cold will answer. and nab it • few tarkell.OM ea lane when ems/ImM adhere ftworsatuell the teeth. Is lesoce a &limas into in the atstob. end no eon a most delightful fragrance lathe breath. hounds aniallid ad a pleasant, ellen loos, conhe mien. and denhigre. It is warranted not to Inure the teeth , by presenethem. .EY using it , iwttuly , it will morns The Lulu awl mann es seconolatioe—ftreveat the tooth. be strengthen the genie and prevent ell diseases of them Chances, pimientos, md ale clergy romanced it a decidedly wearier In Amy Ihisor of the kind in use.— Ask for nentaah Compound Orris Moak Pane, ntd . obee= . =„his sewn is Bathed to each pot. by:Dr:Zaino, 3131 Broadway, one of our best Dentimould soon of the old established ones in thethend reatts, env atesuayely end bYlbeNobtrOY of Eogland and Pau ea_ • In proponlen of the ditiont. t Wallet otenkind 'erne Teta one oat-t ent &Bo Itamita or b.= whielt s genie offlteCaths tie lasengse entisely tabulate reseores of hilicm habits ehosld ways h ave • bat at hand, and take a donwheneter Bey fool the lean derangenratnt awls &lab. ABstli• elms as of these fenalsgea wield present theme* Heml Formless Wit. JAC:OOh* ember Woodalld . LA no • •• •, &eel •I"ADIEUS Wintim Clentmas Prepared (IMO, me Dir Oat eat aware hew rosktrally Inborn 3 * is to the skin! bsw etanshlinv reedit, bow satkrwiaid., and anbeabby the shin tattoos - after mend prepar ed ' ehalld • Deodm It is iniartem, comninind &large Isom . to or teed. We Stave ptepared a bouniral vegetable article. widek we call JONEIPILDSANISH LILY ,wiirrel It is perreetly innoisimbeligpadled of el Adeenevitpuluies; and It VA, leo Op skin Angus. alabaster, clear, ems what, .l he same tute=s. • oomneue en dm Wit, =Alms it mil end ti ( .em am • Dr. Dimes , !me e ma. ehuela. analyslrsataes's Spanish Lilly Whitt"! And it possee the suoM beau tat. ral, at Ike onto tim ss e elum tiful ard en' white I ever saw. I certainly eat eameientreasO recommend Its. gee ball whom Min requires bounifylust.” , - • UPrieo SI cents a bar. teld by WALJACESON, at Me Bost aid 'Shoe 644.2,611Libatty moats bead el". Word, at Me sort et dm Menem. • Lealles, Is amonished Men you know that you are premised A sumer mdm'Y • • 'That you will still sae at amen matt,. And looks deathly yellow fright, , The theme at lamella and of talk: • • If you math! me a bar of SONS'S Lilly.whate, it weld live your skin an alabaster yet natant white, and at the same tin dear and improve it. Sold at 'SAMSON'S, EA Marty st. rnce 0." cm:its pa bea. ‘IOIIIIIDIIPTIOD AHRZSTRIO—Tie Om* alltlietad will OtaSIUMS thilt —This is to certify at those nested with the first pre. monitory IMOVIDOS Or Consampnon, thaVl hew been laboring for.severel 'year, with a bronchi, soreness of the nominal hoercenew. :I need many medicine., bat Dead no relief in any prepaiadoWof medicine,' anal wade we of DIL DUNCAPPS, EIPECTDMRDT REMEDY. I have been using Me enfeeble ...Dente for leveret yens, and *forays India to reflece when• ever k make me of it. My ...Mtn.' as an Auenon ecr, width keeps me Ilestistcoomantiyeageged,CAlMs my Ilium., at times, to become very alarming, when, once procure this medicine. I therefore take plea sure in making this yobbo sunement, that others affect. eel with r. disease of the lungs and expectorant cretins may know the Timms of thin "all healing remedy,l and may be eared. I have recommended Dr. protean's EXpecterant &away to any elm/ friends, sonc of whootele Mete lives in this stollens. Ekwerhet,Obio,Oet.l3, leu.. JAME.] lIEWIT The proprietor of the above medicine would, also trier in the aadocilgned persons ' 1030 read o in Perry cooed*, 00 whom an pewee may tall 'awn sad he convinced that there are mazes farad in the above wit4loio• l / 1 101 000001 be enrolled T, , David Calbenwin, Sommer; De. D. Barrie, dot Fran. els Gabber, Jackson tp; . Mr. Letiraer,do; Aloe. Tolbert, Sabha gni Jernad Daewoo. Hopewell tp. • -:DA. DUNCAN'S VIIIMERN °Frier, 180 more oweet, , Cinelsordi, Ohio. • ' • „' Sold in Pittabargh by WM. JACKSON; Be Llbertj bead& Wood Erect— " nel9dhorT Pgrionasig, 11149 17,1947. /.14 A 79040 81 r5Ve I ge. " = " „ A y4 . .t bowmen low am 944 year* 01. di dertaTee aAy .n: et dlidd Innto ',iron, arena 111[ own UmS foot io &mina Us cat:man chic dill& I then Enna teaspoon fall 62 her younger Cater, olio will oppsirodrell,und She paned= woos of noon' Nis. 116NRY anficrrri %Vdtelanaker,ananknold greet Prsperc• and sold by • FAIINIZTOCIL &CO *won , fat ond wood. and wood Ind hth ntn . 1.3 YOU PIISILLAOLIIOOI ICOOIIOII/41.1 lgrlloltO risessortorean oval goon V. Look at joss VT Mr yowl wife, with bes bright sonny Wet look at goo oempdted with emotions and blotches! Yet yea ate am lIINLIf to glee fifty teens Of a eake of the great Italian Otoateatersap, which eroald onarely fie* yos jrnin (Pais, ied make your yell.* skia clear and healthy. Go Inoue tr i tekson's Store, do Liberty rit erriA h 'ett a gi l it rite gig ;Oa _ln nab argh Ulf UEN VINE la to ba oh , e lk Pi a of 07.1 c Ft eta. irr OBSERVIttba Di* Hoot etude mi the dam ny /plug MAGIC .11RJUIVE SOAP - For nor. I slog UMW epos, eluethros Idatherhora Clothes, Woollens, Cr &Cs hea t lool.theeollot tla .Pat. 'where it lo 7 .11. Id de!lr.b yonis,, ealopothese. . 11614 with r leiter:swum on es Weems^ take. • roopbadi WU. JACKSON,. Uthenporeet, Mid lig — thell, As l u gs 1100 - snit :11.8, own, Alps of the mg , • •,...op tub (Pff 1! iT•O ' r .ThlsiPrelgogga cOorgtHeFICHHOSEHr de• WO. wee 'le Hat oeseetst4Nsev a n see reames r aberlase, suet I !Hsi ewe* bt lee IT • JOHN ANIMA , a1;:-: : ;" TRBSPOIITATION-I;INES. LXI. CL: *IMITABLE BOAT L NE» :184T .iigiletil . 1 • • A 'SPORTING AI . t..HAL, jab TWE . PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN ; ciTir,S, VIII WM,' TEL& RIIIIPMVIT. TIDE mprovedtnethod of carrying used by thin,long i ~,,,,,bi,g b eg Lot, is now so well known that do -1 peripdta ti V tneteenry. fiend. Rennet tosetred on the mote, all transhipowat memo handbag is raved.' . ray gnats ore of hght drought and perform the.t I kc in from 10 sexmaAM ~ ~,,fri of ow' ' , WC.... , eraldes as to Mate l • be C , ..., Illy CM lumen!. amoe. • 5 0. weeetvina,swwng,aad Adeline freed chaps Being golly prepared to 'once sale. iff Traduce, sr, Jespeetfolly solicit coasnctonc.ate of . evestern Float, Bocce, Lard, Dotter, Cheese, IV 001, Peahen., sad ottw, gnieles r„, .4, us which liberal abraded:* will See suds and other usual facilmes afforded, pledging ow, selves that any Windless entrusted to os Mall ha as promptly executed olsl slam' ec fairwr..... try Altj other hoose. 4N° MCFADDEN A.E., ~ Canal Basin, Po:31.110 n ' .lA9 Id DAVIS/. Co , 241 and MI Market at. Iltthulak ,P/TTBIII7BUII POUTAHLIG 15.1,1116. HMIS WORN F 2 r dtr*(i= r" O ttt itTe 48,ntitg fd poe tnhe. way, , ;A thecseven risk oent. eat breakage andaeparenon of goods. ".. . " a CASH - No An Market street. Philadelplna TAAFFEMMONNOLI • Car Penn and Wayne ins, Pitistnirgh :CIPONNOR &Co, North streetOlahindul I Are nts T TAPSCLITT,'"G Sooth st. N. V. - EmMunged tY.'lneres:red busmen" he Proprietors have added to then meet and extended their onstage. meats during the winter, and are now • prepared to On ward freignt with recalerity and dispatch unsurpassed by any other - line. limn- Jim experience as comma, the ,palpable noperiority of th e ronable, Don .fintent, ilia die great upaelty and convenience of the ward., houses at each end of the Itae,are Peerdinlyealcala fed Meltable the proprietors to fulfil their en g egsinean and accommodate their ceranners—eonfidend Tolerate Eron; un guaranty Coelho &tom they .respectfally solicit a communnecof unit patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. . All constgnments to Tan& & o,Toanor will he reed and forwarded.. Sieambont chore...paid anellill• of Lading tioncranted free "of any dame for Cotampamm, advancing or Mange. Having no interest directly or Indireetly m Meambonts, the tempest of the coachman rust necessaril be their primary oomet in ardpping rest, and they p ledge themselves to forwmd 'all .goods connived to them promptly and on the most adrenal.- goon tenns to the , element. Mardi 10817 alaliffigalB47:Wa PDA3aTLVA.II/A CAD, AL & RAILROAD EuinzerAsr PACKET . , . . . PITTSBURGH To PIOLADA. one DALT/MORK • Exeleres — lefor Pessrorewv. THE Public •are resew:Malty informed manna &doe i t . aid co mmence nanning tm or atroat the ISM Man, and ea nue throughout the season. The emprisaws have. placed tt superior clamof Peeked mod dell reaA on the route, with extra secuopenentiOnS, whzett 111Pivegreatereomkrrt to travelers. A , kat Boat will always/set In port, seems way- Ading . p . fie ore requested .to cyanand eneamena mom, previous to eneading passage elsre . One '•.,-- , ' 'rFA.OIILY mow DOLLawi.• t ea f the Peeketa will leave.. the lemma, topponta the Un Maws the Penn sheet and the Canal, very olgt at 0 Wokrek.. , • .-. For,h W At a i t s a tiaton apply al the ether.mi l geni e , a ioasefstrt, arse' DLEEHcCO. ' meht3 nor Penn see arduls . ..... ••TO THE PUBLIC. .Tll.l.ll—'•,P,°lleT't=-7.t'". v. ~ c tabll d el. i g. i . te .ol.7 pertee an the slate of the"Boamen's Lint, and_likewtre agreed to refit the elm': robots have a number of 'Boats for the parts., of carrying slants through in from six to might dope, with certrinty—and feel eneoarage_d by the liberality of lest year's patron age, to make mere extensive arrangements for the en . We woald therefore ToPeTffelli WWI • Tenet.- tamed' oar former pawn. end reknit new ninon:tete to Inane nrebate done hosiness (on . 184741aigitai BOA.T.MANS , LI 4iir IC, .. . For the wanspottatioo 6f ALL KINDS Or IiCIicRANDWL; TO AND 0100 P4 ot DIO.PRIA, DILLIIMOOS. NOW Vous, oon. Booms, SAMUEL WIGHT:BAN & Co, ner Liberty otter' and Conga Basin. Pittsburgh. A I. GERHART & Co, No MS Market street, Philadelphia. ELDER, GELOTON &Co: Agents, Baltimore., Md. . . REFERENCES. 'PITIEBORGIII—JaI. McCully, Geo. Morgan & Co. W MeCrilly & Co, B A Sampson &Co, hi Alien &Co, PIIILADELPIIIA—hIorris Potters . . & Co, Reynolds ri MeFoand & Co, • Flestung & Busby. Peter Wright & Sou, 1 Baphata, Joseph brats. NEW YORE—Goodbooit Co. Theo. Perry & Co. DOSTON—Reed, Shod & Co. CINCINNATI—Adams & Creagh, W %V Pemba, , AR. : ' ' • T. PI s EABANT, VA—I ? A ?doctor, . _ . . misnimie—F'Flemlog menekewehee from New York eed Boma, egAmpked 10 L Gmbew & Co, Phllwielphm, will Lc promptly forwarded /wee conan.on. 111. LS • „Ai imp /Aso lsT PORTABJ. BOAT LINE. /Mg& Full TDB rKANNI , O.T..fIoN 01 PRODUCE AND MEW:DA:IIOI...C. TO AND FROM PlThe- BURUII, POILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. -.133-.CrObaut Transhitunent.42ll G mumlicoed so oar core will to forwarded with• oat T,Jat We lowest current mt.. Dills of Latlmg traniumued,' and all tnetructiona promptly attended to, free from ally earn claw for 1110rOgo Or Col=ol.llolt Addrega, or apply to C A leloA NULTY &Co Canal Basin, PiLlaborgh• IZMIE3 Hating a very Wren alai mamodaturs wprelroase, we ate prepared to receive lin addition to height for ibipment)a later:MO=lo( Prodore; Lc.. Oil Stoner at lOw rates. (magi} CA IdeANULTY &ea ‘7 7 : rioftWouTut • laglial '1 8 4 1 . town, Hollidayslough, Water Street, Vetrerbarch sod all tusesorediete pladea. Otto B aixiU leave tut warehouse ore A McArihity A Co., Pittsburgh, every day, [except Sundays,l and strippers can airways depend on invlng that r pale for warded without delay arid at fair rules. , This Lire was formed lon the special accommodation of the pay - baguets, and We propnetors, respectfally ,wlicltliberal share ofparronave. ' Pmpriewv. ' JOIN PICKWORTIL JOHN MILLER DAN% H. BiVr.Nt.S ..... 4tOktERT WOODS "WEFTAm FHLTY. SOHN MILLER, Hollidayibargh CANAN,Johnstslen C A MeANULTY A. Co, Piusburgh Agents • • l'alehavlts, Ades Parker,. Robert Moore, BarraleY & 1111 AND HiCHIBIN LINE: . 1847. MEWS rir — e being composed of Stiatoboits Lake Erie .L and Michigan, naming daily, between Mubarak and Beaver, and freight and pasienger Canal Bows, betwoewlkaverand Erie and entinecting with C M Aw-d's Line of Steamboat Propellers and Vessels bathe Lakes, will be prepared ern the earliest Open • . iug°far nlogaeiza,c,arry ,„, C'enal and Laken. 4ring even' facility for conveying freight_and pas. ' ma re wo peptone:ass aliSpalch, the proprioni and agents respectfully solicit Done their &wade and he polite generally their paminitge. ... C M REED, Lee, Pnopriewr REEDS, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Ado 3011 N A CAUGHEY, Pittsb'gh do Cot, SmitheSeld altd_Sitaiter ws. opposite the Monocle. salmi. Honer: • 11/EA To Wrmolar;Coxkor It Co, New York Oro Dana, Buffalo E N Parks & Co, Coveland Jas A Armstrong& Co, Detroit • NoClorel. 14111trookie Briteul3 rorier, W . . . . m Posen, POWCIVORII, Penn. Om Naohelmyto, Evan.horxh, Penn • Hmanaord, Jo Wick & Acker, Greenville, do Craig ti'Frammon. Cfmkavale. Hays b. Plftalb, dtorpalongh, Pa. do W C Malin,.Sharon.• do 'R W Cannimmam. Nev Castic,Qo 'PLTTSMIROW& CLEVPLAND-LL'g U. Clarke. 11. Hoop.. T, 11 chmond & Co.. CLARKE & CO., Piiwardlas A Cessaslaslea nerchasts . • DEAVER. PA. • Agents and Proprietors of this Line (so Ltsor ably known to.lke public), will he P.Pwetl aa th • earliest spew. of .esnal..vigallort w receive prop arty at Piustough and Beaver, and deliver the now any _point on the Ohio canals, and also. Lakes Eri and hfichid., with the [Ramat despatch and at reas• astable rhea. • • • - ....... _ The proptieters of doe line, solicit the husiness their filmes customers with confidence, knowing th their (ennui. ere ennead so none: 40IY- lo or Wm., 111BARYON,Pittnturgh. CLWRXE a Co,Seuver. T RICHMOND t Cr C e•cland. AVICISTERN TRAIISPORTATiON Co. 1847. MEM. A CO'3. LL OLD FSTADLISORD TRANSPORTA•ouN HErwEEN PfITDBUROIL . . . rm LADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NBNEW YORE. RE stock of that line tenpins of ti double daily. Lino of Boats rand arra [owned , hy Ihewrelaearl .. winch ore in good order. The eabrenbers are preen -tat to dower/ a large quantity of Mercharidien nod Produce' with renainty and dispatch: - T.:odor:air Merebandice renowned lo any or roe on dersignell, Is forwarded free of tray charge for cosionis .ion or &image. 0111. Ladingtransmitted.and all inure Mans promptly auended to. The liminess of thin Liao is conducted on innerly SaLlonleheeplng principles. Address, or apply to Id LEECH & Co. Proprierow, • • Canal Mole, Pittaborgli • HAREM LlMClLProptietora No El tooth Third street. Philadelphia _JOS. 'PAVLOR & SONS, Agents, No 114 North llowsrd street,l3attintore' W It WILVON, Agent, , • No rWern etreet.NowTork BIGAVIC.R, WAIIKLEIN 4 OLISVISLAND LINF. OF CANAL PACKETS ANP 1847. CAN A TELEO . APII Ir. St ALLOW 11110 arrive at WWI. IOU( morning' 111 PC.OII for the Stages which teach Cleveland before night. th e loathe "reclined through, see aring berths On the Packets, and seats 'gibe •Stmee, an appbeatum on board steamboat LOmver,llentrang Pittsburgh at al o'clet k, a. 44 or alba agents: • • •O .Pd BARTON Ictb,Pntsborgb ChAßKlit Co, Deaver • JLIBILEALDWIN, Vonagstarn apIS • M D TAYLOR., Wuren_ • ri:==M _ . Piaui/it 11Csweipm to .IPhl tERWTHE flmal being "ow open, the. bolt. Expos wriaeli tun ,en ca. eeaveyastea at imhable Pult•ges mereimindfle, , speely_ bank' notes, can sumeed tuning ea Thursday, Miush At loon 101112111.4.11 be dispatelmtlaily until dlealesee efts' app-APDLEECtI &Co' mato' . - set Pin it tad Cull miiNkg t oßTitnort7UNES YUGOVIiiiIIijIIOISSING PAdliad tAryietra - 1 ~.,.:,', i. • . i ,-•fireArClEßS •. , • .. :ha Dew aad s geadid ficiagi t i , .•.,, • CRA-Charis licePe. eatmssitices Aer regatta tops this ilay.,leacitg Pius Lamb at o'clock... auißrity.t.i A Lid a.oo.3r-r.b. eoculettiog grub r.u.ble'rgh a soLthe' calmed a 6( C 4.1 .1 Rams daily tWevelaad. 0 Pm. Woolen and cleveland Line at Canal Pattie Stage ,e...,b,y, daily to.Warrenand.ClevelenereOrsalPsnealLartne to New Outlet and Gramairilla,,Pl4. grir-XilansiOn Line us Landoll la and Chia. ,Nell. Moose Os Gm's Linea of .Sage Coaches for Clevelaad and Wooster. kayo Lin. sec daily on the acting. of steamboat Deatret f r Pisabargis- Apply to - • tairieht .. . , . .G At GARTON iCPittalint4 '- • , •! - . - MA un . losi faislci,,----.—. , W .-- 1847.../ . ' •- ~.. TRIK FILWACTI.VAIGA Al4l nittet lICIWEEN.PrITSZDSOII AND MET A D., ~ . . .. E N PAitESk Co.Cterelaral. O. •• - B. G. PARKg. Beaver, Pa, •} Proprietors. • W T NATNEJ; Pluobatab, Pa.. TUE above Lim so nolo fall/ prepared to trsasport, 1 Freight utd Paasearrre from FiusbarattaudCira, lead, to wty point op the Penorylearta Uhroarta , :ato Van W ; lot said Liao are soteitaalledtry any oa The facilities of saki Line said Canals, In members Land ti bend Dontateipe rienee of Captain. sad Immo:nets ofApia. fie. true Rau Lewes Puttsburgh and Cleveland daily. run ning In connective with the Itteaniers. , • • Michigan and Lake Era, between Pittsburgh and Beaver; and • Line of first class ,rwamboats, Propel, leis, arias and &bowers, on La. s Erio, Huron, Ml ehigan and Ontario. • . • • • Property forwarded to arty_ part of the Union watt despatch. E PALEIM k Co,Rlsseland, Aga REED, PARKSlcra,beaser, nips W T MATHER. YRdbua6, Rat Lott Cos Waal sad .0.14 streets 11)11119M. A8*1.31,11101111%. 18 47, mospsptai44 aotlos, BROVVNIMPLE AND CUMBERLAND TO DAL; TIMOKE 'AND 18111141BELPIIIA. I ; 'Tune m Balticlorms.• g .org . • Timer.° Philadelphia—. Shoring.] MBE - .undid and Aminorilimintientris Clouser, Lou. J. Is McLane and Sinsara, lava ectsontea mfdog 'double duty trips. One blot will leash De Mm hea wharf every =MIN( mesa!) , at 8 oieltoh.— pnomprem by tha rooming lint will amve In Mho:tore 'nextevedagln time har the Pluledelpho Mail &mbar EMI Road earn. Ths .msueg Boat will leave the wharf daily , d echoic. tostot Bandage. Pas.enger. by this boat walled*. bond: bt cosirionable stain roams; leave Brownsville aer rooming at IS Watch; eroes me mountalpsioday Writ sup and li= indeed. Th is airuding PAW travel elope r. The preparation. on this mime ma ompin, mid the • complete; so that dainliWisr• &lips ho k'""" 4 . ers PNl j e L iO riot on rite 'note ;Ott .' 'reSitins their orsei spun atr t ;orie l a x =re . ' .d chola d Ar tn. ltoap . CoLhes clortZed to Bodes to wavelet they Morin. Secure your Ucketa at the oilite,BlOno=r 2 r; or IR Charles Betel. . feblB TO 01.1071CLA111D . w1wINAH*X 1 1 1. ': - 184 1 L AcKgr ind MVO !v..* ver or 3 o'clock .r. oats r amval 'of the timnrooming Boma frays PiUsbargia uta arrive at Watrat fur tho af Woo of tar m which Lase, mosedi nay thereafler.nad arrive at Cloveladatleclook,r. •• • _ This name is the moot expethatais, arid comfortable uste to tho Lake. corkz &LEFFlNGWELSOVitien,leropr' s ILEED,PARKS & Co; Eleaver,Aigepta . john A eAUGHEY, comer Water and Smithfield ate,' aptly . .Opposite tae Meceeffsbela Opeps. Pittahoullh .PITTSBURGH AND OB,RENVILLF 1841. ' PACK.... A ND FREICI.,. ' riMII9 Linenotensting of freight end ilasseeger Peak, ' Ace, will run regabuly. demi the scaly= between Deaver and Greenville,Ph.. by which freight and Few wagers between the two pinetn,willbe Famed promptly and at the. kraut ran,.' ARCIMXGRenviIIe, Are . - CRAIG & FBAIDON, Clarksville, dui • • IteFARLAND NINO. Big Dead, ' RAYS& PLUMB. Elbarpakiargb, do: AY" C waf. wMur n ALAN. zet Slai, • dee ews, HEN% PARKS A Co, Beaver: JOAN A CAUGIIDY, corner Water anolgunibbeld m, 'PUT • Oppoeite the Noaongshelilloaie, Pittsburgh °STOUR:NS PORTABLE BOAT LINE.:. 11120 Eal 18471112111/ min Tat TaAiII'ORTAVJOIf Of. ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISB TO IRO FROM Ballissosw. New York j QUM encouragement the; line hair received sintia WI Clitamencement, hem traduced Übe .preptirs tnrit-to iortemetbostock by adding snumber ol , class boats; and jutted of giving reeelpta u hereto fore on agents. we will give our owe receipts freight shipped by this The boats are all pottable,comenuently freight is taken the whole diatanr-e without tramMipment, thereby Merenting damage froretrequent handling on the route, and as each boat is awned by khe Captain oho rung them, which is a sufficient guar antee that there-will be no delay on thri roam All Produce or liderchandiers consigned to the uodersigeed will be forwarded FREE OF COM MISSION,for advancing and forearding, and will be shaped without delay at the lowest - rates ,of 4e respectfully eolith it chore of public patsy nage. . WALLINGFORD & Co. Canal Basin, Pitednirgh• CRAIG, HELLAS* Cm, Age.- , klnxiitEtrect.TbilailelPtiiae F MILLER, Agent • Bowley's Wharf, Baltictiore r ,' Pittsburgh, Feh.18,1847, 1846-- AN ! .1847`: TO TUB TIST'BT MOSOMOIBILI ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLE e CUMBERLAND. - • lug Winier, on dae t favorable tenets, by this cepa• din°. r,ocee. • • , • All Kemeny eotenened toes will be forwarled et tbe hymen razes and with drapateh. Merchandise seemed by Om tom prompily ar warded. • -J C DIDWELL, Ale,., Pittsbiso, W CAB& Browns - villa . • nerrYJ EGERTON fr. Co,Conibetland 1846 ;AIM, - ~1847 TO TOW EAST Mr HALTIIIIOIIZ AND. OHIORAILROAD., '. -- TflE a ri II receipt for Om delivery of Psi. deee to 0111 b =by the Monongahela - Blanketed:et at the following pneea.— • mean, Boner, Lead, Lard, Poirk, Morley.. - e, and Glass—E7l ate per 100 lbs. Tpbatiii,TWlN Flax and Wheat—sd err per 100 lb, Aehei, (Poll Apples. Chteeei Flax-Seed, Glau, and Leather-106 els per11:0 lb. • Oils, 13kias. Seeds, Wool-110 els par IGO lbs. ' Deuviax,Fewhers, Fan, Ginseng, and Snalte•nost —lllO ets per 111 M lbs. • . • , all property columned bo either of the anderstpteo will be Omar:led 1.1/NW delay? Th eo of Cormaiesion, at about raw. CLAIM Broemerille. - HANNA WATERMAN, Pits/milk DINGOLDSBI , 3I'iIei direffirisainternstren JJ ewain and 'radial rare,.•hethei Internal, ante= bleeding or blind, Oats for irriteseek tithe kidasys sad kid- der, puns it the beck tad .id., h#tnal eeterrases, erryi b 4.4 i.n.amit imbi4 with coartipabon Lot the %well or costivenres,ne lea , esti.* plies. In all tech user the Sipe& . 11ot be taken trial= feet Way, • =thin need ." The: Speak is 800 porptive, and ended, remedy, without aper fide of grathboge,okeinee t to take end raj rertly bartidets in the nnerelicrts ewe: This is ie nalily dui I km , Dr. lagoldshy's tao apatiB„ - g . ha be • ceadate cure end f s rentedy. :threw wea WA dirt, in attend oats, smart IbtailAwitatatows,la wawa! ow 'finned eatrscrere ewes of the whWILIT ere it wade YNX&t attire, cure ew ie marl cese. _. • N lf D.- N Yoh, Nay, 1545. L •• •• Sixth Amt. -.. I eheerfully tare tedadoy r tba oettebt ual was ishing eyed, of Dr.'tegoldebyle Pikespecide, as LI know it from nu comma end .aabetenhoe, to be having wait awl with seems is irrast cues apikh, add end testate. , OED. V., • New York, thy, 15{5. 31419ialltettret.' • LADIES , CERTIVICLYED, • • •• • New Yak; dlr. Desh—Dew Elistl haw the pleasure t my, Gar yowr medicise, Dr. logoddsby's Pike El yeedei . bas Wade am. fed nee is theme of Fly etoWeteed =WO* yaw toy w ord. that I lowr bow tenoned ea it, u it 'woo M.) olialeol fottaible toms bee. Ftweretrer, I taiwerweesUfy to these& acme su beteg kaiak, end-do riche who ere dieted ha the tike maw, to potence the article, es they way L • West Chester, N. Y., Mal ih1i14.5.. Dr. Ingoldthi—Dear Sin—Tlat pavan base& **vat who day berme:op es well as toasters My Bea,led Agr tholeadd bare dewed from the use of year saleable De. elk, I comply vie+ your maul, sad ear ciliary' teal 'thy in tarot of is haring beat eared of a chew, Week of ePike afttr been wrd othee'reotedso wOciat sown. Wore With • • Rad wholtede sad wtail by WICI.L.LarON, it his Pat na Medicaid eVeiettonse, wad Diet ad Shoe DMse, heat of Wood , wen: Plaskreagla.• . Priee, 50 male . DIU JA • -• CARMINATIVE BALSAM — CS FROM the Bev ASA SHINN,* well known andiron, eta , Clergymen of the PretetrantaistanditiChurela The undersigned having been agkethilderiag thane's winter with a disease oldie rtoniesh, anmetheo; pro. diming great pile on ituastanseli rev ten or tireivelears withoutinteriaitsion, end after having tried. variesi remedies with elect. was furitithat with blade rifler Irragniels Carmlaative Balsa Make said se, cordiag to. thei direction., and dead invariably Mudd& .medicine cnnel the mein to abate in three, er,reer gija, uteri end tin Aileen or twenagtrathateleserg :Rheas* sensatkin 'WU etnlrslY riddled. oradiatrin Lemur& need whenever indleallons Of the'. approach dit painererapereeived, and Oro pain was th ereby prevent ed.. lie combined in nth the medicine CTN . , e• ening ; and mmedesea in the, awning, and la a is*: weeks health with re far restored, that the marina . . was MO. dfrom a targe amount of Wreathe pain.. From eg-' pa rienee,themfore, he eau confidently ..theteratnend Dr U hornet , Carminative Balsam. ilia alma Medicine for diseases °Mesa...each end bownhu .tt A daLuiN.— Per Salo in Pittsburgh at. tkus P IsICIH Fourth) either, near Wood, arid WK.. gat the Drag gene of if F SMlWARTZ,Bassasueet, Allegheny . 13A REts, .0 ÜBE SHLLV.RS , VERAIIPV9M-11' 18 POP OAR 'EVEMYWIIERE, • • . Vk July tt, Mr. V. G Mum—Door Str—l porchvadolyou two: tank. or Saco , Vonstinge• and made too of otm bat• tic w toniof my children, vdtleb.bwoom fmm „„ „ 15 , wow, aid Isom B. other tan.' l rend h m the community as onO albe best re:oodles Have averosea or !mod for the relitOltel . „ . . I r.o# , M . I =thitY: _prepared and told by R. KllELaddaps, Vlotai between dal and ilk au: Bold bpDr. Faared r dda Wan% =Vann 1 ,14 7 1 . 0 7 atYe ' ' • apna . . ITATNEM MIIMIMPRA4 I .T* - The IrtMlClloi •JI ads diellebel lllre ebtiviledialliCiN the, ewe , el Conniption sat oda Alleallall!CILIIBIW W 100 Intl htilinS, penman Peemanubrassinto by b--(N. :71 Fon* stnietpt eat cod. sad also at drDrpg lhore of r sawarwmtionaffuktuare* M=_; mrDICA:.:Ifi.-... E , , , , i. . • bardiawrenat a way to wile sodeee — Be V t; ."...., 114111m t. " iu.a Go Zhu uvidia {v. Pot dIIoW =oft, hlt " b , ck of .seh Ptakerom4 a* _ . _ . • s:imam:um colt= Lozcsom Thew La. p othiresitdowitt awe' mid elkelual tew eily Or anis, aria0mmu.1 1 . 4 . 5 1 , 1 6. 0 .4 1 ., tightows of the tape, etedoisour, situ! - ,propnwet het ewer Lawn aa ileums tam they al r,dr. twist...hoot • Several ibotwadi Imre harta berm soli_• eht the hes yearoutarin to Yuan pertiotatie almost wen sage of coestunowyeed awe kinder the notadistrtostet colds wateostalw. Th.ydo.otdebeb had II up the rough. bd .ads it coy, plum* espectointi* allay the heading or irrindicnii aed name the or editing wore. They .-• . bow . toalawasou or eaortMug& writ " bruit, er It ieslidites ant ere - aiiiitideatiy seddWFL . r . ztl , l= f e o . r=wphdats.! p. IV% Sees ilenewhe here bteu=d ‘ rta ' is tut ti fthelr rdLly grew. awl rewired to perteet health by tisitiethats.' ' • awe it swish peie Ist the lima or sidundoillier ales root Mates /lasers (price only laireaw,l Solidi be • .ndial ON rut. aad .ors.lSt relieve& Mamma.' - with totairtuese4 ker withertieWr lasethe item*, or us saitdeldtatins wedhant, should be used ea oreasiou, twitting . . . • lIIIEENANM ISOlthl LOZENGES Thete yaw lawaireeknot teen wind la wow than Lai* OCO ems as be M i n be tb. alp rime(.- iOsweiiet medicine war thwarted. ' blinay diarist, arises Sop worse and iatetwenteritigi endow" deal, with • Outdid:ger bear neqieteedi grow. pain aro wry on. 'allieted With them, wet we doctored 'Le reriow etwideiett widisediarY beimid% whiz en dow thee Lamps anull Spinsinewty.f Worniaim in Ste joleb . or axle, efts " • seaabreaths planar' ai Owl same,piadlor of the teeth dark* Somata/ etneweapahseest goon the lipo,with destioltheek4 grattlie wayagusiely witeio' net the siewech, dash, es et beet 'am the =rim et the body. 061 eldlls - w shit' baskami, , 4nniviart, , rirticit,'Utiori • diatuitui dere mesa stuthig el& edarnatear . seethes ertreakeer twe fireekeeribierti. petat bad, de, bed testa its the weak ahleth esieslog: pet ha the Mord. or beeee, hare, .me ss • eioue ;prey, letheer, bloated 'eteesefie hlegnphte, *Meg poop at erlosi peee of the heti, sees pi tame twin hi the Ouv &hint t0.d..4151.6 • fesquet desire to yes winethaug Sew ple,boreboad4 art • . ' them dieser, Were aneaes • .' •.• 11112thLiff'11'damrsog Lozporic L - Thy gem harediste Mkt he wee. urea htsisehes lajy/t& ... ±the beet lone, of . ot)iipiekalreteekaay at pund OW 4, fumy lowa ouseer CNC . LH ' ll= j tmistaig, owed= era imanef 'derma...4lM <bac . , spew, amp of OW enesisicb au bowels, afeeteauszed serrtee diatamy draw Waugh the - dey,.ted : wee tesee Weigh the eget *kept del : en amebas, diarrhea,' baited* uraleuer attigiva. hr • was imam( et alteediar perdesiefilied ]le Lae • pa Ivey reeregisd *pares( ea booyasteyof rue; use .atter ittedateue, rake the tow e.tiesystram ro l lee Legr heats •= 1 . 1, 7a .""61 Vac oboe:Need thee ded o rbd ea led thaw ioON • SU wet. mom attars- et:llnm She beitetrraillositiappleeler la IN wee% ,audasontehis rtee °r • tey' b p , b ads-. Imbed% ter. dem, * . die duwied: • They reirsitaalside won • • Zbeitreepbaboa. - .Warneeetiyarbeeteenetbarsord ler tee quarter the mai priet, raw eit way hi bee, be ihe dope. phsteeis divrorbL 71 nimbi apes.. biteora ea. 'the mien the OWLS Seate wil/ Mid: la meghkeeldiVeChaiii ell • =opperwitia of Ow dash or thof to week tad „ CIS* Ge patiaLr Yawed ea , siESSO7 ts: to end made mein' ;ilerided ; trey he • ter. hysiefeas acee rees•euid thee,* pretreat is - • allotluwanneeews they Siker adhere Yeast,wialdewl • riattl " pt' . Tity aM4 are 'r t erZirady dWd64 keel ' !" ease teeny other, eel - L - 0. , 0t.a . boa the expeeses - d r a liaolll.l. Mr. ma thee es the misted tetthussey all Ow cileinted Aqaba W ad plyeitwee, .he theme medal tiedlealte7,ese- •. Seterel persOw hei the enuelaiiiii So nip Ileiria=and theans, al eaelestatemeabiteehree re pirates. foe use ere as the Kd ofeadr 4 t• • be sheik of re. Sharma saes..! lelehgerybo eyed oleo ask forabenea's Nor .21! Oat you act the eamee,si thatit wry; hattelsees War itihout sad saki Gir the One ettatuaahi limas, by kold wheierle and rehd by NI:JACISIONei rafts - yr.. he Lihrir Way Seri of in ,1110 EOM . ' • in ad Sly. SLAVIC PODAD norreinirnom CAN BE ClUltel3T USING DEL 'J. DUNCAN'S CRECTOSAIIT INsoistemeet Dew is to creilly 4 is. Falk; teuliieberly ie thole efilieheientla • di e. or th.D.Thecoi.6.oo. '4l ie u.sirbsot IttCt itmeltahrith* mews cal am Weise 'motel opoe ley lons, ehogries all the eya7eoeof ;.! I,Vl* " 6 0 , bed "M..", "4" 4,, ith **W.Va . n".; .lit n'ila4 • coesibenoble ;.;:lily of We . hiek het andter. situation beam seri. eu;o1 jam. Ihnier ilk lime l .. si/seadoi by two anfol ltrysiebeec duty did the bee they aieeittnespeen kiwi et in teener!, lekrelin '.e - thie enibin more weld be dam—thane, lanimers taily dimmed, eed boreal remen. teerthera ?enraged by V trends wise le mks • Weal DUD,: Zikenteen , e Esparto- , ii ihatihis ß'"l nsediciae F' "kb- wotrd "" :do ter iw4 isal i= " .10 141 1 Oio. toy itfferiag. I toia thm it eio nj lai(..d ooly bolo, ond th.t ifl swat 41. of 4. - 4.000t,c0ada....,i- • &sato tas,) inerio vionti be Etiv I nt lo the aad obtaiod . n , ! .d i V " • I. blwlistia, and onassaweed saki asesedias Moe into{ i Wick, Wt rad bf sidieg to of Otero& imaintiats4 too m.. Otis{ atisaewnowfoa ti. tWatblood g - t con easing that Tabloid' tighlsois k aaj CheiN, aiirivr wit a sew W .6n o.,..tath to to"ob6o L : moo. This nanliebe cootkowliti Oat Work, winch ii as-nifty : itononewit, own 1 was wade a spood kiins`ninee been austlisig. to sey katiiiesootpwinis of 3 p . i.) moi fed u. 11.00.1 wish:. - fkatO isionsueSiaked - Di.liainwih E.- petee.otB.medTfamuf Onside tothoesindtisfetkieted "aid f.o. r b 1,;410t0,0.d iutivea Mlaietei6 oi ogn,“...oakiNid jai* .tie .Iwilsairesed with fob .obi lid slionhat Nasty rescued. tho on, of Ws warAo".; Lodi Wiles . that I ttlo with.. today wiliOtiotlyeare Mr, possum o know that time we tinasoion of pert* wasting . way with this dreadful. datoyes—ool , lBtibirtON. Wen It 1.4 maids for Soot to peiworwthis inotioise tliO, before it be Lai int{ miwi Monied lot(ed snd their iad relation - 4W soderei happy: This ortilliiit Lanni Sitio{ andel lin Mina dr urea itiodiuthaoi pthattContoii.r.thi uttitiioqi tho moo • .t.ogta b th05a.1,1.4 tail Eoei aad'o '. mot on!thi; witi feriariin. .. AtiDIIEW, I._ AMUR. • lisoligamaisHassitiew Cop% Ohio. • - N. EL—Thoorottaway not to lamented midi ma 1 wits no no iwilwaspo,datom of Monionain, flatitito• mos % C'-sthq antotentoteitisalore *stoat% • -- --- DS. lINCAIPS•WESTERISOMCE,IIO9yammI •fitrw, *a tbilisaloath'l,o4kisi shiny - Said ut Irmsbinli, WM. JACFICM: earner of Wood and Liberty ,• 1, .• • - • Apt 1,141,1- • istetraw.urrro HE walist6-ce.... J. Hair• Cream; winatestess• article •ibetikeithowth. Deasy audit-est:avenue OF flair. Tata Crests, when • onee knout. will eapersede all ether ankles of the kind new ased., , Wiens the Maris re=n, an. healthy pr=ising grey, a kw top I make 'the hale soft and duk; and give it a bourtithl lively appenrecesi and will also Male it Ftain i tle Peelle* and healthy color twice u lenfae et* .whiek ars generslly ased: ;Every ladyle id=n w in are le • the habit of .nl* ells aaaketrltair ; *old et onto perdue a bottle of Ow CklxaeiWrt!aam. as h is ut coups* that it till not Ohara the Wifelike the ether prepanaloes, bat will,beaatify it, end pie perfect sansfeenee Waver, WSW. • • • Tor teedwonins its very imitator Owslittitk see * tollenelag lutes . freer Rev kit. Caldwell, te Items. ea Ildershen-k Ihretch, Nashville, GeneraPegeats fat the Western Sauer • 1 ; I.tetter from the arm P. Caldwell, puler *McCrea hytestanCbareb, Pala*lll I essre.llanderthote Stteleb—eentlethleit I a .. pplehrneie addiag my metimony In tam of skel I* pupa** *lad Ih. -Parrieleer %lane 1 Cream—per salad two Team ego my knit weryd - Maly, arid disposed ID eau oat: bet huies mute, a kale °elks t.sw, ted Ind it unedited stripe*, my :hair is now sok ; *sue end ' trot to the Itea.• Way Wants sad oils were applied seek Ins trim hiy heir la a wortieMete Ikea befinit.. - ,Thi. Crean however; hes matey especial/um r.. ta an ankle ler the Tula, ay tub khan. it Fehr eau our all *ere, baierdelteelelyperfsend, toad nor *potted le tueldhy. Thsladies caper:tally will fad the Chinese Crean lobes desideratum la s t heir prepa rations for the toast: - • arveeteaty Ike PalselthJaVy:7,lsll. II CACI/WELL BfFr ' lutZal li"=ni t Bich. iith-Idarrlliti is Piirilkt4ilidottliVlejeri, 'earner of Wood and/lab eat . • Welt _I RENOVATING If Adlllllll.lo/LA ItglldST4/ 11. S , . , RENOVATING P 11.4.9. ' n 1 tFir'aboat one year prelims tonnediktll" of Mt . nsua SOIRI.S ItipMllllll[ Pillih I have askant sly foom ..Ily spepam,and an aeld 2loasacli I do use al • vessyillmy of medicine without 'tete material , benalh',Ahearduce molds sines I ' ed using 111,8easla-atatialaa, wideh-las. malralglelid , da ham acidity as IV 211011ISCO. 00 Mimi rvo amsfer• 'table kill*. lkovesal or my fonalsaad amiSmataness bays made asaof the Plllsiaadyscaived moih besoll gm Ova. I can midi 'earldoms ........ d ' l . O. -. _ . _ . _ ~._ -- " J/LNI; 11, - LEE,V 7 li.lson a gold. wholssalb and mall, et II k VAIINY'ATOCK A 00;conno of la and Woad, and Woad &Adds as. 'DOWDZYULD 9i i'c East Wu, Mist resalveaUtlias sale ID.. ' • tamer Ist I& wood ma , *- - ,.P4rrissU,RGH. 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