Mil ; -x!4. EMI MEV . , • • • y. 1 WAAJLIIND WIZ WAR WITH METWO. SsomWornor 041111CcsersaAmbition, Intanat, revenge (mid Mr. Cashing,) rote the evemitachful panic= within no. the unmet - mookto snow, and its now thrill, through the kindlieg frame; all thetrupusing pomp of military /key gam before in, to dente the sense.; and to madden the soul: "the leptons of strife" barns itioniseoan, end the amnions lore of glory bur.' Anus iiirwerd into the SW, where Denhkethars his greet harvest, and. Hanoi. lords it over the -: smoke and the clsah'of ;belle. We ramble the ''. bull in the Spanish wens, plum:led by theses:lst slunrile Sunned. before him, and rushing blindly oil OK theknife of the malodor. We MOM. . • 1 hie the race hone in others of the countries of Europe, where he IS placed on the course - man. . cambered by bridle or rides but with streaming • ribbons on his bead. end Rule bells with jagged points aspinded ova his back. • . .- . Straight, if he would, stand Bala theMein -pion,for there b nothing to fiRCII him fromi4 but • :Abe balks T ing -ttpt pang multinulas shout he is :animated or startled by the deo end - sounds -stunt him-he begins to thon-bis movement . - 'hakes the tells, which jingle in his - ears, and ' _ : .ps& his denks-end he slated' forward in the . ' • race for life and death, eelf.inepelled and itlfurs •'.. .red to the goal., -It not this a true pieturs o dour enertlecer Arc not we oho in the ' wan With frems time Ohne emigre She war . .ihe spyinunolaled vie' lima of our am headlong pausal/ andonseroonetbkiztiouttirafinds? Oh, ' when will cividred conunimities leant that war, ~ wren upon these rare occasions when it is hallow, ' • ' alb/ aim; and high cum, is, after all but a ne• .. • wirea.4 Pi/Xi and the scourge of our kind! When ..Will they conspinhnot in onviesching and en. :.. ;coding one upon =other, but in bringing their .;!eboicest - oblations, the flowers and fruits with • which the bounteotur hind of Heaven *ems the . , unspoiled earth, rod flue asp irations of a footer. -eilitipiard. to lay them lo vingly togilicr on the • , altar of Pena?': , .. • • : ~, Who would . Ewes that the author of the ." above was Caleb Cushing, General Caleb CUM. .•' - . l4and.derumil Calla, Cushing of "Oki Muer eitseette-at osger upbeat for e place In the . , somy ' and the honored instrument of the Meehan . , - • 7 - ', :. ves! , Ham now, you see the difference between tin kinent man end en ambitious onee-bieween : - 1 the haunt sentiment of the heart and • blind do. ',.trdtkon to the god of war.. itr. Cashlng,when ha 'surd What ia have mooted, wee speaking of the '.SeedellndueMesor christianiti;” before a Moral .. 1 f . end intelligent only of the students composing the Ming Societies of Brown University.' Be. •.' hold now thidifference in the: men r -in his robs. .' sloe, in hie Mel' as e civilian and in, his conduct as • soldier.-Nowore wish to ask who is true to ', bath. the man who speaks for Misdeal% or the man Whosicts for war.-he Cho tells as that tear --.' feet *fro, of ho Who voluntarily lakes the sword • .Intheinewntim aj e war of invasion. Wehave thatiridding filth in the future which nib no that '. ediFlong truly : Christian Natkoe will scorn the 'Mittman of the wad, and crave to take up •;.' Moe, newt in 4fence of homes end coon. .wit., Aureoles war hes ,no abhor* in wanton with defensive war, end is; who does net &dn. . ! . pith between the two, knows mothing of -true : pkdkanthrongetrue i'Mriothmo. or Imo glory.. Whet s Wctrid.whie difference there la between the war of , the Revelation, which we a manly atingle ' - for personal and National independenee, and the . war we ere now weak% WIPII• dursr*lNtoP , ' between the wir'of:fflik; which wee • mistimes bp a claim of . oppression tty, the tyneurical act of tlmh.przmusent of c cne wittr, runfitheersr Own: for foreig n territor y! We had then, not . t‘s fon= worthy of our steel," bet a canal ' we.we. might prey : the "God_ of Battles" to intend: - The, meat: metal • canseiteme of the •-, /Yellen downot feel this war to kw founded In an i souls "of right. We 'could afford to i • With Treace in Louisiana, tamale the rench,Weron powerful people, with Spain r ~ •fflortde; because' Spain at tide was aloe gsrmetil,..-trot mak you now...,tim ;outrun. . : A 1 . . .of Opeht:in the new. TM, 'Mnigsdee . •ay to throw o ff thiyoke w eh Conn mad ' . (01101 ":hld •••!erefullY thiorto °Fed. the - Alla severe trials sad greet mlefortaws, Mamas, and anew Republic is planted upon Axial= Continent, as e by. side with . OW we. - ,NM blend se Maine with Institittlons ... -if light and leaning : mend to the enjoyment of : • ‘,., ' end religions Rijsety,-74 indeed not of Spen t 4 ~ ~..' ' . .,.90arg,0 , , - quinoloam, ..a . a mann iiiiw!*tat el* they nude 10 resist ,*lolyistriejaidestirillikrierituirsdiand toihrow '. - Sc„ollliijklie .or,thdilinins; 1ktei.: . .,C4:01/4 5 • ~ , 7 12. ; :41i•V,- .. '' , 1(::'. , ;:. ':ijoifigiOdeo Mit!, bmttnini theii.f.hmatintion ' ; .. "'l''':4 l '' , . l ;• : ':. s . - ::Wfiollil itPi:Mi. C.! 1 .404.' 11 .4 1.14 iii•Yr: - the Ms 1 , ,;,.:,.= , ;; - gc.'.. - ..1;::, , :.', it OiblijkliO*7!!! 1 0: 1 0 1 4 04 Pe!itiiii# 31144 " r : L .--' ; - I'? ,' ;'giLf.'%;7*li:r ii .' , #f il * ig ° 2 l. l * ll424 . ." . .2-•:..i' . ..'' . .-ii.,: - %• 1 ,1!.n - lc.ialbet* . !: - I l ifi iii t!Wi l q• 611 6 1 0 1 0•44 11" - -- •"- -1 .:43 , :-• Pike. 1 1 ***eii 1 ' 361 "7 4 ** 4 4 1101 'tt-il;:jif,:iol,ll.ol:9rhititrojiyiii*, , It:: , ,Afer:3l:t - 4.2:4 i'',50,:‘,i,.; , .,,-::c.1+ . * .;' , 1•,%.,,,„ t" k • ..: - .4.: . '''. l f , lr: : - : •t.,14V. : '6 4144 4111 Ct i 1 . 11:r71 41 ; '';' - . • :, t.•`:"..1.1•1N , ,4' . 1,1,1 , 1,1 -, ;;;Alt• z i 1:,1%i. 1: :,';? }, : 1 : 1: 1' . ..!:: • ' ) :';' , 4:i...):: ;" : 1 '. ; • 4. !'' 1 `e•s"." • r .40 .14: '.••.: 4\ • ... 4 .; • . .... A .4;;•*.. •' I . . 1. ~ r- ~. ••• ,'". .14 1 4.„ .nf,'..:.1:1. , .. 1 ~f4:41'.r..,..i ..• 4 'i"..,:' 1 ‘I C. '-`-1,•!' t*, ''..4- 4 1" . k. „ .....,,,„ ..... "....,..x,• ~,..... . ',..., :.; n- . . , , ,•,;'l '. ' 1.- i :. : .iittP:il4i, Al', ', .. ~s zit:lt.l,l4,l,;'):, ''4* . .0 ..-... ... 14 4 :,..k. 4". ' 434 P", 7 ' 1 1;•,..' - $ ; . !,-;)iiF!.'; , e zit*:4l. i 4 : . r"4 , ' , v'' , ,i,if , r:'' 4 l'; ' t).; • s ^:. ',., e:W•i,.. 4,, • , -;• 1 •:•,$. 1 1.•":: - ~. .5 c :i;4, * .*::: 7 .*, • ~ ,,,..4 4 :::•: ., :,:.4 , t ..„, - 4 ), ,k,....„..-.4, • .:, - :i'Xili'Tc ' --• , - . v. • ..r - '•- •*'' ,'• , ;44;;Igt, . • . ;• - • - f•,,,r-i: - .:.- - ... - .7. - ..:!” . . - 11 . , -I .9:ex .:.....,r.,....;,0;•,-....:;.71,:::::. lEEE 1~ f~ ',~~ ^•., •rte. ~.: ~`.viYrn. u~d' 4RR??k r ".,,~y, ~*g ,:. :Ant ERAsrus asoopkg-06-.- PITT/3E1111(13H: moitrinw, 1847. Thir Ihrmeass Dann Om:errs is :Ileac,' Ikulyarl-Weekty, and Weekiye-Mie Daily is Seven DeUirre pees/few iletri-Weekij is Firs Dollen Ps* searus4 the Weekly is Two Dollanpa seam !Wks Jut Allavortilsozat ~WrAlkfuttautents, to wore topertkon, shad be eeeeee to by live o r ist. the ILftereeen. Mune= te Ume•lin the put oar catioosen,.ronkt be ptodo4 t Ivo ofmtwokladt.- - • ' ' FOR GOVERNOR, MIR Z.- zanies I- FOR CANAL. commisesiorimt._ ,aOIIISPU W..PATTON, • GEORGE Drli l l4or Atelheny Qty. IS C. - 7. LE. of Indians Tp. latitignAN ISSIVELX, of Wilew Ty. NASSIIALL SWASTZSVELDFA, Papbargh. .11ENRY wine.of aranTp.• •- • • .. • of Pistsbargti. - . . roa PILINS, of em Lower& Qair Tp; t i da 2 T * . Ts," STATIC OMISTRAI: COMMITTRIL THOMAS E FRANIELIN,Lancastee Qty.. • JOHN C KUNKEL, DaaphlnCoaasy. • THOMAS DUNCAN, • THOM MARTIN , AS C HAMBLY, York: -WILLIAM AI WATTS, Camberland. '; DANIEL M SMYSt.l\A:hulte. JOHN E WEPHERIL Philadelphia City: ••' JOSEPH R CHANDLE • I RORER? T CONRAD,• - • THOMAS McGRATH, Philadelphia bounty. • BILLER LUTHER, Berke. • •, ROIIF.RT hl BARD. ' , nutria, -71103L115 M T WICENNA.N. Washington. AN/SERW 'I OGLE, SosoerseL IJIARMAR DENNY, Allegiedy. :RICHARD IRWIN,. Wrung. .10Sta'll II KUHNS, Wsanorelarid. •I• 0 J BALL,Erin. I N D. MAXWELL, Nonliarttpten.l I JR SALISBURY, Susquehanna. • I•ELHANAN 51.11111, Wpm SAMUEL A PURINANCE, Butler. MERRY B EVAN S, Chewer. :ROBERT T TO'I'LS, Montgonser7.l -P. Forums" Cbmmerval Intelltgence, Dammam N News, Impons, Alency Market, az, N• fourth Page fee Wissellsaseas News. -1 • ..I.'art day gar Naisrallsatios. , The District Coact will mee t this day at 10 o'clock.for natarafainil,polltionett. It will ba the last ippottinitly, and every one not alma, tutu. milted aboull, embrace it. WHIGS RERIBIEBF.R That • full vote IS a Whig victosi. That your Vote may be heceasaryito the success of Gen. Irvin and Patton. Tluti Alleghany is capable of a Whig majority or aOOO Totes, and that this elsloriti hem. with iondta elsewheni, will aims • Whig Baulember, that oho vote once made a President j af the United atates, and that your vote may now secure a revolt as important to the country. Vote early,—examine well youriticisti; and see that no frauds are committed upon the Ballot ET= • 'Same of the Native Americans inning SPURIOUS TICKETS, with the name of Len* C.J. /Yak dna off,andoneof , the N . • firer intuit/fates inserted in place ofit. Lookout for Atm. PB. Tait O'CiA., Saturday Morning.—Wi jut aeon *MO of thaw • flpeniond Tugela with Jenterß Sawyer put in the pine of L C NOBLE, and others with the nu= of Joseph Maw= in place of Mr Noble. ' ia a• miserable leat Foo sad Native thaw payer. Sada *Atm* far hdepeniebee wa, will*, the esesielionties4des motht' " 1 ' 4 , 154 4 Eli : ernided iherseaii:et. the into Xlierftil ;and fotanant Rividota. the Mexican people tire, remind mock Lew of public aid and rots*, than their awe waited. In ow infant limes, we had the systisalike the Pod =ms* allflidods — kaPi . etso Elm foreign sang. Have we nelptoaded the Won with a neialthoving fiord:del Did ere deal tightly by her, when la violation of alma tuella; Viola bodies of out troops pawed thzonph oar marl to wad* in Incident tonwannw what she astseased a revolted parAnost . An we doing sight in easkini by farce of me to take fivaskbar what Tanana ciateel•Wever paswesed. • spew of isonntip..of countless thonsandsef awes. bordering upon extended Awn, knitted valises, and • *Mg 0:011n! - • . . . . .. . We put it to', our emintrymme—tba otaantet. Man moos thaw alle—who boa a apult, of Ameri• 1 nin i imn min fin. in Us bosom, and • of American blood coursing in hit would you do, air, if en enemy, England. for ample, were thundering as the mass of your ' A Is. Ilion of swordi would leap from. ikleir ecebbmds, and the very thunder, of Jon would be drowned, as your brans tioroeted Artillery spoke out through fin and smoke, and amid* groan. and demi, for vengeance spinet the destroyer. Now rosy not a Mexican. with • soul sod body like our. selves, have ante little fooling when her finds his wormy oriental with foreign troops„—his Mrong forum s@ battered downr—lde towns and .eitiaa laid in waste by the desolations of war. Perhaps not, according to the wisdom of heartless dem. gogues sal time serum . sod in the estimation of some machine of a man, who breathe, through a conduit pipe laid from Washington to his. own door. all this may be called treason, Let inch a MD, or rather an apology fora man. remember that there are higher judginente than.hl a own, —a Somme rower above, who, looking to the motives of men, and to the oral from the be gimping, not only does all thing. well, of him self, but exacts of others at least a, show Ulu. tics. 'Mexico, like other lands, may be a doom al nation. Hot 'Maple, ilk, atom of old, may be au accursed ram, bat, in th great book- of fat, we end no warrant which W allowa us to be their touters. AR we do read, balsam, in the precut and past, teaches on to beware of fol. lowing the example of Nations who have Wen victims to their own love of conquest, of power, sod of their own cud ambition. Since writing the above, our eyes have M u upon the following statement, uto the en. tent of the ebdro set tip by the United States against the Mexican Gostrummt ! it is from the North American and United Butes CissetUe The entire tardier, of Metica, as pawned by her previous to the ,Texan revalutko, and claimed by her up to the lust moment of annex- Wien, was computed by isamaphere at about 1,700,000 square miles. The carboy of Tu. as Paper, craned by the-old boundary of the Moves, amounts to atout 200,000 VIM niiml the whole tenitory - ease of the Rio Chan* is ewimated, nobody, at from 320,000 to newly 400,000 square miles. &wooing that no wrong win done to Mexico by the annexation of Ten u proper, yet the claim et the latter, which we have - made our claim, to the line of the Rio Owed', exacts of Mexico from 120,000 to 200,- 000 square miles, outlawing tesillorin Wang*/ to four metal independent sod sortreign Mexican Slates. - • In denmaring this lbw, themfon we demand oneatinth of all the territory WI to Ifirdl:o since the mention of Tem proper. But eccordtog to the accounts fromMegiro of Mr. That's propo- sitions, the Pmident hr demanded, in Winn, all of tipper, Clem* weintated at 376,000 spun todes—all of Lamer . Calikomis, reckoned at nearly 63,000—end the exottry between the Colorado . and Gila river; amounting to 100.000 more—or 636,000 square Wks fo aU. Add this to !the country Mimed to Maples the claim of Texas to ell the Woad expense east of the Rio Grande,gend we hen an ammo pond total of 696,000 noire miles, or newly orgaolf toe the fcrrikry of Make It might salt the Oil• asophy of the Vice Preddent to diatoms wean ly as he did at Pittsburgh, of ,orm naming oat of this Mr in of unes.balf or two-ddrde of edi the am tam,: '-but we may to assured there is more inie:o..tioi on the part of Our own Gosanommt in asking such an enormous anion than in that of Mexico in .ndatlog OoriesponOccee of the Pitabagit Gamma STNAIIIZIL MaRlllll.ll. On Basrd the Bikini., 6th October. The steamer Hibernia nut with an unusual an. diced when twenty miles below Piukenbeugh: About half en hour before dinner the steamer took fire from the boilers. Themy of "the"me raised and • frightful seine ensued, and cos which firr'slum, I hue nava seen equalled and hope never to see again. The Pilot headed the boat for the am miaow u the danger wag dimmed, and if the puss* gar? had kept cool all would have been well, but them was only one plank out, and ogee XOO pm. sentare cm baud. The crowd pushed each other .into Hut; whits the leas ware fainting and shore , g on all 'ides. Muyjumped ki th th e ries; sod wets rescued with difficulty. Tends, boil' and barrels was foaling in Oil darectims. Order being portly reetmed, end the luggegesecured, 01 1 went to work to extinguish the On, which wu done after me hair's hard work. The fin then broke oat a mond time with increued force, and alt seemed lost, while the alum inereamd. • . Casale Blinefeher, who behaved well, ordered the cabin furniture to to fumed to , the shore, which was obeyed. The furniture was much diurnal and nothhig was tell bat the .freight In the bold. Sondem IMO cut in the aides and bottom of the /tansy for the purpose of sinking' her, which could not be accomplished on account of the shallowness of the water. • I • Feu hour, more labor operand the threes, and with lose damage to the boat than might have turn expected. Pueengese bed their hasp Injured by the :rater. Cabin &rollers andboet Lamed. We shall be of for thecinnaU as soosis possible. It was very lucky the the oecerrad in the dey time for had ,t happened MALI, masy lives would Sieve been lost' As it is, s few sprat's and brain, is all the damage. The puesengen are u well u our, thoey all haring got wet, they ate is rather an no. comfortable aitnallos. I slid dim by the Ent boati to tenons thou wise have Ithusla on board, of all anxiety on Arnie utmost. E. -y P. 9: We hue nines Mused &tithe cargo of the Hibernia was very sevicanly daimpd, ad that tie boat can be reputed at s owl Imo exposes than was at fine amieiptted. It is atm said tbu the Me originated front some unusable matter among the sargo, net this, though It may be tree, mute cone: Hoy. 100 P. Itaims.—Tho tsition of Mr. lEsin•iy front au SaNoon District, Is no Mesta ttis linlssois ass district lot 'pour ism toposssitedby a Loco row, sad his useslllliont rspressotad by • sioosber of tho slum putt'. . Wit Pad/ Wet. boomot, Wit gis 1414 p we not to Ism* erykas of ro .nat Obbid and war . thy • loan: It Linos, loss to& city of Bahl. amain tit Mr. II» Woolf: Ho ton huh esiabls to troths 'topped to maks goat mice to hisolostinmai As • otostliss of the Com ilt. toy on Vosionsree while In Congress, Iso woo foto. most' in Mass not sad Magog the but lota. sits of tbs nostentils eonintanity of the mom end nowt fa4sral in poring a point ;dal gm, wo, bop •of rocistss. Debit is no dliersdit to suds •• sun, for ems who Massa him dl4 not know, at mid not spptrlsto Ids sot*, /1101C•WAIMMT 01,4116 , totelepoiteect of the pusashht, Ledpt *Missies that the huh &mind Cebittetteme decided that the raictethe has D 0.44 titeelliinteecie theitieeeigicel Obi moo aulbotiiild =dee, the set of nth - Mk,o escis,pm 14 , 4,n0 retiteiici *the IS neon* theteteddiilit the , muter wutr, , sad the, bienemitihistiog:!i' mew birjuen thousand =h . •teithit'uit* l froaift •Mitioe'la the NO,. Tr; The es= eciatepoodint ge *ll6 1429 b, tkai hies hategat 7 ' , ;l - • limort,—The 0044 )rada fel" 00i; ttialedds til!ar; anima 10116 pliaiiiilrad Alkism, Vs" tat OA rivral/ es/ Wilevadwin . . SettlifeDfiatsas la ni•,lleproauklLLtilizi. Chaabi*.ead Lapdey. 13.j..Jadp Coal* , : A, icOli c i fiiiieettontorttenda Ihr tagant Wm the ps . aly an ;riotord, icbano th le names Jai &idi oms's-64R when& tha iqgked w*lh!! ' imiciad of wit Want. • • One tenant in common may coerce mons prob its from hireotanant by wham hewn ousted and against whew he roccresed in. ejectment, wham an unnamable deny, nomad in Obis primp dies. . .1; •. Whet= was ajadvnent against one In tee aCint and hop*, ber meene dechockm against hoo jointly, with plea sod ierdiat foe Phi:gilt the error will be aped by the plaintiff tab* 'sewed judgisent against the one, with *kr= WWI the other, thne imam* joinro. ' Knight ve AWL By Chief lustros Chiron: ,la Eiroarylnals and probably ell the United Stater, the owner of cettrois not liable to en ..actirot of crospese kw their browsing on lib nsighisie• on. Micloied sill:Mad. Bat sock owner ot land le not MY to mama" the owner of the negligee val. rot or an or, who was billed by falliog into epit dug in search of ono end left open. If. nun will Us his neighboes lands as pasture gelds, he must Ore theme, he finds Mao, end bear the map Truces of their condition. Addison es Hampecsk By Jadge Bell: Erie Co. The gawks of eons presented in - Hoff= vs Crummy; lid Watti,36; approted."., In the maw Wan was an swami in taw of the Plahnif from which the Defendant appealed. - ,Held not to way Meehan dielsicm as to the eats. . Bates es Hood - By dodge Repro. Brie co. A nreogrdzume of Ball for an appeal horn a Audio, or the Pew. ender tits act of the 20th Much, 1810, talon 20th October, 1844, is within the mo ving end exceptions of the sharing end repealing apt of 20th March.lB4s, and bold to be valid, al. though the Bait wuuot tried until May;10.1845. To Commonwealth: By Chief distke Gibson: A Judgment rendered ou conviction of vault ard battery an, and mime of goods Boa a constable, wu teemed--because the Indiedment showed that the Execution had heen issued hors than twenty days at• time of 800 levy, and his authority therefore expired. Edato of Eau By Chief 'Justine Glheon The Common Plea is the propel tribunal for the dividon of hind, where the tenancy in common le dezded., The Orphan's Court has no jurisdie. tion in petition,whote the Intestates estate la held jointly, or in COMO= with • stranger, or there is • severd end advent° agate domed by any of the Wads,' ComoelL By Judas Be An exam lion monotheist dation the twenty days snored Lx appeal., ander the eoinpohoty arbitration ad. The play of execution allowed by the 3d section tkthe aet of MI6, raiallui to Mee dons extend Is kb:Wands on en appeal from Jastlee,to be coup poled hem the dna day of the term to which such appeal is entered. Brown's Helm vs Nickle.- Per Conant: Perot proof of the mulantanding .of the patties, that a conveyance was a coodinonel side, not sdmini• hi.. Such understanding must be gathered from the writing. The polot below upon the effect Of one verdict in ejectment on the question of menage or. no. mintage was not toothed by the opinion. •* Reynolds vs Loriery. BY Judge Coulter: The conditions of a Bond of Indemnity .on which judgment is entered by virtue of a warrant ;of attorney, are within the control of the Court of Common Pleas, and they should enrcise their dictation in doing . justice between the parties.— &event • to the writ of mire Wu deemed on. cofeessuy,w-Post. Tn LATz Ilarnas.--The WeabhigtodUnion publishes the (elbowing extract of •• latter, when by an officer of the army. to • gattlionan ? that city. dated Calmer" (our the city of Yak%) Sept. 2. The storming of Fort Centuries, by Rilsy's WINK composed of the 4th arti ll ery, Sd sad 7th infantry, was, I think, the most splendid ark of the wholerwar, and, Indeed, that has um occurred in this country. It took pace on the morning of the 20th August. The brigade was about 900 strong, and during the morning of the SOM, be. fore daylight, succeeded in gain* • position in car of the enemy's works, without being &cow. ed until the columni of attack were nearly formed They Moaned the fort in two eobtrans of attack —the 4lit areal and a part of the Sd infantry composing one COIUSD, and the main pert of the Sd infantry, and the 7th forming the other; in the haler column, the 2d In front. TM, etertoing columns marched steadily up the hill at double quirk Ulm with • horse , under a heavy shower of grape and urancl4bot front the Mexican artillery, end at the point of the bayonet rented Memory aOd drove, them Ithaugh shoat 7.000 strong) from the 'rids.. 500 Unita= ware killed while mr km was only, about 60 man .1n !LOW and wended. • Row many Maxicau was wounded Fauna my. We took mine 1,400 in 1,500 Pitman on that occasion, besides 27 Pecas of artillery and any quantity of smallmma. Only nihut, 900 American soldiers attackinviad storm- log a km containing 27 Poem of artillery, sad defended by 7,000 soldiers! It is • feat unpuillad in history. This the gallant Riley, did with his heigade—killing 000, and capturing 1,600 prison. we,'with • low of only 60 nun. A brava ant mmder, and brava and better sekliem nem lived than Riley. and his storming brigade. I bgpe Riley will get a brawn of brigadier for Cerro Gordo, and of nujor general for Contreras; He has nobly won both; and hingood sandal in olden time shook! not be forgotten. The Wank on Chumboaeo. on the aftemoon of the 201, was a bloody. effete for ni. We log nearly 1000 urn in killed and wounded. Oar regiment suffered severely; but the enemy went eventnallydriven from their works and we took 1100 prisoners , and twelve or thirteen poem of artillery. ' It was &brilliant affair of our some. Tali Fonte■ Lzetair.—The fallowing irate condition upon which the Legion of Bt. Patikk aniseed the Maxiesit Wake. It In amiteleed tti ,eoninnininittion from the Secretary of theta to the 'Baerotaty . of, Wiz and of the Navy. We find It in tha•Meo trio" of Vera Con.— Fareio Legiarts, COMpaniet qf Si. Patrick,Z Mexico, July 7th; 1847. S • • • We, the undersigned foreigner, voluntarily agme to term in the above named Legion for the teem of six months from the date hereo4 legally, under: the following conditions, in the Mexican emits r• if/First, the Melissa Govemosent shall give as Lends to coldest. at she close of the win second, those who do not desire to remain In the .country shall be sent to Europe at the expeim of the tit. prime Ckwernment, and shall receive a gratifies din, in money; third, the Mexican Gowurneent syseedo elm to the Legion daring the time of its inuistagient quutgA clothing, shoes, dm; fourth, the let sergeants shall receive ilverialiathe 2d &au —soiiceala three and the soldiers two end a had a. dtklififikareackoowLedge as onomanda of the Won, CeL Don Francisco R. Malmo, In de. dianu to the Supreme Dommnient,and all order' given by wild chief will be obeyed by the Logical -and in cam of misbehaviour we will be sob*. ted Ici 'Fmishment according to the ordinance. of the Mexican army; sixth, the Legion will he sob• ject ili every rowel tattle alireliald ordinances. FILANCIICO EL Mows. • August 9, 11147. 01 woe copy. . ;I Mantas Maus n Bsanovar. Maims a? Tint rusints.—We quote the comnianta of the Washington catnapping of tha Jcituatal of Conunatee .n 4 knandal anangensate and prospected the Tressary will be sematially clewed by the presem state of things. It was only tad weekthat Hr. Walker coopat uktal himself upon the tut dat another loan would not be emoted. If we are to perms the war merely with • Ow to pan te the Madams for Wining to treat, we shall wind a new loan of arty WAWA To Mkt ad= Nadi end 01111610 poolehmeett, weeding to the Oro of the Melon, we imat sand sn army daffy thousand tart to mere and demists the eountry." Is =other letter, the mune writer Mates that— ' ollomoof GOMM am In favor of mtablialdrai Omerommt to Mateo, end Wog Peestetkat of the musky as a pmt of the umitmy of the United Iltates e no manse whet may be its cost in blood or treseant. The Padded must soon decide what todo. St hip Wen eddied IT 1100111 to 'do now whet Oda Taylor proposed methyl akar the bat de of lleidemiy; tat' Is, to dam d fiat and withdrew the troops' Now is the time for the Podded to Mks the lead ire; that' pd. Icy, far their to aeiresly a doabtthat if ',III be ino• braced by_Congotes and the people," The assosspondeold the Philadelphia geo asps he "has reasons to believe that arias apiaieapnniliu the Oabiost as to the octant to which the war might to bs preseaztal." .Ilfej.llbsie diverse views result In the owes Width Wisdom, juice, end the One gkej of the iambi' dement!! I I - butapsieno rw Esesiont.—Sbot wheat may now be bought in Mark Lase at 4!a per qiuuter; or. 31 3d (about 31418) pesbuatiol mat failing off froit 03, which it all at foi a ibmt timid .The 4lb loafs! broad io now sold for fic It moo ecdd for_ 14.1.1 Thom IS, however - mach wheat In the Lid yet th .1411Celhitll 11/311 . other ItOrtheseeettl Watetiotk - bat ailnattatthe Of more of the crop ha boo afely pthared In. Manion of the Ware of MSWPoeekteraagain very prenleak- I paw illitoputittookitior yetawday who woo digging 3 ,,bM# 33110 crop .1 1 0. 0 90 toll Inquiry it. shoat 00, iroovorydoectoid, sed thelpotatcwo wield pow cam to bo toga Cot. the poor tern." The .appe lamb Altai Arm LoDelohiro'sal odor fiotto of the cattotryo—London Car; 'Not. - • el* tie i34.l.eisiitn *way . ~ • . • -F r iv iessorzo Th. stediai uzikarytild m Wwlawdsj, Was . far air witallwa d ‘ etaterask aa wallow fathats afficenr'l6ll* law Campos the Whlpttial tat two =whim John 0-Ctuparit, Www. tha frit Matto, and Easy,' ,Lotar, ham dwatigh 'Tbi Loeabx. iba bar atambaw;listiti PiaiyAwatt Gan sad ,Clostalds, froaa the MK Few* tied Fifth Miriam GOVERNcIIt. la the of Baltimore the ' 6r 14. .Thomas; Lambe* esidldsto foe thwitar, fa le 11613. In !Ward eamity Tbaissilaii. 14. At the Graentoes skied= b 1644, the 1114 31 Ity for , the Lama= culdidate ha the 07 ci Hal thaws (Mr CartoU,) was 1,132. CONGRESS In the north District, =Toad of the deve, wade Baltiaxao city =Mb( to the ream eseahrukthe matt to so follow= Manta (Loco) (7Nhig.) Majority.. . [AI • In the Third District. comp:seed the Ike 50, per wards of the city of Baltintora, Dailloaws aPd Carroll counties, and one district in Anne Arm ;lel wanly, the floe wards ordy an reported.— Ligon, (L.) remind 2,509; Pltilpot, (W.) 1,812 Ligon's maj. 897. • • In Hound amity, Evans, (W.) 1M; Car. miclutei, (L.) 109. The Locokco ticket Is Acted, in the city of Baltimore, by an avenge majority of 1,4159. Then la an imam in the popular von dace the Mayor's eketke luE fa, of Lae. . GIOD BMWS IPROE XMLYLAND. FOUR MUG !MEMBERS OF COHGESS ELECUDI WHIG GAIN OF TWO!! WHIG LEGISLATURE! The Ha!Emory Papers of Sonde,' bring the above cheerful intsUipnce, and acme us of the 111014311 of the following nimbus t of the 30th I 11. JOHN 0 CHAPMAN. Whig. 2, J DIXON ROMAN, Whig, pin. 3. T W LIGON. L. F. 4. R M McLANE, I. F. IS; AUDI. EVANS. Whig, gain. 6. JOHN W. cinnom. whim • The important Whig pin of two Members In the next Oongress is a subject of pograltdation to the patty throughout the Union., The nets House of ; Aseembly, it will be am win be decidedly Whig. The Loco Foca hue Gilead their Gilmer, bat with a Whig Leighton* chit can do no harm MAITLAND EucTior.—A lekso from Bela. more to the North Amerkin, sem The ireportatioi of vette from N. 'fork. Wub beton City and the la Dtrziet, when kir. Chap. sum, Whirr. has no opposition, ha been ham. The New York Empire Club lin been bees in three, and the rote is no fair espositke of tibe po• Utica feeling in Baltimore.. The dlow baa need ens, effort to eoetrel the *Wien in this State, in the hope to keep down the Wblg ma. keit, In the naxtCaogresa CITY NLWU Tina ow ,/as Aiassairw.—Up to Saturday maker. there had anted from the - upper Allo tting nathig, thirteen= keno of lumber, eigh teen rafts, and Mesa boats laths with pig. natal; This Is but• drop in the babe. All aria are acquainted with either the - lumber a boa bash we, know . that rafts, and boat/ are near win while the water as rising, of le an be well /mad. ad; sad neva ran whit' Wing, during Po lash • stags of water ea has beat in the Allegheny do ring the last two digs-4h• Madly ha him Eng tq at troci ticumau Is sada, to data the meet apaiserad pilots. Today. Tuesday, and Wednadiy, the mi nis of lumber and other Products from the Alla rimy and Its nibutarks, maybe expeaed. We shall pubtth than; and keep one radars adviad of their amount. Ran , Etrom—On tiaturdrir btu • board rali,, in attempting to pate through Worsen the rime of the . Allegtomy bridge, unfomunattly Munk mad COMpletaly_troken toidem. The beside four in nomber,••scapod uniojored. The raft atm& one of the plias, recoiled, strung round, sod book• in the We we infontitd that one of Me MOM towboats wind out to their relief, and assisted them to lead the fraginado of their raft- Another tun, ria the evening of Saturday leg, ran nipdtot the Grit af the old Allegiway bridge, when the water eatehhig the upper end, wink it to the bottom alnico* instantly. Tbs hinds raped by running tip the play. Scussre...-On Saturday esening two fists keeled with brick from K. Bouts' & Co's works the Allegheny. na spina omit of the piers .f thorepteduct and mtak. Tbne ona la charge of the taste were wed by jumping oath. drift wood , lodged opinet the pier. PIM= 00 awe brought ropes, by which the trio wore raised to the top of the aqueduct. Diownsi.-04 Satorday wining tau SAW HUI Ran, on the Oblo then, a man by the nll6O of Bay, eccidiVitilly. fill from a coil boa, and war drowned befintie could be mated front the ws. tin:. An Inquest wee bold by Ccaner IRkbard eon, and • verdict rendered in secindanne with the fact.. CUVALM-A small boy Manic a raft at the bat of Umbury street, into the Allegheny river. A liftman plunged in alter him, and both wore near being drowned, when a second -liftman jumped into a skiff and. went to that: The current oldie Allegheny, when In moeti Mani by ram as it bee recently been, - la too strong for the purrs of the most expert earimmar. Tax Fesawscs pososts . of hboisin Able; ma,' this arming, et Philo #all, we ere eine, wW not be forgotten by thoie who boo. heard . bet once. Thor who have not, win bell no other opportunity. We believe no one ',bolus visited Pittsburgh, hu impirted next ml Flier are to bar hearors, or..drawn more tostlisnabbt audiences. Loa or Fume—A seethe boat,' belonging to Mr. Jolution, we believe, and loads! by Tulle & O'Connor with fizz, went ores cete of the dame beyond Freeport. Mare than one handnalbasnde of Inn had been seen Luting by Fiespat. TR' Cartut.—Tare bee been • alistst beeek be the Canal two lies horn Blainwille. The breach will twntpatied tostsy. - Thies bests were due last utsht. Supairms Coiner. Oct. o,lll47—Pcsiont the Judges. Claritse Hollister we Agra U. BoMeler-rep. peel from the Court riComarcla Pleas of Vamp Court,. Mr. Jostles Coulter delivered= lon of .the Coat, dinning the decree alimony. - to the matter of the account of Alameda: McLeod, gaudiest of Elin" Clark—lipped from the deem of dor Orphaa's Court of Crawford County. The acanthi referred to the Predate. tag of this. Court to Pate art account la word nee with the crake as &living by Mr. iltaf' flee Ball. Hugh Rowland et ux n Olirer NM/ 11 el— en= to the Datriet Oonet of Allogbopy =ay— Mr. Jades Bell delivered the°skim of the Coed, letwelog the Miami of tie Goan be. low owl awatding • voila holm deneew In to meteor of the ecwitmi of 1111.0 Weletet. dot latraiat of Ethtbeth Pfrowylee—appeel frees the &tete of the Chilteas Cowl of Moen comfy. Argued by Mr. Foilsman for emllellt. Itr.ltotealf sod WOG& for alo mar. Osumi, no Itssten,-.The 81. Louis !Taw. of the 30th tilh, lam W. understand that Out. Emmy has bout ended by tin Ws Depertment to commend albs new mimed, frost Ohio end Kactudy, and join tea. Ikon without de. lay. Hair • *Vested to teeth Bt. fAstie today, and to ben mai; with hie bats& in about a fat. . night., The Ohio regiment Is @kiwi on its way to the;Belisf, and the itentedly ngintents will be ready] in e dew dein.. The Whig ewe Caweadon of Now York mot at Siam, m tM 6th hm, and wu aped by the &dim Woohhaoso flaut,pq. so pro. Namlhoo PWi woo voiamodinoognoted the Whig condihwo for f•4m. %new. Mud Fihowcwoi,masted u We au46. ' , The ininuat ?finis civilian& lag oa th. wu 013,5X1,1119. IPratl wall fora hud Now AdaldWagoa. BY EiGnne TELEGRAPI t'r"'''r??'!mllr.:Ml•P•wmrrv.n.r Tho Torsezinno 1.216 had !offered Pled ' diziwie Eicooopocues Of the envie idorma which pritiled dirrift the'put Owl& We team that the pats of somehow tease of the lino wartime tied away it the ftalighbodurod of Bedford, and that Ws laid.' cc the Juniata ham gigaton:at:ru tted away. Metall of oda he been almost on. pnrcedentra for the time. The Mail oatamatticatEraw bate also barn hi. tamed No mils reached the city Saturday eaten or yartarday mondeg. • P. 8. The back Salaams mail moo Ia last Idea. ' the Weiler !Agnelli. Telegraph. Corresponikatee 01 tee Pittsburgh Gazette FROM MEXICO. " Loirmerms, Oct 10th, 4, p m. The steamer Empire, AIM New Orleans, ham anima, bringing dates to the Ad ime. There is nothing later from the city of Idezieo. Lida news from the Rio Grande bit boon received but le not of much impart. - Two Making were :maimed by a drunkim Texan volunteer, who was united and will be General Cubing's brigade annunpod at Palo Alto on its march to Vers Ott& The Guerillas on the Rio Grande eta daily becoming bolder, and more annoying to the Animism& • 'Colonel Irvin of the Ohio Regiment; arrived at Nei Odessa on the . fiest inet, end sailed Maned'. wkly for Vera Crux. Ml were in goallsalth. The interments at New Odes= for the three days ending on the 2d loot, were 54—u0 of whom died of Yellow Peva. , . .Gooesoitndonce of the Plusbonla Orootte. CINCINNATI MARKET. MammaTr, Oct: 9,4, P. M: Floor The mutat is quiet with no sales to report. Uhl held nominally at 115 per bbl. Whisksy—Ssisioceer at ITc Per gal. Grain—The market is quiet, with no change in rime. Sogar—We quota sales of N. O. at 6a70 per tb—a Holasees—Market rather dun, with sales of N. 0, at201134c per gaL Baton—Balse of Huns at gje per ill; of Bides at ejaTic. ROST DISASTROUS lIPLOOD. The ` Balthnore papers of Elatuidey are filled with the particulars of a mos( iliiiistrons flood, which prevailed on Thundap, night. In the District of Colombia, several' lives have been lost. A women and child were killed by-light en Capitol HHI, and four persons were swept off by the (roattet at Georgetown. On the !atomic, the barks were inundated, end orosiderable dump dame to property. The Wallington (rein of ears, wideh len on Friday. morning, were obliged to return slier necking, Bladeturburs where the viaduct was carried sway: Six Cohorts alum the Rill Road line , have been destroyed. All communiestion by railroad between Baltimore end Waohinigion is cut DR, and the destruction of property along the whole line; appear to have been retrlllill Tim property on Gwinn's Falls, Including the Mill rue, which 'apprise the five large . Floor. fog Mills at Colvarton, was injured so is to compel a cessation. of op•mtkes, and Other dank etc, Me real extent of which was not accurately kmiwn. The tine bridp of the Pnaldin Tantpiks orer Getup's Falb, wu !entirely (wept aerie. Tbi wooden foidpserome the Patspoco, the Washington Turnpike, wu *Molly rwept'away, and kidpd at the Iron Ftnnice below. &ins portions of the Pumice property were maid to be sewn fon War water. • - Boots of the boildietp Rho Unfits (Mitton) Fersorj at Ellicott'. Mills, win flooded in the Iowa: ; story, sad the Impleresots and other rims hieh property dautepd to the inset of $6OO . or 700-.; The dam ol'adartantial roasonry, belottitog the Savage Canal Factoay. luis beat min &yap The damns in Baltimore bad not bent art done. i The Bald=Ore Amok= of Saturday, atyc— About half past time o'clock lam night, Mr. Stock; an otScar mMa Railroad, ruchad thia city, hair , log left Wubington in the owning.. 11e ante on b by the line of the !inroad. At Maim& bum, he crowd the alum portion °fibs ?pic nic oil a rall. We: ben of, nodanage to the Champed* and Ohio Rail ßiad. Taoism' Runt Pu-n4.—CoL Flores; has taken up an entrenched position between Melina of Montevideo and thosiof Oribe, and in sisted upon bring informed of the true causes whkir influenced England to withdraw from its alliantM with Mentovideo. The blontuidan fiction:meat could not impart the desired infatua tion. • Gan. Chiba pie notice that the truce wu at an end, and A. DOTS3SII, the French Consul Ostend, gave official notice that the blockade of &tenni Ares and of Oribe's porta would be coo. tinned, and be absolite. The contracts kw completing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal hare been signed, and the work rammed. The Loan upon the Bonds amounts io •1,100,000 u idiom: 1 500 . 000 rim C iPillibto in Bowan, Nrw York .end the District Cities -1300.900 from l ifltipule—floo,ooo train the Die. isict Cites—and 1200.000 in Bonds 'lda wets. ken by Nab Contraetws. Bailllllol4lll AID OIICI Ram Roan.—A. meet. Ing of. the Stockboldeu will be held 'this day fur the election of twelve Ihnotora for the aiming per. A die idend of three per cent on the man 5t., 1 11114 two and a ball on the Winidneton breach, bu been declared. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pansterxrers, - Oct, 6, Flour—The receipts rood stork centime light, and UN demand for shipment is Mailed. Bales (SOW Mdecommon brands fresh ground Ps , at $0,123 for export. For city conswegthoef there is fa r deemed at $0,14143711 for corm= breads, and 18,50a6,78 for extra. ' Ilye i Flow Is imams, and is bud at $4,60 per C s3 ornmeal-841as of • few hundred bbbbl,Panne at per DM Wheat is warm and to In dereand for arke of 1000 bu of Prime new Routh= Red at 11,,,Tti0 per bo.i. Rye hie slightly advanced, With ealow of '• few handled bu at 77e per ht. Qom—Bala 0(3000 bu Penni Yellownt 72a 73a per 58 11*-4 slight decline.- WhlE.y In bbleh bold at 29 ' .300 Pee pl.— No Woe to report ' BALTIMORE MABRET. Bsltbsonr. Plotu—Sale of 600 MMb Howardat 66.75 a 667 per bbl; City Mills brands are bold at $6„ bet mar Nay nub IN high as $3.64 per bbl. Sala of Banioattanna, froth mind. 47716 per bbl., VinflWhaatßalaa 'of good to prima Euyland and ala st 160425 e pu bo. , Cerre-41161 of Maryland Whin) at 68a60e per bat of linos at 63,640 :par le. RyirMaryland vael6'7sa76e, MamP—Ltralied ealaidaw rottad at 7e par lb. Pork—Noss hare already Inprcuod, with sales of Mal at $l4, and of pima at 1110,60410,624 per Md. Bast—No.l sold at litaat I pu Ltd hair sinned 1 amt pat lb on kep; prime it bah tmehanipidi ISM 460 bp at lb par lb. • C C al Western at 7isite. • Tobece—The inubt is without change. NEW. YORK MARKET. Oct. 8, 8 0.:. norci—Good weals of Dew Gamma 'went sold at 3 3 , 37 k10,00—b0w Gatroto 86" ma ; Roth WN . Tn fa 115,76a5,37i pot bbl; old • at sso=per bbL " • * , la may dall,but 01111. Good .. o$ be toted below, 09,76.4.871. • ' .: Rya Ybxu—bleles of 160 bbi. al 64,2p - Per bbl. - Wheat—Sales of. 1000 Mt Whit. Idlehlip 1250 pm biz. , Priem Grommee 10,000 ba al 13113 pa bar' - • Gam-84dr of (0,,,,,, ba for ablpmem Orleans al We, Y " Mien* at illsB7ml id at 860380 palm. 1 - ° Eye is in better demand, with eaki of f.O for dMMINF at 8141180 ptr bo. . . Pork—Tbe market io•withoat morb-clow lime la ea/lintat 114,Sfk Prime at *lOOl . WI &toy le firos at 300 poBB4 . '-- -.6lteeko—Treaaary iaoteo and Gorenomedi condone to &dine. Ohio 99;—Roadros Nomriolt 414—Eades 46} J - ~.., Alest. , Paredsa is ststed by the MP. ikle,epri be lat PiteHa. with she theism:l4 hum, pripi and twprerattt r elarreettieta k teachiej pea. et Gentratalut elhas asadasto attempt to aneitt ha proceedm p. He tiu hen *poi) . hated Itiipeeior Stairaforthi Paebra National Geirds. The '.Delta discredits altogether the death of ' , Generale Worth, Pillow and Smithood the blow. 1 jug up_of three powder ategutua "Monday. et: ' 000, 4 only , 611.000 el*cio hod been entered at Balton by the Hibernia. Upwards - of a million of dollars was F4I out at Boeton on -Monday, le the thape of dividends. which will make the money market easy: - of 17 . 654 'immigrants from romp° atrivod at Now York lam month Benefit of Mr. iogri DUNN.' • Nondriy, Odolier 1847, TO COCILOICIICC whit the 3d Actof Oth•llo. ...... Mr Oxley. [Doedcmona..ldise Boner. After which • Dinee by Miss ANNA MALVINA. To be fotkrwed tor the burlesque of . RICIIARDE . • Riehardo.• •• —• .Mr. Donal Richmond, Mar , Led, Anne•••ildles-Petrio I Meshed', bliseSiihm.i. To conclude with the farce of the ' • ' WANDERINO.MINSTREIL. Jun Rags Mr. Dune. ErDoots open art, odd CIMS.II{ 1•111 71. • Vocal Cancer* of Madame Ablamewles, WILL. take place at • Phlle•nall. • ei..• On Atendny Evening, Canna 11A." isiame A. will be assisted by Ma 11. Encsocz, the eminent Pianist. and won sing onthe eecnsion. songs of Jenny Lind. Irish, Scotch and English Ballads, Ae. Ac Tickets 60 MU!. Mars open at 7. Conten will commenee nt 71. ocid • • WINDOW SPRINOS. * H, 11A311101/1.1,, will remain yet a ehort time in Pttunonfit and attend to putting his Patent Uptt per and Improved Lower boring. to all kinds of win-. doers. With these Springs ether the upper or lower, or both sub, when but or partially open cannot he opened further from the mantle; they Ire therefore So perior to every other rush belt, and for small or middle steed window* are preferable to box from,., as-they are PO obstruction to the sash belay taken nut to clean, glaze, tic. These Springs are of different rile, to reit the diluent sited windows; are warranted not to Jose thew elasbeity or break: 11r 11. has now had nineteen years erpenence manufsetaring Opting. and patting them in 'widows, and Is therefore confident of geeing anivenal satisfaction to those may want their windows well lied. The upper Sprieg was patented in ',RM.-- Persona wishing hie services:will be erunedutely want ed on by leaving • note u the Post Ofilre, addressed to U Ilunnend, stating their residence, be. Immediate appltution ahead lair made hr ;bow who ',lab la lure their _windows well fined—Durk war ranted)—and pricer moderate liutisfutory references given. Mr 111. atDr Christi e'r, at the (mu of fit Clair street by the lower bridgeon the Allegheny. • oettlnel t Wilk mU at Pettit Site. on the premise.. en 9hurrday, November Ilth, IE4; at sowebeet m.llll thateensivalantatiouand tram °fiend Mutated in Plum township, Alleght4,etennty 7 late the proper) of M. 0.. Aber, deceased eentairang alma! 200 germ about one .half improved-kit which is erect ed minGertable Dwelling tame end Bum—thie prep erty is abost 16 miles from Pitteburgh, and the Pitts burgh and New Alesandria Tantalite passes through ft. One branch of 'turtle erect pane. through said arm; and there is a cite far a will on the same. • • Term., ono-third in hand. one th:rd in one year with ,latet en, and the balance to be paid on the death of the .widow of the dec'd.wtils intereet payable annually • ROBERT b . /MOTHERS, Executor, ocUldlkwito of Pleat township. N. HOLMES & SON, Bankers and Dealers In Exchange, Coin and Dank Not.., xe. M, Susan . Brater, rITTSOUSOII. Sang Rasp. Exchange. Baying Rates. Now York, pr. Cincinaan, di,. do Louisville, do do At. Louis, . !do Buying Rates. DA R NOTES. Buying Rates. Ohm, I dia. Cab-Sow Onion, I din Indians, I do Roller Notes, Ido lentack7, Ido Pconsylvaniado Vi ' Cy. do Now York do, Ids r * *,hoo . do NewOrlc, do nut...sec, do Alltylisod, w fdo addle' Wizsuraur FUNDS—The notes of the Ohio, Indians, and Kentucky Banks purchased at-low nut of diseooth at the of6ce of HILL & CIIREM _petit Nord wood at heftily fourth ColdaccTioss, an all th e principal chic. in the Union, &ado by. • RUA, & CURRY.. aetll.o orood'otheloor &mob PXOILiNGE. on New York, Pbtlodelphlk, and Rokismore, at tight, n now to aria porebacers s coo. Kandy for sate by' . FULL .b CURRY. 'died! wood moot below fourth. wins ,sToitas rrliE subscriber weld direct atteotion to his eaten die assortment of foreign Wutes and Canaan. eat. bracing ail descriptions and q salines, which he will sell erholemlo or retail it law =lea. llu sock was e pasossik, not from as racist, bat, from Importers from places of growth. None bat the genaine• brands see sold. Samples fu wished and fin:seder:l with dis patch.JACOß .WEAVER, petit , comer market and first stream. DIM? & CWIE. Bordeaux dark 'Mandy, woof, for luta arbaleabab and retail at the Vo um...11m by .TACOB WEAVER, will • comer mutat and first au. CAIITILLOA Bordeaux palls nnindl•thPrricT tale wholesale and rePill Pt the Wipe Siam. ' JACOB WKAYEFL A 111ZIONETTE Rochelle dub Brogdy; 4th pne XI. In bolt pm; for oale by oetll . JACOB WEAVER. OCKSTS-50 donn, Bearer Bae bass in more and B and Casale by - I & It FLOYD, . ECIARII-2D boxes lhown Ilavan.en eonoign S ment for eale by . Js R FLU VD. oetlt OIL -401 butels bnrma=Wel inr tiy asq GlirlllßlllatilitrlL-23 barrels Cranberries orrotod fornale by . R FLOYD ceOl TIIITTEIEL-di bands and 40 ken No I boo 0.0. _LP aale by' • will J&R PI ()VD. • F2RM-321 barrels end 23 half barrel" No 3, Targ. Mackerel i, &ore arid for sale hr • & R 37.01'D. CIALT—IO barrels No I, for sale b • • A 7 aclll WICK k. 'MOCK NDI.ESS. - - IVEA-72 half chests liuppoirder, various brandf, Jost recelving,•!uut fur .ale by actl IWICK k, IVeCANDLEV, . . AIRIXIII-401 boxes Jan re . a_vvrinz and for . ale b y AV Dalt • WICK & Me.CANDI.4S. MOZIACCO-89en tayers' Ammatic.joat recei dand for sale - MONA bIeCANDLLN:f. Gent ALiO3DS-11 lAA. 4 .1: Drill. WWI( , [211111101.1M-8 bags Cr oak by • onll - WICK k hteCANFII,rgS. seekt Fwitgrilv!fGanibtrums..• j.l.ftiv ,4l ; rW itale byE SILLLERS, Druggist oclll.l ' no 17 rood (11111 SIIICILLAC.-2 tames peulx,iail 1..7 for male by Rli sELLERe, &moist; no =weed mt. (MN TltApACANTll.—fOilb..jwit r&d; t 1,7 sale by • E SELLERS, oeill r•r wood st. SALT by PICTRM.—Gi.O lbs Just for ss E SEt.F.RS cell I A No 57 t. 'mod st. BLACK LISAID.-3Wiiie4R-Rnanjnsi eg bale by • R E SELLER& I; Dell( Ro37vroodst. N IC WOOD.-43 bbls just recd and ka sate by R li sEuxes, 57 wood w. oP b nus.-too IL. prima Turk OCII r No 57 wood In. Cnirass..-4oboxe,pnw W g 'J. rcertvcd and kW by BIDWELL AO water n. y N. QAL TS-1. ease Salts Tanir, fat sale k7 . astlt ; • •I D. NOROAN. CIL! Emus/mil—l cue Rikubub Jam, Au sale by oelll • •l PI MORGAN fLAWDZR-3 eases sp read Adhesive Mutely °fifth's make; tor side bT J D MORGAN. oath I,IILXVOIIIOIII Rochelle dark"Braedy,lth proof, In half pipes airdquartem far sok by • oath ' • • •, - JACOB 'WEAVER. A 111013011. Cognac dark A dygt proof, in ft pipes, for We by STRUP -113 6alb •leRM SY mih Phllada. extra Rue fire gale by oetll J D WILLIAMS • 7 Ar4lDLl•BOAllDS—StOdos.aperiorri ,ne fo " bY• • oetll • J D WILLIAHS. VINICG/Lll-10 bbts, oetll - No 110 wood Q THUM —llO banoli Now Ofleanhjost recolw.d by We 8 II Hibernia, for tole by oral • ..: WICK L bIeCANDLF7B. n 1 0 7.4 0 wila jam received, end fora. be mat WICK MeCANDLFI4,9. C014171P. Caplan dark Druid), 4.1 proof , in ball' pipes, for sale by ocal JACOD WEAVER. p - Caotiloa to Cam Draadleo for We by half .3. pipe. at Dalt JACOB WEA WAS. O TAM', Dopy & Co'• Brao . dies c ab l o. s b' E t 4 Mr4 ojeutera, rot. by O' p BIAGLOLIA Conan Brandi., in octavo cads, far sale by omit • JACOB WEAVER. cimr.var,;CocTiA "liAard=ar° L XCIF.II. Frerei co gnu vintme. 01 . 17 1 4 1, 7 ;!1.' ,,-;,reIIa'VTAVER. DASTSAU Chianayas.-itoe.hella data and pea, 4tb proof, Bandies in 0e411 , 0014. sair by xAi IsCOO WEAVER: Q JGAB-30ELdi pCpoeNO Pot sole try SJ oda ; D T.6IIIRUAN a. C 0,103 woad st o_pix-Amoms--1 tue silo b, " 1 " ' 0 1117107 -IbblUatreit'sfeateh Est& kr salr by 10 ova MOROAN MIS • • lb. blue mut .r 45 ioroAN t cab:, earb. buguesist far' bale by 7 UDIORUAN Ar s011 " -4 k 4 e'•`'"°";1411MAN ewfdl arUin hr B 1 JDMO %3AW 111.411-1,68 lbs &war Limit btu met} F. ma* br; J. 4 ont? it OF.- 1 . 0 % V!, Mod it ~, ~~. 2txdki Zulu sr John Be r'' • 76 g LI" ei jeuroW the 7 Want the • City, a 2 Atretioit. •'— • - C 1 N Setardey oftetwon, thank\ inst. at t Weloei On %J. , Om minims will be role. 76 very handeowety ired Io of Emend, fronting on Akdford, Lev; and Kirk - owlet Er. near the Oily lot Is Balms' WM • 'A plan of which may be sees as the Americo: teem or ole zoliortion hleeste. 0 W Lsyntsod.l W Beelianan e. Tide lodge 1,—.0n0- cash, rumba In frow equal wow* payments with 15100011. • • , •• . 0016 • • JOHN D DAVINAnet . . . O hromlay normal, Me litho:AL at HI o'clock,at Commercial dale. Room, ear. or Weed mad lama, anU be told without reserve, an -Amanda* aroortseat of mole and Wier dry goods,. het • • AtscPaxt,EXl . • •A handsome assortment of Mina and QIIMPI•ann embracing the salsa' iy matted by .Imosakeepers an d , hotels— GroCarles,glasserare, tinware, shovels, bulbous, wrapping and writing paper. A large quality of new ,and second hand household formaare, mom which we mahogany sarhog Ku sofa, maltaganycult seat rocking• chai; bemoan, =MU fancy mie ustasoa claire weals muds, feather hods, *ddlng, =amuses, mantel clocks, lookMg pastes. Also, noels, kitchen Atruitere, • • . At el &Clock, P. M. , • •‘. A quantity of may Mee clotkiest, Serails* ,hhu, yeke end .French style; doable barrel fowliog mum , pistols, gold and silver watches, Au cutlery, Gamut fancy goods. a retail mock of Dry,lbsods; &a. ' ft= C.B. PORTER ON.Mondiry the lthh ittn:at i ei'ebek - ; 11.; Si die Commercial .Rooth, corner erWeed tad Fifth rta4 ersl.l be aald, that salemble let of round ea. Water nivel be. tweee Market and Wood sts, benne a (rower 16f feet and extending back al feet, sabwet to pownralverml rent of ing,psyable half putty ' s* which tot erected a . new well panned tad sabannual • three- awry brick wareboase, covered with tin, at present eicepied by James Kerrards Co. . • 1 Terms—{l:'oo is theta Teary restate OM third cash, balance in two eq.l anneal payments with Wend. - WS ' JOHN D HAINS,Aset • WALL AND WINITICR DAT, 0000 S. ===E=§ A. A.:MASON 4 CO., , 62 Market bdeoern , Third and-Faurtirsuatts, HAVE recently monist.* opwards or 150 &din and packages of rich. fanny and ample Dry Goods of eta *ostNashronablo miss. Oar customers and** paldic arnerely are rapeetfully muted w asti r and exams= oar stock. • We have on band& great ruiet j ya(rick Drew Coed', ie Rich Printed Cashmeres and De rg Ckamicable Mebair Oman andCalifongs4o; - • • .. Plald black and akade cora De Woes; Preach 11Tenno.,anorlai eekerw, .. . Alpacea Lames and Boinbasincs; French and Ballston Gingbanag • mimi ..141 ' thilicoes, arid new,Dress 'woos glinendly; ' ;. . Rich black Dress arid Mantilla Silky; -Bich cord Dress Silks in vent variety. SIIAWLB—New .Paris designs of long square hours Shawl s , Medium-nod low pm Turkish • d Culotte,. heavy and netilkeich Plaid, blank and triode cord Thibet Worsted and Bilk F ' , and ma ny other Shawls: ; - - • I lICIUSRKEP2ING .GOODP—Muuley, ,' and Point Blankets. very heavy; klanisitles gni , Fun, lure Maine; Dimity; Floc. Baize; Uncia' la 'Om en; &air Linen; Linen SkoetioV Pillow Llnens, Napkiris; Russia sod Tablir Diaper, Mite Linens, as extensive assortment; also, Mornena, Bsinutan, ie. CUITON GOODS—Btown and blanched fie= all the known brand., horn iin 3 yards wide. LiWo„English Shirting and long Oaths; notion and woolen Mannels of cvery.mkr, kind and. quality; . also, fansy ansi lele ;Basler, and Gloves, &a. die. ;;, - . ' - TAILORS' T IMMINUd—SIik Serges, Wonted do Silesian, cold Cannons, Itottons of every desemplian,, Bindings, Threads, Sewing Silk, Twist, Canvass, Pad. t OOLEN GOilDS—English,Franch,and !Lutecium Cloth.Wool.dyed blank sod fancy Cossiinemr, 800 .Caslumem and Velvet Vesting a very large stock of Vaumens; : hcal'y Pilot Cloilr, Regatta; BelloYK Lash ssys,ke. I . pliaving a Bons' in New York we will ho constnntly receiving the amen AM 111104 t fashionable Wien of I Roods, and at lowest price. • . • • . _ Merchants helm all pans of the country, 11114 invited to engin= our stock. Wholesale Roma sip suits. I ocr7dhur - . PRINTS ONLY: CEDAR ST., NEW YORK: LEE & BREWSTER Established a mandamient Ibt year IBM for MA jar pose of supplying the „City and Interior Trada with PRINTED CALICORR'EXCLURIVELY, at_. paces--and exhibiting, at all seasons of the leer, then Amortsrient ' - THE RLD They am now, opeamg Several Handfed Paellas* Footman every sew style Of FOreterl and Dootesue ploonetns, many of which. are not to be Aland elm. *hens, which. have log been purchased, and an, offered for sale Su Cash and short credit M PRICES REDUCED • - ONE TO FWR curs •.• per yard below the prices al April and May, ei per printed Catalogues, winch an corrected daily, for. Me to formatton of buyers. 1 MUNI` wensnotrsa, Mt, York, Tusw,ISCI. . htdistf fu. Lippincott. John D. Wiek • • Is• E. Mania& LIPPENCOTT ANUPACTIMERIS of ILLMNIFAIEU and CAST M NF L. Shea!, .ad Sputa, Axes and Hatehetej Hill ia Cm, Canner and Cu Ohm; Hop and 'Mame Forks, Noes, Nevado. Ptah, teAte. Having completed ell Asir am:wheals In the tich. amen= or nem emellnery, and la rend= the bat workmen (tem the most highs:eel miabllstunenteof the Eht, are nor ateattfeetenne and • mill keep een canny en hand end Firsale en the above ahem, bee. i i evaded the helves of the hens impierementsi and ire determined that in workanmelup eh material they Ordt not be excelled They prattle to modems anialm, liquai, if oat saperior, to nsi that can WWI In the Girt. They melte theatusenen of dmskp s ea handaation of their. neck beinetallehehMehlehre,a• they ens hennaed Olathe) will be hie Mall etchers Whets' line to theentimmtisfeetton of pare/mem; Wareham, Water hi doors Wept Marnagehela Beene, flusher" N. U. Permits keitisibesinesi unit Wm. Lippeeeett it Sae, will item hal on Lippincott fc - Co: malty FASHIE FOB dIFIiJI: MICORD turrEas. • - - Corner of Wood and Fifth &nth,: - • HAVE neeived their Amelia styte of flue, to er) icy they respeetintly Invite the Weed= ord. , ' cm , . lien and . eatreas. eetteeellY , • - • WA MOW IAVENTION PATENT AIR VIRCULATER AN VII4I.I4ITrItUTFLTOR.,-Tbe sobooribor,wi inuodseo on Usioniay;Oet Anti. Oehdeftwl ".llllll _ moo Los trwd wutoldodesiroblearlicla willpleate OM( and examine: - ALFRED ICLEVIIE Priettil Hauer, aeD ' • lid, hood of wood at FOR 'MASS; TFIE Sabaeribeewioleave fora Tenn of Tenni, from the Ist Apnl next. the Lot of Ground, fronting 110 feet on Ohio at, and 100 feet on the Dasoond, - Alleghany city. The whole will be leered together, or divided I. to lota h eradiate site. Enquire of . ' • •: - °oat* 013.ANBEILRUM--7 bbbunea btu tattling land Ibr =le WILLIAMS & %Latvian • 111011A.CC 0-9.5 keg. No LI twig, Wiles'hoot dm stmo Anthem bght and fei We low to close the lot by • • ' JAB DALZELL • °LASSES-3 bbl. lloaie; SO " N Orleann forinlets . Suc!!" -- "b•PB - 11=teleglk.. co"' •-• mister/slaw s• • tiza large Cm: and geed qaaltry mw %." landing; Or • • • • ea* ' ' I DICXEYk. CO • MA w Ol 4 l . -4 , 0 lb, Jou . fbi,1 11 1 , 6 1 CO on) • . COT 4*& 0.4 streets CIN2IMiOX—M tb.PM , e o d: 1 .1 V i lp i y a, co DWAILLAIIII at Jew' by _- .L oeSt" - J SCIICIONWAYER It • wood tt Li bay] lut Ted; br isle $7 San~aaTas—~you.imiu ~oa~oiaooi~~co .O ED—soobad. Rio teed' kiBIS sale by ' • • • cmis •• ROON Ak CO MACILIEBSCL--00 bbh Lugo N. a:Mackerel 6? ' cau3 - sale by It ROBISON it CO Ditilti oaS imm°o"ak,a.9 4 ..k!lnAtant6 fIOPPEIr—ItSO bait rime Rio in nom for sals by oct9 •• 0 BLACKBURN it. CO, water la PITCH -33 bblsjust badint; foe 101,10 r . ocl9 • 0 BLACKBURN 100 BZEZOIB-69 es Flowers Bermes leer ree'dr Fire oete eels by 8 E SkI.LERI3 nu,§bbisChotarst & Co's Wu 'Maw Lull Oil, ,1 1 , 41 a vr i ,d . , expromaly j liocalmas i &or & wear, Yll woad st rAR/DIGX-6 kegs best &what Melo ril e n4 nry . IJ(1 f“"n ' fUP. r "shd mi l lAt rCO • • BCHOO A . ALI 74 -1b bCL Er , ara Apaa, t 9 3 •'• I 5C116574 ER& co VMS/RV-19 kegs matted, eao. • mall lot • - SU &slab Emery, 'masted, Grade by , „ISCHOONMAUS k CO • PLOUVI.—.6O 0610 errsh pal:0d; • . .1: - . 30 ~ MU; WI .4 1 . 0' W GREER _L . :•et9 • tor maglateld a water in TFll.ll!Tehcfltus Y H :ad hopertal .70 bss mad O P brine by °eta - ROMEION &,,C0 . • Tra—Mlelins Y 11. Imp, and Ci pi 73 catty kis I' . // Imp ,al2lll3for sal* by G A tli . bbl. UjZittllVA'A(l7Eriba, wuzuK—sbbumftvaawif .W D) AIOLAIIIMS-100 bbd N 0 Or Wt. • • veer • R ROBISON CO,IEu liberty ft =?== = Orfi-Ll4 balp. rime Belecootelirintyllopn reed /7 for We by UM A REPAY. • 01110.,c: bbis (rub' ram — ily Mar josi tech!, fin 'l 4 bale by • OAYFOILD CO • en? • libeny obriprita the bead or =afield afirrm2.,.4 l l!:)l.,.P . lPopest mkt: for We VciAlii , ;•*.ilatitsessii MQiiiiaINMDMI Cnsssl¢ 7 l/ boa b ariiirq (w..r W Wls D: I Y PACKET IRE _ 01 0 1 1 3Lerint bashed sad and ma P.m belt= gme seeeeanoarnen 4.114 ton lOW ems mom. MA.mpondmr. NttrlL Tie has bees an OPITISIIII fin In vein sorrel Man alt onbon tee INN ig . 2 1 10 1 / 1 014e2mTbe bre will be . at Up. am • ale TOM. tim Sr Ballet nod Ile karma pneeeserrr bed , . ewe. ter. In all Ow pester um/ ain b• pow OADAY PACKS?. 140;40 OntilitA,Cept. Sarre .1 1 1 leer. !Me belie even wi aeoraies *Viet; iirbeettee every MoldsMolds leveeing der at le P.M. • lIIVIDAT PA.C7ICIre The Alen letailio.lll,llieetfolv. leave PI .• interip•Tanday ~aft at Woe:leek; Wheeling every Tvendav nettles' 1 is P. Az inkinriainior PACKICT.' ' Tua raw. ertor-irat . dio. Iry COL B. Pviet;w l . leave .Pt i tt4l4 ► 4everg ,wedneethiy. maratais at le &dock; enmity Wedneutlip evening at 111 P. 1110111.11D1Y TACK!?. 710 . 3413C0M1N.Capt./L.7. GrsesorUlle . ars Flub: bargli errentllkanda}porebigutOdeloek; Whecliag. every Thuriklisy reciliqp — allo • • , - - -- • i lIIIIDAT PACKET: ..... .' ' TlkacrAnmios lb, egg: ennisorill leave Pitill 'billet mar Swaim slisdeloct• %Similar ccuTFriday SISP.II. - . I. . , • • • . • ..' -'. . ikrvalcomr PICKET • .Ts OE4 Csis.:-.Laylmihtts I. .bush evc neorsilag 4110 e • Hlefetie • l .• Eq .,. •Tur ~ VEZIAT PAGEL?. ':_ I . • The ISAAC NEWTON, INK A (4. M.., „,fir leant Pisobingb Away Sunday essnus; et to 'clock Ebedin 101tornry Blii evezni al ID P 111 •• / • (myna EißWK,laibelkinared by Isisei loveralohvar, PC.IIIMMeI • my*. lioianiele, , mem kir sale by . ISAWL/I Xll5l - .Xwagsarartla Lao/1W lasaalliaarr. MPH witaai eagaton af Ws Lark:Wm leiteasuansca 11 on Tdoulay . tiir lit day of November , .aeat.. For, partleatan eaealais Jalka traria It Sam. 11 W. 10414.1il T It Nevis It C 10,190 Llbenra. . °email . t - • DKiz rIN. Primpai A -A. ILI join:did( tiara Issiir r eekbratei drafting* conOatly u load Rod An sa& 1113.1fe; untspricn . ••111HACKLETT& ' spda • • .• • • . INI *fed H.' .S PlCir litt b i tlZPrr' 11)bapxAllspri • I,! thump;i?r 141 e • • FLOYD Dy sz a tis E znebt, .. .r..4 . kbaombrommemn - • ammo, 8 F lodigo; far gieby _ Jtl FLOYD SILf//111.1-40,000 Havana Cheibinsi • ' • • BKOce Common Kt:Miter, 'list reed% Kgr sale by WICK i.bIeCKNALKSS . 040 t. • • ear mood sad water tw PILLS -10e 0001 McLane-is Lim Yid,. Canary arerehantowill do well ori toko hoiso misapply of dem adebrawd wall - kopora out ouvanially - approved of by ikon who have toad thaw- Par "Wetly Wiralligtlo bbla 4". • Jost received mad Wale& ." • . • -- T. MULTI-4 cum . tow piked modium; and all J.I wool Lu34mtysi W4llllllO goai r gat recOyarat for sale 117 : . Bilde M. win" ithiszfr; Zit Z 11ZAZELTON, lOW iudo MILOZZLfitYLTI O O bills Pio 3 knrs. for solo, br • • ! EDWARD REAZEIXON - • . 7418 -- • • Zoo oda of Mumma Blp_M_lnir.F.T . los pair hu eaa ~ r yftieuir Blankets H il !spus -134 . 611 ." reo LAIITMIL fiAll,llll—ftlible for Lug, ts, wapren huutind Ibr gala at No 141 Libefity atm; eon Cusal. • • ••/ .. $1.114 ; •", W WALLACE puz man ohvf y was A.liejball/, p)! 80. : AVM arP III I OTTDR. bbla Roll Banari blacks try Praohes,lolo; • 10 bb4'Croabtniso; w sals L . ooll.ol,llo . bh9ast T . ol;firizt a l o • A ttli &wood streets bbl. ByiltmileCeiristlotmatired e i rd V i r No by ' • GORDON Deg t - Imam 41.103 &ant .0 IA • landisg, for ads by it FLADVD,III4I4borty st . rTiI6JI2-75 hf le . 11, 13 raced 'haling, :I ."-• !'/11.1',.ri!7r!!"Trekl;Mir TM • OILIICIO bzspe■ 12 , 6,1 f a Tobse- ILs of tie be bras ler by: • . J t 6 FLOYD 178.—• iof extra wily Floar, WalPs brukdi - • . OilTA1;110311WVA CO . S • II Camemenelal raw, Ilti•ny , TIFIMOO-40 cenio Bylaw * Masa; ibrsak. by eetb . ItOILUAN & CO SPl . 2.:4ola!jri' . Pepper 21,141;111 . 1ithtt i Alb& Qll6A4—l4Janne% Storsilifbir «tS InCYSTSON V i rttri k. l ';l2e"V m "u" 1 "17 , ..v.• ItICSItIIION frollucco-3p1z5 . 68, es I.,Ab low r , d; for and • naltbrseallfplaßelillaskie Metals I nCaaulidisor.ol perasibti We loy • vett • : - - LIMAN *.130N bbl, No. Lard Urdu; nipitipery and ON yurposesi foi ale by • ' .-• BI:ANKIITS43 uzusi . oCB4.o:4;lo4luld 114 Whisne*,fumejend,toriqedooddLandho•ytilla. lea, ned; for • aed - I WAITE sUGAI3.4 hbaiN Litwin •••••.. bble entaked and poliisio.4l f mormi DADDINSS-3 Wes kw pviel sod maims rod adtu . sp—ver datp—lutr n eir,ier salet4 o ar , 4 ' PAIT 40 14-3 lark (Fai .13ELLls) list Arre EVll'di kr. 0 , Gatac—taoli. prepinnfaalktisi ire'd and kai oat -,; We by : - MUMS larsa—t 6 iumfkleseht4iiivoLi Th.per IJlot Weill ocill • t —.SO&CILRIT& fun CA11111•1116-1 rim.eaLlt, blar..4 to Jest reed; forsaytLy era snecemrrkvitnrrE ' 4 =V 4 IrT - Mrrni 74 l , ‘""77 , 4r ,121 WOOl 61611/I nOODS—lflionstsu" esead aglit eolartgad deshable rrig=dolalsfrt.lntlht 0 ,°'"l-n'r., Waat hl br B4lCOlimi,Nd“ andi%:AAta?stitinequi -712i lOt "4".7 — ; ^', .TUBPANTINB;4OLib . I;& N . r:=rie oar 'i . as steals ft - Bte in tlll ,. --::ildsVA m fbdoucil , tbrrn bti - _ea . ( liberry.: mar do am SALTPETILE Mom= 6, Wilt R fr' ltOkikTie k CO. TOBACOCP-311 him - • . Altai C Itseg .IYl'atitie!gsaly t CO vuurs—uoiciasti soe4; for italb — C . "--- TulipxyprOll747lo tbro i rtoirtitibrriiiotoo by oat LIINEVOCIfor.OO Lir s o . ..ol,.mosAlaltanasailc6ll.7- - i••• ,AlaV i taadlie hisik au - at; for • by , JDAYJELL• FOTATOZS, 4*-111 g d ets Potatoes, titOtpc Lir sob byi b !. 8W.N..206,a41q0.1 Cs • JDAt.:ELL 1140N—ler lbs a b irsy !fp, I. am cm. Fen -46 No tt gielrerel feAdAtr AA. 4 . esaatt 0r Wt br •/AZ D AL-ZELL gAO/11r—t tree tieneul Desna Ste*. , i Rae i do' do dai labenej_lo.ll .OCII . - -.auk for setae. ' DAUza. (111—tienbangs4bibe Nark= Oil formic by - Li bad: 4J. aosoasocr Rvaputalewpitaseasu.97 be by owl !-. - - muzikir &co :061111,05111111 1 / b hlsektpli for A id u t - .j £MP PLAIDIC—.2Ibbts *it DA lab I. I EICHOONALIU 4XI swots AND LUIRANTB Web) , swots VVICX tlictelgoLFSs an= DOW DICA-4400 kers of the nzieisiktinkret " • Quin., and Ithirlei hrwderm tor.*)e by • toet,4l • • ,:c —"" t Allll.-Busar tiusd J 40 /Off ask lay , 14,1)Aft &SAN salyt • " tisar..ll .. eels - WIXOM It Maliatbinicett V1AD.4011411 thisireirliedelulallio okra eigasprisal caasoMmesniairr ortaknurlMl. d 1 ".."4"1" Al* ,- aid - INZ•I4- t • BUIM ~,~ LXQ;M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers