. . friar. kio apeah4WwYt it ait iiWasprak , " wnsot Inkteligtog;t4, 04 7 • • ' " MICAS—Th.: sabietilwr teeemd farm .Pellin Tall Compaari awn*Ketirilit.allime It et 'MM.& Isporsed, of WI Own. Ines 371 11011401114 Mer - L , A , JA YNIS S se 010" • • AVM idly-No.ll4db 13 AP & 6-11,0 *males MG , PiPM twamilesftli. eta* „I: 'SW riaminki ItOsridd 1 a. al saleteur i. - • -SISTROMML -15 1 06 • '• d'EARS.O,BUIIOIILI4 rAXL:Elddoodkoloo' Diem *Wipe Jrooldy,Goos. roonort for dot AS p.aostoeutos .l wby HD STOLID.. • „S.mrplo. ea Famd *.VOW *pawn,. I) [Oral TAPIDR4 I iii 1141.114 Dor 1.4.0 1- hy I, I PION'S brfl i rr do. Ono t. - I td :tad o!rdd!rdd.di , neldoed sod Omni. Or . Jed: - , TODD SELLOIL iirrienkii-0 dog foseoy. Usti .12ologoo,Added amoriodeolonAlUddowaAlitkiddiadovi Unto Or ante subs odoo igloo( , JAWS wzAvaa /7/4 . mutat ear fret O'IN KEW AND*l3lrlr XILLAOA lt Wats VA 10 tar WS Lettiall 1. might, (muds 1. Mar IMIBIS *a %View Sterele outdo-wan frac' • TIAN:MX 110111 r. I. l UnTa: tetts wuLb.18.1..1? Beasoi,ift. U $ umo ckatovetvisy 1 *Wink. fbe.loeca oliNinle I tl.ner staidiej_tinneasum 4 b 4 gorpmed.v6ll 411/10A2/111.11- ' fad rLyrr-47,trrit4" IleiTtillatfr :41 - - tfla lisorpostvelealauldutt r%lt C er gi _ l red au/1774'e tair,,m,....irrrs J)INI • V: anr(or . sr ay betas: ' " .4elr, $ de do la nenesili.r b. - JOON scarr 00 hbosny 4 I.,7IIITiG,OMOZII-4 toblhalukoales Glaser T jint retelyad SCHQ,OrCt/OES I CO_, : 11111CIIIINS arprusent of r: . eluartoz kl!aibelE.,Japt reek' and fet..414 bbig•rar,nire,77 l • uem awn nu mired . Amain_ asialry • 2 0 otaSCIBUSAIS _ • lsli ~ ear woes miserielorn MOT - . . , A'SUZIF-died , la Paw* . ' .11‘. Id '!`-Seatedinon media dm odd by_ ..♦ CUNKINOLLLBI,I4I 410 M at . , OPPY.B6—lanadtedl:ind•Onxati,.'dtd adataddat, C , dedets nod avocets, at tas Mow& sad epics Ei bow dT nftik.st. ,-AaTtd , RHODES& .iId:MILN • • A. 10141-131. 4 1. Eabtota _ . 011 - fiCtiouar VIVNIZIED Ott.-Tbti!ptneni W e l/114a .. Ms • ' 5^.A " VWCYrWi Y -1 . 410, dam " ..1-4-1 P .l rhlp k VSS I IIt 'BEST.= 'irlic;d at • _ . • 7y l es" ! i'! ' g ell l- 170 6 friNVIVICUIVIetli .1131 - 015VTrdrde trd'e emotive fermis Jo , , , V VON BONS NV IeCO uje,e I K pger,..4e hempen received (Weak by - V-r• HIV,..:;:::.+VIEND.IIHEY&CO.St caw et .4c!•l•lliiirfeot:lbrsoleb 7 .I►loDtUo.ihst wood &Otos , .4..:i...;..:-::;,,.1",....„,....Nrm ZO , as Duni - 110rronor V - !vi , `s4 V4.4 , ..afer *J r ./ jygp l f &CO 0.11”4,0 bblijou reedweirs bossti toms* wrida RICSEISON M seairte3,4l•lo.lZ lA/ ,14:illirAZE.:001.14 •16i D _ sweSotNOttAUS4“relinietasi =meeting: et the omib tut corauttt , #.ll►tut otorkU, • 1,7! ‘,..trpprafr.-1T010.4," -"- - ,Er. DlO iiillll. Wilma egailimisinipiwees.st V 'Alio bonnet rig bass, and wkitegienspylk,Aa (ILAREI`Wiise 73 ILI d0.61:,f0r fit Ow. - --- - ' Isapegial, Ycorder,amaDVl Tea/,la awleolod. T= o ib Wap mckbarerafticak d n . . 301 and fot iileby [fi! UNDRIES-1 sieka.festkevai seek .13esseradji flares anal, 7l earls elaead,adas len_Atdee= ea, 11. Vouakeemad Wrack by 56.1 WIRY &CO fro. I 1(711,100%, aLuss—Ykruire. bile; 10 dela by ! WI% MO 10 PY14:11/ da Way IS ID 40 It ." 7 In7l° iNIVONTiffIoT b. co . ! T TIAIS-1183 pirChideaa Lead bud* Iry .14 OD- ONET-0 ia.ll b6g " “ I """idArns • r c Tattekeinee . Gli3ll SHllol.l.l6Ptil eases Jut reee...ls g t i tala imellbany t. metals . . . . tv..ammom , cLALILET wINE=A LOW sopedot molar, on& soseirt ls.dai se boas*: • . Oz. ' JAOOIIIFIRAVZIEV Wino Nolo.- - 1)11%12.1 , 9011 . 1 1 dos 0,0 shoe.. from sto Jo 1-11.2!,y419,1-PlitC9111111,•+--11*.zigindtan Orr 7 . 61.3 %VI iL i ti lb44'l"iii' Glass J. .star for wihr. •OW • A AMIN: . . _ .Tivcsirrig, Largo luvuovu,t 7 .• )--- 100 Diris eniesos; 43ir b l ; • • t.ona; 15019Timbet'stRrinisad for Pr ----16 TVA IPWSWILM -10 bbb lai reed: Mr . . Dam:ark/WE& 47-OPII6-4wcrlearse*. du saki? B' sup mem .ne toeulirbt jyr • F MUM fe inas4 • FLOIII102;t11nte preps Nom fillies Irs i lieffiaii,ClD..SCOS.olllloll-10 csk• 'PER ET '11 45 1A -OF --4 Vrizaest-ignsiro94, tareighlgsarark,. Mss GLASS -12 Al011,11411;74,54!uod suaifu oof ritsuf--.10 'ix< ra; on t • una sod 60.11..b 1 1 ULM" • ' 11'1:11G"3" ~LysTYL'Y~t~tif~ Wl~~ a ° gtpWCJ.i:~ r+'iTl~ rstAzairs— 'were Br - sascAsuuces Jact tam rals suoutictro '4O , IX NfAIMOu JON &CO.. raainielltar , or Abtitolowo isigt ino , A.e.otorma. bp. UAW( MWs. SALAD 0/16,11$ a 11.Negyj•KiigV i =lai t. he jy4l WS" mead it OW. tr'L.t2 L. 413 6 &QV iii: 1" 1 , sM 13k1 6".. 0•.,Zr"t414,5""*.V.,%iga HLUTA vou o[l,4olLieLisiat4 011 ki"inentrsi=rtli Wl= e."*l" yr.:24°:vilant - 4.96 - PoAir' yns,' " 6-IAD-440 pLir '._47rt",`", air-ma wiwanT,W ll L'.)-I:w4 l ,',P;:g6 l =i+ CAl4 ll4l l sisrinsaf• tynimitttrl: ,„„. Asivgr i orrtz a ki Priammi Din—lio - bige Aembe• iglia Bantu; £i NU76- 46 i.astal vir cartaien t al 40 Miaow 'D tme spieenakmya I - • cpitHielr /M sa e i = t eMil_iy_ll_,Elor±._, , wd oak sad ; wiz iemovi owisw".l2o.bu.la :me' -FORM' a 1:11:1NCAN:i . vrier sae free at! MAITSII; ' 40*. 4 ' o ° . 14 /4•ll4 S kit's lnlOti • ' , www . IN4.ol3 , iatiMo:diii : rosettic keis ia ttli t i man reaN co: .Tanupliati.i 141,441 Esau., - _ 1 1 , Pica* • . 1-45"1"7 ferwitate I.? - ,IXWA* re. e it.inder 162_41 1441Milkqt - _ ueyr s k r .W -s o t 01. owl toi ,i -D .btlWa 4114 Ar r . Wu''aflkfi s wfv n,•llllPT , ieWailg. ra -W m 4 Liguria laittatlitil Ad M at , - AP • it itis ttidat,Vttliww, panel tw , ;e1ete11r. 41 0 1 4 , 4406/0 01 • 1 0Mtlicar , ~ AO , ALI }Pi ,11.1e..1911 11 I:llilactilt - 11 . 4&*6131 n In f i l k i tlit a i 'ZIT Wrik lo 4 oo lijStroaraosizi46 op . .: ... '' 7 . 1 “.:.•.` , -....;`.` . . t.n - ; w ?C ( '''' ' ... 1 -. • - . COMMERVIAL RECORI). __ • TE --- --- , ~ .0.-. s i ...s 19/131119 ...4.... . ) 0, 1847 ISu 1.549 I Moo: 1 Moods . will mime , iad ded tb. radde auft.s t _Juls; ll°. 1 " 9 " 89. I 911"" Veda co Jean t6d, anikEn9 weidt 6 Tbendray 6 0 711 0 1 uv. 0 ..i.,, 9.6 mataphm 6 2.92 11 2 I 710 1:1 - *gum, flog Detroit every Toddday Weedy, 7 Siddrddy , 2 7 9 I t 6 Ile oont9 Is one Tear . 64 , law arg' 2l 8 Sairky / 6 S 7 T 561 Ime and 'swell adapted oc. Mall 9 ddosag 6 1 7 6 347 "77 , g 6 r i..........ea5t 10 Treeddy 66 7 9 atm N 34.1 Be. ..., re • - - euitiumis ~.,..„ it Waludday 96 7 4 74 12 i f I I, iri ELBEirr, permit I - 1•111 a 0 W 1.00 ,,,,, 1 • 7111W - 7.Witme.Oceui Mumma: Ceptalee. Lwave. Amei.. Lave &IMO.. IIIMMILII; Hewitt', 4 4 . ',lllibenas,lue) As; ' ' Sale :0 I: 8 0 4 :4 4 .Wwleiee„ law) : • _314.10 Pl!lledelpkis,(Frl, IS • idly 11 khosersr6TPry . . ./ler3l - • July 31 New Yeti, (Fr) •: • Septl3 •' Aelt.l 3 !We", - • thwt.ll.:' ,Iles 31 PATTSBOII.OO 11040110 0 TBAILDE: 0000TIVZ 17011111411115 T. Olta. WITIWG At. X PASSENGER' AIIttANOEMErt FOE teen - SLIM Bost 'Packet Lute, lase* daily for . Cie. P rPseket via Beuressille to Witmer, and • ' ladidpkia, BA. rt sod 6P. • Caul Pullet Liao to Philadel*la;daily, 9r. I. • Mail Coach Use' direct to Pbilsilelphiai p 31, sof na Cud; Use, 6A. Is. !teeth Western via Cluelsad, dolly, 10 A. at. . sal Wisdom Nur Part. daily, 9A. rt. • North Eaters to Philadelphia, dolly, accept 6aa .. • • - AIRIVAL AND DILPAITUREP OP MAIM - FAA= Mud ids Philadelphia, dael3 . A. M a . cloaca Wese nt l 2 Cladiseeal so ' d I.olville, Asa 8 P So ttisen Stall' via Baltimore and Waebaaston, doe, 8 P. tel., closes .5 A. M. • Neel Widen sui Closeted, des A. Pd., closes Erie . and Walden Nan Poet, dna 8 P. M., closes Orate rNrraso ESE tiaiertt, t. T•eldii.Mofliing t - i . lortg 10: Ws rele " ssrited yestesday by another lire - sod Is windier to day is quits pressant. The riser last evisdn; atoll 4lt 3 Inches is channel, sad es. Bettina. yeaterday was quit. dally oresenting 'nothing Mom than att.' to a geneMl way, without any material change Is mice. nor" oar mat report. FlOar—There has bean . bath., &trimly ottani foe wend days past; and ass emostissone, the sap• ply is finite Untited,!nsd price• if they have not ad. vaiteml, bane become mom film thas at last quota tion.. We nottinalen is mail quantities at g 4,1710 Com Meal—The demand is limited, and nary tit an in found Is We itarket; it is held nominally at 40 . Grail—The amid is •wassailly dab r regatar valor we last queard.l Wbeat la bold nominally at Bb69o*—t7a 40ddid—dora 37840 sew 111925 e psr be: horbdaawi. No perceptible elude aloes oar lot nowt. W. iota who al bXI) lb' aboaldaw is dil West lob at ; 6019—.4 Ibo 9 basil . 8 1 03 a, lad aides is lenrystar way Wait _as Omar l . Lard is .iteoata wad ragalaraalea Gear at 14090 r tb. -Bina/ ands*, ailed gaoled, goad beg lain dasildat 0 - 9k—ibrab, is jm,9a wlllag reasoWlaie at 15014 a e lb. - Data bulbar ales of 11010.1 900 bbla Arereat lots Woe river at dailawed at 110 e r Ennanezz Maiwrr.Avo.4.,-67 0 at-Ww ants Wei toy the dny Wed, al j 4.50. retailing at 14,T0•-• Sew Uar esEng at SOO. 011eaaa-ltatesse 1101. The aolls arc offering ,70e4p he, a 1 which liars On tuners Mass to alt. Teloseo-•Eako oe'W lihdi at the following rates: -rust Imlay; POI 6-Weeead -doi - 52,EW277 46 - 3 n l do, 51,608220. Chows hide at higher nan. • Weel-le grease, 141217 e, washed, EttEt3e p r ", 11 ° I1141 M . IP lb ' ST atria iisIIZST, /MN 29.Li1Caso-iales of .coostry teday,are se toilrnoZ 46 bids ms old 61 ot la. Illonnea .4 Pan m ot. j 4; 23 bbl.CSlNell at. j 3 "Th; 10 kbls serwebed at jr3 25;130 do st fit sod 15 Will mlddilay la 00. .• . - Groia-Nbak has deelisede p ses ear tut ireekly review tally 10e p bus- cat desaiption, sad the *mead is at preosat eery inactive; andel the milts tore napped. sad there is ao laws*, for Omani sa moat priesa. Balsa within the pew Wee daft hen rispd it &Soon tafewer along mad NI fret 73 tol4mnel,l,d kaa 18004104 led Erilft Ilemp.:Salos to daLfl 31 hole. Ildr at l6; 16 lib raries. at 1 7 6, and. 7 at fair . Itgernlag .t S I3 N 590 win oared nor a pone lot la stews dux worway. Ws quote interior to roams fret 170 to 80, to, '.l seed Man, primes 11117 60690 p are. id-Sennpts dames the week worst to 1603 piss, The is all probability 'erill go dawn to s 3 =Jr= 100 , Woet-The deltand is OW seed. and we quota as bentelose, say nom la gothee. 10014 e. commas Inaltod,lso-11e; fouth, half sad tall blood, well cleaved, Dow EL to 26e lb,-gfew En. Air 016.2 A its - m.iirr; Joie 161.76a1eiel souse Stday 6r 6ooo balsa, at onside prier -oar• wad lbr Soar, SOWN Wenn 1125 sod )at S 4 , 220 de, 030 ad SO) st 4,30; NO Et tools at 3,50.-{BaLletis. - CI-SRL/LIM Itsserr, Ay W iCaa W i l p I. • nett S p6l WY ;Pork IV, e% . 959.1bm Vetter 674 MM. 1201 t Pig Itosli9A10) Cad 6,711% M. Wheat. SPOO Sale 0.-50 hble OMIT $411.-2 OUO bo. wham Iron" Boot tee. . • Alto, 900 Ma salt, from rowel, $l,lll-30 bldg . whiskey IClc.. • : New Wheat them Massie worth 1314c.—ieterms. The esp *gate quantity al. tbs woe article left et tide water, New York, from the commemceeseat of sthigatioe to the Met of Jet) icelcime, as Col- Floor bbie Witeld,loo. Coro, be. Satley,ler 1110...2X1141118 tfitt,B79 3,769,039 . ISt= 1e16,..1,97,4C6 08,90 900,011 151,1132 tease lor i as 46e1,914 . ;pm - 7,Z 130,705 • By redwing the arbeat to ISour.thequettly of the latter left et tide water thieyerr.eompared with the rorrectoodfirg poded ottutyar, shows an onus equl to Ipeapb6 teurels °fiber. At the Briihtoarattle Marta, latest data th 4 mosth, beef . Mae were selling at 57, for aura, end '450 & 75 casts ler for inferior.. • Old cheep film j 1,17 to 3,24 end irmhr $1.76 to Strino—ooly them lot of 69 ere tit mar. bud is eureueerte of the mall repot?, tbo pre. ree oblaifted Wars higher thee last week, say 5i mud 4P-frrefeuer. • twoodm gkion T s s s 4 r by using. eitclruri.-IstAmertm—s - W s tabu. & A -4 et &a a s s & ad C e ,ries& G a s t -108 loathers, H Coulter . k es-. 40 SS& basso. J Joslea 413(1.-29 ale bale W isille-60.tses pid Meths . * & Toseadas-E6 beds apples Rotllllooll . lk 1 P91 411 .• Ps+ rissicia...l. l oo raver 'lslam, le rkll ipplaa, anew es •beard-3 W Warbase -31 Skieras., &W idattaitil.el9 de do. W Be,. 10 . -21 do-0,110012-K° kOle winger J 'td) Mdisldartar, _lll5 ricking. - NASHNILLF..-Par. 1114*-64 yaw pig seal. Voids, phase& & Alet/lOL'' • soarLICAPIIIIO TUU DALT. LEECH :& Co's. rAcILET. Phgadelphis tad VIWWIq3VILLE PACKETS tie a..a; sod 3 016308 PACIETS st 9 sad 10 s. sod 3rr trOSONOAPIgI,3 C.ITY PACKET 9,3 r. r. (31A560yir I'ACKICT,GIassor,4 r. to, , Arer..taviuxwonius,9 a. ' trittAnkliiirs, WilletiltS,9; Woitriid, St Louis. 4r. m ,'• DISPATM. "m, Nekos, Ekowsstilist. ItingAM.M b starAfg.usesstii.cliA..u.. • ._ M;1 fORT-WiIiTTSIIIIRG kM 14 4 11 /45 \.L.O ' ARRIVED. CamiI,ko***_ISIVVIIIrARIN • - 160111Liseuges. mama, liziornellle. Wetnlll4l." Rams. - ' Fleages. Witert,Sesish.' Doopalr.A, Nit.... Alos. City. Caleb Copy Sbelas, Glawew. , . . Roost - lima i i kur ksvo. L4e gds. Ban ff . Casiles,4ll/0 kr*: ließissiort. SUPPir. FlasalasA; lama, Cis. Aase*llll/ • • As Staillsgsa. Diselcb, . bletase; Hosisatt. arowsn'il to. idadiuq, Woodirutl,RecoAstillet; WallaTWa.'flanwo. Rbolo laud. Minis. n. abb. Cor,..Rlteles, Maslow. twedirs. tissancluesa, Ibleteespms. girl% loom, rp.:tiseso. • 4411111/411"4 COMMUMION PROMJCB-MERCHAIak pay diesiranain .111shissmeafteibe atersinla fat tbellotlPlZt r:=111 1 S pospitetirii k no rat 4= ms ., lam rionsikrZi h r. kes . a x tr a t thystll4ldapiw . ALN ' • : :0111110111) - TirrAstv,ii:. Wxe,l wt- AnormAJwiti.po,-, pu h t;ask; ,Nit,ilo.lll9l/004 EIMER !=. STEAMBOATS. REGlTL,O.iaNctramen t nn LOUIS PACKET. • The nein" andardidiwaser . • • TjetWonairitd:mastrOnn luttlhta dity ulaVelacs. Irprfragluocastertap , -uppty.e " -an - - POR CINCI24INATI:,7'. rba.ple4d , a stalr - - : l ilait --- -iiriei , as aboiro tloilbios, m.-"",...,." . For treat or Utt. 4.1 S. 1.16. "'",* ' • - 49 g . "MerWllr el"'.1!'ll i-iiii/t ' . ja '' '' Thooplendfd thrlttalsoisid sumer, sawn, FE.' . i. ; 1. 1 iw """Y ''''V er 'lPlTF.,lvelset au a., et I/ 0 eklelf. . ,7 mur► Or p/ksiPige app ; • . I. 101 ZANIEISVILLE. „ . , ' • tight &swats sod hos • steamboat.,halpfuo • Wore, rawer, wig ply', as a nirpilmr et betters* this plasma Zarier. with". I , freight or puma. apply on !mord or to, • toy 4 • I 01[0,8 MILTEISBggfrEar laarmaim rut alma Malt • kat • • ;,. • /be atm end arm steamer .Ebbeati master, u Y reszmnal her 11011. War tillm *art mat terra Thisbariti ma ahem+ evert Irlarraday 'fail Moo dayillV`abek. P.ll Ver....km*ln Pt P.lllPg• sEcipaki!mouusvlttx recarr ~, :: -I - . ! . . Tbew, ne Intiti . dranxbt anti fain i: . 4ing wanner • - , -RU REZA, I ' Crozier ,muter, will run ns • replu et between Moberg% and Louie , ville,deringtke season.... Fee leavel'Wednesday July eikb, at tbe'eleek. • - • • !. • ••• , . • Fee freighter peonage Reel,' en hoard. ,V2O The ire* and tam manniag steamboat' '...'' CALEB COT E, flitelea, Master, built capremly kr this trade, will nor as a regular Packet to : . .. 1 Beaver:and Olargew—kaviog Pam , broth di ly at 3 et`eieek, P. re.,, and:tanning to Glargow pw* etc 'Purdy and Bearer Canal.) on Monday, W.r,e' *today. and Friday. .., - For frelght or:passage to Beaver. New Labors, or lte town. West and North of New Lisbon. apply on Wald orba jeS 9a IA HANNA COIL MI wood tweet i i. 71t - W - --1--Pre6saitEßTir-eco-vni-Entscir , -. ~ - PACKET. The am met . . . ~._•, '111111811IIIA• - i Saniaelßodrhonnster,wlll eliormenee maingaa a regular paebetabootthe i • . 15th but , leamme Pitubargh every Idonday,' Wednesday ea Friday, at 10 o'eloelt, A-11, leaving 7Wheel Mg everyTaesday,Th 'many and delay,Salty at 8 o'clock, A. M. For freight or yummy apply ard, ' 1.14, fTlTentittall AND W MOILING FAME?. • • • . Tbesplendid add tast raredeg rem , XIOW,gIIGILANDs . Captain GM Va, will adoinenet as above, ea Oa td day or lla . A . Lart rag Pindearh every TeadaY;TharadaY Malay, and Weida, A. M and laden Wheeling Nary Monday, Wednesday and Friday mil o'clock. A M. .. The kew F./Win d tar. b.. ' b°° 4 " " .. ;r r . get; it dada. and 'Mlle.!. ktar ,fi li as ve. rzw. IPP!'""i"*" . % JOAN MAIM Agsal ' ELMULAII. PACKET fon WELLSVILLE EMS • - UMI 4 VILLE ' ' 1 • B VZIII•rssd j,FIAI .. __ . l • , .. , lIVIL II 14, "1t O. IL it saws emiscr, leaves Plus. Lv , r l . S U Slostsy ' Wednesday ..•. • , . . sae Flldsy m3iVelock, P.M SAT Ihniabeivillelen,r7 noldap, 711ustry SPA SI y atBWelock, A. M. VvireSkl Pr 1.... Ms RV& I • i : MeICEESPORT, tliDliTH AND MOIOIO 'DELA WY-PACKET. Tao steamer • • • • . •5) •PICIIPATCH. • • Nebo.= taf trar: modal Ond Frtesy,otifierko2 l A. .0k bola City every Too.daytTlo ay nod Daum .Hoek, A.M. Forks* of mow apply lyri 'trade. • " .11 of! abatis% Dieroaboar ioptinors Ason, row. le ter as oltroviscrseet Nas oad raw Wtwen Prookhi, .•Por (retell! or paasago spot* on Pl Idoild: • •' THE, drooArtesioOr I Bo*, M rordi matt weekly trrpo to *ea e portdarino ora• - • : lee bp bp, a or to •,• • .11 wILAINdi AV.,* I • RDODLAR PACE FOR NAglir"4:t . l 11e oe► steamer . •• • J. roolovlore C•pt nay., en. be: rep* trip. to Um abate Parma . lloadayA• Otis &smash atlll„..r. 4, FO el,Ar ( :might owe amyr board one until' • • - - - 11 • 10/1-- ---- 7911.'111T A dr- 01.11119111.10111 p LINE OF.C.ALNALP LETS ANDISTAGLI. . --. - . _ ... 1 7 1 .• MINA C4INACKKiII Tit: I.*r . 21;q1 A SWALLOW: I, .WV.117," 4 • 1 1:4 7 :41N " "Agit: and achy* at Witten earning in ...tam ley. ue Iknies:wkinblssels Cleve ben...24M. 1 P...Me will be !er-e4wentbrentb.eeendez bertbs intim" Irankete,and sewn 6 tbe Peep, en appLeinen as bairn 'wanton& Illenll% 1!..7 , bi hu 99 ? , 11 9 0 9 0919 7 ~..,...„ riviToN a c., Pitubea l 1 • MAMIE& Co. Heaves . I . • . JESSIIIIALDWIN, YaseinWein .1$ -- ' . • Bil Et TAYLOR,Wouren , , - • - '''' intlffitiZoT 2.1001 W willololo df , aa , . ~ . _ PLUG it' "1111 D -VA LT I X ORE. ' : or.. I. c ' . ;' . 7zdtle g V..lW .1•Ap..1 _ ' • T i et E k,oh• itil. .1..41 arm{ now ',I:A= 7..lrdt 4h itr e k —Y r. , VI 1.-:' • as do Leatcana. • Saturday. do 7. do Setuseky r Tral.y.Sonlar, do 8.. • • •do . Ohio; Clara, Monday, do 0. • d"doa do : ad.."*Kkd adia 7:74C''' a : :lde pt'TTl r mb2l keY 74 7ltwad lgre:T.Y.:l-4.6;d do l•11 :: :::43.5: • ".: do Loaldww,T 12, Wodansday. d 0.41. • g n do ICattwelty.T . areday, do IS.. .. 'd o ,Oltio.CrahVS ' &ID. . .-. de .Iwhaera,Betkcy, Inlay do 14. do twaloi ono, Thaw o, Etuoday,do Id ' If yoa denim cheap wee giad notakatantit deceits inania.:ons, wawa your ins au lie .Packet Ofice, .. r . Home, W D Mtn. Si of. .- Da Canal nia . . . .. . 'kali. . t .. .0111 r. a s Oh CO MIE EiiTERI kiirE IIIIII.EIPRIEB• MTRZA.l7B:iiitit r o kleet P.'" ,, E14 ',,, r,„,.. Sitiabaralt and tber.ist. =meeting ' at .. 111111- 01 a= Adams and ' , att ioe y4 k : c. prelo t. d e l l y.,..fo a r WI dna pridel,wl E.:1111111 el nave. of MI 4./ZEB twairod and forwarded doll Drowwwilla per Scans • en IWalt McLane and Co . latt and t .enea ny oar Ea- I t=7 " tdui r l = nisi tn. , I Foreepardealank eau a a* St Mains Meal build a, West suety r i . I bilk ma r ,—, - - 0 TlCKElty, , Ationt • . , I WNW )112.11,1111111. For Iliesaaisk.; Foe I IT die trargertahma Of -Mhtntatadtse. paeltarah and c valsaido wholoo,teeply • ) The pane ars Inbreed iltatarsald SM. , ad dtnr.td bi Sos* Nowt to Diann:watt. lan e alo gnawed to oar camas I w awl expeditioas =ann to deliver Owat too nodiately tiler arrival la Csi. • mud Waist' paelt.' yeti Dm Cowinsel lar rigs 'if intoned* ors , tomi be pamptly denim We. ._. ‘: . I • . _II WICKERT 'Agent," 7.• JOliall a,'; -; - : DI - al roar, Cbselasad , _ , 1110L1P11110 011100 AT wan,. , . n gppi'-Nitowice E. AND COMBER "D LAND, Is new nianista d sash way, areyhor 7M D. of Goods and Protean above pima' Met shandirs ems the Ern it oral in databank on the INN - of aba pied day( Oimberland-saakisys this Os moss corneas inatt rot (MOW 0r Oda Rom the Yalmro TrA,rsil in Llaltonoris win re a steeps auto time : Ilie only Agents ass 10 D 1 DLL, piusisasyls -' • 1 IIIeRAI MlUlllB.toina fr..,Egem J_D moos, woos. nairoicar £ amts. 1 ELT , F , IfrourFAVRIFNTA 4 c°l"iB - es 111, Illsallbsis 111 , sajtisurs. fi PM th eir makes io Me ants and Paws/. tr.rar.,:rov=i,Z l Vaild&Vgjii=ii: soma posehassnis ad eii, elan safely wan. 4 F ........„„r,a1ai5. Calidididdants WI constantly Lett *hums of the Eats of Narinits, iks.i i , Ilya so-Neelatia. Was Wu aJr Pm% tow Illirri sear illi don, Davidson Ja , loyil• &Bad* • Imlay. Cl dwell A Eng,* libila4elpll.l Haggerty, Draper &Jenson Nor York, i ..•` Ilahloore,/ano 11,11 11, 1 ii`aimed 4.----- Aliffst11:11 1 ( 717121111 1 7+ 1 .--7 r HILADEL - IA: , I .1114lAitil virmagas. anw. - • eknrasusawLoomiga*. *Cad islNNolsaNi la EssiniaDollosorian Ato 6 canoe, Also pines 6eem. Stefan, malodors spisiao illiddlidN o /1 iTabisaragrus PIM" IN 14,00, 10 ,4 1 rrf,. 8 OK r faemrd ad 1w aalb Z ola._ -, swam • .. A. soma, ..aupw. a. it cow • WOO atoms, i - ' 'NOTION. 1 , az amidoNki , of me r 'lw. 11110larestislend.itglial its" giva tliso wel' F - 0 111 0Pdli • d ,will oak MU ted an a 1 13yaoSis=_, ~.,,Dl idd. . aid* - - , +sm... i ' ... i ICAIUISKII WWII • I. ~ .- LoO, A TO - YOlllll • as. am ram wall the nanss, sad ilia lea TIN REKVIINS HATA in And I( Isar lionooY iddiddidd • 61 V ilk Ara told thin owns and not MIA l' ori 'Ocallasell & , , , nun •f_ ~.... tat.'" tri ts, andx&W n&T . • i_ . u & bee b tyimant May 1 Imp. TIN satiosrlbsna an Me Itatfoorall kima,,or pi „„ 0 ,..., / u p., I vtzl i t i l m tr wit ik , minnoi I iii 4 T _....-. - - I , " • a - .is . .4o S' totes) .f •i e vi Y • -14.1" rt it'46 Ur*. .111 frit WillilifttS, Ida; bliss Awl cant NeelMilf iralsWitewealskiNJ , 27y• reitinwi abors 5 a iine ..w.. 1.1"... , - Mr ialS.P. o6Bo ‘. ' 10 ".! .. .. • 410100 1111 / 110 ei i . , - prieemp r il i o u t A l 41104111het ' •—.,,,, t ,,,.._,_ -, 7:::71'.:F-'-'!'-.T.k.'''.':/r.:..-F....:, - :".', .1.`.-',r'' 5 ' ., f,,' ,-I ', , ' ,., ... , 7'.'"; - .;7.'eFff-,L-?...t4.4 - E..i - 7.7•7?'tt - .7r, ,, ,1' , F. -, 1 , - 1 4 - 1:: -. : !:." 1 .; - -. - ...; 1. ,:';,,..- '." , ;.:',:': , ;.:', 1:. '''-.. r'.'-'.--:-..:'.-.,.,::,7,,:.t::.'•::::',7:-.'''-',1',i.4-:':.....:::-:,;,:i;',.:.-H,::7v;-.."::'.:.-,-i..:_..,:!:,.;,..,..,,i-1;.:,: U X llS'. _:" Yyale .terase or UDC , lintilisi hrslasa , 77 11111boget.tviiiir erreary, Kg, !The above KIMONO reimrhii nownally ' et .-74111 lucky dicAller110011th: ahem PIC hos sag Ihr emu pearerif She foe- ' hor.MOW 'Mr: Keegan& Lodz will' have die lied.' Inaluilleami of the cam boarding department: hie {I7 k, of rho talreci, roc more, hincting salmi, aniketiset suousoriatic sod mr, mi. ec owt.to.jurr kat, wpa,, rubles, hors, carnage:l,4e. Ate. News. U M It Fha . Medea. Stage Proprietors of 1 11=Vril nn • regals: v focr horse Post Co . ? :;, the miasma, and7irniallihiLes and esurrisr . ele F tilloilier WWI I 0 IMMO I,loklll, 'bat Enelpi,•.., \ • . Per e* pomagar Vsneeborgh nisitecnildo well in latch. Perunissith padres Crisis to; Vaneebarg o n Taesthsti Thersdav or Ilatinday, when they will Ind mess sod carriages to larsend them to the forms ' . -M T U GOULD, Proprieusr P. EL—For oder panleelarc see lithographic bids, et I the harsh, sicautssach &a, and if :habil sot mare:tient lbw:aka for granted die folleernig lieu, rim: I That Pnealspis is nearer tie Oluo river thhe ail other eraterinzglace—that HUl:Mega:vet nionnthin acv-tbe mese delighthil, cob!, Insipid. sparkling. solpher seater -the baleen, coldest, clurret, paresvpira.critest and men aSeancos v 10116.10 Ontatain imp., U. States— Sitakit i- ' " jai nia tie, metareseeo end diventled, with' good' I.lllng, shoeldsvglex chasing, deer racing. /he. , mg:ether with' gaid eating, dnOing, sl , tteplag, waking. mding, Gaptler •blerre, f zara i, ing to go away, promising . to cane again—to bring fonds, neighbors, sisters. armee, sweet heati;lte, he; and &her all it is cheaper e pia( Eseulapia this at one ether of the 'firthetnable watering places. - This Is the mom of hitedrede who have been there and menu bin again ~ , tvladess IgOIOSITAIOI 110T1111., LIGHT STREET,' BALTIMORE, FOOO t. 71111118711 N, PrOprietaii.. • milts tmabllsi aent Magna widely known as beteg one of the atom egillo.2ll3slllin (bathyal' Volt has recently undergone very extensive alteration. s ad 1 improvements. An entire new wing has been added, ' containingnumeents and airy steeping apartments, !end 'extensive heroine mese . . The Ladles` department has also been' completely re tale laed and ltheited op In a most unique and beautifal sle ram whole m ost of roe MM. has been remodeled, with • ideate i . eye en' on' the pert of the stropricors Wreathe lbe comfort and pleasure of their Gams, and which they confidently assert will chat. 1 7Weir i eomppaarises rl hh ;: l breep l prd " w' U tV tr ' s:ery sub. trona& lad bully which Melilla et st,rdsrerved up Is a imperial. style, while in the way of Wines, aro., [Ay wit mat be surpassed. • . In conclaelou the proturteteri beg to say, thit melting wilt be left oodeneno their pore and Dente palter th em In render this Betel wooly the continued patronage of their Mends and the public generally. The priees far board have also been , redneed us the sytmt rates:- 41° Ladies , Ordinary, 41 73 per , day. I , . . N.' fl—The •Beggage Weston of the neve will M aw. 4e game at the Car and fbeanstreat Landing', which of charge. valleonveyi baggage 10 and (tom the Hotel, free I atria( 131WA13.1. STNI.MMI" 11011111114 ellactamoig, S. 01110—The subscribers hawing purchased dm en tire Interest of Col. 0 to Wilbarnson, law of tins erelP known onsblisbnowl.beg knee to nate to Weir friends and the cabin, generally, ilia , they bawl taken Ode cootwalloas Howl Sic • term of yew sod will exert Weir best energies to make It • desirable borne for Tray. ellen and Cap Ibuders. • • The Motel is spacious sod admirably phoned Ow eon einiespe,. light and tar, basing • number of parlors wklolning chambers, pnituning anew! auracoons m. hmilke.' Tinitieeent,pronrietoto having bad 1/1„ exert... of years to Weeny and elm...bete, boope . th i ey, will be able t: Jive panne , oatigeetion, be . tn&de Ineed to give The location er the rout S ibe treet Heave is unmeant eligible. hawing Crows on Pearl„,. Walnut and Third els e n that It to equally assemble la view of the eanvetel end to( Waimea mem felitTlMlZt rOt private boarders. It to near by the Banta the Poet OZae, tbe Lamm 11,11,(kld Fenn..! !Lail, and butane meant datum ham Mats meet and two wear. Crow the (Sty W.Jonf, ante oaring ile'gresteet hadoesmenut, ropechdlylb country inenellanto and generall ,ball penny, TiIIIUM Mon. sad. ' JOHN NOBLE • melll7 • !JOHN A MILE Oki :igrau•sia.. curraasia, r oir la DU) NOPNL opeord on Lbw /am. kir the ;torsion of company:. The oldies Amu one kindred sad tarenty•live est oa Aspetioria,,and on* Modred and alsolly-Ava A an Bask.; ad warms over Ineslraadred tarp *try dumber* and *sty paivalo parlor. all of which base ei ran been furainbk the omit early (armload. The &salmi name ant ipseiou and &sepals In elegann. ailibias of the kind lathe United Pus. lba dialer root. parmesan'. nation. reading, tcostaollec, and dreaiog roosaaie all tam ray, and farni.bod milk hairy Ed ascot &W M..? tan pats,. It a over I.<l yIUITS Ake Carrier pions of ibis = avail. inner. was /aid by Maur. P. M. Wed dell &N. Na expend* bar been *pared by Amor to •make Seoul 3Com saperior to any hotel to tbe and an pllllatilt to the easy • a • Cartiagea will be to saltier st at all tune, to convey passatorprlo and Dom the boat. freest alarm Civelaad. /alp' 'Mao A IS IiMINUM - - • ADAMS HOLISM, MOSTOM. • THIS new . I:ple i . t:SideatabllDw Open =reeted datt fe trastkat aed pee:limn .• . • • Two &wanddN Ipercase4 lad supe», aceonsoda 'tiNta teethe travelltaa paha, Dimed .1.! the peewit tor De plan of eseenne • heal, le m foe *plead.* and convealenee,aboald be narlyallod In thaVaiaa And. Nile ha' ban spared neither pains nor agnate In the attatarneekt of ILu damnable .10.01 he leava• tag pablie li to decide how fat he ban eseeeeded. • • The Hone saunas Lin spumonis. eourealeadv imaged la sail. and SailaDonna Thefornnare wax all made to older yeah parseolar abandon to many sad Aoevreitate. as well an mole old tplesetor.. All the modern ineentko.• have been.ortd• eaboetelent to the Itavallat'S Cam sad ea.aaall.. led an •spertenee of no teen Imo enabled the ;tread...De introduce many 1113710.111ei11a Vidal., KS yal, Zs* peeralaar to this Soso. Located on the pnnelpal etrees,_•rnats three mutates *all of the rut and Wettest railroad de.. pos. and Meltable. , sestina of the etty.this establish tneassontemada *tall to the Wrongs sf the bad.. sot Mesaterettasel. , 1, MUMS. Bargos. Ilona DM • coLvatma. noceso, Ckatles Sind, ktweis larket god Lembud - . Tan nabeevber baying taken We Jew ...tab• liniment, areas' bw munes w the titian. and hie wenendly. It is vOlz•elmi•Ally ~tatted as =rt.. •nd Rallmad Depot—lsla the tat dm Oilifil Grannies Immaromr linemen—and la tact.** locum° Winn to Woes madam the city, wow ay conveniences mid **K AM. at We mitt prinawal Hotels. : •. Tin born to mow balm fitted orieriti new forttliore, In good tams and style. and wilt Le -Opep tlas rani ie no tin n day of telt. 'R oprie I'm t 000. lhal it. ouretratiek ado]. •to r;en.v, tl lef WO to Lim • panne of the raddie pwronogr, twudent as well an innocent. i W W DIX, Late of We finned' Da & F • . Relates, Arnig, lodt alt BROWN'S 110T2.1., Tne underalgried bone of the late proprietor, :era 1 Brown) have the sausbebon of Inflaming thefr friends and deepabbe generally, dub the lintel , so long and favorably known u Brown'. Indian %een timer. wa.hinglen hns, by an wenn...mein Along the helm now full neural., of the utderugnell. as solo owners, and that they atone will hereefter umbel this extensive sod eurnsodiens establishment. Thee Pledge thernseine to use every exertion to apbold.the high lepontiOn and retina the large business wineh It boa herearfora passesied; and they unseen) boon. by the Inspronnients in she buildings end the renovation of Inninnreakwal to;tes wade, toseftr with a meet and annulnlng attention to tbe umbel of their guests. to Age nod receive Ile weal largo elute of patio Nktro. else with burro long been honored. T P BROWN. - . Washington. •C...fely IL 1647—lylVendtm : . . • • • '3OIIIIEII , IIOTICI6, - • • xo- la cairns" Mtn, Panwnstrata. rr lIE Eiribrierlbers, WNW the Ina of °moss Is Wan, bar. porebsak Mr,Jeaes'raterest , n this establialk• went. ataLlawr by tits salmon allenion w tlas wants and emarons o( their glossa. w 610Til • ttretil NUMMI Or the liberal pabonap bereinfore mama& try Ils Woes P lias'been berwrably rinorrat;d, SAS MSS , - r d; tbersibra feel awned we con ereleante oar (fiends and des Orblle so asenowsedatioas sweat wiy la the eity P64ladelplow • ri w Imams. CIALT HOUMA Coradi pal* sad Sink Olsettluistlt 1 , 111.8 subbases' is now la the best order for tie erceptioa of the Travellotreblie, Navin east; Ma a thesis* repels Oaring the past winter, and hasitsg the as "xperisetta sea in tie was", la the VlllO. depart:Nam I Utter myself that all sell In pleased Who - TIM boo= le eats, tilwid and pleasant. Frail par . Ansinsati a llie e l . l3,la7. • II A MS RH N. B. not wetly • a aim Away l. ltshe ease—..n..os tbe old beadle.. "ply USILTAVAILVA wAsupeoTonaousm, - .Ctesiot Prat,. flilladapids; . AlKlVEStrronsi sweet sat door 111.4111.0111 it Hall? LaNlih.vil Warta stablislisen ha recently beet Palely ettlerted,end ealy aad easily limishod. II is salsa is the most Casbiosolde part of Cheat strew, and ut the lostediste_tritinity of tha pale plans of 1113121.10111 'Ns proprisms graufal th, very "be n pausay Wreaks tistowed; spare se tairte lo reads las henna every war seeable to Ids gusts and worthy of their contlawasepport. • maltawalm WAILOOKJIOII2OII , II OALT IIhOVIIM, Itrn r i. i ira c r.:l7.l.l.rormtre; HOUSE, Lendivlll4l4., where basset out el his old friends aware, am-ad as abb., satin *Can ehall be speed to sae all combrtabiti vas favor Ls with agar • - la ttdi y raLL MILLINERY 1400101• ‘• ; JOHN STONE 110111, • : . .bapri f .: mil Dailies /a ROMoo Roe Millisito , s ct of ISVEINZIAIf (MODS,. IN: ri popostios of utast spoof thilii(1111141110•100141.13 , , • • Nowt Salo, Spool re ptses ••• • .., Moot %Um of el tiewssai goatee*: • fog Bard ond Ciplitiboos, say lisoemos. -felt ifolmso,blieksei nistol of insiatesil Ardent Attlee'.' ',hog Lam; CW.SloiNf eco ?Amiably /.4. r ik Z,Zr=er l =re=e; Of P. led MAW ow, looseoil rode.* of 'Fun .l i neloin; DIL. aim I. - • Or.I3AVTIMORB, Uie met ioutos of eisseneu Whited'. Los oemileiet to WM" Stesielf pososisoMil trio ilk eJoy. • . , prof • • • dumbly eau Ale sosiessl minima's pablio k and oespessfilly WWII* stems/ poifooese.., • .IferiimOst aossOms.rtets **posses putties so V. 1117WICZt,rrieilillat rimie r Clivor,llslOmemi. . •II Will;. Ruin.- Omni t p.buem.p.topopmau • Ilvaditere. • •la lissoo.. sullen go Ow mu .11 Mina as, will *LI; A.AUEL, eEtuicuc FLOM ••1111111FICTUREI, No. 166 Nara Mint Stra!, *spit irrii tuts, . • DEAS eeitist, see satulAsetares erdst, LI. ?import Vamben,Tartatan, mid - Vim! Cart. La. dice Nees An 4 every dare:R.6w at niter owdsoroes La wiU 111 lowest toilet price*: ' _• • • dyni t chaused, slur 48.114. .311.11194 mums. . iths Ina r=l4 l* " I T! tt 's r.4rt ' illd l i; Inn ••,-. is 74.4 Knot waft -1.1 IM . 1101011' Ninfhernr! , ai iwalbirref ilea Aar*. ' reg x t .'0,04,1•504ni- •aoszt Nostra: - truccAratzso hulls Rabbet*/ floarElss , • ,:tis 740 Ifoolor sia ft/Mid HOBS. - • ILO food lalosoiloortmoosofilleiliolo don of so rik:ll2r,i.-1"-skr'"?'-' elmbt 'surds/low Juidtarporaro& .4440,1:1tin illkiedled 10, tool I. wilMooott oliuti s boor Ow obey* loo4ori/Logio46 . L be agooloO 4441.: -sei4o:bar does It, adios 67..m0 Mat Oiontelil% It of Emu ,aloe; nothimotoods of pot siqu'esissupd.e_artiellatron tooworlAn tM Ofootelto%4llkosonlOosaial POI MS a, drop. •• • ,• MU/Irk& *Mild 40; 0,! 1 4 11ag 144**11 T. 1 . 10. • : , ti ng . o 4, gridiAle `-.4mi5t#11,101,41 ChIIeInINATIMUO. rid beet Fall and Minterlitirsit Imetireusem: ' Mestcpe am Mukluk* 'no she And elided/1y in mbar. and-T.:winder foe* inceilni:widalisirintre-: dimly enecceded by the Sawing end Faeminerseiaion, which elrociettilitiva mar-mortis. A trat.hosepre- - lionstary tsetse ...meat., O. the Gnu Mtiedsymt B Ili:1,M I:l b Analeary and Operatitc Saigray E Jane, .MaterinMedies..4lterapeuties • J IfOliner 111D,Chentisity and-Pharmacy , 104: 0 W Beaded! fAblegyery and Clinical Medicine - 41100 A H Bahlridge MD, utmeinektod dimes. - ' :women andelilldren . ' 1 U Linehan. MD, Physiology hod ••' ' ',Medicine and Medical 7arimmdare,% - 00 , 05 T V Mori mr ld D,Patten'egy,TheiMY and • :Practice of Methelne • .10.0* dfanimilatirm Ticket 111. Alm alibtdry al • °Mad. Mims fro 010. -Demonstrakre• Ticket la, optional. • MOD and oat or beam the Ant Moods) in November nut, will be received far midge In fall Mena studenL Or IPSO paid by the In of Oct.:next, will more alt the peke, for Gee fall COSillej the Dertmenntaines hetet, weer Liking), andllatriendmion ticketezeepted. TOO imitate received I a chatter Is Hi - Thy Coded* edi dee is ennead aubecomer of Coen and Plum sts.— Theerterre of instruction will' embrace every thing. of value knawn and tared In the Old Medical Collages, ai well - as the Reit:need sad Botanical School of Meth; eine. 01$ or seven lectures willbe given daily = -Board from !Up in SIP per week: s'andidates for graduation, is addition to the preliminary term ofmary. mem have attended rem fejt Cannes in mane legal 17 'corporator Medical Calle/o,4bn last a( this mum be In Marone eclipse after War years' practice. All let.. , oltettint farther inforounion,or containing money for the Faculty, moot be addressed lathe ander signed4posipaidl Netesofnolventaatikeof die States is whiCheinadents renidc, will be reeelved in payment of Fem.; .! •T. V. MORROW, AL Jr/ape. Dean of lie Faculty. PIeaIINITLVAITI MEDICAL (411.LX0)13. tther,Skeneth St., PhiladdirAin: The Mutual Comae of lammedeninthis Instkiition wit commence en the first Monday in November next end be continued unill the taming firm of March. The Faculty Is connoted an loam. William Dwractr M U.-Principles and practice at Medicine. John Wiltbaak, X D,—Obstetrics, and dtsesaea of women and - children. Henry S Patterson.M D,—Maieria Medienand Thee epeW it ca mi lett R. Grant. M IX—Anatomy and Physiology. Dev.dOilbert, At D,—Prinelp lea and praence ofSar, Va•bingtoo I. Atlee, M D —Medical Chemistry. . The Anatomical Rooms will be o awned on the Ant Monday' iu October, under the direction of Professor Girard, satiated by A F Melt:ryes% M D, Dentenstmior otAnatomy. 9:r All Paints atiendineaseccod Conroe ollActerev; (no well thole received ad tendon, no those who have attended their fora Comae m thi. Instiuttion.l will be furnished with a tieket to the Melee , Instruction at the rennoinranta lloppltal, Pine !Mel. • • Pacw.iMuulcalatten, 95; for each Ticket, RIO, Grad. anon, 976. PATTERSON. 0 .49. 9 et Ne7.lw , No9l Arch Stows. 111:1110At INSTRIIIIENTS. TOUN II MELLOR Nn MlN*vd creel, hu jut re. ei - seived • new stock of the following Mi ildrf Bud Inrindnentr, Bus Tuba% wlths valves in I', with East crook, a .new and very porteds! bus ItuntmeaL I,omb/tulip. in Flied, and IS Eat, made by Graves sod Co. • Trombones in It flat:with 3 valu.si, by Graves d Co; TnneremiliO Rat, do do do do 'do do; Kent Stogie a,Kendall pattern. Eftl3 BO do do Ophiclides Mat, with toning • Ude( the bulges! , irr; • Cornett, La eases4aria made, and very supvisr Trombones with ins - ride and key, sew patterns sod snub impraved, Coneen,Frenen II ore, w lth 4 or 6 crooks.' • • .. , Clatioetts tn B. C and E Oat . • Plow; Vio'lns;Oklitafll; Flies Flageolets; Accoratam; Vialineelloa,Paahle Basamtktings, Heeds, Moue Pon blaale far every Instnitaant. 431 ------ New York Riad Beatou Planes. .10 . 12 . 1 , 1 . MELLO rn p ll l :=4., r tl y tt i on . urr , i and for naeood piano kinearuitittfactorril by Chickerlug Unclip, lireummeed by the benrudges In the co y, to be superior loamy inononeut they beet beard Prim 63rµ Also, at an extremely Inc pure to elore consign- Meal— One splendid Mahogany 6j octave Piano One,Af brilliant's:me, ant , In evert feglet Vet, superior in• marinfaxiuted by A II Gale A ("New York, tonne rly known as the New Verb ottinufacturing Com pany: A la; Me follounog OLD PIANOS at very lour Mem: One Irciebite German Plano Aim 044Primo, made by Ilabeork—price Ikbh. One Li • 0 • do do Porenbamoi Doe I. dui nearly new. wide MAL York. and midi modern familiar—pries Sill • - Ohs • omit. German Piano,usade by Amin in Vien na, inroad order, and On excellent Piano, at 6175, on a credo of 6 months, nob good MenrilY • __ - ,_ - }yid . _ NSW BOONS. 7.11 E SECRET PAfb‘ION. by die author of.. Shake paste ranl bls Friends. Clispiastes Americus Drawing Rook. No I. Memoirs or Madame Or Sorel .al of filsdase Res bind:by Sh/. MU!, " klegostas for Aaron. Ittstkorotodis hl ermine torYal y. The good Beal.. Oat toweled every thing into GoIJ. Pawner7.me. or Non:sof • Traveller throash some .1 he m'ddle and Northern Rotes . • ThaGoarner or the denier Charts* by Ph. Gore Rseieb, or the days of Charles 0; by GP it James. Balm or the fiesta by author of Ledge. be. ittelte k cetterce , the M . aidetie Hoed. lhabela o' by Alexander Papas rt.tht by anther of Parry Lerrtqaer, tine moire anfetir Foends, by P Edo tc Randiroef the 'Ate. Tor tate by • vir kcJILDWELL tee __poet OMeo beldutp 114;•i If *eke at Mr orait'a, R 6 Poona Accost. 41 1 118. SECRET YAbblU N, trr tbeatahoruf dot Youth , 1 of Bbahrgernu,Nankrpcar• and Ma PriandK at. Santos, or Uri &egre t by the Indium of Sainit •Wcia, Lattpr,Capt Kyd. rt. fan Kanto oribc WllOl,ll RO^TI Ate by FMISOO thoncti, alatisat of the Lcague of The Miami, we • Liiring Age. No 169. • Itaakutra lia fd lf•Y agasi Ja ra rino y Abatraci, i,. The ileirm.s, a weal; by Mi.. Nten.Pickerni. Raton, A gamer Ran, Kentucky. and other Tote% by IV 8 Loner. 14p, umber of Om Big !karat Arkaucao. sad other Talea t ete Tka Union Idagasine for Atttarb with illatuathiOK Chapman's Dbalring Mot. rant. tat airis Cyn'oca , dia af Encitaki I....ratan., No 14. Tay Ur'. r ...itetb. alb Iteleir,?.(. 7 .. T. Ualdin faater. of Jecaluy 11.agland a liciaciaric Promo in %Otto All lorritair pabiltanotti, treating an Bhresidorty and Malayalam, kept caanardiv on hand at Morse* Lila. . racy Vrpot, _g foul. at. between Woad and Mallet Weet• • • NNW WORKS. D ECEIVED at al A /liners—The Doke and the Go , ...in, by him (hey, author of the Gambler's W etc rte. Ilittarteed life of Geneht Wro6eld Pehty Colman der treCtrief of the Army In Mexico. clobtactr.g atoll deter iptionof the Ca:tore of Vero Que, he ate 113 a ilatulita at the (Wye, a western mealtime, by Emcee= Unreels. Um= or. the Sava by the nest= of lAA... het The Secret Pasaiort„ by the author of taro Feuth of Ellen et Fenton and the Secret Poisoner. ("lambent Cyclopedia, No 14 Dearbey t Iton, - No W. Also, Medley it Son, nal 1, comprising the first Itinurnlicrs, for iJ cents—re nem berg complete the work. Father Clement. a Unman Catholic Story, • The Vat= 1111112.110 Ste Aaron, embellished =pe n= reJoly No—Fashton Plate exuentely (toad i Pot rale at M A MINERS, Sautbfield•st. Jd-dinat from Second., • ' aver Barlow Appletivare New Publications, IDS(' reeeiven and for-Me by I L KUA D. tur .t. J . Hem= Notes on =rawly =Momenta= dse North WweroTerriner. A wicarkut of leading , rues op= Ceunniessiai Law, decided by the Supremo Coen of rho U.S. with notes to ; by Joe P Holcombe. A Compendium of !demean= Low, by the loin zoo. Wm, Smith, wady calmed nom the 3rd end 15.0 Et,. dish Rditirm,,by raa Pllolcotabe sod MAT (/alert. Part Ist, Loma XIV and the Coen of Franey la the ITh ennui, by Mw Pardon, author of the eltr of lie =AM ate, =unroll) , emballtabed• by =mamas en. insvi poririlts,etc. . • •- Llhoams. and rolinto • opinions and eXperianeo ef Mad saw, Da IA Make 00f011i isge.ibet wok rem eamat of thd pones= history and relatives optatonstofFene• leo, Atehblaltoo:of Ca obray, by-Thos. C Upham. nand , er lc :rot•et% . ablettlou. HAIIPPIRiP newraiment:ly ion received and for rata u MeDUN A LD t BEESON'S, No al Mattel et.,• minable eetier of worto anemic which are, Neer and kind. themes of the Age, Mew 'grotto) Oendy's trunl. Dot's Practical Astiliminner. te. he. Alan, *dame Gormand rewire. MeD•nald A Ikeme have made mu at:anaemia wilt die Hewn' to meelve all their new pablicanone lOC lucid, which they will at New Vert price.: aO fa" ifliRUF.It• hie i.e received the following ne . , Pi n pill be sold lower lege b bo•ght in the cam. I OM elegant aeabogany,l ocutve.tnede be Manna 4 , CletirrNew Yob; Ve, al great power sod *weeniest, of, tone—elaremely tow prieed. Mr elopes voreweed Piano, made by . Cbietering, l Donit,aud selected by bust rie the but insittimens of the Oa. in hie feetoter-Priee very mmkreu. I' Besides, a number of oilier. of all pliers , and style*, farmer Ike linan eeleetiOn ever Oren." here, .No elArd•rt at / W ll'ealegetre. r •age II•es.• Plano Verlag. 01IN II MELIA/R.N. rl AVOO4I.L, bus etude ar s/ thogementswith. fifi Hutu Ilne. thr a ripply, of his Pines Porto lions biemenuesetoty in Path end will teethe dunes the next two weary thew thaw ahead, seethed in New A Bem-grand Pinno.feetel of Kowtread. with . tee MO elegant extetior, and DC ennith tolls to e us the one exhibited by file Maus he ,troncers in thth . lsit..A.euperb ReseeroOd Pieetith Font. pie s Hoeules% Rout the some onnoteeturees. 'The prices will be the Width rittebnexls et New York. ; ''""h - Vit ' ail abstinent:re rlne Fone:releeted 'Awn Ile. Chlekee , thus stock. keys superior tone and finished wodussei.. Ship. Fat ordillt Ur Chlekering's Fsetory r es.. . . - • . filFl OR: G a se b b N 0 17 . 1 bd. Cl Sagan •.• • 40 ~703 baba dark f `Ba illo Coffee; 10 eeroonn B F Y bade probe* bladder; 'lOO bad Tabs , en_ ,•acioan brand.: 111 farads O. P., Y.ll. andillb Teo.s - 100 0 and 13 lb boxes O. I' and LILTS.; 10 1.41.'4 C. Tarr " • JO.. • Pitch; • • : • - • V 0. • - do 01o0lillindles4 • • 10 •. Play.P/yen. ; • . , Tomcod (+ a .1, general Ideorttheot of .Geoeorlde la IV ba ed an d (of le on Rene...no:elating wool, p l y •Jo1p: •;• . • CARSON blelibilGll , 6tbd .. Iip — dinfIRFLUYEWS • • • RILILSLOAILI 007/IPART. •- ; • (rllltroctlioldent(llelrlitsba i rr ant (.1:4 4 1:11 . 7111 . i i ar roottingor the Comp:4l.'lo bo bord FOB. 11.14:05 i aelday the 31.1 ; August ot 3ok lock P for IM 'alo.Prol"nirlbi•best roe, " (l a ii t oVlVet 71 . trit ' it t rod Loom( sack Melllllll6ll relbdon tit ' 'chant r.• %oy be doeme . oooo6u4rdl la the lateen. of the tea— ••. • Beefy of bated 01•01realasni. MVestrlrdfa l i ltrerlitob Ill.lidhml. framtipteslisteompolutlipii.eumoths i6ocard by beateroiiid. lI doss oat alio oaths peak, _ . . •Stror Mod .o'ilioilifirasAV plTB,a ncehk i,viirine ireabismattacat atom =aid* poOst - - Itiwmuinm - mews/MS likiwatilepaaTaksig • e - s sal Clap 1nt..., W*, bbir!clogil!!)Ohwar!rikirink -4111„. 113 'The sabeeribeibinkreiclettlyeibr l tisli_ 'al Karen' to the stem Witter in dint Owned hi. arm Pet el Get Ws lespectioe ceche Penne ...rift lake inclement'', !elected esatittarce of 1 i. 9 gad Oros, ed everyclmcnotion, Calor and Ammo, which be will well 'attheHiving made arrengemeats r cook Will the Sneed thitcleCi Beebe in Coster, or New York, be will always have We IWO a'ta l l nippy of Weir ealebraneclgeseleiPilainad• Nutria lime: Semis, Queuing% intey,Cklat aid rlsklasd fiats, bathe - HUM/I and Home sunefactim; *kith he will et all finks take pimento in Mowing - He Mole assured Mat all tastes will 1k auliesgeruk kis aeleelion, and st tbe sake Mid kis pivot will evil. the mom emeomieel.. He 14 dotertaiDed ID tikePe 10 be beaten. Dorm, *Wore, for Ike plea Home klagetoreiSmittleld , • jegicltomy •• .. . W MeII3ALL.IIIII A . iarATilt. HAIM: nevw - fur --- A PHIS •baing the day the Speller Pinkkat of • .• Hem will be Introdseedi by the mot nteln .sdnable establishments lakiew 1(0211 rad Philade I phie the andertimend take steal pleasure , m Wag coaDied to anotionee In their Dammam Mende and ike.ritiblie ir'.lll;lfraw:iair.rseltraduabrl all - who nay semen, comprise,: Etnyclm ticatriss, ad eCOD 4II.3III Moleskin BIM lials,eliket olesektor ~, • goad • . tor wood ith nu - 7 7- 77 , 731 3 111331 - 6173., • - 111 Pre 13 MOORE, Hai incl. Cep blame cOlll6 as removed to No IS Weed etreencluste clams aline F0U1131411.1. HIS stock canasta of ems, variety of Hats snd i. pe k tnade in Me latest Kyle atne.Pannotw: I rtorn !dal Straw Hats, whierr i l c it io lu ß lretall,, re . le Wood cc. And deer *hove Posttit . Pail imuAdom,lll44l. , . • wfidi . itve. int:dace-0 COYP tßltEAtArkars_day A•• t Gentleman vriati•g • le Ilat of Pittsburgh Istanolitristre aneaaof fothlowthl Hub imposed , idrentsod by mom of the trade, !lesua calf •.. ' .101 EVIL &Cob, aarbbf . LW. hand of Weed Pt NER FASHION FOR HATS* teeeived free Near Yarrk.tbe tam tyle 431. Haw, no3sleung of - Whoa • I mid WhEte Franck Caw Lott Hats:with Those In want of a beautiful. lain Hat are invitel to call. ' ilooltl3 ZS wood in, :dents above ita 11.LIAM 7 DOUGLAS hu'jest laaariea a. supply of 'Ringgold and Banns Yuta d Caps, aew . Ira fine French Itloleakin Ham at verylow peen. vviu l L et i l " No TB wood street AAA IietAIGATA, ACTIN ES to mattentownei and keep . caroty an hand, every varcty of lino sod Cap ut the Latemayle, and prices very low at YOJOII noreet.yeat aide. ;NY JU • men Beaver, irenadata rawer-trail _m)99 MISCELLANEOUS ran. ...sewn lam ereulanse N 121., 70 WOOD DlDEEr.rtrrequiluo,vn , ANCSKR A MAYER. esholmale and retail dealer. Ain Eastern Readymade Clothing, would minket. folly take du method of soliciting the. attention of their OWOSSO/ and the public generally, to the following lisle of their ,lock -in trade. sad user. them UM, that they will Fell so cheap if not cheapeon than ley when establethasent la tho lto etty . - (One Milk. of emblems aod manotheisolog s, me snob as enable as at all temes s keep a ell assortakot of ready made cleat , Ur, at less prices than they can be obtained elkwheth The present sleek on hand cousins in pen of the (el. lowing description of hoods~ 150 hies! &imbibers coats, fame SIO to ea i lon do do French do 10 -, 3tl 70 Mown sod invisible green do . l 8" Its 1:00 sack cuts, splendidly made A of good material toes pair rune, few styles qualities and price. 0400 vests do do do • lOC damn Lumen plain and stitched boom shinr,meks; maim enrols; hemmer collars; pumices; sockin drawers, and nder thou of variety, all of whiel, have twee remedy parchased end adapted te the present scum. /Umlaut and others who am in `resent clothing, cannot do better than mike ewe call. ep2S 7. onciiratelicei. ---- IlEmalocnbers Wiring been appointed eon's forT the saie of 11.11. Ground Proem, have eourantry iso bend and for sale at the lowest pea.. nod modem. ~,,,,,wi,,,, terse, a large essommest fig in part tithe following, Me Atari.in boxes, contenting 1 and llb Kris; do do 6 and 101 b no cans. eueone Pepper, in tie bones of *doe each Qmolote, uperbee, Hsu, and No I, In beam:lslhr each thoomoon, ;we, In kegs RS lb. each; . .. . do le berm! Red I IttPhPet'et - do do. oat wed In lb tin eons Ginger Be r m an o 1, ht kens 25 :ha each. II time rd, Ame in and 1015 can. de do at leers, 3 and 4 don cub, co .do in 1,1 and 1 (bons . do Ueda°, in h and 10 lb eons Pester rule, in 113th kagi do do in troies.l ne s t lb raptor, do do No I, lit boe, 1 and I ite papers. 11120 WICK Is ItleCh NDI.Cer... u.cor wood k sea st - 'barred GiaiTß — liignelle ilacklue, firth PACYLV amanced with the Oat cry and all .1 neemary appliances pat op Id aem rawnwood ea ten. Accompanying each are MU directions regarding In am touleppllearme. This instilment ia au impose tent over all other Mots of manufacture mad bas been adopted by the hiedlest Piefossioet generally to the Esst, as being the most convenient and eternal' Mik an. Macßae in tie Every family ught to be sup. plied velth one. - I Prices $llO red 11l caeb.upardine in aim and beak. 1 lo.l3l__7.—orr t‘lf W WILSOI.ecte Mk Sr market sin 1 meteil - 8 rill 117 - Fourth - . between Wood and .iforket-st , oppoeite _ Maj. Larinser's Exchange Oaf a. 'PHIS endemism] In pespared v. weeenotiMate mila. J. scribers, sod the pablk generally, wi th t delicious bath. His new establishment wilt be open Imlay, pu z led with every thing summary to tender bedlam a 1 SALT and SULPHUR BATHS prepared ti kquireil The above eetehltthetellt lii Sited op is an entire new plan, being monitored from be roof and the sobserther ie confident that the appeasement eannbined uneribetie a render this emoblahment rho most comfort ible nee sew rer die thy, Nikare II V UntoN 1 111111TL107•CatTi. VA4 - 11: - Aiken stects, Cil.f Alegi...v. (rill? Salo ;D er at the request of several of blames. 1.1. as ho knead it Incensement to so to his Fee loth. bu t wed room Incense hIeWR6IO , O I I. weer of Tomb blotto Week, where 5 pest assortment of hislosory mum checks, he, will be kept on hand. nod in hie • cc, orders scathe Oiled by Ille Jsmed i ht Surobbeld. haw be seen et Ode MaipliVe Store.- The tunny meek dike late Erni of traced:no. Steweit h ea. in ale. alt her there ~k 1 min tie field el fleet alit news, .Mace die t utitti , ifer le. Cemr..el II 41111i1 IIN I...rt.vv ART blandiketorer er to ,i, nneldi I/ \Lill OP PITTIBOUROU CFA% 11ToCii. T . n ts.t t im .a.vae4 liens for. incre ooed the ase et the atoe k t the. Pittsburgh C. Wr md br Onliaanee of tEith Jane / 447 "Mil Thursday the Ith day of Amon mar on...telt .day dm book will b a re-opened a: tbetsotEcr. of blew. Ilassey, Canna &Co, io the city of Pittsbargh. between the boors of 'lO sod 4 o'clock of staid day. and Id coot.. toe Veto day to day notil otherweo ordeird.±' ' • . Pciette Youghleihoiiferavtlysatom 1) 001 CS for receiving suimeriprons to Monaca *Me U Vonglorrythent !ho. Co. wilt be opened mute boo.. 13 Wearer. Pitisberetn at the boom of Mn AleXunder. MLR cermet, at Ma louse or Dock! Pl.nder, West PlParton, and at Ma Wane of Robert Illtebsean, Meant Pleasant on Me Ord day of Aegast, and continue open from day no day sold tla&d day of September. inrcpb Rattle, ' • • • James May. Janus 8011. John D Dam, Joseph Dote), Alexander Planter,: Iyl9l.4.setsir Moses ftlisbins. rib PT.011185G11.5 AXI:riACIII/1115T11. • The sahtteribers basing been appointed Agents fur 1% Mr.. J. & H. Jenes,ot Philadelphia—lonesomely ccnowner by the end tdaehlutata la the Eamon elt. al-ar t sale of he ir umanahloutrok ern stew Wefts red to &faith Plumbers wok all the 'attain badge brass work used in their badness. alto every vans ty of tillage and Swum COcks used by Loenstwo se end shavonary Fatairte Bander, inelw drag thl Conks, Oil Cops, Ike.. •e, awl which they will self to the Wettere trade. dad Engine Builders, at Ens. tern Pr•ces ezelease of freight LOGAN & KENNEDY lti Wood at. Pitubstet Yearn -ern' rr=l=N i=fa 11=, {en received. • • • Dark Oryss Giodliatog Second Idonndly:Ag Mum Gingham . London Caskratbre foinit, neat oft Sine end Orange Om, Piannal.Landalo Nanking blosetwo Nets, Bleak aloaceas; Wilda Sonnet Lb. lons Ake., at • /13 1 - tomb east tor dib and mikes PS saiiiriatertrieszorotato bales •LI Haneyes ToSaieg II do •%well& Dobinson4 , ss do •• le do 'Lanier.* Pole Os do . Si do 'lves , Loi do . 21 do ./Intaeles Pound loop 40,t. • . - el do , Conginsa•tis do :.Ado • %Impasses' be do di-do 91 Cabanas& Ss do .. • OneoeuelordisentJor sale by • • Plena, doe.—A motet family' Wiesen mites from Pitub=i b tt nice small girl to go and noweronsemidl ehildren...Also, *event geode rooks. elwasbeteadds.: emote end - gide for all ettotA..• Alan. etwend men for farming end Mr. vesting. Pineenwaeted for meant took-keePeottenlest• wen. ....housemen, to. Please apply at ISAAC II ARIUS% Agency end Intelligence te.c, All et mete • steaes i Veiliti: - Llii) - 4 - traillirii7 - . B' ROr H. PATTKROI has epened.dni large stable t -- on First t ,baseme n hgh w Second et ,betwee Weed end Seellitseld street, ter the rear, f hionengehels' 'bese t with nn entire new rock Of Hewes and Caryl. sgeit of Ike best yinlily end latest elyle.: Homes kept, tte vat in the W. wwwer. . . • lsadttr u u A — 6I 7 IP*IITERire lON PAPER, Meth. std of Lee. MOW Ac.' 11.14 ' wboterele end retell bi .111100,RE,gen. I ere' Agent for Wes U *oleo, el Ai cheat. book And pa per seutbliettetent, 114 Inmate street. Iletinnore. - Dutacnonsints vs.A—Tekeene-eishdipen era 'heel, mstna well sewn. it with Mitzi, and lay te in any put oft. , loom wheve Pies Ake. ere n atiezete them from a I pewter the room. e yd produces . nearly inotenteneemsdee A Far wale he pie • . JOKY weed'. Martini sTreei. eathweee a thole s use...et o f Foreign Wine., and Liquors Beteg exelmierly deemed .to thlc neat perchance eau obtain theme. Mopetiergendidely ported in mod or stems.. Any ankle not giving eel.. Annieet, will et all time. be .elmeeed.., . • wed • . / Ati,3B WI3AVRR T tz n ell orthe 121;aener novil)lag 't he sold. t Al l riglieu i ;: ii Ns ' alrgitTll7:2 l o tiFil MILTIISHERGEII . . . .• WARE AIIIVACTOILY. Tlilidabocrlber keeps coastal:alp,. good astoraeat; and manalltettnea to agar, table.% tea. boa doyen artona, areas. gravy and martardapooa.soop land.; and seer toms. bane! and It k01a... threaded and plain (cab; sl the level protea .:W W.WIIIOON }ye - corner atarlWl sukl ldt street, :RD 011,1=1 Tab Otis-,lterstado baring eossocostd Lid, rosoodteurroor Lozd OiT are oraratepored 10 creams aII orders for that oracle. 'Tacit (NI isof lMa bra quoin), owl todlao add at tar lowest reirkit rites, Mat amnion of DMllVllliantlaroccrsl. rotprerfolly rroorsted. , JORDAN ateivos Wiser y st, mriltf - dlsLome bead M dranktleld •Wierig rtLTEnt,t'forporifylii Watt IF v. red sod fasollr roma roodtest It • at clear Sod roost so Opting water, Tker aro isteribitellarsitro la dr. EWE= oafs. •'For Wear , •• ' • • . yod . . , ago cocilßAW;isirmfq: • • • LA *YAM h. /111.0 A KS AC—hard milTreiliista. '.ll impurdt: aim italarflad Vhd/ilin eallu tearful., Julio Naas. r teas Boat aud Da la .Crax brands rot DWI of nu, ti;_at cog to sq es 0 a K ... 4 1 4 . 111 1, WI ammo(' I'' -: '"'-.---- •JACOSWYAYSIG I - . ''.— 4, ' '-"' ' Vigor mutat andfront sts 7. arlR-z - A-iimlrenighteti,itl jai.' ditintst will Sod 11,. 'e .dy mployment at Oat woo , - ' - tttittltiait ar thlsallra r , ..- ..... - k eaum,y tommiLlanli Csr, pet stti , kinar ;dingo Chug,' stle_y • • ^ r • titllAl arifOki3 ;k;. 11106111111T.111ANDIA 4 2 AECI4 11 G-E 4 ANIONZURS4 AND DEALESSirt 11011EIGLA AND Dommerm Kiweium.calnincralVi OY D MANN. DANK WAS, AND spEcin ftuib CURRENT. MONEY recent; ,dwa Cheeks for, sale i Ind eisllactitisiAsde net* all Am principal pouwbaO. Vs4ed Staira. ". • TM bigbeinprciAins paid for Faiiign and Martian • Admines node.ecmdmewaf Prnarci rligard East. an Mimi tens. • • • . • ?KM , ----7 ; - 11(rrtioriftit a Willi • • • - Bautkers read Don/Lanes Cads "110..66; wat er Billarn TITTISUROII. _ Eleatic Now,. ~EXeleelylii, , . BILTNI ar o .• _.,_ New Taft, , r ....• .. Plailetelplaia, ._ do "Logredle,... , .„ .. do Baltimore, ''' •"" do N gt. Lad!, ' Th, . . 2 1 d. , I : llr °4' . 'e.. • -- ""I di. Co. & 'Sere . ONeet, die.' 1 beiges. . ..1 • , . Ide Rellef,Noves -_. de Eteuselly, . . . .....1 do Peassiloweacy.. do . Virginia, . . . de New YOrk di, .. do dp - Uriedieg,. do ' Neer Otiose., /1. do Tennessee, - i •p do N4l - 14ed, , Ido Co TOIMPIEI IFIML. (ail of ta Ana A J Hill k. Co ,) isAd WAS. C. CU R RV; lime of Erie, Pa.) I quo elArAl Coparteenalp,. mkt th, mas a : I jaw.. CU RRY . d b Po VA 97:0d, ihterslrni ' . Wow .Fousill, LL' ride—wbem they Caliall of their !daub wad the p•blk g ee slAtly. . JCS Elll MILL' . . mcM.S. WM. C CURRY • irmn- C. 01111. . ILL e . CHEIXIY, RANKERS A EXCHANGE BR OKERS. DF.ALFAS IN FOREIGN •AND • DOMEFIC TIME iMOHE HILLS 01". - EXCIaNGE, • CERXIFICATM OF DEPOSITE,.BANt 'NOTES /IND•COIN. . No 4 Wood otreet,rhad door bolo* Emilia. wen - tido. PAR Foods and Cairescy rceelvod oe Morelia earl °acetic.. wade ..ort alllbe'prinelpal Clues If dre Soar EzehazioNew SWL Bonen sod Cowls:wad edowardly for sale ' patio, loi,firAs. Ifeolacky,Virginbtood Yenorylv Rank Notes,lorght and *old 0o favorable ammo • • • Exchange ottEogland; Ireland, Gansany, and Rodeo Ake ea. • . • • paean WILLIAM' A. i4i - EL. 4 - CO., WANK ERR EXCHANGE BRONSWII LIP DLLYU TX FOREIGN SN'O DOMMTIC EXCHANGER,, CERTIFICATES OF DEFOSITE DANK NO fEer, • •. AND 5PF.C11.... •• . • I;MMfn7IM! •LLZII KRAPIAR. ' 111W/111,14111111 , • ' KRAUSE' ant 11,111134 BA:SIKER:4 AHD Tat:HAMM BROKEES,.dealers m Foreign and Domentio Mils of Exchange, Cora' , eaten of Demme-, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of :14 sod Wood etrcox, directly oppoate W. Plea les Hotel. my2Selty • . , • • UEDVOZO RATER. • a- 1110, Indiana, lastacky, and Penna. (Wads;. away and City Orders purebasetl at mdated pate n(dise • N .110LNES it 80N • b 'Psalm.= Brolitr,ss Mai kat at Couseuens on Cineisnasi. LoUrine, es Louts and all access:We Fowls In the Unwed sutu mode r'"i term. b v !gr. and uuppocnn the 221 3 l rk w igt, Brokers • - So 33 Mattel st antloma on ncinnati. Isetismile, 61 and Loom C• IT Ci otber accessible points to the United dunes, made oh accommodating teens. HILL F.CUSITY Wood . nest domes Eagle t‘aloon Viedataira — CorgeVi n: Ciii,Thilaileinhra.inia fiat .na MN constantly Lac We by 11114 & CURRY • a •, %ood n next dam to Eagle Saloon Lrsoney of the.. , Uttio Indtanly. sod lisouretj Books wanted at very , ow rates of discount- • DILL &CURRY a. • • 'w. st.riari door to Paale Salo= • 0 0, 1240111331.11. and aninakr SIAM .I ' 6' ;tril l /41E4 it SON • •. NoifirduiTto HOUSES, LffB, FARES, Ice. ~R*DDOas's P/YLD. VOEI. SALIIC:The valuable mode biotin by the F name of Ibraddoek4 Irield, sheeted in Willem'. town. ship, Allegheny conntE.Pa; thanks GOO, Pitleborgb by lw slonongahrla rive f. and blip the rennsylratua Rail Rood; cool...tie( MI acre. and 1 perehea. Two thirds of the beet is neer borom, end the Whole ntuy be eel dT Them igen the eremite" a large bt/e/retunston and ether improvements, altd , neural nonage of -excellent water. Slated the hionongehela tlackwater. at well as on the•tne of the great P. ntyltania Rail Road, at the point where the travel and Wade nom We w I I hest Weeh.the steamboutnaelpoloo tithe Wes tern ewers. Smompled tly a mow healthy nod product :lre country, by thralls/I.OWe tanyllesof the hew and ehesr..l tact, and tarriot Oil the premise, •ahatalartee crea te ..I and limesione. tins plate is admirably meted for the ri eta great muntamering tabutb. • . The Pennsylvania Real Road 'located through- a patting !math ot the 'imeariotr holm and through the oaule enured, eadienow ander comfeet • It Waite en thbint pool of the Alonoogahela *leek . water and the Bret...olle packets and other. swam• Hash cottontail armchair e leading on W. etlato.' 11 it ittentkee them's( easy el areesenf any_prOp. fly in our civ bitty, and the ben salad for troeniry seats, or for the of ineebbrie% chop. or itiut, A. the p'are i• tme of greet rentner. il s tdr•tt :ionl..eiler• from all pans of lbe writ roplry}oolutodied,ondifsboasi appfecilied It soon• nooooway bozo io give. ozre onfues..ax destaptleo o I it, For unto aolfolra la ;he fileteboots and Ittanufao wee* Sao Piuubo . jy3Odef • Ipll V Virtue Of a decd at weal .me William Lambdin, Lltehriwophor Wyanthdin, and William Ng Wadi., sad their wives. to the lindernened: dated the lien day of October. Uolloatur mon' .• n the Wert , . Mee of Ohio rotor, VOginia in Vv.. 't. n...row 411 and 41%1 aa k e Flinn e apart- to Cale. I r r .- w ...Ott W... hitbaal holder. at the Mot ol •or volt Hoe. in -Wheel. iowcw. on the FOU if.'.Vl4l DAS OF - il VOUS?, 1..57, at 3W 7 threk , r. aa. folloalion daaaatall , PTV.' ty, to aria Lou :limbered I I% lb and ala lei the onmool PIM of Motown of South Wlselhm, on which is erected &Yoram Paper Mill, called the -Vitriala Paper Mill,e together with &litho moments and kareditameramionw onto Irelonging or is any wise appooaladad. as convoy ed to the anderwmred hp Wild dad of wow aforeraid. , Tema of sale, to with MI in ,caah, and the balanee in eight renal oatmeal - I.in six,noreltre., eighteen, men- Iv he,eliiiy. ii, r v..; o. foriv-iiro Al. rony-eigh. hoool, .inen the Obi: ot oolri-exi-h de et Wed par ri nt heiii.no iideeeht and Ow Imola* opal itch of theta to La paid ormhactloally Item the day of Wale. The whole In he secured by a deed of mamma the pasorfar :aeon aa a arouse I shall rated only - the Otto vested to ine; though thelille illbeliefrat be aurora bk. A,faVILINAU LOTS Aft Ls SUMDINGS demon ,S•l. leaturilty ,:itaased la ft= tlya-lianaissa Madw us gnats& of the Allagiseay Catmuy: attend.. lag frantic Bauer Toad Nubia AlleAlway.Rsact w snArmil &wattle at Patin Albania .o• ibe Istatni , ca, aka Tacacuty she 31. t /Ayer Alsoftt.llll7ollo.-atinak, Atsna same time assatry Alicblarry anstimala castanewl tail tts top< saalneat. frailness A p ! ast. of An ats4 SOUP as Mk Anil Le owe Asmara by •• •• • • GEO COCHRAN s . • • • Anaraay in fact for the Preasmora., • CONVENIENT data slag nrki dwellinit , Rom' with Nod basement and lack bedding Oth toner of .enter and. elm N. la the *Many& j Vllthk pope nr.v.,11 ba thawed Tory Myr to • toad ta.• 01 M. .a mann/tied than too basilica might mew Poooation givaanathadth,talL. Je w le oab•Aos.. hl adJmni • the above. al • RAY, Y: Y. : • .AI‘II.LCIAMIIIT CZNIIMIIIar: , . DEMONS claim fors parthakinit Leila O.* le.ry ass reforrett nformiteoll CM 011p11110111 ABC tbn glomult, et b num, Armin, eoilift! .rdita and. Mad 'mem PIusIATO. Ity tinier at Ile Blast. J. C1.1.151.E11. • L. '• deet I.4avrif. efororiov.n.h.m.':• Meal 16.854 a .1 , HE miklaursed briq •hasi is lie hum 1 uk lb easu ry. otos fsc seta 1111 YUMA, Nu LOTS se Nwiel •l Mum. nnT 1... UM al , *tabs 'Allay. Eadk lal.rlll be twiny tret heal ea el weal •md elOty Cat la dera: To Inue be wadi lihsgry or Ow 'OM lte trw5 4 =1,61611.• abrerib“ ea the palm. 30fin 6 4:11117111M-A Allesdle bop ItiVilla i litsit iesjot, at meta 'a Vona 9 . 1 4f• 1 Tn!:). • 110.isr.—• wok 1.1.4, *mem! Wiallmallift, 0 1 1 ISM ; marvel , bwirgoil liarrows Wry mod Worms Arimmosop sloes irersel l _ 1 1• '.db. same • •• • •2 7 • - -WNW WALLALIL: Oen beano Paarti street 14. Veantrketd and Oran wee.. RlOOll , 00 grad' gborsaiva. <lmen. - row moil etn es hommodiu.lr. F . br Tema & e ~, a ppay at iba Gate. edirwras sissitmscs... lIAvIMO relsovad to eity kit tea.n trace Maw, Orefeulesia .Pintisay'S wth , =Milos bleoltion Il r o. ognxisit unmed: a tze i lzi i n v v•ltinUt so the Was * janl4 4:;:e i r 4 . l. • • IubTAAFT. --- '" — nliflaysist. um • - , • • , TN v.Nciirar.:. FOR satx—ra... ii... ..1.. Abe. o 111 114114 in/ Lai la blasdnaliaomenibb Vv.. 73f a (1001bill.frei dere , li Inaba Old nes. apd ea annennebelt. terms. Tem. annernioaabla. ani5 .....1.a..10.111.11T.A1itia .... .1 . a .. 10.111 . 11T.Al i t i a Real blitaai rib Wee - - • -.... a 71IE 011n7 erlek Warebinse, No. 64 Water wetland No. Ira Fran .4. lainedlai• pIWHICIO F P" ,” ).I-. " P '- sl itax 'omit; GORDON . OUEITITst. Lurir.i-46 - GrWili - bj" , ES '34Tdie. rapines ibe ODRON, far We. anal. at - 173 .Hu guaiDOiovir.mri &Pa, water n ' NEW NADI.E/WitillNW ANN MUNN. 4. RtOBAIND T. LirNCH. J. .INEONTER awl tkilet inNuNkty s tlardware mut J. Commie Tthelativa. la MIII/10.LIWIPt lame 444.. dpekok lm Nark, timed? Asartnietleks eee Ile JenunfatiorkeWk .likt• eettkelfstly lariln dpi asiermaff co.sponssal *aloft sumodiy. • MUINEOANDIJIIKORS- 4 10 kagiOlsols. ”4 yr igiikierbssikass, isal.'soihneing aatraQla slompild Wendt impsstslll,ol4 csostfy . !Itutipaes and 'Muse, lhatisso Irioltmg pisertnlcle Irsss rely es Waist It suss. #=.6l.st Cast and Ustler 'Sore or pia • P C MARTIN: ens .ntioaskl &Sant st • alirltkall • Vill..l4o , '—.lsst sees I.7Pac kot Nap Parana 144 ea5k•••1414..1.0.C01t !..t..1 Files, sampriolos ruse assosussin. TYs assails& sr Idseinstas Irv] eassososs:6 l: 7lo7 tsstled, • . :LAMM* RA N • Y rl4lOOll EXTRA IrilltkVlll,oll4-esiiilliissis at all Owe be suppilsi Sirs mrprtioirotalar sr frisk posed Irkstr mike* • WO I . JOHN 0 Prkilla env* t Aldo* . Mlllrry CASKS. PAIONASICIIe.t •C, ."liql,WSWI‘. Yr oala.bi • • . • •.•• •, SOIRI) owrnAos. o lgtotteming nagged reolnwa beii Ilgatorne el atalhard Awe. • • Jobs ralmey 'llaptom C 1 haermepros i t tilolllA — NrillWailis. 4 * weicnritt"TAT ' oirva ' *mg ► 'aitrutibt==,Vrive— C°Fr nvinsi—e• taw PA ' 4 O%M Ant• Ar i tr....6kAL‘ippv ii °3l" % " % l itt i r t kSISIL. 1,4-2 741 . • <`hL ~MED~LCAI: • nava INOLIND 1 , . 2. poxstrarrio - we.= C172113/11T IMMO tI DUMAN.. T =MY actimia6 o . 66 rnbellMU.'V , it tomtit to tho yalliefpolitahrlibb Woo biltinat malt aliment at dre 16irietrOastaptio6 , that la tlat Sitiii 4 / 5 ° 03# 6 . 1 **It tan* 66 / 4 riot' b ant bassos maite6atra sbiniii4 tb• • at atiiminmehharCantoopthae tight nal anoltlnaohatiardo6 Man Lied Wara4 .0'4 1 4 1 7 a a • M aaa lt:l7 lll . ! th a 4 kirk alma -4.6 pain tbia tha n lau genial by an of nr nog . 6oltd rillanat 66 7 TA ti. ,U., day .ia ... tin E. , . } as , ea that load* monoooli hallow•-thgrry hump tally dinned, wad barna/ ataatly.. Ira thes pandillbP to =Aim ttial or Lti. rirrition'a Stant. ant RiatolN abith PIM". latr ol d66. 66, o•Yhe that We motion wadi .AA • Nora to my sottain. 1144 than 6 trao yYL ..(.I ; bop% and dial Whom* IL ot dorms, (width Ira ad. dad to my) than aloaltba sothiaCloat.' So I ant to - th Chariasail 0010 . and ot4torl Steal.; of ili. t.* eft anodic to Ib.ies ,„ t".o 6l thai.d.b . ,kbt pre no .v+s at ran .6 .. 6 4‘''"/".66 .C 9.01,. wag tie pal sail Venn Is ay •P! 0114 atm onr sai roast/5 tabieVaaa ambled ea to la alma spilt, Tkia eadirla coatiand iti goal notiq :kW*/e 4IT comataat. ah7l air meta atratortaaal I laall /halm attradiar to ay burials, M 0..& ot > pan) and feel ar liedihy as I wish 4 I ban partanotßeamay Imlay inatarratotboontailaiyallktrd ' aid It bas Winn prond arentfal war is I ban adman ita arias. My rirtar a mini Um ordain a pies . nt, for a Diana Liar tot am Ifortioa of tha Lwi%vbl.b .b. • hd ..S..d with for non 6=6 do lais,6 moaned' by lbe as. ottkis airdiiiiaoo6 I aa'asiLkattla Q Implot . ' that I akarith mai today trlllaatinlyara lan. I nanny to liana that thaw an dolmas& of rabahrr pavan rutin away with Dia ileraallbl itattoYer-COCISINAMOI6,-., Wan it only mail* for than to paeanlbli =Oda bi -, tint, bd. it In tin latsoany Urn Wahl beralrovil their India arid retakes akidat,aadand ham, oadicia• trill gin boast Idiot. midst thi magma am Ow Mahout paittfalCatgli, name tbittittata Ia Um Claes gin strenth to ilia corallad aai amaitted .at ern, I am cattia, wil .lrrla.a Mkt, . Arromv.!4 t nuts. -; - Idoodiatery - N 4stk Ofdlo. wbo oa.. ma: ao . t r .0111.7 k ul iria. —• • ••••• Da. DuNcems WraTirard OtS/Cd,L;d= greet; where OIL masa& Ideildde ido . idways ' Sold in Sittslateldh, VY IU. JACASON: larder at Wand aM I,itrnr us. 111PORTART TO TH11" isADIRIF:Chseie Itair'Cream, a mamalese - arilele - feethei Giewthe Beauty sad Restoration of the Hair. theta when' once hoop: will - sapensedl' all other artielrier•the bind now wed. Whereat. hair is dead, hars&Onnots•-, healthy or nantias M 01 , 1: fear applisatitsts will rho ' the hair soft and du and , give a heamihd Reedy. op and will a male It *min -Mr !we ll ness a nal gr eyborp color twice as lona as the' prrpOstairts • which rotiertelly used. Rees, lady end sieniktesn • who era In the bedsit or SISIBff c4l • en teen. Fs triaboald at once purchase • I t of the Wi n e liairCremscas is is so compeord that It will not Wine this hair Illfe the. , other preparatiohat wilt beaswy it, andirreperfect • satisfaction in every instince.' • - •, • - For l et tertestmo to its very %mustier qualities:sew the hliovring ter f ro m Rev. ?dr: , Caldarell; m Iles We*tt dershott & t etretch, -. Reamed Arets ht • Leger fr lhfWeae ee. the Rev. R. Othisrell,pssior of the ; Pre.l. Werra* Chuck. -' - • •• . Ream. Henderthott h Stever—Gentlemen t to pleatare in adding my testimony in favor of the Sleet. tent preparation milled • Ranirl'a Chi n Hair • Creato—Sor about tyro years sr, my hair was very dry, inly, sod disposed to mime rent bat having proctited bew.ar and coedit •ecordlog to the pre scription, my -hair is now son; elaMicano Anent the bead. Many ,balsams and 0,14 were applied mien lea. siesta) , h oe n a worse state th an hobs.. This Cream, • however. won my erpectations • ' As an article for the Toilet, my wife Rives it ptefe .tearer •Il other; beiordicanily perfumed. ILIA t ot ot disposed to tuaridity. T !idler esp. Malty will And the Chinese Cream to hew desideratant 111 their proem.. rattans for the toiler. Itespertfully, he. • • palsain, jetey.7,le47. • H CaLDWELL • •Pold wholeisie add Mo ther , l. in rinsbnigh by John . Townsend, Re 45 i:eel, am, !eel Mohler, • rorrier rig' Wand and Fifth' rt... intatf 01111111APTION ARRESTED—To thane • 1 1.1)*etatall with Disemseit of the Luttlp. to weevilly to those ellictrd with the GM monitin* splint:KM of Consumption, that I bay , been !shoring for several:years with a bronchi, sereness nf. the throht and Iners - env.; 1 need many tned;cine., hut head novella in preparattnn of me,littira, until I- made afar'af DUNCA WS EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been name this !rah:able andletne for cave's.' years;reed •Iletty. find.it In repeya when ever' make nee of It Nyoeehpatioo as as AaCaOr, eavotiltich keeps m.4 . elm9steonstantly cniard, came tordmihse, at armerto (tame very alarming; mien 1 , at onee procure this hoedicinc. ' i iherefore Inter pica. ' r mac to making Mu Mdthe stamina:lt, that laaartareei;.. eel with r disease alike long. sad expemovani organs may knots tile Mediae rentedyM r and may be cured.' I hare trennaarndeJ Dr. Ihntesues Expeemnint Remedy, to otanyef my friend., someof whom okra theirllies to Mb mod.eino, • • ' Sonserm4Ohie,Get.l3, ISt& JAIiES The propector of the above atedieitte the refer to the endemic:mil pawns, übt. is de in Perry comet'', on erboakmay Meson atiFeell - upon and be omatiated that Metre ate values footal la the : above • . . . • Dairid,Catlrexueo;Somerieri - Klr, R. Stone, de; . FrarO ale Caliber, Jeeksoo tp; hdr. Lubber, do; Co. Polben, tralthek_T; Jerrod Devises, 'Rcipeoretltp DEL DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, 150 Ryer more Amu, queirmatt, Ohm. • . Sold In r rdokarogb by WM. JACKSON, 0) Liberty bead of Wood street. ' • _ g bribe 01'18818W Istilltnta A gebeikiitternb gellgebalioiliolsslsl. L Bp, • biailtia` Twoieie,:teatioe abed C.. Ps.q. Xs . R.. 8. &gait— A ruut atillaty tee ari tba diktat • islatems to ell lay humid.. ilettioaq I. of 'or Jodi teittostad Liras rills base data ted dais( es br yam, adbasieg Noy Costkate maim. ilbe et. Tan ate mkt. limn go alstaL" Ode may pragarstime of meg/ ka 4peekh brad tbe skims Wu task boo oidts lowlin 815 4 km bora °good et Da k imbed, 1 beam Day ardl twortit. Una to they at *Cobalt ; goo lerfanet Ds la it ben len diked wob Lires Umplesat tam mtg . you* bete Steil meets naploged nary mina i bl =xisto white I en idled. Dam: bats test amt. • matted mod pbyttelted alma., death; .. •11 rated .5 Or 11 Os% sad Ilaltirs teem skis Is 1t.15.71 ow Judaea la b y tes 51.0811005100 T tt ELL vastest of agoei la atm toGitioat Dim t ear of yds Da eda ao4 tle.wter gynN far .1 teat" t mouths Tear Ma gra seatba b:rile I aver sad: beta( miltcsat stipin es vise sad edam at tba siam. ' p.. ram! 2.4 iltsve Ms &at al tog 84sta It for 7 years said brines of bows alsi boa rnat Mali • Sin • CAMOlliat. Wl* ell by toy one salsa ho wed bas,7lbrybar• saparteted .1•011 *vary atm p 5 le ibis larigltorbteel,uld la a abort line stal 10.1Wib Or all. 1 "aridly r_ -. _ -_• thin ta ail Immo smarm pig*, tebaliet. for Liter Caeeplabd. KLetea Ilirstioas Ic, *- liberal= iv mew* , Ward st 1.154;D/eats% Rowe.. L. aws" 1 . 1 1,M51.4. than an Othar nib 1106. it. pa** . ' soS raie proem, lobo ~ : at CiVIVINC timaB4 lbs sad tab. soother tits thaw plegosed ted sold by 115 • scuxas. N. 57 Ifoolet bootee 711 A lod Teal* 1 ' . gasts.' • '••• . . . ikaa c.. au, rum D 11.C0e51845448,4:. CerunampUTM• auraLatham. Musiclmar IWO Rpm Tairfmartl Orel athet I Tom bream? Try it wdl um tab . • . It dein avriy the Win, and Diatueptcsole o'er me soul, Aid velLispers th map the Weary &nod, .Yarbealtlt may lel be abek.• • 13etirma et nn of bycly he!: Ta wnleriat 'nth decay I'" TVMeaf "‘ LaIT , way • . . •Thi, Warier Ale.vu,. ay a . And mengdoc.mal as It pt.— • . And vire n takeemsd. la Wetly rioN) nipped ilacnigb.vd Mead.. . tan Warerat Death enigitl. deLell - • If Dr. Nneu's an ...no Wear: • . p©.ol(. DUNI:JAN% WE TRAM OFTICZ, Ns II CI • Sionairn reel,Vinelmsul, CHIC Morelia ..hatd• nealtelei is old. Fad-lo INl•l*.tb, h MIL JA F IESONirem. of • U 611.74ili r b§ cakaiIXATIVLAIALLUI• VII 05( xle P.. , AS• MOAN, a nreUksenreasolper E alat CiartrisEa Vzstesantlilelkal•telntrell.• Tle sgmerniqed Wog beeeisKruoi dating A. paps - *lota lorld. • threntne.* snaiscktorioniack NO dmeing peat polo In .00d mainsail foe v oft terrise allott inanre/mles. nal alt, I.olng tried. 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