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'!. i': . :i . ::;:f..i.t 5 ,•••.:.•:.t .' '''''i•aiiiil: : ~.,,:........f,,.:,,,.....i.:,.... ~..,...,:...„. ...,.,„,,,,,..:::,.„.3.,........„,...,,, ...,.....,.,...„...:„......,.,., T , c4..,1-"AtiwurriNifr•-Y-ti..A ift . f:,. 4 : : `1.:•;,:•4-4,4,' Ittb''..74;l:•-1:41 1 4, tilt'Aiti:Itri . ot t • li Ai. .. ;A:.;i::•44; : 3•ci t ,,, '• 1 .471 v, : . -• 4 :=Fs; .i3AP' - ' 4411 1.!..t1'i;• 44444.11:t t *, • 1,..1T"..4 . • • i, *lft44:yriir . ..: , e.,47- wA:—Ok::i . 1 : . s i;4:% . 't ',i,e'4*.....: 4j: - • • : ort.C. • 'l4•oiiMt.:Vs -... M' 61 1 : • ....• • 1.... V .4.41050!. ~ .:;_- ! Mot !:' .;• MEE , • • immuicar4,-,.• , _••%il i •vi.„ ,—• , -10 . 61,=-4 1 t 1 • t 6.7 1 iminmemposi ! . • ..tarcik, immikovommoup r ? . . . , , . •••41#: ~.1...U.5.1AL4-1:44 . . . • JAMS q. .. . , . , . . !. , • - . ... ~...---.1.'!". , .'",....;..., te. l' ' .. 4. . ''''- :!e*... r.'l4 :; }~: rvd•woft 4 &WaseralitMOV Plowmik. • a lb • T= P" tl=6, s".l " I.A : • lb* • V nor a. ft - ougma.ziummmp,. • tlyaig TAra , I* 'temper Übe am! Th i I ShLuilaiTOCK. di; • retail. • . ..41.11.1evk :tealrn,' KC* mann In* 'mho 'N. eollibh. UOl. *II., tri 141114111/101111.1' load a.Paillawasalisa illoojaps. claaal•lbalo r • 11%. • • • •• • ; SIMILIiaIIIOI/1/10011101V Jairtariallanr. IV. Ira atlygroiaarar awn, 1 i tigiVa a At 4 L__lf;g4;W: • 40inviayr AjtaPeA ." , 1 0, 411 1,__1( fleet.ll.4 AM en , .14 ir ,411 P Or .1.87 .u.l.vs,l4•Jusliclell 90 ' M. ViS4Z Any W•O11111. , Dunn. Ar C.C 1131 111011.111111. lataaboda thew( • • • • asa a. a. aratalast. , A 1110 4‘ bainmora. 11.. .. ' aairo=patZ= "4dean rateastar r airmitiAlboaoa lka masa liallam Wok , .e ricArliLinima.dri.a. 4-4iP aka I.l=slhp /I=Pig V=Uardi '.°;.1P41:5 I baaala-^ .:• v G..: o 1F.3 r..4lur, hut. Defoo.:: • • • , Minissis ihnrcu. DriGOP:a. SLotemarni taw, aittlr;fl7ll. .("1 Rpm/ rlllll.lllll4l.4waire, .... . - N ... Watt. , • , 41;ovr" 4... — ,,, - - -- .: =-==. ... , ---. . IE I 0 4111,2 41 , ;. ili: )15 ; . s'..a Fare.dateasary ea *w..; 0 ".. , '' , V 4 .rer.tillegli *id Mai ....6* ' * 4.7 -. .. •". ;...... .r. , - • • .1. . . Ire itsatowt• t • • filedlllllolllli 17 1 N0111111& r l 746 l =VliW oe i 3 0 41 .414 4iz :I,odfi az 4 4 . 6 ==!Ilintinmaue n i m a ~.. • awl •saisrer••••usek. weinlf in Kur.walikOited,ft. ..._ -slur PA, re lnir" iiik u l a be t t j.b.NITZ=Cham*LA Nt w Oms sigiel.L...4..vt. i • tv , .. , wir. eqe•rnalme ...jou Etrizi k u j 0,....,„... 0 ....,,,,,, ..., 1 - .ive4, ;: ....;...-r- , - ,,, -../...a1;/ 14- ;•ttl i t i g • t4r144 4"1. .IFftlY". • i ... to/ Are.../911 ....... . . POSlSM4 . l•Villiiisior4lmmlif ....1/94.911ft1" 1111 ("vs Vi • . lif • F ill e i r ani notre gitt: l4 :_,Lt4rtlyill:Orip tamll ".'al limuks, lode : 46., ftr. •'"0.1 1 Tau -- - - • -- - I'A%EiLZZiaiM , r l 2 Pir .41 re m.. WlLitill'4llllcof ....Negenwleg“ WO *foam, lop 00:INias Gramm 8401 11 .;:. - " 464' # 1. 1 44 21,-1 70 41 Ingtairitor*‘"s* Cr1?...“.. 50 .. -....1....-ii-ii.,---. F., evo ..t. amid aidothamankis WV • ' siNiiig • a. w. p. to w.. 4 • 50... 0. *a. samal . . ' SO. .; ~,,..a.f. , ....‘.. ~ 6 f MI. T • rind'sql.' umarmunt a ir • • .r ' , rill-ain't If . . 1 MI lay wealn=incur miguist stasszir cot u i v 1-43 . 0 tarroasobleiesairdi. roma.* at Raw solltlAYerril Si& ..yossra. logoz r ier.w w ; Um, 4' P. 4 ausmommt_ ell& umsnossiv Sisientmeisavamet. • ..p.alidamg. Ms Mow by T.J. tj, =Moir ' I OWED. 3110111426 N, tVinikwip .. !llonisengie4 17: 14. .41 , rp111444 . I SI, • nariZ ••' 7 '.'• -r. '" • mesa imp*. iir aals-Mossirill,:Wies u - it u.. 1 9:**2.1...~-a a • r IOW" &I. aILULUSAja t raniquipt sallhuS all arts Mask sad 01 Med uniali,iii,l4isal Paper. Nlaart.Sorel Pam QiiBs, Riski Cheds, n/ lhahOur ibm.utt. Ite. a wad SI, /Warfe ) l.: ...57 0 4uqp I =ol . ...lAkaila tvidia . , n. 4, NOM i r..tstutuakailic Lcd. ipais .4;' . 41ir..111a.111 Wad a: 11•1 6 .'.. aintsirinWif. 'dud . ermejnirluitolorliliZrei 'Mb A• 01 1. 1 1 . 6 1 ,0116 I •AM:sliti • .44V-MatrilittiA 44 '! Lift . e•%N. , ...,•.A . ,...440,41 , in..7A - 0.12 . 1" . .1.410ti0: _Xtici,'erniiir liag , J 1:a 7 . •4 0 n i e. -- - . ..e all ': faiiiv.a.iNwei..6. - Amopoi r iTherislweire ar.a. a Jana; , .111frolamr. rist . : lid • 1 1 . 1 4.4 04 1 11 •:* . - 1 q* -, _.... .. - .. r ,,,.. ..."TA.b.."`". 14 15 . 41 ",,a 5 ii: roh.i; estia.r wft. earnise Neat .eW. a itml*--1"1"1 " .4k4 1.... :stend.r.iwa 21=a ria="../..12 t.,,: , 76 gt ll = ' 4mllgoittoditt rlybelmti, - sal Lard Papa ri a 111V3TDithaa.11.rbiaaJiMallassig (19 ,494,aaisz_. mama WS?I no, illamara....al6,; - ' ti LA:t. ,, tr irri.ot War iv M i llion, Pmerl—.....ke - •-•- k4Airailirgf; Fb' .%•Vardaryr4.4 Anik_.T.a) assimwitark* Ns, .„, , .... • won tales Alletti..: 4 :: .. . .. • WWI!, SOPTIXIIIIi,P., ' 4 ‘4 4 .l ‘' . .....A .40741V9 , 2 1w , br. :mu ' Olttenhwet.:--" , • OM , 4 , 4411 1,1 0 1, Wborsi. • 111:=&114.4%7 1 =Ateti iiamrtturAintitali etas 16 " 1 " . " P '" 11 4 01 4 Mir satCem*74B:l4saas, 4 413* • • - •M'sairaidS ari Cbmilses• • ."--• ticown,l4::P..`7. , ' •• _ X. NiVlllllangislAliglif rs ....... Irl....tryk - a1 milWUßAirie r : .. .l 14,15/rarkW/ilisiko s 4rodupec• air . VOX i=rmie o dgMb" liitfikWitiaVs A i 4 mANPovaum7Sf Aildretalke fts .y.dsseallemiergek,ipr,pillisork se "." Did ".. .."",4 1 0•At. : ' " •' - .- 14= 1 1666. 1 1"1111414rti0r1i. IClVrtwatf4 •• wi . .I.IIWiWPWIWWs.ifIIIe4 c lase. -IL med WwWWWWW 1 ± .6 W mirowl ..41 :111,:), 'A . 1 " 11 .. 10 9 Ilan 5t*Dat,.............. „ .. adll.lll/1111, JON& • "'W .f. , .fritAbli , 40 ,nego“:11.6".1, R • . • - .l..'fr7fl' i ; •11.114011411111 . Mrel. Mbalntr4l,. l . ..11.1111 ni,4l,ora 02a St I,IR,rOVionL. i•ov St• Await/N0. 4 m...4,.=cari ____ s ' : •4ldlits,s CAR jcr....isa.t......auw,ai.nlltiOsvreaZ:r"b„jlgj:eNo...T.j.ot-tiblmAr,d.ak.:..h4;fr.Zki.h:;f..T..u7du.;G..:::...p.ri.,k,.rWL::: 1/• OWL 1310/11 4 BMW Pagwfudiu R .W C►4i4dM tesier. 71!ekagioik , gril. mit" all Omar Rai Wireless. Vill u`'''gciamiWirri's• -- --- 147:16.:-----'l7: wrdaairaii.gyia wiinit.....A....0g,, Abort .0 1... uk , re.idismag am, r Ovels. N. il . .11411,1142!“.""Vt:, Milisir C,....,- OILL PALIIIIR, Monier ai tAir, Alai .f• allera .. .. _ 4l4ll 4iiiliiiiollll4 IMIIIROM • eadamows&,• :•••,.•.:;,../ L a Q-7.:7 ..„ Whir. , ; 1 1 ), 67 .40. i dam iatilf 7+7i lPm' eantl• • 24•41/4an otaireaseillariClamieiry Lam.: tatir .. . • I• o . A?ia j , . cfr roil:4.We auk 011476!W - • - • • , 1 • • I . 6.14.-11. imams tr, 111 3 I ft al k4 H- di -AIPPIP!r. Whilmele: Ailaiieri-Ai Jimaiaw dideplfilftlibeh.— frin„, NeW4cta 3-4 VI?, .k • k S a l °Ma.. drnricra. WA - 1 ON, Wboter•Jr Gt. i,.8.-blartle,•..j.q!4.,than and 0 1061 1 0 611....7÷' '7,11r.°4 • IT,. ••egetVrkioenbasi 410%, 14 1 ., Lam, "4' 401ur meg. • -• palm °Unitas W OlC EVlrt i twien...i Naiy~py U ~ and I%,tma rtirte.Waml•all Walcaut„Plodow, ZALS .11r I ‘.INOUPUIrI.m. Ike l&Ses4o 4•11 ezmismaioloon&wr Pram& Watt& Cella . • um!, W.411-11-11-awaa. wari=o/78/40004. • ?teapdhowt,4•64.ooo., rnueed 'N"."•Waskt Nl= juirtalaml=ral 4ae.or,WlLtbiel chko-1410, tariv_wi ti anliiimmed r • wirerawats•iltiv4dgobovi (Mites ftioli v i loutfaideinverdeinfouss•titak s i 411 Na144 Klee moi=4" liretit i M=llo4;i6": mon.s.4 "itai Wistaadtkiwe reaumom. li_toiosow ia la ,' 4‘ro wwwwwwdlisollwe ow Ow. =maw wiidje- „ M4I . aml *VI '4, its wows* losowolat ofOoninet owe W=o 4" Mowasim,,,,,.. l.eligillisin. lasankbie Irma I ' II" .Pdnimmut Doeslds Ossboisetboresur. amoral."'" eat Pootnh ses. . • • . 10 .11 CII:IftWill Urn I, 4gar MN% Mae/ Ilasi awro;• areseallrnelitlymtbit 41' IVemelakP"ka"7l6l.B4a lir W~l,th .162'4"..41"."4,""12%;. JCINILI U Th • . 22floretcy 'at ea. '116.4;4(111.-44 "'" Veraliaso*22. " 11 . 01 .4 0U.22 : 1 . 22 ..C2a221a1.6.221 mum.) 112.41122.e.0te1ee•/1".1"" 4314. "I" •IL • %y a avilisisanunr. ars% arm. affigisteL 0 8kevAir, ages. ,•••• ••e ilisrbubilmattarle4 with p•AcoaliAy. • ILABBI4 . Wm. . BA Po I , 4 = 7 AMP. ; Jolt F /1..111e011ry• W. 0,4 1418%- /80. . .• ! AECTIP3ING::OIITILLErt, • :?••• r••4' 1 :11 tIMINUM8;1111111.1i; IN I mammillorawinass a Halc s aa /4.114 sidistaputacei D 0.110.1 . TIN 'di Coy • .:Osaarernii 41.1"661 4.1111...61. Lawrie. relifitg., • •••' 1 1.161•Itil a AT 01 culffial.tra el* I.I W. Vim. CINCINNATI. algt o -7 1 . 1111- gooks; OM. am Indicts VIPER IV- Wrts44:llM 1=1 "' 1, 4 -My, w. lllGOl4loguch cinuen, Pr* us /um P. amul.w.uoek *. Dons. • , W ' ff nou !"V iu oi.. Ca . r O ra O a r e a r 1. M. t So uVoa tastirformual&wa (earn! 445442 t..iZAr..z : Kt b r la their lb, Vriarrstreat, Roof OotrUlAlr. Indinitar II? 1111 JONI% flu VOX Talf.reaLl oir WWII ROY, MUMMA DS, FLUE a FILE elfrpfe r ivß a I NII flare ,Ii , ~ „. frevitrly facypeal air Ai C. Walla" Illarml. mar liras% %lama Wilk Wilt:tor ta foll ...poly of tti ear of Balkh boa sad inr arf rin , B,4 Irma, Rai fent lot Itolionlaio trtikk trill 110 tale 04 41• laaali Mast Mew Mill= laddlieda fad otliert, are loud Wta l jat. " .k . rtnt ° T d" ? l" gt / 1 - lv 1 4 , P7I:IE, 4311= 1114 l o o . :4 1r n ?Air+ rupp.iii, Inn A.. mi.. x •• kaar • aril td arra meat of do Y.. .d imam lleadeaaa, Ye wia Gen ae, ir ta1 ...4 044400,2 . 1, a..iv 1144.1 atrd =ms g." Id: *4 ' mar ID, sad 4.112 - woe r i t iiirlrmii ft . traytray I. d eiiiiilik s w m* 4 . 4 0 4.414164 5 ie 1 i p i a I :. ' 'l4Eol.4.ll,Mitripa Cirmiatt 1 _9 4 400 1.44 9 0 .._ "• AIN maaiad at *MOW 11 . lala'all ,.., ~ 4 0..: aaamirara . 1 . 1: IMF -J. 1.7. 4 Lt I A P M: I netatV r as bar al art do hacks, a* pa a. SI 11.• :. ! ! _ • Rats; _Mar.". Lad aacf aap road ' MOW inlay. any** PI at a me! ulnae, 5+34 4 Irllbovillitioiletifitii* as - vary best tassel. . -5 .i,‘, -, ,.1.:.:14:44 Air W z ir rz jaA, .. '" - AirrOltlif EY 'AT L A Wi, _.-,.. 1 `1 ...'‘,. ...:1„ ........„ . 14. nitgraft ..... , ,,..e.......,.w... : se Sedned.orn i Pinstncrek. • : ~ , , .i WO% ISO 17 Mutes abdit .Ta!lt'nqady'rropect. r.prtinfin lad sorialm rislint Wascrit tregNlM, Clin , dd7 &di.% .. 4 101 Mr le kb byre Ma ..r woo. rilnesarnd 71. gr fl d Cledtre ma nle & anadr!..; mem dr Him. Frkini Illudigram / 1 , , . 6, 1 . 7 ..14. '" bi T P.. 107. are Is.i sun : — ia•iititz it. maws... .: • A 710111NEY AT LAN, 1 . 12• Km z . ..c ii . : .ClAlleir Alta* Ur wed anol. At 6. ' ••• =Coslrs.l4l.4r.aieg . nertot.,.Tarate=u nf ar inl N UAN. • us , &As.. aoaar .1; litil.: .. ". 1 : ''.:*r'°. •v Ilaincncr NO. 111 V primer OKlfl WJ , IB Anma•st= "l • Nel ..trZiAb ui hietiniesiirleariatU PErr Wiells;Mtp,v, _____T ini vrat u - Ali g laitTitibi gn N UT - , 67110.,•116 ~ i 97f , 0 . 7 . 7 41 44MAJW aid Park SI/ 1 . 1 11 :15 . 4 - ' • • • iliffialiapik, n.. Mlighlnf i t - i nti RCA Ilig+44o;trosteasinfor.ii • - • - - 1111masi t , • ••••uis • um. MUM. •IA•11.. & U7Ao7olffailt .111samertir Sadroairtle . 016.14-111 •4 11 .1/Mad VW*. oriu. W . RAPIN% MO II Wied ruatmlit. ratt A. X., Wrageel .........,.- ,T lea .VcAortr„ WALLIANIPORD* CO.. ' ' I , “- i ! 15111°2 !.. . ..k....r."ff"Ml.J.ltrAFt77so + . ' a tA v-r a a Kowa in 'my 01... J Wraressinton - mnunninorossift, ARE/WO/Ur Soird ilbetztz a esd4 he •at• / ••••••iir simsrted Steel. Irm. . a...a . . ........ . . . : 1'!..1W a ao. c.a. sh...r, Stu,. aad. - lisrei'm cpriggrh, Aft. Fif Aktr zj.ruig imilimr: .' soe au 0.../. 4044 ..4 Fork.: • ..,.. , ... ' earriaeSi.d.t....l4o,4 . . - *styli., Paw kolCl ,Yk - cs, bum sal eamakojs , . illftlasavlrm. rerirk Ringcra.l.lascon Iraq . . • kri, Clay DO Ow Pi tt . , _ .. , . , ' " ' &pi., iNetivs jrni aMIIIIS, lc., 44:4 • 6... ; igel9r 15.• ripoorSisks. boa. PI Mast "tiqins,s .04 u .4 .b. - .. • WI. , - ra idwasak aldellawlto ,C/dAajtall: trA. • 1:1A lliii 11 014O/111111. AO. t - , t ^a: • T 0 OA O . 'CO.r. '-,-,'', CIIIIIIIIi la -118kC141171;-..; N.. ad Saank W iumra d eitC•RWlldriflinfar Ail rai„diS tai'liVfiiliwairteat,usrla sad alnhelSlPlMMltraft KO yam,* that they Isard taadetwoodod=wkw. with 6.1 r, mw alaaraelarateVall dia Wed, %Ye:111.41a; and odor ... wi will a_lad coadiant aapply of throstwaysygdowespi a or Tobacco *aids • will ba wildrapeta analacwoo t Nadu ag soma so wiy other harm ia &tastily ae 'la.:, where, sad. ail pada anhweel 1 10.11 dIKIM .1111 IA "mu,. Alma opal tit . Yaw , : r„Plato itara • Posaila goodLoay Ito rlata leelq. :t sal Flarida,• • • bwarao r Brarode saiebnued armada dug Carew Li* arilat d lwawitaeortasaw: of water ooptelar rawl.. d qouthita• of jasottda da el Sawa& wed Sote Lows Mae ow and ilk INF "Luke war, V,l ..n 'nab.. # O l ,a.'", aa ,, pi t . la whole and Wilt lam, www ... h. %Volker S . attar out, ty or • ankle Wan; ia_________, to um wade- - }dd', Pine. i .. , .. i..n .-- rb —- :-7---- z - u ._.__. I , . , 1... e., ti trb }MON.; I . Zi a gVIAIDEMNIO*Pt"4"9.4OIIIIIt• .... FOn..M.If ad Com m lean M h i". m I ' YomUmre<l,,atoreitmad•-•7 flaclar ".• 1". . lan zo— /... .. m3. Man . M. Allen ft.ooo ' . ' • , :. 1 1 w. M. r&Siml. 1 .piu.b.o. a / B' g:tic ' • - . * . Mania k. eAlme_ .r,. . i Nmimille T Yealaaa 4 amilmiat ' ''.3. . Lane& .0,..,i.dik XY - . • aprlarr k W / - - •' ' • . hoe* Jo Q., • PR/081111, O. .'. • thwth, Um. Co, w 0rk.... a Wry Ymir. .. '; °MU CL. lialkomre. • 7 4 • • •••• • .. Oa 1.-7=—''' .••• •, • • 4 CL CO.,ilia,: J. 0-. W.. TVKICH . im. r . E d 0 ,voitwAtuaNti. . • , Ana C llicarelaamlar: . • • jp1111 . 71 4 ..a R .. . 1•1:11 Phil rrip* Ilir *ad Anallaabc aitn:a toz.he . ak:adiaus*h., mon.. im. thsitnek; NeaChitaaa. ' • Mama Lama& ,ialiaaai;,**...pliialirkit 11 1:11: . 0 . WI a m wm. iftpli ti A a Wietel..4 !ma, IL ,Co.; goaaaged._,..„ „ • MME A 'ilassza-acelsiniCa . Ilina, Loan., Mao, ,Liintikahia La ada_ PLOUR %art; • eeg r 4: raw ihneafaerilts • • ' .11F . Zeir Y.1 1 1.11.7101at .21 ,4 .0 1, h a U 4 k w', hi* into= Nail, Sion talr ' ISACPN LOGAN ninostens or • in 1141.111.D1NA No. 10. &Tqlor,Pittstergk. Ltnesepon, CNkke. • '.. • Fal se duvet srlmi, A,;‘,,d..• TacylarkrieUst.q*. 0148 Or. tt I 1111111:11f,-- 'WHOUNALIC .DVALIMIS CIDTLIZS/111, PAVI I IIVILOIII. tilt ,!efssoe."7"P4 4". "4' 7 . •fs. a., wiieh sarf4 I..ers"'" Mt Spot wraataisess VIM la , and diteet foal :MO . gasaisstmeno l*tshri7, wiab-Iss iless As *I tot sods as imps so lot". sad OPAtisd Partl6.7s sre taaiy assited to call. • 111' (1 !11k.,ci1f! ,17 N4 aiirwsio% It frXi " ARC I AU hikiiblikir.:: ..Iflrloilolm fi 1 A/N.eSrt( WL a a v cteoc ''burr. ia eV crndaiuoCms•t is lS eLThajoe•rea •Mi•asho._k . as•,Moo.*-.and For am aad o agsadw ?ma.mad is FoeUhlgow. co:Coa.Av Ed.eaEcoes.sodwl a te . - = r.a. 1 1 ,4 . tha plat:Weal articles or .r, n ti. timr-st 'Womb prices Onictsltriawtoealn ant reepitetrany welieited. ,mad e EL Y. GOrt E.g.....z • CO.. . . ...VW tali( Piti= " •it 14•• ' tPae De. Ir . :lao • .7 the NE•haott &us ...a to tothat tg Vet trowear4l; • a•r p, TO, , IL.;1•14 loweit4 Gs Mew., Salley ACe Ort=A Co ' • Ileory Graf , C. . 1 1.: V Larch aat • imebore.a. 9. .. Parte •Vhatt. • . . maeillite .... • dal.: .-- • - .mil r *ai*. .. .__ • .11.a.tit of tho-Orna of alcoba rtneh lk en I INlltadd4.l4 Craw r. oamos 1a so VI.. nZAUSIIII4I all kW .Conau7 PnaJaav, Cop -I-P.p.; Tca. lla Mak P(TD . Toots, Zoos is...is Isom inern Inn, had ad :1ca11...11f.169 Lad, co,. awsr.,•coe., trumilas; ,itiz PlushanA alaaaraouny grimallyi papered . , lad ber . l. . ITiVll!"l.4.'"'"Zre 4 . ••uariqgEEßs AND : COMISSION ItERCHAm ALENANDER y A BRO& CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS OVlgal la aati al ..y e k . __ froid. sli &lad. of ilefelhoadis• as Ile known , r of .... Ma isi,Llgnir.ll.lolll.4ll, WWI 4 ritliCell. ne.6111. - W. ream.. gives. lf regais Loom lidllooma la .I,9korifal .".1111 1 / 1 ;111..I . NO.COMIVIcteN AO WA • ...•0 WINDOW GNI*, Ow green, is flow de • - rticiiiiiox a COMMISSION ac...n.i 14f11101i WALLIS/GPM* & COMMISSION RIOR ISA RIM/ lIIMISCUAM `7' 7trlt7 m ll b lot,n E 74. I .v—•ill . dR INN s " 6.0oa01S& ssks, sd...I.NMMIC&IMISMIOII.IIOIIm, a. w. Rants.. 'Ana. -=ATR>cWI ik 4•7011. COIIIIIBIO3 liliCl/11714' sw,4B trikett, •:Wslllihreparueri ll , 110. intosed --• Ism • Xll ~k. 01971 • Co6i MWMME . . . .. , . • •• . ___,,,,.........,. -!.,',.MISCELL : I EOUS. - -.. : JJAILII W. imicmui-iii.i.: . . 7 - 7' .• Plirianniax Maa rre a a eeaa boons, . . .-.* • tla &tip gr. eying, • • • - .. . e, . -immor...l o .lw - Rrahlut, IMIII /414ilkint pn vale Dana. !: /1110 14 1 1 111 101111 1 / 1 41 tang sad war infer. , '. - 'l.' ; . Tbagnmuuselna anal esa on be ereelledl by bbY malt aebbeyya Um nenera ma., Pene.n.nnlael w pannua !maid 4., bean he im r.l n unteAd.-11 ••1 Nineft..,l ay renal( obang , leasa. Pan . of ne bank • be %Gain in Pla4b ind Ltals..4.6bversirars; T':. /1416.,11110are!q Nano yep 14 our Diz .ri el . . .. . - it dot fan by Clank '. ' • . 3 eat anboiney libel ' • . , II marble rap Damn; gmiew. = ••\ • , • lon rble i.,,7 IVertilliair • • ' t ' • ork Wonlirtrnpt:' • aad 'r. " ""aarilten."Ei "" ma " Parabara *ad nam n. m se n neboa. a na 11151' Aii' . W .- "i w , lit Illallara WOODIV/CLL. Corstor of Woolf Lod Ad ate . I s titollnssaft. .[IIIZO•Mon, 7.v..eoldirm afpitojat. Oloosons iaooassaelog I: oy retold ts tie We and o ' llo ' 7diksto i 1 474 " "1 Z::-17" "st"T, •Asad mad* arrangements whir Maytfaellnitl• ot tblo ll " =ponla n r or Irtodon'=l.lV4 od i oo Voltome and ad las •• oay halm ' Li or tfett.—• utsuotad oriels orblnoply Ignited to old ...I, tr... ay - mapk. b*** 01.""....* TOo Oalknring consorts.. outs( ay Mei.. . • tkausbagua.glikki %llidleff..l7.l`now e l itn. 'Film Mr Stood. Co Mee Trots. damns, fl: on, la is Lateboo, 8.4 *rhea, Dor Hogs; &rnr., sum 104%41 irs_llllabotax, bout. sad moon; mad El Word en outosoesm tool the . --• • Illelil.f r......, . ,--, cj , "alkali iTh--------irr a a . cnn.......„. a. N .,,4„. 0" ..T11 ..1. 1 . . ,0 1 Twil ... , 8D.T 1 . ..... ,... 111 1A D D I N . 0 ~.,,.,,,..b.„"...,2,.,i,..,,,r.,...5:r..,.'j'",u,a4",aaw.,i'.,e...,1A°...,f1'r,1e:tg*a..g.ira1::"...,yj""'"""m-"ner,,..,.,t.y..i,,b."'•1"aduu..i....H:.'r':., 5 , , b , 7 6...., • s th ir "j aan :: : l : 7 ll'l" ; cgr .w. 1.4 e".""""Wb.":les,:..r.isf.ll:....ur'r?Plttsk'"b"kl'"""k",97twgai'4...:ruslft4.,.."-*:Ai„.4"W""lkga.6.::rt'r,,e'dil'•4',;c:„..•*"""'U'"'a.....:jdo"'..„S'kE'.re•', .'l,;B'''cr''':e.'dll • t...., tif.y.Utcat..,...,..a.ang...bouram. ► 1.6,0,..rira..k:_. o:tusafaus. bed. steads will tiatua'a Nam f astepiaga mad consider ~ ....par. p. saw tarmUwes w.di whet we us. fume La.. _ , 11Pareve TFf Your API, '. Robert Pune. 1J * Hastier,' "- 'haws 0 11.,, Jo. Uddrit•Sa Jak Faa 1..0 a add. . . . itspi=traa• lk • ' nee. Fads, • ~ rm. H Wsllate Dual lealasP..i. ," • • Iltravy A 1 1 . Clellod Hada Walla. ._ . ......Jd0w5, /attack 'F. Mika. O . Illtred7aUtto .L o n tki.u, a . v a st ..... • --• , , , 1 1 Witwlowi P GA: um, p.m.. UrlfiEr . a= sTra citlN /I •.. • kaaht/bLialool • purer. Ms 7ld Iddll. fa Pioar k Witeki. arikaavied cam Lion ilento 'sky Waal Itaabilny,•..•••• peiy,d to ..II rigina arodeurtmot fa thdlrity tassektoss i• au part of * I...,ated timatatllo- mall. la deapasd to lone lima fres erada.elerp, atal 'lull all. 31111111... *sot . -dra low• per Shuiwalbearattf bird o satel le De kilo; Das • yowling tboutpapokad LOOst of pre: peril ta• elandryhr, sad barmilmethabba it k arair web intdde It so vast.. stmeg,.. field.% e eutu tepoir, und Isewurrorted AM , ha Ilan .. t x esr LW Pas Taw wiLa . frea f•i: F,t r braaaa,,, ma Iva oh4a efi . birtri gecko,. rot a fall dese MO. W. ve AI Marto • aaritiao awe to sareesoal tic . .. limn ,MU area boar. •ear lir West end a a sweet, alma we •haft be bappy.lo ee.u. cfrry •41 osasteled• wi th It ba all wear owy ult. .We ham at puma ow .oorned.wite. 'ADO ( ns Dan adder. * • • . !I ' 4. 11,1' 11eRtif•I/L aiii.Waw7VlßßlFkiiiiM—'-' -- i v mum vu. v mmomwrwm daunt..., , Malmo mama/ Da proseipal .tmo aw.6.ostiesia !OF westem ossauy; and Wooptast Ow tater. of Intaltqinailk, stn be rawly delivery. De 0p... atNeeldkilda- The _penni es as watch dorlarabillty Oldoloftwur , kpmeD, I. rassi}d lky uenme•d lim •••••_ aroadat Dra Lary** wi,ont de• airmen? wo , at•••••••-.4..16.11,3oratiteroUla whirl It Is Md.- • ' .0 1 ,,Deamfaly ...aka :Tim, aill b. i boodld7 • 'baited aadasapostly paw. by meblatiy, and sio- . ailliallialasigo. be MOW.. 11.0 • Os, IM poo permeasbiall itatpatid le kadlidala lark itellowkdged :1514RIZT: 7 14 Argl4TIT3rg i 7 . ; llara . - • 7.. USW*. In t . Wpk. . .N VI 101111r/f111;111TILILlIT MIAILDII. • ON•11.)• AND FRUIT ISTORRoviti ••••••= l ,•pcll IAI. Mr *lra fros• Wood si, lalliestalawat • JityraNsFella T. ewe. Aklldo•didlasayameof Posey Coke,,Coafeetubary , Fra r 21..11.10,.. W0M,11.1:1....s MOO We_ MINI/411V- I • . ...._Mallansw,. Feud Cabs; Lemma Dank iefl,ke; =el t Ilit=l:ri!lt,pi• , timer Nun War... Jr , I,b'MD.oi. 11...k.:,•-• Federal Ca.; A r•.: - • ...p. nsk .• '. _ Ordery Om lee G.A.. Jelly. and.. Llat. F.. CoaDwitaary, le, ke., ezu•tod ta • *owe aaw astaltr i t 11 . q.1 . 1:y and 1...“11y iugy ".,4!ynidylb.. Lii'lll' irkdielrg:ftdarT47=n%rli• .iast .. • opi . • ANDameT7'. T)00, TO /11.01013111 OP UICATIXO zicia. jjltftw-. -Mr. 0: Darter. or Woos, has ura..1..1 , lee Owes reuttssity of Teo/pert*. '' , . Pad. Pm.. Dow eftibt. ' • " led. No ••Wlemstet Dryuss 4.4. Fowl; anended to, aad iati baba. is M..dei ad , ceder. 6l One hhWll • Mehl aad Sperestealati tau b Welk aad Du ap pant* ifblail,cll at MI eery alb/ Timmy Immo • - : . . Wu. sa•irE Em* m", isaytaf 11. Ilsods•ddistlet as 7iOZLII ARTICLFN Mg THE TINLEf-• .a.aiw,••• Dap: oast.. of as town liktutaieal • • diveurry If mt.*. diatom 6e Mg.* LW gill_ OM 0.1 l'au, al Arta as impart* a Diana meat* bac a 4 ea.* sata • - .• Alto, latioars at ' *Laura Al.. Peri. Cream, wbiek to now morally sod by tate fuldesmble eau 14.111 ia •11 pan• of ta• Val* atm... riesafht Dmiturry Rowan. torrossert.•••.l•••• 1.15 .d .a. h. Uglily celabeat. Vegrad. I.i.pld Half Dm, a Mumma reads s• u. We pm.. le dye *is.. autatibu•••,. uoi lie .M. 41.. OW ~ ..Y halo, whisketa astildelb. and amt.., to ishasusifal bras. a Wet sell• U. it... midst air he We: .1.413,1• s.! remit, . a •• ,1 1/10 1 11111.10114 CO jtitr....... hirGiesis.4 ~,...,..4 wow ••aou. • m eimisupg,•• Cutter? 11•Millarr,'&e. • "X IiIIALILZJI, • FIOPOITTA AND DIU Lk& la Foots. aad Ds.* I tar Hard wate,.• 14, mass Dam la Dim. muli.. •mm fir. um 1.. I. um mm.u.• his Ppm m ...pry .4r Irudwzre, at At oad Pad. Walter k Wt. wed. No fer Wood street, width be will dlopre etve de am raresilhie emu. • U. all rat deariaully Amu win frill eirptikodi nen Dow the llusthicum.rs la !Drape and Ibul to m era. allidi,olll....l•bia liar * wt. to, tat= ontoidwor Um •• Was. Wspourytnhaass dam ismited il • bet ,blieZielme liddalaillossavre awl -T -• AND PRODUCE col& NEERCSANTE: ' . M.d• Art, teeelpi t 6slnrw lelsoidtes will le • u.a.bY star 41108, E CHANT k r, r. cuLarsure try, Drteil Prot. Beeg. tr.ri 07. , vo, IIMUSILi- FRCHA NT$ Sb rye 014 itaiss„Cco , • . • •• iroi..ei...,i4ilp. • . • Vi P l5 .h. gr a r. R.°4_, _...."7:"'"eir—C6=i c... sw 4ollonylaalber, .44:14411111 *I - • • onyx, atoonow • co ••••••_. - .4 hare •Aksa Uul tramps.. lookAl Coarall44lN.r. [Agar ants, 11.4egyy •4444,64 by Mr. 3Y N/Piwy mien WI boojasa• mark lb ear 414/114.. !V 4 4 pwiyily 1:44 411111(4111 markt Us' • • 11011JL121 CHIUN lbw/Wier Ybilaklyolifb . , mos B lo•eik,____v . ~ 1,41)4.44,064 • 1-IN OWilt,MeOwnwp - - ~. - • . • • ~ L1ituLt.1.11...../..A.ai Kim , ._ . .. e .• - .i,i t ,y . /*• • : 1 / 1 10114111.161 CNINDIG.JAL f ' - . • A....tam of Ulna& j 11.444 y, tookui Value ilasstarturr EMI ..i., 1. uleetit.CoAf and Yaciety Itarto, beeN 4.• bully *a M.. of bas 4..... a bea.11.41.4, .••• Maelibtion *0 OoltMahogaby ~,, a 0...... L•ohwal....n 1 . 1 1 2... 41 .. d &soft . Togging µLa MI <Drumm.? port.•ll mune* • • . . All i We al C lo 4..Tnys, Ltd brai.e., i• .11a 1 . , dusarlt Ce•W•n•t•ii• an / • morel *nommen* of Y 444.7 Ileaboorbolesso4, at• 644411 bohuyoe oil call: r , d , ..r. ...I W.*. ••}1.3•41 with Pbelp•• C.o . s. Ow - `.--e ,. 14 1 - '4.Probte, as 4 10 by 14 kw/46M Now Vat 4 1 / 4 1% , . .. ' .. AWN-es. roe/ .41 4.1 t .1.. I .=14.205 amd4 r 4 "" "i i w ' su, 4.1 11 b, IMO ay . """!* ;01 rim pm :rhjaMo mom/wry ttIMP.."' 1. will tom:Ills bligib ena T zi lit Al W all., iso imonvem or lasf bwb.aaTipolk Ilam-tao Clotbi • .EAGLE-90:1111014•WORKS. • ,PaTIPSOVEritiI. • • , itimuvAery at currun VAIN Saida , 'Pitt • Ca . VAIN.':. . VAIN, CAPPETCIIAI§ WA& At ac., , PENN ei OCK k es • , . liptiresron SPArbistrs Artry,) CV •' - A ' DIN 1 ,4 1 1 4) ga 1 i " I■a " ZrE, .M"'" t " burr. isesd, new • . =WARD P iarriArAiriPiP • Alitirsty al law • , ettlekti_Ater ' , MD. • . JO6lOOO miles kl lAD MAUS unwell, ho iris isalherr pries fa CAplissir PPS. Atelier salved, awn aistripliaa al %War sal Wt!PPiall PAP* , ciamas ativsouis a Prim: peke ' • Cerair Versa sad Incisors. Pis.esith 4, VITTAMIIIeat Rens abLFlrein. WailiNte—lteeelfed _Aft tiqgimeetstilhicri Let o rw earkee.wwworLaik*siol oat badmt:=l.o•7l. • "UMW • • but se a ..IP UPI VW Zen Ckm.. liate laf44?diVe=".* "'" 116111 P - ./., T. M.- ass ka ik — or;;( V—C-CHY—;o.ta-- h_s . a11.5 . 1r, sk .1 md•oof P•ike, ai k Oki Jig L 74, _ta.d curt Mb wpm. • i ' a N WICRISIMIAL 'WC ciriii,rusurs 1 ...7110 4n oqt~ 1.44.0 % it1gMm. r M il lf Man mg 1 4 - st ^f""x."22jas gni ,rata'Y INSTITUTIONS ÷,......:_:=,----____--- --------: ITfllllllllg 'now igativr — L • listitietid, suer de Faso wart. .t. it Its er a lon. la tidal all the an Ad and ete ' Writes of • Gemltt4 °domes. an uteght ~..3._ . ' ...IV: 1:41:1=a, ri=yitis“. 3d and 411 motto The adonoll metolleit rail 7:e =we on 21 onaftte Me Alth of Antettel, 2241 in /a Implenam that of ttlts tot r. 6 1 4 m 'datitt.,,...o4 be_presnt ato far 1211 peranme• thatiostat,,_ . e l . _limy hens •ecert4 i *cremes of Probseef ine , sweat a* Itmeher V' Malt an K W PM/WIN WNW_ . *h....newel/ Inman. to need meoemortd2l2l)lll *OM' pelmet Fa...chic:wheeled/ bet ent2doyed ... 1 . 1. , bet kllVGll42llVlitalllrd4lll2olgalermemisma of Toeel Mune. , Pitt 81121112214/ veil have dieeedettof tio Adult Debt .torn( and .ill Sire ketone, in dravrote,e/ret ontr, non p•lall.g. kW 111•11 eme water rasa Prot 9 to • competent teacher. and lue tecomeeteodatnen from the iris men in 2 mope and the United Staten . Ile kw ohm teen • *mime wile Etet memlieu of tie 11V ' ..* ,...PPY. I° 4.14 911 1 t VOUSOL4=I —LNIUf• • .. T t artitt, • troofet d r " T " "N} N.: the reeeptnot .I Coveter of Sandusky mad illraWbilre7 8114 The hoond Bceeloo mill commence on Otottombli L of " acing:nag m moor will find II athese ietetell =to 6 m wee nileem the be opeaimgef the eetetoo as pomthim ninil 1.2 •t any Ilalt don% IM The *emit. of common limber. will be treated C ot clean that we w 44 to nooks ttsitotpoom io Dtt.t l ot,P4O•iirl an/ NNW,. : For peancelan Woke ••.1/1m elamMollastenenon. Moos. oo.ototatiolototatot only**, boartreto/ n________*iksth•Rnarh la. sea-• - 1 ' • •Tr it _____ --------____ _ . iiilll7lre TM ISAILIPII COLL;ZiIIZ. • i MMIIIIBBURGII, Md. . irysis ANNUM. OEISSION of blushes ist - dds lapis. it daft man/eat. are 17th of Armor.. Stade.. shoal/. If praetlcabte. cen terbefore that data. Itoard and Tuidos, inthehng the emirs Claesio aod Serentiferoaree,lbo Psenels,Ladgia.Wahing Mier. . L' and bectot`a fess, l ies ► pre annum: . Etldeettta oedema....l4,in advance. • awe salmi sad Dr awin h g are CUM charges, tub 1140 per alsa the alm;. • assa and frprialah Magas. pa, each 1113 per annum A payees.% etihe College eirplalntor the 'parse or rani.. reqa/alic day madams:di and dyer ma of sharSpliaa. NU be sent io ang per... &RAW,/ fo r 14 J71 7 1..ta_ j________ ._______ ' . i JOHN MaCAPRIM.Y Pfesideal *lll 1iTH01961,11110/1111.1113I6SCHOOldo, . rot voinea Lanus. No 9, ires,k(ntzem,pure.,Plll994•lplaa. THE 1.).11111/14 9,...l,stioadoit emosesialla retPB'. IZeka)riele oblaieed at tki. osky, of by MdliPtles 141..-.. par .1410911.99 ------ ,ArAjABLE Booms—Nbli.b e d by 4 A 6 • 'de U P Jame,. Walnut elite', between Mena led Minh. a atria Kali. - • Gaiscieb Gibbon—Tee bleary 04 Se decline aad 001 or Ile Illemen gapes ady Edward Gibbets,' • K.q: A sew Eddied, remesdand corrected Lbreato. 41111. p receded by a preface, and eccomponied by pine, critical end biitorwal, relation principally le de proyegalionse Ctelstlaalir loy Al. E. ained, 1111.... ti let •r ef Public 'retraction foe the Candela it apnea. The preface, Note aid eiesetiale, Ltalea Wed from tbe Fraser, earned, ler oftiion: Willis malice to 4 the Lile and charactebbed, and Wateoadafterly to Gibbon - let role low tie. 1071 pales. • giro. •. - Napteri rebioabla Wei—Complete. 1 rod. limp.. . ' Ilallato a Middle Are, L' bamber's Selene@ ill Scotland Roberwee't Virginia Slid New fagrand; ! Seseelre Vereeli add Igegbab War,. Andaele, and Saimay'e America. Illerolotion.. 1 eel It.. I • Livery of American Ilititory—Costaioing allk4b li .. acts them the beet setters on American Fllstern Merge!, Towel*, t:crerereo, ritallatars,lndiase.i hero er letimy [halm tee. dia. As.. Also, Aimee. I dote., Pa try and bliwellancow attacks. 11Iaetnt I led with "awe dna 500 eograrlana 1 eel, imp tria GllO panes. . . Altairenial rectorial Libtary—Cootabein leasable I Farm as Minas 'objects, .cotopidan • 2122, 34.1 Uhrtory ha and Se ieneeegricallare, finial Ikea— rely, Biography. Fick, mu, tbe Orienlate, Traveht, Geogrephy, Botany, MacLellan/awe coadyin, ice. ate. 1 root imp two GlOpp, fell abeep The Family if ediehl Library—A Treatise aide. Pareestioa sad Can of Dieeesea, by regime. and isiarle medic-idea New ed,U., mrmed ..d any,. lard web the addition id a Vegetable Malerja Med. l la.-peed., not the virtues. perorate... end dote?. of/or meat valuable n awe teedical Masts, asil MS initiate of Amtomy • and Phylieloga. .111eritrated vita on. headrest P.agrarions, .ace of stick and adored. By JCI tionrood.M ta—.7.4 Pam Om -, Americas blosicellableto Compseca•—Ashortgor le the Veiled Shate4lty Edward Sayiero.Landecapit sod Oflainsehtld Glanlaw. 12 wo, thine edition, revised, enlarged and illestelett. '. . Pewee. °revel, Reeky blopetains,&e. ice. MantilyTestarnecti or /ave. wit; aainoohed M dfalet mein rmetre:s in metre: I. . rake and Penne'. Debate. Ilene. W. Lad Ode Lain Latta Rooth. More. Private. Dy orm Sea. Jareille Raba. 'Clear editimie of 'redoes .wow`.e pateptdel feria. , ' eria , 7. IFE 1 - . .taI , W ..-- 1,,. A 111aT1212 on il. Piave.. g ad I:Sate ed Weiner In ay m int. ems simple Medientea hew cheat. A eeaed. .eh tee ed,hilee of. Yeaselei wee d ataleall peewee MS MPOM the rill., prepares.. . mere' en . .1...50i• e , animal Mani, and ≉ eiskt;il44.l•J .41 01. cn,,,,s it, ~., d e f 06.1011 PM/ geohlocrog.' Oly J .. Nomamid 24. D.• , • Tletehreef of Ile e.g.. srodt i to kit... lki•Ioly, ebbetedele armee.. N.V.., me teroaroutem it *tremens filille l a y ie., to at ceeetel, e erie-and 'ml,. w»easeel hleoelted e U. eatmei.We of all alada, to eel ea.,. la ounienaie the sem i .. el • Meet.; is Me tenon..e., of welch Imams, life may be ft eta.. s ' Tie treeierm pewee by the gencrelity of praetiew er..eed feed New •ibeeashl4.paruguslarly in obe Di. eyes Eargeorme so the toroth me Weft, am been deeded woe marls miloresere bag peal cars. : Tba riming liimiletl.Jancsg, li Is balerred,baa gliree are general eatbobasion iisaa ear Weal ot the Mod .. 00 . riria.i.pa 5 .4 Perrrotraeo or see liner misingee e. abed r 'raper dee...or see Nona. .70.:.1,„"1"-IV6,7.0"4:::;.,17"; a'realTl:al 2r.liare I s .. Werner 67 bed et lesibee, mho hate le their bow. that, nail ,bey se riftedeambea met et She work. rte asses Um ea n madam rem.. a-11.mi fieq.a.17.•..1... Was eat,ln ...year, bp Ith el Agents Irmaed le roll lain moarli.• liter., mart. own allowed. J. AISU. P. JAM I`. lionairliers, reel Maui .L b. C . fob tad Sib. hia lialaatic rbiallig ll ooMll.-11te and whew.. eps. ee end . I *epistle.. et Alden. De La Mode enni, sa, geol. eriob mese scrawnier the perreeel V Moor) and Magian/ *rehet of reale. A reabldey of Cantle sy. by floma*C. ity.lem, Pekoe, of Menu' aed , Morel taideeepky, 818'14.1 iS Collrge,P./._ VA • . • .. TM ere et the they la islivara In ler aliss,er law ileac, M. O. Welig/..<7 of ih• *Kai l'el.rge of MN. maa../Le le. - -Ham in sl'u' best memar oar pecstal•ei:•,..i:l, weed . .• 2 f=eitese, aid erberedt . . ~: n. a. , ...10(kn0.1.1g. nuke elfruhle.._ l Olden. ted try ameinmsmerlsb gottnins by PrenelYWerload, D.ll.,Pmai.e2 wove. u.1..2121,2 2,216.112 r, ahem. Intl twelve/ by . .. nuare* Wining, • ten.l4 , l.b.i.si sad.* -Pra a y lireir M ercy terser, • eineim/ail...Ur 4 itlVAtibigas.' DD. mice ler ee Haerialina: peer, time, /10, . hair cleat ace. . , .. 'Ty eller tattl. were. ii/WrIV il Aestkei stile w , .: mod estate ante regent no Croolesetill nollgimar ober: ant; at obliged Annelle. la is Soden allay tweet Wei me 'eolith. n end vetches.. It to set aro lee militia their tedrityte repliratecir, be Id i a Z...pti.(oll.o.4ejall'rrevetrib) Pipit Jill ' - . • ' ELLItriT a garOLJall4l. ant .. tiamreve49l76.747ir-Ff..-e:,;Ti :-.67e,-ii. I ,11 .iileabsir. at liewybee. web &glee Mee. by , Mae. Amami, I. I. Ll alaskainkengray once 'New Va. sea. Wok, ei reithwyeliner.of ile Gl ' emarlio and Moog of temalerh, by W.an 1e...11, with maw.. atape:endeenieelea.. gee, lereetenhaerUsek.. lieterytere Nate emote. //emery...ad leillltyreseerearen,elib ea elan:moot.. 14m CI Pielanel Ilsboff sriagibee rmbge iik El iskniairaplncizto=4..ip.ibii.i.4:Ti. U 'Astir Plata., ISeeliesell. • • - - . • ' TIIEIII6 - 10111' LW al ESUSO: be, Oird {Vier. mad.. newel and Setefelieeary Annal. Awn olie-per ad of 'oar ,6mallabi Conaaeac IMO, lo le . . peseta inne.ll.C; Welmlneen wee:wale die Wet whit ibe•Uoned Neter. ea resere sOd Watery Arieeerateurl. ' lty Pbll/0 Yearn .11 Woe almaCoppeophate Map, end wren Fair orient of Plans ef llati } dUreenda. as, One vet oeure, ef five heeded net eleirtee payel. PIASIONI rfaaon i • [Mint ELK10:11, ter In eastern Maki F•ifei al .4 .' Al TbJe4 Ifereei. Plesew wet be team ne4 •I ell hews, awl Ile ebbilesl bar *ID be Wee from if to lir A./44 ee4 nee oak bl„ ascii de,. . PAWL Qe&eb.r. Vsobe enders' 4, Id Inlprp - FlLbeteb and it" dist trelave epptsU i rd Ye, I lz. t Veber eale La. , 111esteloi renalnginnisi fee'Gen agile ?Anil A.eiel. (real *lwo Owe may Wel, Wand at uer re. I New York) piece: • Me' Y tk . he _ 1.1610.0t*f4• ral.=l,4raAsel 7 uuomeaml diroio• Yu skmuedUSemtat eriOsukl Oleic/ mime frcos lite at CaMtgu, Ly Cup • A Anima U H Naar. . •. •• . . • ' ;Nrltnctilniareti"' .111•atea sail Tamil Plairai":l• MlTJousn m hE LIMarM. fo W ..itrb r mndla*rs ,; Yoe %Sandal Nmegrooll Pia. not linth ei Ito flume aa4 ugh; 114, Moose by Ultra.. tiva, at Ana elegaat Aeavanal hano Yam ual.toiii 1 ; ,a erne itif4lll4 MahalKay Patna Faille.-ISish AI flak fh. Juan will Le soJd 4anesensopiNi 'Wow gis a4aave, • uee,4 fiaad Nu m rim • s , • • A• • mi....a kluge; istaarl • - "" ,. &". *4 ;!"". f^fr.Me A ttainft W eilltsi msiPititer,••l4.6l46 llll Inserimmobthhed awl .Isr! !Mg,. ...r~ " rlt, , vworas IreinajniVrl4 r"alttal:lcbT-121'. ..ALadifft, • isiireltsrrwrocr r oii • Lad.•-c: . • eater skusitet •Int I.s4=4llllye passowni ihi r PK o. p err i ,& - 0 • •• I; "*e . ;at ipritimia . . • ... • • 1 :-••• •• .• •• • Y6O/61 al • • Pi ) • - -v - ~;~;;,~; num . rPOollat ?mid Mitsallimnarer ..7:Taplari tlel reque, Le m l l MArnan~d Tun e% "4 .] 'TC.r=dl4,, te to l. rt:lPaZ ke l t d 1 Table Coders; 114... gems". riles, ea sea Toolare; beereawred to 413 $l, COD 9T1134, Pittebot, , seeond door W.' kw Diamond A y am) hes reeetred tarp . os sot to s. f Pow Potato* igidolea, Halves • /Plsata; Abe, lodgers. •ed Whoweeloloss• • • iEo kad 01a417. , Sto ladgre o vream eberotssisli ke ". MW usaoseas and Wire TWO . • • U, puok • Al/em'e Colt's and Slarn`s Steeolst'ns.rEoL reastlet omen "lot Delp Game no^ WallerYs Cara PAM Pty. eoeuea Copt. Vow.. Dui and Nontiad ,• Toole. loch ae Cellipeta D.ridete, rhea, Mom; Road Vkes. 'Savona A1..,e Herres, Moo meek. Hawes, Snake aad Ace Wire aad Onadea Ma& amid& lad ha, la eery groat mentor • • ' . /cabin , mad reyekried weeny. wad pa apat . • CV, MEP/BENS WleseLed. E., v. sioriber, 1:4. ger of /swats sod lhostwo el tins/add% bare We day mitred • L oneogertserek/a sada as a ad inn of Stenben_s Mtereaberder Ca at gator lore Wools, Wboebod Po . Le, lko p.p.* d ie osoeteciatted lose and Hilo of e very eesernsund. I. ,• W: encemose. P o l aweaslatai,L A. Itrectgagg ITSPIIIKS, I CO., . l Artclioß mom wont • • • • ' • Meant, Manoto owe ad adds*/ lenles. Meets basins real calla • 8 steel shone eptius end ots* lade on steeled will dboenebergests Old Molter Work.: /teed.' *der as emelt of ;meta Into (brooded Bhosa/tertoni wm/ to wedeln Use ensure.— All of erlatlewS L , Laitt hr • wEwArll Xlll BLIND FA Xll JOHN A. SHOWN' .. 7/ Mt des awaked w Joann kilt reap* ood tee . OWL! 14 large Mal kis new"' • h o l i m elzea . tkaras: aile• wain onsply of MlUT•astemearsa C7,:re'4"" 4"lasitt PliMiee'oj (leak mamma • • -'Anode. wade W order la the bed ilk , . mooed at ale adman' made. PC . • „B. Matte will be pd SP. *7 • on% tonal etepale ee ihst they east be Reeved ln MHO , meet as ease of gator ter , walled...o *thou Mia 111 4 esew dr e raerlantlf 4 A a r t i l. 4o l7fterinisd.WTelir e er, has rebeik and COMMINIMPYI blYilo4ll. le old eutog, veleta be oril=tased see Mr oat estwewsent and Climb, dlwaadoes„ sag Illefloof eve" 14 . :41, fano 10 le 10,No east free patterns erns* wet se models, and to be et tee base aa Xd'tMural .Waser Oseweere, Roiled, ie. , Ite. r every emery oillrese Connors, of reekir... omed tad toisited to tho amen wanner. • ' OU'A. P. la du sole proemial, at Meow* Am= Annum Node; se }only elliaboue4 be Ye esdes. Inas et Medea Inowelinery. Teo ilexes nod Comp.- shied eon treads( kis, as all dines • *dig_ raiiiiiitiLliTES7 • IMITATION• Wir CRO atiA HAYING seentelg mai leery WN' nopertaae tumorsc uarkkdnrotenter.a tbe mastofhotene of the oboes IliNtN a and UMW*/ latereredelnuens sobealeraa be den. octet!, mg owe prepared teltraldtan unclear Win doer Ges, adeatot ma ow Nynex, uy Cello*? Claw wade la tka Maned deny sad Lobate nor so tha Mogtrea Crown. We &resists eery emennvely engaged u it* maxi. filetora ofCotweso Maim (lbws wed Landoiste , Sels • al Swdo ore rrydognototo..• • dhsaless treeererly are, awned le earl IV acaallate WM, MOWN. IS Woad.ask /raY • • ' UROII 416 A, im4 1111 u LOmf AL. Lelmli LW/lidos tad atone 11101ftry am; RAW m is , of Ratak Agues, .Pies, Come ssd Sow laps, Tema Sea.;liouomeow. ; all track, W, ag wade Of the eloweet soak, ond assurliontred pri7.eally br . ornsery. ulnae sold Mu tor cs. 3 / 4 .nr7.4l'aftu a1p,414::,ar=1_71.0.51314.. them : go Rea, at smog fa WWI dents age an awnless, all wig ,#uoc,:ike.- corrsa. snicirr moo. aaili4l wAng itreturAcrintv, , ' N• • Maria tree, Pritiekap, Pram. • T I 7II:.topaIia'A=7 II VMCVIZUTITi uspeeidl.fy . ma pet•o•••mikting Kesb,t. %veil .Ibid • ism.. bran rmodMiNg. ea loom, wryly Um aralt Deck Views, sew not every elk . , tad . al .I.l,pibra.Ti. agte 21••00 es i epi ‘ r#:•”." ,. ..,ry la r.k.b, • 'VP. alosAtalts 1.. inlet WIN Jai Amn on , acme* Se' Tid wilivisol.i . 4l4o. limo Ur Sicaan Lagi,,p' sad evitqfluislirlelliOn.l• ~lice. *if , ~ • • • .. ~, • 1 09 - 41•1. a mom • ._ • SIN HER, ilWiteNew Arminsixv,racrpitmek , • MCI e , NNW Pllttebral 104..4 Aw iv. r Wood. atiees; itargh: CIPWILL constantly It own a Instil Farman meet or Wan, coL„oer ewe antann, sad sepet earqubir. ."•aaale sad baby abu• alma ars reepeetteley. band lb eel bat ert boa in nen. glen. . a re brenarei ebeeper base Imo ever be a bre beta e ober.' to be e p ...14 'lle, . ~ . . . ft7' Ord...teem by ow li, seeempasirl lyitiii. . at CI 4:_.117 •r•ell. IV./ i 110.1.0•11/10 aentibla, ,bat . ab 1 Urfa kVigliiiiiiii — llige C 1 ialaiisiy. p • 1110/1531.1 TS, 0., z • • •..,•• i A CARDN EA 2 Co, amid Warn llar_babe law are now rano tenons lab lal abillbagn I...ranee la ilie Called arab • As tlf. I. alapdati, 11k. beam. ere imbed ert gal eau a• nada.. rea at. 60,, a tea peealy i4l made. Tadrea tannest jadan mac, Ill• Wet; erlil Int ll a Ir SO baba. Nan • AU Modena...NJ •le. a op ~ • (auto* au. are or 84 a aj., .—......„......._____._._______ .CIOTTOA Tim 111111111 - !PT p a telLtivtawllidastuy time airt0114.... 14; irdise. W ir " , r"44 L*"`" Onienmddreued vnu awn Ina pronapt airmiem Ilt • .. WIUHTMAN DALZELL .411L ' •14 .' 4611Maa rasi:fareAll.l662l hopenall sugetelinime_kto• Otrd. sod wltioi rrogeoll fot 1111eni year. gm. the .10 , 41 seesolvesettemeanshei Cm. Faciew...PU,Owen. • 0.1014.14m0rat amour repoviat 0. *Owns ialken•OCllll.l.riketlida wisdom We NOS,011•04 neat Ina, i minims 'ad Duni , • • ••••• mei latawit len Om cue e =Air. sapree . = ast• 164 laalleoll veillemer, 41. o ' . l • • WWI alleiaral *tot os , wawa* " • ~. Will, Tsai. , • C Ilyasom .. , P plomatu. . UMW; limo Is ar Fi l t*Aklielar. _'.'. Elia NT CgL'A 9 s , bi A RUPACTUKVWS; wiiitsuovicial.ti mt.. am 1041 Pins sows, • i Tv. riniv i;pi . lui uI.A. lusalommred .I,r . err h, ...named - Italy $x +.l....utur. ALI **dm •411111softi aneatioo land ille4 isa en mom .iirkeb4l•4lll,lla,“ lllt P W.gar6m . In • vliall ide.lll46me /mar/ el..befe. ~ ktill. -77 11 - Wi d .rI C V4I.W;h. +B , 4*** 11147: t:stO ti . i 14 - itlk4klr'' 'II it•R, Lulinty a . • • ' .S_ -, 1• I ' ll •I'l lr A , •: ••, 7 • • .• 11.1s weuidesr,448.44tiosa is 1e.,11.1104 . URI, all wars milk) pliedprolgPar• • ...tlitAPP:fainleA.rk Ceil' - --- • BIiIINGIIIII n dirt CIAISPRZLL r•ntry ortn FIUIUMING NAM ' at.r. "„„) , ,r, Inut am& 44pinor Task. • Apt, Aziu IMPPER SHOE NALLS.' . :Wok At" T. of tiery , 118 "41±174, auskaimult sll. 1, I, g ie u d h .r. NAPsoll_ ?ik ArAppititA ewt Mrsiirir ms an. Viwk cbee asa' aka:VW &el ` m is "mu, r., 0 0,11 . 01 . 4 . 11 . 1MINI/4 11 .he ir e i talr i. sum" on I.nd chm,lionhalinalltr Pt ItzfaVtrw-Z Our Weds GOMA. 2:4:7 4 114"ga. 641 Wellialitlack. = l' """ " e= „ t ... n .7 3 4.1•71111 .TlWlrr i r d •ad .411. VO.PAlRVlnfaallnak.4ll4-- +. 4 .ntsaed haw V Kt aseclatedi "pahcoi xadka 14. 4.41:1414 , 1 R o le a %An' i Mali Prt.wrihrLevnAt nail Dy C 61146 ammi Gems, bowmen; *hi Illeli (nimbi aos4 A* pea* mialiAasamP 09 Natio! VI timers, lossinarm of A thy r, 148.1.4 imi all of mai u , • as tboy nal be, Imrchaaitaipho: 'wv :,.. -, ,Al .'. I run a. 4 6 . ... t hit . 111114,7 lit "mot ni T 11 . .134t - itANEFAETOR IRE: " spRO,_.,O,A _._. n.........x.,wer, s a i ligirWßllS (-1.,...mcd, loaroduAN, ioa; Itselare l V U.lt Neve ensa*s, arc ....114*. tete every dosed... di of Cowl lad Fisk piste fros anis, .Aofts4o..aumn,..nia...l ydasei awed, sad .1 idaske( madl.....aad. awed yoga waked. they eget dorsals es fibers/ RI Irseedors Na CI Wood street . , sae. drAirkeep sa kW • *Sand** dad woridiin.e sossesneso ior Ord velav muays, Canis., Itssionars, oasd.... ilea...op, PIAUI, am less, M0..11. li. Osdos re Nada ussigeasun addible... e! . C''' = . :p,rr ••,. jih"W ''' 444 " smnie Z. by il.sek atleatr,:r, elted idealism taxi , . sad stnan a ill St " 1901111 AND FOU./41,11M., • • Wan A t 4 ' ^ = l .l l :4. B :4 S'r `a*`4,47 l D ligekiptv, •TUNCI` *eV* Parr; Z,"l=lteTlteder, •11;:_91K'S pligeaga Outlier arried •di erat Crt ...re tee Hewn. of or Urge vsnetisoilits sat load o Win kerCuip of enrramentsia' hiniun;d me.;ll4' titve ' IttParer rade leo err kit NW Gruter,:hri sl•,... bomb./ irate:rim Out err leacter 1 1 / 4 4, ear - fiwr Paler tererly:,--, Oidend ft si re Wartime. ofd . Parr CO, ger' •fly stret, erdi Inc rompi userier. • . Corr To Fliaerert, C Z K e Wert,lllerrratl k Co., 0 E Jett Inefie Illeer•Preb.o. • • t: If Warier Surbeirelite, i • W -7--- 7ii - V - Aiar - --damtfO. • s bays beca baformor by ifys gaff ei t*oo o UMW iiMMLlteililei by Dr: Jahroolb Abtorotbjell prom /so oronionty over steer, other ressesty%Plbo air' Oho has Leea •hl.esAr for del /an statue years 1 othIIVECILOOPSor WHITE MELLY 0)5, boom • INA Ink-an/ion sod tafol , slko of various boom do Halt . 1 411 doe oho/ O/occs base beta ellsehsro'd Nut lb. It boos or Or otaalloat. tom loalt.boi amok • *ebb sod boob, utt (Otos bob aad foto ilo left (es oral *boo mad frootibi Opu se. brsides palafol 'al dor pt.!). of her person, obiek bno Inaba Ile 010. a "amber Oahe omit eatiocust ohysmias of oar etbdonog horot of tie Our her saymgy ho. laini elm sad deolorshis. , Moot 'Woo booths slap sho was Aro try iht.JayalPs Abcouno . lobkb has hod aa ashniski . igly lopg k y •Att wy, tor. , e.stmistri, s.i.tli.alleal.ralaur. .... u . a. a r ad eassato the hso boohoo eolorgatal) otrotrog, lO Iltat_sii loro MO* ti Ito oboe duo she tral ho•rf a. , iii. Int of this Italy trah=tapooso.-{Yrst . It•tt• Ptrits , .. Pee Author to 'intorno &Jim NookOlo.oo/ Psiton to, Plldelph,. - . • For Ws is Plosion* aft/shP£KIN . :Pro t WPM. Unto* it war Wool; •• - ,--______^ MP , - Voo whom istalislibil, 7--.-7777, t o V rboss t i l:l s 4l7/sarlose- . '. Rady,diny totl or fiery- '''' . . . Yolk otiose Ti!.agensiio !milk ' . " • ' ' • • Yot road los-, NMI Oe/tOl-. • . Teeth lotOrklbr sset:toor pearl. Ina* a opeysweek ableoetlele .' .. - Poo aad irbuosadomooti b e . bruufal, , • /tad halrooft.sky,daskaisbe. . ; B y mid* tidal Is said below.. .. 11 .P.00ttpasy of yea au Use the shore by tolibt 1114 IS ottoort No ImW M4OB • •Il took ofJoaes's as. Mlle, .torahre.-o to both of..loon`e [color Tomb rolllo-aad la eolla Si 'AY Vilma* Jonas halos abooteol Ssap• Ttre •Nek,.. con.blll • but soil Tye an assarol Si., Oro Asthma* hot astir real lotalllket ne owl paste oters the bomb • .lent 0 . 1 .1. obi* serlcaar preserve* do trot: /to Tao Wilma' all abb. blbribtleonliiqii/gif Wog erertoodo Ise dno• hlag. Iteslalt y l agottakehislctogs :moult at halo dud 1 0,,, rO OO , (on thogotottaeJoaes.`s,Ssap her .us.p.., 4/ itoostbass: Ihrebbs - 11.11, , at0l ,unke .rhati4euoth T 47•••••• Sitar aor4llrOJl.dtbena.itto, so 0.41 ,4 vv.,4«.. to. pu .., tbe A: - 7 - 1. , .." L• : .... J LX II6II IIIOI7III PHA& ..ti : r tr. ULT:1;1::. ' "' 4,1 1 :41r 1 „;',%. • P . 2. ~.0., n......14.4..„4.4.4.b....(4., rervai irlr ft iv...4.2=,,tigE7y..., ' Vo bi ; 1.0.1* NM 1.11 0 1. .., IrY r i ornaporghso sII:r rs.. imitrOroo, iiimaet p ir oso l ot4dosolorly opstotho• .iaystes, termins all bllliods rs, arsi bunco ow rrit',.t.`::".t.,..„......b.,. liltovenlbeins NI bororiou fset,sal nab! or Oh pniwiflu, Siit le 4Pailsoommt, bap/ WO I.4;freeu.l, b..it .0 !ha Vitt "balayin. ealllyin • aw u,,Hy so.- traitor' opootoo t ., it th p~otoors: Asti,hribah. 11%116,610r. ki0....• cable** bpi trol indyrnhetua, ...ably* no, Nod Ipso te•pasheo Ole loon - benelead egrets, alui 5011...... d. lue randy amino boor wootas to thelr SOW IR ISICS• , , • •....i i • •• . •..... ••I • . : lli Pe52702:4111....fea1:;541 t '''''. _._ D .1, 4 3=3c . 10 .... ":„ ggAN:A.. 1 Tllls Esoul Is at or to Imo -I,, o 4L.t ik e r i A,l= urne, P . 4 "..,l l y L . T S lar 5..1 ' ,1. l ' , delesamay% pate ad t. a..ir.. , !..X . 1te',1!!?. 1 ,Mr.F • no on.stbesuly .pfd "KANO, of, dos Swap! MN omry limber etrotaw. tnile It eradgeates disrato. ,1 locoman do boar.. i !wised sveresi. iglbyia liy, removal ad persoaroot CSISII 1111 . Mi •ISSelcs ••••14 Insa ha troyaraksts:ea.4l6o4,l*bibtrof theism hew Look sot lb, 61644. ih••tlt iritseiyilidierilo4l4 41.yini oselabel.ond,pstitonefitiosijulwegir sipb•i .p.d Mn:..: r. mu eacg lestl'ir La do Ti.Mi Arr. tore of.B P Troll. ;,• : t: Li rr0...,.7.4 thj . S. - ro: 10. by _AICILLEaIk (4.14 OgYelb4l,l= anealyll TY , anyypvlyinnirm ' ' • h. • Driarcivriregr,f g a tlVN.leil,..S.lnteseseemisodevir. l beet rbliegt NZ4=tbira J . hAfiltagibb t 0.0 LA. 44' ilo• *Web [Ley ifiip.aie:Nlem. corset bael W11.114•S - • NinXtr.•••;01•1•11.11. 1 • ba .beeb mbile - bembes M im .. ago ebbllll.4 rbeeival 1 1 j hei r r r itti4 raniN b , res floss Ibl I • ovvort 6 a. E., .444,10rr Mk.... •eu 111 t Wank, 4 i b l4l : l 4.6lbeiiiib .74:810• 1 1 •914 6 0 0 11 1.,0134 14.00 •• • • ? " 4 s o ; sewn_ i .. ? bn j ttitMrsi 11 111.1*11•4 ibf ti 4 ll / b r sola .j ro - A Salt by . /BLOOD - -.. to lbejlyad Nip. Ilraviss . ; -open, Vibmapield gad. Psis of thraltria - Liar Orplaal. Bonsai., days! Graft of Oro in,oat.la..negti4n=verearzlby Par. . -..,- Sainiaty Mad inaaddiatt,,,,„ KILN E. 16.U.14, in IlskalOya, -.aarkeel .10L oath attune Wood. foliarod by • calk Pea alio aid. add anal breptoras a( eaatoonpla. 'He eadoyed aro of U. bee pay alums they del Naloo • arad, and lid ha ha COULD NOT LIVP.. • / - 111.,L.f the aradaral ante perfinervia o he,_ 1 lam ho seal a+ 10 o'clock a night to OM • Nal l MI Khan nr., and ant • bade; u operated 114 te aranalaaal as .blenahat and wrap! aka IS bad tab. eras tale he au Pie to be Oat hi* mot.' It lant 1/AVED NIS LIPTL Ilia darer, reidue/ at 111 • /41111 4, 401110..0 tool it ~ . . . • • ~• • ,y • , ' lea Asa '.daraoo;olWilliamlarili halad la Tag! Om bath flo.n.blaugle-.That fah/alba. troalect :with a but,arad pa /a ihe elaa.ber a awe, entail et, WI boas a bad than ao rasa abl? es pa a hoe schooi fa tarea Oa • • •Pt. 110 . • eseareocaltatiagthe All-Ilealia Rama vale-haw( ' Mama kyr O/MOIONtI. !La la oar dm Piareellai !and has reaad her !Ararian occapatios aa maricar, eAlt 1 ,...4 01k0 O'Neil, alt avenaand Zlet 114, bskarned ..tomlit:FAVirlrletrla and altl ha mad lola 2111 Peabei which drove the pais ha hot lola allayed .he d amps • the dam, *pa don arfaa; aod befac be hod . ..alla On* }Croat astral, eased :, '' • PAreuuy rya Carton:option. , Met Nam, di lady Ineleards of 70 , vornlinp fll Sher 'lf hat' to leas ban aat/rei to snarls or Plearrey, ItaSeia Si Mood, .f , e/1 Oath, Nana. Si Brea, P.a. lobe Iliad and ado.. pan. or her Lay ' Her friends 'believed her PANT 101:11OVERY. ?a . t Ail !foOfile 41111 SO. Nowa., her at we of all hee alas son analboa es, , - diatom and R . /taping Conga. Alm Leered& tVellnol Ch,,noe sl; I. el ilea Is, 10 Panay ; ra, Wm 11 Wangs 13. Vrainv t. el. taw the Lk, V•i•Otif as great randy. AP terlAorram'o 41 Alinalind Mil n an', add .. do" Ida iao Amara ie a each toot., Prove 03 (YOU ad 111 per boa ab Dr Sanaa Wont na4Cagh Loraine aid at oe . Priae•pa/ Cana ISO Naiad al.- N: r - • sad 'mama)* 1•41.64 by , Win.Jaahain,e4 la haat Neale gather al lat ead/4/Iftry, JIG el LB•r nlet,lad of Woo! "on , . boos el per kr 1 .sionpsor s imim,ro ;maim o _, rmi Ant:WOOD bl A I.lf7sed..—Tha PierUstod: Mel edema. say. :—. Tbw remedy km beta me. mieeemfai tkaa ea; medial. we inn era Yams kw Its lame neee kluge is Cets.emplloo.llplortaßieraf_ ,p•te la sie fib assd thew. Onmetott, whew ...mum Caollaa. noassesewt ; Palphasion of Use Wort, Whooping tout Croy*, blernoks Tsmue, Ay, loslielauta °kilo biaissm'sespentedtt_ y leddo•ltlbmw re ......., lo ha poesorwesil ,, mammy MI, "we .. W. tie w" iraiferri.' dowered teatime sto o is mod. Weh areete , erel goo dietignieltedpkVoymeitlehli.. ad elphm. dud tbe fallowing hum . Yews the , , element swans, - rittir " Vane' I 917. 1 ' Jo . 41114 :I!..,4l;Yrslso l f .. n.,.inoTi Plapiabs; 14w is mmluiso• la uylaa Mar It is** bell Mll&Mmliirm limo ......b.p....C<K00., C• 11% asol all afferboaa of Am Them, Bret.; Le os phrealem as dria mud( liwyear. '• , ,- : Ww. Yettliethl. Is , Ia s Opnem fa . ; ,we b aye etee wnlisa a deadeye thepenem wilsoutro alioddlowla b tt ulaute: Illaremsias wen, eisor p.,. lies* yuya.y hi/a...i t • - --.f •• - - •• i• •••• •: Pataarudta.;.laasesy 3, IR?. Wrom • masa or gratllldsimada dobt am iho Miw lad may here rewsere• to a truly tavale..bla meditioi, tmerWasass U h l lb. biledl 1 N. , * exberka••• tn.. ib• ...W . Tboopme. Cbm•ebel *pip at Tar sad Waal Naploba. Per &agent Teen I bars bete, Mc lledWitli I dsrereadorldtemorboterweapaakd with Pm Veteran susi leybe lonsikta shill • eete li PwAse at 1 4 110 ... at. Heat.ag aweiWy fliel, Knead Wes bad bowie mi bn.elnod by dt,s . ea, reeemeiradedme mtryls,l tido:tomer io • Aterserlown alum* red; I•ll4,lgmeasem.,,, Iva" fru, FFirice=ate, 11:_elVilat=g, fitlei=a4asisa7lU: .._....... wi m p b• rbeerfallcseis .11e •faagel, by . elailista al my,resultrome,ti . o. el Fzumtiiikii,. IV( levalum• aseikeive lb prep Med lately by •N O REY & LOCKSON •I NS comerdir Mils am( Santee . i . ' l• Pl W at i'.. 4"1 * rtl9. L WI 4C9I ' 'CA 011161 = . 4:7 "' u. .4 , ...4. , A4, ilfai are awe slat. The .ammtemilm: ere emu ready le 1 sail-+ U 57 ASTilt/kOtAlla DatiOU•. / sslos V . 1 / 1 1Intele lf ' A %emotes!! irr*pl:e.";}•Pe==op:&l=:,B:lCty.6thpkt Heads, te,..e..: , ~ • ' 6 , - . '' •'' ' f ads, yyara :age last /um. dm evphal of Pmee• ir.. is taaotood la cameos.. of • aiseoverymadol, an habit. Otemat. Maser MAW/ —II seemed elmmo a a laspowdelity des of oaltliag male tty the buds mu. cull Wm moth amply, palm,dm lty Armada e Vreriel Ott hto 'Dole. as %lay 01.0..1 k claimed eme gad let. mamma sr • /sambas, lend .. &AMA rprbera• Fathom Ilylap de Om p au lo . se - u e t as at epi, attar wain is /a 1/0. liespitala, the Akdiesi do. ,ie el R 1,1 2 repro,lo64, bem used....._ehemlata hi theutor,logeeeed • We bawl emir wit :WW.aaldr=sily aid Ow bLar“, wren/ion of Yeue/a.1.. %You,. . , as pana—we lune toed ills suers/..1,,,,, d iy eases, a we ma not le presesa see it (dm lianas Chimiralad deep). • rem bleeder. ao.l ~ 1 ely evades/al ass 4 wr soy telemetnas etvoLc- eat e Se furarblettm of lbe eat. lea mreebar sme tea L: , I 4. tort pittlaelleopite .f•etrrioa mulled. . , 04uest) !./Mideat. *. 3P.AD ?Mt • ' • • .9.. the /tumor bibb•bit 80 wpt.em Irmirterf•: ' • ... •us. New:4, 1810 :. la coon of thp_osm et 11 ... , d.. 6 • ~,oe ye te, T. &eta, etouv, lo tie ehy of Ne* Yorh: 1.. A., theherissie pomem of sbassariag, together *lib • emu:am of lia iegleelleete esseaposlim wirlse/- aa eltetao,..i_ ..Kmp. Ile is la manufacture el Mr loin ia :h.. V mar. 4 Amt.& tlnif t iindlet les.. ereee p,,,,1., a o e te.ut .Jaime tubas tliemseel.eou., .. , •v- W••••.: lino L /141.. .. (1 ." •• • - . " _ _ gtligeed) ' Among mem :;w -so, by w.pacmarmi. WWI raw ~- 0 . 1 . 7 41 & , m ,—=, a— , 1-„x" , -,,,,a• . no earaPlaft t• TOtabm/V.V Cl&h a tilatilllplE eaa leubumed ...Ili magmas* t , • . Wino- • _ J SCUCKVILA fit. . . . ______________N. . YORK AMR S 7.7-- • ..' - asniritoor ussur at ISOM, 411111111111111781 ke. ' pllEssbecalbsta be/Weal, she barashea oral, tame. a ononeted in rosion, oto tate ILIALVAINIZED TIPt PLAMa, awl to tbe sway 'ostraasofes' alk-le theY pares ewer all Welk CM Mot 11id0r...4 Ikkono wed no this por...esse,proaereag wine, do, de ooth wed lichtmew sr two +whoa, Its Cabals= hum anll2l, bow bora lofted emeral yem., 1 .:41. ea 4 MmMY M 4 91 Ea_ ma.. They ore ore iror sadden a tipiasim and .—.., was ooLte• clammy dor moope.• WA COMM Ma Pim., Imo, I'm, rld , or my miles meta/ emit mod db.` torLoo, arse easpopeany weat a . Math Istateasselnalwer osaf..roteriag lark. Crenorot reEser, walla the trorosars Ps • alas werc . . . _oar whementera intake also aril sir amours of al sewers and way era /a metals, is the warty at berm.. psise se which lea taw proteraed,es• h. appik..-,. Ala moral eras It to appletbla ore &muerte, or Is elute lo oa desirable ow protmt Mod tdo AMMO 04 Mo. ..• dad they some ~...., swell tla 1,- 11426. or thew loweetedia TELM'afi aj klita Lltaest,. 1. Yee trahmided Wirei L orkiell io loorallMoromo, . ty wen _la &rope orsielteek wawa Irmo impose, as • madames V ekeistuly. easheispala also soave, h4f as Neal as topper, sad p e osp owitheillHlelhasesep . ty with olso rootaL ____..._. •• • , , 44... , o •, • /lariat lawly "need -..,.• on; Ar 16004.3,. pife.rta......... % .„..% u..„ sell te obis la f T aollellr beeates, red. A sarli4,, I • ..1 . `I'""111. i nra.:lo.l7Mit'Q Nria la ad 11l iholootra, W. TOER., The Pawns Right for Ras wee ,ktri.S.ll Ilaninal - • Retie I, ossteJ Mateo as wei/omirmi w e naanawdodwa • • lionepeitt weenortetaad all, /legal Inessenst walla ea. . lea wi aro vest wry ,oroppo.MOr MdrOMModeroM. • ---iialoa•J De%ga 11---t---7,.7.- • sat 'Tux ts4r-spir, a- Wils.. - . • . cp A. l'A If Pit:TOCK* Ea., p 49, jb... AJIIii Mee Votk. odor Itar We • lar ga ' andielslon. • - asteerteett or Drop sad Medicines, 'Dye Stars . Palate ood Oils of elm, description, :width dr y • aro prkpa44 sad Wed lo sell iota. • • . - . . Ceolotry hiriebasis an d:Drarniota are regoested In call do 4 canniao their orticles. Orders prorated Sill rasa Wiese ond Vomiters estioraatly es despahood. • tch. U. A. Kileseeor ht's .R. A. redwertock, • ! ' ? .4„. •. • • B. L. I Fahnesteek , et4srgh, .. • isis I - W: . I • A. it. Hall, New •Voth,L_, !. i ?ad . . • PAPER • WA A EiIQ_USE- aro. 9 illatuLlllo SLIP. /1/159 VIM*. • . sYRU . W. FULD afters for ale or the iOV,}l . • . llanoth elowearioss, n very e/stmoire Mom. se mof PAPER erosprielop every powsble tore% / eassrautopred to de versa of emanates in all smells ofiLo . , Pope, or elf kinds mode w epic: si Yon .., . 'I Matoethrst MINTING Pang /a asseattlY lanto ' a ponlowints4wiraggitizi Ls .. , Mies deseripcoa, imparted and /repo esastaasJl 01l • ri.l.ii, ~ , i i ir , Pasha, tv,re eel, roaninsistr IVine, . Peantel, Mae Illerossanse,Taiso, he, ha , . „ L'lre owe% Bah. &Ps, DZ.tsp, BoßglaAi, morlesed, for white the alkyl la Cu gib ; pa1d ... .• ••• 411,1) , • . Mese rook, • tivi . uii.74 7, rzrirr'- . • Eademailtr sitidaist Xiopl thr, l l l ,aansige The big. ni / HAs mErrvia. IP COAIHIPIIIIIva '. ' IV the easitssealPltlNC ieserh, of Lat a ibeeit Ca 44asse *dud Ammo., C 0... of Par.., ClLAtmap. PER . .. , George W. 'Athol John AL Aneee.. • ThasteaEllockhi , Urania. Ain+, Wet-IL asseepas,6, - Gterre N. Ras,. Gongs At Eiussit, Jetta J. I[ll 7 ILL make iiiireisece vilest owes Damage ta T ee T se b e l , hrot /111P011t.'121,7:.:1`t4n. oni, Goods, Wanes s ad Metatie ea the rust • Amiable terms. Tb• Agattral Priatiple, tomb/nett with a Stift .. e Capital, tithe other picariaiona ol the Chaska , or Itue Cosipaeg,tioid oat asessal im iseseteets. bah of piolt Rod lately, to theft denirose ogeettilliti' isnissee,Olierhicb lA* Ceihipany salt i s a Iteetille aiolesainisatien of th ose isiereated • • 1 '•• •, moor effecting iamiresee !kb this Ciusiputp ~ bare, titerides.the nasal the citifies) method of ~,,,,P ir ,772brioj.--m as„.s ia salssalsgeof s direst • • ipiiticiti I a tie isiefitts el the Company, witas,,i,eins.osAwy . • Ltd. ft t a li k att el e L 'lee "LA iy ND ' P'raidnt • The ,r ho is tioadillhigitalisageetillidit or Ye above saitied Compaehlegsspitstispaa rierraltee at. th e (Moe or sh.. ;tome. 1. sk, , Si. Chad.. Hole:, Thoil at., Wed tl•Weed street lad trill Kiss all failbealilltille desired arr4.llg. '' —MOS Ie.4IIIIIII4IELL . • itak: pa zi it at ii;iiii.; i , .''...P DEL WAR *WEL/AL •-• .1 Italteir tasaraateri Coaspaap Oarpall.. '. FIB 'RISKS opal baddiar t sod merr-babaso every anpUes aid' bIiODNIG WAS a p m- Milsorargoe s of vest", labia DM% Me ; EL.T.OIko,. is the Wareboaaa of W. 13. Holm,* . 4 . Hin...Lail/417 Water, Rea Market Meat, ruts- V.l-r„ 'Ail'. . at Um iWm IMrstab• Mamas' al :=, 111 tabferi.na 116; W , Sara Mud. cr.-, ratan epoo them ar Ina ba. any earreatax &traria la. yaw de ellaSeteata aed parroaaira et his iroattaarul . 1k maxillary a tam e re aro behhrare M. &la.. genre Ceroimey, while II la. gLo igagligioion I samitagre /.111 au orgalitotgo, sem.; ~....1, di,i,ausfig, 41r%=911t10 c''' es yis klieg le **eh parse* teseregfha aloe 'hare al ao Tanta yr the compaoy ring Ca a MY,. • gg.rovraegagibilsty whatever; tad tberelora as possaintrae Malaga pude', diveggled of tray allmaiaaa Aware, as / la ita moat aurasliry lona. _a,., . .11:MIME AND le MUMS SORANCE• k 4 Z . 4 x :fe: %I, c e:r" "At. tut",t4srZt , , atm to , auks perm:Lama 'ancr Molted laset mai pert, **pro la Vas city :ad Da viaraity, ale., ea abe Vaaal aasl Hints. ,'• DIRECTO/IS . 7 Jaws C. Seelig' Pre...1., Saaraalßnalia, Ale, Hllll7. ; S, hutes Taylor Sad. W. toaitir • . C orm r. Salk Edward smith', ' Arabrase White, ".. Jotua A. Steam, • .1.,e0b M. Tiriviaa, Joh• Witilaa,• .• 1 , John 9...b1eb, • That..P. Cope, ,„ Rithawl.-Weed, . wer t . Welaa, . • ArthirO. CoaaSre. Ws 4 tie ablest "Mumma Compsay La Me valid Stares, Ittriag bees char - tem:l la 1794 la .'. cbtrter ke perpaural, ma Dore ii/ high rtaalig, lone euermace, aroplo mem., awl amain, all r at of aa .extro led characte r , it elay Igo cram.lercd as Mena E w a securay to the puldie. Atoms ATWOOD At Coaxing Room of A tafiad, -tom. 111.(:,.......' wn,r abt Frame alerts. Pillow/10. apOl.ll* ! . .Ag w . e d • ki ß s..tr GH ea faalarall• Lwow Thi a I(1 • UNTRY, thanes • c "Pu7 bat a T ee l cuirrunikarr Rai" .• .. POD,OOO "°'" • • •Pakeenswirmageaw* . ,115°°.(V° , pr.!, 1..... 11111.1:D71-1."6./11A. p,••• puba d ,, Ak . ahvui St • n 4 VIXSO " 4 " Pue, • ftt , U4.laat Mettit ' j, - ' , Ammmem der.re t .„.13=7„wit • mr r ulally or for ' inte= ..41 ::: r et'eA • " Una IfiliAN • l_ , i . e. • v L; a 7111 ral,;_lkdraltrari itama. Etausmosi4..,-- a i 'arßE .k. WOLFF' kainna mamma rota ilo :'str ' l 7 ' ll a t k io a l) ra i rb Z rt 4 & rtal . I ,It I rf * 8 11 - ,Iti aok rte. anemia. .r beYora to doer Nock ,a KU VA RE. CUTLERY aad kall/ll.P.Bll,lyed ter alopa Forsnak, Alononjokmli and ilmada .dsreot !nom &a marteddacturcyr of Laglind and Genstar. . ze%, aap,fAar4olizt.l,:gogre.;..l . 7tat las pHs : i i :fir b za i rklatmprztrrly new, *ad %;‘",-b.kre,i - port areal aacterotailrai Zoo R.'" ILTIVIAZ.n.aP:IVet - wizilim ... _l canary arca. .1 . • zoo rums !whim wat be couttatted auto. old /4/:, . 1 Ilki-Xs-----iin. U`e.-.7.7.4-Fciairito mo. .7, 0 t0a , .i. 41, i t o. Dfla Oral, J. , i zz 4 4,,, 1 14 0 , Iv :a ~, . arillmamma genuine, as tboy arena Wooled by tora,k. -1., i v . lPtaral4 la ray eassamora areo.r - 1 ' '44; =P i ' 61 : 16 ". 1 mt.. 4 24. 7 1:01. Fakana, . <!, 9- 0ur: 0 4, 11 ;04vrs. pei...„,. - 0 .4". .., HI sacker at ear ~f al -, -7 - - .115 - 11R-Prta-rcl ---7—' latik elflita:tatlitkrlol h'j"g n kb' 'P'f i g 7 ' a...Wft, -M.0.% . ; l' r£ l . r1171:41771111Z"i; ...I Aswk,t4 '.l ! 4 bta Bnomona do do <, do,, ,„, •-• , 'to , acute Rnmital 'based Baumani; I .7 , , 4.. do ,C F ) " . ' I t'l l ,' i rl..l'infol4 wetk rc ~.: . i 1 , d°- 'P....4 Woj c ' i caak lki ALyO ebt Wa r . ; .' ~ :, a I 4F44111% mooned rakten 3111,4 ' d:11.11145 bop , ll' ' load lb. AIME& Wrra,• Oka, lin itta,q '' ol apm . ^ 1....• ' .701ThrOUNLet P. 17 &Waal Id' .erlßasTalEirifumie.-4-i-4.-Zi- 0,,,, <l Where and nanadme UVERYII/49amparad alum la' 7.,':...-^.l. ttv. 1.",4%.1ct:14 q iitritriVlVlVii, ''' h ati:!: .; - , : 41 114.t.0.....'0,piti11k,,,1r1a.',- ',.4 4,ll rarllor ie r ', l Bal s aaalroZ6444,l=t - ... - '- - . ' ..b,z64,LzalAcar tl . celk 1 ...moor .6. 3 64 -, ' „.1 WA X C r ir=rJoarnallatilirdlaata . ' •-• ~ • Pille? nd 1ai ."444'214 . ' '. 1414 1"4,14""m"th° I, _l4,o•!llkaP/140•14 allsaisal 11 1/Itarse hi' ra...... Oa 1, *. AS . 110 .1%11 , 4 MT < !, , ;.,i4, OtrAZIP(r ttilkaltOgW 44,1 - - '...- 4, ' 1 s 4 /16 ,, k,11,ar giihrw o r...G. • ti . ..1 7 -1 1 -I% a -- .. .141,, : rturiwted +.l , t" . .-- % r,, ..."- " • Oltaktellaililla _pars, tp 1'4.1 omarladimaa SW, com*Olit n.anmetilki amplakci ;ad Badge F ayary,WPFusa um,: • • ~....._,..,, .. .-.44_, •I„: - -r,_ .; - ~ E....E .2 . . . _ AMODIO IA woctjaN4',..,,w,s) .., ~.:. , gram ma re.''',._4GXS: .4, • . I Woos kr hid* dawn, fee Mkt al aka Taitaiii':-...' Walla A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers