1 * .:4". • • * ' -I ' } - ,,, " , _••;••••_i • ;I , k •• • ••• , - - z_qc;ev.4'l4 - • !it.4l • : -Is • tfi •' :', -1 ". " ' ...,'..; , TBA' . ll . TtSßUltalre . PITTSBURGH: TUBGDAY MORNING, AUGUST - r: A1L.4144, .84,4 s same ausrailla, Jima be Ile ii.. m. wmww a lb thltiNillAbbmll,llll.l. 0.1 a "'"" " 3 ".' P"'"0 SWATAI am? AL 001111XITTXX., • 2 1 4 4;:.X.0f r ramort.tri_ ;Cods:, p/Mill 0 town*. u.spalo...y. ' .666 1 11 1: 2= 4? -r" - II • WILuAYY AlTS,,detxl2o4- DAXIBL X SEYILZSAIams. JOHN r wernext Plids4,Lpk4 Gtr. JOSEPO'II COAX THOMAS LU XeOXll.lll,PlulabOALa Onour. DILLER THEIL Eats lOW= 11581D,Triuklitt. TWTHAS T srmirian, Wallowa. OIXTI f DALE, tbeand... HAIXA DIEFINT, ippIARDIRWIS, Vermin JCl•dari• I H aU HMI, Pre H D&S ELL, Nacratopm. I H BALL MUST ELHLII,I,II ISAM IJ EL a L i: 1 1 C1:16 110"„NlY RYA Chew+. NOMA? 2 Ilacapaarf. Fr SA OPpaii.6l4 1400/SO,III O.4 UMNIMMI !re.A Wray &a sum THE BILW• /MON 31110313.0. ! . - The derpatches foci azko,rpobliNd in Lo ather. columo. Won remind ha am city at 4o - eget yonerdsy, end 'sonar!! ow pie* by the :" ggendld whierwmotie of an AMYL The long bolted fat bell cam at hd. "City dais Agrom,” -the Hallo of tie bfoohnionithe„" tb. 4d Bersesteed of Bimini, tho leoi of Foniende tog is in AMAllir.lo hands, and the list of WY country !beta from the Cmtlea and Plaited of the Cipimi of the ldwinin !nab& Cien Score ha Ldlowti in the icomirgo of Cotta, betide:it ism Itt.n tiLese-gusrthro of a oestruy gone by. He be. hewn; not Monica:nth. butgenthAnna. whosongimenriihe arm.. el Spain, acid • those • • .Whigh ise giligendol In tea poison cdparga doroatly that die irbgrey, amid with the blood hdoilditimnal bigidnido door wens turner', nisi he the precursor of Puwe i —biessed - Ps w.—the emblem of Chrlitioutity„—the hope of the world, the only ours fnanulatinn of a Stepan he, and, so we believe, es groat Wig of the Poo - "pie of the United gnaw We trues that Minion, with bet Capitol in not hands, with her coast guarded, with ter flee Porte payiog whale to our commerce, with every thing duit end bowies@ in ber futon, mei the hope of. Pees. will =bait to the fete .be cannot eontrol,—Nd may tho totted Melee. powerful in mouth, vicniehou■ rit coenther to her giant tteength. the Lotbearance which bosomed% strength,—th• merry orbieh we Mai. from Him who is elite Mighty In Power, arid yet as Merciful m fo lorigtuy. We *sit with painful ninety the details of this intaUtherine, Wbo ere shin I Who an erocial _ed I Woo an, await - 1 Them are lbtilling <kw.. Wes which now corm bort to the In and hearts of Noy thregenge fa our hound land.— _ While we wish good news to all, we wry that our • own beam and arightortined may hero tanzirobly oseopwl.ibe nniummo on o field of briti. EMIR Oh • ;;;;.2., }:.•i:; , =MEM . • • ••• • t• j. • 4 . 4 0 14 . 4 .4" 444. •• _ . 21_ • . Ti. .A . .. i l liffe-iiiit- •Irt . ..;'' .k. :.14.40rfnt4isk:•4:.1 4 '• . !. .tt:•., ' , 4 1 .. ::: • ... (' ...• •krezio—,fr..4 , : , l . -i . , , , ....ci, 4 , ,0,: ,, :u.,, .:;4, 4 ,- :., ..0 . 1•: -. ..i..t.::..-4t:-..z. • 4::. ,, , ,,, f4.:11t4 , -. ..,1A 7,:174 4 ;... • .: 1,1 1 :z! , , , tRi 4 ,4•:..i!. -, ..:,... 2 1-7 . - 1e.,,-, • . , , i • ,•,i4.1.,0 , ..::-1. , ;4 • • ~ ..., 1 1 Ft;( : „ .: .;,.,,,,.. . -1.1, ' 1 ~.•- • 4*. ~ Y. i , " ..r.... , : ‘...... . , •••• I lot ! ....11:14•4 4, ,•;•' 1. 11 i .• 4 ' ..1 4 '..: t:2 :ni....t , i• . ::' r . . : : 1 •4 il tit • 1 1 '', ii§;‘.:: 0."'.4 w7.l4itnlf' ' 4 4‘ „AN' I'SV: _, l s-'O; , . gy-..atii.ik; i :„ . l , S , i 1 ` . ,,, c 4•'.... , ::: . :.;.• ' - kr , fet *. , . Z•:r: ? 4. 4 . 444 ' 1 ;4: lil:.•-• 1 , ••••46' Rii. -. ..::: - ,L:. • 1 (.!, • • • EMINIM 111111E1 • , YAIM)" StoollM44i. • Odin pp ." 'ilt a trae l'-lb. , = • - -ROL OCIMILIOI, - z if. corm aorrirt4 not 001111Cfrelitik? , -- • - • • . PATUPOir,- I :0 . 1:01p8 PAMIR, of AlNOsar -• I =2l • Ls AETz wELDEL• MENET IJil7 r- el YAWL Ty. ALIZILL, of Pinehar4. ,IIEALLI MD, Lne•rr et.a.kr TIN CAVE/I.BC ANmeallis mrovanigriltat HoOksiii*Wiejimpansior. 2 Cluiri#o ll l4n7A l oo4ol/ I.olNeteirlisms.Asideme MIVto biialltedby MieMeeic forwaidled time IMZEI tliairke fro. yam Ma beet ally mast, pme the palate alluded to in those remena, to which memiers of the Nstin ituacricau avy require rent from thane art= they femur or the Pra d dracy.l oat only ry a with all ma Jr, if dada to that office it tad be by the alwaamearses will of the people at hale, and without ry arpthdire an ray parr Or awypor. • havaler. , ever JUI that H o ofre, it mud be wine k party °Me atteosear intertria mut swam none fat thew mita the old the high intones of Or Natio' krge oral serioaaly mad soleenelg derwani. • ire met deem th• Presieftey, act only yield Al* the to, wend, to be emendated • modidele la 1b• wee prevail= In *bleb *red by Um imerieeteisc of Na arty. Your paper —.The N which you were kind enough to promiw=arill he very imavalthq sou. Whilei can only hops It wilt pare Wird to the . threitim. Very trulyrerad aimovery your abedistu arrow. - Z SAYLOR • •Yq. Gym U. E. Airay. Pater Mule thaitb, Eaq, Pth.d.lykia P. We aim tie lathe sr we dad Übe th• PhliriaL phi a yeperia• mad with only • therureut or two. , which aertewth bi =lied for by th. Icaportather el l boob en spirit" 91• commit= the blurt war ej tzums,r4 homey id papaw d the Old Harr, es eh* ell pond. TAir* .beta ce i l d.k..."- lA. I P m f 4i" ' L 41:41::*• I • Ic.metaid.,n noiniss.tivatiiithottlibb Intwoot. of ;be 14dot; tuppogt!oxiostai and ookooly thrraand.” f ft. le Cativo Pnoiltioot, ill AA orLum bla alll th• thaties* Preened ..of the . Presetry rather thaw Brit-Poly. It-hat , boo the harder .1 itoraptairi tCr the lest eine= ',ire mad sm., that iro Ito.* had ices bet Perty Prennweba and are than hall it •• i dallniramea theses brie captivity, orb= the Gonmemaat be edwirewicrad with a sole sward tor the:4l4k PothicAltgl"? 4 "o sl .9"h. i'bt 4 g P 1 4 4 : 14 do thii4llol* *eta the Faaemrd Billie 4161 " 4 0 . 1 - , #.!#ol ere aim piatiipiii! Ay, th;111'. ttro rub! . 13iresral mith to eimx=l his *elate of enter a pew idle* lista= a jos': !Acid ua Zia to IN* his soosiliiiitzt4 to say party pledgee. They ve mitheasiiirit phial limearrata, or • see war. thy to lalliiiiiiwarretaran Nlb °Am Eat b•- . 7 . , Son ,otiatioitiditocit.l Taylor, or any boy N. we dboold la. to /row be. opEok... urn 'orttcla groot Comintetiecoll tad peetie Voltam" slit lem Tb• pawns Of the Esseathia et, Coogrew; and 'al the Tempi* la , repair -1 at. To the =won= of Unitary,* the Imhof ad jeallk• of era at. 3.1. The Proud/go Poikey. 3d. Worst! Leprolitshonta. Th., pros., Um appoioskuu Ism we rind asenned. a opinion iu rah , ow to tioto 'al gamer kus,--ecumu a tam auxedurlow ispiikor ia the stination of IA lsnim If ow. Amok amount Twiiar deism to be s INKOes acodlasts. altailai it p r e moss say, um taw, be Mil , u4o6lkut raps, mat:iet at, his iroriaikank - Irbirn mita van 110 gin ems, ".7 rued Minos! cumuloxi. Ws as mutriuk ChM *WY kowtows iiikrur Nui) pi tpudir wbkirt *ale ttOr *my4o blials kr lin* • . • ti IX 6 . I. ' 4.111P410 , r' , ' Ai dam ' (da, ip,r last. *ars. km ; far rsioria a lahrvitrt.as 4, giti k a 0-44 4 Youbloliery rt I n v ,* c a uip.% ts'ig am 1. Q., hipta..kuol be 1.11 !amtosis 1 4:4 ca.a.uki In ..e.". 'K. farpartleleir of timr usetArd.thasiaragpm 11111 . 6. ~ _.. kikowlrom P 2 casanWildoo 61114a2 airily id cowsky thinvit, whit RA !!1111 ad ail? this .#l•.- • • Of the valor; bideef lintielfgbedla minim Gam to &Licata telah aid • WO.. f m m. li!beeoesseis, rat rose, thariatill kick. 40~1*1. and rsapimpoway lbajpitrair nig . WWI Its only earayskatt it the adisastl tug time the preference Go the trivia', only cet locceutt of speed. - The Tie of tee and dears tared. nil Ibb edheentaigi d Am. Ahrefrefinet, tan* tr.'s. fn point Of opera dose not GM far eherief thet of rail roe& TIN WI of cciettal canon - PDX:a in fat ler clue tied of may odor tiod d pa lic lap* meet.' It Is II rieemitable bet,tltat IL. trytnelf at deer and leas sea be ineepiteed cor say wetibill . of mar 'keg rtver foe him don ibb arlif:fe mann a common nimpilui Use rime ataggiaz4ll The .i of kedging up an kilprrlllaialt :hie hind ta a sew. Etaitithwa 02.0•+.d with Ilia eat rail Praia hiked a tarp then d the Mew. tar nil - nada is capenibid Ocon.Uyln r.P. 16 0 11 ..1 1, 4 1 31 1 114 Laccesotivae, maw wipe of Rogiamene, Apsb.- fitc ,wt II tit. mat/from 1C.47 posaa . akiiii p thr •to Wit capanee. . • ••.•• The iwpweement of tha Youttlibiltheuy mit* deem sal leek. will open sp . a &him of, couSlijf opal to any other in Western Pepsin nubs hi qv tionithral *Da on 4 surmised mien the Airchany anion 4t a.a4 Wee mod Loma r. Tb. laser part of Mil river patio:darn abound. la weal of the very beat duality sad the upper le Jive ore sad Imed.r.Wa well ea sacceilert coal ' Tb. opening op at i new Mime by which the maple articles win be tiongtit cheapn oar mu. ket will all roach to the wealth and pro.pwity of our city. It will aim reartialty .wall the bust ler .cat profits of tbu Mthomagalmla Navigation Lepthmtheate to which It will laccocea at once an import. t Leder and Mac, account it It ia dal at liberal all frith Stockholdars of that ComPeelf - Waal Newton withcs now a cathparatie Ob•OUT• aging, would son bloom an ing=tant town. sad as the distance by that gime wed Soar • l i wed from Pittabargh to Cazdedand is about izr ml I.9bea Lim than by ProwninfEle. A chili Use of boat. and Wagenwradd La all " probability eras divert a Imp thaw of bivel b that raga McKeerport. with thOadnatage. which Md. impeonetnent would 4A far laanufseticrrs in Tarim daparinseata d hod. 86.., wh o a, wank ice , and inurecthtl. u the le. almoet es a sobtub Pilmborgb.. would, in a law para. bar bimodal plain coverad with factorie. and able dwelfarig bona.., and the call. n af weekh end prispeciy. If the baprowtheent ol the Y y. by 'dull and locks. can he Carried ap thit.Orat 01 dm Laurel Milk the dratigist hahscanial • • held oat to [he Changed. and Otaio Canal Co.. pony to name ban their bag and Wham's!: stab of loactivAy, and maka a vigorous ALM to arty net tha ...Waal and reogailaced &maw of that Company—Os ordain at Ms wears sd the Mime ad thou ei the Ohio river, al Pittablarghs by a moat of lupe dimendoce, and pram capacity for bainsok than any saw in the country. It therm to le genera, fargotten, that twenty years .so, sad bade* tba Panneylesnia canal was cacaunciad. this arm Qs great sailsaal improve. tarot pr, j.ct of bits day—that scram debts whirl Las by Parense; Well. Ursa, Cantisman'a it. and the Yonghlogitany, wen masts by roe nears laufarlht sdirechan . tsf Lb. Veiled Stake Garemsaret—that a canal only lasi Irak and six test derp, with an abtrodard min* or rater, arm declared eatircly practicable, at a cog arty Omit ono half the ma list will ba *aired In complete Mr. McLane'. twaipler cad. rail road of tunnels and viaducts from Canaticrhied to Wheal. lhg—iced that the Maim of Manimid. Virginia, and Nam, Franla, mild to eying ■ charter, onti• ear ethic% the company hawk theme many trials and dielaulda.. ...whew! the mat nearly to Cusabarland. I. It not posilbis Mat the trafamiva of stem tatem;rativa ta tb. Lam of I. Lamm' HUI. an Ma wry roam areltsull, ietki iv all protaka ty,miEl baktutplatm! War miry yams. lad 'to Ma ultimata oomplmica et MU truly g rab smi Vl'beibra thar , roligertica ka aarakd b..ny weighl or not. An kcal loarracs drag tbr klen, and' the bothaary mad crada chi& it ItiB 110.131. disiaii meta. will carnal, and !kik/ arm. ail the Prpsalflurrs tateesntry in curb the 1111111117111- ginot gecko h-. 1 by lb* duce dike Yourogba , ily I% a rip alio= Coupon,. I. hopoi, th•cribrit, due all era! *nit in mobil, Amore or ins,.. limes mane abd egoverrer , num', to cupping,. this imparts okaar. _ • J eel Baia.. of ?ire York bar renagsisal 'be priories ~ 1 11 f. ear sailicirtt fn ,tht. Breathan elan cam %Diehl:eh webs.. balm referred The three max ding to the decidoe mai be remodel bootha thorn is pathos lira In the moan! . w rit Shwa. Whit. and Joy, counsel far error.. ;rem. data. mite an appticatian to the dada., under the mutate for ■ warrant database M. men in Sir toff of the leer Cllr writ of certiorari on be vi ed In then baba The satiab ern animal by Mr. Pamir, the oppodte concreet, end nythetertt was procenitntr, to ropei to it at oar tot athriora, Thin cam le ow, of more then corm= infs. sit both u drimpthl the kw, and the Morey of the aseva Tbe erramint t chef atter ataama wee that - Wig Seem they maid net be reeagoin. ad le . pert of the" now by 'thy tramps!, the lase of the State of tire York not mogonhos law. of any orentrilfy with* we fa oyierthors Lido ' priacipie d ham= Itherty lea emthlie searairL 134:th the Comm and the Chnl Lem rseeire I nivitnett by which a moo fore. pert of• craw mad evitihat dent from ratios mach coltheet.— Itlbery fe toy dabs an these wee tthieir the . thegy no form=s pert ol Rowe', g aeon b• g.mn ity proof the ruse n isty: adios fed, ebkh has Dot teem dom. Tb. enamel wan that Now York in boned to . nposit tn. rien of property in Alan. lo neva* dent Dalian tido nee]. Mb Penny ciaaal the illecinion of ICnig. Manttiti ni to tine misise dui MON*, tad alai d Judge not:iron in tb. Antic d' ear in thnk.A. • we kok futlisit fa tbn eanticsixt a this . . Pais run tlf ll.htaa.ribm us sissy elipirm at .oat Y aaint .6•• trades. paiftt il4 food, of Arias irrilott• at ailisocem. dl du& scrxrwin.' Mil* Small bsiOli Iran limb than to AB B**. • Naps& •70- ,tila; riot= dies, i• &woo , Is disarm. MIA of •IA ism $3 . 6,00e,500, 'reo•lnd (=a Stu•T• Woos, sad a myna. of 051,000,13 1 00 from ea:oAm, sad id o• if LW , tko Me thio. •I••• 'Odom ft 4.410111 Pn .11• i La aged 1,4• kialpiareirimopro• amd•l big Oman!, t, tik sas4o l i.alhiSk inn I of • Imam rm.'s, .U 4 far IP**, NV's , 1 1 skin Nos barely ism ogaid•ibid•Okeory . af the 064. Kr. Warr sazti mg wig*" ortiettlehamm dmit amps Ur Tart( gouda. he kan hardly bora • oar ma log 4. !IMMIX OW TS 1 PoAtioss.-11 tho Ed Oot • , the Prot otitl tots tits troth! I to rnsolde that re. port of do Caul Comotiolosras la tho yoor 1141, to be Fosod oloog the Ktotatiott docorsio of that year, he sitl fa oat /form oaf aoly La pat bat La the soltok, to be tree. Ws ho drawn *hot we cooolool b bee logitiostm inform has the /Las. Tb.. Post lo wokooto to hi Skik opO4ogist d comptica, at to jam, of =chalk* withooto it it dooms to do o?. we pnosikiphit 16, dm* to oiecookomidji , ,I=MXii•VhitiMi-ig to* • ites4tWOi • We torn bas attilil Wu. Oa If the 7sttto oil to la fouttliii oot tb mostlitiA aq tio tb boat mom orris& - taz vaseraa Cirnme-We ervoriy to see IS. " a ", " C"." " o "di b 1 Uk• aifia am. ti kiskesve La i Pidiusersina - 4 1 411 1 fi1Oift paiiiiiimprovisi 100. iiiiiisiiifthaWAlier'..st s aidobit ofillaild a rmat siisigas 'rad. -- Xbi.l. - ' 4 " 1 ""="--' ' 50r0w.,.... 4 tiitu k -- , 7w t , wo ,41; . - Ail 1 • *afa ve , - - ~.Ai ~ ,004/0101. 1 0 .., • -iir. 6a.d-9".'" • ' - * FM* :44-40:**W.V1:- 4i.'''. - ,----‘ . ....a•',; P .-;,.:.. , Yf , .: f " ::',_", ~.\ ,-:-.)_-:, ..;.,,F, „„ p-4:,.... - .a4,,,,,,,ciri • • • '.• • 4/01111 Hems. ST imaid ll b itilri• aigitue htlifl e C c ETl7 o,9r. .ll4s,4 4.4. thm ktU: Path Wag tilikiikin Now-Yait inpuetik klt its tutu stessultipn ammo this ilod OtiOstat, au the E Tissi projsekii telt . 9 . . be "sturdy supported by the el Dap, ant Bif ei3 L r .:4 bY ttut City ii... 44,166 Attitt.WiLlMMraMoommt.totaa4A llll . 2 mmala7.l opttal.. $1,000,000. It mpected that Om punt', to 11 mr-Yort mil to nude in from tart.= to mea ty &rya. has slat bean C= 21 :422212 , 0 toltimm 1 of staabtithiog • &mot ma= commomication Immo tom port or Wirtoo;pidlatiy. Vora Coo; Cisiomoy. 'Mead= of Malmo hors panted • hill lodtmalmo tar altlatna the Crsiostitodoo so Mirbomafter Goocnoor.dmatotiMad RAMoomida. dies to tboi Glimmal Coen and to Googramy may be theme lq aptoraGty. ' Thy prod a*, Maar to T, and lb& nom a 3 to la. So far WI UM - alaction of narestatts al lloomrta• nod County Aorta lognormal, It will re at onos Into ortstla . • • . Voting. sirs WE•so.--A couple dingo op. lON iiill!dstroted sattlog tbs_ telegraph' wires on ow day that do Mgr. oh Milk-no/ Imaged to extol" o! iirnilo hare totals to baton P. OOO to itufgST.• Moss Tatars Warrim—The Govainat of Lomemm Imo famed o protinutudicto for Mrco pan . Thu Koartvcar Cog ST I ban dmided that Lb. pa:parity of Ma bisttrooll Epitroval (Thumb, - in that Stat., bel,*p to thy Chant% soutA. Thom his ths lodic dodo, ollkoWnioy tech brought 2o n 00222 al r.trir Coo rwortoa..—A Coonotticto 1 .34 rah Granary is the !Rata of Oblo, wif lat held at Co. lotabcul, tbz Pin! of Relpiewatar oast, t o Who chair. opinicao apacfotaa. of fruit and teach each cabala Maul bow to door. • . At • recant mocha, to Coq, Poem Mathew daciand tlal coot coo single Indhidoal taatotalta had boom* a victim to tithe, fumble or pawilahow" —A teat that rwpara no aaroloo:., The colabnhad compoorr„Dr. hp - ohr; bah LP tad an invitation L., be prowat at tho hat taiotlog of the Minkel Valoo, to btu Us grawd quintet for the piano, Alt...played by Madame Dakkez and odor to Lwow of his rhit. ' • WOILTIII.I . Barrowit..—The Hoowary de' into of L L D has kayo ovolotrol opoo lawooal P Vinton by the Trortess of Marietta College. ' A nowt hour from lb. Roo. H. L. EUsworib' M Indiana, l,aattly Comrobtatooor of the Patent I, !Soo at olea (bat he has 1000 aura in corn. from which In aspect. to maks 55 buabala to the acre. Cal ) Insight. &SAW boahabe of corn ma ono farm! no following new cannteririt bade apirranal' Tha Divine Bank, Naaalledford :. .3•, letter at rio 1,281 Pay). W. Datad Joo. P, Mutat, Cashier; Jeseph Orions% i Prosi dent. Pam vary thin, and could rarity ba darn' lad. Vignette, a ably antler faibrait. A•LtDOI . II syn . .' • Moser.—When Chula lbat klecood tha nand that Royal Axis'', it is s.t mud of mur that einasita to alai the chilowrgars • royal. bat at theism° times attar some. team. • IMby is it. my lords mil rpentlemsti," said rrthat if you all • vowel witb wont, the , ST) tabs,, ti thst it *RI Dot bold • sines drop moso•yst. potting 'Wpm into the armee. it shill not out. SNI/ 6111 yawl r Mazy won the me conjectural that the. Sib would drink so conch water is ecanpacmted - for his own balk; that b• condensed the Viler 13 that maw ; that the air Maids, bad samobing to do with the phenomenon, and i bondrecl oaten. which ware propsanded not slandoord in their taro, mach vi that amaaanrot of ch.:. merry otooLieb. Al heath Mr. WWII (afterwards air Clubuiphio) modestly dad ••But is your :Majesty sant that each weak] ba the cum r gye," en chained hie Majesty. laoghing. you birve it! gentlemen, Sod out wader the thing be true Wore you peeved to eeeivnat for thee, I shell not be ashamed of the chaster !hate given you." Tit BTATS T1.1157•11 - 2.801:00 c( 11111 LOCO Tacos WO kr militia' a former Stow Trtaiurer tbi prompt paymmit of Ms Morin iolarod. M. Booordoo did mill, bat Ur. Boas bu doom bat. mt. Tim North Monti= ream*. Gios or the Ord ads d Goi. tittooL after his hisorosslion woe to advise e Itlvecurito of the mama of the February int...rim then shoot CO. izif deo, sod b• vtifersd • isr itharirie rebuke if00:1 the lagishattre for ilea When At r. litoovniso to t as Truisms', there wt. • kw: paid, cootrscied to mod • Mica on the intm* du. tad Fstrosry. Eta that our Whig Bute Trees. user /sr not only pai d fad Alit month. capplird ta i deficit d the previous six Th. T11182;41 iiiaida and beyond the tslow i• ratio; ahead" with woodchat sapidity. Ws lure mon a lett" from Ckneland, which ((su. sorances that the coatmankatiao will Wapiti to tha Lase by Lb. 20th ion. The post tosliew are all dap and Oho wire is "Meg op a/rapidly as Pas. .this. In this meantime mu lallemp/oyed fo &g -en ito put bolo trtwcen Chtteluid arid BalT alo ria Erie, and between lineulatoil and Dnkoit ris )atalogy. It is dos to Mr. O'Reilly to stabs that h. bat prossicutad his work with • filmdom! of purism nod snarly) , of setioti, that we two newer alien mopowsd. Ws. aoribate lo MM. and eau:MC° his sinealuod.oil effoits, the boom of uniting t h e Lot with the Wow Ths wart has been ran- CCitil =IAA many discoaragenuots. khal, iecto alest, lkassoid, maxima sod otherwise, sod We bop. that both alooktud wpm sod a rich peen. Mary reward will er011.9 his labor" • • We statical yistarday ao Eurusturteas. Ito • ass htsalist .pint * clergyman of Hosittel, for reading Um mimeo of mommaniestion from aisdxstshigshos the 'church palpit. A hisad of ths sissy has Stipland Woe on th &Crud the p.acki.kp iitirtiog the Miming text . as bit so x,illsicti that sitt.'i•bsks beton all, that when, easy Issur-1 Timothy 1.20. This is say. well, prosidid . that Waal, Ida& nos and Fins* Atoka receded ibis parte . u.. cositMkaticit. hammy Corisritog—Rterr or 1 907.11 ii --The Ilithola Coareatiori hese lived to i t i t presences la the New Cootithatlott *bleb w do right of toting toellimaa. instead of estatuniti It sr hiseetakire to Intiihhastat This wss Dot dot* bows.,!, area tar It may sent, 'without Olt opposillart. The hottility which ltezelted waste .soma. that Mr. Beilltayell, • tomtit* by birth, ereiedirtitst Mr. Val Haien had altered Ole vied meat, ortlch"wss worthy eottimerdstioos— .Tbort the billtra of [metro bora perucisputitled oar *idol strieptires, by theeklisa lad keeping down the aristocrstio teadeocies of tha men Fesers.". . TM/ dl.eo.dca bitweea Mr. Patti 'and Mr. Cesepb ell, both 'hum for Dsrls, me* boated me to acidly sad to challenge to ti d.iC. An imptored wsa.r r•• big berto eoP • 4O Dad. The asectible emirs to the foltrerin2. diocierwitag ..with the board cc sitor tit* bottom d the hopper, tad itutitatutthe ■ n.+- Log apron or teed:Lai twit to cans the grain on to the cirrus, ar IL i row of -vibrating &qr• vs, and dial!, mod greatly calms to esperstlai theta Crow the calla es It fills from the woo to the - aniess; au It Olatrivaoa b.,' whirl the three seem sod the 11 agars beim named, ens =de tel *beam ehrinastely with wad apposite to each other, sad so quietly as to avoid the hatersad jsr Men debt upon the Opltallini of' orliEuery reeciskaitio, arias it aflame of a greeter width of wire and wt. tam • woes perfect riddling of lb. grain.. ' —.- - Solute by . ! brie thassitrius:—Tber• knew- Fos, to crotref Ibithkt totivs - of N.* Thu* shim a women trim has had lb inuleade„ en tri whom too note Irvine. upon the bet of wow* bar laid ash other. The erceuto le lig* Mt! peciati toirog her ciiihket, who lees . Delitilii Ile: seem but utruit to ap . plynt. SUIT Alaska gpssr, an scam fothipaisy could c. bit 11111111112. ea nab* her.—N. Y. Pap. . • The wit of Mr. O'Couctell 1.. ban proud La lb. Natoeatine Court. The permit] property 4 swan to be coder /MAYO, sod is has suit* other bellows, hit itlXlo to Mr. Bar, the agaliPt Cary to the Repeal Atectiation. { We *fawn that there wars a good zesty gob: WW2 ha lit.CrOoorairs themes of Evioy, 41r : . the 1...... ca c,...p.a... wkii. ....run wi l b interior thrift the DA thrie of theAplakrr,brd opp t7 line Z11•112a11 alter bit Oteti.]. L ; • As ime..-Pralsosa °Wird danlai that iiii is - 13 i ,. swim Ist dr ccoiscaisOot 14teamaisig a Nop 4 ! so usruL TI V I ; lhe' = "m"l" imo. -thei Isis stair , 16111 0 11 :: 1 7.0=4 . . . rni . ' 'ilia -am*.firsik iw . .. : 4 " ii Ve; itali F ie . • • AO.. ',, .. .** 1 09"110. 1 04 1 . '•;--•:; '' 1 • •, , ,,i,...4.,.. ! ........ , -.." . 0 — -- • -,-- --. . _ . S I 9I46I I IFICIETP RAWL ''-' 1 .,, • : . -. .... ,• ri k wbi. ..: * , • • Cie 'at Gomm nariwka r WirrAplritiS.3)Exicir. - .Vifled rinkyZobe r ts .iii fro 'l's Mexico. imerkaai-111 . aens.a is WARM of 1.41‘161'.... • , . Antal ptb-5 thaw.' fie= aa hb ad ra io tasatili ", by do mazy sled imam frail ; ilia cLty, 'rame a tsda!illtill foagbOldgatt 1/4 rift dulbiadt:: Machw ..sue, aumfiallri Thalami aux trays,* war 500,, Oaa time. army *would the cit./ of iSi Aztato *a the 17th of Jalpaad tbs eine sad Aare atm !lama aver the Halle alibi Montatimia, i Batt :mails ban been realm, Ristkapid.4 The filvesisintreasiog at New Oda= cr.rrerpondeneeet we Plrt.barekwasaus. Pen., • Ang,9 .5i P. 1111 Tbe Dews we mai pre fawn tin Army L. b. pond all peradventure . tree. .Flip era 41dG tnnii Ona .Qa4ar.Oity I.L.a general °MY i*J 4 .ol3s: : • . mutTurs iriirnotrz.iss. I==CM , . The Propeller Wathingum bee arrived •at Neer °dews, huloglog datie from Brame L.') the lid of • An lames had arrived at Kew:imam from the dry or Staileo, eta tbiii that GM. Scott bad Met the Metican ermy, emulating of about 10.0110 coemaad after a hotly etonistad and nogoluill butte. io winch 300- Amer echos were killtia;* Tested and toWlj meted •them. - Thesis reported M have been 20,000 hfsib , '. amain the field. Sods mu victorious, and with his troops entered mod took possession of the eap. The news of the victory with ordeti from Had Q...., were publicly rend to the •rory so the eveointr of the Maori. sitabwr. Ni./0 Is, Aug. 1 The Yellow:Oder du reubed New Orteene and math elute' Is felt et WI eppeareatts: Oa Fa,ley there were 18 deaths at the Charity Hou piad, sad 14 deaths from this Jlaesea. Peru.., Aug. 9th; 9 r. • Sette.poelesee cer tae PslMatx4 Gat4tte. Prints leder. receiyed .t Rientoood.. Ve., to. day. No New Orlrens, errs edditionel cond.. nation to the news that Pen. Scott and tinny here entered the city of Mexico. Tbio int firmation come. from a Maxima piLicar et whose f . iMilytdorosoJ him el it by ktter. • Antonio Prim!loloo at 1110, glossae, Oaogia. 'PHILADELPHIA MARKET. P/IL.n[Lltl.. Aog. 9,8 p. a. - Th. [Dulcet i. quas de11,..0d on chaos* i/2 ens stool last quotallwas. Eteleut• Correwoadrota el the raWsrib Gaut. NEW YORK MARKET. Aug. 9. 8 r. x. Plow—Silts 3000 Mai it $5.87a8,00 per bhl Whiaat—Etrtm Priam Whits at 140 e p. NI: other tioda unaware!, of whkb 5000 tar was mkt at 125 e par bu. Coro—Sala Whim, am Silica) , Primo, at fife per ha. Baka of 30,000 Ira Priam Yellow at 7to par lat. Proationa--Tbe ambit u iDidiTT, and whb• out any change to prism. Lud.ia firm with an opim] Malawi. BALTIMORE MARKET. Exelo•lnCwrespertakcee of the rataibstg4 Ogiseue Batik:mom Aug. 11, t r. Flom—Fake of /00 bSle, Ifeerard street s 113,873.600 per bbL Itecolpte sro liebteani vi ces on the 'denies. Vitae—Bales of Priam Mita today at 1400 Par att. Bake of 10,000 ba Pram Rad it 116* 1221 c per ba. Proviktans—Tbs mute Is quiet sod khans. • Du.v..k.--The Seuk an+l.4 witboot.sttatzt.: •. No chimp a th• tt'ur anicle • 14 abe a.atiut By the !cetera' linear Selegiaph. JMND YMORNINCI. d (I 0 MTS . Cangennee et tee Ankenn Ounce. Tii ZILNCTIOni. Wheclior. Aortat 9.. ' KENTUCKY. The Mowing Uonireennen ben bean cYloted from the Ewe of Kentucky: Dionkt lth Buckner, Whir. nth Tbompeoe • Ath Ademe,• " • " 7th Denten • 9th C 8 Notched • lOth Oiinal la the Math Distrkt Coe ( Wads) I. sported to be elected °wilds oppotioot, Mr. Trench. Them ene, boomer, Venom toreador to this District lot folly bevel from. Two of thew cecina...tilt probably eir. Loco Poco otiejority. sod one Whig. miry. Tbs Logi.!atom of Koatocky will be otrowej Whig. • . . 'Tbs., ware tiro VdtOg eamlictatm Dis. trkt—Price aod Adams. [The kleconJ end Mini Minden of Keegan!, are in noon doubt , wbicb we bopo to deer op to. dey.] .I.7tweeltinri,perwe M.MA/11,A. a amnia a • eaaum. The fo4loalets coestsan of C new have been District, let, Robert Dile Olen, L. F.„ by gniatJr reduced majority. (One account eayeitiat tbs election of Lath:m.l4 l /964. is probable. With it issipePty . of Wiesen dune= end Waimea beia % dted to Demons it Ls hard:) po.sible District, 2d, 7L= r, J. Healey, L. P. 2,1, Ilotirtion, L. F. tib," Caleb Bubb , wh,g. bib, Witt, L. F.. • Than ins Ste Districts wheat Nat. Tits Wblis sr U ittababli bus a pia ot oom cisseSsr, cod secure di. lissrisistors. dur Despatiat Sap it is sitsftly seared. . The Lghhiton of Indiana, in •re oared eJI he largely Whig The Whip hare pled greatly in the Bth Di:Wet, and an reported to hare carried the Berta& • Later ea* Geed SWIMBOW•Ia Dereatoel. IV ° 619 the ionowirli km t h e rum Marist, itellsas.; (Owen'e) Embry. Owen. • • 1379 693 ' Embryo'. majority, 747 Only Doe malty to boar from. (Dibotot) . . whkb will radar.. Embryo'. majority to,aboul 600. W. sari ferttor ratans from North M k•Kziri and Tram..., bat rabbi. Erma likber gouts' Indicating a result Tb. Cinclaziuliti• guitar claims Brown Gomm.. L. F, I. Tab..: ses. Airoornma LaiTalk. Berigthartzrz Am, efPasopati*n. Camp mow Kosaw.y..Affnefasts 6, 1647. My Dear 81r:—The reventheiesoentry adosof by a meeting of Ile cilium Pdnea Cirropia coanty, Maryland, favorld to era by you, hots been Tab poor areearpagying hotter, duty moth. d. Th.:cash yea I would noopeofolly mourn to those kind tihrodr, forep axed oboe* thaele fa th. Tory With hosier, and &lorries teenneeryr of apptcreal, which May ten Mute onafen ad ppm tot. It Mta goal poop{. of this oat= Amid vainly boner me 1,146 elatotleo ,the CUM! M.tietrear, I ahalkby all zealous &Ailments, run" to the blot of my, ablltty, Alin to amyl dim, Mod ' eteletlant tbir toe and hlibas lower of the lONA.; Boon. , yet, thooth I fool hopeLlod to yiele to tbe eel of Lb. people...limp, I should b 44 wick p air 4.4 ad.r.dio,x, to toMfat no treat a gilt 'otz wow osiarat otatowain. • $. 1 4 6 . 004 lo scoot; with ikon sctoo6folitie aw~te,larya Mr sod thaw whoa 7.3111=l thi moose! 000 Ind void of Tow' "i _ tional 11. 13. Amoy. • u.... ~.~.. ._.. .._. :~..4 . MalffM -- r% Tsar. —l4 4‘. - t , , iii tank-sae ermine( ''•4`. ', 3 5 .0 1 " - ' 5 4. I ' l o • lar.l* "' ulle " .44ar " on s.. * , _or • '-'eSimilemewhrnigai.aintlostairy -41111441 714 7 4' , 0.4 •2 . a IPhiteYXL , tint. " --411n6L I r t irprer Jaricga wearer, It . - -111 Coppave, Hanel Hennes Ir, Wm It the Geisha et 'oaten* thank doubt ttr 131 " 4 ', wSelthde - thlUifi kllfiVlndleitenet; 4 1 11 y.a EA ' u ro, LAW Was 'enitten%lo bitted= and taam.„ c finnan" Aniroll cog trial p!noemseilltiti n edit uzu , Illepirsi ; Platen , * anntair.,.of the 6th ichatii. f The ottithei le in I oan ß a a r d - Thampeortliell myiossasidon. Vas to Pilaw ** „ Saider, - ot the tabßegieraet; and Lent -tuts alb a - raLt~a[fh.leh,ltbin,bah,ofwhom. ow AkrrW Wool ;.Ronny., Liseciai . fribii_ telt _ad aft •iiriglier - w ill tier • & 1 :111j Art . 131twn - bandiffiling a= they theounue,n ea atioNis t ,d lIN Bidd_ 111 - Jean Waken hue autho ri sed we to my publicly, on then m P PP ^. "uu.sw , n - limit!. dud miry syllable of le :ritaltear re *Cooper - - David (41 ' . PIC: 'Lint rrentt leached oar town' ow Friday ' Aol P lest film Vera Crta - direct and /dame TB auk - P I saintit, more deikaniaM. L m R Conlin ' o=B - , be planed Up= We Mitten aillprilienell aan 'how t i e , s tM we n J 'Canna -• meta officer, consthenleatid to bra (milli and- leo I Dam.* Jobe Donley novae intended pablicalien, than upon the - /3 "'"k ,71,=„ e w e6 P mbnce °hi°, Nor °duos per E Thgrp.T. - ' J N t i2lieli b, Wit i lll 4 = Y ttmede We Me_ hbalen , W Wilke • O W PhOmeteek 0 ifincalieraw J A lantykLlr , P ileCendlots Jolut Fleatterr W *Wertheim Grey • Wei Ino iDC limaki It gmmead .. Galway J Porkdr C H ?Worn • M P Gaming Gordee _ Potter _ Wie J Peehlee *WI Cray J Pattmaad, " i t I=o RW Poindexter L Herrier Pennock Joe LI Hill X Itigey.jr wm • Hill Wm • Herron If L Imam* John Holm* - J J Warn Peal Mane Ilem7 W el Ileveue Wm Ilea r. Jame. liohma I A Ilisiehteen KB Itched. M Hamm RN 'Riddle Wm I Ilan We OH ItOb son J e Inne Rob Meer, 1r ' Dikid h, J Boma Jones Rent O WJecime 0 P &Ruh J Newton Jones Wo !MU:10011 Jordaa 8 • &mama , Waller Jam .1 1l Jeme RProridea _ lee Kidd I DISeaUT Hines Kama • PI lelmenzetedder ifitCui`k kre . :7 l `. _ tv tk i nrlar .. Jos N ran P ralwor • Mires Cellar J Z Wool PO KXO ey W Pod BRaa% Pi n tjr Toneseed Jo Imo ata T Whitman ' ' • L R Lichernon 111 AlAreawr Liniehrr J - Wee T Lardy H B Wilk* • TIIC-21' Watt Wham, • NR Wade Ito Loco _ P • Way , yr mom, W D Wood Pi = *web/ W W Wince lllas Win P Vamp L D Heicidosee Temp - .N'Dllill Er Minkel I ElV6sr ' • pplkeate Mhisebareltip esa shier apply Weigh ie *emery or any Member of tie Bout of Treace. N. B. Om ardlarri the lasumirm fee. •Frier the 'ennui ateeriptire. alO i, JACOB WEA • • Cei 1141117 131 . 111111 —Bowe trapdoor acooodzat reeizitiy homed 110 diahnoisbed Baal Cot and Imamloam, fo The azadleho did It, .ad 'iiasitiaiiiidoilias tho. noticed to th. Cantao (Ohio) Rated:tory. zha Loco Nei V. sigh* to soknowladee ma a pada= rascal foe • co adjatizr, they ... wk.= to th• honor of the assochoien: • Tb• what. odd; was soloist op and molded into effect, by • young =a bowing' ih. mow of Tbecdor. Gibbons, ee. wont . lons. as n et exited. N. belonged to the eHoot rers.": under C.A. Allen, Lid orts tale. deader. Aid bum that oicopany for stsalin. All - of Lao sotobro of that eciaepany racirened beim, spetk. Of him In ths one( coquilifird Ivor, as • awes, bad r m .. ; Qua, • t agsbood and • sce.nedr•Le—e Roil Ins who foniirded to this pls.., la • lob 111“; wooer of th• lobes of 'hal sari. Ho orsre pris...2 for eaeoling , beim be let •cantralor W. as, ...in. e•elte mama preti# liO3/11 to common donerecyr—ind if Loco an mile a my first young nun In lb. Bola" oat of bine, bet done do it. wirel be thtl nett • moo era belonged to leo reepoot.b.l. • eon:piny. . . TIM COOOT or pIATI I, -TllSOdilialll faibtiOg of Reinbricalt Ptak, will he eibibitaa io thni city for • few days. It corers SOO sown Cut or loins •ta, contains 23 lifoltko Bann., and is !slued at $25300. Ws propos, no nab thins se a trig. dens of this in/oak:eta work. Tlieliallang well oust &Aix:curse upon lite anddllolta.,ll4l, impressive, awl insuocass. We welcome the pciptiotot to the tits, end gaol that oar clammy upon Ue arrival, will visit thLI noble palming Co. tbsasselres. • V AAAAA er.—Tbara 'Pm quite a acrobat or adored prices island on du tomato! Wood and Water arattaNa Moods, Gamin, oholsoel to j the lOU traria to nab so extant so to reader vada difiktoit kw among to purioild my dln ogroelbia for ladies. Boron of the obtrodors, after hartog bon warred to dirperoe, uo refoool to obey Iran Wore before the Msyor, aM mom Cud fors •iolailoo of city °rain.. In oath cum made and provided. The Meranstate Library Aseeeislioe it mien by their arivetriunisent Se_therengbly dot anl at hope witb every gawped of meal. It wait !Wound to the boo: of Pittsburgh that et tenittoo has been given to this enterprise, atql sea heartily wish along end pima:meow existents le the Toeing- Hens' Mercantile Libisry Asineistion and likehenles institate. The 111011311 R of la (snot. who arrived ni New York Ilea =nth men 19,080.. About oar half of this nimitein wen from Ireland Tbe- America' Alraretger;" ■ rocntbly paper pablnhad In N. York,by Um American Tisanb airy, bu gainer) a circulation of 96.000 11114 said lobe /ccatulni. Tpb it probably Luger eirrolation 'ban Le enjoyed by any 'ern. prdadical Id the world. The Loarloo Peeples. Journal ter fare dm quarrel between b. Lbw, Ms Bto*dae said the Howell, circulated 93,000. . 411.1C.1. We...... after lomeat 4 amber eolattau- fir km • voly 44 men , a.= .( e/1 deaeripx.o.e. Jl4 lila W. ar• gated le whieb Wide., mai iiilleainlasei to prenrva am; sad ete ea. be.. 44 4.) rim Deb.... Wis., ....Ics Praswing td yaw.' 414 4.eta... • • lISCILYT. MOGI DAF91.1[35 tire IN. - TY 2111: own cbroiet in de Um... 'Ceder .irs Mee. X h. 4 Soap Trbe tour exceittel' ent• n. latsaele sag In ,t bum pe !be eer• Igne• l say l VlNlZate, Ilteywyees, ErPebeleW t lili Testae Prtekly kleet, Wafted ebmiate m pne of Ur Iloilo is &MINH is usemilysvii. pespertles, Do( W. eciamtlfie eembineuee of We welselgessee bat. Ala tleir mum". N. 'taw bee earthen. le a. poems", Ike Atespitale• say bei pereie• 44. orgy'. Cburcee bled , tued lYmp earn le eyeloylee , ellen...wee. nal erode:nee lbe skin us& 11■11101fi 111 fair, pm. sweet awl bealiSty. turd kn' par tetra 11l Pew; by Wes halm LI ert~ wt riusbargb, J & C 131 4 UWAY,I Coentand es, &Hy Itrlmportaat to Adiertaisrs.••Tic; 110111 , 01111.1Wele eilbrar ht 40 DWI Merging Clascro also cOloo , it U. , To-Wcc the% rcMillor ilLt et dm clecalutea- cor all. trahm and addiliaaal chine. Ws II an aiming soot al ernssenorithoot .soy cam elm., 'Advertise...lnc an also tahmid to Ai wintry Taper spos.teueludArs..i. 11:51^1Ve ,one Miesliebe'Mei/ ea rulers V Mo ez irameinety cork ofelemeil by IN. Cto&We hides Mgesibb Potesso;erliel they sill Bed Toooni. eel itriseher esteem 'of is.itees pest:. y ye seism doubt the mom sosettriel on moopl, tut km misc. prenseeeed by many of vet toss( roweemble The allieted sad abort Warmed; abode. trsied r visit Ib, cm • 1 Melo si.ral places of abode, mellitus boot Moir oso bps the aroodeifel orcou el lbeateliebte. The ern one mused le Mr lasso Dioxihs, unmanp k eke doily, homers I d hoara of A. M. sod r. N. talk oiketif ihreraodk Mellon, No Merliet Mimi. pN Salters .1111lieniii AbsiaasentooteaL Tutlicon—We beieleatee ti nail pebli. onostion to sbnirpikreiag, frai De. Wm. • Dana,H Wltltamoville . 9ansasot C., and one albs 'my in paimblooens fa lb. %booty is !olio b be resider, WI We %mato? bs tio ken! Losidadinse. It to <boot - Ina thaw to ate the lead isnna.oldms.pteassna. bonbon LW loomisoi ojesal peqsdkokood al.lel asnitto too: • • •.". ?...11111:1 have 113 aly moon*. beets oaingsome of Tine 1 110 +1. 1 Nus 000, and, int Oa, in wall plumed Is Ito Catarrbal and Seasoblel Coooptalota. Mei.** ungiainbaLf a dozen bootee—pot ka as' tains YAW CAN of aspect it It .1i tinn ormilet as lonoralsat - Wootton as It bee befetoFne, to keep It sonstaatly an Lad: 2 00 0ettib117. tar WK. Deialb - m. a. 'ld Nev Ye:IL, Hoe. E DUDLEY, limbo or Ow peu Veit rim the %Twain Dlstranof ;aft lu fees taleiiose w in.nhall for band. , Al Mebane,* Wedaealay tie Iti ISLIASA Kt EtiOgti I 1110 DY; la Ow 414 year et kat irk Tie Merle of thi Wally are laeVea r aim! tie mama. lattlelf will tate plate of **look, r thlsday, nem L WA mildest, la u Hey et. , Copt.? Intr. Retalawt • COndTatiTLY minted aad toe sole Dilate rebacti bee Daly DDletwah, by wawa oaten wID bet received Th en Flee Brien an s natacsared by JOSlalt COPLYM. saw Eluasniay Arorwn/co.on, fa. Tee have been Bay tat** sad now preferred try may ter the Itealdaastaalann I. mad attar Plasbarilt; et *Wm patekawn au be reDned. They an we,- netted whet of a natteiew ;oda,. ' AleW,oo bud and le aale. Ms Clay toe Mud Pon add Craelbles . . • .. ••• . . :.Pin Op) pas ap la entehle ihns the beeketerk : ' • ' . . ...1 1/1 1 : CHADWICK 1 • , ~ /.71 t h•tht Wilma gra le libett l M ll9, pl• a BolnioN /thPthlrelly amasthe le Ithr Itidadi ea de Mlle merany du see has ts. aanly taraltheed behalf old a sew =Lulu ter re painni,elgraulusad isul laiganty to Is •Irtyle aaperiet to wo •.31 baton letheatesealato theretreaa • ally• saill la a 12 ....f1. WWI Law ' without Übe Was InJvy le th e Mkt. Please eat/ &ad sift her is topper/eta: le pore Is. No 4 Wars Row, eson Cialt • althll. akipw—te bum Irahigatet • . ; do v p l47 Pa* . ' 0. do . Pata.Aniechnialltrilial• Irr • : 1 , 41 TM El ST ICO ■—N Mn sa pnd order. ha tae4 sad An ', I , • LIAJAU DICE Ya Co . wawa 107 Denim • ny na %WO • • ale ••a mi MIRY & 00 01 09 " i 11 " . . sur' . oat .sad water rawassirus esti r Lii•Ea% .Awash. Ivy JAS DALZELL st mu, et 011 1 1ESII-41bIlltir WMbut Kr4.1,1424k Rae to , oak try] I 1 J O:DWELL . Lb . / I Wa377;;F7xM 48/ 10 WPRUNIMIG•411101g16 need thb * " Bl4 C.' - • • TAMINITA 6 NW. 401 imbsW44tahc, . • .. w 'pit • • saws same Dial 1 1 .. • VA,'" "g" LiAC?aWaa. VIA. ataxy 111:11.16 LAMP& • somusasa seagoai s fp .• re i e rt =ftaittmialh a tt innesetion 1,04 nom*, Inollan sad Lam Langwiliw Two oeloiem .( dm mom .L. Powtoomoto wpm momently mewed. aml gray fmillty maw ea tapir* tlo forms Unrest% ommorilee mita *dm oneamplinnomouto. left diVided itl• 11.111470 a a Iva Mai& sub, max acing oa the 1.101 Sepsnntwr, and oripomi TheXMo4 Jam. cbar. &Woof o Yen, alma esoadakin • 111138, payable Mit earl in edvanft;sritberl szins, memo Florae owl . nriAele and at Pordeme" loinenv ole.. Team commemoriam Y• m i y . Z . the tom ' If utol No y* ne . emcenefl awning 40... b by as gsant•aso se (..a • Camp, Cwt.( tM SUMO •11002:41e, wiles MI ,Mim anestio• I. pain INEMISCIS. • 71.0.101i5ti.140.1.4 11,114Pannns13).‘ WO , ! (leer,. IS' 'Wawa. Jock ., Rom &Mani Mink tr - 11 ilerryss. ists.s,flan Jan Melte, W istposer. Lod !Wm. Mom Katona FAI, Mom% 3ynaik ,am 7,41, in o—Cairto n Hormo Ee A*— llomietnot= • IC 11111.TaboboommIlannYo —Dr Lemon closelmonov—J •P Mir E. 4.3 9-71indas C Ye innsyt Coq, Sanwa, Gnow—lovDe.Moolpsimit 1 !sr . LOS". ir a J. Jake MKS & 011 WILL W LIOALE DROGOIST2I AND 1111041378, I:l•Wees IA /WAN 0.2404.1tx, los F,,,,,,, R ts • I. 77ant acTi lta ie4 vi. llda ...I.. Pb , a/Ct i m..... . doaa who an abaft la visit Ws .*y, Om ar a, Asa, alkii, amprima• WI lle waif. rtita. fa Om taw, ma • eltiab hat jall boa V aal be, Um am mig ( L 1 71d.. OPAZOr aftkaa Vaal day alba my— olafh TAW., ow., (taw* • • Waifs lasi, Omian. . oa., Venetia La, • Pinot Wallialara. Vardar, Alm, wry, le. Oak's foal I/ mil‘AtaloredieTAsaly allarlad b. . Cowl AS Dipask. , s . T 111.9 Clem .al 114, painig will be . 4tiltib. Asp AAA even.r.. P.a.resa ••• • • • AT HALL. • • • • • • . .. ... .. Oolembeeciat ea Wedemirr Await*: • Tr Palma:mg is 14 feet 1.4 try 13 II . entapiltle moan feet of cum.. ?IMP. aro ICI 'Motu *I We, . • • • It I. a at whkb is tuts:neap:his ail a.ta.tw. b lisrtesay of its iisTlissk beam sad *mush seas of as Stssacsml to.. ms weal of lr cm* sod ifistirlas. laisistsrblosjs mid .1p plasenies i.ti • • • Ca Na win sivs • brief newspilia Lethal, iirsi the Pshuleisonry awash; • The amid awl ilira slap will sittad slam. Omen thhs Lot. • • estik. P..wisTleirsistS PHIL PRNSISYLVANIA RAILROAD 001/PANY A pre miks the Directs.* an seer WAAL Wllb INA eM NOPACTURERB AV RAlnTrA t il IRONaktiscretile Is ISO sad 18/ILleirsteureal oa iterseding.Fileen iltoeSiusil Toe* ' ' • • 1/WlnArtietlatt int , at ttro else, rf ortp,Walnot f. - .100D• . 8 V lIIRMRIOLPirsidect OIL -4100 kelle A W'lltbldo Oil; • lad do Tossed, Cbi. • • Seem CH.I yaw loading. for solo by . 'do !. • .MILLU a Eiczersosoz - - U.rrra Wi (*gum; • II •de • . Env • riot.; r • . a de Moderw• • • ' • V •de • • • e.v Ilra . 46 4 Has by . •10 • i . - • • •.• , 11111 a subc QINNIALIZaaI 1101. ANNUS -111.14ds N 0 lOW@ El 0 1111•40 es km* be NS. by -.~ 1 . • • umlaut a wocrimos wars-11areaClosuallartuu. ' AA Ouam • very s. rifle utleies; jot WELVR* f MOON 1,011,11112:441 ilex INOtht IllmrsOnat,."*WOOldoopOsnal flossaleby - •' • O . . •. PClllwall • T& IPLOW6.-410 bble fee& pima Rye nor, received; for sale by.; WITARBACIOH riL i L'l7-171: IZ=2MEa;VI lON lin Om won. *Mktg • • • Leirrausoto aco • x°l4. `" l •"`ift 46 `" i tgla nattal.llo—ltalasalsei lady yaks 1... abaft 4 - swam sages of all It/mls. We kayo jut nrsalsed gel best the .ben. Ifs Pastime Is vansenedts stud la dia Mimi pare, tit PtllLLalle sarTW-11MLIW i aseon g9 neat at abevs:peis at Small sash pen te be leal aisle Dry Gods Were et W MURPHY, 'Nilal aerostat (anal leatesists. .• al SYAWLS: - Ws - M. Ll* Vlawis 411( an skim aribms4 hlsekplan sodwiderall. le be bmi um . brownt M !MY s.lol,lll—Cidarri im is yszioss 'Abu mini( iumly Skawboalabl. ele • orres—ea I . aanuit *b° l 4 ll 4!tib kr 8 f • a Ameliffelatzfirolilleteralataretsil • ell ; : • .CATUON It *MIK= st name= llPLAlDD—illmttesootlilliirifti sestsfogoollosnor 'el NI . •!: . • . .77 .11.g sl irWr tit ei • s . ... r":I: :UP •-'llllllgmiedir.•• r T UNISSDOILIWObbbVi Numlbt e ria s .:' ecini - doy. am Imbibe& ebb; . , • '.'. mum &IV lbatos, ri " • am , 211. ' • "T"...1 .2 ''' , 1 2 •4 i‘ JILUKIhar-.• italloftwomieff•lbrispeetlimut, • ae Mimi% IM . , 1c0ur . 4. 1 . pm, pram Isbell& ' • MIS 44. g. Illy . .7•101, . Day% Monreir dititeiling Led* the Ctr a( AlUitiry4tatedlt o#ll Wedandat the Int ion it 9 Web:4o. 11:Y ate Cametere t.I Nein Beemei.eentei weartild it ett. te 'O4 rtleabLe its 14441,eitavireedvel lett eget • rem et fees ealinneg 414 tlteTtinf Muller its aty.aver UM Nee* Comsotai d extend Met It feet Ile abet lbw lea filet el liChhe Ott alley, • NAM M ertielk may be wee'et Itt.ttetkin Tams os• Jl rd cu.k. tme'tqw.l-10.m!* lc Aneicr,ralkt leetteittritarriidrive. . 10 . "4. 0 *P 4 D.A4.7/ 8 . 440 ~. . _ • *triton, aid Beadles el Amok*. ON Tweeds, orreaiseg the 104 lag at * *Week.. Ile Poshest Hoare. neer Um old AlkOnly Bnimite uL .:a al t zlv t. E L Loki 144 bi lr i z I. al Mt Orme? , rudel we. «rat 6.4 - V",„.,==...rz eb has spomp.: rlu had *weer, leailher has and bedell : eg, at pee demeteno.l.o74 ..=tat r ire n ata . e4a lesee,te.. • • . ... • -• 11101.71•147111 CONAN SALOON. " . mate a ... •Asioanrate ...Mis; 0. 5 dia d dish'e lot "Ei GAG-E MS* iv A.M... " -Ca ll e.ed BiIARPMV.. rs .111SUCE, numbs Mom minis* ,••• •••.* IMEAtO Wait bin readen. MBA Om* Mimeo IMF": r. Morannint• • . THE &A.M.-111;d ' Wieolddlreiesitenura ea bie agree; J. oleo elnedra Pant ILI • WWI mod Llnewohmobta• cllia all deem - mum mod goal/mot dry and wet W has L. wood sad I. TlKMllowlng std and Minstar bflUld• mooned dr Ohm; are now aimed tonal.- Metro old Bleekbate eladelrer ' ' • Old Bneekbam • do.; ~ aa ell's . • Celle Stu der, (wel and eputllnjil . . Weed's Malowey do; Gleamme Deb.) , d0..4511.1 TIM, - Whoa • eekban larpened. and We Wu pen o a morn, flow Nir,.lWinvoy'e Emate,lo oa Amencen gentleman, form Wy a nrodent.. of We Isla of Madeira. • fr.Zrooe bal the mod miner moire in Wager me mid megerfeeqsrmael, net lie taste. Castro old ammodnade Ilia n 7. • Choice o'd Orme Onerry. arOarion's /Mtn ind Old Opens Port-for Irma/ids dry - wine. - Old Pa/e, Queen , * Pon -gar Invarrti. , a ern Irina: - TOPMer will, a largo Moonment of veldt* .414 Wiods„ Chammeme, amissar, .1111eneIltea; Gomm Wime from IN lOolnes.lllorellejlaelesepubliwand' Ana and mow 10 VIIIICItS of Pmpah mod ludas t•MT 'Oprdlale, being exclusively In Oa hoe of bielneea, tW venom wlll to eccommodated watt arneke lbw ordl *arm tbetr own moornmendetwo. la eased of Ono demo esti, or by the b oard, wboltsala w c i lees. , - • • LICOII VER . d • • - !Of & 111010 Di : 41111116., •.. . 4 0111 11 6 • 0 4* 4.14 of fh....d.rmi.t.to.. Likely* Med 1.4006 of Wad, on saw .11 it , el4e ienv i alzi lei Crone, Ber Ca* . 1 1 :12*.i.midie rettaturo.of The Partials* mtiet: twits thr OlOrlebbit . te call sad sss theillisson• fist themetresots they sea attend lase 1.611 b lame envenom It sea Its t arpmeossi estehey Is die not pawed coot la the Ilex 104.11 Loaetesas nestm,6ll •S ' t,:e nok stoete, stet seellot hy say Is the sed the kV e• yid ettslkay • sestperites Ihr naWAar.usteenosof htexty, Ida Wee sten stels, TI. mot liskessosith Its wised; clot;, 41111 fesa!atayls myths* of the nee .tib essieety, • .L.V.12 Ned 4 J tried Gesshene. Wayless In.. Oissersai Itake shestatts et haam etlet try. The Kral Is soft to Willman old gretbsetesontestes et the Teo esteems. Ile lesiketssetas,esehttee iv L. 7aspestaa44.Mo Ls•hs. MRR DOW rompeerfelly habitat:ls Lithe* of harsh we d maitety, that aka has %herr:ode* al Verne ea Tee:perm. tlemlosii reat Weal* tb were at tesehim &aim spasms( Drem.asslie by a mathematical nle, measly harass h ham as comesum aml bat a abaht meembhume balite II aims heretofore Sassed ii.. lb. papa at a 011141 a, mime. The most perkelsclafastlebt pm; 011 !OA* , ospeare repaired. • however Mespericaced. efts be= • t=tt.kalf embalm. it is Oa-well *ad desirable style, aced empertmeed be malt perm their tyleoffla•ao.malfmateallyrtberrhaslame ,eatl *ad In t a Mn has, alba conseetbei; laF oral other •braachea Amass shoe* ,M.MaMet Nahum. Annelid rowers, adoeieg, elsalsebir mad nemmeeadge Plamea ad rambisa, ete. Tame Mimi I. Ile at I eta Plea. mai sad “malete fat yalteetra.• N.O. Lad' khaa have Wags fitted imperils cal feria meta. • 1 , 0/141M SDAP—lamamsaml Pow. • • /kit Hive . dm • • ?ease s, ,• dm • F a palm dea , Ram Paean d. • . • 81.013 range , . - 'A La Peas ' • do; • • • Braatlfal : 4 1.11 dm• • • Amanda learra de; ' • •..• Cann White dm • - Teari.:ber si‘h ea es aqui we ueesurmillith*List Talc two, boa nom use Raman MmmlimMiliesa ode by BA Fa HNISTOCIC*OO eh_ ma lot "sal aft& UlClovers t ood &ion s Ye od Tallbtoillninopiltl, , tkot tkaziabasitber lisloot bk exbrastro abzormoot of aka lust opprorbl saxy dors an us, fonossiog. . Vmstio, Ptsosszlon, %nolo.; : 'Vier worbabz flagella Piro ea,' • fames,.: toreors Moo, few bozo.a 1511.414 e. Ularob Pe-' oelebni4 • tell oboosAr ;abate. J. Jc Wm. Is fg and Flair Clresleg eta. BCISON & VOUDIMUN. lieu! es, les eene mewled el Wad Eviler nee, He ea Be se elJesso dory vglialsoiodbutend ' Tax mere encikall ow ell dam Ed (sr pot ing% ueididt . • maimed. et ihr sow, aer Marisorsirallkidadnitsalle•Dimmai (b .a d awarket Dart. ww, skis.) • PRINTS- ONLY.' CEDAR NEW . YORK: • • LEE it - BREWSTEII Wed • erateloottor. IN Vat fen lEttlibr oapptltnet the aty tad hterrerr ?note Pal rED CALICOII4I•EXCLIJBIVULT; et Inv ennto—.ea eitt.bitlog, el femme yeiu.the Gwent A MM.,/ 41 *' • THE WORLD h 7 are nu , opening &rend Iloed,.d radios; eoreprooft every weer style e[ Forego, and iloonutle proattettea, ay or orbit* en, not to be knead elle totter,. WI orbielt haws loot been porebased, iota ote olfrrni for tole for Cos It u/ &bon erodo, I PRICES REDUCED • ' .•' ONE TO FIVE CENTS - - - - per yard befall , . the prime of April and May, as par printe4 Caraharoca, yriatelr are corrected daily, Le As . formula:get dams.. PAINT WAia.i.ollllilii . _ • • Tithar!"llN7. f_• NEW GOODS, FUR PALL TAMS Or 11047. • eLacivrem., irnirrEmosea CARHAVS. TT sor Lairry,'ut IS Lassey Sate, Noe - Tir A RP; rePsivlng by err artissa, seldkiwn es Bor. CI Ism assonswal of" Dry Oasts • Tlw, base Nude sm./Mown welt? is eosin* wrwlkuss sad dwarfs. as saw asissoud elwlrstrWellelk roods Wilk.. RS ?We • • • • •• T:•• Bp susiows wad pukes s Wilekeed Ws ma rental wad novel s: yles of Ike Baglig leg flowkww• 71we saw mutes. asest W EloWsWie wagslis; onwk styli/ wonky.* tin maws W Tnsis, 61 istudoctUbs ofentd as as rwsl trues asst Ss okesiso EMU.). Poslw-irwal • Sod P.m Oaiors, varisms %%Alai. and sspe Her WA. - • Freseb Ckslw Pewee sled acre. T./MCI/aka amour sad elssakies, el Bekaa waselholasse. • • •,.." •••••••!-• A werksa Ossks al alldto•Opties. sal edam: , nosy CassWesree,Essfisk, Fftsek, sod Aniltrlal, of eaperior orylot and imam"... • -• • • Sam.. VWsdlsgs, allierionfsmOuss. VwswW,lnwsra, Rem iwk,asd aka llama kw. • • &Wavle wsd RIM Ctotha etevrry • Vostles-Illsw silk .tldoo swollen •OrniSi VW** ems; Fancy emins sal Silks Roe low to We. • Vein., Wiser, bsww,asmi alms fury shades. •• 13.Ut I Swiss, Black sad fifty Role., lugs sad . b- Wormeill Boric. Orel !Moja., &el* owl Awnissa,awll.lwaj... ilstwoo,Bords, Bindings Treads, as. tk. And wipes siker now as& dowsbisste4S.s4sawso Is mas`i wow. NNW jylleks, ile esteenber es MeadV at duly, living is rime rewaship,* • •• sy east)'. ea red est whits Steered wit wary is annum The 'wrier rweiseril to sows MVO Prini•WY.PitY as. Les sad Wks bla rye y. wear e , . Mkt.ROVN , • - • • W. ll •=a , ON faviaalters:' - • ("1011411Stet aul Moat isms...ram esat 1J 01087,10 bed pa e Mass .11 Lawn orsu uft. as lopsolik, sail minima b." it., tie d glnIT nosey sassrsal. recasts hi:saaaa , PCSlallt N/ "s „ v paa...4.6 tato d y ftwas. . , bastitlf•tr ' ' •. 0i1y,. . , . 4 1„ 0 ;Matra, MOIL& =SUM 01All•••s! = " s i il l ny eri"a i tn a lftWO . 4, UsMist tustai • • t il t;thrrea.sic IZty -n" ,4t the srties *it is ma IR Issiling is. - as& ssed • u rfitrrics...;f4ms bwit mos eau A% I . Non api Siff algsbT es Lisa lopir_ H CO - -Armi WAY 0441 1 10setriorusfrisisseeilsominualy AD ea ba% hn Hial Ist Weal sallit.LlFlrMlirr . Ft .. • 411.1111ZOIAFRA- Wiee a ell Itlseipt redwt, .Lit 2 •241*. k trt . rnirlegrailiti• . I.lr a t A y • - SiainFariPlLlOlr at! . LIPM=O: rrrrsevaa DAILY PACKET LINE rlceowy hue =het Themke4 - 81%!: ,14 . askii =tit marl =id **AIM Waimea aft • 4 ." tal has p ph. a7L lts• Me. lhehotalmfog an Tem eserleiir =Mir I,l.voqpls andient Iw 4.. t" Wo.d r.l.ir The. Doau will V:: Masi 6 "."...y.. 47l ..arre'remehwahlh.Wqm. trr. la mew Go poop swan sass he peoi be MIONDLY PACKET.' The hIONONGULIIII4 &soh wiL kaw Picts. ben% =M g he Si 10 eeHheki Whohl4it .fteT 41 al ZS r. Y. 11 7 / 4 1D417PACICIVP. ?b. TMIERNIa, NO. 1. Capt. J. Vilofitar, vral. ;mem Plmbrzb *wry Tvadey aerolqg so ttlekqiiet; :WbostivAnaly 'Monday rout.* as 1i r. Y. ' -011 110110/144411311:111... ; Tia NEW . mod. a... 1. it • Inn4pay • wokimilsy mangy al •10 ohleek, Wleitiag mit/ Wedorday. etas.' 0110 R.' - • Tim W1PX1811111.01.4./V. ken Am. lbsilastribisiftirmlhissillietbelt Whitebait " eisq Tial*fit waft at lIVP. a. v • lIUIDAT. • • rbo'cupres. taxa, opt.c.,b m in biqpi.emirrna m ymm lP log io Ai* • ineelug , fon, mai Rita The unincyora, cot. Zuvint. wW I.lme Puni batik only estaiday oundaff au SOOsisek; .Wheetiat eery !Ifr,.ety maize at 'lO P. . is.l.o•Acrair.4honerneysii% " 161141, attassfraf " o*ft nooroa, LW.i Roams a ems Nr A o nitzno ow n wiamcums ripiamAsir w Irslttadikk. o•e. aNNIS.d Listielive ticycals •spass VI .Sicf OW& trellowat Kll6ll 4.11•41.05a1r • • ' hm• nouralair Peilgui nal alaglimmo. . • IZ - 3111% PUY bigboi tic occuoico cf bayou SO W O OIL ::fiantl.ronnke;gr hot pommel CA sad Mika SM., tUn GROVIIIJAIPLOIYAL-1140 Abla 1/.y. f: • &IPA b.cagion reegmel. for cal. by /RObAIITOOPf OA O.CHAUTZbi 111.1gtORY ROOfi r A Wain C. 3 Leo Sae lig garb.* boot co tbsdegbh of lbologo gag, A. lc Igib by A. Leosaof ?.bait. F. R . 8. IC. • Berm of the I.lo.cbotO of lidinbamb. 'got Knave& cog fig set • frig . JOHNSTON t grincATCHI 0 Tn . : "1111.1.,":=7 lb. pr",Vst= W kraal. b 401INITON s6TcLkUJN . - - VSAX 111111 CASI W Inas 6 id, Imksig Erearrnelasenki94 .i JArm srAte • • • •:: !••°11 ..5410.-• RICINIA.4IIIV/ CUT ewellip!o.o.sirl. mrsaiuma mi . DIIIIIIIIIMPLIMIXDPIOApOI la. , : r 7 : ,11111 " 4 . 441 11141111 S CP AL a :7 II( 74;" 1 7 ' rl i ntate L a 'lir a , 7". ~ter",/itilgeLlZW. RA-1011 ha:ids Lags RG.3 Mae tacit lanaug (ma "tat; for WIN - , trolualps...3 seri asbrlutreirib AP sale b ituitear: Lour ar. CO' . HOMIST.46 War 11.!el la mono far •••• JasDALIIIILL OZASSEI-nibbib ftoDsbnun lby ado by awl P VON oommonor CO WI noel n 'Henna /On smas-4. tan kar t s juin a WI , win escarp box. ' Eabrin . • bay. • IS P Von nONNHoney & .Ravox-lcce ! b* rMitr,t e , i ttiikv a cO_ • . gruff 1011 COMM VITRA FAMILY - PLUITR-19 bbbk . extra :fbbaby , llbehouriredgmb . skt o nd Apr We bi t ebyN LULU r—hs bushels lare fa sad lir ode by hi We In. • " • J FLOYD_ aua Ks Lim ACIUMISI.7IIq• aTwoo • /MM... Lair SUG.II Mils No ,9 Loalsiain, for Illde by inn • .AT WOOD, JUNES k SALERAtthiI-32 . plisits • caleniun in sareana 411. 'haat 7 ammonia] nrindibnaii WAJLlFAtixiivis Qooda expeiiinnenn . gleams, fnit,n . )liir L 'IIMIL 000lbi lidos r 7 Fember.for IGINT .• f ie rAl.- ~ ao oak , tie! S;6I:—.ZIMT!4.-:' S en , Ali rc gl i g ni =r;....P.M.A slows trees ear, KAD-als pip Upper *arm is Imre iubd mkt • A J.br , Ai ALLEN &CO, CALl4l23bbla No 1: s a tak enamels sad lbw IJ sale trr Jr 30 MI St RIPILIUMION 1:110111..ellym rarassi - G ° ll , lllols UDble Gab '. is alum sat - - • .1\ ,f•CICKNILL.-110 bids • tinsg.• Nal _ .1.11 atail kx lila . • • Tem sow .1 11. 1 2 , V11410016 Dl* -I Salmi* * • • . "7 " . . C'''="altiVartfti*W. 0 Mil D Ast : S sad irs sale by. , LAPOINEII MCI w • ear IN 11.1 wood as Qt*G 111,1 4 4 4:0 0 1M1C4.4; I. egv ." NJ uts tom • • . " BID% LL Fin BAUELIPNV• 11' BigUmor• • Honing,. for sal; ..‘" 'km bl •• '" • maim.: a ninW. • vwllll,-1101,14 em pawl favOy Iles. iv agid him!. b 7 IJy . Ln WATIAULIN . prima spa Isar, prima -AbAA r.. i ° so% ilin . same tale I,: B AcoN-10*!! ""'" ,* ,1"4"rrtrailtr i * • (nilleitThabakb—bi lbw bbls cider. blow., Jos: %.0 blibietbsibt lbws. by Ws by L s wArrimAir ra A Oslebr Obssla—b.best amaol3nbal 0 111 7 . • lrls • • I.II•WATUINAN La Rx w+c MOW) 011 bf. .—S1 Obi badrodew p ,.... ua.sits wesesreopi. 33 /0 3 354-100233. U/pi 3; mac' err!, deo 3/ - irle • 4 . C lO 4 OAdaYs JANDA b y MULLES & RICSR33OI3 It nor C lA r= " fir .1 " 1 " . !"'" 1, . .Yb y lma ItcsErsOl. • i;;;; •• fir "44.6t i s l ia ear IPLaU ttrarst icuSZeb, Ault MITZIL 13117111t.p . - tbajartreetlywd, Sli 7JM_L.,„__ anima a UNIZA sa .* griptlalDOß bblakedi leashed. lar eal• by • ••• ' saaumatoraa - .PlAsl!!!! ‘ ! ' "? • !‘ w.w to, . 17t1 MIRY: 4 CO. 121 ••• ! 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers