"N. : =MN MOO -.,' . ...?. , -.: , .4.:' ..::.;-..1.:-.--,:.t.,V., F .; • ~ ~ 1 :• ,- .1. ::;,;:: ' :"::k.:,•::...i!...1 ~!,-" ~ • . , .', kq.t ''.. 1 ,.. 1 i':...., .:—. . .-,...-.'i.;.i..44,,..- .. ...- -'`.'''',.‘,4 .'..f.:••';',1'41-?4,..:: ',' ~..4,,.5, r : , 4.2.:4 .- ....::: -.' ~.- - fr. , *c. -:'• .... .. .1. ~.....;..:-., • ,- , -„, 4, ~., 14 ... 1 f,...: 4 t -:; :i`4,14....%-:,-;tru. - - th :,l: ' ; i . .'l; ;;;....:',,•t?. J.4.•'::::'.:.••••;. ''' ..r,gti . :i1...... i i... : tr..' ...,..!. s• ' . .. ' 4 ....... ; tif t .k.:': ( 1 ., :....; : t.--.. . . --!‘ ; ',.:‘, -- ~. 2= ~..,, ~ .7„4.2,- ,11;4,:43V1:::i:i.;:,. ': :-..?1,11.1t. * : .w:.c'' ::.'9...• t L4 ;•:;:', 14:4 $ - Pl*: ; M * '!. .4:4-4" ....„..,.,:‘,„ e. 5.„.4.„...,„, ,•;,..1 :::,~,:i •:‘,::),,..1..0:•.:.. .-40..,0%. r. 5,?:i.1t t 4-. ' .rf',.,::.—.,:e i'r '4. i... 1 : ....... At< : •N,,' '; :••-• ....I 4' A '4!::1, 4 t v,„ t'l rZ` -1 1' ais i &i , !'.••: . ..j, Ai+.l4‘rzti‘...:•l'l',.:..' :.-:'''' 7'..+lL ''V--.:1.-:':' ''''. • ttk".4'•!:l,ll':fi z . :' l' . 1 ,s '4 r :: .411.1 'T . ..- ".., I• .Z. , •, , -7.' , 1 _ ' ' ..."41 : p 1•:::-A."-Isiii•it.:•',....' tCk.i - • i".....,,:‘ vill . 1 , ,, t.::••:4: ..4.. ".I:.4tiSer4, 4" 4141/1 4tAr. 1 ..' , ~ ;ti tilt t •:r .. ~~%' SEM LEE leabila; • Tiar , .rtde.e . .• • Maidli' I , IS All.4l4,:sitoetaor Met .1: Psolo Too CosopsoOsosso Myr Yet., istss atTEAsiiiscronimksopoWalte Milbs glettes *min ets. to 111$rocArE , .11.11.14YKISS, J 45 trot. lossoikst this tin . , No. - 7114* et i . 17U1111,4irt. 14 o—osV. _kW Irma stk. tissbq T-,llWpag roweleirev UR obis N.. U. Aft= - • rabet , ,is , .LiwirTgueed4 • - -stite..olo4.l.7Asea , s kg me • JOHN MUti,ftilil•rny 11) A fien—rawbanales S.C. Ilknvi rspen .. .. oendkomid.lhonereperi . ... - : - --, Om mato rtilet leuer assittlio - ,4ilyn , .., • - • -,uoil tAic limi rNals'e -. i. ' ...., :-., • lr etate* Wkltettiomf et t me stt in r mkt. Pot! el , - -, v , 0 -11Jrillet It ISE ... i ill -.-- • - ~'..' ' --' , ter . . ao4 Irwin as • ___ • • - - . . - . - , sisomistrovisly:. 11. 1,4401113.11i4 hadZerkt S i gnie . . 6560 !WWI*" : tuEti m, .fo v•toarsfono4lll.l., ;ea: r al•!..p • , ' - ' ,-= : 1! 1 • 41 ' • .77 • jyr;,; • IXMSS:IOW " SO 4 1, :/44 &Asa oobs pd Vszy •BFR,lltto.d at -r :4 us. 411 -. Itlawal • InClild•& - wi leftmost% toms sou • ItOlON'PAlPSF*4l ol gos u r alm fsae .... Vr? , ! 11.'W liroatoomoiol no...lthonS - B EANS - 0 takrtods ar , ey bean!:` . '.• • •• . - JOHN MIT? hinny ar4gatintims,-16b1 roidalauge 19flooN*Aluzik all - 11! - Al t i ir A ellica liwainiit"4441 tb a a m ea • . - )lot•MaselVA l=l ; ' • .N?./1,rif1.111t._,..,.. , MODES, it MAXIM 1,1 aN.tesent of HlPikeladt •!•141. , 05 1 "." 4 “. 3 ""..r et ' a r 4 .1ira. -11gallepenoi — 7l - 4 'an o.l.4,lrefiro semi to WI by • tiuumitoorovuson .03;4:win ; tc - gav - ille.ll.ue tb• Wawa iste P 41.9! r, *Ladannixiccom. 01 3. - . rag. imam salleurri suer . . , • A riAliitidi for ;ale byl , . .ICACCNNINEIHANiIItIibuty at, _, i44 alttil= i s a r / " Spi i =l• *.wry.27 vtu.ar" . 0711 Mifflin& ALADIN : KiNg jr;i, ' ogle ii the pbt 1.; lb. re...ttb; fur 21.1),iiet. • . ' • • c7ibmisiiiktpanfri • I, A v AN,. “C.IIItCHIDIW6 O Chair/Jai Chin :-....l.lnriritir4Tlllsl:l4ll.olT-: Wlhttf,T;e slic , 7l:.l2C,Wrilard. GI/of:hi stow:: ATIMOSAN: 'ESOCIANTA AND 11114 jup Uriverlitasketc... Dooms; • TiiiatFailise 4 it me :MCP F MUM errs. Tuairawryezeo blob imit .eaffin $.3 ombr - • MO '.IiIRAIIS REITER ; a =_M. e. . 4 . B 1349 LCltli—,4oll..bliB Fine Fluorin flif bile by' 1) . AVID SCOMOUII3OS-1 0 oft is tly2=Ljyti FTEIZIV, toor landisafaMh ar l . -_t9! . l!l.l:lsetoa . strilvlloZtri•Je t546,840,74;111#1fa110t1a •-•— , ..iv&tictircitzors - GLAITS—M bo 9 17 Li, es Mod sod Istooldk.V - W idieCUTCHWN 7p asTAU " 11111 7 . " 1 ", I TAINr : • 15 6:1111 , 1altill nm.mde fee We lb 11;101- 1,-;1-r3PATWOOINJONZerSIV 13114 - 4a N rale by ° 1713 . 14,111tAUNtranr ALAD t mperiorqualii7Jigot Need a .roc saleby 103 MON guirnai " •••••,, TITS Litsa 7o "ii"Lt'7..r," iNORY-401 1 ptloug Yellovit Cala .sirs aid ix IL) tole bl - ,Tl 3 • - tiIrILAZIAUGH Si d irrirtliGg Oil _ SOHNIIIIER liiilso ' ria#l,dorgirew•ma.4*.* St? WEAV E! 17tamtaios-AminucaN.L4t Haim received; Hl* IE -lag, V woad 01 - SURD'APIPL.ZII-41.114,1belien Maid saol:lbi , mile by • .jy7 ' -TA/16E71/k11126T, •TACON INSAVXl4,,l'lne.SoMPutitt of Mits tot and Plow ete + 177 i'Zuma - sk"traoirr.eth. T /1111)-01btte Ns:: Lad; JU ' 40 •'• Pare Crean LA; In ma he de blallo Sot, • . DO bt 46b .7$ b 4 No I. flrioi to idols licuusu rt.rrss. 14 Obig. and " 214 tqa gion,d Rod veastanalr at Mod Ai :: LOOM & . -- s • Mit ff.ll4iXbrilbvlrs by, tf . g4 mlues Lt. • - JFII - k.l it/AXE:M. VAMPICZEROLi- 60 JN/ • r - • Mid bias • , "git bz:14.11, puma , .• " DALZEZL b. CO. Li. yiku H -Ekeubarer. Mil K 17.18 asd 10 0001 st- ' DEA NM--K.lsted Moue -r" Seim Esc ioty, 144 th Ze n c ern' el the IKQUINI) n1444V1C ' .Ckanamos sad en Is trUs,latira sadontallpie n T, caaapunlyss and an 4 Cat sate matte Mount and Sea facawyAt oneel- aps ,• - ODES 4 AlowllN File Mx edit UN Nona the mai 11 -, aal era ma , r TT Wadi sad feesils ?MIMI Liberty rea, W 2 ...5 14 ' b. " .W .111F-WALLACIS neer Lanai. kribt, t i Visl Y l , lma oe ra 1. L" f :I,FI uT4141111/1* Sad OW WS ill ivso n r.so, VI",111 lb_a Baas, Oita in by 1777,1 l e, •1 .1` t I,il ea keel sail kr We by r twaawar, mums 03 AGII-Ibr AL lucksamati7 isi PO . IRDELITFJI4,4MI (mewed • ...I. S 00 =lio== KlGMiao=l reed 101 ter =AVM 11. =MR —.--, .1 111 K -4 ".! * *1 716 . 6 ! co fra ••. mut Any s4iroe. — Mrelzrat e . i, Timm • = ..P....Tot..,ccoi ! c m r•envee ram& i 7 L saisamn- owe on issiceigign''''' bl J trod pseettivettri ST a iU,-ICO Ulu% Km!, rea,AM.irrV 3100A1*-4, &ma us indw..“ • 11151alblb- 1 = bates bgb ,bebb Ibr esti h . : • 14,011117Lba TTILIMP-411f , bites Ide.deemvueill h. origami bia „ b, LEVIS HUTCHISON k CO D'-` , "?'wtoecn"*" l . k e h en - TEsmAir _ 1111P,4111 piles 1418. D. R. is sew end Oar ask by T. misara 0114-10161 1 pire Oil, la rod saes, 'AI for mile by ..iyI4:..!..I)I4IiOOMIAICEN &CO . mroolllll=tr,, guar WOOL 8A670.` 1r..i11.1 d ! ...Et— ucadtBuse -4.4fiugipies. • 6h.,, int MOROI CJIANII4 Iljetkee. P . E==i !okSgr • tAlltD-401eweJsmra„ 11 11, .014P017,011!*8.446 p~L►ltlYb MY ' ~ rLh' ~i `: ~~E- _-~~ppCgriwJ n mows. sa: „ 40•40ao,stmv.iles-runswo maw ro'rtsqk:qqoo•ahi___wtssidrw wog "s" ha yiguraVTounsom aOD r•;,1,, I. RC • - -IttelAMll M=M Sas!Moos I -Aker sett r Now I phiser I'S 1 i 9110.14 : . ~,,,, 414 711.6 10. zurkyr, , • - c ,"... 41N1' tl7 '6OB ll 13414td41 ".1. - ,,,, 414 716 60, , 1 Smoky 466 114 I 61.3.: 71 mailir! , Y'r` 467 714 339 3 Toiiiii", : ( 463 713 '. 661. 4 Wohicolt;r , ' 443 7m .549 . rwriesstreas BOARD Or Taanir.. • • Gowen= MR JULY. 'Amur". coizaz PRASIMISR :AItRittORMERTS FOR MO. :, Suisun 'lost , Forket• toe, - lave* dolly for tin ' eestl,lo a.- ie. • : !,' Picket fit &owai►lilt to Ril O nioui and . ,IlJoio tad 6 :I=t *".- Lion taFlaidelißo, dolly, at. N. - MIR Owe :Lice :dimes to rtaboolptakia. Welber' sal &mien hit /UR* Waters via inirielsod,dalli, 10A. /i. ;. Erie aid Wootaniliew :Yu* daUy, 9 A.M..' Bank Ewen to.,PhilaiLOWl, eieepi: ihos,4 " ARRIVAL AND DEPAWITNEII NAO.- EriNINIMill Plaudapii, due; 3A. 34 dale*. -.WOstata Nog, cineksisti and ifastbers Moll iris Billimore:sinci . ltiaslniogtop, due P. DlVeloacc A. M. ' lyostb Wootanairra I.3eaclacd,olat 10 A; closet .aad WaOntit New. Ycnt, dm Br. M elfiers orriet 1 . 16,1 01t5 . 4 1 / Z., Baia n, yeathaday, was gels 1611400 Mb with Wet uj .ththSsiabl_ It tamdie" bethlr the east pert acislasi se reseal et retail beakless. .7be Hist io gradullY needing, bal still awasters g feet to the thawed. Swaim aloe, the wbail preented saga activity; is, the way of theism" ant thipplag serthaadiss. .Freigilts bare Mee ieseldessbly,aad will matinee se 'MU the rases ' et Low water. The boats gained is the trade are stag ihe smaller dais, petwithstaidthg the'sben. duce or , water. Helpmeets ars eomparathrely ceesevenes el Width the larger boat. With see or two eseeptiess, bare held beck from ..„ Fl operations me ma reotrialvtacalii, olds, Paidg to limited supplieain the iiiirtat, and lb. mosettled COOdition of the article.. We . qoate mho as Without any tba ge in the prienr Latta tee,. Id small lots, in selling from more at 24X/bastes of other hinds at price. varying hem d pp to VA p hbl ' Materna niarket raiy quiet, and sales are ll fled.. Wheat a mitbost demand, and the Supply as It is held Isms atem at 1121887 e g• ba:. Cora Is.dellat 40. nit is ooted sessinlly at 40845.. Chtbo;-sshts MO be is dilluncri lots at `2400.1e _ i'beineer-The meta is quiet, zed "lee poly tit a flitted my. The bob" appear tehetkaeg wage feir , bodies; the 'Webs remade studies tor body riveted. Rage Itettli Ind 9e. .Sides tilemtlieri 4864, ard Imposed* .Lard, pod; lade ready ette . at Bettie Y ih. Batter, is rapst%to 9e. Deer 41861 e. Pork 3466 e lb: Cheeer-Wegeote Wee LO tie from eters it Re seer ibt.b . A. article Ia iatber. swee t and prices "Mee thanieia ie is imilaba,ana is aeldremay 6 f 6 ic Vib• - ' • .• • Gmetettee—Tbe mutat if quiet ud prices fay attaised., Salie Sagar, NO at 71081 e.: Nara. Coliee,Nte, u 1814: Malang by the MI at 36036 e rgall. ' , FREAIGHTS.--Th present 1429 in the limp go niknetlid!try matuisi asap it Mt beigliOnntti. Wo*inte the rates yeuenini T0p56010114144 /*oda t 6 tts pot 100 lbs. TOLooll6ill6,lrrit Vat - Heavy do IS do . 'do Td St Lodi! Light goals .60 do 4. Ha de mi 11P01J1V111.1.1... !sly :a.-Fleur aid Grain-111w 'at 113330Ittretallizi 445: The salaam paying Pta • Cant front wbab at 4010 43e,,retbileg at 45e.-- Produces, ike-We iquout 0 11 kt blea at sob peril at $l9, Id Mb ht Oat 14 o 50; k sad 40 pine bl al •11 a X. A Gab at '3400 .. Hen h*al , di Sit !ad hams at 9.310 e- bate boo star stS 14.0 bord-Salbe of a good -arembastates labels brume at leal6e--{rret4 St Letris.JelyU-rbibibi doiag lat Sour. 'Saler ef Viand LOX) as mama at 60r,„ edr at 6 5 ;.1 0 ad and paratatlO to Tier. IX tent aboat 403 star Ira. arida lab at 20e,sad Mob eatest3l Sic- Salem et 3400 pip lead at 13.411, and 1000 pny at ma . et 7s hill rial/e4bara Mai se demist bet for. Marlin per ”bea. The obi asks medial are 12) Mb Coy st 3,60 111141101•11 smell late at from 345 to BMus Sales of 8 hada Shoulders as 6:de.- Snider-Setae of 35 tads : Sob btu at 160,53 do =PORTS ST tUVILIG W BLISViLLE—Per: WASivitte--13 blAg Sas?, Waljaneard& eo-1S lola instal 13 B Sfilteatelliver :163 Was Boer, JlBeqaDy=r7 Oksaaol,H Graf-21 Whodf . D A Onsw— , M4 wheat; W tkaith ...OM& Bum S & W Bas% lON seeding, OWNS& eo-24bbbhsSWww!--7 Ude Sow; Per glinco-341 do wool, Loseit tow blocs* Cbutb &co. ClNClNPlATS.rrorgiogoot , tows pig =odd, Wood. lidrowfo z wocare• Per 810 Growll . bales buffalo robe. A Bea. -BROWNS - PULEPee Comeh-100 bbl. . -4 iha wool, JC•Bidwidl. . awufaoW - 4-ericskbersabesket.' 6,81 C too, eaccotkoMind logp,W. ohs eon-91& door, .Merhilm,..4o bdptpiper; Mallelol , r l3 oh. .94 ,1 , lekcalic to•—•the loco.; 1 at nos, Ewell & bib. 4-11.1 Es wool, Morel bulk popet, L0m134 okworbent, 13 do 'wool, 1 b I,4 h s 1, k! PerUmMoel, l peew ahiwy, Phi llip. '-10 aim liwolpw, 14 rolls do, a Abdo ham, W Bela & lko—li ht. Whew' D Leech & c,-1 Mil hive lick *Mer v / 11 Richwdsoa=3 tlo glow.. 10de Wham 1 Mel Mow lack moat H Grad-6V oho Isotbrop, HatchloosT3 As de, Geary & co-1. hoe Woo, Lena; titethat & co. . • . . *Man IFlrfimis iMi Ike CAW Illasketa Weixeshy 111Eindog, lily IV. 4 11. 1 .611/sa If a ss , Mltball i dp 5 =4405, TO 4 • 5 Oat,. 0..........29 Epp -- • 4 • I Wow, Illipck.•.- 4n5 --C4.001..•••••• i • . Paddies Law, lob 6 d/ 6 —DM-. .... - camParit.batana...... a sp 6 gm*.,.... - •. --Miff i la*. ilf bank.- I ill- familiar both- 9di 3 st ki lasteilipriatl4ls MO Osettio., murp b• 0175 D. - Appiact-- OM- lams In 6.11, ai sif. -SO tr y pk.• 44 11110 --Um,. iOf ''' . 1. 14neb ' S E k - - I"- =Valtal ' i t ~3 $ : Maas, V t: . : 1512 ii,..t Cdiag - 10 - faimilaltall.P9;ll- illi Chisisas 11,5 ff pcllo we ene• .... e d "Tr 41144 ad fill 5 Cbsolds.Pist IA- iid• -... II di 5 araalad.sianklia _.arse treep., 1 .45t.. ,2 Iwo Cbmig., p qt..... 4.... __.Thied .. ... . 9fliaito Cadmic; p. ill Is.- 0 e - 41- Dodo, Gm ir 1E4711144 lied. bat .d.... lb 40 6 ---idalual9- .Wslinstalli ink -.10 .Ii Ewa 41 , An 6 mei nes- , ew....,sieee, mi..- texagwe. y r....4,-m .1 , -- trwererrig.. il , 0- 7 . 11 , 0 1 "...****" .. . . . "ill'— '"- Pe.""l.. 11 Sj Fr . ." Pan ~,..it .." , ".. A . 4: itant u ut -„, __ 1L.t'1.... 1:t: 1 11:?: klitsipat . . —tc x . "' .- Caen Con I. do; IWO Ea:plain ' 6010 Hselleenks V , qt. -ad Tomas, 3 Off ' The ntachat visa (all. and a-ped dealt& business ussiastlag. rtOTWOM Imre declined a shade awe last quotatiass i owing ladle simply of vegetables Lav ing lamely insiliased. 11011.1111ILLAVENG THIS MY. D. LEECH fcCo's.PACKETJPhiLidelptna adtinkore.9r.m. BROWNSVILLE . PACKETS A:fti. and 3 BEAVER PACKETS st 9 and !Oa u and 3 MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r, 11, GLASGOW PACKLT,Givaeow,4 ►. WELLSVILLE; Wellsville, 9 s. w. AIidEMCA, Louisville. • BEN RUSH, CIL . PACIFIC, Loulsviile: .HIBERNIA, St Lolls. • ; EUREKA, Louisville. PORT OF - PiTTSBURGH. —ARRIVED. Cossit,Rowmas. Lodi Bmwitaglo.. • WeIevIDCCIDDAL %dingle. Redoes, DA*04 1 . 11116 . • Dogma, Nelms. Mee. City . . • C.L.b cow. Shaw, GD I P."°. ' • •.• Brt2Vtisi r u.j . k sier thy / 1141 Ase. mrtaiv . „ Duda ADNIN,Okaga!;. - • taw tau, • I. Orisde; -Moor, Margo,. itortiPailicuglail, 0: Law. 4 . OASg . • - Pan "fits 11/11016,1171B11111.11.1X1E.: ,-. :; - -,..1 L:11,6 mambos& DECIWIT; rait kwillewliblttwo emoting be '• weed • Dwtelt -and' Abe , Settit Ste • Marie en Jane Ind. making weekly . tnne, daring iho :remainder at the lesejog Itetrit eeeo,ldity eta teclotk. P. The Detroit L two Tight oh/41ms powerftti 051. - , empsetiottet is well adapted to the rivet F • • 16rl, n e jtilliTIEN .I.N ELBERT,' Deitott . V W LAWSON , • • - %leILO . ULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET - • pew, ben draught and fbet run ' • zing 01L411301 . . • SURF:KA,. :Crosief, rawer, ueUl run es • regular tee between Pineburnleinul Lava. yak, Mee the wenn. She leaf.. Wednesday July For Avenue . pewilige ar.‘l7 on boned: .. .: -. • t 73IVR,CINCINNATI... . =ki . Tke fan, rcaolog_ctior r - BEN RUBII, • . -• ' • .. ROllll/00. 1:111We l i roll leave ilkl oho. coonciag:July b, Os ID o'clock .:3; : ; :. ;pc ii • eV'. poccocr. applr on bawd. , Jim'-- - ' FUR .CINCINNATII—RFZULAE PACKET. . . ' • - - ' Tkelam renainvemr . . . Sou: muter, Will 121,, a. ' above on . thu day, at IQ o'clock. For freight . ' .I . lki . ... .. , '• lan loaningin mt • • '. • Ma AMERICAN,- t , herby, router, will leave al stove Ibi.evenlng. nt 4 o'clork PM. For .. , , • , .. . ..frosibt or pusage. apply on board. _. irm • swayer ...444106"wi r 0." The nee and fasi noel steamboat Sholee, etiter, !milt exproaly far 'hot trade, will ten as • molar ached.- P &awe and ,litaigrr —tenting Pttl.- beigtr dilly at Settee/4r. at.:and running le Glamow, Meath of dFr Sandy and Nearer Canallon Monday, Wei- For freight o h I r parterre to Marti. Near Lobon, or the teems Wrest and North of Neer Liabon; apply on Leant 1 .) W HARBAUGH,Zt .we street -- - - • ' atauLAa PAIMET. . . . ,•-••• ' ' ' ... •-• . The new, double endue passenger . - . e im or . SWA'TARA, ' (Thaughionly IS inehec3 Coin. Cox, willleare on Mooduy,the ' • Olt Instant. al 4 cloLLr. a , for ' Cineinnau and iutennedime 'pure end wilt perform Les hips regularly doting the tow water 0t21 , 011. ' , Foe freight or pamux. aUDIY 01 bseLL.___/11_ =OMAR CINCINNATI 'A ST lAMIS PACKET • ' - ' The new jffilLand ig !eamer lt Trl Z ' Wrdaard,ater, llCave as above regularly throasbour the meant, For ,freight or wene apply no board. male FOR CINCINNATI-4 LOUISVILLE . • , The fine and .teeth light draught weinner TRI Garevy, ntnster will tease as above reKolatir throuihont the season For he, or passage applyon bonsai asyJ — IITISRUIPSII.nrtu*s . Luuts . reilikt. . ,The rmar and epleadid mauler 1 1 1 . • , 431011DOLfilifit, kr:iVitir, r gAtrlt u ggr.g. l . i lady daring . the season. Iler days ',rill be adverthied hereall et. . . . . . . , ~ . • toirreT.ST — .L.V. The tight droned and tail rennin • •reamtatat ' ItIINGO•CUIEF, oon.nosterortll ply •• regolor ekes between this place and Zane.. 'title: For folio or Pond,' op Po board or t° ins 4 , 'GEO U SUL EtcHF.RI3F.R. AO - ' ---- Pittsbargel and • _ Vle new and Sao vleamer HODYOIIs Elibort t waster, has resumed her i,r• • '.our over and =lll leave Pitilbargb as above ever? ?h and Mem . &yid o'clock, P. U. for freaght or pasvme afply eo beard . acid IMIULAR VITTSBU9GII4.NU WIIKELIAIG , PACKET.: The Seam. fiIIBERSIA. • - Ssmsel Saab Agar., will commence lanai.. a molar packet about the 15th tee? Icanog rtarborik mar, Mood.. Wedriecday arA i'nd.y, at 10 o'clock, A. M., lea•thir Whoellog every Tuesday,Tbarsday arol Sawa . stay, at &o'clock, A. 44 .For fortgla or pa.age apply gaol • • PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKET. • ' • - - - Thesaletalid sad hentuitsatnetuat LIR NEW ZEICILAND, . -. ' Captain OW Ebert, rilicatuatenet ntruSeg • a. Inbar., tha Meld day of . Mud , . 1•••‘ mit I.l.lturgh cree7 . . TheaalT,Tbanalay and Saletday. at le o'e:wk.' A. M., and leairtat-Wleeltogetery Monday, NVednettl.y and. Friday at Botha*, A- M. _ • The New Eaatud has beeit bought expniusly [or the wade. and RID leave regwarly. a. AbeVe. For treipt or . . ammo" a➢Dl7 oh board," to :fettle JOHN FLACR. Ain,. FOR WELI,SVILLE .C . 41.1) REGULAR . "MUT • STF.O • . . • .• . . Ile tow wad lien drotirgLl rust •L=6' WILMINGTON. Ill..tevena maker. lenvet rittr burgh every . i1...wa13. j'Verrnirday - II . . 11111 rrnd VI ..Lry. 1.r1.. ikerriw.vdr..very Tuer.hy. ThurvrlNy rm.! tlArarilay ateakbreir.A.M. r. , b‘ , 3h.. e. P....Y.; apply 0. beard..' 1 • ! , - ....12 _______,,,, SAlibrit AillNU lIEL A CITY. PACKET. • Thlineor meaner DZIKPA.TOKir • . Nelson. matter. will runs.ebove.Ar a lag Plesbarph ',veep Monday, d needay and.Yrotay, o'clock, A. rd.terotNenerd,o hrbt City everpTarelsy, Thursday and Saterdly.ll 6 o'eleet, A. Al, inn (might to par,..aire ntv y on bond. • • •Ls. andriu lf*OW, Swanaboat ita Capt. huaes Ad, own, ertll condo! SAM oe to ran aa a:Regular Packet at fin the season between Pittebargn And Franklin. For frettht or Frage apply on Wald. welt alpligutar di l l • ; • Mud, liana Gerili make. weakly to Ile above pot t lag ibe sego jr . feighl 1: ma; rzgly REVULAN PACKET' FOR NASHVILLE. .... . . The atm ma G earner • . • '' • • WYOMIN, Capt.' lobo •P. Hart. Wit 'eoatanesive bet molar hips to tho abive port on Ai GOUT, the Vih Inortort, st iOl, - CIOC I; , A. X. 'Tht freigtt of porno apppplly n board or to rodtl7 • -• • J W I.IIJ7LER &JIRO, Aos • • WELLSVILLE yAILY rAcKer.• , , er, was hellcat . • revel) , Gar dim usde,,and w il l mete ~Neilr t lUree f~cdechte the t a rterv ) !f i ne% PiNbvtkrm everrevenintrat3 o'clock the W. ra farm, f "Faber's rnelllo.gritti.,!Vater Goege." t,7 d 11n ,: t x t " Tiref l i:et• re conetamly is the Plusher ID receive (reighl,aml the agent alvrays ors , e • A MeSANE. Ascot. Tcc. t ..MXPIIIiarTASTVAIEWS 1.1211 W, FOR NUM rau./Loira-ins AND UALTINORE. tErfloakety Jiff Panama , j . TonrolerCllatiFreftrstr, this Line road g now will lea u' velT "." pa• 7 odours to follow'', every night at 0 &else)" Packet Kenucky, Teeny, alonday, July 10. do Ohio, Crlllgjoeul my. Hoy 90. ou w 00..., nether, Wednesday, July CI. do -Louisiana, Tbotopeon, Thursday, July V.. do Kenlisekg.Trahy, Friday. Jell' 23. do Ohio, Crelg„ Saturday, Job' do IntbanerSer,Slanday, July .do .Lovislana, T key hompson, Monday, Ju ly Cl.. do Acetoelty,Trobv.Tucaday,Jult 27. do Ohio. Dews, Wedneeday, taly do Indiana, Fierkev,lltorsday , Joiy 29. - do tomiiissta,Thanrm Friday. "4'3'- do gentuki,Truby,Satordardoly Jl. do Oltio,Crals,S. anday, Aug 1. II goo deaire cheap travelling and contgonahlo warm.; otodationu wears goer tickets at the Packet Otte Monongahela Muse, Waitr mut, or of 1099 D LEECII & CO. Canal Ruin_ 131CAVEMTRAMMIR 7110— CL M—RTMCINI LINE OP CANAL PACKETS AND !PALMS. alga. 18 47, Male CANAL PACKETS TELEGRAPH & SWALLOW 'l4 trTtlOl k i g hr:teate dgil Lar/IFlA g h r oin x ilith lg artt nte, and arrive at Walrus next naming In Pesten for the Surges which reach Cleveland before night. PSlNalitn will be recelptedlheenah,occarleg benie on the Packets, and outs In the Stage, on applicanoo on baud stea mboat Beaver, ileartlig Panbaelt et 9 o'clock, A. 11.,1ar to the agents , • Al Cl.A luorros a Co, Pittaborgh RKE& Co , Beaver JUaSE BALDWIN, Youogroawn • .15 M It TAYLOR, Warren__ • SRAM EUSIC. • • JUST received by JOHN H MELLOR, No. ft Wood - • ffirtgrs M. • Hoop Slone; Jim Crack Corn; Whideddt g ow •upp e l I de timed; Handy Jun; hoie of Alabama; Cynthia nee; .IFort Dark,. Nam Homes Med. • - Newland Pepwlar Sentivuusial San s. . 117111 you Moron to my Mountain llcunc; We fond be ardn die Wlndowt_The Orgro of Sonapine; Woodman nom that Tree; Melly Sawn; domb nil things wen; The Folry__Buyi The Foley Bells; 'Tin blidnight noun Ltrimers Wild Hunt; The (Soria , Peatival; A change in lho Mines I love;Corne.Old aDS along with me;Star Spangled Banner Bonn In my Horne; Tberea no homelace my awn; Moth of Argyle . Wow Grotty Sweet Ar mor By pan noun; When Stirs am In ;kr quiet kim; Paw on Main,lnsluing Riven: Evening. Bur Waltz Id York Serenading waits; Love not Qmek Ste Bird ' wane; Hers Qolek Step; Serephie Ounopade; Peters •111 and Morey; Gokled drop. Waite; !laden .fieden pWge; Tremolo waltme; Haire Quick Slop; firnnetiop.. ;dewed's; Yarintkine to Lit Pasta/ens...by flun; Llnritalm& a la value, by Weber; Vanabone. (0101 Burnes di moder,by enter; Air Allernand,ll2n. Sam by Ilunien, Swim [Liver Roy, earietiona by Duett, burial:one from the iSwina Tdmily, I.v Hub . • • ' - firsbunfou BooldfarPfaus Pert. • - Hantenbr, Stusetaller's; Nee.; lbandllonbs; Howe'.; PlatarbeltbUdo..ao. ' • Iyl2 A ,CURIOUW AND INTFAIENTINO %VORA, endued. .IlThe Flown Personified; being &translation of the celebrated .Cirsadvilleis les Firet•-Aninsees; by N. Clenrebuid,,Ent.; Illentnied by privow slay, bearnifetly colored. • i , the Week will. be eoutplet ., be iweeir•fiwi The enter te of and we ast t df eantreibitelog Ewen tilde expressly for this ,work; end 111MTI. he public new will be e Sunned In the ben pennble style, it be, the oidett of the pablitirer ta mac thlsbook the tlem Far rueby the y ty CALDWELL, 21 drier Post office knitter, lid it. - tyro t work IVA , Mardian Penns; ts. we of ins W e went the the epintwil weed; from the Genewn of 11. Weiner-10w tug an account of the ease of a someembollin, not lin• like rur sbe &COM Of PIVOO.O. It the Prole.' rbe t a - thle work will be tend with much arldiry,_ _ . Female ' -- by - _W. 8. CALDWELk • . ° 1y17.. Si floor Vast Dike lkildinge. taLlil Or. PITT4I2IIII.OIEI OAS STOOK. arima a°44res that IM Thames bane post. -paid do M. beak.; ** melee rabontp- MNlllPtseattreate samk MUNI Phi:amp Goa Ordiatsee of nth isms 1817.1 TiMKOWdle dird *WU tang an which day M.ktekaeetl l be nimpestal at the awe at Mears UMW Balsa & Os, la Meek, co(Pleibugb, between die heal ell sal 4 *Meek egad day, and is wade* maram day to !ay amil otherwise ordered.' . - 1 !MOM' roll ---- fi , c , :k - v . VlAGGlsdartae'aillia WAlsit*lnfigai'es Glialy Ala heath .Ppringa, of Leark.cowor,s7..•:Th. atom. dellghtfolwateromplaceorminmer retiormsnow many forte reception or Ironton. under the dip...lona al clad geari,l4a, lair and the ninny yearn of the I ein keine hotel; Mr: Kean and Lady will hare the active management of the' enure kierding department: - Mr: / H i t k. iid the mem, bar. mire, bowling mks., and other annwesnents; and Mr. Blisa of the epilogs, F l . oth hahamhomes:stabled, horses,earriegesc &e.g.'. • •• - Mews& U. hl re, f" hi Weedon, Stage Props of Maysville. will rna a regular bur home Post ho' the Springs every Monday. Wednesday and iday of .the season. and ilimbili honer andetunagesat: Icaher rim. , to thaw wishing to;isit Eactilapia. Persons preferring the inteeburgh route will do well to take the Portsmouth picket:reams in .Vanertnim on • Tomday, Thursday or Pannday, a hen they,will find :upper and carriages to forward them llLG,PWIt to the Proprietor , • AI T C l:oietor P. B.—For o th er pardon lats., - see lithographic , bide. at the betels, steamboats, Le., and if be. not convenient Wm take far greeted the following facts, Nis F. That Emulapm is nearer theOlno river thaq my other watering place-that it ben the pormt manntainaw—the roost ',delightful:cold. boitsid,sparkling;milphar water. —the boldest, coldest, clearest, parent, plc...test and moat elbeatnoas Malt beam fountain in the U. Stater— .that it fa surrounded by maininslo Seeneryornh roman. tie. mentemene end diverinfied;•with pod fishing. shooting.' fox chasing. deer ruing. le. Cr , together with good eating, drinking, sleeping, walking. riding, dancing, shaking MY thehlotio;ologroaring the dyspep- - sio talking. Imping, petting fahloving to suiy.dreast. leg to go away, promisiouto tome, again--Ira bring fnendo, ne . yhber5.5..1.714 . 01,V., sweet beams, ire. get and alter all ii Is cheaper laying at Eseulnpli thoh at any ?III!, of the fashionable sawing plat,. This is the noire of imam& 'Who have been there and mean to go maim . . tentage . YOUDITAID HUT/Slo. LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, SON k TIIIIRSTON, Proprietors. gill IS establish vent 100 and widely known as being .L ono of the to commodious In the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone UM extensive alterations ost Imprpilmoontr. do entire new wing has been added, containing MUM= s and airy sleeping apartment*, and extensive bathing roams. „. . The Ladies , &carom Ot has also been completely ff. organized and fitted up In a most snake and healthful style. In feet the whole arrangement of the Hormel has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the merle:ors towards the comfort and pleasure of their ' Guests, and whteb they confidently assert will chat k."47,2l7:V.ll:.b.r"lb,',',llUt Itt°,..thlt.„.b. simnel and lomat which the market affords. armed up in a superior style, while In the way of Wines, Sc., they will not be surpassed.. . • . . In conclusion the proprietors beg to my, that nothing will be left undone on their remand un the part of their IIIMMIIIt, to reniter.this Hotel worthy the centime,' painumge of theirfne ode and the pubbc generally. the prices for board hare also been reduced to the "I ttlie ' in ' r ' druary,. ~ - ' SI 75pee day. Gentlessent”. . . 1 IW . • N. IL—The Baggage Wanton of the noise wilt sl imy, be frond at the Car and .gwantloat Landings, which will convey baggage to and (Mtn the lint l; free of charge: titylrif . DEARS. STREET /lOU/E. Chnetamattl, I 01110—The subrcrlben having purchased the en tire interest of CM. II r %V tlltanron. late of thm well bkovre ettablishmeut.beg !envy to .ate to their friends and the public general's. that they have taken this commodioes Hotel for a"u rot of years and will earn their bend energies to make it u deniable home for Va. ellen and City Boarder. The Hotel to venous and admirably plituned for con senicnee, light and air, having a ember of parlors adjoining chambers, presenting tunnel .011.0100 0 Wellies. Theloresent proprietors baring bad the attrenenceaf . years In this city nod ettOlOberO,bopOdley will be We ra.r.taNtivdr.titft,ti,rbin.bri..itgr.rgtit . ' . girt The locatnnof the Pearl Runt Waste nuncaLwionly &Inside. !Aston fronts on Peon, Walnut and Third ell, ro that it is equolly desirable in view of the conveni ence of lanimtes tunes, retirement for prorate boo Men. It Is near by the H ank a, the Port Office, the Marmot 11.11, Odd Fellows Hall, and but one Amur dtrtunt from Main street and two POW. trom the City IP Itarfi Bon otraingthe greateat Initheementarspeeiellpto money netchants and genetally to sliperams visiting croon eati. . JOHN NOBLE orek97 , JOHN A PUBL— - Wertilall/lolaii:Ciaiiiiiiah. U. giT/I S SPLF.NDItt I.IOTRI. wet opened on the 40th of Jane, for the reception of mospany. 'lke ollne• fronts one brindred and tevoiyAve soon Ropertor-n . and one hundred and ninny -See ft on Hankati and romans Oyer two hundred large airy chambers and forty prism. parlor. all of which hays been famished with the won costly furniture. The drawtos rooms are macro., and somas* to elegance anything of the kind to the Ired Has. The mom;u te mom, srutiosnee's porton, reading rooms,erlice, nag dressing room are all large, airy, nail famished with every Battey and romfon that money can placate_ it is once two years sure the 001101 . AMY Of 1/“. 030OlfittOt 01110Ort was laid by Mann P. AL Wed dell A Non. No expert.% bat been spared by them to make It eyed if not emperors soy hotel mike Haim, and so ornament to the cur Carriages will be in waiting at at ell OZOOS,O Mani passeasen Mend (torn the boats free of charge. Cleveland. Jirly Inglns A S BARNUM -- col:v.l(mA 11cieriac -- --- Charlet %tree, between lade! and Lombard *tracts. Belatmors. 2 Tile sub•crdor Lanus 'taken the above...lab- ' t liannent. pifer• hi' 'emcee to th e censers add meld. grawrally. It ,a ceraseniently mimed •• ! regards the hisamboam and Railroad Depot—is to the ; moist of the mete PIICOVVO 109011110 lloarm--end in 1 v ia l ~e t z , the ,m location r,,, ~ , s o if.c.rdo marten. ISO: . e . al S t . i ,I. ing . e . t . e , a p f n ,ti r, ina p .j . The OrniLO +.1%0 bo:01, filled up wire new fornourc, or maid ...and -rs le. mid swirl t.e open M ies ke ;whim , no the ill da, Ot Op:11.1017. .flo prepnetwai,hag , 1.4 onteromazzeil. , r , 10 poey.e. WM secure ..Lent a I portion of the pablic patronage, resqlent 94 well a.. trainee. W W DIX, - ', mle of the fa of Dm a Foal Dakota:4e. Arnlll 1E47 Mid.. I- --- itiaIEnsIIOTICII., - ao. 151 ensnare steams Puthatunteta. frllE Sob...encl. strider the Arm of Hama it. Wert, 1 ha v• paraltaaallirolateenswerst.n this...NW. meat, and Impehy the strictest auetrinn in the warm And muskets or. their Mien , to mect • mourn:sore er the Moral pawing& hervi.a...r• recoiled b. .n former The house bar beenthoroosbly renovated. end repairs ed, we therekee feel ensued we eauated, welcome our friend. and the public to arecreursrdations equal us any lin thk r city of Phdadelpita. N W lIMIDGk* iSleif JNO warp _ G ALT 1101.16 K Kaiak mud /lath Its, allinellElllth • , 1113 esiablishareat Is HOW In the hem order for Ma Ireception of the Traveling Public. (laving enact , go,e n, .wrnogl. dung the pane wall., and hs,ne ezi.eveltercl erg. in the d.partmeins, I eatt!r ta)reli mat all will 60 pk..nd who call. The Ineamin iseentraLcommodioos sod pleasant. Fare SI per day. Cinernassi.lllarch 12.11.47. ' W F MARIS I.ll.—Althoafh not emketly • now MOM, It It tha same 7 aneer 'Wan Untold handle. apart TIIIROCIL - IROLLYOII I / f3/11Lif - 1101USIC, leislayllne, Ky. A RIS T II R 0 RAIO RTUN to acquaint los 11 friends thts be Is agais home of the GA LT HOUSE, Looksvilla t Ry..slera ha tropes to meek all his old friends, assuring Them and the pablic.that no effort shall La spared to snake all comfortable labs favor bun mid they pairekooffs• kankldly VINE WINKS AND DRANDIM—The lover. of V pal pun 'Wince and Brandico, are invited to call and examine ory lane stack troar .I.tate 1.11. COW, . cash , 11.1 nolikt COIMSIiVe of— WtSF]S—Cnmce old porm; M • Do adeoum; • Ito PI/emits:; Do immure*: Ib Litboa. Do. royale, Do Malay; Do Germantqf diffnoubranda end eintegn from 1613 r Intkiand URA NDIY`.S 4hari 'Marti • Ito Seiuntit:. der,' Do Pine( tillion, Oulu • Damn , ' • do, Do Utard.palet Do Peignette. lode; Do Palomar, pale; ef different atom pod-mm.IAD ie Ibtld ondt44. It will afford me much pliable to show samples -of the above Wines and Lignin to those who may favor me with a visit al ray %Cum cellayor Luna. Ohara. • • P C MARTIN hid .. car anti thlleld and front Ms GILIOOIERIBII--1141 kWh, N 0 Pagan - NO tibia Di 0 IN olawew L og( Snag • 250 bap dark gtheit Rio Coffee; 10 ceroona II i' InditOi it hhde Ombra Madder: NV be. Tobacco, armour btandr . • - ' . de birchen , U. P., li.l4.ind I.llll . TraN Heti andl3 14 loots G. P and V. 11. Teat.; 50 bbla N. C. Tar, GO " Rosin;. SO " Pluhe 1 30 bee Snap: -Vu - do Mould Candler; 50 " • (lay Pipes. Together with a general ainonnierd of Orocerie4 in Oct and for rate co acceommodating mow. 4.3' irG ' CARSON, kAleiiNltitt ,Gth at DRINTING PAPER— . k IS [teams Atm:lntel flared andionh tonwei 130 . -Jo o New do. edora.. 50 ' - 11111311 40 do do do 04111; ed do do do . Veld; do do do do 11174; In On no ' do do sill; Id do Pine Rook. „Win:, .- 40 do do do 10r1)1, • 10 do do do :AAA 30 do Awaited Colors, Ihrtl, Id ,In . 110 , do • 24.00; 512 to Telkm 3tediom, ' 0nr.13; • On band and for rate by JOHN II 14111.LAnt No PI Wood elreei.benceeit jr7 - Diamond Alley and Fifth idreel , —.......----- A LASTend putheidar hthilee—llarne . 'ineW rim• , burgh and Allegheny City Olicetory, will hapub hiked toady for ntibliethiers and the public titer this week. All pemone ! an with their elude, removals ke In their anne, or any changer iet their banner , noticed, - are Invited lo Cull et thine, or they will be too late r rt this 'cry 101pOrIVII . and mock wanted work will he completed thin week. LP: . IIiAAC HARRIS. NOTICIDI TO RTOCIUIOLDKRR. OPFICI: of the Cleyeland and Pittsburgh , Rail Road Company, • WWett.ena.n. Jane IS, 147—An instal: I mentor Istsper cent. (the gd instalment) on the sult.erlption to the capital stork of the company Is requested to he paid on at before the Ito day of Amt.., ISSY, Stockholders In end rear Saltnestlle, wiltpay to Jos. Di Launch: fit Pdtshorgh, to J tt Poheneon. A Co.,eortter of not and 'Weal strecis, iu Wellsville, to Jas. Alen. tly ender of th e Domed. • • • Ingldtaugl_, • • A CI CATJA7IT. Steeronarr._ ise B o v O . K .g g h *ff reeris4ng spanripl rpr o tille d st a se h ts th . e . , Of It %Vcaver,,Prti:l ' m n r:l4 . th w elateree r o 7 lttri o /je Xander, AleKeerporg at the house of David Sonnet, Wert Newts.. and al the house of, Rebut Ilnetnnan. Moon? Pleasanton the vaol der of August, and Cunt:nue open Crams day to day to o l the nrd day of September . . Jetteph bloats, - James May. James Dell. • John D Dacia, Joseph Gutty, ' • ' Alexander Plume's 011idAsmall Motes Dobbins. liaCcA7Zl.l.7*.n,V,Ltrit. b .AnChu mia, D —Map Id dnif.oo - New York Clue Book, otapnolna' outline. of the Ge• opraphy and Ilitlary of New Yak, 0,, %Vat. Raesell, rU oretetnet,dape:Andn.graringe. tioy't uterect Doak.: Dereriptvre of the lf scenery, sod eonnitr mammal's, oritli36 Illusuationt. Na. ricadal notary a/raglan& RE AD S ,aa by 41h igt •Ttfurrralsp,Lhtkl. Bed or Ong tlnlr s Art' Broom or ...sew emor, without dycLog or Waving Ow oklo. Sold with fell direotkass , Pries 30 cooloon Bt 17143tr e nt b l&CICBDIo,sibisiosentllodieilio ling j u . ,Yeo! WINS, AND LICKIOIIS-11.0 balcesbole, zed ss VT • puss of Studio, wesee, and s*S ambsuldv salsa WIN alddsut bus& bawled *Ws vane'? ardllrenui dudes add Usugles.. 1 . 411.0115 . Viihmg wawa apse =lds say 'styes Wass It Inde eit us. tideussolt, as lie MlNl l nures. Collar sad Lldser Slu /{ell V,C MARVIN; cot stelded float si AVMs !Irani* sir • Rara„ l .4l::::l 4 . s . •dostal atilte A T • mewling of the Jackson Slonament Cooolnee. Itirovemb'r',xlandirnilaad ‘eohat'in'tw'im"'"Ws dlidely euneeeded by me Spring' .tindittonener 0,01 , 0• , "mm eeese. *" f"r: rest s wan p gni lc. the aniterrie n. ned nomionee vorr .Adele br ebstreeted to advertise. tuber. "..ior "" eogtmeit - orerninot d. : • Mr'"' " for proposals minima and deliver lomat square •niek , WatuUrs . eimenvitinv cur the Kennel nowt width ut ri t r the villw=sil eSoennaa.Sawd of This therefor, io eve notine dim wiled proposals 11l be teeeled tly the tmdersiaued A ce roan notil one o'clock.? in.. Toevillay, the third day or meow hear, Ate fornishma nod deliveries io the tenor of Lafayette Steve. in this coy. by the Ist day of March vest, a isobil rude rock of awiniieoer attire curable - Moe, of between 600 an 410.0 tons in weighs. It to believed dint sigh sCroe k may ba abtamed oil the Potomac ewer. pear this city. The lona of the reek most he such- as will be suitable teethe roftroxel of the committee, ou they will decide before os removal. • • The proposals will mate the prier her famishing and delivering the tact in the echos of Lafuyette Sleaze, end the kind of some offered. 1 - he Morey will be paid upon the delivery of the lock at tie plate above named; not the nentoiliviv will make. admen to the contraeler, On &et omit. es the took progresses to its place of destination. The undersigned committee inwerrev the right of , l rejecting alt proposals if th ey shoeld not be viusfationy .•Propmal , to he- addressed to the undersigned. from whom further information on the Subject wily be hod if drawee.' Wet Itiogion city, Jnne St „ . II II FRENCH! , JOIIN C RIVAS, Committee. JOHN' W MAURY. B I. 11t11, M D. Anatomy and Operative Surgety f toad L E Jones M D. /Mittens Mrdwa. Therapeutics J II OhverH Oliver/katessiolly and Pbaemacl SO 1V Beach M Forgery and Clinical Meeltelne 10,1 D AII Baldridge D i Obetelties and disease, of _ women and ehildren 20,00 JB Buchanan id Di Physiology, Institution( Medicine arid Medical .Tonsprodeoee 10,00 T V Morrow AI D. Pathe'ogy, Theory and .. Pitetiee of Medieine 10,14 Matriculation Ticket/C. Use ofliblary Grade. mien fee Denfoonnuor's Tieket 112, aroma SIOJ paid on or before the Lest Monday in November next, will ko remised for in in full ol one student. Or S.Wpaid by the Isl of Oct. next, will made an tko itches for one fall canoe; the Demonstrator', Le use of Librery and Matriculation tither excepted. The Institute received Mover In IMS. The College rut. dee is situated lathe corner of Court and Plum The course °Cosy nom will embrace every th.ng of value known end taught in the Old Medical College., as well an the Reformed find w ince)B School of Aledi nine. Six or ...yen lectures ill be given daily Board from *SAO to WA per week. i' andidates for graduanon, in addition to th e prehreinary term of pool) must have attended two full coon.. In some legal ly corporated Metheal College, the last or d. oust be in. We one loam Mier four Tear.' Smelter , Alllelten.ohenieg ranker tothrmatioti,orcoutaining snooty fOr the Penalty, leµTt be &detested mike ender. l'in'srulfirttPdrCtir4Te°,:ief° Now -fth' b me m" of Fee., T. V. TdURBO& I .IrI., °' 011 . iw _ Dean of do Fatah). ' MOVIST OT. MARINI COLLZGE. EMMITIBBUIGH, Id. T IIE ANNUM. SESSION of Studies at dh 10,1110. lion comments en the 17th of A eguet. Students should, if pnnklble. enter before that date. Board and Tuition, Including the more Glenne nod Selentifiecoorse,aleo Ftench,Ledging, Washing, Men. ding and Domes fires, SIBS per loon= Payments mode send.ortnuelly in advance. Blow and Drawled are extra chutes, each Illtd per ananno al. the Italian. German and Spanish langur. gee. each SO per =sum A prospectus of the College, explaining the coot. of 'lathes requisite for graduabou and system ofilistiplim, will be .out cony P J e CITIN a hit y i n #PAV.;'. President :FAT received at M A. Miners, Marlin the Found • beg. by Eugene Stir, toipplclt its I votress, Gregory's notary of Me :Leo, from the earliest times I tenpresent ...Menthe tale of the Catholic Mach, in exceed ingly interesting work. Shakspeste and his Mende, by the author of the I Tooth of Shalopitare."Rhe Sec.et Passion. ate ." Chionber's Cyclopoedia of Literature. Na.l3 Ellen Monroe, sequel to Life in London, complete In volumes. Isabel of Barium, new work, by A. Domes. Secret .. el,by A. Dumas. Ceedio Weston's Lore, be A. Damns . St.. Gifu and &. Jews, fresh supply. Joseph Reelthroolt, or Ike Peaches, b Marry sin John A Idurrell.the Western Land Finite .Graham's Magrmine for August Nat earl, Gelder, Lady's " And a eplendal assortment of all the Ism work.. on band and for wk by ef. d. MINER. lyll walthdeld et. Ad door from " second INICW BO — Olds—Cues and teligione opinions and experienee of Madame De La Bathe Guyon, to. tether yeah wane account of the Peralirmi korldel and rtUoems nent . ons of Fenelon.Archloshop of Cameray, by Thomas 1,1. Upham, Potwar of Mental and Maul Philosophy, in Bowdon College, Y vols. fe i nt IThe me of the Body in relation to the Mind. by Geo . Mane, AL 0.. Member of the Royal College of Phi.- elans,kc de. glow in safely beet we may • Compose oar preeent erne, with regard Of what wears, and...bete.. Toe Purred of knowledge ander difficulties illostra Led by ....dote*, with portralos by Fourth Was land. D Prerideof of Brown Coventry; V vols. The, !Merriest reeeived by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. j_YBI fd market st bet 341 and_ Oh owe .11e1W-BOOVIt • . - • • - • • AT MORSRM LITERARY DEPOT, FS Fourth stn tikakspeare and his, Friends. by the embed (tribe Yotith of ditakepene. The Brevet Noma etc. Isabel of Bavaria tranaleted !rote the Frew h, by Al. meander Dumas. The Life and Advontormoffolut A Murrell. the Great Western Land Pirate, with Meirgael and spirited en- The Democratic Review for July. . ' i i y ''." l A Ma N nte . rirt . Detector; 4a:byre Cyclojm•Jia of k:eignith Literature, No II Americen Review tot July. Learnt Me Pirate ofibe Gulf. Tear of Conaolation, byhlts. Under, late Fanny Rem. hie. Rory (Moro by Samuel Lever, unbar of Lecends • and dormsof Ireland. Gruatided Medanee for July, containing two bcanti . fad diustradons. N ational Mainvine too July. 1.4 . • Rook. JIM • - ... Mier - Vis — rl6 iiiiiiilretTeS Plaits*. • TOIIN H MELLOR. el wooden, hat on band and for .j 1 .ele at eastern priers one very element Rosewood 'Piano ktne.manofectered.hy Chickened of Stoinn, and prosumneed byalie best ledges is the ett r, to be superior to any instrument they hove heard Pr., *XS, cob. Also, al an r/Irdairly low price to el*sr rensiem naren— On. spleml,d i t, CI octave Pane fart, of briniont A,.... an emery .”P.... 1 . , :l ..r• al, niansfactured by Alt Galt I Co. New Y ork. formerly known as the Neer York otenufeeninnefoiti. May-' • Also. the following OLD PIANOS et vary low pricer • One 0 mtave Germen'l l iano OH, One 6 't . Pismo, made by Dageoek,ptice ins. One +1 ...1. .. do, : ek, RoarMantrej prievslo. j* pek, o' 'll,lB ' nearly nava made in N. York. Illmtleadmeedertigmaittne--prace 11175 • • Mod oeuvre Getman !Mumma. by Smisi in Viet*. ma in amod order, aid on eireitent faun. el 91Ynn a creed of 6 months, with goad wanly._ . _ jy 1 7- '1 77 7si , iv: Plat. • - . 6_ • . • • THE sabseriber !MOW Heetvddadd on Ilend : tbe hembesineet lot of &mon andh.lork None peer e&seed here. Amongst the now - One elepnt Rosewood nano. made by Name .& ClaO,N• 1., of anterior tom Nee very moderate: ' One decent Rosewood Piano, by Chickering, Bonen This instrument was .*elected far the subseriben by Mr. Cate tains. and pronounced the best Soctave Piers In his Newry. Prier moderate. . One cloy tot 61 octave Rosewood Pinsso; by Niignak Carl, N. V. ' , 'Andes several Other*Of variall ' i stylea•nd iniees, with and withal' Coleman's palest mob= auemament. Fur sale at the lowest eminent pri o rs } ' it .___ gLEBER jviS •' .. ! at Waidwell's, ID lard a N. R. The public are respeetfally invited to tall end 1 can:nice the above meek. t Uses* Plasm 'rtes. JOHN H, IitELLUR. No. to Woo/mt., has made •re nutgements with NA•Heant Hoar. fora mealy of his Piano fame from kis smnathetory In Paris. sad will receive demur the nazi two weeks tram those already •rriesd in New Vert • A Pro -grand Piano Fone; . of Row wood.di octaves. with the most elegant eztenar, and of-strait.r tame to the one exhibited by Ma. Hsu et his eaneetth in this 6 also—A superb Rine eroadiriecoia Piano Fon m with hi octaves, from the same tonnefieutrem. The mini will be the same at Piurbargh as New Yore. HD, 11110 W NaVII.I.Ei AND CL lAA% Is raw running naily;eneh way, carrying MO Mx of Deadened Produce berween above pranth elerchabdise from the East is delivered In EttelibuTh on the night of the third day from Cmalrerlesid—ma_bimt this the most expeditious Mote Dr geUtng Ueed. float ill e Ea Hem Clans. 1 - , The Arta in Dittimare will pre a receipt oe to lime acid ca. 1 ille only draw we J. C HI 0,01.1... Pitubarah It 'W' CASH, Homartilla . • Melt Alli & O.IAOUIRE, Caned it 'edam • J El ROBINSON. Ilalliorols_ DR. JODS 11.; CHAPDAN, (IF HAI;rISWRE.,. at the sollcluaion of macaw ll frioada.4sa concluded to loaaal himself ponaloun. IJ in Ha tkerefoja offers MD 'prokesionalati•kes to Ira • Patella and tompeetfally ooltelts a lallie of patronage. • Pattlealat attostkro siren IC dl.lasea yacaliar IC wo. .Ifaisazars:-44Yrnatiipi Sanalatalow, Baltimore. 4. - .:4 , • —a, _ _ IL Willis Staley, '" • 2 /4 . Dr. R.l.Cochran f 4 2 .. th: P• 1 Y1 L M.7.i.. e 1.4. ' pmts: Rmitkfield Matt, etiopwitetfletebutts Hotel. Residesee.Monowhela House. hop. FOR all kinds of amnions and diseases alio skin; .sloh a•Plreplectliotchea,lialt ithmon Scurvy. Heat RM.. chapped or cracked Skin, and for all other dives. SE* of the Skid, raki,+ require automat reawdsia, thi. Soap wand. onparalled. It also dispels Freckks. On. burn, bierphow, Ton, and ohannea the dolor of dark, yellow, or duf salad'eine, to a hoe, healthy. Yodthful, cirernem - A Creek evenly, warraulud Rummel, and for tale tithe =Mined price of 271 per cake. has fast been Meinad. is offered the tato by In A FAlitilltOCK Co • corner Irt and wood and and at the corner of Bluth and wood so 1.10 , . ..„ . . . . .. . TUE panueliblp heretofore eXistley under the style and Nrm or 91eGille k Ilasbfield, baying been Ibis day dissolved, the business of Ott Grua will be settled by either at the partners al the old ssad,HN Mel: Nol9 11. 1 labe mat. JOI. ld IL RILIPIIFIEI.D 'I9JAS. D. alettlLl. . Ilnutd thapoted artily imerem is d,. Ern of McCaig k I.lutatSeld, to WltilVf C. Roe.' I Cake pleasure in ra enotmendirt,.thr tom of MeGil I, Haadeld &R. to , the mlnGtletice mtd pwrottoge army (dead. and Wepulate. JOHN MeGll.l. jiL D. X'•Mi. In , NITSHTMLL, efl ILI, NUIDRIRLD L , ROM. Wbolerale J.VI Unseen owl Commiuloo Alerehante; No Int lib• erty stritthbantb; ' Jy_fA isoLuTioN KiiiilivithiPT6 pn• D oerrhip heretofore exisbng under the Armor AS & / Sloan, - I. ON day disonved by mutual eonsent. All debts doe hy .41 4rie to he . paid John Sloan, and ',II debt. due' ate firm so be recetved h M t hint. • 301 IN SWAN. I Pittrberah,JulY 13,1617.-jyl 6 . • „. T 0 Al RODM OP , ORATING 11011- JUIPMES-Nr. U. Dezter,of WrolOto fin Mooned and patented a plan cartoon°, houses, which boa been we er-wildly awd in aortas, New Yoe*, ice oted whenwer Wplied.• has reewved the decided pre fe renc e o v er, ove, Furnace., he. lie advantage. ore- Int. Croon regularity Of Temperature. AA. Freedom (rota Awoke., ned. No oopleanat Unmet,. ltb. Easily attended no, and not liable to et out at order. • • &hi. Orem Durobllity.' A Nadel andSpenineation maybe letsand the on. pantos- °MOWN al the Copper and Tinwere factory of , WM. /I WAWA Flew etwet, bet. Wood and Market we MUCK PIELICIIIL—Aa the . .e S. son ham new tormsencal Orr waking Mitts j.lie .saheeribera bee leave stain ID till t h ,!.. 11.."° ' at brielimakera and' ethers nth is eery yaw. =china. — We will warrant 11 Noel If not superior la coy ether Brick haw, of the tame price. now In un- We have a number Of certificate* of their perform. anee,witith creepy wo wadi apaee far advenleing, Inn an he awn at Oar awe. • Briektaalters are remedially leaned is give as a call I,Ve will give ear own amnion,. for the perforbiante of the Fiera &me or I.boalt rights for eale. • • /MOT ater.ILDEN it.oo . ••• v. canal bath f. Dean et WHITMAN'S VEGETABLE UNAVENT;tor the _T nut of Bodaes,Ons, Borm o : RloprorouTittes, EISIIIms • RAeoutarlooL AA. So. For air oceldoots to tb. bows I. SRNs, It N anosNINO:111 Is GB cation hi H • o o me ofirSo s ers. • Trill% ",11:frogy, OF sil l orA hisory Roo. Bow canal Hots tire. deck MCNomo dar .11; IL ISA brIN. Leozstd F. IL'S'. M. Remot so l e hip NNW or lEGsborg.. - hot ree.loed saesby JOHNSTON k STOCKTON 14111 N I X 1r 1MA=1715 1 1. 4 * nd ihr tisane • whin Pullilt= the num. liftissi tenth GOMM , wiles should Is IA siery hone: t sal, 6y WI E MUM, 57 nod it • I ~;``ti ~ -a ~.yA.'.`~K. City llispensißry.' • A DISPENSARY to now open Fur the reeeptien'of 11 :moral., on ernithbeld.W.oppoanc the hicrehanit Hotel; tied fronting Or Chepmates Orrice. ' floors Dow to lb a.se...and 4wOr.re.,Dally. All medicine liniment-tor disease. end teettl:waded in all the works on Metwiehlediea has been obtained and will be dispensed grads. -.- Persons Tiolling the Dispenrsty for rbn puipote or ohniblibe Medicine, so revent • impositiost. will brio; with Diem 1M order from some Meth. of centreline/I or respectable Citizen etatine they areuctinlly needy nod desurnie of money. • • Dr. Chapman who bat kindly °timid It , terriers for the parent, no Dispentary Physician, win make it hit burliness to be present ti trat hoer. Shier OlP.H.Oned give tnehredricei asiine:ea may teenier. It it *lto desired that the Nay rued Corned Will vit. it the Dispentary otter a week to ntriertain to purvey. beneStmend 'Minh An 11CC0001 of number of ewes, nature of Dittman to.. will be made Out every month by the Dispensary Physician, and published in the eity Paper. 'rho of the Dirpenwey alone is for mar end destitute. Two eaprrieneed Phyticiant of oor city haveklnily *feted their services as consaltina P 1111.0114.1,7001 STAR CLOTHING STfJkl/S. NO. TO WOOD STREET. PITTSDURUH,PA. tulle take title rurtliodOf t taalle r,f'atleution wWd 'o=ir customers and the . public generally, to - doi- folknrom lists of their Mock in trade. and- aosure.Ureta Cs., that they will as cheap if not dumper Ibi s our other establishment in thep. Our daellities Of perthating and morufacturing s, are such as to enable as - at all times to keep a all assortment of ready mode cloth hs a r e ess prices Man obey can he obtained elsewhere The present stock on hand consists in part of the fol lowing descrimtou goodo 15u black cloth dress conts t from 110 to CO 110 do do French do 10 o at! 70 brown end invistble green do IS 11 1.1.3 (SO each coots, s plendidly mode stood material. 1010 pairpany, of all styles nualttles and prices. :too vests do do do do Ira diMenLinenplain and stitched bosom shirtMoocksi scarfs erasers; bosoms; collars; suspenders( socks; drawers, and under shirts of every miriety, ! all of wide/there been recently parchased rind adapted to the present season. hlesetiarim Cwters wbo ere In want of clothing. cannot do better us give tr• a colt. gig ittnalVeitiiii r CKA . C.ii i Alit ANDERSON. Prop ri etor. reepeetfully,.intennv public that this ertablithment null be opened and prepared for be accommodation of ?Wier; by th e. 13th Of this math. The &breccia.. a this fashionable Natalie( Pim'. ate tO wetland widely lmoveu, to require enumerotion in a Ford to the nubile. Tire services of AD. Al whale setiiiip. ener . kod amiable ditpvitionots the mono/prof such an utablithment, have hitherto romtnended him to the fsm.Vable retard of the patrons of the Ntringv daring' the tmo last summers, have been' eneard.',- Esperten eed land attentive Wreath nod a 4ne band of MAC, hurl also been seLored. ' . The mad from Centherimul,thr. weetern Imvointe.of the tlshisonre. and Ohl. Ilmlroad. and frehtillollulay. burg .on the N41=71.016 Cansl, and Chamhersbornbi western ten:dons of Cumberland Valley Railmsd, to lierlthrd have been invieb improved and are in good or der.) _ CtitPACTLY twranged with the Eatery and off cnritt.ti Pat up In nest rosewood eat seibi Acencipanytng each ant fun duet llorto regarding its o e mind oppbeation. Thotiustroment iv an Immat ure over Clothes knesof tnanarosture and hat been admitted by the Id =teat Futuna= generally no the TAW, as being the read Comet tent and effeetual May Any Machine iu ass Every Ottaily ought ut he sup plied with One. Pim= illtaad flit eseh.oeundieg in sire and 611.11 _lllO kW W !111Lit_ffily.cosidaSparkesela DP -" , Pettit ' s Entruul Canker Remedy. A. g O r no b reo l 7wl r and titsttorTs4. l.'- u ‘. ied. k tats " =.74:l °hulloed. and lobo rale by Wus./ACEE•os.e) Liberty await% It the Ole. and venal° remedy in If el.r. out of eV. fur all uniloaryrecen or ”waordinary, and uosi aegravated eaten et t tie Anon°. =wing ffitooth ead.rl rile trinailt. me:kJ West; beep op.. la, rani,' pieta taw r h ti. unias r , putrAi sore throat. titatit. unaut, an 4 nlt eat, cosu osononker, in the mouth. throat, ° I V stomach, when owl in arcordaticce whit the do thins occur:gooey eachbattle. The article received Is blown to he ;mane Prier 50 ets. per bottle. ireffam I CIT/Zialll• Fourth, &lawn Wood aful Itter4Nst . opposite .4k#.Larientr's . fzehange Olict. MBE andewigneda •prepawd t aecoarmirdata rob; 1. Welber+, and We public aweeally, with a debelow bath lii+ ewabllearnent will be oronen+t t bra ;de every rhilay aerverwy to tender bettors n 'Tar ssd SULPHUR RATIlkt prepared if requieed:' Ile ?Swiss i+ itted Plaar Irjarkartillatcd from .be ro mansofandtbe.vabeceiber .enjbaing aantiloored far .be roof ano ------ is no:Aden' thy tha Improvement. enartrined aorttlibitte to render thi.*.tablirtunent the arnrctrotafortable one tempt theca), • }pals H SHON eilMaaTtiagatila Wfar daaiiiirt =- ROlgr'll. PATIIFIRSON . - has opened the large .able!.,;:c . an lirrtrt. running throng. to Second el.:betatron Wootl %geld ' In the r - of thilllonarattbelo o_ • and ttorith6eld weeds, In the war cr . Moore rib an entire new rock of norm. and Cam nee of the hem qtrallty end lawn *qtr.*. Ooues Impt at livery In the best =Gleer. Isting l eweerf iesteeribers td: the ror " Cunningham & Boener wee dewolvedon the lit instant. by routeel conunt. - It A CannanAtuun will manner ea usual at the old nand.end ecnle the barinere of the late firm. ROUT A CUNNINGHAM. 17111 t‘AMl:lit. HONKER. - , 1 . 111E • Telelll. • t.her Inv oiCe of fine teadymade narrow And wide plaits, Fly ton and, :funding Collars; Idediani Misfit*, nurow. and wide plaits; a. few dknen of those 40 lock bluk !Wien Cravats, • received thug usesoing •11.1 for sale' unusually low at No. 9d woodun (up emirs) by /I &.E TO" Ageism!. Futern blaunfamorms. ' Witt' iCiPICCTORLIEP-110 virtues in el this Ukuleles and ebeap medleine fin the mu of Consumption and other dieemws cannot he Ito well known. Very many lives have been raved by Y. Yarning Attu , For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA ntillE, oI Fourth itreeb near Wool, and step at the Drug Elora ' P Pchwank. Federalst.Alleghenicity. jell — iGii 7 -IP - TeltriPs C9iopTEViCkii Warsaparillo. Merchant's 1340. Fluid Hgt.Putaparilla; • Carpenter'. do •ilu; ContiesePe do do; 00; by U A VAIINEc. taia;n — arlad. • dr oil ha CoVsitiitlyod huld an 4 ...,nde by U A Vekni.. - TOCK &Co coruct of bat and wood and wood sod sirch hp' • ' 6toaee - WiLlentb, IL small family living 10mIke from Piltsbargb manta eleennall Orl to go and nurse taro small cbiWrea. several goods cooks, chambermaids. names and fel an work. Also, serval men for farm* and Ur vesung. Places wanted for revere book•keepers.sales• men. swareltormemen, ke. Please , apply at ItIA AC HARMS'S Agency and Intelligence Office, 6th st neat .• rgalf.rol6 -7 -I'ho soh -ortbuts harm; eononesseed the meaufneture of Last Otf. arc 000 r mimed to settee alforders Co, .that stele . Their Oil Is of the ben qualo, std 'mil be sold tithe lowest snorkel lutes. 11:e sound= of Droulsts and Grocers is respeNfolly requested. J JORDAN &RON.Liberg as, toynt Opposttehesd of Southbeld,. WATER FlLTkalti, in purifying Water for dm*. V! leg and family my senderron it as clear and sweet assisting oratey. Mel are in yesjertenstve use in the Easiest, odes. For sale IT Jet - • Girl CCICIIRAN.II wood st Packet Ship . Faranaek, 4 tasks "AP eneet'vo Cast Steel Files, composing a very genera VassCielMent. The aneation of Machinists and consumarA generally is invited. LOGAN Jr. KFIINFI)If send' •, • In 9 wood street a. to learn she. eilmeenbents of Mr. J A DAI" lately r wua etuned from Mexico. Ile less a Volunteer Nan the northern part of: Viimnin. HALLENa CO Ist • •' • It wart lytyß+ll ilt EA ot ILA t I .01.11—Eatutlies ead 11 at all tint, he supplied a very supetiortntaluY ngfresli ground Flour (tom the 'Bataan n kldls. by JOEN.D DAVIS. ear wood & kb ant siIIiffeRMATTCPS W - Arrartltttiye us the A present residence of TIIO%IAS EVANS. who tell this tawdry about two saunas'. It=awed he is EIVIIVIett Any infatuation teepee him will be thank. Pally reeelyed. Addeo...llS BLUE, Prato town, Virgin ia. HAVANNA WCOAR-40 box. en• • • bettor While itaratinnAtigsr,jan received and rot sale bs • ' 1e93 •1411,14:11 k RICIDETSON • NEW t , A111.1.3tV 111100ARD T. LEECTI, Jit.. • TNIFORTER•mI Dialler in Ciaddlery liaraiare leattl•ge Trimmings, le now•receivlng Drip addi tions to hi. stack, directly (tom Iltimlligharn and the eastern Man0r...106,41a which he ft , rrelaillr inviter the anent= of consumers 37d eealrfa generally. Jar r oati A ra V eli p ari n kn U ge ß me T :A. In d ar b e a gl ar he ran devoo lira whole .; ... a to . lee h .lunes or- hi. profrasioa, easy ; be teat in his oiler. corner of dm and Decatur *Decor. ' between . Masker and Ferry ars, u any hoar doling die • day. 'non P • to till4e r, I , N . l t t ` Tu .ff;htitt 6 , 6 l.l i tgt%l4:2fgqii i Cr' th and LVV iquor/ Being exelarriely donated to thi. boat Dee., rolobare . racao .n rialito the woe/ Naperiarsnaldloo, 1adr4.41.4^4 Any article 1101 a Ming entire gaurfacuoo, Will at all titan be rue/urged. D. ' • 141.1../11 WEAVER. TlT'The Atrib.;r of die • .ConipnorreiiiPiiiicartfi Codursest of Mexico. 3 solaoTea - • prtheou'a Waco of the Nana or Ferdinand and Isa bella, 3 vol. Seth • Pre•Mte/ Biographical and Critieil kriarellardel,- I rol.dvo. Trot rale by J L REM). I per2r marker street. • Boye3 SUMMER 1300X-711e 800. &gather . naersth.the or the aenarin, ry, Mal alar, thasutry,thauthroenlel by Thor,ffill with rldny nix. tillayinas sr. Just racy:Eyed at the Hoak arul drat/nem' woo of jyln JOHNSTON lc ISTOCATON- y — Sl T" eau quartJare, nosiveuseau for Preserves orbuilling Cherries tar bah, wilds Moro 'Of • • - • , ,•1 • . JACOB WEAVER.: 4 1 1 all ream Cap Win 12'Aona:. • • • 100 do -• Crows and itholithrinerntl lyar We 31111 -11th bbla No 3Barge) ydadoni47.:7 — ; ---- ... • • 10 bbIINIX.I riT3 Ikalogien truidinreat' ttra Moab fin' West' • •-jylt JNO nye:UM - TjUifier cffirat D isuuellaYEaking,"searyy Mee. fir We an Ilia. era wrath. Enquire ofi J t 11 PHILLIP?.d wood etrrel, ''' a ..•'••- , fiIaSNICT, HANNAA 0N... ' .1, , amli s. cams, ,xcluutos .82tOaliftst, S A A. R S-ANA RILL A".-,, AND DP-4,LF.11/4 I\ FORED/N AND mb it erf .li min , maficim , i a mi ;Rm , poxrsric ExcuANGF: CENTIFICA'er- 4 r Pr' The Russet la peeps glen boniest ei to Esteem. elegt-',. itleiTE 11..% Sii A IoTI - 4.7, li Nl),l'hrlt . 1 te, ot r e,..eter, eal y r .r.tid ' K .", tp=l. t 4 ;7.11 I , feenh ft. fit laty pope.. le I hr. F• 11.1• w. .. 1% t CININENT NONE,' recrive4 Oil DeTiatat-reeght talateaeg the Pun a. - CaLif SPAING MID SULIIIIII litplelliE . I Camas for eale„ and eitlliethhas:ntak• ea etart, all .. , rim, gr . b...4.. . d..p, ,,, , , i4 . of . thi. b.. 4 .j ain ...„, the principal poaasin the Vetoed Sem, .n.a.,.41,,rei..,,, f,,,,,hyt,t t E r .,,bev...Dinft.!,1.,,,,... The h lehroo erre,. Ma pool for , rprewl tool AM,CIaI atts dor &d). It I. One of the sus bra STRING AND StAillrfit faLDICINEe ever ital.. i it steady turtles • - • - • ' " , meld taaet.lteeod..e. - % , .... 4 c"," OdTomo. node on totwonoonto ot PrOdane,shippnd 'Fon. onlibel"' tones. . . oporOlS_ liZigotignin't 11(1/11. ' Banters . and DonlOrs In Enchant., Coln and &Wok Notes. No. 55. aumtevstpmer. PirriiVßOD. ' Sellirogßong. - . Enettnoc . o.: Inving Rot,. how York.., pr, CaYinuall. . I, di,. Philadelphia, }' do. I:min/dn. ' sdo lgoltmore, do Si. Loins • , Ido Boron Raw.. . • RAN!: NOTES. Bif:riggnsarg. Olnn. • , i di.. Co. a- Scrip Ordog... I di.. InOiong. , I.do Rol:of Note*, . Ido Knitocti, Ido Penroqintolo Cy. Ido Virginia, . I 41o• .Now Von: do. ,g do no W 1 ,, h0g, Ido N ew Orloon, Ido Tennonee. - - 3-do • .Morylond. .1 do mynkf_ Cepartnantalp. JTOSUPEI H. ume or ,fik•- tn. or Wm. RBI kCa 4A:a C. c u Rnv,,tu,or Erie, Po.) have entered tnu ettranottelop. under :he name of ia ILL; R. CURRY. for the:pap:ate :Of tarry:lig. the. CAntlng d I.:Athol:Rebut:Heti aIl It* boonehee, an No Al Wool a ',steel: three Cour:h. %vett .de—where airy aoh it the r: n.lour ui thei r forode and the puhlte ge ocean). . /1a...41141 II HILL .toralS RM. C CURRY. IMTM=3 . . UANKERS & V:XCIIANGE ISHOKERS, DV.Al.l:k$ IN FORI46N AND vomwric TIME: & DILLS. OF EXCHANGE, CERI IrICATE , .. OF DEPOSITS, 1.&7.i): MITES AND. • . - Igo Lo Wool street. third dear bain• Points Ices vide. YAR Funds and Coroner received on Deproi le nod coaccnons _nuzzle on nil the principal tuna in the Untied State.. " Sight Exchange on Ilaknoore, Yl,ll. Boston and Coundnan'adadantty no. o n!, Ohio, Indians Seniority... Virginia mai Pennsylvania 1.TZ;;;;6 1 31.';..":1,7'41.7,°, (Velmanies l sl7:treanne practired. - Itc . menu _ A. WILLIAM A. HILL dc.oO 3 _• HA NKEILN, EXCIIANGE BROKERS • LAD 1.14,114 FORFAOIg AND mown: EXCHANGE. • CERTIFICATES OF DEI'VATE, /YANK' .Norr:., , , AND ArEclu. .V..,04 Road Street ems doer oboe+ Footle. Rai aide. Plitsbargb,ldSwE . ALLCIC IDWAXP AAUX KHADLEA t uAnat, BANKEILet AND =HAO:OK C BROKERS. dcalcrt in Foreign and Dniriertie of Kroiloopc. ettnifc tan of Depitoile, Hook Note/ toul rimier of .nd Woorttorista, directly orposito let; Old Ore Rot el 10).4 .11L4 , 4 gm :•,C04.11 nItIO, Indians. Ketitar4.l and Yenna, fundt; also Conan and City Onlen rumba ted at reduced rttne ^r di.cwm.Ly N 1101.6117.1. n. ttON dirtKdebaturd'Utratitt!. it. keit xi Collection's on N. Ion:* 2114/ .141.teN•tdlepilli , v1. 4 , Wide NAT. nude promptly, and ore. Me tureen term, by N HOLMES k SON, daelieure Sroterr rachl3 No SX, dlaOrt .- Colliii - tiand Lau 1.7.41 , 110;;;j:11717; , ,Ili-. Loon and all caber arc eaaible pant. In Itta rnittel St,rter, made on areammodanng tennis. 1111,1. CURRY • ' opt Woad 0. Aril dim to 11:310. t. , l4tooti julariur/71.htludeilrb,•. andlbtnio once n ly for rob by lIILL d . .C131.11% :add IN nod 0 next door lo /*ante *Montt / ',curdle). or .ifTkiarty I, nktoraived at vrry.,...ifttgai,ll;‘,,,- • ap6 Woo-tot ' Mod door to Fonle.S.Onon lardiarra, an • T equate Dank. O Noteoptarehar‘d at low rater by 1' • N HOLMFA k bON No rilartirk.e : HOUSES. LOTS,..}III3IS,:&e. • • Paper 81111 tor Sale.' DV. en toe of sedeed of Imo twits Lnlnigiin, .I.oehristopber kiLambilin, OW %Tolima Lutalut in, and their wive, to the tostlettogoedt gated the 31.0 day of Oclober.l€3o, and recorded fa the Clitrk (Mice of Ohio county, Fusin,. in book It. pages 411 und 411. bhall repose to sale, of nubile auction, to the ltiabeit idder, at the flout dm* of the Court -Itodee' in Wt:rel. Ingilla..on the FOUHTFENTII DAV OF Al'Ol:±T, - ti9:,at3o'clock.r,n the following described perm-. ty, to win Low °timbered le, 10 am( tt In the oriktual plat of the town of: nth Wheeline. on which to erected se:team Taper Mill, called the -.Virginia' Faltdr 31:11,!' together with all the tentuneinuend heredimmentrOcre. J uelonginir or in toy wise apronaluing, <envoy. ed the andersupted by raid deed of van aforesaid. T,- .nr of Salo, to coon' 63311 in froth, and the balance: to right equal payments, in six. mrtar ; oggittera, mem ty.fote, thirty. thingmx. ford-lion ...d `tur-eight attanha from the day of Ode; earl. deferred payment bearing interest and the interert upon each of them In. betpaid aemluustoilly inacrthe day-of sale. the whole to. be secured, by a deed of trait upon the propene- - Selling at a [casual chalice:trey cMly the tide sewed 'in ins. though the titheis believed toTe tooseaututable: - tg3dtd 'DANl.Fl.l,l.A.llll.l.rttatee: 11COYIKILTY liOLINGFTOVi'N, OiIII FOR Ttl E renuer offers for ul• splendid least E7l dwdlin~~ Hove ramie on the North East earner f the Public Square in Votingeoam, hlahattlee enanty,Obia It I. large, condoodates. finiehed ' ex cellent style, and lathe beat:location In Youngstown, caber for: dwelling*e p•blte house; attached ton is • yard, with ram, staLlazg, and all other coceeniendes . • Thls wen to Improving reap rephilly, to Paneled ink medintely on the Canar t ent! . e tee 1 2••• vinfiette Furneem,t Rolling Mill. &e.., non het... m completed, will Le ;Le uoitt , Ittucithtnfi p`•••• it, •t• et .41,1 ni Vltta Ii vtia.un raid low inr a tiro ot ext.ham:a forprogny i n . Piurborgit. , rug p•olooloto loquiro of . • Hoare'. CONVENl*4 l,r inee d 7 brick dwelligg' arid, o good b t smut mg nod back boddhog at dte comer of orebger end ego 6th weld. Tbigtdopeitc wtll be rentrog too pod !to nal It ID SO .o.lll,lrUetrcl that Melee:yin odgbtoceopy rrlreoinn n A 'II :he Rarrr, ber•ndlrosting tjag - • Atm,. VVII.IV, NJ. U.' ALLICQ . IIENY CEDIE.TERY. DE/LOONS drum. or purchasing Lori in Ml+ Came ter) am solemn' far Information to Me Superintend ant,on the pound., or to E—Thorn, Drargirs, corn, o Penn and Hand street. Pin:s l 4l4k. • • • Bra Minot tee Board,. - I. PIHSLETT, deell-darmilf • • " Poperimendato. •"' Iralotabio keel Zotato for Side. m HE uuderslorned bring &boom rent rove his Tannetit its the country. ofers Atcsale SIX IttilL.DlNti Lars c.siama street. hnrecq. Ferri saver and Hr• &lulu Alloy. Each lot urni be twenty _fret from .2d greet_ and vett) , fest i• depth... The lot• soi:1 be sold singly or the whole loacther. For tenrincsopts to the satiserilur on the pismarn JOHN CA LGIWELI. • Alohtbo largo /loom la Ilse god hers X 3rd and mar ket at., at proterg I:recap:wt. a I.iterary Depot and Peribdtcal ogee by %Vat r• Caldwell. • • EEO= To LL'l'.—A h nr,l ' t "" c. " is k ed, three stwy ttr we 1n , 13. half wey between Iparilsottalle) and , l." ay ue Pousavangiven icomedimety. rot:pa tt italarserire offite of 11, /Oaf • TO LET. • . a A•lulte thinenary' !woe on Fourth stiect torten .I.ennhaeld and Grant mom. Room• on, ground floorvultaldethroltees. Poxession can he el. en ionnediatelr. - For Terra. he. apply at the Galena office. joiador HAVING favored to the city,' Co( cooTptenee to professional ISWltteey .111 111, MRII,IIOII Ifoura and to lotomt Moe:le:Awry, 'Woo* on the blerp of the Nooonsaheis t quo gala abovo - Pituhollit. lootll3oterti • ; JAME'S It tutAFT TN NA NCTMTEK ECRISALE.—II been fur aale ■ &beautiful DulhlinkLatia iliatebeates,near the Ferry. VI let Cent by IY I feei'deep, Ii aitil be uold lua end oat aectansadatbig tent.. Terme auezeepauttable. • e!,19 JAIIIMULAREI.V. Reel Knee Agent • -7— r"VTFlt — aiFAft.7 THE 3stuti Beek -Drumbeat.; No. SI Water, Milkartitet and N 0.103 Frud at. Immediate reas.Cou_ gmen—applyou the preemie.. A IeiCANDEft GORDON • L.OlObbot .ra r . - La. -- -ityret - itent - by . r 3 Irefarry 'atbotulag tie ODEON.bar - 11 3 . alulllttElatlß,WlLbpS b. Ca, water x. nOLiaPENSL-A .veri:loar sTesl aretLaclectrat Lisinelt of the brat Wan...n(6obl ran, jnat *petted and kw sale n the lowan priOrr, ' 1.10 , .•r • - W • WILSON ft 63 40. a non-awn. savemorrx Ist thy :auto t...as by Ilenoast Mel tine, antbor 'Typer Jszatroril .d rude by }vls.' JOHNSTON& STOCKTON lIATS,..(IAPS - ANI) BONN TS, • Sew anti — Phishiloreifitlit liai and Cap Hire, effLUNDERthe Monongahela ilorse,Stahh. field street. , at The entweriber has reeculli ertablith ed himself is the Mime bwrincsa in this Ilif, and liar mow smiled lot the litspection of the Public A. largo std awrefolly selected aorviretwat of Slain and Caps, of every description, color golf shape, which he wilt old] tithe reap len.rs ening pried.. - . Staving made arrangement. with the fameddlotatc of Beebe k. Costar, of New Toth he mill alwata have In t• hand • fall supply of their celebrated reaie , Silk, and Nutria liars. Alm, Rims., ractintere.,e'ton ,Otter and, Ashland lb., bother East tuond Hume m nufactur.; abash Ire will m all Sines mkt tOtaq.P Ili • hewing lle reels enured that all lions wit! be taziOed mob Iris seleetion, and at the same lime his prices Cll.*. the mow ecormnical, lle b ileiertained. Its thels rcoyeets., sot to be beaten: ' Po not.the wow. tirdstt:9:V...filotton• 'tabula House Ilat mere, FuSihdeld sl." '.' ' - • •'., . beildtentrt . • . . -1f tV IllortA1.1:441 j!47 -- ii . t - illia .17 Ilitif WIT ifinirr i 7 .1t TIIIS bring the day the Sprrttp, , Fashion .1 •' alms will be in iruiloced o nv, thrtsorst Ind- 'tenable establishment. in. New Forlt.und Flailailelpida the unilet.igneil tube vest p cartan• in being enabled to a n nounce to their flUnteloltit itatside and the pubis. generally, that airline piraileetna supply •ti who may favor .. ~,hb a call with thefs, fa4sionattle Ilal fat lip, ay...., contwirong Ilenvoto, .Nertittio..andahlta fi ne blitteshin bilk lints, thbor,winficialeor retail~, . ' •- - McCOS.O Fr.,laNG _ ci1r ....! .c oa sot kb els"' . - . , : - 111117 ! IUttORI.I Not and CV Illanaromnierd./Pil - ae removed to No 75 Wood etreetAbten doom move 'Math siren: Hie initek rodefite of Meet Teo< ty of IlaionndCape.maibt in the latent motet also; rump. Leghorn and Peovl SireWlinto; wholer.de nod Feted, tithe lowees pnee. • H Monde: ' • avid - tYlVood tt;Nitrildrinr nfoeePnanh Fail DE...t.kerotgrAlrs SGendeinetiLi ßata • ' will be introduc ed-lel:NILY11.1, Tburedos Attenst OW' tiemleoten winkling Omni. (me. lovable Hu or Pitmindelt Ater l o! Nebioeleble impedi,d nti,adveriNed Ly eenne or the tradeLyilenve - FAN ot , eeCit'e • NOMINEES VANITION NOMEATsi, JUST mcelved Nom New Yorlr,tlie Afm liter p, la fo_r_Mnu!, ncynisne;_of . Wino s m . ?, Front!, Comintern Nine, wok Tome in waot of a Loontifol.lirbillot agy r,.pot y xualtr.d Calt, • ..N.MOONE myv , „ , welcid tt, 2doonselver 4th %simmer notrcias bailui fresh supply of Itlluuinld.¢44 !Joe= 194 k Ghtscdcap.,ne. Ives, fine Prenvh Slole§kui, Ms, at very tor IDOVOLAL et ' .-.CONTINIIES solzorefederry.'OdWeep . erressamly Oa lined, every varety , ..140fte. a 11 , 414..1.r., tad pee.e. very knee! 78- Weed Itreer,Euttide. • • ln • MEM thewhole siatesa sod wgwwtY petwooe-e— - .IVate F. itodaita Jihad, er Spool.. pommel him abet/ Abalatios.. wed . st this battl g wad moot or its wood. fat• • swam. It hat pltalood watt. she Ina amiyaos, woes teas.,.. Soma of Sneers Casio OP Mime; ma boot 5,00 a• of thew re ocatidated betashk shine thoo ~ 1 • . 7,000 ewes of Iliosais Photitisioss ; 9190 ems or Dpswpsitids , ' . . 400 ems of Gomel D.4oo7ster utd gostlY; • 7,1100 saws a 'Au ezan of thg Lime Ccaoplaint ; ' , 51,50tintata of Dixon of Ow .oey said Diatien A M l 9 imosas of ems of Diu na of eh: trait I:loam' harlptlas, Salt Shams Titiptotott tht• To. cellar with mow.. caws of Siek listedsotatc Pia; laths thirsts; che. Spam; h asthma,. de.; See. • ' This, we ant worsts mud sppwhaeralibie,bot !war Munn Stun physician; and ot,i:egrals from At pens of tbr lloiled State, miaowing ea of entriorilinarylnom R. Vat Entkitk. Ewe, moo( tbe maw respectable deuggiens in Neekti' arlt, N. J. maims us Rat he ara se ins to moot Awl LSO ear mLW:plan akin. 'filament danoments anus i the City of N Bork, which we veil!. refer Id with piessure, end to men of chancier.' It; is the best midkin 6r the 14e.e titer nfditeato knows. It unditabledly sawed Ilse line. of mane *ban . *den Ca/1.1711n 1,1141 N • As it remand the cantweil — dinease, nod re epeard Wrm 4r LE:tomb Arai. °morn.. ; . • Cara. O. Iv. m or nu therron Saari* Nan . ; end member of the :Slew Jersey Lagislattiee, Lim kindly neat at no &dewing a 'Senate. It Mils Its own Wkwy: , ltuanotot,Jan.,kb,' Ayr-trainee I wanaken witb the Ltaneemot =deny wit n Aim In * debilitated state.. I wee iodated eo try P. Timeworn Sanaperella, wad and taking' Iwo or tame bot dre; I 1., tin much pawne, and antrlinniit calmly to tbe said Sanaparnia. I hate rantinned taking it,itatkfind that t ea wi t Wind II stied, ray ilfiqalt4 Dodd as tea witlaut et under any cmularretion. 0. bloLkait bee E. S. N.. . . • This certifies. cateloarely proms thil ina,ltshaptilla ha pares control.erw IDs mar sbaissiadibesso . of tho 1.6,1 There soma ared is me bar a tasprearketat. • Taus. Cetbaltme. Towssuka—Des! 8Ir; Ibla Ilarrassint Is inform sou titrt three of my 6;1.1,111'1 mm bees card bir the Rea lists by thsase yosi escelka siedisia• e. t. Thy wore aliete4 ret r y severely with but sores: .Imeli only mass Aar bottles ; It took them array. Get which '1 kol myself mar Step , Toon, no-Foetidly,. ' -• lasso IV ..erats, 107 i b'slofrar sr. Toehrklarel 1.1847. ' • • GREAT FESIIU.E MEDICrNE • Dm Tow:omen reesstrarill• is • ...Mugu. ml 'speedy. nee for bripteot Coosomptioet. BUIVADC.S.LrOtaIIia,OI obeemseed see el It Alcustrootimotle time sco of Ijr.";ot ilsolmMary dimbasza tbereoc aucl far the per_ ' ....dreamt. of We system—so mulatecii/uUiher Warmth: of toreed same mraoan, produmed by mergobrely, Byers; on cm be MD. •UrjUlDrilg Mill' U e • byte on We booms Crews Perrone, wralmess lode, frac skit; it , at core become rates aud fact Wergy drunk Who've,. ' It inuordiateir osootensti the sm.- Icemen of tho female /none, Wale JI the appelsamo of . bar • . resoao . It will ma be espeteld of f t sa miss °fta Sesta Ws:a tom, “bitie certificates o ewes perfenonf e ' ha tot Itba max the afflicted, time hood tmh *from boo. Weis 'repotted to M. .riettual rem wbereSsmitim ban bees 'ablaut AU vitt, Mier e — FmTir ti few bout. of 93i. ioratable hue !foal:4d net otropearg. " Dr. nectar tot: • My w.fe being. :greatly distresied weakono sod 'tseseral debility,' anti yarding smetimealka by yobs soil • sesmatioer of •basMtr d• Matey of dm omb, god with other deify-Mike std - bming lames sue a whets yens, asedieWe bas efferted gesar. muss; and odsobus , basis entommembedGummi , mom 1 bate demeibrebt obluias of • balk of yew. Eutsatt of Stanaperiibe r ssesi followrd IM Comtism, yea( wee moo In ti abort penal de reutored het compLoou and fotue4 bet bet.b.b.;. Befog. r attled for the berate' she reeeired, t take &loom I. orbasostkolgs tecit, and reicomendiew it the robliee.: D; Mans e Allnety, Act e lls ISM. Wm of °road *ad feydaus ma; 'se . - • ' • Cdunitrszn, Sgpt,t49, 184. Dr 7 Oossostd: To aft.-idnass thislA al cowers—This to certifTslatunty van mod ate bands yone . Saisspirillst • ' pm in=t. 4.. confutzserni, =dor the .nogr anatnniir soy ; • doge-ate eircamodure, tiosilnd night= d h t • ' 11 a 4. C• y pot-mom= and the getAgninend=oo of =me sl,=l in s inrn; indneed by rids ides or se ' • Win; and =la= it• say s tn. grissi== hapyyno4 • dssiseleirget,not didy in din =dos conineinent, bat after tini espionage of.olursreric of iig nu. die dropsy and noir now =action pro orgy id...no =ton/siting .degige,.sont her. nraltbls and &nisi .Iban - 0 bad Inng won Li•thrt rdt I. Hof any Jars= = r iot], or nay ,con who ' i• - doubts. the sum= of theniedisise, yon are Minty =noon to it. 1-rnbseribe smolt yaw mend obedientond =mat: ' . • TO NOTlliiitS AND nt °intim L A DIES. This rnhwit of tiantoprilla hats been sagreadg prtgarni • . , in rekremcc to Tomsk complaints. No Carialc *ha kils son'th sopposa she Is approaching On critlulpariod.' • form of lei,' rhould neglect 41. lake it, nab. ••.• pravgaite my of the macro. and bort ibis dismos to Islam frames are subject at this time of kits. "Iliks periotD-' • mapdelsgul swain yew by using sham:Nam Non is it leisnlimble to thtio Who an appiltachingarotimalwonl a.t is calculatedm assist • tlllllll3, lotiektmg the blank and het igorating the nasal ' this medians is issal- • nab. to all Of Mr delicate Aiwa, to which rumen DO: It lames the whole span. maws prnammaly üb: sal ensigies,by ressoreng lasi:43l.as of Ma body—aot so Car sumulati 0d ng the slum to produce • ambitagand se- • ination, which is Ma moor most nedkines takes lamb ' " - - b aaplacaoal bad. aa. Dee, rough skto, or Cr**, and ors Got of *de me hot* or Att."! Dr. Urbanite. Sleogortftr` It or DI cleat= your bkod,. elm*. the freekier sod blotches, e r you tosiotttiota aporklitor eyea, doe opiatto;* hotatillul coaLtdao—all of whirl art of to sea . raloe to *oar . • • .BYPP.EPSLL „ Ida Acid at onlieinelas weer • beat dievatutd Add so • ready trearibkr the. peak Nee et , udoelio f ,4 Of Hasa Dariasitat. ilbeeTriley 11113. - Sie-1 tau Neu' aftlidsd• so.. viur oith ihiptpie. be sdirst ins,atteodadvirli raw et. ef sieloseb' el' meta, urrier. tooribult,aaill a • ver &widely ell 'Diode oriadoied T 1 CekS pare ' ovoid cat,/ 1 bare bur; unable Iwo, bet amain peethoe, anteoareaelt. 1 tried' the neoal romeden, bratlity bud • itde or se elleet is nom* the eielibrieli , l" inu to • ' dated, abut two Reath, duo. to trr youllatre/ of Sar..• parilla,sa snot ray vizi • oo Meemee, ben •ftertiebe:•,, • .:, foe:: ol d arlii c lte= sad the . • mead the as btertbo aft tleee'v . ibe bamboo edlielata i r 1 bare W.' Nov W.: 18•16. • • • Metes• Woad . • . • - ' • .•.Aizeisr. A M L ilitiCLX.• • •", • •. • • • • geed the ddlawinpoad deiebtif.yes needed. etieerUP atototbo etnoi I=aele et' thavineralboodred Dr . Tervitheied—Duir Sir. 1 eras uteri. a liar' onia dear era a eirreneeeprii Fri patio .t w e ed : 11 in wieerr)./Orl, iadood 1 enapreirod • oval to here the ouit.Ourowapthav 1 akin e l lad rieittet, bad sight re" sad endued very but eq. donor said be eirold - do widen for a*. viesteata the • • ":2., burpita jo.o l labeled being beeevoer barna Peolvomeat there ..."•• ldo J., 4 co u ld /mealy brealie'; 1 aim beomieericatrdierpreted to die; was captured to tay beil vied ono doe weaken iodeed.l moat drupe; ey ed ipe that • r . wool& dejealee' ory cue Jo:Twe by my friaolo • • , lie aaO s . r=ry b i Ud i. aded , e [ld of Znemed oY ieef traordieury reeve ' pl=GX•lel Tyour"reeditiair them asaunobraribegio toot - • het 1 Ikea isidived to writ. fdld se, and ma eery tbabothl • laid: •"- . Lemma toy that - hr • ered as 101 l sheet my Line., wet bomb* betollree, - , ell is ivfevi weeks.: DIY cue; `ei.d•yebt ledirlt.v?. - .,..1 eiglo urcala bare left rev, pander ber.ourdiod, y i d, •rl' gaiung of woad striageh. , 1 MI It • ditty la slateraue urea, re pnblig, yoo pleue; • • ri-turevault, 47 • Littlest, poradJya., opyslems et Play•lcleaw - -,..9T4 MDr Townsbeod ahmsatiatlyresorsrbst , Orders Gal thy • ~. oin swims hs dtferant pulse( Ihro iirdarn ".' 9 4 ' Thss i• Meartlfsesst wa s l b. samirmakuml, Physician .1 4.4 Me City of dllway, bars m sunnerous elm prmenbed Dr. .P.' Townsend's Banaparolls,:and Wien it to bo one of alwomrt . , ••,..S mlbak Wn+w , .... r u.s.Tet, . i.g. =WI. Jty „... Mao, fa ff., 1 Altbafrf, dtrsll,l9ll. T Elllnationn, It O. -; na i. 1...... gt. ti.e 4., ob. umleasignsd, r a rk..„. 4 Tlhnowelfsat tllynemos oft!. aly 49'9 !Wary bum Mcqueen- 1 ly yrwerMed Dr Townsead's Compound 'Esteem, 0y,...... _, •,, parilbAnd from its lumen vallttits, would antommead it,. ' • ` O *public for marensiabscrofabsesonsi othswe Managua di..' • th prefers's. to my of Me mlrestised maldws Moo In Alb' imal 4 aVer 9. 3 l- 21 . 9119.9 , e2 W ala S p ß utok . '" ; 4 l77, ' it.d. ' • d i n r ` i r 0.8....1414. 1 . , 1 '4....r Shli.= North Sre 1111 d 0 Phdadelplua; 9 9 rane,oft, Dew, ..0 by , v'srt 4 .-.r.,1,...1• - ti - u-...-- - -., •5-- ,---..,, . _,,„„,, , „ t e ... ~, , ~,,,,..., i ,7,h•;t1v411;"..4.:kriin,.,r,iv.t.......,.. -- 4:l= . - •.;,:!, F the Kew Tort Mally th T ; qweas b ef AP:99,947. . ,- o ike A uV.:7 4 .1.. "1 7i4,14:74=1 ; ,41:z Tbe wbok ilungya rot . La V . amter mem of Ma maw no 4 . , ramal Imedesce pm:macaws 009ilurbseb,fty ether wittar. ",..1- ?., n,roll work, Isa gold, entomb. gr, Ine malsiw Mow ...- ' rary eqoallal in 'roadway. We t o tam opmoy M. ay we be thseemlart of the Sarnapoilla Meer* lb, lieriroma Diebllll y. , W , 5,..,, - 4- • ri.w Tolls, W Msar9;llll3 ' •• ' s Dr Tawdared•-•1 baseborn altliebol more or *s for 3 t.. .ft s, pu loth i drradfulsinkiag In the Mest a yilltim‘ in Oar a..4",y a, nand, lon or suably pain is Ma Moby and general debdsly a ,..o.'M,,7l b os agnt dm Wonlirasal Masud .old In which ifil . r.. - .• I am subject, to many Iftsistal fu • dyer , 1 Mon tako ankto;' , ` ...- •,- ...„.i....,......mwma mambos, but mils litth or tame- s r s" a. I was /Mooed by what! anwirmlopapm so try. bottle „." ". 4 rut. liartayonta, from *Mehl 904 gnat relief I ham mare taken Imam/ once bottler a nnd Icm unhaumlnyly my .. -.' It it tht Mai runtiebse I horn erre taken-the yam A my arseitlfyon4 MA I fralasstd al alfwasn loan alsogollamMan. I bur tabrnyinarWompwilli I Lam uow a bwmrmsysan• d.,, ~.r a b.d a my Myelms taws it with We same bead- ~,I re.‘611.4 I brmald 166666 o 6 a family %Mari. • ' gasrrally,, , ma I feel rammed mat if m saml an *Odd nOt •• 1 kt 4 half thesielottnet Ahem ma t rouwasurtoly man many ..• Poetise. baby( o rorbale at radon* apyarlir: at Waal was so I • u...,,,.......,11.1.1*ffu1f. tegular mar: 9 Swept th e Wawa' . i.da,t .... that disease 9 wal so Illtey to &IMAM* I ..•!: 01 yem And I+ an Unne whom , . norm la kr rWreiltay' • ~ ,,,,,l arwlat the Iflintlbo' ' ' , .) Mbwrism of modarrebuld palm. De Tomunsl9 • , -o- IM Lim fauul dm lira of tboommta of ebndr.9.--. 1 - f ;hefolkatisceortlfrate is warmed from 9 drat st ' n -Ma r' iIM yerk " • ..‘ ";"• 2 I Nair 'roan. 4ir519,19117.. , Mr Torsonnol, Dem alro-Om of ma mdlym .......;',` own .6141.15• Ctlfrotr make fiffmilf Ind :Myatt Allende( arA i , ` rest debilfly. It <arc paw cord l•obluinefl km* ar t ly,ntr catesllent ambeiwyond it it:&ally, far,whishi ran awom Y. 1 L. , ..l1 Crdal, Toms woyeetfally , ' f ' '• .. rra FOlaillltM Deftmsteff ft. -,:•••• , For *le by it E WELLE.listamerot, Soy? ay mad ./,' ".• , Miran 91 mad dils sty .004 Ms lows apywialsol by ,Uri: , ; 1T0191991:ND mlat Agrul he allkekorry to. jollitl4k.ita , . , . tbrocdoonr Above Hand ;ottoo t • .b..A...ty btrot.4.ftpt ve.lect .1 . t. Wdeitpolof being !keg:ivied nook bet tir, wk. will male insotettooov.yootoo whim; tbo on,onont, on Wu nen strotteotiolf. he lovedlnoltenno. al4alar anotuion . ,to the laliovont loft onped lit the ezpiraian of *lily: dayx. ;;;5 obinro,..l i atrle jtt'orgZ.;:.64'`iii „ 00Nero . eloinnotienu ons not nonsataint Inns win botombobkon downecoottion . tekno abonkoni: 11 , •—Thotrnio — t ookok4 inaO ilooooson, l eoonNif Ant Ibui imotob•Tolrt veal b , c; ninon! xi boo"; of a. plOpOinicutK"ik. 4 s l 4 l ""fr : ' "
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