,_.,;lll.44:.:auiiostidskco g ie*sw.: 4 lat ursine' --* . . ' AINIIi 4,.."-....(•:1;1 4 , 1 •1. 7 ' - -- - 1 I, l iktkl , r/AsThiedakfaiL l 34. 1 .11 bs, e dna, , co ß g et . t h g 1, 1 hottst* the emus e — of at h ...:::. ~ i i rl- , - ,114 er• l it - ‘ ~',4 rot.and.-ixis - <hirsteilf.tiiiirieh'eustP ~ , `.%.#1) " ) " 1 " L • - Flia`gP°l declamation ~,s ; . _,:, ~k . 1,. 4 0 4 C0*, the die* orhoia' nth" •;:,. -. - , -.3it11,64.,!i11ys meet'with la applauded re-. ~•;...L.:, :,'... - ..1i-4OntiOre;`lsinateie ourranilk.aiid self-ea teens-ens. thereby mitiistered2,ubto. • But •,::-.:,; , ' ,,, %7:„',1,.! iterrlisie 'Overrated nations:of out true : - ,it ,- :..P.? - 00 1, .4t'llie liak*.of:giii*Deti, 'ode ~.,,,:‘,....,.. paasions - will , look_whir erisj? low the 'au pettier intellgitcsa; aid _our hitinsts be T -...,„..,.... . 1, , n0me th etifelligellace ikubskt intillec ,‘, .., *tall Pole, *lt •ye,tstining pride:" which ;. in Igor dtnif,;.bilore ,the , birth of the , ~. ~ great glohe,causedyter . in' Heinen, and aCtlintrittru.ortime, tottiPalailtio to our firer parinna;biAtti itedtichirehcipe that ,' '„ '. ' • What's ikni,ii, cunt in suireriiig is , T - - 4 :..,•, ,,, , he. hero: , By . ten, thousand .trancles Is . :, he. kept' 'raise,' for :life amid ' so. many. perils •nr .a 'conitant " a:tirade:. Anil. a .: brief interval is he snatched away to the; land-of' the departed, wherii Distli sits; -"renthroned amid darkness.; and' solemn -,,, : shadows, waiting •to - receive. hint. •It ' '.''..wair not\ a Ghiisuan, :who :map _keenly 'Asa Otherkinalizes this, and front whom' ~...-, Meat eiPeetsuch homilies, but a heathen,- - who .declarathat man is a', buJible de-' .2 . ..; scealinja Jove plants, froni God and the w ;la of heiren, upon the . e`exeil oaean of erns' tepee, Boating about for a turn or two ~....... upon its treaded surface, then pierced I ...:, ,by calamitY--dissipated, ben---Ilisaipated,- 1 Thin , br-, the end or its a ll whether ' '..*. Anince‘or Penman. ', We aura:come down' .•! - „.. f , from 411e:thrones •we :'would 'fain erect , it naiad 'the sides-of the north, wild , : the ' stirs Of God, and beiome scanty 'I - handful of thy dust. This frailty of our Urea' should_ teaCtus humility, and this - , humility. should be increased When Ere. .... surrey theTermauence and immutability cif nature: ' Hat great forces ire' perpet :.., sal T. they exhibit ;no shadow 'of turning 4irar, token ,Of ,-tliciy.. , . Thew. laws of atatier,which were irapreaseil upon the ;, -'''...• '-- . _earth- when • she was bowled forth into ~.:7. :"Apace Iroin the bands 'of. bee Maker; ..- , blooming with 'a-trettaty end freehnes.s ,- which ravished the angels themslres to , -r ,. ,tefebrate her 1011; 7 -those `.aelf same 12 . "Ver " • . - -1-- Wlll yet rate 'unspent, with a pre , , :cision and powerithat the lipse'isr two :-- ;. hundred,generations has nordiminished. Look* not only-at - the "immutability of "theme laws, : but it their stupendous effi ,,,. Let a - man go lath*whei - t-‘the ttutrt `Anne t4e all up in the sky, and the moon (:".:/.3r, .,: glidei in mildness slang: her prdained . path,'' with' the hiresonionti - .Planets`T' round , her. throne. The hcaterdy , nibs :;`.appear to that Man-like luminous specks , strewn iat random beer s: cloth-of.asure. , • „ , . • , , - BEEN But.when with , powerful glasscs he has fathomed that depth of blue, P itl. celestial, ee** space like • Herechell, cantaloup • las tsatly becomes mathematicale„. into order, mate i • and the mighty se s lunges w iderful unity The diminutive bulk'. r , swells into an inconceivable mass e „ The eye tray of worlds that ale, the e e d ' ni • b transcended by the vistas whichar opened beyond into other system s. We behold only the "vestibule , the w in bee ere eze outer si • , court the r ival” 4ee;,, lorg- e' dtaiwt. eta ' . e freTted b"g al ' ales ub w reeede beyond " all ,vhich pretest knowledge can assign. • ' F°r, "Id one of our iiii°s; learned not know as immne?. to us once. that science of itself furnishes any dais - diat the eeteana from which I could draw sin induct ion Y „ 57e^ien ~ g a ga, ...What. -velocities -41Lettne fi a t ' a ulumu ccuracy of movement tee le" len* ,kgUrate. s " r revolution Altod txtitz o • :world -scenery, what le sue 1 Can lie comprehend the forces Intl they nice adjustments , , requisite to guide each ple net tn its tra j ec tory If he cannot, let b u n learn been" , from the weakness or his powers Let him w alk v." hum bly. set up w 'Let ,hini learn that great l 4 a haswalls of separation, le sa i d hi his proud intellect-thus far a nti no fatther Let him own that there are -mysteries which he cannot sol ve-b ee ese e ra s hidden by a thinker thhtt_ „../ e from his i n t raranent wad,, h imse lf, who by ear 7 - WiS iffente "'an h the tsetse degrees of wisdom overate vast chum of spiritual lite between man libd his Maker. With the spleen of I Vtlitille, WO feel si- Mephiateldi_ . „ s e•es crnn cuttingly against • most in te ,, tate _ daring to boast Man —lifilieft no d strengdi, -, and, ex° ° en Frain ant= to decay. Wm rhs kabbks en sifter. Sparkish Writor,l'im*awaY" such a comprehensive Not only his `' of the Itittimal: m e l t o u g h t t ti ng, inade'lutelY ""mPr en d eve f ? a ' i ahai bet'he leans the lunuhatm el l i g n set _ him the forces of ilatinewanentl! hoed it alititht , 224 le. " -.b 'M auch being In muds *wit•there wer e no drew to existence. When gravitation the tower ofSi e laun , the traversalir la mop to ve whether ,. Of ebtldren were Per" my women ° l drifle ball depart from the straight impressed by 1110t100 n„ . a preilident or a its Inertia, te s r - c 7 4 id b ecome harm- P GIs, °P° if t a W I o n 4 21 ' 4. 1 n ` arlok or it -or -or a if dra i ne d by a Socrates! COP at Mem' , How obedient most w e beau unseen in eneneell. How lionmd our kno w l ed ge. has edge With'tte as much truth as PePe told as of whQ would o NoWtoa IwW O WO W " spa." "Slwir know it How li ttle what we PlaY; , to. Tot unattatied, and hew much 11 7, 1 3 , ember neatteinahle Yet M en a r u . &ben do his *height , ' eitY, nat" Has Do h t to'have, bees thus so and so pee A" Ls Place and that; he duith e lanalthul a Ge..adieu creature t whore max* , and (gale the tide., „.Gesisesam•-•••• orb to tau, irwoootthe Platen' Cetera ad 'rum-awl ragdat° "L T • Go twirl etesnar widen. bow to a ~_:~~ti OMEN ;' 1 . , . , :•:'' 4 t? . ;!4 , i , Y, Y'3` ` ~ ~. ' tils',~ 1 jy I;Yiti f ~ "YY__ J, s::Ddrs::;irt,',%4.' . '":' •$' ~4./1. • '•••• '; * - 4 1.3:41;4•::! ;4314.1 4 ; •Id ,r4t, , r,: ;124: it; • 4 f -1,4 ,'.,.. -;17 3 .7 . 4c;:::,• , ; , :1;: , ?.. 4 -. m, r,' , 1!" 4 :::).%; ~ it k {t , ... , , , •,' 44.... : : -..,.„ - ' , - ';!,--,':-7:1:41 6 ,` . ti•-ii;i4 . , , e , 4 1: ;:- . ;;. 1 ‘ .11:;•, 14t( 7:, 14; 1;1 1 :;• : ;:11: i 7i. „.• .' ....e'•' : l..: 4 : ' , li t t :: ti .`hit04:0`...1•4 • ^ k',..,.": 4 t - 9.N. i •,40:ts , :..71, , 41.1=411,V1-A'4.: 4:APl'' ' '`f .. !' l. • ',,.` , ibtk...:.* , i*: thy''.;' ~:54, 1 '44.; , - , i.:;, .c.!.....441.Vr..;', 'il.' , , .':' ,- .0 4 :: , 4i , ::•:-:'c.7.:: ,7: -- g•-.74 , :::i: , ,z34-:;. , ~,.:,,..:.y.;;l:', ' ,;; T : . !fii ttf , ,... ilt4i.i! , 0411. ~:~Y~.i::':' .. :~ , cti . MEE - -lira . 4 be it foot things r' ~ -- Aop idal am orifi th e groatwit, And.lbeY pus-beyond barn* aue 4 or nom w hich but her oun P! il6 . peeheofialt': ga wtonol avian spirit elude elude our ' jual ium does subda o,oor.bie.tr f '. - Ni* on ly .r, hot' Irma.. Ai ieirit :hie .•'' ' othqmm--" trosalr'' it less r : 1-!m ro d e T.... its 'essou" bear --71* 6 boos,* ia Itt mi. We out. ;,`, ~,. 'doted 1 , 0 be • =l'll by Ilidh4 mi. '''' . -. 1..L 166611 ith us 1 1 . dat. d/e....g ..... .. 7"- jeer ed to our hourly inspection w" t l i n i:72os . 1 - 4 %Zia : , of the, spire of inns the gale." The 1 alyta's7oAree-r *Tr' to- which • ...tfirsavoico-4is or r a i lreldffeg the rose,. a the fra -err in - s i x thetnieg Y that a Ric • swinge ..631 ii- • ; bar o f slaciuna• 'ek should d , ex. Oorts o f a tioYEDuesstool Vr"sire la"is lbw ooAkeee he:: ""- '';' '..oxlre.'-g/IVI reflect= iisr = o l l ' l c i vi e ' ',Olin' l e d tee to view with ride Ana .-' -j` eller 1 loathing, .., beembotd° i,„. ."E- 4 , Frith 1 3' 4100 4 3 es of fo re lire lima the ';;;.' • ~ the high spirit- an d ovet.*lee Or ..,-.7 f' 1 free=will . certain us. , Let them r , , " luny, which i,vud ore g unto . ~,, their feet w-.-,,..,..:.-, ~:r!...1..„, base ainestbeglos lel secrets; 11 ,711 ski 613,..- toUtir Letllol p. :447,1. i ~..1 3111 11107 15,n-other roitesie- • hi . ] 17,-;-- ,--,,z- 10wf... 166 with low e : ' . ' tloboltr eternitygo, birds. .. u,,,` "... ~,i ;•••"" }~ r ;.. •. w, I~- ;~ +~ ~~ , _ wummo= .rift6Aw ti V , •:; 4l # - towsisard" y4fai e legsdethig ' • • .f3taiir,:rotany .felsefritystems„Of ithysiu admetsphyeits hive perplexed' minple:lidedeCehtistietia; bedauie they were eructed i4i-' l l. F ttitutoption* gathered' from beiroad the iimit,Of hmosut eiperience and experiment.- That limit moat -- exist. somewhere ' or else - man would possess all' the'knowlidge of it g0d... , ; Clearly to .distinguistr between .what- - can-be knciemitild'arlist Cannot. be knooki,,,beierina ihn:eeitain and , the ;a& etrtairofnidd*citteg,freene k ron a the wiles of -many.* 'deceitful and foolish theorist. Succhhe in our investigations,' and accuracy pidlosophizing. can only', be attained by' eaerCieins otinselres upon theingitirnate dli . bjects of htunitit innuiryj they are-sufficient to tax our ability eau' alkaling deadietniuniaidsOur attendance as his ghostly court. We must; although it, is .haniniiiiiiikPoelpone. fall reatisfae lion on manyttubm' ctientiPare shall hare been'graduitad'iltirn this pupilage state. Then as we indent upward in the:Myst/- I cal scale' of being, we will look back QD thq' problems which perplexed' us: here, and See clearly-through them with the piercing light of a'higher_life, Then: Still-eacend to. gaze upon loftier disclo sures.— So- the-eagle pluses fora us meat in its towering ' , pride of place, to 'cast ii'glince'of: disdain" Mille sinking earth; then soars away to its ..eyrle',in the Sat while we are yet."in the bedy," we should . achttowledge, with the spirit of 'Chriatians and ~philotiophers, that . the -revels - flout of , ihesethiddett.thiugs is fe: served to • - thai, Iciest state, and 'Should re.verentlr listen to the voice of wisdom chsrgint us j, ....The bliss of Tnri. could pride that ideating find. Is not to actor think biyond tneoldnd." MEDICAL. . . TO TUE - BICH - ANIE'AVFLICTELY. . Dll.. SWATXMOI -- - : . .. CiftEKT, llOgnst ,ClTS adfor C ; ~OVEAV • . • • .Rm ' c,,,.... [ 4.4.Ceisaiko;Cordo; Asthma, Dionchill., User ' Cam Ppitung Mood ; DARentry Or Ittendang, Panic the tilde and Oman, Palpitation of the Ileatt,lnesenta,Canap.Rrokentkinatitation. :ore Tanaat, Nervous Debility, and all diaearea of the Throat Rteaat. and _Loans; the moat efeetual and : .. '.. • . . .peOdyeareeverbsown for , • - . *aro( abort deem., ~., . ~ '- COMPOUND SYRUP:OP WILD OVARY. ; MIOTHICR &Oise terreibli. , --Read ..wlth paten :daunt the wonderful - titre • performed by . Doctor . S•rayne• Coinpociod Syrup or WILD COWR , Y: . - r - ' • Puttiebetraia, !mini,' :4.'1, IBIT: : . Dr. SiiWyric;,-Dear Si., lat intim to yostbuslfend . dila," I ewe 10 - reredos hasunity,l clieedisily; ere voyeintisaiiny,'ln4 ' declare to the world "the - : roes: miteithddie alum, and the great core your Colllnuad I IDIP.9f Wild Chao Parfothied ,emu, ander Catena/ untamable etrzemsnasets. I was mien whim violent Cough, Spitting, of BlibbEm , yernPaiiia in the Sjiltkand Dreaspothilih,seuried 'total . taledigniandeeettlakty toeatitotian,aothat i' r:gbrfatitin thought my,cass beim* the powefor ; jab., Mid my frienresll gave me upto die; tot thaaks to yea mid the erect"year great discoyo . oh ry. I. new feel roYmill • well man,end taishil from a mere •skeletou ton fleshy and - healthy a man as ':I bare been farms, end doll beplearied totin lay lamination respecting my' can, by calling at my residence,Meeltaniestreet,third door below Georg*. atinet,Korthers Liberties. -..laces Piderzu. Thifinianifis new reared from ail'roar*: s o ..._ • The '100414 letters are resented .tub a Mew of more oily - showing the opinion. °lrbil:kin:lie realleito the Stedicabuiverif Dr. SWAYNE'S .COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. . Dr: Swam—Den Sir: flaring ma your Cm. pound , Syrop of. Wild Cherry estentively in my practice, I ` was meested by yoUr.Ageet, Doctor Lutcher, to.vraptese lay presort li .rrttrrg of De properties I. a remedial : agent, t win d daly, comply, as lileal by so - thong, L.•uchare is debt 1 maths conimasnity at Ink and - Physicsm io partladu:••As- mush o. I detest Quack Reese. dial - a nd - afghan eV moot piateatelpe . itonnm. mom- 1 11141.1 Jed irf ' t .matena make. in Mae cases el Diveased - Luighse, try your preparatimiel Patina Virginia or.Wila chem..' 1 t asuSciezdta nay that fwas so niediffeatieol .nrith,lbe, revaltinfthat and auhniquent Ishre;tbei I sow pre WO peeler , me to all otherflimodies wham ssupeeterant Is ....ibireabill....ln.tin.antelv dbradedPeetimonia or Dlalasear ttl"Al44ll.llWaimminlYrat ii iviiiik it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an leralaable - fiduledY' in no treatment of !hat Mime. .To all :,,,t,,, , !,,, , ,,, me 1 loteimiii v- h, nut as this may ••• W. ,0, 4 b . , mine, aufril m. - - L inty of Itsekrort. I mill brolly add, that I have en-armed in an active prattuee el my rofesdria of 12 yeareaed am a Replay Gnash, of Traterylvania, and this to the fiat Patent Moilleine I ever Monet eattegh of to , . . J. . &Uses, M.D. • - . :..11 . nu1 7., 1P1 .,, 'E ll34 lrilurosis, F ir Cmai rritk i ltll ." l: The obeys certificate is Pm ate of our Paula Mu Line( a few mile. from here, be jai:labia g yet/ g.os practice. and is considered a good Physician, and nand. fain be is, as he ways„a regulantradume. r.. • . • - : • i i D He. W. L. Carrtara l .. . - gr SM. A"the'q.* er •• ''' .• 4 ,' ' FroutOmTemperuce fledge. Now that Winter Ic upon as with its 'Madan train of Peleamic and Bronehill altettass,Coughe Cold., *xi let, , are would advise tilt. , aillictud in Das lime* Makia ilirembateltalel of Dr. Swarm's Computed Syrup of Wild Cbeny. i It will um tail to pee, rm a permanent clue. -The - reparation of tbis, medicine boa caused many spuriousibelas to be put forth under Its emu; het the preparation of Dr. Syrinte, besides being Ile GM ever aimed to the public, is the only one and. tan be relied on. The htheri whining *eta ter, Wild ; QumSyrup, 1 .{... Bahama, &C., are alFsperimmi cud •wortbl and contra mine 01 the rinses of the origisal pre tit; . Dr. Swayses .Coripound Syrup of - Vail Cherq. • .• '. , • .From the Springfield Expresc . ....Of tit thousands of parponed Fatativ e - smtam i new beforyi the peak; but wery fur aul hind to St he. healing virtues Me which they ire le, mended. Among the latter we are pleased id ' nue stand a better test than Dr. lioraynea Compound Eyntp al Wild Cherry. The - allotted is ,Mte vicinity are beginning to aie it, and to then joy they and in its use their hope. Ordure its recornmendatiase more than realized. Tn. afflicted need noi despair. While there is i i i, . there now it hop. i . i . : , • SinceliT i t , o o.i ti-r . T . 1 .1, Pll a ßlV ii . , , 0.: the i.„E,lbcrer hero a esniber of-a w e i ri n nlipled lad,. Meals get ep.oostruers whieh they loan combs Wild ebeny, mile ire called .Babluna,"lllltters,* and even Syrup at Wild Cherry, bat mine is the edgiest and only genuine preparation east sands, cm to the pahlic. whic h can be - peeves by the pub lic firm& of the Commondealth aPensayOunia. The onlyszlegaard against hapositico m tom that my Steam la ors each hottle. , -.: ••• ~... , . . - • - • 'DR 11 %WAYNE, Prispred.ufpbY Dr. H. S , at hie .Priaci pal Office, 'corner or Caner and Katt Skeet., Philadelphia. All Wild Chem posp&allino being lietztious Mid ceantinfeit wittiest bet soulani, . • For sale is Pibli wholesale sea Mail by , WM:Tiff/10,M Mart bunr. el street, - OGDEN &SiIOWDEN. caner; a& Wood W. S. JONES, 1110 Liberty street' _ ...' . -Sold also ; by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Carus & 1:m, Butler; W It fleslani n e, afar , cent Norma Calendar, Meadville; 111- Berton It 'Co„rie; M'Kende & Kukell, Cluelaadi Denis 1 & Bon, .Columbiens Miller , Brarennilin - Mum, F•Wbeelm&Fiti.; E DiAioririCraehrordi,oll*, Dr E Buteny & Co.; M. - Loeb; J S Morns .It Co., Loaiiiville;Ky.; Andrew Oliver. .&.*Co.,i - liew Or , • lIRITOATANT TO TIRE, li&DlZlS—Canwee - , ,j, NW Cream,. • pingettle•• ankle •4f We:nowt& Ileum and Seminarian of tie llair.. This Cream, whoa woe tumor& will eapersedoMl Odin minales et the 'OW now med. Where Um twirls ifloo,haralLituni ea; halel l' ' l • t r oll u"' napes, a nd llri l l e a s tr. wilt niil llra y. appearance; and will is itomain a. &Miaow sod Minim color twice mitring as ail the preparation. which are ausrally med. Every lady and geallaame who are to the habliot ow& oil. oil skeit hair, siosld es owe prelim a bolds of IM Chloe. lb& Comm, as it im so competed th at st will tea Ware/he Wei*. the other preparation& boil will beastify ft, and gensperket sinsfsetlea lis wiry names.. •i .• i •_...,_-._ ' • For tenimony lolls Irony meaner qualms.. me the tallowlag letter from Rev. lir. Caldwell, to lilesers. Ilendershott & Stretch, Nashville, General &pots for the . Letter lleI Ie rma the Rev. R. Caldwell, yams at the Pria: bYienao March. ftenkt. • . ~._ . . ' - '., ' .elawtri.lleadewbon Cc Sisetcle-Creatlement ll take' eir k itrres i it at th ir; eigent " . rigis f lr i Ctitom " ..ll7l; ' Groh-lay abort two year, op say bait woo mai tin', Witty...ll disported to'imme oats pal kairlog premed - a honked she QM" fad ailed it accantiag at She pre scription 40 y - hale liaowitositt elawre acid Ann to the Yea& ' Alfaa Saimaa Mad eile were applied each leer' War ay. is • warns mato than beton. ?This Creme, how.war. Nal! Mae ' kr slie= 3".m ay wititiriVea # rei.W; .4 Ma ems e th er& beltsidelteassly pentateil,lit d cos dispeacal le rsieidlif - The ladies espeelallrerlll lad lhe Chimes Cream is be a Amideration in Met FM. - ' satiate toe Me tones. .• iteveettaily, ite. - - i , • ugl eari l y. 7,1317. • ..• di CALDWELL ...... minitemide and wall, lo Yittaborgb Py /Win • r. mimeo& Nand Market a irein,ead JoinMaliter, corset et Wood and MY ars: .. ' '• • .•'.. &SRI - Tog IngglidLl44.llllolllll sootratniam . 17{ THOSE neadoanasa coat gout Lanka gnu fair gagggro , ../Ahokn ons innanagnOt lAA WWI erqu and b -moist ,Ing ram an wand in ea any MISS in a easel-the gnarlngo MOW dad, WON wean along tree Leahen non, and WU gond Ono. Wet Blau and Ly. w, mageogren Sore, In Libor it.; a seaawsisulsoidy .001 , 0 umbv6.l.3* tha lIKTIIBUB Inaba annals- jkinde UMW. ardWRINIVINse Bm(gn W taint doarnag,: 1.,;v1;* T ea Dew Ito tau ala • *-"." A agenda 14.41100"" - rin mill au iu• astsg o o Aoliost • kledabr <11 . ( 111 ,:. °""Im ige a box emesunvouz. , da yow ibbrff s , 111.,. .13•14 'MA MS On' - trair-ifeassplibba.", 160010 N% . ' ' _ r often 247 2 ltrGigilin•Dillerreittgattlkel, PSI ; relembkl;-,Atikiiermlisaylea tend Ihwirswarislrecrescrefrhostand - bienelitel far IRON 4tAlLtriGi le the United States, to I •whick the attention o 1 those in woofer any descrip tni tion,andespecially tor Onticterlee, is pa rtley _ 71re piaci* pirt Will th e Madame Itallimpi st Wind -Dill. Monument, sad other celebrated memeteriesin Owing end county of Philadelphia, which hare been so kiOly extolled by the prank rem, were executed et that . matrafectory: • ' . A large Wasinitoom coutected with the estib lishment, when is kept constantly on band a large 4ock ofreadrenade Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron %Uwe', Omelettes, new style phis end ornamen• WLyon Game, with an estenviressacettmant of Don Pone; Pedestabi, hoe Arbor., Ike: Alm, Is great irarlet ,y %%might end CailleortOnistnents,mitsbla tor Raillop, - and "other . purposes. " The.mecriber would also state .that in his Pat tern end Designisi Department be .01 employed 'oaf of the beat adept in the country, whose whole rate etion is caroled to err tesioeme—forming alto. tether one of the mod complete and systematic es. tablishomm: ottbe kind in the Maim ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. , Ridge "Road, above Bnuonwood etreet; March 14, 11347.d6m0t egslllß liannitex potsciasea runny advantages over all A. where—among *bleb may ne mentioned, . blatueseahleacae—Therapidithy and Gwen( blow 'say be contronell•sejth the greatrat sera, whiie the hawser is in opernion,And the hanunes.laeY be id• etsmly armed, and. suspended et any height. . , Its -Universality, or capacity in erectus work of all. . binds from the largest to the smallest, trader the same to elimplinny,6sitesetneve and Cheapness. ' Abeesstlnlity upon all sides, by the workmen. Allthe hammers an mile BeltlActing. •' • The subscribers cantina., to execute oven the.these hammers, of alleitstec tenantable terms. ' .. Fat farther panne nitre -• Assignees er the Patent 6rthe United Pates. .: . ,..„Inultwask Foundry., Plaited'. DERBY 'Ek'NIUKERSON, .1 • Minufaciirers of .1 Awlitres, alumna , 1101i01114 ':11..7:4013:4' , C0YE11.4 AND'GRAIN.UAGS. , :1 6 / 'ALL OCICRIMIONII , •. • .• No. ill, Routh Ppm.", Itattof 7 111igtnes dabinef Wart Mrinufy ' . • • •' • PIIILADELPHIA: A LL orderajell with P. S. Moon, ai the mac of the Ll Merehan 4 lintel, Pittsburgh. will he-ptompUy &waded C. DERRY : lyteKEßsoN • CLIIRIACIMBH I'.7ILUM aLr jiXtr CChHeaal A N si p s Pallaufdphies, tate of the'Leas of O d le Waticas. napeetfolll inform ids frauds ItsapoWio, that he has and will keep toostaill*airh4S4 - otahr iale,a - hal - Assam asaratmeat afhioestgle Camara Valletta *fall elites lat•haeriptioa. emad• to oath* at' tha atiaketrafpossable waxer, sad executed so bela Wind s or alleated anateriAL „'. falahly 'MEDICAL. 2 • 0 DESERVEDLY CRI•rUNATruT.IIROWI- ' •THERINEL MEDIICINFX: CiONSISTING or, bis'Pruphylactit Syrup.. nes NJ taut:routed, torill COSICINPTIVZ and :tennis lona affeetionr, Couib Sint?, Croup Syrup, Can can/sated extract of • . Sarsaptrills, • decidedly superior to 1111 other ettracts, hYtiinaflven relief when all others have failed, brio, Arough a kinw process, morea . eosieentrated than any other ever onbred , to the' ASTHMATIC_ 'having parreaseit cures of that stubborn likbiesaavaduilt . more dun learn standing, *avast elands without a rival intim( niusindreaded all eases of week , hens hipaio, sod aeonaplete abbatitute for blister:. i.,TObC. bIIXTURS:, an infallible 'curb fiti eAlls and revere; and indeed in more of specific for fairer, of all kinds .than bark -or Qsi.. Or. Rose's INCOMPARABLE. VERMIE.IiGE, where kgrorn, is used in preference to any other .Yennitugolneparation. . - Dr. Rose • 'L'O.NIC ANTI-DISREPTIC. lot nil diseases al the Stomach and bowels, Cludera 16. ructions; Sc. Too high 49 encomium cannot be ppaanpeedd on the merits Cl this medicine, iu cure .1 Disperiglit. Mitten Pleemis Oat „remit' from weak:- Stew of statue' ci Oa digestion.; Rate's. IFEAIAER tal.l.S,in moil aloatile remegylor those general complaisant° which fe auks are, subject.. . I • Rog,'. TONIC ALTERATIVE RILL. No pIll• ever - befine Mimed the . pnbliesa happily wahines the qualities ef"n iQal ak an anti.disPeptic; LIVER or Stomaciain torroct tag dwee disease., -and • thereby paeans con esmptiog. youris Lady 2.5- years °rage, having ediscuedl i ter for some _time, her 'strength pros "tinted sad appetittrguteonti conipleteiy• restored •in az snails by the use ci • the•Anto slispeptic, mtg. taggiM thipsealls alone. • , Dr.M.vdomurtita r tmEt.itslsOtit. 1..141.NG LPIASTER, tor oreakneatol the bact,side Input/hie; • .0r• HMO SPECIFIC EPILF:PSY,Ibe moat crr- 1 fain remedy foralt eases or 58 conralsiono . wbeiherin Wants or adults. 4aka Certain slpecine Lit I° oo 4 11"4"1 that the'inon Slane ales, ,_ .... thoiliAloset loig,staedieg, Faye ylelded'av once. . . ihNitOW*SHVAllaltjaVlTVire..A ll6 . F. 141. • ...pond was ttseor• area, sag kw wryer tailing efficacy places id efficiency above ailatitarkk foralwoure of Insinstiwn. • • . . • . Th. Row!! ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, • et nein remedy :let spi sisng bloat, indeed for dtselscsges of blood orbegles boas Lam, bowels of oases pato of the Dr. Smell SYRUP (or Cholera and Beier' eompLims —Thisisisime wfßeleclotGy cure bowel esamialnut, Dyseatery,Cholent Marble...and Choler. Al the tose the Astute Cholera was eigobr an rhiladelphia n wen lee dst be Moment smareasfal is turestins it, eating Mao motile 0( b e those WO Coed MI. • . • Wax roxy be said M on b e r of thew remedies may by 'said el all; their, value will only. be appreciated be those_Vdro try theilt..:-Lextershomitove who have been 'twat of the Miceli catlialtai• that Mllet the hum body mien be given, bat we and erdling to sell the =Menu the SOcrilS of tbe ecespeends. We have • 'panatei SetothWin it. various brew. , condensed and eilethibss that Ito beeline podret bad astonished many— &rue of Cancer,occornew in the wife of the Leta Guenter of Delaware. woo completely cured in a few monks. The mime had been twice eel can by prominent Stuccoes. sad renewed earl( vrihh ioeeeooed evallenhy, yet notwithstanditoy the debility of Comet. tine and removal of the soft pans, the ate of the Pee r.. ManftlFtely reserved every' vestige e( the • Casem • Innaseirthlit of the vumeo tare. that have • Ibllowed i t ot me or Mese retard.. are in tor pores. Men, at ile not deemed eceesMsyto mniverate them . as theism of them will reeemmend Them e to all. 1. SCHOONMAXER, t C0.,-Pk. el Wood Sweet ArentsTer!ittsbardb. • u , • neldly AriOingOkrrt . ON, A nair.6 1 47.0.-TO th an iirltk-Dlatimastamt tba Lung.. —This la Windt/ to Mow MLeted m 1114116. Otet pre. mmitot7 symptom. of C?114•11SpOoilobat A hale leen 14044(0r several fearsailtla ■ bronchi, mecum of she thMat and hoarseness. I asodsasaymmileinee,but /mad Mi relief in any preparation of magetne, until I Mit* tisti•;or DR.. DUNCAN'S !EWE:GIN:HUNT IMMEDY: l lave been attar thIS ealsabla coed/else for irl.lll ' resits, and.always lia4 it to relieve whet, este] mate am of it. My oemepatioa as in Attu... err, which keeps me almoit stagily eaaaired, cause. my disease, at times, to Lama= eery ataiming, when I 'at eare'preearethti medicine: 1 sttrrefore mho pleat sate m tasking. tits pebbe itatemrei, that others Wren; vrith's dl. re a( the leap and FIPCebn.S; mimes Pay know, thecirirtaes: of *4..311 Malin remedy;' and mat , tie_nrciatt. , ,lhaee reitemiMatiett Dr. Duamart'e Antreeqratti.itiettietly. tik.ismay of my (tirade, mate of wholitnie their live. to this medieloe. • - 016140 )AVF;ititittvEy pieennoe or 11..44'4 meth ine would, aloe refer aeden/6 11 .4 , Pen.a.,..ie1e0 reidtbin ! Perry minty, ea 'wbosa rtaoa eviy ‘ eall blien sad be •eouvlanef derfre . ere.rneeog toned io tbe. above 'vee4eiiif Chu fie* be ereelie4 :} . David . M2lbeitio;eemetael; Dr. U. Non e idn; Frew, rota Go/iter,:Jaekaao tei'il.Laniatr,do.:lieo:Polben, B .kbeir tPi jeered Ltavieen - ,•'1110peioll • ro ' DR. DUNCAR4 ViVATERN 0FF11.'E,460 Syr.: more meet. Ciaele4ll. Obi.. 1 • • • • Sold isiPsuabereb by WAL JACKSON, Ee Liberty h.P I P T Weal'l - ' 9../_S4"T . / - 12211C1f 01XTM12.1% • . . • • • New Yen, Nov MIS. , 2•Genticreen: fame seven er eight months slime, n sore ,mase coon the bottom of one of, my fees, which was very palatal; I commenced applying the usual renterlk.. per sores: out ousweessfelly. the sore enntineed toast deepen and solved to the mu of the peke of my h.tn./; goot fralS had he advice of Ovarian. bat awl all the ialvea and pain extramart I could hew .4 and ran one of them leaf the elect *relieve the in or arrest the. progress of Me 40tr, there was eons= Intimation in it, wide end PerPrinal pain; and it bed settled down WM a regular fever erne,. dlr. Pioneer Stafford ef thie city, advised men) try lour Oituaseng I - leeched m the idea, bef mewl his Errol volielmtko, I concluded to try 0, intd Wray great relief end Innontstneent, it al. no•vmstomPiMMYy relieved the pain, rodected he lallamstalson,and commerecedaealing the sore, whirl, confidenuy end sineerely Where that It will cur nosy sore. If thoroogbly applied. . • • Respomfally SOWS, • - • h P4ii(INS Ferule hy I? MI:I:ERIC 67 Wood M. • • lee DRAN i n CIIRMICAL PLASTER. • Figs . Rev. Cbulee Menem. Mistletoe of she Roothll Mereh.'Weonin, late otAelnaltedet,o 1k0e..11. Hun. &To; Peoynelooe.olEA:RietW Chentleel Planar, Genllesnesti—Yete Hemel Your. I have haw time anted ihnvlnneeof,ll.,Dedut‘stawniest 'Plaster by uming it inlay amity its remedy for abet, inaunn; weskits,. and temenem of lb. but, pun m the Meat, loitunatton otthe Wont and eye; *goo to the tap:et and I take plosive in say its you end to Me llun to every emus I hue Riad it tetchily and I bellow thatvald Waster poottenves vinnee of more Mut wd Mary ekasseiveyancellnd It :will general. ty be found • entlelent remedy thoire• dimwit!, Or "Mich it in. recoonsendedoind te•Joialy entitled. the mice WelMoosup of an enlightened emonotniw. Wawar • . our. Indy. 10,160. • CIEs& MORTON. 0.,De0. _ , Bold by B Fshneoloek' it Co. , Melee rat it Wood walk. SCALDS' •'EIFFEL - MALL , /and . opeedilrt eted_by the toe • the Glut avotediint . fiatenvAMERICIAN It Mown atineldeltely redeem Ingleinnation, and eon+ Fecle ntaeaen :LlN waninted In all caws wleave no WWI or. • bold wholesale . atutWtail by ivia.JACKNON; at bui Boot and Moe Sion sad Plum Medicine .Wareboww, II Libeg • e • bt, bead of Wood, Pittcharga Ertre CO. tones n W Jeckson being tee Exclusiee anew for *twerp . renea l yivaxia, wee le genuine bat whet is wad by 111 M, ' w tc.a.-APitegibettaltalninliampleMeattomitc , with daimon.' and Wow, of Ow Pcoprleter s.d Nil nic=li is onvekuied with wrapper of each bottle .6 ofnettiConteti can be.beett afthe Minn . . "For abisaloaq yew owlet* lo makingOm or Mi. Pines Itanotoons Allkllloto_ toted womb from ntrpopailoadair meld Swathes-1 , I tun- Om& use of v.. variety et siodlolso,oritboot roestrinit mottlai tonsfa... Atom Ulm soots otado I tomitooool Nth* Mt. San' Malkipe, rile; MI ontirolY reliotod rno• ooldjty iu sionsep.amiteriotod pi to mallow UN. aw l 36 . &mai of toy triads aid serinailitiam Imo gado or. or tho Pitts, ao4 notottod nook bomb ,Iron NIL. I no tooldosee mootomend Owe. • b A kyyleit ri o t 6 "'1t ►6 .! , ? 14 IT.oto 0 1 1 WordorOolit oto.. Mil= ILCOLLEMILINIKOYMILICINBRiv ropERSONSzIfiefed with Se Miele, Itirrea 'ea ocer;fryllipelari - Old Mercuriel Dieuees, °reap:Cher coreEdulata miring from immictlea °talc bluod, are requesteltto read ..the tolloinnit le th e Proof of the wielder . Cat properties ol the abereesieed 11EA t lid.. REAM •READ!!! •."-' • W. the otideialvied,- having visited Mt. Iran &oohs, Jr. at tith OffiC, of Mews.. Roweled and Walton,l76 !dirket 'treat, Philadelphia, :dandle his ease the pleat reinarkahle.ene we byre ever wit. nettled or haaid.a. : • - • His illness. SuurSCROFULA,Ind terrible must have tout his twelve years' conflict with•the de strayer! •••' •* . , Hisralatelils e entire road' hlsinoitth,Nose, Up ppier Lip; and . loires Lid of the Right Rye hare been destroyed; his Fake nearlj oleo op, and put or the Jaw Rocio•narrind swap ' , And pulse can give ea •••• R. inlets:is us that in January list, the whole Interior Of his modth;oi well as 'most of his fans wise mats or deep raid tainral ulcers! . • ' ;On the larliorJantraty !ladle commenced taking CULLEN'S,INDIAN , VEGETABLE DANA.. ORA, which checked the disease in a few days, au. root that time the cure! bas progressed without in Unadision! , , • - • • • - • l'insr . Sedalia supplied - the place of the deep .1. 0ro; and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, led hia general health is restored., • •• -We us! assured that in the trestmcsd of Mr. Brookd case, no hleratiriais,Oiritmeints, or Caustic applications bare been j used,-7re rant, the FACIA DEA ALONE; has wrought OW wonderfilehasge David Smith, Reeks chunty,y, . • • Chsilei Itirsraild,'Mriadulle, Crawford coPa.. • J,W . Jiinei, I) South Second street. Phi. JacebLee;.Pemberten,lN J. . E 19' Caere 440 PLlourth, eboye,Poplar at, N. L. - S'lil'Culleagh;Lanevietriv.Pm. ROl Maddoc k'; 53 Nertk Eleventh st. Phil. • I C W Appleton; CI D 46 Smith et. .Timothy Caldwell, Marion to: Missouri. . Daniel Lemke. Chesnut 11111, Philadelphia co. Ps. John Harried,39o Highstreeti ' William Steeling: 51 D, Canute n; N. J. • - William Hale. 37C High street; Phila. • J H Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Tcetly, 104 'Ninth street. Phila..) I . V A Wollenweher, E d.-('hits: Democrat 1i"77 N 3d I street, • do • George W Mentz, Borah Maker, 317 Marker St. Ezra Carr,lso Chesout street, Phil. - A D Gillette, Pastor el Eleventh Baptist Church, Phila.. • John Bell, Erie Streeti l Philadelphia. (North Mier , taxi Mace.) Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine Street, Phila. ' Daniel McGinley, liessler's Alley, do Andrews:Sweeten, Camden, N J. 1 H Evans, West Phila. ' Hichard R. Young. Older,' 409 Market at. Phil, John W Ashoical, GO lSouth Sixth tartlet, do T B wagner.Lithographer. 116 Chesnut strart;• de B Eleventh street, do Peter Skeet...4l4Eom Native Eagle, do lie : ' , Bodine, ,Gfarit nannfarturer, - Wati imi ta tes N. William Steely:Farmington, van Buren co. Imp L U Coles, 51 1), Itostoui f ftlam. Russel Cantield,Plarstrill UMW* Boby 01 14_, bend:tome, Pa. Pelee... Wright. 101 l Moiketiatrert, James IV Nowlin, ltes k'iltrereet. mo. John Good, 171 Cipmet at. de' • • iVilllam Une; Pm tor St.l'au l'a M. L. Ch. Catharine I - John Clkaniett, yasior , tat'lnds?. ll'horch, Broad at, T L acre, Poldither or Pledge and •Standsrd, Phila. - • F P Selleft.,FAitur:Olire it Inch, H o yhirosn, 'Backe rm,L's. , • Wholesale and Retail by Roland 1.. Walton, Pro. prietoni. 376 _Market $l. Philadelphia- It E. Sellers, 57 Wovidst. Pitieburgh,.P.; Wm. T. • , ; 51 ..i .O. E Perkins, Slane W, Ohio; kratoo Sharp, 51irsvillo, y ; john Dativehoo er, Ctn., Sid tic gee ves,Madison la; C Noble. UMW. ville:K 1'; Deverouc k Sr. Penton-, St. Louts, Me. P II McGraw, Natchez, Miss; Hardaway er. John aton ytelabutgli,do;,Charlea leeWai, New Grime • ocii JAVAS.II EAKILY 313CDICINE1.-- LP -1l toner principle in itie atitnagenteotonbt. pane, millet northing vr Leh we find mamba petal:oola in mkt/gallon, inke of toddy to the, pohlte. Mote of Dr. Jayne. theL!itines we Loire lard in family far many years. rot inane the FATEL7ORANT i the CAR NINATIVE. and VERNIIIFUGE,.wench we know to be. gond Gar Me complaineutber protege to mire. 'We were on fake Octane Melte" eaMniir.whenseveral of ..,ttevell,ng,neljaniolo.. (tam haring. in Western New Vork.drauk. or tasty day I, the brimstone water of that region. worn heath tinseled with violent Var.: Mrs, ,and Dywatery. Ht. '11: hsuipmeided hinted!. pentode to leeVint helm, with eTbe emerminm•e of in Jayne; * and in an cum of it, me. among fire gentle.' man, it was satemeltil "In cderting • etwedr eon. The EXPeclOnlint we bane known wed etnang nor jimmies grimeda withmtiald eaceettai and we feet that we Mind* a good act in Condom (especially those nit. sated aF thetstimant hace memo to inamedlate medical skill.) to sera/ethical to keep on hand Loth the Expecte... .nrat sea cFmiliatim The I•JP.unu. L believed by aammdd phriclanti mho 11w 44 tr i tze . cZe , rtmo n potukCed. The moon is, Dr. Joyce ter a hunt k. bat 1 • tegutal..i..f., x.i.b Jo biblical firact.oner colt, Hie medicine. ere tie by the Lest phmeßms. • . EZRA HOLDEN .•. iibtaroi AA Phil ad. SantAlay.Canier For We in Pausbncah at the pßias . TP.A STORK' .79 P.,mk a( P Sc s hw watt tzWn4 bud I of-at th ejcliuit Srw ' ACUCNCY VOR - PATENTS, 71KNOLS Cr' ROOMNIr, Mechanical Peginear and LA Arent tut procaine Pernitr, win Prefiare fn. ne erireary Drawing. and Paper , . roc A wheal,. (Lir r.- e at*, and tratiriett nil whirr :etalel{2l in Ore 10/0 a( hir pr.:Amon at the' Patent (Are. lie e, be metalloid on all queetarte telatiert tithe Patent tows 2.1 dee, moor le the United !titer or Eantoe. - Pe eon, et a distance &aliens of hating endraletiniews nude at the Patent Office, prior to analog applieirtion (Si palest, may forweird (port paid,eneWain; fee et r eiire dollars, a clear the.' eftee when immediate...nem lion will . bo amen ro and . &lithe in&rweation the& eartld be obtained hy • eisitiot theiapplienot In p.m.! hentornSy etnontnielned. - All le runs; on boxinere Neltet efr nom pond. add contain 'nimble fee. o here a written op.rtion le reeltertd: Olfrie on F. Meet. appetite the Pelee{ Ofice. Ireton the boner of referring, by pergnitainq. -Hon. Fdrarmd Nuke, Cornonarioner of' Parente: Iron. II I. 101alvorthi - hue do do' dn; Knowler4lllaehinter, Pateet OfSee; Cranebr Werhlnatoni . Ho. It Choate, Alaunehatetta, U &nate; Hon. W Allen, Obe. do; Hon. B Sow lin. M Mileentif How Willis Ital. NeeVert; • Ruben 8019491 ahem% lion. B Weeve r U genal 1.1 Belie, MC. Mr..o 0i Cop, 11 hi Miraoorii - Brook., UN., Pittaborab• meld Attorney, Cm:mullor and General Agent. Mr:" fi . ; shat he ha• commenced the boatmen. of Agent for Saying and ultimo. real eatmo. in ibis eily,and snll devote a large portion of hie lime and attention to the leasing , letting and Idling of bouses i nares sod els. effletiklingr i in collecting nod dlsbereing tritiadind one !COMM and deadoids,and inialtendingka Agency tio siness generally. Ile will also engage in the aOltolit. lion of lonns,conitacti, etc.. and soil I (umiak authentic Informailim m relation tokbn etii t, iknaiitine and re sponeibilides of tenants the Of lonian his cirmonse ananalloance eminently qoalifies bias Ile rose be found at bit residence, Nei Alien sireet.unol 91-2 o'clock In the morning and alter Co'clock in the eiening, and at other hours at los office. Nn •Ai Ma/lifters street, dud done front men, NEW VORK. graiENENCN..k!on 1" Ali. Tallmadge, Hon Jahn N Naga Hon John Mc Ilan Ogden Hoffman. Al. den .Ecliett -M en 10. net, AM. Win V.. Mindy. Daunt Gnaws'. rAii.AVist I Nonni, unit:Muff . , 1111RjEriatolgt mod ben' raricy Overall - tied in !Ilia coy before—wade on the Irian approved r.onern lutdembill fathionahle Pa.oap pal.M. ono eflklnc , Al.o TOR CHEAP ROLL, or owsroni WAND. no. Jouot or nook molar of• all sixes, and AI an priefok. CatinUyllerebanta sod °Mem are tovfied to rail and eraaticte the above for tbetuvelves. cc all Mtn be mold Mimeo or retail, and a , lilrnl deduction made to wboleseeparehaseru apidly LADIZIII Who U. Common Prepared Malt, are . often not aware how 010014tnlarioun a, . the akin! how coarse, how rough, how "Una , . )u.:Onlr and unhealthy On skin appear* ad. aging prepared chalk! DeIIMILD, it It ilif UMW. ralltigillill•isrgarqu.• tic). of lead. Ws ha. ptepa;ed n tteaunfut ear/table ample. vahleb we call' JONF'd SPANISH MN WHITE! It it perked y Innocent.being podded of all delatanounqsalntest and &impart. to the akin at none val. healthy r alabarter r ellear, living white, antra same rune selloff at a torn., on flu- 'kin, making It von and Wreath. . . Dr. Duane Annemon, Premien:l Omelet of Musa chosen,. says: "Afmr.alysinit InneenSpitnish Lill, White, I find it pouvessen the molt beautiful and yaw n', - ea the same time Innocent white' I ever am. I emteinlr eeneonucientioutity recommend lot - n.e total .whose akin empires beautifying!' DOCIPPrice !Swett • box ' ' 11W•Dold by .WID.JACILDON, at his awn and Bloc Storm WMercy street, head of Wood, the vine of the Six Boat, . • 1 , • j 25 INVALUABLM VAMiLIr COMPANION la IX LECTURES on the USES of T HP. LUNICS 11,3 Causes, Pmentioa and Cure of Consargritiou Asthma, and Mumma of the'Reart. On the Laws of Longevity, led mode ol prenewing ante and fe male health, symmetry nod beauty; exposing causes and ems of thew diseases that produce Consump tion, or shorten life,ss /Inaction. of the Skin,S pine, Stomach, Bowel.; Ridtieysi Liver, Scrolala, Piles, Gyseelfalad Female Complaint... Its rule. easy. practical and pore, tore a guide tn. perfect health arid•lo ge ng 7 ( s Engravings, Mt mem. 60 cm. Posta % eta. SAMUEL SHELDON PITCH, A. M:, 87 at7o7 FIRO,ID.WA kr, NEW A „ I —ny person remitting Arty cents, free,milreeeive 7 . 1 . 31:4W 4 1 4. 4 t. to any part.. Tb. tradenopplied. ETJ=I!CMW . . :r i ot.. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY—Warranted to care,' r the•nanns .ey returned. Thigrmedieine is prepare d on In. •glon lismerpt, obtained from one 01 , them in the Far West, at great expease. - :Tbrise:arbe brow been fignailin with tbe 'lndian's, know that they can and de cure Venoms' . without the knowledge el Mem eury,' Halsam,er anythiag or th e 'Md. The ay. 'Meted have - now' an _opportunity al being 'bored withoa rite use el 'Balsam. This Medgeine in plenront to the Hite, andtyares an smell on the breath. • . . FSepared by ROWAND d. WALTON. and sold wholes:He sad fttati, by J.F. Swagged 376 Market Monet, Philtil'a. - •_ t Per Weis Pdtabargh by E Sellers, 57 wood Street: and by Wm Therein Market st: coefrdegT AAYNWS HAIR TONlC.,4fltivrior Uth . .1444.1 iiiikositaiiNly rimmed it 101.'mtlai It prefir .**-11.• but artick, .01 Wm, Calks. -ivilonitist art proimain of blew .of Renew bistro.* ieline halm boo reiteroll blies& : vMd, etrOsna.l.lloerVlllPdj. Oita feertlJa w *am who its I b#, to Dike • 4413‘iiihiTasiiiiiiinatidely . PittiVik at theAligsfr.ifilto.7 aal mmsarwl'. .ll :G1Megkebri,r4.01416701164.„,, ltAPA IT11111611 ; & 114111 .RO!‘t! Evitras rur rAti;F:r OITTIBBRGIr to MIRADA: An aecnkiose ~ THE tpablic 'are LonMerfall*lnforlaci thidihls Lima siis on or shoot . thp lath Instant, and nominee throughota the knoll; The': proprietors bare now planed a sopaßorelass or Pat tem and Rail road Tan •on daryoute, - ..rahh - antra accommodations, prhleh wlli gpve greater Want to trsseinla • A Packet Boat milt ahasys be' fapon, and the Pav an! peblie ate rewired trt call and ezatnize Meat, 1" n '" 44.lfttit ArsteDwoirkisr - Banc( the Packet" wilt leasethe landmg,loppeaite 'the'Untted State* Iknel,r. comer Penn sheet and the. o%loet. " L- 7.'77 " D A YS.• , L • 31' • For , o r omdion aPPIV "cod offlec,lMotaiiigabaia, - Doom, Wares miser , or td D Co • 1:eor Penn stmetamdCmtor Divricark TD - A - Dri - potrrAtrow - DO - . - . 1:847--M16ffit : . D. it.D.D . im.a. Dom. - . - :. 01 D Fir. P. ADLISHED 'IIirosPLIPORTATIONI 'LINE, ' A ' . • BETWEEN NITSBURGII. - PHILADF.LPIIIA,BALTIMOREAND NEW PORK. , VHF. stock of Iron line cons of i. double daily • 1 Line or Boats and Cars: ro ed by' theowelres,) which are in good order . , The * Aenbe . are preen. red to forornrd a large oprantity of Merebandixe and Prodeee with certainty and diepaten: Produce or Merchandise consigned to soy of the un dere:goad: is forwarded free of any charge for comanw Won °estrange. Iraqi:adios transonuerh ... f . ii inllUSltiolll. priapliy i 1140killeted on strictly ress, or apply to ee Proprietors, Coital Basin, Pittsburgh axcii,Ploprietan, ... 1, hirtl ß lrjahtladolphlo • in'N'',lt :4:gr"4.611:1"';. • West street,New York. TAIICE B. LINE. The bnainesi of this Li Sethinkid.irep - ing II ARRIR No 13Samit lON. TA. I No 111 North 1 %A' 11`%1; PITTHIIVROII • 18 4 •UOit the transpotintinrioll htstcl the Atlantic Gine, the way, and the eonnt Itrenkage and aerarattcogo ~~. r iFreletubeiweetiVlUsburi. voiding trall.hipments 1 rIA•of delay. !Janine mods. tiff! DOE k CASH BORI No '27 , 6 5 TAAhT Car Peon a O'CONNOR I. Cu, North IV kJ T Tal.Nettrr, 7 - Encouraged by inmeafi have added to their cock men. dewing the whiter. li wind (taiga; With reVart hy any other liar. T cif the palpable tape 6ority of and the great capahltr dn hoof C 2. at each end-cd ihe ted to enable the proprietin and acononnoilam theft co , the gaol tut lk KIVU gutty far fallen • ciantinunaceof Ilti .... gratefully acknowledge. All cOnaignmentr to'''. re -- O'Conciar vita Le feu and forwarded.. iNeatuffaut charger !Mil ..{i Bina , lmdin van glranami tied free of any charge for Clatualwain ad ring of riot av honin g . no Slaw, directly, Indirectly in ateaniboam, the inter ma of the cot:ogue moo nereiwacily he their primary object in iihipintig west. and they pledge thenwelveh to forward all good cortaigned to them promptly and on the tiliod aliV.ol grain term. 10 the owner March L 1.417 het utrert, l'hitatielpkuO CYCONNOR, Id - Wayne Ma, Pittuburich Merl, Uultimore South rt, N. V. j A V"'" bu , iiier. the Proprietors n,l extended thew mature , IA are vox - sere,l y mtu tliniatels uortatiumcd long lip,ietico et carriers, your orta of theeraieuey of the wart • Inn, are ilec•oharly 1,, COSI their enute.,-ments toruer, , --vonfideutlyofiering, the fume, they terpeettally i tinprouuge which they itow mom , INOMPENDMAIT POIVF ABLE BOAT:, 'LINE. 13th.. *ta i ga 1 1#11P‘NSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND NIERCIIANDISE 'JO AND FROM PITTS :. DFREILL PIIMADRLFIIIA AND DAUM:DORF: „ • ! E r W Ithaca TromMyomot...CD Gooda.coolgord motor moo yrtlt In forrrottro4 vnh• oaololoy, to Dot low," rormot rote.. MIR Lothog 1.113•11111Itd, 11111 d oottnutiorm promptly atarsoled Der (tom nay cora cAlrio for manioc or oamtrosttoo Addrrrs•uropply 11 A bIeASULTV &Co • Count Doom l'amburgh MIMES Ilaviag avary Imre, coaanolotta warehoor, Warc preparad to receive in addltioa itriallt tot m:moils lance RE:100.1/ of l'rodoce, Ae, on Sutra art at ow fates. . - Imam] ..• A. :tlraOill.TV &t:a •- CU'S LINE. 8 4.7 v xcLusivas fur the tranwernatten of WAY i Ca Flit:1011T between !limber," Bieberroill, John./ tonna, Ito Haler Street, Peteretrargb and all inteonedtare places. One Boat will lent. the wanton.e of. Me Anohy Ptuabutob, °Tory doii bbipperte. abrupt Octant! on hatted their itiunts fur warded witted. delay and at fait rate.., Th. Litletrao fanned for the /pecial aceetiatudaban of the way balloon, and the propnetnra respectfully SOileil• liberal grace of pain:may, • • .301, 300 N PI6IZWOIEV JOHN MILLER nAril. IV 'EARICM ...., RORE.RT WOODS WILLIAM rn..Tv. jOlkti MILLER, tio;l..nystlorgh Y. 11 . ,CANAN Jet!m•tomn Agrnys C A 54c AN l'ir.l.u.gl• .tErhAmAct.e. J J hteDeani, John Parker, Hoban .Moore, Darnley / kunith. Pitratinegh. • . 110 - .1T;647: riDI Una tie/t3 rumposador Dievnbaata Dago F o gi e 1 end' tiliehtslca, running daily between Pinstimgh so d ikage,,anoliviglit and peruetteet Cana: no., runniest be tereen*Aver na.l t and inn in et nit, arta. COl K.... Aniline Is.,!natbew Propcaen and Vera.!, an die Web, will In prrpetrett Ivan the rarliert opeo. On Of N3VI/01.1.011 to carry Freight and Paroengetil of aft po;filt. on theitletr, Canal and Lakes. Daring every agility, for conveying (cafe. and goo -1;1, ILEEL/4,PARita a Co, tkaveri /Ea ~ • JOIIN A CAUGIth:V, Pittategh do CM. Smithfield and. Water ata. opp.ite the Mallen/a: Haute. agrtn to Wheeler, Co:Miter & Co. Neer York Hadal. N Porta & Co. Clevelaud Jan A it rumen:or & CO. Dd r fOil Akaatel al W,lluuo,l lnwaole • Itrlaml & Cutlet. Menge ylrm Comer., romermown, l'enna Gra Kachalmyre, Pend. John Me gelhat, Milltown , do Wick it Acker. Greenville, • do Craig & Crampon. Clark wrilie. do g.*. Plumb. Shargehargh, Pa. W•C %taloa Sharon.' do R W eonninesam:Neer_ r eastlei mars RIILLIARCK PORT/USA:IG BOAT LINE. 184.7 onnaWORTINUe.- TwEE:N I.II7SBURGIIAND TIM EASTERN MILS, Om Won/ VOA ttalttgausstVi suprorsd method of carrying used liy . this long Esiablistrol Luse. it Dow so well known that de scription a unnecessary. Goods are not touchedon the mute, do , all transthipturns oreatrn handling is The Boats ate of Itehi draught and perform theistrips in Dons six to seven day.. The capacity of one Watelionnes enaLies us to sown any roulignmenia made in us. Reeesving,sioring, and advances (me <barges. Being fully pteoanth to .mat e 4.11,4 dr Nothing, we solicitconsignments of wecteril Pours /3;eon, Lard. Itader,Cbeerbe; Wonl,Feat hers, and other ankles tor sale, on whieh liberal advances will to, made and other utast lacilute. •lisnled, pledging our tetvins that any Lowness edku.leit to us shun he as p.thpity executed and upon us Nit Duns as by any other loon'. : JNOCan aIeFADDRIS A. Co al MAIN, Pinaliunth JAS .AI DAVIS& Co i all. unit '_:t 11arket l'hilada HMV, FORWARDING 6.COM U MISSION. MERCHANT, EaAt limner-Point, and itnid A nnivatr, 1111AVVR tOUNTT, rmpr;rtnr and Ara ni o,,, ana . a • 'LAKE ERIE MID nICHIGAN, OAMT likTW.lOl IITTSIIViIICAND •SATill, WILL he tneparedon C.111014{ speiliugo! canal nay. receive ~ whatflroalor in for a l nn Cot, and (tale Cana, bar ail po ' ris on ' aa ' x ' e rn e.. ' ;o " ,t upper Latter,aa also la fortrantpradure, .by Penn , a. Improvement.. Apply to or addeess edfdtf JAS nwßgir, Ileaanr - PITT - SHIMMY ic"Chk-VPIAND jaL 1846. IL Clarke. 11. Hoops; T. lt,elniand & Co. . CLARKE A, CO., foiwrarsllng & OF. Coes=*salon Illarchatata, AVHIL PA. 11111 E Agents and Proorktors of thi. I.ine (so favor. ably known to the pablie),arill be prepared on the earllist opening or canal naviganon to ferrite prop cry Pitutborget and Honver, nod deliver the .wuc at nnyrot on the 'Oblerc•rints, and alsoon Lakek Erie and Whig., With the greatest deapateh and at reas onable view. ' Th proprietor of ihw line oohed the buiinew of their former testament with confidence, knowing bet Wale facilities are woad to none. Apply to or addreas G AI lIARTON, Agt, pkwherth, CLARKE & Co, Heaver. • Janis T ' CIDIOND & Ce C ekeland. O:MX=2 T m Floatmen'sPottable Boat Company being die. solved, the Company again went into art icirx of Co partnership undeg the name o( the .110annen's Liuer and likewise glinted to refit the Stock was to bait a member of BoataTur the purpose of carrying goods through in from six to aught days. with eerteinty—and feel encomfgrel by the liberality of last yeas'a patron age, to make snore extensive arrangemenM for the en. suing year. We would therefore empeetfelly Solicit a Conlin.- ..woof our Cooker inttrOalt and refer all nettreumemers to those we have dens be chess for. , . 1.847. Mina • .For the transpottation of . ALL [IOD OP IIIEhLIIAPDI.I4 ., TO AND [ROM lA, Plarnaloss. Na or oat, ano Boarort. SAMUEL WIOIITMAN & Co, Corner Libedy meet Mid Canal Bum. Pittsburgh. . ' A I. GERHART & Co, No 3113 Market 'veal, Philadelphia. • •NI,ONN, NEWTON & Co, Arend, .• • t Ilalidoore, AN. , - PIE FEREN • PITTSUUNCIII—Jar. McCully, Gen, Moron & Co: lV McCullt&Co H . A Elamyrou &Co, M &Ilea &Co. /.11ILMIELPIIIA—Morris P•ticrson ACO, Reynolds McFarland& Co. Pinatas & Roaby, .Potor Wrtsbt k wan. J JUrbum..lacyb &au. NRSWlORK—Gundlitte & Co, Theo. Pray k Cll. • IlltrTFON—Reed, 110 d k Co. IiNCINNATI—Adams k Creagb, W W Surber- . 14.4lT.X.ASANTi VA-P A hm e rui r . • NASTIVILLE—F Fleming. aterchandln from New York and Ikl consigsed to A I. Gerhart e on• will be promptly fonnirdod.lSmoicemmlairm. feldlb LIMO& & C(111; . Package IC zpre Jo Phi l adels.td.. • THE omw Deng now omn,•-• the • Erpvitli wluch has been e MEl L Eaueyanels K valuable pg.:Juges et lso spode. bask ke caw ', M ated As ails Tkanday,ldarch hoz Qom wiU bedlapstolredlally OW the elm etbeoaten i V a - ' Pir:Clist.sadkeital -'--~11 ~' T~ eans M==2l =3:13 tAMILTM 'newt an ii aleodid'ilewael aCpt. Clwarlaw Iterapit,, ',menet, IseV tevalar trips Wits da leaving paw bargli atft o'clock, and Sealer at W'eloda, mammies enth Plitsbargh and Pe d Line of Cad nal Beats daily to Cleveland,o4 Bea ii.Gtotren and Cleveland Um, a Cutal Packets a Pae Stade 'Coact. 'daily to Wane, antratvelsed;,Canal,ttet Lowy to New Castle and. Greenville, Pt; Die Patel:Wen Line Make Meadville nod NeilrMoore es Co's Lines of Make Coaches aw,Cleveland awl Wooster. leave Bei. wee .daily on the arrival of ateareiwot Beaver from burst • Appl to • " 3 - " • y r: at GARTON &Go, Pilisburgh• • • awl CLABXE b. Co, Bearir • . . vN A os. , ... nfirE, .. 1847:.: , ..;ir l= Z . 111 1VPVT,..,.... , .: ~,,;0,1,0c...,.., .DEVri PITTrIBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E N PAFIXES &Co, Cleveland, 0. R PARKP, Beaver, Pk. • I Proprietors. R T MATHER. Pittsburgh, Pa. TPI igdTo°,'. - e..e.:'.77., c“"' Vd.t.`d„r.l2Lut l ' land; any lair, milts Pennsylvania &Ohio arid Ohio Canal The fan ilitif said Line moot enimiled by toy en said Canals, itnarnbers and capacity of Boats...pe- Hence of Captains. and prompt.. of Agents, 1.• sine Mat lea..; Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, Nln• nine in connection with the Steamers. ' gliehigan and Lake Enty hatireen Pittsburgh and Renver,..d a Line Of first class- Ereambouts, Propel lers, Prigs and &Winer+, on Lakes . Erie, Huron, Mi• chid. end Ontario-' Propony forwarded to any part of the Union . - With despatch R ED N PARKS & Co, Cleveland, Ago • . PARKS &Co, Beaver, Agts ' IV T MATHER: Pittsburgh, Agt , son ' . can Water and iirnithreld streets .SUSIMMII; ARRASIOSCiIiridIiTS. MIL 1847. WHIR idOZONOAILIELA ROOTE, BROWNILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO UAL- , TIMORE AND PIULADELTHIA. • Tune to Baltimore 2.1 hoar.. . Time to Phiiildeipblll• • • .... .... gn • • 100ty 73 Miles Staging.] splendid and fast running thernereCausul, Loth Is McLane and Swam", haw , urnamenced ranking double daily trips. Ono boat will learn the Mourithgthe bele, wharf every mornittx preetsely.at Pas/tither& by . the nanrolngline will:torte in Baltimore neat evening in time for thy rhilailelptha Mud Boa:, or Rail Road mire. The evening Boat will Ware the -whirl daily at/ o'clock, except Sondem, Pasw nacre by thie boat will lodge on :board, eamthrtehle shoe rale; leave Brownsville roat TOrniliO at aaVioek; this toe city ountains holey light; and lodge MC.... ba•t/ od. Thus avoiding night {noel althgether: The prepitraum. on this route ore tunple.and the comieetion complete, no that dirappointments or delay. bo ua know. mina it. pir.oneere can imp on the route end remote. their mats again nt pinnoure. and bolo p ace of Rail Road or Suitnaboat between Baltimore Plc ladelphia. Couches chi:meted to pawlor to tr vel as the, deem& St./. your tteketa at the MM. e,17 onongwhelallauth, Or Hotel. ' • • J AIFMRIMEN f. 16 0 CLEVICLAR In. 1847. TIIROUGII IN RA II URS. PACKET 11011 K Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea yet daily, at 3 &clock r Y, lifter dip Orri.ol of the twining Boat froth Pantoh. o arrive al Worms :it time for the Mail Line of . Sa g e, Which leave strimillii melt' thereafter. and arrive at Clovilood e. v. This mote is the moot expeditious and rontrortahlr one to the bale.. CO rEs A LEPTINDWANJ.IVaIten, Prove. REED, PARRS A Co, Beam , AM... JOHN A CA UtillEY, minim Water andßmith field eta, mi6ly_Oppwaito the Monongahela Rouyn Pabilianth PITTSOUROO AND OILICENVILLIC digib i al 1847. -rte hT AND PRE:1011T LINE. erlllB•Lind, runeisting of fretgbt and pasnenger Pan& et, will tau i•egularly during the reaeon between Bearer and Greenvltle, Pa., by . *theft Creighi ann pun Arngembrtureen the two point, V/11 i'be ens nen prumpne and nt the Amen% rates. WICK fr, ARCHER, Creenvife, Aunt CRAIG & FRAMPTON: (31111•Viiit, do; McFARI.AND & KING, Big Bend. do; • lIA VS . & Stutryeburgh. anl C AIALANI. IRntron, do: tassuttszarm Iflir): PARKS t do; JOILN A CA Ill:II tri.cArner %Vette Weitthli th tlegd upfey Opposite the Illonougahera ijoame, Ptheil,rxo CLTIZEM PORTABLE BOAT LUIZ Ilhigat 1847 ' WWI FOE THE TaalfEr1r1411101 1 1: . OF ALL KINDS OF IDEDCDANDISDTO AND FRAY, Vllallsoielphits, italtlanciae, alear.Vork arad'llostom. THE encouragement this line has received slam, an romniencemeet, has 'induced the proprie•• •torifo increase the stock by adding a somber of first elan boats; end instead ofgivingreceipta as hereto. fore as agent. we will give our cwt. receipts for freight shipped by this line. : ' The host. are all portable, eremnently freight is taken the wholr distance wit out .tranahipment, thurrby preventirilt damage Don frequent handling 4 Oa the route, and as-each box is! owned by the Captain who runs them, which a sufficient guar entre that there will ba ono del on the torte. • . All Produce pr.blerch • conalgned ta- 11.6 endersideled will be forward .FREE OF COW MISSION, for advancing and [warding, and will be shipped without delay at the knees/ rates of freight. MI 0 revectrally solicit a share of public. lair,.T runt. it'ALLIMWORD & Co , Canal gamu t Pittsburgh. CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. Agt. Broadtreci, Philadelphia. ,I' MILLER, Agent • 1 , • Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore. Pittsburgh, Feb. 184847, • , - . 1846. AND 1847 TO THE OAT BY MONOWIEWROUTE VIA PROWNISVILLE t CITAIDERLAN D. undersigned are nosy prepared us forward pro .l. dere, be., to the Lavern Mathew during the ewe thy Water, on the mow faeorable terms, by tbis cape litho. route. 'All propeny co:maned to us win buroreearded at Me lowest rates and with despueh. ".. blembandise reed by this mate Ornuiptly . waned. cetvfor wank J C lIIDWELE,'Art li TV CARS. Ornaumillo. E EIiERTON k Co:Cumberland AND 1847 OMME TO TIUS EAST UT BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. lltsa . hsi , ..ri l b i, e .o rs , T F II receipt Orate delivery _ of P Pro- Td the Monongahela ISlackwiter d an the following poem— Athes, Bacon, Butter, Lead. Lard, Pork. Tallow, Whisk< y.Chcese, and Glass—bn eta per 100 HZ. Tobacco. Hemp, Flax and Wheat—Stets per too lbs. Ashes, (Poll-Apple& Cheese, Flax:Seed, Glass, and Leather-100 eta perloo Ins . ' . . • Oils, Skins. Seed., Wool-111Mo per 101 Ins:t • . Ikenwax,Peathers, Furs. Ginseng, .i/mt - Sualeirtoot —PM rte per 100 lbs. Alt property ronsigned locative of the undersigned will be i orwortled widow delair,. free of Commission, it: above rules. .W 11 ttl.Alliii.BOOMlSVlllt. lIANNA & WATEILMAN, Famburgh. homl^slif _ ..i.._. NOTICE. ' 1111:11111TERS and nthets wishing s at " i., °,..`:``iTll,T I ,,r',r k i-,,,1,.'",'" , !,."7.4.,.‘1%; and intermediate landings, cant muke artungemenis by calling on. me, or I have a float sunning regularly between Pittsburgh sad :Steubenville. GEO. II 11111.TENIIKKrilik, - • rug Steamboat Agent, 58 Water 1 , 1 '1,111: TEETH, BY MEN OF TROII. i 'IONC&RNINO sErA.Kns , VERA/ [FUG r.. -.1 tin g_i gla 0.1 producing wonilerk—Rena the I following from the Rev. S. Wakefield, PiPlor of Liberty rt. M. E. pitch: Pittsburgh. March 9,1117. Me, H. E Sellers: It is Crorn • sense of•duty, as well as with great pleasure. thou! hear testimony to the vir tue of yourrustly celebrated Venstifavo. I procured a single bow& and gave it to nirre at my children, velni bad been di fur several weeks. The obtest Seas seven years old, the Cent four, and the )oltagest eighteen' month,. the first passed fifty -11X IROMII, the SCCOOd . foity *even, and the third a considerable number not distinetly recollected. Since then they have been Seine well, and are now in good health. ,I Tours reispinlfully, S. Waring... • From the Rey. S E Babcock, of the ktethalist Eptre. pal Church. Mr. R E. Sellers: It is wipi great pleasure I would inform you of the gr.d effects produced on my sun of foul yrnt. of neer by Your justly celebrated Vermifuge. After his 'lining convulsions, I gave him three doses, when he passed an almost Increduable number, from snick titundsis general health has been impnredd. S E Hornig. From ibe Res Charles Cooke, of the Methodist Bpi.- copal, Church: Pittsburgh, December 14.164.5. Mr. R. E. Sellers: I gave a y.little daughter thetsreea three and for years old) three doses of your Viraufuge, according to prescription, with she happiest success.— Th number of worms expelled Lilo not know mei., ly, but It was lathe. She is now in possession of good health. I think the medicine may be loaf:dell in with great unresereednen C Coon. AB:hia Wermitoge bat never been known to tail is ny instaose, sok= worm• actually existed, porous Gold give n IP preference to ClA:Ahern. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, between L'd .1 ith, on Wood street. • For sale by Dr. Coml. Firth Ward. . nog COACH MAKING.. nom the very Ilhenl encourage meat the subsCriber has received vinto ffflite he has located himself in Allegheny, hsa Induced Me. to take a lease, for a term of years. on thePrepeny be now occupies In Beaver street, immediately bealp the PreaTarian Church- From the tong experience to the above boomer. and • assinsteplemo, he hopes to my, it ad receive A attars of public patronve. • Now on hand and finishing to order, ItockaWay Beg. glee, open nod top Hagwies, ad • every dmeriptia srtages made to ceder from aeveetrave dollars to r0,,,h-dtfl • D IN SOUTH. Fk Railllo,lV":.poi. 1 sing Oteuespots, Stains, or Marks bawl Cinches, woolle n s; Cerpeudice.ok, and rafting the spas where I. applied eles4hright, new, SS and Spotless. troldWith fall di reetlona. Pelee cents o cake or ßa d ol . d or br i. m.l . A . C 4 gS s ia'4=street, bead of tke Big Poet:. Vr _ Eremate Toinc—We Colllllnn ndoo the J attention of those desirous of restoring Melt lair or improving its heeittY, to this elegant m ttr epatahon. o ' hear it every where highly spoken et, end especially by: all those who have made mot iti surreally eacattione to stimulating the growth of the hair, and preventing' and coring rover ffeetions of the skin. , Its virtues are amply and m.tglelettily pnyved—N. Y. Ben. • or sale In Plpshar6 et the PEKIN TEA SPOOF-, 73Yourth et, near Weed; and alb at the Mug Rune or 01 P PrhirettiaedersJ in, Allegheny r tee • - C ems'e Wens TO" I ° , r4 4 .:VL'ul° paned upwards of re wromiet and by We weer raid medicine s child or 10 3` , M 11 4..ed II •in'traly the more sown , warm SM. 1 taut Mere MOWN , CO m mimes Towniktp roe Bee by KIDD re Co, No 110 Wend Mewl, ritul bmik, \..... - -• .......)---.-i-- 0.. • • ii-M;•:.: ---$: ~.,._ c, - , I •.• Inam. 'xii-li• .--. 1 \ '' '.. • ' ---„,i . , - - - A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR . . anzoarimust Asb ALL NERVOUS COMPLAIN:I"a. o WitanlTorWh eTier , ;;WQbeTeTillitt;Odt &ace their (pen sae tidy ascertained, . Let rot dell:mon, prejedice, or pride, n lodate mankind to set the/newts aside; • - • Means wtdelt. lb& simple, an by Heaven atrtin. To allevotte4he ills of human kind!, AN • _ DL'etIEURFIER GALVANIC RINGS p . . rrimq remarkable insentient. whichkma remtived the ' 1 =averse! approbation of the medical Magmas of Groat Britain, comprises an entirely new apylleationof Galvanism, at a remedial oval, by mum el which the ordinaryGelvanic Batteries, Electeignadkineetiebim. ehines, &a, are mantis:disk-need with; attil tholepins omm power of Galvaumng applied unbend any the bjection which are inseparable fano the gemnal mode now in ore. The meting dotes, and imagistar latemitla to which Galvantsmis applied by the Maelnuem ban been pronounced, after_ a fur and •imeantattiels lo be decidedly inistrieue.aud it was t 6 remedy this radmal feet that this new application wasp rojected. a-, ter uneeming toil and peiseverance, his been b ght ite present state of perfection. Therialeakis, • answer all the purposes of the 'emist es ores -etunes,and manyonter respects' are =roses • • carotin in accomping the desired effect. i• • • The Golranicßings used in connection entitle Mag netic Fiaidre confidently eigeltunended in 'aUdiion. doer which arise from on mirmlied or ...Walt .6.0 4 . tao 'WM* or OW tyska, find ibese•eompLnats are among the moat painful an, and auiversal to whichgeo at pie seldom. They arum, without exception. ham mei curie—is derangement of the Nervous Spitem— MA it was In these' eases that other 'remedies' having Woollen failed.'• new agent was greatly needed, widen confidently believed, has been Mend lathe proper and judicious apph canon of Galvanism. - -TheGelvanie Bin bees been aged with Minna sae cess i a all emcee( , stmt. acute miehronie,M plying to the head,' face or hieing Gent. liedltakintats, • Iboalacki, jiMeekitis. Tally, /fames MI Erks4lll4, Painlysia Pakg, Epilepsy, ,Fie,..asseN Palpitation of the Hem; Apaybrcylinem of Joints, Spas! Comphiints, Lumbago, Nome 'Nemeth Ze min; Ilizeiners au litsd, rBb. CMS Oa Sid 4. GentrolDerbilitp.Deritnry of Nerre..ind Physic:l/Zee semi. and all fiERVOIIn GINADERg. - esies - pf co Armed Dyspepsia, which •Is simply a COMMA do- . =ammo 011ie digestiveorgamobey have beenidund equally vuecessful. Their esti nordinary' ecru Otani the system most be wimesned to be bettevekeen ...- rennin preventive for the preceding complaint( they aFe equally recommended. The Rings nee of din - creel pricry.l.4ros Wade of all ooze., and of venom erne nientalpaltrns, 1111.1 can be worn by We most delicate (mule swam rho aligtOret istroavoionoe. In fart. lan rowaltion It rather agreeable then otherwise ; Tim Galvanic Belts, .Bracelets, B ands, Garters, heklaces,,&e: is tome caws of a Mere revere charectemuld'a. long Guiding. the power as oppliolEy the Unlvaate filings is not outfirient to nriest tie progress of dieters and nitiniately resto,e health. The improved ismilillaanon . Mits. Braceleta,./oe„ entirely terriec die, this objection; any dreier of power that Ia Muir mil can readily he obtained; end to taut Which the my merlon" , agent cif Craivilardad e. lined I l an to be permanenily relieved, Thew articles are ep ics to the waist. bon, wrisns, Ica or any part of the laxly, with profess convenience. Galvanic Neel:lure. arc tired whit ginger benefit in cotes to of, Brouchitio or affections of the throat gencrellytalso ca., of filerroue Dealers.; and with almomiadiforat success an a preventive for Apoplexy. Epileptid nu, and tinier complain•. ChrhatesMagmetle is need in ronnection with the galvanic Mega netrilll their moilificatione, Thlo rompoeinon las beet Pao notated by the French Cheensts to be on Or 001 mow crow olio.) . discoveries of modem_ ecience. „EU lies !hived le pos.,. the remarkableri owerof raviolis; Li nave sensitive •gall:oafs adimoby this meant atte ste r a of she in throe, tithe' mat of that giving rapid.and .. penitaneitrrilice. No pater comp:whams eitemistr k manna peaky, doe same effect, or to imparts similar property the nravolus system,by meattoof air mimeo! local applicatio, The' dm.. Mid dental. nothing espabletif this .l eet injury; its epplicenon tigrenble, end it ;is;ali !motile. it its action us it is beneficial itaresa!ta: Full explanation. and Orations eecompany,k The , combined ravened are in every way perfeelly aura lesoi they are sold at price. the reach of all and the discoverer • oniy *ranee, a fair trial as a teat of their caroming Orfierl i ej And permanent Isenefi4 Christie's . ititlrhuni, Atrenirthening Plai .. These anieles form another valuable application of the mysterious unnerve of Galvanism. They arean important adjunct to the, gcturine Galvanic Siege and their inodiftemiarte, acting upon the same principle, bat having the advantage of.more local application: , They are confidcotly recommended 64 a valuable addition In the aperdy.cu re of Ithedleatism, swatter chronic; at all nervous complain., std as a Positive ramscoyz . n 'sues of Pala and akers, an de, elm or Ba, Zain ws Sirfaie Asthmatic Xffresionaand in tredsotess or Wen •of Insbnutuy Cranes le Spinal Comp their egrets arc of the mow decided character ,and they have O ft en - beep obod with complete t, oleo of Lbo greOlett aulsvinge in Pairp end We elm of the Breast, and are highly recommended for many of I those complaints to which ferules are especially liable. As an 'efectna/ means for sitrenvhening the system when debilitated with dWease. <nether enema a. ear tam aid hi Consiztolona(Weakeeesua a Preventive for Cold., and all in erections of tho Chest:generally, the Galvanic, Strengthening Plaster mi t t b found el great n ee p advantage. In a. few Wend.; it embraces all the virtues of the beet tonic p eparatisti, lonia the impormataddition of the waren* inflaramat which Is neither impisired or exhausted, while these tine continua Tbue articles wilt be found minty' 'free (rem due - bjectionr area ecestaut souse ot ernaptifer whit relfenflatilltlemidie) Mr The great celebrity and amuse( thaseartlelas has caused them to be ceonterfelted by aupencipled. persons. To provide against impostriem, , Ds. Camara T ie but one authorized agent in each city of the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh, Pr: WI WIL.SON, ' CERTIFICATES & TESTIMONIALS. Of the highest and mom respectable character, see ma. mainly received. - regarding the extraordinary value and sateen of the aUvearticlea.. his behaved that the city o( New -Yerh smite , aliwalilik.Of.OGllT in THOUSAND PERSONS. datism a periodof less than year, havelieen entirely relieved of the most painful chronic disorder, some of which have completely:baf fled all fanner eXons of medical an. - Indeed many of the firm physictus of aids city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and .11ugulle Machines; constantly recom mend this application, in their practice, and with theca• ermian of those whn are 400 pfritaited to giie It a tri al, the invention - has redelied stuntmen fates with the most intelligent among the americrosTaiulty.i Dr Christie is no all times ready and Most WO ;Waive every facility to physiciatrivand ail iideradoi, kirregf. leg W e truth of his, nwenions..dithevelkanY Of hie diecovery. - Only ageney In Pittsburgthearrier4th . aniliterket at MIIE GEEAT AND ONLY itExcbv cm, I ono..y t yga, and l 7 :EVAIMITION. it the N. GARIAN naLsAm•op•LlßE.'dison#fted try the tete: anted De. Iterhanoef,Lendun, England. and Introduced Into the United Eltatee wee of tha mentor. ,eader the Immedlste eapertM.. end he extraordinary mew* Of thin.exedlehte, In the atre of Petmenery &wean. ...rum the ,Amerlran I n. re, t run n ,l Irtir "T en r r'y- 2 MLLE came that seek-setter tbat in from any of the cons eemedlee of the dapam t7 Ll ., mse,bein glverim_by the mon elminmtlehed as .GONF AND INGORABLE.. h I W.A. DeleaMbee awe IRIMO d, end .Ail cure, One 11108 T DESPERATE OF CASKS. It le go mach nom met, hot • standard Regtleh medicine, of Even genddy is the wad egaidiimidatie - kpow sem e,..Dttogartiut; Este= of LEK set only is a...tieset the consmonate tendenelee of the, c el . tta* eat Woe mad si a preantilVe nialltbie r Dean Cold; Cases, Mond, Pale''.trt lb. Ride and Chew, Irrlteskat'and Sorensen. of the UMW Demschltle. =.oe anAttfte luauek 'Fever; Night Elevate:- and General Debility, •Asthma, Influenza, Ileentag Gough, and thtetp. ,13. - Sold interim O tt Ass haute. .... ran dlr." tlons thr the nalmathrenfaleart . :; Pamphlets, amide* a. mem of English and Loma. caa restiflcame; and evidence, !Mowing the on• waned maim of It& Oret=leh Rmetedy, may he deudned of the • I DAVID F. ElLAl '"" treole Agent Pm Ilse *Dell State.. lid Coast ettbet.' Rano. • .* , T. W. DY(YIT.& BON/, General Whelan% Adam, No. 11l North Second area. Pidnutel phla. For sale by D ,A . FAIINESTOCE A a:11 corner wood and front arecte mye Consumptive's Consolation: DoessieknessmoiAb upon your heart Or pains abet your breast? . - Try Dr. Duarsn's Hollins An, And it will sire you ten. ' . • It Clean away the misty deed Diseasespreadoder the soul, 'And whlspera through the [bony shrou, .troar health may yet be wbole...' See yonder rose or lovely hue: yrithesing with decay • It Namely sips die mantled dew Before it fades away. The Woins of Death wain tho men, And strengthened as it src.• • I And when it bloomed, In lovely geni i ) I . It nippal through and thenagb. • , That Worm of Death might be deficalt: I If Dr. Dencan'a art were Wed • I • An ne my nnannelsaaved I • fate of .iltaely crave. Op-DR. DUNCAN'S WFSITMN CIVIC& No IS 0 Sycamore motet, C, neinnuti3Ohier- where his tlaloable medicine is mold. _ . , Sold - in Pittsburgh, by WM. 'JAMISON. e arner of :Wood and Lanni. • . • flume= emeramea. ' , T HI beet article known Ow cleaning mid 7 , 14. O, C brelith. ' t r :Mrrlt h i C i llVd be n) igtVth 1 ;4 brath,ond the teeth and mouth orlllo4lY..q•i'• • •"•• I ...Mee in the. moring: AVet alio bred , 06 . 1, warm water, or cold will mower, and il'Ilf."1::471:1:ttn i ." , : l . the for iaantns : We, parte a mow delightfurfencrance tha brew*. limeade unrivallnl as a plearant, ""eakid• and rain dentrifice. ',warrantee mato linnre the teeth: holm preservethem. , •. .• ' iiihne it ronnlodri, d vetilevelhe tartar end prevent its seenorelarc,preent Inc - nvoiheche M:11 t f ' s, " pilie C rrlill;i n :ltd p lirP:;s a i l p4t e =l . : decidedly siaperiorro eiveartignirre tkb - kin4in am— mk for Snevivill.%C..inntrlldlArriC , /Wl* awe observe Cis eigneWnr Is snitched to theo I - Becornmendcdibl firembrev, ode el os , r . trtiteli n ita d i =zee of:Ae astablithed• eren. N imytl , I)' oath Iliac Nobility of flea* A largo inepoiticia ether elnielese.lbsiiiblAMankled . arnie from metedluteriewerofthialownichorbowelt. which' a timely.acer of ilia Mat. tie Losecome would colimly obviate: ...Peranini.ef'hilimes habito should W.• ways lave hot at -haadi , andlealte a Own Vary feel the kiltr.lllllltarda health: Abut, china am Of these, witabl pore= nr oda Wet iIACIMCMg4 - eriereflyeed sad. • e I --,-- •lrr 4)IC - A - 1:. ' ' - '4 lt r plerr ia!:/4 3 Z"M; IP . t'Nfr, :4 S`s. r-,R. KE/4115 Ass di:K.IOO , W a gray ajaa,a, syvo ..aa,paiaa chilares 1 . 011 tai!s irtaaaal g Bea. SafUlat Iltsafacassaga araapoi. i.e«a Baal 144 at Tamali ft 4/ IM lalea at a.; . - atutuArrs Coucu Onsztots., . nee Lonna(.. .,. tkorisokat t met earn .1 egfertul re...- oily bream* rohle, euesineptiouq whoopoi- eu,.:, noon- . ina, litigious of dr haver dog ri.e . , eft: ili. pi oportor • i Lar .net Motu sal where they did uot gm retort suisfartiee. 'Stunt Unsold lam tune been out •al in th• hot yurirwstariur to boold pum Clt a i• stout too) aev a •,";' +41.1 . 1141 tot =i d ly op d theeZa Mat reamer& cory i pnosou aryiley reiri beili, oe init./Jon, tad num. dr proinuto or eseulog rue, /hey wear/Urns • arbinstioa of • suit ealtbuiruper bouroir cent rgia...;lmd we niedenry sueriiie to 17.211,7==••=44 1 1 1 herterli ire. hus;troia Um iglu du bees need bur.. siouweiA,... luil polandi &perfect hod* y erierdom, .. • Mut limo mei pat. in thelinmeatoirde;oue of true t® bur Nao% Them (print egg Hi noway) "bull b• applied ritor the. pre, ad run tibi uteri wit. I. lot, oder Ind, einthulift a few whartio or bruin keruitr, of. raillielphatti• WiieflUirie, dioidd I. mod lie um.. itivileu . • ‘ plipiLgANS WORII• LOZZiNCIES nurser= boielniipillio• he.. pond In ma. Wu I,ioo OW emu. to b. 'gam., IJo ady wt. nun at-m.li% medusaereydneseerid. N ord/moo grins hula worn. sad ooruiosilug mil nOueteM+ft, miler= death, with ootthibr ever bug emeclef: evern pm" Inn ere) otbre • • ribli dues, sedan &cured kw nrieui einuirisat withoid guy bruit; the. ow don of lillMlLamists ...td -filmst.._ 0 m.o.—Junin the plan or Imbs, et!. gee went pyidat at tbie ion. griading of dm nrcolla diaries, ol•%asill uatee• pieusrabers *happy ...A !Imbed elUu. Ir=:.:- I"V'''''utcaTiral"l"ara''ltt . b.h.b..;....6.,,,, ~.44V,,...` 6. 11..d • ••• suaaalt.thi 1.k... frigt...L.m.M. .....•t•am•••••...s m r,.m.,„ 'tr.; pu ts buirjos, Mad tube fir tbi_niu•sh, &Ault breathUoi inio In • the etarnarth or 1.... th, WV., sioncn, neonichnos, .on .a.. wary; imbue, Nagel numb orlisars e bnio.P . : rhAizzire i• Tarim* pub atthe body, a eminfor oon. in an Won, traitor 41.6 sans Loma& en,ht, • • frequent dull* to pus mouthing flub do bowel., uot tout- time. durlvia of slime and mum • . .: +• • . • . •• !HERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGEh. • Tbry gin inoodiate AIMS /a wrens o headache, Woo alto loot, townie of Soppily% denoosulawy. or peril sore . MAW, bowl or swoon roc, .boat,Holton, opprollos ora ocaseetsistidag ofete chew, Both; spasm, crap of the Wench orloweb,•loystrin menwas, sod ell amorous dement!trewsiato tbromybo the sad ..waktfulsoes eight; ebookre .hot era aserboa s limbo% loesitude or a wawa filigree. ?n -ote treeenuey or altioufho tory • Mho/ the Low. go e, ,. . s eesefro a niol yawner buoyancy ofpiab; after, • stollonosh theteere of the pm= seal s Know snot too " !now who hale ROB woo high statehood thewmose Menotti tob4 willl dtharlimilt•e• solvable nan of obe anew. - SHERMANWPOOR MAN'S MATEN. The ben nrogtholeofho,iso the woeld,mJawnreleu w•SIYGv Porwo mWomen ia the tack, lobseouleothelo s Hobe, lonte.theywothes; lonalacocikt. Iteo O. VW.° • roma en=hedeont. - They moire. tittle Berm ,mg before Worreated aortae to others, awl for owsposter the Wool price, making aot only the ben, but the elowyest.phster ha the world. II iamb OW( in • Bei boon, and make; otomithasy tuses. In Jim cocophot and °omen, is .lould Iswena over le=flrArre-i/orrtort,,,,:d4 Intl ... agar:l en , d , bressb4 moos. .r rhos :or sthantb, obey r web .dn ernolly_bewfot the palmuL I root oedeatery habitt;or shoe sablved to au/ sweihrsti nem* 'decided semen from "Oaf theie truly olte,spa..; Plat t.Physonalts peurretly rienameout ohne, mrektesee to odlelhers,benione they Wok or Whore belteroted 4oril yew. er Mir( tWit weramos'o, Bayer. stinukah troicoal of Worth slONcreat imgods l=r4frri ' esa=ns foil the Ellerin. of mil lirem lobo hate wel llso,aryrell th eumbrd theirmy of .t.0.w..14.1..1 be ROMA( mad sal ))seed' pewter. • ...Board woos hao et the warehowa to moven their oureseadehaake;at tho elsoolefiesiordlnas eureothne Pi.Wen ,Dirtelierafor. Me Shod the bolik of Wa ti g*ter , with a fwßwole otheathecomMe wan, h ia aata ' always &ark.. fibersaa't !omit - Mob , Rodeo Jon you set-thignothoem th ree we sow vorthlen foroitoioe. too Rehersed mild far We Ins. Shama% Nemo, by mro dont Wakes. 801 l 'thank and meat JACISSOF r , " . 1 , r6. Lawny street, :110 .10 ,eOSEUROTIORCiN HE CURED HY USING DR. DUNCAN'S REPECTORAIVERI=DE. •s ''Cisteistosiatt.9., ?Rife+ *di 1 0 7 . ..Dud Dist—This is to ossify tO the Imbue, po s tai so ly to those afflicted IDA 'a /Masi of the Lisopi,or Crsposuptiou SPiddiod MCI was auseketroith issentre sol 4 urlikh sopa berme "anted SiYisa ley liap;shoirlog sit the srgh wos tigbbsiad troutdesorie.;#sidett with ospiceis eight ours% I spit up lis.4 cesitieu quatiliii of bibod, {aka ,ria, akigwei. x' 04 Uwe 1 re attradird by/proof oar most I.liir_ollgYpbeiatiC ilk" the belt Diry mold isr ineoyeeu aat letagtl; tbe j p.. up all hopes army moray, =Detain Was main soreeedd be desse—sbat 'whop was is, asidtielossit rowdy.. I we dim persuaded by a friend Ot Sail to bins • trial or Ds, Durteria's Rapers*. sant RansdP, Whirl aiy Plysicisas iterslisid sowd,e.yin dui ihi. etedielei drustbi do Ito goadosid 'smug still add mar*. I Lela them it t m oaf pal ad sal that if I morn din of the demo., (*Obi* eel, deal to MO there world **thin lost. So I mit to th .eiternmettiOMM toloitaiseirs bottles Of thiS V alue Sloliel*-aturearaomed usiollimeoribritotho ; ***kb, indad N a Inc soy sarrnAinnetildo7 Cooib endue* pare tmd tisirnasea in- y Dtime, * a sew HA a wbob" Mon led rose to IMM*I apes. medielne Vaotiaustl iti goid_work. trnielt it• m aoldr omousaid;rnbil tam needs a mend man. I barn OM:abets alieialrng bmy bairn* Mow* of 3 *oil sod feel as ••• lmaithyam I uith.• I baucrottomended De. Dusein's Ea peetonalBevd=ismTmmmn Whose stholulYittlieted sod lam *rays proud stoomfol so Dr to I.*orliitoemed Use/Dern - Ally sister b Mie r etbes *l3:dilirraarat, for •Dfseasof Lim and Mi Iffordoss of the LefolDimilleh bad by the use .rit4 Osediide;*(lsiMeoadtait Ma 6 bottles "wuhe.b-47.811.8attirel)•,eure but I masorry to brow **then me mrsy sr**. *drat ONDRUCTION. ato — V* t Cothe three porn* thin **Hodiu time, tutors it bs toa Ws, many,iires might be yeoleoged and their' fiddlier ail - rnlatioiesisio r *lds*_ usettieias Nlii.. isstatit relie6 Ueda/Da,** tioe and unload 6a plies the thititifeMittthe thWeofabicd sad maimed Dan., sad is most eases, lam eatatuorillMorso urfset erne.. • . • ,3 4 0 1uul.t7silmulon Courny t tiral . -3188neMbo may sot berolubutpothern I nter to the uodas4o . steltionli o(16 qrry,_%s-ulsoirnorne ty, 0 ,they :A1 say bomMbl . 6l tr ß thor . •statemo* Crr.t. - DR. DDPICAPing wittrEari MCA'S) Spernore mem. Ithernthii riles* Medians am always be Sold to Piusbursh..by • WM. JACKSON, earner of Wood and Liberty sm. ' aprl47dBtur Patent Block Sprieg Trues. N E Cate WL ltTarm a t RUPTURE . ( Bui[ee [o all -. 'he superior claims of this Tears mstailin in die can. pertain easa with which it nay be went. Tbe bad of wood ,Iwied neatly balanced en springs, yields to pres- Aerate soy parser el; and theromddy adepts. itself to "anystaneement made by thearemer.. •Ifean be warn , wittioat itnermisskq ttolll a cure le effected. ?be gab- enibers ban made arrangements for the manufacture. • of *elle valuiNe Trusses, In a sopitan mlf, In Pella delpblet:•acid Wive them mine for sale in their oni6e, No. 77, Imilliffeld ss near clad,. Piusboah.: • , L.IL- d are a tea+peon lull of A. rah nestuelvt Lb's 1, etruisfuge to ray little girl, who is between lour a* five years Old, and Juries the Jay she f amed Inll large wpm., averaging wore wen a rent in teeing its effects oil this - child,' tilen gave Waspooa Cabin her youngitethaer, wise waseppaientl) well, and ahe vesper:ll7 worms of equal rise, • • • Watclataket. SaiblArld curet Viewed sad Pokl by /I A FAME:F.I'ONC CO, 'coma, Istned broba,And wood and 611. so, • -• jcs • • No CifMai,;Afo Per ^ • • Ds..fseliinif Pito iti•lklvation Mon Fon"! • fit HERE am few dismal more common or trim '. binsome than ibe PllOll, and yet, vot.sitlejaad big bane beep made to core by the use of rain, electaaries, liniments, dec., all were lutile - Atia•ail little benefit. Row the Embrocation in the oily medicine awed. A person who has been suffer: mg with the Filen of the 'worst kind ware from S.. tem,dieti Jendy, almoat on pupate to explrai bin gratitudiffortbwaymedy care that tb hisutinc.ie had effected in bin taw—Willa: Sat. Pent., ,117 For Ede re Pittsberah atthe PERF.N. TEA STORE. 72 Fourth.a alto at the,-.Drug 'Store H P. Samaria; Fehetal u. Alleghertylhp, VIOROAAII COD 012( senor—ult shoahl pablished and made bums to Ito public.. This wee Me expmasionof as old win err* vied the Syrup. Prrmaraart, Fehnsary ' Mr. atorre—This y certify th e tketn atilmed ieldi • Moo Imam coogb 101/16 lime, I booebt • Wee of Morgan'. Coach Syrup, and am happy in far, alter usings4 my eerie is comely "med. !pronounce your otod. be wtthosi*M. le mily.todld DATIOMairOBEITS., A Ileah , or CirY IrrThis medicine Ls prepared wholesale aed at Jae Droners's, of • JOHN HORAN . _ Wood greet, one door below 0 . .F.0d Alie“ 7 Yrice:Ml cents pet bottle. PITTOBURGH GAZETTE, tIIII.IBIIED 11•11.14 Tia-wEEIELY &NE - }:xLv ILA,TX• OJT AD.. niro.so Ono insertion of 15 gum or len Two itundrtions wittmtnl lB ,1111 0 011 ' ' 1 75 .Three " • •„ - °° Ono OleiM - 50 Two %Yeeks '• Throe co. . - On... Mouth, 4 (X) • r „„ ••• • -t. - 00 Three " " "„ 750 37 Longer ideettisements in some. prtMortion. tine squane,6 mouths, without albration,... 'lO 130 Barlinnielitiound square for 6 months - = 500 . • 12 " ... CO Pl4ll4llllM;getionths,rene"wableai th 00 "' 12 - " . • • V./ CO k:achnilditional squire Cori:: months.. :10 00 Two a gq awarreeea . , ly menthe, reexable at pleasure, 30 00 '&eh'additiondiquate;B Months, " 800 . ws Alf. ll DLITT AMA.. Ode Rine'. 3 insertion., nit each addjtimtaljusertioa,.. ... . . 37 - • avnisw 5 1121. Fim loos 550 P ' swathe 'Gus,dally weekly,. 1. 0 " - "ec Fer Ilee e..° P 7" , 55 , .1.;;; If 0 75 a'- - r ;;i„ •••••" . ( 51 1 ) Six " 10 00 'Twelve " te elwww/ h 7 the 'Poe. Per*" rrAniedv—rt— tot to be eves where the stincatp4•rl6 60 daqufFer . a " tazil Vive liwas arises. (tee, . - . :EtteetP. 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers