'••Xtticr*- |BOOBA/-—" s 7,j » „ - UXJpLJMrtIB PITTSBURGH:! M ; THPBBPA.V MOENIWUI APHn.«;'tB47. " it/- iiu firmuoi ham Uium « n&us*eo D£jiy I Tn-Wcekiy l .*»d Weekly,—The Doily Übe»en Doiiuipcreaflaxa; UttTr(»Weck]jri» Five Dollars per Mfirnn: ute Weekly it Two Dq! Ikrs peraaocua, orialj ' <« odtona . .. * '• . ~~Aeuce to [fy Adreruaeaieou, to secore jnrertioa, should be banded la by Eva io the afternoon. - Aueauos to thia.oa ibaparrof oar euiemerw, woatdbe prodae tteeof omuuu beoefibV FOIL OOVZUtOE,, OKS, JiRSi mTlIi (or eonsrenn.) - FUR CANAL COMMISSIONER. JOIRFR W. PATTON, tor CTamiiP comrv) HIHTA im'l OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE - sJkTTUB OP 808 If A VISTA. j The New Orleege Delta give* the following trtnaledoa of Sente Anna's official repor t o( the Beetle of Boeaa V*iu. It U a moat intereetiog, oAaaiog deeament: W. devote tbs iptn ipioe we have to the Utter, which it will be seen U descriptive of the battle of Betas Vista, tod which also china a victory for SsOUa Anm’t Army. There i> something re* Jxeshingty ludlerona in thlscUlm, end wehope no. one will be deterred from reeding the whole Itt* ' it on account of Its'taagtfc’ ! LteaasTi** Abut or ns Rtrciuc. ' F Onarel in*chlefc Gtmoaigo Secretary's Office. ■fan ExcdUnt Sir—i o ay despatch from (be f W Ang(.amra,datedtha*3d,lprotnU* ~ edtogneyoii details oflheaeioa of theSSdend - thf ut the agd. eo eoeo e» I should effect •the movement which dor entire lack of wider end ot ill supplies made Jndispeimble. In those engtgemems the army'end tne nation hire restor. id tne laetre of their tnne by overcoming ob*U . eke inconceivable to ill nee thoee who witnesmd them. These arose, not only from the dtfficaltiee ' of tn« contmt, end of oar own situation, but also from tne ?igor of the seaioa, end the exhausts- Utioa of toeooanuy along to almost deswt route of over fcty leagues, ibet it wee desdujteof good t w«ier, end of eli nti the mbst lumiod“«pj»liae. Tne (Supreme Government wee informed by Commuiicaucma nude before my lesviog Sea Lo - is, fast Ihe ermy under my commend would not ■ commence its operations tiU ibs end of winter a* 1 1 knew oy experience the severe diaate of the reit'Ki, «bieh was al-o eceni of bafajititioot, pw mu,a., shelter, even of foot 1 therefore r*»ot*- l<i go ou ..rgsnrxiog. drilling, arming end clothing the ermj;*od, iuik ttotd' to pat into e military •h«|M the ior«ee whiehbtdjja been assembled My lotsa&mx. however, could not be materially reeiiltd. i The went of pecanary moorcee em ' . e«rf«*ecdj all my dispositions. The eddlera, ’ lb Hjgo well disposed to combat with the enemy, * bad been badly eoppUed for a month, and would non have beta In want of even food, but that the . . exeitiiini of-the commander* of corps prevented. . that deeutottoo fiom driving them from the ranks- While three mentoilm* men were' suffering. eU hii|d« of pnvaiion*, certain wriiera, from ignorance, want ut r.fl-ctiuo. party spinr, or pertapr, from fflt»iekra)patmMi«n. weie xealooaiy engaged ini • thw«r(ing me plane wbich-might otherwise have { proved vuceesstaL TfcU they did by unjust chxrg'i agriast the army and particular, iodi»y* Q*ia,«oom they abtued for not marching to the conflict, accusing them of want of deesann, and •waning. that the position of the army at San Luis was more threatening to oar liberties then to 1 the enemy. In the dobs of that Capital they la bored with aeddoity to make the Army tbeinstru meet of a revolt; but l frustrated their intrig ace by timely, steps. There wax one writer who had the audacity to intimate that I was in. collation with the enemy. Yes, I, to whom they may at tribute error*, but whose whole previous course has shown tiro moat elevated patriotism! Traitors are they who eeek not only to Induce but by their detraction of the army to .unnerve its vigor for the service of the country, i ll mems as if a fatality directs the destinies ol this nation, and interdicts a unanimity of the pab- ' lie will for ita defence; end from this feta] blind *» Deae,th» moment when everytheart and every as* ptraiion eboold be directed to one the very juncture whendivisionand distrustare die saminated. Behold me, then, compelled by every drcuraiunce to change ay plane. Desertion has already commenced to a shamefal, degree; and I am fully pereoaded that if the eeardty should & BUaor,the army woald be dishonorably (altered away. I therefore resolvsd (hat, if annihilated, it. . should bewhh'glory. Having no supplies, I, to obtain them compromiUed my private fortune, and the credit .of myself and,my friend*. All this procured me the earn of one hnodrpd and eigthy thousand dotlars, with which I was able to famish . the oeedful to tfie artpy for twelve days.. I knew well the country we had to cross, and the nectssj ty there would be for carrying provigioo*; and I aympicbixed in antidpatfon with tharaoldier for ' what he woehleodure from, the.rigor of.the sea son; but to rtnder good' eerviee to the country, and save its honor, or I have to overlook all ■ • thi* .->■■■:. • i ■ • The army, moved irom Ban Lois bjibrigades, r>'hi to render available the scanty monrcea efftdrd by the counirr we were to cross. The Wecoossted o! 13.433 infantry, divided into 38 battalions, 4338 cavalry, in 89 aqdadroot; and a train of artillery, of three 34«poandere, three 8 poaoders, fi»e' l*poanideri,fi»e 8-pooriJ er*, and a eeven-inch howitxer, all served by 418 ariillryman—the total being 18,185 men— Of this force there remained behind, to gam- fertile work* at San Lais, and others which I' slotted to towns on the roots; as also small* * and; only reserve of aaooitioo;ia brigade of in - Jontrr, of two btttaUons under Geo. Don Cirt aco Vasques, which remained as a eorps of ro serve in Mstebmla,'and of observation opcm Tola, as ato a brigade of cavalry, coder Geo. Doo Jo* Circa,' The latter l woe intended to pass Tals,sod movs through Tamantiptfl to the neigh boehood of Monterey, so as to call ths enemy's aUeatiqo to that quarter. The point of concentration (at the brigade* ought necessarily to be near this pises, so that ia the region thro* which they had to move many troops might notbe thrown together. I therefore 6c*d,on the -of E camsdoa for that pnot it beiag as I calculated the last stage bat one of my auietu' I there bsld a review o C tbs s«my, which bed already lost a thousand men by slcfcuew and desertion. The former was ceased bv the ecuariawa and had quality of food, and stdl more of water, which was brae.tab as well ss sc "C-, *• sis»by s-sowmcoßßs and tba exposure of the trd'pa w'O bed always to baia bivouac, amt wiluta f *l. Iltass enow storms oblige me ■* to oatyeod t> e march two days, till the weather became mote vvttieii; for the cold hod already , ca used the death uf eeV«rsl then and horses, and / ] ff-.lt b rand iy every means to dlmiosh the losses wt V'H iocarrtag. These hardships will account fur the nomb r of deeertioni' which occurred op to our. ainvol at Eacarntcwo, dad which - after - wards even increased. It most also be remember ed, that alowt the Whole army hod been recently firmed and* as is well known, of mea taken fay violence ftom their homes. * •We bad advices that the enemy svere fortified lh ih- hacienda of Ague Nuevo, witb fi.OM) men . az>dSOpieevs,nsolvedtodefeadthedefilesKsowa . the nt i>ee uf the pastes of Ague -_ . JfOsya. The Americans did not know the pre cies point on which our much wax directed: for though they exchanged same shots with our sd, ▼anes ln Eacarnsciun, and had frequent small tkbmishes with us in the above passes, they eup* poesd oar troops to be scouting parties of the fir*t brigade of cavalry, under Doo Jose V. Minon, . whom Iliad advanced ufar aa the h*ri*T?da of . Petrel. These were the Impressions when I mads .* toy dispositions. It wa* my. intention to plaee my forces between /the. enrtny and Saltillo, sots to oblige Mm to • fight under the disadvantage of haviog his com munication cot of£*or» if be woold , not leave his works, to enable mo to besiege biin in Agna T.l Noeva. Thie plan might be earned oat in three ! d'flererit ways. On# was ky marching 20 Issgues by the direct rood -sootherby moviog to the right by la Hedtondo/T* aa to occupy Buena Vista— end .the third by -yaoving to the left' by la PunU deSsott Elens, no. aa to occupy the hacienda of la Banqaerit, and thereafter the rood to Saltillo.— The two last movements wereat this time im> . practicable,f>r ifary would either of them require three or four day* march, while we were without proyiriorw, firage or water.. I therefore resolved to -opera's by the direct road, force the positions, ‘ and, afur pawing the lost defile, make a diversion by the left and occupy the mnebero of Encantads, with the view of obtaining water, none of which '.was lobe had for more than eighteen leagues.— AUthU was favored by the enemy's ignorance of our march} but mlsfjitunf stiinollowtd os. A - deserter from tht regiment of Coracera% a native of Baliltio, named Freneueo Valdes; passed over (mi Eocaraaeioa to the enemy, and gees, him iufjrautlon ef tbe movement. The execrable tressia of thbinfamous wretch frustrated the best ' Combinations. ' J ’ '' Oaths Slst, at noon, I ordered the march to commirace, the four Tight biilallieos, under Gen. Don Pedro Aapodia, formbg the vanguard. I • ba<l net hesitated to allow that General, and ocher ! oOwtrwt» bad bwo eourtnmtialed fa the affair «. ?it Mobteray, to participate fb Umh operation*, •j'Bflt only pot cmuMtf ihincalfliMf, • ibetaJaoOQadcoantofthe ml they manifested. To>*brff«dewn fallowed by. one of artUtexy.of •iitaon pounders, with the regiment of sogujsere :■ gaTtbeir train, and tboas by th* park of the regi* jsaot of hotair*. Than eamo jthe first divisfeo/j with, fear twelve pooDder* tuid Ihe park- The ‘tbemstive*—they were driven back anil overcame OOMtid diviaipc, niidii • flafc'DJßiFtintata thfe-fowef three pieces of eanoatt-and as £<jeeo* fcUdWsd witj|sf>ar'\*oght'pcQndc rjF^cy>uoir of cbfors. [rent two of tb®:!atter totho Whd Ibetr pvfc; after ibose ihe whohref the with my last despatch; the otherV ijV omler Ova. Deo JcdisoJu»t r3;Vend iLen tfirt; ‘which btbrn omuieJ 10 auric:*, will be presented • femkinder o£ibe geoefalpark and baggage, mi* Tlo the H&horaMc Cungiet* of thfr .Blate of Bao ' 'jOikT being covered by a brigade of cavalry under ' liouU Pafo»i,ek a testimonial of the-Arroy'* grat* - Geo. Don Miumel iinde far the patriotic service* th*y--h»d rendered, •' •' In this order of'march the troopj were ordered . and the gem tjus sacrifices they had made f>r it* the. first fourteen league!,. between En- moreover, : c9|4trTedatravet}Dgfjrge, reoadt and a plain called De la Goerra, which i* ' and some smaller articles, which I will not eno io front uf the first defile, called' the Pass (f Pi- , mersle. Our cavalry, which so bravely executed nones; and to pats (he oight on (bat plain in the the order .to charge, reached the enemy's rea*mcat same order of column., 'Vjie.trpopt having :eaten r posiu*m*;.butuaiog-to the nature, of the ground (heir rations order was then given for carrying ■ an>l the fatigue of the men and horses, I did not water, as none pouid be met with noli! the day ' think it 'prudent to -attempt disloging them from following, *fUr having overcome the enemy au thoee. Tbo battle closed at six in the evening. ; Agna Nasve, throe leagues beyond the aforesaid . our troops being then farmed on tbegronnd which Ipws. ■I, with my staff and rrgirdcnlcf engineer?, , the .Americans had occupied. Our last effort occupied the front, r fiiile.bebiQd.tba light ir.v.p*. ; would hare been decisive if General Minon bad On arriving at the plain De is Guerra, t ecn'.inu- j done his parthy attacking the the rear; edtbe march in order to pass the defile' of Pinones.; but be omitted to doit, and I am under (be pain which was accomplished; and.l ordered.th« light I fat necessity cf subjecting his coadact to a coart brigade to take a position in ib«;Pa!aof Garncro, maiUal that he may explain It. An aetioa thus where it had a skirmish with ah advance of (be enntc*».ed i«ere**arily involved considerable low. enemy. Under these disposition* we passed tho Oar*, in killed and wounded, amounted to more night. i ilisn fifteen handled men. and that of the enemy At dasfn on the 33d‘the army cmlinued it- was muchereatcry'for we'had tint* to'lake a view marcbj with the idea of carrying by force of arms j <,f thr*. great number of tfieir dead. j the pass of Agna Nuava, which I supposed would ; [iki© luiiows s long list of officer*, of high and ! be defended by the e ‘cmy; bat I frond to my sur- 1 law grader, who am cornmenJcd for their bis very prise that it was abandoned. ~i then concluded ,in in.; action. f r*n. Ampudis acquired himself that ihe American forces bad retired to their for. | with gsllaniry, and Gen. Torrejon received aeon* Ufieations in the badend*, to concentrate their do j tufi-.n fence under cover of the entrenchment, which 1 ( The report of the killed and wounded which I had heard they bad there thrown op. Under (hi <jbU ; scud; will show what has been our toss. I i idea f continued the inarch, in order to turn by | »* : nTil-.l tie lacking in justice, and not express my , the right to the rancho of Eocantado, which, a* l oh.ii rVdir.g*. were I nut most earnestly to request . hive before mentioned, is on lbo,SalliUo road. b-V ; tint atl-aiun he piid, a* i* by law provided, to ; lug between fUlKity and'Agua Nueva; and four j tin* c.i :<«* i.f the widow*, orphan*, and such of the • to five letgaes from each. Till tbst lime ho i n.’ | wnon.i/d may l>o permanently disabled. had appeared t * give too information, iu>r dul any on* after,' except a wrrmi from Agux Nwev.t, who told me that the enemy h-uibecncratuarii g hi* position aince tba.day previous, and foiling bafk toward* Saltillo, and that on that »ajv* mor ning the hacienda had been wholly ahantfomd. by the retreat oi small detachments winch etr'oiti-ij a large qoaotity of munition*. By iht.* my drat plana and dispositions, founded on »u or • pected miateoce, were rendered abortive hot 1 did not VUU despair of a successful reiuli, for I bad in anticipation directed General Mtnoti, with hta cavalry brigade, 12d0 strong, to occupy > n the morning t>f the 22J the hacienda of Buena Vista, diaUut three abort Uaguca from Salnltu. This lorge might arrest the enemy's msrcl-, or, nt least mako a diversion that wr-uld give nra.' for the army to come up. ( therefore coniiiiso-l inv match, without loving more Vimr.th.in would al low the soldiers to drink water on the r.n l, Tl* light brigade came within sight of the cm-;r.> ’■ Tear guard; and I ordered them to chargo m cm junction with the husaar regiment... I hvdTeaaoo to believe the enemy wete making a precipitate retreat, as they left several article* on the tj.ul, auch m earts, forge implements, extra wheifo, a»J other things, which we gathered whila roarihing In coosequence of the diffident reports I received I ordered the cavalry to advance; l thought we would be able to reach their rear guard, and j.foc ed myaelf at the hcaa of those troop*. On arriving at aplace called Ang Mura I found the main body of the enemy awaiting me in po*i : ahioo. Tim road from the pal* < f Sin jm# 11 >al ; tiilo runs between two chains of mjuriteiric,-wrich ' form that past and those of 'Carotro aid Ague ,-Nuevo: The ridges agao at’ - Angoaursfo wber-- the road tarns to the right. A'i this place then is asucccMioa of ridge*, which run out tcw>'d* the line ofourreutc, and at righl'angle* with n and between them are ravines which f irm the drains of die mountains on the right. They arc .more orleaspamble,buiall very difficult. Die enemy's position waa in front and in rear of the roa-j, his right and front being civcrcd by rav.ne* that were impassable even for-the ir.foniiy, nod a battery of pieces planted on the highest point Hie bsttalllons were formed on the height* w»ta two other batteries, one of which was in s fov.- part of the road,.between two hiUr, and to niv view, their forces appeared to be about 81)00 men. with twenty pieces; but the prisoners taken fr jin them report" twenty-six pieces and up.-sard* uf 8000 combatants. I reeonnoitcred the position and «itastfon fo the enemy, and ordered tbo Director of Engineers Gen. Don Ignacio dc-Mora Vtlimil, l<> dotin' ame. After ascertaining:the force of cht* iiivj der, it was necessary to await tic tnfsntry. to take position or to fight, as might seem rtf.wt ntl*>-a'.>fo At this Interval [ observed that the enemy hr ) neglected to occupy a heighten the tell dink; and without loaiag a moment 1 ordered Gen. Amps* dia’e light brigade to take posseasion of, and bold it atevery cost. As the brigadea catoo up, I formed them on a rising ground that fronted' the enemy, there being another' eminence .beyond cut Jiwj - position; the first division of Infantry was umfor Ihacomaiid of Gro. I, >rab*t ! thenx.in I under that of Gen. Pa-V-.-' j[ dtrueieJ tlm Gen. Mora y Vilomii, u. cjtij liction c.iih the ffommoodiog General of Aitilfory, Dou Antonio Corona, should find a position for a batterr of 1 (5 poaodera, to be auataind by the regiment of engi neers. Two other batteries, of 12 and 8 p ,u.i dert, were located by me. The cavalry co.nrr.iiJ •d by Gen* Juvery, were placed on the right of of our’rear.and on our left fUnk. The of humrs was aiao poatrd in? (ho rear, and on Mi * Sank aforesaid was a height which I ordered the battalion of Leon to occupy. Tho general park •was in the rear, covered by the brigade of Geo. Andrade, and between this park and the lir.ei of battle I look my position' The making of these disposition*, as may be supposed, occupied some time, for the troops s'-ri .red at their positions after a march of miu : than twenty league*. It waa thereforo not an boar for combat, and the army lay oa its arm*. Tuc en emy, however, so toon as he perceived ihit we had occnpied the height that flanked hi* It fr an 1 , our right, detached two bUttalions to dididgc u* ( which led to a warm engagement, that foiled uU ' the afternoon and till .after dark, when h>; wa* ; repulsed with a loss of four hundred mm, accor- j ding to the report of the prisoner*. - Our* was • much less, as we had the advantage of the ground. | At dawn on the 22d I mounted my horse; tbs enemy bad nbt changed his previous dispositions acd was reedy to receive us. I ob»errad hot one-1 differeoee.whteh was that on his right, and at some ‘ distance from his position, be hod formed t «ro bo-, j dies of Infantry with a battery of four piece*, as j if with the intent of threatening our left but I at once believed this to be a mere demon- j ■stration, for he would never bare left in hi* tear j the difficult groand which gave strength i-> that 1 position; being the' web of impavasblo ravine* |.<» J fore referred tc. {•1, therefore, gave no itinuign ! to th!a disposition of hit forces, and resolved to ; move mine by the right. With this intention 1 i advanced the divisions of Gen. Lombudini ?nd | Gan. Pacheco in that direction. I nrdeieri Don Manuel-Micbeltorena to plant the battery of 1 eight poundere on our right fitok. so as to. take ! obliquely the enemy*# line, and to re main within*- ; etaffi of which be was chief, and awut ray oiJp'. I directed that Gen. Ampudta, wiih.tbe r<.<ht bn- , gade, should charge by our left Hick on lh» *-nr- i my'a right, and that Gen. Moray Yiifomil.should form a column of stuck, composrri of the H>>gi. meat Engineers, Xbe 12th Bsttaliion.lhe fijo de Mexico, and the compaoies of Puebla and Tam. j pica, commanded by Gul. Don Santiago llfoneo. i At the same time i tforuria, 1 co:a- } maoding Artillery, to place the baltery uf* ; twelve podnders in a more commanding p-riithn. ! while the 3d Division remained in tin !, r . Brent Gen. Don ioee Maria Onega. ' So soon as the enemy perceived our movements i he commenced the action on all point*, attacked 1 .oar troops w?Pi intrepidity, and raainuinrd th- , conflict with great vigor. Our'mtn received .them 1 with proper energy, driving back aid following up lb* assailants. At this time my Horse »»« bled by e giape ahol.and it won some time li-I-ji.-* I could mount soother. A* the enemy had yiei- 1 ded groQRd,I ordered the Cavalry to advance and | charge,' which was dooe with vigor. Suiubie i orders had been sent to the Generals of Division ' .and Brigade,'among the rest to Gem Don Ancei j Guzman; but though the officer* and j with.greatresolution,it was impo*«ib!e ti over.* come the difficulties of the ground; and; after a struggle which did ti era honor, they w etc oMi’- il ! td.faU back to their position*. After ration* al- j tarnations the exoe occarted with the Infantry. * ■ The which commenced at sevcif in the I naming wav prolonged far many hour/, o u lo,s 1 evenr moment accamutating. Many officers and soldiers had already been killed, and a namber ol commanders and dittinguithed officers woended, among whom ‘wore Gen. Lombardini, l,ieut. Colonels Brito, Gaioao, and others. Among Ike stain) were • Lieut Colonels - Aaooos, Berra, and) othW merilhriouiofficers, whose. lom the country wiU^m'lameritw • The enemy maintained bis ground with the ut most obstinacy, maomocb that some of our troop* faltered lo .their attacks, and many of the raw rc eroika dispersed. . This, however, ; ooght to oxult lbs I merit of thorn wilose intrepidity was never paraGzed, end may also be cited toebow how hot ly ocmtesled was the action. Thjog* vtero in tbi* aitmrtiou when I concluded to make the final effort. Wrth this jrlew I ordered that a battery of twni ty-four poaodera should be mounted; that thc col. oah of atteci then posted onour leftflank.whero it bad ho object of Operation, ahoold be transferred to dor right, and them be joined bythe remains of the 11th regiment, the baUalllob of Leon and the {reserves, all under the commaod of Brevet Gen. Don Francisco Ferel; I executed this in parson, and after sent for Gen. Mors y Vilfomli, eodl made him acquainted with my final dirpovi; tioiu. I had already directed Gens. Pares-and Pecbeeo, each with his command, to be prepared for an extreme straggle, end bad ordered the btS« teries«f«iglti poandetsto advance and take the cnetay'siine in flank. The charge was made vith daring valor and was resisted with animated •V, with a fire so heavy and rapid as to catiso Tho f-»rrei iaulu pi/ium which the roomy oc* cuim-d. v is ail that saved him; the victory would otherwise have tn-en derisive, nol wilhe'.jnding bi» .i.niti-iatc u«j.-(nnc«‘. Hull lliiK triumph will have laT.,n!i!j rv-mlt-t»the rational caiKO, a* it will chow to c"e ry one tvhat can'bo accomplished wlu*o ail hiutits arc united, and with one aim rh<* army hjsdonu more than rhuM be eg* I'ftlc'l, unlertbu Jawa of nature. It had just loimx.t, tml ai yet had not acquired disci pline nr military habib; and yet in marching to .\.!i • c cubit, u overr line difficulties which might j have r.u'Hlu»<| ih» «h>utest bear). After a march | nr t.mjty l/i-jgura, bixlecn of them without water, ami without ulner food than a single ration,which wn dcah out at Rucarnacirn, it endured the-fa tigue of co-ohnl for twq days, and finally Iriump <J. WiifT n'l this, its physical j-ower* were ex hausted. ‘My knowledge of thin, and *thc duty I h it of atUmiing to such a number of wouudej, c-»n*ti allied m»\ nft»r remaining *a Tew hours on fhe'lield hlbutlo, tn fall back upon .\gua Nuctq, tor thf irlivtm.d refreshment oi tha troop! From the imprvesion we bad made on the en emy, he dtd »>M appear before ui for Jay*. Pb*) b-Mr.-t of a flig of truce, however, arrived ,w.th a pr>;K»-ition Iroai fieri. Taylor, fer an ex* 1 ch'uigo .>1 and for nor acnJuig for the, woiiodoj tvho had tumiined on the field. f He sh-.i expressed to me the desire which the Ameri* raua I it for the *e rgtablishment of peace. I re plied, in order thet he m*ght aay tho same to Ills general, that we «u»tsintd the most sacred of cm*-1 —.he defence <»f our territory, aod the pfeserva-; lion of our natiouaiity and righUi that we were | not ih-»'n:n»rri»ors, and that our gnternraen*. had 1 never ctfimJed that of tho United Slates. l ob* s TVcd that wo could **y nothing <4 peace while | 1 ilie Amrrmm were on'lhi* side of the Bravo, or | i.ei-upini uny pjrl ot ih* Mexican territory, or tiiockaJvJ our portsapd that we were resolved to pen-h or vindicate o> r rights; that fortune might not nlwayr bo fiyrable to the enemy, and their ci|-«ri-iicn of ibr --d and tfttj should convince th*«m that it eou d change. I added, that the American! wjgci against us a war of vandalism, whose excesses outraged those sentiment* of ho niauuy which urn civilised nation ought to evince toward.* another; omi if he would go outside fif the. apartment ht would s«*e still smoking (whict) was ths f ret,) -ih« dwellings of I.Agua Nuevo,- re • c.Mi'.fy o fioutislii ig. iboutfb a small settlement; that the same of desolation marked the ; route of hi- rrtre. t; slid that if he would go a lit i t’.n farther on, >ti Cit&umhe would hear the moan* I. of tbs widow* and orphan* of innocent victims 1-wbn had Iren t! enticed withouknecessity. Without respcrl hi tho wounded whom I was ; tnvu.-<1 to *‘?tid ti ir. I [replied that there could be , u-vo -nee th. *c yho had brtri 100 mush hurt to , vfre iroot tUctij; d. or tb-r»o raj«t in the advance j w'n> had i in! the taviues; and that as I 1 had. nut meem; jr their conveyance the enemy j'might take theft to Balutlo, under tho protection [ of tho laws of natjoos. A* for the priaoocra | which be efTcreij |lo exchange, I told -him I knew - not übo they ci> IJ'lje, unicse it were corns of oar j rli.pcrsaj lrj»p«, or *>mfl who, from tho fatigue ii the two j.rcS;iu9 jdsy', hid r-‘;;iainej adeep I nv fij e t iisrr to the courtesy the | cnc.ny'* Guneral hatf shown with respect to our ] w I'urdcd. I c )C>i.rili.y|, iu tho name of. tho ualion • to release sii the pru-mera wo had—those taken j bo<h in the batilo atiJ ot Enearuacton. At the j same nuio I allowed Ihe bearer of the flag, who 1 was a fup-iriir officer, of prepossessing appear • arm and rmnherv. the bandage fmm hi« I t-ytV. aud informed that it w*« f»r him |>cr- I Hinil'y that ih.r b'U*or of thi* cqnceisioa waa 1 mean’.. I did it, aU.>, that he might <eo our ca.mp_ ! and our IroopK. > j oAs I have -aid in the preceding paragraph, »c < ri-nriirv din th?-hacienda .three days: but the ouly i supply it* cuuid was ninety U-i-ves, and i three were c >n*dmed on lh« 25ih. The honea were xlan rvnh-. ut forage,and. notwithr'anding all : t.u* clfiru iu pro'i-i iQi thtt I could make, many ( of th« wetri-kvl bid been hot once attended to, } and »«mV ail. From the rigor of the Hi j auto, th«t hiidnMJ aril scintiness of the susto ! nance, the euuro want uf bread, aud the bad qual ! rtr ot tho water Used in our former bivouacs, a - bowel complaint had broken out in the army and - rendered im tfective ti least one half of iL I knew J that n Ttri>gade movemenl t > oar former p isitions ! bid in-enrne iorvitabir; hut though every thing | ariurrd me proclaimed this necessity, my feelings j revidied" against it, solefy because I foresaw that from ignorance, malice or prevumption. the coon* (.U ruisrch be condemned, and that those | who did not witniM* our situation would tmagine I the poa«ihility of tho aVmy’s continuing it* opera | mm. Sir daya before, when the troop* had tut duflerni «o much, nor fought for two successive 1 days, n..r hren e übarraued with sick end woon ; dm!, but were ititll sound in morals and in health, i hid n it ih'fint-d it prarlent to ougment the la i bor.t and iftlficultics of the army by moving to the | tiglu ->r t.s the left; how then would it have been | |ki-sitili'i.o pA on operating after all that suhsu i rvtr<*u/rrrl r Bui let detractors aay what ytTry will, lb J army, as w--ll as'mysolf, will always by an iippcil i > our condact, oor wishes, an I lii'; n iropoMibility of carrying them |>ut. ' : JS.it*itUs',anditi|,»iijy coovigtion. I wi»h*Hi to Iretr th-: ...riiu-ci 01-.tii** g*.-ncr=di and some of lire ruin iann:cr.» rorpv. and to avesitam il they could pt-ii.to-it utiT revilarce whretr had not occurred to me; without (h-rctoiia' my onra idea* on the >ub. jnet l ti'Tr'in 1 to theirs, and the/ *ll unanimously ■arul ca. on-. by bis npioion, separately exprcsarri,, •show-ad sitd di-moTutnteJ in sarrouv wavs,Unt ho» • rvergnml thrtir will ti remain, the countermarch of tj£ic 'Hirer had bccnrjc indispensable, but that tlu» 1 nect--•*•*.» « as rn,t iorce i upon u« br tire enemy. It w.i n-'l i>li 1 bid linar.t their opinions Uni I an ojiic-'i cry own accontiol rosatution, and the pro re,* of iho council being drawn up. I had the honor nf rcnn'.trm; tlic;n to year Kxcellcnrj on the Ou tSo .n»-r 1 lu*l onJererl Gen. MinmUn Inli -v% >» - iii’iw«;i!ip!,i, tin* army cinmjiencetl it« rp in-al, «it‘i Ihr «iff*. o| tlrt* lir.«t pfl<ipled I or Uii ic*. 'vrurre rcioar w might tin obtained, such a* Vnn*?i*. l ‘aptorcn, FI CvJrjl, and Matahuala, at Tuia;’l»uM d'ni'jt if in tbore place* pnqter at iiM’.iun r'in I,*- even to Nick anti wounded—nr in.-' j u»«r.4 wa Invc fcutnuictl in lho«e isboriotis i;iti>e!iieni» lie retnedred. > Tftc natwn. ftit winch a triumph h»» been jpjneri at th? eo-.i of-*o m-tny imtfrrirtgi, will |e.,rn. that it wt-rr -iM« To i-mq-jer in tti* midst of su many ■»-Bibn,'. r .i-*nienW, tftr.n* wu. Ut no doiibl a* to out iioil *u<-M!<er in tho sln»g»lc we suntain, if every uptrii but raUie* Wc one sacred object of defence .V more .dotendinr-it iiumbcr of men will not. nj .ny .mig.ac, iutSe<i:f-*r tbo prb,ecution of w.vr; it o * that thfy be ararcii. cquippotl. d i ncl suu iiatti Ln.ijcd, (.nil tii .ii a *yste.ii3liz<d s.ippo- 1 ior*ueh uit organized force bo provided.— We-n-.'i t lacnr uJ mind that have tn combat in a regno dr-fioient \c-l all rcioiiico*, and that every tiling'--r iubi.ndnec In* lo bo carried along with iOr ,"t t} , l!iu eob.J >v.li »ditt few wdi i.ot audice, but tii« j.o>optrai|on.oi ail i% needed; and if we do not ct-t <-jß*li inlertrt* and petty pasimna, we can cajipti n>AiurgbutdL%-u-(. The array ,and niyacJf who harej led it, have the salislactioa ot knowing that ivn faaro demonstrated this truth. Your riiceilemjv will be (drated to report to bis •K.iceUf-ncy, the Vice President of the Republic, -aiKi to prrtcnt to bun ray aisorance* of respect, ' CoJ and Liberty! lUncoo de •San balvador, Feb niary 27ili, 181". j - (.-igo--d) l.orstz dc SakTa Asvjia. I'o inn Kieeiicndy. the Mmiiicrnf \V«r v , 'J’lir F.o** —Of lfa|e loan of eighteen millions ri cviitly ordorul by the Government, Corcoran 4 ol Watbingion, obfainotl fourteen millions ami *r*c(i humlrtnl tboonan J dollarv, at omvtighih. of one per cent advance. ■ Elisha fliggv. of New \ oik, otnained one millior! four hundred thousand dollar* .it (ho »mo,ral<t. Of the remaining sam— ninetc-eii hundred thousand dollar*—shoot two hundred thousand dollars were taken in Washing ton, nt rtbVut n quarter of ona per cent advance- The* rest h scattered nraoag individuals, traatecs, Ac. at a quarter, half, one, and even two pet cent. The premiußvdacs not avenge half of one per emt, nor even a quarter. ■ PiTTssrnriu Mkccai. Acau*»t.—We m>. derstaud th»t tbi;> iniicting wilFgive their second otaition on Tuewlsy Evuriiog-27th April.in the Gomberiaml Church, Ctbist. * i TkeinstHation was organ Monday ere*. Dr.,if. D. Bctxusi is (he Choir, tail JohriHarperBttreta/y.;Tloo.Williarn YVilkin* : repotted the following articles dfissocution, which were, »s givenbelsw, agreed to.bjf the c ratiibu tora. officers baritig been .chosen sj stated by a* yesterday, a resolution was adopted, asking the managers to procare a Charter u speedily u practicable, and the Chsirmao and Secretaries rev ceised a vote of thick* for the manner in witch they had discharged their duties : AkticLtis of Aisocutio.v. Many iubabitania of the c tier of Pitubargb «p<l Allegheny, and their vicinities, is the Common* wealth of Pennsylvania, actuated by a sense of religioaa duly and the beae«t>!cnf disposition to ‘ extend aid,'comfort arid relief to indigent and af flicted humanity, have made gratuitous contribu tions with a view to the fonodatloo and endow ment ofa public institution. And the contribu tors believing that a hospital appropriated for the reception of the insane and afflicted, as well as sick infirm and helplw* poor, woulJ accomplish the objects they anxiously contemplate, have at a public and geuersl meeting 'representing the 1 amount of subscriptions agreeably to the terms of the written instrument to which their names are Uffixed, held at the OJeon building in the city of Pittsburgh, on thu 20ih day of April, 1847, com bined and formed 1 themselves into s charitable association, and agreed to and adopted the fol lowing fundamental articles for their government. Ist. The iwmf of the institution shall be “the Weitern Pennsylvania Hospital.” 2nd. Every contributor totbo amount of twen- ty-five D >ilarw shall be a member of (he Associa tion, with a right lo.votp at its elections sod eligi ble to he appointed to the management of its con cern?. 3d. The said Hospital shall ba founded* for the reception mid relief uf Lunatics, arid the infirm, helpiecp, an.l sick p.wr, as tbo funds and condition of the P*tibli-hmrnl may jaitlfy. It stall also be an asvlum for thu afflicted of that class who msy ho able to brrumo pay , patient#; and persons re ceiving accidental injoriet may is admitted for the purpose 9! obtaining rargical aid and relief. 4th. Thetsimi anj conditions upon which pa tients stall be admitted into the Hospital, and thetf accomodation and treatment, shall bo deci ded upon and regaUt-d by the Board of Mans gen hvriiiisftcr mentioned, But no person shall bo admitted having any infections or contagious ! disease—nor shall any one having \Baptrilia) or Mania from intemperance b/> admitted as a ponr patient. And, also, as the institution is intended 10 bo a Hovpital for the relief and cure of disease and wounds, and not a permanent asylum for pov erty and J«erepitude, none shall be admitted on We chxtity list who are idiots, or who have a fix ed incuiable moled); nor shall paupers establish ed in. or receiving relief trora the poor honre of any city, township, or county, or who receive alms or support from nay society or public body, be trsn-fered to this Hospital. S li. rti.ee whose cjnditions and diseases ren der them proper objects t>l tbe charity of tho in stitution, mar be received fiora any part cf Penn sylvania without preference or paniility. But •in cases i f serious accidental wounds, provided they occur within the State of Pennsylvania the residence of the party shall !>e no objection to ad mission or surgical aid. 6th. The said institution may aho admit, o« pay patients, subject to iU regulation* and by la**, person* charged with crimioal offtocca, and judicially proceeded against, and who shall have been found to have been insane in the mannir provided by this Commonwealth, at the time the ofience was committed, sdJ who sfttl continues insane, and the exprnsr of such parsons, it m iL , digeot circumstances, shall be paid by the countv to which they belong by residence.' 7th. All money donations, real end personal properties and effects 0? what kind soever bestow ed upod or trarisfered to the institution, or added to the capital slock, shall l>« alone used employed for Ihe purposes of the Hospital, and'fot the. en tertainment-and relief of its insane, tick, afflict ed indigent and other patients. And no other disposition of the said funds shall be made either by a general meeting of tho contributors them* selves, or by any Uojrd of Managers, or officer of the institution. And in all and every appropri ation of the said funds, and in all and every agree ment, undertaking and contract, to effect and car. ry oot the objects of tho association, there shall be responiib.lty no liability to pay on the part of any contributor, any sum of money exceeding bis vofaniaiy subscription . ~£tb.<Thft payment of thesam of One Thous and Dollar*, an single benefaction, hereafter to be subscribed, shall qualify tbo donor a Manager for life, and alio confer upon him the right to nom inate and send in one patient to the Hospital provided the pervoo so nominated shall be of the : cjoditiou/and fall within thr rule- fjr the government of the institution. And they time privilege and right shall be touferfd upon/ and be enjoyed by, who shall subscribe and pay annually doting his life, (bo sum of One Huod-, red Dollars. 9tb. The control, g >temmsnt,«nd management of tin.- basilicas and concerns of the Hospital, shall bo vested iu a President, a first Vico Presi dent, a second Vie* President, and eighteen Man agers, to bo annually elccUd by ballot by the con tributors, on tbe third Taesdny of April, to which number shall be added those who may acquire a right U> become members of- the Board agreeably to tbe next frecedmg article. And should it so happen that in any year On election shall not- be held as herein appointed, the Managers in office for lha time being shall continue to act until oth er* shall be duly elected to fill their places. - Tbe President and the two Vice Presidents shall be ex njfieio member* of the Board of Managers. / And iu cases of any vacancy by death, resignation, re moval from the State, er'ominion to atteod tbs meetings ef ihe Board, the Managers shall have power and it shall be their duty to flll_*uch va cancy by the .nomination of another contributor antil the next annual election. 10th. At any staled or adjourned meeting of the Board of Manager* t minority may be railed to order, and adjourn at any future time. But. it ah&ll require s majority of the member* to meet sod be present for the transaction of. buumss.— And, f.ir the final adoption of any measures, or act of busine*#, it will require the concurrence of nine vote*. i 1 1th.' No member of the Board of Manager* shall receive any pay or compensation whatsoever for the discharge ofhi* official daties. 12tb. The said Managers shall annually at their first meeting after their election, proceed to appoint a Secretary and Treasurer. The dgry nl' the Sec retary ,shall be to attend the maetinea of the Board Managers; to keep lull minutes of their pro ceeding*; and to lake eare of, and preserve their liooks and paperr, It (ball be the business and duly of the Treasurer, to have the custody of the money and fond* of the Hospital, and lo keep fair and regular accounts of its financial concerns, whoso book* and accounts shall at all times be upen to inspection nod examination or the man egcra. Ho.abail give bond in a form and penalty to be preaeribed by the Board of Managers, for the faitbfal performance of his duties, and shall bo at all times liable to be removed from office, and to surrender the funds, boo It 1 and accounts of the institution. 13th. The said Board of Manager* shall be en trusted with the general mansgement of the Hos pital, its fun-l*. and the regulation of its domestic economy. Th»-v shall have power to enact a code of By-Laws, ordinances and fundamental rule*, for the regulation.of their meetings; and the manner nf conducting their contract for and { archsse, or to rent, or lo acquire and take in any other way, the.ground for the site; and other pur poses of thej Hospital—to adopt the plan and con struct tho.etiifico and necessary buildings and im provements* aod arrange the furniture and accom modations fur the Hospital—to establish the role* conditions #nd regulations for the admission, treat ment, care aad discharge of all piltcota to a p. point and regulate the committees of visitor* aod all oilier*, surgeons,physician*, wardens,matron*, attendant* and servants, which they may deem no ce**ary, arid to prescribe their respective dnlics and compensations, hereby vesting the said Board s ..f Manogers with air tho pnweta and function*, necessary U> carry out the objtcta and purpose# of this asmeistion, subject the restrictions In these articles imposed upon them* I4tb. In deriding admisrion of pa tienif there abnll lie no discrimination as to lelig. ious denomicotuns; and clergyman of either of the aforesaid cities, or their neighborhood abaU have accewi to patioota of their own religious per suasion; aabject to the general By Laws in refer, tn the admissioti of vuritors. Tut Nkwa ar tus Braaxsß.—The com mercial new* by the Cambria ought not to «ar priso any clue of our reader* who have observed the immeoM exportations of Grain from the Uni* (ed Stale* Europe. From every accessible «v -enue. Wheat and Coro have been pouring into Earopc. anjl not alone from the l/nited Status, hot from the Baltic and Black Sara, and wherever in the Old Wiirld the growth of last year yitided a rich harvest, Itjisnot safe to rely upon any great in. crease of prices from Grain id Europe, for though there arc Bullions to be fed from oar Granaries, and it is yet a great way off from harvest, still many of our own storehouses are foil, end- ahjpa are loading at every port We hope those who arc blessed with these abundant granaries, and those who have grown rich in the profile arisiog from the famine of other nations, will bear with becoming fortitodo any loss arising from intelij. genes, which, after all, roust be ‘.‘like good news from a far country/' to the needy and halpleta. ! ? »r' MAIrISETIU TELEGKAPi CcrrfipoMdwte. of liiutartb G>iMtt.| ; ~ ' CgrrwpSknceaf tit* Gtzrlie - ' ' , j Arriyalof the STEAM ER i I : CAM B-B IA- ‘ { Hbiladjxpbis, April2l»t—lo A.M. The news by the “Wm. Kennedy” and Caci: briaha* thrown great confusion into oar Grain markets, and here and ia New Yotk os well at ;Ea*t and West, they must suffer some declioe. [Many believe, however, they will rally again. At <the Wheat market is depressed the Cotton mar. ket is elevated and in about the same proportion. Correspondence oi the Filtaburgb Uaxelle. CAZETTE OFFICE, Wednesday 11 A. M. Philadelphia , April 21, 10 a. m. ■ Foreign Markets. 1| The steamer Cambria brings the prospect of a : good harvest in England, the effect of which has j. been to reduce prices in. Grain, more than the I' targe importation from Europe and the East. There have been great fiaciaatioos in the corn market for two weeks past and the article bos re ceded to quotations. 1 Bowed Cotton 6Jd to 6jd, Orleans 6jd to 7id. At Liverpool on the 26th of March, the declining tendency of Breadstuff* infused a vigorous feeling into the Cotton market. The manufacturers were in much better spirits and came forward freely. The business done was participated in by both the Trade and purchasers ou speculation. Exporters were in the market and took a fail amount of tbe_better qualities-tf Orleans. The animated feeling on Ibo part of buyers soon caused an advance and prices for alt descrip tions went up, full i penny, while on the great balk lull; in the market an advance of fully jd was claimed. The decline <mi the various descriptions of food duririg | the past month has been as follows On Indian com twenty eight shillings per ton. On Ryu four shillings per quarter. On Rye-Flour, six shilling* to eight shillings per barrel. On Sack Flour, 21 lo 3o shillings per 480 lb*; and on 11. 8. Floor 10 shillings per barrel. Within a few days a better feeling and rear, tion has prevailed, and an improvement of 2 shil lings per barrel on Flour took place. On Corn Meal 5« per 4SI) lbs and 2 abiitings on the bid. The trade had generally acquired much more firaraew and very heavy transaction* took place at the price* carrent fir Flour, which were'** follows on the soiling of the steamer. ! Western cans! 37* to 38s, Philadelphia and Baltimore 36* lo 36* Cd and New Orleans at 34s to 35s per bbl., ; The Price* Current fir American wheat w*re 10s 9d for Southern up. Ip ll* fid a Its fid perTO lbs fur Northern wheat. Rye 48a i j 50* per quarter. Liverpool April 3<L—Noun. The market at this date showed much' buoyan cy compared with the previous depression of feel ing. The trade were firmer in their demands.—- .Bdyera of wheat were in the market at fall prices Flour bad readier sales at a alight amendment. Indian corn was in request 52e per 480 lbs. Yellow cornmeai at 25s per bbL Good sea Island cotton sold at 15 jd to 'lSd per lb. • ; The sales of U. S. Beans were 70a to 80s per quarter and Peas at 66* a 70s per quarter. ADDITIONAL BT THX STKAXK*. -The news brought by the steamer Cambria, and the Belfast packet so far os it relates to Flour and Brcadstuffs generally has been received la this ci ty, and I* of much importance. ■ The arrivals of all descriptions in the-*porta : of England and IreUndhad been immense, and the effect on the markets was to cause a rapid and unprecedented decline, considering the space of time elapsed. More than forty vessels bod ar rived with provisions or groin in two week*. . The extreme price* of Flour were 31* to 36s fid per bbl, Philadelphia 36s lo 36s Cd, New Or leans 34»35«. • « ’ Of Indian Corn sales at fifty two shillings per .480 Km. The dec'iae ia Breadstuff* hid on important influence cn cotton, for which an active demand sprung up end prices advanced 1 a j d. per lb. Not a word has been heard in regard to Pro. vis-ions—we cannot bulioi'er that ibey have al so declined to Sira's extent. The de. line in Corn from the date of the Wm- Kenedy's sailing, was 4*. more. The Corn mar kets appear to havo given way noon after the 2Gth March. „It is unnecessary' to say what iho effect must be on this side. Prices must give way. The re cent large decline in freights materially, lessens the fall on the other side, bat still do not cover it, ey penally on Cora. The 1 Eutrrn markets will be of great interest for some, time, and oor vigilant and reliable correspondents will keep us informed of them. The firat impression will he a panic, bn ifier tbit prices will rally somewhat. Farttier Items of Fertlgn News. Phii’a, April 22, 10 g’c, P, M. I have some older items of the Foreign Maiketr, upon which 4.caa rely. This morning the New York and Boalpo Line of Telegraph broke Sown, or up—it, stopped operating at all events, and dawn to this hour not a word baa been received over it relative to the English Provision Markets. The only information relative to them is contain* rsl in a letter from Liverpool, expressed from Itor lon to New York to a Perk dealer. The advices had not transpired, but were presumed to ho fa vorable. [A despatch was received in this city ■ Wednes day’ Evening by a Pork dealer, roach to the same sheet- These thinga will go for what it ia worth*] Id Liverpool Egyptian, ,BratiL and long ata* pled Cottons, are leas sensibly affected by the movement in market, bnt, in'common with other descriptions, highly veined. Some transactions during the week ending the ejth at lower rates than quoted at the dose. PHILADELPHIA, AprHil. IS o'clock. UTKR FROM VERACRUZ, * ALVARADO SURRENDERED. PHILADELPHIA, April 21. By the arrival of the sloop St. Mary’s, eight days from Pensacola, we have intelligence of the capture of Alvaiado. s The expedition by water was ted by Captain Hunter of the slpamer ‘Scourge,’ and the town was captured od the 2d lost., without firing a gan. It is reported tbit the Alcalde at Jalapa had made proposals to surrender the toirn to the de tachment of the army sent from VeraCrez. WasniBOTOX, April slf 9 p. m. B, the arrival, at New Orleans, of-the Tow Boat Dan Webster, from the Belize, the N. 0. Times bos Vera Cruz dates to the 6th. Alvarado p in quiet possession of the Araet lean authorities, the town and fort having sent a dag of truce and surrendered to Com. Petty before iho arrival of General Quitman's forces. Col. Harney’s squad* ron of Dragoons entered Antigaa 16 miles from Vera Crux on the 2d inat, and charged a force of CO'lodcctb and captured 18, including 1 officer. No force bad been despatched towaids Jalapa, ■on the route.Wo the city of Mexico. Some days were expected to elapse before the main body of the army under Gen. Scott would be ready to move'in that direction. , . It had been ascertained that Gen. 3»a Vegi, with a foice ono thousand strong, was .posted at the Poento Ndciooal, a strong poritiot< about thirty miles from Vera Crnx, on the route to the capital. Every thing was quiet ict Vera Crnx, and Gen. Worth, as governor of tho town, was discharging his duty admirably. PananzLPßiA/April 23. : Commodore Perry had set oat upotr mn expedi tion to seems every pott on the coast. ' Alvarado had been captured' and several other - towns of small account, some of .them of great impor tance. A division of the Army coder Geneial Sort, *u to move for Jalapa oa the 7th ioau Gteowal 'Tiw in ftnaiDind bid sekoot itT idvucii and l •uuhbllind bj Oaml HtsinaiHiVibm? tsers, among fwhom’are the fffisfrttrgte wa*.ln eoamub&ofVerm: Crux with the fegular*. The city btif ittoi ihue v' 'There was a rumor that B*nt* Anne,'with SO,* ,000 men, would .make* damoatntian'against General BcoU. Nobody belieree it. The political new* by it not im portant - The Emperor of-Roasts had'become V heavy purchaser of French atod* which had nm-’ftp the funds. The quarrel between the Queen of Spain and her husband, (ami of the King of the French,) bed excited great feeling. ' The wifie already claim* to be divoreeilfrotn her husband.' Parliament waa engaged in an eaihert'dtsenr ■ion of Irish affair*. There vu a warm upon a poor law bill, tod moeh opposition w*s elicited to the measure. Its defeat waa^ptedicied. Bsttlz oa Boss* Vista.— Gen. Taylor, in his official account, states that the agregate of Troop* in' the Army at the time of the wu4749, of whom 4073 only were on doty.—: Among the killed wen. three Colonels, one Lieor tenant one Adjutant, eight Captains, 15 Subalterns, 330 non-commissioned officers aod private*,—making a total of 357 killed. Wounded—l Breadier General, 1 Colonel, 1 Major, 1 1 Cspts)n< 37 Subalterns, 41 Commis sioned Officers ,415 Noncommissioned Officers end private*—making a total of 456, and an sg. grrgste of killed and wounded of 746—69 of whom were commissumed 'officers. NEW YORK MARKET. i April 38, 7 or P M. An Express has arrived from Boston, with pri* vatelottprs and adviced to merchants. The maiket for Floor was altogether unsettled this morning, and continued so ontil after change boors. At 36,50 for Genesee* Flour, deliverable in May—there were Sellers but no buyers.. On the spot it srrld t) a moderate extent at $B,OO per bbl. The market for Corn is not much affected by the news. Thero were sales to-day 0f30,000 bn Yellow, prime quality, at 99ti00e, and some White at 95c per bn— a decline. Ooltou is favorably influenced by the news.— Prjcrs have advanced jof a cent per ibl Good Fair N. O. 14c. 9 o’clock, P. M. The market liir Cprn which opened tbt* morn ing heavy, closes much fiimer. A large demand fer parcels to arrive, prevails at prices per ba lower than yesterday’seuneney. 1 now quote ules Yellowest 95,99 and W3c—the latter was offeied freely at the close. This is a dreklad im provement. For 120,000 bu White deliverable in Msv 85c, and.7sc deliverable in Jane, were both offered and declined. There is ntore movement in Pork—the sales down tothe dose were at $l3 for Old Prime, and 16.50 for New Mess—all Western. ('orreipondroce of the Pipibargb fiasco*. CfffciNxiTT, April 17—LOr.x. The market for Flour is almost stagnant, and it will undoubtedly continue emotil after the receipt of tho advices per Cambria. The ealee 10-risy embrace only 1800 bbls, including 1500 at $4,70, delivered, end several small lots from store at $4,- 75. Lots that were received by night, were offered at $4,624 this afternoon without find, ing purchasers.. The market for Whiskey dosed heavily at 18jc * bales of Cora early in the day at 61c for lots in gonny bags, ahd 55 in cotton. Subsequently 250 *irk* in hemp sold at 53c—a dedine of 7c from previous quotations. The Provision market is without animation. I qaote bolk Sides at 7jc; Shonldera 4jeasc; the Utter rate for diy cured. Salea of Bacon Sides at 6c, packed. A small lot of Clear and extra clear Pork sold to day it $14,75 per bbl. Prime No. I Lard it held at 9c, and would com. mend within a fraction of that figure.' Linseed Oil has declined to 67568 c per gallon. A gang of counterfeiteta were arrested to-day near Easton, Ohio; who had in their pooeesion one hundred $5 counterfeit bills on the Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati. The engraving was so badly executed that they cannot escape being de tected. 1 am sorry to say that two of the gang are at Urge, baying made their escape shortly af ter they were srrested. WEEKLY GAZETTE- Ami, S3—Coxtxxts ia raar—Fonrteen | days later from Europe,—News by the Cambria I and by the Packet ships; state ofthe Grain. Pro . vision, and other markets; Letters from John C* . Calhoun sod Daniel Webster; interesting Cor respondence from Vera Cruz,—All the late news from Ibe Seat of War, Proclamation of Banta : Ann*; Slave Cases in' Pittsburgh; Kidnapping of > Ncgroci; Decision of Judge Lowrie; Commercial New*; State of Markets at home; Retaliatory Laws; President making. Telegraphic intelligent, dec., dee., for nlo it (he counting room. Fins ix Whsxlixq. — Thoclerk of the Amer.. icha Star inform* us that a lire was raging in the southern pari of Wheeling oq Tuesday night, about nine o'clock, while they were passing. - A jjassengcr who came aboard reported it to- be a Steam Planing Mill and fire or six frame drnd* Uog house*. The firemen had got A under. No particulars. * Latk*,—The 'fir* commenced in the steam Planing Machinp of L. 8. Root. - The adjoining property of Messrs. Haddon, Brown and E. W. Bterens was injured. Clka* Citiks.— Warm weather is coming, the Cholera is in Europe, contageoQs diseases are every where, and you who would be healthy, (ram to be clean. Clean streets, 1 clean tanea> dean yards, and clean housra are the .greatest health preservatives aud health rectors lives the world has ever known. News Hems. A New Foac—'The English Builder states ■dhat the practicable utility of chalk, as an article of fuel, has been tested, and with the moatsatiw ft clary results. Burroanded with coal, it gives' a strong heat, and a clear fire, at haff- the usual ex* pease; so that to the poor -m the cualji districts it must be an invaluable 'boon. < i About fifty Mormons, mostly \ women, from Lowell, from Sandwich, and f/rioi the State of Maine, left Boston on Monday aflwnxm, for It* linois. There are now on hand, and, ready for shipment as soon as navigation opens on the Upper Missis •ippi, 173,500 pigs of lead. The Kingston, Canada, harbor is closed with A W*hbiok’s Estixste or P*ioce Eugene, wbo-wts one of the very ablest, among the renowned Generals of bis day, and who had gained honor in many a well fought battle, unde th«t following remarks in relstloo to war: “The thirst of renown sometimes insinuates itself into our councils under the hypocritical garb of nation* al honor. It dwells on imaginary sag* gests bsish and abusive language, and people go on from one time to aoother till they pot an end to.the lives of halt a million of men. The call for war proceeds generally from those who have no active sbare'in its toils, as ministers, women, and the louugtDg population town. I said one day in Vienna,in I7le,in a company which was very elsmorous for a war, I wish that each of the great men and great women present was or dered by the Emperor to contribute at the rate of four thousand duckets a bead to tbs charge*of the war, and that the other fine gentlemen among ue were made to lake the field forthwith in per* son. A military man becomes so tick of bloody scenes in war, at peace be is averse to re-com mence them. I wish that the first minister who is called on to decide on peace or war had only seen actual service. What pains would he not take to seek in meditation and compromise the means of avoiding the effusion of so much blood 1 It U igQortnee, and levity, which is always cruel which makes cabinets lean to the side of «tr,” Hoasrs Wiinii in bis“Lettara" relatosthat the -AM* Giustiniani, a noble Geaose; w rote a panegyric in verso on the Empress Queen. **Bhe rewarded him with a gold so off-box set with die* mondt, and a patent of a theologian. Finding the trade lucrative, he wrote another on 'the'King of Prussia, wboseot him ah houf*box, v teUlnghln that he knew his vow of poverty would not let him touch gold; and that.havinghp theologians, be hid sent him a patent to be adiptaia of hone in thosejrery troops that he had commdiuled somueh i* inverses. lam persuaded that the saving the £oW and brilliants, wasaot the part whichpleased his the beast.*’ - Tax Poughkeepris Journal hat placed at the mast bead the following: •'For tU rneaJ of the Uni Pott Ofict Thar on ifowpeperr/ ■ •> -j *•* ■ . \ IniFalmoftb po* toinaaaTse tiie in ajfiquid yxaapefcad two ingredients, sixi|s&ne qwitft-of ;Co*l tar with* five quarts of waief»jb*s bdgji ad-' bySmny ; while aoqte srtj|tave afifi adt bered to theytid one of piatiogHbem under’agooff layer ofcommaa Potato is.—A gentleman in India writes thui: —“I wish I coold aend you aoaa of wir eo beautiful and white. lam sure' tho reason the potot ea in KngUrat harp linftTW Wlihart fr from over cultiyatioo. All titoao fine manure* have alteied;aad defrayed tiw-natoral atracture of the rpot,andif farmerawookl let the: ground alone, the potato may be again plentiful and good. Some tiara hence they may find that not only wheat but other grain may become like the pota toes.” - The February number of the PraineFariner contain* a communication on'tfce object of Ten* ing Paine farms with wire. The plan ia to set jwato in the.graved«x rodaeparfctben stretch lines of win from post.to post, fastening themby'spOtea and damps, after bringing' them to the proper tension. A fence of five wires .high, made of number 9 wire (t^cosiof.which York Ia $6 per .109 Ibe) m estimated to cost when contracted, and the wires painted toprarorve tfrym from rusting, adoot 37$ cents per rod.. “ ' ' staple article abroad,no:matter how prodoctive the other crqTmay be, care mhstbq taken In the planting.. Seed time ia now near at hand, and farmers should discard the “gourd seed” and mix* lures, and plant the white yellow, or straw color which commands higher pricesl ~ ' ‘ r: Recipe tor Mieiso ARTiTiclAi GtJERO.— TtkeaeTen Irusbetaof boae dost, one hundred. U>i sulphite of immnnii, five lbs. of pearl aib r Odt hundred ib*. common nit, eleven lbs. of the dry sulphite of soda,snd twtftywheliof plistef f mix the whole Ibgether, lesre it' itrpUeibr two weeks, then turn it orer, ttul youhare a yttj fcood sab stitate fo/guano, sad aauffiaent quantity to man ure iwdscresof ground. —American Farpitr- ‘ la Pleasure alter Pa la* —So meg the I'ort. and ao exclaiiaa the ■offerer front Pile#, ■Her tearing Hr. Upbsuo’a Vegetable Klreioary 1 . an in* ternal letnedjr turf that eomplnini. !t«eeldbmybae bren banectlj’ acfjoired from in oam merita, An <mad« would proclaim, did noia >eQ*eof detieacy, from the nature ofthediae&ae forbid. i , JEE*>W» Wholeaale.aud Koiail. l*r. WYATT * RKTCIIAU, 111 Fultoanreet.New torn; Wx^THoa* uiiam, 131 Fultoanreet.New i’oA; WxjTmoi.. Markiti »ircet, ami P. IL Siwtee, StnnfaGiewiireeC Pa. Price ft per bo*. apll Vw to Co 1 * tUmltUnee Offle*. I—The 1 —The subscriber remit* monies to England. Ireland, Scotland and Wale* regularly at the me of Frrk doll*. 'U>the-£l—witboutauy additional charge hereof else where. Remittance* by the steamer of the Istol May -nan be nailed OBibetfthJttst.'-Pasarngers brought out on the uhnal terms, and no extra charge at; Liver* pool. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European Agfeut apICJlw Fifth ttrcet,oaedOorbelow yTood ; $5,00. BOOTS 5,00. 7 80. 60 FOOBTH STBEET, CORNER OF POST OFFICE ALLEY. THE subscriber rtspeei/iillymfona* the public that he ha* commenced toe manufacture of QtntUmto FatkianalU BooU, of good material and workmanship wbieb be will warrant superior to any float eTer made in Pitttsburgh .for the price. Thete handsome -Boot will be made to measure, and warrant them a* repro tented, ai the very low price of FIVE -DOLLARS CASH. Ceslleraen are requestfcd ttfcall and exact nethem. }>•*! . W B ERSKINE. ' OISHBg P*a*e«U"MioiCit Txrmmsr—W* beg leave to eair public‘htientfeu to the foltywiqg,' from Dr. Wot. Doan, of Wiibamsvilic, Clermont Co one of the very drat practitioner* in the county |u which he reside*, and late Senator State legislature. It ia eheeriog thus to *ee the team ing men of the profenion, bursting the bonds of profes sional prtjodice, and giving merit itsdae: .“Sit; I have ui my practice bees naiagsemeof your Ginseng Panacea, and,- so far r am.well pleased- In Its effect* in Catarrhal and Bronchial CbmplalnU.’ Please send me half a down boulc*-^pul them as low .as you eao; as I expect if it continues to reader as genCralut' isfselion as it has heretofore, to keep it constantly on hand. Respectfully, apl7 Wx. Doxy, *• o- I DIED, On the SUi instant, at 3o’elock..A M-, Eliza, dangb tet of David Fitzsimmons. The friend* of the family are Invited to attend her fn this (Friday) afternoon, m AUegbe nr. to the Allegheny Cemetery, crossing the uppet Bridge. * ‘ /„■ Valuable real estate forSALK, adjoining At town qf SUnUncilU. The subscriber offer* lor tale the pioperty well known as SLACK’S GARDENS, consisting of about aerea seres of Lead, of excel lent quality, with Dwelling House, Bath House, Green House, &e., thereon. The dwelling ia a dious bnek building, with soitable oal-houses attached. Ob the premises i* a never failing,spring, jteldiug a plentiful supply of tnott excellent water, from which the Garden* are irrigated by means of pipes. .Near the spring is a large and commodious Bataing (foaac; tsda 1 •tories h igh. with pore he*, and contain ingseveral apart menu m additioa to the bath noma. The Garden'is altogether superior to any ia .thiaaectioo of the country: end abounds with the choicest Fruit trefc* of almost all k tads, as well as with beautiful and rare Shrubbery and Plants.-. The elavued position of the'guldens, overlook, iug and aatigeoas to the city and the Ohio river, whilst at the rseetime, they are so eaiily accessible, render them peculiarly desirable as aietidence fora private family, or for supplying Use city with fruits and vegeta ble*. ( • . ‘ The uraaof sale of ell the above property, as to price and credit will be liberal Apply to J.Dislaek oathe premises, or JOdC-BpENCER. fjy Feraonain Pittsburgh mclining-'to purchase ban have a more full description of this location,and of the above property, on applitatioa to Mr: Joan A. Wusox., of the hraaeor Jdurphy, Wilson A Co. “ i : Steubenville. April*!, 1&47 dVawwfL V SADDLERY HARDWARE AND CAR RTA6E FURNITURE. NO 133 Wood street, fiutburgto.teTerdooribelaw 'Ftfti. now opening tad for tale by RICHARD T LCRCtI.Jr, Importer and Dealer in Foreign tod Do malic Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Triramiruri.' of ail detenpuou. • ■ • A very cheap and well collected stock of goods in' hi*line, all fresh, ofthe pewestsyles, and parchtsed lor ea»h from head owners, will be disposed ot, whole-' •ale and retail, at toe rsntslJen possible- advance” on the‘eo*t Determined to cel rid of his gtiodaia doable quick (toe, to save them from tho raiooss efleel of smoke and soot, purchasers are requested to call with*' out delay, —“seeing is believing * No charge for the - first, and the last will follow. Also, constantly on hand, and as cheap as-can be (band eUswberc, Saddlers tools,TJf every devyriptioo; Moss, warranted good,- Deer and Curled Hair, stone Cards asd Brashes; Curry Combs; Wagon whips and others; Cow Hides; Brussels and other carpels for tra velling begs; JJlue; Glass- Paper, dee, Ac. Nu hurkl that No 133 u the only boose in- the city where attention u devoted exclusively to these branches of the hardware bnsttftn. Inference—there wilt always be found Ut» most complete assortment; if nothing more. . ap4B W 121KB—dqr cvls treble grope Port Wine; •• • , 3do of the celebrated Hooco* bread; S do London Port, very old: •• 10 ■ do dills rent btands and vintager; .3. qrcasksLisboawine; ■ •• •• . 3 -do - dodn- Malaga; . 3. hbds sup Claret wine; It b*ku snp crown brand Cham, wine 2 qr eiks snp Lhi Madeira wine: •j do do pale ,!ffierty{.... 5 do Madeira Xlntfofo.'lSiß; * T' J J 3 do ditfereotbianda aatl vintages; 2 do eska sweet Malaya; . 6 do -do Bed wine; Pan of the above wines have just arrived from under Custom House Locks, in New York; persons wishing to purcbase r may rely on getting a pure article, -la quantities to suit. For sale by . .PC MARTIN' apSJ ■ Cor saithfleld and front sts , NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cantoned sot to purchase either ot the two following deveribed notes, as (hr just and sufficient rcasbos. the undersigned, urnieri of said antes, are determined to resistthepatorotofthesamh: One*note for the! sum of two tbotuaad five hundred dollar*, dated Pittsburgh January t, 18M, payable two years tad threeynonths after dstd u Zsranll. Ctonon, or |order. in Pig Metal, at the rate of twenty five dol*~ larsperToia Can note forihe aom of two thousand fircr hundred dollars, dated Piiuburyb, January In, IPW, payable three yean and thiee mouths oiler date, toZmh H. Cottoa.ororder.in Pie Netsl.a* the rate of twenty fire dollaraperToft. • HENRY HIGBY, v ENOCH S. HIGBY, GEORGE HIGBY. (American, Chronicle and Dispatchcopy.) Worms! Worms: Worm B.' Lotistuxb, Aran. £9.1647.' Messrs. J. Kidd A Co, Genist—This I* 10 eertifr thar a child of mine was amieted with Wans. -1 proedred vorions kinds of Vermifaye, and administered theni, bqx wiihjno efteu I then purchased a vial of Or Me* LanoTa of.lebraied Vermifuge, and a her giving a few' dose*, the child discharged a bool a qaart of. large .Worm’s 11 The health of the.child iapnved'immedi* ately. I woe Id recommend Dr. McLano'aVcrmihifeto the public, as one of superb add mosteflectael rente - dy (or worms, now in use. " J. II CUTTEH Sold wholesale and retail by J Kl DO A CO, comer wood A (bank *ls aptf j 1 (Chronicle A Joomal copy) • NEW WORKS OPH P TVFPBR-An A uibor’s Mind, the Book of title pares, a boofcfoJ of books, or thirty books in one.* Edited by M : BTbth per.Em|.,M. A. rsoaasamyit'Ußidtoriiib.byihe aothorof the abqVc work*: Foi sale by . J aptt ~ ... . JOHNSTON-A-gTOCKTON Another skw work-wu and ii^r selected from the Enflisb Poets; with aninuira- T>RANDT-a bf pt|»a AS Brandy,dark anddaW *A; do do Olant, Dspry kSCs, • doSrintarea W 2do -do Pinei CaHiHap - *> 4dodo of other brands; - 5 esks sup old Tennessee Pca& Brandy? ForsalctnqnenutiesmenJtby/ P C MAKTIN ' J ' V gor saalhAchl BjA-CrdaTsis TVPPBB« eepiei or Topper's Proverbial PhilosopEy, tun received asd for sale by. - JOHNSTON A STOCKTON; . _*pW - 1 -•• • ••••• coy Market and 3d m 10,000““ ‘^sflsaT.'ise^s.sir _apBd ' /. , 27 wood st 5 CASKS SaletaUr. > Far kale byV spO -' CEO MORGAN A Co, ta wood st TSDIGO-IO Cerooas BP. • For salebY* ’ ' £ spa ■ CEO MOBOAN A CO: T ASSET db Oreeata . A Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce,*— W 033 Wood street,-Piusbcrgh. - '- ' tpfla , FLODB-IW bbis Family Fionn received and lor sale hr apt* • -- TASBBV A BlttfP-7 POTASH— tdcasks pyre, m. store. «ad fetmla by’ tp«3 TASSKy A DEBT'. S ?»* by BBOOMI-UOjlM com Braoau, lam dm, best gilthaadiet, weeded per steamboat Newark, and lor sate by aptt - , TASBEV A BEST ■ Ng:iasaaaa-a«r^^. - JOHWOTON A FTOCKTON ' , s*-3p*P«of wp swan brand Holland (lm; Lfawbr.- scaa:. -r>oMeans 'CVsPJW*bwbbu <a snpo; H Whiskey? distilled IW7. Formksb^-^- ■» nanriion Salts l«nak a • lactiosoer tlMb ‘ a 9 o'ctark; suh« -ujuioff ike ba><oev, 1 ouortneat of finwjr and lit parctewra. Sock \in , Ittfedo; Cuban* . iu Buege do doi i worked cwNtttwtw, tiUn.ltwutadfiof • ' «p*s - 'feta*fc‘ti*b‘eloelrY Till Mid— «l* *l - a bruits, ftataitwe .bleached udoa •>U!w*i ebijt tlcltißy, fkaey .*>&, suspender*, par* UMra,n,uaei* (f y . ,4e~ •eeozulbUfcUttMefaojj Butbonaydfo <ucj *m cpmraoa *Vjr*rdrob«, ijigj, -in fttrah'ow >rth, vim «et«u V. -W- -■ , uaoj. Mitorauu*; •••$ l B)ei.v ';; . l ;;, iraujit u 3 h’eUck, u«, cohjer oir Wood font rtar«,’'*e,will a by AqetlMb; mnd«y «od MlanUy of April.tttlU Cobh * Wood Md PfftS ««, 'BooJro in varied - Of sUikUr i works rgripby, the jOrap^, .nVE RKSIF-OY. . - Ur eta* tribe following *~*iL aTlßTtonjifffi*- , lodig*stion,‘Libh lofibe Ueartl Lou ittltonsv Debilitated >iriu,Cbroaie Hheo !f, Sypbiioid priea* Jtood.-Pimples and Homorv Cto]d flow, judicious nse of Met liließnJor«n tbor* * eases, is icspeeifslly I invaluable ptypara* uingaiibed phpueiaui e rnwiitl properuei i lb* Materia Medie*. jrHudtaanu toy Bitter* -ware ta* Uodsced to the public about twelve months daring Util period tbefr wceububm i« past uta inddeeibe proprietor teoflertbem with viBI Bare eoof device, iti the fall belief thstbj entering inty.’norc ex tensive nse, they will prove a' blrwiug tolaU iboeC •afferiugfreia'jbe diseases above jraeroeraierin SoWj -wholesale and retail, by \v YATT AifcETCH AM,generalagents, ISI Fattaa*trert,Naw vUki' Wsi Tnow. Market street, and B. |L Sewn*. Smiih field street, Piu*b«r»h, Pa. >Prie«»l4l*rge batfoil • : ntchaadgn . j - ■. DBCGB, PAISTS.ASD pUR SALKfayFJUCTm* IdCBARD*; Wb6le*a’e I? Druggists, *» taw price*;.* la 17a and ewdplete aA sortnenl of Drags Paints Oil*. Van>i»brs,|\Vmdow Glait,Dye Plod*, and Spices, which we efieryery lew' for cask.. We.-waiTaiu.-OBr -Drags 0 be-pureaadof prime quality; among which , . , j.., fiOOox Quinine; '■ . *. . . f fit-0 lbs pore Oil Pr npcmtifti; , 60os Morphia; hMJUOntam; | 100 ox Bit. Bark; s» bbl* Castor Oil;- ' ' Inelodlmf every artiele usedby Drogri strand PfcV»t» eians. ' Oor «<aortmetit of Ps’mW, OIK YarnUfae* and Window Olets U lirge.and odr ‘prices soeh as cannot fail to please. • r. • - SB ton* Pare Lead: 10 bbis Coach Tarnish; - iDUObis Window Glass; SObbUCopat do;'' figoketsVen. Bedcand.iadoxPamLßnJlbrs: . , Ochre} rr. fiObblaFjH^Ttttwittiftri'-c. l4®Oßajten«,LioaeedOjL - ... . We offer a repenorCoaeb Varnith at 9i per jta(!oo. - Oaratoefcfdeiodea'ewy Wileie'BMtfUiT-Coaeb anj (loose Paintera. -• -V ‘ •; • ■ • - Dye Oteff* we-efer aipartWulariy kjwprirw/haaiii*' a lamatoek of erory anielejoaed by the trade. SOObbUDyewoodi;' -(.SOEOIb* Ground Prnarr:-. 100carboy*Oil Vitriol;;}***} . do - V Ciunustan:' 500 ibslodigo; {■ ' ■./ (-90lbeNatiaejr»; ’ Gee kintal, Jtaddar, Mape, Balemaa, da.. &c> - • - Alao, SO tout Urindzioeesi at low price*. Gircara> call, no chan* tot toakinr inboiry. ; PBENCHF * BICHAKDB. .{ Wbole*ale Drajcgiiu, N. W. eoritei Io,b atui Uatitr “ ftftttw I■ r Strew, Philadelphia mOAZIBES FOtt *tAV- Baeei *ed at M. •A* IVX AllNK&’&r*GrabaaP« Magazine.- National Magazine. I ... ■ Godey’s Lady's Book.' r -.i Tinned, or tke new Crnsadfe; by'B. D 1 «ra?li, if. P 4 cheap edition. • 1 - .ttreahtof StraatterLlfe; ini Far Wen Scene*—a icneaof homo rout eketchct, descriptive of, incidents ' .and chanr-tey ip the Wild Weft; by with; B original design* by Barley. /; ... | ~ •; - Ilia Wonders of Nature and Ad, or trad) twang*?-, uao fie ion -iUoatrated with exty-one engravlngi? by the Life and Marafitclurtt of Ibe A«eien».'•• ■V'": •-,v Father Udefonio,or the PrMttaef StOmen; by J. if. fiobiton, Eaq. , I • Chamber's Cjelej>«<liaorEii*ilihlit»fatore;-e ae- . lection of thechokeKprodoeiioluef Ehgtuk Authors, from: ike earliett to (be Predent lime—connected by a • enlieal and Biographical bludry elegantly ilionrated— notp being re*publisbel by Gould, Kendall fc Lincoln, Bo*tnp.': AVe have oa-band front Nol to Sinehnir*. which completes the first volume. We'can forrntb ibe whole wore a • Tati as re-pabiiiW. Oor auortment ofebeep Uteiatere-it nowihe best and of the watt valuable seleettda* (or general inwnic- ■ ties. Per dale at - -•- F JT A MINER'g - • »pt?l Bmithfitjdatrec^Sddoorftomdd" *ak BLOOD »BD OLKiHSB THE BODY—It it an estabUtled (act that, a very- I laipeelaitof diseases can onhi be corn! by tachrem* - 1 edict at will emcr inlo ihejßlood, arid eirealate with , it through-every- portion ofi the body, foronljr bytbit ; meant can the tynedf bo-hTMQiht into idaßerUaie coo*-, 1 Urtwtth the disease; and to attain this desirable end, >- DopretMtraiioabarever btu«o nni&naty tneeeittm - • aaDH. JAYNE’S ALTEKAfIVE Scrofula,, Kings’ ' Evil, Cancer and Caneeroob Tomonn, White Swel- Imet'Ealatgemeatef the Bones, Chreo e Rheumatism ana Gout.'Erapiive diseases of Ute Skin, old and indo-- lent Uleerm, Goitrous Swellings of the Throat, Ac., are* eared with a certainty that-has astonished every he bolder. : U ts besides one of the most yrieasant articles f that can be. taken into the system, operating aaatooio and raaoving Dyaoeptie-aad Nervoat aCsettoaa, and nnptnlngagtewofaniißaUon'and health rneqaalW by anyihidr m the whole Materia Mefliea.' Tor aaie at Um-PESIn TKA STORE No WFbtmh street, near <• Wood. - - F 1 putt Arfte ifianraDiasiau-'iv; h. XMarpby tiuepeD ibiiitMrnlng sfow.piecca.Piok and* Whits. Barred Gingaatas very .low, andbeauifar •trio..' Aleo, bo.w »trle»brtn*Mmlin-deLtiiv*. Al so. nesistyla Brancs, « fashionablc.aniele,—besides ». foil assortmentof Cm quality Freoeh and Manchester Giaghams, British Print*,| small figured Chiatx for In fonts, &*.-Also, Irish *opph% fra* low- ; ett tn fittest qualities, of most appeared ask* led are ' warranted pore flax—and Very- ropenor ikinirtf ant bnsstlltecmiperrarJ. I ■ . ■ {k?~Whelcule stock. verj T full in the nests op airirar sadl goods offered .al exceedingly loty prices to Culi ‘ bsyors. , 1 apWdAw v WB. A. WABD, DBITMT, , ' r HAS Removed to ths boase on Penn ' street, -three Soon above Wand sued, where he mar be (bond from 9 o'clock, . p" 1 * r A;SL,iuilldr.K. As bo is. desirous of being none bot ; who wilfaakeiiamedJaie payment without the • necessity on kia pan of collecung-be would invite par-' ticular attention to ibo.foUewiiig terms: All lulls tali, unpaid at the expnk'ioaof thirty days; wilt be < barged at ike IbUevring rates— PorßxtraeungTeetJij * For PiUing, tram St 10 93 per ravitf; All other operaCoos.la th? *«nm proportion.. 4 - All cases in' midi engagements are .not romiaaied. kills will be considered doe aeco'rdina lo the above ret ulatiotu. N; B.—There are those indebted tobtm wfan*e*ac* counts, if net-paid immediately,'’will bn placed in the bands of a properogrcr for collection. iplSd3tnwtfF VEQBTAUKFDUIOSAET BALSAM “'—“Abort four yean sincelvras auaeJtrd wick a violent cnngb. 1 (tied vaneo* remedies. and cousalted several physicians wiibom relief- roa ike -toeetmneir daiioq of a friend I eommeoced nsinr ike Vegetable Pulmonary Balsaa,.andderred imiaediate relief frout if, and by continuing the use ol it a ikon time my eough. was enurety removed. 1 have Mace always taken it -mvtelf, and recommended it to others, whpn attacked with a cough, and never knew irtbfaHel giving lum*.' ditto relief, altheogh I have recommended nto many; I can therefore, wub confidence recoomendU to the" public. . . . • , , IHPftI.NCF. Boms, November 20, Is<?. For sale by , B A FAHNESTOCK 4 Co . apH cor In and wood sts and wooit.aml tih «it' ( /Siajuia-Aooos«yiVacifars:.-.'- . . V/ s,oootnudai»on Cigstf; - „ AOUO fteutanio.' do; ' • s,W®La.N«noa do; v • &000 Regalia . do; 1.. i ' s fitJbODosAiaiio* do; ... • - ' . I°.COO Jo*io Fsax Principe* and Steam-', .bflat Brands; pari warranted Imported Havana Clean ~ ' • ' . P.C.MiRTIA —P” ' cor satithfield knd float street* •_ R***, .BBTATB FOR ho«se •uw lot on' Washington street; Allegheny City - The Lotted* by-108-fcet : ‘ * • ■ . if 14 ®*.* P*®? brick Dwelling Ifooies on Bank‘‘Lane. Allegbgnv City., , ;.i i ••' -; ‘ . - Also, a Building Lota,S3 by.J3 feat, on Liberty street, • Allegheny City. Apply 40 .......... - r SCUTIIBERT.GenciI Agent _*p3t - , • ; J<o»SmUkfieJd>uett. Vf AITCJFACTUBED*TOBACCO- . IVA, 17bxs*'Ltmlcr»*"Pingu4siand«a4 17bx«“Hact'*» Sa; ! . . . - - • . -dlbxs“j fveVssV ' •: 'lohxd fc tolsellfcttabisQnV , ss4 • - 30'do -t i A: ; Osbane»s T ’U»ftgres#Ss.; 30 i do‘<BT*aeb’* Buckeye Stag” pound*; - - -T' -7'do “BruceV’Ss; on consignment and for ’ aalaby T •/ AGORlibs. wtnra • TA‘tIO« ■ large wpphTiir Ploral, driver-edged,’t&nboas-odged. Lace, t«m and 11 Piain Note Pap cn Note and Card Envelope*: Wrettk 1 Flofal, Knot and Jtfouo Wafers.' Jtc- Ac., and for ia'e ' by JORNSTON A STOCKTON, Stationer#- : apgl Cor Market and Third sfo f CVBXAIIT MCBLIJIB, ot; a great variety' of ' styles, inclodiogßaff French ph,oti,4br .Wai>w, vartain»,to be found « dry goodk boaiaof' *' r'-'i- ; ' '‘L.’ „ - W R MURPHY’ apgOdAw v , N B eor 4U> and Market its •- -~ yo „ tspn.c tk/ r «*P««y w*»k four ume* SS*?l5^ m “H^ fet A?»B«olbjt«,«0pef year,'to s llAppry ti this Office. .... .. Gravel,Ac—SbxaJastrcoetvM asdforaaleby.-. ■' lUYSaBROCKWAV . . .. Wbokule and Reiall Agents for AUetbeny Couty, . ApCTI ’ • ■•NodCmbaerelalßoir, Ltberiy« r IpITTUCBfiHASD COBBELLIVnXB: X RAILROAD COMPANY—An adjourastf aeetlnr of the Ssoekholden la the ahova Company will be held ai Philo HaD,onTnwdsy, the k7thof Ann tat 3 o'clock, y.M. • aplTtd, : R P jßAZßAhLgenrctaty f- Z*% HBVn A SPLENDID, NEW uDGGY amlllu--' ■ JgaPaeaatand a Ida jWfr iIOBSE, 7 years old. : J AUTUEWa, ' livery asahle Fauiatreet<' - apiPdi* -- 'j •?& y:i,-.v • T yfoAys»yp-i«t>hHNoti J atd; : : . « '11."2 '' ■ •' I,t*bl-Flaxseed;, ffowiland mg firm steamer WasfcvtlW and for sale by . •jn .. iSAUßPtcanr««
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers