- )kl .-. -i ■I-.-- ■ i U iiilllffSß'filtr : DllLY BAZlFiwiir A LKXAIiUKIt OUftOOM,; CMlWmiita. tri xX Nf!i'Uni,i4 W*«efM#lß»PW*«»W,- ViUri>nryh. s - ■chU . ATV?OOD, JOKES « C*i OonpilMVw and I'ormiJ.iij ftlr-rrlianu, have' reUrfied Id Iheir old iiau.l, Wou r and Kfbnfauatftx gtmbttfth. OfXH AiiUlK LKWU, AtiDraeir V'Uw.'Fbvtk » rt. factow HwOifcrld. -- * - ■ -«tt|Ct4t3ly ■ moll,iina*pf /• jxtfi.U uiiil l)ui>**.ic f*rg*’rs..- Bf«*urfi he rbuicnt kiml»uoi cite*»«s Tt»w*c«*k,:wju»le**Jo.»ad N/i, il.'l'hi./J Sirtiri t t*tU»bMfldjU-.‘ |. BU Alt N * hlnTpn.- U'holrulii tad Brutl ihtiircxu. «** W- Qui Mrteu, Plji«hurj»4i Po,’- : ■• -■' '••’* ' {"■' '»*?*< nAimoViTi. TiatvKtt n u.l 4G M-trkri -t.tf fcwrvfrtw'nMf*' BA.'fAHNKS’I'OCK • t(U'l t Mlf> & ' B'A. -SAMPSON *' C®.', . M'rrbitrt* and l»r»kTJ turM tuLcli-ir.'Vw. Hi Ijb. »in-rt,.J , inqiqrjfc. j _ r ', ; "KMrril. BAQALKv WCO* WhtUuk&^l : eel* > u - t ijarfcrrinteeVb*': wi>efl Z*bami* U«. ltUl*delplitt.'.-J.JWvS •"■ (“ -T s.'jieAXrl.tv i. co^TT^waiJujir"ini' j Al>(cba nsl PiUibßtyk,' Pa, ~. ].,.:;... i...'-. j.jocha . /' oui.axoo J • fare uu tlb **' VV n*'i Oolrnum. t / eJ'Cajriavr i tflecl, BltU dtairf y«i» dj>l> tuTviicii * I'lU'liuifb Manal »io«ru. - |4^i / tINKINUU V/ c« - rs, <VauiHj% dfativV ni' I’m*doo »‘m *Wi» -CAHWiV V CAU.SOK* '\4*tKT>r * «.» ao4 Votvanitag i'nid'mxJi Mai*«f arid l«iUen» f Put* Cl .YKAOR'B! f.tlraW !>i t'ur tbc Ul.l liiuils-IV borjJij I’a. ' ‘ D uVVu.il.lcn, Delict in Frodaoe tad F*mUy . 11. mil lifwcv'f, N 640 Liberty tt,OftXtdopr»O COT- Her of Xlrtfkrl «l. . 1 JlBly . 4»«8«i HboUj}*.'- J- llirriioo^weU-. DUNLOP A SBWKIXi AUoraeya Uflyn on between- Sd bb4 dlh it*. u kwait. * roMsnuir. EWALTj '* OEnUAttTj 'Wljoleule Gro cer*, dpalef* in prodaM ami Prtuimrfh minn/ae lun-».cumefon.H.cnr Rftd Haai *u. T P* wv a uoLIIU. UUI L SMOtETt. , : English a BisauncTT* iine.EagUsh. cu lirlipr'il Coj'Vbolo'ale Grocer*, Corn tai»»a>ti .and Merchant*, »ml Dealer* la Frodtce *ad TdaauMcmrci, No. 3J Wood Ricci) pciwici SeroniTiiu3 Tbihlrt*?- . •-‘ •• '•' • 14AUQAW k MeKWlQßTrAtiarnenuUw. iVi.Offlee leaoTcd'a tew door* nearer Grata wrcei* cn Knorin io Hoate. “ ' apSdlm UOUWAbB * AIVAttWWBtPKMnw; r u.vVst Lew, here renwred their cmceioiaeaoctt *<je ul FoujUi»«*ev bci»«a Cherry-A tier had FII Kneed.--.. •* GW'-KheT. , - .Jime* Wc»d. ITUUttND. HJHiT Wtoleialo Grocer*, H aui i Co.oouuioa'Marehanu, and AreattwrwtffcWa Couon Vain*, NoatfWaleraad MBtf»amro«aJ»mh. immMo; -i - '• vyv •rJ-vV FULVUEr deet .cr \n Mc»;cal Inurement*, 114 Wood me cl, near Fifili."' ' iAcoi roMTTBt _rog« A-_rourra. FOILSYTII A c«r CommlMJbo andWwduif M<. re haul*. No. 3D Water «. ■ taayl4 - INofttorjU. r G ? I'itUtll pKI ijf mi »v- rtmiih • M. B. UTOWD. nSl' w., SMITH fc Oa, 0 U midcilcnm tlop*,rm*Uunib «nJ Poitti.B«w cr.«<,l*cnii uul I'ittwreeu. - - - - /- fKOUOK. pOCIi&AS, CowaUwo®“**«£- Lr w»nJinc Alc4*i»«ii,N«.*BW od street, Kartwislw im*vl7 ' —. #i« fi Rmams *-. ,ti 14,11 Geo* U> Bfoww, . I^nlib’ UaOWSß.'tiocec**?™ 10 UoldJh'P: li t Browne,) Imporwr* 'ud' r.-.[vf ami Center Taper Warehootejf No. « wom ; PlUrtjUfgb/ ' * ' * - M S, BOSWOIiTU fc CCU».Nft « U«- 1 la« *Ut-U west •>«* iptli.rdslwUJ^jMtopra' me » new »•«! nfltnWT* Wonipcntofßaofcl «aa°U ihmwitTvUcN wjU .Mtl, wholesale *»> y,e lowraljirire*. ■ * , ——,'—.\Cs-L H” A-YB & CROC KWAT, DrargiiU, Coa merfiSt Hovr, neat Thtf eaual taun, PiUsb«r*fc meltfl-dIT "• .!■" •. ~ - —.—i—l—i- —i- HItABY imwaiOT, WHITE A REDLjEAD MaSfcrww.Wim 4.0,1 Metelimnt, «*rner of Üb r , lV “a«Wl a n4«U,PUUUlf<b. : fcbl * ~I, A IIM BICJCET. XOBKKT BICKXT, J*. I IiAIAII UICERV fe C«f WWefjltOioein, J iiumnnwow Mewhautf anS de*le/» »a Produce, No* U. Watn and )U: Prounurrcu, irinihargb. • POT” K«OX, Anoraey « !<*»> FtlWbcrfh, «) i‘n ba» rM*uißrrt il*e pr«rtic« ©f brt pnrfwwn In U '.xZr. No 7, tUKewell'* gffctoc <■*»»* &*•*«*• *r: T r i. ®igjyg^» IOIIN D. noaOAS, NvUtettle,!****. & J in Dye Paiau, OU*,’VtrwSe*,^;, s„ y-ii \V«fcUltect,oUc dw 3o«uhofih*»*m AIUF. i*iti • i >* f b. .'■•■• , >ni. r I *SJKS KKUII, J«iOo. fiotraion(o' imtfi .) ji. UaviO Kbi|i ciiauilkr*', XWBIcT ft- . lOIIK W AI.UKH, A«m (•' * "“'I I OHM 11. *1*01.1.011. \Vbokfaic J-.*, ii« M!»*!'• am? Mir*4cal InflmwnUjScSpoJ B<»U, i/LJ,. «au-. Pen*. C|oHI«, Pnnltn’Cird^iind u.iirtnortAken <a mA. » HCIIOOSIXAKBB AXO«wl«)lewtoJtew ,l. N.». - iMURph iodOAiti 80S. CcaalMien: J Forwarding Merchant*, No lS Ldwny.g, J 4.1 b »t, between Grant *ad Smitlifield, *path «*d<v I’nttUirglU'n. WiUaUo*Uao4piW*ly.»t<M«**l bsheadjoiningcooniie* ... , I Oil It D. B AVIS*. ACCnoNEEB, Wfjwr rat J ntH . • ; **” IOUS C.BiDWKIX, AjnauAVtolettta.Of*- J- cer nod Commmton^MwhMlt UoHr above Ae Moooefikel* •- tp-inin,4S*iU r Gi«*« l Ac. «l mnßftctarerv pwi - llOTtf* .. • • 4 . , TOUSSTOJJ * BTOCJtTO*, J FiinieManJ Nfc-44 M«m •i. I’htdjuiflu ' 1 ti. HEAD’S Book 8»«, 4lh, oe*f J . OU»«i<iJ,TheoLogic«Ltfi»»ncat, Ak'cel* ,! nM- iW Book* *m3Ht*noacry. »pS*. T \v. BoSkRTMMI It CO «) .change Brokets, eoraeroTWmtf and Third htfett*, (Mi-rrliaiil'* Howl IWI . wlll poichyed at the 00*1 rtlW. Oeul _ VollSciuKll, Wbokaale Grocer, dealer m Pro- No za Liberty* 1 * __ .;. pCifd.''• " ' Richard Floyd-■ (Iw ,.n^a*caiwkotagh, r iMEsV/ILZICU., C~«iv Izs222%!SV™£^^s& l-.u-burch <Han-if*ewr« *od Piodoee, Noa 31 --"« r i"d *s£WSl£t : .' '■'.— SEEZ& V IC WIi'HOTCIIIBOH * CO, 'VlKilt«»le . . . (Alt fnnl At A. • ■£ - , „ .John Shipioo. a B nn*Toar,Whpje«i-G««, > ftProduces ai F»U»feurgh panafMMT**, tXiNVeaxl a. -P.tttJ.nryk. ■ • Johit M’li.Tt; J B. ll.Ba»h6ekL Hiprr^i. IVI m, ul UlxtiY «”* x *f***‘ l.urcU. -- • - ; ; )Ml 1? M Allen: 1 AleX-Niwick.' . iWsi.K M ALLEN A Ce— Comauc»MM sndForwardip* . Merdiswu, Water sad Prentsls,between Wood • „.i NftrkcU .■. . ; •,, i-ri.tfiv. V'. -'! |anff * cVKlib. hVMTlCßfcc*.WMmteOfoecn iL ' - '|e®. tf M. mu-rai ' ' :! •' f e. w. Kamo*.- • MtLLKIt A RtCKMWRt AVUrMk Gro cer* ami Corofai.*i»iiKerehanu,'No 17fT LdWTty. tfi.MiL P*«i«»Ms?j»b;P» lioll MeCORD AIKING/WheWa)* andrettll lUt atnl Cap nttnsraMarcr*.' and dealer* la - Tascr h*tjr». romecoOVood and Fifth sis. • - iaia'a , r &J, SLOAN, Wlieteials (iTtmt, DesJerf ra 'VI. - yandur* and Halt/aad Forwardlngand Coenai*- .Mi r»-baMW.Ntw?OLilf<cty *BdSI3 Weod'ntrsu, <^ ( .t.p>ghr ■■• •" *_ ’ . ~ ■■ ■■-. ,• .rc .. .VrlloOiKS No r ai»l«...i.ir~i. ..c- IN . ood doer Uua rMwr of Focrth, Dealer* to For t..n and Ot-DotiUßank Nou*auJSp«vi«/.'; - •-i ,V’ l cJititV*M*umy WVRPuVt Wltwir * CO, Whoiiwle Dry |yX Goods Dealers,. Hu.- hWeed jure*!, Pnu6«rjlr r ll W^poiadpriTef. rr7t "A c||| dr*4Br. no 1 SoKX Tltß Wbotaato Groerr* P ■od<V>ouai"»Kinpnil Fonraxiikf Mnchantt; TU>il \v!«ftf wt>£u‘ ' —: :v <r AeiTk' ■■ fV 'il7ifi Aiwwt u Uw,(tTum/ Ik. A tlittVP'ityiT, 'Pradaca Deajli R lW^wiadttT 1 ; r v iBIiSINEM : .■■ju • ' -•' ill;-; ooßiiisoji. ■ tj BRI/CK k.COj Whekrule Grocer*. Cocoas is 4V lion Jaerchanu,iad dealer* In Produce sad Piarin&fth'-Mnsfc&etaras, Überty sL opposite'Stmth fiehl ft, PiUrt»«iWb. P*. | mjrS RIOIIABP pARp f wholesale ajadirtaUdenW in Leather, Morocco, rhoemkkcnVfools aud.-Fiai)* loeaTanaen WouCortieitTooliaad Tnrihrni OH, No. >; •-■ • *cp|3 inOBCBT DALZKLL fclCtt., HVbolcnlctiro -XV eer*. CofamtutAtt and ForwirUinr Mere ham*, «to»- ten m Produce'and Piitobargb Mannuciarcai liberty weet, Pitubm-gh.Pa: • •-X . ~ * *oBT. mo*isoK/ *. fiuiisux. "D' ‘ROBISON 'jt Co’ay Wholesale tlrorrr*, l*ro iliAdmudCiNHuiiioa Mcrrham*, hnd P«iff* !o I’laabarch Mannfaeiarfis-N®. It® Libehylaueeu Put*- WfrkPn.' • ; . janiu ])OBKRT JIOOIUC, WUpilc (Iwr, Keenly *4V inf Di*iilWr,'<feafo m Pitt4iarfh'Maiiu £»ctare»,*«d«likmtf oM-'ore<gn snitlJbiocenc Win*** ; andLiguott,Nall L*l>crtyaitcci* ' o*N.B; On baud avert large *tock oi luprnor Old MoaooraheU Whlikey, which will J-«* v>ld tow tor ~ . s X ■ , l*. 0. JUrarrid*' •• ", • • •• •■■■*■ RKYfcOLUy k. SDREi rurwaiJuij* sud Cow niosiofl Merraaui, tor the Attofbirny River Trade, nJs«lerjui<ifncerie*,l , rQdncc ) PiUBburgli &laiuifarUirr« amJColorideof Lime. ' The hlghe*! priewi'in paati, paid at' all lime* for CBon'ry-Bgy*.- 1 Corner of Petm and Trwm «i», jaii'il D r.KtuekleU- TtfO*. R 'While. OHACKLKTT fc WHITE, Whotecale lies- O left in Foreign and- Dwacme Dry Good*, No Wood meet, Pituburgti ' , lcM?tf. S r & W. DAftaACail, Wool deal *--er* m Ftoorand Prodace generally and Poneanl 1115 and ,Coro rpia* ion Merchant*, No' 2J. Wood "treet, I'lliriargb. ' _ _ __ janl SAIIDELPALMEU; A-Uomny ai Law. Other inf 'llrted'r bullJins, No $!. FoanUslrcct, between Wood -And FctllltCcld. " ’. ’ nov3J&wt V STEPUKK BA&UKTT, Manufacturer of Fan cy, Bhaving and Toilet 80a pa. Winter und Sommer preoed LatdOU.Ac. No 1? Fifth *l, between Wood and Market m, Fitubargb. Pa. .1 oc3l S [ R VOS BOMSlIO&ST t Co.» .WholnJtule •Sroccrr c ohrardinff Comniiwiun Merchant*. Dealer* in'P«ii«bßTfeh)|anu£aciiires and 'Ycuem Pro* date, hare removed,UTtheir near trarelmu**-, (old Hand) No £3, comer of Print ttmd Chancery. Lane. , ryr« QAHtJIX ST« KIEBf Forvrardiug and Cwau.» OjAiori Merchant,jDealer.in Sail, Produce andriu» barghaannCbeUircd anietca» Canal Bonn,near 7th tu : d<l .‘ ' ’ , r■ 1 , ~ • , , .■ £-;£!• WICKKj&SUAU, Dealer in Seed*, Plow O* era, Fruit Tr«}*,*Jwi Arne ulwral Implement*, No i'H Woodlilrtet F|u*lnliih.- ■' ; •• • ■ * feb< TOtlH W TOWHBKXD, DiuggiM and Apoil.r- O rrry, No Miifcet ifTThree door* alxjvc Third u_. i’illAtifgh, will ha«e topitaatlypa hand a welt •elect ed a«*6iß»eniof the UerttyrdflfwteMMrtlieide^,which t>« will teUon the dmi rea»onahle'lsTi>i*> Phy*!Ciani •ending indertwilllK ptomptlr nneaded-10, and jup piiod with article* they nay rely upon at genaii e. »«n»»n*w»lt be accural rly and riali, at any hour of T PFo«Tlh.-i.- Rj-Fo TP, PORBYTII k, Co, Cotam)fc>ion Mo • (teller* in Luml»*r, Groceriei, I’roUi PiUoljorfh Monalmctore*,-Canal Buiii, l.ihert Pittsburgh.■ •. .• • ■ Trjb Looking Olast and • Frame .Manufacturer,- aiuillinponer of Glksa Plate*; dernier in iibufC'furiiialißtg 111 and Fancy Good*. 104 Wood nrcci, near Fifth. apS3 JOSS S.' VICK. " XiAVH* X CA WICK.* m*CASJ)LKBS» (»BCce«#or JD Wick,) Wholesale Forwan Coaimission Mercbanle, dealers in Iren, Nail Coro*-Yarns nod PiiUbonfh'MinnfWturc* gi corner of Wood tad WebrvU, Piasbarab. ITT W.'WlLSOSi'Wwcljmikcr -nd J VV ».conicTof fib and Market street*. __ \IT B. BVIIPiIY intrtM ttc Udiei to < VV • examime bis *loekof French Worked some utowmßctnu., . \XTALLIROFOHD dt Col, Asenu for V.Vaoßt, have os trend an «*oruncJU of hid solid link vicca.SboTcU,andgpade«. ' WUXTBOOB * WOLFF, liiinon Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cmlc dicry, kc, earner Liberty and Si.* Clair. suceu t«np. 1 ■ j WflL GI*BSH, Bookbinder, list remove i earner of Wood and Third sit, above C. I where he is prepared la da every description o ' asd lliadißf. . „ - \ Ww. WXllacs, Mill stoae attdtmill • tag esttfcUthment, Ito.Stt Liberty «r"t, caasL . wm. K'ccrrcufraY. bobt. x cotci TXT * B. nXCTCDEOV, Wholn«aie Crocrnt, M . tad Deaivre"iß i'iuabunth Manufacture*, antf Wewni Product Rcnerallr, No. ISMJbtriy ulicrt, fttubatgfa, Pa. ' m.ll W* JK. Wbolenkt hro • eer*. Rectifying Diuijlen, and Wine and Liquor MenUuuiO, No. Mu Liberty diieel, (oj<j>©Aiu- SixiL *».,) Pitubnrgfa. ~ mayljj-dty U O. 11. aOBIHIOV, Auontey at Law. ha* V* • removed hi* oft« to' the' Uuildinjs, Bt Clair meet, nejmtoor to Aldctmin - . •. • • W H. OAUUAILD, Dealer in Konry ami maple • Dry Good*, No 79 Market ttreei, PiiuLutrll ' noTIJ-dly _i_ _ TIXiAMti A UILWOKTH, (Titmt it.e Cwn.l DutricL) Wbolraale art* uua> Sa lit) Wood «, whet*theyolfer formic al.irtjcaswil- Beatar(in>ecne« and l*lus£«rgtt .hTanu&ciore<L at low prtccahivd art fa»oral»le ieno« t . : " ~ BfaylH WW, WILSOSi* Dealer ui Wawba*. Jetvelo', i Stlrcr Ware, Military Good*, Ar, No. 07 Mar ket *tre«L _ fio*v? \t>“iciiirttpuyv l.oiejtale atul rrtajl dealer in VV .Foreign and Dcmotmic Dry Good*, itortb ea«i rot neroTMarketaod Footih *l*. __ nue-.'l rtrM. F« lU\yiN, Jr-t ha* the. If Kdgar TlHim, corner of IVm »>nl Hand >ireeu t will seep a convunt auppfy nf the l«;*t Inedicioea, periiimery, Ae. - t'hyaieiao’a prcicripuona carefully Compoonded.— Modieincacan bebadatall hour*of th« niglit.' feliiadly*-.: ■ • ' .'J A M WallinjrfonL John F linger. 1 trAlililHO FORD A Co., ComnutMon tut>) Tor • W. wardin* Merchaou, Second, n.'ar Wooil.rtrret, PitUbarfh.'Pa. ' . i fehlS -npl. X. DA&USOTONr Attorney hi Law FT Pioatrureh, l*a, LoaniMloner to take tbo ac knowledgtseni and prao. of Deed*, Lea*e', Contract*, Depotitiona, or any other wriung (under «eal ornot.jto he wed or recorded in the State of trliio. office rnt Third«ueet t aUo*«Bgiu.held. ' jHMf • W O. AGGIIISBAtJOIIf Attorney at Law .Fifth tirect,.near SrnitU£«ld. ojefl eie» and otherhuincuaitended to with panetuuhty.' Bi»»elU A Senple, Wo.- Croglnlit. U A Fahnestock A Co, John Herron, K*q, Graff, Iduduy A Co, John Wright, Kmj, James MeCulir. £«o, hlaj. Willtam Larimer #*r\l - j; OftTAR. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, . avp arsousari trxiLxs is foreign k mmw vnmk Limuu.s, Ho, I\k lMxriy and 53 Diamond oiley, ' - * - tprrrBßDßGii, pa. , - : 1’ • • • ■ • • ■ ADAM. HOEH TXTfiOLT3«ALKand Ucat! Dealer In all kinds of He- If gm,Smoking andCkeWihjrToUaeco olid Snntf: Union street, user Ore Diamond. Pittsburgh \ myttl WAKRJCK MABTIN & Co., DcaUn m FzrAongc, Sank Xattt and Coin, Center of Third And Wood streets. norlkdlr ' | .PlUshwuhr Pa. .1 ... 111111._._. ,1. .1 .L,._ U W JVdlMua**. • Wm. M Shinn. .1- [SvaaatttoXawtUSt WiUraeti,! WILLIAMS A SHINN, ATTORNEYS AND COCNtfKLLOKS AT IJIW, nta-OtSce Norh side nf Foanh »t,Bbo*eSmith&elA-£0 feblTdAwlyP' • ■ - WALLINGFORD A C<l, SECOND, NEAR WOOD STREET, - Aocsts TOX-Natlok A Co.’s Stuo. Have-on hand a full assortment of Clst, SttEAh, fell 18 ' Burr** and Uuiua stskl; ATTORNEY pud CoonKUorarJmw, CINCINNATI, OHIO. CdUortioai in Southern- Ohio and m Indiana and in Kenmfcky. pnuapUy and esrefalty attended to. REFER TO—llon. Riehard Diddle. Wa Deli A Son, C urtia, Wm Al’Knighi.Onarch ACannhers, Wmllays, Ksq., Jamas P. Staan. Willock A Davis. • jy£> Oliver Dlachbarn.- •• - Gcorsel - O. BLACKBURN A CO, WHOLESALE Groeert and Dealers in OiK-Boat stores,and pitlsberfhManufacrtirfd article*,bare ea hand at aJI tune* a fell and general assortment of goods in their line,' Water street, near Cherry-Alley, PiUsbwih. lanl^ — WIBEtio ljs b dr fUK JFSllfOrais, ; C' Toa ts» «At* or I'• BOILER ISON, BOILER HEADS, FLU E A FIRE BKD JRON. J . E. F. BHOENBERQER ■ - PITTSBOOUH, FA. , Having taken the Warehouse fe?o»erir o«opi«d hy M.lTßhey ACe. ' 1 Water Street,.near Brejs’a Stcsb Mill, Will keep on'band a fell’ wpplrof sit sizeKof noiler. Iron apdiieads; Flue and lron, inade from Lshot/anieie weere; which Will be sold at the lowest market rales’. Engine Beilderaand other*,arc invited-, o eall amLexaaine bis stock. -Orders pronptiy nt ended io. - ~ i «*'tv i. B. SWBiTZEIt. ; . ATTORNEY AT LAV Office 3d St* opp«U »UClutl«l ” , ... ~ pirnmuk DfOWpUy ioCo»g«f>wn», n jnrtuOi FajfcUo (Vnnm™, I'a " Rent to . , aiU*AC T D R m s o¥. iT A B BMy of wtow Prifr*Mdoo j»ood T*»mv ... , •pcttlyr- *• >•:Br*T«vJP», •' (JOIiahUKLAP, ■ 1 \j( ANUFAOTURK& of Tin, Copier, aud »es« 1 ifA Warn.' and dealer In Ilrttaftuia ami Japnaoedl' Ware, (to 17 Mai It ri nreet.-’ The '• atfemitfirof the tVemeru - Mercuaali,* t ‘ Cea»nuy4e»lrt*,andLolbers.i©hU lafee aiock of j vfaeißrrd-Tin atul.OQpper a laife at&tl* . .nniof bnoorted ||oaaeFwaubiog Hardware. * ' « •! Wholenie fcayera aadlhfl pablic pnwrully, are 'iiVlKe 'ledteeaU.' _ ' «n»rJ» -m7t. RUO«.' • **U»9. *L*X. UlrtTL**. 3 - n. v.**. nblsob *. co.i . • r iif ANUPACTUBRIU »f; 11V1 tfpadn, iloei,ll«y KM M>u*re Fml«, j pVw*mcilfo\lHtfood*twi,l'»ti«l»urfl». maili -•• FOR WARDING fc COMMISSION. ,A. 41. Wallingford.. ». . Ju®. F. Outgrr. . v -xviLLINOKORV & CO., ttWUiSSJOtt *• .FOR W AUDI Nfi MERCHANTS ' ' , ;. i>c«ucs< ix . -H E A VY 5 lIA KU\V A K K AN U PITTROVRCiI.: UAirVFACYUUKS, JVoonJ «irrct. t.rar Wood, nml Uanaimiiii. Liberty on fcanrt and i.«r ial«* 100,000 IC* ii£*orte»l Neel, vi*. JiUrlotlcCo’* Caul.Slit-ir, W»»W aiid fii-n jii u- •( Iw im UUncr t*pniig and Fork *• ’ ’ and Farko , Came£«am! Allot; Anvil*.{ioimv hoi**;) Vnx#, (paiciil anJ ronim.ui ) Hl«-dje» l t ji.vvl.ui -j FirMeqlUngKf*. (Juniatu Ir.w;)' Malicvrf - Aid, rkk,»"lnj njtil tVial i'lck*,. Seyibe*, Sickle*, lx>n l7ia?nr,.\o .Vo. U^T?alam3»J' , j i‘iic.|*rvOi Hairs, liau, Naih.uU' am! oiVr fttuliiirgk Mimnsriutr.- Uio k>w« .. • I :t: fri.lv O K Uituniliotvcn J IteitaldoVant CltAßtEfi R. DANENIIUWEU4 VO~ , - IvTO B A C C O CO S »(» SIU » BKK-CH A NTS, N«. 'Ji SotaU ll7 wmli si 1 ; PHILADELPHIA: BF.G in inform'ibe-lcidc .tunl drslrr* re«"»alK *>i that Itn y Lavo iajili- .'.ui'li 4i lanieimni* irithlb*' Virginia uinnn>af*iiin-r> : am) ihr Cruwr; or the \Vr.<l t WrH Jil.l.rx, :ittd other placeaa* u>llnv>uir a farcr'and |r«n>i3iit vupptV iu[t«<\vin» di -c-.rrp lions of 'l'gLwn which will |»r :pld u|*>ii a-< ocihhu* tuoduling trrin. a* any oilum hi ilh.v i,,ti or i-lvr wtrorc, and nil good* ordri~d irnm the® .till !•<* war raniril rijiial i.> rcnrrwimiiHin:— sh. lknnmi'i»i; 4 ■ linun., ) \ am; I'wto |[ii-u;r v- IVnn’n .j St-riH-oaf To Cuba; I, Iguini, - and.PiOiida, J,» I.h-xo; AI.SO- Itrani'bV rcVbr’alr.l Atoiiul!' Stag Oavrn di»b,' vritb * largtf atfdrtno-nt <>( otti'-r |*)|.ulai '■ r-n|iJ-, mid quahtius ok |u>ui|dt, ft* r* It.** IG» atuj 3iA Lincf,, as *4 ami 10* Viuj»; lonln 1 -' Ttvisi;. Virginia Twist,' Ac, fwm aiid plain, ‘in whole and Lnll'Loar*. mu«) auil uu. loginin'r with every variety o'" article I*!U»ug ingio tiic lmd«. , Jelil-dly Ji> rT. , .•1; W A?iukh«o*. Laieof I’iitvbofvli. l*a. Lm-ot Na«bv.Mr, T.-nn. | > KIUIHR * AKDRUKO.I, Dealer* mCm , Xj Forwarding ,aml Can*iui*vwt» M.'rclmm*. N<> H Front nrcet,above HruaJw.iy.Ciiirniiimi. na... UtFMI TO M Alien 4 Co, ) Haralcy, A Smith, > f\ti»liur/:h. : Wm.Rlnc.bnin., ) - Seay £ Shepherd. ) ; Martin A; McAlister, | NaMivila-. T.-nn Yeaunan £ AnuimeiuL ) AV F J.um* A Co., Lpubwillr, Ky. SpiutgerMtlWhitriAuil, # .. l) James JohiiMon A Co. j 11 llewetu llcran A Co., New Orlcan*. | wlaggrrggor £ Mom*, New \ ufk- r - Duvall Keifctilcr &. Co.', ilatumnie. Stßi.k, llagaJey A 00-. Philadelphia. 1 • Daniel Dc*bon, Doitoiu. jaaS ' J, G‘. \V. Lt-ilWicb. W; ,4X Wilvoti.i* J. G. Wv LEFTWICH & Co., RBCEIVINU, FORWARDING, r . And' iCommtistou' HorcUant*, | . PLAtIUKWSE, La. I PARTICULAR attention paid to comugnuicnu ot Sugar Blilis, Engines, orothcr article* for Opc!ou*a* ami Attaksna*. ! REFER TV— Muir* Sheffield A Ligbtiow, Mr. Tlu>- teu Limerick; "New Orleans. ' Alnwr*. LurumA UetteTron. Sir Z M. SLorlcy; Lou isville. '' r».Me*«r*. ila.ll A Win. O'Leary. Rut-cit Wightman. Arautroiig A Nicholson; I’nubutjli. Me**is.Ke»aa,Todd A Co ;Cincinnati. Messrs. Hyne* A Craighead, Mei*r». |->lword* WMteall. non.' Zenon LaLauve, Hon. Jobu Ouiimi; Planoetmoe.La.; t - i ' ' •<■ celS-ty' CRAXU. BELLAB 4 Co., / FLOUR FAQTORS AND PRODUCE COM- ■ MISSION MERCHANTS. | EIDER AL ca*h advance* mode on receipt of eon stgrtraeni*. 'Hiom •htpputg toour midte»* will bf PAto three-fourth* value in advance in Ca*u, by apply inf to dot frienda. ; ' Mc**r*. Wallingford A Taylor, Pitxptmrgh. Mcmta. Thos. Hell A Co, Dpdgepon. Chip, -rtfilaflelphia; May S, ISIS. mayJtitf N. 11. All produce consigned iq u* U insurtJ when in tiro warnhouad of Wallingford A Taylor, PiuMiurch. or m Our *lorc,ih FhDadclplca..' C. tl. A Co. VrksiTiMpo rtations of haud\vAßK. otua toLA nr and Tola**, dcrally, ichlS all ami cAllar*, inciiU Ttu uperior J4uß_ LUCAS & SKSNEIH, LMIMKTB «(IF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS INH /LDWAEU2, CLTLEUY, . 50. 139 Wood Street, P TTIBUROII. A UE now in the course of receiving large aldmon* to tbeir eziemive mock of Hard*nre, Cuiicr), Swl .lery, Ac., which having (“•<*« narclia*cd o.i the rno-t aifcaniageour icrnu m England, and direct from the Manufacturer* in dix country, ciablc* Ibrm to of fer. ood* on tcrm**arpa*»ei] by none and cijii«Ued by lew Purcii4>cr* arc rmpectfuDr tnviicd toeall. t M 2G r»| and b'Jsad 'Jk 1 tithe' UEOU«iIC COC!UUiVr " . COMISSION ii FORWARHAG MLIILIUAT, No. iG. Wood Stulft. PiTTabCiioM, CONTINUES to tranucl a general Cotum.ssibn Uuiiaeu, bapccialty in llie potchn*e and sale of American and Produnr. and in receiving and forwarding Coed* connignml lu hi* care.' A* Apenl-lof the Mnmtlacluiurs. bu will (w constantly supplied uiUi the principal article* of PiUxUirpu Mahufarture at the lowest wtiolcvalr prices. Orders and. cOoiignmoOU are »r«[v*-c!liiliv sri|icilcd._ , , . jit II F tloinray. I- II l'<-mi.u-<ui. D. F. COSWAY At CO., . PORTSMiH'TII, Ohio, •Viiiiiin-riMi and rmwardlns Merchant', mid I'lrnloce l>r»ln* ul u an- nd ibc Purchase, Sale Jinl ShipnuiUt ot l*nt Iron. Coal. Ac ti ri >i ru, AlwotwJ, June* A C\. lira-vn. Hailey A I’ j<qrrni, A To ilmi) t»r»tl Cratf, l.imlwy A <"*• Lyon AUCTIONEERS ( AND COM’ItfSION MERCHANTS; Al.fcS ANTUIU I.F.VV A linos. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS oiTKlt uj '-Vi :*i uti k..iu ui Alrn hai^l—-allb.- i <u i’..«nini>< ~>n • .'.A «*re alvraj • pMjiaieil u> itiaLi: a.lvjm , r I'i.p t- • ~i «il>icr JJouti- will be prwupilv Ail- i*4*i» (.». jv a»lt v JO UN a. RI€IM UPS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NU. 20 WATKK ST.. OFFOMTK CIIK.UMIIK UALTIMUUt; TI7INDOW niMt, W -m\ 0n..) rni '. iw. V\ vii, irul Cocntry I'roiluce Advanret made on ioik>rhiiioii!h Sn.-i'ai n.iy »-> ensure w lUirf «>Uiv**iue l*y mnit • > ■ iKiui w 11 <-4«rnKU. . THOMPSON A CAni’UKLL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Aud Alajanfacturcn af l.lna*cd CHI, Mu. UU Culuml/ia Sired, } CINCINNATI, (Jinil. dj'cAsn paid rom rt-AXrttpUvTj) - nepCS-ly WJI. VVATTF.UMOH, FOnWAHDtNO aNDCOMSIK'ION MKUCIIANT l&cribauk, Pit. rpTIKsuST-nij-er wuuM .«••{.« lil.ll, tVi-n.U I nn.f iJk (intilir ihm be 1131 tli«* Wsr-Wn*' l , fortucfly wcuiiicit by i li UnuUl. wlwic .lie will wain tael a general lApMicy, Foru-anllitr an«l romiin«.un LuMnet«- l'niVPvlar attest.oll .y* tun tu all eontitn* ; menu. Charafri jcatoneMs uuiliti , KnJLonk, Uari’li I. I SI? ■ 1 WAI.LIXOI'ORU A. CO., COMMISSION X raRWAItOINO MKItt'IJA VJ'X, Second Street, near-Wood. DIvALKRSIIo riwliargb M»nui.n:«arct ami Hardware— will lrerp ranittritly on hand a Mock, of omngo rpringi and ajttrt, ham**. »e>-th»-« anil ■ir'k let, fpejirunf iaftjL anvil** vicea i ,Uaek*nu«ti*' bellnwr, tlcdgrt. Ae.. Ac ' __ mcligf,*^ Malcolm crlr.cii, WAbCOL.SI I/KKCU A. SON, j.‘ I ATI-: M. r r K'KCM *. CO; w i>olr»atr firoo'n,«ofn j miMioti and Flour Mcrelmm*; dcnJ'-f* u» u-i kind* Conmry Produce, Tin, 'rin Plate* fnmet* Tool*. Iron sod Nad*. Zi<ic, Wtnte l<cnri. Oyo Ssnif». Ruttia i?ijeri Iron, l.'-ail, Couoa Vam»» r-ali. At-., and Pi'trLurjjii Mas/actors jriier.H!) N'i»- 111 ill, and |»i liberty •umjbin.- door atom die \S i*«l Puuburuh, l’a. i Liberal adTkneea- in ca»i< or s<»w. 'm-.e o»: rnct sisjiineirjjcd produce, Ac., Ac- _• ovdiiu j. j. ALLKK, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO •tiOUTII WATKK NT. I'MII.ADA HAS nu J.aml anti t>llrr» fot Miip— Blear hed inicr atnl Spring Sperm <M, Hlear.lsfil WniVr ■ a*! Spring Sen Nicotianl o*l, UirJu:l*:*i Wmirf and Sponß ‘ Whale Oil. rnetdl Wbvk 0:1, light nolor fttid ftrr ft on fKUnir, wnlTwuicrt’Oil AI«o, pore African Goaito irtfiy. «ud l.srrol*. nurfeliro 4 'juKacKtt, mioTiuaus a. co^’ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • —i Foriheaaieof Peoucc-K generally, I*lll L. A DEl'Ji I A. (Ty*l,HTtal ad v nitres tuada on con4isni"<K' l> ~£3 Phflada, Dcfcmlit-rgi. "b; w'. minty/*. „ ». tatcu. BtATIIKWS A PATCH, COMMISSION BEBCHASTS, 50.4 d Water Street. t«T I/JUIS.MO. Will gWcpiirueular attention to the •elliltjr of Tro duee.and to orders for purr.hnajtp. '■ Qxrtx it>—George Morgan A <•«.. I'nUbujgli, I a. • Mil ... . .. . j.. . John arculloutli. JM'keehan. Cl> Cu|l..'ri*oii . joint arcuiiiiouaii *> co 1 ;! Ctmvtiuiun and Forwarding Merchant!, \ iSUH, ‘J3A. ‘Jr. SOUTH «V. | ■ i*irJ7lv* lIOWI.INIift WIIAHK. Dal.tlmnr* TUOS. J. CAUSOS* *■ Go* # . COMMISSION. MEIH/JIANTm. No.. «<•»*• advjttrr* will hr mad-on i‘<m»ißi.tucnt ?" A nncsiyre. ?*.«•* «• ,ibo! li. niii.TKN uKtn:lew. i: aSISSiMV'I'OHWAEDiSU'S.RRBUiJIT, riuioot'i* a mkk«‘uaniusk iikokih. tHSrc. Nr» 30 Wnli*f Nrreel. T«tM.«irl> I * "i ; J. SKWTON JOHNS steamboat agent ani> commotion W K RC IIANT, HOjf»Nn'Aitn,A iton?i., ' < ,Pitl«bni l | > ' <| i 1 * It* A. FAIINK-STIKK At Co'h. WHITE (j«XK,V I> W'ORKB.—'i'he undersigned ioiiidlrltd IhfJf nr* works, lor-urd <m tb« lunk «l jp mrr 'aboir the Aqueduct', in Mlrptieu/ rit>; ppOßltP WtUrtdUgli. f>*r tlie manutflifuro nl a fliip**- or <i*alHf o> *»biln Ipad, built dry and pm.iitd «■» lil- alsO. lead-ami lilbentt'e. •. Having usmlmi L jeq«elvM of, Alt the'recent luipMivemcnu iii »w t unafiCtilfc, aud.crcrtcJ tin? building «u a»rry and *nllt capacity in nuke.trad in "■ <«IW to »»f «** W V ' J '” : ' - v. ** • ~ : KplHUll«d»» T M AVI? Received limn I'nibidcti.kia a Jarre jwiw.ij- I £Aa WiHi'.uf aup,r.«i mair »ad Snt*b*n«l fer«t»* »J NOBI j. Oppc?ae Bank oj l , *ii*bbre'h rSBURGU: THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2: MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W, WOODWKLL. riTTSurniiii rcnxtTL'HK \r*nr books, .N(* S 5 THIRD STHECT, Inn* riMirUntly on l.aml a-nl ina.lr m n».W 1 .Tin- pt.-»■•in kun iian.i ••uiinol !••• c u-i ;l* j* a/jy niaiiuiuclm . in l!t»- r.»nulrt IVrKon* Jrt»rnim--il"iiiy j-ri lull i\m .-.i .'ill .■W.i-it.Ji I’ n-li :u.d 11 .-I,.Hi i-nk-rii, - •Jii,iz Malinmnv N*ur«.- llj.imll.Mr... 1 I.'* itinrUr toe Jin-tiii*-* »ti,3nc; J ■ifi l rhrj«> \\ >.rk Sik.ulsj I M:iTi.it>:iuV I-;,, .rv/.'i, ! 1'.., Ur H.-.llrud:: of all •lr.-«fJJ>lMMI*i Ultil a lot •• :*•—>•! 11l ta'■■ t r»i' (‘muumii Nl. \V ll AKItIVA II I . 11 OI• > V JOSKIMI WOODWKLIi - Conifr at Wood nidi “111 «<i. I’l”lt> HA VIM. rt.ll.dram. i.wii iln- ..Id litni ill Wnlli-i A WoodiV.-ll ill -» I ... Jam.-m, 1.-17; I lak.j . k.uilK>, 11...1 I i.av.-oj.. „ J til) in rt aU.iv «» llMi **»■»>• lrinn-di.il>>—. Havni- pinHi i-.-.V ifly -..1 'Il I- 3-li. and Hindi- nirnttp-ioi-nl-. wuli inJnu'arniii-ra in no (ally |>ii-|ran-kl in fiin. li Mai.ui nr nf .ill k-ndi .ina rm-t Him, -in.l - 1.-u i- :;,i| i„.,. „ lU-! 1.1 Wr*i-- Mi ll U:.nl»».i!*d ti|ln-r* arr Hi.Hv muli'il In <-u! I lir I j.aiM.r nn • * . St.-audnal ami .S:nl.l,er> HaiJivo/.-. iiiin Trninmnr.' l\lr< <Wr\. (.I- • Ti~n>. Anvil., V. {•••». Unt*, l.ilH.rs. S.i-klr-.. Sryiln-«. Hull Sor.-w., f muii Pa. i..i> Mutnislnv Uiard* mi.l vrut-ora. nnd nil nil.ri anii-1,-% c!.:ui. cli-.i with li.r llsr.iiv.ifr 1..,.mr«,. - n.rl.lHf TIIOI’. A.' Il'lViMKii LOOKING CL IS* MAMGWrrI'IU-'tf. andfum-y l\ini,-1..m: N.*ll>! U .--I <irr*-l,m"U t .iih IMM.uikli. fa.-. U l.c.jyv.l-. and I’.ria.l: l'.iiij.«ti and , i. ... i t.»_ . _ ..... 1 Japanned Wauc-r. .m,I Tru>». laK.kintr Gl.-i-s t.T ili.- '.«»r or lilt'll- light, Tal-lr i-aCri); . . 1 F.fr In-. 1. 3.1,1 F.-ml.-r- Mahogany Toilet litm-i-rj,, v> illi |. S. nml :1 draw*: Gr-minn Silver and Briium-mT. a A Tul.le Sjhm.ii- Hand Macnurii.R Mirror*; i'aii(llvsi.,-i«, Snuifi-jA iiii.l TraVf, (.Ml, Pmr.and Mantel HMises, 1 Mair I»*.t«lir.,\r | UJ-Mm-hantr. Iloi.-K anil SifjajmWr.at* Mippl.n) on M.rra! ifraii, .it*J ;.rn l i.< ra/.-fuIlJ anon.l.-.l lo H*u- Ol d.rr.-unti Inf null. 1 '"••M7 UAZZAMB I‘ATKST U K DSTKAI). 1 S ° r w 1 ru s r A N Dl Nli opposition to lhitinvrt:* aLoTt* lUc vu'ifur pteiti'l.cr* inj.iinM Ad»i*ifl>Mitiimr, auJ they g.vc it- S-.rnU ihe prcldcnce. t.uijily l.craU-r :l cJrK-M—i -t i-r ns '.nr- Uu. •friMfiJt. <t»J tnust rinirrnim MuiUvnail n aw. Hie ihflowmt t«t*:uaoni.i! •peak* for •.m.’li. -. . , . \V*. ihr «iil»*ci |l >r»* :«u«‘i-rti ta.-im-t mnSirr* of tar r>ur‘ oi anil Allegheny. I’a_. Uo h'-rrb) ti f t,ly ili»t wc'linvc woutrUnbr rent to .manufacture l?vu «teail* Willi tJatiiiniN Pitfttt Va«trt:tttf?*. and coi.nter ike »autr fupcr.oi to auj-unenm** wh|i wttieu.w* nr*- acijwalnrrrl. . , , ..... • J;uut. John iPOrew T B tv, , l*a;rmati .• J U Hanley Jurne-IMtnrr - John Luceu, Ji- .* J**. * >a fx»wnc \ arl-’n - n <M!r A PriMmaii Thotna. Fanoj HurU IJ Wallace JV.v.rt l.ulnf iu.n-ij A M t-lcl_aii4 Uugb’\viiilal:«* Mow* Bullock S. JUv.-l Lake) Tor U' mnkr -»n<t «Ht th*«l**re Ri*A«!i*as* Ai<|i>) it* - I.UKNKZKK K (JAZZaM. derll) v 4 , raicuiK* rj'A'rßX'r maciusk 1 I o kuljACf' ! <e‘* oiilnuird » ! p.iirnJ- May 1$ lMti.t fa J’rV.o Hi ••. V.L-n..;i\ kn . .ui * ;•<*«• vlicu ihoro «:,:v mm- pf-j-ir-.: r.giii* ami contract m deliver mSehrne* u> m»y p« rt of ific l- iiled Male*- Ins uiu<*<ii]ic i* desnpted 1“ make Dries from ,-nnir u.«i «.!! muke br.'Mt p«-J vflnuui. firm br-cb per day. nadir'emir hard to Mark fcp til lllC kiln. B VI*.!:lllj ’-ft** 4ll«t labor oip/c -narut l the r |ny .dryMig and handling the hr.fk l-c 111-- cpuklff |.,« -jupic. slicing, noi i.ubieio.jrcioet ptfcc* ami pot :imcther »'ith creai Cardny.ihu* rendet. in? It ■©riai-l" v\Y am ;:*>**• l.uihiing piarlhiir’q and can lu/nul iboM ,>•. vKo-f ir*tt**«* For a fuil de we w Ed rrir i •!> machine liiiw .a -ucve-sml Pj’da- Horn a Mill rtn i. Umr-m near f!i" md m 1-. xmL «ffU. WUCMI nv happy In explain rveruniihf pras,uit do amhnrrjul Agent. Alf 1,-tiers wnur fWf ts Will in: lirotupllv Jiit-mlrJ lo / V LIII-.R IXIN. M« MU.T.nN A <V , , n ,.r|„ CINCUHA'n. UOi.l VAUi KIKK UIMCKS EXTENSIVELY awl approved .luring tl..- pail 1 W». Trßi “ l:v Hi.- :|,n;U.dnticHH •hr weMed.. .if-.-.r, , A-i-l < .rurros..** tVm.SjHi-omJ. w.ii i.<-. ma.lr r- * ■ •>•' l’,. N.i».nT»(>v*;, • Tl -It " '■ ' amt -u t -e,-V.i f if. * -M- . ' '>i •'* neK, t.iou-lil til Am V ir’-uv' < *• n '' 111 -I U.4J- S 'la- Jl'lsrrU A »' NKW Voi'j’tTH s'UUiKT UAKKIti, o»NFK«M'uj»Vi.\K\ \i> rui'ir **r«iim j, u, t' ~v , -l * I. N-' • J-I a:I"- - <• >ti jj f'j'wi l l, fU. A*' . jn-mai !••(««► »l 'i-V U \\ ~i:c \\ U .1 ) ■«. . :i. <h .1 < ■ .• MI .I VINO OItRAM - -I‘llirK .w’\C.~xo. u a'wi.. - '!.»'• <t.>» Si. | \ ivifi-rii.t xljt* «uv*jr;Of SbßMitK ..fi-’infiij i-! a!) -rl.a jus pncr low '■•loujh lu orti.rd nn i<* -v (»*»»«ll«-nirll. if >Of» fot !* r I’li %-tUi your »fiav.u« ru|>-. »W: 1-- *<■. n-4; 'i «*>« » **nn iliu.-h W.ftlUlifOi.-».l, I )<■»■> -".ax. x- 1 »•! will u* K-Jumtai. r»mHKN llAHKirrr 'lr.il I'm r*.u»> a ul I ..... ; f*Mtf 0.’,“• i-In"'i !'• If*-'' Uarilwnrei t'litlcrj , Smlitlrry, Ac. JOHN W M.Klilt, ~,,,1 ill** [l'lM.r VTII-f.-int. :!.t- -n. 7\vw£!'.i v. -a V.*".*.-. •' -- ■ ‘ of nit ill- iiu-* 1 :>n* ii. .-..i.i.mi-iiIVK <r« srv-:> t'tnni ibc >n Kuin:n -".»>»! i'i>* JWUtell <Tli: •■ilAlilt) )*>Bi U> ctiin|M'.C Willj iUl>’ m-nt. .ruh.rf 1-»»? .U ‘WV.I WtHflin AlejcbAnU.ara inriird i<j cull sn<l fia' 111. MQTIC Ixrfttry jmtfh»«.lia «-•! lurry. »» A .Vrkl> MOOS- J’.ave* ;n w.t. i..H.nsrtml ful erapiOYmirn'-iii our I*n.i**. mmw«. u’ tvui-.irr an>o't*! torv-vcr-Jti;*"'*! " # r, ‘ juttm *. i.tn.fi, ■ r a r'' rv>r» «i r-’i- ngf. A•« n.iru.rrr <•< ir...n ;t,nl vvom.:.i, J.m » »<>•! k .., , in-XT's:,c.V -ivru v t-* *•. I o J-. k. • • n ,r.. fur a.l-nork \ ’ l-f ;’L r irart* ». JHeW AJlfilv i*l I * A A Si A !• I s '• (». n« r j. il, “ l I- < •• »r Kj. _ * Copar(ncraltl|>< U'K. U»«- h-,v r .„: .„M'Ct,!<ai;:wr .l.iir far Ihr r.f ff, :*Tin<r:' ji IVodn-o tX m.n.** on Jr.'> »W* • i« .*<*>'« n f Ollt'.M, illc«KK\V <fc t(>., Itn.i iiavc I fit Wi»rtUr'U»L-, Ni> a rcvurTiV.rriiii H»w l. '-nvi-.fi ir ( iij. r.i '.y V- U'.l: wlirfr Hi I r»liru*’rr| 10 our rli-ir**- « >’ <*' Wtuiiilliv 4'>d la.jilinlv ll'UnJiiJ '•!. Mmißl* ORI'M c.rui.-r'. if Hf 1« TM<.< II M-IiIU.W . ul. | ■», M l>. J A & U I’J \MKfv KiNi*i.r.> ...r.hi'.i ' ru)'i>.b*r».Cincinnati. I'liut'urgfc. Marri. f.’. 1M«. • - - - -• Tea} tirocrry. Krtilt aml i'l-uvUlou attire. I T\t'K\V .■>! l r St<* ftOOK Pamphlet Form. Wiloi.KMAl.l-' aMi Kl'l'aH. 1 —’J'lip .MHi.-lrmr. > choirc *clfil:tinn of Song*, SO. 141 Ijl BBIITV STItKKT. I ll uc u., (Juartetu. Hogue**, WaluM. sn.l March**! BF.MaMIN jy>\VN wuul ri»i»'-'’"" i '- t> i j w jj |St „ r y ~j lllmlralnl with nmurr *!r I* 'lit.- li-V.r. li y »••• tun* ■ ! t’ublisficd Utlll fof*:tlC !>/ JA4.I 1 P JAMKh, ot rom! anirlri, .-1.-. m: W f.'.r uml |k» - . \V limit *trv«-l. '■« l. Kouilii ami til'll. " i U i jinn 4iieni!ou to ii » |umou», «w un.n» » ► I Cinclnmili. March HM7. 1.p1.'.r . j VKW WOUK OS KIIKRI*-Tl.« Amnftit't ' , T. H. KI.BMI.NO, _ !i\ S!>r|ih<".{, tiring :i <'i‘,n t >!f’r tn«l<»ry of Sheep, wuJi HOIJSF- SW-N ANU IjK«-OUaTIVK PAINTUI. ! ,h r , rrum"i;rm-m uml ili-mart; l-v (. A Mnr \Ni> l 1 AIM-. II HAM.I-K. HOW pu. ,Mi •,I-u»|MiUil Will, driuviiij:* n< llir «ililrr<nl b.reil*. iot io unJ. 'lr.<- il« nlmr' i<u«ini-«. iiin'l *1« vanmi. \ c \V .il> hi »|ipr nit t, • iiii'T.iciilS u|>nitril* «H Iviiuiy Mail.-In-•. m.l u.iuiio l-i fcivr *“ Hurry | IrM'-f* from •■rnmrni won! gmwvM :«tnl thcrji Ulkilcrr rr j|u rt’ Mil iary Ma>wh.nl Mntut**r». Fi:.*- .*.<• |>- '“t „f -i .m*. rSnailing Oi.-tr ri mode* of .-,1 ioo|tl«:i ‘MO I-Vlmw nii-T Mn<«in>o Apron* .-ilway*' nun-rmii-hi. For i-a'c !>>• k ,..i1,v.cl fii.n-n.-.>• ..< M.. 1 1.1. - ll■ a ■ JU||\BTi*\ A SfUOKTUN | *np«»mi in.mu- i I li / -k "it. uc Ml .'.c.flrrl IMASOSt PUNANM I ~11-Mlrn No ♦! *«i ii> i -i I I -I -I | |-:s 11 \ KI.I’.IUAI. IK :iJ.-r >« rao. ln I’imto Fortrn, I INKUIIHATION Walllnl a nt Uulk [1 sl j V V U -|. v. S„ K.l Tlm.l Su.-.o ll.r IMi itt ii m > ii«v* . >•! •i>. IM"ii il'* 'V li.iil. ii. n l.i- • i iu..m .1 rfi j|| lu»«r« ami ili•* .ulur'i 1 ii.mil th'«' MMr.if M»n h I:m| Wml ‘ .*»»•■• •••• ♦! ' , v .|- 1.. II l.r I‘.* \jt M . im.l l|i>m-t Ini. | in. . ... «ii» ujjlfi M.-r- U-1 » , r--Mi r (• U.,i. li .|:>i V.V 'JU j .-. .vi .l, ami » II MM,TI,.\m:Ut-Fll j llr , r Nn Vi wiM'-i -Im'i-i RAGS WANTED. I.iw I*»l NTH V KM** "Uiiir.l. ''aWM ««. •• f v <!••• . I .[>l.oll <•> -1..1 M ‘ KIT N»U.n- A ‘HKK m ,,.J l*Hi,n T»i..l 1.W.1, .I- I* ,i-|.oe, r« lk IN TIC A STOIC K J> lfcr/ad Vo :• I- Mr,., nv..r ir.- All-|.,»| I-,™.- "•"> IV ;Y r ,,„' llcm <• >« At ifi A I n 111 KICK V .TUKKS -l ' 1 : “'j" S*s“ w nAUI(KItK(., i<KUItiNU, A.C'. filin'. *u»— •••■•»• V«-rj. nil Tirkl- M li*l. 1 oJ Mai-si ..tit H : m liMm as «n«u a w im-.i N ” JS<» SI UINMTII Vin HiulSK llA «n*» l»u* uu hi *‘U;K"» •*»’ MTiirirli'' i 4' -IrVj -...1 Mi...*—. • f‘ « al< UTERARY INSTITUTIONS^ ~IITTSBIiBGir rajfLKJJSTITIjrE. , '■pHlS Institution, ui.Jerjtbe rare of J i lio»ni>KS am. I.idv. in yrliich all ibie H>lui and oi nauiciiutl l-iaiu-iie* oi a UnisL.d rOuralion arf taiicUl i. no vs- open fur 'lie rcccniK.il ui pupils at No. Sl,lrwim Kair, Liberty Street, lielvvm.Sil ami {it, The Srcmrt %«*;on will (vaii»M‘nci( on iMoiulu, tiiu ?lh ftl FeC'aary. «nd it i* nnpottaiii iliiu a.iy-Vviii, mij vli-Mtii cr'cruiß »himld In- pfi'<rM( U-* fur n« iimriiril.'.; ritlic. In Sift* or al dial ~MT hV) l>3\c ». t-uted Ibe scivtcri, «-i l , l i.ies»<*r KUO- K«X'K a- irachrr m’.Mump m» llic I'iaun and Guitar, wlni ib io<> well known (r» nrr-il r. i-fiiitur-ulalirm lti- M-rvli:r-«.l Moiiß-FASIMfIt I.ADKKVT. uulliorol i 'ln-;-lo.ii ilin-: d.- i.i I .to ruluii- l olnlollicf v-ili .iMr ; .-1i,u.l li.-ilv, iii l.sr- nai.v.- MiUiS. I. i' i i?r'«lu:in- oi'llo- • , n-v«-r«iry ntnl Nnmi-'l ~i am! -a tnd- tnvli a - :i T.-31-b.-r, Tlmie Wlio d.‘. If !...il.i.»-!i 31. a.-rur-iu- ai.d it,..n.uj»l» kmlnlnli;.- of ili.; I'i. in ii l.i.i-STtr'tr*- ti'mil-l.ln v.r'i I-. 1-I.k *• du-iii-••Ivi-- untl. r hi- - 1.'1.u.-iiOii I <>. i. in.', " Ciri-nbt or appl> lo ll.r t*ni)r>pal. \OI N(i i.AIMK* SKI.KtIT KCIUJOL, At.I.WJIir.WV I’l I N , f’pjll-' ln-.iiiniN-.il li'fi t-ui irrM.i'y 1.r.-n npei'i-.l iimler J li.. Mr Ai. W Meu-ali, aiitir ('orii. r u( Siuduiky nnJ SlraM lirrry ala. Tl- -i. wine!, I,:.- il.ii-. i„f aileii.W.l il.t- .S-li-.1. .i> ii- r-.i.il.l'ilniii-'iit ai.J pn.ijlr*, in - lillfy ,3;.ialli-d lit' - .. . ....... 1.,.:,., 1... an.l l*iopr.■•!.»! I.imt War i .111- II ■ 1.,,,-- tjr.n l.e w .il i-r -M.|:|.H, .I ~l I.H rli.lls ... tlWliltl -ulii : 111 ai.l! V 1.-.IIIH ’lti.- I'.i.; :V?«i„im»i itir m il Acr.dnme «ill i“.iiiiiii.-.i, , »n Moiiiluy. I VI. -tl., T1,,-.-.- K.- V.-I -. le.V V:I1 A. 1.-. 1..- r.'l.-.l tin a: 11..- |.ii|ti’» .4 Ininii-.l an ea.ly appln-minii i«.lr • iial-l.- 1... p.i11..-nlot', i> la 11vi-I>. ii’.int, .Ye. t-onnult <-.f. ul:ir-_ot :i|V\ li. dr- ]U_ || m-ft.r. _ _ frl.ill SEWICULV ACADKMV i \ i l l , A Ss ll ‘ AI. .ni l Coinnu-M'4l iUiai.lni;! S-lmol . V lor urns. 0,1 11.0 Kenver K.<!..1. 11 uuiei f«*n. f,il>i-(ii<li. i 1 Itcv. vlnaejiii S. Travelil, A.M., I»rlucli>at. Tl..- lii.niri.f t Si-f- oil U.lf i l.iniii.-nri- on MondJj, il«y :bl is IT. j r*;«N»-. KiMi.l.ns, Tn-t.on, Ws.vlimff. Fui-llL'Ctm. A-r . per •. -.mil cl live iii 'inli 4 , 'i~ t- hall l. ijulile .11 a.lcniti-e, rJik l.nlHiu;.- ul 111,- ,-l«.ve nl tl..- -e«i;oll Km.'k* and Sfaimtipf y inri.nilicl wlm-ii re<iue*t( d, at 'lir .-ip.-iiAi- of tin- pup.l. A’l (•UtSine !■>’■* Jiilit.itig tna-lut. FnpiU f.irtu-lr tlrir own lowel-. Ji rrry ,l<-cirjl»!p dial nil -liuald *>«• prp»« tit on ilie firsi .lay ill ib* ws’ion 117*1-0* i«r*!i.-r patii.-uiar* ot.gn.re <H 'be i'nne.pal, •p the A i-ndi-int; or-nf lliun John N’ev.n A S»‘*. il Water »m>i-i. I‘.tl<!.■*rc•* 1 apllkl-jw HOOKS, MUSIC. \rAlil).\m.K HOOKS—Puliliil.fiU by J A il'P J.tntCß. between r ourllt ami I-.i'li,Ciuciunnti* t.im.H B (iiiiln.n—'flic hiitorf of .lie dcrlicr and IjU ,4’ ibo K»m3n Empire liy EdwanJ folilxin, K»ip A new Fal.Uun, teviicland n.rr.-rl'ed iJiri.iT’h- li) :i preface, and accompanied by note* crihc.il and hi-u.-ric.il, relating principally to the pn-padatinn irl’Otrislianitj; by M. K. (ituiot, Minister of Public Inmnictton for the kingdom of Prance. The prebree. note* and correction*, trans <a o.i fnn.i tin- Pri-nvh exprewly tor !ht» edition. NYiUi a ru't'-c oi tiio.l.ilr and characlerof (libbon. and WaUi.n's Kcply’to fiibbon. In - sola. imp. 'ito. tH7:I pages. Napier a {‘oniniula War—l'outplelC. I sol. imp. liso.bUOpaees. iiaitam'* Ages, Chanilxrr'B Rebellion :n Scotland. Kobcrtion'a \ irgiuiu aud New Rngland t Kutscll's Ptciicl and P.nj;li»h War in America, and Ki’ros.i)’* Auicfiran lu-volution. 1 vol II.J. l,U*ra#yoJ Acu-r:c,in History—(.'nnUininc selec tions from the best authors on American uUtory, ijrographv. Travels, Conurcrce Stalistics, Indiaus, Kcvulultooary liatllca, dec. A:c iSsc. Also. Anec dotes, Poetry and .Miscellaneous articles. Illuslra teil w ith nuirc than .'X*) cngraTiugs. 1 vol, imp i!io G pages. Universal Pictorial f.ibrarir—Containing valuable paper* mi various -übj-cts, cwupruiDg Natural tiiaturv, Natural bcicnro. Agriculture. Rural f'.ron | omy, hn.grapbj. Pine Aru, Uic Onemr.ls,' Travels. ! (,icl>g.v.p!.y, Hc't:inj,Mi.-.cc'lane<.u* rcadiug. iScc. i Ac. | vr.l imfi hvo 01') pp, full sheep. Tiff* Family '.Mrilicat J.ihrary— A Treatise od Uic : Prcveptinn and f.'urrof UricriNOJ, by regimen and | simple m»-,Jicmc*. Nr.*- edition, rrvired ami enlar ! gi*l >vilii the lutdiiion ul a Vegetable Materia Mcd-« iC i. po.ubng out Lite virtues: preparations and dose* oft-ur valuable native lurdical planU.nud an O'jttuic "f Voali my a>ni I’hysiology. I)iu»*nleil with one (uir.ilrsd " Kngfavir.gs, »u of wtiiub arc colored, tly J G M D—ib.l pages tlvo. \i.u‘*o:'ii I li.iv.t Garden Companion—Adapted | to the l'tilted Mato; i-y Etl wt-rd .u>vr». l.ar.,t»i:opc in.! Oiuumei.ial l»ardew.-r. 1C uiu. tliitd euiliou, rcvi-r-d. nd.irgi.-i! an ! il iuslf tiled. ' Palturr'. tbegon, Ib cky Mojnluuu, Ac. iVr. Pauiily Te-iuitirrt. rirtavo, v*itii and wttlmiil I’lilrglut notCM, and P«nlms in mcire. | Kir*, and Pimriee’s iJebalc Kuril's W’i-tVs Ijdy j ol the i-ill I UnoLtr. Mon-'* Private Hevo i unn. Juvemli- I 'LOaj. rtlitnnis el varw.us. otllUfs S*' 11(1111, Bllillts i is. w A-' u :..i .u U.-111.. i .-u.. il.vu |*u; !• u hi *li>u;.i>t dm rnif t v ii«ui-r -.i'> i anil ■ Viv« iimUIUM il.at Ui- «•! ell. lai.*i,nr m.i. i.v i jm. J .n • 1!,.m .ii.c i.< < tit iu<» iu>. ii'iio " '•«" HU,.< i 'T,i- i V;V'V'* l V:. ,^;« l-«. ,t.f .■» 't.i.t o'" fh-iV,!. !,.|n;. .1.." tti!|.- ,H. . >'• .in...l'-‘ U.1.-.VI-, at... lit rilm/ I'a , l •, . r .. r 1.-. UTounlj - &•-’>- •'-« Y..-V '• ... ifcr M**»V 1 -'.aji' «•* n-l.i-r * W I* .•! -Ipi.. •. i iak.nr H»- •“!» - „.-i i -.i.i i n . .(_«.• i 1 ' I'i,.- |. ».i * ..i.. • .1 .. ninl IH.ii.l. , .lariiiuin. wt... ' V V.. *-' f'--i 1 * »i;* •»s, ‘l. .1 i!--k‘ . rr..ui ti.- .vkv I-., r:.i t; l.ilJ M • C ..1.0 'it P'-T" .1,. u- oi Jii.n... ■!« l^o.'tn hu,. j .r.lj <m» b.g* -i l!<a. Will l«* to <T.- .-li.tu. . • - :1»1I1 111 M. iu.ir.»t-: »■ -|a<u.-. or ii»! ■ > "U-iiiaL-/ n* rlt ■:lctitt.ii.• <•] hiit WfiiaruUi lan ■ jiTl' iNhH wo«>t .(ft-ft v K\V BOOKS W . I,ar-.'.-.vjl a lal*. TI,J U--n*-. V _ . Mai> Jan* tooiiaui, ,„ww »n IM .. tuwi IttM ,v:il. Tl.«- r.- r.u v Mar;:»rn, nr u.,-IVnr! i-t R<-v «' H l' r-'W t.a.l, M.h>. , ; - Ti..'. I .art**’ I'miK-n.iM, ' J K.niktu.nrM .8.l ..*hrr K-HT* L',N<lr.l -I!.! Sl.Mrr.it.ui.Vm. Jtoolil U»» • air >t Ka.trrn T.t.l.lorr A. K\<s 1.1.<U 7»;.l0 fi lirrrt lirlvrwii 3.1 JtnMin Yj.EMCAL WORKS —A Tt.-tJti*r <>ii «V- m'-V-j l aLi'c.' nu.J iScaimrul oAiuim ry.r.ii. (’:itre)'ujr»it'» S>r. Tirr.in: »*t» V- liar- v.‘:i:ti!rrn-«- l>v '! j|i ]':>>'»»«•() • •-■■■l- ''. J*,-rg.c a : l> -Ju. i oj.lqn.r-Rit’y «.! Mo.I omr: nv' (lcl ! KrW.’r.nrl V 111... -VO l'«. Mir !.. M .«. Jl. rtKMMltl .IM» Mfllkn M ••V.Ktv WOilli—ln H».lnr> of Mtm« ; 1 co. Jicr ton! Wsrrf imJ ♦•'Jlonul.aruj Hctklii imniry AmViU, from Uio period of Uif SpSwuh l i.nijucsl, 1 j'.’U, lu Uni lime. including an .■ice.cnl i.r I lie vVar n itli lln<, Untied it* .slid Military AcbirvotiienU. By • Wf.ll.r tVfillllt llllipm ll|f .-li/.r-tM Ml rni.t.u> n ii ami jv< lu»'-L>o|ii«uMtUil Mr. II K1.1.i A imi W.-trii. I’.iiM-i Hjiii'a, lor 111' -:«l. 1.1 ...H I'l ino wIiMMi ilir-y may l>Y nl. •■••... Wrkl,.. . \r\Ns .v rj.MiK N, »» \ »l k. S,-|. l. 1.-»W<>c>Mll Kt>k riaim*. Jl’-Tl R. >r ,1.,.! «.l l.y 11., Uri, 11. .1 i„|l..wn,- o. w - - *|«. on* vc> winifil l.iui.J I'mimi, mml' l«v ia»»r* n.noi. iir.su\ i;i i.inut tit i W Wo.kl iti ll* . A.ilA.tl 11,.- IJ:. 'ijiM|-M. , v. iii.'iii-.«vi.,ct. Mil Jnrtil.il.lv, ' loin- m»d iiMti-h »i»* w.irr.vnUil in tw .'nii-if If* »>M‘ «m.l' i , " u, : r I _ IS’., ll'.' »vo»il'1. -.1 *li«ir alvovof.ll. . iiivr tYVU'Kivku a v,.:« .«( *Ur r.t> ut «J I'itlvhuit.lt. pt,lll'll on I cllrf :md 1 rur l*jif«avmj' l.y U \\ I'lnlii.Mj.b a, frwn- W I T W-itl*- Irtrt.fui 1»i '*V _ * jemNS-roiV* apt l ' IRiot•t'llti - ror Markn -inil’JJ «iv 2, rni; MANUFACTORIES. DLfQUESNE SPRING, AXLK/iTJRm. 6c. IRON WORKS COLEMAN, HA|I.MAN,tCo., Unvuij completed their New works, ere tiow pre| ared ra mmtsfee— lure every description of Coach and Ktipbe springs Iron aites American UliMer,spring and ploagh Steel, and alluzc,- of iuuiJl njuare aud ruuml Iron, whieli dii-y offrr for sate on liborat terms, al their tFarabew* N 0.43 Wood srTrcl; where thc.jr alto keep on hand s coiupK-in «nd Usud-ouie uamwcm of Coach truo ming., Catriage hardware, ihullcalde ta-ungs, Nailr and train, C. II.&. l'.a. have made armngnnerm with blcssr. Ou> Js CrolU, Miariufarlurers of Shovels, Spade. Foil- Ae„ and will lri-p emiManily I'll baud «T«rv 5,,c,-1,1 ma .l.-11-. them. I»e*ler's are re-peeiAdly *of elicit lo rall.us prices and tc:*ms w ill in* tuadr tilaral- Dissolution. TIIR I*iiin.-i*hi|i ben-iofor.- i-ti.iim' miller ihe firm m M"-b’lll llradb'V.AFo , was dii«.i»ved nit Ihe 3th, •n-!:iiil In iiKiiual i oi.-e,rt Tlu- f.usnieSs nr the lairUun wdit-i- riil.-.l l.y Mar-haM. Wallace ,t Me- Knry. JA M h^ 5 MARSHA!,!. AI.E\<<Nt)KK ItRAOLFY ' Wm, W Wal-liACK mINKY MHJEaKY. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. fj| 'III' l.if-iin- -ui-il.r lihovi- foundry vs,ll l.r rniinii J. r ,| i.j il,- -.i1.-, nl-rr-uinlr, ilii-bnn ol Slj nliatl Walthn- i l*ii . mull -I- vaniMi* l.ianebn. vir ; llolhiw \Yurr ShlU.cunnf; t-UiV**' :,Md .“|»V.- 1*1.1.-' l.n;lilA lU-:iC) Murh’ry Wagon K,is- Ibig.iie, i.raii- 4 S:i.l In.nr F.n-uie t\i«t.n r <. V l'l*»,i>;l»'‘ I'tnuith l':i- iin-t*. tr 4e. .MhJi nl ll.r Im*'-I Itl MiM.al-, nml al die low.-,! |.|urv I*u'|rha«er«-vri .inilrdn. r-ntl in.r Sna-k mill,- \l un-lmiise m Ul.env »ir«-i No -1, lien ihr heudoi It o.»d Mi.-n JA.Mllti M.vHSU M.I, Win \\ . U At.I.ACE * MFNRY MrCKAttV PITT .MA'-llINi: AND FoliMrltk, - l*it?*n it.-n, l*« JOHN \V It lUII T * CM,, AHE pirpair.l in l.uilJ t ’oiunl and U'oollru Machin ery «' every d.'-<-ripi , -urh ni -Cnidiiij; Ma chine--. Spinning Fraiin-e I)r:«v ng rruiues, Kailwuy Heads, Warpers. Tvville,«,Sjio(u • *, Dictsing I r»inr*. Ixmhik, Card (.‘ruider-. &r, Ulouglil lion Slmfiiiig luim-,1 all vice* ol l'a-1 Inm. Pullir' and Hunger*, of die lan-l pallrrn>, «'ide and baud Ijilh-*, and lonls »>'alfktndK CuMinesx' every ii.rtmhe.i on vbori no 1,,-,- iSui-in- mad- m ntd>-r f.u Mill.l.Yar.i*-, Iron nullnv, Ae Sjrum Pipe lor beatini' K-jeU»it». Cast Iron l' in-low*i*-;v-h , uml rnm-y Ctisung* vjenerully.— Orders let) at die \V»rrl,ou*[-ot J I*uliik.m i tu«., 1..b -eriy rirt-et, wit) have prompt allrni.on. , • KSFCR TO Qlackstovk. UvJl X Co . J K.MoorkraJ A Co.. *» K Warn, r. John. Irwin 4. Sons Pilt-bursh. (• C 4c J II Warnei; Sieul»cncitl.. janlO \t.U-UHENY VKNITIAN liidND FACTOItk, JOHN A. UUOWN I TAKES ih:« ,n.-lhod lo inform his friend* and the pnlJio m Inrge that his FaetorT '»*iiuw ip lullo|M-rjtii'i!.on the East side of tiic HijiiiOml, in, where n con| also at No' 4 Wood at, Pittsburgh,d} J.A 11. Phillips*oit cloth wnieroont. f huiiers made to order in the bed style, blind* repaired at the slmnekl notice. N- U. lb* blinds will bu put up, wiihiiut any add:- tipnal exepn*e in ihat ibey can be removed in a mo iuenl in ca»c of fire or for washing, and wiihom die aid ,)( a cri-w dr e ocHdlyiwtamly - CEORtiU WKYMAN, Mcnufaijiurer end Dealer in all Kinds of TOBACCO. SNUFFS, AND CIGAR'S. AT hi* Old Siund. corner of Sionhficld rtjvet. and Diamond A.lcy. Puiiburxk, l’a . would respeCdul ly enll the iiiieiiiiot, of Coinliry Merchant*, Hotel and Sicainlwii barkeepers to a tsrye and superioi assort ment of Imtxmed S-yurs, amon? which wilt be found the following brand*, vir: Eagle. Regalia, Castellos, Principe, IJi Slar Brand, .Minerva and Dollar, RegiUiat. ail of which will behold a-* low ns can be l hn<) ai any other house ui the eiiy. Abo, constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selecicdsioelr of Virginia. Missouri and Fine Cut : Qiewing Tobacco. | Also. Havanu, Cuba aud Common Leaf Tobacco, ! i-on-ieuily on hart-1 and for sale oe-*vM*m A- KCLTOA, bell and brass Found j) rr. bus rebuilt and commenced busiuess al pft hisold nand, where lie will be iiltasml lo in his oht cn.Uomcrs and friends. MBfl Church, Sieautboai. and Hells of every sire, froui IU lo lH,t»sjO pounds, east (rum of ihc iuob! approved nnsdeH. anJ warranted lo lx* of ihe l»e*t muteriaK, .Mmeiul Pump-. Couin-T*. Ks.ling, Ac. Xc ognher w.:J. ti-tty vur ety .« bias* Cusimgs, if requir ed. lunwil and finished •« ihe nr.ite*imnmter A- F is the role prnpn> mr of bsanrr’s Awri- AnoiTiivv Mctsl. »« ju-nly eeb-lnanui for ihe reduc tion ol Aieticn mi ina.-hiiiee-. Tin- bore* amt fVnnpo- Fit ANli UN IKON WORKS, earner if lltk*/ and l'runt sireeli Piri'SUUUGH, PA. rflllK »HiiM'r'l-rrw ihe Franklin Iron 1 Works ronin riv otrur.l I>V Mi'-mv J .A SiorAlor X Co. uii-l ma.lr prf(.ari-.! io [iirnt-ii t.. r Iron .V Nuria in all mil Wr il-i. i... |< ihi iriii-i Sp'inj! ‘iiuit Anrivan lihua % '*TV.;" v : ' r?; r*.r- •,v!l f m-l «- jirrp:,n- hivi l _ _ 11 .yy.n.K; ••• Will. uv‘«si i «». IMITATION CROWN GLASS HAYINIi r«iinls» ma.li- m-i-'M-.-i: •*m|i • n>»-ni«.ii ib<- t»» iii.iw' *iii» i<- I fir Ijir-.t in>i>n»rii » i'i- iii v* im l* nnt» m•• iimv prr|itu«'J t«* torn■'t* oi r!u-i.'U jiul de'criptu-il - IU- 1 m > >n <1 n* ■ nl in id . * iiutiii 1 il>- iu Iniu N.» rid U • u-- i r-i'-Mii \\. W. \V A I^l. At' IC. . rwimu i:i.n mauui.i -.V • .’ll a-tl •.'!*. i.iyil’/ nr.ii i*« \ 1T •' Si M oil. t-- r-1 1Y.i!..: T-ii.'i-- and T,.mhM Moimniriil- Ar , all l* hu'ti miiU. ••...! uunutiieitirtil '“n" 'ir'lV-J’.*,puteTm'/Mw.'l-. \tr ~„,„,u r. ,| ~ 1,,nil UMlerolllV ...( lllrto til fi, . | ~1,1 luiiK -ti With 411 arnclc 111 all r. ri- i-J (Mr.-cl'l. A*’*. . uii'i.l*T •-tl 1 :i« < ri* th«*v .an i.htHisim- thrill lor ill llic i\.d jiul -er iraft COl’i’ElL, SHEET IKON. And tin VVAICfc MAM>rAITU«S, No S M-uk.-i »!•<-. l. I‘i!i• iiuij;li. I‘rnnn: 1.UV..- made <tr,.i Jnipruvviurnl* | n,.-.uu- i.on ..i tlir r fonKINO STOVKSC ■ < 'in-c i n ,ii' i ■t#ii« Mt-nmUlul' lu call and pXsiiii.ip I- for, (.nrel.a-nii:. a' \rs . an mpply them .V 111 Ikeii. Move*. I'orer., and every at In r kind of Ci,| in ;i.ul Mi. ri li.m iruil t>rre«*nry m iunK«h- Put.,-. ni»l ri.mil.. r. f.inppf \v<«rk '..r Strain Engine* l "i. i* 1 ') *'”' rls ’ 1 "JUiKnirr * shirk BENNETT BROTHER, t(S IiI.NSU AUK M ANL F AtTl Mills. • UlrmluKhaiu. |ntar Fltlulmrgb,) Pa. Warthiwr, Sjj. 1:17. Wo,*/ street, t'iUshurgh. Mnf\ \V 11,1. rmi*lanl'v k< rp ».i hand » good at-Ult- M&/utrni £>l Wi'i-. nl nnr own maimiuruirr, ami «ujH'J-nr .jv il.lt . ail.l rtHJnlry Ml-i -■V ri. in!‘ air 1.--|». <-Ituil> • mviti-a 111 rail ami rl ,ni,m- inr lii. tit-. ii' »■' are determined to *rlb rlira'iti tlian hn« rv. r l.i’ftm* brr» OlTcml to llislpulr; Oriicn sent liy mail, aceotnpanied by the ca*h ot rliy reference.. tv.il t* promptly alien, led 10. felrttS Nr\r HUovel, Spade and Fork'Hanuflit. GRIFFITHS &. DIXON, HAVING rotinm nrr.l ilir innnufaeiurc of Spade*, Shovel*. Day ami .Manure Fork.*, Ac, on uneaten . vk »i air. mtr prepared io fill .ill order* for «ucli :*ru .->« at Kawriu print*. I'ur iltr i-.mvciiir|irr “f ilieir < a u*iomert ami tinnier* in • ui-h aii.rlir., H.ry Wave apjkomirtl (ietirfe Cochran,, (ininmicr.on Merc-hant, Nolii Wood .Irrei. ltirir Agent |!, e tale of tjiri. manufacture'. Alt order* addict*- >,,111 will rr.-rrv. |.(..mpl attention. on the iiui.l ad Vunt-tgemi* H r«i« 1 IUXON Jtilv r— <ll r j,\o. 4>. UILL.KSPIE A CO., N.» 70 "SVootl iMTCrt. MAM rAm. IlKUSoiCiliaml.Maliognny (.oolong tilmv*, lin|<irlrn un.i Ileulr.rt iu l/wkm< (jlui* i’luir*. Acronlrtm*. l’vrvu*»io« Cap*, Clock*, Canibn, Jtrwelry and J’tinry (>o«tili renerulty*. Ilir advrrn«rr» nrr makintt mjuic itnprovc.mci|t< m llieu txi.iiM !•*, >* Ui'mrt«a“<‘tl fucaiitica in the pnrqlia»c m IXitnr'ii*. and llir miponaiiou of many Kuiingn (ImmU, llirj M l.! l e ft 1.10 acll Ul A*<uUra prim. ' Plicl iL'«i'coifnM) M.i. .i tin- altrmionof pfire 1/4acre. janlVdn “ COTTON out! WOOLLKN UACIIINU rpliK jul)»rribri> nic uowr culArjpnit llteire»la J mrnk aiil me pr.'pured ib make OM AiWitil C H’Ml SVoollm Sla. limtiy on die rnnai reatoiiabliM Onle«»nddtc»«t< M> n* will meet with ptorapi uttr WIUUTMAN .1 DAI./.F. l.ecock atrret. All.Rlietty t N II —II. Wißlitnmii. wlm‘liaaa potent for u important nniuoveiiicMmnhc Curd,and wliolitu rni>aerd forJUe I**l fifteen yca'ja in -..rtm of the Friuna'ive and •m'rr<»ful Omon i'udnnr* of tbo Mill i»ive hi* personal ■urntioit to patlntp up, to 111 itmcfon ot tlmus eone. tned. all machine* made » r'tnbliahment. __ inn*-* John bukiuf ? *' Co., No. Ktuiul 9-1 Froi I »U, 11*a». ForupKß*and <<* Fix* yKUt. liliLL* ol nil aur> rant liuiii ilir laical tni|>mv«*i I niu n-rns and witrriimr.d rqi all». any Al-o, Unix Ca> .mf», liiiUhcti <1 imleml, OuV l-ii pm tip pnmipllf and <)U Lp-AMWaMr form*. 1 't.novllMtj mTSUI'KCII XTKI.I. VSOHKH ANliHi'lllNU and axi.f. I'Aiinmv. iM*c jott«. ' r vri.io JONES A UI'I^U, oi>) «»*»•* IMoirli Mrrl Mr. l rirntfll WiiirV IS»*« It und K.li|»l*< : Spi.M*.Dium»ifi«-dl A fk'. «ud dralr«« m Mnilralm- Car.mc I. and foe. I. T.immiM*- r; ». tally con.. , ..I It..- . and 1 ...t.i • n» • l- . I‘rtfl.uir.h. i'a MI'I’INWITT lltON IVflllKN. IltoN »Md Nail-, M0.v.1-, A'.- Wtf •ate hi our ne Wanlwu-r, N» 514 S*.-n < nr* ei, m-nt \S mnl, rw miiU u» I'ionl. an » L-ontn.nl at il.e n.d *iand, .MrMa in llavnii'ui.ulr threat athltiin.iH t.» ihr Itoll.iif; Mill,! tinirr* .'nil he liltr.l ptum|itlv. I.IIAI C. I-INII3AV fc tin umauNUiiiu tack vmm r CAMIMtEI.U 4t CKIEMM, MA.NUEAtTWUMU uv nNISMINd NAtO, lIIMIK lIKaD Iron nml Codnrr Ttrkli IKON AN!) COPPRU SHOP. NAII.B, Axa Pattern- Maker'.' I'uintx, of every, deneriplia nrtir.- N <S •! *»t Oharlr’ ll.uel. Thud Pltliljurit HOTELS. JKKBCriASXS* HOTEX,' -l ' " Corner. of ‘ Third and SmUkfidd utreda, PmSBUBOIL PA. . B. Weaver, Proprietor. films uew aod-.spaemiwlUfl'ELierrolrtlvlaedihe X CRKAT FIHK, aud ffoniiujg unHWOof Um bMMt. public streets, is utnurpiwed in the eoiuiuy, whether as regard* it* ‘arrfciJeetes’aJ afnuip - iuent»,or lliecle r&uce. taut* and comfort rf lu ftmiishinn. Pitaa'ied in me iimuediato vicinity ci'"ihc STEAM IIOAT LAND ING, OFFICES, and principal MKBL'ANTiLK IUHTSESi it otters to TRavKUHIS and RUSINESS MEN don able omm-meiirrs; Whils; to FA Ml MRS and GENTLEMEN of lewuio.lu in ternal arrangement* atfonl every- urcomuMdaium the most faitidiou* .can di'tiro.' The Par lorn 't»id CUambrnjur all turmslwd in modern styles with entirely new an<l elegant Furniture, ail cthcictucorp* ! ofaiirntivc-Kci) obliging *cr runt* i*>'iuanuaiifed i and thr Tabic will always abound with tke rlmircM delfra- ! ,n.>«he market* aflexd... The Proprietor, whoha*had long experience, u* fltre (me W bw-tine**. nesure* the pullin'; that no cifori oti be purl will fur (pared to ihote whornay tavnr liun ti’itn tbeir :: r-t - An Omnibus and napjone Gar will alway* h« in for *he <>urM.>nf the h>)U«c. frl.l» r IL WKAVIfk, Proprietor. : PRAKb 6TRKKT HOUSUf Clu<ilun*ll, • MlloWriir .subscribci* hnvidr, purchas'd the er»* lire mterrM oi t’pl O l' bile of this well knnw?i estaLli-liftKiit. lir j leave to Main lo their friend* and ihe public >r»*rnhy, lhai they have t.tkrit this iikiiuioiliou* Hotel K>r a term of year* nnJ wilteirrt their bi-kl eiierpr' lo make il a dcrnuHe home foe Trav eller* ami Guy Ruarden 'ltic Hniel n rpacndi* und adnxrnt.lv planned for eoii ; ver.irnee, und-cir, liatriiii' u number til pallors adjoining chaud-ei?, |iie>>-niing nii'ituat atuticitmt* to The present proprietor* havinc, Cod the virpeneruv-of tear' in thiscii? and rlvevrLcrivbhp" ** e able 11* give ijrriefal'f UliMjiClil-tt. beitij; (J<-'l‘Miyil»rlt'>» give unoivided jlienlinn in lire Louie aUmr'jr ’ .. yriie l.*e atitmof tlie Pearl Street Home t* uucoiwMwdy “eligible, Laving fronK oh Pearl, Walnut and Third MS ***• trial .1 H ruunliy deßirhl'ile in of the eonvejti eiue of tiudne** nicaor rrtirciiH'ht for tirivute'hunt ,1c r-„ Il i* inur I»y the llulv lltuiPottOther, tlie•'MWohic llall, ibid Fellow* Hull.am) btUoiie«ijnuns dm,iul,liua Main *tr».ei and two wpiarci from the Pity IVkaif, thus oilirmg the greatest inducements •‘epeclalty’in rounlry uicirbanKuinl Kcncially to nil person*, vuum* Cinem tiali.- JOHN r NOULi: . . meba: john a ncHi.r I HONORUAUELA HOUSK, HOOT.a WiTER Mil) STS, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE uriderrigiied; Proprietor 4 of the Moncmgatri-la Hou«e, announce tutbr public that the Home tk now open for the reception ©I Vinters. ; They are tori(eiou* of huviii); rpared no QliinS the c»iaWi*hnieut. In eucli a ‘lj lea( in teinJi r every comfort luibnr tfueVu. They lu>(k: by conuaut uarv amlmtenoon to tiuunej* to menl the patronage, «o lilcralty tieviowedou the late Monongahela Ilouie JAS. CROSSAN A Sf»N , nousT VBRjyoaf dousk, ' So. 10 AVrIA 3mriJ Sanf Philadelphia. ■■ Tllfc (uWribrn mperlfully infonalb* eitiuDiof PiU»- burgh *ud Western Pcriiwyliania, Out ilu-y hate takes the aboic Itooie, where thrv'ace pee pared to aceoamodatc |«rsuux tuiling the City of/lulaiklnhia jn the beM»lyte,«uJ uu the raoti rmoaiable tema. The hotue it within une «inare ofAlarkct rtr**t,aad hat hndemibc a thorough reiur vatinii'and npairs, aud iewett caktiUlcd to noentTUnodalt *rl*«* may utor u» with acalL .. Give ns a call, and w* feel coufulml you will be taliihed. A SAMUKI.'A BRADY, February 23, iM7-3m OLIVER U P VAnKER. PEARL STREET UOVBE. 88 Pearl Street, Hew- York. Reduction in- price—The tub»cru>«r te*pcet fully calN ihe tutentian of tho travel ling etimmani ty, and especially bu»inei>« men, u> tlie fact that this bouse is now open and ■*' offered for iheir patronage ai the low price of ONE DOLLAR I’PHI DAY.: -j Its location for bu*iae>6 not surpassed Ln N. York, and every comfort, with good living, clean tieds. airy tooui*. Ac , enti h-re- be bod a* well as at the most ex travagant bouses Oite call will surely tauify any one of these facts and uiiare su extensive patronage for thu boose v '• : SAMri C. DU?UOP, Proprietor' New York, Apiil l. IMT - ~ a.r. Jackson. u. CRAxrrotr. luite of the Asior House Of Pavihon, Roekaway EUTAW HOUSE. BALTIMORE. JACKSON A CRANBTO.N, i . raarßixTonx. Coaches wili I>r in ! readiness at the Dzrom. and La!Q>- ts»» to roovey !*a.'«encer*. pee vf .charge, to ' jyttbdly the House. _1" INSUUAN CE! Indemnity sgslast :botl or Dausgs hy THE MITfJIAT. PRINCI|*LK LTiMDINED Wnh llid addinonal security of a Stovk'Capilaf.' Tiic Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of Phifa. CHARTER PKUPKI’UAI*. riiKtcmus. Ilnir’F tV Tnbnd, John M Atwood, Thxmti 4 ll Rockhill, lurvvi-i R. AHibunt, . Wui. U. Thompson, Ueoige N linker, tl.tjigc M Stroud. J»L*. J Vaudcrkcutp,*-.. V.* • . [ • WILL make ituji ••• - u <>r Hnmage by Ktre, in I**i »--s*t •ni' anil rieihilt, on I loufien. Mules and olhei Huiidinga. and on Furni ture, litvods. Warcif and Mrrwitoudise, on the moat t.isunblf terms. > Tlie Mutual Principle, combined with a Sleek. * 'upital, and the other provisions ot the Charter of tins t.'o'tep.iny.bold oat unoaaut inducements, both nl profit Jiui safety, to tltose desirous of effecting insurance,towhirh Uie t.uiupany trsk IhoiHmTion jn,l eiaiiiioulinn of llliise ntlrf.’tl'ciC 'flio c (dlcrtuijj manranif with this t'omp.'iuj, liiivo.lw rides lln’usiiul protid'tiiiii agairut luas,hy the i.i,iiii3 y method o| insurance', the'additional ul«ant >)’ci>l j direct |iarlici|ulion'iti the j-io/ffriT l!tr< innpciiv, trtlhvul ant/ .xubihla. .• liKOP.iit. W. i’OI.AND, Hreaideot. - ISM IlnniHiN, Secretary. ‘he nubacr.ber, who is the dll^v , lulhorit^^lJ l ic r the alaiie tiami'il t 'oci|i.iny,-n prepared tu’uiaVc urarice. at the Olhre of the Agencyf. in the 1 t'ha Im Hole*, Third <ia thiid diuu irubt Vr'oftd ! el. .111,1 V. ilr ,»|S<; all luithi l inPrutatltm dCuircU a)i it*V. Pi'lOb. J. t.AMl’Ktil.U T JOHN riNNKT, J tl>, : \ • ahk.xt at prtrsMißiin n>B tnr ' *' ? V' DELAWARE i Saf«(y lumranct Compauy iift'lillailtlf*, ITlIlii: BISKS upon buildings-aiiit fmcrciuiidizc . ol' over)- description. auJ upon bulUnrcargucs •>!' vcs»els, taken 'upoolhe inostlavorabic lerow. A ' / [L7* OHice in the Warehouse id VV. it. Holmes Sc Hio , No. 37 Water, oc-ar Alatkcl aUecKl'itU-, burgh. J • Ij*. (I. TV successof this Company since ihcenah iP-bnM-nio' tin: Ageouy nnhi* eityn wiili ibrsf»r£B/ipoi«-.tr and wiib winch ever) claim upon tbi-tu for !c,«. lu- Ik-i-ii adjured. fully wiiuuitl ilia agtiiliii m viun< ihr I'aiiCdnifr ami p.,Hoirjjfi i of his inr-iut* am) for tiHUumnny at Urge loth* Delaware M.-H. Imp. raii<-i* ( <“om|mny. while ■) lias iU-. toldiiKinal adsauiacrjt a« as institution among lue uniat flourishing in I‘lnlad’ia—a* having anample paid lu capital, which by the operalioiiofiUeliirtrrraeaftstatitlYiucreiaing a* yicidiug-ln t-ach peruoirinwred hif uu« wlisre oJ tb« profits of the company without jtiToiving'Jhiov to any responsibility Whatever}.aud thcrvlutc ftu pos.cstng tlir Mutual principle divested of crory, obuojions feature, an l in its mort attractive form.' no.-4 ' - : ' . ~ ~ NATION AL, FIRE : AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. ’HIS well known and rc.fu-’ctnble company U.jnre . pared, through ilieir ITITHUUIUIM AGK.NCY.tO ike insurance ol every hunt founecied mill riskv Of uixportai>uii and inUml navigation; lo m'urengamst <■ or duma-v l.y Ijtc, DwclKug llousts, IVarcliousi-'*. Hidings in general.Coodii VVaiVs, and Merchandise) d cvei y dcscriptiuu t*f‘ p>-r.tinul projierty on the romfo volatile terms. . Applications for Insurance utiendrd lb mihbut dcUv m the office. No 33 Wood street. SPUINtiEU HARHAUUII Aj>U /AT an Election held tu tl»eoilier m N. V., May 13th, llie following oamed aeuilcoiun trnerlotrn Uin-eior* of this Company, for theensuing yeur, vir . Joseph \V. Ravage, Ptrpliciijloll. John itioovrer. John MeChattu ~ ' WlUiamti. Ward, . William WXainphcU, John Newhouse, . Jacob. Miller, (TiiliamS. Slocum, ' Mureos Spring; John F. Mackie, -Joseph J*. Lake, John J. Herrick. - And ota subsequent meeting of tUo Board, JOSEPH W SAVACIK, K*u|., vra»unamoioinjy.rr*clec:ed Pres* ideut Air ihe ensmug-yemr. Wm. JAMES lUXIGS, - “ jyjD I’iki A Journal copy _.Secretary.:. ' FIRE AAU NARINE INSURANCE^ insurance Company of North Afocriea) JL through iU duly authorized Agoul, lire subeerf*- her, oflera to make permanent ami limited tnsur anee on property, in this city.and iu vicinity; aud on ahinmcnt»bv Uic Kannl aniTKtvcr*. . . mkkctoks. John C. Smith I‘rcm'L, Samuel Brooks, Ale*. Henry. t.lharles-Taylrir, Sami. W. Jonot, . ' Sami. F. Smith, AmbroaoWbito, v Jacob M.Tlioiuas. : John K. NtH, Richard Wood,'; * Arthur CJ. t’offiri.ijce Edward Smith, Joh'a A. Brown, John White,j Thos. P. r<»pr», Wra. Welsh, Thi* is the oldest Imuraure t-'ompany in the lotted Sljtcf, living lirco churierod iD.IrJK Its darter is pdr|>etiul, sml Iruin iU high sUndinj*. «ng exjicrictfr** ample nicaiie, and avoiding all ibUs nf on cklra'hatardnur rlaracler, it •tiQ»i«lered asolteritig ample frruniy (A tl.c puhlii-.. . j ■ - MUSK’S ATtVOOI), ! At <.'imnlfug Buhm' nf Atwood, Jones Sc <V> . IVater and tiiinnl streets, FilUborgh. -.apdJMl- [INDEMNITY Ag inti Los* tijr'Kire—-The KKANKMN l*Wlnsu rance <Join|»abjr of'ft.ilajplphia, « WILL make Ineuranrc, permanent andlmrilpil, ua uTcb iletwrituian of property, in Hli’lN- Itl'tUiH stud the .HLKKOILNUhW COUNTRY-, mi favorable term*. This companyJaa a perpetual charter. \ , . .. . .. ot Third Hint Market stil.-ilillsh'cth , tp WAUKlLliMAßTir>,!kpet«i. NSURANCE., I r Fin insurance Company IW PIIH.ADKT.ntIA. I ~ IttttUt.. CaHTAI. •£*»!»» PAIDIW.’. J 'uuUtphia, #o. 73/ Whbiut Sireti \ \VM. ■ »i.«, Sec'y: 1 . . , . wFil.'f'Ot.ii'biM «V»mpirty CunlmnJc'io di»«;'-.McrcUiiu>i<*c > Fumnun»'SA<i prop* iiu l^jurdnu^rlinracU'^agatau tor tu«oraße*s ih PiHeLitrgh-amr'iu rill hr >ao4 rvluuiiikeornlitr or liinued pehods.on favorable turraa i.y GI'O i\»:ilHAN,' A(cut No V 6 Wood ci Amcrlra'c Oiuaicn r* Office in Phi Vmn>tnir* I rpillSoU »» 1 H.SUIV Ult riiyiioiofaut ditinepr l>v In* Apphcaiiwr lirip,bbolln>o.|, pt-tyi-tusUy or no/l.* \ VOL. XIV—-NcSlft v * 11) RT iLOIfDS., 1 OOK TO lOia UOU&KB t—l*itt«hur»h J j t'ariwt Emporium, ,\o Wood alien, next door to Uiaraolut Alley. Vltke' aulorrtbrl 'r'Aj*»'i-irull\-Tinlofm* Uir cuuetii-'. and nraKger* vifciftDi; lli<? City, uiat lie ha* J.clioeJ ibc Aiuniau tuiXJOMfc ami irmovnl to No fcT Wij#a «u»(.ior iheinenin of-a. large CARPWI Esl* t’uailtAt-iJHavlni* U-Atr Til ifu •*fcni for ihf tafcrthree BniMlik, •rUrinij' tYipejitig, Aj:.j Ct»r iki» putjHve, ,my M»r.k vrill itunarteat ihd tevi b»-.>i!c.l. uih! «of&at p-«-r« U Rawer \\jr*i ot Hip Mountain-. lU(nga new 'Uxk.uiy <*aipeii,ji*„ W lit all l r ihu lii-.-lii*: eiMhh ajul Ul<M patterns. .Tfhe coloi* of alt -vjootJi fc<»T4 Ky on* will l.c-WnrraHted to pia»d,oi a dedonwn n«k. > .j. . - :• , ..-l.; Ilii hll ml Cftrpni for •''pwni; Trade. 4 . • A»raugriß*-atsAnting her,,made vrilh nit* of itiefsN alanulariuit-r-: to lie kept cou«iaiiiiy mopiird . n U.e alalve ariii-ti-% inv 'tork’wttr t.KVuy« l.- lull Vi A t.aiijile'o, Now <Hi.k»(rtU - ... ~. : . •Sopei.Thrrr I'ly inipei-'iaH'arpeUi • ' > u ,-;Siip<itap Month ln#rum.. ■ •'«& ■- • • |- l.ur all wo.it jo do ■•••;.. • ‘ d(l lift'; - • • • L Tajft-Mjy. Mall iuiJ CjTpeit, V rniton ftteralri ' do; --* ... Kin* he»?sMtViUr4 **««»« . do; . an<ls-.". striped do do; Coiton-xlriped CarnW* to>£tAirs l.i'oni!, Ra< on.) Mroip Oarprtv, • J,- Soper. Hehcincllroml faity- Run*.; -Ilmueli <to; J. Rim*sr'!ie<nei)eYad£heejukijr Moor Matts ;.-l -I jtgeajidrraMl Alicam»i).l iii(o IJnop M»ru;\ .. Itifcn&airßnd*voft»H«i«<; ■’ . I .Vl-.&>•!« ■yuf WMSiulCafpeiond Hinding; Ai .'■■ jj>*rand HintA)'fjllr.tim} I‘uiuVCovets; : JlleliHuii PlaidTdtle Covejv; . ' riftu«p3i<jieliandsc4tfM» VVlndou' Shades; . .4-1 Oijt-loiba.iu iKU’iisiitetD.'i ; ' Sheet tMCloth', rut to any'fi». •••-•- ‘'low I'.awhOtJClnth VnMeFovrr; ..4 .4’,54.-aiidfli | Wliile-AHtnnvr i Kttoir-Uroprfapkjiis,... r 1 7 oo.f Stinnrtrr J>aui«k'T:iT.Jr l June i. . J>a®a*iaiM U&Uißj*e IVuJ»jr; ' “ atai Siaa LVoetr.v . c * r P«* mml I>ry Good* Warchouit. ' 1!* si.un.-Frrs'rnKirr. vVtC- i>-. Titomrpson, LLY fneod« and tbe public r«* o wiff trviy.n* a Uipc ami iplendid a«-oMo»ettr 01-ftsw Styi K Of i'-toth*, fisc,;tlircrlHututhe Iwportrf.anJ Manufactu rers, composed titpail tri . ; ...... • ; SupcrCne'RrtiKscl* ' ' Kxna ftr Tapettry ltiur?ei* Oarpetiiir,* 4 ... lmperial 3 (dr and Exua do; "-• Vuprjjttie Ingrain, i-’iuc and Common Carpeting:., - -■ 5 S, 3 4and44 Wairt Venuiatt Parpetinc; S d,34and4-4 DanisrsY tin '< . Sb%4 l a«d4-4Tapc*tr?‘h»".'.- , M' Sitapfboat Traninimtt, Brown Dnlltrigr; '4 4,5 4auJ C-4 Sh.-rnngs fl 4 7-4 3 4 Table Ltiwai; Linen' Na’lilftnui'ltiavh .and tlihper; HockiiJiuck TowciliKinpes; New »iyle Ta ble Cnv<-(«; *fi7 inche*m •,*! t'cii vcnlr, eiittoanysftc; • ' ■ ..b i.-r / tOOSTtIpB-Wim - • .- Rich Embroidered uu-i Printed Table lbarro cover* " Figured flour " . . . . Cbcnluile, Tufted, bn J Wilton Rug»£ T«HrJ,Cbeomtle»and Shei-phYm Boor Mail*; ' MamUanud lira** . iln.-.w,- / llra**S(afr Rod*.Flat niul Oval;' PauiditkloniLShnpiilSlatrLmen; ' , torpci Ujnduje*.• r.'. - 14.5-4 and C-t plain and Egmcd Indian Maintigi Colored f'pbnirhMotting, , ret*oa«|'Cainf ffptteainlioats,Botr}r|Or Private llou* j «cs,ure requested to ealt.au be&elseoftfideut they will - End it to their advantage u*do so. before purchasing - elsewhere.' 1 .- 1 - ; DRY-G«ODSi lie would also invite nurutimi bvhis extensive Mock ofNEVViSPRINt* DRY UOMDS, [embracing ever}' thing iii dial lined now opening at the above stand. marlOd^waiaF.. lit) Market meet . STAU CLOTHING STORE, -NO: 70 WOOD SSTREKT>ITTSBOR«I4,PA. AANCXEB-k MAVEK,uboieit)e anil Total! dealers in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would.take thig method of informing the ptiMio that their stock of spring ,aod suonter clothing la Ttosuconiplutem every variety f){ style*, adapted to tbe present and ensuing season. 'W'ttb tin: view of intoriug n continuance of the liber al patronage we have and to offer— general satisfaction to all our customer!, we have uni-_ ted our atienlioii to the purclnuw'And .manufacturing of' every article comprising our extensive stock. Gentle men desirous of being suited out. will find it to their • udvauuge to give u* a call; ax we are determined that oar prices shall add to the beauty and furtnou of ourrlotliing. We always keep on band a splendid supply of si’k under slnrts, 1 men and capejfine cotton shirts, scar ft, handkerchiefs, cravats, bueotns, collars and:suspend ers. ANCKKR4.MAYER . 1 ' Sign‘‘Golden Star.” N.ll—Gentlemen who wish to have anv article of clothing aiaJe to order, canbe Ainuskcd in the shortest , notice. ~ upa . BUY GOODS. SIIACKI.I7TT* WHITE, No W Wood streei, altove Dbmoud Alley, are now prepared to otfer to roer* rliaotsalnrcr. toil desirable t-inek of . * • nttoH SPRING DRY COO[»f», 'All'of ’iltlii season's purchase— t>r lap- and detitibic' style* and (piaUtfet..- • •• ; . 1 " ! i Country, Merchants visinii(C < or piuMiig tbrougbopr, tt'clearly. l<> ihttr bdvaiitaee io give us a. i:alL as we are determined to sell at sticn ntisll prbfits,' as will make itfiteutlyito iketr utierea to make a bilf* with u-*. . •- > . fKir sioek’ W now full and complete, fumpiising a reJirral: 4f,'-ortmehlof SuCh good* ua are usually kept- 1 by dry goid* bouses. . ' ■ A g-iwf supply of Ji«kv'y < *U<l I'ffht brown s?heeiinfia ; nlvvav ori hand: -' • • • ’ meb‘27 - BA.ItKO'WS & TUIISKR, No 40 Market alreet,.. tire iiow receiving" their »n>oV r*C. New Ppring ! itmietbe attention of purcluucra to (heir Jhcu (iotuls, which is particulars) raMe,'con*l l si!ne in pari of ' ' Hich ; !'ir» Oii»*ntly fjiwjut—faihujoahlrt lumrn't' WfTrl - ’ >ihci Voh.W very hamlMiine. . I'f niipi! tfiffprcni paitf rn>; j * ' UnhfahiHfnia I’laiJh—*iv>c* v»*ty bamlrunic; •*'* : bui-rn*-rl'i.*iwlinfwaud beau- j tifii! [•'iMrm*: fine fill Vet) tI3AIJ-olUc Bt Cl».. . . ~ 5 ’ Suvt-iirif'Matichr*irT <*inVliHtiit, fwartitniedj at'tiO rentt. .■'■ .s- • ; •■’s •' * . • ‘ <uwbvg . , -.Nt>.4C io»ifcrj)UTffC|.3dnoijaho»a Id . J KlllgLlN DKXAINKs7 f TtAIN COLORS-- { L\X W K Murphy bn» ngw open an A*«miarnt of the i j above good*,Ml wool,ineludiug .inure very fine.-Aim,. , i Mohair de v litiifh-r,' -vt*rj' *uppirn*. jdaiti mo.le rolou..' ' j AUo.pMtu D<xbHa«xc*i jitnfciWue, anil Murk A»— * Aim. Ji-i|rui>«pj*»i'ipwu.iui4l*o«ycy|oi*,»ome*» low;. ■ \ i h*"f?teeMdr *nd‘a : l*rj;e as-mitmcnt of.ncweM atyfeii _r 4>«ugood* generally, - lecludirif l>l»ck watered, and * | fancy hlLktsiif latest iu>|<orjution*,or<iim lowpricre i far qualits .lluym will pica'c cull and examine at.N • 1 F.cotnrr 4tii uiid Maikci ►!».' , • • I . J£J' Wholesale Hoorn* tnaeritndnAr'y -where a'very R ] thoHw/iacku'.iuh.o remhy dp.a|eatn, h*. low cash pci*; I * r *- ■ * . . . . ~ . • apm,,- - MllMURl&S—Frti»rt«is Tabs aha Cl fbvll and horn, M«k, aiih; uu>l drettij'S - inlaid aaiin and ru&cwotul'bair .hnitlic: 1 ; tooth,-, iutl,r»nh.elolV ant)' himhngj Ink] luce; - hfuwa, black and ivhiiaW>U*nd: colorrd cambric; aiUc ■. ami union binning; satrty cii*rlope*;. • lum-papert «rWlim»wai; thonoWafers; Harnliill’e m* dehliLr ink; |>cu< iln and pencil point**, tuitions; pint; • urfillcf*; tupmj spool conoid Ac.. lor ealr whoteiale and nnaiM.y ' apt* I . ; '"F-l! RATON, G.l Afarkrt street v _ r|H> MERCHANT TAIMHIS—Now <,|.«-nuu ' X a <‘|>lcndid a-rortinenj of (hi»v Tiu>y nrinularturcd . • , Hluits; both (iiui&iwl mediUMt|uahtlr«*_ A lurgcjnvoiceCravoUyiMiih hl.ich and lannci, di-.. rent front'ih«* Importer. > Adju*iin£*toet-', all qualilii’c trit.l rotor-- ’ Smut Uotv*,. do aio «io; . iMMtili.iiiuc do U<> do do; _ Fnr«atel«y tin* tnahufoHutrrV A prut, No\*6W«» „ -tWl.upKlair*, \ijj»oleeaf«? '* KPWaIM) TOPI) ap&- •-■„< -.-Agent tot Rartenr Manuiactarers. NRKULK WORICKD CJIPE»—IIi,-li ; Nw-.' ..jllc. Wnikcy. J.men A'-upcs—nrw«t Myl«-a..lAt: ’ryCCiVcdihi«'wonting. . * •• <; . » Also? Chameleon S*ilka feW r pc» Chameleon Voull «b> tkn DreW-tblkS—a beatmfhl-atlirle.'oml srnrer— ■ opciMbia wonting . - t* i .Alio, FrenchUilranocßj a (£tv juecei.clioirc.stylev—— ~ai tbol>r>*<»rody irduko of’ W H MURPIh '■ anltt • . .. tt *--N K eortlh and Market m J • RliLKiVHUibUjnodMngaiUarrowa fc'lXniwi’a-^A. '* . line eelecl'ouof California.l'loidj,ncvcamjlx'-auti- “ ' ; ftilstyfor Fnairh Glr'Rliacna. very, rich patterns. nt .. l year ranted, anheloife ' • 1 price of.:JO ornt*;..Koglttb Print*; llrowu plaid* iiiOT ■! Btr>pc<. new and haiidsonie.at. Nu4C Market sireel, { lorhltf - ••« Cr|wecii3»l and 4th rircri* •. | St L K, THREAD AXI) PARIS. Kll> l»LOVtS—'.‘Udoreii •uper. Pari* Kid filovev, - imailhetaanufacioryof Jnarin a Alelsndn-; 1 Open work and ► ' ' pSnhroidrrrd, plain and fanny.l4.«le iThj : ■? j, .. -Child’*B<fk; ld»le.nod <!o;- *•“•; . Oent’*iniUiary-aAd dre«»“* iiof- ~ ;•> Fhr«le l>y . • • UJvATONj^^.....^- -- 1 1 >RASI SPAItENT WIRDDVV MITrtJKS-* i_ ./ H X WARRANTKP 'l*o WAJMI-I.A beauUfai anon- / > :n«?iirof Vrenrh, American hhd'lltlitth' . } Views, Rohian.Arches, (Jothic 'Rain*, Ac,;' ( '■ a( a email ad vancc.on whole calc prices from SI l&frS* / i .;• ; per pair-' For sale at the Library Room, Philo HalL . . 1 3d crrckM,by 1 A N. V. -1 :N. Ik—Dealer* aupplied. - ap|?-3w - .I FIIVK sniHTB. COLLAUS, UQSOHS, Ac. —New fltyleeofFTrie Rhms m great Variety; •. *. Standiugand Byron Colluft; • ■ - - Spring he Cravat* and s«uun.St©cls £ - - • ttVroms MtilCravm StilTejieie; PboalJerllraec*, NightOp*,Silk Ounrd».'4c;' On hand and foreaki hr apll . F H KATOfT" 1 PA INTKD BIIA OKS, VKNBTIivN BUNDS, Ac—iTriiupareni Window £hadee,-of both (iluo ami. OH nri*paiatk)i*' 1 in groat variety of etylo and a**oited \ »;**!•! Venetian ISlimlt, of nx*ort«<i sizea'and colors, f<jr-_ - sale tia Coctntinkm; Shade Fixture*, including Roller*;' " and lUiad Trimming*.osttmrtleolor», ar i ppi» : . F H EATONV * pMUBOIDKUIKG WOItSTKUS, PAT JKi TKRNS, Ac-Z.pl.yr and TupeMty WouteJiS, • I’aitemkjCanvaia.Cheneiilc, Sillc Flo*«, faiiry ItraWs, : l , «r|\irateil Coord,Titly*, 1-aiop Jiftl* ami ouwr Fancy U*i>»k 6»r sale* at - , . , '• ai-fl * r ' TIT BATON'S l ! |'|tcf.Sales Room*.. , rUINGKS, «TM PS AND KATIN TRIM I’ S— Fnliey and plain hia.lvuiurr.t drrsS Fnn jjr-nj. fif»• mantilla Mack dn; renn'iHa,polka and chain' " 1 klac-V mid ruli.rnl ladrruu tniiimiiigs; tlaeb< ■ :iihl rolori'it *mlln nM/uit Jo; ill M i<tM ul , . ' ' . . ' apt* _ ' H” OniEHY AND YAUNS-V'.num, iilifanj ioet.ni. Hose ami half llu*e, in great cariery for''' men, women, imv-en and oh.Wirn; Kumine Yarn* and;'? Woi-tiH(* r av>.'/>nril 4 co r «H*; l mending a«J tidy eothin and: ; m*ani«ettiTrr*MVi»i;M*iH,*.iiirj raw 3ilks. ni • F UKATON^ TUNF tteeiaeil ami fnc-nfc nihe manufacturers?. lut : kargn Invoice or. patent Uuia Kiaaite 5 and Sh'uii-<l_yoji>cmlrrs, <.i the Kuweit Mannfactaritnr FtttWc l.y the Agent, No gr, wood «reet..iur* sia.fjvwboltAate,?. KUWaRUTODD ' ' mdi'jtt Manmnetnm’* Agent* ~.u k; II TrUi. .. . eijd Variety Oc<i Jo,Tortoise JJ .Them Ivoiy and Horn combs, Woollmi Yatn. amt YV?orJU<dr,.Drtt)oa»* Needle?. Fine, Tapes, Brakfe, Act, No Xi'l .Market, Si hcr.wcu DiumonJ sad. 4th etreete P.tisl.urgty, ‘ y H2SJIy 'Wj’ORIOSM.€Of«LiAft!», l.uri-t: KJ«nr«iLiAr|i. ■ •VV-IMkft. M<ire>u an I Gm* ).mm lor Skirts Liate •., . BH.touyHapri Mbm?h«. \r ,ni r H RATON’S AURAPPHSO PAPKIt-yro n<aio* Crownj” VI - . •; 1 ftrt On Medium; " l K«w-ivcJ tv J<,HIN' ll - v ip»> . • >\a hlirood atrn«t - j at.RniCSlt 1P \V ANTKD~For a > t York’, In r*«tm oi »«■■■; w Miu.iKm in wine reipcel* ■il.tr i'<.isiuiet<-ml>‘»rHblifhrttcnt m lie rlty ~ Ah it i> ■ tlin«te*ire «>» l.«« earrnu lhal hr «houlJBeQuiieatnow ol hu«inr«*. it «un»ll reimmctannh would only he C-OimrJ Ut ihe l»r?i year Krinonoc inaV he'had to fd.iorol Gazelle. ’ • ap»( P. \X I.YND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers