QC!fDtUKS-lOcukiPM«Ji, ft llktOßAl Uu -• .:«U>Ta?icah'lUU Saner;. . " 3 tacki FeaUrers . :rup«.B»e»B,feo*wuwJi r . . ur«hxßroomfT, v ' ' Jl«fcniDr;«! Apple*; * 8 WjU Saperfirte Flo** - I. tading from Casal Uo««Pf e *ld< nj aad (or t*ie by __ J It a Fl-O VI«, l W UlKrtF «l LOA* MJOAB l3bx»Ko4L©af S^RV. JOhl.U*- 4 .4% . ‘ J J»i . ' - tuU/U •• c -do; ~ _ In *or, aaj *r •»:« *y L •||«TC{IISO> *o* ,ipm • Apenn ReßtWiy PEP I* EH aA f CIV-1 10 boiei Jpiol lioutet-l "’*• lulu I'rppiV oill.sJ ALCORN „ No if? FiOh »>reei £}«**« AND BCTVBa-«J«^ Now la.t>lin< froiu »ic«aer MkVgan and.fori«j« by »pll t>a IA U Dl«KYtO,wtfMdftwi*g> api« T No 189 Liberty nreet •JiyfOLAhSKS— iOObWi rumauon »!ola**M. J«h iVI ~cc.v,d „i tVBUS;IIBNTE!I.!tCSL RIO P ,rt pri®eUr«-en, on f tn ' ‘ ale HUNTER ACo r r IS A«V:jC l«P«n«!, «oopowde. /. X ' m>i« •-■""■I “ No 33 wood street up 14 __ . ■i”'.itti oil* -i* •<'•»* Che«?*ei’»'* *ojJerior LafJ —V"-"' »w*«. ■ pl 4 , . . mf f T is,j|K.M l" CM... • Al'rnN Grnnmo Nerve J I '■ " : 7Vr4(HiMMAKER *Co ;ap*i T lioi.l. lIUTTBR—U* bx*JttM T” 1 u KOIHSUNtCo 1 ami ,0f . , Ji{o Übeny^t hi M U Whiir ii« du fioui. i i.i.io iui »■!* by J O umwr.l.L, Agi S ‘“/oSSSfeg?*- iirf.iif and Wh.:e F>*h cori- j f\niMt> Al’HlC* -nd fi» j "nf.i watk»man_ ! IIUMi. Wl'ui . ixH'iNi •»*orU»l: •I*> t 4 I WJO fii- K .i- . ~|,t |4 r* T«*il anil for »»tr 1») j, s watkrman Appj-Ks -i« !•*» K«rn»nuMi t*ipp ,l,% i « J u »' i. » wai-kkmaN uo! . . \ n . Jl wairr and 6i front *i» Bti'l'TKtt-tu bid* Frc«b, »u»t rec’d per aleitner ~..17 K ROUISON 4- Co. I*o I.il>erty_»t_ lARU -lil'i't* l.ard; , , , . . j to k«v* «»*•, jit>« rccn*cd and tt»r*ole I») ‘ k r ' 1 U KUBWON *Co i ‘ ? HRLN ««*' J perfiMiner till' .J -or <aln 1., II- UOUISONi Co %\l No l-tt \|Ta\TKl- -taw U«r nfadirr*- „ _ \\ rt A PAHNI»rOCKkCo -pj? cor I»t and woodaia Mn t. \HsRS 450 NO. UolMter, to i.w« 11. do; inttorefot •air bv -pH .. » T\ttlß»'»*KACn®»-» **cU, ■ Rood •Hide » U i 3 M rr, As .-.I Ctin«>eu»-m »nd fcr olely apis HhOCO 'HR AN, S 6 wood H /UIEKSK ASD BACOX—luO'lb»Cbcc»c; \; >l6 / a~llKfCsk-j'»bi» XV. U. Cbee*e. iuti recM and (/for Air* -pU J C BIDWKLL, **!_ POTA-All— Si cf>»»*rurt . lßM«J,nr»h‘«,{, a T *** ““ " y J w l££s t<OPPi:«A*-lt>M>'» I-n.ling irom *Wr .Wilffliripo# /ti id •orjwff.i-r ±*.* Jli’lS "iLOtfll-SDI.M* Eamiij Flour rec’d and for«mU b>. ? apis • J D WILUAMS * CO, HO wood »t 'lOAP—CJui»x» Kxtra Not. fee d and for sal* by 5 aiilS J l> Wt U.L\ k. Co, lIP wood n O f(J hbd» pfin store, for aale'bT o apra i 1> * Oo tlO-wood st pbu»fe.i^ t ju.N. »j Cker»«i ~ , , . j lOfks do, juit rec’d aud tor »ak by _ «p» S WtCK^MfWDI.KgSI DaV APP|sBB-20 bl-l* 1«« reeM and for «ah by ' _apii ■ WILK A MeCANDUbj^. | fjoiITBOTTBK—3 »>bl. Ft»*b. jo« ' r«''d and ii for»3lel>y_ ap!s WICK tc Mt-IANtIUg-^ LEAD— I.WOlbsl.rndinMorcand for sale by opts FOINDBXTRK A Co, 41 wairrst . y^*sSBS&M». /SoPPB P M-m bUU oa consignment and for »*k hcjj'li 0 ”'- »S«.blAMa *6-. ... «■»« .. F^f SEED_I “ tM,,W, %SBDAt^I. rnOBACCTI-iSS bi» KaxieroSa. o*. tai.lCa and l Il» 1 Lump Tobacco, Juri*in* from Canal^for^^by^ —-"Svvft'nuTCMSNi^"' ■ pic ' 45 Wfticf und M front «U A BGAMO"irii'BUBBKBS-A fre*h WPl>l> " W WItSON , :m<i + *rMGH —s<i druiii.F mvma Fig* tor «*le I>T ' # pic J D WILLI A*l3 fc Co, 1 10 wood «t Gl« ASS—itti 1*1» a«*ohed *uc». »r »*le by __ »P ,<l _ _J 6 WiLLlAMßACo.llOwoodji b-» %i«^a>jg:gta .. BEEF MAKHOW—« doi [Roiu«e!’«,l for •»!* by jjiin - r y: seller*. st wqqJ <■» t»OAl»— Tavloi'* Crystalline <of , ap irt It K SKLLKHS, S 7 wood »t POTATO I£S U»l« ptime, rn*l reeM *n d totnXt •' _OJ,!O POINDEXTER*Co _ SH. MOLA9BKB—-lObtiMbrsilehy ■ . . sptf. LEWIS HJ^TCIUSONACo_ CIwVeK-HO U»s* Rio, ju*t ree’J for M]j! by aplfl LEWIS HUTCHISON * Lo ROltl* HUT rkll-4 bbii Fresh lor *»'« by B;> j 0 H DALZKLL fc Co. Liberty n »ru\"\Fß'«' LfaS« in More and for sale itr’’ *{*«« _ « DALXCLL A Co, Liberty » DnifO fi>r»ft!eby K PALZKU. & Co. Inbctty.w. ffigg* ; J R°»*U* W . I 'V. l -'. , w\ i ‘>\'ilAKKli A. Co, i* *1 TJUtWI.M 1 ' - -*u <■•• i Kfii tlruama a»*oncU »«**». rn •*J,IJ ,r,! “■ * it-SKVA DKST.ttwgMd it BVTT'KII aXU UAlU>—s bbJ« Roll yo'Kr; «t»Li* t- sud i ,of j* 1 * b y ■ pli J _jjALZkLL»«4 W»;er*l V rviOBACCO-tti kr(t* Uedye’* No l,<STwi»t, land- S- OAF—Wi.x-extra 'Poap; to tit* No I 4o? for Mia l»7 J |IAL2ELL,Qt wiwil BKOWN UOLLR-3 l>alc» iß'Ubl# for liar 8.J., toT l 'l'|. t ,. p ,| N t HcKMGHT.Mi U B ACOJf--IO*CO lb* hog ibuul, well trimmed. ia ;,r M '^.VsoXtMcKWIGHT.ftH - - ■ wwooJmdwterm PIG IROX-tfO Itm* Allegheny,, f°J LEIX'S® ,Ul »;***__ - B’ttlVwNlA TKA andComwoßMiD W*t«. >p *j". >'•“= c » u^' t »riI.LOW BASKBTS-8 ucn* Madeira Wil ' W to wjd Orouml, for «W«nlioau. .gggfrar o 0« «» fciaUsgreand forcwiomcra mtihe Mu*; b «rJ »»a Sf« At-COItS , p»TA««- 2 e-VSSgvlwar.* «-«. U*ii-s--.wk«. m I ""‘■rVyffgj'lmOT ll apiat -—— • I"? -8 " ““!• »"■ ' «!or *" IC _ Uy__ i k K FLOtP J O*> StOAn.-Whbldnuorc^nd^tor****^ STAIICn-10 Lit Poabfidtti Extr*. forM*«bT apld JARFLHVD rpODACCO—3Ubz> Me. A Me. Sa Man; X ,23 tx» Uayum’t 6±. Lamp; in atorf W 1 ' »HU . JAR FLOYD Jk d („rflL*-fcX FKATHKKII— ««»aek»pfi»e,in , to rt»ndforw!c i_ •P>« _ jfcRKUOYD B'" n.obBH-*' lirgeind irui'i (no. i a Mon and ior *»!• I-V «t>lo ,Jfc R PLOVD ! BA'rtflNO— *<* l>»le» No* 1,2 and 3. in note and for_sJ*l*r t»T _ *pU*.. ..... JAR FLOYD_ ANbbABI>-R"<*»w»;«'*d <W.aleb y jj Jf. OAl>/Kl.L.gl>»aicf«t ■ rrifcNNEß** OlL—SOlihl* Or «l« t»JT TapU J DAI.ZRLL,B4 water « i.i.l.'anJ C bflJbli NVI "WHum I. ijrd 0.1, o very *Qperv>f onreJe, weired per Hi - M;;i . no i. ... ..i. yiia'asygau, _» jr,LOVEB ANU FLAXWXIMbwj g-g*- BPia For»ldj>y. > F VON BUNNHORST A<± T) BIED Dry hjejjM, for bf *pt3 8 F VON BONNItORST fc C 0,35 Frort »1 .■cvX'ni-tsTlTho■»ii^Tfor cuAtomen; ti ike Muwr Pjyl SpceFaruiV,* * ALCOKN FVUID UAOIIRSIA-O *w« Hu.i'ind'v jnr 4'u' 1 by R E siixras, K- -004 K COMMERCIAL RECORD. PtTTSBtTHOn BOABD OT TRAOTCT A..OOMMITTEK TOB APRILS f ■w j. ioTtr.fi, • H.n.Dtiir, g.ogdi: XorcmenU of Uae Stewsaablp*. Bteamen, ; Captain*. Le*»* birupwl. Aw' : r» garth Sand*. Thompson, .. Mar SC . May it Cambria,* Jndkim, . April I Ma> 1 Caledonia, : tail, \ Apr 16 Mi»> tK Hibernia, Byr.e, May I , Jun- 1 Wash ngton, llewitl, ' Slav I . Orricv PtiTtiOBGH (iarrrrr,/ Thursday Mornicg. Apnl t£. \ warp and sultry, such at makes a man take tj> the shhdy aide of the atreet. Very high winds, aod clouds of dual. K.io is exceedingly needed. t • x Tlie Hirers arc slowly receding, There-was 4 leet 1) inehea water at dusk, in the channel. . A large number of light draught boats are in port, and freight going below .rather scarce. Tse Cambria’# news completely unsettled Uic market yesterday, and we could not learn of a sin gle transaction tribe relied on-os a criterion. Many were the inquiries as to what Flour was worth, and divers reports of tales said to have been made were floating about.- Wore light is wanted. After the dbote was written the following «aiea were reported from reliable »ource?—1000 bblr, a straight Ohio brand, at 5-*woi 1000 bbla, uune de scription, deliverable in I'hil. in Jone, at “’’O' bbli (tom the Wharf at $4,25; somo commencing its** 7o down to $4,25 i» bbl. OurquoUUoofo/sbeeting*yesterday was inrame i “''irguiat n„« >j U v, imviii? I’ni‘ napccu Lncorrotl. Allt e h«ny D’s. EMUburgh Mill, S£c:'i,'i‘,".i!'?V’ni'.KL c.'ii Jbfmld be quoted M9e yd. The salen of thi* | nal Honi«ilnily tu Cleveland, u; tlcivvnr, on<l Lr.„d ta« been E..„* Tho f.bnc .. and i •trqng, and well finished. [ New i a»'l<* atnl «itiruv.lir, I'a ; hi.e l.xirit«<r,u i.:ne n i.««.!«, .u,», .he «», .he; Boston Line ol Telegraph should almost invariably 1 vr f ,| .;i v f ,„ ,h, v .-u, lV ai of >r<?.-»ro!.o.ii lie:i\*cr i.rm break ob the nrrtvtii of a Steamer. Nm a quotation * r*• -k i»j»i. Tor Provision* could be got over it, although the .<pt4 rt. Flour anti Grain newa was tolerably full. Provisions _ |OR CINCINNATI ANp L'H'ISMU.i:, 3 re very quiet, dealer* waiting for the new*. The viannrt. and Cur rr*ui-.i »*..* t. l A sale by the owner of l*»* pntno Isi aorta - 1 fl ran j,* * n '•**•■<3 Senrchingf at 4jc, 4 mo«; 3 ton* at 4Jc, vame terou • Tlinrfdv'i evtiom?, .\|.-n: *i '.on Sale 106 acka Octant :io<; bu. , ®SSaBSSS3 0 viork, p. w, For Jr rt»t ..i t Thfm,rkrt,c«»hr.llj,,.s.V,rt, a »„„„ a u, t nf,v. * M,lr "• -?"* ■ Tl '* 11,11 HAH AN Alii' B2SE3iiS««SMn*bur«iia)'. ilin.t iiiutnui, 41 1» M’i, » k.i JForfrPivhior paßaagi- apjuv .•« i.oarJ «i>va railroad IciarmuJat I'luljJafrom 1 • nuibia Kailiu3ti,iu March M lollowa: COLUMBIA Among the various articl Uie Westward,tijr the Col 13-47, the quantities were Klonr ... „ * .... r.m \.\sitvn.u-:- KKtiUi.AH haiki t bbla 40,132 Castings lb* lUlJini ■ .... , , orntncs) " & 4J&GG Nails •• yTsiun ,h ' ' Wheat bos 20.383 Leather •• 116.500 ; » Ujfetefff «n‘“-r ‘MI v'V,- Com “ 88,788 Pork 13.000 ■CESKSSSBffon Tlnir«tli«y. April \!vM. ;.i to o’i u. x Oats “ 13516 Tallow “ -9,000 a.u I'or unjjln or |ia««ui?r fipptj i»i ImiiiM. <.r u« Bacon lUa 28,300 Tobacco •• . a i*'-’ u J M";' I’ o '* Agi m Batter , •* 144:800 Whiakby gal* 88.568 .f,. vi‘, 1- Pig Iron “ Wool / JU 8,730 lu.t M. I.tU I.V.ALI,NA. ANU 1)1 111 .|i K peparled Westward Irom tbia Cits 1 Tii«* atifli»w..t P m-Lc-i Br'n Muslin lb* 889.609 H.U.ic lb, 680.500 V, {?***!& ”2?-7T , A ’’ . , . cos-™, •• 3i*«io - swa.: Ufeig? Coltbn Cb.iOO Casting* “ l,T>73.ort> BSSBKSSbjo oVlix-V. .. ■.! I'ui’nn.i,-. or 1.4 Dry Cooda 422 b I.GOO PiahOil gal* 13,300 agrapply on Imanl uugg tirowric. •• 3,801,9)0 Qu«^.» are lb. 5H0.500 . —, VK X.,„| VIU.K- KKO lII.A K 1-AOiKr PKODL'CK Al' THfe. WKSP. . V Tlw* «tain-U lißti ilmuctit I'ackrl Below-will be found the amoont of produce in [,rJ /* N.\MIVH.I.E. •tore*at aeveral of the (hipping points at the Weal | fe‘ < I>*g?*T 1 >*g?*Ti | 'jsr .Miller, matirr. wii n» ai-nvr. on the fintday of 'April, 1847, aa far as heard from -nr- -JVmnrwiny Aprl !rt»l »t 4 WTwat Hour. Corn. Bee I. J «***“ * OT Wl * hx ur P a **»s-»P Bush. Bbla. Bu*b. Bolt. Racine.... 133,300 l,oou .... 2 50U Michigan City.... 341,0011 2,700 23000 .... St Joteph;...t... 30;00» 05 000 8.000 .... MilwankteL 220,000 9,000 Little Port 1 ... 81,000 MOO .... Chicago..! 711,818 7.CU9 12 031 .... Cleveland L 100,000 21.000 J.'.000 4.21*0 Toledo...L 50000 15000 100.000 Detroit...! 25.000 I*o.ooo Sandusky. 150,000 16.000 Monroe... 1 .. 196.000-. 91,000 ! Cn-o Pori. ’ Hides Htghsme# Meal RaeiM UO 1,350 Micb,Cityl.... 2,-MO* Milwiakiel.... .... Little Fort! CbiCMf'i ..J....16,0U>t ..... 3.G00 MJoceph.J.... 2,000 "Including lard. rlnclodmg beef. There itanw in alare along th«f lines n| the I*o \ railroads terminating at SanduikV 350u»*40U,UW» l.u i wbest, and £0 to 55,000 bbl* or (four, exclusive of ' the floor at Venice and Castalia Mills.,which i* oil the road. J in: tbc Valley of St. Joseph to come forward by Jotjr Destf'lhe quantity of wheal is estimated at 30 000 together with aomcOOjOQObbU Hour, besides porki lard, tallow, hide*. Air—Buffalo Com Adrcr- User. • ,N. Y. JsjUl. PilortmTT.—The r.lue of the property transported oo the Canals of N. Y. in 1316 was £ll5 851. The following returns of the : Erie Canal from the M. Y. Herald will he read with : interest' 1 . . Tolij «>» rOt Cahsls Ksch Year. Tolls. Increase.. ....£i,355/W77 h46o:rrj n> jt.vuoi av .....1,('*5.733 _U) iy()so3 W 1.606,827 58 ' 1,939,686 71 385,859 « ,1,797,463 80 ! ,1,953,829 08 156.365 39 .2,338,15? 31 434,628 2f> .2,375,533 43 .2.787,352 99 , l2 43 This UUe above an increase of canal tulle for ibc fiecai year ending lbe SOUi September. 1846, over the .fiscal /ear ending 30th September, 1837, ol 51.461 713 22, or more than 100 t* ct, being an annual •tenge increase or 53 lor nine /sirs. < A reduction of 13 1* ct. was nude upon il>e rates ol toll in IBt*i, notwithstanding which, the increase of tolls in one year was S-UI.W. *Tbe decrease m these three years was 5?54,1u3 BOATS LKAVISQ THIS DAY. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at fl * m. ami 3 p, m. •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 a. m. and 3 r. » . •D. LEECH At tV*. PACKET. Philadelphia ami Baltimore, 9 e.j*. < •MONONtiAIIEI.A CITY PACKETS. 3 f u •WELLSVILLE, iyelUrille, i>. u •WISCONSIN, Cincinnati, II) u •COMET. ZanesviQe. Sr.M. •KID GRANDK, p v “SAKANAK. NewOrleina. 10 a. h •CAMBRIA, St-Lia,*. 10 a. m. 'WYOMING, NftA»fille, “ r. k SUNBEAM, Lmtitville. 4 r. » MAGNET, Hinging Ruck, 10 ». u •EUREKA, Lyuntille, 10 a. *. r T!>c*e ire regular Packet*. IMPORT!* BY BIVKR. WHEELING—Per Hibernia—29 bbl* apple*. i rg» do, owner*—SO pea iron, R WighUnan— 13 d<», Severance—W bbl* flour,M'Olarkan A Co— I bn, Mr Caumitu—l2 bhli flour, B A S*rap«oiiA Co—.l bale* yarn. Smith & Sinclair—l bbl lard, 2 bay* flaiieed, 11 peg* jeana, 153 bbl* Hour, 2do egg*, 5 t . - - - vr^i.r' pcs bacon, S» *ck* fltireed, barley. 5 tack* apple* Kr.uul.AK PiriPrttiKUii a.nu m-.M.r.Nu ■nd rag*,7 peg* hog, libdl* paper. Hill & Brown— ' 28 do, Fahnerock—l6 do, Kidd—ll do, Loom:*—3 "* * HIBERNIA, do. C Adrocalo—l6 do. Pott—l do, (jaiettn—46 I Samuel Simth ina*-iei. will r«,,mn”nre bbU flour, Mr Canghey—s do eornrneal. Iritli Relief u « a rrieutur j■«i k*-1 mmui iar —1 peg, R Cartwright. )r„i, Ul „ ; ra v-iit« l , .u»i>uro evei) BROWNSVILLE—Her Lout*' McL*ne-81 t?xi Monday..Wedrie JVdaf. « glau and gll«a«are, B Kirober— 2>J peg. md*c. l or- ° IWreliibi <>r apply •jrth A Co—l bx,Poindciter A;Co-7 peg*, Knr*yth i“ ' j i«*>h A Duncan—lB peg* *undrie*. 3 *ck* rac*. 62 bx* 1 0,1 »»»f-trirr plua. 10 bbl. floor, owner.—Hs bi. ,la,", It Diliell riT rsuu mill h „ j A Co—ll9.bar* iron, E t.Tan*. ; .««*Q2P»jk Nli\V : ENGLAND, STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—2 bi*, J ■ W>a»eti. w.li eununent* Herbert-11 keg* batter. W B Holinea A Cn-35 I jpg&at&aT'''?* rlln bbl. Boor, K ll.toll i Co-ISS bbl. Hour, 130 bo | j fU„ i' r X',W „<Sa. A . corn,9l bag* piUtoer, 15 bbl* do, 103 »ck* oats,3o j T “r^ nv > f U- f . M./.Uluy, \Vediwi..> nad bbl* apple*, lot furniture, owner*—towed up flat. ' k”j b * „•'* o\ :*rw aV. LOUISVILLE—Per Amenem Star-6 hhd*to- Tur'Nr-v Ijictanrt iitu i>rrn bouglil ripely bacco, 2do b»con, 21 hx* do. 313 pc» oao. ham*. H ? jra«tr. and wif iwc rr-utaiiy a'atrore °ir gn Graff—7 bate* hemp, Dickey A. Co— II hhoatobac. • iia.-'tce »rn'T on or '"..jun PI aCK AreM ""W M’C-ullyA Co—3 do, J M amne—3 do, S M Kier <'}>". —6O bale* hemp, J drier—ls do fore aodakir*. \V 1 Itegutwe I t.* 8 Holme* A Bro—M baler-cotton, Atwood. Joort ; w-sa® -T?.c *n<i baht dnuwtit »ir*niet A Cn—sl bbl* linterd oil, 35 hhd* bacon. 9 vhl* A ■ t fla COMET, lard. 2 lilf do. 15 kcjt.do, Jordan A Son—3 pcgi.S i *>—~} 1 Jnnic« I*. Ho>d, will run a- WirbtmaD— :U hhd* bscpn, II Graf!—2s tre* do. 6\ . a>.ft-'resumr pa>-Wci liu-soukh bbl.do, 60hhtls do. Clarke A Ttiaw. - ) l i*’ 1 , 1 Per Eureka—9 bhdi 4oh4cro. 1009 nn li?mj.3n J/romnidat oL u> P*Mri.?rr bbdi bacon, H Craft—ls do, 15) bbl* lard ml, 32 bt* /"i.vs.Vr, i-lu or app»i «'<i I «*.*«<l. or m port aide*,Clarke A Thaw—lls hhd» bacon. Jordan : ,n.,i in " _ I' " lf , ‘ 1 A Son—l 3 bale* cotton. A Ct*— 15 bbl* Uilowl J Steele A Co—l bni wax. Por«*th &. Co—ll bbtj nerjp iron. Ccafi. Eimitey A (To—7 c»ks liquor*,|(l Sbaw. > Per Colnrajlo—l2 peg*. W Turbett—3 di», Kidd dc Co—l 2 bx* *o*p, S McKee A Co—ii bale* licmp, | hhd bun*. I peg*, Wallingf'ril A Co—H tre* bacon,77 hhu* do, Hi bbl* do, 12 bale*,hemp. H GOIM bbU lime, 11 Mitchell—l 3 bale* hair. 2 hhd* tobaccoL D Leech A C 0—123 pc* bulk pork. W B Holme* & Co—(3 bx* bacon', II hhd* do, Jor dan A Son—p tre* do, Taafc A O'Connor—2 cika *aod, T II Np»to A Co—4o bale* hemp, Bingham. \;fKCIN^ATI—Per \Vi*con»in—27 *ck* feath» e*i. 1 ha, Bingham—9 bale* pelu, 10 bhds bacon, 44.1bxa pork aide*,2o bbl* lard ml, 3* *eks featHeni, ClnAfi A Ttaw—37 hbd* bacon, 477 can. ham*, :S> bbilpork, D! Leech A Co—2o bbls alira, Kidd tt, ' CoiA bi.TiafedtO'ConDor- I New Orleans—Per j«we**-i4 hhd* *ug*r,j Clark—tbW* do, 15 do Mercer Ac Robiton—l crate . old copper.., Li.inf.too, Bjpe» £ ?„°T“ c .‘ I catlnn/9 bbl* mola«re». A Kina—l- do L w«*r. J i Park.ir ACo—ll do, Patnter 4c, t o—- bx* b Ha-i xjetoo—3 bdls.akin*. Claike A Thaw-6 yes groee rlee, D Hankey—so bx. bacon lidcs, H Crtff. i i SUftFlSH—Par Rhode liland-t-100 bbl* flour 2 nbds tobacco, 16 bile* leather, 2 keg* Uni, D Leech Co—7 bhA* lobtccn, J A Roe—loo bbl* floor,; JWandc; Son—73do, McFaden & Co—CH do Ta*-' •ij A Bat. r - Per Financier—3 hbd* and 1 bid *ogar, W Dyw —lOO bale* cotton, niackrtock. Bell A Co—7 balei fljra, Wm B Holme* A Co—36 baga peanut*, 10bbl* -4,«ugaj,J Menn>, jr-3Q bbl* l« e . M’Uarkan A In. 14 w S° l »'X? Barker—lis bbl* linaeed oil, Jordan] A Son—lo keg* tobacco, Lambert A' Shiptoo-il.n large bx* lear tobwco.l) Leech A (V—•! bbl* hartw.CUrke A Thaw—636 pet can bacon, H (kraf^ —36 bbl* oil, 62 hbd* bacon, McFad en A Co—7 too* oig iron, CJinreh A Carothrr* —4O do, A M'Clurg—l7 ctkt aang, lt«ck* inndriet, 30bale*d*kin«, I bale bear do, 2 bbl* wax, poin deiter At|o.; PORT OF.PI I’TSBU ( i rzST WATkR II THIt CiiA.'SCI. arrived. I-akf* F.rie. lUN. Bearer. Hearer. Hoops, Boav<*. (.•mis Mr Lane, Bennett, BrownnTiUe Swilj's. Clarke. Brownsville. Harlem. Band. Moo. City Hudson, Ebbrri. >ooh*h. ■" New England, Ebbert. Wheeling. '«Mapper No 'i,Crooks. Ci,o. t/*llstllle. Catlett, WelUvitlr. Comet Boyd.Zanesville. Colorado fionnlr. Louisville, f icancivr. Kounlz. Louisville American Mar,Hanna.Cm. Eureka, Ccoticr..Louisville. DEPARTED, il.iriem. taller, Men 'City. SwaUra, Clarke, Brorvnsrille. l.auia McL&ne, Bennett. Brownsville. -VVcllaville. Catlett. Wcllsvillo. Hibernia, Smith, Wheeling. Wilmington, Slcvcna. Steubenville. Despatch, Nelson. Monongaheta city Hlnxie Island. Dawson. Sonfish. . Lake Erie. Ball. Beaver. Hearer. Hoops. Bearer. New England No 2. Dean, Cincuiuaii. Michigan, Hemphill, Heaver.' Northern Light. Hutchison. St Louts. STEAMBOATS j RROrLAR MORMNU JACKET Poll * BKAVER. • bk Thr. .iew ourt *t>lets«J>‘l »t* « • Itftnl'irMP? BRAVER, <-3pt. Chatlr* l(oop«, ffl'iirarnrM li> r «. M lIAKTo\* On. I’ul.ljiir,. « (*LAUKI‘> A Cn. plr on Uuaiil FOR CINCINNATI A 1.0 l ISVH.I.K _ <wT~ri3i7l~ l» 'l’li rlrcm.t mul »l»in'!i l‘at Wei ma»Jrt, w.ll iruTr Fci'*a' For Irviffhi «>r afpty un lonrO • /•_ •* l*W KUK CINCINNATI A ST. I.Ut — Tbr »;auircn ami ti«** COI.OCM.,^ Cm nil). mjMcr. »ul Ir'- ItffiSßSSßlHilit* cvm.iij, A|>r. a\!, FoHVritfiil O' (i.u*n3- Wi(M t„: trfiapj,' I s|t. FOR HAMMNti ROCK AND CINCINNATI 'ipß#** Tb? ue\% .util MStuncb mi» >rr UfegAMQU Csw>ilifr«,tuavri, Lilt irayr u« .iSofe , ii.oruinj. For ,'i- <*>li' or appl) »u FOB ZANKSVU.I.K—RW*ai.Ai; „ Th»* iicvw mJ - auucii p4<. Hjyrt. ina.irr, wii !ra«r F.’r frr iah: oil oppl > on IjiM S/TO RKi.t I. \ R LOt-ISNH.I K I'ACkf-:! 11,1 '. ,r * , ‘ ,U I;V.H i |?K , .\ ri-i-iri. u.ivc a* *i*y irrijb: oj|-i‘«ajr »pj£y <i’:i t»’Ur<! tor Cincinnati a i.m u: fttrrt£z2-&J Ko -j m/. iv«.|>t. •*-.■! :•«»«* », Fttdav .• a- H • fUC*. . 1 FOU NAsHVILLK—UIBKOT The iilw and »p|pndid «trua;rr 'W Yo9f !.€<«. LMgttj&SF Joliir F. Ilavei. ma«lcr w.'l Irar- a» *)Hund«\. Ai-r ! tfstf. s' 4 o’rlp-k. r «T For •»•••!•*• I'r l 'V !51 ‘I'M.II Si Af-nt' Fort !*t J‘A<'Ki:r •- . . The n«» and ••4*ineh l’drkct ifl*r***lk ASTIIOSV WAXXK. uWfAftflßV' tVnr.PU, mdtlrr >»[.l rr tt »r »» aUove Apnl ?.'d a: lOoviork, * H. Fui !ic:fln or pttttage *}»,>;> i.u Ixwnl. , apW REGULAR FRIDAY I'AfcKVrT t..r i.nu-WIU.K. . _ _ Tin- iicv* and oauilHi fm kr-. . fi*2***tL JIT. VKIINON. r*irt-3>im, . w-t Hrs.-!.., —• gSaeMnSui * Un ' !*»«. “» 1 ullock. tit - r»H. nig. lirr ri-juiai ilJtj. For itr-c).' pa««nifi*, hnvmg Gnfe scr'iiiuiioJouou- m-ply ■ 11 hoax! aprlh __ " pirr>Bi!K«»n'and i.ot'ifiviixk imfkVi n Tlir ni-w and anlnndid i COSOOLIKIi. jn. r y*~a*-T r I,wm>. inaMer. wa» bu’t! rtprr<»ly tot tSim italic. and will l»av» mftt ( i*rt\ tiuruir ‘hi- Ml I -In). Wilt in’ advriljaed rf. x-MOif ItiiOFUAK Fa.’kl V . Th* lirtr, l;|>li| iliaufllMnil l>-l run I J null! KI.'UKKA, jttyjTjfSß Crfuin. miiM-T «t*H run a• a t/rM«ren Piit-Swr jir 1 <>n * ville. ilurln(S thr *fK»on.^ For or |»as«nr on )*-•«?«* «-• t>‘4ft*i Wr.I.USViLLK n.MLV I‘M'KKI’ _____ Tt.f ii/•»•. «-lrifUiil and !<•■! I*i< fc>-* i 0 I* prrw-.v lo> (lII* Ir»j<-J w.i: ui»fc<“ il.nl)* -tr iiuf'lie i»« * »ri*4*ll. Irivine P lMbureli nyr n*orou*fiai !* o'r.lo* *■■ »**’< " Ht-v.llr ><•■»)• rvemnf! al 1 o’elork Tbf W‘. ■ iun«.»ii- <l w»!li -FaU«*r*« P.urru ni-ROMit 'V«:n 1.. l or ire.eiu or lia<‘:irr nj>i>tv HU, J*oai>l 1 '^• l * jt?“A KVrl Uoai ■ • . .*u*»»ui») al in- i’.lMtiiirgb \v hSM lo r-*-»ivc i r-*«l*t.mill ib- n 1 ai«w»t«»jn iltr „p,,t. A McliANKr Ae**nt iiHii i.AK rAoarr von nashviixi l,r " ''wvo.mixo, UIMMW *'»'« y i-gqlai II.}". . uli Mu.i.lllil,« i-lb : n*u»i. at l« «|'» !o« k ajinlwn !«.ur»i or :■» J W' Hl’ ri.KK H KKO A*|. s, l-\.r l( . , S b: ftKfil.'LAK KOK AND ■ .«TKI»KNVIUJ: Tltr m w ami Nflit dfuupul >lUir jKP II ! WIL.MIXOTUJI, [JAhCMSK f J M Virvrtf. i!ia»lr> >i,vr« J’lHO- ttrX'f \\>dnfd..> m 3jYlcwV . •* \l . I. *vr« SimlteuvillH *rr.ry Tuc«<l'»y. Th.>..Jj> an.l aT-oVlt.«-k A. M For frc.-hi ui f«-»Cr apply on t-os rrf A.ll*Rt»e»y River Ti:c line nM> t i*l :«T«iUiboal AAROW,' ring ■U'! •"■•Oil Itciwiril I'nmUurgli uml Frmnk»m For l»r.*bi or P*»«RT <*ppl>' on i-outf. ocfrfli __ ■ “KXritEStf KAST PACItET_tiSB ’ E&Bj«aß__ _. BjSjjjßtt niiLAOHLPUIA A3ii> DALTIMOUE. lEsclvttt'lf ?«***«*** I . . rpilK Canal and fU.lroaJ be‘<* now m carelieni 1 order. U.e packet* of Ib.i U.e will.lea** with pa*- ■•iteer* •» follow*. eTcryMifin l al Bo c in-k P»rkclf>.uj« l u..»,C a rno'u?*un.Tur..)ny.A|-f I3ib. do Kentucky,Capt. Trul.y. V\ .dnr« »y, Aj.r- Mih do Crai«.T&ui*day, Apr-l l*b. ,1,. Indium.. Cap*. Itrrkey. Friday. Afir.i Will do l.uoi.iajia, o»|*t Tbomp«m. JWjfday, Apr. 17. do Kentucky. Ciipi Trut»v !» u ndny. April l&tb. . .to OhiO.Capt. Cia.t, Monday. April Hub. do Jud ana. Caul. Herk«y. rue.day, April V»J> t do- I«um*!ai.a, Thotnpwii. W ►drierd-*/, April ,L* Koniu. ky.Capi. Trutiv.Tbnr.day'.April —ml 'd.» Oho i'lpt i’i» e. I- ndiv. Ap'dtrUd i d, lihliuh.i: C-|>l Itcrkry. Alimlav. Apr.lWtli. !«j;“onr'*VuM\'.mr i Vkm-''iiV.r'T4rkr, o'rtu” Moiit'.-'Cihela Itiuvi. Wairt Wet, or i*f apl'J IM-KIXMI .v CO. Cant.! Bjuiu 1547. pan* ai! pack errs tklkurai'ii a mvaij.ow. * VAVe IVacrr t\Aily * w'clnck, f i... »Hm ihf 1 i arrival of the itMtnbnaiUKAVEK from I\n»t.iirKh. M"' nVu »l W»»«o o«U <wrm ß! in **■•«"•» *« »•- JESSC DALOWW. \our.f»i»^rn -.Pis M B TAVLOB. W*mu * MISCELLANEOUS- (PAPER, LOOKS & HARDWARE. , x .. ' ' - ~rt he\nfrjisT eassiviJi prices. . w^jaA’Ti *- k p~ «, .smtomii m pspeb busk-books 164/. fc«fess'_ ; RICH *• LOUTREC, ojt THf. I.TAMA *?•» oilio WML»i . ..... ~a ,« ,j-<*i»L’l.' r Vf’VV YORK BRfIVUKN I-irrsjll--mill JISD N.EYUI.ANr, M "11.1.1 V'l ->b» . UnK. ‘ •».«..» * » • IIwVK i-.-.v no band, of tb*rr own aa-utu-t.irr, trout K X PARUv Jtt-i, Core land, O I < 'II jjk.it awTlnirit .if I.tdcm, Journal*. l>»j Bookt, ft* Hi; PARKS. Ur*>c>. l>. • • •. Propneirr* lote g r!»,d,.r *ud Bdl &>**, Kr,oi\»riou»m«» U l MA ! HER, i ruvhcritii. Pa J *j,t| .t»le».j| bluditJ. fr.tu. which *t» of Account Book. r-a u TilK above Loir e* now f.nly prrjtanal u> :rii..p<m . liC >e j^, e j It _ ?, w prireqisbn cnidf tftordrr, ruled sod Vielghiaml P»-r'i'rft iron, ~.aO'-vr- U<nud l 0 40 , it «Wt land, jo any pomlo.i sV Pqim.. -vhii.* « oitifn- »o-o FartigU tit id Domestic Stationery. nir.f in connection with .lie Steamer *t* i* ■ „ ® .. ... r* t _. n.*i« ’l'jriitt. In Mirbigan and Lake»Er:*. buvncit P.u*uwfih ami : JaWu. Kaior s irv|*, l**«k T«|*, 1 *» Beaver. urd» Line of Si* cia-*, Steamboats. I't-i-l •d is Ink, r*rcb» ini, InJu Rubber **«-•£ l„, i;.:., I S-U..H •>,. !«;«•. Fnc Hurui. .Mi .Mwkioc Ink. > irr, lUrk» ? Drib, tor Iw», rl i-nn i n .‘i« ’ Interest Tjtdrs, IVaihißouis, Tariff*, EiehaW T-*ble»,»tiU prison RBif i.intarro ~ ~ . . Fro perl} forwarded to ui> (,v.r» of il.c Ifliou wuh ■*» »'h«;r an-Ie» *nM b) sfc|g>«itrj _ despatch V. N PARK:? A Co. Cleveland. A*«n I ; CheapHoaunt Booh*. } . RF't'D. PARKS A Co, Leaver, A«t* A urge Mnei nawanll} no Itxmi, juiiable bit rrUil ir»»b W M.VTUtIU. I’llUliarph. Atft , *inJ country m'l eliaiitjnt rtrj ehrap rxi**^ apvi Cor Wruer iftd SmitUaclU rtm* t- A rUstirfmen/ of Writing Papers. - • -•-*••- - hVdv aiiu' pUnaßtl rulrfr'/.tUer Tawr, t.Uiu and ruUd FOU THE S AULT HTU, 2IAIUE. S**i+pii, \V oppiog Paper, Jk-nurt Board., Log, CJoth, The new low pri«n»r .ipamt-f itt H.alrrj, Enttlo * aodßlotiijig Pap«r. (?>•' rti l Paper., T Inn iSJJHLaia SAMUEL WAIII>» ; ! Pro>e*. Pajxr., iVkrt Poal, cilra *iwd Bank r<»t, riwnr UfciiAfcifJ&T Cart. )•- L Ward, will !wt LutU o i and Copjiug l\ er, Mu.ie Paper, U..ld, Tracing, hiub<*w«l, Evemuu AU> 4'b.oudacvp. j «td «»rry Kthrr Itwripltou ol al »rrj low price., ""jau-J Wt.liic»Juy, May *n. at 4r. r.. ! GoiJ /Vim, Diamond Point. and Deiion Thursday, May Oili, ui iIV. it., tor thenbo.e j Hirlt & Lo«u P», Bagaitj - ., Drown’., »ud all otl.rr«le jior' liralcd snaken, i n i|uaatim. to mil punrljawr., al the *«rj Tim \V Al! Dia 1 1 S ..win 1/uriiieii, entirely near, of | jnauitf.ci tt.t’t pricra 1 rKiilran<lit. a;.'. ti.i» « powtrlul Purine*o^rtie* uroof , Letter Copying Prestts. l-'iaili:.,' I..fr ».«, ~n,.»~l hi •P~-l •" ; j; r,,„, pr ,„,.M In. lipyrn, uppoinmorluiiiin' In -<iiy Uiat ef li-f .ire on llin Lnk . ■ ,„ f1 ~,3 J., rv , u,, ajpulitiyoi, pppiiouii 1.., I nl,«0 > to r'. -—obWl™" J ivi;B*4 00.8i,5.1, ,n.in s/ l | u „r ■ j KLJ.r.U<;ti. Krie Improved Manifold Letter. \Vri!erx. \V j‘MATH F.H. Pn'.h'ir.'i ■ "k'rli lb* IWh-r inJ cvpY t* wriilm al the wuir time, ai,2| if i.or Water iui'l Smnlilirld *mrt« - Tlx Lrpp«t amiruumt rter oarred, and at ilic lo»c»l pnet*. ’ " IMliliP.iOrr., Ruikx, lu«tinuicc t-'ouiianip>, Mrrdianl. »uJ . try* flip 'mufiVii lm.lt If.w J>rr>jurp h.p, 111,1.0.tl • nll-fM, lumidipj vtillt «rl» «f Areoual Bor.V«, rwUil anti CHAMPION', fail' II «'oii’cJl. wn.lravo ClcVii.n.l on i l-manl I- ‘any pillrru. at vli./fl boiipp- .11- witl. »latf»nM) Monday. Apr-I k'/'tb, :uiJ Lcuott .mTnp*.iny, Apr.••« Mi. \ *♦ l«i ipialnt f.»i lliP Sauli. yntaricl l irAMJ, For freTjtlit <>l apiilt 0.1 l>o.w<l.ol K., t „[ JUaL* and ('prpoiaiioit', to .div ll.p *cal "I iiptfltf V. S PARKS. Cleveland taok »r C, n.traii.m •»> ike if d.rntr.rni- Th- •|--r> . I ... —— - ----- • I,|. iirTl'.nnc.l Cv ii.V on'.er'O al dm ll Itl AORNev eon patk.\t.«. U. I . Awarded 1.,u» Irj Ike AmreM-an loitintlr. O Hir Lie Fair. rVT.NAS I*. ROUnINS, Mpiitaii.ini l-ie.n«.:r and ; Ot'loWr, leki f i AC'-nl for P.:t. n. -. \«-,|l prepard the in- , y., r tlir be.tllul'd HUnk A Wii>»r M..S' fpraarf Drawinn* and Paper; f.i,- for Pai-. t U.e be a MauiLU Un.r Wm.rj— A Uipk.ate mis. and iinn»*.'t nil <..ket s/'ctie*) .n il*e line <»■ In' I.rjntiful finishedlmpying Prr>«n— t Diploau jirnff on 31 nil- P.tlelil Ofljo*, H|- ra» be .•<'«.Uded i’tr.t'f Cull amt Are far lou’ie.i-M . n.i all r,in-.tii.,l- it-m-.nj; .0 Hit- Ps»k.ii !•>*•'* 1 • jr'/Vir: Trade and ('uutilry Merchant* Xu/'fill'd. SSJ^lilSaSk LZ«<£ ri . «•<•",*'"‘•JlF'* r...oib- „i ,»(4 . i.,. r -.,ur...ri„M, u,a m. . , f ’ , . ei 1 . ; . .nd uiatir>(ii'ltiier*ol A.e. tmi t10..k«, a ; afinr.r'rtl I,'ri.n.a.efl'ai'’ ait'ni' . Man.LIJ Writer, F.u,>«,r. Uki.a «•"- (•*•«.? .atom-. d.|W... . S V could beublo.r-e.l >, .1 -.roi tur applicaui tficrv.nl v ...1.C...U... r'>™V I h*-u ui.ii- icr t\ ...-it u wriiifi. itri.ii.jti 1, rruuued CJrabaiu't. .Alagollue for Nay. Hmee ip. I' ,licet oppr-lte Utr Pali m Oitfe pCTUIVEI) AT M \ MIX KR'S—f Halt ant'- MaeJ He lit.* tlir imtiof o' fe-«,t 'itjtJbj t.> , Ll- 7.1t.* by Maj . I’ti.i JMnmnd lljfle, t'oiiiid .‘.unci *»f Puie.ti, ThP IFf.wdei M,.n tl |. t »e.-.-,i;u t.s•J!,, / d.» >U. Retl.altd 11 Know:-. M« 1, .'. p„|-, Odicr, n.ii.ii.r,,,. 1 Ju.n-r Cr-U” I. nil'll DC. B.tfi. Rtiib..r,. Hi.n It ' 'l.ii.ttr M 1..!. USrviiaf Pic Kill* I.; 111.11 'V \" li Olio . 0> Nrif Jl.iiill.iie, » linn J;U i:,.wT.n 'I f.'l *lOlll.. . Aik' 1e in Kg - , pi—‘b- rM on 111,tell 1 * 111 err.t!t plilr*. Ht * Hon \ViM «Ha‘i New Yuri, ’ ' to<r ,::d Arcnn—rnpv mid *nli.-t •nl.j*M'i« eonin H' l Ho.*. KW.en >M . ,il , t* ill* 1.1.- r»-,*h ( .n v.! i..i*i ai.lm-. i»j tfcprsr K. til dd-n lion S lir-e-e I ■** S-11611-. • ' ''h Jililn i'*-I n lorm 11 oil, No I i iiif«nl*'ni llitn J ilPele. ,M f M.t-tri! . ■ — M A MlMßl’.s |>}’l ||MS|,,rv. _ aj.li. Stn.llibefd *t Id dour mm. Vd ;lt | UKC.A.N s <*KI,EH*<ATKIM.SIM \A Il> K»t • fto. y YOHK. i"l 1‘11.1.5. lor the fine 0; l.tvrr ('oipplaint, aiui j tVRU? \v KILU) oifei-i fur .ale a i me. (..win all •lisi , ases l/t’lit l!ie l.iver. In n*‘k head- * ■ Miinniaeluref.'' price*, u very estvii'r.e a, l *ut( ache ami a* a purjaluc and \nti,Biliuu* t'lll, »ur- mt lo< PAPUK. ei*uipri»:m ever/ po«*.lt!t vurn.iy, pjsarii b> none . ad.-pied-ir. im wanifuf. -«m*iyo*.T. .n.o.f'oHhe Svmrtun.* or * Divto.b. L.vftH.-I'h.u..jv ; I'-l-r «• -*l k‘»‘* '»»•>« «« »’**' a ‘ *«•" infla.maliitii ol H.e whea not ibe con*eqai-nct ’ m ;| ~ . !oc k of piUNTI.NH PAPER t. uuuruaily large 111 an anile altark ot ll»? dt*r*a»P. licfin* generally a 0 f A 0 f vert *up. i <-r ipiahir wiMi fvn.pl.mi. of a liirirtioiiAl iltsonlvr .*fthe (ii je-- PAPER MAUF.Kh MATERIALS live ami t>ih..rv i.r/.u.», ami il)*j>e}ii.iJ frequently r.''. • r,; .)ct* ;t;;on. iii:|h.i ird ami kep; cotni:u.:P, on teem.' 1., be llie" <m.» alii-•eii«»n prcenl. 'J ho i>ai.«:nt ••* : r »Vf ns« Mnc Ciovit. JWrdr.tt.ui W .(<•*. C(t:li|i! jini* ol irregular ippelile ami impaweti |»ower- Ifea. t -ti*,* I owdrr. iiiamutinc. 1 vv-ue. A..' .Aj i.T acNi,. ll i.ii.ciic-. .lijhl_cl.„lir p*l»*. c .,. r Itopr . 1, oct.i.ifnil tuuafi ami vniniimg. and a •lij.'nn.o.. pn-, f.,, w j.,h, tin- pr ee -u Ciua wiibe pam aim weight arc 't-lt tu ilic r ijdit side, areuinp i pn,.l _■ , i -1. N* Vnri. Jv‘‘ j l:4tk nip.l in soutr ci“'s w-ili a itrajfg.iii; pain uThis nql. 1 HILL* UItOIVSK alioulder .Must c''.i,.ri..n;-. limvovc' no di.C'.ici Sitece.aora In Ilold.l. Ij. A ltro%, ne [Jlin |J etpi-nei.e.-l n I'te ICJIK! ;ol the J.ivr. \ l.v Vti Al'll kKII* amt Jor.,-*-- -: - of I’.VPKH ei re;it » hqn tiriu prcriirc i* made on t!u« par’. : i\ 1 li MJ I Xlis, Xu ■? Wiui or-ti Put*‘>nci,ii ■phe bowels ..re o!«a)H very irregular.*ciuti>ei:c». • Tit* '•rr.-a,:tt ( ,*.ictr>mi.i i«»< Amer.rim t.a«md«,erd lietrt'J crmuiioi niiuiiti'ioil'inLu. w .lit dtiurLorsi, Ue ! 'hem m emtnre «..d unpirw.* :v r P-cmry. and "If Irf.t -i , . . • i ' ciiutr. Inr manuiactur tt* ufe n**w I'nuiii m ait' 'nine to. ~ u.t kru i irtl. <.rf«Mi»iye, J. ; l)uVll<c udf>pleJ ~,.e m grecm>!t or muddy One -d l.* moil contain atid , „ k) * pi. 1a .,.,.. ;l .i.i..e„.ii. rli.iracU n»li r t»t inj»t*M»a nt 1 i mine . Liver Com u . J;f ,, •„ Pka m.,.c u., .> .mri •• p„-.v itugur plat .I i. ad»v. tt .r;b i >*n>tnr.lt d eUte. ill lllu vitlU. ii.na wt any former pr' n»t. *ml iru - , fr •oumj a* 'oi|owf * Ibr.rt t!r\ ci> rej,. vrii r iiglii iltllicult f in breathinf. rrinvi»r<mi M mj'iiv Shade* , irequeul IM Hu, uuca.ii l«i t *■»•_• I'rmici.. Ain.--Itl It O’si-.* »n*l wnPa chrome a* oi Ibe *v ulc fortn 11 tins ui-»v.-»n. the (>-t* • . I st * i,* 8 ”' 11 . . ... It. <»., ill. Velv ; ami ini !.«n;n It'inlfi-i "•-M ■'o If'' - '** ‘•' s ‘ c laa 00 1,,, ‘ . Umi-ape- -mime. I I right tu!.' ».* lb. ll 'Vj.t tuvar.ccs, »li-iil lever* . t'ortm« Pjo. «. \ j d.* v crime • t. '"«v-.,ri!, ,'»ei.-.ic. o l.'tided wi'ti it burnnii; t\ !*» ni in; Mnt \\ r liu.t! in lp . 11.- ' •• ii.ir n * t ‘ln snlt-9 id the I cell ifoitar i lionra,. ii the u.jirii. ~M. n.i *«, jrd v< r.rn lite iiiil.Ul.iit 111" n Khr* nndTane-i • fjmp* ken ,. t *•: eh jt.c--d -ti' roT'iu.i i)'i\ ; • putt ' IlnrdtVßre Stnrs Krmovul. ■.i :.i b, . ’ii-.iir.i.m* » W.J.,'PMVI« JOIIM. a.,ni..Ai,.U'KBI.. , \\ Ood street, Pittsburgh. , ,r„(| > lie t.oti MJV. r- In ll'C.I mi.i-. (.'■ ilAßlr'.yAKl*. i’tTi.Kin rn.,*" S A I'PLK.". V rc-'J Apia * onpii.wjacurnT sai.e. . , . . -,y. f.i ; . < j IVi-i -n >r>« I“iij d«\ -f M#y c.t I T(i*'r- •I'-'-L irf» ur* u:id ~ji< h-.M-.i ujxi:. ! ttie IK'ill i?> !liu u.u». .< » l.rl and l«*y tali •),* [.<■,| ii>rin< :”p! ;•>• = ' c:m£nfa tree in li'-u.j: ij.'.r Loll- <*l c'r.und. bpiucparta! 'Uc* dVii 11• i 1 Lot *• -i uale . luec-.'/oll)’ to Hii-r-’ rvi.T.-.t”*t| oi; boui nn i;u.i-rici. ,u tdawi >' I’.ir ru*n»h:p. auA«uusc> rd ijj 11 j i*|io4i»r f a«t or wr*l I‘ojrr and Wi> t.i Jmu;* ,M .Ih-iilast'l and 1) K. .\>i:lh>l- i fi,,. 11«r<lwnrr bn«in'**- laud, and now th, fnopc r*y itf C!’ M -!li>'!iaiul t a re;aor I *uJ. aiJ.iw. M.iUiid-c! •'..urdi.fm.duWrr-{ -, WAL V pAFKU AN'OBOItDKHS. bod'K* follow* v:/. oil ilu- North b) a &irty r*3i »tr.-n i j ; T u , , t;n_VUmit.% l‘ulm. r s No V. .Mnr 3nd i.*i* oi I c’.v nn tin* l.a-’t l> i* tot* o* k Jiii.p*' | , [. ..... vi m>i : l ."rf. mi’. ?! ur.r^rj II ...,,1., 0'..,, o»rt illl.llKMUl ■l'2l-"l 1......'-., rl l r X , ht „| .1*,,, PORTEHS UACt'ERTTI-yS POItTUAIT ] *,<ao’l , ».!i«>r» inh.lin- iVI-nuim-.-lei.’ li.- '• (t ALLI'-K V rp'ird «'fi—t. l'o*il 'tEer. P.H»- (.irfisirrd li. .f li .or !•;»•!> •.< ► *r.i; lt>«n an v ;»l T liurch. I’a. —M* I'OlirKt! t f i#U lliit:ii.,irr; re- l m-’.'of Ic.mt. Iv.nt or \\ .-m the moanm.i:* (u-::) .n v friu.i' I'lifi ffPiiilii’M-p >f P:.i*!«‘*h. j! .ipllUKftri and the Cfliiciuln• « n *’“ li atl'l r ram mV lli» ‘ar*»»- j, JOHN DUN I, A I*. "" I. I-. i-0 L... I..f.M' i . f»r li-.iuu.l.r !.| U ,|- , \ ,i„ u . liJfil.rdri'. Ilf. ~ . ,i..i, ~ti n - -i • i-,;n <n -. ill'll, dr u;c nr.l -.Uii'ai'ro >1 . . .... ; •" ,f - ; I; 1 ;, -• « ; ... ..-li IHW.J'Wt • ».id t |.*« Uf.innii.a do do - ..i i oil r »r. vo * I, rlraf M Mini, •.• < .a»k.K»s!i»liTmiiPd Sau'-rpan.; u '"" l,rf l ... . I dll Otnl l*ot<: 1 p«««"’lS#\* and \Vairi*r» ' M—i.-n--*-*- .W*«— -•! *”“})ffi'i“• I I rnno»--lri«i«. U> 1 ORTKn , l ,t 0 W air: i . a»k Hi l«).l Uar-: trn.ji.-i rntcanrr I Umi Ms rvrn . <•» >. Al SO 1V.,, (»r... '■l--*' ; I-r.i 'o;,!*; . : 1 M ,1„..1-.„„..1 ftOLlikt TIMi AGKNT J AMK.- KItHIV. :ino U,- 1..< .;.n, UVp. M> 1-x* |*.a I'lai,- \J -r..’*) 'll” '.o' IIP!- 'll”!. Ol I'.ttilm.Kii | JOHN l'|-VI. AJ* i: Mnkn -i ' a ‘ ,J -2 al> ■'i‘i h, a > hUAWIXW PAPKII ANl> l»K»CIL«- * Wii iii.'.,-'»i,.! am... ?JJ p A . U|llljl , )r , Wil }., ~n i.:, K 00.,.. :,....«4«4l,v..niw W Hr m ..ay 1v ..».1p .in 5 .it, '.'Jxio .fa. u .■* ' ’ dt. mpfUa... do .to *li\7 do Hi.d in •'III 'll * > »r .J ’ <>■ I'olitmtoi... .«>-••■ .I*l d.. do Impriiui .'-o •-'taw do I<KA\VINI. i'K Vil.*-, u; ilaaifaprl'li.d uud piof a .. I .. ad' (.' 'bur, •!.!<”. In., jnd .*».• H a '.ugn ■ ~,o n.i.inrr a rvtii.isu •.•it! ‘ No m .Murl.Pi Kirriii II’KT UfccklVlNO I.iKH?INr. fiI.AMSK." A HHIISK FIIJIV|s»HV4i IJAIIDWaKF T1k«o1. «»'f.t»pr M-»p>T*lfuOv .ii'O. i.i« I>-• I’. pn.l- ..'id Mip I'Uhlir, llo.’. Itp ,« i tuvi irpri v.up hi* '(.r.iiff ii<«o.iin”i»i or’ (inKl*. I.J I. .:i!”ll. 111 .upei.ui .(Udlilir, and* rrducp.l (.i .i p. I'.-fo'i' i.i.i.ui idmufiiin iht-.r liou'i-* would do «.-ii Toit-aU at Ik .Ifiprubn.-d io*pt|ui .mull inoht' or .ja'.'k rPim '>* Pri mj* ilt •. I»u«iik l>* »» l‘ luM l.'iii >lui in* .l'n* «*• »• it'* ••1t..-....: il.r <«o />•!«• V KW HTOCK OP KlLMirAl. iSKTIIt'- I :> MKNTS \ND II M.-lirt- >■>->! u..i Mr > »r.l I’.mipW i j . it,.-* f.f'" UK *•»!*' a unill i»««ff ••! i' '•**•»■ tout ‘ulr i»ir*irttli .1111- i-WHi<lilii’ Jm ' t-'irni-ii. liuiuh amt (irrmaii VUlc V»l) «ll)irliO< I .U'lHt*. .11 «.i, k i.»i> mil liuiiun Vmt:ii Siniig*. • ‘rriifli A i - «-i.fiJrti]i«. 1 l lilf tr| V »U|>C< 1..1 JJuuLir V ulnirc *'lam>nrit». KitV» an«l KUteuifl* I ,i.itil--j, 'rrmi<i‘- i Krt boli Homi*. IVmif it«. o|-1..01.dc D'uin. Tnipticifinfi* A • ”1 1 UOO id HINUING. 1' It K »«*.••«• rr*pi i-iioif' inform' H» fnei>J» ami m n«I: . liiti• In- hat rominoimriJ llie ..«.l i. iiU uf l>o» ur». u, . r,i*l i nnirr »l Jili nil! MjiJi: ■irrrli-n ll»w'f ifi.m Kuuilh »l • Wtwlc l»? .* prr}>n*r.) ti. <!» all it* vflrifl>v w.ib jii.l •! Having 4 llii'ffJUSli r>i 'lie- Hih'k u«. ,ir.. hi- . ui m.u.ul.i. lurr .\1 «-fobaiit’» Accvutu Cnunr. nn*l Ai'Wmrir'* lhK'ke>s-&' • A.- Olit Ih.t ►?!- n-iomu} v.ih tiurabiiilj anil ill 1 - au-u Old Hook*, l‘rf.o»!.ra «, ie n i ouu Jon t»* n-a*<*iia- If Irrtn* >« llirv < 4n t *■ done id ihe eity. |M!» l.adoi*. C.frTilut'*' Ae • ruled in an; [nttem. (took intulrr » I'lo.itfM Krnve* nf a wim-mii qi.»lhv. , «jv on Unfit. ..pl7-fll JOHN WIU.UMS , I'O UIUDUK UClieDKllS—Ftoprirul* w.ii lx trr'ni f il mil,■■ < V)miiii* «iniif r'» Oifii'f. ui-|.l Satur day -74111 ,tt»mnt. nnou. for rfrrti«-v one or touf bridge* li.»ee ion Mil Iff’* Hun. !-«D r u Fayrltr Town-b.p. ■lint inn- ui ill'-! uum'-. "I ('ink'- It is l :, nl•>•' • r * 1 duo To-nutun l>t**r-r poort Si.-n- le'-u'mepi-ami wvoiJep ftrat'iietf; uia-oitft to I.«\ .-r«i lor l.\ t'ie> jirn n. uo'j.Jfa ■ .iperktrurimr I»> ihe foot lineal. i-ru«:i -i*,m* "• 1...- t>>.- .. ;...1 Finn* utjd *peeifu-;»tioti* i-*-i I"* ♦ef n ; lb« tint.l liif «Uy ol Irii'ji- . THOMAS PERKINS, ) •- JOHN M*DO\VF.EE. J.Onrm., >..-011*11* DfUui joskpmt. marks, j KMiniiy (iriirtrlei, JONATHAN IiOSOHTAPK, |Siicee«*nr to J««fi’H Hlio.!r» #: iVi .1 Sori'll WEST rornrr <*f Stmilipeid »'»<l I’rnitt *t*. oppon-tr th» Monongaliftln llnnrc—Keep- »iwj)> on Imnil a full variety of Fam.ly (invent*, which he wi I *rlt wry low forea»li ammig*t which "re the r "'- to--» -i.“ mtir W • Codec. * • (Vl*; Tra»i e Soar*; Su-n.., Nut*; r.i -li pur- ground Spier*. CJiej*»c, For*'jfn «Vd O iiv Fn. i«. amt l’i|i*burgk Mnuuiacturrtl Artie!'-.- I'rv«li IJutter and E*j;« ulwuy* on hand in, ii.'WAwlin'f OAfcT iVtH'SK] Cnrner Slain attl HUlh «t», Cincinnati* 1 1 «lI|S e*t»tili*l:iiier t i- now to the beM order lor t.te 1 M-repm.ii ni" tin: "i 'rnvrlme l',.t.i lC ll3V"ip under tone it ihr.raittfh rr; sir, rl.ir.n-: the part -.M.iti r. anil hav'itc the mo*t r*p -T-rnr- d "i-n .it the wc«b •" i.n.i-u* ili-panm-iM I in-.-rff :l.f. .n 1 ! «I! hr plf»«f<l who rail- •ie lr>i-ui..ni >* ■ erirsil, emniiiuilirui* mnf nt--i**a'ii Fare *M pet* I '' » Cincinnati March IV I*4*. " I- -MaRH N H - -•Mitiooifr not ex»* li> n new llroom. n t* tin •Kir.e a n« w \Vlii«t«in lltr nM tinr.rll- • pa iiKiiov al. ra S M* Hi* u i.l >'-tp Moimtncturvi fTmTctnowd to No 3 •"» Wrmil oftei iliren itoor* above Fourth »tre«-l. I"- -iO'-U ev»ry variety of Hnitaail mud'- ni th- *:yle : nl»o t anaraa Lrshornami JV<I«I ll.i;«, .itilri.ile and irlail, at tin- ..»wr*t pr • " s M(ionK opjti *?j \Vt»«d «u tlmil tlcur ol ova Founh CIANDLF.H, TOBACCO AND CIOATIR— I ip !•*« Cincinnati Candle*- HO ln» tlnlf '“‘patti*h\Ciear*: tt* 001) CniTjrtw" t’ia»r«; br”* C Tw;*t Ti-l>acrO Oit hand am! hit vale low for rt*lt or bartrr, Fv (iKO II Klll/I i:\III-KHF.R ; ,p|fi | No !)fl svat-r -iiect^ Or. )lcl<atie'» IJlver i'ilia. * MESSRS. J KIUiJA CO.—tA-ni*. plraeelri metmve a lioir* of Dr Mel.ane'-lLivi-r PHI* .My wile bn- a-ed two liuxe* ol the Dooi|ir«’ 1M1«. 1 ae*oro you Ib-t have .bine lift p'lio.l Thau in) family phy'ican l.a- |,v i w<> i eii, * aiit-i-.dnuee Jwo &ilrtitinnni lioxr.v 1 Ih-.'|V. w'H . u- . .1 run I JAMES JONES i \Vilkui- Tnw.i-hiii Tlie*e valuable I'i'’- fur-»ahj lit J KHMtACo.N"- tHi Wood «ireet' Pm*lmrjfli !• , inehtSi ryKSNSVLVAN 1A iuiuiOAU ooMpa A. NY -Voiirr i* Jirrrb) Unit llir '.'d ».i«iulri»t-in ol Fivr lioltar' |o-r «Uure on t„ r . Capunl su>rk •'< tltr Conipan) will !••• te.jii.rod jo !«■ pn,.!• on oi the lourili il»v ol May til lilt- oifice. U) ordri of Hie Hoaid of Mui.oyer* u|i<;<iimi)i S Y MERIUCK, Pn-«.drni_ fj'UXfiTM a S’* k L nil iTTjV - Fik a i.ti 111. ll. --A nmver»al rr*li*ratrve in nil rave* where the fln.itaeb, Ikiw.-i*. i.vrr.n «nv of the r.n»cerne,l lit the dipi-live luitet-on* aie. di-orderiil Al-o, lu r fever nn-1 nHrtmii'ti'iit'fr v<f h.lntit* fever. i»'t:i ‘ doe .lyvr.ierr Ae. For »t»|e by It A FAHNEPrOCK A Co- B p‘_<i eaj |yi and wood andtiili and wra.d n* SAJ.. SODA—I cfct-k iuttrec’J and for »a)e by, JOHN D WORHaN, DruMtit 6 pS Wl*3 woodftTM. ol i!j r t... : Will. I , M'lJntm’t.'iiiitl* * Hi-- I* 1 1-MTil ' A • .. .« V [ , , ..l M..t U rupp; 1; • i.jh- . <-J «• u■u a '■ IVIIW all i|ir vari.n:* . <n't.'xikitll? and park-ng rfircliiiK j> ' ifiulrdu* Ll>i*rui lUu'oiiiuior i'a*k. T A i111.1.1F.K, <iiu-« MaiKiljr lurrr ‘‘i'* l * n,:i ltd 'Vim,i ()«•’»( ."iti* ;' I' I!K iIUUK UK COSI.M fciUCK, ill r»KA 1 A Nil L\N Dr «().’■ iliiiji il/ cunuri IQv wi :i Ag..- ! culture. tin* An* uml Manu(:u '.utrr IIPl 1P tth.i .'i an. . added a llxlorj of t'-mmncri'*, and n < .irimolueir-i! ' Tabic |i:u*lral*-dl'V n Han and cngr.. vim.* • ; rw ivc by johnston&<n Micro \ :i|>M . Itonktc'lcr. Cur Market und ltd *t» Kihvkrd Todd U'OUt.D r<*p> < unify mutuum-e to tbe uu-niiaou of tlioi ht—li«« cpenrd :i jim.iii Utr ll»e calc j hi l>-:rrii manufactured good*. *tich a* Suirk* ufevtvy [ drfc-t.iitinn. ami Foliar*, OumSjrprn. ! der»: North'* Hook* and Kyp-*. Ac ; for *al* at rnanu <ap«cipr*'v r,r< ‘“ At»«. n larr* aontimetr. ot‘Black and l'a».c\ Ciuvni*. lor *al<* m KaMerti prirr*. whole ale. KDWaIU) TODD NV Vi w<>««l Mrcci, up 'tail* Manufacturer*' Agent Aildiema Card* JJ'DW A RD I ODD Ae< ft I 'oi Harlem laaruinriurrr 2 i..r :i..- »ui.*N.iru.V Hnuk* mil Hve*; Gum Sut |>m<Ur« in ilir Ku»*i-!l Munufacturiiti; OTi .'l*l ; Stock* of r <«f} dc»er ,n ci: Slnn» Uomtii* mid Collar* of ilie Tro\ inniHi.'.u:airy Ac ; all oi wit cli arc ior *alc oi inarm «icinfri * |'f rr), •.vlinlr*a'<*.. .No CD rroed »tr*et, up >ibii< Or.lri» r--p -i\'ril i-n Abut <un Mnnlw»rr inehafl . ri'IIBOMIUICAL WUIIICS IJxLop iJcrUrjN Llwtgfn’t Tlico’.oj;}; .Mritv.lic’* Sertnoirf, Ma** ; llrn‘* Sermnn*; Hume* and At« xandr.f on 1.-aml, Land- • 11; Un* it r-*urrer-ion. Bridge* on ilie Chu-uao MntiMry: Pfr'pit Cvrloprdin. Robert Hull*.'Work*, Itarkcr’* Wrukr; llio.nn'leW* Greek r»*Umem; The Ikok nt .«.i*licr tor *nltr by H S UOSWOItTH A Co ■ nl7 ’ No LI Miir.rl »irrct WIIITMUUK X WOLFF, IMPOUTKRS and Deolr*. SaiMVrv. No Wi Wood "ircrt. V JOilM WALkKIt, Walker X \Vowi*w:!:j WOULD aiinmuur to !••• tr>nd- and Oi- puMic dial |.e m>ll com-ime* ili* Hardware [>u»*iirr* at Hie O'J » unil. No.-5 Wood »Urrt. He '.vomit ro*p.-cttuliy • dint u enuuuu.iui-c of tin: pairouasu heriilnioMi iw k'lntlv l>p*lniveil. jililV K.NUIWVINGS • I IiST iter> i cl, n -pirn..at ii-.cron-M ol Kn«li»h and • I I’rriir l) Knjjtaviug*; colored ami plain oi " sr> ->i variety. of 1.1111 c.-t- *unnMe for I'iaitnng. Pormtlu'*, or Scrap Hook T A HU.LILR mebSO HM wood ,t. near stli_ I'AMl‘S —A (ur*<* ami beautiful ureortmetil of I’ll* J ml Solar l.t> - J I. nop*, .utluldr for Steamboat*. Hotel*- Chorclir* and Ow-cilins*. ron‘iaiitly on hum! ut thq io>vcM prices W W V\ 11-SON ! split corner Tft and Marker *r* (JIIOVELS AND R-PADER---Wnlltnsf<n<l A O Co., ajftnt* lor X. l.oinoat. have on hnnif an a*«on* nicnt of Lwinooi'* «np.rioe coal- canal. l)evon»lnrc anil collier Shovel*, ami No. I flt'i tl Spade-* mubtfi Looking glasses-u.h -m.t Mmiogany latokiug Uln**m. L. G< Plate*. Cl*a:k*. Co mix. and a general a«M>nmri!iof Variety Good*— ail at lowea lu -r> —m No 11. i'oiiii rof till and wood »rtto'.«- Bpi THOMAS KKNNKDV, Jr cJOLK AOK.NCV FOR‘CUiUtIKII'S i’Ri.NTS- O .* 000 su»t received A!»o on hand Krlinjg A ’limy • «* ! « I‘rmu, nml ph«-|p*» Map* and Churl* Merchant* and Pedlar* fitiiplird nt New A ork price* T KMNNKDV.Jr. a|, » .-or trti and wood M* fiTOVB PATTERNS FOR SALK-Cnlet, O I*?.:»l.*T, Pam rn Maker, AllepUmy »-.ty Oil Mill. 1 ln«i die newest Pniioins liir Smu » oil limul eiihrt in Wood or iron., Mi It Gearing and all oilier p.Mtcru* made 10 order 1 apUIU Xinat'ijiii'ASU wiiAi-iM.vu pAesfK V» -100 rcami Cup Wntioit Paper. Idl do I etlrr do ,ito: W •UlO .'n S f Siia'v Wi:i(i|-.i>e . *JOO dll -Meiliiini (til do *l<*. lUU lilt *D »*' .h. do do. a Ilk) do Ti n line do do. On.hatul and fur *nk u HrVM'LDS A SJIhE mi’M .01 IVun and lr««n / V OLnI*KNS-J„A, ,eari veil u 11 M.t-I. l-ouul a*M>il VI in-ill 111 die |, r .( IJUO |, II( ., OI P. . j.nl wnrn.ntcil. spy " W U ll4*f>N • i,|ICTAI.-.h>tr>ii« No l InuudiV. Undoi C liom *tuti l»l yjireka and p.r -it,M v ■pi .M Ai.I.KN A Co. \fKTAL-fl. iwTTS'fTrcc 1 c Couniy Afctal. Ol.aiicbe iV il7“ n ‘ MC ” UtJm^ituA t i'Al)lt.'VOßTll HATS.. CAPS AM) BONNETS. wo hats: hats:: tiATsit nr iheday ifee Sproij F«s-h»np{JU utiiiir b* them®*! fa**- Wruble e»lal>l *nDif m.i.m Vct Yoik and Philadelphia tb*- sin-Ter*;*::. d .*»<: *.u*i j. canuc M beiPR enabled :ii-'r finin' mn« friends liwl the pnhlje c^n-Kil;. w.- »«• pir l .arHl 10 •upplv a‘l w!h» may l«vm u» «.11. j cai' ««« *lk- f«»k.oiMbl<; ll»' lot 'hr aetfoti. <on>(<ri*ine ttca**e~. Neulfia*. and extra fi«JT .Moleikrii !* ik tlau. rittrrr whole**!? or retail. a SIMUM. FASHION , « l|.|.'l, .„iroducc<» th.* d«y tb? now SpTJJ* rj li.oau.illi>., Ccutioinen can t>e tuppliefl wit!, fine l.giitlUi*. ■uru-.onai.le prue*, by calling a> the o'd vmikl. No !J? \\ ood rotuor ol Diatw.nd Alley ~Rg WIULIAM UOliiiLAS, Jl. CUN l l.\l »u> manutj'iurr. un.l on hand. every rartlx oi audCup-oi iJ.t Uir*l »lj ir. and pr.cc*vci> luw U No 7- Wood t'.rrct. K*M«’de. s'£tT Kall'Fuhion.lHiC.' lIKKHKA COSTARSs‘tylel I .<suilcrocuMlaif im l w ifl lie ntrodiK cd ai kKKk'll/S on Thursday ' AuguM S7th. ticuiicmen wndiinfr ucheap, |'a»h- .ouahlr Hut o< laiuiuiai-lare ahead ol fs*»Uion*bir JUt* imported mi ntlveniwrtl by tonic ot Ibc trade, please rati at KhKVILA Co't nae&lf IW. hrad of Wood -t •w. spring Fashion, for Hi), im WILLIAM DOUGLAS, 49 WOLI.D iu l brm l.i*fntnd* mid patron* * 4 il.aLbc has no* on hand a large atock of the <tnnr.fr Fiftiou of Mat* and Caps. » hich "id be mtjo 'du'-ed on Su-tiirtay uell Tbo*? :n want of a*u|>enor B, |n < cli , 2 N’o 7? W.oot! tired. Hast title ' ” “‘Fall FnaWon for !!*(»• Til K *ul>*cr.liei bat jtftt received by Elpre** bi* new Fall t'u-hion for Han( Tho*e :n iwr I <>f 0 ut, ,>iira fine Hut will p!ea‘cral) and czammt «... titiriidid article. •' S .MOOKK No. 93w0«l STRAW BOMIiT JAB HIT >VAKKIiUKSIs, NO 93 MARKKT STHK*7I\ PHTSDURCJII. It. 11. i'ALMKR f.*t >alrou n» favnr- M* HIIV btmw im I'inlarfrlliiu&t a I,.ip n«OMHirnt Straw. Plorem-r, Hill land. aiPl h firral t an. tv »' l«ii. V Uai.l a»d etinn Hoi.uel*. <»f »»>. «t» *inn «iyl> aLs<»- ralmlK.l Suuv • 1 ’ltKail'll -MOtaK-lAIN lim-JoM rrred F •un«*riiir ai/tirie n l iriieh M«ih--Vth lint*. l*dl la,uni tor «:il** low !•> S MOOKK % . N..MI Wi**l N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS lIGKT PIWOjH IUO.V Full lIOOKIM, WI.VUOW SHUTTERS, it. '1 ’ 111; -uliMl.t-rfi l.f R lo cull the of all lhn«e l mirrMoH IK mum; ia ll.tir tMf.V*SIZED TIN PLATI>. uuj la Hi- tuttir. uduouinnf* which they in>«.c»» nil uiml-p 6iid ciibr: witJMdu.-r-Li-.liMUi uucd for tin* lind licliiiir-i Ilf lion without it’ linli.ukv to rust, baring isuw L<-rii ir.i'U ./■v-'-i.i) >r u*, !m<b in Cii-,.i>imlry mid iiiKur..,.r The) r.rt a!<o le-s t m rapm'd-on an:! niuti m (mu (u.iu Mi. Um■» Uir mmotphere il.au , ■miiuuii T.n Pluir, lion. Zinc A .or any other m<-.ai hup. 'u»ed fm roofing. n..J * On‘p.pipfiil/ 'onn a mum b-llrr uml iik l»I pi toot'. iP.ju.rin? Inr |r } * In nin-ut Vlir •ui.i.nlirit would al-o rail Dip nii-nt-..n «•< nil dcaiei* uml wurk<-i- ai luetuß lo ihe'n.uii) otlirrpur- Sri gr-iern! trim- rl .• uppUm-le lo bllti.iUrl. . .if iron iVliii li 11 I* ilo ral.li- iii j.iiilri-l from the ucl.nil of llir MiiKi'i/lnTr. And Hip) ivouhl rtpe.itiU) tali lil>- 111 , tl „ .iTELKtiUAPIUC LiNES. lu ,ir-. (•alViiu.l.d Wifr. -.vli.dh i« n.iW\iTroo«l p.ilire ii-ediu tliiropp, mid w bi.-ti ali*\yrr* r»rr> purpov bill e* much it* ropjipr trtnl ,ki**p •••ns etiUitl durabili ty ivnli tlial inpia l • Hn% •!.; Imply m-cird wom* m ibis i-ny for llir pur jio*« n< jj;iltfa!it/;rig iiu.'. Fpikr*', I .oil'* wire, Ac., the) Will be abie to Currii'ijanV article which may be desi red. A supply <>i I’Rhe* jniunui'upiurtil m Europe',! i J oii»!anlly mi hand.'rem 1C to fci wire guagr i;nu. I! MOHKWOOUiIo No». 11 mill Hinver *t, SKW YOIIK Tip.- I'aip’m If .cut ior Dus article has Insert secured lor llip United Sut'.r* n* wrl! a* Greut Hriuin. and oilier l-.u'opeau (outlines. ami ail legal mcaiureswililtelu kdn to |ir« vpiii any itiiriiisrmrni by .iiiportuiio i oroib crwisr. WJ7ly Uciulemtui KurnleliliiK K«t»l*Jl*»»meui fHI ARLE* B HATUI.J'T WiQiun York I • wlicll* ailfntK.n tu ni« *,«-rtinml «i liooil* in (lit Otn ilruiru'* (• i.u.olnuc Lmr. imput'd anJ micu£«rtiir»J rT ppp»»l» t-i llir Spring ami SmaißPr particular aT irn'o.ii n rallrd to I’ih- /ollomn; ariirln. .SVOCKA—SiIk, Sinn did BoinUuiiit, alLjl) lr» anil qua! OPER.I TtK'. S—l’Uin and t'aocr, ligfit and dark Color*. lI'JM/ TIF.. S—»->(»<} Lit.'., and Jaconn, a nr* arlirli u;.diwr>.d.vi> St.fL >'S—La'ot ujle* a full a.aort sVSPRSDFJIp— SiIk alid Cottoo, *rrr tla.fic VVTiita ainl F ancy Lmm do, t.. wa,li, anmi.rr urw nrtiqlr S/i/JtTs, /JOSOVS, .IKD COU~IKS-la et.ry riH. ri> nl.iylr ami .lu-ilit) . r.v/iKfl s/.7‘tts .1 ,vn nn.arK!:s-*n, c.Tion, l.ut. Thread, Mum•>,AVr.»ll«i,ke ULOrES— BU a,' *tn«'. and r, l..rr l Kid, of the beat manufacture, Si!l. (km..!., Unrn, Lu> Thr'eud.+p ' //O>fEKY->»ik, Colton, Linen, MerUm, Ar 01f.K/> SfiKS-i U.u wlnte, of ll.f .try be.t qnnlity; (•’act, plat.'! tin, Jaiiannni Mmill.,. lUII'.SSTSti HO II'.VS -i'rn.leii Calico, Mouoelme de II.IXI/jFKIU 'ltlWS- TbtnaiMl twilled SpilnlCcld, In dia SindM*. i plain and laacy Liuiti Lambnr. 7-vin i.i. r_js.r.v nr.i\.ir.oi.s-\ r..n abetment. cy..1l - V a * lout k.lni- •'r'oJi' In Vo 50 irV i l[n • i vvolllJ lli M -ul.l atoll- now wring. In lil* SAXV-.Jf)- jr- r S77.V<; STOCKS. »U • I.ure ilitTrrmi -Sliriug Irwm the - nr Imui'il) u*id, nliwli reuder* them laucli BMire coalbr lafcle aud «-'•>• to D.e U'ck Ilian fptcirel) __ felrJ-Jm 9tL'UH. MIAWLS UUKhH fiOODfi, Ac. » LFtILL KI;\VAUDS % CO, >*•». ID3 Ptnrl Street, :l. >'«« v-fh, w.iul.l rr.i-ctlull) cal! thr .tlenlicti «,f buy er. to thru KXTEN SI VKATO* K UK SI'RJ ,\ti GOOIiS, Counrting t-f rich fijun .l «tri jp and plaid Dmi Silk* of ta lireh new litaigti. and iw.at fl-.iiMt itylca; hLrb and Mur nt.u l ~--,i-1!. a.i'f'-l ai.d Strijp Si!in; with a lull ‘riue'J ai ’.lie ivjj Q|Ml i.'.7 . i>t IdacW and tlw-k j.L«J A **»r **tcn irratij di»ir»!.te hwortiueul of Thiliel, ILttje. Her- Ham and tianre .Shawl* and Sr»rl*. T'.-nr «i»rip' i" l)i, i* trinvla ha* l-ean aalactail will the »:• i.or of Krvncli Dar«pr». «.'m (.Sn) .w-.r.., C • bJ licet, Brillrtaluj »u>l •>>:>. . iti* *“7, j; AU.. tk«, uM Ribbon.<.i itrjrU-w. . «»t~>,, i »«•••» H.lkfc. l.iii'n rwnbnr ai.il Lineri .. ' Mo.lm K.Jgmj.. Tf.»nJ f. wlisi- offTcrv dcMTipo**-; i • Ljul. .>« n»rj Of pA>J* * .S7A.il*' GOODS-* tfxj l.tv» -md J>tn*n iWu>rlt. Swc. .K '.- .t.*k .Tf V'u*y Boum-it a»J H»wcr» ■I. rfiiti An"!.cun writ kdaptri! u. Ok S,utb.rti . r. .M-i, Umbrella*. Parish, 1* 4*** 4*** r "rH«n haul* »n rew.if,.lly inTiinl t.. .Vlt auJ'Hiuiur ..If .lm:k; at »rrry nJufMu-i.l « >ll lir .iflrrr.i l v loak« II fi.r tlirir-llllere.l ■•» >• •>!• V. (111 i>» New Yorl«. «4frl>-V IWTjiu A«*iH»i‘Nr LOOK* AND stationery. .; piiW'hi i or run. 77 '.)«..!•• ii t.sitr.inninifapiu ! r r.-r* »< e*m ilr*rt.|inoh 01 Weak lU.V*,Mrti.oian- W|!|.' l . I l<.«ni.ind P.mil U.. 1.1 Pen*. A- Hr . and .m -l„„(, mil I'rmrb StaljiißPi) .m.f \ Ijigc. Mfoniurlil oil hsinl of ibe Biosi '1 Dil «:ji iW. U m, \Vmrr*. Jjlaira. 'Prod'* Sir.*. jv,r». tw iii(»::o .-alt, .vury tablets, .voir i'..iJ.-1-..’.i• em.i ,ai.ri*. \.rr. nick*, card racka, imL jiowili-r, !• .« .. <••>»'- :><l <1 <»arr., it* iuW. ruler*.'gold* ~.d.,;vfi|i«v i.k- 1...: o-. .'iipyiug i‘fr«* -eS flr» ..A-' F..NVW.«»I , V>iV*r J.meir rt..v-.\,.tr«, A.- . ingreai Xl, ( i nn.' t'.-ip P'i|r,. rnV.f a in! |d*iii. Ml Manufae |i»ie» • |ir,i «•«. t,mr papecr. t:'«*tl'- papet, perforated liouril. so*:.** iMitmii board roiorni p«per*. u ..ij.p.m: p.i|»-i*. A ■ • heel Rerot.; Docket. JMoi.Jllnf l*-}t«f<ii fount) l ink.-, Coi.it'. Bunk*. lii.umice- l'oiri|ntniri. Mer . :»n.l oiKrr* .tuisinnilt on rk<ti*it or tu'ni»h«*d io |U <'.lOIHI ) M'-lrii lll'* .teller* and Othrf* Will be sup i.lnl alike veit hiWr.lpi.iT. We fliall dtlßltamil b«\-ri>i i,-inj .-t i.<i»r moil; ot fslaiil Rook*. Paper and N| U i mill i..)Ui--l til* MV..I .)! tf Citil tn»U ltlO*r .lit,, lr. jU nr nill.-lr* A I.OUTRKJ. Mnuui.ii ii'iiiw Sunonri*. " Maiden f Il.l'iiii N>w York IMtINT* ONLY-tfPIUN<4 STYLES. 1847. 1. EF. V JIUEWSTEU, •No. 4-1 Cedar HtrrM, New York. BKt; Iran to inform Realm ta Dry Uuul*. Uni they bare rrc«i*rd, and arc u.itr cibibiling,il the WAREHOUSE EXCLUSIVELY for PxmirJ rnitetn, SOO CASES, ...mpri-mc all the New ftpring Rtrlee, of Britith. VrrncHaiiu Arnrneaii AJaiiutarlun; which, In ADDITION lull,,ir titukl Mock, rrn.li r« tf.rir uvirlmrntonr <>f the latttl txauiibil ami atttneiiir n> the rite; anti harme jitit l«en Jiur rli*v<l Iqr CASH A t» >UOHT CRKDIT, ar* oflrrrd b) the pirer or pM-kapr on 'br inntf Irrni*, at am) brlow maou l alaWnrur* ot prtm if.'rrrrlnl ilail),' are placed in U.e band.l o( bujrrK will iiiCirnt ibrm*eDt.» ..f ihf ltatt of llir mar let. ami l>« well repaid lor »n rtaminalion, rrrn if they do , turt purchaw. 1.. A H. ba»a jweiiliar adrantafea f.r nrrutiug nrJrn for twilit., nbwhift rr.pertfollv »..liritrd. 1 Lt£ k BREWSTER. nr 44 Cellar Slrrrt. LAMPS. CiIRANDOLKS, HAI.L LANTKUN't* ANl> CaNDE«..4BR4S, for the Soring Tiuile • DIETZ, MOTHER 4- CO., IZ> William .trnt, N'rw York, to <4»a Wa.timgtoa Bk»ek, are inauu£*C»uru>c ami b.ita aluaykttn Land a rumpleta awort Uitot of arlirlr* HI llttir line, nf Ike following draeriptinst,- wbirh they wilt wll at nboUolc and rtlail.il Ism I'ricrt. for C»»h: ' , luipruiril CUtmic-aJ-Oil and Cainpl.cnr Lamp*. S.jtir Lamii*, O.lt and Brvmxd, in ertat rarirty (■ir.iinl.'le*. ixrioiii piiirini, gilt, >il*errd or broutrd. Su'prmliiij; Solar.. lAtrir Catnphtne Lamp*, Uno-krt Sol-r., Sldr «lo Solar CUniMiri*. Uv • ij’aixnt LuJ Hand Laiuja. Aland dv Hrilanu Hand I «o.(k. CaniphrM Chandrlii r»; Suienor CbrmM-al Uil. I'lirr S|wrm Oil, J» Caitipbnir., bnlarand Lord Oil, it.. Dunlin; Vluid, Uelinrii Wliale Oil. Mrd3-Jm _ __ . . Wholesale Drug YVaretionile. IN THE CITY OK NKYV YORK./ BA. KAHNESTOfK & C»», No. 49,J01m/if. • New York, offer lor ealc n large and-gencM ssborlmenl'or Drag* and Medicine*, Dye' Stj-tte I’aints and Oil* of every description, which thpjr arc prewfed aud determined to jell low. . |•* i • i loontnr-Merchant* snd Omggitl* nre requested to rail illwViamine their arttele*. Order* cxceiited wiUi faiihlulne»* mid deapatcii. B. A. Fahnestock’* \ e.unilugo coiiftaiitly <'o liand. ». A. Fnlu-Citock, ') B.L. Nhnc*lo' - k. £ Pittsburgh. ' IJ. \V. Kulitiratork. S A. B. Hull, New York,- aprs New Warehouse for Print* Onlf. CtPRINII STYLES, 1H47. LEE, JVDSO& f LEE, at 1 lie ..Kkf toll, fit* .'U.k w»rrl...n«r, No. Oil t>dar *t., .N«w Vork, (the wtu.ir ~f lil.wl. .. JrrnlrO to Itie rahibiUo* and talr tin. .injr arurlr,) oflVr ft.r «l«- by Hir p'f' , nwkagT.IOOO I.'ASKSof PRINTED f.4LH OES, J..ir.bk-u.. .IJK.. . I.nr wiiirli Lai me t-»rn r.mlrirltd far brforr ll.t ate tmp irt tlie markrt. «ill or b.ld >1 In., than munuCwtnrTr*’ prrxul|pn MI-BK l.E>lute«-:H'T «»« J...* ilVom let.rrJ m tkr I£«..»(• Lrr „,,d anJ lUe ~U f r j ru J», Tl<r lomli'm C» '-'•lldortnl u Ftbrtury-fcl, »*«?-:iiuO|» JF-J-. JUT PIIINOKH, TUIMJUNGI Ik A HuflTH. 1W» W.llum ure.l. New P, 4>.J SUi»if*el«irrr ‘if K*w*e«, Ouuj iij.l T»»«*K /»■«*)» Wi>r»U*i, and Vaw-j Truman*.; » Uf \\ l.lte ' »>(>««, 4'C 4-r He lotilri altenliOD «•> hi* atanrlrornt, W fill durmrthr *jtn, »' If will he irreiri £a*h».m»hU »t»lr. r-ffered tij lb* |«rl -Terra* and price* *l« all he *ueh »* la gi«e « • T/-ATI ttude of Trimmiuj;* nude t.* or NEAP O LI TAN BO I . PATIISON, NOE t PATENTEES AND MAJSUF. I ■- 23 Dtlanev Slrttt , A«u> l *W9B': •• EXGfIMGEBROi • • HtTIIEY, BA»KEH«- : ETrHASgK AlwiTfaiß-Hi AXDDE.OJSIW IN FpRfeIGST ASO“ DOMKsriC KXCUANGR Of DF.- PtiSITF. HA.VK NCUKs.-aSD SmCIH; FoorUi v-. nearly oppOrtlc ibc Baiikof Pinslwrih . CirRHENT WONKY rcceivH cm Dcpoaiic-Sight Check-* ior «lc. nßd collect ion* ‘tnade oitjtie*Hf nil the pnncipal points in the I’mtetl Sjalek- ; . . . i I\e InstiesiprcHiiiun pud for Knteigu u:di Aiocncnn Goid- ; i ' ‘ 1 l ' ' AleCt)RI) A KING i-nr uryod nud olh »1* Aiivoucc* ninilr oucon»:Enmem#oT Produce, iWpiwd Kn*l. oil liberal terto*- _ ... WJI. LARISJKR, JR., I IpOURTH Htreet. ne*»door to Bank of ruutwrrt, F Banker and Broker, and Detlrrin Exchange, Usuk Note* and Coin of alld<*»crir>?ton*, Ace. Selling Rat, •» ' Cftying R*Ha. f Newiork. |pr. Nn«r % oik. <ji james wiumN Philadelphia, <Jo Philadelphia, ldo Ua'tnnore, iAd Baltimore, f™> IVeciern Currency. i ilo Wtuetn Cur. ido Cuy 4 County Scrip, ido City ACo.Scrip,,| do AII food Carrency. *. do All *ood Cur’cv, Jdo I’cumylvania da, l d'> I'ennrjlyaniatlOx ldo Tennenee do, Si do.' Teitaewe,Vjjdo,'ado BrowniTtKc, . ido Btbwu»tilc#-*---i^#oo 'Vifliington, \ do- .Wu/hinpoii. - ido Foreign! ilUei Cxchuojeprocured-. . ■ pfKlA’arllD* ; X. HObttßl lOK, Banker* and Dealers iB Exchug*. Coin and BanK Soles, 1 M). S 3, MARKET STRERT.II'ITTaSUROU- “ Sejlmc Kite*. Exchange. Buying Rate*.. New York, J pr. Ciociiuwi. - I d»* Philadelphia, ijlO Ijjoipville. - •I do Baiumoie. j «’o ety laaiit, fdo Buying Rijir* banknotes.- Bayipgßaie* Ohio* idm Co. A Soup Order*. | di*. Ipuiana, ( |do Relief Note*, . kdo Kniumky, -t »UJ'PenaiylraiiiaCy. jdo. Virginia, ido New York do. |do do Wheeling. | do New Orlean*. T*iHie**et, 3Ho Maryland, Copartnership. JOMKPIi H. BILL, (late of tttefcruiot Win A. Hilt A-'Co j *ad W.M C CURHY.iUieof Erie, Pa.j ua.ve cmered nn«i Copartnerthip. unilit the name of ..fl.I, a. CUBBY, lor tuo purpose of rartyingort the Pauling anJ Exchange ImtiupM in,mll Ha breoebe*, in No t.V Wood .ureet. ihree door* below Fourth, we»l ■ide—whcro-ibeY aotir;t ihr enefara nCtbeirfrieodkand the put.lir cenenllv. JOSKPH'ITMItC iwhl.l - Will. C CUBBY. id L'-irUiirii [lni-, Ant : in. hA HANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, .DEALERS IN FOREIGN* AND BOMK*Tir TIME k SIGHT lIIU.S OF EXCHANGE,, CERTIFICATE* OP OKPOSITi> BANK NOTES AND COIN No Ci Wood street. third door telov Fourth, we*l aide. PAR Fundi and Currency r« ceived oh Depoaise. nnd collecLont nude on sllthe ptinrlpnl CSlIn in Ibe United S»:e» , • . Sight Exchange wo B«lnmorc t _Pbi!i>a«lpl,i* l N/w Verb. Bonon and Cincinnati conauntly for tale. tin in, Indiana.'Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania [tank Noten, bought and *oid on favorable term* Exchangeon England, Ireland, Grtmany and Franco ptoenred, ii-. 4f. 3 _ af-hIS WILLIAfif A. HILL A CO., BAN KBIIB, RXCIIANCB BROKKRB I liltEUi.N AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DKPO3ITE, BANK NOTFJ A ND SPECIE. •Vo'Og IJwJ Sirtn. on* door afcirre fourth, Kau riJf, mehl?; Pillaburgh, Pa. IdAwF HemtttanVca to the'ol4 Conniry." MONEY -cut mat;paif of England, Irelanit.'Seot land and Wale*, in «uni» or XI and opwarda, to n.mp.irclia-ei..' At.I.KN' KRAMER mir- Jftchange Utoker. ror 3d and wood *«» RKDUCED RATRR,' 14 OHIO. Indiana, Kentucky, and'Fetina. funds; al< lionniy and City Ordrrsputehated nt redueedr'ni «f ditcouni. by N‘ HOLMES* SON deei Exchange Uroker.sSM»Jk*l-*l Collection* on Cincinnati. l,oui*vilic, £1 1-ouii and alt aeceMil>le|ioi"ie in ibe.Uniied State* madi promptly, and upon the lowrti nrro«.-by , N HOLMES A SON.KxeKaJige Brokers. m<- li‘Ai No ■'*j Market u ttolleetlonaon Cincinnati. IxiuHvitle; St Lounor.H ' ml oihei ncce*«ible point* is the United Slate*, mad' on Hceottiotodatiiig term*. lIILL A CURRY apS Wood ei. next Hoot 10 Eagle Saloon I kxchanre on New York, Philadelphia, and Jlalu i more eou*ianilv lor *nle bv HILL A CURK^ *P<J Wwl «t' next door to Kaglo Saiaou Ciarreney of ibe Ob o Indiana, and' Kentucky J Uankt wanted ai very ’«w rate* of di»counl. KILL ft. CURB V; ap« W ood »u i<en door to Eagle Smlooq' —.— - • i 1 . . TO I<OAN—for one dr more tbe nquirrj necuiiiy bfn c erven Enquired! - , IIiI.LftCURRY t apC Wood »t- nrxi door to Eagle Saloon _ OHIO, l&dUut, and Kentneky Bank No’e« pmeha*<nJ at low ra:e» \<j N HOLMES ,v SON No S 5 Marker at HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &C. PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, FOR SALE. T!tr. artv-r.-.er offers lor ■njr a splendid Brick jjjr-'j i! tj.; Hcu‘c situate ott the North Ett.l romtr JEfeLot the I'uliOc Square in Votti:i«iown, Jlahomnj r ,.u,iiy. Ohio. It u h rge.comfiiodtOM, finished in ex cellent «tyte, and in the beat location in Youngstown, either form dwelling or public boaae) attached to it it a yard, »tabling, uud aU other eoovenieneea at hand. %“■ • - Thl* intnt i* impnmng very rapta'p. la itißaled io* .meitiatrly on the Canal,&od wueo the varioatFnrnaeea, ItoUingiliH. Ac-, now being bunt are.gojnplitet!, will l e ihc u»b*l flourishing plane in ‘ Kclion of Ohio., It sold low to- •-•-. • n lima,'or exchanged M will i*r py.u ;i/ •». * . - *-w-fcy foi p.Tii*'ry'ui Uiutl’it- l ■ , rl.culm* inquire o/ UJU \YH‘K, come. . A . -I -;.«l \Vat.-ri*u, l*iu»- “lurgh. who will jpve ai. i*<o. TjKAU ESTATE I.N Tin-. COUNTRY—Th« tub IV srnl.fi* olfer for Mie a Jot in IVni JUJd* .crci, Mcrccr coiioty. Tho ltou«r icrrell enJrnlalrd u . e n »| ofe »ua iluclliii*. .nun«i.nHy on iiio Eric - Er« . n*-ort Canal. In it tioori»hinjr village ucar hjr, ate vrrai fuiiacr* and in ttie umHl o' u tjeh fanning die •-u.-u -..a Ai»„. ■ bouse and lot hi the (luunib n-' vdlage of Or* ii4l*‘V.Mercer coiiLty. The bon*t i- «• II '•■»!« -jla’fJ a b«vern or ‘tore. . Hi- i'kut w’l he *old cheap and.on ac ir.m« ISAIAII DICKEY A Co • •its wutr and I'tomm . NI.J- - S . For H»I ti . BB ctVa THE •uti»enb«n> offer for tatr oil ocooramaa i.ng teems a tract of land iUuthsj in Keaenra “ l *" fownsh.p. immediately in the rear of Allegheny , ~v K.lj.imme thr ianJi of Charter Rowan. Andrew Il4.ie.ami other*, containing about Uscrew Sae(«iaie under rult> ration,on whicUtberc u'-a mail orchard of grafted nu i and e i.irmler of grape tine*. There non ,1,.- i.ropcnv u ."iinntion for a pnvuie ret.- .I. ii.-e 3 fine view of lit*twocitlCJ and There aie alto fcoed- location* for Stmt.; i<U4mei,oder.ag an inducement to those cugtged ' m tflai tm'ineM.or to pi rvm* wnUiog 'id engage mUia culiivsiionof ihefTane li will r>* acid in (ofs \GT in!t purehSwr*. S JOftUMT A BOM-*’, i fffTdfcwatnF ' ■ So in Liberty ureet- - C II EAP rpKNHKHSKE LANDS FUR SALE— i* Parma J. of CO acre*, on each of which if erecteJ a comfort* • hie lions-, wn> pood fencer, rrtuaied in Worsen and' Cannon: count ic». Iff mile*from the torn of the Cttmbrr*- land mountmn*. The «oil i« Rood, producing Com, Oat*, Wheal, Rye,"Ac . m greatahnodanee. Al-w.ff.-ibU acre*of good la«id, adjoiningibeaboTe, covered wuh erery kui«l of Oat, Hickory, Toplas, &c. Theve land* piodoce in the great eat abundance. which i» well adapted to «heep and coulr *i*x.ng The cat dm«: i* ul io uhuudaai weK tuned 16 Ice rat tme wf Jlog*7 anil lan* from September In, to Jane (uiiovv.i.K Tor tunher particular* enquire of S Cl/THBERT. General-Agent SOSmithfietyauee; Valuable Itral Ralati for Bair. TUP uijdef* eneJ bhin* -buuUoremove hi*Tannery io ih“ coumty, offer* for eale SIX BUILDINii LOTS on Second etreiji, between Ferry *treet end Re doubt Afley, Each Id! will he twenty feet front on Sd •irni aud uglily fret it* depth. Thrlot« ve.il be «d<l •inelvor the wlto I .e toKertv-i. F*»s ietm* appH to the •iib*i'fiber ou the premia**. JOHN CALDWELL. ajrjCtf _ ; ~ r ' ■' • 1 •' RKAL ESTATE iu Allegheny City—Tbei*ub»cObet* offer for ««|e a lot of ground in Allegheny City. SO feet t.y ‘>o, froming on Capa! «treei and rxtucduig hack to Liberty street It might be «übdielded intofoar good building lota. . t The property will tie w*ld chenii ami on UccOCUnoda i.n* w»nwT , ISAUJI DIOKKV *Co apt-2 water and front an MFor Kent. A' WELL Finished rccoml *tory Bonrn, with a good cnitaoeron Market ♦treeii .u pretent or* capied u» a DagoerruJii e«th!.i:elmiriiu • ■“ Alno.aLong Linoui.^iTnor).rniiaucc ut rhilollbll, and two well finished oiCce* «>w r i liilo Hall. A!«o, the llaacmen Kooni .mder the Gaiette Ol6ce— aeood itnnd id 1 4 Harter, E-D GA2ZAM ToailO lOlfice.Mmlfer at.het.fM and4th__ FOR SAlilC OH KXCHASOiS‘. A LOT 3ff by 115 fret on the lluicmiHe/.Rond, 7th •Ward. ’lnerr ia on the lot a brlekdwfl bouae, w ith well and client m the yard. Fruit Tree*, with other ronvetuent fixture*, making a very comfortable place. Uhicb will he-*otd forravh or ex ' ehnneed for a email Kuna, near the rtlv;.' Fbr P«meo lar* puguir.e of \VM. B. SCAIFL norlffilif Front,between ood and Market au , VALUABLE LAND FOR BAI.K—M acre* of Land, three-fourth* of a mile from the market bou«« n Allegheny City; Sn which ia erectrdthlee dwelling h »u»e»—will be aold upon fuTorable term*. Thi*prop* erty would «uit for private residence*, or could be laid out in buiidinc lot*: l’ei«on* wi*hing to purchase, will call and exaininc a m»p of the pretui«e«. ■S CUTIIBF.RT.GeneraI Agent apju . • PfoffOSmlthfield meet fouTsalb* J'IOUR LOTS —Douticltd try Penn. Liberty and Hay { *treel*.ea<:U lot bivirgSLfeel fmm, and extend ng back HO feet. Twoot.them arc c*in«l-. I '*t*» “»<} tbe poMiiQti of the whole ntopert) HtoeerthcwMiuuns. th the -ity. For further nifmm.ition apply to lareou* in «« j, aRTZIVELHKR,Fourth *t, . noe3tf between Wdod'und Smithfidd —a COUNTRY UKSIDBKCK» BSH HAVINU lemovrd to the eitjr, for convenience JS&io prutva*<('»*> buMnea*. I will rent the M«n*ion Mou»c, unil iu iinmeJ •>« car low re, kiinaie ott the bluff* " ‘“•''"TtirS+tiATr FOR BALE—A bou»cand tolonUJ aueet, between Ferry and Liberty *ire*l. The-Lot it DQby-H feel. The !lou»e i* a good Brici. or two »’.ojFeif t eenuioinf. c«M eood Wilk r.!1,.h.d S.rrt. »*ii»«««• Ana v 10 *» LUTHBBBT •i'iu _ Ntt-eoBmithfie)d«iiwr F' OICSALE—Two. leu of rrocmToil Tiuioel »t. rschUObyFOfeet.onone of which Uererifcda ffncxl FranH* tloo»r. containing *ix roerat; a* the oilvr lot t rrrcied ti Inrae Carpenter ahno Fhrlrrißi.'Ae. apply w . 8 CtlTHßKßT,General A**nt plilD , Noftn gmitlibelrt rtrert . Dwelling itoim'ic forsai.k—’ a emnW able two «tory Buck iloaie. oaoiainiitf’ mx ruonib, •.itiiuicil in the slh Ward. I’ricei 1900.- S CITMUERT. General A«eni _No. 50 B®i»kfieW*trret_ Kit I.OTH. luable. Lot* of Ground, »*watrd jleßbojtT River, eom-caop* to j ruott adranugfoarly donated , u - t f.SSK'»Y ,b ; HIV! TJOK SALK—Soar v«l r, ot> ihe bsnk ontie Aj ike ci'y, Th**e lot* itij for iron Work* «nJ oib| . |i*bm<*nt». [nov7iSA\^U] ALLRaiIBX PERSON* ile*inM*oi levy ar* referred Cor ant, on the ground*. or i Prim and Hand wen*. By ordrtol the Bo* ' .Wlt-dAwif wii. £ - CtlU.tf. HILL A GURRY, Y CB«BTBIIT< . parr basing Lot* la this Cent* information to thr Hoperuttead »R. Thorn. Druggist,corner* - ••• ,’gdpcriami&tai- • ianlw ATtnatr - liilding Lots. « by W feet, alto* I Avenue,itearthe'foll Gate... IKKRT. Real Eataia-Ofiee, PtaniyH f*OR 1 *o*ui Ul strd on * * riiTd | * NoMS*zaiihßeld»trtrt iory*Bnck House, situated a; ihin. For term*. applrto TTaTWOOP7jONE3 *oo 1 TO Li£T-A ivfO Oukltad, Pitt Tow; b?l4 nON»UMmOKCAW B£€U*iDBTJMUTOJ*. .*■< fcwsb&x* EXT£CTOBAirr EtMXDT. ;* t .*• ... ■ '-■■' J -.1 Catrimatt',MwehtfC- ..?;.■ -• 9ir.--.Tkut»iae>n^totbrfvUieffßtkcWyta tWfcfflktoJ arwhadieeaWeftbrtßfsafCaawfttoi. £ , that ioth. Spring onß43lwa*aUmk«dwithl*r*e**COM . * «lne& rna bram’inM upon my Imp* ahewiif <B the •>• '•s ijmptomsofaa approaching Coaeumptkm. My W|>w |' tight aad troublesome, attended with copious night iweats; l_ ‘ : i + lyil up iteilj.a waesOaeabk swmUtycf Uood,»a»d with thick darir Butter. My akcattoa htrimi erriana and flim inf: Duriogthii time f m attended hy twoefocr meet . ■ ahOfol hysidus; they didtht best they could tor otejWts® iHength thej gate «tyaif bopce ot Byfecoeesy ( mSirßia('' Bcthatnothiogaoraicoahlbe door tbit my tog* were I* telly discamd, aad beyond remedy. 1«v then puanM by ,1 friend of niaeto make a trial of i*r.' JDmiumV Xxft** ‘ rmru Rtmtdy, which vy Fkyaksan peribted afubat,myiag • that this riedjciae would do tier good, and would ttfß add' 'more toiuy tiflJtriaj., I told qita it.waa «y,la* «ad only hope, end that if l mart die of,thediseuse, (which waaufH-' dent to Mj) then would be nothing loei. So I *al to thu • Ciaeumati Office and obtained 6 bottle* of thi»,truly Viim hlc Mtdieia, tad commenced rung according ta. tho direr--* lions, which, instead Of adding to my euSrrisg, immediately '. | gave me relief atone* arrottag. the troublesome Cough 'J " easing the pain tad tightness in'my Chest;" giving eta IM* 1 tile and strength, wiieh swa enabled me to W about again- i« Tin* medicine roatiuord iu good work, wiieh it ao nobly » 1 eoomruted, until I was random found maa. Ibartatactbeea attending, to my business, (upwards of 3 y*are) and feel a* “•' j, healthy as I with, t bast Hr. Duncan 1 * £e- i. ■ per lariat Remedy in many iaatancaa to f hraa rimflarly gfflictcd and it has always proved ntcodiil so tar as, I haea witnessed iuedeett. My sister is using thumedicine at faint, fct a •, ' Diimud litrr and an ijffttim ofikt Ivng> t which eke had (tifferad with ter wm* time; she hat aeariy recovered by the use of thii tnolieiae, tad 1 am confident the 6 bottle* that I taka with bc to-day srillaatiraly ear* her. laSMtyy tokuvi. that th>Te are tbotaaad*~ofraiunbl* pataa» wnitag away, .with ihu dreadful destroyer—CONSUMpTlQlf. "■ “Were it only poteibb for thoia to proCura this medicine (a. tiqsc, before it he too laic, many ought be proloagtd tod ’ • their fenflir* and rtktiioi again .rendered happy This f'.' medicine will give instant relief, and lamelfa* trree fhehirdaad painful Cough, remove llelightnuaia the Cfatlt' give strength to The enfeebled and cmadaltd frame, tad la molt raws, ffarerliin, Will perform* perfect cure. ' \ ANDREW J. FELTKR. 4 Montgomery, Hamilton County, Ohio. ’ 1/4. £l.—Tbouwhomsyaot ha acquainted with tat 1 rtihr to the imdmigßed eitiaew of Montgomery, Utmiton eott* ty, O;, they wulat any titaa sobtteauata the aboea atelcaMSta Nouaait ftaowißU, rrCan d. Saioxa. . tiß. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, InQ ryccacra •treat) u here this raluabk ftiedicisa eu aheaya be otafMi. Sold m Fiiubargh, by W.M. JACktufa, cvi4ter *f • Wood and Libetty ate. aprld dltw PILES. DR. INGOL.DSBT’S Piln Specific, ss iaUnal rtm*4r x certain and radical turt, irbetbrr iaUnral, extern!, Uctdinror blind, »bo, lor irritation of lb* kidseji tad Uad (J*r, p t T t « is tb« bark and aide, roatmocw, erap tiOM, fce. ' . V * Female* before ml after troukiad withono»tif»lic«M*f th*Vo»el* er cnnjiTniMi) mttßUht »>», la ill itaeh ewe* the Specific <*a ba takes tritk ptr uei «fcty, ud it a certain manly. Tbt SptciAe it act • pcrntiir, ujdijanentirtlfTeittahUrtaidy.wftbcttapaf ticlr of jxffibop#, coLfjixt or Joe»—pUawat totaktasdper, fccttj harmlrw ia the mart dclkata a*w. ■ ' Thti it la certify thatl know Dr. Pile Specie* to be » rrriftin rare and tftb rrtntdj. ■ Hitisg aaca it* «&Ct, in k> trftl cun, amonjtl my family cocaexipßsiascTsnlcea* flraard dad trm* ewe* of the pik*, wbWCit rmri* a satin careinercrreftM. , lIKNRV WIUTEHfiAD. j„ New Vwk, May, IMS.. . 3M Sixth Brest. • I cheerfully give my tntusoay s» to lb* ccrtsn pad ftkott- . iJung effect* o? Dr. legoidiby’* Pikt Specific, at l kaowit Cma mj own eiperiesct sad obserrstue, to lM iflftftihto; harinc weaitused withsueemin tote ral ease* of pik*. mil* female. GEO MHiLEb,’ New Ynik, May, IMS. _ X4Sizik«tmt. LADIES’ CERTIFICATES . . New York, May, 1M&. - Mr. Dear Kir:—l h»t« lb« pkaiur* to my, that -I your medicine, |>r. lBjold*by , » Pile* Specific, hftJ nadfttptr* J int cure in ihecaiclofffij nttrr,aad 1 bow rttsyoomr wgtd -A tbit l lure been lurprucdftl it, at, it «a la mr opiaKß Itt;/ *: pooible to cur* her. .However, I -«aa now testify ts lb* Bed ‘cine a* being infallible, and do adviie all other* whoan’af flirted hi the like B&mtr, toproeur*the article,** they Bay depend oa a certain core. *v' • • Yocrt wiih rupcef. .• Writ Cbester, N. T. t May 15, IMS, . > Dr. IcniiWr—Drar Sir:—That y»d Bay benefit Other* who maybe bx&riag, uWella* to expm* aygratitude foe ■ the benefit t ha** derived froa the uee of yoor valuable Spa comply with your raoerl, sad now do give ay tasti moo* ia fcvor of it, hating been and of a eermattaefcoi the Pik* alter haring uaed other rtmtdic* without lucaSm. - Tour* with rmpecL - Soldwholtmle tad retail by WM. fiCKSOVj at hi* Pat* rat Medicine Warehouse.and Boot iad Shoe Sion, 5* B Libert* rtreet, hepd of Wood, Piltibwgh/ PricefSQrank perboi. janlWly. DHEMmi'B TOOTH PASTS* .... a mount Mirratnc*. THE beat article known for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, Mrengtbening the uiuus, aweeteainf the breath, Ao. It should be used ever? oighl vilh aetifi brash, and the teeth and mouth willonly requireiaUfk washing in the morning. Wet the brash with wan wtu«r. or cold, will answer, and nib u a /*« ÜBcaoo the patir, when enough will adhere for e/eaatng.the teeth. Jt leaves a dellciont ta>to in the mouth,and ua part* a most delightful fragrance to the breath, ltatuda. unrivalled a* a pleasant. efficacious, convenient, cad safe dettrifice. it is warranted not to injure the teeth, battopretervethem. . . ; . • • By uting it regularly, ii will rsmovethe-tartar end prevent ita ae earn nlaaon-—prevent the. toothache strengthen the gum*, and prevent all diseases of luain. Cheauts, physicians, and the clergy recommend.-U~ as decidedly superior to every, thing of the kind Ln us*.— AUtfor ohenuan’n Compound Omt Tooth Plate, and observe bi* signature ia>stmehedto.eaeh pot- Becommeaoed by Dr. Castle, 361 Broadway, one of our beat Dentists, sad by taoet of the old enanUshod ones in the United States, apd >rrer> xiensivelyzsed bv the. Nobility of. England and A large proportion of the disease, t bataflUctmenhlnd >- ari»r front come derangement of tb« stomach or bowels, which 'aTirmSW Usd oTtKe'CatSti no Icrenget would entirely obviate. ■» Fertoni of biUeiis habits should al* way* have a bozat' hand,'and take a dote whenever they te«l the lean derangement in their health. A Jodi* nous a*e of these Lai«ngE* woo?>J prsrent ibousaads * Liberty«» ' ' . ' . decO . Consumptives Consolation* Dr<c» sickness weigh upon yoarhesri' . Orpaina afflict your brtait’ r —- 4 rt, 4rt, And it will giys you mb It rleara away the trusty cloud Disease spread* o*er this aoul, And whispers through tie gloomy shroud, « “Yoar b< whole.” . Bee former rose ofloveiy boa l _ ■> •v wiiherliig •witlideca^i ’li scarcely «pa tVsttomlng 4«w, Before it ftdeaaway., • ' The Worm of Death was inihssuci, And strengthened as U grew—‘ And when It bloomed, (a lovely jamj . ft nipped through tad through.' That Wont: of Death might be defied; rr Dr. Duncan’* an were tried; ‘ And many iovrty damsels saved The tite of an untimely grara. ft?*DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OmCE,Nd 18® SfeamoTA «tr«t, PiucumfltLQhio; where bis valuable medicine u sold. i .«ox4 m Pmsfcutgb.by \V.\r. JACKSON, comer of AYoo.l and liberty ct«. ; tpUdAwF >. ■INVALUABLE FAMILY COMPANION. S‘ IX LK.« rrUßESouthe tiSES-ol THELUNCS (?au«es, Prevention snd f*u.re«f Cuosomption Asthrai, and Diseases of the Heart. On tba Laws of Longevity, and mode ,ot preserving stale tad fe male health. symmetry and beauty; e*postngca«a«a D&d cure of Uttw» diseases tint produce Ccnsoop lioa, or shorten life.ss Affection* of the Skin, Some, Stomach, Bowels, kidneys, Liv*iu Srrolnli, riles, . Gravel; and FemaW Complaint*. its mice, ray, practical and-pure, torm a guide to period hailtt and long fife. 28 Engravings, 334 pages. £0 eta. Postage » *els. By SAMUCL SHELDON FITCH, A7M.,M.D.,at"U7 BROAD-WaY, NEW YORK. . • - • Any person remitting fifty cents, free, will receive one copy, bv mail, to any pari; ,The trade supplied. - Feb 10.184?-d(im ' SUROF&LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL INGS.—ScroiuIa iirail lu multiplied forma, wbelberin that of King's Evil, enlargements'* the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Caronrc > Rheumatism, Cansor, diseases of tbit Skm or Spine, /. orof Palroonary Consumption, emanate from on and the same cause, which is a poisonou* principle; more or less inherent in the human system. There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, nOVadir cal cure can be effected, bat if the principle upon,., which the ditease depends) la-removed, a care* - must of necessity follow, no matter under what lorn - the disease ahoold manliest itself. ThU, therefore ,• is the reafon why Jaysc's Altirativs is to uni* renally successful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroys the, vims or principle from whicn those diseases hare their origin, by enterioe 1 into the circulation,-and with the blood is conveyed " to the* nmwteat fibre, removing every particle of disease from the system. Prepared sold at Ne.. 8 Sooth Third Street. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth street- Pittsburgh. . . —— QshSl. ROSE OINTMENT, for Tener,- Ringworms, Pimples on the Face and oibet Caieneoas Eruptions. T«iier», Ringworms! add berpetle ertipiLn* generally, ( are among ibe most tedious and Oiiagrecabls nnaeUO&a . -y to which the human bratan is liabls. Situated n it were.on the verge of Titaliry iii*almost impoastble» reachthera by inward remedies. Hence the mrmeeey of andergoing« eoone of medieine, or oer* selves to the oncomtertable system of »tnct dj*n seen mesas by Tedueing. the system merely P l ™*** Jg* ' symptoms while they are in ptactiee,» t«ttrasTio. lendy,orm»reso,when agsneroos dtttjs ietaraedw. .And the generality of .awmal ■ ' othereffecuhaatobeal the disease lnoneptoee,aeon loshow ilselfin the damn or another parv^rnttaU there means have failed, and **2^* TKjr»e*erasce tot a short ume in the use of Uto Rose “*«« "'tf a FAIINESTOaTtC. suf2 cot Cih and wood st<,:aad Jst aad weod sts - VNEU HAIR TONlC.—Aftergriiw this artieWa Rir. 4rbl wt uftbfiiutiftgtr preaoaoe*«l<o»s what itprefiw- , >h« brttartfclc, «ithoseaav rwrpboe. m tue.-fcf tbs tbehmita-haif. vVahnow -ooSmwbw.^hair!b»<tern mtortdtobrads ■hieb harsbrea hsULr ystn; sgd walbiak wacwnotdea Vmierftvorthn-to rcemamrad tosU 'oar 'mdm who «r» ihrir hair, to eisk*a, trial pf this Toaie iwßSdintdy. 1 Ptmhurrh st thi Prakia T«i Btar*. Ifo. 71 Fourth stmt; wear tvoo*. mstfleßwTj, WboKials Drug VanbooH Rsaovsd. ' B, A FAHNESTOCK * CO. t r . HAVE eieried an eatetutve warehouse on thaeo«*F of Wood and Prase sums, to which tbsyatVe rvffloved iheii Wholesale business, where they wljL alwayvharie on;hand an sucnsiv's ossonmant of aii the artielss in thrir lino, to wtoeh thry Invite lb* •**»». ,l °Tb« Dor business will he cemdonedat thaota woai\ eorrjtrofsthand Woodat*. . . f . • ■ *P^__ JfONKN'S. CKNUINK ITALIAN CHEMICAL JlSOAP.lbrTdfirttis'Ethe Skm, efadiettiaj FiwelM. snd all Krdpiion;; fcrhealing*happodb«adi«vaackea far dtrpelhng freckles, iso. rauburn and blownSJ. »kbi,und piodaetng a'ftne, heaUnj. yowhfdl Bn*"*, rr -r* • yis ' cor lit and wood ns and wood and TO 4 r il ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers