JU 4 f. 13 5 'Hi!' 1 i if 'I T""l , iKv '- PI,,.-,.,..! V. Ijl Uir s VIJUlIIlflC - -.-..-"i t J. U. COEI.'ELIUS. 3rM .Thr I.n-'-'i'tm CtiK'iMrLE, ' ""-! ujvh5 .-I f i'-H ,1 Fr;Y luii'.a: I: Slavery, N-rtional STATE CONVENTION. The citizens nf Philadelphia and ihe sever al counties of tins Coiniii.iiwea.'.li attached lo the People's parly, an.! ail other who are op posed 10 the unwise ami extrai aem meas ure ol I tie .National A Jininisiraiioii. are re- iiiosicd to snj iMegaies, eqii.il in number to ttu'ir representation in Hie Ortieral Assembly, t a Convention to lie hel I at lWiiiiismiin h Wi.iisi.ii4T Till; 8rH or Jr-r., ls.V.1, to nomi nee ca'.d. bites for Auditor (ieneral anl sur-v-y ir :-;. r.il. to lie vote. I far at the (ieneral Election Hi next O.-tnbrr. li::.liV M. FILLER, Chairman. V.'v. II. M.w. .V ,,,.. -y. '. -iTlie .laii.liiif; (Join :n i tire of I 'i. ion eon n tv are ineneii to in-'et at t lie Il'ili'.iloe House. 1 l..-v.-.nrc. at I ..e! . k. P. !.. on Tnes.l.iv nf l iv Carl, (ITih.) to lake mu-Ii aeiimi as to iv l-e .l'-eine,l iiree,.rv relative lo Ie!e- : . : p.il'" to Ihe ft .l!e I ill '.'I'll : I. in nl 1 1 i rrt .l.iirtr m I -.1... i.. .- ...... I. .r ,1... ..-.n... r .1 .1 '.. :i,iiv .oinina!ii,s Cunvintioa. The Com- v ,,. , .. ,, , ( ilesrs. II. A. V. .H-iVti f.n. P 11, -r r. ful.al ! Tiiom.is, r.nii FreJenek. Mieharl . Kieek ier. II. K. K.m.lerv. Shem Sp-elnner, i C'trlrwrnuf'T-Do Mohair B'J-,,be ll.? -iiii. s WcXt Eledion-CaadidatSS--Caution Tho coiiiinfe l';ill, tli voters of X" ti ion foinilv will i: jtv.-s Ilirii' ciitiifi) lur Aii'litur (ti'iifral :i:i'l fur r-iii vcv or Cii'iii'ral, on liie r-tato Tit-i;. t ; will vote for two U-'jiriventaiivt-s in t!o' Lru;i.-!.itii;T; and will -.vt tin- 1'i.llnir inir Cuaiity OilL't'i-: I'lollioimiaiy. 'i'iva,urir, (.'oiiiiui.-sioiit.T, l'i.-ti'ict Attorney, and An.lit.ir. lo f.iie ll.e f ,.:n;i iil'ii ; !i.'.Ve w!-a f.i tlii-iivv cut a low friendly ilooi'iis t till, without parlirnlar or ii. vuli. iii-l-. l. rep.t'O Id a:iy .. r-.m, or any time. ia,t or jir. -i'iit. We lr;it tiny limy j.i ive "a word in s. a-o;:.'r Fi:i-r. Tli.- i.f.i,-e- to Lo ol.taitif 1 :tr't i ot verv reni'inoraiivc. IVr ons in tiiis eo.i.i:y and elsewhere li ive some linn s exjiomli d inur.: lime, inoiioy, eh iraei. r, iiinl inll'i' nee. to ('.tain ftalion?. than ll.ey were really vorl'i w liea iilitain. 'l. Whi n an oiliee in any iar:ien!.ir "co.-ts la in: lli. in it eomo- lo." it i- a very pour in-vo-lnieiit ol i ll.irt. V,'.-n I...; .!i!;tin- I l. iiiora:!y and fairly, Moreuwr, it i- tin l.unor. li "N'l'. I.i't no i::a:i l.o f.,r a mo 1'ient lookoil iij.nii or rejar :' 1 a- a can iniate nf our I' irtv. o as Milled to ar.v cii.ii.ee ill the'eonvrmion. mi- 'lOsS 2 I.I.I ; i.i.ei.Iy i.iel al.o-.e-l.oar.l s lir.isi.i r ,i Aiiii-K i a i.l. il iN' i: ,N"I liniii' I' siiii r.v i;i:: m:ci- : Mux nf Til T Ii 'l'V. iir- trvin lo i olitntn a linmhiatioii failing and then in a lit of aii'er or seli coaeeit ni u-iii j; itiir to (le-:roy the integrity of tie- party It lioItitiL'," is ail vvnii.o;, ar.il oar iieople "onorallv are l!-i: listed w illi it. if anv man i.s n I willing to trust liim-df in tin' liands of liis friends if any is iti.w i Iliitir to " i iui: the w in.!.; pal ly to thoo-e l,e t '.veei. liini-oif and h".s eoiiiie;itors hit is li.ir-liy to lie trusted at any late, and the Lest t!ii;i'.r for liim and for ns is to lay him on the shelf until he comes to rea-osi and a happier frame of mind. Amonjj fair anil lionoralde men, it is no harm or disgrace that some are not chosen, for that result is inevita ble amono; contestants. Jlere success or failure is in such cases no peculiar credit or reflect ion on anv one. Hut it is no credit to any man, if hecomes i out seeond or third i'C-t to allow him- ' i-elf to be u-cd liv I oeofoeo leader-' i u.eu UV l.oioioio iL.int r. , and 'skinned by Loeofot o printers, i to lii.-'.ract ti.C ranks of Lis true and ; cou-iste!it.fricniis, and to weaken the j ,. ....ii-- power Ol a party w inch lie believes IS most lrieiidlv to the best interests oi j our countrv and of our race. j Let us, then, from tlicoutstart, rivc everv candidate to un.l.-r.staii.l that ' he nilist sland or fall with the means : liistiluled to lletei ininc lipon our upon our candidate, or he will Lave no position li lore it. If any one chooses, fairly, from the Erst, to lie a Volunteer Can didate, so be it ; but no more coining before the Convention, and then ''bolting-".. ..if vol' I'l.K.w: ! The Kditors of this paper intend, as heretofore, to take no part for any We know not bow just bis criticisms may t'ic ew lork Court Sessions, only nine particular candidate, but to give all be in all respects, but as their publication i ,J tu'JT "ere sobcr wIjen arrested ! What lair piay an i tio wnai tiny can to harmonize all the elements and secure' at. unmarrc-.l victory. Il any wish to use our columns wr tne promotion ol their own or the intere.-ts of friends, we si train aiinounee that they are to . . - l.av lor swell as lor all other adver-! tiseuicnts. We sliotild hope theic lirjri.t he. but Pi:w candidates, and no sham Of 'decm-ducks" presented, 1 it .. b.s .... ...,,..i.,..f.,l ..j ,..n, .a i .ui i iii. u. ai.iio.iiivi .- ...in.!. lies. I.e KK.M.I.V such, so tliat tne i coiile, in making their selections in I primary meetings- may act intelligent- Iv. m ii.l v.ite for their real choice, and 1 thereby a good aud nnprejruable ticket bu formed. j PiiiiliiKi.riiiAKi.ttTi(.N. The Muni- i ..inal K cction. on Tuesdav last, was the uiost ipuict the city has bad for niauy years -thanks to its improved police force- 1 .. r ... . and the vote tbe smallest, lb Orposi- - i i m i -i.i tion carried tbe day. Jlr. Lrown is elect-! ei Cily Treat-urrr, and Mr. Sea, Com missioner, by over 2,.r)00 maj. Tbe Op- position gaiued tbe Select Council, and 1 M-cure the Common Council, School l'i- rectors, ie.-tbus comnlctcly redeeming . - J .u. smUw., r.pi .or,A 1 . l ... Mate Senators, which they will attend to next fall, liiicbanau' "great Pullvs" all j 1 f..M.I . , ... , rorney, ot tne llulajelrhia ex- I , .1 :i ..... , .-: .uo uLiimiam ij. mo. ii .uii, uis iinndam friend and natron, but nresent " . . i i most cordial cater, Mr. liuchanan, is am biti u of hairing in history as "the last ! ui tue line oi lA-iuocratic l residents. i ! Meeting of the Committee. I AU0H5A, May 4 The Central Com-j niittee of tho Stato Hight Democracy of; Pph... met ro-,li. Letters, warnilv ex- pressive of an earnest co-operation in the cause, were received from those raombers eaters. I he ohj jet or the couveution, Bays who were unable to attend. Cd. Forney i tbe Pittsburg Dltjiakh, is to disenss qites prcsided. There was a full and free in-, tions essential to the "security and repose tercbange of opinion, and much enthusi-! of the slaveholding States." Tbe danger at-ni was excited by the euergy of the to their "repose" is greatly inimimcnt, members to push on the movement. Res- i say tho Committeo, "by the recent Is olations of the fallowing effect were ! umphs of Black Kepublican'nm in every adopted : 1. n.t tt i-in-Tjoti ,nt, t tiit pn-wnt timi-.to nom - biitlt- a Strfti-f. Kii:titk ru-h,-l. i. v ..rmaii) .n .1'i.aiiaiin; n utttrriiienpi.ition to the dc-triiir "ei ('..nun-ssi. 11 hI int.TVrntiou iu lela- t...u t.. -i.n i-rv ,.. ti- i. rroa,., . 4 -. .i. lire, iiim.-n.l.ii.: ll.r ln.-i; l-"1 pIllr .nTrrisnt' tiir, ',.f ri ii-t ,-,,n,in.: rr !.,tur. .!i-.t. hi. r.-I tus--t. i-u.nl clearly ui.l tin ilia-trine of i,..u!iir but-t r.-i.-nti . .V,-. II . ...nra-i.-linu-ti. th I ninti f t;.t.- BlirM r.m rii.-v At I' toil. mitii.i, itl nil tniifi-. tii ii lni'tion of tl i- j rincii I- j ri'':iliil hy the II jrrishurg L'tiavunnyn of Aj.n! b. Tli;it ( ouutj Oniumti'i-ii bt rreatrl. A Committee was sppointed to issue on Address to the People of Pennsylvania. ,. - ,, ..... IsS-Thc result of the Skklos' trial is received vi iih approval by very many of the sinciest moia.isis in the lanu, While . . i, iwri nut r.i ii. in,,, nrtliA.ln- in inMr. , religion oudeinn It as a tacit licenso for ; aU muD 10 inJu,a rVCnful fAiV 11 1 utmost, and to let the law of b.ute f .rce be the arbiter of every dispute. If, every mar. may, according to his own esti- j mate oi any real or lanced injury, com-, ...It I. ; ,i....i;u. i ' 'Tu "j"t;"1 ""'"f bis victim not an hour to make his peace ; with Uoi or with his feiluwmcn-it is an ! awiui coi.tlitiou ot thmcs: out lot it tie : If on the oi!itrLand tho laws of : .no n. liod ai d of our country are to be the arbi-: l.rs of i is'ice, and if tverv man is to be I - proved ,uih,by, rrop..r tribunal, .J all punishment is to bo c'carly foreshadow-, id and a. 1. 1, mistered ly impar'ii! men, then was this ler'in,; loosts (f tickles, bis bauds red with blood and bis heart bluck tvitli vi i.g, at.ee uurt peiitcd of, a gross via iatiMQ of ail rioht onb r, at d ra'eulaud ti breed a th.u-.jud traneli. s. l'or if . may resent i wrong to the utin -st that bis revengifut frelinrs prompt, any, l,-t-ror iMjtti'H :u in ', hinj '( t,f t ini an i aits and j ;r, ts arc a ,.ac...Oa!j Ut'. in nth, a : re wc arc t, mm tntereJ in .".i.t o, dr.wa p-til upm a, ouiv' in u nh . I.u accused of inulling 1 hi, d.u'hn r, at,d tado Li.n (x U m vie I.. . ,. .. ,., vckiesj pr.p.rc to d,e. The Irishman was kiek. l into the street, 1 .in iu his hot wrath tho but if be bad h"w-'!l' a.-.uitlal, ap- poiuJJ Ly ministers of the lio-pcl, ly - I'aes, aud ly women hf. re a jury, could he have been c mvicted ? .r the St ir a I'l.ronii'Ie. It must and will is ione. The pr, p .sid endowment cf lbc Semi nary at New Kerliu, and its elevation to the rank cf a College is an t!T.,rt app"iling at once to the pecuniary in'crcs's of the vieinity, and to the Evangelical A-socia tiotitf Chris'ians everywhere. The de nomination is able, if priperly cacmraged l.y the vicinity, to endow the Institution. Tiu ir increase in wealth and in numbers, and in a desire for education, is such that j iht re is ability, and if there be a willing tii.ud, it must be accomplished. The his- tory of the Association is rich wiili the . i tnlimm. nf ;;,, f .or, n-i,n, ! h lC i. I...n l.la.aaJ .1 I- I'-I..- I " "" . "t, uiinaiu iimu 111 t. u.vu I county. The location is moral, healthful, and living will there bo cheap. Let tho l ltt l ...l t..: I '"u" UJ "UL,a' iuosLrn..i..u, tuuw , ,ht'ir 2eil1 UUl1 cng!'g',d'"css in the cause, 1 aai iha ap peal to their friends abroad ; ii '"r aelp it necessary, "(joii helps those who help themselves." From a well-' wisher, but not an actor in the public i " 1 i tfr ,rt. Phiu.M. :"",,' I 6"" e lavc ''. from Jluton a lengihy ctimunmication, takingtotask the ( ci'izena of that town for their lack, of cn-; tcrprie, whereby they oro outstripped in thcraceforrrorcrilv bv their ntie'Lhorsnv- theraceforpro-pcrily by their neighbors ov er here. The writer states that .her , J ' ; many goou iniiigs, oui ucvcri.erorm i uem. ; This should serve as a warning to all lov Ilc is particularly severe on the Y. M. 1 ers of green tea. Cl.ristiuu Association, which is too much a mere c py of that in Philad., and too , exclusive, iu his opinion, to be useful... j ; our rapcr min he i0(jktJ u as an , ,,', MMi , .. . . "I aaolber wa dt c;icc it tn,ecja!. . . ' ' puoi.cation in Jlilton itse.f l" -njwberc) Would be much more effee- : ....-. "'V .... I ,!'eolofe''c:il controversial articla is . L''-'I1-d for the reason that cot believing j such discussions, in local newspapers, ben- j ..r... :,.! I,..i .,il,. ss,., s,u. au.uwi v.uiiniac, wc ucvcr in- serttbem. i ,. , . "" " ' . R?niiniscences of Union County. W lr'F04C. tuo coming season, to give -"s'ai rccoms and other sources ! some historical accouuts of our county, j anJ bh'J'1''i Le of anJ oM oewspopers u,u" """"J """? would as- ! sist in the compilation. Almost fifty j i 1. i i - .i r .. 1 "a"i "a "uce ,ue ' 01 i the cnutitv. in, n,.n nf : r . , , " , . . "" ""'"'" would le read with mueh interest bv the .. uul "J ,UB jvmUq ..U.. - J uc.-vuillttl.. Siiritialism has sustained another heavy loss, iu the defection of Aha Coan, the rapping and writing test medium. ti.: a .. . i -i ... " au """'"o" " :e- lodcon, iu Jsoston, on Monday evening. le,t btlD bad between berself .nil n auu Uj, the detective medium, in which Bly performed every trick better than she ..i.l l.aaaair. M . j ' . ir;" - " - ' " . r? :Vr"?l "P,u,u" cine tenia oi tne soca ed "mr tnal ' ., .,..... . ,, , i - , - aniies anona were utter and tia Jicfess i.r.u.liuiii. The price of gas ha been redmsd in ' Chicago to li) per tboiuaud fees. . . I is UNION COUNTY STAR The Slaveocracy Alarmed. A convention of citirens of Southern States bas bocn called to meet at Vicks- , bum on tie 9th of May. The call is j sigued by a uumbor of tba prominent fire free State cf the North, and its seemingly 1 secured majorities in tuo J.lectorai colle- i ,, .... it 1 c ; gcs. 1 uese wwe-Bwak:e guardian ot ; , , , f . slavery bavo, therefore, como to the con- . ,.,, i, k; .: , .!,.,, I,-. n. viumvu ...a. i'""" " c.o.ij ...... tered into tbo bead and heart of the pco- -,. f ... Vn-,1, ..l fl.af 'tMilr.m olid Grinncs" on the pirt of tbe South ean aline successfully meet it. Vi't bavo not a bit of doubt that the result of tbo recent Northern elections will tend greatly to i ... , r .i i , ' 'A - inl.rfn in flin tiiinrfanr thean nliirmpflt candrm, in tho minds of these alarmed g:titiumen, their melancholy conclusion as to the condition of the Northern "head - , . .; .! l.-rl " l a t, n I.Ain a nM nf nfni'it vvv u .i i .i r -- fc'ner.u0. .or eJ...u gC,1M 3 "7 Sr"T0. & J,"' . " assemblage,. At one time, the, , Jc"mine to forco commercial mtcrcourse , wi'h I:urfT" lJ bu.Iding a line of steam- j - - v i At another thev conclude that secession , , I I "' tber ,-nly chance fx . cur.ty and rcp.se. Ul nothing ; "uv j i.r.-.. . ... Cuycnno speeches. Altngetl.tr, thesecon-, v;nt! re ""iniess alla.rs, ana aiuri our :""hfn fi itroda a pleasant nl.xafi m i r t ,. n . 'r.n,p.a0:..,oa c.-ntnnrg S'1' ' . .- WTb llutitingj.-o d' lr is by the liuehanm pns gmg dcnotiueed as a ' '.-c-irtiljtts lutle sheet" because it hn ' hauled d wn the Wright and Kjwe fljg sicie the Freeman' I'emocralie Conven tion. S far is lies fr .tin a fair designa tion, tho ('.', o, has alwsys been regarded as tnc of tbo m i'itc and rryrt'iMr pa' pers in the I'eiu icralic ranks. Its r-Jit-ir is ' ferl.'s, and bis pifcr tho ou'y one in the ; c:untv wLich bears the Pern 'cratic banner. - I vi'oKT NT AiT.-Amm: lha laws f 'T'1 'J lbc l'c ,''o"U,urc " onu '- Ilrd "n et relating to costs lo certain! .,- ,,i,.h rrn .,i,:l, : .., olk. a,re p,., jUIi , l,y Uw (lircct victim cf LislarroKcitor or defendant, shall p.. the a proti citor or tltltnuatit, csls thereof, any such i irv may direct that a prescculi r shall pay a portion aud j the d. fend nit or defendants a portion there d, and shall designate in such case what portion each party shall pay." SeArrrit Tiir. Lime. Lime may be tised in several ways very advantageously j'tst now. Salter it around jur cess pools and ki'cben diains, and over the fl "T i f your cellar, where vej. tables have ben s'orcd. It is a powrful dimfVctnr, n tn prevent unpleasant and unwholesome f. odors. Use it liberally, a!s3 as a white-' was.ii. Senator Peward is about to execute bis long contemplated plan of a joarney to l.urope J, ml, !:es (Ihe Lokeys will say) "l'laI nJ intrigio for the Presidency:1 It is sai l tint llttClmnttn, nflliotcd with the s.itne iiifiruiity (hat po..cssrd Tyler the sune infirmity that possessed Tyler atld ' ltrc',, determined to present him clf at Charleston for rc-nominaiion. A Lo.Mi Term. John Lehman has . ..... . ... L,r" "" iirnm--nt lor lite, , ,,. .', l ""a""tI "le r""0" Ot tllSa Drll nh llilnmmn ' ha n.inn. "'' ..(.lu.ii.i.i was a d;iy or tmo af,ClWar,i, couvicted of horso stealing, and sentenced to au aJJi- twnal eight yoars. j b j A writ of error has been granted in the ense of Mrs. Ilartnng, who was to L,T h hanged last Wednesday, at AI- er, " I . j o sco it stated that a daughter of Ma-i thias Ilichic, of the town of Greenwood, ' Sfcubcn county, X. y., aged about 12 j year, died from the effect of driokins ' cnm.non green tea, a few days since. She "rJ"K '-.T(-rJ s'r""g ana eat the leaves ' " "' .spasms . twenty-tour Dours, when she expired. 1 The remarkablo f.tct that is staled in Hull's Journal of Jlmth, that of tho five thousand persons tried last year before - .....u..,, uu ...temperance. The New York Last Annual Confer. j uc . mm i.ast Annual Confer- t he M. L. Church, now in session at -ew Haven, Ct., Jii-bnp Janes prcsi- ! ding has passed a rcsolulion, almost unan-! itnously, declaring th it aat:.!,,,!,,;,,, ; mm.. . ' s'". ana that tho word "slaveholdin-?" ' . should be inserted in the "general rules" as oue of the things forbidden by them, Lob Tvlcr has been on to Vv'ashinr-lon . r, :.u .... .- ! . ... c . l" v.ouit-1 win. .in; i resiucnt. wonder what new treason theso two worthies will concoct. The Democratic Stala Convention of lennessce unaninmusly adopted resolu- tions denouncing the tariff policy of Pres- ident liuchanan as a departure from lba Pmocratio creed upon that subject. mree convictcu muracrcrs, under sen 'ence of death, are now awaiting the day nf evectition in riitc.iirn i-iil ll.n.. T M ch ai P ,f,l M;,., vi'v - rtz -'Hcnael Finn aud .Michael M Na- ;ojiii. nen ,ce. The ht two Irishmen. nt 11 three murdered their wives. Presidential Aspirants are as plenty in .Mexico as in the Luitca Mates, and par- ,':s ''ie former are as much distracted as the Democracy in the latter. One- of the most beautiful expressions of Longfellow is: ''Sunday is the gold en elasp that bind together the volume of tbe week." The Milwankie papers say that a large umber of Pike's Peak explorers from ?t lVk explorers from W sconsin. are returning Th. hi.. ...... 1 .. . . ... . nine to say ami notnins to snow. Postmaster General Holt has dismissed thirty-one agents, and, as tbe Department ' : . -.,j"'.r ., .' ! Kc.aiuua n.auuwv mem. iuo luicrenca . , Aiit . that they never could have been any use. I & LEWSBUIiG CllUOXICLH 3fAY 0, J-S5!). Middle DilS'ft r the Hmhury & Erlr Ii o d The lui ldlc division of this roa.l, em bracing the tuckboiie of the Allegheny, was not p rnianiutly located until within a few d.iv pjst. Of course tberu was mueh d lfi -ttliy in asCfTiaitiing tho best route, tmid.it such a wilderness of lofiy mountains, f urvcys had been mad sev- eral years ap", but nono of them proved j satisfactory ; and for tho Let two or thrje j years, there wero one or m ire corps of cn-; ginccrs constantly on various proposed j routes. Tli! road bis at length been per- j man' ntly located, on the Ptifiwcod branch j of tho Sinncmalioning, by way of St. Ma- ry, in K'k c ittnty. This is the line rec- j omtneudtd by Capt. Jarrctf, who, as a J scienl'fitf and practical K iiln.-id Kngittecr, J has uo sup-rior. It is no doubt the best, j cheapest and thortest prac'ie il line, and the most advantageous to the lUilro.id oonipany generally. L irk il tern lh m. j Tue Jcr.iey rliore ' uhlir'in savs the I wo:k on the nobury aod Kne Kiilroal i. progrcssing finely. A laroo Dumber of ha-jjs aic t nip'pyed in th" vieinity of Lin- ; WOta on me i-nuoury buu r,nt iuih.mi ir den in liih c tbe rails. On Monday eve- J r ' , ... , uing ah lut .-u t-nown, ine loromi'iva r in , M L ndcn, and it i, expected .hat on the fir,, Ju ,L h t( Wk " ; RoaJ wj ,.f fillisi)0,i ailjL.r ilT. vk -r's .... Adiii'in-'t ition. Iurn pers .n grit,-; d Krie jn,,e,., f l,,ri,hurg, ...1 save time aui tu mry, and a lare re. pe of new ccuniry will bo epncd to soltlcmcr.'. , liosr.iv, May 3. At X,th Adin-s, M .... s...... .r li, lljrli.1 tin' . .- a I. iy. jtJ nl,ti,lv. On In r dea-l.-b d she .- cu-edl'li .s K. I.ml.fi-M, C.l.i.r i.f tl.e Adams liai.k, web ber itiin. Littl fi.id b" and sever. I cl.il- tlreu. lie lin k ai;c ir.is bavo bteu il amiuid, and f .aud all r:g':.i. ! TheOn -ilv (nfer,n', wis in srs: 'n ' at Auhiirr. l-I w , k. ' n 1 huu I .) mh', by nn.'4'i,:i f.oii. (jv. ir I, v,ut two but.diid iiiiiii-ttrs, mtti. h ri cf the Ci-nft rrnra cchd at bis ei j 'led LU h 'ft i'aiity. KsidLLce an 1 nins, m-. 3 (' I. I. t it- br: l,-"'s A.- t,t , Pike's Pen's, report. ,.al a la-go ..utob-r of the dis.if p,, nt, I mii.tr a.u j g his San-,a caprdrion. , ,, , , . , A I.cg-ry L.w was pass, I by lot', ";,! '( "' L -islaiurc aj.d fi.n, J by ;""""""' r " '- 13 THE V0.UD UrGP.ATtrUL ? Tie rrln.ds or )l. Inmarllnr Tnlnk It !-. We arc iiMr1- rltsi'is. tI m :" h liie v'A lau dation uhieh soine of our secon ! class qieai men are in Ihr hr1! it of praeiiein ; an, I , tnraii lo i iji .si. ii, evrn ih-.ti-jh ihe i tsi, is a ilistasl.-fal t.ne. 'J'ii vice is pi i-nlinrv, ihotih not rx -I ii.-i vi:v. Pierieli ; a:,, is it ti:.,! anioni; the no-.-ti! class,,;' j;reat men, i a: lo ver anions l!o- I:r-t who are the leal Lene- tor of if" -a ri.!. 'l'h ,:nis Il.tM...... ay. one ft th" la'ter, v.li, s-. natre is Kioi:z.", in all parts i f i!t- u .'rl '.ati i to uhoin it is n.. i I,.,, nuieh to .tv ihjt iti,!- liors of all erei an i cotrplt-xtoiis are m- ilei'ie.l lor Itie pr servalion of Ihrir lues Thomas II ,u.iy, v. e ay. is m-ver ii-.u-.l appeatint: mln r lo the crat 'tt or jon ro-itv "' """ '' have .IitivJ the .r.-a'est ol all ;a''l!y l-iii!: trorn his skill; b-c.nu-i.is nititseii u itii itir ass.ir.mre that Ins work has hern i!,.n. an. I thai the pnre h is hrrn pat,. We have Inn. ,'c.l into ihe.-e refi.-eiiotis . an appeal which is now pm fotwar l t n he- na oi a srrnn-i r ass s rrnrh n.,i u..i,.,r Alph,. i,,,,,,,,,,,,., sfrm'Si ,,,. nim. heently pa. l for ll.r proiltiei.ons of his p.-n. t.,"..... ... I ,- ... n i i,. ii, no any siinirieni More lur 'he sopeort of hts ,!eel,n,n .lavs ; an. now h,s "e ,s ri;s'''1 a-M'M "'he incrai.in.Ie of th' P'-""an ,i,re-' '' he areument which In, prmluees lo sirrnnhen his claim, is . ..e hu h shonl.l rather make hnn hlush for his exit..-. usance : hr says ihat nnl'ions i.f Ins Pr.Mi'.cn-.ns have l en .s: , a, ,hai ihrreiore the worhl is in his .left I lint w-hv 1 Was he not paid ,l,e prtee he asUr.l ,r eve, v coi.v' Or does he ihmk ihai .t sounds like common V"' "'""-'y " a-k i.. he p,, tw-.ee over. He wl" "'""'cr, doubtlrvs, that his perms ' e,.uilnT Vil'ue wh,ch xl.ti' ,,s rr. a, ap'pn'ioTnoiherl'.'.'e to ,"''! its mer.ts. Health, we all know, is ih-chief "'" "e-i"?- ; a noon wniel. musi r r"rrnaeu, n i thr r0st be w hat it may ; a blessintr, to he !,!rssr, with which Ihe sink in? monarch wouhl res. in his kinsdoni. Suppose ihen, thai Hollowav, inslead of fix ini sttrh a prtee on his remedies as would afford him (when tnvriads where his custo mers) a fair and honorable profit, had a) puinted the price of his pills and ointment to I Ihe enirnc.es of each case and Ihe ability of 1 Ihe sollrrcr In pay for hi physical saluation! M hy, in such a case, the Rreat physician . r'?."2?..:r.rnf,I?J,.t,,r,,',e l" the w..rld-fr the revalues and noh,i,es cf j E'lnpe were anii.ti; his earliest patients, but I arp s"" ,0" Prr"li "' acknolede thai they ! ow' '" '',e same simple hut all- . SliHirirnT ramp. ic i..U;U I. i i. i., t 7. . .,, ' .. L , r" " by Holloway's philanlhn phy, wiihin reach of the meanest of their serfs. "tej li-llr'a Lit-1 Im " I. iiinn I nun v i;nrt A ;i i rs. I'nIoiiC'oiinl) Cum I Prothimutinn : WHPIIP.AS, ihe ,,. All M S-.WII.SO.N, j President Judge f..r the '-"lh Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the I counties of I niou, M t ill. n and tsnyder. and PlIILi p Kr.ll. and Jsn W Si miistiis Ksqs., Asso- t ciaie Jtidtres in I'tiion county. have issued their precept, bear. ng. date the Soih day of Feb'y, ISO's, and to me directed, for Ihe holdin;; of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, I Iyer anii Terminer, and (ieneral l.iarier isessinns. at l.EWTsIII'Kti, f,,r ihe county of l .NION, on Ihe THIUII Mn. PAV of MAY (bein Ihe K h day) lsfiO.and to enntinne one week, and PlIEts-sl.M; csiahlishment in this town, Notice is therefore hereby s;.ven tn the Cor- ! w here we are prepared to execute all work oner. Justices of the Peace and Constables in ! entrusted to uur care. Having had I I years' and for ihe county of I ninn.to apprar in their : constant experience in the busuiess in Philad. own proper persons wilh their records, in.p.i-: Cny, and being aequa nted w ith the most silions.eiiiiiiiuations and other remembrances i appioved process of lllcachinsr, we are conli lo do those ihinss which of their offices and in j dent of our ability to sun those who give lis their behalf appertain to lie done; and all Wit- their custom. Uy devoting lime and attention nesses and olher persons prosecimn!! in behalf t of the Commonwealih asrainst any person or I persons, are required to he ihen and there! attending, and not depart without leave at their I rer.l. Jurors are requested to be punctual in ! their attendance at the appointed tune agreea- j ble to notice. Given under mv hand and seal at ihe tsher ifl's Ollice :n Lewisburg, the 1 1th day of A pril, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the eighty- f,rsl w,ar of the Independence of the Cited .t . i-... .u. t eiaici ji a.ti ii ..on s.i.e ine si.iiiii..-u-, weak " I .OHN CI!0'.suKOVE,Sheriil' I Arplicalioiis far Tavern License. Notiee it lieieliv s.ven. that the fil'.iwii.-; p.-:,o!ii have lileo ihe.r pi-litioii- for Tau'iu l.i.-ene wuli Hie o rrt ol ll.e Court i f (n:ir ler Sexi..n ol the IV.iee ol I nn. n c .iinly, anil lliiil saol prllti.nn will te pie-el.t. .l lo llir Ju.'.cm f anl eoiiti. ai a c urt i l iJiudT .-..l..n rl the I'eai-r, at l-rwisui it, ou Muli it.iy liie -lay ol M.iy uejt. Af'J I'f ;1ilicrintx. lirsillrncr. William I.. U.ner New Columbia. Ann lintnr Jonas f ithrr 1'hllip Ui I'er I'ri.vtlla eehler t'huiiet 'roter William li-h. lV William Wolfe Joiiath-m llot ll ilavnl Stili-r l: C. M ' (ililou liirhl (i.-ors-1 Krrisher IVt.-r W-I.r Henry Ci!.on Ch.itl'-s II. I',, i A. J. W el l. lis. till K. ti. IL IZr S.miiici It mm M i. h.irl K ;rekner I Whi'e llrer Mills West Uuliaii e lo Mililiubur lo llarilrt. n Iorou;h i , . Hartley Tuwnslrp ".lo tast llnii.iloe l.imesloin; I I n mil I.ewi.st.V.Xi.rlh Ward. ".to i .in ! New liirilll I ,t,. ' M..rtin li.i iy lint! ,,. ,i ,.r - ..i.i.i S.WII I.L l:()tIt.'!-rW. I Trustee .ind Assignee Accncnts. .' I ncn i- h.-r.'tv iriirn iliat l,r t..i!..-.v . iter Trii-:rc an I Ai to'" Are. n.-,' i, ,vr n hi.-.l in the oiiitv, ao.l li I'r. i;.,,i,i tar ' I i.io r , l .il tli,- s.in.r a. e ,..i,t ,r Ju-es ol the eonit .,! , iiiun f W ill I pr ntr.l lo t I't minoii I ai of sai.l e,oifov, at a Colt to lsfoir.f. on It: !..' ilie '-' li lav for e oili. nia'i. n an I a'l. u an.'. . I- loM at I ot V ir to-' A.'l persons inlrre-tt 1 will p'ea-e ta-enolor. 'I lie aceouiit ol J 'lin U- el.t I. roiniai.l.-r i t M rir,t '..y.V, a l.lllialte, ol V'. ..'si !J ilij:..r I, un-liip. Hi.-a.e., to it if J..'.:'i V. P-...-r. A'- .-t."-ol .. Il I ;, ,''.'!:'. I If,, Is! r ! :. ti ;.. Tn-a, ,t ,.f T:.- i.i- K ! t,A-s?..r,i Itr-f 11. I t ol I -I or... M!l PI. i:nl I'r '. -i Pr 'h, i;' tt ; 1 ::.-, I.- w : -;,,i:. ri. I .i,'.' .' REGIS TXR'3 rJCTICE. VuTii I) is Irr.'Iiv uivi-n Id nil 11 r 1 to-'.'.'tat t!.r a .a i,. 11,. ) ;, have sv:i1.-1 tio ir a. '.0 oi.'.s (..; .:: ! t :-i ar. I . . i, , I. , 1 n ; I.C'.'. I I !V .,. .t.y. : V. I f . ' ' '. a The 1 i t , f 'a ,1 li o t Ti,-- a ,.f J o. .U l.'.' v A t, a o ' Th a i f A' ralta'n la-' at. I . e . ..... ,, , ,; 1 . r, a '. I. la'. .0 ,-u.t . i t:,,. a.-' wail at' tit.- .,.r. t, i -tfil ,1 .1,. of .x.; r. ,i:i l , i I'r a'. T . I lh- i.f i-:. ' vi ,,: :n li 'i t," a .'t IV" PX- flit: Ts l.eu ; ! i.i tie, "i 'I ir- aeiv .ti i ! .' tu it nail S-,.,t!s, ije.'il -s P. 1.0 ir fit. -'-.' : of Ja;t-."s I"" I.;nn, (.' a iiuttor ci..!ii of . f .1 -.it-.r. p. !.; c; :' s. '-., '. Mao r eti ' :: h If l'. er T, Ji .Mi-ir.il !!,;.:.!. tt.f. . ' . -, ni: - I'ai Th,- .',.--J.i a I .'. T: i f i: Co ran' I Is- M P. I J.'-u Th" : " ot I n;, oi 'Pp.. ,!, Henry A !.. ftif.'. .-r, lale oi lin , r i . P . , Ti,r nrr.-n-.ts- nl .i::ti,'! s(-r -'s p. .J t'- rs el" J, n.)!, ."-y., .. .I.i,. h l!r. nrhrr, A '.- .' ol A :ttr it kul.'tfrlt.itil. .-itot-l llo-i l... Kx.-ei :..' , f K '! . il.-' l !:l Th,' a.',' .'it. t i I tint,rtrat, r - I 'hr rsta late of II at to I I The ai erti'k HoVio!,' trsiainriii oi' vTp..,i.'',!. '. itt.i . I J. Im Hi-! ,-r an i Pre-N :. Pxeen'- rs of the ! i-t w i.l at: I J'Jiri :., la'.e of L. .irs'ol.r Tp.. ,!.-M. IS Thr Aeertunt ot fi.-orr tnlnistrator of the estate of t.' late nl liariirv 'Pp., ih-'d. :' rk".T. A ! rr Khikrur. i.PiiUt.P. MPIinil.!.. Rrcotrr. Ki'isii-r's Dil'iee, I.rwtsburL', Apr. I 'M, s.":i SH2EIFF?3 SALES. IJiV virtue of sundry writs ol Ven. Rx. and Fi. Fa. issue,! out i f the C urt o( C,,.,,. inon Pleiis. eonnty if I'm.in. and lo me di reete.!, wi.l I e e.ip. -r.l in pul ,0 -air or fin ery, on Ihe dales ami at Ihe places, fiolou nm. lo u-U : On .Monday, the liilh of JJiiv next, at I o'clock P .V, al ihe public hi Us," i f K I. Hr'z.'l. in Ihe boroimli ol Lewisbui j, at 1 o' e'oek. P. M., a certain Iran ol land situate in West li.iir.ihif. t.iu n-htp and county of I nioii. hounded north by put, lie Koad. mi the east, s. nth and west by hmds of William Pnlf. containing tl aerrs more or less, w-nh f..rnier water rt-his, whereon are creeled a Ctist .Mill, a liainr dwelln.c house, a I. ? stal-ir. a well of e t w ater with a ptnnp. .c , wuh lh" appniieiiances, as Ihe pn-peny of Ciurlts II. SUri'irr. Also at liie same time ami place another certain iract of land, situate in Hart ley township, in the couiitv aforesaid bounded east on a sehool-hou-e lot, west by lands of Jacob liincatnan, north by public t"a'l and south by l'enns creek, cotitatnir? ! acres more or less, whereon is creeled a T'TI. 'A!lmi'".Ma!;,'.u-ilh v r. Also at the Fame time and iilaee L ' F. Alhriciit's mierrst in a certain tract of land situate in lute Deer 'Pp.. and conniv i .- i . . i i . . , . . . i .',,, I,''"nrF" n"''n lami .t thr shct- iiet.i lion I otnpany, west by lands laic of Henry i f iith dee'd., and oihrrs.souih by lands of David Meininirr and east by lands of Cid eon Hueher and nihers, cnniaininir 20 acres ,n"rr.vr lcss- hf,r,"n are '' fr st,. oollen raetory, a Iwo-storev duelling house, frame stable, anil other out biiildinvs-, w ith the appurtenances, as the property of ,. F. Albright. joiix CRossnnovr:. sr.rritr i A Kew Business in Central Tenn. 'Fu the public inptntral 4 Miliintrs in particular. - - The undersigned would respcctfully 2 o,inl'i rm the dwellers in l.ewishni!; and . -"siirroiinaiiig country, that lliey'have 1 opened a Mraiv Hut &. t.uniid i:ira liins t ,,,,r ni.sit.ess, perforn.in work neaily and , deliverin? ll promplly, we hope lo succeed. We also Scuur and Jle-Fmiah FELT and I1F.AVF.R IHalH. .ui won. . uonr in iny siyie anil at Ihe 1 lowest City pners. We make the usual liberal dedtiction to the Trade and hence Milliners ; wi.l Unit it to their advantage to deal with us. e intend lo make it a rule to finish and ! deliver all work during the week it is received, ' j provided we get it on or brfure 'Pnesd iy 1 JOHN H. M DA.NIEL A CO, j l..i.'iin St.. is-t,..n ;b luil iih, B.r J. W. sl.rin. r j, i March 0, Is.Vj Lewisburj 1 KC.Nfil 1.1 m: HILL EICWi: i-IAKyFACTCRY. 'I'''-' ier-'Ilir 1 1,11. ., jf.r ' - ' V viiir,!!vill h.Uf 1 l-i'iuh i'''ir.i i'i'j' 2 1 1 '" a'"1 toiniMir- rvrrv il ' --" - - r. e.l .. th- in :li!.2ti.i ' C. :ili ... ' I ..r rt-n f :,-r toe Ol ' lis' no! .1" ill. arne.e - . I. linrr, l y uiv I-' 4 have il,. ir ..r,!.-rs Pr.tnee. A Mr April I. !-'.!l'i. eX'-en'r l ;:t th" -ru i 1 1 ,s W . II. KLI'M.II. ; ih,r,, ', f - i: II.. f I Ktvv Hotel i.i Hif-iirnrj'. i 'I H i". mi! 'i l il" r wi n'.i ir..;.rriiu:ly in- i f-.rin toe 'ria r'!ii I'iK.lie. e-. et y a ! II, ai hr I. as lii'eri at 1 t.iu',1 Lp ihe pre:n:s.-- n! (iei.l'r .-i ll-,r h, in til'' eriore of i MAIN STREET, W1FFLINCUR2, whrre h. rri a.',, I l. t i:, I'l.'.i-e Ap.l,'.' 1 pi- Ira-. . !, nt. i r. v , i a i: I., '.; . r n. : a e :t. CHARI.i:-: ' . rrizi:Ns . ,,. '...,. v.v ' : ; ' .-. II t F D., ) M, . I.e., , A I .: I il . n !. II T wi r ' i . i r ITT-. M ileal C w - A I'M ! N !.- 1 l.'A'l ' REAL II . i. M li. Vr ..'i.i ni.-t ft!;. : I. i :s. in'. 1. 1. 1.: r . ii , -s.. ..s , t w A , f. , i.l l.:t :. i.,.: a liie , A o r in:-;i:Ai:i. r SAI.K. c:ti:!:ii!ii t.n jt.,' ,l.,p. 1.,.; A Hi rc; GALE CR LLI.Tl f- ts-. i iHi iii.i: fi; mi: i!;r. - lllKS ai d Lots. r,,i ., ,r ,. ti . I U' , tan i' i-'-s i in1 cn . i' i ; :( W in 'h - i ' , one . :i .v;;. .1 -:ict-r, . v., ... Ha l ,.. ,:. ! 1. 1' ill- a hove il 'ii-. - a.. :,r Ii : r. i !:Ms-. r ae. I"!ir Im: I.i rs r a.rih Fu .il !. J(M!. II ( il ii; i i . l.t'U'itHii-. I.tn. I.".i. A ti FOIl SALE, ti in !';i i u s.(:?rjil V i hi: v 1 1. at titr . Hn-lc". itl I toh-p. A.-1 :.t.i.s. ;am it.h . r,. It wi:l ! It..;i,tr.' of I.rw:-! to- U li. 4r " "IIP r. si !, : e ol 111,' i.i rr. oti . Mati,,-: -! P Lew s!.ii,. , , lit, i --t.,-,1 1 11 rverv '1 rrtnstli.,. i and thr f.rsi ,l.,y b, use oi i;i;u K. r. ret. . t i,. be paid I .: .en lb .-!' A pi il t.evt ; li , baiai.l lo be pai ! in !, tin soil the buvrr. l,s J unr y, I s,' s or Ir. r yrais. a- m; - i ,-It C IV en ;.l; V it llir ISA AC U Al.l'Pi:. 1'OR SAI.H. VKPSID il hen.: IIIPM'P. i n .North Third street. J J. a Hall I. I ..!' fir.-int.!. w , a conilortai ie I'v.o-M n v lir.ek ll.-u-e. Stable, B.-fl W.il if Wiicr, a:.d a var.e y el choicr Fritt'. In-intreof J. P. V. A l ( IH I.IN, A-eitt. I.. i.l nr.-. .i. -,,' . r 1 . 1- s. if rc?. SAIE. -cril rr fb.-rs f, r a! that l.irtrr, lo 'ern binil. double brick house, site ll.r new l'le-l vleriau e'titiieii. T ur si new. ir v o.p.. ailj.-inini thr residence r f Pr. Hates. '1 house is bt.-li in ihe besi stvir, rat-profl, ai,.i well cuarded acaitft fue. ' A ftm-d Well ol Water, and t'lstein of t ever tailing water. Terms made ea-v, and will be know n i n ap plication to ' JOA A I'HA.N .LiSbl P. l.rwisburc, Auc.ii, Is.'iS. FOR, RENT! rpili: THO ItiX.VIS orciipied at pre-' 1 srni oy i asniu:-lcn 1 1 u 'i h . It s, n as Saioon. Thev are suitable lor -s j .XJ For 'Perms apply to Jan. ls., JMIIX II. " BRICK F0U:D.n,Y FC3 SALE. , f Mmmm, !a rir Iti ii U t'oiiri'lrv at the ve.-.i ?WV-i;..n. ,,f Market street, incl'i isrc c-rr.;.v.- t h e WaieriM'in, ('il.ee, and iht' Macliinciy aUachn! a a l.iif antfiint t Patterns i.r I'ai' iit Rr.'h i-r Aur:r.uSmra! .Machinrrv.S'dVfs. Ar. Ii js rc?.Tri!ttl as (iric ot tin liesi liTafit'ti. l'. r a ;;-'-iI,sa.e I iimiu'-s. Tha , ... k It.. aa.. 1 ... another ei.tplovn.etit. which is ihe reason he desires to d,sp,.sf -f this Foundry. Fcrany fnrihrr name il.irs ,1 WILLIAM FIlit'K. T.pwisht.r.. Feh. 185S Fnion Co. ron SAI.K. r?".V Half Lot on Market fi., epptsitr S. Kilter's residence, ill. a rood Well of Wa ter and new Ma ble ; very desirable li r a busi ness stand, or residence, (or boll, combined.) Also, other Lots, some wilh and s. uie without iioi'diii.-s. joii.N Locke. Lewisburi;, (Js!. C, lsijr. ritEEBURGER Ik BRO. S j-i'L'jliJAii '-: JiSS Yffm-ii i:m i iii.isii mum n,S lu rn ri'iiidvt'il ( IJcur"s Urkk 1!!. rk. on .. r'h Third Mrert, :),) rr they are ptepatr-i i ,j of Wl i a -i-T ik in tt.eir m.e u ihe ,' . .f;e Hi . a t, . p: it .-..tttirs from t atit.ilr.i tO. tiorm i v.. t iin.nr our lari'r a.sr.. es of ll.e Uioit approved stvir'j .i . I F: bal-h. ; warranted. Also Steam b, .1 '.-r. I.ewisbur?, A;r,. , -:, NOTICE. 'I st) thr I'o s , l.rwisbur? an-l r r v .- V.. I.. I i - ha. rrim vr.l h;. tart.f r '.. tt r i;T ' rr 11 "1 -r O, M.ifiirl s.... of ! All.' t.-s' I ru;,' ... . ' I' -I I i. -s ' I- r , I.. , i.e r.l c.iit.m.s It. i:. i.. i :r-. '"r : C'P t i.f '-- 1-1 'i : o'.vnt .iii I-. n. i!...: :: I i i-TI'S. r. l i i:. :i i.i. t.i.Vt it.. HI'J t I.i t . . ..r Ma ' t '. r.i. pr. -. ; .'.-!.. i i It I'., or :.ulali IU'i J.. ; I tl ! r, I,.,' :,l It.sai.r; !.. 1 i.r, rti 4 I, tor ll.il . .. .tit, , , I,", , I. ,: I ,1 ? or, Hi ll--, .-.fllll..-.,.,-., ... 11 u-.h. li'tiirii-. . 1, si..l a, I ,. lr-.W an . , a. v.:!.,!, ;' o n-- N I n. I - l ,'- I: , .rs t n'a.-j .- J r , , . ri.L5 U. a l.rvMi.la..; I., t in IL. h O I , : , r.-:,. ,1, . : .11 t.. t. nj. rtv .-. i.-.! br I.,.,. ... s-..i . I . v, ;.. tt 1 1 ;i t:.,- i uui. "SI .TI.1. itj.ts i.e;;:: .l-I. . I t in Ir. I ! i I- r ti. L.r I..- M Tlh'MIr .v.. illiua L..-..U .- TKIIOtT i.3i:4.i:. s. . i. ,u in,; I I, , r.t-n.- 1-- I ... ill I 1,-. A -.. I. D. .1 I r I- I. ; uullli- ai I. i.. 1 1. -; no, Julj '.'. I'M. 1 1 a Oh n ,l;.a. f . I tit :.t t ui. i. wh.ri ' ' I "-' , Ult. Ir 1-17 , t . .,r ... -il , ,-l . i ah . r 'II... Jr -rs- -i. -L.t.-l n.- 1 a a ur . ; :. ri nt ( !. hi., ii r-.- ilr. t I 1,1 ti iiK ii i. .1 in.-1, ! t 1 - I. I. I:.. In. r- ii i. . i!,i . i.i i t,;.-ii- r. VI si !;,.l i,,i s, ,;,-;. ir t ' -N -I., il. I n,.,-i n i .ii,v tl , I, : ,:! .1 1... I is ul.a I i. r.-.a ,, I ti MS PlVt- I I Al l I 1. (ail en the A cuts. J. I! A K F. K A I'l.'f -'I I '"'" in I.-f l . I O. Ats I In l! ir, I l.ln.im:: , t '1 I- HI. ill, II.... . T I Ul.-ll .- UI.IT. '' HOUSE BUILDERS, rjrKi: .NOTICE! The tii.iei-tL-t ei ars 1 ap p. in'e.i .-.ptiis l,,r the .s.i e : Pours, iliiiitN aS. Aii.idiiw iili i l' a, I ,i-, taa.le of liie w rii ii.ii. te.i. ; V Ma i.i.,-, . tab A ! i,.!:.si'i;i'i J'. II-:-. io-svil.e. Pa. and f -r sa'r in ':' F Si CAl.liU'FI.I.. I.e'- AT A IIAIK.MN'. e stib-onber .as ,u :..i-l ' r .l"4 tii-.-sii's.. t'-. r!i he a 1.115,1111 lor Cash i r wi.l r.uoiat - ,od lit KE. Call s. i n . u U-..1 P. F. i.i i;H. t I'..--' a i;.. .'.. -t etit, inquire of U . II. Hitter, a! vim Jr.'s stoic. ILewtsburg. Feb. '.j HARD TIMES ! ' 11V d.-ii'i voti s .: cli. apet ' ' W cheaper" v.", hv. I an r.e i"V - Si:iVllI.IV ((,41. for '' -r I, i.. according to qtiaiiiy bat eel ca ,r's cn .lit : those aie ihe jr-es li r eaa oti'iy pi.-.luie. I will sell l-y the bi i r '. v ihe t. n, and .Irliver at any p'-"e :a ts.'r I . r. n.h Itt.ti'i. Having Vl'c.gn s. tn:; wo i-Ut w.il be riven. A -e '.-..,..;.. .-. an! ;.'.'.. .:..r,e C.i.'b' lti-'rv purposes. Yard ru Water sttctt, ir V- . I. ,'ti-.llll's bftel. I.eu is'o'l'.M ay -..'' sy 1 C. IIOI.STEtV S j n..iS ii.K an t .v.l V cheap tor ra-S liliii. HOLTEI.N Hii: II i I--An cieel.ettt - ' ver LEV Kit W A'I'CH l. r sale at lin ouist ,. If.tiiirepf A E. lK.NOi:MAMIK. Lew-isborg i;r.F.S. Kamilv Kxlra Wliii? W heal I I.OI IC-very choice l(!0 mt,. i . i; sale by r TI liirilll l ItTtO lark Lace V Ell., a lew e'f . The finder is rrqii.-ir't iv li.-P. A n2xTh -a r '1 U oiler a: b r a :. miss n. t r if a', Pi'i.u n. Ua.e il i.1 li.c Cirt.'ticic c ll.ee. l.Mai.u .-
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