JU r ft. F. EM 1; if: II 1 ( I.: 2 til, f!nr?;Cljniiiirlr ...ft it J. K. .'.. -TI-.- I. f.OEI.-LLiaS. w - ' I'll Ilk'tvirL! uVt Trw n.:ii'".:;i: Slavt'iy, si-ciiunal STATE The ciii"iis CONVENTION. itl liiiiji--!i'liia a;; 1 ilie -ever- bI counties al tins ('ufiiinuiiwt'aiili aM.u'ht i lo tlw IVnp'f's p.irty. aiuiiiil uil.er w!i. 'f.p- puse'l tii hip 11 -I wise and extravagant ineas uiv4 oi' ili? Xtitiutial Altu.ii.Mration, are re ijni'sio.! tt sfii'l iMt-ijau's, t'ljii.il in uuinlier to tt.rir reprf-cri: iii-tti in i!i- J :( r -i i Ar::;!lv, t . a C'onvni'iMii to he hcl 1 .ti II m iti-untn on V t. n ?. ks im x Tin: rn r Jt xt., I .V., lo nmni li. i e fa?ui. !.in l'tr A'i .tor (it:i'r;.l ati-i Sur V'vr (ie... r.i!, tn lie v.-:- i ijr at the (idiera! Iw-i'U.iti n. next o, -infer. iu.nuy m. fi'L!,i:i;Vi.x(m. 1 -TlicS::.t.,!i tv ate uiviie.i I.. ... ii '-hnfi. :tt 1 ft V : l',.;irl. (1 I;' iv 1'- h em I Sat- th' SM!. II II 1 :il-H 1:1 V 'illl ij.i ill ::i ittfc i l l" !!! at tiie I'.'i:! 'i! ..V!.-.-W. I'. !.. . ii !...".ilil e ll.i.i.e. Tties.f.iv lii.) l i I.:!..' ii afil.ui its m-cf-irv relative tn Itcle (' ::r.'eu:i.!i at M.trn-t'iirs. It r th-' fa 1 1 1 ti ot tlie hmkiI A., ninu'.ii .1 1 Cuii vi. iiiioa. J'he Cuiii- M,--rs. O. N. V..r.!"ti. Cm. F. Mi !er, Ar- e;nl a!'l '!'!i.:ii.i, A t.rn Kr denek. Michael hieck'.i r. II. K. Mn -rr-. Shetn Sp:U''!uner, .sinniel .tveiuie. J .v. II. Forey. t'onrail shec k er, J. unes inetii, Wtu. J. Dootial, J.iiiies Mar-hall. a nti? f-M a WeX Eiection-CandiJireS--Caution Tito roiiiitij; Full, the vt'tcrs of I'liinei ctiiitiiy rt ill f.;iri-s llu-ir riniifo )nr Ati'iiti'r titiimil nn-l I'm- Survt-y-pf (Jriu'ral, on iln.' .-'lulo Tit krt ; uili vote for two l'"i!v-eM;uivi's iii tli." l..'-i--!.itii:- (li'ft tlif I'uiluw- oi t'oiintv OHiet'i s: I'l ollioiiutai v. . . .. ..." Tn-a-urtT, (.'niii:nisiu:it.-f, i'i.-ilrict Atttiriit-y. :i:id Aini'iim'. !'."!'.fc il...' ctujioiirii oje 'i'.v.'o wi-ii to throw -t;t ;i low frie'iidly t !ooii;'!it to all, without i:ii-licu!;ir or iuviilioii-l'l'iVn'p.t-e to .-my )iif-on, or :my tinif. joo.-t or jiri -t iit. . ini-t they muy jo ove "u word in s.'iisoii. ' Fiii.-r. 'i'lio i. f.i. -os to he olittiino.l :i i-i not vor roni'iii'-ralivt'. lV-r-o:!-; in this roomy ami e-i.-i.-wlit'iv haw some tiiin i-ioinle.l niori! timo. liioiioy, t iioraeti r, :iml inH'iem-p, to ontaiii station?, than lht-y wott-n-ally i wortli w!n-:i uhlaiti.ol. V ln-n an oilier in uiiv im !ieu!.ir '"c-o.-l.- tii'ift: lii. in it com-- lo," il i- a very j.onr in vestment ol't li'orl. U"li"ii not olilain- 1 lioiiora'oly and fairly, uiorcov.jr, it is no honor. t N !. I.t-t no man 1." for a mo ment, looked tit. on or rcj-.iri!t-l as a ,1. .. -it ...... ni-iiii i. i ,11 " i, ii-ii n .. u i . ' i , . I to anvViiat.cc in liio'convcuion. un- 'le.- "ho oi-ciily iind al.ove-l.oar.I li.:;in.i: himskIi' in ai:iik in ai.i. . II'iN'o: ami liiioli I'Aiill I'.V Till: I 1 ; I- ; MUX ol' Til AT Ifl'V. lb:- trvinu' tO (ilitaiti a nomination faiiinir aud then in a lit of antrcr or Sf!l'-co:io.:it ht'ciiiiiiin to ile-lrov the iiitritv ol tue jiirty 1-y "1 MT'itiL', a i;ii our tieoti ol 1 1 II u s all ti.-r.aily are is-jiitcd Willi it. 11 any man is not willing; to trut him-,ll'in th" hands of his liieiids il'ai.y is unw illing- to jii rniit (he whole parly to choose he 1 w t eii hitn-":l' and Irs t-oiiiie'.itoi-s he is hardly to he trusted at any i at'', and tin; best thi.eg for him and lor n is: to lay him on the r-helf until he comes to reason and a happier frame of mind. Among fair and honoraMc men, it is no harm or disi:raee that sumo are not chosen, lor that result is inevita Me anion": contestants. Merc sneci-rs or failure is in such cases no peculiar credit or reflection on anv one. Hut it is uo credit to anv man, if heeotnes i out second or third best, to allow him- relf to lie used l.v Loi oioeo leader.-, ! ami VkililiCil'' l.y Loeol'oeo printersj ,11' i, t . ! n ..1- ..I'I 1 Iriin nil . iw iie.iiiii ine 1.111P.J i...s....., ;t,..,t t,-;.,.,.l.. .a,, tn tviiL'i.i i ie vs.. . o ... , ... " - - linu'.r ill :i lilt I'I v v 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 lie ii' eil'S IS I , -- - most fi ieiidlv to the best interests ol t our country "and of our race. 1 Let us then from theontstart irive everv candl.late to understand that he must .stand or fall witii tiie means iii.-tlmt.-d to iletermine unon our candidate, or he will have no i.o.-ition li 'ore it If anv one ehoo-es lairlv, Jlom theBm.ri.ra Volut.t.'vr Can- idate, so be it ; hut no more coming; , i . .- . .i i.i i. lielorc the Convention, and then "holt-, .. .. in" ....IF t or l'l.ii.isi: i -The Kdilors of this paper intend, as herclofore, to take no part for any particular candidate, but to give all lair play an I lo what they can to harmonize all the elements and secure itn unmaricd victory. Il'any wish to Use our columns for the promotion of their own or tlie intere.-ts o! ii ieuu ve again announce 1. 1 v lor such as for . .1 I Mill, IncV ait' lO all o'her adver-: tiseliiClit-. We should hope theic lii'ght ho but FIAV candidates, and no sham or ''decoy-duck-." presented. Let. all who are announced as candi dates, be liKAl.l.V such, so that tiie people, in making- their selections in! ,,-imary meeting.s may uet intelligent-1 Iv, and vote for their real choice, and 1 thereby a "rood and impregnable ticket Le formed. l'iiiiTAi7i.iMiiAKi.tcTtox. TI.eMuni-1 cipal K.ection, on Tuesday last, was the ' . most tiuic u. c.iy nas u u u, u.auv years -thanks to its improved po.ice force- and the vote the smallest. J lit Opposi-: ... .... . . tion carried the day. .Mr. JJrown is elect- . . , v , i el City Treasurer, and Mr. Neal, lotu- s tuissioner, by over 2,;")00 maj. The Op- position gained the Select Council, and ' la'avy '"ss, in the defection of Aha Coa.n, j 'is be former are as much distracted secure the Common Council, School li- ,he rari''"g, an1 wrillDS t medium. ; as the Democracy iu the latter, rectors, ic-lbus comUetel, redeeming -urr ' aD "n,b"' in "o Me- One of Ihe most beautiful expressions thecit, from the WocJ, except C le. e flrZT f W" . . :, "S 6"" Sute Lutors, which tbey Joi to I xSf " Bly 1 0? l l!' 1U1JS" 1 reif7rs.rCoanbp ! T ? W ' Forney, of ,he VMJV, ex- ! 1 tT fl "ftey tre .1... .ii;i...... - ... ' . nine tenths of the so-called sn ritna t ..... . . .. fe . ' , .cps uti.uc.mc v 'iuii.u mai ins . . r i i . . . I u'i muaui irienu auu patron, dui present most C'.rJnl hater, Mr. Huchanan, is am- , ton his nf figuring in history as "the last it the line ol Democratie Presidents." : i Tvrontingr nf iha Committee. j Ai.toona, May 4 Tho Central Com-I A convention of ciuecds of bout hern ! mitiL-e of tbo State Kiffhti Democracy of States has boon called to meet at Vicks i i. - r ,rr,Pe .Arn.lv t- ! burc on the Dth of May. The call is I IUU a. inc.. .'-uiu. prcsiive of aa earnest co-operation in the j , . .t . . I : cause, were receiveil irom mose iuom"" who were unable to attend. CI. Forney i jiresi.lt J. There was a full and free in-: ierei.a.ie-e of nt.inioii. and much enthusi-: astn was excited lv the energy of the ' members to tmsh on the movenunt. Bcs- 1 olutioL of the Mlowinsr effect were : adoptrd : . iTi-Tt-i: tit. at the prrwntiim.-.to n"m- llithl ru . t. ' 1. Tl.tt ii in:.t.- a Sl..tt- l:. fiin.!l f t'rlt'ri iihI itit.T i-n tl jU 1U Itla- ii. th- t' rrl Hi-.. mi. i:.l::i tti." In. t .'in. ii.: ir id i'Ii arlj uj m tl r.riiti. 4. li -.-...ts ri..-v ot r ' M.-r.:.. vi Ai'Tii M. 1 i.-i. iin.-t,. ll.i-l'iiion tat.'.l'.UM Pemop- .i ti. .;. i.iHii 1. ill Ml! I.ii'. Hi" lo.tmn iI ir .:.t..i i j ti:c iijrtisurtCounn.'n '"' - ;.. it ..t i vui.ti L iijuiiitiisWrnatra. A Cmniittce was appointed to issue! aa A Jlit to the I'enple of I'ennsjlvania. : aw!Ti . .,..-; ..t ' c; .i t,.' trial la ' reived ti;h appr-ival ly very many of tiie strictest mura!i!s in the land, while others nut c.-iei tiled as orthodox iu their religion condemn it as a tacit license for all men to iuJulo revengeful feelings to the u'tuost, and to let the law of biutc f iree La the arbiter of cverv disrate. If. . . f everj .oar. may, according to h.s cvrn ostl- init botiiieido in r r,. n tlavlieht l.-avinff , ... his vietitn not an Luur to make his rcaee . ur to make his ptaee with (iol or vvitb his feil.wmcn it is an ! aful eoMlttionof thiti,-. : but let it be ! If on the o:l,Lan.J tho laws of! ,f ...., v.. ,i, i.j ! known. (;,d ar.d of our country are to be thearbi-! -i : ters of j ice, and if every man is to be proved guilty by a proper tribunal, an all punishment is to be e'early foreshadow ed and administered by iiupariial men, then was this letting loose (f Sickles, bis hands red with blond and his heart llcck with vengeance unrepenttd of, a gross vio lation of ail right ordtr, and calculated to breed a th.usaud Irage li . bur if ,- tion. So far is this from a fair designa may recent a wrong to the utmost that bis tion, the (!!-iir has always bctu regarded revengeful feelings prompt, any, l,rti--r or , as one of tho m ' i',!c. and rri-i f',;W. pa ir nse mi u ii iii In-, iiitiy i!o thr some, and pers in tho I'eiu icratic ranks. Its editor is cults and j'iri.is are a I .ic...O;i!y last in. nth, we are tii'd. au Iiishiuan entered a store in .Miit u, drew a pi-tol upon a voung in n iiho ho accused of insulting hi.i daughter, ami bade him (a la mode f'ickles) pn pure to die. Tho Irishman was kicked into the street but if he had in iu his hot wrath tho victim rf Lis '. '"'"!' iekKV acjuitt.!, up- P!juJ'J l'' "'""w of ,ue i--p-l, by Ju,i-'i H women b f. ro jury, cauld he have been c mvicted ? f,r tbi SI ir 4 el.rniia.;,-. It mtiEt and will b3 dsne. The pr. p-iSi d endowment of the Femi enry at New Ii, rlin, and its elcvalim to the rank of a (.Vlhge is an tlf,,rt appesling at once to the p cuniaiy in'crtstj of the vi- inity, and to the llvangelical A-socia tion if ("Lris iins everywhere. The de to . .in i it ti t i 'ia is able, ifprjper'y criciuraged by the vicinity, to endow the Institution. Tluir increase in wealth and in numbers, and ia a desire for education, is such that t there is ability, and if there be a willing! It is said that liueb-insn, nfllietcd with uiiud, it must be accotnplishid. The-his- the same infirmity that possessed Tyler lory of the Association is rich with the ' I'ieree, is determined to present him evidences of Hiviue favor, and nowhere fcIf at Charleston for re-numination. has it been more blessed than in Union ! A I-ox" Term. John Lehman has county. The location is moral, healthful, l'f" ';n,tn"' ,0 'prisonmcnt for life, aim living will thi Tt ho rlipan. Ipt tun D " 1 ..lu' , " ' "w ' """"V1 ' ' IUcir an'1 tnS"geanc" m ,,ie cauw. 1 KV o their friends abroad ; f'-r help if necessary. '-God helps those I irlm ti.-ln t lieniselrpa " I'pr.m -i lrptl. --r ...... .:.!., to nnt on p...p ;n iU , 1.1 1 , w ...v 1, wu. uv. u .v.u. .u Hit I'UUIIW ' . O ... 11........ cunt. j 1 1 1 1,0 ai . ... , , , I &-u e liavo r0CCIVed from lengthy communication, taking to task the ' citizens of that town for their lack. of en-; tcrprisc, whereby they ore outstripped in theiacclorr.ro-reritv l,v ih.iriieiet-.h..ranr. ,r nt.re. Tlie Kfiter ftates fIiat th :, , ., . . . , , Utnevcr-yuihem. f --'J '. " -'- (l.r!. trill A saoelat l.an . n-liiph ten timph ' association, wuien is too much mrm p,r,p of tl.f in 11,;I'.,I ' i" 1 i j vi ." . "n i iu ; exclusive, iu his opinion, to be useful... - We know not Low iust Lis criticisms mn 1 be in all respects, but as their publication : , in our paper might be looked upon as an I unfair and partisan attack by one town 1 upon ataOtuor. deciicc it especial- wo i - ..... . ly as its puhliealicn in Jldion itse.f ill maa i.r. vnn l Im n.n ,.n.r.rn ,. V J aiai.a aium miii.- uve; , , . , A rueoiogicai controversial article is ; declined for the reason that not believing I such discussions, iu local newspapers, ben ( f.c'.al, but rather otherwise, we never in sert them. , .t ' " . raminiscenccs of Uaion County. e Ir T0e tbo coining season, to give tUL' tui-ial records and other sources stiuic bi.-ioiieal accouuts of our county, a,iJ tli"'jM lc fe'!aJ of o!J DC"-P"F I ' , "'"i"'"1""1 wouiu as-; sist ia the compilation. Almost fi : , ' : " ' ''""-"""" . wou.d te read with much mio l. i , , ' - I young anu iy new-comers, J J Sitriti alism has sustained anr.ther :.,,,-.. ., , V T i manifestations werA uIff ., t7... . "'i""- The price of gas has been redmed in Chicago to 52 60 per thousand feet TfflON COUNTY STAR The Slaveocracy Alarmed. nf a r ' sigue.1 by a unrulier oi me prominent nre , ...... ,p Tl.a pLi pf nf r.m rmiVfMltinn. SaVS u . , - the Pittsburg DUfakli, h to discuss qnes- ( Hons essential to tue -security anu rcovo of the ilavaholding States." The dangor to their "repoe! is greatly inimimcnt, "y tbo Uommittoo, "t;y tne recom m-: t in 1. r i t : : ! un.rtia oi i.acn nepuuuca.ii.ni : i free Stato cf the North, and its seemingly ! secured majorities in the Klcctoral Collo- ,i n.1.... .:. r.tiatia slavery have, therefore, coma to the con- !.n"r"i! ; clu.ton that orn.Vi:t;m to s'avery has cn-(i..'irintifi..j.u'.MRH-l tc.reJi,lt0 (h9 headend heart of the peo- pB f ,0 J,ortn " Mi that tritim Slid I 1 Crtnuess" on the part of the South can I. ii .'. H't aline iuccccsluny nicer it. t e oa?o uui t ilt 0f doubt that the result of the roceDt j xurl!JCru elections will tend greatly to j cnnfirin, in tho minds of theso alarmed i t h c ir melancholy conclusion ; J ' g':"ti'-'ton, ... ... .i.. i;.: ..t .1.. V-...I as lit tue cuuu.iiuii ui nil; .liiiiutm ,, ... , . , , and hrart. W e hitvo been accustomed , , . , , toJho.ic annual gatherings for eomo years. ; b f 1 I hey ata cencrally very gravo and very 1 . b . , . , i amusing assemblages. At one tunc, they r r ... I determine to forco commcreial intercourse ; :.L 1.' 1 i..:ti:.. - l: .if -u"T 7 ouiiuiug -.. j era to run iiciujivciy 10 c?ouini;rii .uno. ' At another they coueltide that sccc6sion ..... t . Ir,1" "l0 UK n 18 lm lr .'"" tooco 1 r I "KCUtUj and rcpoe Yet nothing i . . , i CJ" f but f"'rJ "solutions and jenno speeches. Altogether, thesecon- i vsnlit.ns arc harmless afiairs, and afford i vcnti. ns arc harmless affairs, l. .i r: j i : l? i r- j. i . ...I , cur CI,U""- Nsar'"M"1 't,""u 1 if i . . ti f T I ; i j iron piantanoa care?. ii irruonrg iac-, " 1 , j :'0,,'i-t- I (w'-Tbe Ujiiiingl'-n O'tubc it by the liucliarim press ging denotitieed as a ! i..,.nr.il n.j 10.1.. J,i" liponn.a it. hna I la-iled down tho Wright and Kowc flag finco the freeman's I'emocrutie Convcn- fenness, and his paper the only one in tho , county which bears the I'em'cratic banner, j .V T. Anions tho laws ; pBssid t y the late I,egislature is ono cnti- 1 tied "an act relating to coilii iu certain 1 cases," which provides "that in all cases ' where petit juries may by law direct that a prosecutor or defendant shall pay t lie I cosls thereof, aoy such j iry may direct ; that a prosecutor shall pay a portion aud the ib fend int or defendants a portion thereof, and shall designate in such caao what portiou each party shall pay." ftwrrER Ttir. Lime. Lime may bo used in several ways very advantngenu-ly just now. ivaitcr it around j.ur ces p mis and ki'chen diains, and over the fl ir r i f your Cellar, where vegetables have ben s'nrcd. It is a powerful di-infctor, to prevent unpl. asant and unn holesoino odors. I'ae it liberal! v, alsj as a white wash. Senator Faward i about to execute hi' long contemplated pbm of a. journey to llurope d.i'ibt'i s (the Lokevs will savl ta "plan ad intrigue for the I'resideuej - ... ... . ...... r... nf Misa Delilah Wildernmn 'I'.ia pinn,.p wa" or two aiterwards convicted of linr!i ,""'t?. ! sentenced to an aildi- thnal eight years. j A writ of error has been granted in the e-ise nf M rii .lar.nFi'. wrhn a.-. t, ,., U ve LccH ban -'Cd iaat eilnes, :iu . - t A. . O J1w oanv. . , ; w o we it tated tbat a danghtrr of 3fa-' thias Iiichie, of the town of fireenwood, ! Steuben county, X. V., aged about 12 i years, died from the effects cf drinking cunuion green tea, a ft w days since. Fhe ,lrjn-i " vorJ f,r"ne an ' eat the leaves ftirwards-casing violent spasm, for twenty-four hours, when she expired. This should serve as a warning to all lov- o. gieeu . rrL The remarkable fact that is stated in Jr. If. I J- ff ... ... . iiun j iuuoi'ii i juiimi! oi tuo live thousand I person, tried last year before lork ( ourt Sessions, only nine- i 'be New '3 , V't9 sober wlicn tMcd ! What aa on intemperance. , , ,, ,, , Confer- nrAA .-iF 1ia l I- i1!.....!. : i v it . . ' session flt At'ff llaVcn. I t.. Itl-hin .lunna nr-wl ' "7 -" -t-..p wauis I'IL'31- . ding has pissed a resolution, almost unan-! :...... : .i...t...: .... . , r IIIIOUSIJT, ueciarillg Hill UlUlllDllI nil) IS It "'" at'd ,!'at the word "slavebolding" should be inserted in the "general rules" as one of the thiugs forbidden by them. Hob Tyler has been on to Vv'ashington to confer with tho l'resident. Wonder what new treason theso two worthies will concoct. The Democratic Stale Convention of Tennessee unanimously adopted resolu- lions denouncing the tariff policy of I'res- ideiit liuchanan as a departure from tLe 1)c,u0:ra,i8 crctJ "P"D 'hat subject. xo.ee .ma ...urucrcrs, unacr sen 'ence of death, are now awaiting the dsv of execution in Chicago jail. Henry Jum- per.z, Michael Finn and Michael M'NV mee. The last two IrUhuien. and . ..... ' " J three murJereU their wives. Presidential Aspirants arc as plenty in .Mexico as in the L uitcd Mates, and par- little to say ana notninj: to show. J Postmaster General Holt has dismissed thirty-one agents, and, as the Department . , - - , , . . 1 ! . , , . ii. . 1 is that they never eculd hare beca any use. 1 & LEWISJ5UI.G CIIKOMCLIWIAY ti, 11). Middle lll:-'t "f lilt Hlii.'iurj i Krle l.iniin.'il The middle division of this road, em bracing the backbone of th Allegheni", was not p rmaniutly located until within a few d..js pjst. Of coiir.-e tlier waj much d lfi -ttliy in ai-cc mining tho best route, amidst eoch a wil lernt s of l ifiy mountains. Purveys had b"en mad', sev eral years ac", but Bono of them proved satisfdRtnry ; and f.r tho !ut two or thr;e , years, there wt ro one or m ire c irps of en-, ginccrs const jnllj on vari.n proposed j routes. Thi road has at length been per- J mail' ntlj located, on the li;fiwood branch j of tho jMiiiicinahoiiing, by way of St. 31 j- ry, in K'k c oin'y. This is the line rec- ommeridci by ('apt. .Tarrctf, who, a , scientific and practical Kiilmd Kngineer, , has uo supTi'ir. It is no doubt the hot, cheapest and thortest prae'ie il line, and the most advantageous to the Kailroid; company genrrally. L-el !l urn l m. J Tiie Jcriiy .-liore Il'i'tiliHm s.i)S the wo:k on the Sunbury find Kne P. iDr .al i. r, .... . r fn.alg A l-r.'n niiffi.ii r .'f J r, " , . . .. " ., ., t.... .1, .. m imiintJin ttirt viriip It V III I . .1- " ",v ' ' ' .. t t den in lain g ibo roils. On M nd iy ive- . ... ., , ning ah iut mi l of.wn, the I'.eonio'ivo ran , . . .. , , up tho road as for as the bridge be! w ' . . . . , r Linden, Bud it is expected that on tbo Cr-t ' .' , . , of July the Ha.n mil run through to Iioek navtn. i This is good news. W'o trust the be fitiia'iod under (i-v. ratker a Ad.iiini-'ruti.ni. Then persons gfing w r.i an A rti v In ltt-ii inlnnl fit i ' . ,., . . . . arouud by l.lunra or iJarrishurg, an J nave time aud m mry, and a large nci-pe of new ciu6t u ; . , tuUkmcll, M. T t ,ntli t , iii'u '"-''. ' ";,."V .i . -"' Vtn-a mi .-Mm, lit- alia olarllii till' er. A - - , respictible aud acc 'mplislic i vou'ig I.i !v, died fiiddtiily. Ou her deail.-b' d she h - cu-ed Ch.s K. laittltfi-M, (.aahier .f the Adams ti.t i k , with her ruin. Littb field has fl.d, leaving a wifo and several chil- dreu. i I v Mink acc uMs have bvcu tx- aniiiit-1, and fund all r;r'.i. I The Or, -il. 1 at Auburn la? by inii'.'iifi l two bufidi. d Confercnee tr-ts in fcei-'n i.-i k. o i huts I iy nigh', fiom i iv. S- ir I, aii-.ut i niini-tcrs, nifin'i n of the Cio.fireneo, called at his rc-idunco an 1 enj ijed l.ia borpitaiity. Ni.yy ( tin j as, May (' . Lvk. Ir: Ig-s Ag lit at l ike. 9 I , m. reports that a la co number of the li.-11 f" ntid miners an. j -ti.il g bis S m-ra cxi-'di'ion. A Keg -'ry L.w was pa-s d by bo'n Hoii-ca of the I. ei'lature, an I tin-. J i t the i'V(f'iT ol .New Y'Tk S' if 0. 13 THE VOALD UrJGI'iATLF'JL? The t rlnd- or II. Liiraarllnr TMch It We are nitr'y His"ii-t- il w rh the -ell' I:n: tlatinn uhirh s.one nf our secnn ! el t-- crea: men are in tV ha! it of r r;ieiieii:e ; an ! vt " mean in Fjtp'p it, even th-.oh the i i-k i a tll-tasletlll 0e. The Vice Is fii'li'l ir v. thioii-li nut ex lo -! vely, Fi-'neli ; a:..i i - o -i a ', anions the .v. ; !;! class i.i' er(.at toen, 1 a' never .tiii.oi" the tn-t uho are the ital l.l-:.i-fjelnrs of l! -a i: !. 'I'le-r'H- II t'h 'aai-, niie i I th" 'a-t'-r, v,!i. tl'l-i f is ki.'iifil i n all parts i f il:-- t. r! '.a:i I to t!i. to it i ii. a t,e. inticii t,i av th.e. n:.l liuiis i f ail eree.ls an l c-irrplexiiois are m ileho'il mr the pr scrvaii.iii ,if Iheir lit'- 'lii'-nias II , v. e say, i- i, ever ii- .11 I the r ro i : -'i 'e or e- 'i' ro-ov appp.i'inc e i:lif r t ui these who hate .h iu-,1 iln- en :ee-t ol all a. ill! v i.lesMi.i: irom his skill; he eniiiein lieiisi'lf tvi'h i!ip .1-siiranec that Ins umk has tieen it'ine. an, I that Ihp price h is ta-eii p n.. We have to e-i Iril intu th'-se reie-eiiens l-y an appeal ithieh is nou- put now ar t n he hall i.i a spcnn.l ela-s French peer. M.ii-u-tir Alphense l.aiiiainne. n seems, ihoii"h inoni- ln- litlv nan! fi.t llip r.ri ..I up, ,,,,, c ..I h, . .,.-,,!,... I ... I ...a: .. the .snprort ..I his .Jerlin.n-r 'lavs ; an I new ; s e " '"" '"""''I'"' .".r;:;,,. "n which sh-nhl r.-h-r make hun hl.ih f..r his C X'.ra t it'-anee : If savs Ihat m i P i.iri el" In- .. . .. i"-" uens n,i e en .s'i.,1. a no initi inrreinre I h ,.-,.r .1 I.- in I .. .1.1.. . I. Was , ... . , , ... lie inn i'.iiu hip price neasHPO inreveiv c.ipvr Or d..e he think ihat it sounds like ri.1nuu.11 pr"- h,.i,e-iy n. a-k n. l,e p.t ne,ee over. ''e will ansu-er, doubilrss, that Ins r, ems cave a poa-ure ihe value of which their price could not approximate Let us admit this rule, and applv it ta another ease ., i, -i its merits. Health, we all kin. -. is th chief of earthly hli-ing- ; a boon which mu-I t,e pureh.i-ed, let the erst bp what it may ; a hlessm-r, m bp f pssr, w ith hirh the sii.k iris monarch would resign his kinsloni. ,n s"rh a V on his remedies as would 1 ati.,rd him Oi h.n ,,.,...1.. ...k.n U. i ; v .i.ic .i.s i u- W; the ex.trnicies of each ea norahle profit, had ap- i pills and oinlineni n : ease and ihe at llnv of ihe siiil. rer to pay for his physical salnation! Why, in such a case, the great physician ' Would liili" !" have on tied all Knronp in I'ep ! simple, and ihree-loonhs- ,,f ihe remainder of ...... me worm lor the revalues and nobilities of hrironp itpre n-rn.iii. t.. uil..t ,-,.;.,.. I "- .ic u ii'- in:-. r.iuirNi I'.lUflllS, Dill are s!l" too preud to aeknowled-e that ihey uwr their lives lo Lie same simple hut all suPirins remedies which have been bron-lit I v Hall "tray s phi'aulhrephy, within reach of the meanest of their serfs. -Lcs Hllt's l.ct Irf,." , Lmon Comity ( ourt Ailairs. ; - i I'n!nf'oiinl) oiiit l'i o Imiiat Jon WJIIIUI'.AS, the lion. All . M S.WII.soN.j l'resident Jtidse for the 20th Judicial I Ilistriet of l'eiinsylvama, enroposed .if the I counties of Tuinn, Milllin and Snyder, and j FuiLip Kohl and JioWSimosito-. Mmis., A-so- j ci ate Judges in t'n ion eniiiev. have issued iheir precept, bearing. date the 2cth day nf Feb. 1 is.is, an l In me Uirectco. lor the holding ol an Orphans' I 'ourt.t.'oort nf Common Fleas, ( ver ania I prininer anil I lenpml IJ,eifiir S.v-i"u I I at l,EH slll'Kll. for Hie cuntv of IMo.V. I .i..... ...Tit, i,,i- .1 1, i t- ., ... I nil i:ie 111111.1. .'i.li.ll ri .11. 11 lueill'I Hie ailiaj..u.l...i.:..n .... .: .... 1. a., a. u.t, ,1111 11. ...niiiiiic nne ue. h, ami i iit.ss..Mi estalilishmenl in this town. Notice is therefore hereby eiven to the Cor-' where te are prepared to execute ail work oner, Justices of ihe Peace and Constables in enn ustcd lo our care. Having had 11 vears' and for ihe county of Fnmn.to appear in llietr : constant experience in the business in l'lnlad. own proper persons with iheir records. iniui-: Cny. and being acjua iited woh the m..-t silioiis.exa.iiiuaiioiis ami oilier remembrances appmved process of llleaclnng, we are conli to do those things which of their offices and in dtni id our ability to suit those who eive us their behalf appertain to be June; and all Wit- : their custom. By devoting tune and attention nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf in i,Ur ousiness, "performing work neaily and of the Coinmonwealih against any person or delivering it promptly, we hope 10 succeed, j persons, are required lo be then and there I We also Scuur aud fc-fuinh FELT and attending, and not depart without leave at iheir j JJT.AVl'R ISafN. I peril. Jurors are requested it. be punctual in t tlur work is dt'ne in City slyle and at ihe ' their atiendance at the appointed time agreea- lowest City prices. We make Ihe usual liberal ' ble to notice. . dediieimn 10 ihe Trade and henea l,tii... niven unuer inv ninu ami seal ai me ener ill's Oll'ice in I.ewisburg, Ihe 1 1th day of A pril, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and rlftv-niue. and the eighiv-i-...i .... ..r i.u r...iA'.,n.iQ..... ... i. i-..:,.. i Ills, -atll ol .lie iiiui i.eiitien.a. tilt ...lllliu isiaict jt iii.rir.1. ..on save me cnminnn-. weak" I .OHN CI'Osstil'OYE.Sheriil Applicatloi.s for Tavern Liter.se. Nuiii-e ii heieliv ?,vcii. lh.it the f- i .v.n,- p..;. i. have lio-.i lln.r p.'lltlnll- to" I ;i I. i II I, . H-jii, l.i- i:.. i' k ui li.e t.'iont ' r ifiio'- I I . r i s 1 1 1 1 v i t the IVace ,.t I on o i .only, ;,il il.'il -.n.1 petitf.lK Kill te rne-ei,l.il I., lii.. Jii.! i I --.ii.t e.nttt. ai a e. ort i t ijnaiter s,--,l,'ti- i! 1 ti - - I'e.i,-'', at l.i-vvi.iOUl L', u -Uni-,.,y the lo..i -toy "I M.y uexi. A Hi-ii.'incr. ' William I.- K.tler New Linluml'ia. ! Ann timtiir " 1 Jiin.is r.-lo-r J'tlilip I'i iter !'ri.M-i!la i-erhlcr fhane I'l.o.T William Inle !!' William ulle Wlii 'e lierr Miils t Uiiliitu e ln Mililinhiiri; ,.i Hiiiti.ti n Uoroiish .l iiialli iil lli't il i li.ivnl stui-r HanUy 'I'ownsh p i: :. m (;i,1,-i.ii li.. ill Fa: Ili.ntN e , C Mr,..' ln'i-her lo IVicr t'.,r l.iinotiiiie j 1 1 . : I r V J i .n I'llii.tl t'h.iili- I', fnx Lev. e-b't-.N,. fill Ward. A. .1. ,-i ! ti-wut 'to K. li. II.1.-1 '"' until. I It i -.nil New "i rlill Mi' hai't Kleckner M., Iin lin ly .! iM.it. ic i-.e, i:, ' s.wit i.i. i:i)i'.-'ir. " A; Tftis't e nrd Ainee Atcnnnts. I I IK'H I- hrft-y Clietl that ti.e ...: . iii-i Tru-i.-e an I Ai-.mi.- Aee. n:. la . n li.,"l in the IV. !:. o.,'latt at lii" i-ao." . i, 1 a. e .'nil- t in. .ii t "iititv, ami t; t. ill Im- t'r'--i' nte,! to t ,.- Jn tjei ! the Cuihi i.i t a riant tu I lit '1' ii lav Ci iriiiiioi I'O I..- hei.i at I. I ai l i "i;niv or:r, mi I r: !. : i-t M iv iii-x'. ture oitn io.iM.oi an I a! I. .v. at,,-.'. ' All .er-.m llilere-t. t will p'ea-e talie noliee. The aeeuoiit of J .lin li, cl.i' l, roinmiiiee i.f ' yi;rs-r.t T,.y!ar, a Lunatie., ot V. e-M U iti.il ll'Ull-liip. The a. e.ni'it t-t J"'.oi V. itnl.er. A--iji.e ' t-f ..,(, II ('.',,, iii'itH,'. . I li'ill.tl eli'tt:. il ;.. Tii.. a. -..aio i, I' Tli. :,:i K !.t r, Aoci.i e . I i ll nry II. l'ri . nt ' l.e i.i.ilre. I MMri:L KIM MI. rr-'.-i. ii i Pr-th. nt.ir nr.ee. Let-, i-l.ur, Apru REGISTER'S r.'GTICE. YoTil'i; is li!'iv!y uivi-n Id nil cr 1.1 c have .;:.- .- l!ie Ml- lie !, thill the 1,0 ;!''! their a.-t-i-... a:-! ti-.'. I aeeeoi,'-. -a ill i "V.ii:-.- ti; nr.-. in ti II. ! i- li .l , ; i. 1 -! .,re hal' I 11'- e ii : latt -ii an t , he If' ! ,1 ' I): ; 1' r I a- I.IHMM-.' 1 1!." Hi 1 r ! I i'yi 'lav 1 ! in am ,.! Ti. .0 .'! V 1.. I.- ih.v: Tail. r. A '.$,: a:- : We v. !l 1 I r . f !. -.- ' 1 - u n-ii i'. '!' 1 -e I n" ae. "iial i l J I ,1 '.' r ji frill 1 I 're ek. A-in: : 1 lion. 1 Tp :i Tli I !t-" i : il Th- . f A: raha-n M a: . V.x Ian. t i.i , i J.'.ii x i-.-! V. .'-r. final-min..r.r.-.-l ..: r.::- IV- I Tti... V. .' r. -. i. la'. . m: . 1 T" t i-i M t -1'. .n:l:r i:x. l.e i 'i i r : .la: s r :. ai r c ii ' UK. li . .1-. r. t . i i it . .la . - C Th i t' i . M- .1 ! i.i i i. T. i; t: r. t t'lii-ii "i l-nry .,. mi'.rr, lale I ! Tie :. A i i;-i Lii;. ' I' I- T' - rr- MiN r f S if!!--! -! i i. . ie. i:v ,s , I J i t K T,. . ,,!. It! Th- aee nf . : .I.i.-. h l!r oeh, lillM-T.l!' r I Of ps!;-.'e ,. A :ir.y Ai..'. la;- ! II. mil v Tie. .:'!. A !- II The lie.-, a::. I enek llnVr.'I'-r. Ilx tes!;iin..it of .",'(-- J hn Re! ' T and I're.! 'rs of the !a-t M ill an I la'.e of 1. lines., lie T,.. ,1-M. i'i To- Aeeeont nf (i-ere-c K'-.-kner. A.l in:nislr:eer nf the e-t;ile of iimr hh ikin r, late oi J..ri!-v Tp.. .le M. .t:n;(.K y,i:itr:il.!.. Rpi-er. Kesister'- l)i',ci., I.eiv:sl,ur-', Apr. I VIO. I.V SiCEIFF'S SALES. 1 Y v,r:.- ..f son.lry urns , Ven. IU. ami - Fa' , ! 1 1 r' ,'"'" "",.".! 'Vui .V""x'pe"!.t ,'m'"'.rs-.;e'.lr.,'r . '' ., ' ' - " p,e .e s.ia nr ell - ei v, nn inc uales alio al lit I lact:-. In iouiii lo wn : On Monday, the lt'.ih (,f Jfav next. at I u'elnek I' M. at ihe pnl.lie h. u-r i I; ti H.-tzel. in ihe hi rmiu-li ol l.t-ivi-hui , at 1 n' elnek. I'. M., a certain tract nt laml sitoaie m U e-l li'iliaim- t'livii-hip and eniinly tf 1'nien. Iiiillii'lril In. rill I'V piltilie. li,. ail. mi the ea-l. s, nth ami west iv lands nf W i II i a in li ii : e. r o n i o i ti i n li acres in., re or less, with fnriner water i'diis. itherenn are ereeie.l a lin-t Mill, a Inline ilvvellii," hell-f, a t-; Mal-le. il well t.f c" 'I tvaier Willi a poiop.Ae ,n!i th, appoiteiiances, as the properly of Vluuks li. SUri'ii r. AI-o at the sr.nie time and plae'e anoiher certain tract of Ian.!, miii.iip in liiot- "'Y t'oinslnp, in the county aforesaid. "ounneo ea-t on a school-lnui-e lot, west hy hinds nf .laenb ISiusaiiiaii, north lv nit'lie ,f":"l and smtili hy I'enns creek, ci ntaoiuii; i ' acres more or less, wlnrenn is erected a IWO'Slnrev In-' linuse and a small slahle. u nl. 'he api'iiitenances, as ihe properly of (.Vnr -e ... 1 J 3 fin mam r. Al-o at tlio fame tune and idaee L. : V. Allirieht's inierest in a certain tract ..f land siniate in While Deer Tp.. and enontt aforesaid, bounded nnrlh by land of the fhef- 1 field Iron I'ntnpany, west by lands lale of H.-nrv 1 1 lull dec'.!., and ..Iher-i south by lands of Ilavid Meinmer and east by lands of (inl enn Iiucher and nihers, coniainm? .0 acres eon lim ner ami nthei ,n;: t7:z. are erected a Four sto ry, a Iwn-.stnrev ilueiline- h iiisp. frame M.ilde, and other our bnildinu-s, wiih the appurtenances, as ihe property of ,! I Albright. JOHN rROsSGROVF, srrijr ! einenii s iiiiiee. I.ewisbitre. April 20. ISafl A Kew Eusiness in Central Fenn. 'Iu tin mblic iniztnrratSi Millintn inparlieulur. '.-U. : .... . i i . - -."j . unue.si.-iieu woiiiii resnect ii v uS ajinli Tin the dwellers in Lewisbuig and W-rfa7 stirrounditiv e.ninilrv. Ilia. il,.. 1,-.,- opened, a a.a .a. af. aa a w. I .-aa aa.lt ca, aatlllll-l-1 Xkl I .1 ( II 1 11 i 11, ,,... will find il lo their advantage to deal wnh us. We intend lo make it a rule lo finish and deliver all work during Ihe week it is received, , provided we get it on or before Tuesday JOHN . M DANIEL A CO. M.i-iin st . Nta.-.,, .;b aoi n.arJ. IV. ,-t.rin. r. March !, le.Vj Lewisbur-r I i;i:..i it i.i in: niiiL sici-in i.Ai'i'jrAr.Tcp.Y. -y-'rs o .:er v'n l l..':- f - ' , v.,,. i ,, !,.,! I ,), :i;r, . . I' :.v-iv'-l ' 1 " ' - r -..i.-'i '-. ii"- n. i.i.s ii : : t'i...;,l. :- --.i'.'' ' "i"ii t'.'iii..' ' ! t r eviv .-.rsu-.e '. M !.-.", . ; i i.i' m.;..! Unir, l yiviiit in n in.-io;,-' i, an J : i e tl;, ir i.i'. I i ex. ill""! ;:l ti tj'.-iti -II. Fiance. A ' li.---, M v.. n. Ki:i'M:i:. Aj.nl I. I -'.: :.'5 ' " " Ktv Hotel i.i IVldr-lxirz- r.-"; 'I II i'. Ml1 -i I IM r w, " ! le-; ' i'LiimV in- l'.rii l..e Tia.e'n.i' Co. I.e. c . ,- a . I . ii ai to- leiieri ai 1 ti.-. .1 u,i tin- jirt :ti - -. i.i lieur:- si Ii, r, to-- e,-i.'r-- i t WAIN STREET. f,!FFLI:E!jF;Q. where he i- 1,1 ; ap-'l . a"e noli ! : -Tai e . rs a:, ! im.m :. : - no i, :.i. 1 i.e..-:--." lb-!,--! in. in. i r. w.ih II ai 1 a-. I L. U.i.-. PI. a-e -. e li.e a ei: A; .l,':.:i IIAUI.;:-- il.'il 'I'l'lilNS .(n,:.::.:.:vv- .:v;r''--.-; ; New il. ll V :'-..- II .: : ''.:.' : - CAI s .: i. SI'. F. . ! F ui Inn '.'; I I:i, i . -.- - 'i h.e,. .. ;.. .. . ..'.- v ". A -. - a - . . UO-. 1 . : la ' -1 -'V '1 I -I.e.- , .: W. I- I. H T MWt I'm i : i -1 . lev. : ::;;::;. C-T, " I - : r l .-, 0. i x ,J 'i v Alt.M.'Ni.-l i;.vi A I oi N .e I . I ' ' . :i!ii: '- , . !:m 'i -. ' ' , ' is.-,.- ia.-'t r.i-. 'I i .-'!' 'F I. W : . 1 , . ; I.i .'. - i -. K. -in i -ii,., -i'1i"t .-.'. - i--' - i... ; . - i. -a 1.- - ' -! . : a a I . -. , .: ..: ti 1 '.. . I I . ol.i'i! '.:;; .1 te. 1 , I- I j. -i.i'i. ;. v. -,.:;'. y . -. - . a ' tt . ' i ; "- "' 'i ' I'ltlwiivl. rrv l.i-. . e,,.v. r;'i :: -: : ... - s . . I i. f ':.. ' ,.iii.'rt!:M . '. i i. ' i .:!-.' ... i. . . I : I'-..- .'., ;;!;.-. t. - i-t'i i.i. i. ii i...; -i:.- .. - ., - - - ' H - : : , , . , : .. . . .- . t x: , , -. ..... F...::i. -- A i : ,-r -.! ". s . -. . . :-.! . .(.:.;;" 1 . . 1 . , ; . T u. ' r il V ' t I I n: i e r- a. I :--.e . :: i. . . .1. ... 'l! !.: I. . Iv..- --. : .Hi." I. An t 'I - i !'!: s M.i:. t t: i I.-: e'.ti- v. I.?S.: .' V le.il.--:.: Iv lo - - - i- I ' :: It.-..-, ,-r. In i ,-r .V :,; . IC? Sx'.LS CR LLiuT! s, T'. n i, ui ni.r. fi; mi: ium - -. L.li M-l.-s ai d Lots, e.'i-i, -. i. : ... i ij. I vv. - 1 . 1 1 1 -; I .e- i ne on . "i ; I. I', hi :ii -: : - . ... one . ii .:. .1 ha l, r s.i ... , , i , . , ol li ' iii'.'te II 11-, - at- lii lo ' i. A!-... pa sii e. t.-or li.n: Li'-; I, -sea North Fit:ii s-n ei. JdilA lit l t.ii'I'i i N, l.ewisli.n Ian. go, .-.;,. A.--M I OR SAIE. f Jill E w.-ll l.-ii. .-.in Tin (in M:;ri:: " - '. I a: liie i a en! , : i:.e l.. ' .Iridl---. l:i riiil.e .iia'j-i,. e.'.i: -:, : . j .. C". It w ill he s, ;ii on rea-.a -I '. ; :'i.- I."l ore , f ; M 1 I.K I.ew.s: -i-g. P. e. 1 1. Is'.--. J. C e- s . ,- -v a. .iy v r .-.t ri-MM: r,-.:.;. .v ,.f .... ' rr 1 M.:-ke: -r,,-t , .I.- F - ., . , -. I,' w i-l III'.'. '.e h- use IS ot Ill.ll I. u t,!.i-:.e i in I'.', M I- - eel. Ti i ::!- tli.e ii...: I.. ;.e j al ! 1 ',. ere, ti -and Ihe fist oi A! it l.exi; I, , l-ala. -: In tf paid in tuo. tin r li-. e veal-, a - n,.: Sllil I'll- bluer. J'es-es-i ii eoen ai-V tltll-'. June ii. is,-,s Isaac wai.tt:i:. i'oi: sali:. 4 HFIslHIlM I:,,,, North Third street. X 2 V. " l.en.g a Halt I. : "1 tii.-nii !. , I.j. a ci.inti riiii ie Tivo-s- , ( V l"i-,ek 11 n-e : ; . - stable, e, . d Will if Waitr.a:..! avanev.l choice Frn". Iii'in.rei.f J. II. MT. At tilll.IN, Acent. ..1 ur-. ,.-,.', r 1: . i- -. tl FCU SAIS. ri-'Iin snb-rnber r- f. r sale ihat large. 1 new. mo '( in I nel. ,!."ihle brick la us,., nearly opposite tl e new Pre-! yienaii chiiu-H. .Tlj.-inin;- ihe residence I Dr. Haw-, 'li.e h.oise is bii'lt in tlie l est stvle, riit-ptoi-f, ai,.i well ..uar-l.-.l .vjain-t foe. A good Utll .1 Water, and isit-in ot' i ever tailing wa'er. Terms made ea- v. and will be known en ap plieain nio ' JONATHAN NEMHT. Lewisburg. Ant:..:. is;,s. FOR. FIENT! rpilt: T O lUMms -cenpifd at pre J seul by a-hiiu-loli I! u'i h,iis,.n as a saloon. They are suiaibie lor ss j l( )L,'S. For 'I'enns apply lo Jan. gj. ls.iK, JOHN It. LINN. BRICK FOUNDRY F03 SALE. l-rT-w- 'i'hf u! crilicrt (V r- I e I ..if w aOs-j'ar:eta Hnt'U Koun-irv al in-" v . iivvij,,n of M;itkrt Mivrt, incfnii- e c-reT-'-:--V .- si tot Warf i in in. t 'liict. Mti.i ii.t MachiiH'iv altr.'!it't!-,ilsii a l.i:t anionnt t I I'.itt. rris It r Pa.n.r V.Jt I r A-i iru); tn .1! M;icht!icrv.S""Vf. Il i rc;iil)'. on' il tlit hest hn'.(!:iM:. . ra ni, ;iit Iiimi.c-s. The Pn-priclor's lime u li.'ilv ci.ci.iNM .i jti ancilicr rii.p'tn ;iic:.t, whu'ti is ilie rta-"n he liesires to diM c-j.' i-l ihi. Kuuntlry. IVr juy further partirnlar, a !.iu"ss Feb. IS.-s 1 it in Co. Pa FO ll S A h K. r?- Half Lot on Market St., rpprite S. Kilter's re-idence, with a ""ml Well ol Wa ter and new Siahie ; very desirable ii r a busi ness stand, er resilience, (or bi.tli combined.) Alsu, "t!: r Lots, si lne Willi and smite wi;h,.tit It.n'itn,:-. JOHN LOfkE. Lewiaburg, (A:. !, .p'i7. ; FP.LEBURGER it Er.O. S o'LI'Il! i,Jj-':: 'i: JliS I'sS'iJL'j i 1HI IMItilM I I AS l-ccn u'.'iibvt'.l I'i llratrr's liruk I I 111 ek. on .V Oh TliiM -Ireet, :m :i--:i -' : r .s : , u !' .'" ibey ate pt. paip-l i,, ,J i i- o : , ol w , a a m li.r:r bee i u li.e ,-Li r;e ii - r -. ti. Irs a -id ir ei't.es from i.ei-.-r.Unn g to -,w, - ao- i.-te.! to. p: i ' ;' I n on, ne our liir:-p s, rt. !:,., : i l I'ii.iiie.s i I the u.ee.l ap;.ruv,J Slt.fj an I !;.- a. A ":' wr.rr.it !. !. Also Slf-ain tl.,:'. ' : ' ' : ' r. .Lewisiiiiri'. A;.r:; i :j NOTICE. 1 I'.. I.. ISilK-n b:i- rein. ied In- B.,1 ;f : :.. :: i. r r-: li -i o M.iri,pi -tre. ;. -. ni'i.l of V. : lint Ana::-' l.-ail'l.;.. fr? I r -. - . " ti.- I' -i Ti.ai.kttsi i. r . j ,. :., s. !,- in j i i,.--r.i a eoL:.nua:,l? x. i:. I .; i, i-.vi. i:. i.. v,:yr.:. V-. ' .! .i d . vnl -:i.n !(- :it In ti:s!.ur?, :-: r-A---3 -Ur:k:i,;r! C '. '-.I : i. -..:! o v. i : :' - ! - ; :.r - ..'.' ,. - r i 1. -a.-' '.r-:. ., . ,r,,--..- . : i" a. I e.ii.s .u I..- in.-.- ia ;. in a:. ! C-r,i.ii'Ki:n Silcj. - " x:. I i. t. i.d :-'.-': i Varkat ii 'i, ! -r :.,- I-' -: . . i . ... , .. - : ' ' ; :.'. A ir- :. -. . '- i.-t-u-:- . : - - I i.t.. ;. ,- . .: ' . s.: ; V, . I. . . I i I - 0 ,1 a: . - I .-. 1 . i.ai.e a j-i i - -.'.. I-' ' F I'UMIl'OWIIIt I ' it : :. . sr ; tt.i n' . ..ill . Yf :: i !'-' ..!'.i'.n.!bt L-:ter : ' - -, . a ::o- i. .i (J' V. I !.!'.'l J .1 .'. . : li i; v : .v ! - i V- :i Vie: -e I!..': a I I I l . I. f i.:. t I ' ;:i..-' . -., n ,:ia i; ::;i; - lo-Ti:n. - ,MI 1.1. C. TATK. ' I ' . - ' : .'. 1 n: o: : -:i.-' r? '.I it.. :tvi i.t l.an. - .- i i r Ma.,..: o ; s, , i, ... a i: , -:t.e- i.trt:s-f - .- . . ;.i. : ; :: j uV.-.l- r -' - v : t i e, i:. cr .. Hit ;'-!i;l.iiislli'.i.i, : . . ii 1 -.: I : r. i. .: "i. h .. ..i"l li ...l:-r: i.. ... K i a. ..i :, . : - :: ;: ... Vir...!, '..i.i -fir II:,! . , i . ie-1 i. i . : . .. I. i.., i... ii- - V- ; . sarliii.-. . '-::. t. ...... s ....n.1 i : - . I 'i - M n'.ti. , .urn-, ' . i .:1 ".' If I. si. 1 al, I : - - z Irui mi .H- , .. :... r l.ti. o: i, a- ...oil, ' -I lev, ii'liT-:, '. k ' I '..: nr- o ti':.- i.e: fk . - -i f j - i '. - r- I i -TI.ll.JJ : i.r;-i. la.-. .: - t- in il..-h.' I ; Ii T- t J..;:v i. lai! IS -. ' 1 '' V . i.' ;i . ii I r : fi '- , .:..:- .;;.;, ; - r m ir l n .'. . - ui-. i. i 1,. r . f i .hi-. I i : t ' - . t r-: .'t,r m- - . ; r -! . I . r .-, , . - - . . : ' -i i : t I tl. r L. - :.. - -A y,i m 'iHi-v! . il liu:.1..4.-eL.-:- - .u fi-ir I L.rwt.rt.. 1 1 : ' ... I t :. , .. i- Of nt ,-ii. I " I-.v.- I'. ; iiiiiiire at .: ..' . ; ..;;. I. . .-. I t j i.'U-atUig i-a,.-i .f I ;. -t.r to.. JuJr i. I-W. - '- I i it- ! H-!t it .li-rs f v. I .;,.-. ' . 1 i. ' :i t t in. - - j ,i. . r : - - I ti i . tii.i t . , ; .- i- I w r t f -ii V o ' i .. I ..-..!..:. b IT li.- .1 . -tv.- - -! ,t ! r- I . h - it r--- - r ! i i i li. II.. I: .. i ti,-- ii. I .i : I: v . w:- -' r 1.. -;. :ii. i v .r '. ii- : 1 ; i t i ii V t !: im i ; TT I.- I 1 1 t .i r .,r! t .." M i . I I S t ! -N it i .-.- n i it. - I- : i.r-ii.--- ...-- ,-r, . r- ii.I I i .ii.ii t. . i. a -' :.TS. -I j - -"lit- irt-uVr l;T;i.:.;: a .a-": ' 1 ' ' 1- !" '.I! r r "I I;i.-,!l !t..'. J. 1- .i.i.;. tV ti. A ' - I. j- I ut.-ti i. ut.tv. HOUSE BUILDERS, rjtAKi: NOTICE ! Tlie ui.de, -:;:.: '. a: J app. in-;',! A-e, ,;s i...- i.it- .-a e , i a-i:tux. i:;:-!!.;- n iiuimt misu . i a.i s., -. r.la. e of ll-,e l est !,,., -. ,.li. " w- r w .ii4i.tr.!. : ,.' M.i'!e!-vl..i:.sFK',IT. II :: ie -l il.e. Pa. an ! f t -.,',- i v F s CALDWELL, ! Lett -' - ' AT A r.AIU.AlN! HlXThe sul-oni-r has mi U-.! -ae-nio v i:ii-.-g;i-s. t.l-rh h oiler a: a i ate.i'ii 1, r l ii-i! . r w i.i Lxiha-'S l.r a e, ,, 1 ht'U.-sE. tall . . :i ,r tit i -s il. il. F. iit Ii"'1'' at .r.' ... ::.. . - it if a1, -e:tt. inquire .,! W. II. liiio-i. at lirou ii. ,lr. store. Lew i-bur:;. Fel'. HARD TIMES! A a ' 11 V dell'l loll -t .l cln aiei ' ' ' Vi eneaper" ve: ? V hv. ! an i-. s.-i:::g m;ivhm.iv khi. f.r : .'.;.'i -r ii .... according lo .u.i.itv r-at a t r - r's ei t-,!;i : ihose ai e ihe ptoes I, r cs-a or emuoiv pi."!tue. I w. II sell Iv the M !...:-! i r I v il.e t. n, ai.,1 .Irltv.-r at a'iv T'iC.e t. -::..a ti e I . ri iil'h Ii:n.'t. llav.eg e -r'' -.nil -aeulit W.I! be "ll'll. "' ,'. :-...-.. ..... an : ;..;....... re c !'. :. ,'! j-iirposes. V...-.I tu W'.ur s:r,- l.e ,r '' e: ,-r: ..nil's in Tel. Lew is: :;. M ,y .-yl C. HOI.STEIN' I l,I..'.s ii.K and .s.i T rh-ap :..r e.i-a I .- liEO. IUiI.sTELN 1) Miii I'..-An ".-ellcrt S vcr I.llVEi: W A1TJ1 i.r sai-at oai -.no - -ao-t g... Iioinre of A E. l'.l-Nor.MANl'IE. Lew;sbitr; H( VM. Family Klr;i WW t ' U heat -.t;l It -very C.W 1, r -ale by en ivrt i:l tv ,:,:,l i' - . .... i-e lir.-. A t.laik Lace l 1.11.. a o " iiia: s - ve.-. The finder is r.,i'i.'M " ' -.jit il ui i'.,e Chronicle ell.ee. i.-' M..IIU '-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers