UIII1 II 11 Ml Mill IIS ffliil BY 0. N. WOKDEN AND J. Ii. COKXELIUS. At S-1.50 per Year, always. In Advance. I'nionl'ountyStar&LewisbursChronicle AX lrtPi:XDKM f AMl.T SEWSPAPER, IM'oJ Frif'ytit Ij'irUbunj) Union Co. Fa. 7KU '". "." pr v.-nr, t ue run is ArfTi?rrr aM Kt tilt- f-inii- r.t'' f -T Kiii;i-r r Plinrtt-r p--rii. Thus, f'J ; rtji will vuv for four nmtxli-t, rt for ix month. 1 dol. for fiiiht m.'nths- lor ixtvu uiontlio, ;t tiol.!'r two j i I" l"Ur V)-H'- ttlli- J r;r. f ill I.T ti'll tit) h' w.-nr. A- ii''iili l-v nvul (? i t 1. " Hill'. "I" luhk Il"t' at 1 . t- It jr.-! at tit- ttili . (-U"'f. t 'T vln.-li ( : ""r I'lliJ, .ii.- iit' . nut; it i r-'-'lThli. I-.. hi. i (.ui-li-li' -i. at .'tft rt.a . r ii ;i!'!r iu-t-rli'm. " "! f r m. . Unit ,t ti .r- -" H. 1i ct. -- 1 .'ti.i.iM,"..'.). ! rviiaut. (tit. Il . . v-r ..in'-f iir!'. "l a r-..tuitiii. 1' 'if!. T fr. iMh.-r iz A-, h- ui-iv ti- MLrr.-i I nj 'ni. A e jurm- i- I J Iitii-f t iu i4ii t t i-4. or it. f! u- it iar.1T. A iv.-ri-!m-nt" ol a Ct'iti'.m lining l.-i..iV-iy. an 1 tArz- ruts, n-t iiltiiitlt'i". Comnidmt-tj.nis .-t:-- i on l"t;.u-. ..t ji-iiitI iutiTt ind h.t'kii i .ill -1 i i hf r.t--: n u:iiii an I ivlilri"-. Tii4- M l' i 1 1' I'KI.'-'i i: I'll is b-i-jtl- d in tin tllifi ftll .Vj-'Cr"Mi(.h lil'h e OtlrU la.-st-rl IWrUailt Tt-w- tu airatic-. f U. t'l.iUi. U:ls. 4iin't-l ;iii t'i.- ir4- itniv' mtiriT fr mnt Jttii.i-i.i JOB I'MNllNa, w'.i. h wnl --.x-'iiUti with br ill)-- rtu I !t-'i iti li ;.t.ii "ii ri'HMnialiEr ti rni". tt.t'-ml A-lvt-rl i -iti.-it to I r.id tot bfU liautl'il tlltUjJi'D W-Ti M lull 'Iflnt-nil. j A 1.1. liM.LS M E f Hlil-Sr-fT'TM-f. j 00v Fn,'i;i'Q M;trn 't S-iUitriMi-irih -i.I.'.ifmnrl itnr-y Wiirdrn i 4ornrlln. Union CountyojirtM. ,ili:Ki:.s,ihe H..11.AUM s. Ml l.st J.N, ( f I'r.'-ulfiit Juiie fur llie itnh Judicial j IliMrict of lt'nnylvania, cninped ol' Ihe j couuIk"! of I'm".!. .Milllm and iSnyder, and j t . . I.1 ni.l I W Si wn-riii K ... A K.i I ciaieJud'Min i:.ii.n comitv, have issued iheir j 111 "J'1V1" -leininscr ana ea oy ia.ui.-. ui iu prerei.i. I.earinj dale tlie imh day of Keb'y, ! Bucher and olhers, cnniaining 2(1 acres l-.-.i and to me directed. f..r the hiddins; of an j "'" r less, whereon are erected a Kour slo- Orphans' i 'oiirt. Court of Common l'leas Oyer and Terminer, and (ieneral Quarter Sessions, ai I.EM Islll'KO. for the county of C.NIOX, on ihe TI1IU1I MO.NKAV of MAY (hems the Hi h .1.1 v) !'!. and to continue one week, .V'lire is therefore hereby iven to the Cor fioT. Jtisiices of the I'.'ace and Constables in an I for the county of I'nion.to appear in their ci vil proper persons with their records, lmpir sit:. m. examinations and othr'r remembrances to do those thiu;s which of their oilices and in ' tiu'ir behalf an per; a in to be done : and all it- iKses and other persons prosecuiiii in In half of liie (.'oiniiiotiwealih against any person or persons, are required to be llo'n and there atl-nding, and not ib'pnrt w ithout leave at their renl. Jur.'rs are requested to be punctual in tio'ir attendance at the appointed tune agreea ble to notire. IJiven under mv hand and seal at the her itl 's Oilice in l.ewisburg. the 1 1th day of A roii, in the ve;ir of our Lord o:'e thousand er.'lit hundred aiH fifiy-nine. and the eishty lirl yar ol the Indepen deuce of the l ulled : ite ot' Ain.'ro-a. t"d save ihe Common wealth! JOHN CKO-stiKOVh'.sherur Grand Jurors lor Kay Sessions, 1859. i..ri li 'i.j Menrh, Henry Orwig, Steward Heed. S.linuel tirove H iJ..tir J.i.-ob Oi.nkel. Peter Miller, Eman'l r,.nliu. I'.dvurd l'l;ct Jlirll'l'm Frank biier Umf-tnn' Lewis :elmti1, 8:mnn Murry .Cor nelius bellman. Jiio Kmkert, Jos.f'hambt rs. MV Huff.ihili'hn Bechtel, Levi Shoemaker, Sdmuel Voung Hiirthy Thomas M'Curdy Cuion Jesse Heaver AWy l'aul Ueddes V.'.i.( lltiffil'" John Oundy UAiO lUtr Ambrose Henderson Lewiaburg Allen Siioemaker, Kob't Musser Trtti'trte Juror. While Per Samuel Berkheimer, Chas Dicf fenderfer. I rbanns Kanek Hufiir John llniner. A lam Yonni. Francis Wilson, Andrew Kuhle, Michael Dunkel, John Clemens .Wi'fcrj; llenjamin Haus, J.iseph Hoop J.-.. aniiiel Kuouer. John Howard, Jacob Broucher. saniuel Swenile IstrUlmrs. .V. U'. Solomon Kilter.Thompson Evans' Reuben Snyder. Joseph L. Hawn, 'has I) Kline, Joseph Derr, James Hayes, William I'oeth. Peter Hursh Mt Buff'il'ie Philip Sipley, Wm Beachler, Enoch Kaiitfman. Hen Hauck.Th Harbison Hirtlrtn Joseph Sampsel, 1 V Glover, Juhn F Wilson, Daniel Long Hiirtlry James K'eed. Lot M'Michael Krw Hrrlin Abraham Se.hoch.Chas D Roush John Siyers. George M" Haunt r.i. Charles C'awley, Charles Slear Ay Peter .Newman l.immtimr Joseph Seebnld. Henry Moyer Istrirlmrg. S. ft'. Jesse Srhreyer l.ia lluffaLtVM-A Smith, Wm L Harris Issue List for Way Torn, 1859. T Church cV Co vs Solomon Moyer I'.tvid Fisher vs Jonathan Diellenderfer II uns'cker for Church vs Jos D Forrey Thos Church vs same li' iiben Stening-r vs Alfred Kneass Weiler & Ellis vs J;din Leier and Wife Piiilip Seebold el al vs Uetihen Oldt ct al I' O Campbell et al vs Teed V Marr l.udwig & Ranek vs Isaac lianck's Ex's gar David Sten.nser vs Win, H Marr Francis Krick vs Alexander Ammons Daniel Rangier vs John Lapp MA- DM'eidensaul fr Shirk vs 1'harchAForrey Levi K Shoch, deed's admrs vs J Vearzer L Palmer indorsee of J F Jjinn vs O R Vorse same vs 2 others Martin G Ree.l, a minor, Ac vs C Dreisbach James Kussell vs Jacob Dtinkle Christian Barich vs Daniel Reiner same same John Kessler vs (iediles, Marsh Si Co Philip SeeboH vs Peter Heaver et al Isaac Walter &c vs Jesse Schrever Trustees M E rh at MilTlinbg vs J M Kleckner A brain and John Aurand vs Chas F Schaflle Martin Reed Ac vs John Roland George Meixel vs Leib & Leib John Mover & wife same Laac K Dunkle vs Henry Ruhle Daniel Rengler Jr vs Chamberlin & Stmt M m Jones, ind Jn Locke vs Jn Locke ind Abrain Wolfe vs Heaver Ged M Ai Co Ket.er A Musser vs corporation University II M M'hitmer vs Jacob Kloss Samuel H Orwig vs HenrvM' Cretzer I. Beck vs Deitrick & Sheckler harles Hunter vs Saml Shirk K-ish & ltish vs Peter Reish's Adm'rs Chas K Cntz vs Wm II Shriner David Feiter by his father vs Jacob Hartman Saml L fieck vs Charles Stces Juhn Marty vs John Bartly same vs 4 others Tins G Orwig for S Orwig vs J M C Ranck s. . :s Presby'u Church vs John M'Call I r.il (i.'ver vs Aaron Smith m K uiifnati vs Peter KauiTman Admr J 't..l, Swartz vs Conrad Blind and wile M'lVty Tate vs R S lircbst I a in Kas-r's A.lmr's vs Ammons & Rawn v' Prick A Co vs Wm Wolfe ' ms E.nn vs S F - W S Bogenreif in VanlSezer rs I II K .benold "ivid Gin k vs S.nnl S B irber ' 'lin A K.-ed vs Samuel s Barton "-nrv M.in-rer vs John Maize 'iniip R., vs Franc i-' Wilson snu,. B Pawling Vs Simuel Showers et al l lleswanh Kerus i Co vs Chs H Shriner "fedenek Wi.rman vs Jacob Smith ' lin M'enz vs Peter Nevins et al J"nnel W Snodgrass vs Wm Young Jr lli for i4ieliu' A 1 nrs vs Geo Dreisbach A'.riham Ulaek vs Andrew Spitler ''" rge B.rkJoll vs H W Crotzer J ''lurch A Co vs Wm II Kleckner -nutl Lung anJ wife vs Jascj.h Kleckner SHERIFF'S SALES. T)Y virtue pf sundry writs of Ven. f.x. and I i. Ka. issued nut of the Court ol Com mon Pleas, county of Union, and to me di recteJ, will be exposed to public Mile or out cry, on llie dates and at llie places, following, to wit t On MomLiy, tlic K'.lli of May lioxf, ai I o'clock I' M, at the puMic house rf K it Hi'Izl'I. in the hoi'oiii:li of I.evi-hnr, at I "' e .M-k. I'. M., a eeiiain trai t ot land situaie in MVt ISii'l'.iloc towii!up and counly ot I nion, houiKltd norih by puhlic loiad. on the east, N4.ii tli anil west by lands of William l.ule, ci'maiuim: acres more or less, wiih former w;i!cr riithis, whereon are erected a Urist Mill, a liame dwelling house, a lo stiible, a wi ll of s"''d water with a pump, Ac , w ith the appinteiiaiices. as the pri'periy of i'harics it. Shriitrr. Also at the same time ami place another certain tract of land, situate in Hart ley township, in the county atoresaul, bounded eat on a school-house lot, west by lands of Jacob Hincaman, north by public Koad and south by I'eniis creek, containing 2 acres more or less, whereon is erected a two storey log house and a small stable, with the appurtenances, as the property of Uuurr. Sltufiitiiktr. A l.-o at the Fame time and jilaee L. F. Albrichl's interest in a certain tract of land simaie in While Deer 'J'p- anQ" county afoiesaid. bounded north by laud of ihe tshef fiehl Iron Company, west by lands late of Henry High dee'd., and others, south by lands rey Woollen Factory, a two-storey dwelling house, fi ame stable, and other out buiMinss, with the appurtenances, as the properly of L. F. Albright. JOHX CROSSOROVE, fhrriff Sheriff's Ollice, I.ewisbur?, April 20, 18.r9 Applications for Tavern License. I Notice is hereby civen, that the following I persons have filed their petitions for Tavern I License with the Clerk of the Court of liuar-1 ter Sessions of the Peace of I'nion County, and that said petitions will be presented to : the .Indites of said court, at a court of Quarter i Sessions ol the J eace, al l.ewisburg, oii.Mon day the IMh day of May next. Arrmc.i if j'plirants. Hrsittncr. M':!liatn L. R ltcr New Columbia. Ann 4 Si mer J.oias Fisher l'hilip ll.n-r Priscilla Sechler Clmries t'r. tzer W itliain loin ll' Will, am M , lie Jonathan Hoch David Stitzer E. C. Moore Gideon Biehl (ieorge Kreisher Peter M'ehr Henry Gibson Charles 1). Cox A. J. M'enlnsaitl It. G. Heizel Samuel II. mm .!. White Deer Mills Wesi Bullalue do Midlinburg .1.. Hanleu-n Borough do Hartley Township do East Bullaloe do Limestone I'nion Lewisb'g.North Vard. do do New Berlin do Michael Kleckner Martin Rudy April26,ISjS Buffaloe SAMUEL ROUSH, Clerk. Trustee and Assignee Accounts. "V'OTICE is hereby given that the follow- X i ing Trustee and Assignee Accounts i have been filed in the Prolhoiiotary's Oilice of ; Union county, and that th same accounts 1 will be presented to the Judges ol the eourl of ( Common Pleas of said ennty. at a Court to be held at Lewisburf, on Friday the Smlt day , of May next, for confirmation and allowance, j All persons interested will please take notice. ! The account of John Bechtol. commiliee of Murgnrrt Taylor, a Lunatic, of M'est Bullaloe township. The account of John V. Barber, Assignee of Janu U.V-hnmUrrlin, of Bntfaloe township. The account of Thomas Reber, Assignee of llmry V. J'ViVii, of Lewisburg. SAMUEL ROUSH, Trolhon Prothontary's OHice, Lewisburg, April l'J.'flS i REGISTER'S NOTICE. "VfOTIt'E is hereby given to all con- X cerned,ihat the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Oilice at Lewisburg, Union county, and that the said accounts will be presented for confir mation and allowance at the Orphans Court, to be held at LEWISBURG, for the county of Union, on the third Friday of MAY next, being the !iOth day of said month, viz: 1 The acount of Thomas Taylor, Admin istrator of Ahngarrt Taylor, late of M'est Buf iatoe township, deceased. 2 The account of John Frederick, Admin istrator of (itorgc Frederick, laic of Uullaloe Tp., de'd. 3 The account of Abraham Martz, Execu tor of the last will and testament of John Martz, late of Hartley Tp,dc'd. 4 The account of Samuel Yoder, Guardian of Anna Amtia Yuiter, a minor child of Mrs. Lucy Ann Voder, lale of White DeerTp.,dc.'d. 5 The account of Thomas Cronmiller. Ex ecutor of the las', will and testament of Mtiria Ocioch, late of the borough of M itllin burg. de'd. fi The account of James F. Linn, one of the Executors of Alexander ilruham, laie of Lewisburg, de'd. 7 The account of James F Linn, Guardi an of l'.phraim Sjiutln, a minor child of Han nah Spotts, de'd. 8 The account of James F. Linn Guardi an of Dan Cnlwetl, Uriah S. i'ulwell, Alfred Cnlwfll and John Cutwrlt, minor children ol James Calwell, late of White Deer Tp., de'd. 9 The account of James Merrill Linn, Administrator of Samuel 'Strickland, late of Lewisburg, de'd. 10 The account of Susan B. tinier and Andrew Forsythe, Administrators of Ihe Es tate of John fc'mVr, late of Union Tp, de'd. 11 The account of Henry Noll, Adminis trator of Benjamin Shoemaker, late of BuHalue Tp , de'd. 12 The accounts of Samuel Spoils and Samuel Bickle, Executors of Jmeih Sjuilts, laie of Kelly Tp., de'd. 13 The account of Jacob Broucher, Ad ministrator of Ihe estate of Aunry Katherman, late of Hartley Tp, de'd. U The account of John Reber and Fred erick Bo'eiider, Executors of Ihe last will and testament of Juhn Stees, late of Limestone Tp, de'd. IS The Account of George Kleckner, Ad ministrator of the estate of Ceorge kleckner, late of Hartley Tp, de'd. GEORGE MERRILL, Register. Register's Office, Lewisburg, April 21), lCSS- lrket Honks andotherarticlcs I that kind on hand or to order by Ihe .ewisburg Bookbinder, CH: STA1IL m V TVTTTVJ ( Justices and Ji IN JYiO Conslables, for sale or printed to order, at the Chronicle Oilice To Oimtable) Conrt Reruns and other tuHi sold al llie Chrrnnr'e tlflic s CHf MIL ORDERS neatlv printed and It-r saie at the Chromclt Glee I LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1859. Congressional Extravagance. The figures re rather star tli tig. Three Thousand dollars a year, with mileage, and the franking privilege, does not seem to be an inordinate price for tho highest legislative labor. Yet when wo come to ! multiply the pay, mileage and franking privilege of a single member by 300 (the number of member in both Houses) and find the cum total fonts up Fiec ilillluiu, l.'ihi-Tlire Tli'iitmnd Five Ifumlretl ami I'ututy-Thrce Dullnn, tho revelation is rather startling. Hut thero is a way of looking at this subject, which is not only 6tartling, but astounding. Divide S5,0S!, 53 by 300, ue have, as "the anuual cost of a Member of ( 'nngress, the snug little sum of 510,901,05," which xarather com fortable. l!ut is it not our business to make, our great men comfortable? Sure ly it is. Yet the question is asked, 'How does all this money go 7" Deduct tho 53,000 which the Congressman pock ets from $10, Dot, 05, there remain nearly 814,000. What becomes of it 7 It ap pears that this $14,000 per member is spent in "contingencies," a term not very intelligible until translated into such words as "correspondence, post offices, postmasters, pages, clerks, managers, wri ting paper, horses, police, newspapers, carryalls, hacks, souir, documents, bufla-lo-combs, bindiog, toilet soap, fuel, mir rors, oil, Telvet carpets, folding, looking glasses, black kid gloves, and miscellane ous." Altogether, it will be seen, at least we hajie it will be seen, that with I the aid of the items above given, added ' to "miscellaneous," tho $14,000 which ; each Uoncres'sman does not exactly pock- fc ., , , . , ' . . et, may easily tie iritterec away, abu why not? Will any patriotic and sensi ble citizen dare, in this free and enlight ened country, to affirm that $ 14,000 is t. . 1 ;n w..,ttfi.i tlia too ,Uucu iU ' ' iamj. fJrbiJJca traffic. His testimony was sup tastes of a Congressman ? e trust net. f ....:..M,.i,.i ..... , ... 1.1 ..... ! ? IV, ' . , i tuev uesire iue assutiioitu bwuuw w . gather together in a hovel iastead of tbo marble capitol ? to squat like Indians on tho bare ground, and not eit upon chairs costing $S5 apiece ? to look at their faces in a pail of water, instead of a French mirror worth S1000 ? never to comb their heads, nor wash their faces ? never ride on horseback, nor in a wheeled vehicle ? to look out of a bole in the wall, instead of a window costing $17,000? to crawl up a ladder, instead of a magnificent staircase of polished Tennessee marble ? to enter a door of unplaued boards instead of a glorious aperture valued at $15,000? Nay, verily. "The people can not wish this. They desire decency in all things, but profuse, wanton, wild, imperial ex travagance they do not desire, and they will not countenance." This may be so, but we beg leave to remind them that in an unusual, nay an extraordinary age like the present, it would be unwise as well as useless to attempt to hamper the towering and luxurious inclinations of s Congress man with the narrow-minded notions of economy which prevailed in the earlier, and as some will persist in affirming, the better days of the Republic. What I re call a gentleman home to plain meat and bread, and honest, hard, every-day work, simply because be indulges in French plate mirrors, volvet carpets, Dronzc doors, carryalls, and a most inardiuate quantity of snuff Scoteh snuff, JIaccaboy snuff, Martinique snuff, and American Gentle man's snuff eighteen bottles and thirteen pounds of snuff ! Recall a gentleman for this? And send a plain, upright man in his stead? 1'rcposterous ! Ixdtimore American. A Warning to Boys. John Capio, who was shot in a fire man's riot in Philadelphia, died of his wounds on Wednesday week, at the age of 27. His father was Joseph Capie, an Englishman by birth, who at one time held a responsible position in the British navy. He afterwards made his home in Philadelphia, and married Miss Maria Ervin, of Southwark. They bad several children, who were brought up in the old district of Southwark. Capt, Capie en gaged in the merchant service, and was lost off the Cape of Good Hope, leaving his wife with several yoang children to enpport. Mrs. Capie made every effort to rear her family respectably. John re ceived a fair education ; but when quite a youth became associated with a rowdy fire company, and acquired very vicious hab its. About six years ago, while on a de bauch, he wantonly murdered an inoffen sive man, named Christopher Soohan, for which be was convicted and sentenced to be hanged, but was pardoned about eight een months ago. When he first came out of prison, he made a feeble attempt to mend his life, but soon fell into bia old habits, and mingled with his old associates. His story is fraught with warning against the perils of bad company and the use of ardent Bpirits. John Thompson, charged with shooting the deceased, is at large. Rev. Howard Malcom, P. D., has re fused an offer of 3,000 dollars from a Southern publishing house, to strike out of bis Rible Dictionary some allusion to the d.ffurcuce between Hebrew servitude and Anglican s'uvory. M A Y...By Leigh Hunt. There is May in books for ever j May will pan from Spenser never; May's in Milton, May's in Prior. May's in Chaucer, Thompson, Dyer; May's in all the Italian books; She has old and modern nooks, Where she sleeps with nymphs and elves In happv places they call shelves. And will rise and dress your rooms Willi a drapery thick with blooms. Come, ye rains, then, if you will. May's at home, and with me still ; Hut come, rather thou, good weather! And find us in the I'obU together. Two Cases Contrasted. The tendency of the government of this Republic, was Dcrer more faithfully illus trated than in two recent trials one at Charleston, the other at Cleveland one, the trial of a gang of desperadoes and cut throats, who were engaged in reducing a cargo of innocent men to slavery ; and the other, the trial of one of twenty or more Christians for assisting ono enslaved man to regain the freedum of which he had been robbed. In the first, there is no doubt that the charge unwillingly urged by the Government against the crew and officers of the schooner Echo, was fully sustained. The Captain of the U. S. ISrig Dolphin, by whom the Echo was captured, was on the stand as witness, lie testified pointedly as to the arrest of the prisoners on the high seas ; to the feet that they had a cargo of half starved Africans on board ; that the marked chart on the vessel showed their track from the coast where their slaves were shipped, to the spot where the eaptura was made ; that the blacks were in irons and in the hold ; and that the outfit of the vessel, , the nature of her cargo, the admissions of her crew, and the story of tho slaves, left no doubt that the Echo was a slave trader, and that the prisoners were willingly, 1rm-itt n n A nri t n n I 1 It i ("1 r a I in film 1 6 J " J fa 6 po.t.u u iavi "'". -...-l-v.v-w- veracity. The identity of the men, men, and . the facts charsed in the indictment, were ! .l.,rlv nM.A,l.n lar1 fltat t '(, .1 l! - V.V.tl . U . W U mv .tb.ttjf ..... ..v fence offered no rebutting evidence what ever. The attorneys for the accused knew what tbey were doing, and that they ' might depeud upon the indisposition of i the Government to convict. The case went to the Jury, and that body, sworn to ' act according to the law and the testimony, ! hesited only to make a show of delibera tion before they returned with the verdict of Not Guilty I There is not a boy in the streets of Charleston who does not know that the finding in the case was a lie; and that an outrage has been inflicted upon law and justice. The other case, is that of tho Oberlin rescuers. The "man John," an escaped Kentucky chattel, was arrested in Ohio by a slave catcher, who does his dirty bu siness on shares. The arrest was on a warrant issued by an officer who had no Jurisdiction in the dittrict, and of course, tens icilhoul legality ; but the Marsual re fused to give the prisoner up. An ex citement arose among the free men of the neighborhood, that so shameless a thing should be ; and, without violence or in timidation, they terrified the cowardly of ficials so much that they suffered John to escape. The rescuers were lately indict ed. One of them has just been tried by a Democratic court, and an exclusively Democratic jury ; though the testimony was lame and inconclusive, the Govern ment had made such extraordinary exer tions that a speedy conviction was had, and bo is sentenced U a fine of a thou sand dollars, or a year in the Penitentia ry! Twenty others not pirates, cut throats, slave-traders, but men of charac ter for integrity and virtue are in prison awaiting a similar trial and a similar sen tence 1 And yet, we hear from no Democratic journal a word of condemnation for the proceedings in either case. Editors and orators are sending up jubilant shouts iu consequence of the "vindication of law" in Ohio, but we havo yet to know that they bava uttered a murmur at tbe defi ance of law in South Carolina. Tbe same power that ctupanoelled the jury by which a crew of pirates were turned loose and invited to repeat their crimes, held the key to the jury box in which sat the men who have punished the lovers of freedom, in Oberlin, with tbe extremcst penalty of the law I That power is the Federal Gov ernment, wielded by James Buchanan, ir j .i .f i. i.A . u i 1 lie auu luc piirijr ui wuivu ub jd i.u uu must be held responsible for verdicts like these. Let the people know that iu this era of tho Republic, the slave-trade is no crime ; but those who laugh and shout in approbation of the act, when an escaped slave is recovered into the clutches of the boand by whom bo is pursued for a price, shall feci that slavery reaches with a long arm and sharp talons into the heart of ev ery Free State. The trials of which we speak, will have widely different results. South Carolina will become more blindly and criminally devoted to the Sham Democ racy which yields to all her demands. But we shall be mistaken if Ohio and her freemen do not speak in trumpet toues in reprobation of that Democracy which docs not hesitate io outraging all tiit tlej hold dcit ! Detroit TriLune. Colonization Herald for Kay. This No. has a portrait of Fbancis BuRNEfl, the new M. E. Bishop to Libe ria, and an interesting account of tbe life and labors of that noble, gifted, tried, and useful man. A bill for preventing and punishing the selling of liquor to slaves has pasfed both Houses of the Louisiana Legislature, and will become a law. Would it not be a good thing to extend the law to white f.jlks to all slaves to intemperance,actual or possible ? One-eighth of the colored peoplo in the United States arc communicants in vari ous churches as follows : Methodist, 217,f.00 Baptist, 1!I3,0!H) Presbyterian, 21 ,":.' Other churches, 10,000 Total, 442,225 At the January term of the Supreme Cbnrt of Alabama, it was decided that a man whose great-grandmother was the daughter of a mulatto by a negrcss, is not a competent witness against a whit per son, although his father, maternal grand father, and great-grandfather were white men. The Southern Prethyturian gives an in teresting account of the dedication of Zion Church, Charleston, S. C, a very large new house of worship just erected, chiefly for the use of the colored people. Mr. Girardeau, one of the ablest and most popular preachers in the South, is the pastor. Rev. Dri. Smyth, Adger, Kirk patrick, and other ministers were present, and took part in the exercises. The con gregation varies from 2,500 to 3,000. Jeffrey Droin, who died recently in St. Joseph, Mo., in his 5Sth year, waj one of the "lions" of the West. The St. Joseph (Mo.) Gazette says he was born in St. Louis, (a slave of Joseph Robidoux, Sr., founder of St. Joseph,) and passed nearly the whole of his early life with the Indian tribes, became an expert trader, and real ized sufficient means to purchase bis free dom in 1835. lie was then employed as the Government interpreter for many years. In 1344 he accompanied a num ber of Iowa and Sas and Fn Indian chiefs to Europe. His interpretation of their languages was so clear and intelli gent that ho not only made a favorable impression upon the dignitaries of the foteign courts at which they were received, but, it is said, fascinated a lady of high title. D israeli and ether literati showed him marked attention. lie spoke French as fluently as he did English, or dozen Indian tongues, with which he was fami liar, lie left a wife and children, and several thousand dollars worth of property. He purchased bis wife some time ago. Johnson, Turpin Si Dunbar, a linn of colored men in New York, have bought the ship Alcndi, which is intended as a regular trader between that city and Li beria. A King in Abyssinia has recently be come a convert to Popery. He has some three million snbjects,"blaek but comely," of noble, athletic, Grecian forms. They hold slaves, bnt can not be themselves enslaved. x The New Castle (O. S.) Fresbytery re cently ordained three colored students, from tho Ashmun Institute, as missiona ries to Liberia, to connect themselves with the Presbytery of Western Africa. The Texas Outrage. Our Western exchanges all comment indignantly upon the outrage committed in Texas upon Bishop Janes and the Tex as Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It was one of those incidents which, in themselves, portray better than any language can, the wickeduess of Sla very and its utter disregard of tho rights of thoso who eomo in conflict with it. The Christian Advocate, of St. Louie, uses, in this connection, tho following strong language : "Has it come to this, that in our great, free and glerious country, a Bishop of our church is to be arrested whilo cos ducting diviue service, by a worthless mob of Border Rulfiaus, led en by the Church South, and oar ministers required to aban don their work ? This is not a question of mere JioWism, or local interest. It is a qaestion in which are involved the principles of civil and religions liberty. We assert and maintain the doctrine that we have the right to ga into any Stale or Territory, North or South, and preach the Gospel, and administer our Discipline, without 'let or hindrance.' We hope our brethren in Texas will stand by the church. They have our sympathy and prayers; we know what it is to pass through tbe fiery ordeal tbey arc called to expeneoce. Tbe oonflict in reality is not with the citizens of Texas, but with tbe Church South. That church is banished on the arena of fair argumentative con flicts. The decisive proof of this position is. she has to have recourse to physical force pistols and bowie-knives. The Church South, after this Bonbam affair, can not say, 'The weapons of our warfare are of ettrnal.' Wo hope our brethren throughout tho chureh will pray for the brethren on our border work. It is a try ing time. Our trust is in God the God of our fathers, the siine God that sustain ed them during persecution and death, while engaged in planting our beloved Meihodisui m this laud. This is the hour of suffering, but Ihe dy of triumph is not for ditUut." CITROXICLE-E.-iTAnLisiiEu, 1S4.T-Tv"iini.r, No., FANNY S BARN-YARD SONG. rhick?! clWky! chirk'oh" rm .;tirrt " From hit lit'iV ftn:rr rrumt yctt m f-h-k. juak! "luake T quakel J the Ukf, Autl the durk shake tbi-irUiU a elWt Ultlr bk- t(u.irk ! qunck ! r,iirk " ry ttn 'ti tu i-ln- k , Ami they "plit tbvir throat aw th-y nw. r itiii-kt iVvk a dou-llf il-.; tVr a ln-nltli t jr u I Ati'l t!it nnvttr bow to Hit ft latin r-l r . Clink! cluck! Huk? 1 wi-h j.u niu. h ! k, j Jjijn. a inolhi-rly h-a tu a wttini; lu'k. I'-! -.! )M-!oh! pray wait for nif ! ' ?ac tli- turkey bpixnt a i.ftin a an j t;lMv tut Mi-! jroliMv! my pli'.iii m a l."MI- Sa-tln- tr iiltiiiu n k witli an ujU l.iMt-. I'.'t ra- k! t ra k ! I ll 'jiiit u- h a k. Sun tbe iuin-a I'vu a itlw V-it tlo frsvk. 'Tunt pf-r m um-, ix-fienii a Dil'l-- lEfewn-, To aaiutltlif ruttV wayri"l fowl what t It-i-t-; Tb-n hiioiiitf aJouJ t t!n w-tilWiii rrJ, l-'hc w.-Mi-1'ff aay iiit- lmj nj pr-m-1. Now tin- H-.Mt"-k tri-, with hm hun-l rt-l Tu a.-tomtli ami -w, but lb nbaiit:hai rif. Ami cl.'ariiijj their thmmlit, H tlif ir f-bort titt-l cf-mts. Whilf tlir - r tin- barn-jmnl of .-r.rn anil .tp; T h.-n the 1'nIanJ tli-k. with hifliomh in a tuvk, liitr a foreign twirl to bio tent tail curl ; While a biiutam rwt ll ;:- on tif-tuc a H T'. i-Mtirt for ft while a ''orb in K-lli'. Tb.'ti th.-y . klf aii-1 -P', linn, f.iM-N- ani binw. And all n-k at one. N th ln.h :ir-l !. Hufhl hufbl htit.h! cry tint Vnx-.Titt--, huh 1 Yif art? whi-irtn(( w-r-t. a- r-f'ft aa mu.-li ; Thru ttwint aruti-1. alni.t to ttV run I, Th?y Ix.hhini? tvtiri wiib a murnitino -un-l. Andrhirkyl rbi- ky ! il.uk: i.b r.in 1"-it .luiclt,, Urilig ord'T avun, whil a criim' tin i' k. Destruction Railroad. The Directors take pleasure in re assu ring numerous friends and patrons that the road to Ruin is now in good order. Within the last three months it has carried more than three hundred thousand pas sengers clear through the town of Tem perance to the city of Destruction, while the number of way passengers is encoura ging. An enormous amount of freight, such as mechanics' tools, household furni- lure, and even whole farms, have gone forward; and the recetpts of the year have been so large that tbe directors have resolved to declare a dividend of five hun dred per cent. The track has been much improved and re-laid with Messrs. Dia bolus & Co.'s patent rail. The grades are reduced to a dead level, and the switches brought to such perfection along the route tr. b .r ;n . mnmnt from il,. main track, to avoid collision with tbe To- ..i iiiii, oS.. uv, .u trains which recently ocrasioned so much trouble. In short, we have spared no ex - pensa to mk it onpeiiur to any other I road to Ruin ever established. It gives . ti .l r us great pleasure to call the attention of . , ,. , . the public to the improvements in our engines and cars. The old favorite loco motive, Alcohol, has a fire chamber of double capacity, and patent driving wheels, after the fashion of oid Juggernaut. Our Wino cars are models of luxurious convey- ance, after the pattern of the far-famed London Gin palaces, where ladies and gentlemen of the first water can have all attention. To keep op with the spirit of the times, our Whisky, Rum, and Bran- , . i iii i dy cars have been greatly enlarged, and fare reduced to half price. Our Cider, Porter and Beer cars are exciting great at- tention among the children. Our experi- enced engineer, Mr. Belial, and our polite and gentlemanly conductor, Mr. Mix , ? .ii . .u . r have been too loog known to the traveling e public to need any commeudation. In- deed, so swift and sparkling are our trains, that some have called it "The living ar- . ,.,., . ,. t tillery of hell let loose on earth. lick- , ., .v ets must be obtained of Mr. Mix, at tbe Drinker's Hotel, where you may sec tho following extract from our charter from the government : Licenced, to make a strong man weak ; Licenced, lo lay a wise man low ; Licensed, a wile's fond hart lo break. And make her children's tears to ll,,w. Licensed, lo do thy neighbor harm ; Licensed, to caiiie hate an I stnte ; Licensed, lo nerve the rolibei's arm; Liccused, to whel the niiird'-rous knife. Licensed, where peace an, I (jiuei dwell To bring disease, and want, and woe ; Licensed, to make this world a hellj And lii man lor a lu ll below." KKlilLATIONS. The down train leaves Cidorville at 0 A. M., Porterville at 7 A. M., Beertowo at 8 A. M , Wiueville at i) A. M., Bran dyborough at 10 A. M , and Whisky City at 12 M. JLs spe.a ot tne train wi.l be greai.y or, to land passeng.trs at Puorhnu-cvillr, Hospitaltown, Prisouburg, G alluwsville, etc., elc. Ou Sunday, cars will be ready as usual especially for way passengers until furth er notice. N. B. All baggago at the risk of the owners, and widows and orphans aro par ticularly requested not to inquire after persons or property at Kuin depot, as iu no case shall the Directors hold tluuisulvcs liable for ascidcuts to passengers. Wm. Wholesale, Pres't. Robert litr.uf,, Vice l'res'L Deatii of a Rkvckenh Jt'uir. Bird Wilson died in New York on :hc 14th ult. Mr. Wilson was a IVntisjlva nian by birth, iu early life studied law, and for a while practiced at Nurristowu and Philadelphia. He wis appointed, by Gov. Snyder, President Judgo of tbo Ju dicial District then composed of Chester, Delaware aod Bucks counties, which posi tion he held for twelve years. Rtwiguing . this, he couitucnceu the study of theology, : took orders in the Protestant Episcopal , , , , , -.ii. churoh, aud was soon after appointed Pro- ,.',"",. - ... , fassor iu the New ork Theological Sem- iuary, tbe duties of which o2k be dis- , charged for a period of almost thloy j years. He was in the HZ1 yi of L.s I - AVKKH t I.UIU HIB t. bl.HMff 4. One of the greatest soc'ul evils in tbi country encouraged by the iasane p-.-li cy of Free Trade is the rage that per vades all ranks fur Jre4 and luxury. Al most every article of appirel f ir either sex must be of foreign manufacture, or it is "not the thing" "not fit t . wear" "common" "vulgar." American goods are scouted in fashionable circle. So wide spruad and universal has this f d'y become, that many of our s'irewJ Yankee manufacturers have found it necessary, iu order to f t rid of ll.eir good at all, to pats them under a forilyn label whilo others, more honest, aro compelled to close their establishments and relinquish business. This, while operating as a deal weight upon our domestic industry, is leading to habits of ruinous extravajrtneo in every family. The following figures, setting forth the importation of woven fabrics into New York from the l?t of January to the 1st of April of ths threa last years, shows to what extent this evil is practiced : is-n. isr. Wmtra Writs t".'IT."l f.::"S (ii,.,,, 1...-..4-..7 i)...;v.iis .:-:.-i-s suv li.v.Mis .;:i.n 1 !.. ' i-.M-'n, ."'us i,;:.i-7 iii--.::, Mi-" llnw,!. g.s'-."ll l.l-t.' 3.J1.T-1 Jrum Cu.tom U-u-e, li.s ,1.4.'7 a..j;.i.s-a 4.1t.'.7,'4 These figures are full of significance. Tbey tell ns- xrhy our own manufactures are depressed vrhy we are drained of our California gold as fast as it comes to us from the Pacific tchj tbe country is im poverished. With regard to the ruinous nnliev of PTnortine tha creeious metal.'. j we u nowh(jr8 prcJenteJ in , , iQ A- followingeItrlcr, which we take from the X. 1. AUwfcet tuny, an influential German paper publish ed in the city of New York : "The free trade political economists, leach us, with wise faces, that gold ani i silver are only wares like any other, and i that a certain value, represented by gold i or silver, is all the same when given iu tbo form of silk or woolen. A very con. fort- able doctrine, since, according to it, tlia tweBty jjfjj of jiit wnIcn ,U4 Wle of j mechanie has in her Sunday dress, aro ! worth just as much as the twenty gnld ! dollars which he puts in the chest. It is ! ue that the theory nas its uisigreeaoia side as when, tor instauce, at tne ena oi ; , ' ' , , I the year we come to compare the tweuty j th(J twent si;kea and find that the latter are hardly wor'h ten 1 And perhaps at tbe end of the sec ond year they are worth five. "Here a free trader might say, '11 you had spent ten of tbe gold dollars every vp tbpA wnnbl tinvft heen eorresnon- ; dingdiminution in the chest.' True, but : the difference is tbat silken dollars havo ' lost their value for the irWe rommunVy, but not the gild. A gill dollar may , Sl"e or VCD fi" centuries a a medium : ot exchange f.r the results of labor, ant , 0hue tealh of itj vaIll0 jn all th,e j lime . a jiik(.a pnc :Sj huwever, totally uej Up t the end of ten years. When a : man has a superfluity of specie, it is u'.l in order that, with the extra amount, ha may buy goods of others. But where a hud lies suffering for waot of the cirula- . . ,,. 7, ;. :., .i, ;.,'., i ting metallic medium, it is plaiu.y mjici- j jal policj to exi;ijang, g0;a for tinsel and ; nonsense. Kiadiuj Journal. I Tl Death or a Giant. James P. I or- ! , . , , r. , ' ter, well known as the "Kentucky Giant, , , ', .. . ., 1 itiougu Doro at I ortsmoutn, vino, was found dead in his bed at his residence near Louisville, on Monday morning. Ho was 4D years of age, seven feet nine inch es in height, aod when in pool hcaltli ... i , i- .i weighe'I tnree buu.ireJ poun is. ror iuo first fourteen years of his life he was small t f r bis aire. At seventeen he was appren ticed at coopering, aud his rtinarkablo growth commenced. It stated that ibo most he ever grew in a week was no U. It was his habit while growing, to meas ure every SaturJay niybt, an bis own testimony and tbat of his family anJ fi iends nro evidence of this reiuarkablo ! fact. Mr. Porter soon got so tall that it was impossible to cooper barrels, and Lo was employed ou hogsheads. This how ever, became co'ial'.y impossible, owin to , tit ,cn,i,abla height, and be was com- Dolled lo abandon the business. He tlieu engaged in keeping aud driving backs. Mr. Porter's eofliu is niue feet one ine! in length, and two feet across the brcual. t'ilt. (ill.. An interesiinj scene must bo such a onj as is reported to have been witnessed at au agricultural fair, held at II opkinsvillr, Tcnn. The account says that tut brothers, named Brown, all mouuted on fi'ie griy horses, rudo iuto the amphitheatre, and displayed thjir horsctni'isliip, all be ing good riders. Thl eldest was aged forty, the young -st t wrnty. They had not all been together f.r fifteen y. ars. Their mother wa.s preset. and ti.y reined up iu front of Ihe matron, and ili:ud her, while she slo d tears of joy and pride. Tub t'.KKAr I'mtkij States." Ti e census of the t' tilted Slates shows lint we have two millions and a half of far- . i .l ... luers one uuuaied tunuanu uiercnui, siity fuur thousaud matous, aud marly two hundred thousand carpenters. o he fourteen thousand bakers to cake our bread : twenty four thousand uwvers "" i j to set us ly Uie ears; forty lhotis.n.1 il.e- ,o ..kj ,f SIlJ CjIeca builaa f.;,i,rj j tt,.p tli.s u.o.iey m-s ;a ..r.ler by tjj po r of f -loli tq mi"" cmiuiltU ttui ttiu-fi.c:arJ thtojg'i tU pu-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers