' NEWS OF STEELTON MAIL RUSH IS CLEARED EARLY Previous Established Business Records Surpassed This Year Records l'or lieavy. Christmas mail were surpassed during the season just closed, according to Postmaster M. M. Cusack this morning. During the last three days of the Yuletide rush more business was transacted than in any one week in previous years. . ••This year was the biggest by far in v the history of the office," the Postmaster declared. "The employes worked harder to clear away the mails and, as the result, we did not experience any congested incoming and outgoing mails," Postmaster Cusack said. According to the Postmaster, this year's rush was an increase of al most fifty per cent, over that of last year. All packages which could be distributed were disposed oT until noon yesterday. The clean-up drive on the Christ mas Day mail was started at 4.30 o'clock yesterday morning, when trucks were sent to the llarrisburg terminal for the mail, instead of waiting for the train deliveries, which would have been made about S o'clock. This move enabled office employes to dispose of much ot the mail in the 7 o'clock deliveries. In order to take care of the rush, Postmaster Cusack placed several additional employes on the state and asked the regular men to work ovei ti rn o. Midnight Mass Marks Elimination of Debt In the presence"of a large number of numbers of St. James' Catholic Church a mortgage was burn (I at midnight mass on W ednesflaj '•' a,|{ ing uic elimination of .the proper-, debt Quite a number of the early members of the church were In at tendance. including sonic residents or the old section of Harrtsburg known as I,'M iiiel. who attended the church when first organized. The Rev. J. Thompson in an address B ftal ' Jhe services, lauded the late R. 1* Benton for his faithful work in connection with the church. He told church mem bers that Father Benton was respon sible for tbe recent progress 'f the organization. The rector gave the congregation and Burgess T. T. Mtl, tee much credit for their work in per fecting the organization. Police Chief Again Warns Children Against Mishaps With thf first coasting accident of Ihc winter to he T\ edn*t.liO. Chief lsingnaker declared this morn ing i hat every precautionary measure should be taken by parents to r.\oiu accidents. The police head declaied that more accidents are likely to oc cur if parents do not properly warn their . children about coasting on | streets which cross street ear tracks or streets where there is heavy traf- | "'The first victim was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Downs of the Fast !•nd who was struck by an automobile truck at Front and Fclton streets. Steclton News Notes Purchase t.arage—After January 1 the Alpha garage and automobile ac cessories business at 210 South Front street will be operated by Arthur Roll- j cits and Charles Roberts. South Sec ond Street. Announcement of the pur chase front Muff Brothers was an- , nounced yesterday. i overcome by stroke—James !• telds. , of Furnace street, an employe in the local steel plant is in Ihe llarrisburg | Hospital reported fn be in a serious condition. Fields was overcome b> , •i stit kf Of pnralysiH while* working on' the trestles at .the blast furnace j Tuesday a ftcrnoon. Choir Rehearsal- The final re hearsnl or SI. John's Eutheran Church I ( hoir .for the Christmas cantata Willi be held Ibis evening at 7.45 o'clock, i The cantata "The Right of Ages will be given Sundav evening. spend X mus Here— Many residents ~f the borough and local persons who j a,, located in other cities and towns. | spent Christmas with relatives hen.. Following is a partial list of those | who were in the borough yesterday! | John Hoy. of Barborton. Ohio; Abra ham Shelley, Thomas C.nftney and : ileorge Wren, of Akron; Mr. and Mrs. j Humphrey Roberts. Michael Toomey. | Bridgeport. Conn.; Mr. siul Mrs. Rhea j Helm. Worcester. Mass.: Robert Hut- j ehinson. Sparrow's Point; Miss Mary : Ccssi I. Washington; Frank Morrison, | Midland; Miles Morrison. Chambers- j burg- Miss Elizabeth Margaro. Me- ! -b. ri vstown; Mr. and Mrs. Walter | Yost Philadelphia; Miss Mary and i Miss Martha Scideis. Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Yetter. Pittsburgh; Mr and Mrs. A. P. I larch-rode. Pitts burgh; James McFsdden. Oubudue; Iowa; Mrs. Ethel Wallower. Bethle hem" Brewster Wiekersham. Pitts hurgh; George White. Boston; Harold Mumma, Allentown. Iliirrv llelk Return*— Harry Deik an employe of the Steelton National bank. Who has just returned after spending several months at Pen Mar to regain his health will resume his duties January 1. timer Cnnlntii. A Christmas cantata will I"" presented at the Grace Fnil< d Evangelical C hurch to nl F iV-" End Cantata. The Willing Workers Choir. composed of 2.. voices led by George Neff, will sing tin can tats, "Holy Niglil." at the Kast End Chapel on Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Imp"* (•> Hmnd Onnt*e ' ,m " pcrial bend will hold its annual lioli dav ball to-night in Creation Hall Second and Washington streets, and as in pervious years it large crowd is- expected. Music will be furnished by a selected orchestra. Dancing from S to midnight. (T >llll.Hit-WII,SOX \VEDIJI Xti Miss Alice Agnes Wilson and Em lnett Vernon Cumbler, botii of Cuin liler's Heights, were married at the Centenary United Ijrethrt n church on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock by Ihe Itev. Joseph Daughterly. The couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ti. Cumbler and Henry Walllnger. Mr. Cumbler is a brother of the bridegroom and Mr. Walllnger an uncle of the bride. After a trip to New York City, the newly-married couple will reside at 2200 South Sec ond street, Steelton. Slv ITIXfi I'll XI) popi I All The Cottage Hill community ska! j lug pond Is becoming nitre populni among ! lie yum ger set dally Dur ing school vacation a laigi number or children aic going to the pon< riail.N. • t FRIDAY EVENING, Red Cross Information About New Allotments The Home Section of the- borough Red Cross Chapter this inoignlng Is sued a statement informing present j j service men, ex-service men and dis abeled men about the new allot ment ruling which is to become effec tive. The- sfateinent in part follows: I "In allotment matters, payment con tinues four months after termination of war emergency. Tn the matter of • compensation, payments are udjust i| ed on the basis of sßu for total tem f porary disability for a man without , dependents and SXOo for total peima , nent disability and these increases ' are retroactive to April C, 1917. Also 1 compensation provisions are made 4 retroactive to the same date and draftees arc included in the act." ' Detailed explanation of the new rul , ing will be given by tile local office. Former Overseas Soldier Dies After Long Illness I | George E. It Ire, aged 33. 363 Myers i; street. who saw service in France with ■ j Company A., Fifty-seventh Engineers, idled at the Harris burg Hospital, Wed s I nesday at midnight after a long 111- I j ness. He was being treated at the hospital for kidney trouble. George • j E. ltiee lias been suffering continually! I j since lie was discharged from the j i I army, lie was taken to the hospital! i j last Friday. He was a prominent President of the borough and a meni , j her of the Citizens Fire Company. Ij FA>lll.l* ItlCI XIOX [j Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Steiner. ' Sr., 367 Myers street, served Christ | mas dinner to their children and , i grandchildren. Those present were i I Mr. and Mrs. William A. Grey, Mr I I and Mrs. Charles E. Steiner, Jr., and children, l.yla, Dorothy, llarr\ John and Charlotte, Mr. Georgt Sullivan, Charlie Johnson, of llarrisburg: Mi ami Mrs. J. W. Cuddy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Phillips- Stewart Steiner and Mr. and Airs. Dharles I*l. Steiner, Sr. Open Department* rhe 44-inch and 2S-inch mills of the local steel plants which have been closed down since Sunday be cause of extensive repairs, opened tins morning, it was announced bv officials. The 34-inch mill, which was m operation during the shutdown, tvas placed out of use tempoi ttrilv there being no demand for the prod ucts of this department at the pres ent time. TO ItIXK WIRELESS | I.ondoii, Dec. 13.—A scheme of imperial wireless communication is being prepared under the supervis ion of the secretary of the colonies. The plan is to link up nil ot I'rittan's overseas possessions for commercial and strategic purposes. * ace Powders "S'IT | ILa Blache Face Powder 41c H"! 3 jflHj Ml 3", ~" L'Ame Face Powder 37c ■ M J I l| m J m W H k. E? !. n s Kidney Pills 42c L'Ame Face Powder 19c JhiL, Rellans *• • 45c Boomerang Face Powder 55c Edwards Olive Tablets 17c Garden of Allah Face Powder 55c Beecham Pills 17c Pussywillow Face Powder . 37c I * I Etonic ....39c Swansdown Face Powder 13c I g w m a*R <4* • y m J £"% i Lepactic Pills 32c Carmen Face Powder 34c I Palmolive Face Powder 39c I ** jf M. M. M. %./ O I 100 Blaud's Iron. 5-grain 17c Woodbury Face Powder 17c ■ 8 200 Bliss Herb Tablets 69c Flora Sweet Face Powder 59c 0 m 1 111 1 I '■ 11 11111 Pape's Diapepsin 32c Chinwah Face Powder 39c SATURDAY <1(14 II It ~—l I°Phert 1 °P hert PiHs 55c Valeska Suratt Face Powder 43c Z?* 1 , Ji \/g |/| 9|B|/At 1 UKUA I P ape 's Cold Compound 21c Mitzi Face p.wder ...79c December 27 llial RCI jli December 27 iai £- p ;? k . pillß 2? c i Pi rr „ Nuxated Iron ...69c 111 Ollet Creams Lux Borax 3 for 23c Johnson's Allen's Tiz Foot Calocide Ingram's Milkweed Cream 39c 11 2 *<>ot Soap Foot Ease Tablets Standard Patents Othine, Double Strength 69c llc 2 for 23c Soa P 19c 19c 19c 19c PldllQdm rdieiHS Stillman's Freckle Cream 31c Beef Iron and Win e, pint 63c 3 Lady Woodbury's Facial Cream 19c 19c Cans, 29c 2 for 17c 23c 17c 17c 19c listerine 67c I Pompeian Massage Cream 37c Lavoris 79c 1 K g£& Razors s & £E I 79c 28c 39c 79c 39c 19c . 4* \%** s| ! H Howard's Buttermilk Cream 45c ' A twnnd's Bitters 19c S I O cay r C x r A C f™ S c N estle's Eskay's Peterson's Hobson's Poslam Mustar- Cuticura Bromo Seltzer .".':.'.'.'.'.''.!'7sc I I 9 Rose Cold Cream 28c Food Food A. f , A . . . A . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 81c I p (Hospital) (Hospital) H intme nt Ointment Ointment 21c, 39c Ointment Scott's Emulsion 98c I II Toilet Soaps 1 $2.49 $2.68 27c, 43c 39c 41c, $1.68 ine 19c, 37c K Snp St !!!!!!! 1I 9 Resinol Soap 19c . California Syrup of Figs 39c I Packer's Tar Soap 19c Mellin's Horlick's Borden's Vick's Resinol Imperial Mead's Tanlac 79c I 9 Palmer's Skin Soap 19c . Malted Malted Vanp-Rnh n ov i,: Limestone Phosphate 32c I Pear's Soap (Scented) 19c Food Milk Milk ia Ointment Granum u Pierce's Medicines 79c I | Poslam Soap 17c „ nz J 19c ' 39c Maltrose Squibb's Mineral Oil 75c I IP Palmolive Soap 3 for 25c c 75c, $2.75 75c, $2.75 83c 39c, 79c 57c, 87c 63c Peruna 79c I I Colgate's All 'Round Soap 3 for 25c Fellow's Hypophosphites $1.05 I H Germicidal Soap 19c A Ti Ja( l Salts ...55c I c P atka 19c - 39c - 77c lalcum Powders SPECIALS N A \RNIRO 1 KJT ... T , Pepsodent Paste 37c CANDIES p Hair Preparations i Babcoek Corylopsis i!! !!!! !l4c All 7c and 8c Cigars Pcbeco Tooh Pa ste 34c . 77 i Pompeian Talcum 21c a, , e oc S. S. White Tooth Paste 17c Fnte s Assorted Ch- Pa "J e "" e p Mavis Talcum 19c 6 2C-—4 IOF 25c Albodon Tooth Paste 17c colates 89c Wveth Sage and Suiphur 69c £ Jess Talcum 19c r,'rt.onttno Lyon's Tooth Paste or Powder 17c O.Ran Hair Rpstnrpr 1 A7<* 1 1 I Garden of Allah Talcum Cut Prices S O "P'A "' 1? Chocolate, lb sl.lO au de , Q l " il ? 2?° lononito Toipum 10c Kal Pheno Tooth Paste or Powder .. 18c Parker s Hair Balsam 75c I Palmolive Talcum 1.'!!!."!!! 19c 7 T Li, y' s Tooth Paste 17c 34c Novia Assorted Cho- Mary T. Golman Restorer 98c 8 Asthe Petals Talcum 29r Willfp IT All CP Sozodont Tooth Paste or Powder .. 21c i of „ ■. oa „ ®. eta r9\ll" 0 ' 39c Mcnnen s Talcum 19c HOUSe Colgate's Tooth Paste 25c latc ' lb 98c Liquid Silmerinc 79c ? Chinwah Talcum 19c Coffpp Pond's Tooth Paste 23c Auerbach's "Town Empire Hair Regenerator & LUllcc Perfecto Tooth Paste Hygienic, ... 19c a - v s Hair Health 39c, 79c y. Q lk 0 mi r n Zylano Tooth Paste 13c Talk Chocolates, . $1.27 | 321 Market St. \ T" 5 ,,. 321 Market St. Prosecutor of "Reds" Is Feared Forcibly Detained From His Wedding Ity Associated Press i Monsoii, Mass.. Dei'. 26.—Dr. William Grey Vermilye, of New York, a former naval surgeon, failed to appear fori his wedding with Miss ltuth M.! Keeney, of this town yesterday ana to-day his absence was still unex plained. Miss Keeney, who resigned as pro fessor of Spanish at Bucknell Univer sity to marry Dr. Vermilye, was re ported ill at the home of lier parents. The Hev. Herbert B. Buckingham, who was to have performed the cere mony, said Dr. Vermilye had not been heard from since he left a New York hotel supposedly on the way to be married. He said that Miss Keeney's family felt that Dr. Vormtlye's ab sence was due to violence. The < x,- pected groom, he explained, had been engaged in Federal service in round ing up radicals since his discharge j i from the navy and arrived in New j York last Friday from a South Ameri can trip, in which ho had, supervised the deportation to Colombia of a "red." Tills fact, he added, suggested the possibility of radical activities be ing responsible for Dr. Vermilye's non-appearance. Upholds Law Prohibiting Teaching of Foreign Languages in Schools 111' Associated Press l.lncoln. Neb., Dee. 26.—Constitu tionality of a state law designed to curtail use of foreign languages in Nebraska schools as an Americanizn i tlon n easure was upheld by the State | Supreme Court to-day. The law which applies to all pub lic. private, parochial and denomina- j tional schools in the state, provides: I That foreign languages shall not) be employed in giving instruction on | any subject to pupils below the ninth grade. That foreign languages may be taught in the ninth and higher grades. That foreign languages may bo <m ployed in the ninth and higher grades in so far as the teaching of such lan guages may require, but may not be used as a medium instruction in any other subject. SEEK STRIKE PREVENTATIVE) liy Associated Press IxHidon, Dec. 13.—Seven of th©| largest trade unions in great Brt- i tain have inaugurated a movement j aiming at the prevention of unau thorized strike. It is declared tho movement Is sponsored by the n na- j tional union of general workers, rep-i resenting an enormous membership. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Deaths and Funerals MIIS. MARY BRADLEY The funeral ot* Mrs. Mary Bradley, aged 86 years, who died last even ing at her home, 4118 Boas street, will be held to-morrow morning from St. Patrick's Cathedral at 9 o'clock, thtt ltcv. D. J. Carey, officiating, liurial will be made In the Mount Calvary Cemetery. | Mrs. Bradley is survived by three j sons and three daughters. Death was a result of a complication of dis eases. JACOB STEEI, Word was received here yesterday of the deatli of Jacob Steel, enroutc from Montreal to Buffalo, N. V.. last Sunday. Mr. Steel, who was 39 years old, was a resident of llarrisburg for a number of yours. Burial wus made to-day at Kewanee, 111. WALTER T. MAHIN On his way home to spend the Christmas holidays with his fainllv, Walter T. Mahln. 1831 North Third street, died suddenly at lies Moines. ! lowa. Mr. Mahin, who was a truvel- I Ing salesman, expected to arrive in | llarrisburg on Sunday. lie is sur- I vlvcd by his wife, Jrma Mahin, and one son, Hussel. HARRY M. WILLIAMS Harry MeCo'rmiek Williams. 2 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nezza N. Williams, of near Dillsburg, died yesterday. Funeral services will be he|d to-morrow afternoon at S.3u o'clock from the homo of the child's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. N. Williams, 1846 Derry street. Buriul will be made in the, Mast llarrisburg f'emtery. Mrs. Williams was form erly Miss Bena li. Blumenstein, of this city. HELEN GERTRUDE BENNETT The funeral of Helen Gertrude Bennett, aged 16 years, who died yesterday at her home. 1918 Green street, will be held to-morrow after noon at 8 o'clock from her late resi dence. Burial will he made In the Paxtang Cemetery. She is survived ;by her parcntß, four brothers and j two sisters. j WILLIAM C. JONES William C. Jones, 68 years old, died 1 last evening at his home. 1419 Penn street. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced. Mr. Jones 1 was one of the charter members and ! founders of the All-Workers Chapel, Calder and Green streets. He was ; for 20 years a Sunday sehool teacher . at Westminster Presbyterian Church, i of which he was a member. He Is I survived by his wife, Mary: three i sons, William. .Martin anil Clarence, j and one daughter. Mrs. I'. Knisely; four grandchildren, Curtis. Joseph I and Samuel Hohenshelt, and Ruth Esther Knisely. JOSEPH K. rOI.I.ECK Funeral services for Joseph E, Pol teck. aged 89 years, who died yester day at his home, 1427 State "street, will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late residence. Burial will be made In the Kat llarrisburg Cemetery. UEM, win—23so U.MTED H.WUUSBLItU, IKIIIAV. UECKMBKR 20 WIO ' * POINDED 18TJ A CORRECTION ON DECEMBER 23RD WE ADVERTISED 205 Navy Blankets x , _ Will Be Sold For Uncle Sam at d?< AA "IT 1_ pJ.UU iLach This V, as a Mistake and should have read 205 Army Blankets That Were Used in Overseas Service We are selling them for, the Government through Major Jones at Quartermaster' Office, in Philadelphia DECEMBER 26, 1919. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers