6 Remits Sentence of Only American Soldier Charged With Treason By Associated Press New York, Dec. 26. —Secretary of War Baker to-day remitted the 20- | year sentence imposed upon Private j Lawrence Perlmutter, of New York, j the only member of the A. E. F. to be j convicted of treason, according to j word received from Washington by | Representative Isaac Siegel, of New J York, who interested himself in the j lad's case. Perlmutter, who served in the med- : leal department, 90th Infantry, Sec- j PROMPT RELIEF for the acid-distressed atomach—try two or three Ki~MOIDS after meals, dissolved on the tongue —keep your stomach sweet— try Ki-moids —the new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT 4k BOWNE MAKERS OP scorrs EMULSION ■1^j I I Bliss Native Herb Tablets Greatly Relieve Rheumatism j Many sufferers from rheumatism 1 was surprised and delighted in : acute or chronic, have been greatly >y improvement. 1a ma staunch ] ociietited by the regular use of "dvocate of Bliss Native Ilerb Bliss Native Herb Tablets. Kvery la A" ets ' u„ r h Tablets are jay brings us letters from people Bliss .Native Herb tablets are , in different localities testifying to P ut up J, n Hiat "if thev i •he good they nave derived > et9 ;. .n Le elaim for th.m > this standard preparation. Being don* m 'o°n e t wlTl be refunded. Start i tree from harmtul drugs, they uu ; " u . r V'", • , takinc them 1 states —"After suffering severely of Alonzo O. Bliss, looK Tor . from rheumatism for about live the trade mark on e\tr> /Oi years, I was persuaded to give tablet, price $1 per box. i Hits* Native Herb Tablets h rmr Look for our money-back trial. I purchased a box. and after guarantee on every box. Sold by taking them regularly for a time leading druggists and local agents. V-. ..I . i [At ASTRICH'S ALL OUR Trimmed Velvet Hats At Great Reductions OUR FIRST GENERAL REDUCTION SALE Including every Trimmed Hat in our stock. The large majority of these Hats are of recent production and in clude the newest midwinter models. Every Hat handmade of Best Silk, Panne or Lyons Velvet—trim med by our expert designers with the highest class millinery novelties shown this winter. A collection of new, fresh looking Dressy Hats, which compare favorably with the most expensive Hats sold in this country. All Velvet Hats in Our French Room Are Included in This Sale All our best Gage's Hatters' Plush Sailors, regular price, $12.98 and $14.98, reduced to. . ##(7l7 Choice of stock. All our Best Velour and Beaver Sailors and Sport Hats— Regular price up to $14.98. Choice of Stock OCZ OP Reduced to : v. &D.VO All Feather Turbans Regular price $3.98. (O QO Regular price $4.98. 0Q QQ Reduced to.. O Re duced to VO.VO Regular price $5.98. 0£ QO Regular price $6.98. 0/1 QO Reduced to npt 70 Reduced to *P £ r - Regular price $7.98 QO Regular price $8.98. 0C QO Reduced to Reduced to .\ • Z/kj Regular price $9.98. QO Regular price $10.98. QO Reduced to 9PU.Z7O Reduced to Wonderful Reduction Sale of Fur Turbans and Tarns Belgian Hare $4.98 Seal Turbans $7.98 Seal Tarns $7 9$ Moline Turbans $7 9$ Nutria Tarns $10.98 | Sealine Chinchins $10.98 Moline Chinchin $10.98 | Raccoon Turbans $11.98 ' I I'' ■■ ■ I , Ml.. ■ • • _ ■ JC. .. ...... ■ |f . V ' FRIDAY EVENING, ond Division, was convicted of having supplied military information of value to the Germans while a prisoner of war. He was court martlaled in Co blenz after having rejoined the Amer ican army after the armistice and his sentence was approved by general i headquarters. j According to Mr. Siegel, who went I over the record in the case with Pro | vost Marshal General Crowdcr, it was , not shown that the answers which ! Perlmutter gave the Germans were j true and only one witness, Captain I William H. Gordon," captured with j him, testified against him. whereas j two witnesses are neoded before an j American can be legally convicted of | treason. Masses of Hot Ashes Thrown by Volcano By Associated Press Tokio, Dec. 26.—Mount Aso, an active volcano in Kyushu, has been unusually active of late. Rumblings, tmall eruptions and showers of ashes were freqtiently experienced. A comparatively big eruption oc curred a few days ago when masses of ashes fell over the surrounding country. The atmosphere above the vol cano district was a mass of reddish yellow clouds and the mountains and fields were mantled with a thick layer of greyish ash from the crater. Numerous cattle and horses which j ate the grass on these fields have j died through poisoning, says one re- , port. - * j Dr. Imamura, a noted seismologist, declares that the volcano has just entered a stage of greatest activity, but he does not think any great dis ' astrous eruption will occur. TOOK PART OF ANGEL IN CHRISTMAS PAGEANT [BHrhHh fmr Sb W§ JBnSs ■Huu MShltilMml .: <yl* r MISS MacCLOSKEY —Photo by Roshon. PAGEANT, FILLED WITH XMAS SPIRIT, PLEASES [Continued from First Page.] I choir of 150 voices, led by Elmer E. I Ley, presented "It Came Upon the | Midnight Clear." Miss Mildred Conk ling led the Camp Curtin school choir in "Under the Stars." The Wednesday Club chorus sang the chorus of "O Holy Night," the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH verses being sung by Mrs. Roy G. Cox. Gives Biblical Quotation Miss Kthelyn MucCloskey, taking I the part of an angel, at this part of ; the pageant appeared on the over- j head balcony and repeated the Bibli cal quotation. "Fear not for behold, I bring to ' you good tidings of great joy, which j shall be to all people; I "For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.; "And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall And Him in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." Flood lights again shone forth and j showed the well-known scene of the ; birth of Christ, where Joseph and j Mary are gazing into the manger of ' the humble stable. Elmer E. Ley acted the part of Joseph and Miss | Eva Irving, as Mary. Combined Choruses Three selections, "Oh Little Town ! Of Bethlehem." "Hark the Herald j Angels Sing," and "Away in the ! Manger," were sung by the combined i choruses of several hundred voices with pleasing effect. Accompanipd by the singing pf "We Three Kings of the Orient Are," the Three Wise Men of the East were seen to enter and inspect the con ents of the manger. The presenta tion of "Silent Night" marked the conclusion of the pageant. As the last strains died away, a brilliant star, representing the "Star of Beth lehem" shone forth. The cast of characters follow: "Spirit of Christmas." Miss Geral dine Powell; "Mary," Miss Eva Irv-j ing; "Joseph," Elmer H. Ley; "Three! Wise Men," William S. Essick, B. ' F. Dickinson and William H. Pat- I rick; "Ten Shepherds," Wirt S. I Mdsser, John W. German, Jr., W. D. i Bottgenbach, E. C. Lamey, Allison j Skinner. T. W. Smedley, William j Patrick, Jr., Harry Koehenour, H. | W. Llndenfelter and William T. Dim mick. The "angel," Miss Ethelyn MacCloskey. Pleasing Numbers A number which pleased particu larly was the choral selection by the Camp Curtin Junior High School children under the direction of Miss Mildred Conkling, a teacher at the school. The Girl Scouts, under the direction of Mrs. Charles C. Stroll, furnished another beautiful num ber on the program. Miss Snavely, president of the Wednesday Club, and Mrs. Deccvee, leader of the club's chorus, re ceived considerable praise from the Community Service Bureau for their efforts, and the selection by the Wednesday Club chorus was well re ceived. George Hoyer, of the State De partment of Public Grounds and Buildings, had charge of arrange ments inside the Capitol building, and co-operated in directing the participates to dressing rooms, rest rooms and seeing that everything inside the building went according to program New City Clioir A number of the choral numbers last evening were by the newly-or ganized City Choir, which will be a permanent feature in the mu sical life of Harrisburg, and under the directorship of the Community Service Director of the Chamber of | Commerce take part in municipal I pageants in the future. It is com prised of employes from the follow ing organizations: The Moorhead Knitting Company, the Harrisburg Silk Mill, "44" Cigar Company, Harrisburg Shoe Com pany, City Star Laundry, itace Street Cigar Company, Elliott-Fish er Bookkeeping Machine Company and New Idea Hosiery Company choral societies, besides ' members from the Otterbein, Christ Lutheran, Messiah Lutheran, United Brethren, Church of God, Zion Lutheran, Fourth Reformed. Christ and St. Paul's Episcopal Church choirs, in addition to the choral societies from the S. S. Kresge, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Soutter's Twenty-five Cent store and Kaufman's store. Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley directed this chorus in the pageant. All of the Boy Scouts of the city were on the job last evening nnd rendered excellent service. The sheep were secured through Farm Agent H. G. Niesley from the Bonnymeud farms. They formed an effective part of the realism pro duced in the pageant. The lamb was furnished by W. J. Hirtley. The organ, which furnished ac companiment for a number of the selections, was furnished by Miss Ella McKelvy. One of the spot lights was operated by Theodore N. Davis, operator at the Wilmer & Vincent theaters. Chamber's Statement The Harrisburg Chamber of. Commerce has Issued the following ] statement: "The success of the pageant was due to the co-operation of a num ber of civic bodies, including the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, the Civic Club, Knights of Columbus, Y. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A., Ministerial As sociation, Harrisburg Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, Central Labor Union, Red Crou, Daughters o£ the American Revolution, Wed nesday Club, and the Boy and Girl Scouts. "Special credit for the success of [the pageant is duo to Mrs. Florence, Ackley Ley, director of the com | munity service bureau of the Har- I rlsburg Chamber of Commerce. The newly established community scr j vice bureau was in charge of the I affairs, the pageant being i(s ot j licial debut in presenting spectacles | on an elaborate scale, j "V. Grant Forrcr, assistant super inlendent of parks, was also one of i the gieatest factors in the success !of the pageant. He proved a capa- ' ble manager of details, from pro curing the sheep to constructing and setting up the stage. "Frank E. Hoffman, State elec | trtcian, was responsible for the clev er light effects which enhanced the spectacle so materially. Mr. HofT | man and the State Board of Public j Grounds and Buildings, co-opeiated and lent their active support and assistance throughout all the ar rangements. C. Floyd Hopkins, ' manager of the Wilmer and Vincent theaters in Harrisburg, lent his*as-i sistanee also in providing an opera tor for the spotlight. "Those who made up the cast | of characters took an immeasurable I part in assuring the success of the I splendid pageant. Every one of these persons fulfilled all expecta | Gons in carrying out his or her part. [ "The splendid co-operation of the I Municipal Band which volunteered its services for the occasion, and the I 700 members of the varioucs cho | ruses who furnished vocal numbers, also belong $o the category of those! whose activities made the pageant! la success." NEW IRON PLANT TO START IN SPRING I [Continued from First Page.] oT ground neur Sixth and Division I j street*. Some of the machinery has I • already been received, hut some haa | been delayed somewhat by la-1 J bor troubles, it has been expected j J i !§ * * | || Now Comes the Big | | Half-Price Suit Sale I ill One Hundred Women's and Misses' jlli 1 Suits including all of our highest priced I I fur trimmed Suits will be sold at exactly jjjj :! .'gjflT t / tst • • 8 ! Y2 P rice | Of course, this is a loss to us. We cannot make money sell- x ' i /im\ ing garments at HALF PRICE. But it is a custom to clear our Shlbh ifitfci /j|; j* I racks and cases at this season of the year. Here is your chance | i£PW&J , j I t0 save money. These Suits cannot be bought wholesale at half JjXHIi J I again as much. See for yourself. , | 1 I UmXtlt Suits Formerly $173.00 Now 7-50 1 | 4HEr / Suits Formerly $150.00 Now $ 75-00 | ill JwSr '', Suits Formerly $135.00 Now jlli ill] lI|P Suits Formerly $1 25.Q0 Now so2*®® 1 | . MM Suits Formerly SIIO.OO Now $55-00 1 | \ Suits Formerly $95.00 Now $47*50 | I . )} Suits Formerly $85.00 Now 1 1 Suits Formerly $75,00 Now $37*50 1 | None Sent m/ mf Suits Formerly $65,00 Now | |C.O. D. iir j Suits Formerly $60.00 Now |!j | No Charges I / Suits Formerly $49.50 Now $24?5 | I No ' I A Suits Formerly $45.00 Now $22*50 | | Approvals \\ Suits Formerly $39.50 Now $1 Q. 75 | 1 Every Sale A U Suits Formerly $35.00 Now $1 7*50 | !l Final Suits Formerly $29.50 Now | I ' J j | One Huudred Women's Coats That Here- f nr 1 II toforeSoldUp to $45 Will Be Sold Now at ip •IFI ./ 3 ||| lllj Young Misses' Coats, Women's Coats and Coats for elderly women all included [III ;in this remarkable selection. Now is the time for economical buying. Many of these •jjj j: Coats trimmed with fyr. All colors. * III! See Our Window Display ; |j{| • TAKE PLEDGE NOT TO MARRY WOMEN WITH UNNATURAL FEET By Associated Press Ka'.fcng, China, Dec. 26. —An organization has been launched ' here by leading Chinese of the city to aid in stopping the ancient [ Chinese custom of binding the feet of female children. Songs have been composed by members decrying the practice of footbind- Ing, and students of boys' schools are being asked to take tlie pledge I "I will not marry a woman with i unnatural, feet." The name of the new organiza tion, literally translated is the Heavenly Feet Association. that the ne w company would start J operations in February. i The new concern was chartered un- I der Pennsylvania laws in January with a capital stock of $60,000. Bar ; iron will be produced at the rate of i 1,000 tons monthly. Interested in this new concern are ' Max William* and Wolf Freedman, who have been associated in the scrap iron business in this city for 25 years. At present they are conducting "two scrap iron yards In this city. Wll ; iiams is vice-president and Freedman lio treasurer of the new concern. The active operation of the plant will be 1 in charge of A. L. Ensmlnger, of this i city, n former engineer in the ser- 1 vice of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe i Bending Company, and John Wlnyear, I ;of Manchester, England. Ensminger ] is president and Winyear is secretary of the new concern.. In addition to | these men. Meyer Gross, Abe Gross | and Nathan Gross, all of this city, I hold directorships. CHALLENGED TO DUEL j Irkutsk, Thursday, Dec. 25.-—As a result of a new outburst of ill-feel ing betwen Czechs and Russians fol ] lowing an exchange of recrimina tions by Admiral Kolchak, head of the All-Russian government, and ! Dr. Girsa, Czecho-Slovnk cominis ! sioner in Sibertu. General Kappell, DECEMBER 26, 1919. Commander-in-chief of the western nrmies of the AU-Huasian govern ment, has challenged General Syrovy, commanding the Czechs, to a duel. CONXIDUR ANSKX Memberq of the special committee | oc report on the need for an annex to KLING .i HEVERLING OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS 302 Market St. Over Claster's Jewelry Store P in H /"II Glasses Reduced For tor 10 Days Unly TEN DAYS ONLY Since we have returned from "Over Sens" Service we have had hundreds of ,nthnl patrons, but we are progressive and we I going lo have oar banner year in lIIZO. In order to acquaint Tan ' with the lilgli-grnrir work we do we are having this great reduetloa In glasses for 10 daya our seienime Cement Bifocals exa.n1.,.,10n (no drop-W T| 7 ufar nnd used), large A 'um'"'|^jlfVJß vl(l|ra wlth Gold rl „ ed frame fltted with InrmGlasses or SFee flat sphlrlcal lenses fitted with it complete with ease lease., earn s2.oo L--JL^FS4.SO ! ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES Invisible, lllfoenl I.cnses for -0 per cent, off on all pre i "far and near" vision; the kind scrip.ion I,eases and Shell you eun't see the piece for frames. Ilrokrn I.ruses dupll pjn.OO rated at Mi regular prlee. 1 AyTy tlwcvil \<vNV TIES YET AISOLUTELY HARMLESS. AU. SHADES. J SWSranclT^K the: Steele building:, Fifth and Mahan tnngo streets, met this afternoon at the school board offices, to confer with Superintendent F. E. Downes. The commltte includes President Rob ert A. Knders and School Oirectors I Franklin J. Roth and H. H. Blngaman. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator —Ad
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers