Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page INSURANCE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION The best gift you can make to your most beloved one, a $5,309 policy, its memory will never be for gotten. It costs nothing to consult me about it. J. SCHOOLNTK. 21 Spooner Building. Fire, Life, Casualty, Automobile Insurance. Bell 4593. MONEY XO LOAN SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES sls TO S3OO On furniture, real estate or guaran teed noteß. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on the actual time the money is in your pos session. N Open Evening, Dec. 20, 22, 23, 24. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut Street. WE LEND MONEY" in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans n specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience. i>ositively lowest rates in city. ENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY TRUCKING I.OCAL OR LONG DIS TANCE. CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY. RURAL TRANSPORTATION LINE. lIARRISBURG AUTO CO., BELL 100 BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe. iurniUire and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2415. Dial 32M. AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance. furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 1214 W ulluce St. liell phone lOju.M. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local and long distance, making a specially ot furniture, piano and sate moving, t all r.l 1617 Naudain St., or Bell 5235 J. WE Move Anything, Anywhere, Any lime. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. L'uyton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third Street. LOC At, AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Erneut Corbin, 52>l Cuider street. Both phoneu. Bell 5636-J. Dial 3638. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped lor furniture, Height and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. K. Grubcr's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager. Hershcy, Pa. Bed Phone 15116. MUSICAL HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL, 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2154,. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth stieeL FOR SALE—At four siring banjo- Tin a with leather case. Beautiful in strument. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Made in New Yolk City; al.-o violin bow and case for saie. Bargain to quick buyer. Jos. Poleo, llul N. Third St., llarrisburg, Inst, of Music. PIANOS TUN ED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 Soutli Fourth Street. FOB SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spang Icr Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of ail kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for hoo&ehoid goods in fireproof ware bouse. $3 per month and up. lxiwer storage rates in lion-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Secouu street. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private looms. Reasonable rates. P. U. Diener, 4<>x Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES KJGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO. LTD.. MIGHSPIKH, PA. licth phones. Bell Stvelton 1691' UNDERTAKERS Funeral Director GEO. H. SOURBKJSR 1310 North Third Street SAMUEL S. FACKLKK, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 215b RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeial Director and Embalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. URESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. tb St. ALSO MIDDI.ETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 DIAL 3295 CEMETERY LOTS EUR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY— Beuutitully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north end east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. 6c Co., Agents. A CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. All kinds of repairing. Both S hones. H. Goodman, 13061* North ixth Street. MOTOIJ AND BICYCLES Bl ZYCLE REPAIRING , IY AN EXPERT ALT. \ fORK GUARANTEED I \ORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1C67 NORTH THIRD STREET. BOYS' bicycle, $16.50. A $25 value. 1321 North Sixth St. GIRLS' bicycle, $lB. A $25 value. 1321 N. Sixth St. FOR SALE —1918 Harley-Da\id*on motorcycle. free speed. electrical auuipped. 2045 Sivatura St. SATURDAY EVENING, I AUTOMOBILES I 1 * I OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT DECEMBER THRIFT SALE NEW cars will be priced j higher after the first of the 1 year. Used cars will also be higher. We are offering all used cars In our stock at THRIFT PRICES. Our tiocal year closets this mouth and we do not intend to carry over a ainglo car. At tlie prices wc uie murKinji them, i hey arc nollintj as tasi as wo ian overhaul and repaint tnem. Ovorland Country Club with winter top. Heilnlaimd dui* maroon, black, wire wheel* and black top. A handsome car, mechanically guaranteed, tires good, hummer top in | eluded. Overland Country brown i with cream wire wheels, ptuc | licuily new tires, good run ning order. | Chalmers seven-passenger si* cylinder sedan. Rebnishtd I royal blue witn blavk lUU nlng gear. 1913 Cadillac touring in good mechanical condition. Dnk' inal paint flue, new slot age , battery Open Evenings. Both phonec I THE OVERLAND IIARRISBURG CO., j 212-214 North Second St. j I Overland, model 90, touring. I cheverlot. Baby Grand, touring, j j studebaker, 7 passenger, 6 6>; nde . studeboker, o passengei, 4 cyUnttei. , Willys-Knight, model S4, tourinb. i Velie. light six, 5 passenger. Overlanu. model 85-4, fine shape. . j Time payments can be aitan = eu. | ] REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO.. 1917 N. Third street. | I FOR SALE— Dodge touring car. Iwßh winter top, recently A" | loverhauled, cheap, uanip lull I U'amp Hill. I'a. ■ OVERLAND Touring, one, 90, ; ""xaSH—Touring, one. 671 model. i 1 9 aR ears are mochanlcaUyperfect. j M VERB MOTOR SALES LO., i 1210 PENN blllbbl. 6275' I Hell phone j i mit \LE A genuine bargain.; : 1915 t'hevroiet Baby t'rand touiung. in, lino condition. Drlscoll Auto Co.. r< I south Cameron St. I i ki.toND-HAND motor trucks for ; nx- Koiuer, Chalmers **' a ninationals; three-quarter la i and lnleruaiiona.s. ttna U(l . I MOTOR TRUCK DEPAtltalLNl 61U-21 Walnut aircet. a i'u you looking for a bargain in . • u i i.iudMterV lalhlcii lo ilu. west- < f ...useelectricself-Starter, shock! SSsWf W ' phono Bill 1321 U. j i i. i m s ILK —l'ord roadsti.r in good ! condition just oveiHauled. price _$uUU; wiU demonstrate. Ca.l Dial 40<4 or j 200 llunimel St. | 1,-or S\LE —Packard Twin six tour- Imi car In perlect condition, godU ! tires. Apply Standard iJaking bu., | Tenth unu Market Sta. FUR SALF —Ford-Liaham truck '.•lb and express body, like new, guur |anteeu, pnee right, ca*h or time pay imenl - MILLER AUTO CO.. 60 .-oatn Cameron street. Both phones. j WANTED Contracts for motor truck hauling. can turnish any typo body of truck to meet your particular requliements. Address Box U-9025 care iel- I cgraph. PROSPECTIVE TRUCK BUYERS TAKE NOTICE We are ottering a proposition i iv hereby you can cum a lurgo suiaiy uemdes ao living. I We have lecentiy s.gncd contracts witn several large construction arms io supply tnem with trucks the coni : Which Will uuuioor 109 mark We aie tnereioie in a position I LO servo you ill scleral duiereut .vays pr.oc.paßy a. follows; ! with inbuilt quality tfelden trucks 1 lituiuu'cu service unu guaiaiiteed *O - Win enable you to oa. ry tor your trucks troin us earnings six i 1 fiirht ltiinuics nine, oui tov- Uo?d 3 e.f HUoa. al pmce^^/tno "J i- a iiko manner. Do not lull to take I !•*. van lag c ui this tpienuid opp.u uuay nate your orUcr now thus yau 1 vay on asaureu ot eariy ueme.y auu !)u one 01 the first on the Jou When soring makes its appealaiice. Sei.ueno can 00 delivered m me renewing is pt"uss. 14*. ttUU 0 tuu3 ' Phone Bell 4849 or Dial 6903 tul appoiutmeiiis or address SEI DF.N TRUCK DISTRIBUTOIta. 1017-25 Market Street. Uarrisourg, Pa. OLD AUTOS ' Wanted- used, w I'eekeU or oldtimers. ! in any condition, see me Deloie sae rtciug elsewhere. Aero wrecking A. scniuman. :: A s. I Cameron SHeel. Bell 36.3. FORD OWNERS We have received a large chipineni ct It on l springs tor lorn cars auu are menacing tficui for L-iu apiece, cuvi; sea Auto Co.. 22 N. Laincl oil -l. SED\N, NEW 1920 5 PAf.SENGER, TVKEN IN EXCHANGE I'Uli REAL ESTATE WILL RE SOLD CHEAP ON TIME PAYMENT. CALL Bc.DE 120J.U OR WHITE P. U. 133t. tflt PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muettch street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and uigiit. Bell 4il ' BARGAINS VIM —One-lialf tuu, good condition, cheap. ONE-TON truck, express body with top. electric starting and lighting. COEY —Roadster, goou coudiliou. TWO-TON TORUENSON real axle, complete. CADILLAC motor, 1914, fine condition. ONE DUCO automobile lighting sys- DENBY —Stake body; like new. CADILLAC Unit, with two-wheel trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1705 Capital Street. 1917 Cuandler, CIUD roadster, S9OO. 1917 Mercer touring. 7-passeuger very snappy, two spare tires. A rea good bargain. 1918 Chaimers touring, 7 passenger lust been overhauled, will sacrifice. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real burgain. 1914 Ford touring. The abyve cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market tor a good used car. ucinuiiairutiou given. CHA ALTO CO.. A. Schiffman. Manager. (Loitlliiucu iu >l**l Column j AUTU-MOBlLlufc UAGHETOS All types. 4 utd Bosch Uigil tension, Lixmuu, D.xie, bl'litdorf, Men. liemy and ditlcreut makes of eoiis, carburetors, etc. A tf.hiiTr.iun. 22-24-25 North Cameron Hi cel. Bell 3633. FOR SALE-A good 1917 model j Chalmer's. The price will appeal to any'ono desiring such a car. The Yea-j son for selling is 1 have no use lor * Bell phone 2422 M. | KEYSTONE AUTO T6}T CO. j All sorts 0,. auto lops and cushion , work done by experts, also lepun [ work. Kensonabie lates, 72-72 Suuin I Cameron street. j FORD touring. 17 model; electric j lights, runs auu pulls like new. Price • 4Ui. cash- Dial 3U-C. S. It. liorsl, | Linglestown, near llarrisburg. FOR SALE —35i-ton dump boUy | tfcldcn truck, must be sold quick, can be seen Thompson Street Garage. FOR SALE 1919 Buick roadster. In A 1 cur iition. Apply Black's Gar age. 265 S. l.lh St. WANTED—Eight cylinder Cadillac.! reply coiilldentiul. Address Box C-904s ' care Telegraph. V ; STUT'iEBAKKR—LIgIII 6. suuabu: i for livery; cheap to quiek buyer, iteo I roadster; A-l condition. Bible's Ga rage, Third and Cumberland St. Gn rages, Accessories and Repairs ! YOUR DODGE PLUS A RAYFIISI.D CARBURETOR —That's a great combi- ; nation. A Raytlelcl equipped Dodge;! the special Dodge model is inexpen sive and the saving in gasulinu oilis' is from 15 to 3D per Cent, will pay ' for it in a short time; a Uavtield on ; any car increases its efficiency ail ! around. My how she pulls the hius. Agency, Federicks' Garage. 443 South Cameron Street. Harrisburg. 00.\3 4* Goodyear or any other standurd make of tire, $11.7U, other sizes just as cheap. Write Uuch, 314 Cumberland St-. Harrisburg. or call after 6 p. m. AUCTIOXEISR AUCTION SALES OF FARM AND PERSONAL PROPERTY I IS MY SPECIALTY WORK i AI'CTK )NEEK 111 II - 422 S. 13TH. BELL IS7SJ LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas, sitting in Equity, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, will be sold at Public Sale in front of the Courthouse in the City of Har risburg on Thursday, January S, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M., tlie following de scribed real estate late of Ifdward Adams, deceased, to wit: All those two certain lots or pieces of land situate and being in the Sev enth Ward of the City of Harrisburg aforesaid and more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: No. I—Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of Calder and Wal lace streets', thence north wardly along the western line of Wallace street, seventy-four (74) feet six and one-half (6U-) inches to a point: thence weslwardly in a line parallel with northern line of Calder street, twenty-two 122) feet, six and one lialf (6(a) inches to line of properly now or late of Rebecca Cooper; thence | southwardly seventy-four (74) feet, six and one-half tS(4) inches to the northern line of Calder street, and thence eastwardly along the north ern line of Calder street, fifteen (15) feet, nine (9) inches to the' place of beginning, thereon erected a two and one-half story frame dweling house numbered with the street number 628 CaldfcT street. No. 2—Beginning at a point on the western line of Wallace street at the line of a 10-feet wide alley, which point is distant in a northerly direction, one hundred (100) feet, two and one half (2(4) inches from the northern line of Colder street; thence west wardly in a line parallel with the northern line of Calder street, sixty six (66) feet nine and one-half (9%) inches to a point; thence southward ly, twenty-six (-26) feet to a point: 1 hence eastwardly along the line of property now or late of Lizzie Hueb ler, Conrad Miller, and along the northern line of a three-feet wide pri vate alley sixty-six (66) feet more or less to the western line of Wallace street; and thence northwardly along the western line of Wallace street, twentv-three (23) feet more or loss, to a point the place of beginning, having thereon erected two, two and one-half story frame dwelling houses, numbered 1108 and 1410 Wallaco street. (See Deed Book T, Vol. 4, Page 436). On the following terms, to wit. Ten per cent, cash on the day ot the sale, fifteen per cent, on the confirm ation of the sale, which is fixed for January 19. 1920, and the balance on February 1. 1920, when a deed or deeds will be given to the purchaser on complying with the terms of the sale. Further conditions will be made known at the sale by HARVEY E. IvNUPP Master in Partition. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made by William H. I.ebkichcr. Ezra F. Hershey, John i A. Landis, J. B. Leitlllser, William F. I R. Murrie, John E. Snyder, A. W. Stauffer and S. C. Steelier, all of whom are citizens of Pennsylvania and residents of Dauphin county, to the Court cf Common Pleas of Dau phin county, Pennsylvania, on the I 30th day of December, A. D. 1919, at ' 10 o'clock, A. M.. under the provisions i of tlie Corporation Act of 1874 and its I supplements, for a Charter for an in | tended corporation to be called "THE ' HERSHEY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL" ! the character and objects of which : are lo establish and provide a por ! mancnt, nonsectarlan institution for ! the residence, physical and moral 1 welfare, maintenance, support and | education of poor, health, white, male i orphans (an orphan being a child whose father is deceased) between the ages of four and eighteen years, for their instruction .In useful trades and occupations, and to make provi sion for their further education, be fore or after their arrival at the ago of eighteen years, at some other school, college, or university, all of which shall be done according to the provisions of a Deed of Trust, exe cuted by Milton S. Hershey and Cath arine S. llershey, his wife, to the Hershey Trust Company, Trustee, dated November 13, 1909, recorded n the Recorder's Office in and for the County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book E, Vol. 14, page 331, a copy of which Deed of Trust is at tached to said application and made a part thereof, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges con ferred by the said act and the sup plements thereto. JOHN E. SNYDER, E. M. HERSHEY, Solicitors. NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Susanna VV. Myton, late of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphih County, Pa., having been granted to the under signed. all persons indebted to said estate and those having claims will present them for settlement to J. CLYDE MYTON, Executor P. O. Box 361, Harrisburg, Pa. Or to PHILIP S. MOYER, Atty.. 14 N. Second St., Harrisburg. Pa. "NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Harrisburg. Fa., will be held In the banking room of tlie First National Bank of Harris- I burg. I'a., on the 13th duy of Janu arv, 19 20. between the hours of 11 and 1 t clock, for tlie purpose of vot ing for or against a proposed increase in the' capital stock of said bank fiom $106,000 to $200,000. E. J. GLANCE Y.. Cashier. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH • • •• ■ LEGAL NOTICES 111 the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, No. 592. January Term, 1920. In the matter of the application of Cpra Ettu Holmes for tlie appoint ment of a trustee. NOTICE is hereby given that the Undersigned has presented her peti tion to the Court of Common Pleas of O'auphin County, setting forth that Harvey Hohnes, her husband, has de serted her for a period of more than seven years; that his whereabouts ure unknown; that he has an inter est in the estate, of his deceased father in Perry County; that the peti tioner is the mother of two children of the said Harvey Holmes, uged re spectively seven ifnd twelve years, and praying the court to fix a dale for a hearing of her said application, as provided in the Act of July 17, 1917, P. L. 10J3, whereupon on De-t cember 5, 1919. the court made en order fixing Monday, December 29. 1919, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court bouse at liarrisburg, Pu.. at which time tlie court wilt hear evidence concerning the alleged absence of the said Harvey Holmes, when and where till persons interested tnay appear if they see tit. CORA ETTA HOLMES. Wickershanri & Mel/.ger. Attorneys. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts have been Hied in the Court of Common I'leas of Dauphin County. l*a.. ami will be confirmed b.v said court on the I,7th day of January, 1929, unless cause be shown to the contrary. first and final account of George A. Ettele, guardian of Margaret J. El tele. a weak-minded person. First and final account of the Dauphin - Deposit Trust Company of liarrisburg, Pu., committee of tlie es tate of Mary A. Albright, a lunatic. First account of J. Paul Mac Elvee, receiver of the Phoenixville System atic Savings and l-oan Company. Seeond and partial account of David Hunter, Jr., receiver ot The I-and Trust Company. Report of Thomas B. Donaldson. In surance Commissioner of Pennsylva nia, as suclt stututory liquidator of the Guaranty Mutual Fire Insurance Company. First and final accounts of Com monwealth Trust Co.. guardian ol Frank Cerjanic, a weak-minded poi son (now deceased). The annual account of the principnl and trustees of the Kmaus Orphan House. CHARLES E. PASS. Prothonotary. IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF DAU PHIN COUNT* IN UK: EDWAItD S. SHATTUCK, PRESUMED DECE DENT. tion has been filed by Philip S. Shut tuck, praying that tlie Court make a decree that Edward S. Shattuek. whose last known place of residence was 1235 North Seventh street, in the City of liarrisburg, be presumed to te dead, in accordance with the provi sions of Section 9 of the Fiduciaries Act of June 7th. 1917. P. L. 147. In accordance therewith the Court has appointed January 19. A. D. 192U, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Courthouse, at liarrisburg, as tlie time and place when and where it will hear evidence in support of the prayer of the peti tioner. at which time all persons In terested mav attend if they so desire. ! SPENCER GILBERT NAUMAN, Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE is hereby duly given that the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Miller Auto Co.. for tne election of a Board of Directors and such other business as may rightfully come before the meeting, will be held at the company's office at Third and 1-ocust Sts., liarrisburg. Pa.. January 12. 1920, at 7.30 p. m. , B. F. BARKER, Secretary. NOTICE hereby given that the annual meeting of the policyholders of the Retailers Mutual Fire Insur ance Company of P. •nsylvanla.will be held at No. 7 AVatnut : Terminal Building). Philadelph. I '. la., at 3 p. m., on Thursday. January 9. 1920, for the election of nine directors and for the transaction of such otic" business as may come before said meetinS " WILMERCROW. Secretary. [MAMETS\I ——- , NEW VORlv STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel- j phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar- i ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut; street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. j New York furnish the following I quotations: Open Close' Amer. T. and T 98 74 98% ! Allis Chalmers 4614 46 I American Can 55 5414 1 Amer. Loco 96 95 ',4 i Amer. Smelting 68% 68%: American Sugar 137 % 137% I Anaconda 5814 5814 i Atchison 81 84 Baldwin L.oco 11014 110%. B. and O. 32 3214 | Beth. Steel B 95% 95% Butte Copper 2614 26 ICal. Petro 44 44 - Central Leather 95 95 C and 0 55 56 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul ... 38% . 38% * Chi.. R. I. and Pacific 26 26% j Col. Fuel and Iron 41 41 Ccrn Products 85% 8514 i Crucible Steel 213% 214 i Ele 13 13'4j General Motors 336% 337%! Goodrich. B. F 80% 80% Great North, pfd 79 79 Great North. Ore, subs .. 37% 3774 Inspiration Copper 52% 52 Intcrboro Met 374 374 Ir.t. Nickel 21 21% ir.t. Paper 75 74% Kennecott 28% 28% Kens. City So 16 16 : Lackawanna Steel 87% 86% | I Lehigh Valley 42% 42% j Merc. Mar Ctfa 49% 49% I I Merc. Mar Ctfs. pfd 108%' 107% I Mex. Petro 223% 221% j Miami Copper 2274 22% I Mid vale Steel 49% 49%' Missouri Pacific 26 26% | N. Y. Central 68% 69% N. Y., N. 11. and II 27% 27% |N. Y'., Ont. and West. ... 16% 16% i j Nevada Copper 14% 14 74! Norfolk and West 9874 9874 North. Pacific 81 74 8174 Pittsburgh Coal 61% 6174 Penna. It. It 4074 40% Railway Steel Spg 9674 96% Hay Con. Copper 20 74 2 0 I Reading 77 74 77 % Hep. iron and Steel .... 113 74 114 | Southern Pacific 10574 104 ' Southern Ry 22 74 22 74 Sinclair Oil and R 44% 44% Studebaker 105 104 %! l.'nion Pacific 124 123% i I*. S. I. Alcohol 106 105%'- I'. S. Rubber 126% 125% j IT.l T . R. Steel 105 74 104 74 t'tah Copper 72 73 74 Va.-Caro. Chem 6674 66% 1 Wcstinghouse Mfg 53% 53% j Willys-Overland 28 7 a 28% : Hide and Leather 24 74 2474 ! Pierce Arrow 77% 77% I pjiii.Anhii.Piii x pmtrHirrc Philadelphia. Dec. 20.—Live Poultrv. —Weak: chickens lower. 22@30c, as to quality; live turkeys higher, 45 I ©SO e. Dressed Poultry Firm, turkeys higher; nearby fancy. 52@54c; fair to good, 48©50 c, Potatoes—Higher: New York per 100 lbs., $3.30@8.50; Maryland, per 100 lbs., $2.75@3.J0. Cheese—Firm; New York and Wis consin. full milk, fresh, 30@32%c: old, 3174® 33c. Butter—Unchanged: western cream ery extra, 73% c; nearby prints, fancy, 81 © 83c. Eggs—Lower: nearby firsts, 824® 25 per case; current receipts. 523.40; I western extra firsts. $24: firsts. $22.50 j ©23.40; fancy selected packed, 90®: 92c per dozen. Flour—Firm; soft winter straight! western, $10@10.50; nearby, slQ@| 10.25; hard winter straight. $12.50® 13; short patent, $13®13.50; fancy! spring and idly mills patent, family I brand. $14.75 @ls. Hay—Dull, weak; choice timothy, $34: timothv. No. 1, $334 No. 3. s2o® TO DIRECT WORK OF BOY SCOUTS a 9mß aK. : : 'f- HBV VRtgfh JOHN S. MUSSER ARTHUR D. BACON 31; No. 3, s27® 28; clover mixed hay. light mixed. $30@31; No. 1. 227(0/29. TAllow—Quit; prime city loose, ljtie; special loose. 10c; prime coun try, 14%e; edible In tierces,' 18Viec. Bran—Firm, soft winter western in 10U, pound sacks. $49.50(050. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS riillmlclpliln. Dec. 20. —Stocks clos ed irregular. Baldwin Loco llO'.ij General Asphalt 113 I Generul Asphalt, pfd 199 I Lake Superior .* 8014 1-ehigh Nav #3 Lehigh Vul 42 I P. R. R 40% j Phi la. Co '. 31% Phi la. Co., pl'd. cum 31 | l'hila. Electric 24% I Phtla. Rapid Transit 29% I Reading . 79Mi Storage Battery 133 I Union Traction . 34 United Gus 51% j U. S. Stfiel 194% York Railways ' 7% I York Railways, pfd 30 ! Irish Government to Be Analogous to State Rule System in This Country By Associated f'ress London. Dec. 20. —The proposed! Irish bill which Premier Lloyd \ George will outline in the House j of Commons on Monday will, it is ! believed, forecast a government for Ireland analogous to the state gov ernmental system in America. It is understood to provide the separate parliaments for Ulster and Southern Ireland respectively, with a superior body chosen by both sections, all of the bodies to lie re sponsible regarding imperial affairs to the British Parliament, to which Irish representatives would be elect- j ed, as the states elect members to j the American House of Uepresenta- i tives. TWO DIE FROM COAL OAS By Associated Press l'liilllpsburg, X. Y., Dee. 20.—Mrs. I Carl Duescher, 25, and her brother, Dulhefer 23. are dead. I and the woman's husband is in a local hospital in a serious condition | tropi coal gas from a new pipelessl furnace at the Duescher home. They! were fon ' b.v neighbors this morn'-' ing. 7 Tie Mi " er A to Company I / Dividends Paid Inn B / </ January /sf an / J„/y I / . offers you, the investor = B / extent, by its v£l£ Au*o Co a B / to be in 3 position ; I / Merits ° f the Miller Aufo Co. I I on cst men as managers anrl a" t / Most prominent 1„ directors. K R-- —o. I / a c?' business - I / St3 b ° n at a,l " 3 anche d s Wh ° ,eSa,e ' E / • Ca "-s; Oldsmobile, Maxwenand^S? 1 "™" 3 and Maxwell T N / A list of Trucks. T °™g g / I • I. ~B " F - BARKER Jf I Main Office, Third r B I H • . ° Cust St s. B I J p a B / C GUY MYERS B / u 5 ? W - Mai 'n St H. HARkriMQ E / ' e chanicsb Ur g, p a W. Ninth B I BOTH I'hones Lebanon, p a . ' B A. D. BACON ELECTED ! HEAD OF BOY SCOUTS! [Continued from First Page. ] ; | Mr. German returned in kind. The ] \ whole organization is in line shape I for the coming year, Mr. Virgin said, i the foundations having been laid for | rapid development. New troops are j being organized in many parts of town, at least three more being now I in the process of formation. The council presented to the re- I tiring president, Mr. Bowman, a I handsome statuette of a Boy Scout, and to Mrs. Bowman a Christmas | basket of fruit. Tlie following oflieers were elcet i ed: Arthur D. Bacon, president; | Al K. Thomas, first vice-president; j E. S. Herman, second vice-president; j William H. German, third vice-pres • iilent: Dr. Charles B. Fager, fourth | vice-president; Herman I'. Miller, ] secretary; Howard C. Fry, treasurer; John S. Musser, Scout commissioner; I live; David 10. Tracy, William Jon ! nings, David Kaufman, Henderson j Gilbert, Herman P. Miller, A. Car ; son Stumm and G. M. Hteinmetz, | members of the executive commit | tee for one year. The following were elected mem i hers of the council: I For one year—Lieut. Governor E. E. Beidleinan. J. Calvitt Clark, I)r# F. E. Downes, Dr. Charles B. Fagei% Frank C. Foose, V. Grant Forror, Howard C. Fry, William H. German, Henderson Gilbert, Arthur D. Bacon and Dr. George Gorgas. For two years—John S. Musser, John F. O'Neil, Bertrand W. Saul, John S. Spicet'. J. I'. Scott, E. J. Staekpole, A. Carson Stumm, Gus M. Steinmetz, Al K. Thomas, David ; 10. Tracy and Flavel L. Wright. For three years—Dr. M. V. Ilazen, jE. S. Herman, Ross A. Hickok, I Mayor-Elect George A. lloverter, | William Jennings, Paul Johnston, I David Kaufman, Norrls Longnaker, | .1. C. T,udes, R. 11. Lyon and Herman P. Miller. I J. William Bowman was elected nutionul council representative. I The following are ex-olflolo mem j hers of the local council b.v virtue j of being chairmen of troop oommit • tees: J. William Bowman, Troop 1; Leon Lowengard, Troop 2; J. E. DECEMBER 20, 1919. Whorley, Troop 3; Austin M. Miller, Troop 4; A. O. Murray, Troop 5; G. L. Culmerry, Troop 6; Frank E. Mußser, Troop 7; Rev. Thomas Jteisch. Troop 8; Albert Duffan, Troop 9; J. Henry Spieer, Troop 11; Itev. Lewis Manges, Troop 13; D. W. Cox, Troop 13; W. Frank Wit nian, Troop 14; ltobert A. 13nders t Troop 15; J. X. Kinnard, Troop lb; George F. Lumb, Troop 17; S. P. Eby, Troop 18; E. Fred Rowe, Troop 19; D. H. Wise, Troop 20; Kev. Harold Baldwin, Troop 21; Ellis A. Lotz, Troo;# 22; M. H. Lay ton, Troop 23; G. H. Minnig, Troop 24; T. W. Snuillwood, Troop 25; J. W. Appleby, Trooi> 26; Dr. H. B. Walter, Troop 27; W. E. Anw.vll, Troop 29; Itev- W. S. Dunlop, Troop_ 30; Kev. John Gehrlng, Troop 31; Meroer Tate, Troop 32; Walter E. Dietrich, Troop 33. Four Cars Off Track in P. R. R. Yards Delay Trains Four cars on an eastbound freight I jumped the tracks at North street this morning and blocked traffic on i the Pennsylvania Ralirbad for sev j oral hours. It is said that the wreck i was caused by one of the cars pick ! ing the switch. Passenger trains were greatly delayed. Conditions on both the Pennsyl vania and Heading lines were re ported improved to-day. There is still trouble because of a scarcity of motive power. Working forces at the Pennsylvania Railroad en ginehouse are working overtime in The People's Forum Sunday Afternoon, 3 Q'clock Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church FORSTER STREET Mbs Marian Anderson, Contralto Soloist, Philadelphia Miss Gilbert, Pianist, Philadelphia Candy and Fruit will be given to four hundred children OUR 1920 Christmas Savings Society NOW OPEN For Membership The Sooner You Start, the Better Opening Days Only Until January 15 EAST END BANK Thirteenth and Howard Sts. 17 order to kepe the passenger locomo tives on the move. Deluys to-day while not as nu merous as yesterday, were confined mostly to truing from the west. Coal traffic continues heavy and passen ger trains were held up at Inter vals because of congestion. With two warm days officials hope to bo able to overcome some of the dif ficulties caused by the sudden cold spell. L U SEALftBTEHQILrL | HARBIBWtTEHOILWORKS || I ISO LOCUST It HARRIBrt.IA.iI H, E. SCHRIVER AUDITS SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE Union Trust Rldg.. Harrlsburg, Pa Established 1884 MAIN \ COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 6Q6-6QB Kunkel Bldg Auditing-Tax Service Systematizing Etc.
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