16 Get That Position Through Advertising in the Classified--For That Is the Modern Way of A pplying For Work Deaths McCAMAXT—Mrs. Delia McCamant, widow of tlie late Thomas McCam ant. died at her home. 404 North second street. Friday afternoon at r. o'clock. . Funeral services will be held at the home on Monday ufteruoon at a o'clock. MAK IIIIII%—James G. Makibbin. Funeral will be held Monday at 1 p. ni. The services will be private. His friends muy view body any time alter 3 p. in. Sunday at his late resi donce, 1913 Fifth Street. PEFFI.KY —On Thursday. December 18. 1919, Osger B. I'effley. aged 3J private funeral on Saturday even ing at 7 p. m. From his late resi dence. 2099 N. Fifth Street. Intel ment Sunday at Halifax. CAKD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Collicott wish to thank their friends, neighbors and the employes of tl >e American Bail way lSXpress Co.. for their kindness and sympathy shown them in then recent bereavement, also lor the beautiful lloral tributes. LOST AND FOUND DOST—Wednesday In Dives, Pom eroy ei Stewarts, a brown leather billiold containing some currency. Reward if returned to 192 State St. or call Bell 2152 W. INSTRUCTIONS BECKLEY'S Business College. En ter any time. Individual promotion, 131 Market St. HELP WANTED—MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER DOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU STEADY WORK TIIE YEAR ROUND. EXCELLENT, WORKING CONDITIONS. EDUCA TIONAD ADVANTAGES and A CIIANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC- I COKDANCE WITH YOUR A BID IT Y". GENERAL REPAIRMEN BORING MIDD ADD AROUND MACHINISTS CARPENTERS KDECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS PATTERN MAK ERS SHEET METAD WORKERS 11ENCHMEN. E R ECTORS. ACETYDENE AND EDECTRIC WELDERS NEEDED Apply in person, or write at once to Factory Office Employment. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, ; AKRON, OHIO. i I J WANTED For office work In large com pany. young man good at fig ures and capable of operating typewriter or billing machine. State age, where educated, experience, salary expected and reference. Address Box L-9056 care Telegraph. I WANTED Young men between the age j of 17 and 21 to learn trade oc cupations, Harrisburg Shops: Plumpers Boilermakers Car Repairmen Inquire at Employment Bureau. No. 5 Grace Ave. Master Mechanic's Office or Maclay Street Shop, llar burg. General Foreman's Office. j Ducknow. General Foreman's Office. j Enola. SALESMAN OR BROKER One who has the facilities to repre sent us and push ail issue of great merit. Some leads now available. Very liberal arrangement. Please advise us of your activities. Our representative' w ill be in your city after January 1. j McLAINE & COMPANY. 53 State Street, Boston. Mass. SOLICITORS Desiring to become high class salesmen and make permanent con nections in local sales force. We teach you our business and pay you a sal ary and commission while learning. Apply Room 410 Patriot Bldg. HARRISBURG examinations com ing for hundreds U. S. Government positions. Men-women. 18 up. $llOO to S2OOO year. Quick raise. Easy work. Short hours, permanent, no layoffs. Common education sufficient. Pull un necessary. List openings free. Write to-day. Franklin institute. Dept. 411 Y, Rochester, N. Y. MAN to work this city rellnishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $lO daily without capital or experience. Write Gunmet al Co., 334 Elm, Decatur, 111. MEN wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor. former govt, detec tive. Danville, 111. MINTED —One good automobile mechanic. Apply at once. Federick's tiaragey 1807 N. 7th St. I Continued In Next Column) r t Houses For Sale IIIGHSPIRE Klixiilirtli unit George Sl. Two pair. 214-story frame dwell ings; 6 rooms and bathroom (no fixtures) each; electric light; gas in kitchen; iront and back porches; granolithic walks; line slate roofs: lots. 25x125 ft. each. Price. $2,600 for corner pair; $2,500 for inside pair. XTEEI.TOX 344-310 S. Second Street Pair, 2',4-story frame dwellings; each contain 6 rooms and finished attic; electric light; front porch; water In kitchen; good condition. Price. $3,000 entire property. WEST FAIItVIKW NorthncMt Corner Seeonil , and River Street* Pair. 2 V4-story frame houses; 5 rooms each; lot 29x139 ft.; $22 a month rental for both. Price, $2,000 entire property. Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCt ST AMI CO I It T STS. UK Als IS NT ATl's ISSUMAXCE SI KfSTV IIOMIS Member* HnrrlMhuri? Heal Hoard SATURDAY EVENING, HELD WAN TED—MA LK WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL FLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., STEELTON, PA. 1 WANTED Experienced trecrcr and iron- I er at once. Good pay. Apply, i KBH.Y, PAVORD WILKS SHOE CO., 46 North Cameron Street. i : Experienced collector. No other need apply. COLLIN'S CO.. 34 North Second Street. i v WANTED AUTO TRUCK DRIVER (White) One who possesses knowl edge of mechanical features; also some salesmanship abil ity. Good and permanent po sition to right party. Address in confidence, Box T-7699 care Telegraph. WANTED —River coal fireman for industrial plant, steady work for com petent man, none except those experi enced in liring river coal need apply. Reference required. Apply Hbg. .Mfg. and Boiler Co.. 19th and Perry Sts. SELL guaranteed trees, shrubs, roses. Make your spare time earn money. Write at once so that our held man ager may call on you. William c. Moore <& Co., Newark, N. Y. ANYBODY can Increase income S2O weekly. Spare time growing mush rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free illustrated booklet, lliram Barton, 332 A West 48tli St., New York. MEN—Age 17 to 55. Experience un necessary. Travel, makoi secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 429, St. Louis. HUNDREDS Railway Mail Clerks, City Mail Carriers wanted by U. S. Government. Men 18-45; $1,090-$1,809 year. List positions free. Franklin institute. Dept. 413-W, Rochester. N. Y. U. S. Government wants hundreds railway mail clerks. Beginners salary SI3OO year. Men-women, 18 up. List positions free. Write to-day. Franklin Institute. Dept. 412Y, Rochester, -N. Y. MESSENGERS making good wages. Health v outdoor work. Qpportunity for clerical 'positions. Apply imme diately. Western Union Telegrapn Company. W ANTED—More men to work on automobiles and airplanes, between class hours. You have an excellent chance to learn the business, wo | guarantee 59 hours per week at $.39 per hour. Our full course is $lO9. Ap ply 25 North Cameron St. r lying Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. Hbg Ai rd romo llbg.. Pa. ROLL turners wanted. Experienced men only need apply. Steady work. Good wages; Address "Turners. „1J Heed Bldg.. Philadelphia. WANTED —A drug salesman to handle product as side line. Address Box G-SO2S care Telegraph. YOUNG men. 18-35, for railway mail clerks. $1390-$1590. Experience un necessary. Examinations Hairisbuig, January 17. For free particulars, write It. Terry, (tormer Civil Service Examiner). 518 Continental B,dg., Washington. D. C. WANTED —Branch office managers. Salary and bonus. Must have refer ences and cash or other security. Permanent positions. Articles exten sively advertised, thousands of wen pleased customers. Also several open ings for salesmen. Only men who mean business need apply. Address F. M.. Room 216, Smith Bldg.. bun bury, Pa. SALESMEN To work In crew, magazine propo sition, salary and commission, plenty of renewals. "Want men to tram for crew managers. Apply Room 410 Pa triot Bldg. ! LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY I Training qualities you in your spare time to fill important accounting, traffic, bunking and sales positions. Positions located for graduates. Full ! information without obligation. East ern office, -6 N. 18th St. Bell 5299. I SALESMAN to handle automobile I lubricant in Harrisburg and vicinity. I Man between age of 23 and 40 with excellent reputation, experience in this line not necessary. To man who can qualify will be in position to make good income. Address Box 133. Leb anon. Pa. BOY wanted for store and delivery work, must be over 16. ablebodied and have wheel; state salary expected to start. Address Box K-7969. BOYS wanted for messengers. Ap ply at Postal Telegraph. WANTED—Young man to work at soda fountain, one with some experi ence preferred. Apply Forney's Drug Store. WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. HELP W ANTED—FEMALE SILK, SILK. SILK Silk Operators Good Learners If steady work Is what you want and short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL Cor. Second and North Sts. STENOGRAPHER , Experienced, one who is ac customed to rapid dlctulion; • opportunity for advancement. Address Box T-T607 care Tele graph. WANTED—Woman or girl for gen eral housework, good home to right party. Inquire 3093 Riverside Drive or Bell phone 3398. WANTED—Six bright and steady girls between ages <>! 16 und 20. We will teach you an excellent trade and Pay you 110 per week while learning. Klaus 42 Co.. Inc., 323 S. Cameron St. (Continued In Next Column; t HELP WANTED—FEMALE OPERATORS Owing to the rapid increaso of our business wo are re- I quiring experienced sewing muchine operators. Work is | regular and pennanent. As sanitary conditions of our sewing rooYns and the effi ciency of our machines aro second to none, operators can earn good wages. A bonus is paid every puy day to oper i ators. BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC.. REILY AND FUDTON STREETS WANTED—By a representa tive retail store, for perma nent position with pleasant surroundings, an experienced stenographer, able to assist with genera! office work. Ad dress with full details of ex perience and salary expected. Address K-6421 care Tele graph. : WANTED—MiddIe aged wom an for general housekeeping. Must furnish references. Ap ply 11. G. McAllister, 325 Mar ket Street. WANTED—Young girl or elderly wonuyi to help with housework. Ap ply at 1510 Green Street. WANTED—GirI over 20 years old for store work, reference required. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. 298 N. Second St. CANVASSERS Two ladies lor city work, magazine proposition that appeals to every housewife, salary and commission. Wo will teach you our work. Apply Room 419 Patriot Bldg. WANTED Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Uarris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St WANTED—White girl for general housework; wages $s per week. Ap ply 901 North Second St., or call Bell phone 298. SEWING machine operators want ed. A few good learners taken. We work 5u hours' a week and pay every Saturday, steady .work guaranteed. Bonus paid every Week. Apply Harris burg Apparel Co.. Sixth and Heir Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg. HELD WANTED—MaIe and Female WOMEN or man wanted, salary $24 full time, 59c an hour spare time, sell ing guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Ex perience unnecessary. International Mills, Norristown, Pa. MEN—Women raise Belgian hares for us. We pay $7 to $lO for all you raise. Free illustrated book'let. United Food and Fur Association. 329 West •18th St.. Dept. C, New York. HARRISBURG railway mail cleik examinations January 17. SI3OO tirst year. Men, women IS to 35. List va cancies free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 412Y, Roch ester. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED A LARGER SALARY YOU WANT MORE MONEY It's yours if you put in that extra hour or two each day—in recreation, ."-'uro it's recreation to make pleasant live or ten minute visits on a different lino of merchants than the regular line you call on. You get a new view point of business—you're in a differ • nt atmosphere The handy pocket sam ple—the big commission getter makes your salary what you want it —no limit except the limit you set for yourself. One man's side line commis sions this week, over S4OO. Every thing furnished free to work with— wo even show you how to sell it— you learn that in 10 minutes. Write us—you'll at least have the satisfac tion of knowing that you have not passed up a big spare time money maker without investigation. C. E. Eriekson Co.. Inc., 633 Erickson Bldg.. Dos Moines. lowa. SALESMEN—We desire forceful and aggressive salesmen to sell our 1921 line of high class calendars and ad vertising specialties In Harrisburg and adjacent territory. Will consider applications only from men of re liable character and real selling abil ity. Send leferences of banks or busi ness men. Thos. J. Beckman Co.. 310 N. 11th St.. Philadelphia. OUR protected article exclusively owned and controlled by us clears up ward of S4O per day for salesmen: most essential; government created demand. Large territories to salesmen able to handle crews, fcjide line or full time, if you cannot sell this specialty you will fail selling life preservers on a sinking ship. Definite co-operation, •lerome Laadt, Pres.. 8 South Dear born St.. Chicago. Hi. LIVE experienced salesmen, exclu sive territory, strongest, most attrac tive calendar and specialty lino ever produced. Old house. Liberal commis sions paid weekly. "Write for bonus contract for 1920. Sentinel Printing Wo., Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big . demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn.. Dept. 603, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED | AGENTS —Biggest money-maker in U0 years; an order at 8 out of every 1 10 homes with our advertising offer 'of a $2.50 aluminum tea pot free; 90 I per cent, of our agents are making lover $1 an hour; Albert Abbt made $53.43 iirst four days; Watson earns $2.90 an hour; Mrs. Burke, a new be ginner earned $3 an hour iirst day; Fred Kecles making $4 an hour; write immediately before your territory is I taken; no capital required; pay starts at once; write to-day sure. Life-Time I Aluminum Company, Dept. N-400, ; Boston, Mass. SALESMAN in every town to take orders for "Made-to-Measure" clothes. Opportunity to. make big money and build permanent business. Thousands of well known merchants started this way. We furnish complete equipment for use in store or traveling free. Write Salesmanager, Meyer & Com pany, 381 W. Adams St., Chicago. AGENTS —Make big profits selling our extracts, perfumes, cold cream™ face powders, spices, medicines, etc. Beautiful high grude line. Exclusive territory. Sample soap free. Lacassian Co., Dept. 141, St. Louis, Mo. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants] representatives to sell shirts, under-1 wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free I samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way, New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE EX-SERVICE man looking for em ployment with some tirm witli which there will be opportunities for de velopment and advancement. Address Box S-7970 care Telegraph. WANTED —Bookkeeping or clerical >ositlon by man with experience in ank work apd general bookkeeping. care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooin on third floor for light housekeeping, heal, gas and use of bath. Inquire 327 ■ South Front St. (Continued in Next Coluniu; i HARRISBURG 5* IF LIFE IX THIS CITY INTER ESTS YOU then you will iind the classified .ids interesting—for they re flect hundreds of phases and angles of it. They picture its minor busi ness activities, inform YOU as to cur rent opportunities. The life of the city would be only imperfectly understood or appreciated by anyone who failed to keep in triuch with the little ads. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT 714 Capital Street, Second lloor furnished front room. All conveniences. Call Bell 466 K. ROOMS for rent, three unfurnished communicating rooms, first lloor, for light housekeeping, use of bath, lunge and light tarnished, sls per month in advance; no children; vicin ity, Third and Forster Sts. Box 10U54, City. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms on second floor, all conveniences, electric light and city steam, centrally locat eu. Apply S N. Front St. I FOR KENT—Nicely furnished front oom with all conveniences, privatu family; good central locution; gentie ! men only. Apply 321 N. 2d StreiV. I NtIVLY furnished room with pri vate entrance, ail convenience, ceu 'l rally located, price $5 per week. Gentleman only, very suitable tor | business man. Call Bell phone 4620 R. j FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Adults only. ! mi u ire 323 North Second St. TWO rooms and private bath, all ] nodern conveniences, will rent sep arately or ensuite, suitable for light I ousekeeping or otherwise. Bell | hone. 815 N. 17 th St. I NICELY furnished warm rooms $3 j per week and up. 143 S. Third St. | TWO furnished rooms, second floor, 1 bay windows, porch, bath, phone, ' steam heat, good location, ten min ! utes' walk to business section, refer ences. Call after 1 p. ill. or before ! a a. m. Bell phone 4657 M. I FOR RENT—Large tront room fur ! nished, all improvements, bath, I phones. Gentlemen preterred or mail 1 and wife. Apply at 1543 State. Bell 4162 R. ROOMS WANTED WANTED —Three or four rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or un furnished. Suburban preferred. State price. Address H-8208 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RIVER DRIVE APARTMENTS Six rooms and bath, all mod ern improvements, ready for occupancy. LEWIS B. COHEN, 308 Bergner Building. Bell phone 626 FURNISHED apartment for rent on second floor front bedroom, dining loom and kitchen combined, steam heat, hot and cold water, use of bath, furnished up to date. Also a separate loom for light housekeeping. Apply at 443 Walnut St. FOR RENT —From January 1, five rooms, second floor apartment oil Turner street, all conveniences, new, lent S3O per month. Apply J. L. Kuhn. 46-48 North Cameron St. 332 Harris street, furnished apart ment of three rooms on first floor. Ref erence required. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —Unfurnished apartment of two rooms, bath and kitchenette; ] must be centrally located. Call Dial; 8362 between 10 and 8 o'clock. HOME WANTED WANTED —Boarding- home for six months' old baby boy. Apply to Asso ciated Aid Society, 5 North Market fcquare, AN elderly lady would like a home with either protestant elderiy couple or with a widow who has au established home. Will pay liberally lor desirable, homelike accommoda tions. Address Box S-7935 care Tele graphy KEAI, ESTATE FOR SALE EOR SALE Possession 30 DayV Notice 1214 N. 15th St.; 3-story brick; cor ner property; all improvements. Price *5.000 117 Sylvan Terrace; 3-story brick; all imp *4,000 227 N. 15th St.; 3-story brick; oorclies, drive ulley; all imp., ' *5,200 1731 Park St.; 21 -.-story brick; all imp. ' *3,500 228 S. 29th St.; 2!s-story frame; side entrance; lot, 20x100; all imp^, 230 S. 29th St.; 2%-story frame; side entrance'; lot, 20x190; all ' m £o *2,.t.,0 "-story frame; 8 rooms; lot. 60x150; " Bank St.. Penbrook. Price, *2.000 1009-11-13 N. 19th St.; 3-story frame, water and gas; price, each . *-,000 1123 State;. 3-story brick; ull J 1 "p. Price *4.00 CHARLES DAVIES Real Estate und Eire Insurance, 1549 State, Cor. 16th. Bell 4162-R IJ ial 45u0 PEFFER STREET house for sale. Eight rooms und bath, gas. Price i'OOO. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. — —— I SUMMIT STREET. S.. 163. Price! has just been reduced. Eight rooms! and bath. gas. furnace. Bell Realty i Co.. Bergner Bldg. I S3IOO will purchase a brick house with'seven rooms and bath, other im provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. PENN STREET property for sale. 8 rooms, bath. gas. furnace. 1826 Penn Street. Price S2BOO. Bell Realty Co., Uergr.cr Bldg. STATE STREET, 1727 Vacant house, eight rooms and bath. gas. electric light, furnace. Price reason able. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. (Continued la Ntxt Column > TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 3?t MARKET STREET FOR SALE ! Vacant and completely renovated. 1 1 offer Heet between Third uml i f ourth streets, three-story brick, all i Improvements. SSOO down, balance in monthly payments. Reily street, between Sixth and Seventh. All improvements. S3OO cown, balance as rent. Derry street, between 21st and 22d streets, three-story bricks, electric I light and steam heat. s3ot> down, bal- I ance at rent. | Logan Street, 1900 block. $2500 and S3OOO. $l9O down, ?$25 a month. I Heel street,- above Seneca, three story brick, drive 'alley in the rear, all improvements, S3OO down, balance | as rent. I 224 S. 17th St.. two-story brick, all ' improvements, $299 down, $25 per i nonth. 1430 Naudain Street, three-story brick, all improvements. $209 down. . }25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, . 398 Bergner Building. 1 tell 62C. Dial 6226 . ! YOUR OPPORTUNITY I Two Mechanicsburg properties. Fine I shade trees, front lawns, granolithic I pavements, large porches, pressed l brlclt fronts, nine rooms and bath. ! oak finish, art glass, tine mantels, furnace, electric lights and gas. Botli in excellent repair and three minutes from trolley or train. If you are look ing for a real suburban home this is your opportunity. North Sixth Street above Reily, 3- story brick residence. Second floor ar ranged as separate apartment. Eight rooms and bath, cemented cellar Willi lurnace. Separate fruit and vegetaole cellar. Possession about sixty days. North Sixth above Reily. 2%-story frame, store front with private front entrance to dwelling. Six rooms and bath. Building lot 155 feet deep. A good investment. G. W. HAUCK COMPANY. 202 Calder Bldg.. 16 N. Market Square. Real Estate and Insurance. Bell phone 3917 J. FOR SALE For cash or exchange for city prop erty; immediate possession, 2128 N. Third street, being a line up to date home with garage in rear. Also 1010 North Third street. Store room and two apartments, city steam, electric light, liberal terms. Apply S. FRIEDMAN, 222 Market St. or 217 Peffer St. THE MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 WIFE EOR J HUSBAND DAUGHTER I SON Buy a home, prepare now for the spring drive. I have what you want and where you want it, either casli or time payments. LOUIS B. COHEN Room 308 Bergner Building. Bell 626 FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE Situate 918 NORTH THIRD STREET Eleven rooms and bath, city steam and all other modern conveniences. Immediate pos session given. Ajl.ily for terms and conditions at CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. Third and Broud Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. HOUSES EOR SAI.E North Sixth Street. Penn Street. Cumberland Street. Moore Street. Derry Street. Swatara Street. Also many suburban properties. All kinds of farms. large and small; prices reasonable. DURAND & EERBER. lU7 Chestnut St. ! IMMEDIATE possession of a frame house with 8 rooms and bath, gas, ! electric light, steam heat, hardwood floors, lot 40X120. Price $6200. Beii Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF CITY NEW LIST Any thing you want in homes, some on easy I aymcnt, special 24-acre truck farm, near Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Bar gain price If sold before February 1. Call or phone C. F. Morning. 13th and Market Sts. Bell 4209 M. (Continued In Next Column/ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." I YOUR LAST CHANCE 1 ONLY ONE OF SIX LEFT I BRAN 11 NEW AND VACANT—NO ; MONEY DOWN. SAME AS RENT i litli and Pax ton Sts.—Seven rooms; and bath, hardwood lloors. steam heat, i gas and electricity; u real modern' I home; front und bark porches; built ; i" pairs; driveway in rear. POSSESSION AT ONCE Fulton St.. 1832—Three-story, eight-' room house, some improvements; very; rare opportunity for family of modern i . nivalis to buy u home. POSSESSION AT ONCE i RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER! I I2lh St.. N., 68—Three-story, eight! I rooms and bath, newly painted and ! papered; gas and electricity; all Im-1 ; provements; house in first elass con-1 jdition; now vacant. A RARE OPPORTUNITY Soufli 16th St.. 544—Two-story 'brick, seven rooms and hath, cement I | cellar, very easily heated, newly pa j pered and in very good condition. Pos-j session by January 1. Small amount lof cash, balance same as rent. Can! be seen at any time. I i i A CHANCE OF A I.IKE TIME j Three-story brick, nine rooms, now-] i ly papered throughout, hot and cold j I water in cemented cellar. Outside cel- I larway. nice size yard, all modern i conveniences; small amount of cash;! ' balance same as rent. Possession on j short notice. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room I Security Trust Building. ; 36 North Third Street, j Bell 1399. Dial 357 ! I ! I —I • ! For Sale—Northeast corner of Bow man ave and Logan st.. Camp Hill 9 room single frame dwelling al 1 modern improvements. lot 149x280 extending to Locust street on rear, large stable and chicken house. I For Sale—Double frame dwelling en Myers ave.. Camp lliil. 6 rooms an I attic each, cemented cellars, porches, lot 40x150. For Sale—On Long street. Camp Hill. 2-storv frame bungalow. 7 rooms, and bath, 'all improvements, lot 70x 211, elegant condition. Price ...$4090 For Sale—s2o N. 15th St., single brick dwelling, S rooms, bath and re ception hall, hardwood floors, corner property, elegant condition. For Sale —Hummel ave., Lemoync, 2V-storv frame dwelling, 6 rooms, : ba'tli and pantry, furnace heat, well i located. For Sale —10-acre truck farm loeat- . l ed one mile from Progress, Dauphin ; county, good buildings, variety of Iruit, lirst class location. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents. Second and Walnut Streets. ' HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE ; Houses of all kinds in all parts of, 1 the city. Some on easy terms, four ' now vacant, possession at once. Some nice coiner properties. A few large single homes with large lawn and shade' trees, two or three up-to-dalu apartment houses, ten per cent, clear. Several 3-story brick houses centrally , located very suitable for apartments. Several' business stands. Grocery store, etc. For full particulars. Apply or phone to C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Real Estate. Insurance Rents Collected. Bell 569J 1 NOW VACANT MUST BE SOLD. OWNER LEAVING ' 1958 Bellevue Road, 3-story brick, (in pairs). 8 r. and b., gas, electricity, two ranges, steam heat, linoleum, blinds and screens, front and rear norcheß. rear drive alley. 1 iot oora-x 109. Built in 1916. Price S4BOO. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., (Harrisburg Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. NEW double house. 100 feet south , of Berry on Melrose, between 22d and i 23d Its., 2-story brick, 6 rooms and i bath, steam heat, gas stove, clectou. lights, hardwood floor in living Very convenient home; reasonable, open for inspection. Newton L. At id ers. jjeli 3054 K. EOR SALE—TWO bins I* 1 "" 1 ' good location. Must be sold to close •tn estate. Big bargain, lnquiic U. it. iVnid Tiustec. 317 Chestnut St. i'A<i-l for property. No commissions. ; Q U i C g settlements. Chat,. Adler. 1002 a. Thirti struct. I FOR SALE 391S Pcnn St., brick s36ou il'43 N. 41It St.. Orick •1918 Park St., brick oouo 12127 N. Sixth St., brick 1820 Eulton St., frame 41900 1 Easy payments. D. A. CALEY, 1 ',07 Kunkel Bldg. Bell BS9 I EOR SALE —20th and Brookwood I Sts, beautiful corner house with rive ots' end of lots, good building with 1 13 000 feet floor space suitable tor any business, shalting belting and 3 H. P. 'motor. 12 11. P. steam boiier. Reason lor selling, leaving city, inquire c. E. Cooper. 2oili and BrooKwood Sts. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME witli large lawn and snrubbery. Also i about 7 acres ol land suitable lor | lurming or building piots. Will be sold 1 in lots or as a wnolu. Also one row ot live frame houses. All located with- 1 in six miles ol Uarrlsbuig. Excellent tar service. Call Steelton Exchange, HiUJ on Bell phone. MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Business property on Market street 1 Brick construction, consisting ,>f, store and nne dwelling, A 1 condition throughout, all improvements, am compelled to sell for good reasons, it' v,,u mean business inquire for full particulars to Box B-7967 care Tele j graph. EOR SALE —333 and 337 Emeraal i ! St.. possession April 1. 2028 and 2030 ' i Susquehanna St., possession in 3u i days. Apply to 814 Capital St. EOR SALE | N. Fourth St., 2200 block, modern lesidence, 8 rooms, batli and pantry.; Very desirable $5200 Earker St.. 1823, 2-story brick, 7 I rooms and bath, modern und desir able $3250 Bellevue Road, 1900 block. 2-story brick. 7 rooms and bath, modern in ; all respects ,...s4oon Properties in all parts oi the city I I from SBOO to $25000. Some upon veiy easy terms. GEO. W. JACOBS, ,17 N. Third St. Bell 1539 VACANT Seven homes, ranging from six | rooms and bath tq ten rooms and | bath, for particulars, call on D. E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Is:wl Street. VACANT —House 632 Boyd street, being renovated, offered for snle at , reasonable price and easy terms. Bell , Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. (Continued In Next Column/ J' DECEM 20, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Reily Street, desirable 3-story brick liome. tine large house in select neigh borhood. 17th St., 3-story brick home; all im provements. easy payment plun. ilAl'M & ROBESON, RUSH Building. Bell 353 J. FOR SALE—VACANT 531 Madly Street. 3-story frame dwelling. 8 rooms and bath, all im provements. iirst class cundition, lot 20x159 with double brick garage, IG\ 2b on rear. Prico $4959. C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Owner, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Bell ',O. 30771 FOR SALE Three-story brick house on corner with large store room, eleven rooms, hot water heat, with all other improvements, in good condition. No. 1190 North Sixth St. For xurther Information call 1100 N. 6th Street. Occupied by owner. t BUY YOUR HOME on the rental pay men! plan. Small cusli or Liberty Bond lust payment required, balance as relic. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doianz. 1223 North Sixui street. HOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bun galow; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other improvements. Beli Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HO NOT delay inspecting those new houses, No. 2117, etc.. Deny street, well built, steam heated, open lire place, other improvements, imme diate possession. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. Keul Estate For Sale—Suburban POSSESSION AT ONCE Lemoyne—North Market St., semi detached 2',5-story brick, modern in every respect. Very little cash needed. Call or phone C. F. Morning, 3 South 13th St. Bell 4299 M. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT—Largo brick stable and warehouse, situate 1639 Fulton street. Immediate possession given. For terms und conditions, apply at Cen tral Trust Company, Third and Broad streets, Harrisburg. HEAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Will you sell? What is your price? l have many calls. No sale, no charge. Give me a chance. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Harrisburg Bell phone 560J Insurance, Rents Collected WANTED to purchase. We are in terested in purchasing a property somewhere between North and' Lo cust and Front and Third Streets. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., (Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. WE will save you time and annoy ance from agents and advertising, by buying your real estate direct. Sate I us full particulars in your letter aud we will buy your property if the price Is right. Address P. O. Box 62a. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES WANTED Want to lease thoroughly modern house with all con veniences. Seven rooms or more, porch and lawn, prefer red uptown or Hill section. Must be good neighborhood. Address Box IC-8282 care Tel egraph. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT FLOOR AND WAREHOUSE Stcum heat, water, elevator, low insurance. Apply Super intendent BOWMAN & COMPANY. STOREROOM FOR RENT I'UOM APRIL 1. 1920. 502 MARKET ST. ('HAS. ADLEK. 1092 N. THIRD STREET. FARMS FOR SALE —17-aere tract, fruit and i poultry farm. 1,000 asparagus, 3 to j years out; lacres fine strawberries; 100 peach trees and small fruit; 0- room frame house; small bank burn, pig sty and chicken house, tine spring water and running water, best ot soli. Possession at once. Located two miles west of Knola, Cumberland County. Pi i< e $2500. For Sale—lls-uere truck or stock farm; eight-room frume house, all necessary outbuildings, no better val ues in Cumberland County. Price slls •per acre. 10 minutes walk to trolley. CrtAS. DA VIES, Real Estate, 1549 State St., cor. 16th Street. [ Dial 4930 < Bell 416211 SUBURBAN FARM 48-aere farm suburban to City if Harrisburg, line driveway direct from city to farm. Must lie sold at once. Flue view; 10 minutes' drive from Market Square; line location for bungalow sites or acre plots. This run be made one of the finest summer homes in the country .It lias 8-room stone house, large burn, etc. For iu i lormation. call or write to C. 11. CORDER. 1722 Green St., Harrisburg J 55 acres. York bounty, good bldg , 2 mules, 9 good milch cows. 2 hogs. 1,5 chickens, all implements mostly I new. Will trade on city property. DURAND & FERRER. 107 Chestnut St. FARMS WANTED WANTED I 50 to 70-acre farm close to main load. Address Box A-8763 care Telegraph. i FOR WALE—MISCELLANEOUS A USEFUL XMAS GIFT White iron bed, good mattress and spring. complete for $24.50. Regular price $32. FORNWALD, 1321 North Sixth Street. BARGAINS IN SURPLUS RECLAIM ED GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES. If the! army used it. we have it. Write for catalog. Dept. C. Army and Navy Supply Co.. Richmond. Va. [ (Continued In Next Column) i FOK SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 1 FOR SALE Overstuffed tapestry, 3-ptcca jiarlor suite, valued S2OO Halo price $lO5. FOHNWAI.T 1321 North Sixth Street. I "it SALE —Grand square piano, i? Wl at 11 saerillee. Price SOO, < all Ale I rose .School Kldg., Itoom 12. BELGIAN HAKES. Thoroughbreds, Fight weeks old, $1 each. Stock ol breeding age $2 each. Philip Condon, Box 302, Westchester, Ohio. FOR HA 1.10—200 choice fat turkeys, live or dressed. J. IX Minnick, North l.euioyiie, Orchard Hill trolley stop. FOIt SALIC Superior Oxy-acexy-, lene generators, cutting and welding torches carbon burning outllL Dem-< castration by appointment. F. K, l.avert> 1857 Bell phone. FOR HALF—Beautiful Nutria fut; coat, will sell for $155. couldn't bd bought for less than $250 to-day. Cal Bell 453011. FOR HALF—Double heater in good condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 3022 North Fourth St. . FOR HALF —Fine Gintble piand cheap to quick buyer. Must go quick, Write or cull 014 Kclker St. FOR HALF—Four burner gas .stove, used six months. Call 104 Edward St- Riverside, or Bell phono 133711 COATS FOR SALE Three very nice ladies' eouts cheap, a bargain, almost new, will sell one for $5, one for SS, and one lor $lO. Call [1506 Slate street or Bell phone 3890J, ! MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand turniture here, ■ High prices paid for furniture. Morris | Hchmertz, 1018 Market. Beil 4494. ' FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 H. P. International gasoline! tngine, machine tools, electric motors, I various sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, lsof Bell phone. ' BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,0ut) new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, [ 925 North Third. Circulars free. i FOR SALE—A full set of black ; smith tools, almost new. Apply 27 j l-.rudy uve. I NATIONAL cash registers sold on I easy monthly payments without ic | ten st. Bell phone 2400. Dial 3590. N. ill. Black, Sales Agent, 103 Market St. i CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer !in new and second-hand furniture, | carpets, stoves. Try us before buying or selling. Great bargain, 15 double 1 heaters. Must bo sold before Christ mas. Great bargain price. Look it i over. A trail will convince you. Closed i Saturday. 324 Reily St. Bell phone 11061 M. ' TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. 1 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORI'I I EUM TH EATER BOTH PHONES | WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ ! Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call I or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or couu [ try. Eell phone 5321 J. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA, $40,000 wanted on first mortage. Rood security. Address Box S-9U24 care Telegraph. WTO are in the market for all kinds |of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. ! Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j An opportunity Is now avail able to secure the agency for an old established line of heavy duty motor trucks 1%, 2%, 3li and 5-ton capacities. Pro duction has now been increas ed to enable prompt deliv eries. Write or wire for full particulars. UNITED MOTORS CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. SPLENDID opening, moderate eap lilal required. Popular cash and carrv ! business. American Clay Machinery jt'o., Bucyrus. Ohio. | FREE copy Btirkburnctt Oil News. | Showing late developments of Texas • <il Fields. Maps and pictures all free. Burkburnett Oil News, Box 538, Ft. Worth. Tex. BROKERS wanted, home company, drilling two wells, starting third, 1 'esdemona field. Capital $150,000. I Twelve leases, efficient management. |W. It. Morrell, president, (cashier I Farmers' Bank), Hog Town Company, Gorman, Texas. BUSINESS PERSONALS I IF IT'S painting, exterior or inter ior or paperhanging. let me quote yt.it i a price. Quality and service la my I motto, prices consistent with the I qualitv cf work 1 do. L). W. Blxler. I 2130 Susquehanna St. Bell phone I 4006.1. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture i bought and sold. Highest prices paid, | ju22 Market street. Bell 3235W-2. FliliNl TUIt E CRATED. 7. a! Bishop. 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. ; OXV-ACETVLICNE WELDIN CfH Anv me la I welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen, Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan i Street. Bell 4396 J. QUININE —Loolc out for that grlppa feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE IPHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oft If taken In time. Gross Drug Store, 319 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —. Single edge. 25c doz., double edge. 35a doz.. razcrs, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. IK CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street FINANCIAL INVEST CONSERVATIVELY HYDRO-ELECTRIC ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALS J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. 130 Walnut Street, Bell phone 518 J. Harrisburg, Pa, WHERE l-O DINK ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers