18 CArrTTOn Tv rwrMTXTr ■ MANY PRE-CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS ARRANGED BY CITY CHURCHES FOR TOMORROW COL. RICKARDS AT STEVENS M. E. To Deliver Christmas Message Tomorrow Morning; Com manded 112 th Infantry Genertil George C. Rickards, who was in command of the 112 th In fantry in France, will speak in Stevens Memorial Methodist Epis- | copal Church to-morrow morning at i 11. General Rickards led his men I in the Fifth German Offensive. July I 14 to 26th; the Advance on Ourcq j nnd Vesle, July 27 to September 12. 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, Sep tember 26 to October 12. 191S And j the Tliiaucourt sector. October 15 to : November 11, 19 IS. To-morrow morning at 10 o clock, j the Giving Christmas Celebration in the Sunday School is scheduled. In connection with this gathering candy 1 and other things are to be served ; to the smaller children. The Sun day School folk will have charge of the Christmas exercises Sunday eve- I ning at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday after- , noon at 3 o'clock Christmas Mass Meeting for all boys and girls will j he held in the Stevens Memorial 1 Church. . . To-day more than five hundred i children from benevolent and chari table institutions in the city will be entertained and given Christmas | gifts by the Junior League and the j Girl Scouts of this church. • On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, ! Handel's Messiah will be sung by a chorus of fifty voices under the di- | r. ction of Prof. John W. Phillips, i Next Wednesday evening at 10.30 o'clock, a service of meditation, j prayer and music is scheduled for j Stevens Memorial Church. This j Christmas Eve gathering will be in I charge of Prof. John IV. Phillips and his big chorus and Dr. Clayton j Albert Smucker. Prof. F. Watson Hannon, of i Drew Theological Seminary, Mad- j son, X. J., is to begin his course of j Bible lectures in the Stevens Mem orial Church, December 2S. The j course will open on Sunday morn- j ing and will continue every evening, j l'rom Monday to Friday inclusive, and close with three Sunday ad dresses, January 4. Doth men and | women are cordially invited to at tend all meetings except the Sun dav afternoon gatherings for men only. Maclay Street Church oi God Choir Plans Cantata For Tomorrow The choir of the Maclay Street i Church of God will render its Christ mas Cantata, "The Salvation ol" Israel," under the direction of Mrs. Vesper C. Smith to-morrow at 7.30 o'clock. The following is a table of contents of the cantata. Ilass solo and choir. "Seek Ye Out of the Hook." Mr. Leroy Merkle; contralto solo, "Thou Blessed Beth )• hem," Miss GoUlie Gallagher; | choir, "Blessed be the Lord God of j Israel;" soprano solo, tenor solo and ! choir, "Midnight in Her Dusky ; Mantle." Miss .Catherine Lehman. : Mr. Clifford Sellers; choir, "And ( There were Shepherds;" choir, so prano. alto duet and men's chorus, | "Chiming Bells; choir. "The Adora tion of the Wise Men;" Soprano Ob- i ligato, violin obligato and choir; 1 "A Lullaby." Mrs. Clifford Sell- j ers; bass solo and choir. "Christ I the Lord is Born, Mr. Leroy Merkle: I choir. "My Shepherd and My King;'' j alto solo, soprano solo, alto and so- j prano duet and choir. "Night of j 1 Nights." Mrs. John Garrett. Miss j ; Susan Hepford; choir, "Rejoice, O i ' Earth." Rev. Gehman to Speak on Christmas Series Continuing: his Christmas series of j sermons on the subject. "The' Life 0 f Christ." the Rev. J. L. Gehman. pas- | tor of the Calvary Presbyterian ! Church, will present to-morrow at ' the morning- service the second num ber. entitled. "His Name." The consideration in the evening will be the Biblical character, "Bahab." It will be the purpose of I this discourse to show cause why ! she was later accorded a place in ' the roll-call of the "Faithful" in spite i of her former traitorous relations with her country. The Christian Kndeavor Society will on this Sabbath morning have Christmas tree candle light meet ing apropos of the occasion. On Thursday morning at R o'clock a joint meeting of the Christian Kn deavor Society and the helpful hour service will be held in the church auditorium for prayer and praise This is a tradition which will again find a place in the program of this years festivities. The Sabbath school will render its program of drills, exercises, recita tions. and vocal and instrumental selections on Christmas evening at 7.30 o clock. * CLASS TO MEET Invitations are out for Visitors' Day which will b e observed by the' Men's Organized Bible class ' Zion Lutheran Church, at its regular ses sion Sunda yafternoon. in its class room. Each member Is urged { 0 bring at least one visitor. Dr. E E Campbell will teach the lesson which is a Christmas lcss<m entitled The Prinre of Peace • The male quartet which wag ,-e cently organized by the class' will sing several selections, this being the first appearance. 8 e ' ■■ • • • • - PINE STREET '~s\ N, ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 \ \ Third and Pine Streets :. REV. U S. Mt'DOE, n. D., I'ASTOII^' ?' Church Christmas Services IV -4 I 10.30 A. M. • If "CHRISTMAS ENTHUSIASM" • Chrlstniss Music by Quartet and Selected Chorus -1 Jj J!? 7.30 P.M. || f THE ORATORIO, "THE MESSIAH" J Part I and The Hallelujah chorus I • Quartet —Selected Chorus—Organ. y ( '} I Address by the Pastor. | • |l | "THE WONDERFUL WORDI . DIVINE AID "Human management of the af fair* of the universe Is failing. Without divine intervention, the world and its people will plunge into chaos. America is rent asun der by the spirit of defiance of law and order. There appears to he no man or men big enough in this land to stay the rising tide of the disaster • • • GOD ALONE CAN SAVE. * • • In prayer alone ex ists hope. The people of America must go down on their knees and ask for divine aid • • •" —Pitts- burgh Leader. October 31, 1919. HOLIDAY MUSIC | AT PINE STREET | Dr. L. S. Mudge to Speak on "Christmas Enthusiasm" Tomorow Morning At Pine Street Presbyterian Church | on Sunday all tlie services will be in keeping with the Christmastlde. On Sunday morning, at 10.30 o'clock. ! the pastor, the Kcv. Dr. Lewis Sc> - mour Mudge. will preach on "Christ inas Enthusiasm," and there will be special Christmas music" by tlie j church quartet and a chorus 'of se i lected voices. At o'clock. Part 1 ' and the Hallelujah Chorus from "The I Messiah" will he presented by the 1 quartete, chorus and organ. The ' pastor will deliver a brief address on "The AVondertul Word." At tin ! session of the church Sunday school 1 in the afternoon the Christmastlde | will be recognized in lesson study land by Christmas carols. At 0.15 ! p. m., in the lecture- room the Senior j Christian Endeavor Society of the I church will hold a candle light service. On Tuesday evening, at 7.45 o'clock] ! in the lecture room the Junior and j i Intermediate Departments of tin- I j Church Sunday school will have I their Christmas celebration. On Wed | nesday evening at the regular mid- 1 week service the pastor will give, a Christmas address on "The Methods :of Christ." On Friday evening the j Division Street Chapel Sunday school i will hold their Christptas eelebra i tion. The remaining Christmas celebra ! tions in the Pine street parish will ' be as follows: Aionday evening, De ! centber 29. Bethany Chapel Christ mas exercises; Friday evening, Jan- I uary 2. the Pine Street and Bethany mothers' meeting will hold a joint Christmas celebration. For the time and place of the various mission study classes those interested are referred to the- weekly church bulletin, and full details con cerning the activities of the organ izations connected with the men s i and boys' building and the women s and girls' building, will be found < on their bulletin boards. Second Reformed S. S. Will Give Program Tomorrow Morning The Christmas exercises of the, Second Reformed Sunday School will be held on Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock, instead of tlie con- j gregational service. The various de partments of the Sunday School will participate in making this oc casion commemorative of the Birth of the Christ, ,and the "White Gifts to the King" will feature the exer cises. The Sunday School will as semble at the usual hour, 10 A. M., and after brief exercises will unite in the auditorium during the sing ing of a processional hymn. The other services of the day will be the Christian Endeavor service at 6.30 P. M. and evening worship at 7.30 o'clock. These will also look toward Christmas, the C. E. topic being "The Christmas Alessage and the Christmas Spirit." while the pas tor, Rev. Alfred Kevin Say res, will j preach on the subject, "Is This the Messiah?" Dawn services will be held at 6.30 o'clock on Christmas morning, featured by choral and congregational singing. State Street U. B. Choir to Give Oratio On Sunday evening State Street | United Brethren Church trained | chorus will render the oratorio "Bethlehem." one of Gabriel's best compositions. It opens with the cre ation of man, and ends with the chorus of "Unto Us a Child is Born." The choir includes: Sopranos, Miss Carrie Walker, Miss Ethel Sha F fer. Mrs. A. M. Buck, Mrs. W. P. Edmondson, Mrs. T. Havard Davies, Mrs. Edmondson. Miss Mabel f'avles and Miss Arminta Seidler; con traltos. Mrs. Shaffer. Miss Margaret Edmondson, Mrs. Hinkle, Miss Ella Eupp and Miss Mari* Gerhart: tenors. T. Howard Dav'es, W. and W. P. Edmondson; bass. A. Bushman, Amos Eifigle. Lewis Rowe, Thomas Clark and Gwyn Davies: soloists,soprano, Miss Carrie Walker; alto. Mrs. Shaffer; tenor, T. HoVvard Davies, Jr.i "bass. A. Bushman; or i gnnist, Mij Emily Miller; director. ■ Prof. T. "xavard Davies, L. T. S. C. ANM'AI, MEETING The annual congregational meeting | of the First Church of Christ was held on Thursday evening, when eiders, deacons, trustees and treas urers of all departments were eleeted. Reports of treasurers were received, which showed increases along all linos. The pastor's salary was in creased by $320 and plans laid for the buying of a parsonage. This was one of the best years of the I church. WILL DEPICT FIRST CHRISTMAS i Dr. Bowers to Preach on First Christmas in Olivet Presbyterian i "The First Christmas" will be the I subject that Rev. S. A. Bower will present in Olivet- Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. The ser ! mon will describe Bethlehem —its I history, and people, and the prophe cies concerning it. I The pastor will also tell of the | Shepherds, the Message of the An gels and the Visit of the Wise Men to the Babe of Bethlehem. The evening service will consist of two parts. The first will be a service of song by the choir, consist | ing of Christmas anthems and car- I o(s. A "Pageant of Light" given by the ; Girl Scouts of the Church, will com- I prise the second part of the even ing service. , ■ This is an exercise most intpres ' sively solemn and beautiful, which ! vividly presents to us the manner \ in which Jesus, the "Light of the I World" gave the true light to His I Apostles, and how they transmitted i the Gospel Ught down through the I Christian centuries to us. On Christmas night the Sunday i School will give their entertuin inent in the church. C. E. Notes Bethany Presbyterian Kndeavoivrs I held a well-attended business meet ling and social recently in tbe lecture I room of the chapel. New officers were elected for the ensuing term: President, Ross Cleland: vice-presi [ dent, Harry Brenizer; secretary, .Miss Bertha Fctterhoff; treasurer, 11. 'W. Davis; corresponding secretary, Mrs Harry Brenizer; pianist, Mrs. i lleuiah Robinson. Committee rhnir ,men: Prayer meeting, Charles tlinev; missionary, Miss Ida Stewart; cot , tage prayer meeting,, Airs. John Straining; lookout. Mrs. John Web iler; music. Alts. Grant I-enig. A. Y. ICnlsely will have charge of ; Ihe Endeavor service at the Cen tenary United Brethren Society, in Steelton, on Sunday evening. "The Christmas Message and the Christmas Spirit" will be the topit for study in the various Christian Endeavor Societies to-morrow eve- I ning. Dr. F. E. Bower, pastor of Olivet Presbyterian Church, will conduct, a special Christian Endeavor meeting ot be held by the Endeavorers on Christmas morning. Watch night services will be conducted on New Year's Eve, December 31, bv G. L. Culmerry, superintendent of the Sun day School. Christian Endeavor Week will be observed with many special pro grams February 1-7. First Sunday will be Christian Endeavor Day and the second Sunday Decision Day. State Secretary Haines A. Reicliel will move the State Christian En deavor headquarters from 1549 State street to 1604 State street Monday. West Fairview United Brethren Kndeavorers promise a good program for Sunday evening. E. L. Stiles is the president. State Secretary Haines A. Reichel, of Harrisburg, will tie liver an address. Zion Evangelical Lutheran En doatorers. of Enola, will have a good Christmas program arranged for Sunday evening. A purity campaign will be con ducted throughout the State und°<- H ie ,?. ire c Ction of state Superintendent ~ , ■ Sw ayze, of Allentown, of the < hristian citizenship department. cwi.n M ' T-' n f st wi " conduct the hristian Endeavor service at the Second Reformed Society on Sun day evening. At the St. Matthew's Lutheran So ciety Howard Bink will have charge of the Christian Endeavor service on Sunday evening. The Bethany Presbyterian Junior Society will hold an interesting t h-istmas exercise to-morrow after- Plon. at 3.30 o'clock. All parents and children interested are invited to attend. Christmas gifts will be given to children. c. C. Hamilton, of Boston, and Haines A. Reichcl, State secretary, of Harrisburg, will tour the Slate January 11 to February 1 in the in terest of State work and the "Chris tian Endeavor World." At the First Church of God So ciety Miss Cora Dugan, Mrs. Reyn olds and Miss Grace Stevick will hate charge of the program to-mor row evening. Miss Catherine WoIIT will speak at the Calvary Presbyterian Society on Sunday evening. State Secretary Haines A. Reichel. of this city, delivered a number of addresses at several big rallies held at Siglervillc, Milroy, Lewistown, Bellville and Burnham last Sunday At Lewistown the Mifflin and Juni ata Counties Endeavor Unions held a big convention. Secretary Reichel also spoke at the men's new ere movement on Sunday afternoon. Pine Street Presbyterian Enuenv orers will hold a candle light serv ice on Sunday evening, at 6.45 o clock. There will be an entire new program, which will be interesting to the members. All persons desir ing to give anything toward the Christmas dinner to he given to poor families and toys for children are urged to bring or send the donations to tho lecture room. A social was enjoyed by the En • deavorers of the Augsburg Lutheran Society recently. A jolly goo<l time was spent in playing of games, and refreshments were served. The new otiicers are as follows: President. John Ewing; vice-president. M. >l. ttishop: second vice-president. Nora l.ippi: secretary, Miss Mary Kreiner; treasurer. Miss Anna Guy: corre sponding secretary, Miss Ruth Ulsh; pianist, Miss Edith Garland. Miss May Humbert will have charge of the program at the State Street I'nited Hrethren Society serv ice on Sunday evening. At the Westminster Presbyterian Society. James Howard, chairman of tile social committee, will be the speaker anil leader to-morrow eve ning. The intermediate leader and Miss Irene Alleman w'll conduct tit 1 meeting of the Senior Society at the St. John's Lutheran Society, Steel ton, on Sunday evening. A Christmas Message By 1R. CLAYTON ALBERT SMUCKER Our present-day world-life, domestic and social, commercial and industrial, economic and political, supremely needs the unselfish love, the revealing light and the directing wisdom of the Christ-Spirit in the solution of problems positively imminent, and the conduct of affairs universally perplexing and disturbing. With tlie perseverance and force of all the past centuries of waiting and working, the love, the revelation and the wisdom of the Triune (iml--Father, Son and Holy Ghost—seek incarnation in uni versal human life to make perfect the performance of all its affairs. Every Christmas season pleadingly emphasizes this fact. I'lie correct interpretation of prevailing conditions is the human need oi lfivine co-operation atuT direction. Christ is very present with us, but can only become part of us if we make "room for Him in the Inn." Let us all so do and rejoice in heaven's message of beauty and power, "Lo. this is our God; we have waited for Him and He will save us; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice iu ll:s salvation. He destroys the face of the coverir.-g east over all people and the veil that is spread over till nations. He swallows tip death in victory and wipes the tears from off all faces. He has glory in tlie highest and proclaims peace upon earth through the good will of men." YULETIDE WILL RING OUT IN BIG VARIETY OF MUSIC I I'AXTON PRESBYTERI \X ] i The choir of Poxton Presbyterian j Church under tlie direction of Miss ■ I Genevive Kelly, organist and churl- i ster, will sing at 5 o'clock, a can- 1 1 lata, "The Angelic Choir," by llarrj 1 I B. Adams, including the following j numbers: Chorus,. "Hark What 1 Music Fills the Sky;" contralto solo. ; "There Came Three Kings." Mrs. R. JX. Ilosle; recitation, "And There 1 , Were Shepherds," Mrs. Brady, ' i chorus, "Good Tidings of Great | Joy; ' mezzo soprano and chorus, "And Suddenly With the Angels," j Mrs. A. P. Rutherford; chorus,! "Bethlehem:" soprano solo. "Marys I Manger Song." Mrs. C. C. Holla nil; 1 chorus. "On This Night All Nights Excelling;" men's chorus, "All My Heart This Night Rejoices;" so- 1 prano solo, "Hail the Wondrous Stranger," Mrs. W. IT. Cordnv: women's chorus. "Hark, Hark, M.v ! Soul." solos by Mrs. Rutherford and ! Mrs. Sunsom; chorus, "Hail to the; Lord's Anointed;" women's chorus, j | "Once in Royal David's City." Tlie cantata will ho preceded by i several organ numbers and a re- i sponsive service led by the pastor, the Rev. Harry R. King. FIFTH STREET M. K. 'Morning Prelude, "Christmas j Offertory," Orison; anthem, "Sing, | O Sing This Blessed Morn," Rog- i ers; offertory, "An English Carol," I (a Virgin most pure) W. T. Rest: solo, "O Thou That Tellost Glad | Tidings," (Messiah) Handel, Miss j Mary Worley; anthem, "Arise, | Shine," Maker; postlude, "Chorus j of the Shepherds," Lenimens. Evening Organ recital, 7.15 o'clock; (a) Pastorale, Yon; (l>) "Evening Bells and Cradle Song," Macfarlanc; (c) Christmas Pastor ale, "Silent Night, Holy Night." Harker: anthem, carol, "Hark, the Christmas Bells Are Ringing," Manney; offertory, "Christmas Of-' fertory," Rogers; cantata, "The Story of Christmas," Alexander Mat-! thews; postlude, "March of the Magi," Harker. Soloists for the evening cantata Mrs. Frank Smiley, Miss Hazel! Fraim, Miss Catherine Jami-on, so- I prano; Miss Mary Worley, _,irs. Wes- I ley AAeaver, alto; Harvey Wagner, Thompson Martin, tenor; Robert i Bratten, Howard Fraim, bass. Vio-| lette Cassel, organist; Thompson Martin, director. ZIOX LUTHERAN Morning Prelude, "The Shep herds in the Fields." Mailing; an them, "Sanctus," Gounod; contralto' solo, "The Virgin's Cradle Song" ! (from "The Holy Night"), Miss Ben- ! nett. Brewer; offertory, "Interlude i in E flat," Blotch; anthem, "Angels | From the Realm of Glory," Rogers; postlude, "torchlight march," Guil mant. Evening—Prelude. "Noel," Th. | Dubois; quartet, "Bethlehem." Mrs. Decevee, Miss Bennett. Mr. Zarker, I Mr. Smith. H. Barlett; baritone solo, j "The Birthday of a King" (by re- j quest), Neidlinger; offertory, "Pre lude in C major." Reynolds; quar tet, "O Holy Niglit," A. Adams; postlude. "Grand Chorus," Guilmant. ! Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee, chorister; ' Mr. William E. Bretz, organist; Mr. 1 E. A. Kepner, chimes. The choir of Zion Lutheran j Church assisted by Mrs. R. G. Cox, J soprano, will sing the Christmas j part of Handel's "The Messiah" on ! Christmas morning at 6 o'clock. I OLIVET PRESBYTERIAN 1 Prelude, "Grand Choeur In G," j Faulkes; anthem, "O Little Town i of Bethlehem," Hawley: anthem, I "Star of the Orjent," Shelley; an- j them, "Like Silver Lamps," Barnby; duet, "Christmas Song," Adam (Au gust G. Shantz and Claude R. En gle); offertory, "Slumber Song,"! Schuman; anthem, "O Sing to God." ! Gounod; postlude, "Marche Cel ebre," Lncliner (soloists, Miss Mir iam B. Himes, Miss Martha Shart zer, and August G. Shantz; organ ist, Miss Frances B. Gelwlcki; di rector, Claude R. Engle. SERMONS TOMORROW FULL OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT F-PISCOPAR Church of thp Holy Cross.—The Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment. 10.30, Matins; 11, sermon and Holy Communion; 8, evensong and ser mon. St Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. 8, Holy Communion; 10, Sunday School; 11. Morning Prayer and sermon on "The Healing of Body, Soul and Spirit;" 7.30, eve ning prayer and Advent address. St. Andrew's —The Rev. Henry A. Post. 8. Holy Communion; it. 45, Church School; 11, morning prayer and sermon on "Mv Messenger;" 4, evening prayer; . 7.30. popular serv ice and address on "Why I Believe in God." St. Paul's—B, Communion Serv ice: 11, "How Shall We Report?"; 2.30, Sunday School; 7. first meeting of Prayer Circle; 8, popular service and address. BAPTIST Tabernacle—9.43, Sunday school: 11 and 7.30, preaching bv the Rev. Rutgcr I)ox. P. D., of Philadelphia; 8.43, B. Y. P. P. Second—The Rev. Albert .losinh Greene, pastor. 10.30 and 7.20, preach ing; 6.30. B. Y. P. P. St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Rather Cun ningham. 10.30. "This Is the Victory —Our Faith:" 7.30, "Rise mid Walk:" 12.30, Sunday school: 6 30. B. Y. P. 1". First—The Rev. William J. Rock hart. 10.30, "The Appropriateness of the Shepherd's Visit:" 7.30, "The Per manent Message From That Christ- j mas Gift." Ordinance of baptism at evening service. Christmas carols by! the choir. 11.43, Christmas service. , COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN At the morning service in Cove nant Presbyterian church. Sunday, I the church choir will render tlie fol lowing program which has been so -1 lected to emphasize the various ; scenes surrounding the birth of the Messiah: Prelude, "The Infant Jesus" (Pastorale), Petro A. Yon, Miss Esther V. Kjuiffman: anthem, : "• >h Night of Holy Memory," I. 14. ' Wilson, soprano solo, Mrs. Joseph Ibach anil chorus; anthem. "Calm I on the Listening Ear of Night," E. i L. Ashford, obliguto Mrs. S. R. Har : lis, solo, Miss Mary Garland; j chorus. Offertory, "Silent Night. 1 Holy Night," Franz O ruber. Miss Kauffmun; anthem, "There Were : Shepherds Abiding in the Field," E. 1,. Ashford, solos, Mrs. S. R. Harris. I ladies' chorus and mixed chorus; , anthem. "Bethlehem" (from 'N'aza • reth') C. Gounod, solo and ohilgato, , ('has. N. Jackson; solo. Miss Oar ; land: duct, Mrs. Harris and Miss | Garland, chorus. Postlude, "Christ | mas March," G. Merkel, Miss Kauff ] man. FIRST I". B. I The choir of the First United j Brethren on Boas street will render its Christinas music Sunday, Decem ! her 21 at both morning and eve | ning services. j Morning Prelude, "Christmas j Pastorale" (on tlie German Folk I song "Weihnacht"), Harker; an- I them, "It Came Upon the Midnight j Clear," choir; soprano solo, "The Birthday of the King, Mrs. John j Adams; anthem, "Sing Ye Heavens," choir; offertory, "Adorations of the Shepherds," Beetle; postlude, Christ mas Joy," Ashford. Evening Prelude. "Christmas Fantasie," Ashmall: "Holy Night, Silent Night." male quartet (Messrs. Dietrich, Backenstoss, I' irl, W'liitt moyer;) "Sleep", Ho'y babe." ladies i sextette: carol,, "Noel, Noel," choir; "Nazaret.he,," '.. iritone solo. Stanley i Backc;i &l oss and choir; offertory, I "Virgin's Lullaby," Wilson; post- J lr.de, "Bethlehem." Mailing. I Organist, Miss Ernia Henry; i chorister. Miss Mary Irwin. MESSIAH LUTHERAN j Morning—Prelude. "Noel,"d'Aquin; . offertory, "Christmas Clforale," ■ Deigendesch: anthem, "Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethlehem," Xevin: postlude, "Chorus of Shepherds," Lenimens. Evening Prelude, "Christinas Pastorale," Harker; anthem, "The Birthday of a King." Neidlinger: offertory, "Christmas Musette," , Mailly: quartet, "Silent Night. Holy j Night,"Gruber; postlude, "Hosanna," ■ Waclis. j Christmas Morning at B—Prc llude, "Christmas Morn," Mailing: I soprano solo, "The Infant Jesus." i Yon (Mrs. S. Izer); offertory, | "Prayer," Loret; anthem, "Bright ! and Joyful Is the Morn," Williams; j postlude, "March of the Magi," Du | Bois. I TRINITY LUTHERAN, CAMP lIII.L | Morning—Anthem, "Joy to the I World," Adams; "Heavenly Light,"! i Gounod (Mrs. 11. M. Shope. and | Henry M. Shope, Jr., violin); "Beth | lehem'B Plain." Wodell (choir); I carols, "O Thou Joyous Day," "The First Nowell," "Silent Night;'; "The I Angel's Song," LorenzyfMiss Katli | erine Fink and Mrs. W. Kentel ! ricks); "Tho Coming of the King," Lorenz (choir): carols. "While I Shepherds Watched Their Flocks," ! "We Three Men of Orient Arc," j "Good Christian Men Rejoice"; I "Chime, Bells, Chime," Wilson (choir). Mrs. 11. M. Shope, choris ter; Miss Anna Fleisher, organist. STATE STREET U. Is. ! The State Street United Brethren ! Church Choir under the direction of Prof. T. 11. Davies is busy pre-1 paring the Christmas oratorio, "Bethlehem," which is to be sung i Sunday evening. Other Church Music on page 3 I REFORMED I Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevln j Suyre. 10.30, Christmas exercises by the Sunday School; 7.30, "Is This the Messiah?" 10, Sunday Scho.ol; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. Salem—The Rev. Ellis X. Kl'cmer will preach at. 11 and 7.30; Sunday I School at 9.45. Fourth —The Rev. Horner Skyles May. 10.43, "He Shall Save ills People," Christmas message; 7.30, j "A Christmas Meditation;" 9.30, Sun day School; 6.30, Voting People's service. St. John's—The Rev. Clayton H. Ranck. 11, "At tho -Manger;" 7.'30, illustrated sermon,. "The Infant Jesus;" 9.45, Sunday School; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. A. .\i. i-:. Mechanicsburg—J. Julian Robin son. 11. "True Religion;" 7.43, "No Room at the Inn;" 2. Sunday School. Wesley Union —The Rev. Stephen A. McNeill. 10.45, "Christ and Pres lent Day Spirit;" 7.45. "Rift Up Your Head O Ye Gates;" 1, Sunday School. Harris—The Rev. R. R. Briscoe will preach at 10.45 and 7.45. Sun day School at 1.30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church —11 and 7.30, "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved oy Automic Force?" 11, Sunday School;! testimonial meeting Wednesday, at S; i free reading room, Runkel Building 11.30 to 5 dally. Otlicr notices on page 3 ARRANGE CANDLE | LIGHT PROGRAM [ ' ! (trace M. K. Church Event To-j morrow Evening; Big Holiday Program Dr. Robert Bunnell. pastor of, Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, I will preach at both the morning: and j i hrlstmas Candle Light Services i tliis Sunday. In the morning at 10.30 | 0 clock, he will preach a sermon on j the topic, "The Angel's Song—Mock- I cry or Prophecy?" and the chorusJ choir will sing the anthem, "Come ■ near, ye nations." by Watson. The j offertory numbers will be, (a) bari- j i tone recitative, "The Angel Gabriel I jV. as Sent;" (to tenor solo, "Hail i J'hou;" (c) "And the Ransomed of ' Goid," front "The Manger 1 hrone," by Manney, will bo sung by the double quartet, consisting of ! Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, Mrs. Vania roister, Mrs. Robert B. Reeves. 1 Mrs. Carl Cross, Ray Charman, Itob [ ert George, William Buyer, and Dr. Riekert. Bernard R. Muusert, or ganist and choir master of Grace t hurch, will also play as prelude. Adoration" Op. 24, by Piutti, and) the postlude in K flat major, bv Ho ratio W. Parker. Instead of the regular evening serytce at 7.30 o'clock, Grace Church ill hold a Christmas Candle laight service tit 4.45 p. m„ which will last null i OIU ' ll0 '"' nd a quarter, this will be a new Christmas ser vice at (haro Methodist, and it is looked forward to with a great deal ot pleasure and anticipation by the large congregation. A cordial in \nation is extended to any who de sire to join the congregation in this special Christmas service. Dr. Rob ert Bagnell, at this Candle Right, service, will speak a few words on the topic, "The Message of Hope," and a special feature of this ser \.ice which will begin promptly at 4.1., will he the singing of the beau tiful Christmas cantata. "The Christ < hild." by C. r. liawley, by the full vested choir. The Kpworth league will hold its Sunday evening meeting at >• ivith ;i special Christmas pro gram. Robert Kllenberger will pre- ' side, and several Christmas read ings will be given. The program cannot he given In its entire!?, as the Kpworth League Cabinet is planning a Christinas surprise meet ing for the members and visitors. U n Tuesday evening, at 7.15 promptly the Surtday School will present Wiggins' "Christmas Carol," under the direction of Mrs. George ~ RePd - Claus will also lie there tor the youngsters, and will have a present for each one, and a most enjoyable evening is anticipat ed. No admission will bo charged,! and everyone is cordially invited. , <>n Wednesday evening at 7.30 0 clock, a Christmas Prayer .Meet ing will be held for one hour, and a special Christmas program will lie i put on, with the pastor in charge I of the meeting. Chaplain P. H. Hershey at Immanuel Church Chaplain Hershey who served in France during the great war and who lias just been reoom missioned as a Chaplain in the Officers Re- ' serve Corps will speak at the even ing service in Immanuel Presby terian Church to-morrow. He has an inspiring and appropriate mes sage under the title, "Side Lights On the Great War." CHRIRTMAR SONG STORY Knoin. Pa., Dec. 20. \ special < hiistmas urogram by the children will be g von In connection with the regular Sunday school lesson at the 1 nited Evangelical Church. Sunday. 9.30 a. m. In the evening. 7.80 oolock the church choir will render l lie Tun, a Christmas song' story: ' something new along the line i,f Christmas entertainment. The Sun day school orchestra will plav in the evening. ,JftQ Messxtui i/atheran Church Sixth and Forster Sts. Rev. H. W. A. J lan son, I). I)., I'astor Candle Light Service Sunday-, December 20 7.30 P. M. . The Christmas story told by j candlelight, familiar Chrlst | mas hymns; a service of it?- I i spiratlon preparatory (o the l Birth of Christ. You are invited to attend. 10:30 A. M. "The Nearness That Never I I Enters" j I Commencing Monday Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart will be open evenings until Christmas CHRISTMAS NOTICE i All announcements of set-- j { vices to lie hold on Christmas Day in the churches, must Ihv at i j tlie Telegraph not later than I ! I o'clock Tuesday afternoon, to I j insure their publication Wednes day, December 21. Any notices 1 iteceived after I o'clock will ! NOT lie published. THEOLOGIAN TO SPEAR AT "Y"i ! .. , - |Dr. I. In Herman ,of Lancas-j j ler Seminary, to Speak Tomorrow i lie Sunday afternoon men's meet ings. which are conducted by the Central Young Men's Christian Asso ciation every Sunday, have been ad dressed h.v prominent men during tile past lew months. To-morrow after noon men of Harrisburg and vicinltv will have the privilege of hearing Dr. Theodore F. Herman, of tlie Theological Seininarv of the Ke fornnd Church at Lancaster. Dr. I Herman is professor of systematic ! theology at the seminary. He will speak on the subject.- "The Need of the Hour. Special music will be rendered bv Miss Bello p. Middaugh, contralto soloist oi Iho Market Sqquare Pros- < byterian Church. Meetings wll! he I held in Kahnestook Hall at 3.30 ( i l|,;iß All Men Cordially Invited To hear an address by DR. THEO. F. HERMAN of Franklin ami Marshall College, Lancaster, I'enna. on llie subject "THE NEED OF THE HOUR" : Fahnestock Hall—Y. M. C. A. TKKf M SI N ,! > n Y ,. X1 '. , ; 1 . tN0 . 0X ' 21st, 3.30 O'clock Miss Belle l. Micldaugli, Contralto Soloist of Market Square Presbyterian Chureli, Will Sing. wb rainuiiiHiiiniiipiiiiiiiiißiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuuHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiinitiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiHiiiiiiiiiNiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiin^nnP- . 0 . "The Life Beyond" All men are urged to hear Dr. W. N. Yates address the Men's Bible Class of The First Church of God Special music by the large Men's Class Orchestra. Thirty-seven new members have united with the class jf this year. NORTH FOURTH STREET, NEAR MARKET fflllllllilillllllllillllllllilllMlliilllltllM "Talking With the Dead" This interesting topi . c will be the of N ew York City FACKLER'S No Collection! . THE CHURCH WITH THE CHIMES Zion's Best Wish that everybody may have a most joyful Christmas, and accept Him for their Saviour whom they now celebrate. Christmas program starts tomorrow whh two excellent sermons by Dr. Herman. 10.30 A.M., subject: "The Incarnation of Jesus." 7.30 P.M., subject: "Why Jesus Came." Six o'clock Christmas morning the choir will sing part of "The Messiah," by Handel. This is a unique annual musical event. A crowded auditorium appreciates the lloly Service. Zion Lutheran Church Koiirlli Street, Opposite 1". It. It. Depot S. W. HERMAN, D. D„ Pastor ARRANGE WEEK OF HOLIDAY EVENTS ! First Number of Program in Christ Lutheran Church Tomorow The Christmas celebration by the Christ Lutheran congregation will bo extended over the week In various exercises. Sunday morning, at 10.30 o'clock, Dr. Reisch will preach an advent serine on "Grace for Grace. ; The large men's Bible class, of which i Dr. Reisch is the teacher, will con sider the theme, "The Prince of ! Peace," at 2 P. M. Eugene Shirk, a I cornetist, will render a cornet solo ] before the class. j The Sunday School will bring a j cash offering as a white gift for the | King. The money thus offered will ! be devoted to the support of an or : phan child which was adopted at the j Loysvillo Home by the congregation, j At tlie evening service a choir of i 25 voices will render their Christmas cantata, entitled "Matthew's Story of j Christmas." I Two interesting services will bo | held on Christmas Eve. At 6.30 ! o'clock the boys and girls of the • | congregation will bo treated to a i candle light service, led by Mrs. j Reisch and Mrs. Earl Miller. This | will be followed at 7.45 by a Christ j mas service for the adult members I of the church, which will be char acterized by a sermon by the pasto--, j the singing of Christmas hymns and special music. Tlie Sunday School will render their unique Christmas j entertainment on Friday evening at ' 7 o'clock.
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