4 Railroad Reserve Force Is Senator Thomas' Plan; A bill of introduction by Senator Thomas of Colorado just before the Senate adjourned on November 19 provides for the creation of a rail road army reserve force of 200,000 tnen to bo trained at land grant agri cultural colleges for service on the railroads in times of emergency. Men ' between 18 and 39 years of age will, eligible for enlistment, but not for re-enlistment. The term of en listment would be for ten years with a provision for ttyelve months' train ing for work as train operatives, hostlers or telegraph operators, and during the training period the men | would receive regular army pay. If in time of emergency they were put to work on railroads they would receive the usual railroad pay, but would be barred from having any connection with a labor union. Helping Mail Movement by Running Through Cars The Postofflce Department has ar ranged with the railroads for a large number of through storage car movements during the holiday per iod and it is believed that the han dling of through mails in this man ner will be relieved to a large extent crowded, facilities of many stations < ——————————=j==jj===j=jj==jj=jjjg; I NOTICE 20 GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AT BIG BARGAINS : Cash or Time Payments Cars Ranging In Price From S2OO Up I FISHMAN MOTORS CO. Bell 5293 104-110 S. 4th St. Dial 2495 Ilnrrisburg, Pa. PAIGE DISTRIBUTORS Open Evenings During Sale 4 SjS fj J 217—Market Street—2l7 [j^^JP i SALE OF XMAS FOOTWEAR £ 4 IMMENSE ASSORTMENTS—LOWEST PRICES p\ \ CHRISTMAS 1 L il e fl^ es BE^7? QT Nine Smart New Styles of frrrflT // 4 Women S, Men S, Child S They're real beauties—exceptional V f*§ / / K3 . Women's Felt Juliets fine quality—really worth $lO a pair; \ t (Jill V. Kj | trimmed; several a the smart new.styles dnd leathers |j |*j| | I 4 colors; leather all sizes, Ato D widths. Book's Price, | Ljf II ft rg IJilf nls $7.90 JfLk?! Another Excellent Value— J .4 ! Ladies' $7 and $8 Dress Shoes iS/fpA AJ ag E-d Smart new Winter styles—high : ll \ \ / * . . _/ , lace; In brown and black; \ a 1 / ——, felttnnJ IW yfl, " \' s lonß - slender vamps; all liy J I f3 CJ felt tops, thick felt soles. QQ*. sizes. Special at H vA r j AU sizes i/ot- I JTTfI J /f ra ' 1 tfT'Sv Women's Comfort /" J\/\ { ( Ed JhV Slippers High and tDUii/V // Zil7 tj/y £3 AV.J\ns. regular tops; rib- ' *-—"" / fn£*Jf7 [\k r . g&I i bon trimmed; soft S I—| ~i ' m,led sole; $2.60 _ , _ / J Y\ r4 ' " lue3, at Bargain Table Special J/ * . Q C About 350 pairs of Ladles' $5 to / w J * I Shoes, Including short lots from / r-i ! J_ regular stock; /f rv /-I /- / fp tl L r .-4 . I fit Slippers—-Flower D TTDDPT) C - "'oy.'. Girl.', Children's gj Instep design; several colors; soft UUCDLK J tit Til n . .1. IP* i soles. Special tl Ltdlcs ilOc Unhkci / dIUDUCr BOOIS price Dl.#o —Styles to fit a! I fg 4 „ . shoes; aII B,zes 6Q f / sfroptf 'r U ubb?" tUr r J t<>n ' Everette Slip- Special at.... I tnish tops; sizes it to 2 ra KJ peis—Tan and black I at 1.05 t sizes ei en r 4 jl a s'n 5 'n 1 " Izes: Children's Rubber / sto 10 **"" T ]n $3.50 talue, —Storm and low cut / 4 Mr aII a'zes to 2; en, J Girls' and Children'. f V (I Buckle Arctics C 3 d —; V J4 Warm and water- W rji I Tck _ Boys Rubbers V Good heavy rubber; f f V wear; all sizes to J! Vw sizes to 5 . AQO $1. 6 0 QO _ J . SI.OO value at. JOC **— grades.. . . OC £3 stiaaEi' Men's Shoes —Big Values p Men's $7 and $8 Dress Shoes—Solid JA J inS'si2 throughout; dark brown, tan and black . —Red and blue ca 'f- All new Winter shapes- _ nr — — K3 * , felt; padded narrow and round toes. ThcSrj Of) I • best shoe va|ue for men , n -Pp|.uu sn : /ra 1 \V CA Harrisburg I ra d ▼ j All Leather Work Shoes—A jy.' I r Ki solid, sturdy work shoe for 4 p^iW'.:V l !;.?." TO ™Va < '' l (HOOK J F 79c jpo.yo A \ p A Children's Felt ——^ra Special In Our Children's Dept. A rrsTslZM e t r o ll 2 C 0 1" . C nVfrUl!! B ? b,e "' "H?*" 7' Children'. A f * "—A new line Shoe. Sizes Shoe. —SI.e. ea I v^ 1C J? : r arm ' of . infants' only to 13H; to 11; tan and 13 . Si 25 b , 1a .1 , Jerß ey soft soles; all of black satin black lace & V A I cloth; sizes to sizes— calf; strong button. Spe- Ed JL >- makes— cial at K& 4 89c 98c $1.50 $1.95 Misses' and Children's Boys' U. S. Army Shoes HERE THEY ARE; rg * Winter Dress Extra strong tan calf uppers; T , . , _ jy 4 Shoes | f e U aVe? U^Uel^ 8 :. W H,<fH CUt Sh<>eS fA J! InA blao r k ln, ie^brr n a't P only l . 4° r " = Every boy wants -—-SSS"! \\ and black leather, sizes lmn e I Sis.. . .. a pair of these— OtsnT I KS -4 C B if, C e. Aa 4 t„ bU ton i to 2. at *3.<5 Itol3 H *2-95 a great outdoor Ufn / IT 4 \ H $3.95, anxl sizes "o aho ° d for f W,nt "- \HJ / d I Me 11 %Sk 4*5 I r\l lnK ' tan brown Ma <>* ot very \l2 f ¥ ,-Jl 1 (•{& a t PO.**a> J yu and black leather; strong tan storm 112 | sra 4 1 CUT) ' Girl's Black Calf / ?A ?i i e ™ii : . * at^ rproofed IS V V jk I LBv chn a s varv c ® and coles and uppers; Jmi \ \ V i I E,lf , , ? kJL. blucher; sizes sizes 2% to 5H at MB \ |3 d / VV uppers; lace |a -TA vala ®. 3.40| 9to 13% at A 1 _ s 2 BOOK'S SHOES—2l7—Market 217—BOOK'S SHOES FRIDAY EVENING, I and avoid unloading and reloading of a large amount of mails in tran- I sit. This plan has been followed [during the past two seasons and has I worked well. MUSICALE IN LYKENS Lykens, December 12. A musicale will be held in the Grace Methodist Church of this place, this evening. A* most unusual pro .gram, made up of the best musical and literary talent of this place and 'Wiconisco, has been arranged. The program follows: Selection, Melrose Orchestra; solo, Mrs. Velma O. Shure; duet, Misses Mildred Matter and Emily Kosier; solo, John Frank; Monolog, Miss Martha L. Miller; duet, clarinet and Isaxaphone, Russel and John Page; solo. Miss Gretna Mayberry: pipe organ selection. Miss Lulu Kaines; duet, Marion Keen and Harvey Bat dorf; brass quartet, Kratzer, Page, Snyder, Page; solo, Mrs. William Dressel; selection, Melrose Orchestra. EXCHANGE PICKS UP By Associated Press New York, Dec. 12. —Foreign ex change ra.tes, which had been de clining steadily for several days, showed slight improvement at the. opening of to-day's market. Demand bills on the pound sterling rose two cents above yesterday's close to $3.69 1-4 while franc checks opened: at the rate of 11.34 for the dollar, up 43 centimes. Lira checks were quoted at 13.40, up 15 centimes. INTERESTING RAILROAD NEWS C. R. GRAY HEADS UNION PACIFIC Former Western Maryland Official Is Well Known Here; October Elections C. R. Gray, former head of the West ern Maryland Railroad Company, and well known in railroad circles here: was yesterday elecfed president of the Union Pacific. In a statement is sued after meeting; of Board of Direct ors. Judge S. R. Lovett says: "At the regular monthly board meeting C. R. Gray was elected presi dent of the Union Pacific system com panies, with headquarters at Omaha, Neb., effective January 1, 1920. "Heretofore there has been a presi dent of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and Oregon Short Line Rail • road Company, with headquarters at ' Omaha, and a president of the Ore gon-Washington Railroad and Navi gation Company, with headquarters at Portland. Ore. This was necessary during the extension of the system to Pugct Sound and the completion of terminals at Seattle, Aacoma and Olympia, and the development at Spokane and in eastern Washington. But it has long been intended that, upon the practical completion of these projects, there should be a single president of the entire system locat ed at Omaha, who should have super vision of all departments in the West, including the traffic department, for merly under control of a director of traffic. Vice-Preside^ "E. E. Calvin, whose jurisdiction heretofore has been limited to the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line, hus been appointed vice-president in charge of operations, effective at the end of Federal control, and as such will have supervision of the opera tions of the Oregon-Washington rail road and navigation lines, as well as of the Union Pacific and Oregon Short line railroads. "H. M. Adams has heretofore been appointed vice-prei®dent in charge of trj.ffic of the entire system. "This organization more effectually HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH unifies the operations of all the sys tem properties, and we deem ourselves fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Gray as ihe chief of these opera tions. I continue as chairman of the executive committee with the same jurisdiction as In the past." This will not disturb the existing headquarters of the Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake City, nor of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company at Portland, Ore. Railroad "Y" Meetings For Public and Members At the P. R. R. y. M. C. following program for meetings was announced to-day by Ira P. Dean, re ligious work secretary: To-night—The boys' and girls' ster ccptlcan class will have another big time at 7 o'clock. All school children an. invited. Doors open at 6.50. Fol lowing the above class, the regular Bible class for boys and girls will hold their meeting in the Association Auditorium. Sunday Afternoon—At the reguluar gospel meeting Sunday afternoon Harvey Buck, one of the best-known passenger engineers on the P. and E. division will speak. The meeting be gins at 3.30 and Is for both men and women. Monday— The new class recently started by Ira P. Dean, which is in creasing in interest and attendance will hold its next meeting in the As sociation parlor Monday evening at 7 o'clock. The only information given out concerning this class is that sen ior members should "get wise" and attend. Cottage Prayermeeting —The cot tage praycrmeeting will be held at the home of Harry Owen. 1909 Wood stieet, Monday evening at 7.45 o'clock. Standing of the Crews HARRISIURG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 131 ciew first to go after 3 o'clock: 102, 121, 120. 101, 128, 125, 108, 110, 118, 126 and 119. Engineers for 128, 110. Firemen for 131, 102. Conductors for 101. 126. Brukemen for 131, 102, 125, 108, 118 and 126. Engineers up: Gunderman, Smith, Klineyoung, Blankenhorn, Karr, Pet ers, Lambert, McCurily, Conway, Gantz, Tenney, Beinhouer, Shue, An drews. Tholan. Firemen up: Moftatt, Hoch, Straub, Folleck, Chronister, Harnish, Frysing er Stahl, Kaue, Lower, Sheets, Abel, Fry. Conductors up: Billett, McElhenny, Metzler. Brakemen up: Cross, Minniehan, Craver, Klinepeter, Home, Yohe, Zellers, Zimmerman, Lelghtner, Poff, Beard, Shire, Lescher, Schreffler. Middle Division. —The 22 crew to go first after 2 45 o'clock: 27, 17, 36, and 34. Laid off—23, 16, 30, 24, 21, 15. Engineers wanted for 27, 17. 34. Engineers up: Moretz. Rathefone, Leib. Richards, Leitcr, Kauffman, Shelley, Nissley, E. R. Snyder, Titler, Hawk, McAlecher, Loper, Smith, Mc- Murtries, Crammer, Ivreiger, Bever lin, Sweger, Kistler, Dunkle. O. W. Snyder, Corder. Firemen up: Acker, Wright, Ulsh, Rumberger, Sunderland, Stemler, Sto ver, Rowe, Kint. Gilbert, Gruff, Rees er, Pannebacker, trayer, Fortenbach, Humphreys, Burkhenmer, Barton, Naylor, Holsinger, Turnbach. Conductors up: Wagner, Shilling, Brubaker, Brakemen up: Zimmerman, Dissing er, Roushe, Deaner, Rumberger, Ma-1 tlii&s, Lantz, Hildebrand, Buftington, | Woodward, Hoffman, Deckard, Me- Naight. Beers, Depugh, Kurtz, Nlcho- ' las, Fenical, Baker, McFadden, An drews, Forbes, Steininger, Cassatt, Denn<a, C. -M. Hawk, Reineeker, Leon ard, Bupp, Bitner, Shelley, Kipp, Wil- . son, C. B. Hawk, Linn. Yard Board. Engineers wanted' foi 10C. Firemen wanted for IC, 23C, 29C. Engineers up: Beatty. Feass, Kantz. Wagner, Shade, McCord, Snyder. P. A. Myers, Heffleman, Buftington, Auman. Biever. Essig, Nye, R. R. Myers. Firemen up: Henderson, Selway, Gilbert, Lauver. Dill, Wirt, Kline ycung, Mountz, J. E. Lauver, Bartless, Shaver, Shopp, Swab, Holtzman, Hoo ver. •ESOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 215 crew to go flrst after 4.15 o'clock: 233, 214, 237, 202, 246, 230, 253, 248, 228, 217, 244, 239, 235, 208, 251, 219, 229 and 245. Engineers for 215, 214, 237, 228, 239. Firemen for 253, 251. Conductors for 14, 10. Brakemen for 15 (2), 14, 37, 46, 53, 28, 17. 39 and 29. Conductors up: Eisenberger. Brakemen up: Simpson, Freeman, Shofer, Davis, Bell, Lee. Lower, Ev ensen, McCann, Nickel, Renisbau. Mtdddle Dliislon. —The 102 crew to go first after 12.45 o'clock: 124, 125, 101, 120, 118, 121, 105 and 108. Laid oft —117, 104, 111, 12, 106. Engineers for 105. Firemen for 102, 118. Flagmen for 108. Yard Board. —Engineers for 3rd 126, 118. Engineers up: Feas, Herron, Bru aw, Ewing, Lutz, R. H. Fottenbaugh, Quigley, Smith, Bretz, Kauffman, Flickiiiger, Shuey, Myers, Geib. Firemen up: Shuey, Morris, Cram mer, Walters, Rider, Conley, Eichel berger, Campbell, Kiflt, Handlboe, Gar lin, Nolte Steffee, Huber, Martin. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. Engineers up: L. H. Ricedorf, F. F. Schreck, A. J. Wagner. W. C. Black. H. E. Cook. G. W Lenig, R. E. Black, H. M. Kuhn, J W. Smith, S. H. Alexander, W. G. Jamison, H. P. Groninger, A. C. Allen, i H. F. Stuart, J. W. Burd, C. D. Hol i lenbaugh, J 11. Ditmer. Engineers wanted for 19, 91. Firemen up: B. F. Gunderman, H. W. Snyder, J. I. Beisel, L. E. David, F M. Fordythe, A. H. Kuntz, C. L. Sheats, R D. Porter, H. W. Fletcher, H. Karstetter, J. A. Kohr, S. P. Stauf fer, J. M. Stephens, R. Simmons, A. L. Raeder, W. E. Hoffner. Firemen wanted for 667, 33, 47, 91 and 11. Philadelphia Division. Engineers up: V. C. Gibbons, E. C. Snaw, C. B. First, H. W. Gillums, R. B. Welch, W O. Buck. Engineers wanted for M-22. Firemen up: J. M. Piatt, W. T. Grace, M. G. Shaffner, W. E. Ault house, B. W. Johnson. Firemen wanted for 26. THE READING The 66 crew to go flrst after 3.16 o'clock: 53, 69, 60, 5?, 64, 67, 62. Engineers for 53. Firemen for 53, 64, 67. Conductors for 57. Flagmen for none. Brakemen for 37. Engineers up: Morrison, Merkle, Barnhart. Monroe, Kauffman, Nitturs, Beecher. Firemen up: Sipe, Orndorft, Grove, Booth, Klein, Eslinger. Conductors up: Keefe, Meek. Flagmen up: Walhay, Waugh. Shank, Lineweaver, Reneker, Spang ler, Burns. Brakemen up: Messemcr, Stahley, Epler. May Keep Railroads For Another Year, Is Belief Some railroad men, who believe that the railroads will be returned to private ownership, express th* opinion that the United States rail- j road administration will not go out. of existence for at least a year from > January 1, 1920, the date accepted | commonly as the end of the govern- ! ment control. It is pointed out that it will take a year, and probably two , years, for the railroad administration to wind up Its affairs. During this period, however, it would not have any authority over the railroads. Inventories are being taken in all initial line offices, and all officials and clerks have been instructed to have this work finished not later ! than December 31. Another straw i that indicates the trend of the wind is the warning issue to railt-oads to keep intact their rate functions, j which is accepted by railroad men j as another reason why they believe I that the government will return the railroads to private ownership on Japuarv 1. Railroad men frankly state that they will feel relieved ; when the roads are returned to their owners. Meet Foremen's Claim, Is Report From Altoona Shops; Altoona, Pa., Dec. 12.—Following the frequent misunderstandings that have arisen with regard to the status of foremen whose positions were abolished, or who were demot ed when they refused to accept the _ , "Cure Your Rupture Like I Cured Mine" Old Sea Captain Cored His Own Rupture After Doctors Said "Operate or Death." Els Remedy and Boole Sent Free. Captain Collings sailed the seas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture that soon forced him to not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss after truss. No results! Finally, he was assured that he must either submit to a dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. He did ••ithcr 1 He cured himself Instead. "Fallow Man and Woman, You Don't Hav* To Bo Cut Up, and Yon Don't Here To Bo Tortured By Truiier." Captain Coillngß made a study ol himself, of his condition—and at last he was rewarded by the finding of thr method that so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. Anyone can use the same method; It's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive. Every ruptured person In the world Should have the Captain Collings book telling all about how he cured himself and how anyone may follow the sami treatment in their own home without any trouble. The book and medicine art FREE. They will bo sent prepaid tc any rupture sufferer who will fill out the below coupon. But send It righi awny— now before you put down this paper. FIIEE KUTPKi: lIOOIv AND REMEDY COUPON Capt. W. A. Collings line.) Box 91-D, Watertown, N. Y. j Please send me your FREE Rup ture Remedy and Book without I any obligation on my* part what ever. Name Address Union Meat and j. Provision Co. 1202 N. Third Street 649 Cumberland St. SATURDAY SPECIALS j i ) Pure Country Lard, lb. . .27c j Pork Chops, lb 33c j Round Steak, lb 22c ! Sirloin and Pin Steak, lb., 24c j Boiling Beef, Home Dressed lb 14c | Fresh Beef Liver, lb 10c j 3 lbs. for 25c Veal Chops, lb 30c Veal Steaks, lb 38c Stewing Veal, lb 25c Fresh and Smoked Country j ! Sausage, lb 28c j j Fresh Country Pudding, lb 18c I Pork Roast, lb 28c I Picnic Hams, lb 24c Fresh Hams, lb 28c Bacon, sliced, lb 35c Eggs, dozen i.. 63c i Chuck Roast, lb 20c Pork Steaks, lb 32c Sliced Ham, lb 38c Whole Ham, lb 30c Boiled Ham, J4 lb 14c Fleshy Boiling Beef, lb. . .18c Lebanon Bologna, lb., 6c Ham Bologna, lb 6c Our aim is to supply the homes of this city with high grade meats at prices that are not those of the "profiteer." All our meats are guaranteed to be strictly fresh and U. S. | Government inspected. | See""bur window display on Friuay # Evening. DECEMBER 12, 1919. salary basis of compensation, local union officials received definite ad vioe from local and Pennsy officials in Philadelphia hist evening. H. A. Bixler, secretary-treasurer of System No. 90, R. F. D., of Har risburg, got in touch yesterday with Mr. Krick, assistant to Mr. O'Don nell, in Philadelphia. After a con I A Man's Store Full of I Qualities and Styles at j Prices Men Approve I Don't hesitate about coming to the big Kaufman Store if ||j you are desirous of saving money, for the policy of quick is turnovers and lowest profits permit Kaufman's to sell good |ffl clothing for men at ridiculously low prices. JUST COME i] I IN TODAY AND MAKE COMPARISONS. i n! Suits ana Overcoats I I fife $22.50, $25.00 I | /jayft S3O and $35 I Si You'll never know how good they are ||J pi /until you see them; good styles, excellent H wearing qualities and the very best values ||j V obtainable anywhere in the country. jU | "Monroe Clothes" | I ■ LvflßA "Miller Make" 1 jjj "York Craft" • 1 S 111 \\ Men and Young Men will search the town j|| |U \l|| \\ over many, many times before finding their liM \J|j| ||B _P) equal on comparison. nj Iff Sepa- I Men's Trousers $2.69 Em S? Striped Cheviots in neat patterns; sizes bs JH II trance 32 t0 42 ' dark shades - 8 jfgßVi JI Men's Corduroy Trousers $3.95 1 St ° re ine r 'kbed dra b shade corduroy, made |j|j extra strong; sizes 32 to 42. Special. |j Brown Beach Vests— All Sizes II ~ Beach Vests and Coats; good qualities; §j Kjj sizes 34 to 39; very warm. 1 1 . Boys' 1 1 Clothing 3 0 Boys' Long Overcoats irfj b | $12.95 lj!J Sizes Bto 17 years. Pretty dou- JmWf Jsj Kj] ble breasted ulsterettes, belted; a (W B ® (jjj splendid wearing garment. Tw 1 1J Boys' Long Overcoats Boys' Raincoats L 1 14;&'18a $5.95 | s , .Qvpnro A Sizes 6 to 16 years; made of lili i °, ?hle h Jd Lf fi "e double texture cloth; belted ffl TtS beh ood w e id yIeS mode,s ' drab shades : hav e hats to 1 |a| with belts; gooa, warm and ser- A U viceable. * . , match ' . | wj Boys' Polo Overcoats Boys ' Blouses | 1 $6.95 SI.OO Sizes 2U to 9 years; you should Sizes 5 !. 6 y ears 5 a g reat as " | m see these splendid chinchilla over- sortment of fine percale and ma- g coats; they come in blue, gray and dras blouses \° ch °°? e {r0 ™> ta P e " Si brown. ' ess blouses in plain color and fit] stripes. U A Boys' Polo Overcoat B(jys , pants I $8.95 $12.95 I jfjjjl Sizes 2/ z to 10 years, of fine ■ lis chinchilla and mixtures; these are Sizes 7 to 18 years; two pairs of |fjf| button to the neck models that full cut and lined pants; a special S IS hoys like most. Kaufman value Saturday. I| 'SJ Boys' Bathrobes Boys' Mackinaws H ( $5.95 $7.95 I Beacon blanket robes in sizes 6 Sizes Bto 17 years; parents will j| to 16 years; neatly trimmed and in have to see these pretty coats to gj Is handsome patterns; very new appreciate there real value; all (j .njj shades. good styles and pretty patterns; jj| 'ES ■ Ml" FTo. r -■ ■ ■ Si i I versation on the matter Mr. Bixler forwarded the following message to I S* Taylor, secretary of Blair coun- J ty local federation: "I have talked to Mr. Krick at Philadelphia earlier in the evening nnd to Mr. N. w. Smith just now. Mr. Smith stated that in all cases where gang foremen had been de moted for refusing to accept th< monthly rate, they will be reinstate! to their former positions and hourli rate. At t places where supervisors positions have been eliminated and men who held these positions hav not been given their proper places) these cases will be adjusted to th< satisfaction of all concerned."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers