STORE CLOSES 5# STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX SATURDAY AT SIX HKI.I. 1091—255 UNITED lIAKIMSBIJRG. FIIIDAY, DKCKIIDKR 12, 1010. FOUNDED 18T1 y ... ■ —i—— Early Shopping Prevents a Tired Christmas Sale of 150 , _ Beautiful Fur Coats at 1 J, j, |gg ©"Velvet Hats WGHTJ, ' Olf t I^f ) YL 4 C but this is the first opportunity we have had to D— " ofter such values this season. Jersey serges i 1 and velours, trimmed in silk braids, silk and • <• • ■ ~..., sf J D 'J? 1 Cl wool hand embroidery or handsomely tailored yj.H& JLjCCMtITIII iSZV^UtfPS models, button trimmed; sizes 14 to 44; all sbp<b s \n exceptional special at $29.50. . —Copyright, Bowman & Co. ' . n _ bowman's—Third Kioor. Which Sort of Christmas Are You Helping to Make? Cltld OCCirfS Our Christmas slock of Gift Blouses, packed in boxes is TT T~ r T * ——. __ A \ a_ one of the finest in this section of the State. The favorable No Samples No C. 0. T>'s No Mail Orders tVe HciVC s4tl Excellent 1313.11 KGts 311(3 iYlltO ; dcavor to live up to the repuUtionVy keephj at the assortment Safurdav Snecials Assortmeni of High Grade Robes For Gifts ; sport skirt sin Le Jerse, crepe de chine, satin and Habati silks. CA I* %♦ J. V4W( V X CAJLvj . Every woman will be happy to receive one of these beautiful 1 £.4- O1 1 Beacon bath robe blankets in large selection of patterns; modcratcl> P riced - OT T O vjll L kJllllflL I.S light and dark; consisting of Indian and figured designs; each „ Sp lcndld assortments of Crepede Chine Blouses in white, jjJf. M\ i j • in a box; they have cords and frogs; $5.49 and $6.89 each. I° Sl a " i ,U \L b S ," U ? lltt ' n ß' 1 uxedo collars, pleated C/li-Jll C/ — — bosoms; also the tailored high necks; some are embroidered in J? A/T TIT' J y-yj 't i Auto robes and Blankets in plush, in blacks, browns, some sc,t colors; $6.95, $7.95 and $8.95. 40-inch Bridal Satin /Vlen, If Omen and Children interlined with rubber; $6.00 to $17.50. JJJ ~ . - 40-inch Satin Charraeuse (PO AC ~4 Taste and good sense will be expressed in a gift from our Auto blankets with in a large selection of patterns in BIOUSC 40-inch Satin de la Patx Jpo.4r3 VCI • \ sllo ° de Pamcnt. We are really to help von solve your gift . some ot isncs p uj<, ot lers plain back , $6.00 to $3.1.00 Georgette Crepe in all the suit shades and the dainty flesh 36-inch Jersey Satin j * problem in suitable slippers for men, women and children. i and white. Complete assortment of collar and cuff effects, a TI ,t , , Especially complete assortment of gilt slippers of every de- Bed blankets in large selection of cotton wool nap, part wool 1 contrasting embroidery and beaded ones. Very special at these' street shades 0 ' Most'adamahV£ color . in S s e .Y, enin {? or | scr iption. nap, part wool and all wools. There is nothing that will make prices-$6.79 and $5.95. street snaaes. .Most adaptable lor dress or waist; will make a -iiirt -r, -,,,! most appreciable gift. Women's Felt Corny Slippers; $2.25 to $2.75. unserviceable and useful present as a pair of these nice blank- SCdffS Fof GlftS Othfr Felt Juliettes; $2.50 to S4OO. _ . , , r ■ KJintr r tece Kjooas Cotton blankets; $2./o. $3.09, $3.69, $3.89 and $4.00 pair. i * Satin Mules; $2.50 to $3.50. . cmoeeoo ! TBey are here in all silk and wool Angora. Smart shades 36-tnch \ elour flush for coats or suits in the following c*• j• or • 11 i c-n nc na P Blankets in white, gray and plaids; $4.98, $5.00, | to wear with any costume —Black, white, heather, oxford and colors: - Satin Boudoir Slippers in all colors; $3.50 to $6.00. , $6.00, $6.25 and $6.75 pair. ( shades of brown. The all silk scarfs have Roman stripes and sl95 Vy ard raUPC ' T ™' L ' ght BIUC a " d Bla ° k ' § Sl ' Ppers; $2 " 5 t0 $3 - 50 ' Part w ° ol Blankets in plaids in blue and white, pink and j fri " ge ,inish -27-inch Imported Corduroy; all the newest shades; $2.69 yd. 1 Children s Felt Comf\ Slippers, $1.63 to $2.00. ; whhyed and bUck and black nnd,vhi,e;Ss.S9 to 59.0C1 pain i £ SWeOtCTS 36-inch Self Figured or Checked Habutine ■ full line of col- ' Children s Felt Puss-in-Boots; $2.50 to $2./5. All wool blankets m whites and plaids and grays; $14.00 ors; silk mixed! 69c yard. ' 1 I to pair. • •jo • i t. t ff . bowman's Main Finnr ' , oweater stock is most complete in all silk and wool with 32-mch best Gingham Zephyrs; pk.d and striped; 59c yd. ■ " ' BOWM.VN'S-Seeond Floor. Angora trimming; the plain Tuxedo styles for the sport girl 3_ and 06-inch Foreign and Domestic Madras; good ramre —— I a,lf l all outdoor sports. Nicelv packed in Christmas boxes. of stripes; 59c yard. ;JT„I. T7 r-* c n 0 . , i BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 00-inch Fancy Kimono Silks; Boc yard. ——r- - - 48-inch Black Broadcloths; $3.50 vard. ____ 54-inch Silvertone coating or suitings; 8 best combinations; > S t 1\ /f 5 ty | j-v j 'j 26-inchi AH Wool Challies; dainty Dresden and -iVIGn S i33t13 I\OI3GS , / a\\ \lys i neat and large floral and Jacquard designs. Well tailored Gift Hose For Men >M\ L MTO WBtTI Vcn'SflSilk Hose in pkin and faney colors; p a ir $,.25 T" , Jjj I 1 H len's line 'ur-in-hands, shapes J | Dainty Undermuslins in Holiday Array n / T7" JJ* RN J , • •, The . r t fewg ' fts deare . r to f ße heart of a woman than those of dainty, personal apparel, which close friends are Women's Hosiery Bring the Kiddies to Toyland P nv,le & ed to g lhe extensive variety Of beautiful trimmed styles will please the most exacting woman. ' * Night Gowns made of fine nainsook and batiste; Val lace Bloomers of fine flesh batiste, ruffled neatly with same Women's hosiery for Holiday Gifts is one of the items on . A toy means more to the younger folks than they are able ! ' alldda ' nt >' cm jrul<ler 7 tnmmed i s]cevcs °r sleeveless; $1.25 material and trimmed with narrow lace edging or hem- I most Christmas memoranda. The Bowman hosiery depart "*to express. We all know they want tp be taken where the to so.y&. stitched edge; 75c to $1.39. ' nicnt is so well fortified with a comprehensive stock, that shop ' toys are kept. Nothing will prevail against the "play instincts" Envelope Chemise, made of fine white lingerie cloth; ping in our hosiery department is a comfort and pleasure, of'a child's heart, like the wanted toy will. lacc and embroidery trimmed; lace or ribbon shoulder 1 f ' esh a " d whitc; rcinforced ' Below are some of our silk hosiery items, medium weight, Just a bit of advice to you parentsi-the next lime a child ,TSb9B * ik ° Mm I ** ' $ . P" re "' rMd IlKttcktow lic lisle top, lisle feet, mock , pulls your hand in going through Bowman's and l,e"s to see ■. ~ ... . Bloomers made of white and flesh sateen; full cut, re- scam in black and colors; $1.50 pair. the toys in Toyland, don t disappoint them by not taking tllem .honlde'"stmp' IllsO * inforced ; $1.25 and $2.98. Full fashioned pure tlircad silk stockings, mercerized lisle ! l.ris e tmasTme''' h * VC ,hdr Wi * h ' es P cciall >' ~ow ' Corset' Covers of nainsook in manv pretty styles; lace ' Killi f. Burke Pajamas of pink and figured batiste and <°P ud lisle feet; black and colors; $1.75. and embroidery trimmed - 59c to SI 98 crepe; Empire effect with shirring and ribbon trimmed; Full fashioned pure thread silk stockings; flexible lisle tops And Ic, then, meet Santa , tbc second floor. There arc so , p rt , icMt , IfLgeloth wi.l, deep iace and vmbroider'y *'• "> -<' Ude fee,; black and white; $2.15. nian\ .<>} sin u laMinen ia \\< na )t k not i.ivc nioni to flounce and scalloped dust ruffle; $1,25 to $7.98. Two-piece Pajamas in a stripe Windsor crepe; $3.25. Our "Holiday Special" is pure thread silk stocking of the have him m I ovland. But , would do your heart good ifyou P P ? Bowman standard! full fashioned, medium heavy with elastic could her the many wishes that the tell to S- "us. , BOWMAN'S-Socond Floor. lisle tops and lisle feet; black and colors; $2.49. J -r. in i ■ 1 T " BOWMAN'S—BHStment t 1 * i i i J BOWMAN'S—Main Floot • " V 5 FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 12, 1919. 3
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