10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THK TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Tdegn.k Building, Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief 3P!*R- OYSTER, Business Manager OUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board McCULLOUGH. v BOYD M. OGLESBY, P.. R. OYSTER, GUa M. STEINMETZ. ICembers of the Associated Press— The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this Paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. I Member American Newspaper Pub- Associa- Bur'eau of Circu lation and Penn- Associa- Eastern office. Story, Brooks & Avenue Building. Western office! I Chicago, ni! ld ' n *' Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail. $3.00 a year in advance. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1919 Between the great things that ire not do and the small things tec will not do, the danger is that icc shall do nothing. —Anoi.rii Mo NOD. BATHING BEACHES ON ANOTHER page of the Tele graph this evening is printed a picture suggestion of the sort of bathing beach and pool which is possible for Harrisburg under the proposed loan which will he voted on at the November election. Quito properly City Council has invited "Warren H. Manning, the famous landscape expert, to come to Har risburg and make a study of the problem with a view to recommenda tions that will guide Council should the loan prevail. For many years the matter of bathing facilities in the Susquehanna River has been discussed from every angle and the increasing demand from every quarter of the city for suitable bath houses and bathing beaches led Mayor Keister to intro duce the ordinance providing for the loan of $40,000 for this purpose. All the members of the Council are back of the proposition and back of them are some thousands of men, women and children who want to make use of the Susquehanna Basin and the islands which nature has generously given the city. If the proposed loan could be sub mitted to the voters in mid-summer, when we suffer most from the iieat and when thousands turn to the river for relief, it would be adopted by an overwhelming vote. It is expected, notwithstanding, that the popularity of the loan will be demonstrated at the November election. All the civic bodies, led by the Rotary Club, are supporting the measure and the Greater Harrisburg Navy, pledged to the development of the.Susquehanr.a Basin for the bene •ift of the people, is putting a lot of ginger into the campaign, and practically no opposition has been developed nor is any expected. City Commissioner Gross is con vinced that the first an,d most im portant step is to make use of the natural river advantages through the creation of proper beaches and pools and suitable bath houses. He has already obtained much data and when Mr. Manning comes to the city for his investigation next week, some definite program will be announced for the information of the people. PRESIDENTIAL GIFTS WHY worry because President and Mrs. Wilson received a few gifts from royalty or others abroad? To he sure, the Constitution expressly forbids the chief executive of the United States from accepting gifts from foreign governments or rulers, but the pres ent case is so far removed from the dangers which the framers of the Constitution evidently feared that there would seem to be small harm in ignoring any technical violation When the President went abroad, all Europe recognized its obligations to America in ending the war, and it was from full hearts that the peo ple of countries and cities united in the giving of tokens to the Presi dent, and the same applies to rulers and high officials. It was not so much Mr. Wilson, but the whole American people, that these presents were intended to honor. He hap pened to be the representative, the authorized spokesman, that is all, and it would be showing scant cour tesy to order the gifts returned. The whole incident has been exagger ated at all events. WATCHING NEW YORK THE whole country is watching the course of the "daylight saving" ordinance in New York. If New York aldermen pass this measure, the cities of the whole country can drop into line without serious inconvenience, and they will do so. Harrisburg is prepared, whether New York acts favorably WEDNESDAY EVENING. or not, to have some form of "day light saving" for itself next year but the matter would be very much simplified if the biggest and most powerful city In the country would take the initial Hep. , But New York must not expect to ' get this beneficial legislation with i out a light. The insidious interests | that were instrumental in the defeat ! of the "daylight saving" bill in Con- j gress will bring their influence to 1 bear on the New York aldermen, j The public must make its position ! clear. It must let the aldermen know that It is in enrnest and is go- ' ing to have the extra hour of day light in one form or another. Harrisburg and all other cities are looking toward the metropolis. , If New York takes the step all other j towns worth the name will follow I and Congress will receive a whole- ' some lesson anent the folly of ' trilling with popular sentiment. | A WORKMAN'S TESTIMONY STEEL workers may accept the i testimony of Judge Gary with doubt as that of a prejudiced witness and the public will look with suspicion on the radical views ! of Eoster, the strike manager, as expressed before the Senute com- j mittee at Washington, but both sides must accept at face value the statements of T. D. Davis, a roller in j the United States Steel Corporation plant at New Castle. Mr. Davis is j not only a worker, but he proved ' his patriotism by throwing up a job • that paid him $l7 a day at the out- i set of the war to go to France as I a Y. M. C. A. secretary and he did ' not return to the mills until afn_r ! the war was over, one can bank 1 on what a man of that type says. | And here Is his view of the strike | and the objects back of it: We. of course, knew that a • strike was mining, 101 there was evidence ot it on atl sides. in some respects tne evidence, lu my mind, indicated a conspiracy. I We would ask these men why | they were going out. and they would answer that they were go ing cut in order to cripple the mills—to para ysse them com pletely. as some of them put it. W'e asked, "Well, how do you ex pect to accomplish this.'" and the answer would generally lie that they wanted a closed shop, a shop from which the American workmen would be excluded. "Yctl Americans," they would say, "will have to get new jobs utter the unions get in." Some of them boasted that after they won the strike they would do away with l osses and that committees would tun tlie mills. in other instances where men did not want to quit work, and wi re forced to strike, we asked them w h.v they did not come back to work. I recall that one of the men who worked with me. a Greek, told me that lie would re turn. only he was afraid because lie said that his wife had been told that lie would lie killed if he tried to go back to work. Davis said that 99 per cent, of tlie strikers are foreigners, who look upon Americans with suspicion, and his testimony is amplified by two other American workmen. Every bit of evidence that has come to the surface regarding con ditions in the Pittsburgh district 1s that the strike was engineered by aliens who are not striking for-any purpose except the overthrow of tlie American form of government. That l eing the case, there could be no doubt of the failure of the effort from the beginning. The American public always has taken the side of the striKer when he was endeav oring to improve working condi tions or striving io got for himself a living wage. But when foreigners who are in this country simply to work their own ends against our own American Government strike to bring about a revolution they will tind public sympathy aroused against them. We have no place in this country for revolutionary aliens, if they want to turn Bolshevik and run amuck, let them go whence they came. Americans have no patience with them. THE RED CROSS HARIiISBURG is a very proper place for a Red Cross con ference. Harrisburg chapter has a reputation for doing things. It originated the plan of commun- i ity relief which now promises to be- ] come 'a part of lted Cross work throughout the nation. The service extended to the sick and suffering peoples of Europe has been brought home to the folks of our own city and countryside. With the Red Cross charity did not begin at home. It first went to Europe, and then came back after the armistice was signed to find a place in the hearts of the good women of the local chapter who have begun to do for the sick and crip pled of our own community what the ministering angels of the organ ization did in France and Belgium during the war. We in Harrisburg are proud of the Red Cross and particularly of our local chapter. Most of the war agencies were content to rest on their oars when hostilities ceased. They had done a good work, they were weary of effort and ready enough to quit. Not so the Red Cross! When war work begun to wane it turned its attention to the needs of the people in times of peace, and already scores of families in this vicinity have felt the stimulus and encouragement of its loving and helpful hand. It is well for the Red Cross I workers of the State to come to Har- I risburg. Our women can give them I many useful lessons. Some Optimism (American Legion Weekly) Having u brick thrown at his head during the recent Boston police strike did not disturb Earnest E. Smith, a Boston banker. To be sure, tt smashed the big plate glass win dow of his office, but that gave him the opportunity to hang out the fol lowing advertisements: "Business as usual during alterations." "You can break our window, but you can't break the market on our list of stocks." "Ammunition Factory! Buy Medfleld Bricks at |11.30, F. O. B. Medfield-"' By the Ex-Oommlttccman Decision of the Dauphin county j court in the Wasson proceeding for . ) a mandamus to compel certification | of the name of the Pittsburgh judge ! who ran sixth in the Allegheny I county common pleas primary con- f test as a candidate to be voted upon , l at the general election is being eageily awaited in at least a dozen judicial districts in Pennsylvan a. It is the iirst test of the method of computation of the vote to qualify a candidute or cuhdidates as "sole ! nominees" provided in the act of j 1319 which was an amendment of j the act of 1913 apd if Wasson loses it is expected that the case will go to , Supreme Court. I The decision will affect, in case |t\ asson wins, judicial contests in Philadelphia, Lackawanna, Luzerne. Washington, Cambria and other i counties as well as Pittsburgh, ac cording to the views of State of ficials. It may also affect some of, the dozen elections for associate , judge. An early decision is ant ci- ' pated. i I T!rj mi of 1919 was denounced as an unconstitutional restriction of the fin tchise of Pennsylvania vot j crs, an infringement of rights of i j candidates for office, a destroyer of! uniformity of elections guaranteed j by the Constitution and an abuse of ! legislative power by counsel for i J tinge Wasson. The method laid | down in the law was held to be tin- j ! fair and to operate to make a gen- I eral election only a reaffirmation in . most oi.sei; of a primary. John M. | j Freeman and Charles Alvin Jones j |of Fntsil.urgh, who appeared fori j Judge Wasson, both emphasized the I I contention that the act interfered i I with uniformity of elections and ! i that the Legislature had exceeded pen crs. i Act on of the secretary, who had i followed the strict letter of the law, t alter consultation with the Attorney i General's department was warmly i defended by Attorney General Wil- | l'ani 1. Sellaffor, who asserted that j the Legislature had been entirely i within its powers in providing a ' method to overcome some questions ' which had arisen and who pointed out that the whole tendency of 11011- i partisan laws, evidenced in both ju- i dicinl, second and third class city; codes, was to reduce candidates at i a primary and give the majority | candidate the benefit of sole noni- J ination. Mr. Sehaffer remarked i that it was the irony of fate that i Judge W'asson should beeome In-| volved in the operation of an act, which he had helped to draft. The 1 Attorney General sail that Mr. t Freeman's contentions had bean largely pas oil upon in the tests of the original act. —Now that the Varcs have, in tlie 1 language of the Philadelphia Rec- j ord, made a belated admission of tlie triumph of Congressman J. 1 Hampton Moore for the mayoralty nomination it is expected that def inite harmony moves will be made. : The Inquirer, a Moore supporter ! from the very start, says that tlie ! Republican city committee will he called to ratify the nomination. j while the Public Dodger intimates i that Moore has made his own liar- | mony. The evening newspapers are I talking about Moore as alreudy! elected and pointing out his quali ties and the needs of the hour. > The Evening Bulletin says; "Mr. ! Moore's election in November has! become hardly more a matter ; of confirmation or formality. In J the meantime, as well as in the in- > terval before the first of January, 1 let us all put every fnctionist. or disturber, .under bonds to keep the : peace, and get together on a big and j wise program that will build up, and not tear down, the life anil lh" credit of this great municipality during the next four years." The Evening I.edger advances this view: "Mr. Moore is a practical states man. He knows how the political • game in Philadelphia has been p'ayed. He knows also liow to eliminate its crooked features. After j his inevitable election the publ'e j will wnteh with heartened interest the steps ahead forecast, taken '.o end a degrading outrage." —The Pittsburgh Dispatch is be coming restless. It says; "An or-1 dinance was introduced in city council yesterday providing for j ninety-four new positions in the department of pulilic works, the salaries for which aggregate $159,- 920, plus the $lOO bonus allowed for each city employe because of the j high cost of living. These positions, it is urged, are necessary on account j of the great amount of work the ; department will have to do in carry- | ing out the improvements provided : for in the $2 2,000,000 bond issue. These positions are largely for as sistant engineers, and an assistant chief in the bureau of engineers at 54.000, and one in the bureau of sur veys at $5,000. while the other as sistant engineers are to receive sal aries at $3,270. plus the H. C. E. l>onus." —Col. George Xox McCain grow? delightfully reminiscent in the Philadelphia Ledger. This is the! way he handles a well known Demo- j crat of Democrats: "Charles P Donnelly, titular head of the unter- j rifled Democracy of Philadelphia. ' real estate dealer and political phi-j losopher. has lost a perceptible amount of his partisan belligerency of twenty-five years ago. He and j the late Patrick Foley, of Pitts- j burgh. divided militant honors then nt Democratic State conventions. In those days, when A. Mitchell Palmer j was yet an undergraduate at J ! Swarttimore and dreams of Demo- j | cratic empire had not begun to flit : : through his sophomore brain: when t Vance McCormick was an inchoate j j politician, to whom Ren Meyers, of ; Dauphin, was a sage to be revered, j i James M. Guffey was the undisputed I czar of the Jacksonian host. Wll- j ' liam H. Rnowden, William Uhler j i Hensel. John Ancona, Victor Pio- > I lette and Congressman Tom Mutch ' ler were State leaders of prowess I I and renown. Charlie Donnelly wn I ! not always as dignified nnd suave n Ihe is to-day. He is mellowing withl the years. No Democratic State ' 'convention was complete in thnt era, i without a shindy. No make-believe, i either. Tt was a red-letter day in Rond'ng when the embattled hosts of De morracy let their combative in stincts pet away with their eahl .ludpment. In his earnestness to protest apainst some unpopular rul-, ing of the chair, Donnelly (nilrob by accident, of couise) "pushed" Pat Foley off. the stnge and he fell through the bass drum in the or chestra." —As lively a political buttle as was ever fought in Susquehunna is now in progress. It is a purely fac tional tight between the Repub licans, but as the Republican candi dates practically captured the Demo cratic ticket at the primaries, it has resolved itself into a battle royal'. .The two opposing factions are head led by H. A. Penney, former Judge, HABRI6BURG TELEGRAPH AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN'? By BRIGGS j AFTER VoOR DAMt>r - AtsJD YcJO HAVE lb POT OM -AND Youß. MOTHER. -DUSTS OFF SUMMER VACATION 'S Youß. FIRST. PAtR OP LONG Ybuß SCHOOL ®OOKS AND done and Vou've Packed Pants TyV — y 0 < Avx/AY Yovjß Bathing HANI'S CM TO YOU TACKLE - AMt y o a IMMC OWF TO -m£ - 0"-"-H- BoY?! " •SCHOOL To 3t<Q(N THE iTTLE GIRL VsllTH CURUS AiN'T" IT A LONG weary <3R\HD AfJI) vSHE hands You THE £R-R-R-RAND AND UTTLG ,SMILS j and C. F. Wright, former State Treasurer. The tight centers on the offices of register and recorder, dis trict attorney and county treasurer. To further complicate matters, Dr. Edward It. Gardner, a few weeks ago purchased the "Independent Republican," the county organ of the Republican party since the foundation of the party in J854. It has always in the past stood loyally by the party ticket. Dr. Gardner has announced that it will support men on the Democratic ticket. —The Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele giuph says this, in which everyone concurs: "There are no such things its party lines when illness attacks the President of the United States. All the people are concerned, and all earnestly hope for his speedy re covery." ARMY FRENCH I learned to speak French like a native While wearing the "kack" over there. Sapristi! it's rather elative To think I'm that clever, I swear. Tout de suite 1 learned beaucoup expressions Which pop out in speech, just like that. And now I'm back home I just can't overcome The habit of calling a hat A chapeau, though I strive for repressions. I learned to speak French like a native— It's not that I wish to "show off." Forfcetful of facts legislative, 1 absently murmur: "I'm soifi" When a feeling of thirst settles o'er me (Which happens ties sou vent just now) And I ask "Qu'est-ce que e'est?" in a quite thoughtless way, Unintentional wholly, I vow (Ah, oui. "showing off" simply bores me). I learned to speak French like a native While off in that war-stricken land. Fo original. I, and creative The French, though, could not understand. Here at home I find folks far more clever. They comprise my French at a glance: For, while life was so trench-like. I learned to speak French like A native—of Kansas, not France: Like a true son of Yankland, forever. —Lee Shippey. Must Melt Bell in Tower j [From St. Louis Post-Dispatch] The 2-ton bell wljich hangs in | the tower of the city hall has made the tower unsafe, but the bell is so large it would be dangerous to try { ' to take it down, so it is to be melted i right where it is with acetylene. blow torches, such as are commonly ; 1 seen in use by workmen repairing j I ear tracks. | Building Commissioner McKelvey I pronounced the tower unsafe as ' long as the bell remains, because the steel supports have become cor ! roded. Moreover, he said, an at j tempt to lower the bell would be | very dangerous, therefore the de ' cision to take it down a bucketful | at a time. The on'y time in recent years that ! the bell has been rung was the day Jof the armistice celebration. It was i rung when the building was con | structed in 1904. The bell cost I about $2,000. The expense of re- I moving it will be about $1,500. It I is six feet high and four feet in di | ameter at the base. Solution No. 6,200,^72 [From Life! I The only trouble witli democracy j is that it has developed into govern ] ment of the people, at the people, over the people, under the people, around the people, against the peo ple, by the people, between the peo ple, into the people, with the people, without the people, for the people, beyond the people, after the people, before the people, in front of the people, behind the people, outside the people, inside the people. Why not get back to the original Lin colnian prepositions? Desperate Case [From the St. Louis Republic] The other day a negro went Into a drug store and said: "Ah wants one ob dem dere plas ters you dun stick on yoah back." "I understand," said the clerk. "You mean one of our porous plas i ters." "No, Bah * I don't want none of yoah porua plasters. I wants de i btes' one you got." The Labor Shortage [Mark Sullivan in Collier's Weekly.] THE one element which alone accounts for more han any other in the chaos of the pres ent relations between labor and capital is the loss from the labor supply of the world of the seven million able-bodied laborers who have been killed in the war, the other seven million who have been so seriously crippled that they are no longer availuble as laborers, and finally the very considerable number of millions more*tvho are still in the various armies of the world. The millions who are in the arm ies are in process of demobilization; eventually they will come back into industry and to that extent enlarge the world's supply of available labor. But the labor supply of the world has been permanently reduced by no less than 14 million men, the killed and seriously wounded of the war. And these 14 million were picked men. They came from the very heart of the world's labor supply, the able-bodied men of military age. America's total losses in the war, both of dead and also of those so seriously wounded as to be a total loss for purposes of labor, did not amount in all to a hundred thou sand. But while the 14 million did not to any appreciable degree come out of America, their loss affected 1 the American labor situation quite as seriously as if the men themselves had come from America. • We have a direct labor shortage of our own, a shortage of about five million. Prior to the war we were accustomed to getting just about a million immigrants a year from Europe. This immigration from Europe was a kind of steadily flow ing spring from which we added about a million each year to our labor supply. More or less uncon sciously business men counted on it. Our whole industrial fabric was built up on the assumption that the mil lion would come each year. Now for five years that spring has been dry. Since the beginning of ! the war we have had only a negli gible fraction of our normal Immi gration from Europe. We have in i America at this moment an accum- I ulated deficit of about five million !in our labor supply. And a short ! age in the supply of labor has 're | suited precisely like a shortage in i the supply of anything else —it sends j prices up. In the language of busi | ness men, the present time is, as respects labor, a "sellers' market." I By a "sellers' market" is meant a : situation in which the supply is llm | ited, and in which the demand is I large and excited. A "sellers' mar j ket" in labor is much more com i plex and more worrying to the buyer DID YOU KNOW THAT: By MAJOR FRANK C. MARIN Of the Army Recruiting Station The number of men serving In the | armed forces of the nation during the war was 4,800,000, of whom 4,- 000,000 served in the Army. In the War with Germany the United States raised twice as many men as did the Northern States in the Civil War, but only half as many in proportion to the population. The British sent more men to France in their first year of war than we did in our first year, but it took England three years to reach a strength of 2,000,000 men in France, and the United States ac complished it in one-half of that time. Of every 100 men who served, 10 were National Guardsmen, 13 were Regulars, and 77 were in the Na tional Army (or would have been If the services had not been consoli dated). Of the 64,000,000 males in the population, 26,000,000 were regis tered in the draft or were already in servics. In the physical examinations the States of the Middle West made the best showing. Country boys did better than city boys; white bettet than colored; and native-born better than foreign-born. In this war twice as many men were recruited as in the Civil War and at one-twentieth of the recruit ing cost. There were 200,000 Army officers. Of every six officers, one had pre vious military training with troops, three were graduates of officers' training camps, and two came direct ly from civil life. than a "sellers' market" in any com modity that business men habitually buy and sell. A "sellers' market" iin a commodity commonly expresses itself in terms of money only; a "sellers' market" in labor expresses itself both in terms of more money and in conces sions, which are the equivalent of money—in shorter hours, the recog nition of unions, the adoption of profit-sharing systems, and a variety of other concessions. A "sellers' market" in a commodity is settled by a bickering between two men about price; but a "sellers' market" in labor involves large groups of men on both sides, and is accom panied by strikes and other more or less violent manifestations. This shortage in the supply of labor, and the opportunity which it gives to labor to get large conces sions from employers, is the most important of all the causes that compose the present tension. Many ardent persons among the intel lectual revolutionists say that the law of supply and demand is super seded nad that something new is coming to take its place. The truth is that the working of the law of supply and demand was never so conspicuous as right now. Only, be cause it is running so strongly in favor of labor, the intellectual rev olutionists do not recognize their old enemy in its novel role of benevo lence. This acute shortage of labor comes at a time when there is a corre spondingly acute demand for goods. The gods could not have conspired to create a situation more favorable for labor. Goods are scarce because of the void created during five years of war; it is time of rising prices; the incentive to do business is strong; capital and business are eager to keep going, and are willing to make concessions which in nor mal times they would not and could not make. Labor is in the saddle. I can imagine a historian of 50 year from now looking back and sur veying from that future point of view all that happened in America during the five years following the Great War, and ascribing it all to this one cause, to the shortage of labor due to the unprecedented quantitv of man power killed oft in the fighting. That would be a rough and incomplete analysis, but I can imagine a future historian, under the necessity of brevity, put ting it that way. There are some additional causes for the social phe nomena that beset our ears at every turn, and leap at us from every newspaper headline; but the disap pearance of 14 million men from the world's available labor supply is the principal one. Kills Engine, Glides 35 Miles [From the Detroit News] What is believed to be a world's record for gliding with a dead mo tor was accomplished at- Ithaca, N. Y., by Pilot R. C. Marshall, flying a Thomas-Morse 2-seated biplane. Marshall flew to the head of Cayuga Lake, a distance of thirty-five miles, and having attained a height of 17,500 feet switched off his motor and glided to Ithaca, at which point he still had 5,000 feet altitude. If his glide had been continued it is estimated that an additional fifteen miles could have been covered, mak ing a total of fifty miles without the use of his motor. The longest glide record up to this time was of Captain ltaynham, when he glided from Brooklands (England) to Hendon, a distance of twenty-two miles. The Trau Landing [Prom the New York Tribune] The circumstances of the Trau landing have created acute interest in Washington. Secretary Daniels apparently was not advised of the move, made by our naval forces un. der orders of some sort from the Peace Council or one of its agencies. American marines seem to have ejected an irregular Italian force from this Dalmation village. No bloodshed occurred and only formal hostilities were engaged in against nationals of an allied country. But in principle the Trau landing would differ in no respect from an attempt by the armed forces of France, Great Britain and the United States to eject D'Annunzio's forces from Fiume. Things They Have Wrought L.ook to yourselves, that we lose [ not those things which we have ! wrought, but that wo receive full i reward. —II John S. OCTOBER 8, 1919. Governor Sproul on Thrift [Philadelphia Evening Bulletin! In asking Americans to quit living in a fool's paradise and get back to habits of hard work and thrift, Gov ernor Sproul has issued a trumpet call which should be heeded. The situation is dangerous for the American people when they act as if there had been no war and that everything was to be better than ever. People are spending money for unnecessaries, are selling Lib erty bonds to buy luxuries, and are not saving at a time when it is nec essary for them to conserve all of their resources. It is amazing that people cannot see that the present condition of in flation must come to an end. We have spent as much in three years a s in all our previous history put to gether. We are in debt about twenty-five billions of dollars, and that sum must be paid before we may consider ourselves in good financial condition. Many persons are acting as if it were the highest economy to live on the interest of their debts. When other nations are suffering there is no reason to suppose that we can escape some of the burdens of the world conflict which de stroyed the accumulated property of centuries. These must in large measure be restored. We must do our share in some way or other, but in any <event we must pay our own debts and practice fundamental principles of economy. It is a good time to get down "Poor Richard's Almanac" and study its content. Too many persons have a notion that continuation of the present condition is certain and that they may spend their money foolishly without danger. War makes no nation richer. It ought to make any nation thrifty, and there should be constant sav ings in days of plenty against the inevitable decline. The man who in this day follows the Governor's advice and keeps his expenditures below his income can face the fu ture with safety. Others cannot. Keep James Watt's Garret [From the Glasgow Herald] The problem of how to remove and preserve Intact the garret in which James Watt, the engineering genius (who made the steam engine a practical proposition), pursued his mechanical studies, is now puz zling the James Watt Centenary Committee, which arranged elab orate centenary celebrations at Bir mingham last month. It is proposed, if possible, to take this garret from its position at the top of Heathtield Hall, the old manor house at Handworth, where Watt spent his last years, and to re erect it intact in the central me morial buildings to be provided in the heart of Birmingham. The difficulties of removal, how ever, are very great, and the house of which it is a part is at present in occupation. The garret is still in exactly the same condition as when Watt worked in it. The piece of iron Watt was last engaged in turning lies on the lathe. The ashes of his last Are, where Watt used to do his own cooking because of his wife's objection to •seeing her husband looking like a blacksmith, are in the grate; the last lump of coal is in the scuttle, the Dutch oven is in its place over the stove and the frying pan in which he cooked his meals is hang ing on its accustomed nail. A dish on a shelf contains a with ered bunch of grapes. On the floor in a corner is a trunk containing Gregory's school books. Gregory was the youngest son of James Watt, who, to his father's infinite grief, died young and at the com mencement of a most promising ca reer. A Double Strain [Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph] It was a stage rehearsal. The principal lady came upon the stage in walking, costume and started to sing her great song. "My dear!" cried the manager, "you are surely not going to sing with your veil on?" "Of course, I am," she replied. "I want to hurry off as soon as I finish. I have to meet a friend." "But singing with a veil on!" ex postulated the manager. "Well, well!" he added, in a resigned tone. "I can't help it if you want to strain your voice!" Taking Things Easy IFrom Punch, London.] Despite the appeal of the prem ier. people seem to be taking things just as easily as ever. No fewei I than 128 burglaries were commit | ted iu London last week. iEttftttttg ©ijai Hurrlsburg's Nuturol Hluwry . ciety, composed of some iiiut. - lovers who have given study to .• of tho beautiful us well as hlßtofK. i spots in the vicinity 01 the SU..J j Capital and probably found more > interest the general public witli..i sight of the State House dome tln..i the public knows, hus u.-raniv.: series 01 excursions 101 , that will doubtless be prouiictiw valuable contributions lo local n.. • tory. This society litis explored ma.. , pretty places in the county back . . the city, along the Buxton and tl. i Swatara and has gone over lo tlu sylvan dells of Cumberland coun., . Its latest schedule includes a ratlin, J up the valley of Fishing Creek th.i coming Saturday, this creek ben. , one of the prettiest of the small. •• streams near Harrisburg. The nt.\. Saturday, llound Top, that em.- nence in the York hills that ovei • looks Steelton and Marsh Hun urn./ reserve spot and can be seen lor miles around, will be visite'd. The. J | are probably more pepole born . t 1 sight of Hound Top who are ignu- I rant of what can be seen from I own crown than one imagines, ov. - I ter's bridge, Hauphin and Eberiy .1 I Mills, which abound in places of I interest are also on the list, while the middle of November 15 will tie spent on Blue Mountain. Heck's and Linglestown will close the series. The society is certainly to be con : gratulated upon looking up ami making known the places wortn while from a natural beauty stand | point. "This is certainly a remarkable I period for prices," said a friend j from the country who was looking I into the store windows along Market I street yesterday afternoon. "Only , a few years ago you could buy a I whole tongue or a fine rooster for i somewhat under a dollar. And now, I Why the prices make you stop and think. Just take the telephone for instance. It is not so long ugo that it was considered a luxury. Now it is a necessity in the home of a rail roader, on the farm and in the office |of a lawyer. Telephone rates, in j spite of all that is said to the con trary, have been so reduced that the average $lB a year farm rate means that one egg a day pays for it. Could anyone have conceived a few years ago that the money from one egg would keep a telephone at one's S elbow with its large scope of service o working day and night, keeping tab - on prices for produce or the time t of trains. Well, times are changing e in the Susquehanna Valley." The meeting of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce the other evening for election of officers at tracted much attention from men active in Capitol Hill affairs. It is not generally known that the Har risburg Chamber has been pretty closely watched by the folks at the Capitol. In a number of places chambers have not been howling successes and it was argued that if in Harsisburg, with its diversified interest and other things, one could be made to not only get results, but a strong community spirit it would be a good example. This view point of our affairs has been expressed to me a dozen times and while it is not complimentary, the fact that Harrisburg met the test is rather gratifying. The farmers of Pennsylvania are working too many acres and not using their heads enough, accord ing to some statements in the bul letin of the State Department of Agriculture. "The most of the farm ers of Pennsylvania, and the same is likely true of other states," says the bulletin, "are working too many acres and consequently are not doing the work properly and thoroughly." The point is made that too many are content to get one hundred bushels of corn from four acres than from two by a change of methods. The farmer, says the bulletin also, must | keep in mind the quality of his crops and "advertise in order that the purchasing public may know where to get the best." The bulletin also asserts that the farmers must use their brains as well as their muscles. Some excellent wild duck shoot ing is being reported from the Sus quehanna river counties by men who have been engaging in the sport. The ducks have been coming up from the southern states in large flocks and many of them are fat and frisky. All along the Susquehanna from Sunbury to McCall's ferry good sized flocks have been observed. Activity at the coal mines in both the hajd and soft coal regions Is commencing to be reflected in the Harrisburg and Rutherford yards. There are huge trains coming in filled with coal and the movement of cars west and north to be loaded js also gaining. Things look a good bit like the fall of 1915 and 1916 around the yards. The U. S. A. engines on the Reading are still in service and if anything are hauling longer trains. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE •—John J. Patterson, Jr., district attorney of Juniata county, was at the Capitol on a business trip. —Charles A. Jones, who appeared In court in the Wasson case yester day, is a native of Newport, Perry county. —General E. C. Shannon was the chief marshal of Lancaster county's welcome home. —Ex-Representative Fred L. Geiser, of Easton, was among visi tors to the Capitol. He was on public service business. —Charles K. Robinson, Pittsburgh lawyer here this week, represents the city in traction litigation be fore the Public Service Commission. Dr. E. B. Gleason, Philadelphia councilman, will present ordinances to punish people who let their auto mobile smoke. —J. E. Andrews, of Altoona, win marshal the big Odd Fellows parad > in Williamsport. The Rev. Dr. Ma it! and Alexa— der, prominent Pittsburgh clerc: - man, has resumed h'.s duties after a year in France. \ DO YOU KNOW "1 That Harrisburg had almost a regiment in the War of 1812? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —Cannon balls were cast at fur naces in this vicinity in the Civil War. The Pillars of the Earth The Lord maketh poor, and muk eth rich; he bringeth low, and lift eth up. He raiseth up the poor from the dust, and lifteth up the beggiqr from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for t'iu pillars of the enrth are the Lord •• and he hath set the world upurt them. —1 Samuel 11. 7 and 8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers