STORE CLOSES 5f STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX BET-I, 1901—38Sa UNITED HARRISBUHU. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. FOUNOED lITI 1420 PIECES OF ACWA LITE AND PY-RA-LIN an d c ° mes in attractive | I Toilet Ivory Today's Prices JSfL. The pieces in this stock of Ivory Toilet Ware are sample lines and discontinued patterns and some with j wonderful as \ slight inperfections—but mostly perfect pieces, excellent in design, fine material and of good weight. wonaeriui as- refiedion of the satisfaction this truly remarkable / As we bought this stock in January at one-third otf today's market price and so much less than what it sortment of patterns; corset has given to our most valued patrons, would cost to replace similar pieces today, you can readily see'that at one-fourth off you are receiving values j the thin g to carry A trial fitting by our corsetiere will convince you unusual. your yarn for the sweat- oi th f Bt yle. figure improvement and comfort that Christmas is on the way and it is none too early to think ahead and pick up appropriate pieces for gifts er you are knitting; 89c. is derived from the wearing of a Modart. at a decided saving. Many women have several toilet pieces and want to add another from time to time to Larg-e wooden knit The new fall designs are now ready, complete the set. . 6 ~ . ting needles; 25c and SELECT FROM THESE AND TAKE ONE- 45c ' BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. FOURTH OFF THE MARKED PRICE | ■ j BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Military Brushes. Paper Knives Glove Boxes Puff Boxes PinCushions TTT , T T I A * Pin^Boxw" 1 SSS £S. Co'"" B °™ Trinket Boxes WOlTien S CottOH VeStS li IT\TI C Y OCtS Bonnet Brushes Shaving Mirrors Cloth Brushes .l rays Soa P Boxes ' W W ** Buffers Hair Pin Boxes Hat Brushes laicum Boxes Tooth Brush Holders 2 1 r* Cuticle Knives Hand Mirrors Jewel Cases Talcum Box Holders Picture Frames . c A „ . CV /l 77/1/ ro/1 Scissors Hair Brushes Clocks Hair Pin Holders Vases A fine lot of women s-fine cotton ribbed vests; low neck LjUULICIILV JT / ILUIt/ sleeveless trimmed; an attractive value; 21c. : BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Everv vear it becomes more and more a broad fact i WARE. ullUCo -TUX VJll 1j g 8 from England, France, Japan and our own U. S. A. it I L I I i I I | ft The following are specially priced and it would be - g ■ f| *| P P I 10 1 I I I "1 CIPC XX wise to buy one now, if one is needed for the coming I J. Dll UiUUSeS xx J Thanksgiving or other Holiday tables. j* I am"l Excellent Values at These Prices I I , m . (f/|M have all the style of our women's t$ g 100 P ,ece porcelain with 3 meat platters and bread I /ffiSm shoes, but are built on different g g and butter plates in place of individual butters, with IHU lines, especially appropriate. Moth- g Jfr- ♦♦ neat pink floral decoration; $16.00. | ft 7 C I S like them and so w 'h the g fi piece porcelain; same composition as above, H , H: g,r '?" _ fi fi S \ 8 ! with gold line decoration and artistic shapes; $17.50. I I! I Black Calfskin; $7.25. g yd J° Jk Black Kidskin; $7.50. g A </\ S recn border decorations; $22.00. jjs £ Brown Calfskin; $8.50. ♦♦ A. x J \ / #i \ ♦♦ piece porcelain, same composition as above, As illustrated ♦♦ / | R'X V / M f \ XX with pretty floral decoration and each piece gold BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. | g ///A yHflV J\ ''lli' \ X 8 Striped J $27.50. ' g jj f/jfj /1 lr) ll'V \ tHr 1 nr'' lllVm \ t* 100 piece extra thin porcelain; same/composition *ll % S / I JF] 111 || 11" \ ||Uis \ XZ as above with wide floral border decoration; $37.50. Our Childrens 1 \\ \ | P 1/liff : iW - i MadeinFmnce — 1 ♦♦ \ v 1 1 Mll 1 / /' Vl I 1 I fl \ \ r^M] j'i 8 99 piece Haviland China; new Ostend shape with g \s\ I,F //J|a f A jh 1 I jj\ \ v p\ j|G;" wild flower spray decoration; $50.00. [|PnO rfm f i ♦♦ \m\ " X~ X //) \ Axffl 1 —vTo I 09 piece Theo. Haviland China with pink rosebud ueparcment n m f/'/fmW \w 8 decoration; $55.00. XX p yt [ (/ // n\\l \ 8 100 piece Haviland and Co., china with rich gar- Offers Many Serviceable and Stylish 1 f 1 1 W 'I I H '- d ° f border; $125.00. Suggestions Jor Girls and Little "Boys AX* / 8 im • rn' 'h' "'"'"ih fi i J g jjyr I XZ 100 piece fine Nippon china, with exquisite floral Cunning suits for lit- to 6 years, in striped and tt ' tt decorations; $55.00. tie fellows, 2to 6 years; checked gingham, plain tt (rA (/*' "7 £ C* ~/ /£ [1 f\ 8 piece fine Nippon china with 18K gold border Two piece middy style, chambray, poplin and tt /%D J) / , V J j\ If) jf / ' tt and handles. This is an extra rich set suitable to Oliver Twist and Sailor, linen. Pleated models, g # g adorn the table of the most artistic mansion. made Of blue and brown with belts, yoke and g Beautiful quality of crepe de Another semi dressy model An unusual quality of crepe XX Made in FnalnnA ierge, Palmer hnen and hi g h-w ai st styles, g chine; a tailored model with of crcoe de chine with narrow c h' ne J one of the cleverest 8' m colored trousers, with smocked and hand em- g fine tucklngs on collar and narrow styles shown . we „ tailored g 100 piece J. and G. Meakins porcelain; decorated white bodices; $4.50, broidered white collar Tt pleating on the little smart col- cuffs and collar; pleated bosom ♦♦ with the new Pacific decorations that is a work of SS.SO $5.95, $6.S°, $7' 95 cuff and belts; $1.50! 1 ma ,trial U ribbon bow on the SST 1 to $10.50. $1.95, $2.95. $3.50, $4.50 H $6.95. front; this model sells for $7.95. $?6.50. ' H 100 piece Grundleys porcelain with border decora- P , u •+ ; to $7 50 XX g tion, with bronze line. This set istcertainly beautiful; coys wasn suits in ' w• j j fi A new showin & of waists for the misses, in all white wash sailor collar and black rib- g $45.00. white and colors; linen, Jack iarM 1d d y g bon tie; in all blue and flesh; a number with Peter Pan collar and piping of white. This g 100 piece Josiah Wedgwoods earthenware in the poplin, rep and linene dresses made of white g is a'smart school waist for the misses; retails at $2.25. g new basket weave shape with gbld line decorations; trimmed in blue, green, Jean, yoke style with g Blouses to sell at $6.95 in white, flesh, coral, bisque, French blue, navy and black g $75.00 Copenhagen brown and pleats and straight g in an assortment of styles in frills, net collars, lace trimmings; new collars and collar- fi From Old England will also be found Sdecorations tan, in Middy, Norfolk models, with belts and g | css . H of Doulton known the world over for their artistic ussian pleated and pockets, collar and g Crepe de chine waists in flesh, white, bisque, salmon and maize; tailored and semi- g decorations. The decorations we are showing at styles, 2 to* cuffs of red, navy and g tailored and semi-tailored pleatings; vest effects; solid colors and combination of col- 8 present are the Mandarin, Pekin and Chesterfield. A L ea cn S l ' openhagei li, 2 J° 6 J™° 8 ored embroidery; $3.95. g 100 piece set of either during the special sale at $90.00. pP-i ? $7.95. 14 > ,ea "' $3-95, g job man's Third Floor. g A H 0 f our Doulton dinnerware is carried in open Children s dresses 2 $4.50, $5.95 to $8.50. stock - WEDNESDAY EVENING, HAKRISBTCRG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 10, 1919, 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers