Spectacular Early Morning Shooting Fray in Streets of City Results in Death of Man LXXXVIII— NO .210 16 PAGES B tK d K;t HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1919. ON^ B 6I ?& L o E cIS?a ES HOME EDITION * WORLD SITUATION BLAMED FOR HIGH COSTS BY WILSON Tells Minnesota Legislature Sacrifices and Waste of War Responsible; Ignorance of Peace Status Helps INTERNATIONAL LABOR BODY WOULD SETTLE WIDE UNREST l,y Associated Pres.'. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. o.—The cost of living President Wilson told the Minnesota Legislature to-day is large ly due to "a world situation" grow ing out of the sacrifices and waste of the war. Back of that, added the President, lay the fact that the world had not yet learned what the peace statute would be. "The world is not going to settle down." said he, "until it learns what part the United States is to play in the peace." Ho ontinued that this was the only nation which would have enough free capital in the near future to rehabil itate the world economically. The Legislature, which began yes terday in extraordinary session to , consider the high cost of living and other subjects, received the President i with cheers. He was introduced by Governor Rurnquist, who said Minne sota hoped there would be some ar rangement to prevent future wars. The President congratulated the Legislature on its ratification yester day of the Federal woman suffrage amendment. Set Commerce Going First of all, Mr. Wilson said, it was the nation's duty to set the com merce of the world going by the es tablishment of peace. After that, he continued, there were domestic ad justments that must be made, men tioning among other things, that rail way facilities in this country were •not equal to the demand. Having established a world settle ment economically, Mr. Wilson de? clared, it was imperative that there be an arrangement to insure "that no body monkey with the process" set tip. Production Would Help Turning to the relations of labor and capital the President said that labor ing men everywhere were dissatis fied with their relation to their em- I ployers. That was true abroad, he added, in larger measure than in the United States. Referring to the Treaty provision for an international labor organization, Mr. Wilson said here was a way to bring a definite so lution to the problems. He asserted that in this solution, the United States was expected by the world to set the standards and lay down the principles. As a basis for the solution, the Pres ident suggested that the interests of labor and capital must be recognized as identical and the two ought to be reasonable enough to get together. When it was realized that labor was not a commodity and a real co-oper ation had been established, produc tion -would increase by leaps and bounds, and that would be one ele ment in reducing the cost of living. V. s. Provincial The United States, said the Presi dent, had been "provincial" in past years in its economic relations to the world. There must be a change he argued, if the United States were to rehabilitate the world. That was why, he continued, the cost of living was a world problem and was wrapped up in the Peace Treaty. It was "just downright ig norance" of world affairs, he declared that prevented some men from seeing that point. There was applause when he remarked that he did not think either of the Senators from Minneso ta was afflicted with that state of mind. "Any man with open eyes," could see the inevitable role the United States must play in world affairs, said the President, and must realize that it was a case of either "welcom ing or surrendering" to the facts. Mr. Wilson said he had seen con ditions on the other side of the wa [Continucd on Page 15.] Gen. Pershing Will Not Be Able to Ride His Own Charger in Big Parade By Associated, Press., New York, Sept. 9. —General Per shing will not be able to ride his favorite horse, Kidron, in to-mor row's parade, it was definitely an nounced today. A message front the Department of Agriculture stated that the animal must remain at Embarkation headquarters at New port News for the full quarantine period. Instead the General will be mounted on a Virginian thorough bred, named Captain, owned by the city police department. General Pershing will leave New York for Philadelphia on a special train at 8 o'clock Friday morning. He has accepted an invitation from Mayor Smith to visit Philadelphia and will remain there for a couple of hours before proceeding to Wash ington. He is to arrive in the capi m tal at 4 o'clock Friday afterffoon. I THE WEATHER 1 llnrrlshurg and Vicinity. Partly cloudy to-night. not much change In temperature. Wed nesday probably tnlr, not quite so warm. Eastern Pennsylvania' Partly cloudy to-night, somewhat coo'cr In north portion. Wed nesday probably fair, not quite so warm. Gentle westerly winds. Rlveri The Susquehanna river and nil Its branches will fall slowly or remain stationary. A stage of about 3.47 feet Is In <ll - for llarrlsbur? Wednes day morula?. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JBfor-2fo&cpcii&riiL MAYOR IN FIGHT TO THE END MaJ-or Keister this morning emphatically denied that he would not push his candidacy for re-election or that he had accepted an offer of a $5,000 job on the Hill if he would withdraw from the mayoralty fight. The Mayor said in part "There is absolutely no truth in the rumors that my political opponents have been circulating to the effect that I' will not fight for re-election. They say that I have been* offered a $5,000 job if I will not push the fight. I want to say that I have never been of fered any job at all; that I do not expect to be offered any job, and that I should most certainly decline to accept it were it of fered me." STATE MARKET SURVEY TO PROBE COST OF LIVING I Questionnaires to Be Mailed • to Consumers and Pro ducers of District The first survey of market con ditions and facilities to be made by the State Department of Agricul ture will be undertaken in Harris burg and will probably be extended to other cities during the autumn. A series of preliminary inspections and meetings with farmers is plan ned for Harrisburg and State offi cials will also visit Lancaster, York, Reading and other places. Within the next few days Har risburg food consumers will receive questionaires from the State Bureau of Markets as part of the survey here and municipal officials will co operate with the State authorities. Guy C. Smith, director of the State Bureau of Markets has already for warded questionaires to hundreds of producers within the marketing radius of Harrisburg and this sur vey is expected to show what quan tity of foodstuffs from the produc ers reach the Harrisburg wholesale and market trade and what portion is shipped to other points. The list of questions which will he submitted to Harrisburg fami lies of all classes will include a plan of suggestions for the improvement of the public markets and for the general handling of food products in the city. It will also give the consumers a chance to record what complaints they have against the present market system and will show in what portion food products are purchased by the average con sumer. These questionaires are ex pected to go out next week and Mr. Smith is asking the housekeepers to give immediate attention to the re ports so that they may assist in the movement to promote better mar ket conditions in the city. In a cable dispatch to Secretary of Agriculture Rasmussen yesterday Professor J. P. Sanders, director of the Bureau of Plant Industry stated that he was leaving Rotterdam, Holland, on the steamship Amster dam. Professor Sanders as an agent of the United States government has been making an extensive study of the potato wart disease in England and other European countries. He is expected to bring back with him valuable information concerning methods for combating the disease and also a list of wart resistant va rieties of potatoes which have been developed in England. It is likely that the Federal and State authori ties will arrange for the importance of .resistant types of seed potatoes if Professor Sanders has found them to be a success and they will be used in the districts in which the potato wart hus been found. City Saves Money by Collecting Ashes Under Municipal Supervision The cost of municipal ash col lections in Harrisburg during Aug ust was $482,35 less than the old system of collecting by contract, ac cording to a report presented to City Council this morning by Hariy F. Sheesley, chief of the Ash Bureau. The report was read into the Coun cil Journal by Commissioner Hass ler. Maintenance and care of the horses, including the blacksmithing amounted to $424.40, salaries paid to seven drivers, seven ground men, three dump men and one stable man aggregated $1,215 and $26.25 was charged for stable rent, making a total of $1,665. With the same amount of men and equipment Sheesley said it would have cost $2,148, hence the difference. $482.35 represents the saving. Sheesley also charged for depreciation and interest on the money invested. Other figures he offered shows that it costs the city ninety-eight and two-fifth cents u day to keep the horses. Council was p'eased with the report and ordered it to be made a part of the .official Council Record. Selecting a "Lid" For the Treaty I n —— f modcstDV CHARMINC-I? STEELTON PLANT WANTS DAYLIGHT SAVING IN 1920 | Only Three of the Big Office Force Fail to Sign Petition The thousands of employes of the big Steelton plant of the Bethlehem j Steel Company are lining up for an ( extra hour of daylight next sum mer, which Congress sought to kill by repealing the act which proved immensely popular among all class es of workingmen and women. Petitions calling for the setting lof the clock an hour anead next 1 summer for five summer months ! have been circulated. Only three of j approximately 200 men employed |in the general offices (lid not fix l their signatures to the petitions. Similar petitions have been got ten ready for circulation through out the plant and it is believed that more than 5,000 signatures may be obtained in this manner. Many members of the Steelton I council are known to be inclined to favor a continuance of the extra hour of sunshine which they have been enjoying for two years. An ordinance calling on all business men to observe the new schedule during May. June, July August and September of next year is being pre pared, it is understood. WANTS TO UNITE NATIONS By Associated Press. Paris, Sept. 9 (Havas) —Dr. Stephen Prledrich, premier of Hungary, is re ported in a Vienna dispatch printed in newspapers here to-day to have sent a Hungarian delegation to Buch arest. The repart states that, besides being empowered to negotiate a sep arate peace with Rumania, the dele gation may discuss the eventual Union of Hungary and Rumania. CITY PLANS TRAFFIC RULES FOR THE AIR Student Aviators Are Getting Too Near to Chimney Tops to Make Quiet Burgers Feel Safe Fly cops for Harrlsburg! Welt, not exactly; but Harrlsburg prob ably will have cops to watch those who do fly after City Solicitor John E. Fox rules just how much Juris diction the city has In the air above. After Council had concluded Its session this morning, Mayor Kelster and the Commissioners informally decided to put the quesUon to Mr. VOICES ACROSS SEA Paris, Sept. 9.—(French Wire less)—rßeports received by the Radio Agency from Christiania announce that the government wireless station at Bergen, Nor way, has been called up twice recently by a voice from a wire less station on the American coast. The Bergen station, which is not fitted with a wireles6 telephone transmitter, sent wire less telegraphic messages in re ply. The voice heard is said to have been perfectly clear. FIVE STRIKERS ARE KILLED AND FIFTEEN HURT Result of Rattle Between Em ployes of Standard Steel Co. and Police Force By Associated Press. Hammond, Ind., Sept. 9.—Five strikers were killed and fifteen wounded to-day in a battle between 1,000 former employes of the Stand ard Steel Car Company and the po lice. Two months ago 2,000 workmtn at the plant went on a strike for increased wages and improved working conditions. Five weeks ago there was a riot between strikers and the police, in which a num ber of persons were injured, and as a result of this outbreak Gov ernor Goodrich sent a regiment of the Indiana State Militia to Ham mond to restore order. The troops were withdrawn about two weeks [Continued on Pago 2.] Pox. Complaint has been made by Hill residents that student aviators are flying so low over housetops that they fear for their lives and that trees are being damaged by machines in landing. "We'll probably find it necessary to make some regulations," said Mayor Keister, "because the proba bilities are that there will be much flying In the future." ALL VETERAN ORGANIZATIONS TO BE JOINED G. A. R. Commander, During Convention, Says Plans Are Under Way For Merge By Associated Press. Columbus, 0., Sept. 9. —Plans for combining into one patriotic feder ation all soldier societies and aux iliaries are under way, according to Commander-in-Chief Adams, of the Grand Army of the Republic, meet ing here. Tentative plans, he said, call for the merging of the G. A. R„ the Confederate Veterans, Spanish War Veterans and Veterans of the World War. who r.re members of the American Legion. President Henry D. Lindslcy, Secretary Grenville Clark and Coun sel Elihu Root, of the American Legion, will come to Columbus this week, he said, to talk over plans for the merger. Final details, it was said, would be worked out at a meeting of the American Le gion to be held November 11 and 12, at Minneapolis. Marshal Foeh is expected to be the principal speaker at that meeting, it was said. The influx of visitors to the fifty - third annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic con tinued to-day, special and regular trains bringing members of the G. A. R. and allied organizations from every state. The encampment opened last night with addresses of wglcome by Governor Cox and Mayor Karb. Officials of the G. A. R. said James D. Bell, Brooklyn, was the likely candidate to succeed Commander Adams at the election to be held during the week. John G. Cham bers, Portland, Ore., senior vice commander-in-chief, it was said also will be a candidate. Uptown Druggist Arrested For Selling Paregoric to Known Users of Narcotics Charged with U'eitally selling druKB in the compound, specifically! paregoric, to known usera of drugs I B. H. Jenkins, a i itail druggist, of I 2300 North Sixth street, was this 1 afternoon arrested on information j made by Dr. Thomas S. Blair, head ' of the State Bureau of Drug Con trol. Jenkins was taken before Alder man Murray, where he was held un der $l,OOO bail for a preliminary' hearing on Thursday morning at IX o'clock. Jenkins is charged with having furnished paregoric illegally to C. D. Kellar for the use of his wife, to Corporal Meier and to i | Sarah Brunner. SCORES BELATED FEDERAL ACTION ON HIGH PRICES Acting Head of Mine Workers Declares Any Sweeping Re duction Improbable WANTS PACT CANCELED At Opening of Convention De clares Washington Agree ment Is Unsatisfactory By Associated rrcss. Cleveland, Sept. 9. Acting President John L. Lewis, in his re port to the convention of the United Mine Workers of America, to-day discussed the greatly increased cost of living and the improbability of any sweeping reduction through "be lated" Federal action, as a preface to his recommendations for a can cellation of the Washington wage agreement in the bituminous field not later than November 1 and the negotiation of a new wage scale to be enforced, in case of failure to reach a satisfactory settlement by a general miners' strike throughout the entire jurisdiction of the United Mine Workers of America. The basis of the proposed agreement should be that outlined by national policy meeting held at Indianapolis in March calling for the six-hour day and five-day week and "substantial" wage increases. In other parts of .his report he discussed difficulties with the United States Railroad Administration, re sulting from the efforts of Directors General McAdoo and Hines to secure coal for railroad use below the rate fixed by the United States Fuel Ad ministration; expressed fear that the success of such efforts would tend to force down miners' wages; strongly condemned policies and principles of tile I. W. W. and similar organiza tions and declared against any com promise with elements seeking to spread such doctrines in the United Mine Workers organization. Reports 011 Action He reported on damage actions brought against the United Mine Workers organization which are in spiring efforts to secure from Con gress an amendment to the Clayton antitrust act to prevent the possi bility of such suits against labor unions. He further recommended an effort to secure tariff legislation to cope with the problem of Mexi can fuel oil, which is entering into serious competition with American coal and on account of its cheapness and the ease with which it may *e delivered at seaboard, Great Lakes and Mississippi river points, contains a threat to the prosperity of those engaged in the coal industry. An import duty of at least a dollar a barrel was desired to meet this com petition. The "astonishing increase," in the cost of the necessities of life, felt by the miners with particular sev erity owing to their life in isolated communities far from centers of dis tribution. Tlie principal matters to be de cided are the demands to be made on the coal operators affecting wages, hours and conditions of labor. For the past two years miners have been working under a contract made in Washington, in November, 1917, which was to last until March 31. 1920, or "until the expiration of the war." The miners will consider the war ended when the Senate ratifies the Peace Treaty. Want B-Hour Day Aocording to William Green, in ternational secretary-treasurer of the organization, the wage and hour demands. although subject to change, are substantially: A six hour day instead of the eight-hour day; a five-day week instead of six and an increase in wages of from 2 5 to 4 0 per cent. "We are forced to demand shorter hours and a shorter week because of the unem ployment at the mines," Mr. Green said. Miners now are paid a certain sum for every ton of coal mined. Operators have claimed miners can make $l5 a day. Union officials as sert, however, the average—count ing time of layoff— will not run more than $6 a day. Other help are paid by the day generally, the wage running from $4.75 to $5 a day. Scale Conference A joint scale conference between representatives of miners and operators of the central competitive field, including Ohio. Illinois. In diana, and Western Pennsylvania, will be held immediately following the miners convention, to consider the new wage scale. Inasmuch as the district is the most important in the country, its rate usually governs the country, with modifications due to local conditions. Another matter of importance to be brought before the convention will be the nationalization of the mines. However, this is merely a question of general policy, accord ing to Secretary Green, and is not a demand. Pennsylvania Boy Witness in Killing of American Soldier by Germans Jty Associated Press. Coblenz, Monday, Sept. B.—A de mand upon the German military au thorities for an immediate report on the killing of Private Howell Man sen, of Sacramento, Cal , who was I shot Saturday by Germany soldi-rs while he and a companion weru on i a hunting trip in the neutral zone, . was made by Major General Henry I T. Allen, commander of the Amarl l can forces in Germany, to-day. Gcn ; eral Allen sent the demand after lie t had heard the reports of the vari ous American investigating officers Private Bert Balslnger, of Sharps burg, Pa., the only American wie ners of the killing of Madsen, told the invest gating officers that tli- Gcrmans called upon Madsen and him to halt and then began ta [ shoot. The Germans contend thut j Madsen fired first. USES ASSAILANTS REVOLVER TO SEND SHOT INTO HEART Man Held For Murder Rushes to Police Station in Taxicab to Surrender; Fight Over An Automobile GRABBED UP GUN AFTER TWO BULLETS MISSED HIM Grabbing his assailant's revolver after the latter had fired two shots at him from a wooded lot in the 600 block in North C ameron street about 5.45 o'clock this morning, Sim Velco, a Bulgarian, shot and instantly killed Thomas Lignon, an Italian. \ elco, running all the way from the scene of the shooting affray to the Pennsylvania Railroad station, flung himself into a taxicab and ordered himself driven to police headquarters, where he gave himself up to police authorities. Held Without Bail He is being held in the Dauphin county Jail, without bail, charged with the murder of Lignon. He will he given a preliminary hearing with in the next several days. Steve Rico, who is reported to have seen the affray and to have called to Velco during it, is being held by the police as a witness. Lignon's body has been turned over to Un dertaker Arthur C. Huuck by Coro ner Jacob Eckinger. Police t ailed Before This morning's affair is believed to be the culmination of a dispute between the two men, started on Saturday, over the repair of an au tomobile belonging to Velco. It was necessary at that time to call in the police to settle the matter and since then Lignon, at several times and in one instance in the hearing of a city detective, made threats agaist Velco's life. This morning. Velco. according to his story as told to police authori ties. was going to work at the Har risburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company from his home at 1018 Herr street. He had gotten as far as the vacant lot, just north of 609 North Cameron street, when Lig non suddenly raised up from a de *iS'lfr' *&•*%* *&* ' *l* *£* *&* *l* t * 1 i ? V 4* f 4 T * t . i * i 4* 4* X J T t 4 X *r T " t * -j< 1 t I $ * + $ :: 4 ► 4 '► 4 * ► 4* * * 4* 4 I 4 ► I i: 4 - s | 1 ? J i i'l t ilvleu ij T > PASSES EXPORT FINANCE BILL It 4* unending it to provjd {* 4* 'i T he act, the Senate to-day passed the export Shan * 'j <w presented by Senator Edge of New Jersey. It now goes ij? T to the House. W i 2t 4' 5 4 i MARRIAGE LICENSES + •?* Foster Alien stuck unci Lottie M. lllekrnhmdi, Snyder nmntTtX Robert It. Fulton mill Mnrthn tj. Venger, HnrrUburgi William n, f Meyers and Minnie SI. Smith, Yorki Arthur 11. Rogue, ABB Arbor.il. *2* Sllch., and Slary K. McCormlck, Ilarrlrhurg* uIJLIJ !■ 'frn pression in the ground in which he was hiding and tired two shots. Both Shots Wild Lignon's aim was poor and both shots went wild. Scrambling to got out of the depression as if to give chase to Velco, he stumbled over the stump of a tree and slipped, dropping his revolver. Just then Steve Rico, another employe of the Harrlsburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company, going home from work, passed by on the opposite side of the street. "Shoot him! Shoot him! he is al leged to have called to Velco. Velco rushed towards the pros trate man, picked up the fallen re volver, and pulled the trigger. The [Contiucd on Page 10.1 Upward Trend in Steel Industry Is Continuing New York, Sept. 9. Unfilled orders of the United States Steel Corporation on August 30 were 6,109,103 tons, according to the corporation's monthly statement is sued to-day. This is an increase of ( 530,432 tons compared with the orders of July 31.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers