STATE WINS BIG COMPLIMENTS Federal Officials Praise Meth ods of Dealing With Street Railways Chairman Ainey, of the Public Serv ice Commission of Pennsylvania, ap peared, upon invitation, before the Fed eral Electric Railway Commission, ap pointed by the President, and during the course of his examination by the commission was told that the policy of the Pennsylvania Public Service Com mission in disposing of its cases had received more favorable comment by both the utilities and the public than any other State commission, and Chair man Elmquist, is making this state ment, said that the comparison had been made by various witnesses who appeared before them. Commissioner Sweet said that inso far as he was aware the Pennsylvania law and the policy of the Pennsylvania commission in dealing with the public and utilities had been commented upon in a favorable and complimentary men ner by the various witnesses who had been examined. Chairman Ainey In his remarks em phasized that where increased rates were demanded by public service com panies that the public was entitled to know that these demands were not predicated upon over capitalization or watered stock and that the returns which the company was entitled to re ceive should be based upon a fair valua tion of the property devoted to public use, that the railway companies could clarify the situation by a plain state ment that they would make no demand for increases in rates on any other basis than that such increase was required to pay their operating expenses, pro viding a reserve for depreciation to keep the property in good condition for public service and a fair return upon the valuation of the property and not upon over capitalization. I PIMPLES ON FACE mjMEALS Grew Larger, AshamedtoGo Out. Itchy So Scratched. "One day I noticed that little red pimples were spreading on my face. A week passed and they grew larger until at last they got so big 1 was ashamed to go out. They were Itchy so that 1 had to scratch, thus caus ing irritation. "I read an advertisement for Cuti car* Soap and Ointment, and sent for * free sample. Then I purchased a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and in a month 'a time I vwas healed." (Signed) Jack Rosen, 23HS. Bculah St.. Philadel phia, Pa. MakeCtzticara Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations. Soap 25c. OtlSm—l 25 and BDc, Talcum 25c. Sold throughout the world. Kor sample each free addran: "CotkrurmLeb onrtario. Dept. H. Matdaa. Mem." 9sak Cuticura Soep sksces without mug A Perfect Complexion Dark Skin. Pimples, T.argo Pores, Blackheads, Freckles, Sic... should bo treated, n-ot covered. Paints and Powders closo the pores. Treat ments by a specialist aro very ex pensive. A simple treatment that acts like magic can easily be made by any person. Just get two ounces of ordinary Outol at your drug store, dissolve it in half pint of Witch Hazel, and bathe tlio face, neck and arms. This mixture nets immedi ately, makes the skin u soft, youth ful white, removes all shine, and by its harmless antiseptic action Pim ples, Blackheads, Barge Pores, Freckles, etc., yield quickly. One application lasts tlio entire day and is imperceptible.—Adv. A plat* without a mot vrhlrti domT not Intcrrera with tnsta or apeeeb. Platen Repaired While You Walt dental IYIAUA d OFFICES 10 MARKET KiIICKT r ™ Sunday Excursions TO Willow Grove August 31 Also September 14 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Faro Lv.Adtf! Harrlsburg .... $2.60 6.00 Hummelstown . 2.50 6.18 Swatara 2.60 0 24 Hershey 2.50 6 27 Palmyra 2.50 6.35 Annvillo 2.50 6.45 Lebanon 2.50 6^57 Willow Grove,nr. 10.15 (War Tax 8 Per Cent. Additional) RETURNING SffcdTl train will leave Willow Grove 9.00 P. M. for above stations. Tickets good only on date of I excursion on above Special Train ' in each direction. Children be tween 5 and 12 years of ago half fare. Philadelphia & Read ng Railroad SATURDAY EVENING, FREE SERVICE IS NOT ALLOWED Interesting Decision Made by I the Public Service Board ' 'here is no jUvVyl such thing as "free f Public Service Commission de ■fcypK"!vision handed \ miflWWtaTtPuf Commissioner J. £ Clearfield, in dis cA missing a com intlßOSSSmiSSMi plaint of the bor ough of East Pittsburgh against the I Pennsylvania Water Company, which supplies a number of towns near Pittsburgh. The borough complain ed that the company in refusing to give free water service for fire hydrants and municipal purposes violated a franchise ordinance with such requirements. The company contended that it acted in accordance with decisions of the Commission in other water cases and that to fur nish free service would be to dis criminate against other towns which did not get it. Judge Reed holds that to allow free service under the circumstances "would be to create a discriminatory condition between patrons of the same class which would palpably of fend against the Public Service Com pany law." He said every service rendered without charge is neces sarily paid for by another and that when it becomes discrimination the matter falls within the law. The Commission holds that under previous decisions the provisions of the ordinance can be set aside in such cases. Seven-Cent Fare—The Philadel phia and Easton Electric Railway Company has filed notice with the Public Service Commission that ef fective September 17 it will increase its fares from seven to eight cents per zone. Notices of increases have been filed by the Carbon Telephone Company, operating in Carbon county; North Pittsburgh Telephone Company, Mt. Zion and Fredericks burg Itural Telephone Company, Leb anon county; Pittsburgh-Beaver Light Company, Beaver and Alle gheny counties, and Northumberland County Gas and Electric Company, Sunbury. Studies of I)nms—Data showing how every dam in Pennsylvania fur nishing power and many used for water supply stood the strain of the high waters tliis year as the result of the unusually heavy rains is being assembled by the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania and will have important bearing upon the future development of water power in some of the industrial sec tions where plants have been under consideration. Engineers have been engaged for weeks in study of the streams and dams, sections where there was high water and heavy pressure being given careful inspec tion. Owing to the remarkable rain fall this year conditions have been favorable for studies for future reg ulation of dams and power develop ment. To Hnve Geologist—Appointment of a State Geologist, the lirst officer of that kind to be named in Pennsyl vania in over a quarter of a century, will he made by Governor William C\ Sproul early in September, ac cording to present indications. Names of several men of high quali fications have been submitted to the Governor, but no intimation has come from him as to his plans. It is believed that the Governor will select some one who will make spe cial studies of the mineral deposits heard of from time to time and that attention will be given to iron and similar metal traces which have | been reported. The fact that the act creating the Bureau of Geology allows the Governor and Secretary of Internal Affairs to fix the salary may enable the State to obtain serv ices of some one man of big scien tific attainments. Contracts Ist Highway Com missioner he wis S. Sadler has award ed these State road contracts: Win ston & Co., Kingston, N. Y., 15,683 feet in Wolf township and Picture Itocks borough, Lycoming county, at $155,377.12; James McGraw Co. Philadelphia, 16,218 feet in Lehigh county on route from Emanus to Al lentown, at $106,897, and Edward C Cornish and Wallace Miller, Union town, 4,101 feet in North and South Union townships, Fayette county, at $51,476.21. To File Answer—Deputy Attorney General W. E. Hargest will file an answer on the part of the Auditor General and State Treasurer in the action in equity brought by Willie Collins, of Norwood, to prevent pay ment of State appropriations to hos pitals and homes alleged to be sec tarian. The answer will likely be filed next month. Must show Facts—The State Com pensation Board in an opinion bv Commissioner Paul W. Houck has ruled that it must he shown that a special ofllcer employed by a cor poration to keep trespassers from a property is in the line of his em ployment when injured. This decision was given in th e case of Stahl vs Watson Coal Co., Saltsburg, and ends an unusual appeal. The decedent was employed as a special ofllcer subject to call at any time. H e gen erally worked at night and was found dead beside railroad tracks after having said that he was going home. Part, of the property front ing on the railroad where he was found is owned by the employing company. The claim was that the man was in course of his employ ment, but the referee held that it must be specifically shown and that the testimony did not do so in Greene vs. Aetna Chemica Co Oak dale, an agreement for death of Ed ward A. Greene was set aside it being shown that the woman who made It was not his widow. The decedent had given her name and ? minor chil( l as his deced ents. The woman claimed that she did not know of any child. Shortly afterwards a woman who proved marriage and paternity of her child appeared. She was granted com pensation, the previous award being set aside, notwithstanding Greene's statement when employed that the other woman was his wife To Meet here—'The special com mittee named to complete the code for protection of eyes and heads of workmen in industries has arranged 9° "The Hai ; r, B bur B on September 9. The idea is to finish the code which will apply to steel and other Industries, and have a public hear!— in the autumn. 1 Middietown Lodge Celebrates Its Seventeenth Anniversary The Star of Bethlehem Lodge, No. 45, Shepherds of Bethlehem, cele brated its seventeenth anniversary of the lodge in the Red Men's Hall, Ann street, last evening and fully one hundred persons were present from Middletown. Hlghsplre, Steelton, Harrlsburg, Hummelstown and Eliza bethtown. After a social hour re-- froshments were served. The pro gram consisted of vocal and Instru mental solos, recitations and ad dresses. The property owners on South "The Live Stor£ "Open T" Were you ever "left" at the depot as you watched the trair. you intended to make "pull away?" Most everybody has had that same experience some time or other in life—just because they were a few seconds or minutes late—Half of the people of the world lose time or money by delays—We don't want anybody to lose the big savings that can be theirs if they will "act quickly" and come here while our semi-annual Where Everything Is Marked Down (Except Arrow Collars and Interwoven Hose) 4 tls in progress—Save Money! Why That's all there is to this sale-Our customers are getting the profits and they are certainly showing their ap preciation by spending more liberally than at any previous sale—They know that there's no chance of lower prices for a long time to come than the extremely low prices for which we are offering all our Spring and Summer stocks Here you can buy at Mark-Down prices Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Pajamas, Sweaters, Trousers, Boys' Clothing and Furnishings and the finest clothing that's made. Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes High prices have had a knockout blow at DOUTRICHS, for we bought enormous quanti ties early in this season—That's why we can sell at such re markably low prices now —We don't need to offer any pre miums to the manufacturers in order to get goods for present use—they are right here waiting for eager buyers who are anxious to save. August has been a record breaker-~We hardly expected it to be so big, for last August was almost unmatchable; our business has been enormous —You can imagine how good everybody feels about this tremendous increase, and right now we want to thank our loyal customers and friendis for their generous patronage But if you want vopynghtHartschaifatrtcMsrx S oo< * c l° l h e * at rock-bottom prices this is your opportunity. Don't delay! All $25,00 Suits $18.75 All $30.00 Suits $23 75 All $35.00 Suits $27.75 All $38.00 Suits $29 75 All $40.00 Suits $31.75 All $45.00 Suits $33.75 All 39c Boys' Black Stockings 33c All 50c" " Hosiery 39c \ Brighton Garters Black Mixed Union HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH: Union street who were ordered to lay pavements, have started on same and will lay concrete pavements from the George Rife property to the Heagy property a distance of one square. Harry Richards, who had been stationed at Camp Meade, Md., for the past year owing to a broken lug. is spending sometime in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koons, Pike street, and is able to be about without the aid of crutches. George Bradley, of Dayton, Ohio, is spending sometime in town hav ing been called here on account of the death and funeral of his grand father, the late P. A. Snyder. The Girl Scouts troop which was formed In town two weeks ago are I meeting with success and a meeting will be held on Monday evening at the home of Miss Helen Gotshall, South Catharine street when several new members will be taken in. Miss Katharine Angstadt is spend ing sometime at Ambrldge, as the guest of her brother, Wallace Ang stadt. I Miss Emma Wagner and Miss Cora AUGUST 23, 1919. Herr, of Lancaster, and Miss Mae I Martin, of Manheim, who were the guests of J. E. Martin and famiiy. East Main street for the past week, returned to their homes. The game of baseball that was to be played by the Reading team of the Allison Hill League and -.he heme team on the fair grounds last even ing was cancelled on account of sev- I cral of the members of the former team being sick. A good game is looked for next Tuesday evening, August 26, between tile Klein Choco late team, of Klizabethtown, and the home team on the fair grounds. Christian Rousher and Grant Corn wall, have completed repairing the two large furnaces in the cellar of the High School building. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers