4 Social and Personal Notes of Hummelstown Miss Mary Ella Hartwell, of Wash ington, D. C., spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. 'Ylartwell. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Buser spent ■several days at Baltimore and Wash ington, D. C. . t Mr. and Mrs. Esaias S. Kline, of lHarrisburg. spent several days with rthe former's sister. Miss Barbara E. •Kline. \ Richard Davis returned yesterday from a week's visit among relatives •at Port Carbon. Misses Katherlne and Sara Setple, .of McDonald, 0., are spending the .week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tAlf red McCall. , - Mrs. Smith and three children, of are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wolf, t Mrs. Charles Hoffman is spending 'to-day at Middletown, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geary Rife. Mr. and Mrs. ft. Goodman returned .yesterday from a two weeks' visit to their sons, at Clarksburg, W. Vs. OCTOBER JURORS CHOSEN" Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 21.—-Selection •of jurors to serve at the October 'session of Cumberland county court . show Lower End men again the fa , vorites. Criminal court opens on October 6 and common pleas a week 'later. Much business is on the cal ' endar. Ten extra jurors were 'drawn for the common pleas ses sion. j LEMON JUICE ' TAKES OFF TAN ! ! • | Girls! Make bleaching lotion 1 A t if skin is sunburned, ] I tanned or freckled j n Squeeze the juice of two lemons ! Into a bottle containing three ounces ! ftf Orchard White, shake well, and lou have a quarter pint of the best Ireckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and ; lomplexion beautifier, at very, very \ ■mail cost. * Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will | three ounces of Orchard 1 • White for a few cents. Massage this •sweetly fragrant lotion into the {l'ace, neck, arms and hands each I .day and see how freckles, sunburn, 1 • windburn and tan disappear and t "how clear, soft and white the skin I becomes. Yes! It is harmless. ' * < ANNO UNCEMENT Albert H. Yungel, General Manager of DandY Line Shoe Stores for Devine & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Co., of this city, has returned from military duty in France, and will resume his duties, taking personal • | charge of their new store at 27 South Fourth • I street. L Devine-Yungel Shoe Co. t I • Ours Is a Piano Service For Everyone UR piano service is not designed alone for the man who wants the highest ' Nor is it for the man who wants merely a practice piano for the children. You'll find here the finest piano and * ( player-piano values obtainable anywhere. I Instruments of proven worth to meet every need. Our display include such eminent makes JJcprl Pinnrtc as Chickering, Sohmer, Mehlin, Haines USCU riunos Bros., Estey, Bush & Lane, Shoninger, j pi Kimball, Merril, Marshall & Wendell, ana riayers Foster and others, in grands, upright and On sale at reduced prices pLty cr&. tomorrow and Saturday: l I : 's a distin ct advantage to see these many makes side by side, to make your $325 Livingston ....$l5O own tone comparisons and to judge by $325 Huntingdon . . .$250 actual tests which pleases you best. $350 Weser Bros. ...$250 $350 Stieff $250 a v our muslc roorn s now. In -5650 Cadillac Player' $400 f pect t J he 11 man > r instruments displayed S7OO Cabler Player . . $455 her f and . allow " s to ex P lam how our large cash buying and enormous business effect Victrolas, Edisons, Vo- wonderful savings for you. \ calions, Sonoras, Records Payments on any instrument can be ar and Music Rolls. • ranged to suit you. J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building THURSDAY EVENING, CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA I WILLIAMSTOWN IN DAY'S NEWS Mother of Harold Gillingliam Called to Detroit by Ilis Illness Will in mstown. Pa., Aug. 21.—Mrs. William Gillingham and son, George, left for Detroit, Mich., to visit her son, Harold, who Is confined in a | hospital in that city with typhoid | fever. Miss Bessie Moffet has gone to Baltimore, where she has secured employment. Mrs. Elizabeth Lightner and grand daughters, Florence Bowman and Hazel Flynn, are visiting relatives in Harrisburg. Mrs. John Williams, of Philadel i phia, made a brief visit to the home of Mrs. Elsie Bowman. Roy Evans, Percy Fitch, Harry Messner axe delegates to the United Mine Workers convention at W'ilkes- Barre this week. Miss Margaret Watkins and Miss Elizabeth Lapworth returned to Philadelphia after a vacation of two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Watkins. Mrs. Roy Evans is spending the week with relatives at Harrisburg. Howard Moyer spent Sunday at Pillow. Dr. Harry Shaffer spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. Mr. ,and Mrs. Edward Brown and children, of Philadelphia, are spend ing their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brown. Thelma Miller, of Harrisburg, is spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. George Drum. Samuel Stinner returned to Le moyne after a vacation of two weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Lincoln, spent Tuesday with rel atives here. Mrs. John Bressler, an aged wo man of East Market street, frac tured her leg when she fell from the hay loft of a barn. John Rautzen is sreiously ill. John Rautzen is seriously ill. Kinsey. of Philadelphia, attended the funeral of their mother at Har risburg. Arthur Klingcr is spending a ten- ( day vaeaton at Atlantic City. Mrs. George Duncan Has Number of Guests (I Lykcns, Aug. 21.—Frank Maurer : is the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. E. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and child, lof Norfolk, Va., are spending the I week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Ura Moon. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stence returned from a week's visit at Harrisburg. Mrs. John Lehr and daughters, Misses Alma and Sara, are spending . the week in Philadelphia. Miss Anna McAliff is visiting at | Steelton and Hershey. Mrs. George Duncan is entertain ing her sisters, Mrs. Harry Snyder, !of Shamokin, and daughters, Mercy, Irene and son, Clarence; also Mrs. Frank Kratzcr, of Columbia, Pa., with her daughters, Kathryn, Carrio and Marian. 1 1 Mrs. William Gray and child left to-day for harrisburg to join her husband who is employed there. Abraham Stuppy and family spent Sunday at Lenkerville. Milk men are now selling milk at 12 cents per quart. Miss Cora Stuppy is spending her 10-day vacation with relatives at Finaqua, Freeland, N. J., and Phil adelphia. Mr. Shofct, of Jersey City, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Fennel. \ A number of our people contem plate attending the Lebanon fair on August 28. Miss Henrietta Thompson is now one of the employes at the postof fiee. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shultz are vis iting friends at Shamokin and Sun bury. Lebanon Again Knows Which Way Wind Blows Lebanon, Aug. 21.—The weather vane has been restored to the spire of Salem Lutheran church, at Eighth and Willow streets. For more then half a century this steeple has fur nished the community with infor mation as to the veering winds all year around, and when it was blown down several weeks ago during a heavy gale, hundreds of citizens were discomforted and inconvenienced. There was something wrong. Just as the water is not fully appreciated until the well runs dry, so nobody seemed to know just what the ar row meant to them until its guid ance was blown out of existence. Personal and Social Mention on West Shore j Mrs. H. M. Rupp, of Shiremans town, attended the funeral of Jacob E. Kister at Goldsboro. Mrs. Brook E. Stare, who under t went an operation at the Harrisburg | Hospital on Friday, is getting along nicely. i Mrs. Gilbert Starr and son, Ken -1 neth, of Shiremanstown, were Har risburg visitors on Tuesday. ' Miss Tillie Krone, of New Cum i berland, and her guest, Mrs. Barron, i of New Jersey, were weekend visitors • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Krone, at Shiremanstown. Miss Jennie Hollis, of Columbia, | is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs, ' C. B. Ising and Mr. and Mrs. Her ! Bert Price Hunt at their residence • at Shiremanstown. f ; Mrs. William W. Bmught, of 1 Shiremanstown, is home from a 1 visit with Mr. and Mrs. Metzler in ' Lancaster. ; Mrs. Martha Greenawalt, Mrs. Roy D. Hoch, son Donald and j daughter, Martha Jane Greenawalt, i of Penbrook, spent Wednesday with ' the former's sister, Miss Kate Noell, ! at Shiremanstown. Kdward Cooley and daughter, I Sara, of Pittsburgh, were guests of ; Mrs. Farmer and family at New Cumberland this week. Miss Tillie Landis and Miss Car rie Garver, New Cumberland, are at Atlantic City. Miss Elizabeth Sloat and Miss Mary Kerlin, of New Cumberland, have gone to Toledo, Ohio, Niagara Falls and New York. PERRY TOWNSHIP NAMES TEACHERS Welcome Home Boosters Will Meet at Dunannon on Wednesday Evening Duncannon, Pa., Aug. 21.—Penn township school board has let the township schools for the ensuing term commencing Monday, Septem ber 1, to the following teachers: Lower Duncannon grammar, Miss j Sara Swisher; first intermediate, | Miss Pearl Lightner; second inter j mediate. Miss Grace Haas; primary, I Miss Alida Buckaloo; Michener's, Kinzer, Shearer, Hickory Grove, | Miss Louise Achenbach; Mount Pleasant, Mrs. Frank Steele; Middle Cove, Miss Gladys Lewis; Lower Cove, J .L. L. Burke. Ralph Steele, passenger brakeman on the Middle Division of the Penn sylvania railroad, spent the Week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Steele, of Watts township. William H. Heffley, of this place, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Harrisburg Hospital on Mon day, is reported getting along nicely. The ladies of the Aid Society of the United Brethren church will hold a pastry and candy sale on the church lawn on Saturday evening, August 23. A meeting of committee chairmen and all members of the several com mittees in charge of the welcome home celebration will be held at Ho tel Johnston Wednesday evening, August 27, at 8 o'clock. The local Boy Scouts baseball team will play the Marysvllle Jun iors on the local ground Fridav eve ning at 6.15 o'clock. Entertain in Honor of Philadelphia Guests Hlilrrmanntonn, Pa., Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wolfe entertained at their country place at Shiremans town on Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Alice Peiffer, Miss Florence Kohler, Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Spahr, all of Philadelphia, the guests having stopped at the Wolfe residence on their return from Nia gara Falls. The evening passed pleasantly with lawn frolics and vo cal and instrumental music, after which refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Spahr, Mrs. Stev ens, Miss Florence Kohler, and Miss Alice Peiffer, of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wolfe, Mr, and Mrs. John R. Nebinger. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Wolfe and daughter, Janet Louise Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zerbe, son Keith Eugene Zerbe and daughter Marian Arlene Zerbe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Wolfe and daughter Myra Marcella Wolfe, Miss Hulda Sutton, Miss Rena Nebinger, Ross V. Wolfe and Arthur C. Wolfe. Lycoming Soldiers Plan Legion Membership Drive Willianisport, Pa., Aug. 21.—This is American Legion week in Lycom ing county. The five posts in the county began an intensive campaign yesterday to enroll every one of the service men in Lycoming. There are 3,300 men entitled to member ship. The Williamsport post, which is designated as No. 1 in the State of Pennsylvania, now has an enroll ment of 700. An effort will be made to secure 300 more which will in clude all soldiers and sailors in the city. The total membership of all posts in the county is 1,600. Lebanon's Mayor Acts to Quell Disorder at Mill I<-bonon, Aug. 21.—Mayor Spang yesterday ordered Chief of Police Cyrus Nye to assign three men for duty on each turn of day and night duty to assist in preserving order at the plant of the Lebanon Valley Iron and Steel plant at Hebron during the labor controversy. Disorders were reported yesterday, when Fred Feg ley was assaulted by a number of men when he attempted to work at the plant. The accused men will be arrested. Several State police also will be on duty continually. Willamstown Soldiers Seek Charter For Post Willlamatown, Pa., Aug. 21. Sol diers from Williamstown who served in the World War hare made appli cation to the American Legion for a charter for a local post. As soon as the charter is grr.nted a membership campaign will be started. It is ex pected the post will be a strong one. More than a hundred ex-service men are now living in Williamstown and there Is much enthusiasm for the Legion among them. Fifty-Seven Aspire to Office in Little Adams Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 21.—The last day for candidates to file their peti tions for office for the coming prim ary elections shows little Adams county with fifty-seven candidates for ten offices. For some of these places there are two or three men to be elected, but the petitions show a goodly list of men willing to hold places. Of these fifty-seven, thirty one are Democrats and twenty-six Republicans. Lewistown Citizens Visit Carlisle in District Tour Carlisle, Aug. 21.—About 50 promi nent citizens of Lewistown, motored here' yesterday to visit Carlisle and to learn how Carlisle conducts its municipality. The party were the guests of the Carlisle Chamber of Commerce. They were shown the U. S. Hospital and different places of interest in the town. Last evening a big dinner was served at the Hotel Carlisle, ENGINE OCT OF SERVICE Meehanlcnburg, Pa-, Aug. 21.—The engine of the Citizen's Fire Company is out of service. It will be some time before it can be made ready for service, as the parts that are needed are not to be had, as the firm which made the engine being out of business. INJURED MAN MAY LIVE Chnmbersburg, Pa., Aug. 21.—After lying in a state of coma for eighty hours, George F. Spahr, who sua taltned a fracture of the skull when thrown from his bicycle In a collision with an auto truck, has recovered consciousness and has a good chance for recovery. (Other State News on Pace a Will Demobilize Flag at Church on Aug. 31 New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 21. t At Trinity United Brethren church on Sunday evening, August 31, the service flag will be demobilized. Congressman Krelder will make the address. A splendid program has been arranged. Services will be held on Sunday at this church. The band will give a concert from the new band stand on Friday eve- Jiing. V. L. Huntzberger has purchased the Family Theater from Edward Westhaver. R. R. Kohr will speak in Camp Hill Methodist church on Sunday evening. On Sunday morning the Rev. J. Merill Williams, pastor of Camp Hill Methodist church, will preach in Baughman Memorial Methodist | church. Funeral services were held for Dennis Kane at his home near Pleasant View school house, eon -tlucted by the Rev. A. R. Ayres, pas tor of Trinity United Brethren church. A number of persona from this place attended. Mr. Kane was taken ill with appendicitis on Sat urday and died on Sunday. He is survived by his widow and three married sons and daughters. Absence of John Herbster Worries Parent in Mifflin Lewi* town. p a „ Aug. 21. John Herbster, of Yeagertown. Is much worried over the disappearance of his son, Irving, who is subject to spells of epilepsy. He spends much time fishing along the Klshacoquill&s creek. The young man, who is 17 > ears old left home on Monday morn ing and had not returned up until yesterday. Some one reported he had at Burnham Park on Tues day. Til AIA KILLS WOMAN . Columbia, Pa., Aug. 21. While walking on the tracks of the Colum bia and Port Deposit Railroad, a half mile south of Peach Bottom, Miss Nora MeOarty, 73 years of age, was struck and instantly killed by a north bound passenger train yesterday. It is believed the woman was on her way to a woods to gather berries. The victim lived alone at Whittek er, a small station near Peach Bot tom. GET LICENSES TO MAURY Hagorstown, Md., Aug. 21.—The following marriage licenses were is sued here to Pennsylvania couples: Harry D. Null, Enola, and Mary H. Kocher, Marysvllle; George M. Gos sard and Myrtle C. Engle, both of Waynesboro; Harry Wilmer Shields and Catherine E. Moul, both of Le inoyne; Crawford L. McNew and Margaret L. Bracken, both of Fay etteville. | AUGUST | A Message to Young Couples Recently Married \ 1 Choosing the furniture for your new home is a very important task; whether j j you intend to furnish only one or six rooms, we have the things you want. Come ] r directly to us, our reputation established in the past 20 years by fair dealing and * I our genuine helpfulness in making your selection will ease the task greatly. USE | ? OUR CREDIT, buying that way makes it easy and is surely a boom to beginners. " | 3-Piece Period Design ? * Bedroom Suite • < ; , ' Sl7,M>O ,v , I 1 I 'y restful. rah— B" f I This one shown eanbe ex- j C. T. „ *. , n ' ml at ' orl ill | I nr*~ ll 8 Sft —• ' | ?%" tended to 60 inches long or ] 3 Brown Spanish leather, W }jj Ca " bG ÜBC< * s l uare M shown. C f S2LOO A , 1 I 1 A High Chair For Every detail in this suite is carried out to match Dresser at t e aby t j ie p er j o( j D f f ormer days. The bed has a bow end. Reasonable Prices | It Jj Bfjl The coverings are just enough to make it artistic S&p, [i fSjsl 1 I .sj- L on the whole suit. irr _3 |||jj In American walnut finish the wood is specially Bi ;/ C A a ■/• - r I selected and the finish harmonizes with the design. i j: ■ ■v^®HCHnD r Dupt proof bottoms in dresser and chififonier. ||, Q j | II \j Toilet Table to match s4(l &\(1 vF iH 1 1 These chairs are specially at \J j I designed with outstretched A large roomy dresser with C legs so that it is practically easy sliding drawers and good 1 f Impossible for khem to tip . X Mirror. beautifully C 1 over. Made with a large tray ■■■■ ■■■§ ■■■■l i K&rss.' 004Flr,tehed ErU M mi Go * den $21 15 f Priced at $1 15 M Qak • • % I ' ' FURNITURE | I Victor Records and CARPETS, Victrola, Rishel, W Hp STOVES AND % Cheney Talking SEWING . £ Machines 312 MARKET STREET MACHINES 1 J Highspire's Branch of . W.C.T.U. Holds Session Hlglisplrc, Pa., Aug. 21, —Mem- bers of the local W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mr. E. S. Poorman with the president, Mrs. D. L. Kauf man, presiding. An excellent paper on "Some Diseases That Affect Our Local Members" was read. Reports were heard from committees and election of officers and delegates fol lowed in order: President, Mrs. D. L. Kaufman; vice president, Mrfi. G. Gross; recording secretary, Mrs. Frank Bamberger; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Miller; pianist, Mrs. Clarence Leiter; chorister, Mrs. Ivan Hoff mcister; current events, Mrs. Sarah Buser; press superintendent, Miss Nina Wensell. Delegates to the county conven tion at Hummelstown next month are Mrs. E. S. Poorman and Mrs. Frank Miller, with Mrs. C. Leiter as alternate. No delegate to the I State convention at Euston will be j sept. Lebanon Girl to Wed Man From This City Lebanon, Aug. 21.—At a dinner party held at the home of Mrs. Mary lVolfe, \>t 915 Church street, the engagement of Miss Itosa M. Wolfe, daughter of Mrs. Mary Wolfe, to Harry Wilhelm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilhelm, of Harris burg, was announced. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm were present at the dinner. WILL HOLD FESTIVAL York Haven, Pa., Aug.-21.—York Haven Castle No. 204, A. O. K. of M. C., has arranged to hold a festival on Saturday, September 6, at Pyth ian Park A number of novelties will be introduced and a band will furnish music for free danding. This committee is in charge: S. A. Hum mer, chairman; Charles E. Bear, Charles Coble, Isaac Clemens, George Spangler, Charles Miller and Clarence Cassel. WILL ERECT BVIf.DING Mccliniilcsburg, Pa., Aug. 21. S. Harper Myers, East Main street, has broken ground for a large two story brick and grandolithic build ing on the rear and adjoining his business place. It will be 120 feet long and 21 feet wide. The large Increase in business necessitates more room for the establishment. WILL DEMOBILIZE FLAG New Cumberland, Aug. 21.—The service flag of St. Paul's Lutheran church, on which appear eight stars, will be demobilized on Sunday morn ing at a special service hold in con nection with the regular Sunday school session. Special music and addresses by visiting speakers will be given. AUGUST 21, 1919. York County Voter# Approve Road Loan York, Pn.,\ Aug. 21. The good roads loan carried here by 2,700. The State will now put up $2,500,000 to match the loan voted by the peo ple yesterday. The total vote cast was light, but in some districts a heavy vote was polled. In Fawn township it was reported that the vote was the heaviest ever polled in that district. In addition, the voters in that town ship also sanctioned a township loan of $20,000, to be used in building State-aid roads. In Fawn Grove borough the voters cast a big vote for the county loan, and besides this favored a borough loan of SB,OOO, also to be used in the construction of State-aid roads. ido tpuhngw u tu cVc tftt com(d ccuotfitj for feed CUML Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be Aißemedy That Constipated Makes Life and Happy Worth Living Sm Bm. P llDo.. 1 PILLS. Genuine bean tlgniturs PARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly help moat pale-faced people Busy Mr. Smith Hails From Little Maple Grove Cliambcrsburg, Pa., Aug. 21. J. B. Smith ,a young merchant of Maple Grove, near here, operates two farms, presides over the destiny of a general merchandise store, takes tnips through Horse Valley gather ing eggs and poultry, brings to a creamery here every day a load of milk which he collects from dairy men, occasionally holds a public sale and is health oflieer for three town ships of this county. LEWIS OSTEK DIES AT 04 Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 21.—Lewis Ostcr, a brlckmason by trade, one of the oldest residents of this section of the Cumberland Valley and the oldest Odd Fellow in Maryland, died I here yesterday, aged 94 years.
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