HELL INI-ast VNITEU HARRISHURG. MOXDAT, ACGCST 4, 1019. " FOI\DED 1871 ' The Reputation That You fl ° I Men's Nightshirts, $1.29 „■ T T |i After-Inventory Clearance Of ezzsa S .. . „ . ,. u v , r (1-JDP IT f i i r~ -ISM choice collection of men s high grade night —- m -r 1 „ . ~ ...... NN | /*\f\ % 1 | L | * / J I' \ good garment, made to withstand hard usage; This Store has a reputation, of which it is very ® IVII 1 O & r"% \7~ 1 & M 1% ffl $1.29. proud and very jealous. True, we arc in busi- £ IV/V/ VV cI3JJL OKll lS Isl) IS) ffl BOWMAN-S-M.!,, Floor ness to make money. Everyone must make his —— - ffl L living. But we know that we shall always make qp _ _ j ||| r^SSS2!b' I ■lpli Choice, $3.98 ' .. |L| A New Bag or Suit Case " ffl Special After Inventory Clearance of 100 Wash Skirts in BT 9 if? when it is way back in the closet!" But to of a different sort • but we 'should not make so OBfiifegH cotton gabardine and pique. Odd pockets and belts; trim- ■{ ■ ffl a hurry just when ready to pack up and never know much monev tomorrow nerhans and we might W?? Isfißl nted with mother of pearl buttons; waist bands from 25 to 40. . H§} how disreputable it is until your friend takes it away ""So"; fn money at all XI i , Wh skirts are the very ones the women need for week- ■ . fg & tron, you, or the hotel boy gives it too much .. J m ends and all other events. 1 hese skirts are neat, cool and new ffl nence. a Snwi. think of refutation before monev-mak- 1'" ■BBiBHI lookin £- They are the kind that appeal to all those who are in ■BmHIBB £§ Here are the hags, suit cases or trunks that you W want tn better reputation dav sear <* of vanet >' ln st > de s. We would advise women who need m.iy be proud of anywhere and see how moderate the tffter dav. We to a better , skirts to buy them now while the prices, are so special, $3.98. B ffl prices really arc. reputation with YOU. ' M BOWMANS_T„,W r,.„. VI ">?*, Tra " li '!i ba S s i„ If we are not now serving you, we want to j ,/,•_/ >• /. /. j p| tt $27.50 If we have failed at any point in our service to ~ wit to $5.75 you. we should like to be told about it today; so ~ ~ ■ ' .nji ' r 1 >lC qeil CaS <jf4 „ that we can make it right, or make amends —to \7~ 7| /f OJ / 7 F\ / / f m 1 • T L. • Sot v a c poiicT that the causewasanaccident and YoutiQ- JvlcTi Should He Interested In This i ' c ss e .oo ui to $30:00 at- tv j 4. 1 . ! Steamer trunks $lO 50t0527 5O Me cannot aftord to lose you as a customer, | Sto because of an accident; neither do we think that m —_ m . Wirrlml t' V ola /u? '° fkJ aa service of this store, because | Allrflicf oQfPifl OPi 1 Itl 1 ''''r'- If our reputation with you is good, we thank V k/LII V A A ill V A v4i. XJ. J. I BOVMAN s—Basement. you. * If it is not. we shall thank vou still more for T . , . , . . . PT trpt*trf lainrv O Jww "D A. letting us know what is wronsr TODAY. lt >' ou have a irl - now 1S the time and thls 1S the P lace to furnish your home. There are a dozen reasons ! tiling IveaGy iJUt 1 lie why this is the case, but here are a few of the most important ones. First of all it takes judgment and foresight " to furnish well. We will gladly do the planning for you. After you decide on what you need, you want to RthflOnQ All C O ' A. know that what you buy is good. Every bit of furniture is of the usual Bowman standard, having been selected /\ll oCWing Kequirements from furniture manufacturers by our careful, expert buyers. In the making, finishing and upholstering it is of Ready here and high \ the desirable sort; and finally it has been marked way below the regular selling prices. We want you to con- j time; for not recent!" IH OllF Notion Ct) ClftfllCHt rm these statements by coming to look at these offerings. Bring your friends for we know that everyone who 1 has there been a season 'LjKf L sees these goods will become our friend in this sale. j when ribbons were '- J ot " " # j BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. All the little sewing necessities you will need to Sheraton Design Dining Suite Louis XVI Period Bedroom Suite -j r have at your finger tips when you start in to make Antique Brown Mahogany; this suite consists of American Burl Walnut Suite consisting of dresser. WHtpperS And DrCSSing that new suit, coat dress, waist 01 skirt you have buffet, china closet, extension table, and sertung table. men 's chiffrobe; full size bed, triple mirror dressing O been planning, can be secured with the utmost ease August Furniture Sale, 4 pieces, $149.00. t _t. S^lPnilPS in our notion department. j l r • i • e • ' -i ..... ~ i ~ . , Chippendale Period Dining Suite August Furniture Sale; 4 pieces. $179.00. _ _ _ Without a moment s delay you can find just the & v T^ ()r SluWmPr Cf)wff)rt Hour* articles you are in quest of, no matter what they may Antique Mahogany; dust proof partitions, with all Mattresses And Sorinp-S Kuvntj ur i ±± vur J be. Our stocks are complete with each and every mahoganv interior of drawers and cupboards, large - —l . . . . little sewing necessity, listed in the dressmaker's buffet with mirror, china closet, 54-inch extension r • rT m e;ii. ,-| , .oocr i * lu"! ° '1 u r esse j V p an uncornfortable category. When shopping, stop in and see our table, five side chairs and large host chair. Genuine Go-To-Seep Silk floss Mattress. 100% about the house just to be safe m case somebody runs assortment of not'ons. August Furniture Sale: 9 pieces, $439.00. pure Java ,loss ' XVell made ' high grade ticking. m. A wrapper of the old days and a dressing sacque One part for full size bed. are easy to slip on and arc very cool for the hot Aug- Smip fasteners, 1 ape measures, s£, T pofher Chair Or Rorher \ rr u c co-i ere: ust days, easy to lounge in, comfortable to work in, 10c>, and 12y 2 <?. " and ' ' ur Kocßer August I in niture Sale, $21.75. anc j "dressy" enough to receive friends at any minute. Hooks and eyes, s£, J' and P> Coats cotton ' Overstuffed Mule Skin leather living room chair S P ecial Boxs P ri ng Good Art Ticking; well uphol- . For instance, look below at the cool dress sugges -B<S and Needles, 12/, c pkg. August Furniture Sale; either piece, $29.75. August Furniture Sale, $22.50. fS^ Thimbles, And Acme dress forms. Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. have secured a large assortment. Percale wrappers BOWMAN's —Main Floor. _ _ in all sizes, in navy, blue, gray and black figured; Dressin ff sacques of percale in light and dark pat \ A t-t-ropfuro terns; low neck and short sleeves or high neck and /\n attractive wrier vji ni 0 f s lontr , ]eeves . a „ size s : to 5i.39. 77; ; 77TT , • i Clearance Sale Of 1 Women s Silk Stockings | 1 ; Women's white thread silk stockings with lisle top i -A. T)-- -- 1 J l TraVelillg GaSCS 25c and soles. Due to the scarcity of good quality silk |j VV HiTC JL IIITIPS ctHCI uXIOITCIS Often one wishes for a and the advancing prices, these seamless stockings at , At— 99 small case in which to such a price, should interest every woman; 59£ pair. fig j> place their little necessi- L - ■ BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. }§ ft L n f \ WJ ties, such as comb, brush. ~~—————. (§a iffljj ~j[~\ gj here is a chance to pur- -IT- X. T IT /Ky \ \ A chase one at a very reas- GCs\ 1 You Need Just \ Sid- § onable price. Good scr- - A T iff-lp ATpirP Hfdir wy \ IK 4 , ® rubberized canvas, nicely separated into different j 1 I<4ll pr? ■ parts, so that each article is in-a space by itself. An to supplement your own nat- \ opportunity to economize and get about a whole season's wear is article that every woman and man should have when ural tresses. The newest 7 a fforde(i by this offering of fashionable summer footwear from our own traveling; 25^. styles require a wavy Na II II li "stocks. _ All are of our usual high quality leathers and workmanship §H BOWMAN's Main Floor. '• ' portraying the newest rnodels. ' rf? T TRANSFORMATION P 1 TT r 5 DV V IT We are selling-all shades in- P [j [lll The stock includes white canvas pumps and oxfords, white Nu-Buck W OITICn S JP ltTltC V CStS eluding gray of fine quality |§ (( w pumps and oxfords, white canvas low shoes and white kid oxfords, high g "f hair, invitingly priced at and ' ow heels. g A fine lot of women's "Fitrite" Swiss ribbed 7 y—■-) JTA , §7 vests. These vests are made from a strong, light ' j 50 v ao C. U. D. s. AO Exchanges. All Sales Final. jg weight cotton. Perfect fitting and durable; low / >§! \ BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. g neck, sleeveless, trimmed; garment. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. scj ® MONDAY EVENING, HAJKRISBTTRQ TEI-EGR3LPH! AUGUST 4, 1919. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers