4 BIG INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM READY New Law of North Dakota Being Put Into Operation Fargo, N. D., Aug. 4.—The in dustrial program of the National Nonpartisan League, -which was en dorsed by the voters of North Dakota at a special referendum election on June 26, is being put into operation. The bank of North Dakota, in which all State, county and muni cipal funds are to be deposited un der the new laws, is in operation, but is not yet ready to make loans and handle deposits on a big scale. The bank now employs twenty persons wtth an annual payroll of $50,000. The batik's resources will be more ttuin $31,000.00. Public funds totaling $21,000,000 have been reported and there are State bonds of $10,000,000. Only about SIOO,OOO worth of bank bonds have been sold in the Stato, but bank officials ex plain this by saying investors held off pending the outcome of the referendum. The bank had planned to sell $500,000 worth of bonds. "When the institution is in full operation a statement similar to those from the federal reserve banks will be issued monthly outlining conditions over the State. J. R. Waters, formerly State bank ex aminer, is head of the bank, and F. W. Cathro, for thirty years a North Dakota banker, is director general. The bank will provide funds for carrying out the industrial program, and an industrial commission will control the State-owned industries to bo established. The Home Building Association, •which will provide funds for per sons desiring to build homes, is ex pected to bo in operation soon. The Mill and Elevator Association, in charge of the league's wheat market ing and distributing system, has been inspecting mills and elevators with a view to purchasing two or three to start the experiment. The State is not expected to start an extensive building program for sev eral months. Those directing the work express confidence that every phase of the program will meet with success, dis pite strong opposition which they say is being offered by league opponents. FITS EPILEPSY FALLING SICKNESS Those who suffer from this nervous disease, accompanied by its sudden attacks of unconsciousness and con vulsions, will be glad to know of Kosine. We want the most skeptical to try the Kosine treatment, for the success of this treatment in the past lias proved it to have unusual merit. Large bottle 12. If not satisfied, after using, your money will be re funded. Write for free treatise. Kosine Co., Washington, P. C. Sold in Harrisburg by Geo. A. Gorgas. lji:* * .• • . i jj" . '• _ ... 10 Keys —At your finger tips! Not a single unn ccessary key. No lost motion. No wasted effort. The SUNDSTRAND has only 10 keys—all at finger tips. You add, multiply, subtract, divide with greater speed, ease and accuracy. Operators acquire amaz ing speed. Ask for practical demonstration in your office on your own figure work. > George P. Tillotson 205 Locust St., Harrisburg Opp. Orplicnin Theater Both Phones Sales MONDAY EVENING, CENTRAL PA. NEWS STATE COLLEGE HOSTS COMING Annual Outing to Be Held at Hershey Park Next Saturday Hershey, Aug. 4.—More than 1,000 I "grads" and "undergrade" of State I College are expected to attend the J annual college outing to be held at i Hershey Park next Saturday. Mem j bers of the committee on arrange j ments announce that everything is j ready for the Penn State affair, ! which promises to be the largest | gathering of its kind for college men ; ever held in this State. Announcements of the outing j were sent recently to 2,500 grad ' uates and students of the college in I all parts of the State. The affair ! is being held under the auspices of 1 the Central Pennsylvania branch of i the College Alumni Association and I local officers are receiving favor ' able reports on attendance front all parts of the State. A program which will include an old-time college mass meeting in the big theater at the park, baseball and stunts of all kinds will be an nounced in a few days. Promi noht college and Stato officials will give short addresses at the mass meeting, which will be held follow ing the arrival here of the 1 o'clock , train from Harrisburg. Among j these are Dr. J. George Beclit, | chief deputy of the State Department jof Education, and Dr. H. Walton | Mitchell, judge of tlio orphans' court ]at Pittsburgh, and president of the i board of trustees of the college. Early Saturday morning signs in i dieating places for the day's stunts j will be posted. A special booth has I been provided just inside of the I park entrance and a registration | book will bo maintained for a rec ' ord of all visitors. ! There are over 300 Penn State ; graduates and students in Harris i burg and vicinity, and practically j all of them with their friends and ) families are expected to be present ! at the outing. PEACII SHIPPERS BUSY Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 4. Ten j carloads of peaches were shipped j front the Smithsburg district the i first two days of last week. The ! fruit brought from $2.25 to $3 per | bushel. Lancelot Jacques, Sr., i shipped five cars, the Blue Ridge ! Canning Company, three cars and Iby consignment by express, five cars. LIVERPOOL'S TEACHERS Liverpool, Aug. 4. Teachers ; elected in Liverpool township for j the term 1919-1920 are School No. ;1, Horace Schaeffer; Witmers, j George Rumbaugh; Coulters, l-Io ; hart Brookhart; Centervillo, Clevc I Hoffman; Lebltichers, Miss Ruth | Long. SKI LL IS FRACTt'RED Milton, Aug. 4.—Struck by planks falling from a new silk mill plant here, Elijah Byerly sustained a frac tured skull, and an eye was knocked out. He is at the Geisinger Hospital, at Danville, in a critical condition. New Bridge is Being Built at Williamstown J Williamstown, Aug. 4.—A new bridge is being erected west of the borough limits on Market Btreet, by ■ j the county commissioners. Frank ' Shadle is supervising the work. Mrs. R. W. Mottern, of Glendale, California, a former resident, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Gillingham. Miss Nellie Thompson, of Phila -0 delphia, is spending her vacation e with her aunt, Mrs. Richard Han -0 cock. t Mrs. Elizabeth Selfridge is on a . visit to friends at Pittsburgh. - | John Thompson, of Kansas City, s | is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. •, ! J. C. Thompson. t Paul Shoop and family, of Harrls n burg, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Shell, g Mrs. Rose Carr, of Minersville, . is in town this week, the guest of n Mrs. Wm. Thompson, on Broad r street. f Miss Kathryn Lautenbacher, of t Schuylkill Haven, is a guest of Mr. d and Mrs. J. C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Lesher will 1 shortly leave on a tour of thg Great Lakes. a Mrs. J. J. Clarkson spent the week e with friends at Reading. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Poticher, of - Rutherford Heights, are visiting at - the home of the former's parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Poticher on s East street. Albert Travitz, who had his It head cut in an auto accident west g of town, was treated at the Wil ;, liams Valley Hospital, by Dr. H. A. t Shaffer. t NEW CUMBERLAND 0 New Cumberland, Aug. 4.—Mrs. Richard Davis and two sons, who - have been guests of Mrs. Davis' s brother, Thomas Williams and wife, s at New Cumberland, returned to b j their home in Wilkes-Barre. 1 Mrs. Moore, wl\o has been spend - ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hull, New Cumberland, re s turned to her home at Pittsburgh. ■ j Mr. and Mrs. William Wharton, of >' | Alliance, Ohio, who have been 1 spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. t | Elliott Wharton on Third street, New Cumberland, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle and son, of | Tenth street, New Cumberland, are i , spending several weeks at Ocean 1 | Grove. J j Miss Mary Pennell, of Steelton, is 3 (visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Money, " !at New Cumberland. • | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, of New 3 I Cumberland, returned from Atlantic 1 City, whore they spent several ■ weeks. Lieutenant Oliver Reynolds, of York, who has been in the service a number of years, is visiting Mrs. 5 Lewis Becker and other relatives in New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Prunell, of . Morganza, is visiting Mrs. Lizzie ; Prunell and Mrs. Edward Matthias 3 on Third street, New Cumberland. i JUDGE DIES IN IDAHO Elysburg, Aug. 4.—Judge Wil „ liam O. Stout, a former resident of t this place, and a son of the Rev. and . j Mrs. Stout, died at his home in j j Rupert, Idaho, recently. After , i teaching school in Ralpho town ship, he went west, studied law and . j became judge of the district In which ihe lived. He was aged 61 years. CATCHES BIG BASS Mifflinburg, Aug. 4.—A 20-inch ; bass was hooked in Penn's Creek above this town by Ralph Shipman, of Sunbury. Shipman lost his foot ing in the creek while playing out the line, hut nevertheless success fully landed the fine catch. It was one of the biggest bass caught this year in that section. DIES SUDDENLY AT LUNCH \\ atsontown, Aug. 4.—George G. Kilmer, aged 71 years, died very I suddenly at the Watsontown Door | and sash Mill. Shortly after the whistle blew for the noon hour Kil | mer began to eat his lunch, when he was,suddenly stricken and fell j over. He died a few minutes later. | WILL PLAY BALL GAME New Cumberland, Aug. 4. q"he j Boy's Brigade and a Lemoyne team I will play a game of ball on the athletic field this evening. | ATTEND REUNION Now Cumberland, Aug. 4. Mrs I Beaverson and daughter, Ida, at . tended a reunion at the home of Mrs. | Kurtz at Middletown yesterday. I [Other State News on rage 2.] Presbyterian Delegates to Spread Plans of Social Service Work j Stony Brook, N. Y., August 4. I Delegates who have been attending , the Presbyterian New Era confer -1 ence here the past week left to | day to convey to the Presbyterian j churches throughout the country the j plans for a Nation-wide campaign of social service and evangelism, | after a Sunday-night communion service at which laymen and min | isters united in a service' consecrat- I ing them to the New Era five-year | program. I Five hundred young people from ; Presbytorian churches throughout the East will assemble at Stony Brook, Tuesday morning for a week's conference. They will re ceive intensive training in Christian methods for community and mis sion service. The Rev. William Ralph Hall of Philadelphia, will be | the leader of the conference. American Buffalo Are on the Increase Washington, Aug. 4.—Provision is made in the current agricultural | appropriation act for the Secretary iof Agriculture to give buffalo to I municipalities and public institu ! tions from any surplus which may | exist in the herds now under the j control of the Department of Agri- I culture. In order to aid in. the pro j pagation of the species the bill pro- I vides that animals may be lent to pr | exchanged with other owners of I American bison. No provision is I made to give them to individuals, { and only one may be given to each | municipality or public institution. This provision is made because of the ! surplus of bulls In some of the De | partment of Agriculture's buffalo , herds, particularly the one in the : Wichita National Forest and Game ! Preserve, in Oklahoma, and because the department is nearlng the reali j zatlon of the first stage in the pre ! servation of the specie—the acqul ; sition of at least 1,000 head of I buffalo by the Government. There are approximately 7,000 I buffalo in North America. Canada | lias something over 3,500, and the I total number In the United States ,is more than 3,000. This is about I seven times the number i n the j United States in 1 889. when the first I cqnnna WfLM fa ITARTUSBURG TELEGRAPH CONDITIONS IN BELGRADE BETTER In Spirit of People There Is Marked Change For Better Belgrade, Serbia, Aug. 4.—There are many evidences of bettering con ditions in Belgrade. Belgrade Uni versity opened a short time ago. The American Red Cross is now erecting barracks to house the students dur ing the summer. In the spirit of the people there is a marked change for the better in the last few months. Social gath erings are more frequent, and a few tttmimmttnmmmmttmtmmtmmmmmmumnwmmmmmmtmmmtmmummmtmnmm 'lt ♦♦ Itt tt TT tt ' itt 12 8 .pu tt 1 Speed—Safety—Economy § :♦♦ ; -■ i ' 1 ■ .. ■ 1 22 Iff s jjj emphasized in fj / ♦♦ i 8 _ n ♦O ♦♦ I I | Anywhere—Everywhere—Fr dm Harrishurg, Pa. | it ♦♦ tt Modern transportation demands three things —SPEED —SAFE- 8 tt —ECONOMY. Quick transportation is vital in practically every ♦♦ i>♦ line of business. Safety, less handling, smaller risks of breakage, ♦♦ jtt mean a greater profit. Economy in transportation is the one sure tt ' itt /k jrfsf —f\ means to lower prices on every commodity. f 8 '•> ( \ "SHIP BY TRUCK" opens up these avenues to every line of busi- /J\ • 1 xf iAM j\ \ ness — the manufacturer, the merchant, the farmer and many others. I , ~jf\ \ tt r — manufacturer and farmer — is ♦. \ J c l° ser to the consumer through "SHIP BY TRUCK" than by \ tt tt V / any other means of transportation. The results of "SHIP BY \ J 8 jtt / TRUCK" are apparent on the instant when the person with a trans- / ♦♦ t | tt portation problem realizes that he can ship or receive his goods quick- t# 1 8 er, with less breakage and at a lower cost than he has been accus- tt Jtt tomed to under former., means of transportation. tt |tt J 1 ' 0 , Siffn of G,MMI Trucking ~ . 1 , , . , A , Tlie Sign of Good Trucking ♦♦ j Service — Manufacture — Oyer- Manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others all over the country are bene- service Manufacture Oper- tt tt atton — Maintenance fiting through "SHIP BY TRUCK." You can too. Get in touch with our "SHIP — Maintenance tt BY TRUCK BUREAU," we will gladly give you any information you may de- tt ++ sire and will only be too glad to help you in any way. tl ♦♦ tt H The Firestone "Ship by Truck Bureau" It Will Certainly Pay You to Send For H Awaits Your Inquiry by Phone or Letter the Information Called For Below H • tt ♦T If you are a shipper wc want you to get acquainted with the facts wc SHIPPERS: Manufacturers, merchants and farmers are invited to get In ♦♦ 44 have to offer regarding truck shipments out of the city, or into the city. Wo touch with the Firestone "Ship hy Truck Bureau" for Information regarding JJ TT nro colleetlii"' new duta everv <lav motor express routes and lines covering their requirements. Let us know 22 . what you have to ship, in what volume, with what frequency, to what lies- +# TT Whatever your product or Its destination in the surrounding territory, tination. etc. 22 ❖T find out whether trucks can carry it and whether or not they can carry it MOTOR EXPRESS OPERATORS: Send to The Firestone "Shin bv Truck ♦♦ 22 faster, more conveniently and more surely. Please your customers by Bureau" all information of interest to shiimors. such as the route or routes ft ♦♦ prompt, unfailing delivery. The Firestone "Ship by Truck Bureau will tell you cover, tonnage capacity of trucks, schedules under which you oper- 22 ++ you how. No charge for this service. I ate, etc. S This Truck Route Schedule Will Prove Beneficial to You H 8 ♦♦ TT For further information regarding truck schedules refer to the Firestone "Ship by Truck Bureau," 210 X. 2nd Street, llarrisburg, Pa. Phones, Bell 2356; Dial 2357 8 tt Route No. I— Harrisburg to Philadelphia via Route No. 10— Greencastle to Waynesboro. Route No. 10— Lancaster to Harrishurir and Phil 8 ♦♦ Lancaster. All intermediate points covered. Route No. 11— Harrisburg to Bedford Springs. adelphia ancaßter to Harrisburg and Phil ♦♦ Route No. 2 — Harrisburg to New York City. Route No. 12— New York City to Harrisburg. Route Vn on wu.nr<i,„ ra . tt tt 5 a^ t CairUsle!' Holly pr ' nß3 lnte7mtdlatc a pointß ChewsvUle ' Md " and "agom- H tt Route No. 4 — Harrisburg to Chamborsburg via Route No. 14— York, Pa., to Dlllsburg and return Route No. 21— Waynesboro to Leitersburg, Md. TT Carlisle and SVliippensburg. Route No. 15 — York, Pa., to Philadelphia via and HagerStowrr, Md. TJ TT Route No. s— Ohambersburg to McConnellsburg. Columbia ar.-d Lancaster. Route No. 22— Harrisburg to Steelton Higlispir. TT Route No. 6- Chambersburg to Upper Strassburg. Route No. I— York, Ta.. to Baltimore via dan- and Middletown. ' TT tt Route No. 7— Chambersburg to Carlisle, Sliip- over and Stewartstown. Route No. 23— Harrisburg to Lemoyne and Now tt TT peneburg and Harrisburg. Route No. 17— York, Pa., to New York City via Cumberland. tt TT Route No. B— Greencastle to Hagerstown and Lancaster, Philadelphia and Trenton, N. J. Route No. 24— Harrisburg to Palmyra via Hum- ♦♦ •• tt intermediate points. Route No. 18— Philadelphia to Lancaster and melstowr?, Swatara Station, Union Deposit ♦♦ tt Route No. o— Greencastle to Mereersburg. Harrisburg. j Hockersville and Hershey it tt 8 H Truck Transportation Companies Operating Out of Harrisburg § x 2 Xt A. T. RnlTonsbergcr <S Son, . TT ♦♦ V i." ■ „ . Waynesboro, P. 44 TT Hnrrlsburg, la. I / r Route No. 21— tt ♦♦ Routes Nos. 1. 18, 19— f /Tp ffgfjh —. Daily. tt ♦♦ Daily. o * ftC I ULt, Mont Shore Expre. Co.. tt jy Route No. " New Cumberland, la. ♦♦ ♦♦ Every Monday. /N | 1 u Route No. 23 ♦♦ H Bo E ";s,rT'.w. Over halt the truck tonnage :: 44 NelT'n Express — ______ O . R. Miller, ♦♦ • XT K. B. Nclt, l'rop., 2028 Lennox St., ♦♦ 44 Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Harrisburg, Pn. a Boj, r N<. jo t America is carried on a ♦♦ AV. L. Forney, Anywhere— Anytime tt _ Chnnibersburg, Pn. a J. E. Hare, TT Route No. 4, IdißaC, t 17lh nnd Chestnut Sts. tt tt L)ally - m _ JL _ llarrisburg. Pn. tt 4* E. M. Delone, JIA fWt) JtA A. A B. Express, 44 Harrisburg, l'u. 1 nPi 1001 North ltli St., 44 TT Route No. 11— H SHT H SP, rS llnrrlsburg, l'n. XT Tt Every Monday. rrt iS HLb ■ Hl> IV. 11. Dure, XT TT Sherps Auto I.lne, ■ qfr W r V V 14.13 \ ernon St., 44 TT C'iiumbersburg, Pn. W Hnrrlsburg. Pn. tt TT Route No. 5 e Blue I.lne Trnnsfer Co., 44 n Daily. rri*r\ ■ ■ in 7 Cupltal St., it Tlmmon's Anto Line, I lIJ |- Hnrrlsburg, Pn. + TT Upper Strassburg. Pn. I IIT P Lv ...!, l . lr l!"' TT tt Route No. 0— A LI-0 North 4th St., TT n** Dally. ———— ~ Hnrrlabtirg, Pn. TT F - ?• • 841 Kelkcr St_ TT '♦ J2 _ Vork. lU. Hnrrlsburg, l'n. TT i Bell 2356 ■ Dial 2357 sgf-' i" a The Firestone "Ship By Truck Bureau" "Si?.,. H TT A. V. Ebersole, 1 J vvk ® u Hurilsburg, l'a. 77 TT lllghsplre, Pn. L. 11. Hunier, 8 Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. H TT Onks Auto I.lne, _ _ Sbuniokln, Pa. tt 8 Rou"NT" e, 9-"- • 210 N. Second Street Harrisburd, Pa. "w&t tt Daily. + 0 L. C. Ilficliinan, aa t t? Nicury** Auto i.lne, utner r irestone Ship Truck Bureaus" at Bliddiebur®, P. p HRoikNo'lo- NEW YORK, 1871-5 Broadway NEWARK 1012 Broad St J " P> . tt e.l'hiii, K d ? rd n A ! C c PHILADELPHIA, 312 Broad St. °iw sT'clE.eron st, 8 8 Ro^t' y BALTIMORE, 1213-15 St. Paul St. WASHINGTON, 824 14th St., N. W. D. H A."s?e b ° ~n * 8 tt ' U '' y 11 Home Office and Eacloryi Firestone Park, Akron, Ohio. Ilrnnchea nnd Dealers Everywhere lfl?rrlsb , u , rg'^ Pu < " , TT 8 8 f§ 1 moving picture theaters are in operation. Shops in the city are gradually refilling with stocks. Prices are high. Reports from the interior in dicate a large grain harvest, with a possible surplus for export in South Serbia. These reports have had an encouraging effect on life in the capital. Gives Count Zeppelin Ocean Flight Credit Berlin, July 10.—The Rundschau states that the credit of the R-34's trans-atlantic flight was due to Count Zeppelin and adds that the inventor had been spared the pains he would have experienced had he lived to seo England reap the credit and reward of his labor and his in vention. GIVES MEDALTO JAP COMMANDER American General Testifies to Courtesy of Siberian Leader Ity Associated Press. Vladivostok, Aug. 4.—Major Gen eral William S. Graves, the Ameri can commander in Siberia, recently presented the Distinguished Service Medal to General K. Otanl, senior Allied commander in Siberia. In doing so General Graves said he de sired to testify to the courteous and AUGUST A, 1919. careful consideration given by the Japanese commander to all ques tions placed before him. General Otanl expressed his grat itude to the President of the United States for the honor conferred and tendered a dinner to General Graves and the American staff. In propos ing a toast to General Graves, the Japanese General stated that "the harmony and co-operation which ex ists between American and Japa nese forces in Siberia is largely due to the wise manner in which Gen eral Graves has guided affairs." General Otani said that he had issued an order to the Japanese forces in Siberia informing them of the bestowal of the medal and urg ing them to redouble their efforts "to promote and to make still stronger the spirit of concert and friendship existing between the armies of Japan and the United States." Eighteen Persons in Yucatan Killed in Clash With Socialists Mexico City, Aug. 4. Eighteen persons are reported to have been killed in Muna, Yucatan, in the clash between government authorities and socialists. Seventy-six prisoners have been sent from Muna to Vera Cruz by General Luis M. Herandez, chief of military operations in Yu catan. r IHD HE SL'CCEEDT The man in the next flat was pound ing on the wall. "Look here," he cried, "I can't' sleep with your kid . yelling like that! If you don't make ♦ him stop, I will!" "Come in, sir—come in!" said the kid's father. "You'll be aa welcome as the flowers in spring. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers