2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania CLEVE KESSLER I HOME FROM WAR Twice Rejected Ho Returns With Highest Emblems of Bravery in France Sellnsjrrove, Pa., July 26.—Cleve Kessler has come back to Shamokin Dam from the world war wearing a United States distinguished service medal and a French Croix de Guerre. He is the only Snyder countian known to have been awarded one of his country's distinguished serv ice medals. Kessler was rejected twice b> recruiting officers. Kessler lived along the canal with his father in a lowly hut. Fishing, hunting and living the life of the great outdoors were what appealed to Cleve. He had been on his own resources nil his life, and was not averse to fight for what he wanted. Moreover, he usually got it when anything was to be settled with fists. Kessler got into the army at length, and was sent to Florida and then overseas. He was a mule skin ner pure and simple. One day he braved German shells to rescue a wounded French soldier and was awarded the medals he wears for bis bravery. United Brethren Circuit May Be Divided After Reading Conference Sits Kndcrs, July 25.—Dr. S. C. Enk, of Philadelphia, superintendent of the East Pennsylvania Conference of the L T nited Brethren church met the members of the various churches of this charge to consider the advisi abllity of dividing the circuit. The report will be presented to the boundary committee at the annual session of Conference at Reading early in October, and in all prob ability a division will be made. Miss Mary Kreider Dies; Funeral Service Tomorrow MechnnlCHliurg, Pa.. July 25. —Miss Mary Kreider, a resident of this place for many years, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Wrightstone, West Main street, with whom she lived, on Wednesday after noon. She was 66 years old and a member of the Methodist church. Two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Wrightstone. of Mechanicsburg; Mrs. P. W. Trltt, of Middletown and Emanuel Kreider, of Huntsdale, sur vive. Funeral services will be held to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock at her late home, conducted by the Rev. J. Ellis Bell. Burial will be made at Trindle Spring cemetery. WEDS IX OKLAHOMA Cliainbcr.sburg, July 25. Word was received here to-day from Ok lahoma City, announcing the mar riage of John Haller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haller, of Wash ington. D. C., formerly of town, and Miss Irnia Simmons, formerly of Hagerstcwn. The wedding took place in the Baptist church at Okla homa City on Monday, July 21. tknm:s.*eka\ i.uses foot Hngcrstown, Md., July 25.—Gordon Drake, employed at the Security Company's cement mill near this city had his left foot torn off yesterday when it was caught in a screw con veyor. His foot was taken off about two inches above the ankle. Drake came here from Tennessee. ENTERTAINS BIBLE CLASS Sliircmaiistowti, Pa., July 25. Miss Gail Stare was the hostess for the Ladies' organizedßible Class No. 7 of the Bethel Church of God, at her residence on Locust street on Wednesday evening. Following an Interesting program tile eveDi.up * as spent socially. ,t 1 •*"- NM-HARB'S [IHENHY GILBERT if Mil SOS 1 , |j DISTRIBUTORS OF 3 LAWN j j MOWERS S j 4? THE GENUINE PHILADELPHIA 1 lffl ■m AND OTHER BRANDS. j Horse Mowers A Triplex Mowers i j i | j 400 &'. SECOND ST. |j jj . • HAROWARE&MILL I SUPPLIES | FRIDAY EVENING, LAD DROWNS WHILE BATHING IN CANAL Luther Nye, of Chambersbur g, Loses Life in Sight of Party He Accompanied on Outing to Maryland; Probably Seized by Cramps; Body Recovered llngrrstown, Md., July 26. —Luther Nye, aged sixteen, of Chambersburg, a member of a party of Dunkards who were spending an outing along the Potomac River at Williamsport yesterday, was drowned while bath ing in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal about three o'clock in the afternoon. Nye swam across the canal and was returning to the opposite bank when he began to struggle, apparently be ing seized with cramps. He sank in sight of the others in the party before assistance could be rendered. Search was immediately WOMEN GATHER TO EMBROIDER Mt. Gretna Draws Many Visi tors During Vacation Sea son Now at Height Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 25. The Mt. Gretna Embroidery Club met on Wednesday morning at the cottage of Miss Daisy Sheafer on the camp meeting grounds. The following ladies spent a very enjoyable tT or JV" ing. Mrs. E. E. Ewing. Mrs. L. H. Tyson, Mrs. George Tille. Mrs E. 1 . Baum, Mrs. Charles H. Smithy C. C. Forney, Mrs. A. B. Peters, Miss Sara Hanley, Miss Anna Lauer, and Miss Sheafer. Miss Ellen Hays, of Shippens burg, Pa., is visiting her sister. Mrs. A. I. Miller on the camp meeting grounds. „ , , TI „„ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cook, of IIar " risburg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Martz. Miss Daisy Sheafer recently en tertained Mr. and Mrs. George Fish burn and children, who motored here from Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Mrs. A. I. Miller has returned from a business trip to Harris burg. She was accompanied by Miss Milleisen of Mechanicsburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snately, of Harrisburg, who have been spend ing the past month on the camp grounds, have returned home. H. B. Shoop of Harrisburg. is the guest of Miss Sheafer. Mrs. William Stimer has arrlied in the grove for a two weeks visit. She will be the guest of Mrs. Anna Steever at Montanesca Cottage. Mrs. H. A. Toomey and Mrs. Theo dore Bowers, of Harrisburg are visiting Mrs. Calvin Martz. Miss Katherine Erb has returned from a trip to Lebanon. - Mrs. Sara N. Sample, of Harris burg is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Luther Walzer Mrs. Hoffer entertained the Fne Hundred Club of Lebanon at her cot tace on the Chautauqua Grounds yesterday afternoon. There was an enjoyable dance at the Hotel Conewago, Wednesday, with Leslies' Orchestra playing. Although there are not many Harrisburgers registered at the Ho tel Conewago there have been many guests from New York City. Phila delphia North Carolina, Portland, Oregon.' and the Hawaiian Islands. James Hays Findiey, Prominent Yorker, Dies York, Pa., July 25.—James Hays Findiey, prominent manufacturer and club man of this city and a can didate on the Republican ticket for the nomination for County Commis sioner, died at noon yesterday at his home in this city. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis, sustained a week ago ysterday. He was 51 years old. Mr. Findiey was president and general manager of the York Card and Paper Company. He was a Nation-wide figure in the wallpaper business, being a director of the Wallpaper Manufacturers' Associa tion of the United States. Motorcyclist Kills Horse Near Dry Run Sliippensburg, July 25.—Between Spring Run and Dry Run, Eber Hammond, who was driving toward Dry Run, met a motocycle, driven by John C. Peck, of Doylesburg, going in the opposite direction. Something happened and the motor cycle struck and killed Hammond's horse, upset the buggy, damaging it, and gave Hammond painful injuries. Peck sustained a broken leg and was knocked unconscious. HOLLANDER ENTERS ARMY Altoona, July 25.—Peter Schiffer, a native of Holland, who came to this country on June 11. Immediately securing his first papers in antural ization was enlisted in the United States Army here yesterday after noon and was sent to Harrisburg. He signed up for service in the motor transport corps for a period of three years. SELI, TOBACCO CROP .Mount Wolf, Pa., July 25.—Cultiva tors of tobacco in the Druck Valley have now practically disposed of their 1918 crop. A representative of a Red Lion Tobacco concern scoured through that section of York county, several days ago, and purchased last sea- yield, wherever available, pay ing anywhere from 16 to 18 cents per pound. SAVES BOY FROM DROWNING Lewlsberry. July 25. —While view ing the high water from Beidel's corner, Eugene Hetrick, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hetrick, stepped into a gutter. The swift water was taking him into a tile that crosses the road when Litfcoln Zeidcrs rescued him from drowning. WILL PLAY BALL GAME New Cumberland, July 25. —On Saturday afternoon at 2.30 there will be a game of between the Army Reserve department and the Noraain Athletic team of Harris bung. PASTOR GETS VACATION New Cumberland, July 25.—The church council has graqted their pastor, the Rev. C. H. Hughes, a va cation of two Sundays. begun for the body which was located by Policeman \ D. Hawbaker a short distance from where he sank and brought to the surface with a hook Dr. W. S. Richardson examined the body and an Investigation of the ac cident was made by Justice J. T. Tlee, who decided the drowning ac cidental. Nye, it is said, has no near rela tives, his parents being dead. The party went to Williamsport in four automobiles and were spending the day fishing and bathing. His body wus prepared by a local undertaker and )aken back to Chambersburg. AUTO HITS COW; ONE IN HOSPITAL lUgrmlonn, Md., July 25. Harry Kckatine is in the hospital. nJn° W . i S dßad and tho Ba 'ck car T ,h- y Ep , ksUne damaged the Static j° f an accide nt on the State road near this city ycs nL d?iv A hCard ° f Pattla be er* when" t°h th ' a CUy b >' " the/ii The Car plowcd Into John FVk ?i Car Was drive n by brothef and f a " d contained his ErtiUhn j women. Harry rear iu® a " d tbe on,n in the juries The B ° th !,llßtai ned in nhnne T he car " truck * tele phone pole after hitting the anl- Husband Who Deserts Wife and Seven Arrested and in Prison in West tork Haven. July 25.—The law yes terday reached from this borough to Bartleaville. Okla., to arrest Harvey Helstand, charged with deserting his nl.n. u 8 f V6n mlnor cb'ldren, at this mnnta Hp,!,tand family three monthj ago, allowing his wife and seven children to depend upons Mrs. Heistand s invalid father for support. Helstand is is Jail in Bartlesville, awaiting extradition to York county. Mayor E. R. Plank Heads Carlisle American Legion Carlisle, Pa., July 25—In Gobln Guards Armory here last night Car lisle Post No. 101 of the American ..v 1. perm anently organized with Major E. R. plank as post chairman. There was a large at tendance at the organization meet ing. Eighty-eight signers for the charter were secured. It is the aim hlr i? rßar l i ? erß to * ot 100 mem bers. First Lieutenant Walter Har tv°i?i H 'tchler. a member of the Dickinson Law School faculty was chosen post trasure'r, and Ordnance SSTS'.B. Boy Kauffman. of the 79th Division, post secretary. Ser geant FYank Stone, of the 28th Di man"' Th^foif post vide-chair mm. The following were placed on the post excutive committee. First Lieutenant Merril Hummel. Fi"t rk Jten A nt John Heilman, Sergeant T°'i' Sergeant Leigh mons e> U Sergeant Daniel 'Tim- The insignia of the post was voted upon and an order will be placed at once for the mblems. Gettysburg Wants Either Sproul or Paimer to Speak Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 s.—Plans for the welcome home day for the boys of the world war to be held so F far"that Day have Progressed fv .1 1. announcement is made that either Governor Sproul or At torney General Palmer will' b e the principal speaker. New Bloomfield Soon to Get Better Streets Xew BloomAeld, July 25 The State Highway Department force has received a traction engine, stone crusher and screens and placed them at the quarries on the Darling farm. Workmen will soon be ready to start crushing stone for the high ways and streets in this section. Hebrews at Chamersburg to Build Syangogue Oliamltcrsburg, Pa., July 25.—The property on West Washington street, belonging to Elizabeth Cronin, of Tyler City, Conn., has been sold to the Sons of Israel congregation. The site will be used for the new syna gogue soon to be erected here. Movies For Silk Mill Operators Made Attractive Liverpool, July 25 . A 3 inch ventilator will be installed in the Silk Mill Movies at this place next week. With the large fan recently' placed in the building the movies will be made a most desirable place during the hot weather. The movies is run for the benefit of the opera tors. Cracking" Good! POST TOASTIES times a day U ? Best of Corn Flakes ajLRRISBURG TELEGRAPH CHURCH PEOPLE MEET TO HONOR I Accord the Rev. J. Russell Bucher and Wife Recep tion at Mcchariicsburg Mcohanlcsburg, Pa., July 2 s.—ln honor of the pastor of the Church of God, the Rev. J. Russell, Bucher and Mrs. Bucher, recently wedded, the Dorcas Society of the church gave a reception last evening in the lecture room, which was elaborately decorated in flags and plants. Mem bers of the Ministerial Association were present and a warm welcome was extended to the pastor and his bride. In the receiving line wero Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eberly, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bucher, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sleber. The program was given as follows: Music by the orchestra, congrega tional singing, prayer, song by the choir, greetings from the church, A. G. Eberly; vocal solo, A. B. Craw ford; greetings from the Sunday school, James L. Young, superin tendent; greetings from the Bible class, Samuel Etsley, president; duet. Miss Martha Anderson and Miss Florence Bent; greetings from the ministers, the Rev. Dr. George Fulton; singing by male quartet; greetings from Irving Colleg, Dr. E. E. Campbell; response by the Rev. Mr. Bucher. A pleasing feature of the program was the gift of a dinner set of Havi land china from members of the church with the presentation speech by J. G. Bentz. During the social hour refresh ments were served under the direc tion of the Dorcas Society, of which Mrs. M. K. Sultzaberger is presi dent. WAISTS FEDERAL BUILDING ANNOUNCE SON'S BIRTH R#d Lion, Pa., July 25.—An appro- Liverpool, July 25.—Mr. and Mrs. priatlon of $85,000 for a Federal Porter Delhi, formerly of this place Building at this place, is provided by now of Akron, Ohio, announce the a bill Introduced in Congress. I birth of a son. Central Pennsylvania Lines of News Kniler*—The Enders 'reunion has been abandoned (or this year but Is to be held annually in the future. Enders —Huckleberry parties may be seen on Broad mountain and its ridges. The crop is reported fair. Liverpool —Recent heavy rains have brought much coal down the river and the river miners are taking out many tons. Scllnxgrovc According to the registration of voters in this borough Selinsgrove has 408 Republicans and 88 Democrats. Selinsgrove —Anson B. Drumheller, aged 38, a well known farmer of near Kreamer, died at the Geisinger hos pital in Danville. Tyrone —The Salvation Army picnlo was held to-day at Stevens Park in charge of Captain William Schneiter and was largely attended. Lewtaburg Carl Adelbert Bchug and Miss Alice Susannah Johnson, daughter of Judge A. W. Johnson were united In marriage here. Huntingdon Fourteen-year-old Thomas Rogue was arrested here on ' a larceny charge. He was taken to j Altoona by City Detective Davis. Lewiatovrii—Arthur W. Askew has ! been appointed district claim agent i for the Pennsylvania Railroad by or- i der of the Railroad Administration. j Liverpool The trustees of the ! United Brethren Church have voted to wire the building for electricity j and will make other necessary re pairs. Gettysburg—The town council has notified the Hanover Heat and Power Company that unless better service is given Gettysburg will erect its own light plant. I £ I | Store Closes Saturday At 6P. M. ' Men Take Notice All Our Palm Beach Suits I S Reduced To One Price I $11.50 j Regardless of Former Prices of the Rising Market I §a? This is a real opportunity because Schleis ner Palm Beach Suits are high class in every way. They have the same style and fit as Schleisner wool suits and they are extremely comfortable. Better buy a Palm Beach Suit now and put it away for next summer. !lit / B H ' II- - I I ■tillilllllHMHltUlUUiUlllffllllilMliWUllUllllUWlUUlilillliilHililUllUlllillllUlHttlllliilllllllliltliUliiiiijlllilililiiilMllilNilJilllllllllllHilil.'lililliUJlHinillttniliOitUflßUHtnHiSliinainilfil LYKENS GIRL IS WED IN CHURCH Camden, N. J., Business Man Gets Fair Bride in Upper End of County ' Lykcns, Pa.. July 25. lt) the United Brethren church here. Miss Olive Lehman Fegley yesterday be came the bride of Frank L. Holder man, a Camden, N. J., business man. The Rev. S. L. Rhoads, pastor of the church officiated. Roy Fegley was beat man and his sister, Pauline, bridesmaid. The ceremony was quite simple, consisting only of the oral questions and answers. There were flowers at the function, which took place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Holderman made the trip to Camden by automobile. Many Lyk<tfis friends showered them with congratulations. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Salome Fegley, of Market street. Among those pres ent at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Neiman Book, and Miss Lucy Stroup, of Harrisburg. Lutherans Hold Their Annual Reunion at Penmar rrnmar, July 25. On the moun tainside here yesterday 8,000 Luther ans from Pennsylvania, Maryland and the Virginias gathered In thirty-third annual reunion. The attendance was much below that of other years. There were 82 ministers present, and about 150 congregations were repre sented. Dr. Robert Clare, St. Mark's Baltimore: Dr. A. R. Wenti, Gettys burg Seminary, and Dr. Homer Tope, Philadelphia, were the speakers. A combined choir rendered the music. Tyrone Francis A. Hlllman, a Pennsy freight conductor, was caught and injured between two cars at the Wildcat water station and was taken to a hospital. Troxelvllle —Lee Booney, of near this place, has been arrested charged with stealing the automobile of Harry Bolig, of Selinsgrove, on the night of the High School Commence ment. Huntingdon —Thirty-three passen ger trains and many freight trains were delayed for almost three hours by a wreck near Tyrone Forge. F.our Pennsy emp'oyes were injured, two of them seriously. New Illoomfleld- —B. Frank Keller, recently discharged from the army, has purchased the implement build ing and business in South Carlisle street from former Sheriff James M. Bear and will take possession Sept. 1. Huntingdon Gustav Heinrich, a German, was struck by the general Superintendent special train a mile north of Woodland and Instantly killed. Heinrich was walking on the ! track. He had no relatives In this I country. - Grove City—While temporarily in j sane Mrs. R. R. Welch gave her three | children poison and then swallowed 1 some of the deadly stuff herself. Physicians say the children will die. | Screams of the children attracted neighbors to the Welch home, j Granville—While standing at the station here Edwin F. Geesey, 14 years old. was struck by fragments of curbing along the station front when a cylinder head was knocked out from a passing engine. Dr. W. E. Baker, of Lewistown, dressed the 1 boy's injuries. * GETTYSBURG WIRES PROTEST TO WILSON Battlefield Town Up in Ar ins Against Abandonment of Ninth Internal Revenue 1) istrict; Points President to Inconvenience, Expense and Loss of Time Gettysburg. July 25.—A vigorous protest is being made in this flace against the abandonment of the Ninth Internal Revenue district. In an effort to have the action rescind ed the Chamber of Commerce has taken hold of the matter and has sent the following telegram to Presi dent Wilson: • "The • Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of itself and Adams GOBBLER SITS ON EGGS OF MOTHER Gettysburg, Pa., July 25. Proctor Snyder, of New Chester, is the owner of a turkey gobbler that is hatching. The turkey hen some time ago brought out a setting of eggs, and after sev eral woeks again atarted laying. The gobbler took charge of the new nest of eggs and has been faithfully hatching for the past three weeks. Ask Seer if Time Is Ripe to Sell Automobile; Held on Larceny Charge Pottsville, July 25.—Going to a fortune teller to get Information from the cards as to whether the time was propitious for the sale of a stolen automobile, was the clew which resulted in the arrest of Jo seph Joulwan and William Dlcus, ac cused of stealing ttie automobile of A. H. Royer from his garage. After | hearing the evidence, Alderman | Frank Frellor held the defendants | for further investigation. Trolley Car Crushes Automobiles, Seriously Injures J. W. Brenneman Lancaster, July 25. Jacob W. | Brenneman, of Millersville, a prom ! inent cigar manufacturer, was in- I jured this morning when his auto j mobile was hit by a trolley car at Millersville road. The automobile was crushed un der the ear and Mr. Brenneman was pinned to the wreckage with the car wheel nearly on his neck, and the car was jacked up to release him. Brenneman is seriously in jured. I ■ T~ ".2 Store Closes Saturday At 6 O'clock W " i 28-30-32 North Third Street. The Remainder of The High Class !l Wash Skirts Will Be On Sale Saturday W J ! Remember Our Store Closes at 6 P. M. Saturdays This is a special purchase which resulted in what we might call the biggest values in wash skirts that have been an nounced in Harrisburg. The materials are white gabardine, white tricotine and white surf satin. The skirts are worth a great deal more than our selling price. We purchased | I them at an advantageous figure and therefore, we have placed them on sale at $5 for quick selling. m * pji HI „ * ■ ' ■ ' " is HH -vTI Very Special Offer In Georgette Blouses 1 Salu,day $12.50 An exceptional model with surplice in very fine quality georgette in flesh and white. m B Special Annoucement Many new arrivals in autumn apparel are being shown at' this establishment. These advance models are the forerun ners of the reason's new modes. As usual Schleisner's ad- x vance models indicate the fashion trend of the season. I JULY.2S, 1919. > county generally, business and pro fessional interests therein, honestly protests against the abolition of the Ninth Internal Revenue District for the reason that if this district iB abolished .our taxpayers will suffer great inconvenience, expense and loss of time. We, therefore, appeal to you to withdraw your executive order for the übolition of the Ninth Internal Revenue District." POLICE SUBDUE VIOLENT GAJAK Reading Officers Battle With Crazed Husband, Wreck ing Furniture Heading, July 25. —Brooding over lack of work, Frank Gajak became suddenly violent, attacked nis wife and three children, and was not subdued until three police officers battled with him for 20 minutes, wrecking furniture in his home. City Detective Huber, County De tective Krick and Patrolman Frank owjack were detailed anl found Gajak barricading the door of his home. The latter screamed defiance at the police and brandished two butcher knives. Whe nthe officers at tempted to enter the place, Jajak threatened to clash his wife and children, whom he had imprisoned in ono of the rooms. George IT. Rtipp and B. E. Dillor, of Slitromanstown, spent Thursday at Pen-Mar. GET RID OF YOUR OI.D PIAXO Exchange it for a lilgh-grade talk ing machine. Tt can be done. See us about it. TROUP BROS., 8 N. Market Square. Bell 4781; Dial 3504.—adv. IkDIGESTIfWf LP&jwMij Mot water, Kl |r Sure Relief BELL-ANS %e#FOR INDIGESTION DR. WEAGLEY IS DISTRICT CHIEF Franklin County Physician Chosen President of Medical Society York, Pa., July 25. Dr. T. R. Weagley, of Marlon, Pa., was elct ed president of the Fifth Censorial district of the State Medical Society, comprising the counties of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton and York, yesterday, at the thlrtenth annual meeting of the organization, held in this city. J. C. Felty Adams county, was elected first vice-presi dent; S. E. Mowery, Cumberland county, second vice-president; J. C. Atkins, Hed Lion, York county, third vWe-prestdent, and J. P. Dolly, York, secretary and treasurer. Res olutions disapproving all forms of social health insurance, lodge and contract, as unAmerican and pro nouncing as detrimental to the med ical profession and to the public wel fare, doctors who subscribe to all forms of lodge and contract prac tice, were adopted. BRIDE 18, GROOM 17 Dover, Pa., July 25.—Lloyd Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, nnd Miss Gertrude Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Hoffman, were married last Saturday by the Rev. J. H. Hege, at Calvary Lutheran parsonage. The bride la 15 years old and the groom, 17 years old. Mrs. Sarah Snavley, of Michigan, Is visiting relatives at New Cumber land. ar Young Men - * Don't Get Bald * Cuticura Does Muck To Prevent It i Dandruff, itching, scalp irritation, etc., point to an unhealthy condition of the scalp, which leads to thin, falling hairand premature baldness. Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and hot water do much to pre vent such a condition, especially if preceded by a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan druff and itching. Soa* Ik, Obtanl IB and 80c. Tsliam 25. Sold throughout th 'world. Far ■ample each free address: "Cation LaW CiSjn. Dap*. I BP, M.Mat.. Ma" ggTMnn Soap ilmtm without aq.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers