• - • y Independent Proclaimed Following Revolt and Dissolution of Armed Forces HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXVIIT XO 173 'PAf3EK Daily Except Sunday. Entered as Second Class \ 111 I\KJ. I/O CC i rVUrLS Matter at the Post Office at Harrisburg BIG AUDITORIUM WILL COST HALF MILLION DOLLARS Nobles of Mystic Shrine Lead in Important Under taking CO ACCOMMODATE 3.500 Gymnasium and Swimming Pool Planned For Pro posed New Temple Many big things of immense ben efit to Harrisburg are in course of incubation and the time of fruition with regard to some of them is near at hand. One of these is a great au ditorium which will accommodate the big gatherings certain to be at tracted to Harrisburg through its unrivaled railroad facilities and the city's many interesting feature?. Since the opening of the Penn-Har ris Hotel, approximately a conven tion a day has been booked for this city and scores of organizations, se cret and business, are going to visit Harrisburg during the year. So it's goin£ to be neeessaryto provide am ple room and facilities for this in creasing number of conventions, concerts and ceremonial events. And about the big auditorium we are permitted to speak to-day. It is being sponsored by Zembo Temple, the Harrisburg organiza tion of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Colonel Charles E. Covert is the Illustrious Potentate of Zembo and through his energy and enthusiastic interest the preliminary steps have been taken looking to construction of the great auditorium which he has pictured in his mind's eye as necessary for Harrisburg and the fraternity of which he is head. It isn't a new thought with this big Masonic fraternity; it has been de veloping for two or three years and is now coming to a climax. Study Other Plans Colonel Covert is now entertain ing a large number of his friends on the Isle of Que, near Selinsgrove. in his annaul camp, and prominent members of Zembo Temple are among the guests. He has given much study to the auditorium prop osition and official notice has gone forth to the membership this week for an important conference on the subject Wednesday, Julv 30, at Chestnut street hall. At this meef ing there will be presented tho report of a special committee which was sent to Pittsburgh recently to make a study of Syria Mosque and report to Zembo Temple the result of their findings and whatever recommendations thev chose to make. Next Wednesday evening this interesting report will be sub mitted and thoroughly discussed and to that end Colonel Covert is mak ing a special effort to have an un usually large attendance of the Shriners. This investigating com mittee was composed of Andrew S Patterson, H. A. Rutherford and Warwick M. Ogelsby. and their re port gives in interesting detail what was learned in the inspection of the great Pittsburgh auditorium, which has a seating capacity of 3.800, a banquet room which will accommo date I.SOO, modern kitchen equip ment and serving rooms, smoking rooms and other necessarv facilities for entertaining large bodies. The mosque at Pittsburgh, inclucl- 1 jng land and building, cost approx imately $330,000, and it was fi- 1 nanced in such a way as not to be ; a burdensome undertaking. Most of , the investment was made through • the members of the fraternity with ! the aid of financial institutions, \ [Continued on Pago 17.] Jail Quiet and Lonely as Boozeless Days Keep Down Nuhiber of Inmates Wartime prohibition has brought i a sharp decline in the number of ; persons sent to the Dauphin county ! jail for confinement on disorderly practice charges. John J. Hargest, warden of the ! prison, is authority for the statement. ' The decline already approximates 50 per cent.. Mr. Hargest says, and with a stricter enforcement of the law he is inclined to believe that the ! percentage of decline will slump even ! more. To-day there are but five persons j confined in the prison on disorderly practice charges. The percentage of decline in num- | ber of persons who have been sen- I tenced as a result of having drunk ' too much liquor, will be in excess of i the 50 per cent, figure, it is believed. I While many of the disorderly prac- ' tlce cases result from the absorp- ! tion by the guilty person of too much ' liquid refreshment, some cases result I from other causes. The percentage ! of persons sent to jail for such of- I fenses continues about the same as before the ban was put on the sale of the whiskies and keeping the percentage at the figure at which i it now stands. CONTROLLER GOI'GH _ . SLOWLY RECOVERING County Controller Henry W. Gough ! who underwent an operation at At lantic City recently, is recovering at his home. 1401 South Cameron street, xesterdhy he was at his office in the courthouse for a few minutes and he sxpects to be able to resume his duties In the near future. THE WEATHFP Hi.rrl.hurg u „d Vicinity. Fair to-night and probably Sntur day. *ot much change In tem perature. Eastern Pennsylvania! Fnlr to night and probably Saturday. Gentle variable winds. Rlvert The Susquehanna river and nil Its branches will fall slowly. A stage of nbout 4. feet la Indicated for Harrisburg Saturday morning. And Only a Year Ago He Swore He Would be the Happiest Man in the World With Her BY GO-SH I WISH "WEI • ) COULD HAVE .SOMETHING; FIT TO EAT AROUND HERE / 1 BESIDES PORTER, HO US E .STEAK, I 'N HAM-'N-EOGS/HR SAUSAGE AND BUCKWHEAT CAICE S AND CREAMED POTATOES AND JTC, / STRAWBERRY SHORT-CAKE "N / • CROATS REBEL AND PROCLAIM NEW REPUBLIC Troops Leave Their Units and Seek to Set Up Government Independent of Serbia Paris, July 25. Dispatches from Agram and Gratz report a serious military revolt in Croatia. The revolt is taking the form of a movement for separation from Serbia and the formation of a re public. Troops are leaving their units, of ficers and subalterns are tearing oft their insignia and the army is in a state of dissolution, the advices say. The railroads and telegraphs tied up from Casktornys southward. The Serbians are trying to suppress the revolution by the use of troops, both Serbian and Croatian. The Agram advices do not record any- disorder in that city, the Croa tian capital. They state, however, that the independent Croatian re public. according to information reaching Agram has been proclaimed by soldiers in several of the Croatian towns. Proclaim Republic Porta, July 25. (Havas) The Croatian troops have proclaimed an independent Croatian republic, c --cording to a dispatch from Agram. the capital. At several points the Croatians are fraternizing with Hun garian soldiers. Gratr, Styria, July 25, via Basle.— Violent combats occurred Tuesday evening at Marburg, 36 miles south east of Gratz, where a large part of the garrison revolted as a result of dissatisfaction over demobilization. Thirty persons were killed and many wounded. The movement started at a Social ist meeting where speakers advo cated the formation of a republic of Jugo-Slavia. Slovenian and Croa tian soldiers, who were present in considerable numbers, cried: "Let us separate from Serbia!" Colonel Martin Is Pleased With City's Co-operation i Colonel Edward Martin, the State Commissioner of Health, is much pleased with the Interest shown by the citizens of Harrisburg through its civic organizations and volunteer workers in his constructive and helpful campaign for the health and sanitation in this city. Having been proffered the support of the Telegraph In this great movement for making Harrisburg an ideal com munity from the health conservation standpoint, he sends this appreciative note: "Thanks for your note, bringing with It a stimulating word of cheer. I think Harrisburg and the Health Depart ment are both getting a lot from our close association." DANGER OF SUGAR FAMINE IN CITY IS SAFELY PASSED Housewives Assured of Sup ply For Canning and Preserving The danger of a sugar famine in j Harrisburg is not imminent, j This is the substance of a state ment made by Carl K. Deen, of the j Witman-Schwarz Corporation, made ! to-day. While reports from some sections of the country are to the effect that I housewives are finding themselves unable to secure a satisfactory j amount of sugar for canning pur ! poses. Sir. Deen said that there does I not now appear to be any great dan ger of a local shortage. I The market has eased up consider ably since last week and the local j firms have been receiving fair sized | shipments since then and carload | lots are arriving almost daily. Most | of them are now believed to have a | good supply on hand. Mr. Deen said that the warehouse of his organiza | tion now is filled to a pleasing ex tent; that there are two carloads of sugar on sidings waiting to be un loaded and that practically each morning he is now receiving night letters telling of additional carload shipments. Conditions this year in Harrisburg have been practically the same as in normal times, even before the war. Yearly, Mr. Deen says, the supply here has run short at periods during the summer months. The supply had gotten low and it was difficult to nurchase sugar last week, he added The Harrisburg market is now well supplied and whether any other later shortage will develop will depend upon the production of raw mate rials. according to his statements. These reports would indicate that there will be no difficulty for house wives to secure sufficient sugar to can all the fruits that they may wish. This, however, is different from the situation prevailing in other sections of the country, according to press re ports. A Washington dispatch says that "millions of dollars' worth of fruit <s going to waste, rotting because there is no available supply of sugar for preserving purposes anywhere on the market. TO FLY ACROSS V. S. IX BOMBER By Associated Press. Dayton. Ohio, July 25. Captain Roy M.Francis left McCook field at 8.08 o'clock this morning in a Martin bombing plane for New York, where in a few days he will start on a trans continental trip to Seattle. Wash. Cap tain Francis expects to fly to Mineola field from Dayton without stop. He is planning to make only one stop on the trans-continental flight, that being at North Platte, Neb. With him In the Martin bomber are Lieutenant Peter Welch, Lieutenant F. Cerruti and Ser geant S. B. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1919 AERIAL MAIL PILOTS'STRIKE IS UNDER WAY The Aviators Refuse to Take ( Planes Out Until the Govern i ment Reinstates Two Flitrs New York, July 25. —A strike of ; aerial mail pilots began to-day, no aviator appearing to take out the plane with Chicago mail, due to start for Bellefonte, Pa„ at 5 A. M. The strike, the first of its kind in 'the country, follows the refusal of the Post Office Department to rein state two pilots discharged for refus | ing to take out planes Tuesday on I account of the fog. Post Office offi cials at Belmont Park, Long Is land, the landing field for mail planes, stated that they had received instructions not to discuss the sit uation. Protest Against Equipment A protest against the discharge of the two pilots, Leon- Smith and Hamilton Lee. was sent to Second Assistant Postmaster General Praeg cr on Wednesday, giving him twen ty-tour hours to make known his decision. Mr. Praeger in his reply, which was received by the aviators [Continued on Page 21.] Owners of Six Lots Will Be Prosecuted Prosecutions are to be brought late to-day against at least six owners of vacant lots who ignored the warning from the City Health Bureau to have weeds cut and removed. Dr. J. M. P. j Raunick, health officer, said: "Owners of these lots have been warned that they must have the weeds cut. They did not comply with the re quest and have violated city health I regulations. The names are to be giv- | en to an alderman late to-day and! warrants will be issued at once." BULGARS DELAYED Paris, July 25. —The arrival of the' Bulgarian "peace delegation In Paris' will take place a day later than was I expected. The delegation, which was ' to have reached Paris to-day, but' stopped over at Lausanne. Switzerland, : will reach here to-morrow morning. ' | GERMANS MAY GET LOAN I By Associated Press. Berlin, July 25. —Negotiations of' the Deutsche Bank with New York financial institutions for a large loan I of unannounced proportions, are pro- ' ceeding favorably, according to infor- [ mation in official quarters. i TO REDUCE ARMY • By Associated Press. Paris, July 25. —tfiiring the recess of Parliament coming, it is said. Pre mier Clemcneeau and Marshal Foch 1 will draft a bill for curtailment of j military aer s!)c otar-3nfrepcn&cfit. PAXTANG WANTS TO BE ANNEXED TO HARRISBURG Overwhelming Vote at Fall Elections if Movement Is Encouraged by City NOW BUILT UP SOLIDLY Hard to Tell Where the City Stops and Borough Begins Paxtang wants to become a part of the city of Harrisburg. The people of that thriving sub urb have been discussing annexation for some time and the movement has reached sue ha stage where if there is any encouragement front the city side efforts will be' made to have the matter voted upon at the fall elections. There seems little doubt that it would have an over whelming vote in its favor. Paxtang people point out that the borough is in first class shape fin ancially and would not become a burden on the city in any way, as has been the case in some other instances of annexation. They also say that there is no longer any divid ing the between the city proper and the borough. One town merges into the other without a break in the building lines and not even many residents know just where one ends and the other begins. A committee, named on motion of Dr. C. E. L. Keen, who has made a study of the situation, has been appointed by the Harrisburg School Board to secure land, before it is too late, for the erection of a school wl\en the bor ough comes into the city, but aside from that the borough is going ahead with a new $30,000 building of its own. The time is also here when the eastern end of the city must have additional sewers and Paxtang also is considering the creation of a sewer system. It does not want to do any thing, however, that would not be in conformity with what the city in tends to do and believes that now is the time to come into Harrisburg in order that the developments may be harmonious. Peace Pact to Be Set Aside to Allow Consideration of Treaty With Colombia By Associated Press. Washington, July 25. Under present plans of Republican leaders, the Peace Treaty will be set aside temporarily for consideration of the Treaty between the United States and Colombia, proposing payment to the latter.of $25,000,000 for damages arising from Amerioan acquisition of the Panama Canal. Chairman Lodge, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said to-day the Colombian Treaty- will be taken up by the committee next week with plans for its immediate ratifi cation by the Senate. Action on the Treaty has been urged by Senate De partment officials. It was understood that an agree ment had been reached between Sen ator Lodge and Under Secretary Polk of the State Department, bv which the committee would eliminate the clause of the Treaty suggesting re grets to Colombia for the partition of Panama. Republicans have held up ratifica tion of the Treaty for several years because of this clause and some time ago the amount of the damages to be paid Colombia was reduced to $15,- 000,000, but in consideration of the elimination of the regret clause, the original sum of $25,000,000 was re stored. Siberian Expedition as Long as Is Necessary, Wilson Tells Senate By Associated Press. Washington, July 25. President Wilson ad-vised the Senate that the American military expedition in Si beria was there primarily to protect and maintain operation of the Sibe rian railroad and indicated that the expedition would remain as long as such protection was necessary. Another purpose of the expedition as outlined' by the President was to give relief to the Russian people in Siberia ,by supplying food, clothing and other supplies. Mr. Wilson said there was no Intention of interfer ing with Russian sovereignty. Much Damage Done to Crops of County Damage to crops as a result of the recent rains, will run far into the thousands in Dauphin county, accord ing to estimates made by County Farm Agent H. G. Nlesley. Wheat, oats and rye crops especially have suffered as a result of the abnormally wet weath er that has been experienced in this county this year. Potatoes, too, may suffer considerable damage. Probably one-third of the wheat crop, still in the field, is believed to have been destroyed and with 35 per cent, of the wheat in the field, the loss in this re-spect will represent a con siderable figure, according to Mr. Xies ley. Fifty per cent, the oats crop is believed by him to have been lost. PREDICT BIG FAMINE Vienna, Thursday, July 24.—The new terms of the Austrian Peace Treaty are making no special impression on the public. tThe newspapers, however, remark that the world is still attempt ing to treat Austria as a great state, instead of one which has lost five sixths of her territory and been re duced from a great empire of 66,000.000 to 6.000.000 who are facing a winter in which hundreds of thousands are sure to die of famine or cold. UPPER DA UPHIN IS PA YING TRIBUTE TO VETERAN SOLDIERS Men Who Served Colors During War Are Guests of Honor at Big Celebration In Lykens, Wiconisco and Dauphin J-ykcns, July 25.—The Lykens Valley, with the energy that has al ways been characteristic of its resi dents, today opened its big three day festival in honor of the several hundred men and women sent out from the district for service with the American forces against tho Hun. Most of the events are being scheduled in Lykens borough. A big three-day holiday has been declared by the entire district and to-day the celebration proper in honor of the brave men of the dis trict who went forth to fight for the sake of humanity has gotten under way. The Wiconisco carnival, last evening attended by hundreds oi people from, the distr.ct, served as a prelude of what is to be presented, but the real celebration did not start until this morning. The entire borough of Lykens, the scene of most ot the activities, Wiconisco and the small outlying settlements, have taken on a fes tival appearance and to-day are re splendent in their gala attire. Na tional colors form a large part of the decorative scheme in the sev eral sections of the. district, in Ly kens borough, arches, crosses and pillars have all been gotten in place for the big event. Many at Carnival The Wiconisco carnival last even ing served to turnish plenty jof en tertainment for the advance guatu of the throngs that are gather.ng from many districts outside of tho Lykens Valley to-day. The affair was highly pleasing and successful, the members of the committee re ported today. Dancing along the sidewalks ot the borough served to draw many hundreds of people for amusement. The band concert was highly en joyed and the presentation of the dance numbers were all highly ap plauded. The character of the event and the large attendance augur well for the future numbers on the big three-day schedule arranged by tho live wire committeemen. This morning's numbers were ar ranged with the interests of the many soldiers in attendance at heart. Large attendance was had at a mili tary- mass held in St. Mary's Catholic Church at 8.15 o'clock. This was arranged exclusively for the return ed soldiers. Those brave men who went to camp and cantonment and many of them ultimately to France, never to return, were honored later in the morning at a memorial meet ing held in the grove. This part of the program was started at 10 o'clock. Big preparations had been mado for the events which were scheduled for this afternoon. Community singing in the grove from 2 to 2.30, it is planned, will serve to enliven the events and get the people in fine fettle for the remaining part of the [Continued on Page 13.] Germans Imagined They Were Going to Fleece U. S. of Millions By Associated Press. Coblen/,, Tuesday, July 22.—Sixty Germans from Cologne, Berlin and other cities were arrested here to-night by Army intelligence officers in con nection with an alleged plot to de fraud the Government of millions of marks by eliminating competition at auctions of Army supplies. Intelligence officers said the alleged fraud was accomplished through an organisation, most of whose members now are under arrest, that kept com petitors from bidding at auctions where salvaged Army material was sold. On some days the auction sales amounted !to fifteen and twenty million marks, [ most of the material going to men j alleged to belong to the organization in I question. American soldiers in plain clothes sent into the crowds at auction sales, according to the officers, repeatedly were offered large sums of money not to bid against members of the organ ization. At night it was said, members of the organization held "an equalization meeting" and the material bought dur ing the day was reauctioned to the members. Material sold to members of the organization will, wherever possible, not be delivered. William C. McFarland Is Honored by Bayard Lodge on Fiftieth Anniversary A member of Bayard Lodge, No. 150 i Knights of Pythias, for half century, William C. McFarland, was last eve ning tendered a reception by members of the lodge. During the course of the I evening Mr. McFarland was presented with a ring and watch fob of the or der. by members with Henry Miller j making the presentation speech. Many members from sister lodges were in attendance. Mr. McFarland was initiated in the ' rank of Knight on July. 21, 1869. Fori years, he had creditably represented the lodge at the Grand Lodge Conven- | tion and has made an envious record i as a Grand Representative. Mr. Mc- i Farland is a member of Post 58, G. A. j R-. and has been an employe of Uncle ! Sam as clerk in the Harrisburg post- i office for years. He is a major In the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias. > SIGNS FARM BILL By Associated Press. Washington, July 25. —President' Wilson to-day signed the agricultural appropriation bill from which Congress had eliminated a . rider repealing the '■ daylight saving act after the President had vetoed the original measure. ONI.YEVKXIXC; ASSOCIATED PRESS SINGLE COPIES UriMC CniTIAW NEWSPAPER IN HAHIIISBtRG JIVO CENTS MUITIC C.UIIIUW DAUPHIN WILL PAY HOMAGE TO HER VETERANS Nearly a Hundred Soldiers in Parade; Salvation "Nells" to Distribute Delicacies ALL RIGHT! LET'S GO!! ■ JOHN L. PORTER (Special to The Telegraph.) l Dnupliin, July 25. —The eve of Dauphin's great patriotic celebration in honor of World War sons and daughters, finds everything in readi ness for the big event. Nearly a hundred men and women who saw service on the other side or at home in the war will be in the line of march. Hundreds of relatives and [Continued on Page 16.] s4*4*4*4*4*4"4'4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *£4*44*4*4*4" 4*4*4*4*4* 4*4*4* 4 K i I 4 X T I f | t 4* 3: * t t ! j t t * t $ I * T I f T 14* X t T t t I | * I 4* X | I .T j ft X 4* * .JB T4 £ | T ® . * ' '<i 3 • i * 1 2 * u I - !l ■ I" 4* | MARRIAGE LICENSES \ j •It l.oroj S. Illte nnd Hflrn M. Mhoop, Harr>vlllc| John D. ITIl 1 , i r r >rfolK, and Xorn C. Gromi, Hnrlaborc. " " FRENCH TREATY TO BE HELD UNTIL 1 AFTER HIS TOUR Wilson Will Not Present De fensive Pact to Senate Be fore Return From Trip EXPLANATORY ADDRESS President to Tell Senate ol Reasons For Holding Up Ratification •By Associated Press. Washington. July 25. President Wilson does not now plan to present the defensive Treaty with France to the Senate until after he returns from his tour of the country. This state ment was made to-day at the White House. When the President presents the Treaty he will accompany it with the explanatory address to the Senate. No statement was made at the White House with regard to charges In the Senate yesterday that the President had violated, a section of the treaty by not presenting it simultaneously with the Treaty of Versailles. To Start West Aughist 10 There seemed to be some doubt at the White House to-day whether all Republican Senators would be Invited to confer with the President. No fur ther appointments had been made to day and so far as could be learned. Senator Warren, of Wyoming, and one or two other Senators were all that the President planned to see in thb immediate future. The President was In his study early to-day and among the many matters before him was the preparation of in formation and documents relating to the peace negotiations requested by the Senate. A vast number of papers have to be separated from the Presi dent's personal documents and this work was expected to consume much time. Indications to-day were that the President would start on his west ward trip about August 10, although it was made clear this was tentative, depending on developments.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers