BEI.L 1901—.350 UNITED Pre-Inventory Sale Continues Tomorrow Notion Specials Odds and ends of notions. Pre-Inventory Sale, and 10c^ Remnants of elastic and belting. Hair nets. Pre-Inventory Sale, 6.for 25£ Keep Warm Klips. Pre-Inventory Sale, 39£ Buttons of assorted sizes, colors and shapes suitable for coats, suits and dresses. Pre-Inven tory Sale. 15£ card. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Clearance Sale Of Women's Pumps And Oxfords- One of those un- j usual opportunities for women to buy one or more pairs of f pumps or oxfords to put away for next spring and summer. jSp* You know shoes are getting higher in price every day, but we want women and children to become better acquaint ed with our shoe department, therefore we make de cided reductions that don't seem warranted by to day's shoe market. But all black, brown and colored pumps and ox fords are yours at these special money saving prices. These are arranged in four price groups in calf and kidskin, military and Louis X\ . heels. $4.35, $5.35, $6.35, $7.35 Very Special Values At These Prices BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Vests, 19c Children's light weight cotton ribbed vests, low neck, sleeveless. An attractive Pre-Inven tory value. 190 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Lace Curtains And Upholstery Specials Lot of lace curtains in white and ecru; Nottingham and Filet net; 2/x yards long. Some beautiful pat terns among them; extremely good values; some slightly damaged. Pre-Inventory Sale, 68<h and Si.oß 50-inch pure dark red linen. A good thing for cushions and upholstery purposes. Pre-Inventory Sale, yard. Cross striped door curtains with fringe in rose; 2/ yards long. Pre-Inventory Sale, $1.*50 pair. Rose, blue, green and brown figured madras door curtains with valance. Pre-Inventory Sale, $3.75 pair. Grass door mats. Pre-Inventory Sale, each. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Odd Lace, Venise Edgings and Venise Insertions Specially Priced \ • Venise Medallions in white and cream suitable for camisoles, combinations and waists, etc. Pre-Inven tory Sale, and piece. Odd lace, venise edges and insertions, filet laces and shadow lace in widths of 1 to 6 inches. Pre-In "intory Sale yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Black- Cotton Stockings, 23c A fine assortment of women's light weight black cotton stockings with garter top, rein forced heel and toe in all sizes. Pre-Inventory Sale, pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, "• • BWWISBURO TELEGR3CPHI -* I ——' JULY 25, 1919. Saturday will be one of the busiest days of the year. Pre-Inventory Sale Days always are. This twice-year event has become so well known for its exceptional reductions, just prior to Inventory, that our customers know that every department has its offerings that are unusual in value. And considering that practically all merchandise has been going up in the markets of the world to an alarming degree, ever since the Armistice, and contrary to expectations of the most expert authorities, you will readily see that these prices are remarkably low, considering the market quotations of today. In fact many of these prices are as low, and in many in stances, even lower than today's wholesale price. Tomorrow We Continue the Sale of 9,600 Yds. of Piece Goods Certainly we had a great demand for this yesterday, but, with 9,600 yards to start with, there is ample quantity for to-morrow's selling. But, considering that the store closes at six, we would suggest that you come in the morning, if possible. These values are so great, considering the upward tendency of the market on fabrics, that you are wise if you buy piece goods at this sale for future needs as well as present use. SILKS 32-inch fancy striped or figured Pongee, to close, 75c yd. 36-inch white Wash Satin, $1.59 yd. 40-inch brocade white Sport Satin, $1.95 yd. 40-inch brocade Mandarin Crepe, $3.50 yd. 36-inch Armure Soleil, four colors, $3.25 yd. 40-inch satin striped Kumsi-Kumsa, $4.95 yd. 36-inch Crepe Venus, four colors, $3.95 yd. 36-inch fancy plaid and stripe silk, $1.69 yd. Remnants of all grades of Silks, $1.45 yd. DRESS GOODS 40-inch silk and wool Crepe, $1.45 yd. 40-inch silk and wool Poplin, $1.59 yd. 36-inch fine Satin and Venetians, 59c yd. 27-inch Japanese and wool Challie, 75c yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Bedspreads, Towels And Toweling At Pre-Inventory Sale Prices Hemmed crochet bedspreads, three-quarter bed size. Pre-Inventory Sale, 91*75 each. Hemmed crochet bedspread, double bed size; good weight. Pre-Inventory Sale, $2.50 each. Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed. Pre-In ventory Sale, 11 each. , Huck towels, bleached and hemmed, red border. Pre-Inventory Sale, 11 each. Brown Turkish towels; Martex, double Terry; good bath room size. Pre-Inventory Sale, each. Twilled bleached toweling. Pre-Inventory Sale, 14£ yard. Bleached cotton crash, a good strong crash that will give excellent service in the kitchen. Pre-In ventory Sale, yard. Honeycomb face cloths. Pre-Inventory Sale, each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. * Women's Union Suits 55c A special lot of women's high grade union suits; light weight, fine cotton ribbed, band top, tight knee; extraordinary value. Pre-Inventory Sale, 55£ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Dresses in Summertime Loveliness Specially Priced in This Sale at SIO.OO, $6.00, and $4.00 & y Simple little frocks of organdie, with pictur esque frills and quaint fichues, soft georgettes, cool voiles, ginghams and foulards. For general summer /!\ | wear, they're unequalled at these prices and will WM * serve with distinction at many of the afternoon J w! MM occasions when one wishes to be comfortably and The materials alone in many instances would cost more than the completed dresses. aOWMAN'S—Third Floor. HARRI3RURG. FRIDAY JUI.Y 3.1, 1910 Pre-Inventory Reductions I - In Domestic^ Bleached muslin, 45 inches wide; best quality for pillow and bolster cases or crib sheets. Pre-Inven tory Sale, yard. Challis in floral and Persian designs. 36 inches wide. Suitable for coverings or draperies. Pre-In ventory Sale, yard. Galatea cloth in light patterns; cut from the piece. Stripes only, 27 inches wide. Pre-Inventory Sale, yard. Bleached sheets, 72x90, center seam. Made of good quality muslin; 3-inch hem at top; laundered. Pre- Inventory Sale, $1.39 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. White Petticoats, $1.19 White skirts of several different styles with deep embroidery flounce, underlay and dust ruffles. Pre- Inventory Sale. $1.19 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. WASH GOODS 36-inch plain colored Suitings, to close, 35c yd. 36 to 44-inch plain and fancy Voiles, 45c yd. 36-inch silk stripe Voile, 65c yd. 32-inch imported and domestic Ginghams, 59c yard. 36-inch Gros de Londre, plain and fancy, 75c yd. 36-inch fancy Tissue, 65c yd. 38-inch fancy Organdie, 65c yd. Remnants, all classes of Wash Goods, 39c yd. AND LININGS 36-inch Palm Beach Suiting, 69c yd. 32-inch Mohair Suiting, 35c yd. 54-inch khaki military Suiting, $1.15 yd. 54-inch covert Suiting, $1.95 yd. 54-inch fancy Stripes and Plaids, $1.95 yd. Women's Vests, 23c Women's light weight vests, "Cunify Cut.'' Low neck, sleeveless, trimmed. Exceptional values. Pre-Inventory Sale, BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Special Offerings In Children's Wear Boys' Khaki Sport Blouses with short sleeves. Sizes 6to 16 years. Pre-Inventory Sale, 35^ Children's play suits, broken sizes, 6 to 14 in lot. Baseball outfits, police, Indian, squaw, Broncho Girl and' Soldier Suits. Pre-Inventory Sale, 75^ Small lot Boys' Wash Suits; white and color ed. Middy, Junior Norfolk, Oliver Twist and Romeo. Slightly soiled from handling. Pre- Inventory Sale, $1.95 Children's gingham dresses, broken sizes in styles but all sizes in lot from 6 to 14. Large and small plaid ginghams, trimmed in white, plain and contrasting colors. Pre-Inventory Specials, $1.65 Children's Wool Jersey Sweater Coats; 3 to 10 years; Sage and Kelly green, heather and rose. Pre-Inventory Sale, $2.95 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Blouses And Sweaters Priced For Quick Clearance Small lot of fine French voile blouses; dainty lace and embroidery trimmed. Smart collars and cuffs. Best quality of French voile. Pre-Inventory Sale,, $2.45 Voile waists in all white and novelty stripe in brok en sizes. All cool summer styles including the col larless blouse. Pre-Inventory Sale, $1.48 A real bargain in sweaters; coat styles with fitted back. Pre-Inventary Sale, $1.45 Sport sweater in all summer shades; belted and sash effect. Pre-Inventory Sale, $3.95 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Fiber Silk Hosiery, 55c A choice lot of women's fiber silk stockings-' made from strong rich fiber with a silk luster. A seamless stocking with elastic lisle top and re inforced heel and toe in black and white; all sizes. Pre-Inventory Sale, pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Men's Underwear Special Men's balbriggan shirts and drawers from fine grade of yarn. These garments are made strong for hard wear; short sleeves, ankle length draw ers. Pre-lnventory Sale, garment. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Basement Specials For Pre-Inventory Sale Wash Boiler —Made of good quality tin, medium size, wood handles, slightly shopworn. Special, Pre-Inventory Sale, $1.25. China Vases —Small size, neatly decorated. Special price, Pre-Inventory Sale, 25^ Nursery Refrigerator —Medium size, a great ice saver. Special price, Pre-Inventory Sale, $4.98 Garbage Can —Small size, made of galvanized. Special price, Pre-Inventory Sale, 49^ Sponges —Large size and good quality. Special price, Pre-Inventory Sale, 20^ Bathing Suits For Men And Boys & Price Broken lots of men's and children's bathing suits in wool and cotton. Two-piece and one piece in plain colors. Not all sizes, but plenty to choose from. Pre-Inventory Sale, V 2 regular selling price. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 3 FOUNDED 19T1
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