2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PA. AND CITY'S SUBURBSI 1 ■ 1 " 1 1 !' , ' ' 1 ' ■ , 19 PRISONERS IN COUNTY JAIL Not One Person CoiVimitted to Northumberland Institution Since June 30 Sunbury, Pa., July 11.—With but 19 prisoners the Northumberland county Jail at Sunbury has the least number of inmates since it has been built, according to the record, not a person has been committed since June 30, when the wartime prohibi tion went into effect. Among the inmates, are three wo men serving terms for minor crimes, and the rest arc those who have been in Jail for several months. There are two alleged murders there. One is Ramon Banditti, of near Mt. Carmel, charged with kill ing Mrs. John Barnettl, whom ho shot. The other Is Paul D. Balle, of Sun bury, charged with the murder of George Sassaman. whom he shot and killed outside of his home on May 29. HALF PEACH CROP Sunbury, Pa., July 11.—The peach crop in Northumberland, Union and Snyder counties will be about half the usual yield, according to growers, who* have thousands of trees in their orchards. Heavy storms whipping off the fruit is given as one of the causes. Another is that the blossoms had no chance to fertilize properly. In some sections peach "yellow" is making inroads on the crop, while the 17-year locusts have also done their share of the damage, they say. I KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and. ward off the indigestion of tomorrow—try Ki'MOIDS the new aid to diges tion—as pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION STERN'S STERN'S j fc) Shoe Bargain Announce- I*l 7 mrnt for Saturday, July 12. _ * I A / Bargain prices advertised, * I ''/ / ore subject to change after i LjX. ''■■tlHlMljnf • I /. date advertised. BS\ ///,//////i|/U/llfll , I / /IjCEAJ' WE SAVE AOL 15% TO 30% ,li ! ' I'l !!'' f f/ r /l^im Ladles White Canvas Pumps Iji II i'ILIUX / '/' ////Ijj/Jw Leather Soles Cuban H|jl || I O, .L I IB Heel*—Ribbon bowß, plain . h i' ,!I ; j\ \ llj I Ijß pump*, or flat-heeled Mary III' ' Ilk. A rl Jane style*. Not all *lsen. Bargain Price, 91.25 .s Men** Tan Klk- | Ladle*' White* I kln Seml-drc** Canvas Sport // \ I LfdOM Rlucher l.ace Lace Shoe* —lf \ \ J Shoo* Ulßht Rubber *ole s\[ 1 \ /S/ welfght work and lieel*. Style ... /—^ Shoe*. like cut. liar- / \ Price, .. -j sa'n Price, I 94.50 I 92.45 _ *4 Men'* I)re**y Mem'a Tan /\\ Lndlen* Pretty Dark Mahogany Houne Slipper*— / "\\ , Tan Dlnehf r High rut Romeo f \\ Dull Kid Shoe* Good- aty le. Leather \ \ Pumps—Leath- rear welted. Bar- sol es. Bargain I \ \ gain Price, Price, \ *\ \ er Loula heel*. 94.50 91.0S ///\ \ Some Goodyear Hays* and (ilrta 1 Men's Black Calf I//A \ \ welted. Bar- Sneakers—White Rlucher Laee HI / A \ \ or hla ek. All i Shoes. Full toe X / / vk. "\ \ gain PHee, sl* es. Bargain' styles. Bargain |\ \/\ ,2.95 1 r,, e. __ I Price, ,2.03 I nAA Children's Wklte N A Men's Tan Army Canvas Mary \ Shoes— Munson Jane Pumps. All \ soft tip style, slses to 11. Bar \ Bargain Price, gain Price, 52.93 08c. tPure Enjoyment For delightful flavor and the refreshing property of a nippy piquance that hasn't the least bit of "burn" to it, try Sheboygan (ll' II m | Ginger Ale. ]Silly i! Besides being rarely good, Sheboygan is Vllj. good for you yes, and it is good for the JHyl 8K children. healthful drink of genuine Jamaica ginger, extra fine ayrup and water that ia pureat and m heat auited to the purpoae, prepared under the moat hygienic condition, imaginable. 'Phsns your froeir or druafi.t lor a csm. !' ill |l" II b.rv.d st l.taing fountain., not.lt, country and town clubs, ciftt and on dining car.. Bottled only by NIL lllllllllllliiy HH*BOYQAN B*VRAQE CO., Sh.bo yl .n, W.on. .ih.bor.an Root B—r, SarMparif/a, Lam on, tiaani _ - Soda, or OtaniiPhoiyphal*, it you pra/ar Shebouqan GINO BC'FS 9 Witman Brothers, Distributors Harrisburg, Pa. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBUBG, <66ftl TELEGRAPH JULY 11, 1919. AVIATOR FLIES AT MT. GRETNA Government Airplane Circles Over Famous Camp Ground Tuesday Mount Gretna, Pa., July 11.— Lieutenant Nelson, of the Middle town Aviation Depot, came down in an aeroplane on Tuesday evening and flew over the parade grounds several times, but landed near Cole brook, much to the disappointment of many cottagers who had gathered to see him land. Air. and Mrs. H. J. Babb, of 402 North Second street, Harrisburg, are spending the summer here. Airs. O. G. Klopp and Miss Emily Klopp are at Lebanon. Mrs. Luther Walzer has returned to Gretna after a trip to Philadel phia. Mrs. George McFarland, of 100 Hamilton street, Harrisburg, Is vis iting Airs. E. E. Ewing. Aliss Helen Davis is the guest of Aliss Isabel Smith, at Chestnut Burr cottage. The Rev. H. W. A. Hanson and Dr. and Airs. T. S. Painter are at Harrisburg for the day. Airs. L. A. Shimmel and daugh ter, Mrs. John Hershey, have open ed their cottage on the Chautau qua grounds. Mrs. Harry Ross, of Pine street, Harrisburg, is visiting Mrs. John Weaver. Mrs. Luther Bowman and Dor othy Bowman have returned to their home at Harrisburg. Airs. J. AI. Shelley and Miss Lorene Shelley have returned from Harrisburg where they visited Airs. Shelley's mother. Airs. Alfred Hum mel. Airs. J. X. Quigley and- Aliss Lil lian Quigley have opened their cot tage, Idlewyld for the season. Mrs. E. L. Rtnkenbach Is enter taining her little granddaughter, Mary Virginia Rinkenbach.- Miss Helen AI. Shearer, of Harris burg, and Aliss Lillian Frey, of Hanover, are spending several days at Glen Echo cottage. OUTINGS AT CONEWAGO Mount Wolf, Pa., July 11.—A re cent outing to Conewago Heights was composed of the following lo cal residents: Air. and Airs. Clyde Mummert and daughters, Gladys and Thelma; Mr. and Airs. Harry Altland and sons and daughter. Vir ginia; Mr. and Airs. Wilson Bow man and sons, Russell. Paul and daughter, Eleanore; Miss Mary Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kun kel and daughter, Mary; Mr. and Airs. J. W. Fritz and children, Helen, Alary and Roy; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kunkel and son, George, and George, Free. 500 pairs of children's, ladies' and growing' girls' White Shoes, high and low, at 98c a pair, on sale at HAINES, The Shoe Wizard, 1208 N. Third St. WEST SHORE Mrs. Stock Entertains Violin Class at Shiremanstown Sliirciiianstowii, Pa., July 11. Mrs. J. Henderson Stock pleasuntly entertained her violin pupils and a number of invited guests at her home in Railroad street on Wednes day evening. Those who assisted the hostess in entertaining were: Miss Miriam Greenawalt, violinist of Shiremanstown; Mrs. Ross Lehman, of Mechanicsburg. who gave several readings; Mrs. L. K. Ritner, of Sbire manstown, a solo; Mrs. H. N. Crom leigh, of Mechanicsburg, a vocal solo. This program was followed by a conundrum contest, in charge of Miss Greenawalt. The house dec orations were of ferns, larkspur and sweetpeas. A basket of larkspur be ing used as center decoration for the table where covers were laid for 18 guests Including Master Jack Miller, of Camp Hill; Miss Miriam Greena walt, Miss Pearl Shopp, Miss Mil dred Sensentan, Miss Marie Norton, Charles Norton and Arthur Weber, of Shiremanstown, members of the class. The invited guests were Mrs. David Miller, of Camp Hill; Mrs. Ross Lehman, Mrs. Harry N. Crom leih, Master Harold Cromleigh, Vio let Cromleight, of Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs. L. Kemper Bttner, Mr. and Mrs. William Braught, Mrs. Rachel Hendeson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson Stock, of Shiremanstown. FLY SWATTERS DISTRIBUTED New Cuinherluiul. Pa., July 11. —— One thousand swatters were do nated to the borough of New Cum berland by Doutrich & Co., 6f Har risburg, through Lloyd Relff. The swatters were distributed from door to door. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER New Cumberland, Pa., July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shelly, of Mar ket street, entertained at dinner on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stettler, of Collingswood, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilt, of Harrisburg. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT New Cumberland, Pa., July 11.— Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Dorothy Zorger Fet | row, New Cumberland, and George Sonner, formally of Harrisburg, I which took place at Martinsburg, | W. Va., June 27. Sosial and Personal Doings of People Along West Shore Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hughes, son Lester and daughter. Miss Beatrice Hughes, have returned to their home at Pine Grove, after spending sev eral days with the former's daugh .! ter, Mrs. Jacob Bell, Jr., at Shire ! manstown. | Mrs. Raymond C. Chronlster, of j Harrisburg, visited relatives at Shiremanstown on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Eshleman and their granddaughter, Miss Mary Margret, of Shiremanstown, spent i a day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rupp, at their country home near Williams Grove. Mrs. W. C. Trimmer, of Shtppens burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Park Stev.. ens and Kenneth Searle, of York, were entertained during the past | week at the home of Mrs. H. M. j Rupp and Miss Jennie Steyens at ShlremaTistown. •' Miss Mae Eshleman, of Shlre i manstown, Is home from a visit with I relatives at Lemoyne. Mrs. Mary Drawbaugh and son, , Russell, of Trindle Spring, spent a ! day recently with the former's sis i ter, Mrs. Noah R. Heiges, at Shire ! manstown. Mrs. Joseph Stretch, Mrs. John iH. jlrenneman and son, Lee, of I Shiremanstown, were Harrisburg j visitors on Tuesday. Miss Thelnia Drawbaugh, of Shire ! manstown, is visiting friends at J Shippensburg and Leeshurg. Mrs. Mervtn Stansfled, of Shire manstown, was a Harrisburg visitor l*n Tuesday. I Mrs. John H. Rrenneman and son, | Lee, and Mrs. Joseph Stretch, of I Shiremanstown, spent Wednesday ! with Mr. and Mrs. William Stretch ! at Harrisburg. | Mrs. I. Alvin Wriglitstone and her i grandson, Junior Stalter, of Shire ! manstown, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. John May and | family at Bowmansdale. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weaver, of Harrisburg, were entertained at din ; ner on Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson Stock at their i residence at Shiremanstown. Mrs. j Weaver and Mrs. Stock were class j mates at Shippensburg Normal ! School. j Air. and Airs. Jomi 1.. Menges, of Harrisburg, were rfecent guests at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. ! Frazler at Shiremanstown. i Postmaster Blaine A. Bower, of | Shiremanstown, was a visitor at Car lisle on Monday. Joseph Weigle, of Ohio, and Mr. Baker, of California, are guests of Mrs. John Tu.vlor, at New Cumber land. Air. and Mrs. G. F. Bobb, of Se brlng, Fla., who are spending the summer at Now Cumberland, went to Indianapolis, Ind., where they will spend several weeks with Mrs. Bobb's sister, Mrs. Leo Barrett. Mrs. Addie Fulton and Miss Edna Kllmore, of New Cumberland, are at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McClanahan, of New Cumberland, will leave to night for Salt Lake City, whero Mr Clanahan will start a clothing store. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OFFICERS lllnlH. Pa., July 11.—Newton O. Kerstettler was re-elected director of the Blaln Vocational School, at a special meeting of the Joint School Board and Professor William C Koons, supervisor of the Agriculture Department of the school. Miss Lois C. Sherman, of New Jersey, has been elected supervisor of the hanie mak ing department, to succeed Miss Mar garet W. Riegal. QIABRVMAN INSTANTLY KILLED Ltsblsws, l'a., July IJ. Robert Barton, aged 50 years, was Instantly killed yesterday at the plant of the Haws Hefructories Company, at Hawslone, when a bucket containing a ton of slag fell, crushing his skull. His home was In Licking Creek Valley. (.RBI ND ULAMM IN NILtH Sunbury, Pa, July lb—Local po licy to-day received reports of ground being found in sugar bought here. The residents of surrounding towns ware notified to examine the sugar they use. How It carne to be placed there could not be determined, ac cording to Police Chief Smith. HEN't fl-DROMGOLD REUNION New Hloointlcltl, Pu., July 11. Then Hench-Drontgold reunion will ! be held August 7 at Oroff woods i The arrangement* will he completed i In the near future as to apeukers I end sinosemuuLs fur the day. ROAD BUILDING IN PERRY COUNTY State Highway Department Leases Limestone Quarry Near New Bloonit'ield New Bloomficltl, Pa., July 11. Extensive road building operations have been or are being made -in Perry county by the State Highway Department. Near this place the Department has leased from Mrs. Elizabeth Darlington, her limestone quarry located west of town. It has already been put in operation and additional equipment has been or dered. >' The stone quarried and crushed in this quarry will be used in putting the road In New Bloomflcld in con dition and will afterwards be con veyed to various sections of the county for use. Considerable stone has been quarried and crushed on the loads between Marysvllle and Duncannon and between Duncannon and Liverpool, and used on the roads nearby. MRS. FLIAS MUTZABAUGH DIES Duncaiioii, Pa., July 11.—Mrs. Floy Mutzabaugh, aged 4 0 years, died at her home In High street on Wednesday. She had been an in valid for several years. Mrs. Mutza baugh is survived by her husband, Ellas Mutzabaugh, one son, James Mutzabaugh, and three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. J. W. Rice, of Enola; Mrs. Henry Holland and Mrs. Adam Woods, of Marysville; Ira H. Kulp, of Watts township, and George W. Kulp, of Wheatfield township. The funeral services will be held in the United Brethren Church on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Filmore T. Kohler, pastor of the United Brethren Church at West Fairview, will offici ate, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Marks, pastor of the United Brethren Church, of Duncannon. Burial will be made in Evergreen Cemetery. PLANNING BIG TIME Marietta, July 11.—That Marietta is going to have & "big time" In the future for her returned heroes of the three wars and especially of the World War, was manifested at the meeting in Council chamber Wed nesday night, called by the members of Lieutenant William H. Child Post, No. 226, Grand Army of the Re public. At this meeting the officers chosen were as folows: President, Dr. E. Linwood Cornman; first vice president. John P. Schock; second vice-president, John W. Riff; secre tary, J. Nissley Brandt; Jtreasurer, Henry S. Rich. MAKING NEW PARK New Hlooinficld, Pa., July 11.—■■ Jacob H. Alyers and sons, of Cen-I ter township, are erecting a pavilion on their property half way between here and NWport in the Narrows. The building will be 36x50 feet with another building for a restaurant 15x40 feet at which to serve re freshments. It will be a picnic re sort. Several acres will be laid out as a park with tables for pic nics. The name selected is Spring dale Park. CONCERT AT NEW BI.OOMITELD Newport, Pa., July 11. —Newport jContfert Band has announced that it will give a concert in- Center Square at New Bloomffeld, on Wednesday evening, July 15. The organization is one of the largest in the county and includes a number of youths who have made enviable reputations. A large number of the famous old Germania Band are included. CHILD BITTEN BY SNAKE Liverpool, Pa., July 11. —On Thurs day afternoon, Pearl, the four-year old daughter of Thomas Flood, of Center Township, saw a snake run under a hoard at the barn. Irr her childish innocence she reached for it and was bitten on a finger of the right hand by a large copper head. The hand, arm and side were quickly swollen to large proportions. Dr. M. L. Steirr of New Bloomffeld was summoned and relieved the child. ' GAME INCREASING RAPIDLY Liverpool, Pa., July 11. —S. Maur ice Shuler, of Liverpool, game war den of Perry county, reports game Increasing rapidly throughout the county. Rabbits will bo plenty. Mr. Shuler Is after the dogs that are permitted to chase. He asks that the sportsmen of the county to co operate with him to try and prevent stray dogs from killing the young rabbits, WILL CLOSE POST OFFICE Liverpool, Pa„ July 11. — Mont gomery's Ferry post office, about four miles below Liverpool, will he aban doned after July 15. Mail to this office has been carried since the inauguration of the Nowport R. F. I). No. 3 by the carrier on that route and owing to the small amount of business handlod by that office It will be closed. Z. T. Shuler has been the postmaster of this office for over twenty-five years. WILL PRONKCUTH MERCHANT!* Sunbury, Pa., July 11.— John H. Glass, Northumberland county treas urer to-day directed wholesale pros ecutions of merchants who have not paid last year's mercantile taxes, the time for the settling of which ex pired on July 1. Of 2,300 persons as sessed, more than 500 have failed to pay. Prosecution carries with it a penalty of $5 and coots. NEW PRINCIPAL ELECTED Maricttu. Pa., July 11.—Profes sor George Lee, of near Mount I Pleasant, haa been selected as the I supervising principal of Murietta j schools, to succeed Miss A. Esther Mueller, who was not a candidate I for re-election. ->**■ I A >7Li ' nioanwa "AI Not a bit of this splendid food is wasted-it's eat able to the last atom. "There's a Reason "fixr Grape=Nuts I Cumberland Valien News Enjoyable Entertainment ]Di. Zatae Straw Visits at Aid Society Meeting Relatives at Mechanicsburg Mechanics burg, Pa., July 11.—Last evening a splendid program was given at a meeting of the Aid Society of St. Mark's Lutheran Church at the home of Miss Edith Mumma, East Main street. and included.* Piano duet, Mrs. M. B. Ibach and daughter, Isabel; musical skfetch, Reuben and Rachel, Misses Mary Koller and Margery Wise; vocal solo, Miss Annie Miller; reading, Miss Elizabeth Rupp; vocal solo, Mrs. J. V. Miller; musical sketch. Aliss Anna Lloyd. Aliss Elizabeth Rupp, Miss Edith Mumma, William Kaley and Henry Wilson; vocal solo, Mark B. Ibach; piano solo, Aliss Frances Mum ma, and vocal solo. Miss Afargaret Yunkins, of Butler, Pa. The pro gram was enjoyed by a large num ber of members and friends, who spent the remainder of the evening socially. LOCISTS RUIN PEACH ORCHARDS Waynesboro, Pa.. July 11.—The last members of the great horde of pests, the seventeen-year locust, which put In their appearance six weeks ago, have disappeared, but not without leaving their mark upon almost every tree. There is scarcely a tree but that dead branches and withered twigs mark the path of the insect. Few trees, have been killed, how ever. Some peach orchards running U P to the mountain in this region suffered heavily. One grower alone says he will lose a thousand pack ages of peaches from the ravages of the pests, to say nothing of damage to trees. Another orchardman In the Smtthsburg section says his peach orchard has been practically ruined. MT. OLIVET CAMMI'EETLNO Mechanics burg, P a „ July IP— On , T r y. August 8, the Alt. Olivet Union Campmeetlng season of 1919 will open on the grounds near Dills burg. While the regular camp meet ing is not yet in session, services will be held there on Sunday afternoons, beginning on Sunday, July 13, when the Rev. Shellhamcr, of Atlanta, Ga., will deliver the sermon. W. F Whitcomb, president of the camp meeting association will have charge of the services. As the camp Is un denominational, ministers and lay members from various churches will participate. BAZAR AND FESTIVAL Lemoyne, Pa., July 11—a fancv work bazar and festival will be held on the Christian Church lawn on Saturday afternoon and evening. Ice cream, home made cakes and candy, and fancy and useful articles wili be on sale. jyfit V !l ''■'!J!'T '"M^i'H'Jil:li;!l:i'Hrjl!H^;l^ilil'Hlliiiliii.i!.!iliu^m;ilifl.iiCTMiH;!. 28-30-32 N. Third Street * \ Store Every Saturday Evening at 6 P.M. | Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale | Continues Over Saturday I A Special Message Concerning This Big Event for Saturday Shoppers ."=hf ; IJ Our Semi-Annual Clearance will be plenty of big bargains Sale started this morning. for those who shop on Saturday. *ir ah u u i i- nt , However, it will he better for €1 All the broken lines, odd lots , , . ... , „ c i ' y° u to s hop early so that you will and small quantities of merchan- he able t0 partici , he d.ae from every department tn Clearance Sale bargains, the store were gathered together for this sale. Q Bear in mind that our store If The prices were reduced re- 'closes at 6 o'clock every Satur gardless of cost or value. a y <| At the present writing we are q We cannot impress upon you not in position to give a list of too Btr ongly that all the merchan- I I the items which will be on sale disc i n t h e sale is from our own Saturday, but we desire to in- . regular stock, form those who have not attend ed the sale today that all the re- Q While the reductions may maining merchandise from to- Beem l arge , hear in mind that day's selling will he on sale Sat- ea ,.h reduction is actual and urday at the same Clearance means that you will have a gen- Sale prices. u j ne saving. 5 15 Naturally, some lots will be . - . , . i, i ... , .„ tj On account of the low prices sold entirely, while others will , . 1 ~ , |, and the fact that none of this be partly .old. merchant can be duplicated, Ifl On account of the great quan- all sales must he final, tity of merchandise which con stitutes the sale as a whole, there IJ No C. O. I)'s or reservations. MechnnlcMhurg, p a ., July 11.— Dr. Zatae Longsdorit Straw, and two daughters, the Alisses Enid and Za tae, of Manchester, of N. H., motored here from their home In that city, and were the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. Carrie 8. Williamson, South Alarket street. Dr. Straw, who was formerly from Carlisle, Is well known in this locality, and left this morning to visit at Carlisle and Cen terville, before leaving for New Hampshire. She drove the large Packard touring cur herself, and came byway of the famous Alohawk Trail, over the Hoosac Mountains, and through the Delaware Water Gap. MIST ECONOMIZE ON SI GAR Waynesboro. Pa., July 11.-'-Houae holdera and other users of sugar are warned to economize and avoid all unnecessary use of that commodity in their diet and preserving or they will see the return of the evil days put through in war times—it will come to a sugar ration. In fact, one local dealer has already installed a flve-pound ration. Dealers say they have the greatest difficulty getting enough sugar to supply the demand. A WIFE ASKS SEPARATION Sunbury, Pa., July 11.—After being married 33 years, Mrs. George Shlrey, of Mt. Carmel, to-day brought suit In the Northumberland county court, alleging desertion. She says that although she was wedded all this time she was a wife in name only, and that her husband deserted her three years after they were married. A separation as though they 'had never been married is asked. BUYS FRUIT FARM Wcllsvillc, Pa., July 11.— W. F. Kline, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel at Goldsboro, has purchased the fruit farm of Milton Bretz, situ ated near Mount Royal. The farm contained ten acres of timber and clear land. The consideration was $2,500. Rdlef RELL-ANS hJrOR INDIGESTION Beautify Your Hair Begin NOW Why not have beautiful hair? Begin today to use . jSHIZ Newbro's Herpicide and see how immediately improvement begins. Attractive women every- P|§w where depend upon J(eu)bros'Herpicide so why not you ? I*. Nature lavishes upon the young her beauties of hair, Bifffll' V teet h and complexion, yet B 'how few strive to retain I; * $/-\ them ? llPfi ■ • I%' |o Beauty of the hair can be Vflimi "w retained or regained in most jL cases with Herpicide. Thous slHH HW ands testify to this fact, ifi ft T • It is no experiment. B \ The results have been BIkI Isi proven. Neglect is the great hair WL- 11| I destroyer. First comes dandruff, later I falling hair, and then un -1 1 sightliness, ever increasing. JMBHBBp |f|?f Neglect of the hair is un -1 til I pardonable get Herpicide II || today. For hair loss due to iPf"! 'i §• Influenza use Herpicide. Avoid Substitutes One Herpicide enthusiast writes fjHijl as follows: "The moment a clerk suggests a substitute I immediately walk out y*~S y y of that store and buy it elsewhere." jf JT J[ Send 10 cent* in stamp* or corn today for sample and booklet on OOINOI OOINOII OONEIII the care of the hair. Address: The Herpicide Co., Dept. 179- A, Detroit, U. S. A. SOLD BY ALL DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES APPLICATIONS AT THE BETTER BARBER SHOPS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers