•""■•■rr ■ ' . Japanese Huddle Korean Christians Into Churches, Them Down and Burn Their Bodk _am -*• - * f* K I LXXXVIII— NO. 160 16 PAGES Dan i^t x . c r ep .\ B tM.t HARRISBURG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1919. °*K£2E522 HOME EDITION CHRISTIANS TORTURED Japanese Herd Koreans Into Churches, Shoot Into Mass and Burn Houses of Worship; Majority of Victims Men ; Women and Chil dren Left to Starve to Death. REFINED WOMEN MADE TO SUFFER MANY HUMILIATING CRUELTIES Exposed to Public Gaze; Children Beaten With Whips; Flesh Seared With Hot Irons; Victims Who Faint Revived and Made to Undergo New Tortures. By Associated Press New York, July 12.—A report of alleged Japanese atrocities in Korea was made public to-day at the headquarters of the Pres byterian church in America. It is a result of investigations by representatives in Korea of the Presbyterian church in the United States, following the imprisonment of some of its missionaries by the Japanese authorities. The information from Korea was transmitted by such means that it escaped the Japanese censors. Hundreds of Koreans who had professed Christianity are said to have been driven by Japanese gendarmes at the point of bayo nets into churches, there to be tired upon as they huddled, in terror and later to perish in flames as the places of worship were put to the torch. Most of these victims, it is narrated, were men. Surviving women and children were left in destitution. H. H. Underwood, a missionary living in Seoul, was quoted in the Tokio Advertiser of April 29, 1919, according to report, regarding a vist he made to Pal Tan, a market town near Buwon. A fortnight be fore, Japanese troops, he said he was told, burned thirty-six of the forty houses in the village of Cha yammi, two miles from Pal Tan, be cause the inhabitants were Chris tians. Mr. Underwood said he was told also that the victims had not figured in any rioting or shouted for Korean independence. Pal Tan, he said he was informed, escaped both fire and sword "because there are no Christians there." Preliminary police examinations of Koreans suspected of complicity in the revolutionary movement are said in the reports of the investiga tors to include "every human re finement in brutality," men being beaten to death and women sub jected to nearly every possible form of shapieful treatment. Milder punishment, it is said, in cluded ninety blows rained upon the prisoner's body with a bamboo rod and many boot kicks, at the end of which the victim, if he survived, was sent almost lifeless to a hos pital. Scars Body With Irons One such victim, "a slender, tim id, Christian youth," 19 years old, employed by a shoemaker, was ar rested with a wealthy Korean, both charged with circulating the Inde pendent News, a revolutionary pub lication. The boy, it is said was tortured and hovered between life and death in a hospital for more than a month before he was sent to prison. For six hours he had been "grilled" by Japanese gen darmes, after which the inquisitors applied "rings above the youth's elbows until the upper body was greatly distorted (the usual prepa ration for beating), whereupon blows and kicks were administered until the victim fell, fainting, to the floor." He was revived at inter vals by cold water dashed upon his naked body, and the punishment repeated. The narrator of this alleged epi sode, who says he afterwards vis ited the victim at the hospital, de clares he saw "one of the four wounds, each five inches long, on the youth's thigh, which had been seared with a red-hot iron." A wound in the abdomen, it is report ed, appeared to have been made by a bayonet. The victim's hands were swollen almost twice their nat ural size. The prisoner told his benefactor that he pleaded with his tormentors to kill him. Humiliate Women A signed statement by an Amer ican resident of Korea, dated April 22, 1919, said that "the examination of women who have been arrested for their activity in the independ ence movement is the most dis graceful and humiliating possible. Korean and Chinese women," he [Continued on Page I.] SWAT THE FLY The Civic Club Fly Contest, now under way, is open to all. In addition to prize awards, five cents a pint will be puid by the club. THE WEATHER Harrisburg and Vicinity. Shower* and thunderstorms probably to night and Sunday, Slightly ML warmer ta-nlght with lowest temperature about OO degrees. Bastern Pennsylvania. Showers and thunderstorms probably to night and Sunday, Somewhat warmer to-night. Moderate south and southwest winds, River. The Susquehanna river and all Its branebrs will probnbly remain nearly stationary eseept heavy showers may cause local rises In some at the streams of the system. A stage of uhout H.fl feet la Indicated for Harrlshurg ; huaday morning. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I She Slar-flnfrepcnftcnL CITY EXPECTED TO ACCEPT FREE TENDER OF PARK Council Learns That Public Opinion Endorses Project to Develop Upper End It is generally expected that the City Council will accept the free tender of the McKee-Graham estate of fifteen or twenty acres of land included in the Italian Park area. Under the plan proposed at the recent exchange of views between the City Council and the Planning Commission the present swampy dis trict known as Italian Park would be dredged and converted into an attractive lake making it the chief feature of a fine landscape treat ment at the present terminus of Third street at Division. To extend Third street through the swampy stretch would involve enormous cost for filling and grading and the members of Council believe that it would be much more econo mical to continue Third street along the bluff to a point in Riverside where the street would be continued northward. With the conversion of the swampy section into a park and lake it is figured that encourage ment would be given for immediate real estate and building develop ment. Harrisburg is on the edge of a great building boom and those vho are familiar with the plan proposed believe that the increase of this residential district would soon re turn to the city in taxes more than the comparatively small cost of the park treatment outlined. Also the changing of the swamp into a lake with attractive landscape surround ings would eliminate one of the worst mosquito breeding spots in the whoie city and relieve the whole northern section of Harrisburg of an uncomfortable and persistent summer menace. A Long Step l-'oi-ward Harrisburg is believed by all for ward-looking persons to lie on the threshold of unothcr long step in its progress. It is necessary to pro vide in advance for fresh-air resorts for the people and especially in those districts where the population is likely to be largely increased. Many cities are purchasing tracts of land for parks fur ahead of their develop ment and this opportunity which is now presented to Harrisburg of se curing free a considerable piece of land available for park purposes can hardly be turned down, it is urged, without doing injustice to the on coming generation. City Council has been commend ed for proceeding with discretion and judgment in this matter, hut pub lic sentiment is strongly in favor of accepting the offer of the McKee- Gruhuni estate and the hope is ex pressed that nothing will occur to cause a change of front on the part of the representatives of the estate before the city shall have taken ac tion on the t'ity Planning Commis sion's proposition. Meet Monday The City Planning Commission, City Engineer M. li. I'owden, Com missioner E. Z. Gross and Mayor U. L. Keister will meet on Monday morning at 10.30' o'clock, in the City Council chamber to discuss the proposed Italian Park development. The members of Council who will confer with the Planning t'opimls sion were appointed to determine the definite plans for Improvements which are proposed, the probable cost of the work, and the time which will be allowed for the city to com plete it. The Italian park property, which Is Just west of the site purchased by the School Board for school district use, is to be given to the city with out cost, provided It is developed. MORE PERMITS ISSUED Building permits were issued to day to P. 1,. Morrow, contractor for Harry Hlroup, to erect a two and one-half atory brick und stucco house at the northwest corner of Eighteenth und Rever streets, at a cost of |4,600. Another Daniel Come to Judgment HARRISBURG IS LEADING STATE IN NEW BUILDING Report For June Show an In crease of 1,569 Per Cent. Over 4918 Harrisburg's building record for June was the best of any city in Pennsylvania Reporting an increase in construction. As compared with June. 1918 in this city the amount of work started last month was 1569 per cent, greater than for the same period a year ago. This was the largest percentage gain in the en tire State. East month 41 permits were issued In Haurisburg for work costing $480,850 as compared with 21 permits for $28,800 in June, 1918. According to the American Con tractor, compiling building figures for last month, only 12 of 158 cities in the country reported a loss in building operations, and these de creases were small. Three of the 12 cities were in Pennsylvania, Al lentown, Erie and Wilkes-Barre. The building review by the Amer ican Contractor follows in part: "Rapid increase in volume of building operations during the first six months of 1919 as indicated by building permits issued in repre sentative cities of the United States is outstanding proof that the con, struction industry is surging into real action. "The first of the year was quite naturally lean. Building had been almost completely paralyzed by war time restrictions. In January 152 cities reported only $23,869,215 es timated value of permits issued. This was a decrease from the first month of 1918, which from the same cities showed a $27,291,218 estimated value of permits issued. The average value for permits is sued in June, 1919, is $3,375. This value compares very favorably with average values of June permits for previous years which are as follows: June, 1918, $2,280, June, 1917, $2.- 900; June, 1916, $3,500; June 1915, $2,600. The assumption gained from this comparison is that repair work and jobs of minor importance are not in undue proportion. The aver age value of permits issued in May was only $2,600 and in January only $1,700." v Occasional Showers Predicted For Week By Associated Press. Washington, July 12. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: North and Middle Atlantic States —Mostly fair but with occasional local showers and thunderstorms and normal temperatures. INCREASED CLEARANCES By Associated Press. New York, July 12.—The actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $33,088,270 reserve In excess of legal require ments. This Is an Increase of $26,- 664,570 from last week. HUN BLOCKADE LIFTED TODAY By Associated Press. Paris, July 12. The Council of Five to-day raised the block ade against Germany. The Council, after receiving the report of the legal experts de claring the official document no tifying the Council of ratification of the Treaty by Germany to be in due form, decided to raise the blockade. So far as the action of the Council concerns France, the measure will be effective only after publication in the Journal Officiel of a decree annulling the preceding decrees regarding the blockade. CENTRAL HIGH IS PLANNING GREAT SCHOOL REUNION Alumni Plan to Make Asso ciation a Power in Future Development At a meeting of the executive committee of the Harrisburg High School Alumni Association at the home of the president, A 1 K. Thomas, 2107 Jonestown Road, last evening, preliminary plans were laid for what is hoped to be the greatest reunion of the graduates of the local High school the city has ever known. During the coming week letters will he sent to a hundred represent ative members of all classes gradu ated since the school was organized, calling them to a booster meeting which will lie held on Friday even ing, July 25. Kfforts will be made to have each class hold an Indi vidual reunion, to be followed by a great mass meeting when the fa mous Central spirit will once more manifest itself. Tentative plans call for the re spective class reunions and Central mass meeting to be held at Hershey Park during the month -of August. At that time further plans for ac tivities during the coming winter months will be made. It is the plan of the officers and executive com mittee Ito develop the Alumni As sociation Into more than a social or ganization. Kfforts will be made to Interest former Central students In the various school problems now confronting the community. The place of meeting and pro gram of speakers for the Friday evening meeting will he announced in the papers during the coming week. Officers and members of the executive committee which attended the meeting last evening were: Presi dent, Al K. Thomas; vice-president, Lieutenant Governor K. K. Beidle man; treasurer, United States Com missioner John A. F. Hall; secre tary. Harold E. Eckert; W. 8 Flshel, William L. Kay. Miss Mary C. Orth, Mrs. J. M. Ensmlnger, John B. Corl, j Robert Crist and William Cleckner. REPUBLICANS TO CUT HIGH COST OFGOVERNMENT Chairman Hays Outlines Pro gram; Saving of Vast Sum Appreciated by Public Philadelphia, July 12.—Progres sive legislation that will curtail "the high cost of government," curb ex travagance in expenditures, create a national budget, promote justice to the business man and farmer and es tablish "a forward-stepping as well as a forward-looking program" for capital und labor will be fathered by the Republican party in Congress and in the Nation. Will H. Hays, chairman of the Republican National Committee, an nounced this definite plan for the future yesterday, after he liad ar rived here to confer with Senator Penrose regarding the question of a budget. This legislation, he said, he hoped would be passed during the present session of the Republican Congress. Measures designated to slash ex penditures to the point where the present burden of taxation can be lightened also will be the work of this Congress, Mr. Hays asserted. He said he had just finished a tour of the West and that the sole topic of conversation he met on every hand was the jubilation expressed because the Republicans were doing a workmanlike job of cutting down extravagances and bringing the cost of government down somewhere near the normal. Country Interested In Budget Plan "I have Just been talking with Senator Penrose," said Mr. Hays, "regarding this matter of a budget. He is deeply interested in the mat ter and so am I. In fact, I find that the entire country is interested in this plan to slash expenditures and to establish a national budget as much as in any single question or issue that seems to have arisen. "With all the extravagances, and all the necessury and unusual ex penses which we have hud and to which we have been subjected, it is now high time for a budget and all other measures of economy in gov ernmental uffuirs to be put into practice. "I huve just returned from the West and the one thing that seemed to give the people the most happi ness was the saving of $1,500,000,000 which the Republican Congress has made. The people ure tired of the extravagances, and they want to call a halt on the high cost of govern ment. On the other hand, wher ever I went, I heard this same Joy expressed. TWO DIM IN AIR CRASH lly AHsoriatrd I'rcna. Utile Hock. Ark., July 12.—Lieu tenant T. J. Lenihan, of San Fran cisco, and Chaplain It. H. O'Dowd, of Brooklyn, N. Y., assistant camp morale officer at Camp Pike, were instantly killed to-day when a plane piloted by Lieutenant Lcnlhun wus 1 struck by unother machine from Kberts Field. The second machine also fell, but its occupants were not injured. , HOPE TO PLACE! MEAT AND CANNED GOODS ON SALE Mayor to Take Up Open-Air j Market Before Council Next Week MAY UNDERWRITE SALE Committee of Businessmen May Agree to Endorse Cheap Food Movement Whether Harrisburg housewives are to get a chance to buy bacon, corned beef, canned tomatoes, peas and corn at considerable reduction under the retail markets probably will be decided next week. The meats and canned goods are stored in the New Cumberland gov ernment warehouses and the War Department is trying to sell them to municipalities and charitable insti tutions. A movement is being gotten un day way to have a committee of businessmen underwrite the pur chase of at least one carload of the foodstuff. Mayor Daniel D. Keister said to-day that he would take the matter up before Council next Tues day when it will be determined whether the city commissioners will endorse the project. Open-Air Mnrkct It was confessed to-day that the plans have not gotten very far as the city does not have authority to advance funds for such purposes. According to the present plans an effort will be made to have ten busi nessmen, or more, agree to under write the purchase of a mixed car load of the food. This would be • brought to Market Square and sold iat actual cost. As the entire trans- I action would take but a few days, the underwriters probably would not be called upon at any time, to ad vance funds as the government per mits a sale for cash on ten days. Men who advocate the purchase of the food point out that it may be had at considerably less than wholesale rates as the War De partment is anxious to dispose or the 18,04)0.000 potinds of meat and the millions of cans of canned vegeta bles. 12-Pound Tins Much of the bacon is packed in 12-pound tins. No difficulty in dis posing of this amount at a price which might be 20 per cent, or more under the market price is antici pated if the open-air market were held. All the goods are said to be in prime condition as the govern ment purchased only the best for use i of the American armies. Kxpoet Fairly Sale I Men from all parts of town have been making inquiries regarding the part the city will play in this offer I of the government, and the greatest I interest is being displayed. Many ' feel that prompt action should be ! taken as in spite of the enormous quantity of food in the warehouse New Jersey and Delaware as well as other States bordering on Penn sylvania, have been asking about the New Cumberland supply, as it. is the center of quartermaster ware houses in the east. IJeutenant C. It. "Boyle, who is in charge of the distribution of the sur plus food, said that the large whole sale houses of several States are applying for information, and he expects the food to begin rolling away from the depot very shortly. Hundred Girls Taking Part in Big "Swim" More than 100 city girls are par ticipating in the War Camp Com munity Service "swim" which is be ing held this afternoon on the beach at the Island with Miss Mary Black, city Instructor, in charge. A general invitation has been issued to all wo men of the city, Steelton and other nearby communities. This is the first of a series of "swims" that will be held through out the summer under the auspices of the War Camp Community Service. Miss Helen Hawes is in charge of the organization work. City's Expenditures Are Less Than the Receipts Expenditures by city departments during June totaled J69.547.19, ac cording to the monthly report of City Treasurer C. E. Weber. Re ceipts were $84,857.05; balance, June 1. $469,562.31; balance, July 1, $484,- 472.17. A check for $9,632.98, the city's share of liquor licenses for 1919, which have been paid by dealers in monthly instalments, was received at the city treasurer's office, from County Treasurer Mark Mumma. R-34 NEARS HOME AS GALE HITS COAST By Associated Press. I.oudoii, July 12.—Because of adverse weather conditions In Scotland. . tlic dirigible R-34, which was off the coast of Ire- I land to-day, has Ik-ch advised hy the air ministry to land at Pill : ham, Norfolk. The airship Is I expected there before insm Sun day. A hlg gale Is reported blow ing over Scotland and the strong wind. It is said, would make dangerous the entram'e of the H-UI into her shed at Fust For ' tune. There Is a dirigible shod at I'idhain. Ihilh'tio, Norfolk, Fugland, July 12.—The weather was too unfavorable to-day to permit 1 the dirigible 11-3.1 to go out to ■ meet meet the 11-31, as was intended, and to escort the At lantic flyer home. ARRESTED FOR MURDER IN 'B7 ; By Associated Press. CHARLESTON, W. Va.. July j 12.—Joint Shorn, of this city, | Is under arrest to-day, charged i with the murder of Kvan Wil- j how in a saloon at I'oca, Put- 1 nam county, in 1887. Shorn was arrested last night on a warrant sworn out by the • son of the dead man, who rec ognized him after thirty-two j years. STEEL MILLS TO BOOM WITH THE COMING OF FALL Local Industries to Benefit' When U. S. Places Big Rail Orders A major movement in the steel market is well on its way and will be in full swing during the autumn or winter. This opinion, expressed j to-day by Harrisburg iron and steel I men, is in accord with the feeling of i leading men of the industry through ! out Pennsylvania and tlie country i at large. Orders have been received by the | several local establishments in grati i fying quantities since the cessation !of hostilities. The trade, naturally is considerably less active than dur ing the war and even before. Ixxik for I4ig Orders At the steelton plant of the Beth lehem Steel Company, while the plant is not operating at full capac . itl by any means, probably greater j activity is being felt than at the I other establishments. Much is ex j pected, too, at this establishment | when some of the order of 500,000 j tons of rails will be placed by the , Railroad Administration, j The Bethlehem Steel Company is j scheduled to produce a fair propor i tion of this railroad steel, when the j administration finally decides to ■ place the order, officials at the plant J to-day reiterated the remark of Charles \V. Schwab when he was in the city several months ago, that the Steelton plant may be expected [Continued on Page 4.] 4 4* t I ■ r "C" " ,• X J [ FALLING ROOF IN PHIL A. 11l .T 4 J f 4 if £ + 4 4 J 4 1 i v at ? * 1 2 ;K * :; #? • T •• * r ' T -FIREMEN,• WERE CARRIED DOWN IN THE jj I! AVALANCHE OF DEBRIS. THREE OF THEM * X x X * DOWN A TOTTERING LADDER. T At * . | X <p | "5" X ' "** 3f J UNIONS VOTE FOR STRIKE VOTE T ■* t -$* f X f * f T X. . cng their , <k •t* Defini : action on the recommendation will be taken -t a X X c of the international union presidents to be Vm J irgh July .'O. X T TH E TURK LEADERS CONDEMNED" TO DIF. W ± h ' 'J X -h- Turkish —■ • T ' > death t l 7 <S ' :'V, the f X Turk government during the war period t* ? MAY MAKE EFFORT TO PASS BIT V £ X Washington.—Rep MondH" V 4 either 1 - or CD irman of the Agrlcultiu 1 C mittee, would move to pas* the agricultural bill over the 'X j President's veto. ▼ ± MARRIAGE LICENSES r 4 Jnmra J. drouth, und t'urranrr K. Klrhel, Knolai Charlra L. Wyaa. !j ' und Mlllc f. Ilrl.-krr, Dauphin i Hurvr> K. llii B |rr and Mary U, llrd- "T' J mond, llnH<*rHtin. Mil.i Orion A. Sllrr and llrlrn M. Manurl, Harrln* tJL mm I'Mrti Hdmnrd l, Ilnrmnn, \\ leonlai-o. and Albrrln K. Oaubrrmaa, Ly- T r £ t krnn; I llflan C. 4>ood and barn It. Ilrkwrn, Wllllamaport. J DAYLIGHT LAW IS SUSTAINED BY PRESIDENT Wilson Believes Its Recall Would Mean Economic Loss to Nation RESULT OF MUCH STUDY Measure Mapped Out by Com petent Businessmen, Fa miliar With Conditions liy Associated Press. Washington, July 12.—Piestdent Wilson to-day vetoed the agricul tural bill because ot its provision repealing the daylight saving law. The President vetoed also the sundry civil bill. The President explained that he vetoed the sundry civil measure "because of certain items of the bill which seem to be likely to be of the most serious consequence.'*' Regarding the agricultural bill 'the President sent the following communication to the House of Rep i rcsentattves: •T take the liberty of returning H. R. 3157. "An act making appro- I priations for the department of As | riculture for the fiscal year ending i June 30, 19 20.' without my signature. "I rea'ize, of course, the gtave in ' convenience which may arise from I the postponement of the legislation lat this time, but feel obliged tc ; withhold my signature because of I the clause which provides that 'at j and after 2 o'clock a. m. on Sun dnv. October 2. 1919, next. the. ac* ! entitled "An act to save daylight ant' !to provide standard time for th' ! United States," approved March 19 | 1918, be, and the same hereby t:- repealed.' Would Moan T.oss "I believe that the repeal of the act referred to would be of very great inconvenience to the country and I think that I am justified IT saying that it would constitute some thing more than an inconvenience It would involve a serious economb loss. The act of March 19, 1918. 'tf save daylight.' resulted not onl> from a careful study of industrial conditions by competent men fa [Continued on Pago 4.]
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