Farmer Nets $13,714 From 33 Acres of Asparagus Bridge ton, N. J- July 3.—Farm ers in this section of Cumberland county are obtaining remarkable prices for their products. Minich Brothers, one of whom, L. Willard Minich, is the president of the State Horticultural Society, had a net profit of $13,714 from thirty three acres of asparagus. John E. Mtnch, not connected with the firm of brothers, received SIO,OOO from eight acres of strawberries, after de ducting hauling, freight and com missions. Another farmer got $5,000 for his crop from only two acres, •-virile another who had offered his last winter for $4,000 received * from the sale of his berries. erstwhile humble onion is eoming into its own, too. One grow er sold Over $l,lOO worth from half an acre. A. H. Westcott, of near Fairton, sold S7OO worth from one -ere, and J. B. Husted, of the same locality, received S4BO from three quarters of an acre. TO DISTRIBUTE SIGNS Boy Scouts have been enlisted to aid in the distribution of the new Chamber of Commerce membership sigris, which will be distributed among the almost 1,000 members within the next several days, it has been announced. The work of dis tribution will start to-day. |||||llllllllllllllllllllll!llillllllll!illlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The energy and pep of the American soldier is the wonder of the world. Sugar energy is the reason. The sugar-fed t soldier was healthier, hardier and braver. —He had the Pep. is America's best liked soft drink be cause every bottle• contains sugar energy in a liquid form that the sys tem takes up quickly and naturally. —"just whistle" For Sale Everywhere Distributor WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. 1901-3 North Sixth Street HARRISBURG, PA. Bell Phono 33G0 Dial 2237 lUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllM |! FRED H. MENGER I Formerly Proprietor of the Senate i: Hotel | Announces the Opening of the Trindle Inn Ijocated in one of the most beautiful spots in the Cum- ij berland Valley on the Mechanicsburg pike (State High way) one-half mile this side of Mechanicsburg. ! Formal Opening I I FRIDAY, JULY 4TH K Dinner will be served on the opening day after 1 o'clock. 'l; Phone Bell 918-R-2, or Dial 113-L, Mechanicsburg, for i;<! your reservations. !;< Persons desiring to avoid the heat of the city will find Trindle Inn a pleasant retreat. It is ideally' located in the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Tall pine trees surround- ; j ing the inn afford plenty of shade and a spacious porch j!; with easy chairs is provided for the guests. |j |j; The food served will be the best and under the supervi- Jj Jjl sion of Mr. Fred H. Menger, formerly proprietor of the Sen- 1; Jj; ate Hotel, who has an unexcelled reputation in this com- !j \ munity for his delicious cooking. Southern dishes, such 'j !;( as Maryland Fried Chicken, Steaks, Country Ham, and Crabs will be specialized in. All the vegetables used will '! be fresh daily from the five-acre farm adjoining the inn. <! w— — rwr m Yy/mt Heat H In thousands of communities where new homes are iffl| being erected Richardson & Boynton Co.'s aid is being sought for the correct heating system to install, you are building, you should know what system will be proper in proportion to the entire cost of your K residence. We can tell you to a cent <S>. JmUr have for over 80 years demonstrated by the high quality of their heating products that it is economy to get the best And h^f/this year, with building costs high, it is doubly important that you make no mistake In the system you install. fVi There are six systems made by Richardson & Boynton Co. from which you can choose. Yout architect wih agree with your Judgment if you insist that your heating system be a Richardson Philadelphia Chicaeo Heating Apparatus mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnHr __ THURSDAY EVENING, State Points Out Breeding Places For Mosquitoes Breeding places for mosquitoes j were pointed out by W. B. Becker, j of the mosquito eradication division of the State Department of Health, in a report to City Health Officer J. M. J. Raunick. It is estimated in the report that it would cost about SI,OOO a month to treat the places mentioned to rid them of danger, half of the amount to be used to pay for oiling and draining the places, and the other half to fill theni and provide perma nent drainage. The spots which are given as mos quito-breeding places in the report follow: Cameron street south of Paxton; Bellevue Park above Nine teenth and Holly streets; south of the State Arsenal and east of Eigh teenth street (outside of the city limits); foot of bank, Harrisburg Cemetery, Eleventh and State streets; Sunshine Park, Cameron and Forster streets; Paxton Creek, north of Maclay streets; the marsh south of Maclay street, between the Penn sylvania Railroad and Paxton street; marsh and creek in Italian Park; marsh south of Division street, Sixth street and Hoffman's Woods, Third and Seneca streets; ditches between Sixth street and Pennsyl vania Railroad at Division street; Wildwood Park drive (outside city limits). THREE REASONS HOT THE YOUNGSTER S ARE HAPPY TH6 GmnßEtiti. Ybienv CLEARING TRACKS FOR CIRCUS DUE HERE AT DAWN Railroad Workers Make Way i For Ringling and Bar num and Bailey Well, youngsters, it's almost here. | Sometime between midnight and j dawn the big circus beaj-ing the | strange, yet familiar title of "Ring i ling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey j Combined," is coming to town. The | advance guard of the show states ! that all is in readiness for the in : vasion. while the juveniles have, in FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Cgly Spots How to Remove Easily Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face \ to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that ! will not cost you a penny unless it I removes the freckles; while if it does i give you a clear complexion the ex- I pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othine — | double strength—from any druggist ' and a few applications should show I you how easy it is to rid yourself of | the homely freckles and get a beau : tiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine as this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove . freckles. tTA BRTSBPRG TELEGHSI'fI many instances, already set their alarm clocks for an unearthly hour. At the railroad yards switching crews are busy clearing tracks for the many show trains that must be taken care of when they arrive from Reading. Railway officials state that the cir cus is far and away the biggest that has ever been transported over their lines. The trains will be met by the show agents who are in the city to day making final arrangements for the coming of the "white tops." One of thi e is the "24-hour man." Ho will arouse the various superinten dents and their men. Then will be i gin the tremendous task of moving | the contents of the trains to the cir- I cus grounds. It is said that those | who rise in time to watch this oper ation will witness the unloading of : the greatest amount of parapherna lia and the largest number of wagons, i horses and animals that have ever I visited this city. In consolidating the | two famous shows the Ringling I Brothers have selected the finest and j biggest features of both. The ele | phants number practically all the | trained pachyderms in the circus i world. A gigantic "super-herd" of these is used on the arenic pro gram. There are a total of eight giraffes. Herds rather than mere "families" of animals are now in troduced in the menagerie. Some Fine Horses The most beautiful ring horses and the heaviest and finest of the draught stock of the two circuses have been merged. The Percherons and Normans promise to be much in evidence in the street parade scheduled to depart from the show grounds at 10 o'clock to-morrow j morning. This procession, like air el seconnected with the new circus, is of greater length and brtlliancy than' any presented in former years. In addition to the scores of open cages, the bands, the calliopes and frequent tableau displays—without which a circus parade wouldn't be a parade at all —are many distinct novelties entirely new to the sidewalk crowds. "Bigness" is the keynote of the pa rade and it is said that the elephant division is alone one of the most re markable spectables ever presented. At the showgrouqds will be erect ed the biggest main ten ever built. The increased size has been made necersary because of the additional number f performers and the mas siveness of the acts exhibited. One of the latter introduces five times as many elephants as have ever before been presented at one time. The menagerie tent is said to be almost as large as the "big top" of former seasons. This will be open to the public at 1 and 7 p. m. to-morrow. The main ten program will begin at 2 and 8 o'clock. A gorgeous pageant will precede the arenic displays. This enlists hundreds of characters and horses. There are many handsome vehicles. The pageant introduces many of the best-loved stories from fable and nursery rhyme so dear to the hearts of the children. Follow ing will come a host of arenic fea tures. The program of the big com bined circus is made up of the best., finest and most sensational acts from the two famous shows supplement ed by many foreign importations. Virtually every arenic number of the hundreds presented is a stellar at traction in Itself. The riding arts in clude that famous girl somersault rider from Australia, Miss Mav Wirth and the entire Wirth family; also the wonderful Hanneford fami'y, including "Poodles" Henneford. the greatest rider in the world. Other riding novelties number the Mac. Pherson Clan of Highland horse men. featuring Slgnor Bagonglii, the wonderful Italian midget eques trian. The great Davenport troupe of equestrians Is another of the riding features. Two famous girl performers, wno are both veritable "leading lad !f s of the circus, are M'Ufl Leitel, greatest of all aerial gymnasts, and Miss Bird Millman, the dainty lit tle "Queen of the Wire." Both are the greatest performers in the world in their particular line, and botn will be seen on the same program here with the great circus com bination. Three Hours of Arcnics In all, almost three hours or arenic surprises will be P[, ese "|*. in the great circus "big top which is the largest tent ever constructed. All the famous aerialifts. riders, acrobats and clowns of " ie . will be seen on one program for tne first time, and here will be an un precedented number of animal - tures, including live great ele< pliant troupes, comprising known as a "quarter of a million .pound elephant act. JLJ of trained seals, wonderful dog and ! pony acts, and scores of the fun jnieit clowns on ear" l ..?''' j 1l!> For*°he m if patrons Cool, Fizzy' Hom emade Drink Homemade Root Beer Costs Less Than lc a Glass end of satisfaction It gives one ® .q made it myself," to be able to say. that has been |of a food or the delicious especially Bked. that can be refreshing ro ot ®m Hires Household made at home fr° ugC for satisfac- Extract is a real c jt tion ev * ry ,, on i e , is pure, which First of all, y drink as much means that one m ' Jt js ma .(je from of it as one wants- barki berries, the juices of g j X tcen in all herbs, and roots bircb bark and including ginger. one substitute wintergreen —; , flavor among thf'gy to make. All Then, too, it is bottle of Hires that is needed i sugar, and a Household Extract, yeast cake but |t is surprisingly Not only th®t. bottle of Hires economical, one cogting . but 25c, Household Extra . e | Khty K i aes es — makes forty P'"' s " less than lc ag' bo tt!es that have Get all your o _ jn thc ce n ar . if been accuinuiao ® for them, you can you haven't cor® pec | a ii y designed buy some Hire® , op pers from the airtight bottle buy yo ur Hires grocer when. . Household sga in bo without You'll never bfer j t meanß a homemade r( {" yo u are tired and cool glass WPC n 'g, delicious drink warm, a re'r come home, and when the chtl mptlng glass for the a sparkling. 1 s j n for a chat. It guest who ;™ w |iolelomo drink for means a z „ ' every occa 810 "' Stoofchns Skin | - ne safe, dependable treat-' There' s .: eves itching torture and tnent that r a ] fflo st instantly and s L un and soothes the skin. th a 1 , de Sgg's tfor a 35cor $1 bottle' Ask any . ply £as directed. Soon o "MI find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, . disappear. ail A rnleZemo, tb penetrating, satis r A ivrliid. is all that is needed, for it . yinß Jfmost sklii eruptions, makes smooth and healthy, "the E. W. Co., Cleveland. O. & downtown tictet office will be conducted all diy to-morrow at Bowman'g depirU Tient "tore In m str eet, where the same prices will be charged as °n the show grounds. On aeiount of the Fourth ° iii holiday J a special boxoftlce will be built in tfte main entrance to Bowman's store/ Jilted For the Best Man, He Weds the Bridesmaid Scranton, July 3.—Jilted by his fiancee an hour before the time set for his wedd'"® ceremony, John Parterko, of slniP son . turned his af fections to Anna Smith, who was to act as bridesmaid, and they were married to-day at Simpson. Parterko was to marry Mary Sulko last night, but he received a note from his sweetheart saying that she had fallen in love with Frank Seuko, who was to be best man, and had eloped with him. The comely little bridesmaid. Anna Smith, wept when | she heard the news. She comforted ; the deserted Parterko, and then they 1 decided to be married. Jumps Tventy Stories to Death in New York New York, July 24. —A. S. Ray mond, 23 years old, a mining engi neer of Joplin, Mo., jumped from the twentieth floor of the Commodore Hotel early to-day and was killed. He came to the hotel several days ago. A card issued by the Stam ford, Conn.. Ijodge of Elks was found in his possession. TO EXTEND WAREHOUSE Arrangements are now being made for extensive additions to the Middietown aviation depot. Accord ing to plans, just announced, a per manent airplane repair shop will be constructed within a short timu. In addition, it is planned to erect several mammoth oil storage tanks, which will be used to take care of 100,000 gallons. A storage house will be built for carbines and chemi cals. RIJ. 1001—23.V1 UNITED HARRISBURG, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1010. FOUNDED 18T1 Tomorrow will be a day of picnics. Every man, woman and child will patriotically observe The Fourth as he or she thinks best. Family picnics, groups of friends here and there, and cosmopolitan gatherings at the public amusement resorts and recreation places. The war is over, everybody is happy. Patriotic demonstrations are always inspiring, instructive to old and young. But this Fourth our soldier boys are home with us and Harrisburg will celebrate as each individual chooses informally without parades or prescribed orations. For months we have been impressed with the fact that Old Glory is respected today in every corner of the globe, as never before. Tomorrow we will put the Stars and Stripes over the top of every home and then celebrate the day in the most enjoyable picnic style, excursion trip or homelike relaxation, with due regard for the Spirit of '76 that made possible this glorious holiday. Store Closed On The Fourth Open Saturday Until Six And Speaking Of Picnics— The season is here for picnics. Most every train, trolley or motor car seems to have its picnic party. The Picnic is the Community Social Center of summer days. Everybody wants them. Everybody enjoys them. Therefore as the war duties are now over this store will resume the practice of holding Bowman's Annual Picnic at Good Hope Mill Store Closed All Day Thursday July 10th JULY 3, 1919. German Assembly to Take Up Treaty Saturday Copenhagen, July 3.—The German National Assembly will deal with the Treaty of Peace between the Allies and Germany on Saturday and a ma jority for the ratification of the In strument has been secured, accord ing to a Weimar dispatch to the Po- Jltlken. WANTS PAY BOOST FOR CI.ERGY Chicago. July 3.—Dr. Joseph Van Resinol healed that ugly skin eruption! Resinol Ointment heals skin irrita- Resinol heals skin sicknesses be tiona that if neglected become serious, cause it contains harmless antidotes One small pimple or slight blotch for such conditions, mars the most beautiful face. A patch Resinol Ointment was originated by if itching eczema or other skin ail- a doctor for the treatment of eczema mcnt causes great discomfort and and other skin affections, so you need much misery. not hesitate to use it. At all dealers. Cleve, general secretary of the fi nance committee of the Methodist Church, started a movement looking for an increase on ministers' Incomes of from 25 to 50 per cent, Cuticura Promotes Wfyn .Hair Health All drugffintJi; Sop2B, Ointment 21 a SO, Tmletsa S. Sample each free of "Ouilctur*. Dept. I, Beetoa. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers