8 I "" O Hr AUTOMOBILE SECTION 2S J ADVERTISING ALFRED P. DAVIES, Auto Editor 8-9-10-11 i Riding Comfort Fire Talk No. 6 By George G. McFarland "The matter of inflation," says I aome one. "is very simple; just pump 'er up and let 'er rip." And frequently, ! all too frequently, that is -what some f body does, and very often "she" does l*lp. But the- thing that rips is the t Inner tube. The riding comfort of a machine de j ponds largely upon two factors, the ; cushioning property, of air and the elaa- Jttc quality of steel. In addition to j, these elements, ithere are of course a [fewimtnor parts' l that help to the same lend, .such as the upholstering of the Meats ;\but If you are reasonably careful sof your tires and give the springs of f thd< car half chance, the comforts of irldmg will be fairly well provided for. > —' jj ' -- - - li \ \ that gets you out of tight places; an instant get- S J away is essential to safety. Probably you would 3 !3 \ not have had that accident if you had installed 'i § 1 | ;|i ;g \ If your motor lacks the power and pep it used to i 3 SSaji 5 have, install a Rayfield. It will knock that sluggish- S: Pv| ness out of your motor, create a mightier power and , s| ! b| \ cut your gas bills at least 15 to 30 per cent, ; ig ; ■gß-fffi, Drive around and see us about it. We can tell !S i gTj V s you in detail just what a Rayfield will do for you. ; § Jj Federick's Garage ij j E3| INO7-00 NORTH SEVENTH ST. . * Distributors 3 1 §r General Automobile Repairing j be j gt Hupmobile* Service Station a JP• S. There are special models for the Buicki Dodge & Ford, i 5 KISSEL : ' : LLHFCT V - > ' Kissel Models ||S 7-Passenger Touring .. '■ ?, .{. T Passenger Tourster 1 $ )jf 2-Passenger Speedster HK>< As You Would Build It . WERE yon to build your ideal car you would first inspect the cream of Europe's designs at the salons—view the best efforts of leading , coach makers—^visit the nation's exclusive automobile showrooms, looking for an automobile that possesses the best features of all the custom made motor cars. |; ' " , • With thirteen years of advanced engineering progress, construction standards and body-building innovations back of him, Kissel set about to produce a strictly custom-built car, combining in one model all the chassis j and body features which the motor connoisseur would demand if he himself were designing a car for his own use. The result —the new Kissel custom-built models—now awaiting your inspection at our salesrooms. Literature on request. M. BRENNER & SONS MOTOR CO. Third and Hamilton Streets BELL 4945 HARRISBURG, PA. DIAL 4441 I i I ' t IK - 5 k & SATURDAY EVENING, It is hard to lay down an absolute i rule respecting the air pressure to which a tire may be subjected. As a general statement, both front and rear i tires may be given at least 15 pounds to each inch of section, the front wheel being capable of withstanding as much as 18 poundß and the rear, 20. Thus i a 34x4 tire in the front will carry from 60 to 72 pounds and on the rear wheel 1 will carry 50 to 80. These figures may be influenced by the style of automo • bile construction, the condition of the road, the weight and distribution of the load, and the experience or igno rance and the care or carelessness of the cheauffeur. Inflation has more or less to do with resiliency, though the latter is finally depended upon construction and Innate quality. Other things being equal. It Is better for the strain of the load to fall upon the tire than upon the springs; for If air was ever intended to do any thing In this world outside of being the medium that people breathe, it was surely intended to furnish a cushion on which automobiles might the more eas ily ride. If you inflate a tire to 70 pounds pressure and put a load of 800 pounds on your machine, you will find that it runs more smoothly than if e you reduce this load to 700 pounds, a since up to a certain limit a heavier i load promotes comfort, just as the r modern lowslung, close-to-the-street 3 trolley car is very superior to the 1 older high-built, loose-sounding rattle g f trap. The heavier burden causes g greater deflection of the tires against , j the ground and increases the action of 1 : the side walls, both of which allow y ; the increased vibrations to be absorbed . by (lie tire rather than by the spring. e But in order to epjoy the maximum ;of pleasure, in order to g ei the big, . fluffy feeling that comes from over [ stuffed furniture or from the old-fash toned feather bed that our ancestors j used to enjoy in the country, order an oversize tire. Be careful, however, that it is an oversize, and not just a tire that Is a little larger. The following table may be used byway of consulta t'on: Proper Rim. Tire. Oversize. ! 28x3 28x3 29x3% j 30x3 30x3 31x3% 30x3% 30x3% 31x4 J 32x3 % 32x3% 33x4 | 32x4 32x4 33x4% 1 34x4 34x4 35x4% 32x4% 32x4% 33x5 34x4% 34x4% 35x5 36x4% 36x4% 37x5 (To be Continued next Saturday.) ' Jersey City, N. J., has a claim to I fame, rules the Automobile Blue Book, j The great Colgate soap and soforth | factory within its bounds Is surmount -1 ed by an electric clock of such gigantic j size that it may be seen for miles in the surrounding country. It Is larger j than Big Ben at Westminster in Ixm doy, larger even than the great clock 1 In, the Metropolitan Life Tower in New j Irork City. Its dial measures 38 feet in diameter and the minute hand, which ! weighs almost one-third of a ton, must I move 23 inches every minute. 1 "Calamity Jane," whose fame is sung j by a popular cartoonist (we have our | i doubts about his vocal talent, but, as j | the saying says), selected Rawlins, j I Wyoming, as her weeping grounds for a I ! number of years. "Big Nose George," | noted holdup and train robber, was i | lynched here after killing a Sheriff ; and his deputy. "Opium Bob" and Bob I.acey, two more holdups, were shown no partiality and paid the same pen alty one night at the stock yards. This dimmed Rawlins' popularity In "stage struck' circles, philosophizes the Automobile Blue Book. According to the Automobile Blue Book, Buffalo Bill claimed that in 1*72 the country in the North Platte vicin ity was the greatest big game hunting ground lu America. It was from North Plate that he. Grand Duke Alexis of Russia and. General p. H. ' Shetidan went" on thhtr memorable 'buffalo hunt In January 14, 1872. HXHJRJBBURG ijS&fo TELE6RXPB NEW SERIES CHANDLER TOURING CARS SHOW MANY ADVANCED LINES; SEVERAL HAVE ARRIVED IN HARRISBURG IN LAST WEEK The new Chandler touring car, which has Just been Introduced to Harrlsburg by Andrew Redmond, local distributor, surpasses its immediate forerunner in beauty of line. In bigness, in the com fort of Its cushioning, in the nicety of its custom-like workmanship and its lustrous finish. The new Chandler touring car is a big car. Its high hood and radiator. VETERAN OF ELEVEN TRIPS IN | MOTOR CAR TELLS GASOLINE TOURISTS HOW T MAKE TRIP | Cautions Owners About Condition of Car Before Start ing; Allows 23 Days to Span Continent; Average Cost sllO Per Passenger; Condemns Speeding By RAY McNAMARA Road Engineer, Maxwell Motor Co. Some of the reasons why Ray Me- Namara la qualified to advise motor ists: He has driven. 825,000 miles since 1003 farther than any man in America. Has never had an accident. Has never been arrested for speed ing. Has driven a car from ocean to ocean 11 times. Holds worlds one day touring rec ord of 802 miles. The following story of great sea sonal interest to motorists, especially those contemplating long trips, was secured from the Maxwell factory ut the special request of The Miller Auto Co., Inc., local Maxwell deal ers. • • The .advice and directions given by Ray McNamara are by a man that knows every inch of territory be tween the Atlantic and Pacific. While the starting point is New York j and San Francisco the terminus, the figures quoted are equally applicable on the trip going in reverse direc tion. "In comparing the costs of a trip from New York to San Francisco by rail with a similar trip by automo bile I believe it would be a fair esti- I mate to say that it would bo 33 per j cent cheaper to travel by motor car. j Railroad fare including berths and meals for four persons would am ount to about 1650. The average ex- I ponse per person would approximate $162.50. These figures would apply to four men going direct from coast to coast without stopovers. A sample expense account follows: Garage bills '$ 14.00 Hotel for four persons 138.00 Meals for four persons 207.00 Gasoline figured at 30 cents per gallon 67.00 Oil figured at 1 gal. for every 200 miles, 18.60 Total cost for 23 days of touring, $440.40 Average per person about ..SIIO.OO If a drummer had to make the same schedule by rail it would cost about double this amount. By travelling direct without stopovers the trip can bo made easily at 200 miles per day in the summer time. This would reduce motoring costs on hotel garage and meals to a very small amount But it Is advisable to take your time. It is always better to give the roads a chance to dry up before starting unless you are ac customed to driving over wet dirt road. This applies particularly west of Chicago. Before starting on a Journey of this kind the car should be put in faultless condition. This will elimin ate considerable trouble and will make the driving easier. Take along the right kind of tools as they may come In handy In some out-of-the way-place. The Maxwell Touring bureau can furn.sh you with a list of the proper equipment. One more precaution—drive carefully! Never i exceed twenty-five miles per hour and it will pay in the long run. It ! will keep your tires out of the shop and you out of Jail. Choice of Routes Offered The destination that the tourist desires to first reach on the Pacific ! coast and the season of the yearl which the trip is made has more to | do with the selection of the route | than the quality of the roads along any particular trail. The Sunset and Yellowstone trails through the Northwest are good routes, however, the heavy snows on the Cascade Mountains renders Sho qualamie Pass impossible until after June. This handicap can be over come by touring via Walla Walla, Wash., from Spokane through Pen dleton, Oregon then along the Columbia River Highway Into Port land. The El Paso Yuma, and Sante Fe trails are the most desirable winter and spring routes in as much as they cross the continental divide and I coast ranges at lower elevations. I consider these routes the most In teresting as more Indian and Mex ican life is seen and more primitive methods of living prevail. This is its broad cowl and Its wide and deep doors give it a distinctive appearance. The back curtain window is beveled plateglass. The clear-vision side cur tains fit snugly and open with the doors. There are detachable rear quarterbow curtains. There are out side door handles. The new series Chandler four-pas- more true of the Santa Fe trail than of the others. The Lincoln highway or central route Is undoubtedly the most popu lar and the more travelled trail of all, as It follows a more densely populated section of the country. Starting from the Atlantic coast there are three well travelled routes. The New York and Boston routes come together at Albany then via Utica and Syracuse to Buffalo. An other very desirable route from New York goes byway of Blnghamton and Elmira and Joins the above route at Buffalo then via Erie and Cleveland to Chicago. The Lincoln Highway from New York Is in ex cellent shape. The only poor roads are from Pittsburgh to Canton, Ohio. The roads through Illinois are mostly dirt. From Clinton, la. to Omaha there are a few short stretch- | es of brick and gravel but mostly ; dirt. Through the western part of i Nebraska there is a little sand. In I j Wyoming there are natural dirt and gravel roads. Passing through Utah I it is mostly natural dirt and rock | roads with a stretch of concrete pavement out of Salt Lake City. The route leads around the south end of Salt lake where almost 100 j miles of dirt fiats are crossed. | Through Nevada many mountain j I ranges are crossed at very high altl- i | tudes and the trails are very rough | land rocky. From Ely Nevada to San j Francisco you will find the road well ; marked thanks to the California j State Automobile Association. From Ely and "Goldfield, to Los Angles the trail is superbly marked to your des- j tination. The Southern California j Automobile club deserves much credit for thousands of enamel guide posts. If further information is desired in the form of road logs, equipment to be carried, advice as to the best stopping off places etc., The Miller Auto Co., Inc., local dealer spill as sist you in securing additional data. (f Flip—Flap— Flip—Flap— Ever hear that noise ai an automobile is passing? Yes? Well, that's caused by the tread being loose on one of the tires and evi dently the owner doesn't know that by having that same tire RETREADED he can save himself the ] price of a new tire. Hav ing a tire retreaded is the one sure way to get many more miles of service from it and to save a good many dollars. i We are fully equipped to do all kinds of RETREADING VULCANIZING REPAIRING Satisfaction Guaranteed BLACK'S GARAGE 205 S. Seventeenth Street i jS senger roadster.- with Its striking new design of high hood and radiator, bids fair to surpass even its own previous record of popularity. Public demand for this model has increased steadily; evidencing so keen an approval of Its commodious and graceful body design that no alteration of seating arrange ment has been made. ' Brigham, Utah, is noted for Its peaches. (Fruit, interprets the Auto mobile Blue Book). In summer peach trees almost completely hide the town from aloft. Their growth is luxurious j because irrigating ditches run the en tire length of every street. Since 1907, Brigham has celebrated Peach Day early in September, when free peaches, i plums and melons are given to the j thousands of visitors to the town. In the geographical center of the Bad Lands in Medora, 'N. D. Every turn in the rail brings to the eye another phantasmagoria of buttes, covered with burned clay, other buttea oovered with green trailing cedar, others with petri fied wood and others with grass on j which stock feed during the winter. These strange formations have been caused by the burning of coal. Changes in the formations are taking place to day as they have been for thousands of years. \ Ask an Owner A MOTOR TRUCK represents an investment in hauling equip ment. The truck that does the work year in and year out at the lowest cost proves to be the best investment. Ask any owner of an International Motor Truck and he will tell you the Inter national .cuts the cost of hauling down to the lowest practical point. International first cost is low because of quantity production. Quality is maintained at a high standard because every important part of the truck is manufactured and each truck assembled in one great factory under centralized supervision. Every lot of material of every kind is subjected to the most rigid tests, and unless it passes those tests it is discarded. No inferior ma terial or workmanship gets into c TRUCKS These things are done because the International Harvester organization is building not alone for the present but for the future. We want every International Motor Truck owner to feel that he has the best truck he can buy and to be able to prove it at any time by any fair test that can be sug gested or proposed. Some day you will buy a motor truck. If you are the kind of a man that . is not satisified with anything but the most economical truck for hauling and delivery work, drop us a line, call up, or come in and see us. The more you know about motor trucks, the quicker we can convince you that the Interna tional is a mighty good truck to own. There is a style and size to meet al most every hauling requirement. Crispen Motor Car Co. Salesroom / Service Station 103 Market St. * 27 N. Cameron St. JUNE 28,1919. XR\ RETREADING \J®|J VULCANIZING A complete equipment for all kinds of retreading: and vulcanizing work, to gether with first class mechanics and ma terials, enable us to assure you the utmost in these lines. We guarantee perfect work. Let us show you. We Sell Every kind of tire equipment Goodyear Firestone Goodrich Tires Dauphin Tire Service Co. 206 N. Second St. Phones. Harrisburg | Satisfaction in the ownership of an anto- I 1 1 , mobile depends upon the riding qualities, IBP 1116 aPPearancc and the economy In operw flwm aon ' All three of three qualities are to be Every Ameri- found in a large number of can cm the can bears the market to-day, but none to such a mark personal O. K. Ed degree as in the American Six. of Louis Chev rolet on the in- The American Six is the last word In side of the dash motordom, its looks are instantly appeal —it is your ing, its riding quality is superb, and its guarantee of no- economy will satisfy anyone. It is truly % pre mo quality. balanced six. American Auto Company Sales and Service Rear Second and Forster St., Hamsbnrg DeD 2550-J. a A. Slough, Dial MK.
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