STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES BELL 1991—28 M UNITED HARRISBURG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1019. FOUNDED IR7T — 1 ■ | —— •■ /r^ o'l 0 ' 1 C '^ s " f I Fine Quality Hair Goods But—though they LOOK identical — |y able SWITCHES and TRANS- And so, "Getting One's Money's Worth AL- 0 |- fj \ L I S The shade assortments are com- If one tailor is more skillful, more careful, jj|| I J luvNT t! J\ Jifill•) ii * nC^UC * e evei T Co * ol * n " Y^Y more painstaking, more accurate, than the other, & \ j lAVfik ffih \ \\aM / \ .' rv •*•/ j m eluding gray. .: -j •,-;•&> ■•* 1^ * he will give you vastly more-money's worth than M Mi \ \VWffl/ //^—\'XX 'I "i M . j the other. The better tailor's suit my FIT YOU ff! of%S>/fw \ \v4r' B $ 1 £)f) PERFECTLY. The other tailor's suit-which H A X .--. Mj.f A \ >F X A%W M *l*OV 9 JO.J O, JO.yD looks exactly like the other—may not fit you at ky \ -> \. 0 BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. t—r-'i — all. It may bind over the shoulders —hike up in |y J V \ r-' tMX' \ ...V' A M L—_ the back and wrinkle under the arms. One will Ma /1\ yth a- /*/ .aflgk ' (m)j Jl / \ tt 1 1* 01 M t be "Money's-worth-; the other will not. _ uj / \ . D U ndermuslms *or Children We think we have the best goods obtainable, ||f / *7' a jgjS s=ck \ 0 T~ stosTtiiTbut weThink°o^ a pLpie irrMORE §j L—@ iiiyMiiiiiiniiiiiVifliiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiflJiiMV/iiiii'tHJiiJiii^iHiiiifiiiiiiiiiiimViiinTOS Jpff/) 8 To Wear SKILLFUL in serving you. We are always m, fl I ill (11 n I!Ill \\ I / ffl PAINSTAKING and CAREFUL in our service. Hf / /Tj M , ll uf r/ |o Our people are INTELLIGENT and POLITE. $j 1 T) 1 / M 0 IS^ We aim to have a store service THAT FITS fff IrT /3 /H "I" /3 "V* 0 IF J YOU PERFECTLY —satisfies you COM- M W VX 1 W 1 XX ® .jgv give' E^LSG 5 E Y^S-WO RTli g Here s Clever Footwear For | Shopping for corsets —what a I P*f The Growing Child | trouble it is! And getting the jjj fj| ua Healthful, true form shoes and ® incorrect model for your figure— I | U /TO sandals, built in firm leathers and ffl i t • • • i/h . \ t developed in many pretty new || 2i styles to give the little folks com- ffl . , B Every mother takes as much pride In her supply of fort in wear with a maximum of |y . yy J]y SOOP lOF tn3.t WhlCil IS SO ij|j muslin underwear and sleeping garments for the chil r^ s r sl , n u ess ' ... . , ~ . B m dren as she does in those for herself. Our showing showing, rS not V only P for C the better ffl lltlpOrtailt tO -yOlir appeaFailCe ffl is surprising in its scope including dainty intimate qualities in the leathers assuring S onH mmforf-p A sir for Q RpHfpm B garments prettily trimmed in lace, insertion, embroid good wear, but also for the rea- * 111 1 In anC * r^^on ' at P r^ces that are very moderate. offering ?he C m Whi ° h | COrSCt. AlWayS dependable and i Children's drawers, knickerbocker and straight Pumns in patent leather, gun jjjf fllwaVS obtainable wbpTP P"Ood COT- m st >' les tucked with neat trimmings of lace and em metal, calf and white canvas; $2.50 to $4.00. B always Oxfords in tan Calfskin, gun metal calfskin, patent i I sets are sold. Children's One-Piece Sleeping Garments with drop leather and White canvas; $3.50 to $4.75. m 0 seat made of crepe, plain and barred Nainsook, but oes m patent leather, gun metal calfskin, tan g| Cnrrert AAnrleh J?nr JTvisrv Tufre m toned down front or back, some trimmed with frogs; calfskin, white canvas and genuine buckskin; $4.00 to $6.25. Jy r\f TTinf/yp Front T -<icc 0 . * . •" BOWMAN-S— Main fioop. ffl •/ CD Children's Gowns of Nainsook, high neck with ' S Hack Lace jM yokes of tucking and insertion, or low neck, short "D a % m sleeves trimmed in lace, insertion, embroidery and Keingerators • f . BOWMAN s-second noor. ribbon beading; 85c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95. n . ~.. , .. c - J Children's Princess Slips made of fine Nainsook, Nanan.^'n css S'ova an d T) 1 _ 1 T 7 1 , 1 t 7 1 , top trimmed with lace insertion, embroidery, niedaU XTfl l C -?r e n r,uif, r erS Black Velvets and Velveteens lion and beading, bottom trimmed with lace and em one to your home on The Bowman Club Plan. V ailVl V VIVVLCLIIJ broidery, trimmed flounces; 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. x to $2.95. • . .... lhese materials are now extensively used for 18-inch Lyons Finish Black Velvet; a soft pliable ' onTirlll „ iC! „ ukJtMU *' "!??!■ .1 " ———— ————_——_______~—>| i , , r , , ro BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ir 7inBHHIIBFT ,m r i shoulder scarfs, jackets or coatees. The country, grade with high luster; yard, $2.50. - -seashore or mountain trip demand a little shelter from 36-inch Best American made black Velveteen; yd., ———————^_______ rW; coo^ness or change from the city heat. A light $3.50. • jJk scarf cape is never amiss. 36-inch Black Velutina; the pride of English make / aC^Ct com * orta^e as as t^ie height of and finish dyed by the famous firm of J.' J. W orrell; Motorists, You Can't Afford I'll. /j|^\ 0 to Put Up With Cushion-Soiled Clothes Now x! Aj X Here are practical, wash- For Open And /X able Cushion Slips to protect Enclosed Cars U your clothe, from ruinous SMtM-.''iM Put on with Tack-Buttons WV Many New Hats-All /Hl\ C™":..., ' Exquisite Wolfhead nil-i-prpn f proval of motorists every- / BQhIIIU ,ii II llllllill flMM \ Twenty minutes will place . . -LvlllCrCllL , i i ' / mm M n \ the Tack-Buttons for the first I inP"PriP where and cost only / jl%li>V|Hl set. Then button them on Here and there one sees how a Parisian idea OCA Trx AA IMliaiiiiWl \ as you would any garment- Envelope Chemise, Petticoats and Gowns, has been translated by our des.gners to express 1 O 3>O.UU 1 an easy 3-mmute job. Brmg Our counters are buried under a snowdrift of bil those styles best su,ted to Amencan women. I 1 111 fill ' -™, U a Car Bowman sto be lowy white, with dashes of ribbon and other And so there are hats that are gay the flow- Per beat Ml | fitted. daintv trimmings. These garments fit perfectly ers,of summertime and others smart with os- fffti ; I HMI Wash Them Everv because they are well designed, skillfully cut tnch in its many varieties. Small hats and large They w,ll save their cost IIIIiCiBM I ~, , tjVefy from the best materials, and in making them, la s smart little Watteau and .Ni niche styles many times over in cleaner's \ iflM 11 l Mr I Week • only the most expert needlework is employed. toire transDarenctes oThorfehair and n c , , \f IttlililtnaM / that launder beautifully- cover the widest variety both in design and price, leghorns and taffetas ' ' en an invltm S \ don't fade, are easily washed Come and see them at your first opportunity. "bv comnarison vou will find this millin..,, "look" and relief from \hHKu ill W and come out looking as Envelope chemise made of fine Lingerie cloth, fi £' i, r i ~ id this millinery soiled-clothes worrv is fullv '■ i JjjWffijßSßßw'r fresh as new Put them right bodice tops with lace and ribbon straps, some cannot be bought for less than ,tsold for here 1, ori J Y n the tub -fhey a?i pre- square neck, others V-neck with lace and em- F or instance, we, suggest;a smart navy blue and worth the pnee. 1 Shrunk. tfle 7 are P re broidery; $1.98 to $4.98. at $5 95 $6 And Milan hats with Georgette facing, neatly "In the Tub-On the Line **~OWHK*ON for both seats; but a set and with very fine laces and embroidery; to trimmed with flowers, ribbon and fancies at Back on the Car by Half- the oTher in Monday's"wfsh Peiticoats of Long Cloth and Batiste in many No larger assortment than you will find here. 1 (B F th F li BOWMAN'S Third Floor. I Sold Exclusivel y at Bowman s Fourth Floor. 1 f ' * - \ a . BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. WEDNESDAY EVENING, BAJURJSBTTRG TELEGKXPH JUNE 18, 1919. 3
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