14 If Your tat Is Uncomfortably High, Sublet a Furnished loom and Ease tie larien SJeatbs Ftudv died at his late residence. 1513 North Third street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on 1- rida> atter noon at 4 o'clock. Masonic services bv the Offifficers of Robert Burns Lodge. No. 464. F. and A M. IV tITFRS —Charles S. Walters, aged 53. died in North Cameron street. Funeral Friday at 2 P. M•• 'F®™ J?* residence in Oberlin. Burial in the Oberlin cemetery. Rev. Mr. Kifter will officiate The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. WILMS—Ida B. Wlliis._ on Wednes day. June IS. 1919. at ..la A. M Funeral on Saturday afteriioon at I o'clock, front the residence of Os car Brennentan. 1320 Kittatinny street. Rev. Bayers, of Second Re formed Church, officiating. Inter ment Oberlin Cemetery. The rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice LOST AND FOUND LOST Small gold class pin with letters H H £> . ms. with initials M- tv 'on back, at Tecit commencement dance at Willa \ ilia Friday even ing. Reward if returned to Tele graph Office. LOST —Glasses, on Sunday evening, between Briggs and Capital and kei ker and Second- Reward if i etui net to 205 Kelker street. Fancy mounted diamond ring in small pay envelope. Reward. Bell Phone TSO-R. LOST —Loose leaf black book con taining list of Harr lsb urg bus i lie sa houses, etc.. pages very \A} u . „ Tele ord. Finder please return to iele graph Office. ONE bicycle on Allison Hill. Owner can have same by calling at 508 south Thirteenth street, proving property nH paying for this IX STKCCTIOX S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION lup"" Shorthand. Typewriting. Fnglisffi r p siv 'asra&flT OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any "> e - Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St- Chas. R- Beckley HELP WANTED —MALE UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45 Weight 140 lbs. or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wages Paid While Learning Steady Work Assured Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Akron. Ohio WANTED —Can use six hustlers. Good money. Steady work to those who can furnish references. Harder s Magazine Agency, 49 South 1-ronl Street. Steelton. Pa. EXPERIENCED jobbing salesman wanted, living in Lancaster or Har risburg. None other but producers need apply. Replies treated in con fidence. Salary and commission. Ad dress Box Y - 6140, care Telegraph. BARBER —Steady man. Write or call 36 North Court street. City. WANTED A young man tor a clerical position. Apply Postal Tele graph Office. WANTED—Traveling salesman for a wholesale notion, hosiery and un derwear house. Good salary to right party. Give reference. Apply Hex T-6735, care Telegraph. , WANTED—SHEET METAL WORK ERS WITH EXPERIENCE ON COR NICES. SKYLIGHTS AND TINNING. 5bL AND 62V4 CENTS PER HOUR. APPLY PHILIP H. LENDERKLNG, LINWOOD AVE. AND DILLON ST. BALTIMORE. MP. WANTED —A boy to work for the Singer sewing Macnine Company. Per manent position. Apply 13 South Mar ket Square. WANTED—Foot power Crown soda machine operator, able to mix syrups, year arcund job. state age. salary ex pected. etc. Coca Cola Bottling Works, C'hamhersburg. Pa. IF YOU can prove to our satisfac tion that you are an A-l health and accident insurance man the position is your. Guarantee a salary of S2O "a week and commission. Apply 5 to 10 A. M., to J. Sotioolink, 21 Spboner Building. WANTED —A man on a small place ir. the country. Must have knowl edge of farming. Box L-6558, care Telegraph. LABORERS WANTED Apply at once at Paxtang quarries. Paxtang. Pa. (Continued In Next Column) " FOR SALE Two 5-Acre Farms Cumberland County, Pa. 5 acres. 2 miles southwest of Enola, Pa.: loam and shale soil; improved with .frame house; well of good water. A good truck farm. Price (l ,34 Hi 5 acres, 784 miles from Harris burg. one-third mile from trolley, along the State Highway; lime stone soil;- improved with stone house. Good truck farm. Posses sion at once. Miller Brothers & Co. Dealers In Kent Estate laaerauc. Surety Bond. Locust & Court Sts. Member- Übg. Heal Kstntn Beard WEDNESDAY EVENING, j HELP WANTED—MALE "I BOOKKEEPERS AND OFFICE MEN t s As a representative cf the s largest organization >f us kind in this country. 1 have - been commissioned to get in I touch with ambitious oitlce men who are wilding to un dertake some preparatory e training necessary to qualify e for executive, cost or public r accounting work offering $3,000 TO SIO,OOO A YEAR ♦ Those now empl yed may. under our plan, get their pre paratory training in a way , i that will not interfere with their present duties or posi tion. This is a very unusual op portunity to move up into an important accounting posi tion through the affiliation, direction and help of a staff of nationally known certified public accountants with rep resentation in all the lead ing cities of the United States. , Full particulars will be. supplied to those answering promptly giving business and I residence address or tele j phone number. Address - ! W.-6739. care Telegraph. 1 j _ i AGENTS i BIG OPPORTUNITY . ! Every auto owner needs and wants ,|an ESTA WATER AUXILIATOK. . I Quick sales, large profits, work Har i risburg and vicinity. No money need . cd. Act to-day. W. R Mohney and . Son. Eastern Pa. distributors. Slu [ North Third street. . ANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. , shops. Harrisburg. Inquire I ! MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE, , Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. \ Lie know and Enola. I WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIANS. APPLY DAUPHIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CO.. 434 Market Street, HARRISBURG. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 260 South Front Street. Steelton. Pa. WANTED—Tailors that can handle J all kinds of busheling work. Good: stead) position for reliable men. Ap- | :Pl> 19 South Fourth street. George W.! Gisthite. merchant tailor. SALESMAN —To sell rebuilt tires, i in and around Harrisburg: oig coni j mission, man with machine pre - ferreti. Apply Room 618, Melropoli- j tan Hotel. E. H. Kloecker. RAILROAD traffic inspectors want- \ ed. sllu a month and expenses to I start, short hours; travel; three. I months' home study under guarantee. ; !' We get you position. No age limit; i ask tor booklet N-273, Standard Lusi- I ness Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. j WANTED Competent male ste | nographer, who writes good hand ' anu has had office experience. Ad | dress Box t*-6x68, care Telegraph. i ' WANTED—Delivery toy with bicy-' cle preferred. Apply Modern Shoe Ke i pairing Company, 504 Market street, j '! WANTED Several good, experi enced planing mill men to work on moulding, frames, sash and doors: \ also bench. Address Commercial Sash ■ and Door Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE '} I , ; FIFTY EXPERIENCED OF2RATORS , ON POWER SEWING MACHINES WANTED AT ONCE Employment at attractive wages, with liberal bonus | proposition, in our bright, ! • i airy, sunlit, sanitary plant. ATTRACTIVE WAGES. _■ 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS. 'lio PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON i EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS. !IDEAL WORK—UNDER IDEAL CON-j • j L'ITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT. 1 JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. , I 2012 N. 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG. PA ; , . WANTED Experienced stenographer for accounting department of largo manufacturing concern, i must be willing to do clerical work part of time; only those willing to work need apply; in I answering state age. experi ence and salary expected. Address. Box K6566, Care Telegraph. WANTED Woman or girl for child's nurse In small family, comfortable home in North Second street. Good wages. Address with refer ences. Address Box S-6731, care Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced shirt ma chine operators. Apply Ellis Laun , dry Service. 1520 Fulton street. WANTED—GirI for general house work; no laundry: no children, good home. Inquire 2214 N. Second street. i (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE "AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN" For years we have given steady, profitable and agree able employment to a large number of Harrisburg young women They have lived up to the best in the traditions of Bell service. A new class will start train ing Monday. June 23, to fill further vacancies in our op erating force. Apply at once to Miss Kline, Operators' Employment De partment. 20S Walnut street. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Regular work and good wages. A bonus is paid every pay day. ELOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Relly and Fulton Sts. WANTED Operators wanted on plain sewing machines. also a few union special and over-lock op erators. Bonus paid every week • 1 and learners paid time work. ' Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., Sixth and Herr Streets. City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. STENOGRAPHER Address, stat- 1 | ing experience and salary expected i and giving references. Address Box , 0-6857, care Telegraph. ! WANTED—GirI to assist in house [ work and assist in care of two ehil- I 'dren. one willing to go to Washing- i I ton. Address R-6571. care Telegraph. | or call Bell 1126-R. j WANTED—Millinery preparer and | i maker. Apply The La Belle Shop. 212 Locust street. ! WANTED —A woman for general j I housework in small family. must | I sleep at home. Call Bell phone ; : 672-M. WANTED —A white maid for gen- • oral housework, only two in family.! Apply 1815 North Front street. Refer- I er.ee required WANTED—Can use six hustlers, i Good money. Steady work to those [ who can furnish references Harder's ! Magazine Agency, 49 South Front \ street. Steelton. Pa. WOMEN ATTENDANTS Wanted in Department for Women. Norris town State Hospital. Pa. Minimum monthly wage S3O, steadily Increased, includes full maintenance, comfort able Nurses' Home. Vacation employ , ment for students and teachers. Write Dr. Jessie M. Peterson. WANTED —Alteration hands to do fine work at home. Apply Ladies' Specialty Shop. 27 North Second street. LADIES—Add sl2 to $lB weekly to your income. Splendid home business . making Bozart Bead portieres. Learn in hour. Write to-day for particulars. | Artcraft, Box 800, J-49, Brooklyn N. Y.; GIRL WANTED—For housework:- must be neat and intelligent; eight | dollars per week for suitable person. I Apply to Mrs. Smarr. Twelfth and' ■ Bridge street*. New Cumberland. WANTED—Laay manager for large rooming house; state experience and salary expected. Address S 4990. care I Telegraph. HELP W ANTED—MaIe and Female , * I EXPERIENCED i COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. 'j Only those having thorough experience need apply. In an swering state age. experi ence. reference and salary de sired Address, ' Box W6564 Care Telegraph 1 WANTED—Several men or women for a proposition that will pay good money. Only those who can furnish j references wanted. Steady work; good money. Harder's Magazine • Agency. 49 South Front street, Steel ton, Pa. ;j WANTED —Middle aged man and wife to take charge of a small place,! man must have knowledge of farming.! Wife to take charge of the house, fam- ' lily of three adults. A peimanent place! ,and good home to right party. Apply I I to Frank Bowman. P. O. Box 348. Har- | I risburg. Fa. SITUATION'S WANTED—MAI.E MAN wants work of any kind; had experience driving team. Address 920 i Cowden street. Dial 4907. MAN wants cellars to clean and ! whitewash, lawns mowed and hedges trimmed, windows and paints cleaned. 'Call 1214 Apple street. WANTED—Any kind of work in priva tc family by colored man. Write i or call William Norriß, 1227 Cowden ! street. WANTED—Position as bookkeeper i and assistant manager by middle aged man with 30 years' business ex perience. Address L-6854, care Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WHITE woman wants work by the by the Officers of Robert Burns COLORED girl wishes work as child's nurse or general housework no washing. Apply 804 Capital Btreec WOMAN wishes day's wqrk of any kind. Cleaning or washing. Apply 1115 North Seventh street. NEAT, respectable colored girl tight complexioned. wishes work as parlor maid or chambermaid or wait tress in hotel or club; will consider other work. Address Box J-6738, care of Telegraph. HIGH SCHOOL girl, age 17. wants work, store or office. Address B-6869, care Telegraph. WANTED—Housework by week, by c010r4.-d woman, no washing. Can fur nish references. Inquire 823 South 10th street tCoatiuued In Next Column) ' • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH |Tnmrro H H immi sum tuimEj || . BUYING AND SELLING, barter- I] Md ing, exchanging, trading, swapping all of these related terms may be ap- jjj plied to the transactions brought about through the use of the FOR &S: Steii SALE classification in the classified ads. The thrift-idea pervades many of Jj' these ads. They are humanly interest ing, all of them. Read them and utilize f!fi 1 them. <j^j: SITU ATI OX s WANTED—FemaIe YOUNG colored woman desires bundle washing at home. Inquire at 1114 C'owden street, between 5 and 6 • p m. and 7 and S a. m. | TOU.NG LADY wishes clerical posl j tion. Is able to operate, typewriter .Has had experience. Address L6S6C i care Telegraph. ! . YOUNG woman wishes clerical work during summer months, graduate of i Harrisbuig High school and can fur- I nish best of references. Address 2-! ■ 36. care Telegraph. ! WELL REFINED Woman, with an i S-y ear-old boy. would like to keep I house for a widower. Can furnish I best of references. Address Box I W 4986. care Telegraph. \\ ANTED Middle-aged woman i would like to keep house for a i widower. No objections to children | Address Box H.-6548, care Telegraph. WANTED—A position by a young girl, who has had previous clerical : work and can furnish best of refer- ! enee Address Box H.-S2Ol. care Tele- ! , graph. HOME WANTED I WANTED—A good home for a little girl 8 years old, where child's com pany will be appreciated during sum mer months or all year around. Motn er employed, a home where child can | receive good educational advantages. I Address Box H6865, care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT Ft KNISHKD room for rent; use of bath, gentleman preferred; rent S3 ja week. Inquire Mrs. Owens, third j floor. Fotts Apartment, Third and : Herr streets. ■ FOR RENT—Two newly furnished j rooms on third floor for gentlemen |only. All conveniences. Inquire 1213 j Market street. tOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, single, suitable for light house keep ing. Apply 109 Evergreen street. EOR RENT—Five rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. All conveni ences; electricity and water. Apply 732 South Fourth street, Steelton. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply, 412 South Seventeenth street. tOR RENT Two furnished rooms on third floor suitable for light house keeping for one or two persons. Ref erences required. Inquire 814 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished I room, gentlemen preferred. Inquire i 1206 Chestnut street, or Bell phone 946-J. FURNISHED room, for gentlemen; , use of bath. Apply 1614 State street. | Bell 762-R. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, 'third floor front; ail conveniences. | Inquire 105 Chestnut street. FOR RENT—Room in apartment in Third street, facing Capitol Park Call Bell 755-W. FOR RENT One single furnished room; gentleman preferred; all con veniences. Apply 261 Cumberland street. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms ' $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. SUIT furnished rooms, third floor I front, electricity, running water, use of phone and bath; gentleman or laov employed. Eell phone 801 R. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM- For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 912 I North Third street. \ SECOND ST., N., 110 One large * room, tirsl-class; central; furnished or unfurnished; second floor; bath; hot water; steam heat. Apply L Minter, same address. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished llvtng'room, first floor front, suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT 100 South Thirteenth street; ; first floor, 7 rooms and laundry, cle 'gantly furnished, equipped witli hard- 1 wood floors, gas and electricity, pri- 1 sate porch and entrance. Apply at ; 100 South Thirteenth street. APARTMENT FOR RENT A ' small two-room apartment ail con • " veniences private bath hot run- : i nir.g v.ster at all times centrally 1 located No. 110 North Second St.— < Fourth Floor. Inquire L Minter. . 110 North Second street, or phone < P.ell 4262 and Dial 4195. ] - ] FOUR well-furnished rooms, light, ] I airy, hay .windows, second floor, cor- 1 iner, hot water, heat. gas. electricity, - bath, laundry. References exchanged. No children. 342 South Sixteenth St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 1 FOR SALE 1 j . i ' 1823 South Front St.. frame dwelling. 1614 North Fifth SU. three-story . frame dwelling, with improvements, ten rooms and bath. West Fairview property, cor. Fair view Avenue and Enola Road. 2H story frame dwelling. West Fairview property, located in ' Third Street, 2 Vi-story frgme dwell ing. INQUIRE OF HARRIS BURG TRUST CO. 16 South Second Street, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE New single brick house on hill; alt conveniences; make apartment with few alterations; im mediate possession. Dial 6236. < Continued la Next Column) RKAL ESTATE FOB SALE "IF ITS REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." MOVE AT ONCE—Pay for your home same as rent; no money down; S3O per month; three-story brick, eight rooms, all improve ments. 631 Wiconisco street, or —53 S Agate street. two-story brick, ail improvements, $35 per : month; both of the above are J vacant. HARRIS ST., 630—Three-story brick, nine rooms, all improve ments. small amount down, bal | ante same as rent. , SWATARA ST.. 1556 Three story frame, seven rooms and bath, all improvements, nice front porch, lot 130 teet deep back to a drive alley, 6100 down. 535 per mouth. DERRY ST., 2703—New; vacant; two-story stucco. seven rooms, hardwood hours, cement cellar, gas and electricity, A-l in every respect- DEP.P.V ST.. 2707—New; vacant, three-story brick, hardwood tloois. colonade, cemented cellar, steam heal, gas and electricity; a modern home in every respect. LEMOVNE Herman Ave., 260-301, doublee trame, im provements. nice front porcn, lot 10U teet deep Dack to a drive way. Can sell as a whole or one half, on our easy payment plan. EAST CAMP HILL ADDITION— Third and Princess streets; vac ant. two-story frame bungalow, sevent rooms and bath, ail im provements. lot 40x150 teet; a real bargain; can be bought on the easy payment plan. STEELTON—S. Second St., —320; three-story frame, improvements, one-halt of a pair. nice iemy home; right price to quick buyer, our easy payment plan. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 VACANT HOUSES Two 2H and 3-story brick * houses; all Improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner nouses on Hill and up town. Will take auto in trade. I have several tine suburban homes for sale; brick, all im provements, H acre each; steam heat, electric lights, hardwood doors, lots of truit on Stale Road. Will take city property in trade. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Stieet, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 560-J. FACTORY SITE FOR SALE 9(1x100 feet on North Cameron street, One of the best sites in the city of sold at once. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green street. Bell 560-J. WEST SHORE LOTS 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Bunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. For. SALE —Tne Building Commit tee of Grace United Brethren Church offers for sale the old Dickinson Law School Building, corner of West anri pomfret street, Carlisle, Pa. Build ing is brick, two stories, dimension* approximately 60x90 feet. Radiators and foundation walls reserved. Build ing will be sold to the ground and must be removed by purchaser. Seal ed bids will be received on or before June 30th at 6p. m. Prospective pur chasers may consult Rev. F. Berry Plummer. 36 W. south St., Carlisle, or Eimei E. Sellers, Carlisle Trust Com pany. Committee reserves the right io reject all bids. gnl HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have Just listed 6 brick houses that will be sold to colored families these houses are in a splendid loca tion and the price and terms are very reasonable, all information can --be had concerning the sale, etc., by call ing at the oVice of the LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh St. POSSESSION SOON 2429 N. Sixth St.. brick 15 700 1631 Swatara St., brick 2*500 412 Hummel St., brick 2 uu D. A. CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg.. Bell 689. FOR SALE Three-story brick house, nine rooms and bath; side en trance; In good condition. Possession ca be had about July 1. Apply () j, premises to Ernest E. Eshenaur. 18'- • Uegina st., Hbg., Pa. FOll SALE—IO36-38 South Twenty third street, near Derry street > frame houses, a rooms each. eleciriJ light, water Ln kitchen. Lot 40x115 room for garage on rear. Bargain' $2,500. Inquire 101 south Summii street. Phone 445-M. tContinued in Next Column,) b | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I" 1 ' FOR SALE— Nos. 321 and 323 North I Front st., Steelton. together with j double frame dwelling on rear facing on Second street. Property is equlp i ped with water, gas and electric I lights. Lot 46x214. Rental income SIOB | per month. Price $10,500. i FOR SALE—2H-story frame dwell ing located on Oyster Point avenue, i Camp Hill, containing S rooms, ! bath, cemented cellar, water, electric 'lights and steam heat, front and rear porches, large chicken house. Lot j 60x120. Price, $3,800. | FOR SALE—I4O9 N. 6th st.. 3-story i brick dwelling, steam heat, contoin ! ing 9 rooms, store and bath, stable on | rear ot lot. Price. $6,000. j FOR SALE—Two-story cottage, lo cated along river above West r atr (view, containing 5 rooms, largo porcn jcs. large lot. Price, $1,500. ! FOR SALE—IB 26 Penn st.. S-story I brick. 8 rooms, bath, cemented cellar a'l modern improvements, first class i condition. I BRINTON-PACKER CO.. AGENTS 2nd and Walnut Sts. ' — VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, steam heat, electric and gas lights, porch, bay windows, side entrance, drive alle>. Vk pioca to all-night car service (on Hill). 2(4-story brick, all improvements, porches, side entrance, drive alley, large yard, slate roof (vacant), easy terms, pay as rent (on Hill). 2-story brick, porch, all improve ments. corner, easy terms. small amount dowu (on Hill). Several fine homes up town; all improvements. Several fine suburban homes; all improvements. Several small farms. 6 to 30 acres each, within 5 miles of city. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 360-J. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1008 North Second Street. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; -oom for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises alter 5 o'clock, or Address S.. 7582. Care of Telegraph. THE BOOM IS ON SURE THING OWN TOUR HOME BUILD WITH BRICK 1 000 000 COMMON RED BRICK to' ship off hand. Millions more to follow as burned this season. Contract for brick NOW. Don't 1 delay. MANCHESTER SHALE BRICK CO., Room 200, 222 Market St., HAKRISBURG. PA. FOR SALE THREE-SluKi BRICK HOUSE. No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. • Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 fu COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street At 207 Abulation street. West Fair view. one side of a double frame house with 7 rooms and bath, with side yard in lawn of 73 feet suitable for store or any kind of business; 19 fruit trees, car stops at door, one square from river will he vacated this week. In ' quire at above address. I FOR SALE 9-room brick house, iNo 551 south Tenth street; good con- I dition. $1,700. Durand & Ferber, 10 7 Chestnut. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2013 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply a. ' p Doranz. 1325 North Sixth. THE real estate and personal prop erty of the late George L Fisher will be sold at public sale on June 19 on the premises, at Middletown, Pa. ! Among the articles to be sold are a number of antiques. Inquire of Ha;-- I risburg Trust Company, No. 16 South Market Square. Harrisburg. Pa. BUT TOUR HOME on our rental p&Yiiient plan. Small cash or liberty 1 Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL I FOR SALE—IB 22 Regina street I brick house —9 rooms and bath—gas | — electric light furnace Price j $3,900. Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. $2,500 WILL PURCHASE a frame i house on Hummel street; seven rooms i and bath, gas, furnace Bell Realty Co., j Bergner Building. j DOUBLE HOUSE IN PENBROOK I FOR SALE Each side 7 rooms i bath gus furnace cemented 'cellar good location. Bell Realty j Co.. Bergner Building. 1 MODERN SUBURBAN HUME FUR j SALE 7 rooms and bath electric , light. Large porches. Lot, 50x180. I Exceptional scenic view from porches. Bell Realty Co., Bergner puilding. Ileal Kstute For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE Penbrook. 8-room house; newly painted; all improve ments; nice front hedglngs; a lot of fruit trees; lot 100x150; terms reason able, $3,1C0. Inquire 107 Chestnut st. FOR SALE—West Kairview, 6-room ! house; eusy terms; small payment donn or will exchange for 5-pasaen ' ger touring car, as first payment down j $1,650. Inquire 107 Chestnut sL HIGHSPIRE —Two lots for sale", 25 x 125 ft. each. Cheap quick buyer. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent 209 South Front Street, eleven rooms and two baths. INQUIRE OF / HARRISBURG TRUST CO. 16 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—A cottage at Cly, Pa., completely furnished. with use of ! tennis court and steel boat. Applv ! A. M. Blake, 225 North Second street, j tContinued La Neat Column) JUNE 18. 19T9. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RKNT Second story of Kei- I ker Street. Markethouse. Fourth and ] Kelker streets, suitable for .nanufac- | vuring purposes or general storage. I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Ottlce rooms. I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth ana Kelker streets. FOR RENT WICONISCO ST.. No. 631—Vac- j ant. three-story brick. nine \ rooms, all improvements, front j purcn, nice buck yard, driveway In iear; 430 per month on our i. Nt-purchase plan. AGATE ST., No. 2538 Vacant, j two-story brick, seven rooms, all improvements, nice front porch, tuliy equipped bathroom, | etc. 525 per moniu on rent-pur cliuse plan. 1). ASA SANDERLIN, I ROOM 1, SECURITV TRUST BLDG.. 311 N. THIRD ST. Bell 1390 Dial 3573 BUNGALOW FOR RENT AT PER- DlX—Entire Veason or the year; two bedrooms, livingroom and kitchen, bath and lavatory in house; running! water, heater and range, unfurnished. J Apply lo E. L. Kt'iler. P. O. Box Sari, . Uurrisburg, or Pertlix residence. FOR RENT Three-story frame house at 1011 North Nineteenth street. Inquire 117 Royal Terrace or | Bell phone 1949-W. HEAL JEST ATE WANTED 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. M.i laige clientage enables me to secure icady buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may have to otler. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 371 J. Dial 3943. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. APLKK. 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED—To buy house with mod ern improvements. , Address Box X 6737, care Telegraph. FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS I have several fine farms, 3 to 5 miles from Harrisburg; good buildings, good water, lots of truit; I mile to trolley and State road; 6. 10. 16 and 30-acre farms; practically level. Southern exposure. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. HARRISBURG. Bell Phone 560-J. FARMS FOR SALE 6-acre farm near New Cumberland. 10-acre farm near Progress. 16-acre farm near Progress. 10-acre farm near Enola. ■ 30-acre farm near Rockville. 40-acro farm, S. New Cumberland. 75-acre farm at New Cumberland. 122-acre farm near Lewisberry. 135-acre farm near Lewisberry. 160-acre farm near Halifax. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Harrisburg, Pa- Bell Phone 560-J. V R SALE —Bearing apple orchard, located in the famous fruit belt of West Virginia, where apples have the color and flavor. I have several great moneymakers. For particulars, address P. N. De Grange, Martinsburg, ' W. Va., care this office. No real es tate agent need apply. FOR SALE —Apple and peach or chard, located along trolley line, con taining almost two acres; opposite Co l lonial Golf Club on Linglestown road. Cheap to quick buyer. No agents. Call [Bell 3610. ! FOR SALE —GOOD, CHEAP FARMS I j 8 acres SBSO i)ls acres 1,700 . 22 acres, stock and crop 3,000] i i 25 acres 1,700 I 4S acres 2,200 , DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut. Offices and Store Booms for Rent LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT Size 25x19, 331 Market street. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. STOREROOM FOR RENT 1245 Market street; suitable for millinery,) I notion or shoe store. Inquire E. Eg- ] gert. 1243 Market street. I FOR RENT Desk room and office. I Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, 31 ! North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. , | FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE WE have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One V 4 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One hi H. P. 220 V. 380 K. P. M. One Vt 11. P. 220 V. 800 K. P. M. One * H. P. 115 V. 800 K. P. M. , One V 4 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One >A H. P. 120 V. 275 K. P. M. One A H. P. 120 V. 400 K. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Eugraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE} White enamel bed, mattress and springs; full size; value 528.50; sale price, $17.50. Ap ply FORN WALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street, FOR SALE —Bloch white reed baby carriage, with wooden wheels; first class condition; for less than one-half cost of when new. Call Bell 1072-R., or 623 Emerald street. FOR SALE—Combination gas and , electric fixture for sale. Apply 1916 North Second street. FOR SALlC—Tuxedo suit for small man. Good as new. A bargain. Ad dress Box C-J298, care Telegraphi FOR SALE—Four pool tables, 8 steel chairs, 1 cigar show case, cash register, electric fixtures. Can be seen at 106 South Fourth street, city, or call G. Dmitrovic, 633 South Third street, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE—Five-piece oak bed room suite; In fine condition. Inquire 2139 Swatara street. FOR SALE—Globe-Wernlcke sec tional book cases, in quartered oak. dark finish, $3.00. Two Monarch typewriters jind type writer & V, filing cases, etc. All; In exesr grade and condition. ]Brr<krur *te of Harry M. Bretz, | mcCanell, Jr., Trustee. 222 j„. r i Acfytreet. Harrisburg. Penna. I ' lAund la Next Column) |i • FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS j I* OR SALE Channels, beams— I angle, pipe all denominations, ant£ ! rails, all sizes. Apply Williams Ereedman, Tenth below Mulberry, street, or Sixth above Division street, FOR SALE—One 12-ft. wall caan with plate glass mirror; one 10-fL plateglass lloor case. Apply at 17041 North Sixth street, between 5 and U j o'clock P. M. | FOR SALE—Restaurant equipment., consisting of gas range and gas stove,, 1 sixty Imported best wood chairs, tem ) tables, coffee urns, ice box. sink floor case, dishes, cooking utensils, etc. Ap— jply 1600 Regina street I FOR SALE Carpets, 'screens, pictures, couch, library table land w'ndow shades. Inquire 13i5 j state street. 1 FOR SALE —White reed baby car-, riage, in first class condition. Inquire 1817 Whitehall street. Dial 3585. MORRIS SAYS save money buying, new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris- Schmertz. 101S Market Bell 4094. HALF PRICE!!! New carpets, rugs, furniture, linoleums, musical instru ; ments, stoves, bicycles, tires, guns; ] best layers. leghorns. Plymouth ! rocks, clucks. $2; eggs, sc. Yingst, I Front and Cumberland. | BOOKS Mougtit and sold; 20,000 ! new, old, rare, lu stock. Aurand . I 925 North Third. Circulars free. ! TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED —, EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 2C-5 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE! ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED—.MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. WANTED—One second-hand steam boiler large enough to heat 10-room house. Address Box X-6570, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Two second-hand flat top light oak office desks. Gannett. Seelye & Fleming, 204 Locust St HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand E'urniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street Dial 4826. Bell 47051 L WANTED An upright boiler, 8 or 10-horse-power. Must be In good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton street or 236 South Second street WANTED—WiII buy a Winchester Gun; must be In good condition. Call 1807 N. 7th street WE PAY 3c a rb. for rags. 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. >Vn buy all kinds of Junk and pay tha highest cash prices. L. Cohjn at Co. Bell 4974. ' WANTED Will buy 1 or 5 Floor Show Cases 6 or 8 leet long. Must ba in good condition. Apply 206 Markat street. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought andt sold. Highest cash prices paid. CalD Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Man Smoltz 1016 Market street Will oaii.- city or country. WANTED TO BUT NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Working order or not Send full par ticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell; Sales Company, Lancaster. Fa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GET THE BEST—ORDER NOW 30 Per Cent. Off For 30 Days HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR I Giving the stirring events from the assassination of the Crown Prince of I Austria to the crushing of Autocracy, I An account of the Causes with a pre war history of Belgium. France aud Serbia. Official photographs. PRICE $3.75 Universal Service Association, Grand Avenue Temple Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. THE ADVENT of a rotative gyro scopic stabilizing motor having high crank revolution with low piston speed; efficient, economical, simple. Durable is eagerly awaited by the Aero Plane World. In the opinion of Eminent Experts Advertiser has ! met requirements. Investigation so ! licited. Object, financial co-opera tion. Address Box K-6568, care Tele graph. WANTED—To buy a grocery busi ness; small town preferred. Address Box J -6867, care Telegraph BUSINESS PERSONALS RURAL SERVICE CO.. NEW CUMBERLAND. PA. Water. Electric Light and Heatings Plants for farms and rural buildings,! Silos erected, stave, tile or concrete,' Rock and stumps removed, sub-soil- j Ing, ditching and tree-planting, withi dynamite. Prompt and careful attention. J C. BOYD, Engineer. 1005 Bridge Street Bell Phone 3440 J. JUDGE KITE'S ELASTIC AND HITE'S ROOFING BY THEIR SERVICE. AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 1875-J. * PAFERHANGING AND PAINTING, First-class work. Chilcoat Bros— -1622 N. Fourth St. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H., CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street A. LANE V New anil aecond-hand bought and eold. Highest pricea paid*. 1022 Mai ket street Bell 4730-J. QUININE —Look out for that grippe, feeling, likely to catch you thlsi changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE, PUOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oft If taken In time. Gross Drug Sto.a., 119 Market street " "ox Y- ACETYLENE WELDING —2 Any metal welded. Work guaran-, teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1638 Logan] street. Bell 4396 J. —— 1 ——-v FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. 1. A. Bishop. 1730 Logan atreet ' RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED -J Single edge, 25c do*.; double edge, 35a ioz.; razors. 28c. Gorgaa Drug Storr 4 . — 1 PERSONAL EVERYBODY suffering from Piles, Fistula. Fissures, Ulceration, Consti pation. Write for FREE Trial Pain-* less PHe Cure. S. U. TARNEY, An-*] burn, Indiana. — -*1 j Additional Classified Ado < Opposite Page [' *1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers