CITY WILL HAVE "KIPONA" AGAIN THIS FALL; JOE CHIP ARRIVES TO BOX WITH WILLARD GULY-DRONEY IN TEN ROUNDS Doe Barrett Gives Details of Combats at Bis Monday Night Steeilton Show Young Mahoney the Baltimore boxer, who was compelled to can cel his bout Monday night with Sammy Schiff on account of in juries to his arm received in his bout with Joe Marks last Friday night in Baltimore, will not delight local fans with his clean fighting for several years. Mahoney is just arriving at IS years of age, and his parents an nounce they will not allow him to box until he reaches the age when he is his own master. Young Gilly, the classy light weight champion of the South, who came on to take Mahoney's place against Schiff and returned home owing to SchifTs refusal to meet him, will meet Tim Droncy next Monday night at Quartet Hall, Steelton, in the feature event of ten rounds. Barrett says he realizes Mahoney and Schiff were drawing cards ow ing to their having performed in this section many times, while Droney and Gilly are not so well known. Both men, he assures, arc clover and can give and take with the best of them. In fact, Barrett says if these two warriors do not furnish the best fight ever seen 'n this section be tween lightweights, he is willing to give up the game. Nate Isaacman, the local boxer, was to meet Young Silar, the York boxer, in the semtwindup Monday night and can have a chance in the coming show, but Barrett says he will take no more chances of having to get a substitute and it Nate wants the go he must notify Barrett at once and sign articles; It not, then Frank Erne, of Lancaster, will meet Silar. Billy Norton, Harrisburg's re liable lightweight, will meet Paul Wagner, the fast York Boxer, in an other bout. Billy Atticks, who was booked with Young Wampler, of York, must notify Barrett at once if he wants the chance next Monday. If not, Barrett says he will secure another middleweight to meet the Yorker, fcilar, who is known as the bulldog of the Twenty-eighth Divi sion, and Wampler belonged to the One Hundred and Twelfth Infan try. When Barrett was compelled to cancel his show Monday night he announced that those who had re served tickets in advance could re deem them. Not a person took ad vantage of tho offer, which, he be- LOOK HERE M WE REPAIR ■ RADIATORS FENDERS I Wreck Bodies I I Auto Lamps, Etc. I Guaranteed Work I Auto Radiator Co. 125 S. Cameron St. COHEN'S Bicycle Clearance Sale Months of June and July Pay Ride Less Better Autocyde STST 2 Westminister olive drab color, dropside mud- guards, stand. New Departure guards, stand. New Departure brake, one year guaranteed brake, one year guaranteed Grip- Griptite tires. Value tAO OfJ tite tires. Value ftfl 350.00. Sale Price .. $47.50. Sale Price.. wOO.UU AutOCVcle Sam ° ab ° V ® bUt eS^m ' n ' S^er buT Equipped •nuiucycie equipped with tool with tool bag and a complete set bag and a complete set of tools; of tools, frame pump, bell, trou frame pump, bell, trouser guards ser guards and electric ' light, and electric light. Vai- dJySC A\r| Value 352.50. Sale tA 1 f\r\ ue 355. Sale Price.. wtU.UU Price &41..UU WAcfminictpr Double Fork Roadster model. 18 and 20-inch If couiuiuaici frames, colors: cobalt blue or olive drab, dropside mudguards, stand. New Departure brake, tires guaran- (nn go teed for 90 days. Value 342.50. Sale Prioe WaiiOU Miami No - 337 Scout model 350.00 to 355.00. Sale O Cfk xniami and No . 338 Roadster Prlce Wb£.OU model. The highest grade bi- cycles in the world. You can got Miami Same as above, but them to 18, 20 and 22-inch Miami equipped with tool bag frames with single or double fork. . ... with or without carriers; colors: * nd a com Pet ■* of tools, ivory, green, black or olive drab, frame pump, bell, trouser guards Musselmann coaster brake, drop- and electric light. Value from side mud guards, one year guar- 355 to 360. Sale Cfl anteed Vltalic tires. Value from Price ALTOGETHER 45 bicycles are included to this sale. NONE sold on time at these prices. We prepay express age on out of town orders. A WRITTEN guarantee with every bicycle with the factory serial number. DURING THE MONTHS of June and Jnly we give 10 per cent, dis count on Eastman Kodaks and Ansco Kameras. Also on Eastman . and Ansco Films and Photo Supplies. COHEN'S Sporting Goods Store 431 Market St. Wholesale St Retail ' At Subway IEDNESDAY EVENING, J. G. MARTIN IS ONE BIG WINNER IN STATE SHOOT Harrisburger Ties "With But ler Shot in Record Field; Bidding For Next Year J. G. MARTIN Butler, Pa., June 18.—In the in- I troductory shoot of the Pennsylva- ; nia State Sportsmen's Association I yesterday, Harrisburg came off with j first honors. J. G. Martin, known to shooters all over the United States, led with a total of I*7 out of 150. His prize was a handsome diamond watch fob. The crack shot from Harrisburg had some close rivals for honors. Homer Clark, of Alton. 111., a pro fessional, led the field with 150. Roy Mclntyre of this place, tied J. G. Martin with 147. The local man withdrew. There"' were 130 shooters in the field for the opening day event. - lieves, means that the change in the card was an improvement and taken as such by the dyed-in-the-wool fans. ' Tickets are now on sale at Fairlamb's, Florence House and Baldwin Hotel, Steelton. Young Gilly is training in Balti more with Kid Williams, ex-ban tam champion; Young Chaney, George Chaney, Micky Dougherty, the bantam champion of the South, and Pat McGovern, another knock out artist of Baltimore, with seven teen knockouts to his credit, recent ly released from the Marine Corps, wants to meet Schiff at 128 pounds, winner take all. Gilly will come to Steelton Thursday or Friday morn ing and finish training under Bar rett's care. In the future the steel town will be Gilly*s home and Silar and Johnny Gill are expected to join Gilly. SHAWLS FASHIONABLE London—Embroidered shawls are all | the rage now, delighting those grand | mothers who are still alive. Lady Tree set the fashion. Jess WQlard b writing his "Own Story" for "The Philadel phia Press"—every day and Sunday. SNOODLES -> -> By Hangerford LroUH p # , M; ;/4c- i EGGIEFETROW OBEYED ORDER Sentenced by Mayor Keister to Home Run Every Day, He Does It Once, at Least ALLISON HILL LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. Reading 8 3 .727 Galahad 8 5 .615 Rosewood ......... 6 7 .472 St. Mary's 2 9 .182 To-night—St. Mary's vs. Rose wood. Umpire—"Dick" Neblnger. Last Night's Score —Galahad, 9; St, Mary's, 2. "I see by the Telegraph that Mayor Keister sentenced 'Eggie* Fet row to knock a home run every night that he plays," commented a fan from the grandstand last evening at an Allison Hill contest. "Now just watch him strike out," he added. But "Eggie" did the trick. On his first trip to the plate he whaled the ball to - right field for a circuit of the bases. That ought to be suffi cient to secure his release on parole. But just to show that the crash was no accident, the clever center fielder on his second trip drove out another circuit clout to deep left field. On his third trip to the platter, he rapped out a single, and if you are anxious to know what happened on the fourth trip, ask "Eggie" him self. Whether Fetrow will knock out home runs by the pair remains to be seen. His hitting was the feature of the 9 to 2 victory registered by Galahad over St. Mary's. Last night's victory was the fifth straight for the fast-moving Gala hads, and Thursday night Reading and Galahad will fight it out for first place. Reading has, been at the top j of the heap since the opening of the league. May 5. Galahad sewed up the contest in the first and second innings when Fetrow"s two blows from his trusty shillaiah was responsible for prac tically all of the victors' eight runs. After that Hoon held them safe. Marshall Comp, recently discharged from the service, and Dana Griffin, home from Ursinus College, made their debuts with Galahad. St. Mary's nine presented a good team, but they were lacking In team work. First Baseman Boyles again featured with two hits in three tripe to the plate. The score: . GALAHAD AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cobaugh, If 422100 Starry, ss ... . . 3 1 2 1 2 1 Klerner, 3b. ..2211 00 Fetrow, cf - . 4 2 3 2 0 0 Lutz, c ....... 3 1 2 5 1 0 Clark. 3b ...... 3 0 12 10 Stauffer, lb ... 3 0 1 8 0 0 Black, p 3 0 0 1 3 0 Foland, rf .... 2 110 0 0 Comp, c ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Griffin, rf..... 0 0 0 0 (N 0 Total 27 9 13 21 7 1 ST. MART'S AB. R. H. O. A. E. Halm, cf 2 0 1 1 2 0 Kewbaum, 1f... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Gluntz, ss .... 3 0 114 0 Boyles. lb ... 3 0 2 3 0 0 Wagner, 2b.... 3 0 0 4 2 0 Sostar, 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Hummel, rf... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Hoon, p....... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Rheam, c..... 3 0 0 6 1 0 Total 26 2 6 16 9 0 Clark and Black out, bunted third Galahad 440001 x—9 St Mary's 000020 o—2 Home Runs—Fetrow, .2. Double plays—Stauffer (unassisted). Struck out—Hoon, 5; Black, 5. Base on balls —Hoons, 3: Black. 1. Stolen bases—Starry. Stauffer, Klerner, 2; Lutz, Hahn. Clark, Cobaugh. Um pire—"Dick" Nebinger. Bell Telephone Teams Will Play Off Tie The second game of ball between the, Installation-Maintenance and Engineering crowd of the Bell Tele phone Company, was played on the Island, Saturday afternoon, and the Engineers won the decision 11 to 6. The initial game on June 7 being won by the I-M crowd, this makes a third game necessary. The pttching of Gulbrandsen was the strategic point of Saturday's duel as he let the 1.-M. bunch down with three hits. The outfield of the 1.-M. crowd spent a busy afternoon watching the ball go by, as the heavy hitting Engineers knocked it far—far away. "Kid" Knight, that versatile young man who just came back from France, did the catching in true big league style for the Engineers. The kid is clever. Both teams showed the lack of their southern training trip, but hope to be in shape to contest for the third game at an early date. Score by innings: 1.-M 100300 2 6 3 4 Eng 210323 o—ll 10 3 The lineup: Engineers Gulbrandsen, p.; Ty ler, rf: Knight, c; Kendig. 3d b; Pat terson. If; Wile, lb: Harrow, ss; Spangler, cf: Kirby, 2b. Inst Maint. —Ziegler, p: Under wood, rf; Sarvls. e: Bress'er, 3b; Smith, If: Case, lb; Housefleld, ss; Boob, cf: Miller, 2b. ! POSTPONE SHOPMEN'S STRIKE By Associated Press. Montreal, June is,—The nation wide strike of 40.000 shopmen em ployed on the Canadian Railway, or dered for to-day, has been post- TLAJRRISBUTtG TELEGRAPH ' FINE PITCHING IN WEST END Eisenberger Defeats Motive Power and Stirs Fan to Write Stirring Letter LEAGUE STANDING W. L. Tct. West End ....A... S 5 .615 Motive Power ............. 7 6 .538 Commonwealth 6 7 .461 E. and F 5 8 .384 Big league twirling by Dewey Eis er.berger was the medium by which Commonwea.ih won last night in the West End League rrom Motive Pow er, 9-5. It was estimated that 3.000 tans ogled the fray. The sport was so exalting that the Telegraph Sport editor received a special delivery let ter from one who signs himself "Fan" and he says: "Again that crowd roared. Yes— it was somewhere in his neighbor hood. and he decided "just for*£un' to investigate. His fatal plunge would be held up but a moment, and what was a moment in his young life? His investigation showed 18 hale and hearty young men playing a game of baseball, and about three thousand souls yelling their heads off, as it | were. He faltered Just a moment, and just then a batter soused one on ! the snoot for three bases, and that howling mob nearly went mad. In I the excitement that followed he i found himself cheering with the rest. 1 He decided to remain for a few min utes, at least. His few minutes proved to be the entire game, and when he left that field he had an en tirely new perspective of life. Yes, he saw something to live for. He would get a Job at something. He left that field a changed young man, for life began to seem worth while after all. The next morning he told his styy to an interested listener, and within an hour he had employment. Had a miracle been wrought? Who knows' It is no hard to find the reason for baseball being called the greatest American game. It is the one game that offords amusement to the mil lions of people who are lovers of out door life, and good, true clean sports manship. "Baseball has grown from nothing to a sport of tremendous possibili ties. It wa s somewhat side tracked during the war, but now that the wai clouds have rolled away, it is bacli with a brighter future than ever. Baseball has done wonder in the uplifting of young men, both mentaly and physically. "The question is often asked "Why does Harrisburg not have a League team? The writer often wonderet why a city this size could not be rep resented in organized baseball, bui after attending one game in the West Twilight League, I was con vinced that Harrishjtrg had some rea basebalL" The score: COMMONWEALTH AB. R. H. O. A Gerdes, 3b 3 1 0 1 t .fly Rubber W Process YOU'VE probably often thought * A that somebody some time would produce Tires and Tubes that would leave no complaint as to costs. You were right. That time has arrived. The discovery of how to produce greater Tire and Tube resistance and strength has been made. It is the Gillette Chilled Rubber Process the perfected method. Toughens rubber as iron is toughened by changing to steel building up endur ance and bringing down costs to the lowest figures of economy. Absolutely the biggest worth—hi service | in mileage—ever offered Tire and s Tube buyers. One Gillette is Lound to sell you a E. Killinger, c. .3 0 1 6 1 Wrightstone. 2b 4 1 1 0 1 J Smith, r.f 4 1 4 2 0 Lightner, c. f .4 1 1 1 0 Klugh, lb 2 114 0 Palmer, lb ....... 0 0 0 2 0 W. Smith, l.f. 3 2 1 3 0 Eisenberber, p. .......2 0 0 0 3 Totals 28 9 9 21 7 MOTIVE POWER AB. R. H. O. A. Stewart s.s. 3 2 0 1 lj Brown, l.f. 4 2 2 1 1 Garverich, r.f 4 1' 2 1 0! Howe, c. 3 0 1 2 0' Wertz, c.f. 4 0 0 3 0! Weaver, 3b 3 0 1 0 1 McC'y, lb 3 0 1 9 0 1 | Welc'r, 2b 2 0 0 1 2 I Hockee, l.f. 1 o 0 0 0 | Bamford, p 1 0 0 0 1 : Ramsey, p 1 o 0 0 2 I xHlney 1 o 0 0 0 ' Totals 30 5 718 8 j xßatted for Bamford In fourth, i Motive Power ... .. 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 —5 j Common wealth ... 2 15 0 10 x—9 | Errors—Commonwealth. E. Killing er, 1; Motive Power, Howe, 2; Wertz I and Welcomer. | Two-base hits, Garverich. 2; Wea | ver. Brown. Three-base hits, Brown, j W. Smith; struck out. by Bamford, 1; by Eisenberger, 6; by Ramsey, 1; base on balls, off Bamford 2; off Eisen jberger, 4; off Ramsey, 1; left on bas- I es. Motive Power, 7; Commonwealth, | 5; hit by pitcher, Howe, E. Killinger; | stolen bases, Wrightstone, W. Smith, lE. Kilinger, Weaver, Klugh; passed j balls, Howe, E. Killinger. Time, 1.30. Umpires, Cook and Jackson. | DEARDORFF-TAYLOR WEDDING Waynesboro, Pa., June 18.—Ser ; geant Merle DeardorfT, lately dis | charged from the United State® t service, is another of the local ! doughboys to escape the clutches of j Mars only to be caught in the ofet of l Cupid. He was married several days [ ago to Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Taylor, of Brookville, Pa. The young couple ■ are now spending part of their i honeymoon with the parent® of the j bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Deardorff. Sergeant Deardorft has recently been elected superintendent of the public schools of Reynolds vllle, where the couple will make I their future home. ' 11l CIGARETTES win smokers from B the start because the expertly blended H JTSkfl choice Turkish and choice Domestic-tobaccos I / make possible Camel's delightful mellow- H XI f fff tj Sy mildness with that all-there "body." f Camels meet your fondest cigarette fancies in §f so man y wa y s - Their flavor is unusual and H refreshing; and, they permit you to smoke as - long as you will without any unpleasant ciga- M retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. H fc ■ Trip \—You'll find Camels good all the way through. , I Y I ** * s a *" act ' y° u ' n P re f er Camels expert blend H il °f choice Turkish and choice Domestic to- ■ <1 baccos to either kind of tobacco smoked B v-—I. j| straight. And, Camels may be smoked liber- H I pi ally without tiring your taste. H A;j| | To know Camels best compare them in every jijj possible test with any cigarette in the world H I *T!j | M Camels are eold everywhere In scientifically I | I -'J/ YL sealed packages of 30 cigarettes ortmn packagea IX UKKTSIr-r gll r§ WOO cigarettes) in a glaaaine-paper-corered HA I . / Cyr/I y7 /II carton. We atrongly recommend thia carton for H I | n Sjft W home or office eupply or when yoefraeoL IS Cents A package R- -*• REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. S EAST END HOLDS LEAD League Standing W. L. Pet. East End 14 6 .700 Swatara 11 6 .647 Algonguins 3 9 .250 Peerless 3 9 .250 The East End Juniors again wal loped the Aigonquins in the City Junior League contest last evening by a 2 to 1 score at Nineteenth and j Greenwood streets. Karmatz twirled an excellent I game for East End and only allowed j two hits. Snyder's drive in the third i with two on base also featured. The I score: Aigonquins .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 o—l 2 1 East End .. 0 0 2 0 0 0 x —2 4 0 | The Naudain A. C., wh6 signed up half a dozen Swatara players, lost to Swatara last night by a 8 to 3 score, j Rodgers, Naudain's twirler, was hit ! hard in the last frame and Lentz, ! former Swatara twirler, cooled | down and only allowed the Swataras | two hits, which were good for two i runs. Hoke Layton's triple and Les ■ Motter's- triple featured the contest. ; Any team desiring games out of j town with the Swatara nine should j communicate with Captain Shearer, ! Bell 4457-R, or 615 South Fsont 1 street. Among the regulars of the Swatara team is Chick backstop. Shearer was booked to twirl for the Swatara team, but on account of a sorg arm he was barred from the game. The score: SWATARA AB. R. H. A. A- E. iH. Layton, c .. 4 1 0 8 0 0 ! Hocker, lb .... 4 1 1 4 0 0 IW. Layton. ss.. 311111 j Prowell. 2b 4 2 0 1 1 0 I Ellenberger, 3b. 220002 jA. Matter. If .. 3 1 2 0 1 0 L Motter, cf .. 3 0 1 3 1 0 Kirby, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Kurtz, p 3 0 1 2 3 0 Totals 29 8 6 21 7 3 NAUDAIN" A. C. JUNE 18, 1919. AB. R. H. A. A. E. Hoover, rf 4 0 1 0 1 0 Barry, If ...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 Lentz, lb, p... 2 2 1 4 1 0 Shover, ss 3 0 0 1 2 1 Page, 2b 3 0 0 1 1 0 Young, c 3 0 0 10 1 0 McLinn,' 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 Rodgers, P, lb . 3 0 0 3 1 2 Box, cf 3 1 0 1 0 0 Totals 26 3 221 9 3 ATLANTIC . * iPOLARINEI YOU wouldn't put hair-oil on lettuce any more than you would rub cook ing-oil on your hair. Which proves that any oil won't always do. Atlantic Motor Oils—Atlantic Polarine. Atlantic Light. Medium and Heavy— are recommended by the oldest and largest manufacturer of lubricants in the country as the best oils for motors. Remember that. ATLANTIC ©MOTOR OILS Keep Upkeep Down. 13 Swatara 0 0 0 S 0 8 2—B Naudain 0 0 2 0 0 1 o—3 Two-base hit, A. Matter, Three base hit, L. Motter, W, Layton. Sac rifice hits, Barry, Page, Young, Prowell, L. Motter. Double play® Page to Lentz; Shover to McLlnn. Struck out, by Kurtz, 7; by Rodger® 10. Base on balls, Kurtz, 3; Rodg. ers, 3. Left on base, Swatara, 5] Naudatn, 3. Stolen bases. Hoover, Barry, Lentz, Page, Hocker, W. Lay ton, Prowell, A. Matter. Inning! pitched, Kurtz, 7; Rodgers, 6; Lenta 11. Time, 1.04. Umpires, Shearei 1 and Scheaffer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers