Additional Classified Ads. on Opposite Pact HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prumpt ser vice. Call Bell 623-J. HAULING—LocaI or Long-distance. Pianos and safes a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell phone 2SIIJ. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and Dlanos n specialty. General hauling. 1501 North Fifth street. Dial 4166, Bell 114 4 W. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial <990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. ALL KINDS OF"*HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 841 KELKER 3T. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3618. PAINTING JOSEFH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave nue, Practical Painter. Estimates cheerfully given. Bell phone 386. MUSICAL J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE BARGAINS THIS WEEK 8400 Haines Bros. Piano, ebony chse, splendid tone,. Price 8155. 8350 Bachman Piano, mahog any case; excellent tone. Price 8170. 8350 Huntington Piano, fine mahogany ease, like new; good tone. Price 8195. Winters Piano. mahogany, good as new in tone and mush. Price 8240. 8500 Poole Piano, walnut case, can't be told from new; bench to match. Price 8360. J'everal good SS-note Players It 8365, 8125 and 8485, Any of the above instruments are ready for immediate de livery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE VIOLINS, MANDOLINE. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an .expert only. OYLEK'S. 14 South Fourth street. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRF, DISTILLERY CO*. LTD.. Highsplre, Pa. Phones: Bell: Steelton 169Y, Dial: Steelton 9439. STORAGE private rooms for household goods iu fireproof ware house. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates tn non-fireproof ware bouse. Harrisburg Storago Co.. 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick oullding, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean. &rivate rooms. Reasonable rates. P. . Diener, 4uB Market street. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house* bold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. I'ACKLEE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry SL BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Kmbalmer. 611 North Second Street. BELL 262. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY _ Beautiluiiy situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS WHY buy new clotning, when we clean your old ones as good as new! Ail kinds*, of repairing work guaran teed. Goodman's, 1306% North Sixth. Both Fhones. Call and Deliver. REMOVAL NOTICE MAX SMELTZ Removal from 1016 Market to 1020 Market. We have sp.cial removal prices. AUTOMOBILES AUTO TIRE VULCANIZING, Sec tional and Retread Molds. Boiler. Air Compressors. Buffers, Motors, Tools, any make or model. We save you 20 to 50 per cent . Catalog free. If you want to buy, sell or exchange write the EQUIPMENT CO.. 451 Eighth St.. Cincinnati. O. GUARANTEED TIRES—Ford size. 27.90; other sizes, same reduction. Goods shipped subect to inspection. Write for price list. MARTIN AUTO CO., 401 Broadway, New York City. FORD TOURINGS FORD ROADSTER FORD TON TRUCK FORD SPEEDSTER PAIGE CAR "• Open evenings. SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 117-121 South Third Street Harrisburg, Pa. (Continued tn Next Column) SATURDAY EVENING, I AUXtIMOUOiUft REBUILT GARFORD TRUCKS Thoroughly overhauled, re painted and guaranteed Gar fords, good for years of "®r vice, at practically half price. r%-ton Garford chassis, with new cab. Equipped with 2-ton rear springs and axle. Tires almost new. Two 2-ton Garfords. equip ped with cabs and dump bodies. Mechanically like new. lti-ton Koehler, chassis only. Completely rebuilt. Splendid tire equipment. Time Payments. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Both Phones. 212-214 N. Second St. STUDEBAKER 7-PASSENGER TOURING CAR. 1918 MODEL* FOR SALE. PRICE. 8700. Inquire BOX R, 6816. Care of Telegraph. 1916 Ford touring car in excellent h i:G7 Ford touring, good tires. Overland Coupe, .Model 79 line run ning car, electrically equipped. A ba ßutck Six touring, new tires, power ful ear At a bargain price. 1914 Stutz roadster, electric lights, very powerful and speedy. A gooo ba m a,n ßeo touring, fine running mo toßutck y Lt°o 0 n truck. A 1 shape, quiet motor? electric lighted, will be sold at 1 IdTt V g lm e delivery. good tires, very rC rHF?.SEA AUTO WRECKING CO.. CHELSEA Bchiftman ManaK er. 22-24-26 North Cameron St. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire. Public Liability. Theft and rollision Phone and representative wUI cail. ■ Chas. Adler. 1002 North Third St. (.AD CALK —Five used trucks, con cictm* 5f twTVton worm-drive Sel doni a 2-ton Brockaway. 1-ton Den tav all in first-class running ordei. A' about 25 used pleasure cars or all makes, types and capacities. Ow fng to lack of space to handle tliese cars due to several shipments com mg in, these cars will be sold tor cash or easy term payments, within next un days. Anyone desiring an exceptional bargain in used cars or tracks do not tall to call at once at Seldon Truck Distributors. lOlclO.o Market street. __ WANTED Any model or make \uto Tire Vulcanizing Molds, complete Plans or Parts, lor cash. Give de scription. Queen City VuL Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. FORD touring 17 model, demountable rims O. K. 8400. Saxon roadster. 16 model. O. K. 8300. Twin motorcycle, $75. Hoist, Linglestown, Pa., near Harrisburg. FOR SALE —One light Mitchell touring car, eiectrlcally T equipped, in good condition; first 822 a takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial phone 0.01. FOR SALE IV4-ton Garford truck, good condition; bargain for quick bUye FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh Street. FORD touring car for sale, in good running condition; 1 new tires,' bar gain. Call at 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE—Model 20 Hupmobile; good condition, with extra wheel, tire and tube or will trade on late model motorcycle with side car. See Esterbrook, 012 North Third street. 1 WANTED Who wants to trade their 5 or 7-pasenger automobile on my two-ton Denby truck, stake body? Answer E-6555. care Telegraph. NATIONAL 5-passenger; in splen did condition; good tires and re painted. . ' Kissel car. repainted and in tine shape; a bargain. Velie, 1918, in first class condi tion. tires good; one new tire extra. REX GARAGE, 1917 North Third St. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No lunk. H. Esterbrook. 012 Ncrtn Third street. Dial 4990. 1917 FORD ROADSTER. 1916 Ford Touring, 1916 Oldsmobile, 6-cyrlnder; Chalmers, 5-passenger. Bargain. East End Garage, in Rear of Thirteenth and Walnut. Inquire Hummer. BARGAINS Premier, 1918, electric gear shift, lun 200 miles. 7-passenger. Ford delivery, panel body, in fine condition. DenDy 2%-ton trucks, overhauled, in fine condition, dump body. Rco, 2-ton. 3%-ton Acme. Wood's Hoist and steel body. Denby, 3-ton. Wood's Hoist and steel body. One-ton International; used 10 months, cheap. Two-ton International; used 9 months; cheap. Other used trucks on hand. Full line ui Denby chassis. DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 CAPITOL STREET FOR SALE—Hupmobile, with panel top; In good condition; first 811U takes it. Coxestown Garage, Dial 5751. FOR SALE —Ford roadster; Just overhauled and repainted; in good running order. H. D. Lauser, West Main street. Palmyra, I'u. FOR SALE—One Maxwell Special Roadster, mechanically perfect, 825b. M. Brenner &■ Sons Motor Car Co., Third and Hamilton streets. CADILLAC, 1912 FOR SALE—Good condition. Price reasonable. Slbiu's Garage. 301 Cumberland. FOR SALE Peven-passenger Packard Twin "Six," 1917 model. Good aa new. Traveled only 6,000 miles. Address ! v E. 7082, Care of Telegraph AUTOS FOR HIRE •CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and sewen-passeuger cars for business or pleasurs at an hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914 FOR SALE —Eight-cylinder, 7-pas ser.gcr Cadillac automobile; in first class condition. Price 81.700. Inquire A. L. Hauer, M. D., Annville, Pa. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmera. In any condition. See me before etc rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. SchlKman. 22. 24. Hi North Cameron street. Bell 8633. (Continued in Next Column) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Studebaker Touring; 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing Keo Touring car; Overland Coun try Club. JoftorTea Touring car. An drew Redmond. Third and Roil) streets. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, daman. Dixie, Snhtdort Men, Reiny and dlßerent makes of coiis. catburetors. etc. A SchiSrnan, 22-24-26 Norm Cameron street. 801 l 3633. TRUCK FOR SALE Urm ..lied b-ton truck, with Dump hnfiv for sale. Big bargain to quick haver For particulars call at the (Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. -• n.Tipir . Repairing. Susquehanna Mot ,rcL I" Thlrd *trect w irYSTONK AUTO TOP CO Alports of auto tops and cwblon J.L.v snne bv experts; alao r 'pair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron street. WM. PENN GARAGE ?24-6 Muench street. Limousines for S.iliarai oar ties and balls; careful drivers; openday and nig he Bell 4664. HUPMOBILE FOR SALE 6-passenger Touring Car. 3 extra Urea Apply 1723 GREEN STREET. Bell B6OJ. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders. P.mns etc Best service In town. Har rUburg Auto, Radiator Work* BUs North Third StreeU WANTED QUICK FOR CASH FORD ROADSTER. MUBT BE IN GOOD CONDITION AND -"VT UIIiHT PRICK. C. A. 1?A1R JbAbi END MULBERRY ST. BRIDGE. WANTED —Ford automobile, must be in good condition. Address N. 1L I Keister. P. O. Hot 863. Harrisburg. AUTOS FOR SALE VELIE 1917. 5-passenger. mechani cs? condition X-!; tires all good, two extras. Price reasonable. 14-0 Wal nut streeC . AUTOS FOB IIIKK AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE take you to any part of city or nearby country? Call at 1837 Spencer street or Dial 5937. ACCESSOR UCS AND REPAIRS - T COLE'S CHURCH PLACE M ' GARAGE, 44 North Cameron Street. into wrecking and repairing. Full line of pins tor all makes cars on Lit °We teach you tu drive. Will Mil you old car on small commission basis. Storage space for Utteuu cars, uasia. DREAPNAUGHT 5,000-MILJB TIRES ■*ox3 Ribbed Tread $13.88 vyxiiVfi " " 17.10 32x3 ta " 20 ' #,i 32XSVa .. .j, 2)j " ~ 26.82 O-A-i 66 •• 21. 6j 33X4 .. .. Z8.43 25x4 5* " I 36X4 £ " •• 20x3 Vacuum Tread 15.53 30X2% „ .. 22 43 22x3 % .. .. j&JJ 81x4 „ .. 2811 z2x4 •• •• 30.60 33x4 .. .. 31>88 " " 2 - 45 35X4% _ .. 44 . u7 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 N.jThird si. Dial 4990. IF THE MOTOR COUGHS of hesitates, if it does not pick uo llie instant you step on the accelerator, it you have to shift r.. low to make ordinary hills, your car needs a KayneiU Car buretor. Agency / FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 N. Seventh Street. {'HAS S. JOHNSON, 19 Jonestown Road.* with 13. C. Murray Auto Spring \v eld inn a specialty annd general auto repainng- Dial 3304. night phone Bell 1050-J. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re naming by an expert. Road Job. a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both phones. Sunshine Garage. _7 North j Cameron street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCI.ES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT sit. WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. FOR SALE —Excelsior motorcycle, turn cylinder, 1914; in good condition; first 575 takes it. Coxestown Garage, Dial 5751. FOR SALE —Indian motorcycle, all electrically equipped, speedometer and tamden seat. Inquire R. M. Rhoads. 2130 Moore street. City. PUBLIC SALE FOR SALE AT CAMP COLT, GETTYSBURG. PA. 2 500,000 ft. first-class lumber. All sizes of pipe and fittings, gate valves, etc., from 1 iqch to 8 inch, black and galvanized. Two 50,000-gal. water tanks. Two Worthington deep well pumps. Fifty iceboxes. Two 500-gal. Bowser gasoline storage tanks with pumps. A vast amount of new doors and sash. All goods ready for delivery in carloads or less. Get our prices before buying else where. E. W. LEWIS ROOFING CO., Gettysburg, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES OF PENNSYLVA NIA MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY We hereby notify hoiders of bonds N-osV 103, 44. 178, 228, 270. 279. sit, 521 >351. 377. 387. 398 and 410 to prs rent them to the Union Trust Com pany of Pennsylvania for payment on or before July 1. 1919, as interest will cease on that data. (Signed) PENNA. MILJC PRODUCTS CO. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. No. 123 March Term 1918- Katharine Balsam vs. Maurice Balsam. To Maurice Balsam, respondent: You are hereby respectfully noti ed that the hearing in the above stated case in which you are 'the re spondent. will be had before the Hon orable, the Judges of thp Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, at the Court House in the City of Har risburg. on the 23rd day of June, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time and place you may appear and cross-examine the witnesses on behalf of the libellant, if you so de sire, and present your defense, if any you have. JOEL CLASTER, Attorney for Libellant. HAJKRJDSBURG R ATH LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of William Nune maker, late of Steelton. Dauphin County. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to mike immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them for set tlement, to STEELTON TRUST .COMPANY, Administrator. Or to Steelton, Pa. H. L. DRESS, Atty., Steelton Trust Co. BldjJ, Steelton, Pa. NOTICE —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Sophia Raumgartner, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harris burg. Pa. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immed iate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle- I menl- CHARLES MALLUL, 751 So. Nineteenth Street, Qr to Executor. *I. p. BOWMAN, Attornoy-at-Law. IN compliance with the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, SEALED PROPOSALS will be rsceived unt.l twelve o'clock noon, June 23rd, 1919, ul the office of the Superintenueni ot public Printing una Binding, iu the Capitol Building, llarnsourg. Pa., lor lurnishlng paper una ether supplies required lor the execution of the pub lic printing ana binaing iroin the mat day of July, 1919, to the thirtieth uay ot June, 1920. Bids will be made at certain rates per centum below the maximum rates fixed 111 u schedule prepared lit accord ance with law by the superintendent ot Public Printing and Binding. The proposals must be sealed up and must be endorsed "Proposals for purnishihg Paper and Otner Sup plies." and drl.vered to Said Superin tendent at or before twelve o'clock noon on said day. accompanied with the bond required by said ucts of As sembly. Such proposals us shall have been received up to said hour wlit oe immediately opened, and bids tabulat ed and contracts promptly awarded. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid or auy part and reject the other part if sucn action would be in the interest ot the ] commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Blank proposals containing instruc tions. schedule and blunk bond may be obtained at the office of the Superin tendent of Public Printing and Bind ing qnd no bid will be accepted unless submitted upon such fumisued blanks. ROBERT C. MILLER, Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. Harrisburg. Pa. June 4. 1919. IN compliance with the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, SEALED I PROPOSALS will be received until three o'clock P. M., June 23rd, 1919, at the office of the Superintendent of! Public Printing and Binding, l n he Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa., for furnishing half tones, electrotypes, slocl plates and other plates required for the execution of the public print ing and binding from the first day of July, 1919. to the thirtieth day of June, 1920. Bids will be made at certain -atcs per centum below the maximum rates fixed in a schedule prepared in accord ance with law by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. The proposals must be sealed up and must be endorsed "Proposals for Fur nishing Cuts and Plates," and deliver ed'to sa' d Superintendent at or before three o'clock P. M. on said day, ac companied with the bond required by said acts of Assembly. Such proposals as shall have been received up to said hour will be immediately opened, and bids tabulated and contracts promptly awarded. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid or ar.y part and reject the other part if such action would be in the interest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Blank proposals containing instruc tions. schedule and blank bond may be obtained at the office of the Superin tendent of Public Printing and Bind ing and no bid will be accepted unless submitted upon such furnished blanks ROBERT C. MILLER, Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. Harrisburg, Pa. June 4, 1919. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HARKIS BURG, PA. A special meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank, of Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, will be held at the banking rooms of the First National Bank on Tuesday, July 15th, 1919, between the hours of eleven and twelve o'clock, for the ipurpose of voting for or against a resolution providing for an increase in the number of directors from seven to eight, and also for the pur pose of holding an election to fill the vacancy which will exist in the Board provided the said resolution increas ing the number of Directors is duly adopted. E. J. GLANCEY. Cashier. PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGH WAY DEPARTMTNT. Harrisburg, "Fa. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the State Capitol until 10 A M . July 8, 1919, when bids will be publicly opened ahd scheduled and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following pavements:—4sosl lin ear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course and Hillside Vitrified Brick on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete in Bradford County: 14883 linear feet of either Bituminous Sur face Course on a Concrete Founda tion or Reinforced Concrete in Rucks County . 4 1 673 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick In Butler County; 1235w lineAr feet of either Bituminous Suree Course on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete ln Center County: 30915 lin ear feet of Reinforred Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick in Clearfield Countv. 2903 linear feet rrf either Bituminous Surfnce Course on a Con crete Foundation or Reinforced Con crete in Clinton County; 24900 linear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation and Hillside Vitrified Brick or Reinforced Concrete and Hi'iside Vitrified Rriek in Delaware County: 30197 linear feet c f Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick in Favptte Count v: 4r."97 linear feet of Reinforced Con crete and Hi'iside a'Hrifled Rriek in Belli eh County: 2"105 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vit rified Brick in T tcerne Countv: 80363 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitr'fipd Rriclc In Somerset Countv 30335 linar feet of Rein forced Concrete in Susotichannn Coun tv- 17412 liear feet of either Ritum inous Surface Course and THlls'de V't rif. or Reinforced Concrete in Sul'lvan County; 28831 linear feet of either TVitum'noue "Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation and Hill dde Vitrified Br'ek or Reinforced Concrete In Tiona Countv9 32047 U-e"r foot of Reln'o-eed Concrete and Hill side Vitrified Rriek in Westmerelend Count-.*' 71063 I'near tee t of eithor Rltumlnou- Su-f-ee Collt-e on ~ Concrete Foundation or nfo-eed Concrete In Tack*, manna and tt vo-ning Counties, end 917(4 (Ins-- font of Re. l-fcsood Concrete and Hillside V"r\- n~d Rriek in York Countv Ridding Planks and sneoifieations mav he oh tnlnod free and plan, upon navmartt of ,n oor set. "ton annUeat'on to, nir|urtv rtnnsrt—'ent Ht" 1 "- horrr. No refund for plans returned Tlicv can also he seen at o"'re r.f o.„,„ Ulsiitrtv Renaetment. Harrt-. here 1011 chestnut S' -ent ukR-d-d. Phla and 904 "-vie Rn'ld'og. ptt.r hur~h Pa Tetrk Sadler. State Hishwav Commissioner. Sptt.FP RIDS will he received hv the Borough of Meehan'eshu—r, Rn tin until Tuesday. Jul-' 1. 1919. at 8 o'clock P M for the furnishing of a Combination Motor Driven Service Tuck and neeessnrv equipment. Council reserves the right to releet any or all bids. Sneclfletlons ma" ha' had on application to Samuel E. Rasehore. Secretary. Mechanicsburg. Pa. I WARKETS^ MEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following 1?P 8 , : Open Close Allis Chalmers , 44% 4; Amer. Beet Sugar 84% 84% American dan 54% 54% Am. Car and Fndry C 0...104 -04 Amer. Loco Sl^ Amer. Smelting 80?4 gi% American Sugar ...131% 13274 Amer. Woolens 11114 Anaconda 70% 71% Atchison <,814 98% Baldwin Loco 9899^4 Baltimore and Ohio 50% 51 Bethlehem Steel, B. ... 88% 89% Butte Copper 28% 28% California Petroleum ..34% 34% Canadian Pacific 161% 161% Central Leather 99% 9974 Chesapeake and Ohio 64 64 Chi., Mil and St. Paul .. 42% 42% Chi.. R. Pacific.. 26% 26% Chino Con. Copper 44% 45% Cot. Fuel and Iron 46% 46% Consol. Gas '. 54% 54% Corn Products .v.. 63% 63% Crucible Steel 88 90 J? rie 17% 17% General Motors 211% 209 Great North. Pfd 95% 95% Goodrich, B. F 76 75% Great North. Ore. subs .. 46% 46% Hide and Leather 32% 31% Hide and Leather. Pfd...123% 122 Inspiration Copper .... 58% 58% International Paper ... 53% 54% Kennecott 38% 39% Lackawanna Steel 82 82 Lehigh Valley 53% 53% Maxwell Motors 44 46% Merc. War Ctfs 48% 49% Merc. War Ctfs. Pfd 116% 116% Mex. Petroleum ~178% 177% Miami Copper ....% 27% 27 Midvale steel 49 4974 N. Y. Central 79% 7914 N. Y„ N. H. and H 30% 30% N. Y., Ont. and West 23 23 Northern Pacific 95% 96 Penna. R. R 4574 4594 Pittsburgh Coal 60% 60% Railway Steel Spg 91% 91% Ray Con. Copper 24% 26% Reading 87 86% Republic Iron and Steel. 87 86% Southern Pacific 105% 105% Southern Ry 29% 29% Studebaker 100% 99% Union Pacific 131% 131% U. S. L Alcohol 149% 149% U. S. Rubber 115% 115% U. S. Steel .105% 106% Utah Copper 88 90 Vir.-Caro. Chem 75 75 Westinghouse Mfg 55% 55% Willys-Overland 34% 34% Pllll.AnK.w.l-HIA STOCKS By Associated Press. Philadelphia, June 14. Wheat to grade and location. $1.83@1.56. Corn—Firmer; yellow as to grade and location, $1.83@1.86. Gats—Higher; No. 2 white. 79% c; No. 3. white, 77%@78c. Butter—Higher; western creamery, extra, 51c; nearby prints, fancy. 62® Eggs—Steady; nearby firsts, $13.80; do. current receipts. $13.20; western extra firsts, $13.80; western first, $13.20; fancy selected packed. 53@55c per dozen. Live Poultry—Dull and weak; fowls £4® 35c. Cheese—Steady; New York and Wis consin full milk, 32@32%c. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 9c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fresh killed fowls, choice or fancy, 37@38c; do small sizes 32®36c; roosters 25c; spring ducks. Long Island 36@37c; broilers nearby choice 55®56c; broil ers western 54®55c. Potatoes—Lower; old potatoes per 100 pounds, $2.00®2.35; new South Carolina No. 1, $6.00@7.00; do. No.-2, $3.00®5.00; Eastern Shore. No. 1, $6.00 @7.50; No. 2, do.. $3.50@5.00; Norfolk No. 1. $6.00@7.00; do. No. 2, $3.00® 4.00. Flour Dull and weak; winter straight western $11.26@11.40 per tarrel; do nearby $10.75® 11.25; Kan sas straight, $11.75@12.25; do. short patent $12.00® 12.50; spring short pat ent $12.00@12.50; spring patent $11.75 @12.25; do first clear $9.75@10.25. Tallow Firm; prime city ioose 13® %c;' prime city special loose 14c; prime country 12 %c; edible in tierces 23® 24c. Hay Steady and firm; timothy No. 1. $45 per ton; No. 2. $42.00® 43.00; No. 3. $39.00@40.00. Clover mixed light $42.00® 43.00; No. 1, $40.50®41.00; No. 2, $38.00® 39.00. Bran Dull and weak; soft win ter spot In 100 lbs. sacks $38.00@43.00 per ton; spring bran $41.00@42.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press. Chicago, June 14.—Hogs.—Receipts. 7,000; market, mostly 15c to 20c high er than yesterday's average; top, $11.25. Bulk, $20.85@21.15; heavy weight. $20.95@21.15; medium weight. $20.80 @ 21.25; light weight. $20.50© 21.20; light lights. $18.75@20.55: heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.25® 25.60; packing cows, rough, $19.75® 20.25; pigs, $17.75@18.75. Cattle Beceipts. 500. compared with a week ago, good and choice beef steers about steady; medium grade light weight steady to 250 higher; fat cows steady to 25c low er; heifers and low grade she stock, steady; veal calves. $1.50@1.75 high er; stockers and feeders, steady to strong. Sheep—Receipts. 9.000;. all direct to packers: eomnared with a week ago Choiee shorn lambs, weak to 25e low er: springs, 25c to 50c lower. Sheep and yearlings, mostly 2Re lower: feeders and breeding stock about steady. LOCAL MARKETS Prices in the local produce mar kets to-day were: Asparagus, 10c and 15c: beans, greerr, %-peck, 15c and 20r; beets, hunch, 8c and 15c; bananas, 30c and 40c: butter, coun try, pound. 55c and 65c; cabbage, head, 8c and 15c: cantaloupes. 15c and 25c; cherries, sour, box. 15c and 18c; Cherries, oxhart, box. 12c and 20c: cucumbers, Sc and 15c; eggs, dozen. 46c and 48c; egg plant, 15c and 20c; onions, box, 15c; lemons, dozen. 30c and 40c: lettuce, 5c and 10c; oranges, 30c and 75c; peaches, box. 12c and 20c; pan. 26c and 40c; peas, %-peck, 15c and 18c; pine apples. 20c and 30c; potatoes, %- peck. 18c and 25c: strawberries. 15c and 20c; tomatoes, box, 15c And 20c; bacon, 48c and 55c; ham, 45c and LEGAL NOTICES Office of the Directors of the Poor. Court House. Harrisburg, Penna. SEALED bids or proposals will be received by the Directors of the Poor until 10 o'clock A. M., Saturday, June 28th. 1919. for dining room furniture to be used at the Dauphin County Almshouse as per specifications on file in the Office of the Directors of the Poor. Bidders must enclose with their bids a certified check, payable to the Directors of the Poor in a sum equal to 10 per cent (10 P. C.) of the bid price! All bids or proposals must be plainly marked as such on the out side thereof, and delivered to the Of fice of the Directors of the - Poor. Room 3, Court House. Harrl'burg. Pa., by 10 o'clock A. M., Saturday. June 28th, 1919. Bids will be opened at 11 o'clock of the same day and date. The rtght is reserved to reject any or all bids. I FRANK B. BNAVELY. President. Attest: J. W. BAYLES, Clerk. 65c; chickens, live, pound, 30c and 35c. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press. Philadelphia, June 14. —Stocks clos ed steady. Baldwin , 99% General Asphalt 70 General Asphalt, Pfd 105% Lake Superior 19% Lehigh Navigation 68 Lehigh Valley 53% Pennsylvania Railroad 45% Philadelphia Electric 25% Philadelphia Company 3S Philadelphia Company, Pfd 30 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .. 27% Reading , 27 Storage Battery 84% Union Traction 38% United Gas 69 U. S. Steel 106% York Railways 9% York Railways, Pfd 32 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, June 14.—Board of Trade closing: Com—July. 173%: Sept., 166%. Oats—July, 69%: Sept.. 68%. Pork—July, 51.75; Sept., 49.50. i.ard—July, 35.80; Sept.. 34.85. Ribs—July, 28.30; Sept., 28.12. Seventy Dead Will Be Remembered by 1.0.0. F. at Memorial Service Memorial services for 70 deceased members will be held to-morrow eve ning by the local lodges of the I. O. O. F., at the Salem Reformed Church. There will be 12 represented Prominent members of the order who will be here will be Jacob E. Weaver, grand master, of York; and Gilbert U. Rupp, district grand master, and a number of past grandmasters who are located In Harrisburg and vicin ity. The program will include an or pan prelude and postlude, singing by choir, congregation. Scriptural read ing and patriotic singing. Mrs. C. W. Myers will sing a solo, "I Love the Lord," and Captain Harry Nelson Basslr, formr chaplain of the Tw< n- I ty-eighth Division, will preach the I memorial sermon. There will lie a roll call of the deceased members. I The list includes: Deceased Member* | Past Grands' Association.—Robert M. McNeal, George H. Shaub. J. W. Rickenbach, Charles W. Spangler, George Greenabaum, George F. Chen oweth, B. H. Wanbaugh, James K. Swindells. C. E. Emerick, No. 1120. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 68. Harris burg: Harry O. Miller. Grover C. Hain, Taylor Snavely, Peter J. Zwei ser. Peace and Plenty Lodge No. 69. Harrisburg: Jacob Chubb, L. H. Yack ey, Charles W. Spangler. P. G.; James K. Swindells, P. G.; Andrew A. Mo yer. State Capitol' Lodge. No. 70. Har risburg: J. C. Johnson, Philip Alding er, H. E. Stine, George Greenabaum, P. G.; Robert Hippie, H. F. Beisel, P. G.; Allen S. Hartman. Dauphin Lodge No. 160, Harris burg: George H. Shaub, P. G.; Sam uel Kline. William C. Ulrich, P. G.; John C. Kline, George F. Chenoweth, I r. G.; Robert L. Hunter, Charles E. Hunt, Augustus Wildman, Richard A. Vorndran. Steelton Lodge. No. 184, Steelton: Harry W. Rhoads, Robert M. McNeill, P. G.; Morris Hess, Herman Tessmer, ; Charles Darr, Harry E. Dengler, Frank P. Hamilton, George A. Har lacker, Mayberry H. Scott. City Lodge, No. 301, Harrisburg, Wm. J. Clark. Triune Lodge, No. 307. Middletown, E. W. Miller. Paxton Lodge, No. 621, Dauphin, George R. Garman, 3d. ' Linglestown Lodge, No. 629, Llng lestown, C. E. Warfel. Shellsville Lodge, No. 1080, Sheils- Ville, Alfred Gerberlch. Fonutain Lodge, No. 1120, Harpls burg: J. C. Jensen, B. H. Wanbaugh, P. G.; W. S. Richwine, J. W. Ricken bach, P. G.; John Richards, John A. ShlslOr, F. C. Aehey, C. E. Emerich, P. G. ATTEND MEDICAL MEETING Dr. Harvey F. Smith, Dr. John B. McAllister, Dr. David S. Funk, Dr. John Culp and Dr. Charles Rebuck were in attendance at a meeting of the American Medical Association at Atlantic City which closed its ses sions yesterday. It Costs This German $2 to Learn That Any One Can Insult Kaiser Here • New York. June 14. —"This man here asked me to arrest a French man and an American because they insulted the Kaiser," testified Patrol man Ajax Whitman In the men's night court last night. The patrolman pointed his finger at Paut Cusperson of No. 5 4 Law rence street, who was arraigned he fore Magistrate Sweetser charged with disorderly conduct. Cusperson was born in Germany. "I heard a whistle and ran to this man's home," continued the police man. "I found him talking loudly with a Frenchman an-d an American. When I came there he told me to lock the two of them up because they had an argument with him and insulted the Kaiser. When I told him to go home, he dared me to ar rest him. So here he is." Magistrate Sweetser fined Cusper son $2. BEAT THE BOOKMAKERS Kansas City, June 14. Kansas City's horse racing bookmakers put crepe on their doors yesterday. The crepe was supposed to have expressed their sorrow over the "killing" by a stranger, known only as "Roscoe." It seems as though "Roscoe" came to Kansas City Tuesday and bet $7OO on a certain horse, against which the bookmakers were betting fifteen to one. The horse won and "Roscoe" was paid $10,500. Therefore the crepe. I r '°" e ear we - *^ e ex P enses ■!■ I \ believed that whatever helped thej | myPyC ' farmer helped the community. || •'• j Farmers form a large proportion of our in r ; customers and they are well satisfied l| ill §M|fl|, 9 J A successful farmer needs the co-opera- :1 I ''BS'' ! t ' on °* a ? bank, and your account J||' '•• !> H : with us will have the attention of men si 1 aB |j who know the farmer's problems an 4 * 111 ißSf' 'l^^EI w * i ° can uc '^ ni ex P crt e 'k p i||i MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM g 1832-1919 '' | JUNE 14, 1919. Steelton News St. James School to Graduate Class of 11 The following members of the graduating class of St. James' Pa rochial School will receive their di plomas to-morrow afternoon at the commencement exercises to be held in Frey's Hall: Joseph Mannix, James O'Donnell, Joseph Gerdes, Francis Ludes, Bernard Yetter, Gil bert Rehbeck, Paul Bailey, Fran cis Salinger, Gilbert Wleger, Charles Eckinger and Catherine Wieger. The twenty-eighth annual com mencement exercises will be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The program follows: Opening chorus, "Old Glory," pu pils; salutatory address, Joseph Mannix; Grande Marche (Lavignac), Catherine McCall, Marie Sauve. Elizabeth Sauve, Virginia Gerdes; recitation, "Greetings," Margaret Fisher; "Sounds From the Dance" (Englcmann), Michael Smith, Mary Smith, (Mare Smith; song, "The Soldier Boy," junior boys; "Scher zo," in B flat (Schubert), Marie Fisher. Catherine Wieger; song, "Shopping With Mamma," little girls; Matinee de Printemps, Ed ward Mlssa, John Miller, John Demp sey, Thomas Lynch, Joseph Wiede man; recitation, "The Boys," eighth grade boys; Chant due Rosslgnoi, F. Filipovsky. Naomi James; "Daniel Webster," James Mannix; "Rose Waltz," Ganshals, Joseph Handley, William Siler; song, "Those Bells So Softly Pealing," senior girls; Hun garian Rhapsody, Liszt, Joseph Ger des, Sara Gerdes; "The Grammar Lesson," Margaret Brashears; "Lit tle Boy Blue," Charles Eckinger; "The Busy Bees," Pauline Wieger, Margaret Brashears, Helen Greeh, Mary E. Lawler, Margaret Gaffney; "Return of the Heroes," James O'Donnell, Anpa O'Donnell; address by the Rev. F. x. Feeser; presenta tion of diplpmas, T. T. Mc. Entee; presentation of medals, prizes and wards, the Rev. J. C. Thompson; valedictory, Catherine Wieger; song, "Good-by to School," pupils. Trinity Sunday to Be Observed by Churches Triinity Sunday, a feast day in the church year dating back to the third century, will be observed in many of the local churches to-morrow. In St. Jaix|es' Roman Caltholic Church mass will be said at 7.30 and at 9.30. There will be the bene diction fo the Blessed Sacrament im mediately following the late cele bration. There will be no vesper service. In Trinity Episcopal Church there will be a celebration of the eucha rist at 11a. m. Evening grayer will be said at 7.30. The date marks the thirty-seventh anniversary of the founding of Trinity parish. All the Roman Catholic churches of the borough will observe Trin ity Sunday. The day is not found in the calendar of the Greek Cath olic Church. Brinsers Give Dance at Their Country Home A large number of local pbople attended the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Brinser at their sum mer home, La Casida, a* New Buffalo. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Delamater, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vickery, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Meyers, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Delmont, Mr. and Mrs. Redsecker Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. John Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pennock, Mr. and Mrs.Wil liam Sell, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dare, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Martz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haehnlen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doehne, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Wickersham, Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ogelsby, Miss Mary Mcßeynold, Miss I Elsie Brinser, Martin Fager and Donald Brinser. Playgrounds to Be Opened on Monday Arrangements have been com pleted for the opening of the play grounds on Monday. H. T. Confer, supervisor of 'the playgrounds, ar rived here a few days ago. The. playgrounds to be open include the West Side, Fothergill, Hygienic, Lawn, Major Bent and the Cottage Hill grounds. The grounds are to he in charge of seven instructors, not all of whom have ben named. Mrs. Paul L. Funk Dies This Morning in Harrisburg Mrs. Paul L. Funk died this imornlng at her residence, 2707 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, aft er a brief ililness with pneumonia. She was the daughter of Mrs. Mar garet Coleman, of 637 North Front street, and was well known here. She leaves her husband, Paul L. Funk, and a son of 3 years, as well Can Willard get into shape for the Championship fight? Read his "Own Story" in "The Philadelphia Press." L U SEALS&STENCILSr L | HARRIBB\3 BTENOILWORKB 11 I . 130 LOCUST ST. HARRIStfB. PA. U 17 as her mother and three sisters. Mis* Agnes Coleman, Mrs. Paul Hand ley. Jdrs. Harley Noll, and two brothers, James and William Cole man. She was 30 years of age. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, In St. Mary's Church, Harrisburg. The Rev. W. V. D&iley will officiate. Burial will be made in Mount Cal vary cemetery. , Rolling Mill Win ' Resume Operation After an Idleness of fonr months one of the rolling mills of the local' steel plant will resume operations on Monday morning. This announce ment was made last evening Ay Frank J. Robbins, Jr., manager off the plant. The mills to resume oper ation are the fourteen and the six teen-inch mills. But few additional men will be required, although therai will be a change of Bhifta. County Firemen Elect John E. Shupp President At the meeting of the Dairphtn County Firemen's Association, held last evening in Harrisburg, Strap pi Shupp was elected president. -Shupp is a member Of the Baldwin Hose Company, and served as chief of, the local fire department. He also served a term as vice-president off the State Firemen's Association. WELL AMPUTATE ARM OF KUBREL MIIW A report from the Haristmrg Hospital this mornlnig was the-con dition of Russel Wilt, who was se riously burned by gasoline a few: weeks ago. had sufficiently improved, to allow the amputation of the, burned right arm. The operation will be attempted this afternoon. PRIVATE ROGER GREEK RETURNS TO OAXP Private Roger Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Green, Swatara, street, who has been home on a few days' furlough, will return to- Oteen, N. C. tomorrow. Green is! located in the United States Gen eral Hospital No. 19. York Folk Married at Local Parsonage Miss Kathryn Gertrude Williams* and Ralph Earl Houck. both off. York, were united in marriage ad the parsonage of Derry Btreet United. Rrethren Church, yesterday after noon, the Rev. J. A. Lyter, officiat ing. They were attended by Mrs. G., H. Pipes, of this city and by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepp. After a brief; visit with friends at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Houck will reside at York- MARRIAGE LICENSES Richard B. Roebuck and Sara E* Crane, Harrisburg. Harry C. Morton and Helen M. Rut— ter, Harrisburg. Leroy F. McCoy, Hlghspire and Bes*, sle E. Lilley, Mlddletown. Richard E. Morse. Pontiac, Mich., and Grace E. Lindsay, Hogeatown. Clarence L. Shaffer and Ruth A Wissler, West Fairview. Bruce R. Moyer, Salladasbnrg, and. Lulu A. Quiggle, WHllamsport Ross C. King and Margaret H. Bowman, Harrisburg. Charles E. Gayman, West Falrvlevr* and Catharine M. Rhiver. Enola. TEA HONORING BRIDE ' Mrs. Frank A. Robbins, Jr., off) Cottage Hill, Steelton, gave a tea. to-day In compliment to Mrs. Johns C. Motter, of the Belvedere, a re-< cent bride. The house was artistic-1 ally decorated with masses of garden) flowers and presiding at the tea tablt were Mrs. Philip T. Meredith and! Mrs. Walter H. Galther. -V Andlttag I Special laveatlgaMeaa . Accounting Systems Inst alio* H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant A Auditor; U-M Union Trust Co- Bids. Bell Phone 1U Harrisburg. Fa. S BUY A POUND FOR FUN —EAT THEM FOR FOOD, Real Jumbo Peanats, 25c lb. IMPERIAL TEA CO. 213 Chestnut St. Try our Fresh Roasted Coffee Building j The latest issue of our Market Digest Discusses thirty-six active ; is sues, and gtves a complete! re port on NATIONAL ICE Our Weekly Market Digest Is a recognized authority on New York Curb stocks, and will be sent to you regularly without cost. ytoiiuumAKlLWllAj I Land Title Bldg., Phila. I Direct Private Wires Connecting I New York Harrtsbarg I
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