16 | Ik Qassified Ads Dm Not Perform Miraclcs-They tender Everyday Service, j 2>eatbs — ; 7 FI.MCI.K—On Juno 12. 1919, Joslah >. .Finicle, at his residence. 2410 Jer f'ersuli street, aged 61 years. ' • Ftim-rul on Monday afternoon at - P. It. from the May lay Street ' Thurih of Hoc.. Relatives and . ""friends are incited to attend with - ■ out .further notice. Inter.ment 1 a\- ( ' tajg Cemetery, ' ""IjITTI E—G. Prank Little died sud denly June 1-2, 1919. in his 59th FYmeral services will be held from -"""'hfaM kin s Estate funeral parlors. 1 _."7 North Third street, on rues dav morning; at 9 o'clock to which relatives and friends are invited. Burtal Mt. Joy cemetery. "'TMEY.YYYY Funeral service for the' late Lieut. Edward Anthony Sel **y. who died with the Army of Occupation in Germany. May l. -* ■* ITT9. will be held in st- Mary s Church. Fifth and Maclay streets. Monday morning. June 16, : at y' A. XI Relatives and friends ; are invited to attend. ... -rr * ,-J.r LOST AMI FOUND LOST Small gold class pin with letters yt --yj H S 191*. With initials M s. "on back, at Tech commencement .„*Unc at-Wilia Villa Friday even "... IJNK, Hawaii it returned to iele- Jj.uldi Utllic. j '* ,w '' i J OST —laoose leaf black book coil *"naifirnK list of Harrisburg business " .ti<KMs. etc.. pages very valuable rec jorA. Kinder please return to Tele . *graph Office. : Edfex-—A round "Friendship Circle ••a-"•"pin-. Mack enamel edged with Sold. Thursday evening between a and t> ■ -w, .lock, on Sc. ond street between -.etate and Locust. Reward if return ~' eU u> this office. i ,:v 1 LOST Black leather bill folder. *' Containing 3". in tne neighborhood —Of Penr.-Harris and Columbus Hotel. Reward if returned Penn-Hatris no tel. I OPT Loose -leaf black book con . taming Hft of Harrisburg business sj.jh >:r . pages very valuable rec ord Finder please return to leie , grapji i fticfe. _ ' 2: FOFNI>--Gold wner j '* advertiser- i .pertv and pa> ins lul *■' men* • INSTRUCTIONS i INDIVII >UAL VKOMOTION Ib Gregg , ' Typewriting. EnKlUh. * ■Jsrisft's-T "fc; OPEN ALL Y F.AK Enter any time. 1 business COLLEGE. ! , - "" " HELP \YANTF.D —MALE TRY FOB JUNIOR ACCOUNT ANT. . . . OCTOBER. .1919. " AN IJ F OU SENIOR ACCOUNTANT. OCTOBER, 1920. October 12 to November 15 is the r#riod during which one-fourth of Ke veaFs business changes read- S Juslrrients. and building up of staffs .aane made. haVF 'ft ft. rutty for figures and the crude stuff for the making of §n Accountant, there is just about " 'time between now and October loth -fh vear for you. through suitable r intensive training dur * n * J f ° Qr f o? * Fours' at home —to qualify for a f i.imor Accountancy position that will -e—-pay at least *55 a week. I 1..1 n mnle time to qualify, before j OcVoael. , for W Expert'a"' a ™iary of at least 175 a j ' week—-with possibilities of more than i ' tVlte that amount. •* It is only a question of raw ability ; * and industry, a resolute purpose to V.eevoif five spare home hours a week i* —lo intensive training in accordance * with ihe most successful business ' A taming svstern ever devised under , * the -tutelage of a corps of emin-nt ; t Vikiflfi Public Accountants wh.. are '4 renowned teachers. i vCi- -httvo Jgivfert. hundreds of am- ] 'I bit<r>u< e.irrft men and women the; * sta'- t that ha.- put tlieni over the top. wVhave their re, ..rds to point to t T*\ lust pr.de, XVc can do as much *- for vou if you arc made of .the. right stuff Is it worth your while to in- i J— TT"stigate. No obligation. Address . j BOX 0-2M7. CARPI TEIeIIGRATH. j . L . 1 l x,b , CARPENTERS WANTED CALL C. FRANK CLASS. " EIGHTEENTH AND MULBERRY' | hi' STREETS . tS If • • .Jj, , , ! -' a-. STENOGRAPHpR Young man writh several I years' experience. Good op- J dortunity for right man. ti Apply by letter, stating , li * ifge. experience and saiur. i s*. dkpecued. t AMERICAN RADIATOR CO., U tic North Second St.. i , Hifrriaburg. IMMEDIATELY— By U. S. ' .!! Government. Hundreds clerks. IS or ~ oW. at Waehington. I>. C. Harrisburg ! . ®*ttWrtnatlon July- 19th. $l,lOO y ear, i li >RJcasnt clerical work. Short hours. t ~ i lunmon education sufficient. Iry j the-.- July 19th examination. Specimen ' < /lucstions free. Franklin Institute, ; i,. Dept ill R.. Rochester, X. Y. 'i WANTED —Colored man, in small j ' j.rivutc family, experienced as house-j "* mar. and butler: permanent position.! Address, stating age and references. | .1 ' P. U. Box Is't. Harrisburg. •' . ') ; CENSES CLERK —I.OuO needed, 1'92 i .} ' month. Age. IS upward. Examinations ■■■ Julv 19. Experience unnecessary. For " free particulars. write Raymond f. Terry t former Government Exant . inerY, 51S Continental Bldg.. \s ash '( I ir.gtyh C MAN —To distribute samples, ctr f ' culars for "l-'oot Ointment." mail or han.4. splendid opportunity. Address p"' TR* F.lder Co.. 292 Parkdale, t Nqw York. J 1' _ , (.Contlnned in Next Column) f ''! f" „ - '• Bungalow For Sale 1" l' t acres, located in one of the r; new additions to Progress. P J a. p. about 2 squares from the trolley I-.. l>uk\ improved with a lVi-story r ifitfnfl bungalow, built 191 i, con- Riming <!' rtrolns; furiiace heat; fi ii front and back porches; nice lawn and garden, and other, features. \ Miller Brothers & Co. Dealers In Ileal Estate I iniaraucc Surely Bond* ; & Court Sts. I Member- Übg. Real Estate Board —/ SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED s. Three experienced elec tricians. must be expert nie i chanics. thoroughly under stand motor and factory wir ing. union men. wages To cents per hour; no other but experienced men need apply. Write or telephone MILLS ELECTRIC CO.. 119 Penn Street. Reading. Bell phone 554-T. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICI AN'S. APPLY DAUPHIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CO.. 434 Market Street. HARRISBURG. i ~~ j WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. ' OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enola. • * WANTED Three tailors for busv j busheling department: steady work guaranted. Apply at once. DOUTRTCH'S. . J HARRISBURG, PA. . i WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, 55C. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 260 South Front Street. Steelton. Pa. WANTED—Live-wire dealers and' agents to sell ESTA WATER AUXI LI A TOR, the wonderful auto- 1 mobile accessory that every auto i owner needs. Get complete infor- 1 mation at once. W. R. Mohoney & Son, 510 North Third street. Several good, experl- | needl planing mill men to work on .moulding, frames, sash and doors; also renvh. Address Commercial Sash j j and Door Co.. Beaver Falls, Fa. i IF YOU can prove to our satisfac- ! tion that you are an A-l health and accident insurance man the position ; 18 your. Guarantee a salary- of $4O a week and commission. Applv 1 5 to 10 A. M., to J. Schoolink, 2*l Spooner Building. M ANTED—High School and Tech hoys our 16 years to nap stone. Can .h rr ] $1.50 to $2.00 per day; outdoor work. Inquire Lemoyne Quarries Co Hershey Bidg., 101 Market St. ! MEN—Age 17 to 55. Experience I unnotr;>-ary. Travel: make secret in ; xestigations, reports. Salaries: ex penses. American E'oreign Detective Agency, 429 St. Louis. 1 SALESMAN—Live wire to handle our lib" of Certified l-'ood Colors among ■ ret ,ii .-,nd wholesale bakers, confec tioners, bottlers and food manufac turers Main or side line. W. H. I.- ng A- Co.. 244 Canal St.. New Y'ork I City. I WARPERS AND WEAVERS "n silk ,or ribbon; high wages: steadv em pleyment; good shop. Pine Tree Silk -Mills. Allegheny. Ave. and Boudinot St. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—Barber for two weeks. Apply immediately at 1425 U. Derry St. j ELECTROTYPE FINISHERS j Big plant in eastern city is in need ;of several competent finishers. High scale wages paid. Bright and airy shop, y ith best working conditions. Permanent positions for men who can prove Iheir ability Thoroughly un ' ion shop and no strike. Address jH 9562. Telegraph office. HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Woman or girl for child's nurse in smell family, comfortable home .in North Second street. Good wages. Address with refer ences. Address. Box S-6731. care Telegraph. STENOGRAPHER Address, stat- I ing experience and salary- expected I and giving references. Address Box i 0-657,7. care Telegraph. i 1 LADIES—Add $l2 to $lB weekly to lyour income. Splendid home busi ness making Bozart Bead portieres. Learn in hour. XVrite to-day for par ticulars. Artcraft, Box 800, J IS, | Brooklyn. N. Y'. I WANTED —Woman to do general housework in small family: must be able and willing; must sleep at home. . Apply mornings. -1017 North Front j street. Bell 672-M. : WANTED Five bright, capable ! ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers $25 to $5O per week. Railroad ' fare paid. XVrite at once. Goodrich jlirug Co. Dept. $4l, Omaha, Neb. I PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY I Knit urgently needed socks for us on , Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 146, Auto Knitter Co, $2l Jefferson street, Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED—White girl or woman for general housework; no washing; good wages. Call between 7 and S , P. M.. 2250 North Third street. WANTED Very refined middle aged elderly lady to take half iftter , eat in a gooij paying business: suit : able for lady. Address P. O. Box I 1096, Harrisburg, Pa. I (Continued in Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE | FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS •ON POWER SEWING MACHINES WANTED AT ONCE Employment at attractive wages, with liberal bonus proposition. In our bright, . airy, sunlit, sanitary plant. ATTRACTIVE WAGES. 30 PER.CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS. 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON J EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS. IDEAL WORK—UNDER IDEAL CON DITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO, I 2012 N. 4TH ST., HARRISBURG, PA. j I WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS • Regular work and good wages. A bonus is paid every pay day. ELOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Reily and Fulton Sts. WANTED ! Operators wanted on plain sewing machines; also a few i union special and over-lock op ! erators. Bonus paid every week and learners paid time work. ! Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO, Sixth and Herr Streets. City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. WANTED—Lady manager fer large rooming house; state experience and. salary expected. Address S 4990, care Telegraph. WANTED-White girl as maid for j general housework. Apply between 6 P. M. and S P. M, Mrs. Hursli. 606 North Third street. Bell 359. YVAEPERS AND WEAVERS on silk or ribbon; high wages: steady em ployment; good shop. Pine Tree Silk Mills, .Allegheny Ave. and Boudinot; i St, Philadelphia. Pa. i ! HELP WANTED —Male and Female 1 I WANTED—Several men or women I for a proposition that will pay good ; money. Only those who can furnish \ | wanted. Steady work: : good money. Harder's Magazine Agency, 49 South Front street. Steel ton, Pa. WANTED Experienced and Inex- ; I perler.ced Sewing Machine Operators, j i Regular work and good wages. Inex-j perlenced operators are paid $5.00 a week -while learning. A bonus of 25' per cent, is paid to all operators. Ap ply at Mechanicsburg Shirt Co, 19 East Simpson street. SALESMEN' WANTED HIGH-CLASS SAMPLES FREE to salesmen Interested In a side line. Variety of New Top Notch Metal Spec ialties. All wonderful Trade Stiinu- Ila tors and Business Producers. Manu ! facturers. Wholesalers, Banks. Re i tailers. etc., eager for them. Every line everywhere buy in large quan- I titles all year around. No seasons. Side line salesmen make $50.00 a I week. $l5O to $2OO for whole time. ' Write quick for outfit. C. E. Erick • son Company, Inc., 5)2 Erickson Bldg, i i Des Moines, lotva. XV E RECOGNIZE NO COMPETI TION because of the unique nature; and L'. S. protected article exclusive ly owned and controlled by us. clear-! j ing upward of $30.00 per day for! salesmen. If you cannot sell this spe- i ' I cialty you will fail selling life pre servers on a sinking ship. JEROME. LAADT, Pres., 8 S. Dearborn St, Chi -1 cago. 111. , i RELIABLE man to act as our dis- ! i triet superintendent to book orders "and engage sub-agents. Exclusive , j territory. Pay weekly. Act at once I ' before your territory is assigned. ! i Knight A Bostwick, Nurserymen, i . Newark, New Y'ork State. .'— , i SALESMEN—NEW CARBURETOR | : FOR FORD CARS. Simple, not a mov- | | ing pari installed in thirty minutes; ••guaranteed to double your mileage -and start in zero weather without ; 1 eating or priming. 15-dav FREE ! trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1.400 In 6 months, Salt lake City man made . $1,200 in one week. Write U. A- J. ; Carburetor Co, 505 W. Jackson Blvd.. i Chicago. Biggest opportunities ever to make I REAL MONEY. Everybody is buying fruit trees, shrubs and roses. Liberal terms to hustlers. ALLEN NURSERY' COMPANY. ROCHESTER. NEW ' YORK. DON'T WRITE IF you are a $2O per week man. Would rather give $5O to $5OO. State previous salary. Texas R O. Refining Co, Moore Bldg, San Antonio. Texas. AGENTS WANTED J 500 PER MONTH selling a new Patented Fuel Vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent, in gaso line: 40 miles per gallon made with. Ford car. Sold on money-back guar antee. One sample free. STRANSKY' VAPORIZED CO, Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS—BIG PAY' AND FREE AUTOMOBILE introducing wonderful raw gasoline saver, punctureproof, five-year spark plugs and other eco nomical auto necessities. Outfit free. L Ballwey, 632, Sta. F, Louisville, Ky. AGENTS —We manufacture a Ford accessory which interests every Ford owner upon five minutes' demonstra tion. Our agents make $2OO a week. Exclusive territory. Motor Products Company. Indianapolis. Ind. AGENTS —Wonderful seller. 96c profit every dollar sale. No license required, no stock to carry. Sample Free. MISSION BEAD CO, 1594 Irola, I.os Angeles. Cal. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear. hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way, New Y'ork City. HUNDREDS GOVERNMENT JOBS! open to men-women. $1,009-11.600 ! Mar. Pleasant work. Paid \acatlon. [Common education sufficient. Write 1 'immediately for free list positions! now open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 4 14-P, Rochester, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALK WANTED—Position as bookkeeper I and assistant manager by mlddle ; aged man with 30 years' business ex ! perience. Address L-6554, care Tele ! graph. , YOUNG MAN—3O years of age de sires position in Jobbing house; long experience in stock keeping, hand ling orders and general office work. Address Box Y-684 4, care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) t&gS&SL telegraph \ BUYING AND SELLING, barter ffl ing. exchanging, trading, swapping |||| all of these related terms may be ap plied to the transactions brought about through the use of the FOR !ja SALE classification in the classified a®. Ma ads. The thrift-idea pervades many of yy these ads. They are humanly interest j||| ing, all of them. Read them and utilize Cm 03 *them. SITUATION'S WAX TED—MALK ) WANTED—Any kind of work In I private fatnily by colored man. Write or call William Norris, 1227 Cowdert street. MAN mechanically inclined, desires work of any kind; day or night turn; 32 years of age and good education. Address L.-6850, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WELL REFINED Woman, with an • ' S-year-old boy. would like to "kocpi ! house for a widower. Can furnish : | best of references. Address Box | I W 4986. care Telegraph. I I YOUNG girl with good experience. [ ! wants position as typist and clerical I 1 work. Address Box Z-6556, care of j I Telegraph. | i WOMAN would like day's work or washings to do at home. Apply 1420 1 North Front street. WANTED —A position by a young ! girl, who has had previous clerical i work and can furnish best of refer ence. Address Box H.-S2Ol, care Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged woman would like to keep house for a widower. "No objections to children, j Address Box H.-6S4S. care Telegraph. i WANTED —Any kind of work even ! ings; can do bookkeeping and stenographer's work. Address Box i XV.-6734. care Telegraph. ROOMS FOli KENT FOR RENT-—Two nicely furnished third floor rooms; all conveniences in I private family. Inquire 1616 Market street, l'ial phone 5175. • i FOR RENT I-arge, furnished, front room, facing river, all conveni ences. at 609 North Front. Call after 4 o'clock. TWO well-furnished rooms; well ventilated, for light housekeeping; suitable for man and wife or busi ness women. Use of bath and phone. .210' South Thirteenth street. i VERY PLEASANT Roooms: fur nished, all conveniences; will serve breakfast if desired. 1549 State St, Bell 5246-W. _ —r FOR RENT —Two furnished rooni3 on third floor suitable for light house keeping for one or two persons. Ref erences required. Inquire 814 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Room in apartment in Third street, facing Capitol Park. Call Bell 758-W. FOR RENT One single furnished iroom; gentleman preferred; all con veniences. Apply 261 Cumberland ; street. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms $2.50 per week and up. 143 South ; Third street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply at 90 Disbrow street. ' SUIT furnished rooms, third floor front; electricity, running water, use 'of phone and bath; gentleman or lady jemploytd. Bell phone 801 R. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 North Third street SECOND ST, N, 110 One large room, first-class; central; furnished or unfurnished) second floor; bath; hot water; steam heat. Apply L Minter, same address. FOR RENT 1-arge, unfurnished 1 llvlngroom, first floor front, suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. — 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT — 1 FOR RENT—Apartments, 4 rooms, unfurnished apartments with steam heat, electric light, gas, bathrooms and all modern improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply at 1014 Sev enth street. ELPHINSTONE, 901 North Front street: five rooms and bath, furnish ed, July 1 to October 1. See Janitor : or call Bell 2640-J. APARTMENT FOR RENT A small two-room apartment all con veniences private bath hot run ning v/ater at all times centrally located No. 110 North Second St.— Fourth Floor. Inquire L Minter. 119 North Second street, or phone Pell 4282 and Dial 4195. FOR KENT —Four-room apartment. 1321 State St, on second floor; elec tric lights, steam heat use of phone. Inquire 1321 State St. FOUR well-furnished rooms, light, airy hay windows, second floor, cor ner.'hot water, heat. gas. electricity, bath laundry. References exchanged. No children. 342 South Sixteenth St REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 9-room brick house, No 551 south Tenth street; good con dition. *1.700. Durand & Ferber. 107 Chestnut FOR SALE —No. 1434 Regina street; large house, easily remodeled for huslness; lot 25x130; stable on rear. ; Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. PAXTANG RESIDENCE FOR SALE A H niost modern conveniences and ririce reasonable. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street nrick house 9 rooms bath -•her improvements. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. THREE HOUSES FOR SALE—On Muench street; two with 7 rooms and hath ahd one with 8 rooms and bath. Prices - *3.200 to *3.000. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. FOR SALE un easy terms, 2uu to 2018 susquehanna street. Apply A p. Doranz. 1325 North Sixth. ((.'•■tinned In Next Column) J REAL KSTATIS tUK SALE HARRISBURG'S | REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. I BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. I , t I ■ VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, steam heat, electric I and gas lights, porch, bay windows. side entrance, drive alley; hi block i to all-night car service ton Hill). 2H-story briclf. all improvements. ] porches, side entrance, drive alley. I large yard, slate roof (.vacant), easy terms, pay as rent (on Hill). 2-story brick, porch, all improve ments, corner, easy terms. email amount down (on Hill). Several fine homes up town; all improvements. Several fine suburban homes; all Improvements. Several small farms. 6 to 30 acres each, within 5 miles of city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street Bell Phone 560-J. FOR SALE 323 South Front St.. frame dwelling. 1614 North Fifth St.. three-story frame dwelling, with improvements, ten rooms and bath. ' West Fairview property, cor. Fair view Avenue and Knola Road. 2tfc story frame dwelling. West Fairview property, located in Third Street, 2'A-story frame dwell > ing. INQUIRE OF HARRISBURG TRUST CO. 16 South Second Street. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1008 North Second Street, i Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises after 6 o'clock, or Address S.. 7582. ; Care of Telegraph. THE BOOM IS ON SURE THING OWN YOUR HOME BUILD WITH BRICK 1.000,000 COMMON RED BRICK to ship off hand. Millions more , to follow as burned this season. Contract for brick NOW. Don't delay. ' MANCHESTER SHALE BRICK CO., Room 200, 222 Market St., HARRISBURG, PA. FOR SALE THREE-STOKi BRICK HOUSE. No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street FOR SALE New single brick house on hill; all conveniences; make ; apartment with few alterations; im ' mediate possession. Dial 6236. ! BUY YOUR HOME on our rencai • pavnient plan. Small cash or Liberty j Bend ritsl payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every i part of the city and suburbs. Apply " | A. P- Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. " | FOlt SALE —House, 629 Boyd St. ' 8 rooms and bath; modern improve ' meets; in A-l condition; will se u r- „. 1 sonably; good location. Apply 62 „ Boyd street. i POSSESSION SOON , 2429 N. Sixth St.. brick $5 700 ■ 1631 Swatara St.. brick 21500 1 412 Hummel St.. brick D. A. CAEEY, 707 Kunkel Bldg.. Bell 589. : FOR SAEE —If you want to buv a ' home at the right price, see w j Reeves. . If you want to sell a home ; at the right price, see W. J. Reeves ; 16 in Highspire to select from: with or without improvements. One beautiful • home now vacant. W. J. Reeves, •>'4 Market St.. Highspire. Dial 9801. ' THE real estate and persona] proD - erty of the late George L. Fisher will • be sold at public sale on June 19 on the premises, at Middletown, pn ' Among the articles to be sold are a 1 number of antiques. Inquire of H ar . 1 risburg Trust Company, No. 16 South Maiket Square, Harrisburg. p a . JUST r DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL (Continued In Next ColtunnJ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." MOVE AT ONCE—Pay for your home same as rent; no money down; $3O per month: three-story ! brick, eight rooms, all improve ments, 631 Wiconisco street, or 2542 Agate street. two-story v brick, all improvements, $25 per | month; both of the above are ■ vacant. HARRIS ST., 030—Three-story I brick, nine rooms, all intprove ! ments; small amount down, bal ; auce same as rent. ! SWATARA ST., 1556 Three story frame, seven rooms and bath, all improvements, nice I front porch, lot 120 feet deep back to a drive alley; $l5O down; $25 per month. PERRY ST., 2703—New; vacant; | two-story stucco, seven rooms, j hardwood floors, cement cellar, gas and electricity; A-l in every • respect. j DERRY ST., 2707—New; vacant; three-story brick, hardwood i floors, colonade, cemented cellar, j steam heat, gas and electricity; a modern home in every respect. L.EMOYNE Herman Ave., 289-201; doublee frame, im provements, nice front porch, lot. 150 feet deep back to a drive way. Can sell as a whole or one half, on our easy payment plan. EAST CAMP HILE ADDITION— Third and Princess streets; vac ant; two-story frame bungalow, seven rooms and bath, all im provements; lot 40x150 feet; a real bargain: can be bought on the easy payment plan. STEELTON—S. Second 5t..—320; three-story frame, improvements, one-half of a pair, nice roomy home; right price to quick buyer; our easy payment plan. D. ASA SANDEREIN, ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BEEL 1390 DIAE 3573 VACANT HOUSES Two 2H and 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up town. Will take auto in trade. I have several fine-suburban homes for sale; brick, all im provements, V 4 acre each; steam heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, lots of fruit on State Road. Will take city property in trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 560-J. BEAT THE HEA'f Go to Mountain Side Park Perdix. Twentv minutes from Harrisburg. For Sale. Outlook Lodge, four room Bungalow, just completed, lo cation three hundred feet south of : State road. Snap price for quick sale. .(Will exchange on city property. : Bungalow plots, same row as cot ! tage, $5O. $5 down, $5 monthly. For Sale. Rest Moor Cabin, facing State road, splendid summer home or suitable and practical as a business place; special inducement to quick buver. Mountain Side I'ark is grow ing and lots bought at present prices will make a substantial advance. J Salesman at our Perdix Office every I dav, including Sunday. For Booklet of Perdix Pictures, Free Round Trip Tickets or Auto Trip write, pnone or call A. C. YOUNG M. M. FULTON Owners and Developers of Mountain Side Park Real Estate in Its Entirety Bell 767 Dial 5439 THE YOUNG BUILDING. 34 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa. WEST SHORE LOTS 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Bunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban HIGHSPIRE —Two lots for sale, 25 x 125 ft. each. Cheap to , quick buyer. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT WICONISCO ST., No. 631 —Vac- ant three-story brick. nine rooms, all improvements, front porch, nice hack yard, driveway in rear; $3O per month on our r>-nt-purchase plan. AGATE ST., No. 2542—Vacant, two-story brick, seven rooms, all improvements, nice front porch, fully equipped bathroom, etc. $25 per month on rent-pur chase plan. D. ASA SANDER LIN. ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 N. THIRD ST. I Bell 1390 Dial 3573 FOR RENT Second story of Kei ker Street Markethouse, Fourth aud lvelker streets, suitable for manufau -1 luring purposes or general storage. I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2 —Office rooms. I—Hall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth • and lvelker streets. ' FOR RENT Three-story brick house, all improvements, $16.00 per '! month; 2215 Atlas 3treet. Inquire Frank B. Wickersham, 410 Bergner J Building. ' FOR RENT Two furnished houses. No. 1622 Market street; rent, $5O. No. 350 Nectarine street, rent, $25 References required. J. E.- Gip t pie, 1251 Market street ;[ REAL ESTATE WANTED -! T H tVE READY BUYERS for farm, I : city ind suburban properties. I laige clieotuge enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Heal - Estate yuu may have to offer. LSiai p DORANZ, I 1225 North Sixth St. l Bell 271 J. D '"' 3943. ; WANTED —Cottage wanted to rent - during second and third weeks of i August, within reasonable distance from city. Write or phone "Z„" 2234 , North Fourth street. Harrisburg, p a Bell 2739-M. ' READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFERI BELL AND DIAL PHONES. I r-HAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. 1 TUNE 14, 1919. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Kent 209 South Front Street, eleven rooms and two baths. INQUIRE OF 1 HARRISBURG TRUST CO. 10 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. FAKMS i FARMS FARMS FARMS I have several fine farms, 3 to 5 miles front Harrisburg; good buildings, good water, lots of fruit; 1 mile to trolley and State road; 6, 10, 16 and 30-acre farms; practically level, Southern exposure. C. H. CORDKR, 1722 Green Street, HARRISBURG. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE—GOOD, CHEAP FARMS ' S acres $80(1 I 15 acres 1,700 22 acres, stock and crop 3,000 25 acres 1,700 ' 26 acres 950 ' 43 acres 2,20u : DL'RAND A- FERBER, | 107 Chestnut. . i FOR SALE—Bearing apple orchard I located in the famous fruit belt of West Virginia, where apples have the I cclor and flavor. 1 have several j great moneymakers. For particulars,, address P. N. De Grange, Martinsburg, | W. Va., care this office. No real es- i tate ugent neett apply. FAKMS WANTED WANTED To hear from owner; of good farm for sale. C. C. Shepara 1 Minneapolis. Minn. —— | Offices and Store Rooms for Rent LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT Size 25x19. 331 Market street. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. j FOR RENT Desk room and office Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney. 31 ! North Second street. Bell phone 307J . SOLD FOR STORAGE THREE INDIAN MOTORCYCLES FOR STORAGE AND REPAIRS Motor No. 43G500. Single cylinder. Motor No. 89F459 Twin cylinder. Two Speed. Motor No. 72F633. Twin cylinder. Two Speed. T I THE WEST END ELECTRIC AND CYCLE CO., Green and Maclay Sts. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE WE have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One H H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One W H. P. 220 V. 330 R. P. li. One V* H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One k H. P. 220 V. 370 K. P. M. One '/4 H. P. 120 V. 275 It. P. M. One \n H. P. 120 V. 400' R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE White enamel bed. mattress and springs; full size; value $23.50; sale price. $17.50. Ap ply . FORNWALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE —White reed baby car riage, in first class condition, inquire 1817 Whitehall street. Dial 3535. ____— 1 BELGIAN HARES—Eight weeks | old. $1 each. Strong, healthy breed-; ins stock. $2 each. Breed does, $3 ; | each. Ciders tilled promptly. PHIL LIP CONDON. Westchester, Ohio. HALF PRICE!!! New carpets, rugs, furniture, linoleums, musical instru ' ments, stoves, bicycles, tires, guns; best layers, leghorns, Plymouth rocks, clucks, $2; eggs, sc. Yingst, Front and Cumberland. | FOR SALE—Saw mill with 4 saws. " two 12 inches, two 16 inches; one ; gasoline engine, one shaft for rip ' ping; all in good condition. Address E. M. Foreman. 417 Hummel street. BOOKS nought and sold; 20,3u0 new, old, rare, la stock. Aurand's. 925 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE—Tuxedo suit for small man. Good as new. A bargain. Ad dress Box C 4298, care Telegraph. FOIt SALE Channels. beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and] rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & Freedman, Tenth below Mulberry ] I street, or Slxtti above Division street. | " MORRIS SAYS save money buying] | new and second-hand furniture here. ' High prices paid lor furniture. Morris i Schmertz, 1018 MarKet. Bull 4955R j TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, I 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. I BOTH PHONES. j JUST RECEIVED from government operated plant lot 3-Pnase 220-Volt i motors, one to fifteen H. P. in first class condition, sell resonable. F. R. j Laverty, Bell Phone 1857. WANTED —MISCKLLAN EG US WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must, be In good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph. staling price, when it can be seen. WANTED—Two second-hand flat top light oak office desks. Gannett, Seelye & Fleming, 2(14 Locust St. HIGHEST CAoll PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at lentioti Newmark & Cown. 308 Broad street. Dial 48'-'6. Bell 4705 R. WANTED An upright boiler, 8 ! or 104hor*e-power. Must be In good] condition. No Junk. Address B. J. | Campbell. DAW I'uxton street, or 23G ; second street. iContinued In Next Column) ..- -v''- WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED— -Will buy a Winchester, Gun; must be in good condition. Call 3807 N. 7th street. ..yp rAY 3c for tags. 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. We buy all kinds of junk una pay the highest-j cash l> rlceB - E. Cohen & Co, WANTED Will buy 1 or 5 Floor! Shoiv Cases 6 or 8 feet long. Must be i In good condition. Apply 206 Mark -t I street. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIPKEN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBUROTPA. MAX SMELTZ 1 Second-hand furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call tJell lti-11-E or drop a posUl to Max! Mneifz 1016 Market street. Will o*li i I city or country. • ' 1 _ WANTED TO BUY 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Working order or not. Send full Dar iticulars. Will buy anywhere. Rusaell j fckles Company, Lancaster. Pa, j ROOFING LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. LET: ME BUILD YOUR ROOF? AUTION | FER KITE. BELL 1575-J. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ] NOTICE THIS YEAR UcXl" W Woo Trx ~ srsLSt llze Ihc eniv Patents that monopu ment on ui p °P u ' al "Priced improve-, l' RED °WOIVF Wi North Wells St.. Chicago 1 GET. THE BEST—ORDER NOW 30 Per Cent. Off For 30 Days HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR j Giving the stirring events from the assassination of the Crown Prince ~f Austria to the crushing of Autocra-y An account of the CauSes with a Dr"e -i war historyof Belgium, France and , ..ei bia. Otficial photographs I „ PRICE $3.75 . Universal Service Association. Grand I Avenue Temple Bldg.. Kansas Ci ty , AUTOTIRE VULCANIZING, a grow ing, profitable business, easy to learn. Instruction hook $l. Plants $5O. up. Catalog free. EQUIPMENT CO., 458 Eignth St., Cincinnati. BUSINESS PERSONALS ABOVE ALL THE ROOF IS OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. AUCTIONEER HlTE—Bell 1575-J. - —— —, RURAL SERVICE CO., NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. Water, Electric Light and Heating! Plants lor farms and rural buildings.; Silos erected, stave, tile or concrete.; Ruck and stumps removed, sub-soil-: lng, ditching and tree-planting, withi dynamite. Prompt and careful attention. J. C. BOYD. Engineer, 1005 Bridge-Street. Bell Phone 3440 J. ~~PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING- First-class work. Chilcoat Bros., 1622 N. Fourth St. — "-3 DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. . CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. A. LANE New and i second-hand bought and eold. Highest prices paid,; 1022 Maiket street. Bell 4730-J. QUININE —Look out for that grippa, feeling, likely to catch you this; changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVfcB PIJO.SPHO-QUININE will stave it oiC If taken in time. Gross Drug Stoo,, IP) Market street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran-i teed. Carbon removed by oxygea., Capitol City Welding Co, 1538 Logan, street. Bell 4396 J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping.; J A. Bishop. 17 30 Logan street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —. Single edge. 25c doz.; double edge, J5( doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgaa Drug Store^j q PERSONAL , _— , I EVERYBODY suffering from Piles, I Fistula, Fissures, Ulceration, Consti- I pation. Write for FREE Trial Pain less Pile Cure. S. U. TARNEY, Au burn, Indiana. ——— * FINANCIAL ■* STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut St, Harrisburg. Pa. i Bell Phone 518 J. I MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. OB", I CHESTER CO. 1 i 7R YEARS OLD and never asked fori an extra premium. ASSETS—S44 1,337.44. WILL SAVE) ' YOU 20 PER CENT. OF YOUli| PREMIUM. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Harrisburg. Pa. , MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR NECESSITIES II employed and housekeeping, ouf| legal i ate money service ou loana, irom $l5 to $3OO, payable lu weetv./j or monthly instalments is Worth ui-j vestigating. II you are in need .£] funds and without tiank credit. CO-OPERATIVE I LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St. 1 WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of Juno 17. 1915, to individu-3 &ls it. need of ready cash; smalt ioai.al a specialty, business confidential, pay-j 1 ments to suit borrower's convenience,] positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING —Local and longt distance five-ton truck. Sunshine Gar age South Eleventh street. Bell phone 1710. Dial 3060. HICKS Local and long-distance j hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both ( phones. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Beit pnone 2465 R. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped: for furniture, freight and plaao mov- I ing No distance too tar. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. I. E. Grubber'a Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell, phone 16R6. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers