18 CENTRAL AND TECH HIGH GRADUATES WILL HEAR BACCALAUREATE SERMON TOMORROW SERMON SERIES AT STEVENS M.E. Present Day Problems Will Be Discussed in Sermons by Dr. C. A. Smucker Studies in the problems of the • hour in a special series of addresses > win begin to-morrow morning and . evening in the Stevens Memorial t Methodist Episcopal Church. Thtr • teenth and Vernon streets. These j addresses will practically cover the entire range of human ills met in I modern temptation. Dr. Clayton 1 Albert Smucker, pastor, proposes to t cover the field in three sermons to ihe given Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the evening at 7.30 o'clock, and on Sunday morning, I June 22. In this drama of three I acts the speaker will cover the field lln three subjects: "The Temptation iof the Body," "The Temptation of .the High Place." and "The Temp > tation of the Soul." The address by Dr. Smucker to morrow night will be accompanied by Humphreys J. Roberts, Welsh tenor. Dr. E. R. Heckman will hold the first quarterly conference in the i lecture room of Stevens Memorial '• Church, Friday evening, June 20, at ' 7.30 o'clock. All officials are urged to attend this gathering. The Red Cross Auxiliary is to ; meet Wednesday morning at 10 for special work at the request o£ the American Red Cross. METHODIST Riverside —The Rev. George Mur- I ray Klepfcr, pastor, will preach at 111 Holy Communion, and at S "The Toung Man's Worst Enemies;" Sun ■ day School, 10; Epworth League, 7. Ridge Avenue— The Rev. H. R. • Bender; morning, baptism of in fants, and children's day exercises; evening, program by the Teen-Age Department. Fifth Street.—The Rev. Edwin A. . Pyles; children's day services, 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday School, senior and teen age departments, 2 p. m. St. Paul's. The Rev. William Moses, pastor, will preach at 10.30; and at 7.30 in Harris Park; Sun- , day School, 9.45. At Camp Curtin Memorial— The Rev. John H. Mortimer, pastor, will 1 preach at 10.45, "The Fifth Com mandment" and at 7.45, cantata by Sunday School, "Carnival of Flow- j ers," Sunday School. 9.45. Epworth—The Rev. Homer Knox, pastor, will preach at 11, an exposi tory sermon, and at 7.30. "Dual Na ture" Sunday School, 10; Epworth j League, 6.30. Camp Hill— The Rev. J. Merrill Williams; Sunday School, 9.45; 11, •'■TDivine Fatherhood;" Epworth League. 6.45; 7.30; "That Little • Cloud, Like a Man's Hand." Dauphin—Preaching. 10.30: Sunday 'School. 2: Epworth league, 6.45. Kerkton—Sunday School, 2; chil ' dren's day, program. 7.30. PRESBYTERIAN Capital Street —Th© Rev. B. M. "Ward, pastor; 10:45, "The Conse • crated Life;" 8. Children's Day mu i deal: Sunday School, 12:15; Chris itian Endeavor, 6:45. • Other Church News I'age 12. ji jgr Third and Pine Streets | 1 \ Preacher, Rev. William Leroy Mudge, m £ 3 Cknmb*r*biTT|C Penn*ylvnnia u ; 10.30 A. M. 11 "The World's To-Morrow" £ | 7.30 P. M. | | "The Gospel the World Needs" * I "YV rlromf To You Bt Kach of Thrsr Sfnlrrs J* Covenant Presbyterian Church t Fifth and Peffer Streets Open Air Service At 7.30 ; | In Front of Church. ;; Large Orchestra. Chairs for all. Automobiles |! parked so that you can see and hear. 1! Sermon Subject: II "The Greatest Story Ever Told'' "The Church With The Chimes" Be Good It Pays FOR time and eternity, the only safe investment is to follow after righteousness. Righteousness enriches. Wickedness impover ishes. "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Dr. Herman will speak at 7.30 P. M. to-morrow about the advantages of Living a God-fearing Life. Rev. R. M. Dunkleberger will occupy the pulpit at 11 A. M. Subject of sermon, "Applied Christianity In India." Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Zion Lutheran Church South Fourth St., Opposite P. R. R. Depot S. W. Herman, D. D., Pastor. SATURDAY EVENING, CHURCH DIRECTORY LUTHERAN Calvary—The Rev. Edward H- Paar, pastor; 11, "The New Birth; 7:30, "The Triune God;" Sunday School, 10. Augsberg—The Rev. A. M. Stam ets, pastor; 10:30, Children's Day services; 7:30, cantata, "Queen of | the May;" Sunday School, 2; Chris | tian Endeavor, 6:30. i Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. [Hanson, D. D., pastor; 10:30, Chll idren's Day services; 7:30, bacrnlau j reate sermon Technical High School, 'Sunday School, 10. Zion—The Rev. J. S. Winfleld Her man, pastor; 11, "Achievements to the Gospel;" 7:30, "It Pays to Be and to Do Good;" Sunday School, 9:45. ! Christ —The Rev. G. Thomas Reisch, pastor. The Rev. Dr. C. B. King, of Pittsburgh, will preach morning and evening. Church of the Redeemer —The Rev. Myron E. Shafer, pastor; 10:30. "For Christ's Sake;" 8, "The Christ of Christian Science." Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor; 10:45, "To Be Born Again;" 7:30, Children's Pay services; Sunday School. 9:3.0 Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. pastor; 10:30. "The Wonders of Godhead;" 7:30, "The Secret of a Great Life;" Sunday School. 9:30; Lutheran Ieague, 6:30. Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. P., pastor; 11, "The Christian Monopolist:" 7:30, "A Personal Question;" Sunday School, 9:45. Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D., pastor: 11, "The Unsearchable Depths;" 7:45. "HeaTcnly Sources;" Sunday School. 10; men's prayer meeting, 9:15; Junior Luther League, 5:45; Senior Luther League, 6:45. St. Peter's. Highspire, Pa. —The Rev. Ernest L. Pee, pastor; 10:45, "Christ, the Fullness of All Things:" 7:30, the Rev. Dunkelberger. mis sionary from India, will speak; Sun day School, 9:30. UNITEn EVANGELICAL Grace, Lemoyne The Rev. E. Crumbling, pastor, will preach at 10.45 sermon to the children, and at 7.45. Children's Day exercises: Sunday school at 9.30; Union C. E. 6.45. Enoln The Rev. H. M. Buck, pas tor. will preach at 10.45, "Christ's Great Farewell Praver." and at 7.30, "Salvation of God Through Christ;"l Sunday school at 9.30; C. E. 6.45. ' Harris Street The Rev. A. G. Flexer. pastor, wilt preach at 10.30. 'Discipline in the Corinthian Church." and at 7.30, special service for seout Troop 7; Sunday school at 9.30; C. E. at 6.40. Penbrook The Rev. W. F,. Pot tieger. pastor. Sermon by assistant pastor, the Rev. W. S. Harris at 10.30, Ghildren's Day Missionary rally at 7.30; Sunday school at 9.30; Keystone League at 6.45. Sixth Street the Rev. W. E. Pot t'eger, pastor, will preach at 11. "The Sure Foundation of God; Sunday school at 10. Park street - The Rex*. A. Fl. Hang en. pastor, will preach at 10.45, "The Unity of the Spirit," and at 7.30, "Bet ter Than Silver and Gold," Sunday school at 9.30. St. Paul's The Rev. Floyd Apple ton rector, will preach at 11. "Help fulness of Faith in the Trinity." and at S. "Popular Service;" Sunday school at 9.45; Children's Prayers at 10.30. St. Michael's The Rev. Floyd Ap pleton. pastor, will preach at 4.30, Trinitv Sunday. St- Stephen's The Rev. Roilin Alger Sawyer, 8, Holy Communion; 10, Sunday sehooi: 11. Holy Communion and Trinity Sunday sermon; 8. eve ning prayer. PRKSBYTKRIAN Olivet— The Rev. S. A. Rower, ! pastor, will preach at 11, subject, "Fully Persuaded," arid at 7.45 a demobilization service, Charles E. Pass will speak; Sunday School 10; C. E., 6.30. Calvary—The Rev. J. 1,. Gehman, pastor, will preach at 10.15, "Build ing the Walls of Spiritual Jerusa lem," and at 7.30, "The Voice of Gorl;" Sunday School. 9; C. E. 6.45. Camp Hill—The Rev. R. A, Ketch ledge, pastor, will preach at 11, "The Christian's Vision of God," and at 8, "The Rread of Life;" Sunday School, 9.45; C. E. Society, 7.15. Bethany-—The Rev. John Martin Warden, at 7.30. subject, "The Chil -1 dren for Christ;" Sunday School, 9: | C. E., 6.30; Children's Day service, i Westminster The Rev. Henry W. Miller, pastor, will preach at : 10.30; "The Hove of the Past," and at 7.30, "The World at the Cost of Rife;" Sunday School, 9.45; C. E.. 6.30. j _ Covenant The Rev. Harvey J Klaer, pastor, will preach at 11, "Wells Without Water," and at 7.30, i "The Greatest Storv Ever Told;" i Sunday School, 9.45. Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett j Hoi man, 10; Sunday School. 11.15; ' C. E., 6.30; 7.30. UNITED BRETHREN" State Street—The Rev. IT. F. ! Rhoad, pastor; 10:45, "A Letter and j a Prayer:" 7:30, "Life Through the tSon of God;" Sunday School, 9:30; | Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:30. I 1* irst—-The Rev. \V. E. Paugherty, | D. P., pastor: 11, "The llolv Spirit jat Pentecost;" 7:30. "The Paradox jof Life;'* Sunday School, 10; Chris tian Endeavor, 6:45. j Otterhein—The Rev. S. Edwin | Rupp, pastor; 11. children's service, : infant baptism; 7:30, Children's Day I exercises; Sunday School, <9:45. Sixth Street—The Rev. J. Owen Jones, pastor; 10:30, old folks' ser vice; 7:30, demobilization of service flag; Sunday School. 1:45; Christian Endeavor. 6:20; morning praise ser vice, 9:45. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lv ter, pastor; 11, "The T'nifving Influ ence of the Holy Spirit;" 7:30, Christ's Attitude of Love Toward the Soul;" Sunday School, 9:50. BAPTIST Mount Olive—The Rev. Moses J. Birge. pastor; 10:30. "The Idol Temple; ' the Rev. Dr. Norris will preach at 7:30. hirst The Rev. William J. Lock hart, pastor; 10:30, second sermon lin series on "Exposition of Epistle of James;" 7:30, "Believe Ye?" j 11:45. Children's Day exercises; i 6:4.>. Baptist young people's meeting. : Tabernacle—The Rev. T. Carson I Hanna, of Pottsville; Sunday School, 9-45; 11, "The New Emphasis on i !£ er ' 7:30, "Solving God's Ptiz i zle. 6:45. young people's meeting, j Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah | Green, pastor; 10:30, "Jesus Pre j cious to Believers;" 7:30, Children's | Day exercises; Sunday School, 12; B. Y. P. TJ„ 6:30. ( Market Street—The Rev. W. S. ! Dunlop. 10.30, "The Value of an I Ideal; '7.30, "Following fhe Gleam;" Sunday school, 11.30. CHURCH OF GOD Nagle Street—The Rev. Elmer E. "I?"' Pastor, will preach at 11, . I' le Christian Races," and at 7.30, , C , r ? ss of Christ "; Sunday School, 10; Junior Christian En deavor at 6; Senior Christian En deavor at 6.45. ,nr Pe m ook ~ J i eV - S ' N ' Goo <*. Pas -TA- . . Pr * ach at 10 ' 30 - street, - ,„ e D o "} ni P° teirt God," and at | ..30, Sunday school, 9.30 A M Progress—The Rev. J. M. ' Wag goner; Sunday School, 9.30; Junior Endeavor, 6; Children's Day ex ! eises, 7.30. I Green Street—The Rev. H. S. Her shey 1( ).45 "Our Debt—How Can j Je Pay It?"; 7.30, "What Are the Prospects for Peace?"; 8.45 Sunday bchool. Linglestown The Rev. J. W Waggoner; Sunday School, 9 so preaching, 10.30. „ , CATHOLIC Cathedral The Rev. D. J. Carey low masses 7 and 9, high mass 1u.30) nine at ~30 Bencdiction in the eve ,St - Lawrence The Rev. P. s. Hue gel* low mass at 8. high mass at 10, Holy hour at 3. St. Francis The Rev. Joseph R. Murphy, low masses 7.3U and 9. high mass at 10.30; Holy hour in the eve ning at 7. St, Mary's—The Rev. Wm. V. Dailey. Low masses at 7 and 9.30; 7.15 reci tation of the office of the Blessed Vir gin Mary's Sodality Sermon and Bene diction of the Most Blessed Sacra ment. Church of the Sacred Heart The Rev. J. J. Smyth. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Holy Hour and Benediction in the evening at 7. REFORMED Salem.—The Rev. Ellis N. Kre mer.—Morning, 11; evening memo rial service of the I. O. O. F. with sermon by Chaplain Harry Nelson j Baesler. Sunday School, 9.45. Second— The Rev. Alfred Nevin ] Sayres; 11 a. m.. Holy Communion; i 7.30, Holy Communion; Sunday ' School, 9/45; Christian Endeavor, ! 6.30. I St. John's—The Rev. Clayton H. I Ranck;"The Trinity Everyday Ex j periences." 7.30, '""he Perfect | Prayer." Sunday School, 9.45. Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles j May. pastor; 10.45 a. m.. Holy Com munion; 7.30, Holy Communion; Sunday School, 9.30; Young People's service, 6.30. EPISCOPAL Church of the Holy Cross—The Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment. 1 Matins. 10.30; sermon and Holy ! Communion, 11; church sehooi, 12.30; evensong and sermon, 8. CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street—The Rev. Charles Boyd Wenger, pastor, will preach at 11, "The Message of the Church:" 7.45, "The Happiness of the Godly Man;" Sunday School, 9.45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, "God. the Preserver of Man," at 11 and 7.30; Sunday School, 11. MISCELLANEOUS Christian and Missionary' Alliance The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sunday School, 9.30; preaching. 10.30 and 7.30. SI MMER SCHEDULE Beginning to-morrow, services at Harris Church will open promptly at 10.30 a. m, and close at 12.30, and in the evening It will open at 7.30 and close at 8.30. Services will con tinue In this order during the sum mer months. The Rev. R. R Bris coe will preach morning and eve ning on "Opportunity" and "Punctu ality.'.' LIVE WIRE KILLS INSTANTLY Hitjremtown. Mil., June 14.—Coming In contact with a wire carrying six thousand volts at the plant' of the Pennsvlvaia Pulverizing Company nean Hancock. Charles Spidell was in-' stantly killed. When found he was standing as if transfixed. An iron pipe he carried came in contact with the high tension wire. TELEGRAPH CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAMS ISSUED Big Lists of Exercises Planned by Several Churches For Tomorrow While many city churches held their j j annual Children's Day exercises last i I Sunday, additional services by other | churches are planned for to-morrow. In ! teresting programs have been announced [by several city churches. They are ap pended : ABC.SBIRG I.LTHERAN The following Children's Day program will be rendered to-morrow at the Augushurg Lutheran Church: Kindergarten Exercises Chorus "The Flag," lirst department; welcome, Andrew Brown and Charles Griffin; recitation, "The Helper," Harry husk; recitation, "Children's Day," Myrna Bishop; sblo, "Trto Daisy Song." Julia Manning; recitation, "Two Little Rose buds," Clara Elizabeth Shirk; solo. "The Bird Song," Lottie Rau; recita tion, "A Recife," Lonretta Martin ; sing ing, "When the Band Plays," a class of children; recitation, Norman Reese; "Salute to the Flag," Charles Griffin; duet, "Just for You and Me," Alice and Clara McNaughton; recitation, "Glad for Children's DAy," Fern Louise Orris: singing, "The Rose Song," a class of girls; exercise. "What the Clock Says," five boys; duet, "Depdrop's Blessing," I Dorian Cornelius and Gladys Gayman; recitation, "A Consolation," Catherine; Sterrlnger; "Mary, Mary, Quite Con- i jtrary," a class of girls; collection, eight! girls; solo, "Jesus Wants Me for a \ Sunbeam," Daisy Allman; recitation, | "What the Birds Sing," Anna Mi shop; solo, "I'm a Little Flower," LaVene 1 Grove; exercise, "A Gift for Children's' Day," six girls; duet, "Come and See," j Mildred Shue and Marie Harling; recita- ! it ion, Anna Garland; recitation. "Just] | One Day in the Year," Mgrie Yohn; j chorus, "Golden Sunbeams," first depart ment ; recitation, "Liberty," Mildred j Arbogast; singing, first department; benediction. At the evening anniversary service of j the Sunday school a cantata, "Queen of the May," will be rendered. The offering at the Sunday school at 2 o'clock will be for the orphans' home at Loysville. CAMP CI'RTIY M. E. A beautiful Children's Day cantita, entitled "Carnival of the Flowers," will be rendered at Camp Curtin Methodist Church by the Sunday school to-morrow evening at 7.45 o'clock. This cantata is unique creation, weaving'in and out throughout the whole party, thoughts of love and service and praise of God. The flowers hold high carnival for the honor and glory of their Creator's name. i Musical Numbers—Chorus, "Creative A oices SVeetly Singing;" song by five "The Carnival of Flowers;" song by Rose Maidens, "Hark the Song;" chorus, "Gladness Breathes Around Us;" solo, "Wake Up Daisy Folks;" song by the Daisies, "Look Up, Be Glad;" chorus, "Serve God with a Per fect Heart;" duet and chorus, "Our Colors;" song, "Flower Bells Are Ring ing ;" chorus, "Greeting the Children's Day;" trio and chorus, "The Earth is the Lord's." Closing Song—Characters as follows: Spring, Katherine Bricker; Love, Mary McClaih; Joy, Dorothy Haas; Purity. Mary Burgoon; Memory, Alice Frick man ; Children's Day, Mildred Jeffries; June, Esther Jeffries; Page, Gilbert Bateman ; Herald. Wilson HofTa; Color Bearers, Blanch Houser, Melvin Geist, Ralph McClain ; Angel, Lauretta Geist; Sixteen Rose Maidens with Mable Pottieger as the "White Rose." which is chosen as "Queen of the Carnival." See the Daisies. Violets, Clover, Dande lions and Pansies. The committee in charge of cantata include Mrs. D. A. Fries, Mrs. Verna Chrvcll, Mrs. Ruth Barnhart, Dorothy Gibbons, Alice Frickman and Mary Crane. Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Children's Day exercises will be held to-morrow in the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church at 10.30 a. m., and at 7.30 p. m. The program follows: Morning—Singing, "Saviour, Like a Shepherd I-end Us," congregation ; prayer, pastor. Dr. Pyles; welcome ex ercise, Virginia Faust and Nelson Spangler; songs (a) "Little Work ers," (b) "Singing for Jesus," kin dergarten department; recitation, "A Beginner." Edna Heck; recitation, "A Curious Fact," Nelson Spengler; solo, "Happy Children's Day," Caroline Grubb ; recitation, "The Silver Lining," Esther McMorris; exercise. "The Be ginners," Edwin Weigle and Clarence Reily; recitation, "Like the Snow Drop," Betty Peters; recitation. "Turn ing the Tables." Jack Yost; recitation, "Growing Smiles," Richard Fox; solo, "God Keeps Little Flowers," Dorothy Shakespeare; recitation, "If I Were Big." Alda Maugaps; recitation. "Children's Day," Julia Johnson; reci tation. "Keep Sweet." Marian Wampler; songs, (a) "Tapping At My Window," (b) "When the Flowers Are Thirsty," Primary Department; recitation, "How Would it Be?" Evelyn Siders; recita tion. "Conscience Shoes." John Wooler ton: recitation, Alton Maxwell; re marks and announcements by pastor; offering, for the cause of Christian education; exercise. "Ten Fairies," class primary children; recitation, "The First Children's Day," Marie Gardner; recitation. "Take Time," John Forney; recitation. "When Mamma Was a Little Girl," Frances Kline; songs, (a) "It Isn't Raining Rain to Me." (b) "The Dandelion," Junior De partment; recitation, "If I Only Knew," Dorothy Reheard; recitation, "Two Little Hands." Phyllis Hinkle; recita tion. "If." Ernest Peck; motion song. "Can You Tell?" class primary chil dren : re"'*ttion. "A Little Brown Bird." Dorothy Watson; "The Help er," Everett Tnng; song, "Amer ica's Message," Junior Depart ment ; recitation. "My Motto," Merle Bowman: recitation. Leona Smith; song. "Father. We Thank Thee." Pri mary Department; singing, "Onward Christian Soldiers." congregation; benediction, by pastor. Evening—Selection. Orchestra ; ad dress. "The Ladder of Life," Jacob Harder; song. "The Sweetest Flowers of Summer Time," Teen Age Depart ment girls: exercise, "The Flags." class junior boys; solo, "Slumber Song." Pauline Huntsberger: recita tion. "The Peace Hymn of the World." Helen Manahan : exercise. "Our Em blems." class junior girls; cello solo, Josephine Burkholder. Hummelstown; reading. Alma Shutt : remarks and an nouncements by pastor. Dr. Pyles: of fering ; exercise. "Some Boys of the Bible." class junior bovs; solo. Hazel Fralm ;reading, Lovlnia Buckwalter; exercise, "Summer's Message," class Junior girls; cello solo. Miss Burk holder : exercise. "Ready for Service,"! class of boys and girls of the teen age department; song. "The Prince of Peace." Teen Age Department girls; exercise. "Good Night." class primary children : singing, "America," audience ; benediction by oastor. Messiah Lutheran Children's Day exercises will he held in the Messiah Lutheran church to-morrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. In the evening, the baccalaureate sermon to the renior class of the Technical High School will bo do- llvered by. the pastor, the Rev. H. W. A. Hanson. The Children's Day song program, which will be given by the Cradle Roil and Beginners' Department, fol lows: Opening recitation. Vivian Winglard; exercise, "The Kingdom of L4ve," live girls: song, "He Sees the Spar rows," school; recitation. "All .fixed lip," Irene Zell; exercise, "Boys of the Bible," six boys; recitation, "A Star for Me," Vance Hershey; prayer, rrof. Brchm; hymn. "Around the Throne," congregation; address, pas ter: offeratory, "Meditation" (violin duet), Meta Potts and Ross Bell; solo and chorus, "Plant Roses,'" school; recitation, "Why." Charles Klein; exercise, "Parasols," seven girls and five boys; song, "Brighter than the Glory," school; recitation. Frown and the Pout," Caroline Der rickson; solo and flag drill, Katherlne Mathias—five boys; recitation,' "If I were a Sunbeam," Ruth Nelson; recitation. "C. D„" Luther exercise, "The Ways of the Daisies," six girls; recitation, "Waiting at the Ladders Foot," Emily Zerbe; recita tion, "Good Bye," Lilian Haag. RJilge Avenue M. E. Children's Day exercises by the kindergarten department of the Bidge Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, will be held to-morrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. Baptism of chil dren will be held. The program fol lows: Good Morning and Welcome to You. Hymn. "Birds and Bees an I Flowers." school; recitation, "Welcome," Sara Ellen Byler; recitation, "The Tree Toad," Porter Lynn; solo, "Pretty Little Bluebird," Jean Schmidt: song, "Up. up in the Sky," school; recita tion, "God's Smile," Mary Derstine; recitation. "Just Like My Papa." John E. Peters; solo, Anna Chubb; reci tation, "The Little Bird's Song," Catherine Drake; game. "Birdies in the Greenwood," school; recitation, "Determination," Thelma Herman; recitation. "He Blessed the Children," John Galbraith; recitation, "A Re member Flower," Catherine King, song, "The Birdies' Song," school; re citation. "June," Margaret Wierman; Recitation. "I'm Pretty Small," Fred erick Krise; song. "Buttercups and Daisies," Margaret Nesbit and Laura Catherine Shuey; recitation. "What the Buttercups Toll." Josephine Reed; recitation, "Why," Harold Thomas; recitation, "He Must Love," Ruth Thompson; recitation, "Good Morn ing Little Rose-bush," Winifred Mil ler; game, "Marching Game," school; recitation, "Daisies," Marjorie Har vey; recitation, "Jesus was a Little Boy " Harvey Clem; recitation, "Doro thy's Mistake," Dorothy Hinkle; solo. Margaret Poffenberber; recitation, "A Little Tot," Elizabeth Clem; recita tion. "Her Garden,' Dorothy Brum- 11l Dives, Pomeroy& Stewart I§' • if Announce mj | Beginning Next Tuesday A w[| A Stock Reducing Sale El || of Importance i||| Involving wm j L Several Hundred Thousand Dollars' Jxl link Worth of Summer Merchandise at | Savings of 20 to 50 Per Cent )j gr This Unusual Event M Ml Occurs in the Face of a Rising Market and in Consequence Its Economics |C Are of Vital Interest Aui Experienced Sales People From Our ||| 111 Reading Store Will Assist in the Sale |J| ijP The Departments Contributing Items of W? Ik Exceptional Interest Include: J 1 * . [ ... . / A ' V , % . mer; recitation, John C. Peters; song. "Little Brown Sparrows," school; Good-bye-Song; benediction. The exercises of the Primary, Junior and Teen age Departments will be held In the church auditorium in the 1 evening M 7.30 o'clock. The program follows: Song. "Song of the Sun beams," primury and junior depart- ' mi nts: recitation, "A Word of Wei- i como," Catharine Harvey; recitation, I "Turning ihe Tables," James Buha; solo, "The Daises," Dorothy Thomp- ! son; recitation, "The Child's Inquire," Kathleen Lckert; recitation, "Like the i Birdies." Ruth Beshore; duet, "Jesus i Will," Mary Hoiashi. Mary Siclovaii: reading, selected. Miss Jane Hurting; I cornet solo, selected. Glen Boyles; re citation. "In Time Gone By," Dora Myers; recitation, "A Recipe," Thelma Forbes; solo, "Just learning," Alex andria George; recitation, "Pure in Heart!' Russell McClellan; chorus, selected. Teen Age Girls; trombone solo, selected. Meredith Germer; of fering; song. "Little Heralds," pri mary and junior departments; reci tation, "The Bible," Flora George, Ar gritto Crosh, Mary Bolashi; solo. Hear Them," Mary Caroline King; recitation. "The Syrian Lad at the [Seaside," Gilbert Glazier; recitation, "Publish the News of the Kingdom. Mary Slclovan; solo, selected. Miss Mildred Kulp; recitation, "Gratitude," Mary Machamer; solo, "Little Sun beams." Dora Myers; recitation, "Speaking a Piece," Ralph Harvey; recitation, "Songs and Smiles." Vera iUitledge; violin solo, "Berceuse from Joitlyn. Goriard." Foster Frev; recita tion, "Imagery of the Bihle," Helen Gordon; solo, "Hushed in Slumber," Beatrice Bomberger; recitation, "Wanted, A Boy," Clyde Peters;* reci tation. "if." Paul Welliver; song, "Roses in the Garden." Mary Bolashi Mary Slclovan, Argritte Crosh and Al exandria George; benediction, post lude. Penbrook It. E. The annual Children's Day exercises of the Tenhrook United Evangelical church will he held to-morrow even ing at 7.30 o'clock with the members of the various departments of the Sunday school participating. The fol lowing program has been prepared. 1 reiude. Miss Early; song, school; responsive, reading; prayer; song, school; recitation, "A Sunny Wel come," Lucy Rudy; recitation, "Two ! Rules of Grandma's," Mildred Hollen ibangh: recitation. "A Gay Little Rob lin," George Gingrich; song, school: re [ citation, "A Uttle Boy," John Swei gert: recitation, "We Thank Thee Heavenly Father," Mary Pennebaker; [recitation, "If I Only Knew," Mary Anderson; recitation, "My Piece," Eve lyn Yetter; song, school; recitation. "Daisies," Merrium Speck; recitation, "Children of the King," Esther Ging- Irich; recitation. "America is all to j Me." Royal Walters; primary song exercise, "Summer Days," class; reci tation, "Children of the King." Mark Sweigert, recitation, "Little forget-me not." Beatrice Armor; song, school; exercise, "Our Flag." class of hoys: exercise. "Children's Day." Miles Ralph Lehman; recitation, "If," Mabel Crum; recitation. "Reing a Man," Harry Espenshade: song, school; ad dress. pastor; recitation, "Your Part," Christie Espenshade: song, school: exercise, ."June Drill," by class of girls: recitation, "The Small Boy and JUNE 14, 1919. — CHURCH NOTICES ARE LATE A number of ehurc-h notices were received last evening and to day, too lato for publication. The rule of the Harrisburg Telegraph is that nil notices to bo inserted in Saturday's issue MUST be in the office NOT LATER THAN 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. This rule is rigidly observed. his String," Gordon Dudy; recitation "God's Everywhere," Ciovd Espen shade; song, school: exercise "Two Little Girls I Know," Helen Mader and Sarah Smith; exercise. "The King's Daughter." class of girls; reci tation. 'Little Star," Marie Hollen-' batigh; song, school. CHURCIJ MUSICAL On Tuesday evening June 17, at 8.15 o'clock, the choir of Otter hein U. B. Church will hold a musical at the Pennsylvania Rail road Y. M. C. A. Hall, cqrner of Reily and Wallace streets. Mrs. Florence Achey liey, musical Direc tor of the War Community services, will he the soprano soloist and El mer Hobhs I<ey, Baritone soloist, John D. Whitman, of Middletown, will render several violin solos. TO GIVE CONCERT The Harmony Club will hold a lecture-concert in* the Technical High school Thursday evening, at 8.15 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. A. W. Puller, Georgetown, S. C., will give his lecture on "The Great Blunders of Great Men." The program for the evening fol lows: Opening address. Professor John P. Scott: solo, Miss Helen Rob inson: solo, Miss Hazel Hall; lec ture, "The Great Blunders lof Great Men," the Rev. A. W. Puller, D. D„ LL. D.; recitation, Mrs. Marie Tem ple; address, Charles E. Pass, pro thonartary; Dr. Charles H. Cramp ton. master of ceremonies. The Rev. Dr. Puller is a native of Harrisburg and was educated here. He is considered one of the best orators of the colored race. A silver offering will be taken at the concert t6 assist in establishing a home for aged colored people. SEARCH FOR ROY Harrisburg police have been asked to make a search for Rayjyiorul Goldstein, aged 15 years, who has been missing from his home in Phil adelphia since May 3. SERMON TO 1919 C. H.S. CLASS Dr. Robert Bagnell to Speak to Graduates on "The World in Solution" Orace Methodist Episcopal Church will be the scene of an Interesting meeting on Sunday evening at 7.80 o'clock. Dr. Robert Bagnell. the Orace Church pastor, will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the senior class of Central High School. The topic will be "The World in Solu tion." There will be special reser vations for the graduates. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, the pastor will preach on: "Jesus Christ according to St. Paul." The Grace Church chorus choir, under the lead ership of Prof. John W. Phillips, wtil tender special anthems at both morn ing and evening services. The newly-elected Epworth League Cabinet of Grace Church has planned an unusual meeting in the Epwort'a League Room which they call "Pa rents' and Kpworthians' Night." The idea of this meeting is to have all toe fathers and mothers of the Epwor thians attend this special service with their sons and daughters. The Rev. William S. Kssick will give a short address on • the topic, ; "Speech, Wise and Otherwise." Tuesday evening. June 24. at 8 1 o'clock, the Epworth League will pre j sent "The Laughing Cure." In the so cial room of the ehur.ch. Nine young people of the church are participat ing in this production. WRIST FRACTURED Mrs. John Crull, 1937 Park street, slipped on the floor of the cellar at her home last night and broke her left wrist. CHURCH OF GOO Maclay Street—The Rev. Dr. Wm. S. Houck will preach at 11, and at 8. children's day service; Sunday School, 9.45; Jr. C. E„ 6; Sr. C. E., 7. A. M. E. Harris —The Rev. R. L. Briscoe, pastor; 10:30, "Opportunity;" 7:30, "Punctuality;" Sunday School, 1:30. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street—The Rev. Wm. It Jcnner. Preaching, 11, "Some Thought, ■on Our Greatest Conference"; 7.30 • Spirit of the Age"; Sunday School 10; C. W. M.. 6.45.
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