14 SPROUUS STAND IS ENDORSED BY BIBLE CLASSES Prominent Luymen Plan to Back Drastic Prohibi tion Legislation Determined that Pennsylvania's prohibition legislation shall actu ally prohibit sale and use of intox icating liquors in the State, repre sentatives of the State Federation of Bible Classes to-day outlined plans for enforcing the laws along these lines, at a meeting held in the Penn-Harris Hotel. Committees were appointed to see the Governor, the legislative leaders, and to draft a program of activities not only for the coming year but for the years to come. Appreciation of the work of Governor William O. Sproul in the temperance question was expressed in a minute adopted by the meet ing and presented to him by a dele gation from the organization. The minute, addressed to the Governor, say s: "Representing 12,830 Organized Adult Bible Classes of Pennsylvania, with 340,000 member, we desire to emphasize our appreciation of the administration of William C. Sproul. as Governor of our loved Common wealth, and to assure him of the continued loyal support of the moral forces of Pennsylvania, as he may continue to represent the lofty To Reduce Your Weight Quickly and Easily If you are too fat. or if your tigure lias become llabby and you are carry ing around a burden of annoying un healthy tlesh. the cause is. ten chances to one. lack of oxygen carry ing power of the blood and faulty as similation of tile food. Too little of the food is being made into good hard tissue and muscle and too much into little globules of fat. Every man and woman reader of this paper who is too fat, whose llesh is soft and flabby should try the new preparation, Phynola. a simple, but remarkably efficient formula put up for convenient home use. Go to Gorgas. the druggist, stores, IS N. Third £rt.. Third and Walnut Sis. and Penna. K. It. Station to-day and get a box of these wonderful Phynola tablets; take one after each meal and one at bed time. They are pleasant to take, entirely safe and give splendid results quickly and easily. No dieting, strenuous exercising, drastic mas saging or appliances. Just a simple Phynola tablet four times a day and in a short time your weight is reduc- , ed on all parts of the body to what it should be. SUNO^MSION TO Philadelphia May 18 Special Excursion Train Front Fare Lv.A.M. Harrisburg ... $2.70 6.25 Hummeistown . 2.70 0.40 Swatara 2.70 6.45 Hershey 2.7" 0.48 Palmyra 2.70 6.54 Annville 2.70 7.02 Cieona 2.70 7.05 Lebanon 2.70 7.12 Avon 2.70 7.17 Prescott 2.70 7.20 Myerstown .. . 2.59 7.25 Richland 2.4 8 7.30 Sheridan 2.38 7.34 Wontelsdorf . . 2.27 7.39 Reading Terminal Ar. 10.05 (War tax included in above fares) RETURNING —Special Train will leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, at 7.00 P. M., same date, for above stations. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad HAVE YOUR Lawn Mowers Sharpened AT THE FEDERAL MACHINE bhu. Court and Cranberry Scs. CO AL AT'LAST'S We believe that we can SOLVE ALL YOUR COAL TROUBLES with our NEW HARD COAL. Ask any one who has tried it what they think of it. Coal is expensive. Why not get what you pay for— I'j the Best? £ There's no slate and bone in Our New Hard Coal—Burns down to a fine white powder —no more big ash piles S From a hundred or more new customers who have tried our New Hard Coal, we have had but one answer— •lT IS THE VERY BEST COAL WE HAVE EVER USED" 1 A trial order will convince you that we have THE mi BEST COAL ON THE MARKET. McCREATH BROS. j 567 Race Street Both Phones |j|j fUESDAY EVENING, hjlrrisbuhg TELEGIUPK MAY 6, 1919. Ideas and ideals to which our State is now rising, "We recognise in our Governor tt hißtl of strong convictions and sterling character—transmuted —for the highest fvelfaro of the people , Into offlolat activities, . 1 "We desire to go on record in 1 hearty approval of our Governor's ) firm stand on great moral questions and especially for his attitude and ' activities on behalf of the ratlflea . tlon of the prohibition amendment to the National Constitution which j was endorsed by both branches of our Legislature. "Wo respectfully call upon Gov ■ ernor Sproul to help pass Vlckor mun House bill No. 1142 and Fox ; llouso bill No. 072 to secure neoes sury enforcement of prohibition, i with complete conildenco In his willingness und In his tirnt oppo sition to all efforts to nullify hinder ing legislation." The convention will continue un- | til 6 o'clock to-night. Discussion ! of the work to be accomplished oc ' cupled the convention during the afternoon discussion. CORNERSTONE LAID AT | BIG NEW MALTA HOME [Continued from First Page.] ing. Fifty uniformed members are I expected to be in attendance at the t latter event. Six commanderies of Harrisburg, Steelton and Middletown have named their delegates to the meet ing. The Harrisburg commandery representatives are: Thomas Me- Cutcheon, No. 96: William F. C. Liesmann, No. 113; John W. Gris singer. No. 114; Harry M. Askin, No. 125. Ray Shaffner will repre sent Commandery No. 10S, of Steel ton. and H. O. Lindemuth, No. 132, of Middletown. Warren J. ltaffensberger. of York, is Grand Commander of the order in Pennsylvania this year. S. Ray mond Snyder, of Chambersburg. will serve in the same capacity during the next year. The order was ex tended during the past year, despite the war. four new commanderies be ing instituted. All are located in Lancaster county. Gets Heavy Sentence For Stealing Penn-Harris Silver Pleading guilty to a charge of j stealing silverware and linens front j the Penn-Harris Hotel, valued at $350. Charles Droneberger. who had been employed there as a night watchman, was sentenced in cout i yesterday afternoon by President ; judge George Kunkel to a peniten tiary term of fourteen months to j two years. i James Green, who entered a pica j ' of guilty to a charge of assaulting and robbing Moaes Yoffee. was given a penitent ary term also of j fourteen months to two years. Other j sentences imposed follow; Frank | Franando, larceny, three months; i Sonny Washington, felonious entry, j seven months; Joe Contradics. lar- ! cerny. six months: Henry Williams, larceny, four months; George j Moran, larceny, six months; Ward , Sheetz. three months; George Cook, i larceny, two months. Scouts Will Report to Assist in the Parade All Scouts of the city will report ! to Scout Executive Virgin, at Front j and Market streets, to-morrow, as j : soon as they are free front morning school duties. The Scouts have been asked by ! Mayor Keister to have charge of keeping back the crowds Afftf 'pa-' troling the streets over which the pard.de will pass. mimmm Physician Believes a Genuine Rem edy for the Disease Has Been Found Kheuma, the wonderful rheumatism { remedy, now sold by all good drug- i gists, gives quicker ana more lasting ! relief ilian other remedies costing many tunes rs much. Uiieuma acts with speed; it brings i lin a few days tile relief you have! prayed for. it antagonizes the pois-! ons that cause agony and pain in J : wie joints ana niuocies and quickly i ilie torturing soreness completely dis- ■ appears. Read whul a leputable physician says about 1-theumu; "1 have made a 'must careful investigation of the j formula employed in the manufacture of Kileuina, and 1 heartily recom mend it as a lemedy for all forms of j rheumatism. 1 tind Kheuma far in ] ! advance of the methods generally em-I ployed in the treatment of rheuma tism, and altogether different in com position from the remedies usually i prescribed."—Dr. M. C. Lyons. This j certainly should give any rheuma-I Huttic sufferer confidence to try this j harmless and inexpensive remedy. If you have rheumatism in any I form don't delay try Rheuma to ! day. Kennedy's Drug Store will sup-j I ply you and return your money if it | does not give you quick and joyful i relief. ! Boy Scout Sells $13,000 in Victory Bonds; Breaks Records For One Day Richard Johnston, enthusiastic member of the Boy Scouts, of Harrls i burg, sold $13,690 In Victory Bonds i yesterday afternoon after school and I thereby broke all records for the . Scouts of the city for one day's bond ; sales. j Richard is a eon of Paul Johnston, iof the Johnston Paper Company. He 1 was detailed to sell bonds and of i course approached his father. His father hud "bought his limit," he .•aid, but Richard argued with him for an hour ut noon. Finally Mr. I Johnston said: "Toil you what I'll do. If you sell Homo other man In Har j rlsburg 55,0000 worth, I'll take $5,000 worth more myself, but it must bo a I bonifldo $6,000 sale to one man." Richard determined to do It. He got out of school early, and started , out. He was after big game. One I man bought $3,000 wortft from him, | but that would not do. so he tackled I one of the wealthiest men In Harrls ; burg and poured out his' story. So I impressed was this man that he took ' out his pen and wrote Richard a | cheek for $5,000 on tile spot. So it j happens that Richard's father had to j make good last evening and Richard | ran the total subscriptions of the Scouts up by $13,000. RIVER GIVES UP BODY OF TOILER [Continued front First Page.] I near the steps when found by Charles Greene, 312 South Cameron street, and Jack Weibel. 30 Balm street. The two men, working on the flatboat, noticed it in the water. It was pulled in on a flat and brought to the hank, and now is at the undertaking par lors of C. H. Mauk, Sixth and Kelker stioets, awaiting identification. Cor oner Jacob A. Eckinger, is conduct ing an investigation. Fifty 8 ears Old The body is that of a man about 50 years ago, and probably 5 feet, 6 j inches in height. He has a gray mustache, and a bald head with a little hair around the edges. The j color of the hair is black, sprinkled with gray. The man wore black shoes, with cowhide laces. The shoes probably are of the size 7 or S. The ! tabs at the back of the shoes bore I the name "Nettleton." Two pairs of socks were-found on the botlv, one being a light weight biown pair and the other gray wool len. Heavy white underclothing was j on the body, which weighs about .50 pounds. The man had also worn three vests. The body is thought to j have been in the water from four to j six weeks. In the vest pocket aas | found a Valley Railways Company I refund slip. Tooth Out of Muutli One tootli is out of the mouth on ! the upper ieft side. A pair of dark trousers with white stripes, v ere ! worn. Three handkerchiefs we-e j found in the pockets. A blue and ! white handkerchief was tied abound j the neck. \o Mark* of Violence I An element of mystery surrounds j the finding, since there are no narks of violens on the body. It is just j barely possible, said authorities to i day, the body may be that cf one of I the two New Cumberland men. who | it is understood, were to start aeioss j the river below the dam, whereas. I the body was above the dam. It is j thought probably the men changed i their minds and began their journey across the river above the .iam. j The body of the man found to-day ! is well dressed, like that of a work man who is going out into tile cold. 125 Loads of Rubbish Taken in First Day of Annual Spring Cleanup I Notices are heing sent to owners : of vacant lots and to persons beltev -1 ed to have been dumping in alleys and i small unpaved streets, according to | officials of the city health bureau and the bureau cf ash and garbage in | spection. as part of the "cleanup" 'week campaign. Yesterday 125 loads of ashes, rub ibish and other refuse were removed I from two big sections and to-day the j gangs moved into other districts and 'continued the cleaning up process. An appeal was made to have a large let near the Open Air school cleared so that the children could ' use it for school gardens. The ground. |at present is covered with piles of : ashes, rubbish, tin cans, paper and refuse of all kinds. H. F. Sheesley, i superintendent of the collection hu j reau, said the city will clear away I the rubbish so that the ground can |be plowed and laid out into small 'garden plots for the Open Air school pupils. City Council Prepares Amendment to Building Code Outside Fire Zone | City Commissioners to-day directed ! City Solicitor John E. Fox to prepare • an amendment to the present build ; ing regulations in the city so that ;dv elling houses of "brick veneer" j construction can be built outside the i fire zone. Harold A. Hippie, a contractor and | builder in Harrisburg, appeared be | fore Council at an informal meeting ! and said that as he construes the j present regulations he cannot pr.i -| ceed with the erection of a number | of new houses to be built at Twenty !'sixth and Derry streets. He explained j in detail the brick veneered construc- I tion and called attention to a num ber of other dwellings in the city of that kind. The commissioners decided that the present regulation that all new dwellings must be all brick or all frame construction, was too vague, and did not apply, but to make the clause of the ordinance clear it will be amended. Fun to Wreck a Fast Train Was Idea of Two Boys Pittsburgh, May 6.—Declaring that their love for excitement prompted them to place a tie on the tracks of the Pittsburgh & West Virginia Rail road, at Avella, Washington county, last October, causing the wrecking of a fast passenger train and placing in jeopardy the lives of more than 200 passengers. John Bonevitch, 15 years old, and George Dickanovitcli, 13, living near Avella, unfolded an unusual story to-day in the office of United States Marshal Short, follow ing their arrest. According to their story, the boys sought adventure, excitement and "just a little fun." and on the after noon of October I they carefully planned the wrecking of the train, going to the tracks of the railroad, where they placed a heavy tie across the rails. Hurrying to a secluded spot near the tipple of a coal mine, they picked o'-' a vantage point, they said, and awaited the arrival of the fiyer. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets Adv. Mercantile Appraisers' List Of Harrisburg and Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin County For Licenses Due May 1, 1919 [Continued from l'ugo 13.] Lehrman, S., 865 8. Front, groceries. Losanec, Lewis, 638 8. Second, meat, Leone, Ralph, 380 8. Front, restau rant. Leone, Hulph, 380 S. Front, cigars, candy. I-ipsitz, 1., 473 Myers, merchandise. Lichtonstlno, Jan., 7 S. Front, Jew elry. Lehman, A. J., 37 S. Front, merchan dise. Llpshltz, Sam., 651 S. Fourth, junk. Llnta, Yanctive, 662 S. Fourth, cof fee house. Llpsheetz, Morris, 759 S. Fourth, gro ceries. Lipshitz, N".. 632 S. Fourth, groceries. Leone, Max., 506 S. Third, groceries. Lehman. Lewis, Second and Chestnut, merchandise. Malegoff, Tcny, 203 Francis, pool. Miller, Jas. G., 341 S. Second, real es tate. Martin Bros., 424 Mohn, meat. Muurus, Abe. 327 Francis, general store. M.::;nulls, A. F.. ID N. Front, merchan dise. Malleus, It, 259 Christian, groceries. Morris, Jacob, 450 Mohn. groceries. Jlilke. Dan. 413 Main, produce. Mursieo, Jus., 361 S. Front, groceries. Muff Bros.. 244 S. Front, uuto sup plies. Margin, Stogan, 7f9 S. Second, cigars, tobacco. Margin, Slogan, 719 S. Second, pool. Murtz. W. K.. 35 N. Front, drugs. Mursieo, Frank, 121 S. Front, fish und oysters. Morris, Howard F„ 373 S. Front, ci gars. Mars, Ada, US S. Front, millinery. Malegoff, Tony, 203 Francis, cigars, tobacco. Mangolis, Nathan, 274 Frederick, gro ceries. Morrison. D„ 4 S. Front, shoes. Mumma, Mark. Steelton. real estate. MeCurdy, J. A., 9 N. Front, merchan dise. McN'ear, B. F., Jr.. 301 Main and Con ostoga, groceries. Newbaun, Gustave, 393 S. Front, pool. Newark Shoe Store, 36 N. Front, shoes, Newhaun, Gustave, 393 S. Front, ci gars, tobacco. Newkam Bros.. 403 S. Front, hard ware. Napoli, August, 311 S. Third, ice c ream. Nauss, Geo. It., 4S N. Front, art store. Overcash, Michael. 243 Main, cigars. Orth, John G., 11 S. Front, confec tionery. Poor, J. L.. 147 N. Front, drugs. Pereff. N„ Co., 401 Myers, pool. Prowell, T., 385 S. Front, drugs. Pisarov, John, 17 Holler, pool. Prowler. Ben. 227 Christian, junk. Pesut, Geco, 857 S. Front, pool, l'esut. Geco. 837 S. Front, cigars, to bacco. Pisarov, John, 17 Hoffer, ice cream. Peters, H. L., 189 S. Front, drugs. Polakoff, A„ 121 S. Front, optician. Polston, Lloyd. 120 Adam. pool. Poloff, Geo., 263 Franklin, pool. Poloff, Geo., 263 Franklin, soft drinks. Popi, Marki, 485 Myers, pool. Popi, Marki, 485 Myers, cigars. Poilar. John. 48S Mohn, cigars. Pastatak, Samuel, 626 S. Fourth, pool. Pastatak. Samuel, 626 S. Fourth, ci gars. Pereff. M.. & Co., 401 Myers, cigars. Palace Theater, 190 N. Front, public amusement. Podnar, John 220 Main, pool. Podnar. John 220 Main, cigars. Rettberg llros., 450 N. Front, mer chandise. Ross, C. It., K. Front, gas and oil. Richards & Brashears, 23 S. Front, cigars, tobacco. Roden Grocery Store, Harrisburg and Ridge, groceries. Restak, Louis. 244 Main, groceries. Romanic. Jacob, 332 1-2 Third, cigars, ltcehling Bros., 302 Myers, general store. Romanic, Jacob, 332 1-2 Third, pool, ltakic, Luke, 227 Christian, cigars. Ream, John H., 663 N. Front, wall paper. Richards & Brashears, 23 S. Front, pool. Rosenberg, I. N.. 192 N. Front, cloth ing. , , Raskenskey, F., 102 N. Front, cloth ilis - Restak. 1., 663 S. Second, pool. Rohrer. laandis, 35 S. Second, confec tionery. Romberger. E„ 311 Bessemer, gro ceries. , , . Robin. Joseph, 357 S. Front, clothing, ltittner Bros.. Conestoga and Main, cigars, tobacco. Rittner Bros., Conestoga and Main, pool. Sukish. Geo., 451 S. Front, cigars. Styanoff, Dimo. 503 Franklin, ice cream. . . Steetlon Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. Smith. John A., 555 N. Second, gro ceries. Stine S. T., 130 S. Front, milk. Sastar M. A., 526 S. Third, merchan dise. Sharosky. M., 149 S. front, clothing. Silver, Joe. 755 S. Third, general store. Starastinc, 596 S. Third, general store. Sobel B 654 S. Fourth, merchandise. Sharosky, M., 635 S. Third, meat. Spooner, A., 512 S. Third, produce. Schmidt, Geo. A., Steelton, stoves. Silver. Joe. 755 S. Third, merchandise. Svetariott, Ordan, 419 Main, pool. Svetanott. Ordan. 419 Main, cigars. Szabo Paul, 412 Mohn. merchandise. Slovinac, J.. 233 Main, meat. Smith David, 143 Main, groceries. Sharavsky, Jennie. 2u2 Frederick, merchandise. Shelly J P.. ISS N. Front, restaurant. Shellv, J. P.. 185 N. Front, cigars. Shelly. J. P.. 185 N. Front, pool. Stevenson, Chas. 0., 215 N. front, ci gars. Shannon, M. K., 30 S. Front, flowers. Shellev, Kirk, 135 S. Front, cigars. Shelley. Kirk, 135 S. Front, pool. Sultzaberger, D. 0., 13 conestoga, coal. Strand Theater, 17 Pine, public amuse- Standard Theater, 17 Pine, public amusement. Steelton News Agency, la 2 N. front, news dealer. Stevenson, Chas. 0., 21 o Is. Front, pool. „ „ Sproviors, G., 529 S. Second, groceries. Singer D„ 317 S. Front, furniture. Solomon. M.. & Son, 177 S. Front, clothing. Sherman. S., 419 S. front, candy. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, wholesale merchandise. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. Teperson, S., 369 S. Front, groceries. Taleff & Todaff, 401 Myers, pool. Taleff & Todaff. 401 Myers, cigars. Tomasic, Cilika, 241 Frederick, meat. Talef, Mick, 51 N. Front, pool. Talef, Mick, 51 N. Front, cigars. United Ice & Coal Co., Cowden and foster, ice, coal. Ulrih. Geo. M., 158 S. Front, auto sup- Ve'rbas, Katie, 538 Third, groceries. Vetek. Jos., 429 Mohn. pool. Vetek Jos.. 429 Mohn, cigars. Vilcoff. Geo., 257 Franklin, cigars. Vasaloff, Peter. 420 Main, groceries. Watts Bessie, 472 Myers, restaurant. William, W. A.. 164 N. Front, pool. Whitebread, W. H„ 159 N. Front, sta- Sons, 50 S. Front, furniture. William, W. A., 164 N. Front, cigars. Woolworth, F. W.. 21 N. Front, mer chandise. „„„ _ _ Yoselwitz, Theo., 868 S. Second, mer chandise. Young, C. J-. 203 S. Second, merchan- Yon'cheff, Lubomir, 196 S. Front, ci- Yencheff. Lubomir, 196 S. Front, pool. Yoffee M„ 170 N. Front, furniture. Yanch'uleff, Tony, 448 Myers, cigars. Yanchuleff. Tony, 448 Myers, pool. Yetter Leßoy. 307 Myers, restaurant. Yetter. Leßoy. 307 Myers, cigars, candy. Yovanivlck, V., 608 S. Third, station ery. Zelgler, Paul, 358 N. Front, drugs. Zimmerman, A. E., 15 S. Second, mer chandise. Zimmerman. Philip A.. 405 S. Front, merchandise. Zoll. Martin. N. Second, real estate. Low, Preston, Main and Francis, ci gars. I' XIO N TOW N nOHOliiai Bingamnn, John T., plumbing shop. Butilngton, Klmer M., auto supplies. Hohner, Mrs. David L, groceries. Bo liner, Win. 11., mdsa. Buyer, Levi & Son, flour and feed, Detainer, 91. K„ gen. store. Kopponhavor, C. M., gen. indse. l.utsliH, J, J., indue. Noblet, Chas. M., restaurant. N'oblot, Chas. M., cigars, candy. Bunk, Horry, hardware. Snyder, Thoinue, hardware. Snyder, I.ydla A„ millinery. Spotts, Dull lei, mdse. Troutinan, Elmer, produce. Wlest. S. F., meat. Weaver, Geo., produce. W 1 I.LI A XIBTO\V N IlOltO I GII Adams, A. K., auto supplies. Adams, C. M., plumber. Adams, Clayton f\, cigars, candy. Adams, Clayton F., pool. Adams, It., groceries. Bordner. Wm. C., groceries. Blanning Hardware Co., hardware. Buggy. M. E. gen. store. Blanning. J. Roy, stationery. Berry. Edward, art store. Condell, John, cigtirs, tobacco. Condell, John. pool. Chester. Mrs. H. A., gen. store. Cooper. M. H., Jeweler. Durbin, J. W. & Son, gen. store Devichock. John, cigars. Darby. J. A., cigars. Day. It. \V„ gen. store. Edwards. Mrs. Harriet, cigars, f.b.v, A. N.. jeweler. Fowler. John J.. mdse. Fickincer, S. F., wholesale flour. Fickinger, S. f\. feed and coal. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Ella, millinery. Griffiths, John, cigars. Gelst, John, cigars. Griffiths, W. J., mdse. Donley, Cyrus, moving pictures. Hughes. W. L>„ cigars, groceries. Hines. Mrs. Maggie, cigars, groceries. Hall, Wm., cigars. Hancock, It. J., clothing. Hoffman, M. M., mdse. Harner. It. J., drugs. Hummel, Mrs. C. E„ mdse. Kelly, William, cigars, groceries. Kelly, William, pooi. Klinger. H. C., confectionery. Kingston, S„ shoes. Klinger, 11. C., wholesale confection cry. Keen, Wm. D„ groceries. Lester. Joseph, musical instruments. McAuliff, D. J.. groceries. Maiden. Albert, cigars, candy. Mitchell, Peter, cigars. Meehan, Michael, drugs. Moyer, Arthur, groceries. Miller, L. & Son. meat. Miller. H. 10.. fruit and groceries. Miller, 11. 10., wholesale fruit. Moyer. John, ice cream. Morris. Miss Lizzie, mdse. Nash. C., gen. store. Newton, James, groceries. New Era Cash Store, gen. store. Pahairo, Chas., cigars. l'ritehard, Florence, millinery. Rank, Edgar D.. supplies. Ralph. Allen, cigars. Row. Ed. S., hardware. Roberts, Mary, cigars, candy. Row, W. 0., meat. Stokes. Wm. G., wholesale cigars. Shammo, Aaron, pool. Shatnmo, Aaron, cigars, candy. Susquehanna. Collieries Co.. coal. Selfridge. R. J.. stationery. Thompson. J. C., gen. store. Thomas, David J.. gen. store. Thompson, D. L., clothing. Williams, It. W„ pooi. Williams. B. W., cigars. Williams, B. W., restaurant. Wren. Mrs. G. R.. cigars, candy. Walkinshaw, A., gen. store. Walkinshaw, Claude, pool. Walkinshaw, Claude, cigars, candy. Williamstown Co-Operative Store. gen. store. Walkinshaw, M„ novelties. Whittle, Mrs. Joseph, gen. store. Williams, William C., groceries. Williams Valley Amusement Co.. mov ing pictures. Zimmerman, J F., cigars. Welsh. K. T., eigars. candy. Welsh, R. T., pool. Budd, William, confectionery. Fry, Samuel, cigars. Riever, Abe, dry goods, ltiever, Abe, junk. Snyder, John N.. autos and supplies. MISCELLANEOUS Burkhart, N. J., Newville, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Barnum, David A., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. pro duce. Beckley. Mrs. W. It., New Cumber land. Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. produce. Baker. C. M„ Meclianicsburg. R. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Hotnberger, H. K., Palmyra, meat. Cromer, J. W„ Dillsburg, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. produce. Danner, J. L.. Siddonsburg, It. D. No. 1. Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, produce. Drawbaugh, C. C„ Dover. Broad St. Market. Harrisburg produce. Erford, C. H., Camp Hill, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg. milk and pro duce. Eichelberger, G. V., Camp Hill, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. meat. Emjg, L. G., Welisville, 't. D. No. 2, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, pro duce. Eshenbaugh, Emma, Shotmnnstown, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, pro duce. Eichelberger, Chas.. New Cumberland, No. 1. Broad St. Market. Harrisburg. meat. Freysinger, Calvin, Siddonsburg. I; D. No. 1. Broad St. Market, Harris burg, produce. Goodbart, 0., New Kingston, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Grosz, Edw. ,Camp Hill. R. D., Broad St. Market. Harrisburg. produce, Gruber, N. J., Palmyra, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Garland, M. H., West Fairview, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, produce. Casswint, Calvin C., Dillsburg, Hill Market, produce. Hoover, f. 8., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. meat. Hess, Stewart. Dillsburg, R. IX No. 2, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, pro duce. Harro, D. A., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 3, Hill Market, meat. Kimmei, W. J., Mechanicsburg, egg produce. Krater, L. H., New Cumberland, R. D. No. 1, produce. Landis, Mrs. S. A., Allen, meat. Logan, Smith A., Boiling Springs, produce. Leach. Jacob S., Siddonsburg, Hill Market, meat. McGuire, Minnie C., Mechanicsburg. It. D. No. 4, produce. Miller, Chas. S., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, meat. Messinger. C. F.. Mechanicsburg, R. D. 6, Broad St. Market, Hbg., meat. Molilar, C. fl., Shepbardstown, Cum berland Co., meat. Nelson, Geo., Dillsburg, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Hunk, H. J., Rossvllle, produce, ltudy, Wm. A., New Cumberland, R. D. No. 1, Broad St Market, Harris burg, meat Ritter, Benj., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 1, produce. Smith, L. 8., Lewisberry, York Co., meat. Sidle, S. T. Siddonsburg, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, produce. Shaffer, Chas. W., Shiremanstown. Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Simmons, F. S„ Lemoyne, Broad St. Market, Hbg., meat. Shetter, T. F., Camp Hill, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Shanibrook, John, Bowmansdale, pro duce. Suavely, J. U„ Palmyra, R. D. No. 2, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg! meat. Sliettei, Mrs. Catharine, Mechanics burg, R. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Shaffer, H. E., Shermanstown, meat. Wagner, David, Palmyra, meat. Weaver, H., Lebanon, Hill Market, meat. Williams, Mrs. John, Dillsburg, R. D. No. 3, Hill Market, produce. Yost, T. A., Etters, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. CONEWAGO TOWNSHIP Buck, Wm. G., Middletown R. D. 2, confectionery. Eshelman, J. S., Bachmansville, ma chinery. Foltz, J. Ezra, Deodate, produce. Koltz, C. M„ Deodate, produce. McCorkle, J. L., Bachmansville, gen eral store. Nye, Di H„ UachmansYllle, auto sup plies, Slienk, JacobNNt, t Ellzabethtown R. 4. autos, Techudy, 1, B„ Uaoliniaiisville, Sad dler, DlCltlt Y TOWN SHIP Urownstono Store Co., Waltonvlile, general store. Buchlgnant, A., Swatara Station, cl gurs. Brendllnger, Wallace W., llcrslicy, ci gars. BButtu, Frank, Hernhey, grocery. Boiifautl, Frank, Hershey, grocery, llalshuugii, S. H., Swatara Station, merchandise. Curry, Conrad K., Swatara Station, geiierul store. Curry J. 8., Est.. Swutara Station, Hour and feed. Curry J, 11., Est., Swatara Station, wholesale. Erb, I. C„ Hershey It D 2, general store. Frombaluti, 0., Swatara Station, mer chandise. f'rombalutl, 0., Swatara Station, pool. Gruber, Ed., Hershey, Jewelry and ci gars. Gingrich, Clem, Palmyra, meat. Hess, J. C., Hershey, auctioneer. Hess, J. C.. Hershey, auto supplies. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hersuey, ci gars. Hershey Chocolate Co.. Hershey, res taurant. Hershey Department Store, Hershey, wholesale. Hershey Department Store, Hershey, general merchandise. Hershey Men's Club, Hershey, mer chandise. Hershey Men's Club, Hershey, res taurant. Hershey Park Restaurant. Hershey, restaurant. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey, amusement. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey. pool. Hershey. A. E., Hershey, feed. Hitz, Cyrus, Hummeistown R 2, mer chandise. Manari, Antonia, Swatara Station, groceries. Miller. J. 11., Palmyra, grocery. Moyer, John C„ Hershey, restaurant. Moyer, John C„ Hershey, grocery. Patrick. Robt., Hershey, merchan dise. Shaffer, H. 8., Hershey R. D. 2, sad dler. Truffarell, Thomas, Swatara Station, grocery. Viele, Oiesta, Hershey, grocery. Vuvone, Doniinlck, Hershey R. D. 1, grocery. Witnian, F. S„ Swatara Station, gen eral store. Weltmer. Ulrich, Hershey, produce. Wagner, Harry S., Palmyra, autos. Yingst, Geo. W., Hershey, general store. Ziolii, Zoraide, Swatara Station, gen eral store. EAST HANOVER TOWNSHIP Uoyer, H. A., West Hanover, furni ture. Brennerman, J. H., Scheilsville, ci gars. Buyer, John A., West Hanover, gen eral store. Cassel, J. 11., GrantviUe. who'-sale. Gerberich, H. A.. GrantviUe, auction eer. Hess, Bros., GrantviUe. furniture. Hummer, G. a., Linglestown, R 1, meat. Hess, Wm.. Hershey, R. D. 1, meat. Hawkins, A. 11., West Hanover, mer chandise. Kuntz, John H., West Ilanover, gen eral store. Lingel, John 8., Harrisburg, It. D. I. feed. Lingle, Titos. M.. GrantviUe. pump. Loudermilch, W. J., Hershey R. D. 1, meat. Laudermilch, S. G., Hershey, R. D. 1, groceries. Lingle, I. D., GrantviUe, cigars. Rhoades, E. N., GrantviUe, R. D. 1, merchandise. Runkel, Irvin, Linglestown, feed and flour. Shenk. John H., Linglestown, R 1, fertilizer. Shertzer, W. 8., GrantviUe, general store. Shertzer, B. F., GrantviUe, harness supplies. Walmer, A. J., GrantviUe, auto sup plies. HALIFAX TOWNSHIP Bower, Samuel M„ Halifax, R. D. 1, groceries. Bowman, Cornelius, Powells Valley, general store. Glace, Chas., Powells Valley, general store. Meredith, D. F.. Powells Valley, gen eral store. Meredith, J. E., Powells Valley, can dy. Rutter. H. W„ Halifax. It. D. 2, pro duce. Serncsak, Martin, Powells Valley, flour and feed. Wolfgang, F. E„ Powells Valley, pro duce. , Wolfgang, F. E.. Powells \ alley, wholesale. JACKSON TOWNSHIP Batdorf. Henry F., Fishervllle, mer chandise. _ . Bowerman, C. M„ FishervtUe. gro ceries. Enders, C. C., Enders, general store. Enders, Thos. F„ flalifcix. It. D. 1, produce. File, O. M., FisherviUe. general store, licit, Ira M„ Enders. produce. Herman, J. M., Halifax R. D., feed. Helt. John W„ FisherviUe, imple ments. . , James, Abraham, Detrich, merchan dise. Katzmiller, Harry C., Enders, gas and Koons, Galen. FisherviUe, cigars. Wise. W. R., Halifax, R. D. 1, merchan dise. Zearing. Samuel. FisherviUe. cigars. LONDERRY TOWNSHIP Aldinger, John 8., Elizabethtown, merchandise. Barnhart, H., Middletown, R. D. 2, merchandise. Brinser, A. M., Middletown, R. D. 1, oil. Barnhart. Abraham. Middletown. R. D. 2, cigars. Barnhart, Abraham, Middletown, R. D. 2. restaurant. Kbersole. S. S., Middletown, R. D. 2, grocery. Eisonburger. Mrs. Jacob. Middletown, R. D. 1. grocery. Gingrich, H. F., Middletown, R. D. 2, auto supplies. Lesher, Ada. Middletown. R. D. 1, Mumma, Millard, Elizabethtown. gas and oil. Itutt, Ed., Middletown, wire fence. LYKENS TOWNSHIP Broseus, W. E.. Lykens. produce. Daniels. Simon, Gratz, R. D., produce. Gunderman, Frank, Gratz, It. D., pro duce. Harris. John E., Gratz, R. D„ produce. Hartman, Jos. 11.. Gratz, produce. Heller. Howard H., Gratz, R. D., milk. Riegel, Jacob D„ Gratz, R. D., pro- Riegeh Isaac M., Gratz Star Route, produce. „ _ , Riegel John, Gratz, R. D.. produce. Sminkey. J. F. M., Gratz, merchandise. =meltz Henry, Gratz, R. D., produce. Shade, M. Albert, Gratz. R. IX, milk Troutman, James, KlizabethviUe, R. IX, merchandise. Klock. Albert C„ Berrysburg. produce. , LOWER PAXTON TOWNSHIP Cassel. Jonas U, Linglestown, mer chandise. . , Care C. 8.. Linglestown. real estate. Care! C. 8., Linglestown, general Drawbaugh, D. W., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 4, meat. • Davis, Geo. S., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 4. merchandise. Fishburn, S. A.. Penbrook. feed. Fackler John A., Linglestown, florist. Horst, S. It., Linglestown, automo- KoonV Will, Linglestown, merchan- Bazzarine. David. Linglestown, cigars. Lenker, 1., Linglestown. cigars. Lenker, 1., Linglestown, restaurant. Mixel, Fleck P.. Linglestown. mer chandise. Mixel, Fleck P., Linglestown, pool. Mixel. Fleck P.. Linglestown. restau rant. .... Ramsey. Thos., Linglestown, mer chandise. Rudy, D; K., Harrlsburg R. D, No. 4, merchandise. Stuekeyi Isaac A., Linglestown. pro duce. Sheesley, H. F„ Hill Station R. D. No. 4, flour and feed. Seltzer, Ellas, Harrlsburg R. D, No. 4, general store. Sheesley, 11. F„ Hill SUtlon 1L D, No. 4, wholesale. Unger, Geo. A., Harrlsburg R. D. No. ii. meat, Wagner, T, D., Linglestown, hard- Wale MIDDLE PAXTON TOWNSHIP Colver, Wm. 11., Speecovllle, general store. Chubb, Chas., Harrisburg It, D. No. X, cigars. Esllngcr, Grace, Dauphin R. D. No. 1. meat. Fertig. CJias.. Dauphin, cement. Fitting, M. C., Harrlsburg R. D. No. 2. general store. Hoist, L. P., Jr.. Harrisburg R. D. No. 2. meat. Hoover, Chus. 0., Linglestown It. D. No. 2, merchandise. Manning, c. H., Dauphin R. D. No. 1, cigars. Minnich. John, Specceville, cigars, bwergurt Michael, Linglestown R. D. No. 2, merchandise. Struw, Isaac, Harrisburg R. D. No. 2. produce. Strieker, H. E., Daupliin R. D. No. 1, incut. Wade, C. R., Linglestown IT. D. No. 2, produce. TVengel, Geo., Pikctown, merchan dise. Wort, Win. W., Dauphin R. D. No. 1, confectionery. Shoop, J. L., Dauphin R. F. D. No. 1. produce. Emerich, Levi F., Hummelstown. moat. Fackler, John 11., Hummelstown R. D. No. 2, general store. Fausnacht, John, Union Deposit, meat. Fasnncht, Uriah, Union Deposit, ineat. Ho trick, D. A., Union Deposit, meat. Hunimuker, A., Union Deposit, gas and oil. Isenhour, Israel, Union Deposit, hard ware. Kuylor, Harry, Union Deposit, cigars. Peiffer, H. P., Union Deposit, general store. Rapp, Ella J., Union Deposit, general store. Shakespeare, H. A., Hershey R. D. No. 1, produce. Stuckey, Joseph, Hershey R. D. No. 1. meat. Shakespeare, Wm., Hershey R. D. No. 1. general store. Wagner. Clayton, Hershey R. D. No. 1. meat. Lundis. C. 11., Union Deposit, meat. SWATARA TOWNSHIP Bonny Meade Farms, Harrisburg R. D. No. 1, feed. Bishop, w. J., Oberlin, milk. Bomgardner Bros., Hurrisburg It. D. No. 1. meat. Dunn, Thus., Oberlin, cigars. Hess. Sam'l. Harrisburg R. D.. meat. , Hackman, 1,. 1,., Oberlin. groceries. I Holtzman, John E., Hummelstown. groceries. Kramer, it. S., Rutherford Heights. groceries. Kline, Jacob K., Enhaut. grocery. Kline. Jacob K., Enhaut, restaurant. Kcnipf, P. L., Steelton, groceries. Kuse, Henry, Rutherford, candy, i I,ingle, J. H., Oberlin. ice cream. ; Long. Mrs. B. M., Rutherford Heights, i store. Loyd, John, Middletown It. D. 3, mer chandise. Peck, J. H., Oberlin, cigars. Paul, Elmer 0., Enhaut, groceries. Peck, J. H., Oberlin, pool. Rupp, F. C., Harrisburg R. D., mer chandise. Stengler, C. A., Oberlin. general store. Shupp, Earl, Enhaut, groceries. Shultz, R. A.. Brcssler, merchandise. Solomon, 1.. Steelton, general store. Sternberger, Geo. TV., Enhaut. mer chandise, i Stauffer, H. S., Oberlin, meat. Szwerre, Deheodor, Enhaut, produce. Singer. Geo. TV., Oberlin, meat. Wolf, Eva, Enhaut, ice cream, i TVignnd, Henry, Steelton, groceries. Waidley, Annie 11., Enhaut, merchan dise. TVeiszling, Conrad. Steelton, grocer ies. /. >l. C. A.—P. & R. R.. Rutherford R. D. No. 1. pool. SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP Bates. R. E., Harrisburg R. D. No. 2. produce. Bossinger, Fred, Harrisburg It. D. No. 2, cigars. Cover. M. V., Harrisburg. 1929 Boas. meat. . Creamer, F. W„ Harrisburg 11. D. No. 3, merchandise. Cramer, Chas. N., Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, produce. Crone. W. J. & Co., 3355 N. Sixth, Har risburg, coal. Dehart, Ed., Rutherford, merchandise. Dry, Paul. Progress, meat. Enders, Amos E., Harrisburg R. D. No. 5, produce. Good, O. 10., Progress, merchandise. Gruber, S„ Harrisburg R. D. No. 2. produce. . . .... Garman. Mrs. Mary, Harrisburg 11. D. No. 2. produce. Horst. Levi P.. Jr., Maclay Street, No. 2, Harrisburg. meat. Hoover. C. K„ Fort Hunter, pool. Hoover, C. K., Fort N'uhter. restau rant. Hoover. C. K„ Fort Hunter, cigars. Hooker, L. A.. Harrlsburg R. D. No. Holtzman, H. It.. Harrisburg R. D. No. 4. milk. Horstick, Ed. M.. 1903 State. Harris burg, cigars. Harlacher. A. 8., Progress, cigars. Horstick, Ed. M.. 190= r;tate, Harris burg. pool. Harlacher. J. A., Progress, cigars. Harlacher, J. A.. Progress, restaurant. Harlacher, J. A.. Progress, pool. Hoover. J. C. & H.. Fort Hunter, gen. store. Ilarro. J. M., Maclay St., R. D. No. 2. produce. Heppford. D. G., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 3. produce. Heppford, TV. L., Harrisburg, R. D. No. 2, produce. Ilouser, G. TV., Harrisburg, R. D. No. 2, indse. Kramer, R. S., Rutherford, indse. Knowles, Frank S., Lucknow, R. D. No. 2. junk. Kramer, Calvin A.. Progress. meat produce. . Klingler, C. TV., Harrisburg, R. D. No. 3, produce. Koons, Irvin. Penbrook. mdse. Lentz. David V. M., Penbrook, gro ceries. Leese, O. 8., Linglestown, mdse. Longenecker. Mrs. D. R„ Progress, produce. Loser. H. A.. Progress, gen. store. Lontz. Clara A.. Harrisburg. R. D. No. 3, produce. Meminger, J. F.. Lucknow, groceries. Miller. F., 1904 State. Harrisburg, gen. store. Matzinger, TV. J., Harrisburg, R. D. No. 2. produce. Miller, J. H., 1830 North, Harrisburg, Mi'garis, L., 1922 Walnut. Harrisburg, mdse. Manning. H. C., Progress, milk. Miller. Mrs. TV. H.. Harrisburg. R. D. No. 2, gen. store. McN'eal. E. R.. 2128 Boas, Harrlsburg. mdse. McHargue, D. B. A.. Harrlsburg. R. D. No. 2, mdse. Nissley, Simon S., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 2, mdse. Orr. L. G.. 2017 Forster. Harrisburg. groceries. Owens, Mrs. Minnie. Harrisburg. R. D. No. 4, gen. store. Paxton Flour & Feed Co., Harris burg, flour and feed. Kunkel, C. E., 19.4 State, Harris burg. groceries. Rudy. Wm. H„ Progress, meat. Rudy, Wm. TV.. Jr.. Progress, meat. Roden Grocery. Harrisburg. R. D. No., 4, gen. store. Relchert. H. L. t Harrisburg, R. D. No. 2. produce. Stoulter, J. TV., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 3. mdse. Sponenberger. Frederick, Harrisburg, R. D., produce. Stahler. H. M.. Fort Hunter, pool. Stabler. H. M.. Fort Hunter, cigars. Sh NS P 'B. H "ea y t, A> H " r 'bur gl R. TJ k Product. S. product' Harrlsburg, R. D., No. Sl Juce, MrH ' Lewl!l ' Harrlsburg) pro* Sturtevant, L. L.. Lucknow, milk eery, ' r °Krosg, gro-i 1260 liar* Silver, Kam'l., 1948 State IT , srroccrles. tate, Harrisburg, Smith, R. TV. lint n groceries. ' Boas, Harrlsburg, '^ , NO. S '3, 1 ' ~arrl b " rg. R. 1), U ?i b Agate. Kara U r 0 p d roduce."'-' Maclay St - R - R. No, Zimmerman, J. g 70 , Rn „. _ brook, coffee. Ranks, Pen* gen. J store* I ' orster ' Har. " A " Kort Hunter, gro, Rove r ,, V. , H U e. , ' AX ,OV TWNS,P | 1. mdso * M 'llcrsburg. It. D. No, I,ll Wnde^twine l . ,llerSbUrs ' R " D ' '< No''' °j',' r o'j' uce!' Mi " ersb urg, R. U( Ronawitz, H ,\f um ! No. 2. mdso. • Ml "wburg, R. T>< Cunimings. H \ MIM. , I'Vidt, C 1, Mn'ier K * mi,k gas and oil ®. R - D - No. 2. Hoy b A rn M M J?-' PoXtOn - m^3e - Ben. store. Sbur ®' R - D - No. 1. "TLTI poultry*"" J,illcrsb rg. It. cat'tle • °yj e . J- M iUersburg P No . l K ihloT'' I°' M " ler ' sbur e. mdse. I tallo'tv. Millersburg. hides and | E " Millersburg, R. D < '".-"tore: J ' E " M 'llersburg. R. D „ g on . ''mdse. Millersburg, R. D . No. i. j L NO.' ■; pl-o'd'Cc": Mi,lersb urg. It. o. I N Na^'produie - : Mi Hersburg, R. lK | Ro'mberger Bro^Aß?,* 10 ?' ' i No. 2, mdse' Millersburg. R. D . 1 No? r " a milk U " Millerabur s, R. D. Sh l. nfe B en A s d C. H'l'crsburg, R. D. N„. Spous! " 111n i AI *MnV!!-°V sbUrsr - produce, produce:' lersbu rg. R. D. No. produce'. Millersb urg. R. 1). produce 0 "' Hillorsburg, R. D. No. 1, "NO:"T; produce • "• W.n,. .Millersburg, produce. Ronawitz, chas uiiV^ S ')!"' I'. No. 2. wholesale ** ffisKs sv- iasaa>_ Guijderman. Michael. Loyalton, pro- Grove *r\m" VS>' ulton . mdse. ' d^^^ R k ProdU - K°o. U Itow e A nT" L, l oyalton - mdse. in i. ;• Loyalton, mdse. jhadle, Uayton. Loyalton. cipar* Snyder. H. H.. Loyalton, gen store Swah Vo°th" ?"! loyalton. milk. wholesale U meat. K " Klizabeth vllle. S 0 e l tz, r Harvey 13.. Loyalton ,milk. Swab, Isaiah. Llizahethville, produce, x eager, L. fc Son, Millersburg. K D No. 2, Hour and feed. A'mmcrman, Oscar, Klizabethville. Zerbe, Jonathan. Loyalton. cigars W UMN TOWNSHIP Dimpscy, Austin. Halifax, R. D No groceries. Jury, J. E„ Halifax. R. D. No 3 groceries, ' Keiter. Aaron M„ Halifax. R. D. No 3 wholesale. * Keiter. Aaron M., Halifax, R. D. No 3. mdse. f ! Strieker, Mary, Enterline, gen. store. WEST HANOVER TOWNSHIP Ashenfelter, Rebecca. Linglestown, U i u - No. 2 candy and cigars. • uck, J. TV., Linglestown, It. D. No. 1, meat and produce. Fox, Geo. W. l'ikctown, gen. store. Hess, 11. M., Linglestown, R. D. No 1 _ meat. Koons, John P., Hershey, It. D. No 1 gas and oil. Massimer, I!. Hummelstown, It. i\ No. 2. mdse. Perkey, John E., Harrlsburg, It. D No. -i, meat. Schaffner, A. M., Hummelstown, It. H. No. 2, gen. store. Schubauer, J. 0., Linglestown, R. L).' No; 1, groceries. W'ICONISCO TOWNSHIP Allinger, Mrs. TVm., TViconisco. lea cream. Batdorf, Mrs, A. M., Wiconisco. shoes. Beadle, John M., Wiconisco, cigars" and candy. Batdorf. John H., Wiconisco, sta tionery. Deitrich. W. TV., Wiconisco, pool. Deltrlch, TV. W., Wiconisco. groceries. 1 'odd. A. A., Wiconisco, groceries. Esterline, J. R„ Wiconisco, flour and feed. I-lardman, Aaron H., Wiconisco, milk and ice cream. Fritz, Julius, Wiconisco, restaurant.' Fetterhoff. Edward. Wiconisco, candy and cigars. Formun Bros., Wiconisco. clothing. Fritz, Julius, Wiconisco, cigars. Harman, Edward, Wiconisco, hard ware. Kissinger. W. H. & Co., TViconisco, gen. mdse. Keen Bros., Wiconisco. mdse. Kelley. William, Wiconisco, gro ceries. Koppenhaver & Son. Lykens, meat. Long, J. J.. TViconisco. groceries. Muciier, John J., Wiconisco. shoes. Miller, John H., Lykens, candy and groceries. Miller, Samuel Est., TViconisco, gen. store. Miller, Adam. TViconisco, mdse.' Muciier, Geo. M„ Wiconisco, mdse. Murphy, John J., Wiconisco, cigars. Pontius. J. 11., Wiconisco. cigars. Prout, J. S.. Wiconisco. drugs. Rowe, Geo. W., Wiconisco. dry goods. Row, J. Allen, Wiconisco. pool. Row, J. Allen. Wiconisco. cigars. Seifert, Leland, Wiconisco, cigars. Susquehanna Collieries Co., Lykens, , supplies. ' Shadle, Wm. L„ Wiconisco, groceries. TVelker. B. J., Wiconisco, cigars. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Bordner, Jacob. Carsonville. mdse. REED TOWNSHIP Lukens, Mrs. Mary. Buncannon, It. D. No. 4, groceries. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP Berrysburg Roller Mill, Berrysburg, mdse. Kebaugh, J. Mark, Ellzabethyille, R. L)., meat. Minnich, H. 8., Berrysburg, produce. Rombergcr, H. H., Berrysburg, Star Route, meat. Romberger, Mrs. H. A., Millersburg, R. 11. No. 1, gen. store. For the purpose of hearing appeals, and to correct any errors in appraise ments. the County Treasurer and John N. Snyder. Mercantile Ap praiser. will be at the County Treas urer's office, Harrisburg, May 20, 1919, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. JOHN N. SNYDER. Mercantile Appraiser. Williamstown, Pa, May 1, 1919,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers