World Peace Is Not Yet a Reality; Ray Victory Bondsas w MwestmeMLja Permanent Security V HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH V ©it olrtr-2a&cpcn&cnt. LXXXVIII—NO. 105 16 PAGES IKSit oa£Xt'luS!3£&S lmu HARRISBURG, PA MONDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1919. °%BWmmsh k ss £^isßuYto ESS BINO-VCOMES HOME EDITION SALESMEN SEIZE FAG END OF LOAN TO SELL BONDS City Still Far Behind Quota) Set by the Treasury j Department MI CH WORK TO BE DONE ""Verbal Patriots" Is Comment of Artillerymen Who Served Abroad The fair ond of the Victory Loan : campaign in the Harrisburg district) seized the employment of many agen- j cies in an effort to create the enthu- | ." aim necessary to secure the sale of j $1,200,000 worth of Victory Bonds) required to make up Harrisburg? j Victory Bond quota. The artillery train of last week. ; tiie Victory war trophy train of to-1 day, the presence of speakers of j state-wide reputation, the spectacle | of whippet tanks chugging through I the city, tiring their machine guns— l.ave ail tended to create renewed in-I lerest in the Victory Loan, but! whether this interest will he suffi cient to take Harrisburg o\ er the top | will not be known until Tuesday at | noon, when four hundred solicitors! report at a 1 ncheon to he held at] • 'hestnut Street Auditorium. Still Knr Behind Coupled with the efforts of the! hundreds of workers on the commit- J tees under Postmaster Frank Sites ■ are those of the members of the In- I dustrial committee. When the last j report of this committee was made) on Thursday there still remained ap- j proximately one-third of the Indus-, tries of the city to he heard from. A ; number of big establishments are re- j porting totals far less than in the fourth loan, beeause of the rutting down of a number of employes, h'ec retarv Jessop, of the industrial com mittee. to-day declared that reports are very favorable so far as he knows. The members of the various Homes committees have been hard at work since Thursday and have se cured quite a number of subscrip tions. but the fact remains that there are 10.U00 persons in Harrisburg who own fourth Liberty Bonds but have not purchased bonds of the fifth is sue. It is also true that men and women who bought from one thou sand to five thousand dollars' worth of the fourth issue bonds have cut down to five hundred dollars' worth. The purchaser of fifty or one hundred dollars' worth of bonds of the fourth issue has kept rigtit at the notch and owns the same quantity of this is sue's bonds. "The city of Harrisburg need not think.'" said City Chairman Andrew S Patterson this morning, "that if : tomorrow noon reports show that we j are still shy five hundred thousand or seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars of our quota that this amount will be taken up by men of means. That is impossible. Our report will < go to Washington just as it is re- 1 reived, and if on the books of the ; government wo are noted as having failed in tin- last campaign, that will lie no one's fault but the persons who, have refused to purchase Victory bonds. Wrong to Hold Buck "I understand that there are a number of men of means in this city who have not yet bought Victory bonds, for tin reason, they say, that they are holding ack in order to un derwrite the amount llatrisburg may be shy Tuesday at noon. I want to say to these nv n that they should immediately buy every dollar s worth of bonds of which they are i apable. 1 ask all of them, and I ask every man and woman in Harrisburg who has not bought bonds to find a) Solicitor immediately or to go to one ! of the banks and make his or her purchases." Members of the artillery v. ho were here with ti illei y train Saturday and Sunday, and men who were with the yvar trophy train this morning told Victory Loan headquarters that while the crowds which greeted them in Harrisburg were larger than the crowds in cities three or four times the population of Harrisburg. and while the enthusiasm seemed to lie .a ti greater than found elsewhere.] tin bond purchases did not equal the enthusiasm shown. "You have a lot of verbal pat nots in Harrisburg." said one artillery-j n. to County District* l)n Well lteports from district? outside of Harrisburg to-day show that every- , thing in the three counties is in ex- , en llent shape. t.'ew Rloomfield notified headquar- I tors this morning that its quota is $22,650, but that over ten per cent, of ; its population has already subscribed for Victory bonds, totalling $31,450. This entitles the town to an honor flag, and Chairman Honald McCor ntlck this morning said that this flag will lie sent to New Bloomfield to ne rrow in the aeroplane which goes there to take for a ride the bond salesman who sold the greatest num ber of bonds. As already announced in this newspaper, the Middletown piiot and his plane to-day. to-mor tow and Wednesday is visiting half a dozen towns in Perry. Juniata and upper Dauphin counties, and in each of them some industrious salesman or salesmen is being rewarded for his efforts. Postmaster Sites, chairman of the Homes drive in Harrisburg. to-day de clared that he was much disappointed u.i r the showing being made by some of the volunteer salesmen. "Some of them." he said, "seem to think that this campaign is a 'dead dog.' and they have apparently laid down on the job. Others have been mighty faithful, and their efforts have showed in the huge totals re ported by their teams, t want to ask every man on all teams to get busy the balance of to-day and to-morrow morning and shorv just what he can 60." THE WEATHER] For llarrlMhurjs and vicinity: Shower* till* afternoon: fair nnd much cooler fo-niulit. m||li loMrftt temperature about 4.% deleter Tuesday fair, continu t cd cool. 1 : ' That "Dinner in Paris" ISN'T IT TOO BAD J VHLHELM couldn'T BE] ; 1 HERE TO €N<3OY tr ( VJfTH J TIME UNCERTAIN FOR 1 RETURN OF OLD BTH Harrisburg Men Are Scattered Throughout Entire Division With Many New Faces in Companies I) and I; Many Small Souvenirs Brought Home From Battlefields According to a telephone message from Captain Gross this afternoon the likelihood is that Companies D and I and other Harrisburgers in the 112 th Regiment of the | 28th Division will be home ; Wednesday afternoon, leaving Camp Dix Wednesday morn ing on a train in charge of Colonel Finney. Every effort is being made I to bring the Harrisburg men all home at that time on one . train. i Camp Dix, N. J., May s.—ln the i section of camp from Second to Sixth streets, between New Jersey and New York avenues, and from Thirty-second to Thirty-sixth streets, 48 TAKEN IN FEDERAL RAID GO ON TRIAL Federal Court Opens Regular Session in Post Office Building 1 The cases of the fortv-eisht men ; and women charged with being in j mates or keepers of disorderly j houses in Harrisburg probably will I Vie brought before Federal Court late this afternoon, and in all I probability they will occupy the time |of the court to-morrow, also. The ; prisoners are those arrested in the i recent Federal raid upon alleged dis i orderly houses in this city. ! The May term of Federal Court i opened this afternoon with Federal 1 Judge Charles B. Winner of Sun-; burv, presiding. Organization of the court took up most of the time this j afternoon. IJNOTYPKRS BACK AT WORK ' By .Associated Vrcss• Albany, May o.—Focal newspapers J appeared in Albany to-day for the j j first time since Thursday morning. ' I The walkout of the linotype opera- j | tors at the four daily and one Sun-j day publishing plants ended last | |nighU j MANY NEW FACES Camp Dix. X. .J.. May s.—Only 1:5:5 of the 258 men in Company I. tl:ith Regiment. are Penn , sylvanians, according to statis tics. which have been compiled at the barracks, which servo as an indication of the large number of replacements from otlier , States now in the company. Other units of the 112 th report similar conditions, due to the large number of men who wore woumfrql and transferred. In Company I. there are 21 States represented as follows: i Pennsylvania. 13:5: Ohio, 28: Tennessee, 13: Arkansas and New York, 12 each: Mississippi, 11: Oklahoma 7: Montana, 15; Kentucky, 5; West Virginia, 4; i Idaho. J; Illinois. 3; Wyoming, 3: Oregon. South Dakota, Ixmisi | ana. Minnesota. Nevada and Virginia, oiu-h 2; Connecticut, Michigan Indiana. Oeorgia and Massachusetts, each I. I between Pennsylvania and Delaware ] avenues, are many Harrisburg boys 1 billeted in the big barracks. The 1 major part of the 112 th Regiment is I located in these sections although 1 some of the 28th divisional outfits' are to he found in them also, to- | [Continued on Page .] TEST CAR MAKES 790.7 MILES IN FIRST 24 HOURS i Beats Oklahoma Car's Record j bv 189 Miles; Gasoline Con ■ sumption 18 Miles and More ' The Overland model 90 that [started on its world record break ! ing, nonstop, highgear test Saturday i evening at 6 o'clock from the con-' j trol station in front of the Tele-! I graph Building is running far I ahead of the pace set by the Okla ; I homa car that recently smashed thej .'world's record. The mileage made |by the Harrisburg car the first | twenty-four hours was 790.7 miles.! [The mileage made by the Oklahoma! [Continued on Page 8. ] German Mine Sweepers Stop When Coal Runs Out ! Berlin. May s.—The German mine ! [sweepers which have been repairing' jthe fairways leading to the North! j sea ports used by the American food ! 1 ships have been forced to quit op- j | erations because of a coal shortage, ! | a committee of the Prussian diet has! j been informed by Food Commissiun i,er Schmidt. j TIRE DESTROYS WESTFAIRVIEW SCHOOLHOUSE Loss Estimated at $30,000:' 1 ' Terms Shortened by Two Weeks West Fairview's six-room public I school building in Third street, West i Fairview, was almost completely s destroyed this morning in one of the ; i most disastrous fires that has taken | place in the borough for many years, j The interior of the building, which jis of brick, has been completely i i burned out and the loss on the build j ing and a considerable quantity of i supplies that were burned, will be I between $25,000, and $30,000. Offic ials this morning are at a loss as to | the probable cause of the flames. I The flames were first discovered about 3 o'clock. Many sections of • the building are quite old and until ! the Enola and Midway, West 'Shore j ! fire companies responded the fire had ' : gained great headway. The Friend- ! j ship and Faxton companies, of Har- ! risburg, answered the call for assist- | i ance, but their efforts to help save ! j the interior of the building were of I ! no avail. Some of the walls of the building i I had caved in as a result of the blaze. I j Most of "them, however, are still! i standing. It is not believed that any iof it can be utilized in rebuilding. | j Certain sections of the building are are almost fifty years old. The build- | ! ing was originally constructed as a ; j two-room building about fifty years I ! ago, and since then additions of four j | rooms have been made at . various times. West Fairview school children are ' not entirely displeased with the fire, j ! for it will mean that the term will be ' I shortened by two weeks. The term j | still has two weeks to run. Because j of the short time, however, no plans | have been made to complete the term. | Automobile and Plane Collide; Motor Car Is Second Best in Mishap Atlantic City, N. J.. May 5. —An' automobile and a flying machine i collided on the aviation field herej to-day and the motor car came offi second best. The occupants of the, airplane had a narrow escape. The.v! j were Sidney Chaplin, brother of! I Charlie' Chaplin; John P. Davis, of I ; Buffalo, and Dr. E. 1,. Allen. The! | latter, who was driving the machine ; has a record of 2,800 hours in the j air. Allen was to take Chaplin and I Davis as passengers to New York. (The motor car in which they ar i rived at the field was parked near ;the "hop off" point. Allen was un aware of the fact and he crashed I into the car, ripping ofT the body i but inflicting very little damage to ithe airplane. All three occupants of the flying machine were slight ly injured. HIS BRIDE GONE, JOE'S BEST MAN FINDSMOTHER \\ edding Goes On Merrily With Charming Miss Teresa . Subbing For the Other jGl ESTS LEND THEIR HELP jSo Bridegroom Is Not Dis mayed When His Heart's Choice Changes Mind When Joseph Solar reached the j j church to-day with his tiest man and i j a host of friends who had been in- i j vited to sec him cast off his happy I ( bachelordom, he discovered that the i bride-to-be had exercised her wum | an's right and had changed her j j mind. Joseph was not the least down i hearted. If Miss Maria, the bride i elect, did not want to become his I wife, well and good. So much for | that romance. Hut said Joseph a ; wedding there must be. Was not | the minister ready, were not the | wedding guests present and was not i the wedding feast prepared. | So Joseph sent out the best man and all his other friends to tind one i girl in Steelton who was willing to j become his bride and share for bet ter or for worse his destiny. There 1 was little time lost. In a few min i utes Miss Teresa t'hasa blushingly j put in an appearance. There were | no objections on her part to becom ing a bride as there was on Mon day washing to put opt. Joseph was struck with Miss ; Teresa's charming manner and the j ceremony went on. The ceremony I was performed by the. Rev. Dr. : Frbuhovieh, minister of the Serbian | Orthodox Church, and now the hap py couple are celebrating their nup- i ( tials with the help of Joseph's many | friends at their new home in South ! j Third street. The bride-that-was-to-have-been I ; is said to have gone back to her i i home in Bethlehem. Showers Will Bring : Cooler Weather; Mercury Again Goes Above 80 Straw hats and palm beach suits will not make their appearance to- j morrow In any great number as; many zealous ones have been pre-: dieting to-day. Sohwers this afternoon will cause; a drop in the temperature, Fore caster Dentain of the local weather \ bureau announces. It will be much; ! cooler to-night with the lowest ( perature expected to be about 45 \ ] degrees. To-morrow it is expected; that it will be fair and continuously! | cool. The highest temperature of to-dav | was 83 degrees, reached at 1 o'clock.! ' i The topnotch figure of Sunday was, .'So degrees, 27 degrees above the, ! normal for the day. Cage Drops 1,100 Feet With 10 Miners; One Dead Pottsvllle, Pa., May 5. A cage | containing ten miners dropped 1.100 • feet at the Maple Hill shaft of the Philadelphia and Reading Foal and Iron Company this morning, a few j minutes before 7 o'clock, resulting ' in the death of one miner and seri ! oils injuries to the nine others, two of whom may die. Edward Zelen sky, of Shenandoah, died a few hours after being removed. 8 1ST ORDERED HOME Washington, May 5. General Pershing informed the War Depart -1 i ment to-day that the 81st Division 'has been ordered to prepare for re-' turn home. No sailing date for the; ! division has been fixed. I CITY SPEEDS UP IN PROGRAM FOR CLEAN-UP WEEK j Twenty Teams at Work in the Campaign to Bid Yards of Ashes and Garbage Doubling the forces regularly 1 ployed by the city to remove ashes, i | H. F. Sheesley, superintendent of ash ( and garbage removal work, started | | twenty teams to-day on the annual | "cleanup" campaign in the city. | According to inspectors in charge | ! of the gangs, there has not been an | ! unusually large increase in the. j amount of refuse collected, due toi regular collections being made dur-j I ing winter and spring months. To-day there were twelve teams in the section from Walnut to Reily and I Front to Third streets, and eight I teams from Chestnut to Cedar and Paxton streets and From Front to; iCnmeron streets. To-morrow the dis- ! I triets will he from Reily to Seneca, j ; Front to Third streets, and Tenth i (street to ea-tern cltv between Derry ! street and Philadelphia and Reading j | railway. j According to health department I officials efforts may he made to com-, : nel owners of vacant lots in the city J (to have them cleaned. Some of; i these have been used for dumns for| I ashes and refuse, making conditions; I in various neighborhoods unsanitary, j Ptnrs to Be Imposed I Complaints have been received! ! also about the failure of men eni-i ; rffoyed bv Hagv Brothers, garbage; contractor- to Weep the wagons eov. ; erect. Mr. Shoes'ev sa'd fines will be J imposed for each violation and re- j nuested that anyone finding garbage j wagons in use which arc not covered j should report the offense to him at .once. U ITALY GETS BACK TO PLACE AT WORLD PEA CEBOARD; HUNSARE TO GET PACT TERMS THURSDA Y Belgian Crown Council Votes to Sign Document; Finn Red Guards Are Masters of Petrograd Situation; Kun Has Narrow Escape From Violence in Russian City HUNGARY SENDS ANGRY WORD TO AUSTRIA CONCERNING SEIZURE OF HER LEGATION By Associated I'ress. Italy's delegation to the Peace Conference will return to Paris in time for the ceremony of handing the Peace Treaty to the German plenipotentiaries. This sudden change in the Italian situation was announced in Paris to-day. Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister Sonnino wi" j leave Rome to-night and will arrive in Paris Wednesday morning. Huns Get Treaty Thursday The Germans will he given the trea.v at Versailles on Thursday. As an indication that former relations with the conference will he resumed in full, the Italian ambassador to Great Britain, who is in Paris, has been delegated to represent Italy at the meet ing to-day. which will formally launch the League of Nations. 1 - Tt/T T" * A REAL ESTATE SALES SETTING NEW RECORD Double Number Reported For First Four Months of Last Year ' Real estate sales In Harrisburg) {during the first four months of 1011) | j were almost double the number re- j ' ported in that period in 1918 tic-'} j eortling to a report issued by City} Assessor James C. Thompson. ! Since January 1, 1919, there have| j been 1(103 properties sold in the} i city with an assessed valuation of i $2,696,235, while during the first j I four months of 1918 there were only 583 sold, valued at $1,391,243. During April, 1919, there were '34 6 sales the valuations totalling '5853,033; while in April 1918, there j were 216 sales with a total valu ation of $458,531. Many more dwellings have been sold on the instalment plan but title will not! jbe passed until final payment is j • made. I The sales by wards for the first i I four months of 1919 follow: j Ward No. Assessed Val. i i 1 36 $ 33,755.00 I 2 100 _j78.000.000 3 21 336,300.00 I 4 28 182.910.00 ,5 51 147,470.00 6 37 80,670.00 ! 7 • 96 169,825.00 8 54 123,310.00 9 159 476,725.00 i j 10 160 394,470.00 11 92 181,720.00 } 12 69 154,760.00 13 85 180,270.00 ' 14 15 26.050.00 1,003 $2,696, 235.00 j Czecho-Slovak Minister of War and Two Italian Officers Killed in Hungary Copenhagen, May s.—General Milan Stefanik, Czecho-Slovak min ister of war was killed near Wajnor, Hungary, Sunday, when the air-1 plane in which he was travelling' ! crashed to the ground, a dispatch ! from f'ressburg says. Two Italian j officers who were with him also I were killed. FIRE CLIPS OFF WINGS OF GREAT FLYING MACHINE Klectric Spark Ignites Gaso line in Hangar at Rocka way Beach Today Now York, May s.—Fire at the j 1 naval air station at Rockaway Beach j i to-day damaged the naval seaplanes I 1 X. C. 1 and X. C. 4 which were to ! start to-morrow morning on the first j leg of the trans-Atlantic, flight. I The right wings of the N. C. 1 j were destroyed and this plane may ibe unable to attempt the ocean I cruise. It was believed that the | X. C. 4 could be repaired in time for the "jump off." .Spark Starts Blaze I The blaze, which Commander John | H. Towers, in charge of the expedi tion, declared was accidental, start | ed from an electric spark which ig ; nited gasoline on the N. C. 1. The | flames enveloped the wings and j spread to those of the X. C. 4, which j occupied the same hangar. Air sta tion employes extinguished the fire after slight damage had been done to the X'. C. 4. Commander Towers announced (that the start for Xew Foundland : where the trans-Atlantie flight is I (scheduled to begin, would be made'! j to-morrow, weather permitting, with ithe X'. C. 3, very likely with the N. | ; O. 4, and possibly with the N. C. 1. Burned From Framework The blaze started when workmen | ; were filling the gasoline tanks of the N. C. 1. Both the upper and j, lower right wings, which only recent ly were transferred to the machine 4 from the X. C. 2 were burned.from < their framework, necessitating com- f pletr refitting of this part of the big i craft. 41 Message Brings Answer Announcement that the Italian delegates will return canic quickly after it became known that the Council of Three had dispatched a message to Rome. The nature of this message has nut been disclosed officially. The terms of the I'eace Treaty will be made known to the smaller powers represented at the I'eace Conference at a plenary session of that body which was called to-day to meet to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the French foreign office. Belgium will sign the treaty of peace in spite of the feeling at Urus-| sels that the financial, economic and territorial aspects of the pact are tun satisfactory. A meeting of the crown council was held at Brussels on Sunday night I and after t lie terms of peace hadj I been outlined by Paul 1-lymans, the head of the Belgian delegation sit the. ! conference, it was decided that the j treaty will he signed. Belgian Situation Serious | In tiie meantime efforts will bet ! made to impress upon the Allies the! ! seriousness of the situation in Bel-j giuni and to gain support in the con duct of negotiations with Holland) relative to navigation on the Scheldt | I river and the waterways of Eastern i i Belgium. j The printed draft of the treaty will I <M "7- i §• *f* X TWED TO BLOW UP CHURCH X 4* v *s .* *r , , „ A bi ! 'L ♦v i ®Z* '. £, * ♦-- t * i v X ♦- !<3 ' -£ ♦ e-t '" <7* *.i- fcy* € H M) cM en. mn . < 7 4 *j * r X t Chics J Jj Board of Trade followed ient by Julius H. 3T "I 4 B&rneg at Minneapolis that the gTain eorp 3* I *soj Mk <■s V ■ 4 port ' t T X U GET FEDERAL COURT SENTENCES * j L H*n< V >v - [tf M * bwrgers- T "r . v; Judge V. iw.u in K' I 4 • la f* ~S *| | * j* -jcnate ot tr.t 'ou&lKt Qt biood. and t*u*~ - • m : 4 14 s tf I h November 23 of last <f* I* * Steelton, v X 4 J4 X s*■**- i 4 4* '*t* x 5 t IJ WITHDRAWS GIFT TO WILSON J I B* *f j $ 'uL !| ut x ici.iav.ut Wilson with a copy Cl T famous swtoo e * > 14* 4 * i|j i \Z* v 4* , 4* .* s* V If J* MARRIAGE LICENSES ± John Solnr mid Her Jiirx, Stfflton; Jninr* 1,. Fltsßrrald, Cam- * hriilitr, Miikh., and Olive I'oatrr, Mrrltoni Benjamin M. and • , Hva Kannrs, HiirrtabnrK. .be completed to-day and it is bc- I licvcii that it will bo presented* •Thursday. Minor details will in the meantime tie cleared up and Italy will be given a chance to resume her place in the conference. Orlando Sends Message j There seem to be indications tluit some arrangement for Italy to par ticipate in the ceremony at Versailles , will be reached. Paris reports that a ! long telegram has been received In I Paris from Premier Orlando, but its I contents will not be made public j until the chiefs of the allied govern i meats have had an opportunity to | discuss it. ; Austria's delegation to the confer- I enee is reported to have met at I Vienna and it will probably reach 1 [Continned on Page 15.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers