6 I;NEWS RNI? NOTES OF THE BOY STOUTS^ TROOP 8 HAS 14 CHURCH MEMBERS Six Scouts Joined Congrega * tion Last Sunday Night; Get New Members I I It was a pleasing sight to the eye I* last Sunday evening when six mem- | bers of Troop 8 joined the Big Troop I of Scouts and accepted Christ as their , Big Scout Master. Wo believe that | \ scouting in our troop will be looked ! upon in a different light because we j j have now fourteen members of our j troop as church members. With the, £ test of the bovs associating witli these J I boys we are sure that we can help I them do things that are good and | I things that are right. The installation of the electric j i lights in the scout room lias been j * completed and wo feel happy because , our rooms are cheery and cozy. One ; new member was accepted Monday . evening by transfer from Troop 12 i Scout Osman). Henry Nace and j Harold DayltofC are the new candi dates and they will take the Scout j Oath the first Monday in May, for! V by that time they will have passed J all their tenderfoot tests. Watch out for our Wolf Cubs, un- ' der the leadership of Ed. Wallis. j They are out to surprise the rest of | the cubs in the city. One of our cubs, whose age is 11. knows the tenderfoot test and part of the sec-} , • nnd class test. Keep your eyes on ! tlris crowd. Scouts Assist in Reception of New Members at the Salem Reformed Church j v Eight scouts took part in the re-J oeption of new members at Salem | Reformed church on Wednesday eve- ! ning. Their part of the program j was in the form of a scouting exhibi- j tion. and the scouts under the dlrec- I tion of the scout executive gave the' following: Bugle Calls —Scout Norman Hunter. Troop 13. Scout Oath—All scouts In unison. , Tenderfoot Knots—These knots | wore passed to the audience upon j being completed. Signalling— Semaphore —Theodore j St'iig, Troop 4. "Welcome, New Mem- J bers." Answer by International Morse, s out Henry Klugh, Troop 4. "We are Glad We're Here." Flr*f ltd —Head dressing—Scout;. Robert yuigley. Troop 26. Spiral reverse arm bandage—Scout | Klugh. Fracture in splints—Scout Selig. i Fireman's drag —Andrew Stauffcr, ' Troop' 20. Fireman's lift—Scout Klugh. Fire Making by Assistant Scout- j master J. Carvel Sparrow. Flame in 40 seconds by friction j drill. Taps. Comments by Scout Executive. Archibald Pinsmore, Boy's Work ; Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. also gave j a stereopticon lecture on the Glacier j National Park, Montana. The evening was greatly enjoyed \ by all present. 7 A OAK H!H 7 DAYS v.. If Yonr Nerves Arc Shaky Because of Over-indulgence in Tobacco or Alcohol or by Excess of Any Kind, Bio-Feren is What You Need ltigtat Away. Don't grow old before your time, don't let nervousness wreck I your happiness or chances in life. The man with strong, steady nerves is full of vigor, energy, I ambition and confidence. You can have nerves of steel, j firm step, new courage and keen mind by putting your blood and j nerves in first-class shape with mighty Bio-Feren, a new discov ery, inexpensive and ellicient. Men and women who get up so | tired in the morning that they have to drag themselves to their | daily labor will in just a few days arise with clear mind, definite j purpose and loads of ambition. ■ All you have to do is to take two Bio-Feren tablets after each meal and one at bedtime—7 a day for 7 days—then reduce to one after each meal until all are gone. 1 Then if your energy and endur ance haven't doubled, if your mind isn't keener anil eves brighter, if you don't feel twice as ambitious as before, any drug gist anywhere will return the purchase price—gladly and freely, j Bio-Feren is without doubt the grandest remedy for nervous, run- • down, weak, anaemic men and women ever offered and Is not 1 at all expensive. All druggists in this city and vicinitv have a : supply on hand—sell many pack- j ages. o Fascisms teeth How Every Woman Can Quick ly Charm Her Friends With Lovely Teeth, Clean, White and Brilliant If you want the cleanest of while teeth and healthy gums free from disease, an easy and quick way to get both is to use a tooth paste so effective and per fect that astonishing results usu ally come in a week's time. And the cost is so little. Just go to any drug or department store, and get a large tube of SENRECO TOOTH PASTE for 33 cents. Not only will it make vour teeth clean and white, but it will at once remove any fl.my coating, help to check the ravages of Pyorrhea and banish acidity in the mouth. It is used by thousands of dentists and its sale has been re markable. When you visit vour dentist, which you should do al feast twice a year, ask him about SENRECO. It's a most delightful and refreshing tooth paste. A FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG teuegrajph APRIL 25, 1919. I SCOUTING NOTES | ! ' j BY J. FREDRIK VIRGIN, SCOUT EXECUTIVE Scout Hike- —Fifty-five scouts en- i joyed a hike on Tuesday to Lamb's Gap. There were members present from practically every troop in the city. For the little fellows it seemed like a long long road to the top of the mountain, but the views enjoyed and the appetites aroused more than | made up for the climb. Many of the | scouts proved that a scout can keep his i yes open by calling the atten | tion of the rest of the crowd to i various things of interest along the ! way. Twelve scouts passed their tire j making and cooking tests under the I direction of Scoutmaster German of I Troop 13 and Assistant Scoutmaster j Sparrow of Troop 26. One of the | interesting points reached was the j 1 signal tower back from the Gap. ! | From this point the whole Cumber- ' j land Valley is in plain view, and j j the scouts took turns going to the ( top ol' the tower and trying to dis j tinguish the various villages and j towns tTiat seemed to lay direct ut, i their feet. 'I i An exciting moment developed after j ! dinner when Sooutmaster German dis- K j covered a large black snake (we I • didn't measure him but it is safe ! to say lie was at least three feet I l long) coiled in a hole in a tree. ! i The scout executive secured a pic- j ! ture of him. and the whole body of I j scouts had some fun with the snake, i ! Whilennto t poisonous he showed that | I he could fight, and wasn't scared of I a crowd tormenting him. The way j he disappeared up the hollow cen- I | ter of the tree proved that some snakes can climb the inside of a hole :as well as the outside of a limb. Now | that spring is here we hope to have many such hikes to various points of I interest. ! Liberty Fires —ln order that every j scout may be prepared to participate ] in the Liberty Fire, it will be neces- I The Wigwam ■ I.ast year I placed a new nest in I my garden for blue birds, and was , repaid by having a pair spend the ! summer there while they raised a, ! brood of three young ones. It was J very amusing to see how the loea . tion was inspected by the pair as if i analyzing the situation as to the safety of rearing their brood in it. This year when 1 saw the first blue birds in the garden T noticed that two had made themselves perfectly at Jiome in the old nest. To me it was : • onclusive proof tthough there is no was to identify birds) that the same pair had come back to the old nest for their summer stay in the north. This nest lias taken the place of an essential in my daily life. When I first arise in the morning my interest is centered in my new neighbors and when I return home in the evening after a long day in the office, friend wife lias a report ready of their con duet during the day. The report that I received last evening was that I would have to put a new roof on the bird house as the present one. which is made of bark, is being deliberately destroyed by Mrs. Bluebird. I agree that the bark is Ideal material for a nest and I feel that I am being im posed upon, but I have come to the conclusion that when Mrs. Bluebird vacates her house in about two months, I shall have to replace the roof or the house will go abegging for tenants. There is one assurance in having my bird house deroofed and that it that there will be in the neighorhood of 50.D00 insects less in the world, thanks to the bluebirds and, that is well worth the cost of the new roof. It is my earnest desire that people will see the economic vaiue of our ldrd friends and instead of cutting down every dead tree, they allow it to stand to give to our flickers and various wood pecker friends a place to pound out a nest to rear their young. The brush pile is an object that merits a better fate than the match for it is an ideal place for sev eral varieties of birds in which to build their nests. Scouts of Troop 9 Take Tramp to Lamb's Gap i On Thursday, April 1". Troop 9 j ! assembled at Market square and took t ! the car to visit Lamb's Gap. We | | had been told to get off the car at i Highland Park and hike the rest of j | the way. After we had left the car j j we met a farmer along the road who | j told us that it was three miles to i 1 Lamb's Gap. Some of the fellows | groaned at this because we didn't | think we would have to walk more j ; than a mile to get there. But we j | kept on until we met another farmer [ j who told us we were about four miles ■ from our destination. After we had I ; walked almost another mile we asked i | a man how far we were from the I | Gap and he told us Ave miles. By j | that time we began to think that we j must be walking away from the Gap j t instead of to it, but we Anally came |to a cross-roads where there -was i i a large sign marked "Lamb's Gap ; one mile," and Anally reached the i lodge. j We gathered a supply of Are wood, j started a large Are in the Are-place as it was a cold day. and then one lof the boys suggested having sup | per. It was a little ejirly for supper i hut everyone was hungry enough to ! agree with him, so we tried our j hand at cooking. Everyone had enough to eat. It was still daylight when we had Anished eating so we ! went out and played games. We j also climbed the large tower and had a tine view of Harrisburg. We spent the rest of the evening around the camp-Are telling stories and although it was pretty late when we got to bed, we were up as early as six o'clock the next morning. After breakfast we had some pictures taken before we started our hike back to Highland Park. We took the Enola car from this point, and ar rived at the square at 10.30. Every one had a Ane time and we hope "to go again soon. HARRY COOPER, Scribe. Patrol Leader Drills in Signaling Tests Troop 4 held its regular meeting on Monday night. We had some new games. Henry Klugh, senior patrol leader drilled the second class scouts In their signaling for first class tests. George Fetter, one of our former scouts visited us that evening and we I .enjoyed having him back. sary to attend the next meeting of j his troop, so that he may get final j instructions and learn some of the details of this big celebration. Of course \ve do not know when it will eome, but we must be pre- I pared for it. There are many sur prises in store and it will be a big j night for the scouts of the city. I Rally —The biggest thing in the i near future is the scout rally to be | held Friday night, May 2. Every j scout is expected to report to Troop j Headquarters under the direction of his scoutmaster, and we will mobilize at the square at 7.15, marching to I i Stevens Memorial church where the ! j rally will be held. Captain Luinb. i • in command of the State Constabu- j | lary, will be the speaker, and there ! i are some surprises in store for the | scouts. Court of Honor —The next meeting ' of the Court of Honor will be held I on Thursday evening May 1 at head | quarters. There will be a number j of scouts present themselves at this i I meeting. Remember, we must have J rat least 100 first class scouts in Har- ! risburg by Christmas. Merit Badge [Examiners have been appointed ■ and twelve Merit Badges have already I , been applied for. ' " I Tree Planting —lt was a disappoint ! raent to the large squad that turned up at the Capitol Saturday, that the seedlings had not arrived, but to show that they were good sports most of the squad turned up again on Monday and 1,500 seedlings were planted on i the hill near the State Asylum. The I rest of the 6000 trees are going to be planted on Saturday. We want at least fifty scouts to report at the Capitol on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Bring your "grub" -along and we will make a good day of it. There will be no disappointment this time for the trees are here. THE CHEAT TEST Many, many years ago, there lived j a man who lived only to help his j fellow men and to heal the sick and j the weary and to help those heavy j ! with sin. This man as every boy i | knows was Jesus. Jesus was once a ' 1 boy like you and T and yet he suy- ! i ceeded in his ambition. Do we sue- j ceed in our ambition? Don't we let J | some one step. in and up set our i | plans? And should we allow this ■ ■to be done? Well, the answer is no. i lour job, that's meaning the scout's! ! is help our fellowmen and mafte the ] world a better place not only for our | years that we will live on the globe but make the world a better place for the coming generation. Yes, we I have people that Jeer and laugh and I talk about the scout organization. ■ And if a scout does the least thing j out of the ordinary, the whole scout ; organization is blamed and they will i say: "It was a scout that did that." [ Yes, and. sometimes there are narrow- ! minded people who will down or try ' and defeat the scouts purpose in life. ! Our oath calls for every scout to do his duty to God and his country and to help other people at all times. But jdo we live up to our oath? Are we I | making scouting the thing it ought | ito be? And are we doing our good ! turn daily? Scouts, lets have one | | purpose in life, not to make millions, | not to be rulers of nations, not to ; | be the greatest of men. and not to | | be just an ordinary person but let i us have success in our work as we have had so far in all work under j taken by the scouts previous to the 1 | war and especially during the great • war. And they thought we couldn't ; fight. Well, we showed them and j ! others and as the scout organization . goes marching on and as we grow ! nearer to manhood, let our keynote of ! scouting ring from hill to hill and ! from city to city and also from moun j tain to mountain and let that key- j note be "Do a good turn daily" and our famous motto. "Be Prepared.'.' ) I By Scribe FEXSTEMACHER. ! t MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Certnm Kclief for fevtiisliness. Cons'ipation. Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders, aud Triuie Mark D**'roy Worms. They Break up CeldsinSlhotrs. AtJi(fn: " ? 5! ctmplo ms led IHEZ A.ulrees W,rt.utt. MOTHER CHAy co URov<|LY _ I Daily Health Talks A Single Remedy Often Cures Many Diseases By Valentine Matt, M. 1). It is almost impossible to give aj ! lits of the endless diseases that fol-i j low indigestion. Perhaps a whole! I column in this newspaper would be' | required to print them all. You eat! j to keep alive—to supply blood and - i flesh and bone and muscle and i brain. It is easy to see that if your j food is not digested and taken up by II ] the delicate organs and distributed : where it is needed, a disease of some] sort is sure to come. Dyspepsia is a M common sypiptom, and so are liver' complaint, loss of flesh, nervousness,! bad memory, dizziness, sleepless-! ness, no appetite. Many times,! when neglected, indigestion results in coughs, throat diseases, catarrh, i brotichitis and even more danger-1 t ous things. And all these disorders j arise because the food is not proper-j |ly digested in the stomach. It is plain even to a child that relief and j ! cure are to be had only by setting up j a healthy condition in the stomach, i Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. many! | years ago combined a number of I ! vegetable growths into a temperance! remedy Tor indigestion, and called it! Golden Medical Discovery. it is 1 ! probably the most efficacious dis-1 covery ever made in medicine, for the list of people ail over the world who have had their countless ills [overcome by Dr. Pierce's Golden! Medical Discovery makes an amaz-j ing total of thousands. I know of no advice better'' than i this: Begin a home treatment to- i day with this good vegetable medi-l cine. It will show you better than! I can tell you what it will do. When taking Golden Medical Discovery, you can rest assured of one very j [important thing—it contains neither! alcohol nor opiates. There is noth-| [ing in it but standard roots and', I herbs that possess curative proper- j ! ties of a high order. A safe medi-1 I cine is the only kind you can afford I | to take. TROOP 13 UP TO I THE MINUTE NOW ! Plenty Doing in Scribe terniacher's Live Hunch of Scouts j \\ itli the coming: of summer and j the good old holidays, Troop 13 is J working right up to her limit which jis always 100 per cen. Last Friday i evening, the scouts of the troop were j invited to attend church at the Pine I Street Presbyterian church and after ' ■ a short sermon by their pastor, the 1 I troop held their regular weekly scout 1 ; meeting in the Boyd Memorial Build- j i ing. j The troop always has a good rip- j i roaring speaker present, but on uc- i I count of the broken program, the troop was unable to get a speaker this week but lite good friend. Dr. J Lewis S. Mudge, of Troop 13 presented . and dedicated the troop flag to the ] | scouts of the troop. In presenting i j the Hag. it was urged upon the scouts j | never to do anything under that j j Hag which would mar the self-re- J j spect of the organization. I Next week, there will be present ' at the scout meeting of the troop. | | Scout Commissioner German, wko will inspect the troop. Mr. German lias ' given the troop a good talk before I of his adventures in the Canadian \> oods and is therefore ready for another good talk. The scouts of Troop 13 have been asked to sell tickets for an enter tainment which is to be held at the Boyd Building and they have respond ed line and in fact so well that all the tickets most likely will be sold through the scout troop. Then last Saturday the troop took a hike to 'wood Park where they spent a fine day in enjoying the things I which only a good scout can Hnd in ; a woods. After much fun and passing I ■of both second class and first class! tests while up in Wildwood, the scoutmaster returned with his Hne I t crew peppy scouts. can( Hdates are registering:! , with Troop h and so many coming in as Tenderfoots tha t the troop will I j have to form more patrols than that j which the troop already lias. There I I are Ave patrols: Cobra, Wolf. Eagle, I j Owl and the Hound and every patrol i , lias eight members and with easy I ■ tin candidates on hand ready to take! tenderfoot tests off. it may well be I I seen that other patrols will be forced I ! organize. Then the troop is think- i : ing about Victory Gardens and al ready ten scouts have handed names indicating that they have gardens" land tlie fellows are: William Mac , Latighlin, James Byrem. T*\ Writes, i Russell and Harry Huber, Hubert 1 Keller, Joe Hershey, Robert Lenig, i Clarence Hretz and Edward Kisser. "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" I men of Harrisburg have learned to appre '>s\ 2Fp /y/f X ciate the difference between real values and "newspaper /% AAf values"—for it is only by comparison of T ,Vm. Strouse .// merchandise—at Wm. Strouse prices—with the merchandise of - iff other stores—that the true significance of "exceptional qualities at reasonable prices" dawns on the purchaser, and that's just w^a t we want > an d invite~a comparison of our suits at $25 — \ with the suits of other stores at even fiigher prices— N *' or w^en cus tomer makes this comparison we always make Don't let any one tell you that clothing prices have not come If down —for they certainly have—and it's only due to the fact that a merchant may be "loaded down" with clothing at "beginning fm Wmm season " P r i ces that makes him desirous of leading the public 11 111 UnWuuum to believe that prices have not dropped. li '! 11l 1111111 is the shrewd discernment of Harrisburg's buying public— ' 1 ' ,!i!iP both men ancl women —that has caused Wm. Strouse & Co. to be popularly krtown as "Harrisburg's Dependable Store. " ill/ml ') m • Silk sleeve lined, quarter trimmed,- waist seam suits of the Il i I 111 i most excellent qualities, in handsome fabrics of blues, greens, ' fill II I J browns, and mixtures at Wm. Strouse's are only nil $25 - Bogs' Clothing of Dependability . Cand a Big Surprise for Every Boy) Metric Shirts Vanity Hats Monito Hose Lewis Underwear . I 310 Market Street 3®t. £>tnwo> Harrisburg , Pa. ' - : k I Of course this isn't all of them but | I there are more names to come in and 1 ; it is hoped that ttie troop can have j at least thirty gardens to their credit, j Then the troop has a first aid team ! ; and also a signaling team. These | i teams were Just recently organized i j but the scouts belonging to these two ! teams are showing great skill and the I first aid team under the leadership j of Dr. Hazen is showing such fine j work that it is hoped they can win j ' first plate in the first aid teams of ) Harrisburg. The signaling team is | running on its own power but with [ good fellows just putting their mind | to it, it is also hoped that a crack ! I up-to-date team can also win a first j j place in the city. Tells of His Experiences in Ambulance Company The regular meeting of Troop 20 j was held last Friday. Mr. Bennett who has just returned from France ' pave an interesting; talk. He served ! I in an ambulance company, and after j I some months training in the states Ihe sailed for Brest. Front there lie : j went to several French camps in- j • eluding Colombey les Belles. When | , Major Mitchel was found wounded ; I on the battlefield he drove him to the dressing sta<tlon. After the signing I | of the armistice he visited the Alps | Mountains. He has many interest . ing pictures of this wonderful scen | ery, and has promised to show them to us very soon. Lust week members of the troop I erected sign posts at Wildwood Park J marking off the pace mile. There are j two large posts, one at the beginning I of the course nnd one at the end. | j Smaller ones mark off one hundred I feet in order that the runner may i get the pace—one hundred yards for | a dash or other races; one quarter; Does Your Husband Drink? j Druggist Tells How to Cure the Liquor Habit at Home Free I*renerlptlon CBII lie Filled A . j Any Drug Store nml Given Secretly. | | H. J. Crown, a Cleveland man, was j j for many years a conlllined drunkard. ' I His friends and relatives despaired | of ever redeeming him. Ilia sister j sought the best medical men in j j 1-.urope in the hope that she might j I find something which would cure I | him. Finally she was recommended ! , to an eminent chemist, who gave her | a private formula tthe same as np-I I pears below) and told her how to uso I I it. ishe had it tilled at a drug store j and gave it to him secretly. The re ! suits were startling. In a few weeks jhe was completely cured. That was I over ten years ago and he has not j touched a drop since. He now oc cupies a position of trust anil is en- I thusiastic in his efforts to help oth | ers overcome the lienor habit. He feels that he can best do this by rank- j ing public tlie same formula which I cured him. Here is the prescription: I Co to any first-class drug store and } got prepared Tescum Powders. Drop i | one-half; and three-quarter miles for | longer races. The smaller posts arc ] marked on both sides in order that the runner may start at either end. I This course was made for the use of I scouts of all troops in the city. If : j scouts wish to take their scout pace i or to hold any tfack events, they are ■ I welcome to use the course with the I | regards of Troop 20. To-night there will be a meeting ' jof the troop at 7 o'clock. Come pre- j I pared for your special work. The troop is glad to welcome E. I | Sellers as a new assistant scoutmas- | I ter. We wish him success. lIENRY A. BEAR, Scribe. I Troop 16 Leaves For Cottage Tomorrow ! Well, fellows, the cottage over at i I Lamb's Gap is waiting for us. You 1 ! are going along with us. aren't you? I We will lenve at about 1.30 Satur- ; j day afternoon, and return the next I day at abou( four o'clock. Don't for i got that we visit Troop 20 to-night to hear Mr. Wirt's illustrated lecture , jon trees. It will help you with first I | class examinations to learn six spe- j I cies of trees. We will have a short i : business meeting before we leave i | for our visit to-night and will start ! ' lo the headquarters of Troop 20 at! 7.15. Be sure to come around. CLEON CKISWELL State Labor Federation to Meet Here May 13 The eighteenth annual convention of • I The Pennsylvania Federation of Labor i will convene May 13, in the Board of | Trade Hall. Mayor Kelster will address the dele- ; gates at the beginning of the first ses- , I one powder twice n day In col Tee, lea. or any kind of Mould. It is harmless! j tasteless, colorless and cannot be d ! levied. You can use it without the • knowledge of anyone. A lady who re jceiuly tried it on Iter husband re ; ports: "My h unbuild ivas on a spiff I when I got I lie powders and lie usiial- I ly slays drunk from three to four I weeks at a time After putting the ■ powder in his cotfee for four days he sobered t up and has not taken a drink since and says lie is through with it 1 forever. He also complained that whiskey did not taste the same. I shall not tell him what did.il. hut li urn grateful for this help and | shall recommend it whenever possible." Note: A leading druggist when . shown the above article, said: "Yes. Tescum is a very remarkable remedy for the drink habit. It is harmless. | wonderfully effective and is having lan enormous jiale. I advise every- i j one who wishes to destroy the lienor i habit to give it a trial." It is sold} ! In this city by J. Nelson Clark and I oilier iirst-class druggists. slon. There Mil! be other speakers well known in the State and Nation. There will probably be more than four hundred delegates in attendance, llusl BIG SATURDAY SALE OF 1 MEN'S, BOYS' AND LITTLE | BOYS' LACE ENGLISH SHOES I < hll- I Hoys' | l.iuliea' | (irnninK B dren's I and House tiirls' B ... . i . . Juliet*. Men s M lllnck t.liis' Summer Military CJ and Tan lIIkIi tI wrlitht Oxford*. IMncb 9 SetifTer Tennis felt. „ „ "™" H liuttoii Shoes. Mostly | I'" 11 I Shoes. White or ! dark j lllaek IMItl 9 Sixes to lfrown, I colors, Calf. 9 s, use |lt.a.'. 1 ip-J.115 Tan B bodies' | I. adles* I. allies' l.adies' Scout ,H 7 B n e. Pretty lllaek s I oark / H II roil" | 1*114,1 ps. j Kill U1 ' |p'/ S> Kll , ! Ilnll I Oxfords. Broivn SIKH'S. m ]K ,1 E Kill or IliKlt I.nee /"'/WfmJh 0 Military Patent French Hoots. 'ike ki'MlM M llecl t'olt. Heels. I.eather I M'ty/Tm o Opera dual- l.ouis cut. ( . g Oxfords, style. Ity. I Heels. L j " ,3 ' ao * S '* ness of much importance to labor li Pennsylvania is to be acted upon during the four days in which the convention will eontine.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers