18 MEXICAN REBEL GENERAL SHOT Faces Firing Squad After Exe cution Is Ordered by Court-Martial Vera Cruz, Mexico, April 23. General Francisco Alvarez, of tlie antigovernment forces, was executed Monday night. He met death at the Pet Up the Old Car —Like Humans, It Jf'ill Respond to Attention a. JL The right battery means a new lease of life "V T OU can't afford to throw A away that car just because a sluggish battery won't let it deliver the good miles that are still in it. Not this year. The right battery —the Eve ready Storage Battery will prolong the satisfactory use of your old car —not only this! year, but 'till you have secured the full milage it was built to give. Corn* in and read the Evcready Storage Bat tery Guarantee—a year and a half—and we're here to make good. The FISHMAN GARAGE C 0. ,! Inc. 4th & Chestnut Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. 'Official,...... -..j- . cerTcetini Courteous Scrvic- an:i Guaranteed Repair; on all atandarri raahea cf Storage aattenei —r--—(VW— MORE RED BLOOD AND STEADIER NERVES FOR RON DOWN PEOPLE The World Demands, Strong, Vigorous, Keen-Minded, Men and Women It has been said of Americans that they work their habits over time. Many become nervous and inefficient by overwork. By worry, despondency, social affairs, robbing brain and body of needed rest; excessive use of tobacco, indulgence in strong alco holic drink—excesses of every kind that burn up the vital powers so necessary in these trying times to make both men and women lit to be of help to themselves and others. It is time to be temperate in all things. The man or woman with impaired nerves caused by impoverished blood lacks vigor, the ambition, the endurance and the keen mind of those who avoid excesses. Tiniidness, despondency, fear, trembling bands, want of con&dencc and even cowardliness, are due iu ( a large measure to abused nerves. People with plenty of red blood corpuarles and strong, healthy neryea hava no desire to shirk work and lean on othera for guidance and aupport. There is hardly a nerve-shattered man or woman (unless of an organic disease) in America today who cannot become alert and clear in mind; vigorous aud energetic in body in a very few weeks aud at trifling cost. To bccomo strong and ambitious, to feel that work ia not drudgery; to bare ateadv nerves, abundance of red blond and power of endaranee; to be not only a man hut as men now go, a superman, you muat take seven tablets of liio-feren every day for seven days—and take them faithfully. Take two after racli meal and one at bedtime and after seven days take one only after meal until the supply is exhausted. Then if you feel that any claim made In this special notice is untrue—if your nerves are not twice as steady as before; if you do not feel ambitious, more vigorous and keen-minded, the pharmacist who dispensed the tablets to you will gladly hand you back just what you paid for them. Bio-feren is without doubt the grandest remedy for nervous, rundown, weak, anaemic men and women ever offered direct through druggists and Is not at all expensive. All druggists In this city and vicinity have a supply on haud—sell many packages. *0 N L Y— fPl And You Get Your e 111 Clioiec of These % WORLD FAMOUS "ELECTRIC WASHERS PRIMA NUWAY Think of it: Only $lO first payment. That's all you need to pay down and you get any one ; r - ■ of these brand new. very latest model Klectric Washers that you may select delivered to your j home. Then you can pay the balance in small easy monthly payments—"o days between each pay ment. _ . , This Offer is Good Only Until May llih. But don t delay—don't wait until the big rush the last day. Get your request in to-day. Simply telephone us Bell <554. in our showroom you can see nearly all makes of electric wasliera and cleaners. DEFT DEVICES CO., Inc., 28 South Fourth Ft. ■■■■■■■■■ "lien COAL AT LAST*! We believe that we can SOLVE ALL YOUR COAL v TROUBLES with our NEW HARD COAL. Ask any- X i j one who has tried it what they think of it. Coal is expensive. Why not get what you pay for— I. X the Best? v y r'j There's no slate and bone in Our New Hard Coal—Burns :: down to a fine white powder | if — no more big ash piles •! From a hundred or more new customers who have tried our New Hard Coal, we have had but one answer— X jjj "IT IS THE VERY BEST COAL WE HAVE EVER USED" [){ X A trial order will convince you that we have THE mi I BEST COAL ON THE MARKET. 1 McCREATH BROS. | |j 567 Race Street Both Phones j|i| WEDNESDAY EVENING I hands of u llring squad with the ; utmost bravery. Alvarez was sentenced to death by a court-martial hcreMonday. He was captured here last Tuesday in the i buttle in which General Aurelianu | I banquet, minister of war in the Huerta cabinet, was killed. Many thousands of persons sur rounded the barracks when the exc i cution took place. Alvarez had been sentenced to die at an early hour, but on orders re ceived from the Supreme Court the execution was held up. The War Department, however, ordered com pliance with tiie sentence of tlie | court-martial and the prisoner was j brought out to face his executioners. Two hours before the execution the correspondent of the Associated Press visited Alvarez in his ceil. He was absolutely calm and evinced no fear and declared bo was prepared to die. "1 consider the sentence of the I military court illegal." said Alvarez, i "as 1 ceased to be a soldier when the federal arnty disbanded and I left the country. It' 1 am shot it will be illegal. If 1 were still a sol dier the court's sentence would have been just." The George Washington to Return With Troops Paris, April 23.—The United States transport George Washington will return to the United States with troops after repairs to her machin ery. it is announced. Hereafter the George Washington will run on an alternate schedule with the Levia than and Mount Vernon, so that one of these steamers will always be at Brest ready for the return of Presi dent Wilson when lie desires. For Acid Stomach Take Bi-nesia Instant Relief or Money Back If you suffer from dyspepsia, indi gestion, pain after eating, gastritis, heartburn or any stomach trouble due to acidity or food fermentation—and over ninety per cent, of stomach com plaints are due to these causes—go to your druggist and get 50 cents worth of Hl-nesiii. The next time you eat or have pain in the stomach take a tea spoonful in a little hot water and note how quickly all pain and dis comfort ceases. Chemists say that it's almost invariable success is due to the fact that Hi-nesla instantly neu tralizes the excess acid and stops fer mentation. thus promoting healthy natural digestion. Being absolutely harmless as well as inexpensive, Ul nesta should be kept on band in every home where economy and good health are sought. lli-nesiu is obtainable in both pow der and tablet form of Geo. A. Gorgas and other leading druggists every where. Each package contains a bind ing guarantee of satisfaction or money back and the druggist of whom you buy it stands back of that guarantee. .Stop dieting; eat what you want, then take lli-nesin—the wonderful remedy that costs nothing if it fails. FEARS TREATY ' IS TOO LOOSE N j Frenchman Says Boclic Is Not; Held Down Hard Enough Paris. April 23.—"1 am afraid the , j Peace Conference is going to let the I Boches off too easily," said Pro j fessor Eouis Dubois, deputy for the i Department of the Seine, to the As j sociated Press to-day. Professor | Dubois lias made a special study | of the economic situation in North j ern France produced by the de i structive ingenuity of the Germans, j He has submitted to the Chamber j | of Deputies a detailed report of his ] findings. "Are the Germans to be spared" I he asked. "With their industries un- I impaired they will have seized the ! markets long before we are ready to j | compete with them. If only Presi- I dent Wilson would come and seo i with his own eyes what utter ruin and destruction they have brought | upon our unhappy land. "One has to sec tlie destruction : ; with ones own eyes." he went on. j I "Much lias been cleaned up already, j With devilish ingenuity the Germans I made a specialty of destroying the | essential tilings. They even had a : machine specially devised to de i stroy railway points. General Gas ! suoin, wso commands the northern | section, told me that it will take i two years before the railway system ' jis in proper working order again. j Knilioiuis Had "Transportation is interlocked ! with all the big difficulties we have , to cope with. There is the ques tion of raw materials and the ques tion of labor. If, by demobilization, i we get labor we must transport the j men to places where they are need | ed. Then we must house and feed j them. There is neither food nor I housing accommodations. To pro ; vide it, we again need transportation. "We are asked why we cannot I make fuller use of the canals, but I those canals served as lines of de- I fense for the enemy. Their banks i are battered, they are full of debris 1 and need dredging. Many of tlie j locks are destroyed. I "The pits of the coal mining dis- I trict are flooded in places. One or | two may he worked partly in six to j eight months, but it will be live or : six years before the mines are in proper working condition again. ! Where are we to find the miners? 1 The country around is razed and de- j vastated to a degree of which peo- j pie have not the faintest idea. There ; is not a house left standing in Lens, i I How are we to lodge and feed a mining population and how are we to j regain our pre-war output of 20,- • 000,000 tons of coal a year which j even then did not cover our home needs?" Industrial Troubles Asked if France was recovc-ing ; any of the textile, metal manufac- j taring or sugar refining machinery j stolen by the Germans, he replied I that it was difficult to transport it and most of the French plants were ! not yet ready to receive it. "I know j cases of Germans approaching the j original owners of machinery N and i offering to sell them back their own property they had stolen from them," he said. "Then there is the agricultural question," he continued. "The arable soil in these parts is only ten inches j deep. Beneath it is a subsoil of bar- j ren clialk. The good soil that grows i wheat—where is it? The farmers | will have to begin right from the | beginning again, as the squatters did | in America; that is, they will have | to prepare the soil for cultivation. I Labor and transportation again! Not ' in fifteen or twenty years will that j soil produce anything in the way I of food grain." Sick Czecho-Slovak Soldiers Under Care of U. S. Red Cross Triest. April 23.—The American Red Cross commission to the Hal- j kans has begun the work of caring j for hundreds of crippled and sick | Czecho-Slovak soldiers being sent j home from Siberia byway of Triest. This work is being done at the re quest of the Czecho-Slovak govern ment. which has asked the American Red Cross to provide transportation. ! doctors and njirses for their sick and i wounded. One of the convoys to be I cared for consists of 508 wounded I soldiers from Colombo, Ceylon. Canada Developing Western Provinces Winnipeg, Man., April 23.—Fed- j eral immigration officials, working with provincial leaders, arc trying to | attract an American delegation to the] prairie provinces this summer. The plans anticipated a delegation in-1 eluding representatives from every I state in the union, members of Con- j gross and Slate officials. The dele gation would be provided with a spe- ! cial train which would tour the west j over one railway line and return over i another. Recent reports from Ottawa staled i that the Dominion expected to spend at least $1,000,000 this year In at-' traeting attention to the Western ! provinces. Captain Seeley Teaches in A. E. F. University . Captain Seeley, of the engineering ! firm of Gannett, Seeley and Fleming. I i has been detained in France instead of coming home at once as he hud expected and has been placed in charge of advanced hydraulic engi- ! neering in the American University | organized for the benefit of Ameri- i can soldiers remaining in France. I Major Fleming, of the sapie firm, j is on his way back and is expected I home very shortly. Altoona Man Selected as Head of P. 0. S. of A. By Associated Press. New Britain, Conn., April 23. F. M. Anderson, of Altoona, Pa., was elected commander-in-chief of Hie Patriotic Order, Sons of America, at j the twenty.ninth annual national | convention here last night. It was voted to hold the next annual session ' at Wernersville, Pa. BLAZK AT SCK ANTON Scrantou, Pa., April 23.—Fire yes terday destroyed the building of tlie new wall paper company ahd spread to the wholesale liquor store of the Scranton Distributing Company and the Cohen block, practically destroy- | ing thorn. The loss is estimated at $350,000. BLAZE AT IIOG ISLAND Philadelphia. April 23.—Fire yes terday In a paint warehouse at the I log Island shipyard destroyed two frame warehouses and paints and oils valued at $70,000. HARJUSBtTRG TELEGRAPH Thursday's Offerings in the After Easter Clearance Sale ygp x Blankets and J Comfortables IK Lw? 5 Deduced in the Clearance Sale This sale offers definite reductions on blankets and comt'ort- MkJ f ables from regular stock. The values arc appealing and arc the ■M | result of our desire to clean-up the stock of all odd lots. Hp HP i-fl COTTON FILLED COMFORTABLES ) J $2.50 Comfortables. Special SI.OB $5.50 Comfortables. Special $2.98 $6.00 Comfortables. Special $5.00 $7.00 Cotton Filled Comfortables, dotted mull covering, 8-inch plain border. Special, $5.69 WOOL FILLED COMFORTABLES $9.00 Comfortables, 7-inch border. Special $7.50 SIO.OO Comfortables, 8-inch border. Special $8.49 $12.00 Comfortables, 8-inch border. Special $10.39 SIB.OO Down Filled Comfortables, 6x7 feet. Persian patterns. Special ... $13.98 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS • SIO.OO Blankets, pink and blue borders. Special $8.39 $ll.OO Blankets, pink and blue borders. Special $9.39 812.00 Blankets, blue, pink and yellow borders. Special $9.89 $15.50 Blankets, blue and pink borders. Special $10.98 S 1*6.00 Blankets, blue and pink borders. Special $13.49 $20.00 Blankets, blue and pink borders. Special $16.49 GREY AND PLAID COTTON BLANKETS $5.00 Grey Cotton Blankets. Special $2.39 $5.50 Grey Cotton Blankets. Special $2.98 85.50 Plaid Cotton Blankets. Special $2.89 $4.00 Grey Cotton Blankets, Woolnap finish. Special - $3.39 $6.50 pink and tan Blankets. Special $5.69 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Celebrating Gingham Week With Special Offerings in These Popular Dress Cottons 49c Dress Ginghams, 32 inches, fancy plaids and stripes; also solid shades. Special, yd.. 39^. 25c Ginghams, neat stripe patterns and solid shades for house dresses. Spe cial. yd., 19^. 19c Ginghams, fancy plaids, checks and solid shades. Special, yd., 11^*. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 35 Beautiful Metal Lamps Marked Down for Clearance Electric and Gas Lamps, heavy cast metal bases and cast metal shade, with panels of beautiful col ored glass in amber, sunset and Nile. $35.00 Lamps reduced to $28.00 $21.50 Lamps reduced to $17.20 $20.00 Lamps reduced to $16.00 SIB.OO Lamps reduced to $14.40 $16.00 Lamps reduced to $12.80 $15.00 Lamps reduced to $12.00 $12.50 Lamps reduced to SIO.OO $ 9.50 Lamps reduced to $ 7.60 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. $13.50 $9.50 $30.00 $20.00 For Girls and Juniors Art After Easter Sale of Apparel Complete assortments of the newer modes in frocks of gingham and sheer weaves and coats at pricings meeting all plans of expenditure. There is excellence of good taste in each individual gar ment and the size range is complete Tor misses and juniors. The garments priced are: $13.50 —Spa-dally priced White Batiste. $0.50 —Fine quality Gingham, In pleasing patterns. $30.00 —Chiffon party and afternoon Dresses, in light shades. 920.00 —Handsome Spring Coat of rich wool fabrics. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second l-'loor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Decorated Dinner Sets Attractively Priced Fifty-piece service for 6 people; the set contains three sizes of plates, soup plates, dessert dishes, plat ter. covered dish, open veg etable dish, gravy boat, sugar and cream. Decorated green band festooned with gold SS.9H Decorated gold border in conventional design, S9XO Decorated gold lace bor der and pink rose buds, $9.98 70-piece dinner set serv ice, for eight people. Dceoi ated gold lined and floral three spray design, $12.50 100-piece set, decorated in blue, two-line effects, with medallion relief design, $16.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Men's Handkerchiefs Reduced in the Sale Hemstitched linen hand kerchiefs. Special, 3 for, 48<r Hemstitched linen and cotton handkerchiefs. Spe cial, 4 for 50£ 35c hemstitched linen handkerchiefs. Special, 25£ 10c and l2'/jc white cam bric handkerchiefs. Special, 4 for 25< • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store APRIL 23, 1919, with it too__ They went through with their part of the job —went through Hell for days and weeks on end. Many of them gave their all. Go through with your end of the work! Buy to your limit! Clearance of Dress Fabrics in the After Easter Sale $4.50 wool jersey cloth, 54 $1.25 French serge; 41 inches wide, fifteen shades. inches wide, navy, Copcn Yd $2.75 and grey. Yd., ....SI.OO $4.50 wool plaids, 48 t! r n . , ~ 1 , $3.50 cape serge; nO inches wide, twenty styles. • , • , , . , , , ~ . J 0 _ inches wule, best shade of c*r "avy. Yd $2.69 $6.00 cape serge ; .">8 inches wide, men's wear, blue. Yd.. . s6 '°° sucde velour ' 54 $4 50 inches wide, seven shades. $2.50 wool Santoy, 42 N(1 $4.50 inches wide, all wanted $6.95 covert tricotine; 56 shades. Yd $1.98 inches wide, shade tan. Yd., $6.00 men's blue serge; 58 $4.75 inches wide. Yd., ..$4.50 $7.50 Tyrol wool; 54 $1.95 wool poplin; 40 inches wide, shades Oxford, inches wide, full range of tan, taupe and Pekin. Yd., colors. Yd $1.69 $4.75 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, ■ Demonstration of Hire's Instant Coffee Preparation of the finest Mocha and Java. Trial can at 30<> makes 30 tups. Hotel size at $1.75 makes 240 cups. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. This is the Time to Buy A Mattress: Special Values Specials in fine mattresses are featured in the Clearance Sale. Combination libre mattresses, all sizes, art ticking, one or two parts. Special, $0,115 Silk floss mattresses, fancy art ticking, roll edge, one or two parts. Special $18,50 Red Cross felt mattresses, hpeciul, $19.00 Red Cross sill lloss mattresses. Special, $21.00 Red Cross curled hair mattresses. Special $21.00 Box Springs art ticking. Special, $19.50 Dives. Pomeroy At Stewart, Fourth Floor Three Lots of Boys' Shoes At Lowered Prices $4.00 dark brown calf English lacc shoes, blind eyelets, Neolin soles'; sizes 2to 6. Special $3.45 $4.00 gun metal calf English Lace Shoes, narrow toes, sizes 2to 6. Special $3.25 $3.00 gun metal calf Bluchcr Shoes, broad toes, sizes 10 to 1 V/i. Special $2.50 Misses' Shoes Reduced $2.50 black kidskin button shoes, broad toes, sizes 11U to 2- Special S24M) $2.00 patent leather button Shoes, dull kid or cloth tops, broad toes, sizes \iy 2 to 2. Special $1.65 Diven, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Rear
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