18 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 4. NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by TBI TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Ttlcgnyk Bonding, Federal Sgaare E. J. STACKPOLB President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Butintf Manager OUS. M. STEINMETZ, ilanaging Editor A. R. MICHEN'ER, Circulation if onager Execnttve Beard 3. P. McCULLOCGH. BOTD M. OGLESBT, F. R. OYSTER, OUR M. STEINMETZ. Mambera of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. Ail rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. I Member American Newspaper Pub- AsaocU- Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- Assoc la- Eastern o a Avenue Bullying! Story, Brooks A l Chicago, 111! 1 me ' Entered at the Post Office In Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week: by mail. 13.00 a year In advance. FRIDAY, APREL 18, 1919 Watch and pray, that ye enfer not J Info temptation: the spirit indeed Is t cilling, but the flesh is teeak.—Matt. 2< :41. OUTSIDE APPROVAL THE State Highway Department may feel gratified over the en dorsement given its road pro gram by the Rotary Club delegates of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and the District of Columbia in convention here last week. The Rotarians, keenly interested in public improvements of all kinds! and quick to see the magnificent be ginning made here by Governor j Sproul and Commissioner Sadler, j went strongly on record as favoring! the Pennsylvania plan as designed< to create a center of highways that will extend to all the states of the district. It is not the policy of these clubs, acting as a unit, to take cognizance of any merely local activities, but the delegates in this instance felt that what Pennsylvania is doing with respect to highway development is of vast inter-state importance, and l'or that reason they went out of their way to express approval and to point out our system and method as ad mirably designed to produce equally good results elsewhere. Shortly Penn sylvania will be as well known for good roads as once the State was condemned for its poor highways. NEIGHBORLY THAT was a neighborly thing the Kiwanis Club did yesterday, when it entertained the mem bers of the Rotary Club at a joint luncheon. Some, who have not un derstood, may have imagined that there was rivalry or clannish feeling between the two organizations, but such is not the fact. There is ample room for both in Harrisburg. The membership of the Rotary Club is very limited, and that of the Kiwanis Club only a little less so. Neither treads on the heels of the other. There arc more than enough up standing, 3igorous, enthusiastic men in the city to over-crowd both or ganizations. Association begets ac quaintance, and acquaintance begets l riendship, and friendship begets confidence, and so any function that brings the men of the community to gether on a friendly, common basis, is good for the whole community. THAT OLD-TIME EASTER DO TOU remember those old days when the biggest adventure of the spring season was that trip from away up town, or from Allison Hill, or wherever else you lived, to see the big Easter egg in the window of Dan Bacon's candy store on Mar ket street? Mr. Bacon was the original candy Easter egg man in this locality. Not only that, but he used a couple of barrels of sugar and about a hun dred pounds of chocolate every year making up the biggest Easter egg the town had ever seen. Every sea son it used to be a matter of com mon wonder among the boys of this burg that Mr. Bacon had been able to accomplish this fresh miracle of the Easter season, and bets were freely made among those who had jackkntves and marbles they could afford to risk, that the forthcoming Easter would not see a new record set up. But he did it. Always he did it. Every year that egg got big ger, until at last the whole window was filled, and there was not an inch left. And then, just when boyish spec ulation had about concluded that the limit had been reached, why he performed another miracle. He bnllt a hollow egg as big as those of other years and put a little win dow In the point just high enough for boyish eyes, and inside he cre ated a veritable fairy-land, with rab bits, and oblckens, and eggs, and wonderfully colored rivers that wound their way down to an Invisi- FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG <fi66X TELEGRAPH APRIL 18, 1919. ble sea through fields of spring-time blossoms and tiny forests of nod ding palms. Truly, it was worth seeing, and we stood around for hours, pushing and crowding in or der to get another peek. Those were the days when boys and girls took most of their Easter joys in looking. The gorgeous Easter basket of to-day was just then com ing Into vogue. But sometimes, midst the lavish evidences of Easter that mark the season in most households where there are little folks, wo have a sneaking desire to run away round the corner and spend an hour in rapturous contemplation of that wonderful Easter egg that used to be Dau Bacon's annual contribution to the joys of the season in Harris burg; God rest his soul. APOLOGIES IN ORDER DISPATCHES from Dallas, Texas, tell of a resolution adopted by 400 farmers, "who have been unanimously voting the Democratic ticket all their lives," but who now realize their folly and "express their great dissatisfaction with the way things are being run in Washington." And those same 400 farmers have joined in disfranchising the negroes, who, If permitted to vote, would have voted against this same Demo i cratic administration which the j white farmers now condemn. The Dallas farmers should now apologize to the disfranchised col ored men and resolve that hereafter they shall have a place at the bal- I lot box. PUBLIC BATHING N 1 OW that Colonel Martin, as the head of the State Health De partment, proposes to make Harrisburg a spotless town as an ex ample to the rest of the Common wealth, it might be a good thing for Mayor Keister and all who favor adequate bathing facilities in the Susquehanna basin to bring this mat ter to public attention. Annually we hear something of the need of a bathing beach and bath houses, but with the passing of the munici pal budget the subject is dropped for another twelve months. Harris burg would be a much more comfort able place in mid-summer with bath ing facilities sufficient for our in creasing population. HOW MONEY WORKS A WELL-KNOWN businessman said recently: "Few of us realize how hard a dollar has to work to earn six cents in a year's time. When we spend a nickel we do not pause to consider that the average dollar working 365 days of the year and twenty-four hours of each day has bard scratching to earn that much, else we might think twice about expending it recklessly. All that is true. The average wage on salary earner has never been taught even the fundamentals of finance. If he is naturally gifted and thrifty he learns for himself, and prospers. But many an other wise well-equipped man has failed because he did not understand the possibilities of the nickel and the dollar. Our public schools are seriously at fault here. Teach the boy the in side of business, the methods of handling capital, the possibilities of earning power and the difficulties of making any given amount of money earn even reasonably fair dividends, and you will have made a better citizen of him. First, his knowledge would give him a more or less accurate idea as to how much he as an individual would be entitled to out of the busi ness and how much the business could afford to pay. It would make him more reasonable in his de mands and more efficient in his work, for he would then realize how much earning capacity is governed by individual effort. When the school courses are re vised let us hope our boys and girls may be given opportunity to study the dollar and its possibilities at short range. SELF-RESPECT IN BRAZIL THE authorities of Brazil, with more concern for the dignity and respectability of their coun try than actuates the government officials at Washington, have pre vented the landing at Rio Janeiro of a representative of the Russian so viet government. On the same day the newspapers of New York announced that a rep resentative of Lenine and Trotzky had opened offices in that city under the name of "The Russian Soviet Bureau in the United States." That gentleman makes no attempt to conceal his hopes of being named Russian Ambassador to the United States. In view of the rumored stand of President Wilson for recog nition of the Bolshevikl we cannot blame their representative for his optimism. MXEAN STARTED IT AN ECHO of Senator McLean's measure which resulted in the convention between the United States and Canada for the protection cf migratory birds is heard in a bill which hae been introduced in the Legislative Assembly at Quebec to set apart certain areas In the Pro vince as bird sanctuaries. The areas set aside are almost the last resorts of certain vanishing spe cies of wild birds. Under the terms of the bill it is forbidden for any person at any time in any way to molest certain specified migratory game birds, under severe penalties. The services which Senator George P. McLean, of Connecticut, has per formed for humanity and feather dom will be increasingly appreciat ed as tbe years roll on. By the Ex-Oommltteenuui Announcement of the coming of United States Senator, Boies Penrose to Harrisburg Sunday night or Mon day morning to take charge of the Philadelphia charter revision bills and to visit the Legislature during Its sessions next week, furnished Capitol Hill with a sensation on the eve of closing the Capitol over the Good Friday holiday and more men will come back to Harrisburg on the evening of Easter Sunday than expected to do so. The Senator will be warmly greeted by his friends and his reception on Capitol Hill will be decidedly different than the visits he paid here during the session of a few years ago. In all probability, the Senator will be invited to address the two Houses, as he did in previous sessions when he came to Harrisburg, although no announcements to that effect have been made. Ho is a former State Senator. Rooms for the Senator were en gaged at the Penn-Harris by W. Harry Baker, secretary of the State Senate, and it was said that the Senator might remain here until late Wednesday. The two Houses will be In session again on Monday night and the House will remain here un til Wednesday afternoon. Considerable uncertainty sur rounds the return of Governor Will iam C. Sproul to Harrisburg. It was thought he would return here Sunday, but that Is very doubtful. ■ —Men in politics are greatly In terested in the Allentown announce ment that Lehigh County Treasurer Dewill R. Sell has been surcharged SI,OOO, representing the greater part of his renumeration for last year as runner of the Emaus National Bank, where he deposited the county funds without interest. County Controller Cyrus J. Dilcher filed in court his re port of the investigation into the charges made by the county com missioners against the administra tion of the treasurer's office by Sell. It was alleged the pay received by Sell as runner for the Emaus bank was in lieu of interest on the coun ty's funds and should have gone in to the county treasury. It was re vealed at the hearings that Sell drew altogether during his three years in office over $3,500 as bank runner, but Controller Dilcher decided he cannot be surcharged for vears prior to 1918. —lndications of a fight by large property owners of Radnor town ship, Delaware county, against the proposed school loan, which goes be fore the people of the Main Line township at a special election on April 26, cropped out at meetings. ■William Struthers Ellis, Bryn Mawr, president of the Board of Commis sioners of the township, appeared to oppose the loan on the ground that this is not a good time for the school district to add $300,000 to its indebtedness. Ho was seconded in his opposition by Frederick R. Wal lace, of Wayne, Fred F. Hallowell, a member of the Board of Educa tion, which wants the money for a new high school and other improve ments, urged Its support. —The Philadelphia Public Ledger says in an editorial: "The Legisla ture should not commit the folly of permitting German to be taught in the public elementary schools. And certainly the State Department of Education should not allow "Penn sylvania Dutch," which is now but an attenuated ghost of what it was thirty years ago, when it boasted a number of newspapers long since dead, to be heard again in the pub lic schools. Then when the lower schools are free of the German taint, the question of teaching foreign lan guages in the high and normal schools should be made the subject of a thorough investigation by com petent experts." —Senator Boies Penrose seems to have struck a pretty popular idea by his speech in Philadelphia and the vigor with which Democratic newspapers attack him personally, is proof that they are disturbed. The Senator is now being urged to speak in other cities and is duo to address the national textile manu facturers in New York late this month. —Thomas Raebum White and other Republican charter men are promising a campaign of statements on the recent hearing on the charter bills. Just so long as it is confined to Phiiadelpia no one here will worry much what either side says about the other in that never end ing controversy. Up State legisla tors are more interested in how tho crops are shaping up and whether the cost of living is going down than in who rules Philadelphia councils. —Montgomery county has seven candidates for county commissioner on the Republican ticket. —John Magee, a Pittsburgh con stable, has been named by the State Highway Department to prosecute violations of the automobile license law in regard to license plates, their display and use. —Sera lton newspapers are in clined to say things about uncer tainties in mine cave legislation. Some hard coal region men do not look for much definite action this year, LABOR AND CULTURE (On seeing a poet making a war garden) Poet, client of the Muses, Life to you no good refuses. In high peace your soul reposes While you build your road of roses In the miracle of Toll. Poet, once I saw you hoeing. While a song was In you growing: And again I saw you burrow; Down your field a long bright fur row; 'Twas Apollo at the Plow. Come, all thinkers, do bread-labor And relieve the work-worn neighbor. This way runs the path of Duty, This way fly the feet of Beauty, This way lies our Paradise —Ewin Markham in April Nautilus. "Unto the Lord' In proud humility a pious man went through the field; The ears of corn were bowing in the wind, as if they kneeled: He struck them on the head, and modestly began to say, "Unto the Lord, not unto me, such honors should you pay." —From the Persian, by W. R. Alger. Poesy's Appeal Never did poesy appear* so full of Heaven to me as when I saw how it pierced through pride and fear to tho on peace.—Toronto Mall and Em . MOVIE OF A CITIZEN READING A PAPER .... ... By BRIGGS DOES NOT REA"D D(SE3 NOT READ DOES NOT READ DOES NOT RBA© THAT TT-IE (EX) THAT THE PEACE THAT BOLSHGVJISM THAT THE HGH IS TO BE EXECUTED CONFEREMCC IS . STIAMPCD OUT. COST OF >3 BV OEIKJC BOIUET) in HAPPILV THTIU<I CP. THSJPasT OIL - OR STUM< TO > DEATH TJV NA/ASPSLO. . DOES NOT READ DOES NOT READ THAT BUT-DOES R£AD -THAT TM BASEBALL TNAYT PROMLB/TFOA) IS ALSJTT - TOBACCO CRUSADERS TST SEASOW ABOUT TO Not TO BE EISJFORCED ARE TO BE TRIED FOR BC<3IW - AF TCR ALL TREASON SHOT AT DAIAJAJ THE PALMER PUZZLE J [From the Philadelphia Press.] Already Attorney General Palmer is finding that the rose of Cabinet; office has its thorn. There has been put up to hrfhi the question of prose-j cuting the cotton planter of the i South for a combination of which, the avowed purpose is to curtail I production and to raise prices. This! question comes to him, too, at a \ time when he is being mentioned as! a possible favorite of the Adminis tration for the Presidential nomina-1 tion next year. Already there has | been started talk of him in this con- ! nection, and the- member of the! Democratic National Committee : from Oklahoma has been telling thej people of his section that Palmer, is the man for 1920. Mr. Palmer must, sincerely wish that this bundle of trouble had been left upon the doorstep of his prede cessor. It is not a question that can be dodged or evaded. The direct charge against the cotton planters has been made by responsible per sons, headed by Governor Allen, of Kansas, and they will keep active watch on the case. The president of the planters' association chal lenged Mr. Allen to a joint debate on the subject of the relative patriot ism of the cotton grower and the wheat grower, and the reply was that the only debate is between the planters and the Department of Jus tice. The Middle West is greatly stirred up on the matter, and it is a section of tlie country that has a way of holding to the trail. The South, too. Is no respecter of persons who stand in its way. It [ even dared to denounce Mr. Barney Barucli, the war-time favorite of the White House, when he ventured to have his War Industries Board fix a price for cotton. Attorney General Palmer stands between the Seylla of the Middle West and the Charybidis of the South, which is not a pleasant position for a gentleman with politi cal ambition. And at the Capitol will be a Congress no longer domi nated by the South, nor controlled by his Presidential friend. There will be no greater test of the ability and diplomacy of the Sage of Stroudsburg. THE FARM VIEW [From the Pennsylvania Farmer.] The Pennsylvania Senate last week passed a bill providing for a com mission to consider the revision of the State constitution. It is expected that the House will concur in the bill and that a commission will be appointed to report, with a possible draft of a new constitution to the next session of the Legislature. We believe that there is general agree ment that the State constitution should be revised. The present con stitution has been in force for forty live years. Ta many respects the Commonwealth has out-grown its constitutional laws. This is reflected in the fact that no amendments were passed up until 1890, but since that time there have been twenty-two amendments affecting nineteen sec tions. Certain sections have been amended a number of times, and others are yet proposed. We believe, also, that there is gen eral agreement that the best way to draw a new constitution is by first making a scientific study of the constitutional needs, with considera tion of all classes and all industries, and submitting a definite proposition for final consideration. At least, the experience of other States points the conclusion that the convention meth od is not the best way. The Victory in Michigan LFrom Ohio State Journal] Michigan had an election th;s week tc determine public sentiment on the "dry" amendment and ihe majority given in favor of it wa. twice what P was in 1916. This doesn't show tbat the people aie weakening on prohibition: and it particularly doesn't show that the soioiei boys ate displease! a; the tvmpciance legislation enacted who'e they were fighting overseas. They fought German kultur and the promfrent idea of kultur is an un controlled liquor traffic. One can hardly conceive that the cause of humanity and civilization could bo identified in the slightest with the triumph of the Hun. The fortress of Sobriety was what our boys won in the lag war, if they won anything. Consistent to the Last The London Dally News says that the choice Is between a world peace and a French peace. The paper that tip to the last moment urged that Bnlain stay out of the waP and profit by it is surely a good authority oa peace. Wilson Cannot Stamp Out Autocracy By Practicing A utocratic Methods at Paris [From the Chicago News—lndependent.] PRESIDENT WILSON on his re turn to Paris finds himself in the awkard position that he in vited by his course during his earlier visit to the seat of the peace confer ence. Then he made the mistake of undertaking to commit the American people to the sacrifice of long estab lished national policies without con sulting them or even undertaking to explain his purposes. Having thus arrogated to himself a prerogative that could not bje safely accorded by a self-governing people, even to one who possesses the shining attrib utes of infallible wisdom, the Presi dent has met with determined oppo sition from many members of the national Senate, which body must ratify any treaty before it can be come binding upon the United States Government. The Senators, who de mand that the proposed covenant of I the League of Nations be carefully studied, debated and revised in the light of wise policy, ask nothing more thqn should be granted as a matter of course. This is conceded by leading statesmen of Europe and leading newspapers of allied and neutral countries. Meanwhile the necessity for peace in Europe to replace the ghastly mockery masquerading as peace under the existing armistice. Is everywhere apparent. There must FOREST HARMONIES I had what Wordsworth calls a "couchant ear" in my youth, and my story will wait, dear reader, while I tell you of another harmony tbat I learned to love in the wilderness. There will corue sometimes in the spring—say in May, or whenever the snow-drops and sulphur butterflies are tempted out by the first timorous sunshine—there will come, 1 say, in .that yearning and youth-renewing season, a warm shower at noon. Our tent shall be pitched oil tlie skirts of a forest of young pines, and the ever green foliage, if foliage it may be called, shall be a daily refreshment to our eye while watching, with the west wind upon our cheeks, tho un clothed branches of the elm. The rain descends softly"and warm; but with the sunset the clouds break away, and it grows suddenly cold enough to freeze. The next morning I you shall come out with me to a hillside looking upon tlie south, and [lie down with your ear to the earth. The pine tassels hold in every four of their fine fingers a drop of rain frozen like a pearl in a long ear ring. sustained in their loose grasp by the rigidity of the cold. The sun grows warm at ten, and the slight green fingers begin to relax and yield, and by eleven they are all dropping their icy pearls upon the dead leaves with a murmur through the forest like the swarming of the bees of Hybla. There is not much variety in its music, but it is a pleas ant monotone to accompany thought. Oh, how many of these harmonies there are—how many that wh hear, and how many that are "too con stant to be heard P. Willis. HIS CRUTCH He Hobbles down the quiet street, A youthful veteran Whose heart is still attuned unto The drum's wild rataplan. Whose ears are deafened even yet By battle's dread alarm. Whose halting step depends upon The crutch beneath his arm. His Good right leg is gone—afar In Flanders mud it lies. But there's a smile upon his lips. For still Old Glory flies. And though a slow and painful gait His mundane progress mars, Behold! his spirit vaults the clouds And strides among the stars. Washington's sword and Franklin's staff And Lincoln's pep shall be Embossed forevermore upon The shield of Liberty; And lo the doughboy's battered crutch. Through Time's eternal flight. Will stand a signpost on the road To Freedom's mountain height- | —Minna Irving, in the New York : Bun. bo also as soon as it can be estab lished, a sound and enduring League of Nations. The London Times well says on this subject: "Let the broad outlines of the League of Nations be embodied, by all means in the preliminary treaty, but let the detailed provisions of tliis momentous and most compre hensive of all international coven ants be reserved for the full consid eration so great a work demands." In the face of this clear expression of the needs of the situation, little can be said in favor of President Wilson's reported view that the pro posed covenant of the League must stand without change and must be made a part of any peace treaty, preliminary or otherwise, agreed upon by the powers. It is unfortunate that 'Mr. Wilson made the mistake of undertaking to put the people of the United States into a League of Nations under an agreement, the terms of which, though satisfactory to himself, have not been approved by the American people or their duly chosen repre sentatives. The world cannot stamp out autocracy by blindly submitting to autocratic methods. The Presi dent's serene confidence in his own rectitude and wisdom cannot justify [his policy of undertaking to deny to Americans the right to exercise their own deliberate judgment respecting 'the proposed world covenant. BRITISH PUBLICITY Tremendous importance is attach ed in British business circles to the announcement that Lloyd George, Premier of Great Britain, proposes to establish a new government de partment of publicity to co-ordinate and deal with official advertising and propaganda work. This inten tion sprang out of the phenomenal success which attended the publicity work of the various government de partments during the war. conjoint ly with the necessity that has arisen since the dissemination of informa tion relating to trade disputes that have been agitating the country. Mr. Lloyd George has ever shown himself as a believer in publicity, and from the moment he took office as Munitions Minister in the crisis of May, 1915, has assiduously en couraged the light of publicity upon all that made for the successful peace. It was without doubt his en listing the aid of the press in 1915 and 1916 that resulted in publicity regarding igprious lack of shells and guns, awakening the British nation to a sense of its position and secured both facilities for making shells and guns and the workpeople In addition. England Sees "African Golf" A gambling scene of a unique character for London was witnessed the other day: It took place In an opera space near the Eagle Hut, and was wit nessed by a large crowd. The players were Canadian, New Zealand, Australian and American soldiers and American sailors. All were excited and the betting on the game, played with a couple of dice, was fast and furious. The game is called "scrap," and one "shoots the scrap," or "shoots" the dice. A Canadian soldier stand ing by described it as the best and swiftest gambling game in the world. "Scrap" is somewhat akin to banker, but the main idea is to throw 7 or 11 with the dice the first time. Every one "shot" with avidity. American sailors knelt lick backers at a cockfight, and money passed quickly with every throw. Men were betting against one an other, and against third parties .and eventualities. One gambler had fif teen or sixteen treasury notes In his hand at one time.—From the London Globe. The Bard's Inability The plum and peach and pear tree blooms, that I jobserved last Sunday. Persuaded me that here at last was what I'd own was one day When If I had the weather made, like Hicks or old Hoetetter, And I had tried my level best, I couldn't have done better. ••—Tennyson J. Daft. Brimstone and Treacle It stood on the kitchen cupboard, a bowl of yellow pottery containing a sticky mass of the same color and strangely familiar. Could it be the spring dose of her childhood? It was! Sulphur and molasses! And the Mid- Victorian woman had mixed it for her grandchild. "You take it three days running, a tablespoonful before breakfast, and then omit it for three days, then take it again, and so on until you have repeated this three times," the creator of the dose ex plained. "No need to tell me. I was brought up on It," the visitor said. "Without it I should never have been able to understand the feel ing of the poor wretches of Dothe boys Hall when Mrs. Squeers fed them brimstone and treacle. Ours was mixed in the same sort of bowl, and mother always set it on the side board, lest we forget." And she shuddered as she spoke. But even at that she knew that the shudder was for effect. So strong is the force of tradition that she went home that very day and mixed for herself the childhood dose, de ciding that if there were any virtue in the combination of spring and a blood purifier she might as well benefit by it. At all events it could not hurt her.—From the New York Sun. Philippine Independence Congress, of course, possesses the power to grant or reject the request of the Filipino people for complete independence, and there will be no lack of argument on either side, when the question shall come up for discussion and deliberation at some later date. The President's reported approval of the Filipino re e.uest is not surprising, save in its formal expression. He has been in favoi of the return of the islands, whenever he has spoken on the mat ter. The act would be in direct ae co'd with his policy of self-d sterim narion. And possibly he regards the present as the most opportune mo ment for such a step befor.j the League of Nations, through its sig natories, binds itself to maintain existing political and territorial boundaries. [From the Philadelphia Bulletin] LABOR NOTES Great Britain has over 50,000 boot and shoe workers, all of whom are now employed on full time. Print cutters throughout the country have been successful in get ting their demand for an increase in wages of SB-per week. Great Britain has an industrial league for the improvement of re lations between the employers and employed. If Postmaster General Burleson refuses to grant them their wage de mands, 9000 telephone operators and 3000 linemen in California, Washington, Oregon and Nevada will quit their jobs. A great number of English firms manufacturing munitions during the war are now changing to lines of industry by which they can retain a large percentage of their female workers. The New York Typographical Un ion held a "victory" celebration re cently to commemorate the making of New York a 100 per cent, news paper city. They have a member ship of over 8000. Garment workers in Cincinnati, Ohio have secured wage advances amounting to from $2 to $4 a week. A lockout of building craftsmen inaugurated by the Builders' Asso ciation of Dallas. Texas, has been ended as a result of conferences between the workers and employers. Union plumbers In Augusta, Ga., have effected an agreement with leading employers by which they will receive substantial increases in wages. Railroad Signals Black, white and /j\ red are tlya colors chosen by the Regu lating and Railroad Section, composed of engineers engaged on railroad work, and men at the regu \y lating stations in France. The insignia consists of a white "R" on a black field, the field having a red border. A slight familiarity with railroad signals gives the clue to the adoption of two of the colors. Abetting (Eljat Just exactly what It will mean to the rapidly growing army of peo ple In Harrlsburg who like a glass of soda water, milk shakes or egg drinks In one form or another when tho new Federal tax goes Into ef fect on May 1 can be Imagined. It will mean one cent on each nickel or dime drink. In other words the six-cent "soft drink" will go op be side tho six-cent car fare and other tilings; which we have gotten ac customed to because of the kaiser There will be many sharp things sal* but as the time for collecting tii* tax will starts with the coming of warmer weather, the sales will not diminish; but the demand for cop per cents will be moving onward. Rut there is another side to the new tax and its effects and it will come from the people who sell such commodities as soda water. They will have to keep records of the tax. One prominent business man, who has three stores, said tho other even ing that it will cost him a thousand dollars to install the cash registering appliances needed to collect the tax and keep his own business going. There arc others who will be af fected in a lesser degree. The soda tax is going to be about as unpopu lar as the three-cent stamps and it will probably end as quickly, be cause there is a great big election due next year. • • • One of the most difficult phases of the housing problem confronting this and other cities is the htgh cost of building, which makes it almost impossible to build desirable homes and rent them at figures which the poor people can afford to pay. Everybody realizes how important it is to rid the city of hovels and tumble-down dwellings, but how lo provide bettor places for tho un skilled labor which uses them chiefly as dwellings is difficult to determine. It is in such places that disease germs are bred by the million and where tuberculosis finds most of its victims. John Molitor, State housing expert, speaking before the women of the housing survey at the Civic Club the other day, said that the scourge of tuberculosis is great in houses where bad living conditions exist. "Evidence exists," he said, "that germs of this disease live and maintain their vitality for long periods in bad housing conditions, that darkness and dampness are con ditions in which they continue to thrive. Sunlight, bright daylight and fresh air will end their exis tence in a brief time. In dark, un ventilated places the tuberculosis germ may live for a long time. • • • "No means has as yet been devised to provide proper housing for the very poor," said one expert during the recent visit of the Chamber of Commerce trip to Torkship Village, "but we are providing fine homes for the skilled laborer and his family." "Then." said a man in the Harris burg party, "you have not solved the. housing question, for it is the very poor who need your help most." Just the same the situation is puzzling. Relief is needed, every body knows that. But how to pro cure it is a question that will re quire the attention of the best minds not only of this city, but of big, broad men everywhere. ** * a The Susquehanna river does not seem to have lost any of its attrac tions for ducks. The seasons for I shooting them are changed, but the I ducks seem as numerous as ever ; and as though they were aware of tho limitations of the law, morn "sassy" than in years gone by. when we used to get up around 4:30 a. m. and go out in a -round bottom boat and wait for the flocks among the grass patches at the upper end of the city. One of the odd things about the ducks is that they have been coming to feed on patches not far from where the sand and coa' dredges work and are not bothered by the moving craft to any extent. The ducks, say the men about the river, arc nice and fat and frisky. • • Now that the war is over, the Harrisburg Public Library is com ing back into its own not only in re gard to its circulation, but. oddly though, in its work among the chil dren. Tho March report of tho in stitution shows that for the fourth time in the history of the Library, I tho circulation went over 13,000, tho exact figures for the month be ing 13,206. In other words, about one person in each eight in Harris burg took out a book last month. This is the best March record. In regard to the work among tho cliil t drcn, over 1,700 books were circu ! later! and the Library was crowded at the story hours and other periods set aside for the youngsters. There ! were almost 3,000 readers at Hie ' Library during tho month. The Li -1 brary is also now acting as head quarters on questions relative lo sol- I diers and the war camp community service. Special work of a practical I work for Americanization is also be ing handled by the Library. • • i Ex-Governor John Franklin Fort, of New Jersey, was a visitor to Har i r'sburg yesterday, being the guest of , Highway Commissioner Lewis S. [ Sadler. Governor Fort was im mensely interested in tho Capitol Park plans and Harrisburg's treat -5 ment of its river front. Commission j er Sadler explained to him the plana f for the primary highway system and ! how under it every county in the j State would be linked up and many miles of lateral or secondary roads constructed. Harrlsburg will become . more of a center than ever under . this plan. The brother of Mr. Sadler, , the late General W. F. Sadler, Jr,, ! was adjutant general of New Jersey . under the Fort administration. • WELL KNOWN PEOPLE i ——j i . —Major H. R. Hatfield, former National Guard officer, who is home ' from France, will take part in the ■ reorganization of the Guard. i E. T. Stotesbury has donated the ' use of the Philadelphia opera house • for the Victory Loan meeting of the Philadelphia teachers. —Director George S. Webster, ol ! Philadelphia, has been elected a . member of the American Academy of Po'itical Science. —Superintendent J. P. Garber has opened a school for handicapped children in Philadelphia. ! DO YOU KNOW 1 | —That engines are 1 used in Western Pennsylvania ~ coal mines? ' HISTORIC IIARRISBPRG. - —The Supreme Court used to sil f in the Dauphin county courthouse a when the State government was llrsl i. moved here.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers