SIX CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENCY Carranza Not Eligible For Re election Under the New- Constitution By Associated Press* \Vnatilngton. April 18.—Six candi- \ dates are in the field for the presi- ■ deney of Mexico at the election in ; ./uly 1920, despite' President Car- ! ranza's request that politics be put aside for the present, advices from i SAVE the EEATHER I LIQUIDS one/ PASTES : For Black. i Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes KEEP YOURSHOES SHOEPOUSH^ THE GLOBE THE GLOBE Don't Buy Price— Buy QUALITY It's not what you pay--it's what you get for what you pay that counts Your Easter suit should be the best—smartly styled— smartly trimmed and the best fitting possible. If you don't buy.your suit at THE GLOBE you'll miss all these requisites to satisfaction. We're "bubblingly" enthusiastic about our clothes—never had their like before and if you doubt us, ask any good dresser. Don't think that you pay us any more---you'll find ECONOMY through QUALITY at THE GLOBE and our prices stand the test. S2O to S6O ■. | THE GLOBE | FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBUKG TELEGKAPH APRIL 18, 1919 . Mexico City received hcire to-day said. The successful candidate will j take office December 1 after the elec , I tion. President Carranza, himself, is | not eligible to re-election under the j Constitution, but two members of his cabinet are candidates. Public opin ion in Mexico divides the candidates ! into two classes, civil and military, with the latter said to be the more | popular. The candidates already in the field either personally or through their ! their friend, are General Alvarado on j the tfiilitary side; and Luis Cabrera, i Felix Palavicini and Aguirre Bcr j langa on the civilian side. I General Obregon's popularity rests ' largely on the fact that he is the | only officer who has defeated the I bandit Villa in battle. It is reported ; that he is more friendly toward the United States than formerly. General Ganzalez directed the pp j orations which resulted recently in the defeat and death of the bandit leader Zapata. He is friendly toward the United States. General AlVarado is known princi pally for his administration of Yu catan. where he put state socialism into operation. Luis Cabrera, who was appointed secretary of finance recently, has been known to be hostile to the Unit ! Ed States and failed utterly in his | efforts during the war to align the ! other Latin-American countries j countries against this country. Since ! then he has publicly stated tha his eyes have been opened and he does not consider the United States a foe of Mexico. Berlanga. as minister of the in terior. has charge of all the electric al machinery. He is reported to have been strongly pro-German during the war. Felix Palavicini is the editor of El Universal and was consistently pro- Ally throughout the war. He carried his campaign against the German in fluence to such nn extreme that he was forced to flee the country, and was not permitted to return until the nrmistice was signed. WAR TROPHIES PASS THROUGH THE CITY Stopping for ten minutes at the Pennsylvania Station in this city, the No. 2 Victory Loan train now on its way to Chicago, where it will be used for a tour of the territory in that Victtory Loan District, was vis ited by several hundred persons. Among the war relics and equipment on the train were a big twelve-Inch gun. still covered with mud from the Argonne; twelve-inch mortar, army trucks, ambulhnces and other war machinery. Major McDonald, who is In charge of the train was met l.v Mercer B. Tate and Robert McCor mick, who took several hundred Lib erty Loan posters to the station for him. ! AGREEMENTS TO | BE STRICTLY KEPT ! Compensation Decision Re fuses to Make Changes Be cause Doctor Made Error j proves that the agreement was based | upon a serious mistake, but also ; that great injustice will be done [the agreement is allowed to stand" 1 declares the State Workmen's Cont | pensation Board in an opinion by | Commissioner James W. Leech in j Mattel vs. Allegheny River Mining i Co., an Armstrong county case. The j Board declines to set aside the agreement because the doctor for 'the company, after accepting the | statements of the clainfant, found | them incorrect. The opinion says j that the agent of the defendant j employed to investigate the facts "had cltbosen to accept as true the I story of Maffei rather than go to i the trouble of finding out for him iself what the petitioner now alleges [to be the true fucts." It is held that ! the very fact that an- investigation was ordered shows that the defend ant did not rely on the claimant's [ statements, but 011 the judgment of I its own agent and that it may not 'allege us a ground for relief that I "an incomplete unsatisfactory in -1 vestigation" was made. The opinion also refuses to order the claimant j for a new medical' examination to I ascertain cause of incapacity. | A ruling regards liability for in | jury to one who stands in relation | of, a parent is made in Fashley vs. I Barret Chemical Works Co.. Phila [ delphia. The father was not living ; with the family, but had expressed a willingness to make a weekly pay ment for support of minor children and the. wife had .released him on psyment of a lump sum to institute I divorfe proceedings now pending. I The man killed was supporting the woman and children as members of I his househald. The board holds that ! o agreement between the parents af- I fects the rights of the children, ad jmitted supported by the deceased. | saying "Their status as dependents iis tixed. regardless of their father's ; legal liability to support them." The [ board declines to pass upon the ques tion as to whether the defendant ! would have to pay compensation to [the children in event that their legal I father should be killed. Such a i question is held to be "based upon ft mere speculative or assumed state | of facts" by Commissioner John A. j Scott. In Evey vs. Sheldon Axle and 1 Springs works, Wilkes-Barre. the | board allows compensation for in j Jury to tlie wrist of the claimant who I was injured about his right wrist on November 27, 1917, a short time after entering employ of the com pany and who returned to work after [ the injury and "worked thereafter [almost continuously until the third 1 of August, 1918, receiving the same J or higher wages than at the time of ! the accident." The board says that | the weight of evidence shows that I the injury is permanent and that I his injured hand was of little or I no aid in performance of his work. In another opinion in Meyers vs. | Meyers. McKeesport, compensation is awarded on the possibility that J a slight hemorrhage may have been caused by exertion of lifting laundry tubs and produced illness, incapaci | tating the man from working. Com [ pensation awarded in Guttschall vs. I Rockhil! Iron and Coal Co., Roberts • dale, is upheld although physicians | differed as to whether a fall pro 'duced peritonitis. Patents of Earl , V. Bohr, fatally Injured in an ex i plosive factory accident near Pitts ! burgh last Miyr and living at Lancas ; ter, are refused compensation on. the ground that earnings of the son ! were used for a fund to enable him j to go through college and that they I were not dependents. West Shore Cases—The Public' [Service Commission has arranged to i hear the Valley Railway cases on , Tuesday. First List Issued—The State High i way Department has issued the first Wile Doing Good Work . "I have been bad off with stom ach and liver trouble and bloating for many years. No doctors or | medicine helped me. On the ad vice of my druggist, I bought a bot- I tie of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and | I don't want to miss a single dose. 1 It has given me more benefit than I all the medicine I have ever taken. 1 feel I am doing good to recom | mend it to others." It is a simple j harmless preparation that removes | the catarrhal mucus from the in -1 testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. George A. Gorgas, H. C. Kennedy and Clark's drug store, and I druggists everywhere. SHE'SGLADTOTELL | HER JOYOUS STORY Mrs." O. B. W Talley, No. 172 South Coopertown road. Upper Darby Branch. Philadelphia P. 0., says she's glad to tell her Joyous story of how she was built into a tower of strength: "I suffered from stomach trouble and nervousness, and it began to be nearly a question of kill or cure for me. I was down right ill. After I started to use Tan lac I commenced to have a turn for the better and have steadily im proved ever since. I recommend Tanlac because it's a wonderful tonic, and it was through Tanlac 1 was built up." The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac is sold here by Gorgas', George's, Kramer's, Steever's and other lead ing druggists in every community. I of the 1919 volumes containing the names of holders of automobile licenses. The volume covers ma chines from License No. 1, on an Automobile assigned to the Gover nor of Pennsylvania.' to No. 74,871, held by Joslah Daily. Box 18, Cairn brook. Information given consists of the number of the license, horse power of the machine, manufac turer's number of car, and name and address of the owner. Capitol Closed—This being Good Friday and a holiday, the various Capitol departments were closed to day. Most of the officials have gone home for Easter. Increased Fare I'ph'cld— The Pub lic Service Commission in an opin i ion rendered by Commissioner John S. Rilling, hns dismissed complaints , Hied tfy Willard Hartzell and others j against the rates of fare of the Bau j gor and Portland Traction Cont ; puny, operating in Northampton county, but directing tiiat the com | pan.v tile a detailed statement of its j I receipts and operating costs fof the I ; year eliding January, 1. 1920, fur j nishing a ropy also to counsel for ' i the complainants who may have the right to renew the complaint. The ' evidence, says the Commissioner, iti i dicates that the increase in fares [ and zones will not produce more i revenue than the company has a ! right to collect. Its territory is llm i ited and the Commissioner holds j that "what was a fair rate for a 1 street railway became inadequate by I reason of increased prices brought ! about through war conditions," and j therefore "the public must expect to ! pay increased rates for the services j it accepts from a utility in like j manner as it pays increased prices ! for other needs." New llarrisburg Charier—A char | ter has been granted to the Whistle Bottling Co.. of llarrisburg, to bot ! tie soft drinks. The capital is $lO,- : 000, the incorporators being Ferdi [ nand Moeslein, Norman M. Jones ! and F. S. Garber, of llarrisburg. Important Ruling on Natural Gas: When a Natural Gas Company ' makes honest efforts to secure new 1 ; sources of supply and is .unable to do so, because of the failure of j natural gas in its locality "to compel - it to make a more extended attempt to secure such supply would impose 'upon it a greater expense than'it I should be called upon to make," ! decides the Public Service Commis ! sion in an opinion handed down to j day dismissing complaints against | the Union Heat and Light Co., of j 1 larrisville. The opinion was writ ten by Commissioner John S. Rilling ' who says that the case presents a | condition that will ."to. a greater or ! less extent, present itself to other in Western Pennsyl vania enjoying natural gas service." The complaint alleged, that the 1 service was inadequate and that it discriminated. The company char tered in 1888 for Mercer anil Butler [counties had its rights extended to Venango. The supply gradually failed and the opinion says "all in | dicalions point to a fast decreasing • supply" and that only "by concerted ' efforts on the part of all who use 1 natural gas to curtail its consump j tion can its continued supply be ex j tended." The company made ef- J forts to get new sources by drilling | wells and b"y buying from other com i panies, but could not. The decision | says* that by restricting service to (Grove City patrons the company is [not discriminating, j The commission also orders the I Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington railroads ! to file a new stone tariff in the com- I plaint of the Birdsboro Stone Co., ! the Inter-State Commerce Commis i sion having ruled against its pres i ent tariff, which was complained of j before the State and National bodies. Halifax District Gets Health Officer j Dr. J. W. K. S!lenbrger, Wilkins burg, has been appointed ailing I medical inspector in place of D'r. Adolpli Koenig. of Pittsburgh, re signed. The following appointments of ; health officers have been announced I by Col. Edward Martin, State Com ( missioner of Health: Joseph O. King, | Muncy and Muncy Creek townships, ' Lycoming count; Robert L. Nicely, Darlington and South Beaver. Beaver ! county; G. L. Wert. Halifax, Reed. I Wayne and Jefferson, Dauphin coun .l ty; 1. 1!. Mortimer, Brady. Clairion I county: Dr. Robert 1). Spencer, Kl rdred, Hepburn, Lycoming, Old Lycom [ ing, Woodward, Armstrong, Loyal- I sock and Susquehanna, Lycoming county; John 11. Rohrbacli, Perry, I Brady's Bend. Sugar Creek and Wash ington, Armstrong county: Frank R. J King, Bloomfield, Woodbury and South Woodbuyy, Bedford. I The following have been placed in ! charge of medical inspection of I schools: Dr. J. J. Newpher, Alt. Joy: 1 Dr. T. C. Detweiler. yuarryville; Dr. 1 P. R. Wentz, New Holland. Lancaster county; A K. Weaver, Brackenrtdge, Allegheny county: Dr. T. D, Steele, Port Vue. Versuillies, Liberty, Lin -1 coin and South Versailles. Allegheny I county; Dr. T. H. Hurler, East Brady. Clarion county: Dr. V. W. Graham, Concord and Wayne, Erie; Dr. Louis | W. Crossman, Enon Valley and Lit ' tic Beaver, Lawrence county; Dr. C. 11. Muschlitz, Slatington; Dr. Victor J. Koch. Lower Nazareth. Northamp ton county: Dr. W. L. D'iller, I'actory ! ville, and Nicholson; Dr. D. D. Wid [ dowson. Blairsville.. George W. Ramsey. Philadelphia, lately in the olflce of the executive controller, has been appointed assist ' ant auditor of the Department of Health. PLAN ERECTION OF 810 MEMORIAL ARCH Plans for the erection of an Honor Arch as a memorial to the more than 300 members of the Firemen's Union who served with the United States forces, were taken at a meeting of the organization last evening at the Washington Hose House, Chestnut street. It is planned to erect the arch in the central part of the city. Further plans will be considered at a meeting next Thursday evening at the same place, at which time it is hoped to have presidents of all of the companies in attendance. The committee in charge of the arrangements follows: H. P. Fleck, Friendship, No. 1; Charles Price, Hope No. 2; Edward Wirt. Citizens, No. 3; Charles Ripper, Washington, No. 4. secretary: Benjamin Gastrtck, Mt. Vernon No. 5; T. El wood Rodg ers, Paxton, No. 6: George K. Bird. Good Will, No. Robert Buck. ML Pleasant, No. 8; Edward Bowman, Susquehanna, No. 9; A. L. Patton, Reily. No. 10, chairman; H. W. Kee ney. Shamrock, No. 11; C. A. Hurst, Allison, No. 12; J. H. Rudy, Camp Curtln. No. 13; Lincoln Dillon, Royal, No. 14. HOLD sSvKN BOYS All of the seven youths charged with taking the automobile of Blaine M. Book, "of Steelton, last Saturday and going for a joy ride, were held for court by Mayor Keister in police court yesterday afternoon. Weldon Markley, 416 Soutli Thirteenth street: Russell Webb, 335 South Sixteenth street:' Marshall Houtz. Reilevue Park; Frank Reininger, 1407 Berry hill street; and George Handshaw, 233 South Seventeenth street, were held for the regular sessions of court, .while the cases against Harry Shuster, 1511 Hunter street, and To-, bert Alexander. 1507 Berryhill street, will be heard in juvenile court. Plans Nearly Complete For Annual Rose Show I Preparations are nearing comple | tion for the second annual rose show . which the Woman's Advisory Bdard lof the V. M. C. A. will hold. No , dale has been set yet for the event. I It is planned to have the show for I amateur growers only and persons with only a few roses entered will I have aa much opportunity to re ! ceive awards as those with large I numbers. No entry fee is to be charged, but an admission price will I be asked. , I Committees in charge of the ar , tangements include: i Registration—Mrs. W. P. Starkey, 'chairman; Mrs. Geoige Kunkel, Mrs. IV. Hummel Eager. I Publicity—Mrs. Meade D. Detweil er, chairman: Mrs. John E. Fox, Mrs. A 1 K. Thomas. V.asos —Mrs. E. S. Herman, chair man: Mrs. W. M. Main, Mrs. E. G. Hoover. Prizes—Mrs. Henry B. McCor m irk, chairman: Mrs. Edward Bailey. Mrs. E. Z. Gross. Tickets—Mrs. William Bowman, chairman: Mrs. David Lutz, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. William J. Lockhart. MAY ItI.OCK IMPORTS 'Uy Associated Press Paris. April IS.—Military exports, under the direction of Marshal Focli, have been charged With the drafting of a report 011 what should be done if Germany refuses to >ign the treaty of peace. It is indicated that the methods of coercion which the allies would adopt may ii\cliide the occupa tion of more German territory, the bioeade of enemy ports and the dis continuance of the dispatch of .food supplies to Germany. TRANSPORTS ARRIVE New York. April 18.—The steam [sliip otsego arrived here to-day from .Bordeaux with 1,036 troops, the ma jority comprising the 19th. 20th, 30th, 35th. 36th and 45th balloon companies. Two officers and seventy two men were convalescing from ill ness or wounds. The hospital ship Mercy, front St. Nuzaire, brought ten officers and 375 men who have been sick or.'wounded. The majority of | these came home bedridden. I.ll> LIFTED IN PARIS Paris. April 18.—A decree issued ! by the prefect of police yesterday permits restaurants, cafes, saloons, theaters, concert and motion pic ture halls and other places .of en tertainment to remain open until 11.30 o'clock each night. It becomes effective immediately. CASK CONTINI KB [ The eases of Joseph Lewis, Robert j (iainor and Walter Green, the three negrod charged with holding up and robbing Andrew Binds at Sev enth and Cumberland streets, was 1 continued in police court y'esterday afternoon. Further witnesses will be heard this afternoon. Lift Off Corns! "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers—No pain! |§ Drop a little Freezone on an acliing sufficient to rid your feet of every corn, instantly that corn stops hurt- hard corn, soft corn, or corn between ing, then you lift it right out. It the toes, and calluses, without sorc docsn't hurt one bit. Yes, magic! ncss or irritation. Freezone is tho Why wait? Your druggist sells a much talked of ether discovery of a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents, Cincinnati genius. First Fifty Stewarts Are Still Serving Well Stewarts Cost S2OO to S3OO Less IN five years no Stewart has worn out. The first fifty built still give economical, uninterrupted service. We do not yet know the limit of Stewart endurance. Stewart design eliminated 600 to 700 parts. The saving thus made is passed on to the buyer in the S2OO on S3OO lower purchase cost. Fewer parts mean longer continuous service and a minimum of repair costs. Special design also takes the road shocks off the tires and vital parts and lengthens Hfe of both truck and tire. Stewarts deliver 92% of the power to the rear tires and give maximum efficiency from fuel. In 27 countries and 200 lines of business the Stewart has proved its mastery of transportation. Whatever your transportation problems there Stewarts to satisfy every requirement. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. ,* c!ES:'mSIS SALESROOM—II MARKET STREET >* P 5 " V-IJ'on SERVICE STATION—COMIT A CRANBERRY STS. j,, T °J| c h *"|l B.WoO HARRISBI'RG, PA. ,p Q g Buffalo,' DELL PHONE IKTOI JDIAL 3®4 ' ' 17 ■ —' Pennsylvania Soldiers Arrive at Home Port liy Associated Press j >v York, April IS. With the ar rival on the steamship Dante Alighi ere from Marseilles to-day of twenty lei gilt officers and 68" men of* the j Throe Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment of Infantry. Eighty-third Division, composed of National Army j troops, from Ohio and Western Penn sylvana. the entire personnel of that ! infantry organization, which fought 'villi the Italians against Austria, has i I.eon landed and „ sent to training camps around New York, preparatory I t olieing paraded here Monday and 'lnter sent to camps for demoldlizaton. | The steamship brought a total of 2,- ' Oits troops. i The units of the Three Hundred |and Thirty-second on hoard included la detachment of Held staff heudquat i tors, machine gun company, supply I company and companies H and D. Hither units on the vessel included I the balance of base hospital 102, eon- I sistlng of twenty-nine oftleers and 191 'men. eesual companies froni IVnnsyl j vanin. and scattered white and col . oi ed casuals. Heroine Twice Sentenced to Death Decorated I , Zf.i/ Associated Press Paris. April 18.—Twice sentenced Ito death by the Germans, a young | heroine of the war, I.ouise Thuilllez, |of Valenciennes, was decorated on I March 21 l>y Premier Clemenceau, 1 with the Cross of the Legion of Hon !or and the Croix De Guerre, with Palms. She distinguished herself by help ing French and allied soldiers to escape from German durance, and twice the urgent intercession of the tSpanish minister in Brussels saved iter from the tiring squad. Site was I eventually sentenced to penal servi ] tude for life, but after serving throe years of her sentence, lite Germans j retrt*;t ended her imprisonment. SITUATION GKAVK B}t Associated Press I Paris, Thursday. April 17. —News- I papers here feature reports as to j the. gravity of the Egyptian situa tion and it is said that there is great ! concern among British authorities lover the nationalist movement. Dis ) patches state that munitions condi tions prevail at Cairo. Aiexanderia and Port Said, there being several i mysterious deaths in connection ; with the disorders. The insurgent lleadrs demand that European of- I iicials resign, that English citizens I leave the country and that a Mus selmnn empire be founded, with a I Caliph at Cairo. lill.l. DRUGGISTS ORGANIZE The Allison Hill Retail Druggists' i Association was organized last night | at a meeting of the representatives i of eight druggists in lite Hill dis i Irict. held in the Packer drug store. ! 11. Frank Smith was elected pf-esi j dent: Frank J. Alt house, vice-presi i dent; William B. Steever, secretary, and Wilbur B. Goodyear, treasurer. ! DEAR FOLKS: j THIS is the week of all 1 weeks in the ye a i when all of us pull [ourselves together and trj Ito qualify under the bannei !—"PURITY." L. * . I 1 he occasion calls for scri* J | ous thought as regards oui conduct in both our busi ness and private-affairs. 1 think we all realize now ; that business is not exempt (from the Moral Code. :lt has to carry the bunnet | of "PURITY" if it is to get I anywhere in public esteem, i I wish to call youV attention [to the fact that this word j "PURITY" consists of six > letters and tits in with the Cycle jtif Six which plays so big a part in the Wilson & Co. business. ; Hut I want to tell you also that j whi'le all the other things that [ enter into the Cycle of Six are j important not one of them has the place in the Real Heart ol ■ the Wilson & Co. organization ! that the word "PURITY" has. The officials and the 25.000 i workers arc all impressed with the importance of "PURITY" . • | in food production. i Producing PURE FOODS is the business of Wilson & Co.. and officials and workers realize j that'there is no closer rclation [ ship in all the world between | any form of business and the ' people than that of dispensing ! PURR FOOD. ! The Wilson & Co. organization i has fitted itself to produce i PURE FOODS by establishing within itself those relations be tween officials and workers that are necessary to bring about.ab- i solute confidence in one another and to work on the big principle of giving one another as well as the i public a SQUARE DEAL, which to my notion, is one of the highest ; forms of "PURITY." j Does not this spirit influence their I thoughts and actiqns, and does it : not make them put Honor in their I work? | "PURITY" in foods is essential just I | as "PURITY" in all else that makes [ life useful, helpful, clean and un- . j | selfish is necessary. | Shall we unite during this week our | PURE FOOD THOUGHTS with j our other thoughts, culminating | Sunday morning next with a fine breakfast of ham and eggs or bacon I and eggs? I ! It is one of the traditions of Easter i Sunday—as old as the hills—that we I shall observe the day, so far as our I physical needs are concerned, by ) I stuffing ourselves with eggs anyway I—but starting the day always with ] a slice of fine ham or slivers of bu | con. i Don't you remember as boys and I girls, back on the farm, how you hunted hen's nests long before Easter and gathered great numbers of eggs for that day? Most of you are so situated now, that you can't gather eggs as in the old days. YOU HAVE TO BUY THEM. Wouldn't you like to be SURE that you could buy as good eggs as you used to find in the hen's nest? | Let me tell you that you can buy such eggs. Go to your dealer this' week and ask for CLEARBROuK EGGS, sold by Wilson & Co. under the slogan "THE WILSON LABEL PROTECTS YOUR TABLE." They will measure up to your cxpec-. tattoos as to what Easter eggs should be. Then ask the same dealer to let you have some of the Wilson & Co. CER TIFIED HAM AND BACON—recent ly introduced through dealers in ail. sections of the country. If you want go©4 COFFEE ask your dealer to supply you with Wilson's. CERTIFIED BRAND "BLUE LAB EL BLEND." Some coffeo! If you want to try CLEARBROOK EGGS, use Wilson & Co.'s MAJES TIC LARD. And Butter? Why not lay in a sup ply of Wilson & Co.'s CLEAR BROOK BUTTER? Some Butter! These are only suggestions, but they all come under the classification of "PURITY"—the thing we are all thinking about Just now, but WE ; . I WANT IT ALWAYS IN OUR FOOD. . for as the poet aays: "We can live without love, What is passion but pining— But where is the man Who can live without dining?" Sincerely. WILLIAM C. FREE MAN, 250 Fifth Avenue, N%w York City. xj 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers