2 'NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS Lewistown Soldier Is Dead at Fort Sill, Okla. Lcwistown, Pa., Jan. 30.—Bert ram Henry, son of William M. Hen ry, South Walnut street, this city, died on Tuesday at Fort Sill. Okla homa, aged 23 years. lie was to have beert married In March. He is survived by his. father apd mother, one brother and two sisters. <>n October 13. 1916 lie enlisted in the army and three days later left for camp at Columbus. Ohio. He was a t,dac l>smith by trade and at the time 'of' his death he was a horseshoer,.a member ofBattery E. First Field Artillery. ; MT, WOLF HOY RELIEVED DEAD ' Nil. Wolf. Pa.. Jan. 30. Daniel SHboll, of near here, is believed to have been killed in France. The name Daniel Shroll, Xew Holland, appeared on a recent casualty list as having died of disease. An in quiry at Xew Holland, county, has failed to reveal a sol dier by that name and it is believed that the local youth is meant. SEWING CIRCLE MEETS Blain, Pa., Jan. 30.—The Ladies' Sewing Circle held its weekly meet ing on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Edward D. Boycr. - Rheumatism A Home tore Given By One Who Hud It In tlie spring of 1593 I was attacked by Muscular and In flammatory Rheumatism. 1 suf fered aa only thoce who have •it know, for over three years I •tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such re lief as 1 received was only ■temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me com pletely, and it has never Re turned. 1 have given it to a number who were terribly af flicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in every case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous healing power. Don't send a cent; simply mail your name and ad dress and I will send it free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long-looked for. means of cur ing your rheumatism, you may send the price of it. one dollar, but understand. 1 do not want • your money unless you are per fectly satisfied to send it. Isn't that fair? Why suffer any longer when positive relief is thus offered you free? Don't delay. Write today. Mark H. Jackson. No. 607-E, Gurney Bldg.. Syracuse, X. Y. Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above statement true. A Clean Scalp Parisian Mure Quickly Stops til Itch ing and - Prevent! UandruA' Almost everybody -nowadays knows tljat Parisian sage, the, invigorating hair restorer, is guaranteed to re move every trace of dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or the cost, small as it. is, will be refunded. But you should know more about this marvelous hair grower. You ought to know that it immediately destroys all odors that are bound to came from the excretions of the scalp, and in five minutes after an application, your head will feel cool and comfortable. Everyone should have a bottle of I'arisian sage handy because it is such a pleasant and exhilarating hair treatment. Ladies use it because • they know it is delicately perfumed, not sticky or greasy, and surely does utake the hair beautiful, silky and abundant. Here's what a Xew York woman writes: "I have used Parisian sage two weeks .only, yet in that time find my hair has wonderfuilv increased in beauty, thickness and luxuriance, hut what surpnrised me niqst was the disappearance of all dandruff." A large bottle of Parisian sage can be obtained from Kennedy's or at any good drug or toilet counter it's not' expensive. I Blame the Woman Who Lets a Man Drink Sags Druggist Brown Of t'lfiilaml. He Guarantee* a Simple' Home Treatment Given Without the Knowledge of the Drinker. Cleveland. O,—No wife has r. right ! to let her husband drink: for alcohol- ' iam is a disease and a drunkard is a sick man, says Druggist Brown of j Cleveland. A woman can cure this: disease stop a drinking husband in | a .few weeks for half what he would •tend "on IfqilOr rtr the same time. The habit can be broken afid the disease cured. Thousand's of cases prove it and every yom'tnuhity; has its reform- j ed drunkard. Druggist Bl own says i the right-time to stop the drink habit is at its beginning. Left to run fts course it will .deaden the fine sensi bilities of the man you love. Begin with the firstwhiff of liquor, on his breath, but do not despair if lie has already gone from bad to worse until i he has become a fum-soaked sot.* Druggist Brown knows the curse ! of strong drink for he himself lias b-uAi a victim. A loving sister, with- 1 put THs'knowledge or consent, rescued ' him from the brink of a drunkards grave and for ten years kept her! secret. She saved him from drink—| RHEUMATIC PAINS DISAPPEAR BLISS NATIVE HERB TABLETS PRAISED BY MANY "Twenty years ago I was bother ed with rheumatic pains through my shoulders and lungs to such an extent that my head was drawn down on my chest causing great suffering After living different medicines. 1 was finally persuaded to-try Bliss Native Herb Tablets. After taking this remedy for a week I could move my head, and after continuing treatment for a short, time Was able to work." Mrs. S. Crump. Bridgeport. 11l "I can cheerfully say that Bliss Native Herb Tablets have done me a world of good, and 1 would not he without them. I have not had rheumatism for the past four years.* 1 can also say they are fine for la grippe. "MRS. LiLLIE T. VAN VI LET. "Stroudsburg, Pa!" A rheumatic condition is one of the results of constipation, which Day and Night School DIAL 4016 ENTER ANY TIME BELL 125 Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE HIE OFVICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 MARKET STREET THURSDAY EVENING, Hotel Is Said to Be Unsanitary; Protest Transfer of License Wriglitsvllle, Pa., Jan. SO.— Wriglitsvilie borough board of health will file a protest with Judge Warner, protesting against the transferrins of the license of the Wilson Hotel, this place, from the present landlord, H. C. Kel ler, who was only recently re granted the license, to Steven Wilson, of Hallanv the owner of the place, until Wilson complies with the demands of the health authorities to place the hotel in a more healthful condition. Cer tain unsarfitary conditions are said to exist about the hotel and the landlord has previously been asked by the health authorities to make tlio necessary healthful changes. This, up to the present time, has not been done, it is said. The matter has been placed in the hands of the bor ough solicitor. Philadelphia!! to Be Buried at Hummelstown Hummelstown, Pa., Jan. 30.—The body of Guy H. Fox, who died in Philadelphia on Tuesday morning, will be brought to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, to-morrow, at noon. Funeral serv ices will be held to-morrow after noon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Athur R. King, pastor of the Reformed Church. Burial will be in the Hummelstown Cemetery. TO REPEAT CONTEST Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 30. —The Voting People's Missionary Society will repeat its missionary oratorical missionary contest at Montgomery's Ferry, Union Church on Sunday, February 2, at 1.30 p. nt. GRANGE TO MEET Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 30.—A grange will meet on Wednesday, February 5. at the home of W. E. Hebel. At this meeting "How to I.ower the High Cost of Living" will be dis cussed by Mrs. George W. Crow, Mrs. W. E. Hebel and Miss Myra Farner will give a piano duet and Mrs. J. W. Spicher a recitation. 1)IES AT ROCHESTER Liverpool. Pa., Jan. 30.—A. Wes ley Holliday. a native of Liverpool, died at the home of his father. John U. Holliday, in Rochester. X. Y.. on Monday of pneumonia. He is sur vived bv a wife, three daughters, a father and one sister. HIGH SCHOOL PLAY Marietta. Pa., Jan. 30. —This eve ning the pupils of the Marietta High School will present a play in con nection with the regular monthly session of lyceum in the high school room. FINDS PEARL Marietta, Pa., Jan. 30. —James H. Brunner, West Market street res tauranteur, while opening some oysters at his place of business found a large pearl frozen in the shell. It is valued at about SIOO. York Countians Plant Gardens Hnllum. Pa., Jan. 29. —Although the season for gardening is still some time oft, seweral residents in this section of the country have started to till the soil and are planting onions and peas. The spring-like weather has brought about the early gardening. The soil appears somewhat damp for successful gardening. : rescued him from his own depraved, ! besotted self by giving him a secret ) remedy, the formula of an old Euro pean chemist. To pay his debt to her and help other victims out of the ; murk and mire he has made the for mula public. ! Druggists everywhere dispense it I daily as Prepared Tesouin Powders, j put up in doses. Get it of your ! own druggist and drop a powder twice a day in tea, coffee, milk or other drifik. Soon liquoV does not taste the same, the craving for It dis appears. and lo! one more drunkard ! has been saved and knows not when ' or why he lost his taste for drink. Warning Note: Tescum should be given only where it is desirable to destroy all taste for alcohol and all pleasure in its use. Those who en courage moderate drinking should not give it until the so-called moderate drinker reaches the danger line, as most of them do in time. Druggist Brown has such confidence in pre j pared Tescum Powders that ho per : sonally guarantees results or lie will refund out of his own pocket the price J charged by the dispensing druggist. It is sold in Ilarrisburg by J. Nelson I Clark and other druggists. is also a forerunner of biliousness, sick headache. and indigestion! t'nless attended to promptly the system becomes so clogged up that serious consequences are sure to follow. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are a most effective remedy for the re lief of tiiis condition. They act gently but firmly on the liver and bowels, drive out impurities, tone up the system, and restore' g uo j health. One tablet at night will make the next day bright. Old and young find them indispensable Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up in a yellow box of 200 tab lets. The portrait of Alonzo O. Bliss is on every box. IjSi Each tablet is stamped with our trade mark. Price II per box- Look for our money-back guaran' xee on every box. Sold bv leading druggists and- local agents every where. ■II C. V. NEWS || CHILDREN FAIL ! !j TO GO TO SCHOOL jThrec Cases From Montgom-j cry Township in Frank lin Courts t'lianibcrsbiirg. Pa., Jan. 30.—-i Failure to enforce the compulsory: school attendance law in Montgom-) ■ cry township, this county, because j i of opposition among the residents of the township, has resulted in the entrance of three actions in common) pleas court of Franklin county, re-! turnable on the first Monday inl ) March. One of the cases was on the peti-' i tion of Miss Xedia Schaeffer, a I teacher in the Highland school j I Montgomery township, who on Jan-, ! uary 21. was arraigned before Mag-I istrate Jolin G. Painter at Binol,) • this county, on a charge of having j ; neglected to properly report the! | names of all children to the truant | officer. She was adjudged guilty by; ! the magistrate and was lined S2O j ' and Croats. Her appeal followed. The other two cases are appeals) brought for similar reasons. The en-; ! forcement of the vaccination law in[ | the township was the cause of the! ! absence from school of\iany un ! vaccinated pupils as the people of I j that community are out of sympathy) with vaccination, believing that it is a form of "hex doctoring." ONE REMONSTRANCE FILED IN FRANKLIN CO CRTS ChambcrßbtHV* Pa., Jan. 30. j • Only one remonstrance against the ) granting of a liquor license in) j Franklin county, has been filed in the office of the county prothonotary' here. It is against the hotel at Fort! Loudon owned by Daniel Baer ar.d ' contains the names of about 1001 signers. ] HOME FROM FRANCE Grccncastle, Pa.. Jan. 30.—Miss 1 Grace Brumbaugh, daughter of Mr. ( land Mrs. P. X. Brumbaugh,,arrived| i home yesterday evening from Xcw) York, having landed there on the ' Rochambeau, after doing hospital I duty in France. Miss Brumbaugh j I volunteered her services as a Red! I Cross nurse soon after war was de- j jelared with America. PLAY NETS $3lO Mcchaiiicsburg, Pa., Jan. 30.—The! | play, "Scenes at the Union Depot."! i which was given by local talent for ! the benefit, of the Citizens' Fire 1 Company, and one of the most suc-j i cessful ever given, netted the com-! ! pany the sum of $3lO. The money! | will be used to cover expenses of aj i fitting celebration for the soldiers j |of the town when they return to, their homes again. | I j TO HOLD FARMERS' INSTITUTE I Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 30.—A11; i plans have been completed for the! I Farmers' Institute, Friday and Sat- • urday, to be held in the "Wayne! ; Heights High school .building. The j j first session will be held Friday at I j 1.30 p. m. Prizes will be awarded; for the best potatoes, corn and best) ! baked cakes by the women. I W AYNESBORO SOLDIER DEAD Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 30.—Mrs.: , Etta Strine, this city, lias received j ) a letter informing her of the death :of her son. Corporal Crawford C.) Strine, who was a member of Com-: 'pany B. 316 th Infantry. Some time! i ago official word was received by i i Mrs. Strine stating that her son had' j been wounded in action, but later! ) reports as to his condition led to the ) impression that he was gradually j ! improving. PLAN DEPARTMENT STORE Ciiambersburg, Pa„ Jan. 30. — j Morris Xathan, proprietor of a! {leading department' store in Johns ) town, has arrived here to make ar-! ' rangements for the opening of a de-' \ partment store here. ' AUTO INJURIES CAt'SE TROUBLE Ciiambersburg. Pa., Jan, 30. j 'Miss Marian Hetfier, of McConnells-) | burg. Fulton county, has been ad-| ! mitted to the Chambersburg hospital ■for an operation on her right leg.) ) Miss Heffler was injured shortly be-! j fore Christmas, when an auto bus) ! driven by Max Sheets, of this place, struck her and her friend, Miss Anna l Mary Sipes. Miss Sipes died from in i juries received in the accident. , ACCEPTS WASHINGTON CALL Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 30.—The Rev. Dr. G. M. DifCenderfer. for thirteen years, pastor of the First Lutheran ; I church here., who was for some J '|monthß at Newport News, as camp! pastor, has accepted the pastorate: i of the Lutheran Memorial church in| j Washington, and will assume his, ■ duties April 1. The Rev. Mr. Diffen-; i derfer resigned his position here to j accept a post as secretary of the Pastor's Fund Society of the Luther,-1 an church, relinquishing this to take! up the duties of camp pastor. He is! | widely known throughout Pennsyl-; I vania and has held many important! • church posts. DIES AT PHILADELPHIA Carlisle, Ha., Jan. 30.—Relatives here were informed late yesterday of the death at Grand View sanl torium of the Rev. Dr. Mervin J. Eckels, a widely known Presbyter ian minister, who was for some years in charge of the Arch Street Pres byterian church in Philadelphia. He was 64 years old and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eckels, of New Kingston, Cumberland coun ty, and was educated in the local schools. Ohambersliu: g Academy, Lafayette College ,and the Western Theological Seminary, at Pittsburgh. LODGED l\ JAIL 'Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 30. After eluding officers for nearly two days after he was engaged in a flglit In which he is alleged to have attack ed a neighbor with a razor, Abram Lane, colored, of Carlisle, was ar rested at the point of a revolver by local officers and lodged in jail. A charge of assault with intent to kill has been lodged against him. FOUR TKACHEHB ARE ILL Cliamhcrshurg. Pa., Jan.* 30. Four lenchers in the local schools are off duty because of Illness. One of them. Miss line Hockenberr.v, a member of the High school faculty, being in the Merklein Hospital here undergoing treatment. The other teachers who are ill are Miss Paul ine Drawbaugh. Miss Kate Sheets and Miss Mary Ganoe. BA.RRISBURG TELEGRAPH PERRY MEN FIRST TO OFFER THEIR SERVICES IN CIVIL WAR Seventy-five Blain Men, Under Captain John A. Wilson, Made Offer January 12, 1861 IMaiii, Pa.. Jan. SO.—The great war has awakened a new pride of | Perry counttans in their county, and! investigations have been made as to what the county has done in the post. These searches tor infornta- j tion have revealed the tact that one 1 of the county's towns. Plain, made the first definite otter of volunteers for the Union cause. The offer was made on January 12. 1861, even be-1 foro war was declared, to James' Buchanan, then president of ---the United States. The records of the War Depart- j ment- have been very carefully pre-! served and codified, but fail to show I any earlier tender of services than that of the local men. The letter is: "Blain. Pa., "Jan. 12., IS6I. "Honorable James Buchanan: "Dear Sir:—Not knowing how soon your Honor will have the need Columbia Plans Community ! Home as Soldier Memorial I Columbia. Pa., Jan. 30. —A clti- j zens' meeting for the purpose ot'i erecting a community home in C'o- j luntbia is to be held in the high' school auditorium Friday evening, j February 7, under the auspices of the Woman's Ulub. Delegates ate! being named from all the civic and! fraternal organizations in the bor ough and the will be thor oughly discussed and probably a! decision reached as to the future! plans, it is Intended that the com-' munity home shall be a memorial I for Columbia coldiers. SNYDER DIRF-trrORS MEET j MitUUcburg. Pa., Jan. 30.—The' annual convention of the Snyder I county school directors was held in j the courthouse at Middleburg Tues < day. Dr. Tietrlch, deputy state su perintendent of public instruction, of ITarrisbiirg; Dr. G. M. Phillips, principal of the West Chester State | Normal |3chool, and IX 11. Mauser, I superintendent of schools of North ' umberland county, were the speak ers. P. S. Ritter. of Middleburg, w-as elected president, and James; Herman, of Adams township, secre-' j tary of the convention. DIES AT WILLIAMSTOWN Willlamstown. Pa., Jan. 30. —) I Thomas C. Bowman, ;tged 37, died i | at his home on Tuesday of influ- \ enza after a week's illness. He is ; survived by his wife, seven children 1 and his father. OVERSEAS VETERAN HOME Wiilinnistown. Pa.-, Jan. 30—Lieu- j tenant Harry Edwards, who was I wounded in action in France, ar rived to-day to spend a few days with his mother. Lieutenant Ed wards will return in a few days to a hospital in New York/city. GASSED SOLDIER RETURN'S Lykcns, Pa., Jan. 30.—Robert D. ! SchrefCler, son of George W. | Schreffl-er, arrived home Monday | evening:. He was grassed at Verdun I last September and has spent sev ] eral weeks at different hospitals on this side since his return from over- I seas. WOMAN NOTARY PUBLIC j Chaniborsburg, Pa., Jan. 30. — i j Miss Lvdia M. Kump, of this place,! .has lifted her commission as notary! public. The commission is for four I I years, dating from January 20, 1919.' \ Suburban Notes HALIFAX , Mrs. J. G. Smith will give an ad-| j dress Sunday morning at the mis-j ; sionary service of the Methodist | I Episcopal Sunday School. The H. A. Club will Hold a bakei Saturday afternoon in the basement! ! of the Methodist Church. Mrs. John Speece, aged 82 years,! died Tuesday afternoon at the home| of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seller, in! | Halifax township After a lingering I illness. Funeral services will be ] I held Friday afternoon from the! : Seiler home, conducted by the Rev. I J. F. Stabley, pastor of the Fisher- ] | ville Lutheran Church. Interment! will be in the Flsherville Cemetery.! The Christian Endeavor Society | of the United Brethren Church will! 'render u special program Sunday! evening at 7.30 o'clock. MIDDLEBURG II Mr. anj Mrs. Dal Marks and son of Lewistown. spent several davs this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob i ; Stalilnecker. Miss Marian Charles, of Sunbury, spent Sunday with her parents Mr ! and Mrs. Edwin Charles. I Mr. and Mis. J. R. Kreeger are visiting' friends in W'illiainsport. ! James Sigler spent several days of this week in Philadelphia. , Mrs. George Roush and Mrs. Mur-i ray Kratzer spent Monday and Tues-' ; day with relatives at Pine Grove Mills Mrs. B. B. Beistel, of Harrisburg I visited friends on Wednesday. j ELIZA H ETH V II.LE .Miss Peart Gaupp, who had been! nursing in France for a vear has I returned home. Isaiah Swab visited at BufTalo for 1 ! several days. Miss Mary Shadie has returned' i from a several weeks' visit in Phila-1 ' delphta. j Private Stewart Swab, who was! I stationed at Camp John Wise, San! j Antonio, Texas, has been discharged' from the Army. I Sergeant Lester Horner, of Camp' i Meade, Md„ lias been discharged and has returned home. G. F. Hoitzman of Baltimore Md | visited friends and relatives on Sun-! j day. Melvin Romberger, of Sunburv ! . spent several days here. j I "-■•liJ-iJj-j.WJt, 1ie,... | Made of choicest | grains and" ,'! ready-to-eat \ | Grape Nuts 1 Food of J 1 wonderful 1] l avor^/ of tlie services of the uniformed volunteers to suppress the Southern fire-eating disunlonists, we hereby tender the services of our company, subject to your orders. We number about seventy-five members. "Very respectfully. "JOHN A. WILSON, "Captain, Washington Artillery." These men- have the honor of being the first of the great army of a million and a quarter of men to give tlieir services freely to the na tion. Perry county's great enlistment in proportion to 'her population—the greatest in the country—ls a matter of history and pride; and the above is but another evidence of the patri otic spirit that was evident at the outbreak of that war and Which now is. May Remove Position of Williamstown Miner's Son WiUiamstown, Pa., Jan. 30. —It is rumored that the breakery of the mines at this place will shortly be removed to Big Lick, between here and Lykens. Operations are now under way at Big Lick, making ready for big changes which will shortly take place. It is said that a big volume of the work done at Wil liamstown will be removed to that LOOK OUT FOR THE TRIANGLE MAN! Little Hazel Wilson 1306 N. Luzerne Ave. Baltimore, Md. INTRODUCES "THE TRIANGLE MAN" Read Her Letter---It Tells the Story— i<3 I s o tYU-i; O. .0 JLOA- v-vb ; \7 1 . • MnrjTMmmw■ ' B^irrvx^-Ac. wZpiiii In I 'ill ||/v\ ° l a- IdU. t-l 11 'jW q % u^J:< \ / vs a cm, fek. (SboJ&V. , m<A' tf Tf\(yw o . TRIANGLE MINTS ARE MADE IN HARRISBURG " • * • I rPRI ANGLE Mints please the taste of little folks and big folks alike. Evidently J- little Miss Wilson is a ' 'booster'' for Triangle Mints, because they are her fav orite. That refreshing, delightful satisfaction that # comes with Triangle Mints make them more than a confection. They are a daily necessity. Eat plenty of them. "WONDERFULLY GOOD" NEEDED PpnnPrmini ' We need twent y-t ive young A CfJJJCI 11111 11 women to help make Triangle JQJJ (J Mints. The pay is good. The work is pleasant. The prospects are fine. Winterqreen Apply at Factory , The Wintermints Co. * Cinnamon 12th mi Herr Sts - THE WINTERMINTS COMPANY SALES UKPAHTMKKT U--J.L..-J tki.kuhaph Bui,ni>G riarrisDurg, Jrenna. Columbia Council Favors the Scheme of Making | . Susquehanna Navigable j Columbia, Pa., Jan. 30. —Borough: council, in special session last lilgltt,! | unanimously adopted a resolutionj j instructing the secretary to write to) the United States Senators from Pennsylvania and the members of : I Congress from- county, re ] questing them to use their influence' j and best endeavors in Congress to! accomplish the navigation of. the! I Susquehanna river from Chesapeake! Bay to a point as far north as may ,be deemed feasible: This action i followed the movement started by | the Merchants and Manufacturers! Association. The Ilarrisburg Ro ; tary Club is promoting the same en-: j terprise. it is urged that petitions be sent from businessmen through-i lout the Susquehanna Vntley to their! 1 representatives In Congress to fur j ther the project. {Soldier Elected to Teach at York Haven | York Haven. Pa., Jan. 30. —John ; Beshore, who was only recently dis- i charged from the army, was elected ) ! teacher of the fifth and sixth grades school, to' succeed Mrs. Frank I Mickey, at a special meeting of the ! | York Haven school board Tuesday! | night. .Mr. Fetrow, who is a former Newberry township teacher, will, as- j ) sunie charge on .Monday, Mrs. ) ! Mickey's resignation becoming effec- ' ; live February 1. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES , Hummelstown. Pa., Jan. 30.—Tlie ■ Rev. J. R. Zook. of Des Moines, la., 'has arrived here and te the guest' | of the Rev. Samuel K. Brehnt. 'The! Rev. Mr. Zook will conduct a series! I of evangelistic services in the Breth-I ren in Christ Church. JANUARY 30, 1919. ' Idle Since Christmas, I Steel Pldtat Resumes Work Ix'wistown, Pa., Jan. 30. After being idle more thun a month the Logan Iron ,and Steel Plant, at Burnham resumed operations to day. Six hundred and fifty men were employed In this plant be fore tlie mill was closed by a strike before Christmas. A portion of the men were out on a strike and this so badly crippled the working force that the entire works were shut down. IVI CO NT SCO WARS ON DOGS Wtcontaeo, Pa., Jan. 30.—Con stable Shomper is killing a number of dogs thut are at large without license tags. Mr. Shomper is noti fying all persons owning dogs to get the required license and until such time to keep same tied. DIES OF "FLU" Wtlliamstown, Pa.. Jan. 30.—Airs. Chester Greincr died at her home on Tuesday evening from influenza, aged 26 years. She ia survived by her husband, two small children, her parents, one sister and two broth erk Burial will be in Evangelical Cemetery on Friday afternoon. WEIGHT records liave little value unless correct. ) FARBANKS SCALES standard of the weighing world. Henry Gilbert & Son SOO South 2nd St., Harrlsburg Sure Relief Bli-kANS j What a •' j i Commotion lj • there'll be in Harris- o ? burg when tomor- j 0 row's Telegraph !? : comes off the press. o ? There you'll find the o 0 whole story and it j j will be a relief to me I: . to unload this ; ? "i i 9 e secret. It's keeping , j j me awake o' nights. ? 1 j o //frit "jMShttl af}s 110 • f<_>s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers